#oliver x douglas
viktuurishipper96 · 2 months
The manga cover for my TTTE human au which is called Sodor magic
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Here is Douglas on the first volume cover with Oliver. Hope you’ll like it
ref used here
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flamingoprincess25 · 4 months
Romantic night gone wrong
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The girl on the left is their adopted daughter Scarlett.
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coalnwater · 3 days
Does anyone have any 10 x 11 headcanons?
I love them and I want to know what hcs yall have for them.
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horiizonsstuff · 2 years
bitches wake up guess who's birthday is it.
no it's not mine. that day already passed smh
Wanna know who 😦‼️
That's right bitches, it's,,, sob,,, sobs,,,
Happy Birthday @beumdi
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as you can see I'm not talented in background 😍 Anyways, happy birthday u talented bitch ur literally watching me fail physics and u deal with my Oc universe rambles and join that stupid bandwagon, Ily smh besh, I'll buy u all the tamagochis in the world u desire 😳‼️pwede i add isa ka cheesy ass message sa imong dms bhe besh HAHAHAHA
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steam-beasts · 2 months
Twins! Twins Galore!
Also fun fact: an engine who is a twin will likely give birth to twins, and sometimes on occasion, triplets.
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thunderxleafart · 3 months
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Some smaller doodles for you all to close out pride month! <3
I thought it'd be fun to draw the trains with coloured smoke, so why not make the smoke pride colours? xD I was originally gonna include these as bonus doodles with the previous Bill and Ben piece, but I ended up putting more time into it then I thought I would, so here it is now!
My HC sexualities/romantic preferences (since they're trains LOL); Duck is gay, Donald is Bi (and incredibly proud of it!), and since I couldn't help myself, I also drew my favourite Bees who are both Aroace! :D
Also yes I am an absolute sucker for Donald x Duck (or 8 x 9 ??). ;;
The no-nonsense type Duck with his laidback Scottish bf Donald just makes me so happy, and seeing them be silly and laugh together aGH!! They play off each other so, so well, and I love it!! <3
But yeah! That's pretty much it!
Now I'm off to frantically prepare for ArtFight just as it's about to start because ofc I waited until the last minute to do so! xD
So enjoy! <3 And one last Happy Pride to all!! Enjoy some proud/gay trains LOL
Duck, Donald, Bill & Ben (c) TTTE
Art (c) Me! <3
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jessythebunny · 5 months
if I may, good evening how are you? Are you well. What if Douglas and Oliver kiss yes 🥹
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Your wish is on command hun✨✨
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esperfruit · 3 months
Douglas x Oliver in 5 minutes
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weirdowithaquill · 7 months
Ships? But Sir, They're Trains!
It's Valentine's Day, and to celebrate, I thought I'd break my usual streak of not shipping the talking trains together and share the pairings that I like the best! But only of the original 11, and a few other RWS-related friends (and maybe a bonus or two from the TVS).
Also known as: local weirdo decides trains can kiss, but only on Valentine's Day.
Let's get into the ships... er... trains.
Almost chronically single. I'm sorry Thomas, but you're not very good at the dating thing. Maybe Hank if I swallowed my pride and went to watch Season 12 - just because Hank's calm and friendly personality would naturally balance out Thomas. But also because they are the epitome of 'gentle giant' and 'tank engine terror'. Also, Thomas blushes in this episode:
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(Sorry for the Season 12 image, but it's the only Season Hank was in!)
This engine has options! Or more to the point - this engine has suitors. Not all make sense to the poor engine - but that's the pain of being the one everyone looks up to. I would put him with BoCo, but I must admit I had a phase where I read EdwardxJames fanfics. So... nostalgia wins (that and Edward needs someone with a fiery personality to boost his confidence sometimes, and James needs a cooler head all the time).
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(Look at the smile on James' face! He's ecstatic to see his engine.)
Bear. The answer is Bear. I'm sorry, but that Hymek has it bad for Henry, and Henry fought for Bear to stay on Sodor. And after the early days when every engine fought, Henry has no interest in getting tangled up with them again, only this time romantically. Besides, the youthful energy and eagerness Bear has will only benefit Henry, who can be a bit of an old grump.
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(Bear, I can't tell if you're looking into Henry's eyes or not...)
Hoo boy... Gordon, oh Gordon. What to do with you? Henry and James are taken, Edward and Thomas are more siblings than romantic interests - and engines 6 through 11 are just not close enough. But how about BoCo? (Yes, this is why I didn't pair him up with Edward). BoCo is calm and polite where Gordon is loud and brash - and Gordon does see BoCo as his saviour. It would probably be the plot of a b-list romantic movie, but I can see these two getting together, with Gordon being the jock and BoCo being the 'kid' of Edward.
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(Look at that little smile Gordon has! This engine is smitten.)
He's with Edward, thank you. More than that, he doesn't really fit well with the other RWS cast romance-wise. Thomas is something of a rival and friend, while he wants Gordon and Henry to acknowledge him and Percy is something of a little brother/annoyance to James. Edward and he have a lot to work out (mostly James groveling) but they got a lot of coding in the series from what I remember. Plus Edward saved him - so we've ticked the cliche box.
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(Yes, this means Edward is the knight in shining armour. James is a diva anyway.)
Has about as much luck as Thomas does, if we're honest. Young, childish Percy has no chance, while older, grumpier Percy is more interesting to consider. The Percy of Seasons 5 and 6 I could see bagging Harold. But then, we could also consider the absolute insanity of Percy and Diesel 10. Imagine the shock, imagine the story! (I'm a writer, let me dream about how I'd write this lot). Diesel 10 would be the delinquent who is soft for Percy and Percy only. It would also lead to an epic fight between the helicopter and the engine with a giant claw.
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(Um, is Percy... blushing?! What are these faces?! I have questions.)
Is married to Henrietta. They are old couple goals. Percy and Thomas are extremely jealous.
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(Toby is grinning cause he knows his wife - that poor manager...)
Duck and Donald:
I considered Percy for Duck, but I feel like what Duck needs is an engine who can really bring out the playful side in Duck - the engine who helps him be more than just the railway he used to work for. That engine is Donald. When they ended up playing pranks on each other in Donald's Duck to the point where Duck stooped to putting a literal duck in Donald's tender knowing Donald would find it funny really says it all about these two.
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(Look at him, so excited to play his little prank! His driver is wheezing!)
Douglas and Oliver:
These two practically have a kid in Toad already (or an advice-giving uncle. One of the two). Douglas saved Oliver, and that sort of thing has a lasting impact - especially because it's also the most likely relationship to actually happen. Both Douglas and Oliver are known for sticking it to authority, being a bit hot-headed and being led a bit more by spirit and the heart than by their heads. They have Toad for critical thinking. They live and work together too - and it would be hilarious to watch Duck blast his safety valve off when he finds out.
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(Ah yes, let me just stare into your eyes for half an episode.)
Mavis and Daisy:
These two are disaster lesbians, and we love them for it. It's also the femme fatale (or as femme fatale as a diesel railcar can be) and the butch (she works in a quarry - this girl wears overalls) tropes - and they're disasters. Need I remind anyone that Daisy was the one who encouraged Mavis to ignore Toby? It would also be hilarious purely for how much Thomas and Percy would grumble about being single, while Daisy and Mavis rub their relationship in the pair's faces. Which would lead to that one memorable incident where Thomas tried to flirt with a very unamused and confused Bertie.
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(Mavis, sweetie - don't listen to Daisy's advice. I know you're distracted but ple-- and she's gone.)
Annie and Clarabel:
Are wine aunts and siblings. And no, neither of them are interested in Thomas, so you can stop thinking that.
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(These coaches are Thomas' wine aunts and best friends - and he loves them too.)
Bill and Ben:
Are children! Edward's children! That he has with BoCo (sort of) leading to the brilliant moments where Gordon has to 'babysit' them - which is mostly done with a lot of grimacing and begging BoCo to just hand this lot over to Edward and James - no seriously, please stop letting these two just randomly adopt you as their parent. They're evil, and they wanted to throw me in the sea, remember? No, I don't care that James doesn't like them, I don't like them! BoCo!
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(He's petrified of them, but he wants to be nice for BoCo's sake...)
Does not need a man, thank you. But she is entranced sometimes by Caitlin's streamlining (yes, I have seen some CGI - I am not a true purist, I am sorry Awdry). Then again, sometimes Emily likes Hiro - and then there was that one time where she was just so upset that Mavis wouldn't notice her. Emily doesn't need no man - but she's also not exactly got the best selection of potential candidates at her shed...
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(She's got an amazing poker face. Caitlin however...)
So... that was a thing I did. Somewhere around Percy's entry, this gained a coherent plot in my mind - probably a High School AU? - and now I'm just thinking of Diesel 10 towering over Percy, blushing and trying to give him flowers (with his claw???) while Harold seethes. Clearly, being a single pringle has driven me insane.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, I hope you enjoyed this wild idea and if people want expansions on these ships (still trains) and why I like the idea of them, please go ahead and ask!
If people really like this, I will take on the Narrow Gauge engines.
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tttewolves · 4 months
Flowers The Wolves Use to Propose and Wear for The Wedding!💖🐺🌷
Edward propose to Henry (BIG SURPRISE) and they both wear white lilies!🩵💚
James propose to Thomas and they both wear violets!❤️💙
Gordon propose to Rebecca and they both wear sunflowers!💙💛
Percy propose to Rosie and they both wear red roses!💚❤️
Toby propose to Nia and they both wear yellow daffodils!🤎🧡
Caitlin propose to Emily and they both wear pink carnation!❤️🖤
BoCo propose to Duck and they both wear red poppies!💚💚
Douglas propose to Oliver and they both wear rues!🖤💚
Glen propose to Mavis and they both wear red carnation!🖤🖤
Ryan propose to Kirra and they both wear cornflowers!💜💚
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mavibonghostexpress · 4 months
if art request are still open, Oliver and Douglas but holding hands
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They're actually pretty adorable ngl
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viktuurishipper96 · 3 months
Here comes the Caledonian Bride🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🖤💚
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Douglas McIntosh is super happy that he’s getting married to Oliver Armstrong on his wedding day. May the two have the happiest lives together on the island of sodor.
description: Douglas now in longer hair is crying happily and holding his hand out to Oliver as he’s saying “I love you”. Whats he wearing is a beautiful blue bridal dress that shows his toned cleavage that hugs his beautiful body. Background is the fairies from the legend of Zelda, feathers and star seeds from sailor moon and the color is pink.
material that I’ve used: ohuhu markers, Sakura koi and derwent watercolor, Faber castlle colored pencil and copic markers.
reblogs, likes, shares and comments are appreciative 🥰🥰🥰
thank you for your support and stay beautiful and gorgeous everyone. And also , happy pride month🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
and everyone is invited to the 💒 and that means you @flamingoprincess25 and @just-an-emily-existing
Here’s the ref below
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uncoupledengine · 3 months
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Douglas x Oliver
I’m not usually shipping these two, but at the moment they are right at the top of the list. I adore their relationship so much. I wish we had seen more of it in the media.
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coalnwater · 25 days
What is it with characters that were introduced in Enterprising Engines staring lovingly into the eyes of their saviours?
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Dallas is so adorable!!!
Also loving Duck's pose in this. Good job Donnie.
Can we have some HC about the three please
OFC!!! (Also tysm and so sorry for the late reply T∆T)
Here are some hcs :)
💚- The idea of the name "Dallas" was Duck's idea. Mostly bc he couldn't choose between Danielle (If it was a boi) and Lara (If it was a girl). So he fused both in one.
Such a creative boi.
🖤- The first one Donnie told about Dallas existing wasn't Duck, his crew or even Douglas. It was Dilly! Yep. Donald tells everything to his duck even tho she probably doesn't understand him.
In any case this probably was bc he was a little bit nervous about telling Duck and his crew. But this wasn't a trouble, because Douglas heard his philosophic conversation with Dilly, and he just ran to tell Duck everything. (Douglas spent a whole week mad at Donald bc he didn't told him directly about that LMAO)
💚-The thing about Dallas being born at the sunrise was pretty oportune because Duck didn't wait much long (around half an hour) to show everyone his pup.
(And there you have Toad begging Duck to let him sleep bc it looks like he hadn't enough with Oliver talking about Annie and their upcoming pup all the night-)
🖤- When Douglas gave the pup the little duckling onesie was probably one of the few times Duck felt really good with the joke of his name.
💚-Duck usually shows off his duckghter to Diesel to annoy him.
We all know he tries to hide his love for ducklings and floffy things. And Duck LOVES to annoy him with it.
But the point where Diesel doesn't hold back his "AWWEEEEE" side is when Dallas wehs. That literally brakes him.
(And Mavis often says he could be a good father after seeing his boyfriend like this with pups. *wink*, *wink*)
🖤-Donald often haves deep conversations with Dallas and Dilly when they're alone in their shed. To what Dallas only answers:
Such a cutie.
(Donnie is still in his maternity leave lol)
💚-Even tho Dallas is not Duck's biological daughter (that's why she's a female clone of Donald lol) Dallas haves the long upwards cheekfloof Duck haves.
🖤-Dallas likes to hide on Donald's chest-floof. Only keeping her head out.
💚-She usually says "We" to call Duck and "Weew" to call Donald.
(Which is very confusing sometimes-)
🖤-Since he told Emily about Dallas, Donald usually calls her "Auntie Emi". Which Dallas says like: " Wew Weee".
(As a fact, Donald, Douglas and Emily know eachother since they were pups in the AwF AU. Soit makes sense she's like an aunt to Dallas)
💚-Sometimes Duck decides to take a free day to spend with his hubby and duckghter.
That's all hope u like it! :)
(AU inspo creds: @steam-beasts <3)
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steam-beasts · 2 months
Twins! Twins Galore!
Also fun fact: an engine who is a twin will likely give birth to twins, and sometimes on occasion, triplets.
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