#olympus tg 5
lanecross · 9 months
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Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) 🐢
Honestly throughout my scuba diving journey, I haven't seen green turtles while diving, only hawksbill until my most recent dive trip. I got to see a total of 3 green turtles underwater and it was cool experience:) A bonus nesting mother out of water as well. 4 green turtles on the trip:) Omnivorous when they are juveniles and move more into a herbivorous diet of seagrass and algae as adults.
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g00melo5-art-blog · 5 months
レンズフィルターを取り付けられますか。(TG-7 / TG-6 / TG-5)
A:コンバーターアダプター CLA-T01 とは
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technationgr · 6 months
Olympus FCON-T02 Fish Eye Converter for TG-1/2/3/4/5/6
Σε αντίθεση με τις περισσότερες φωτογραφικές μηχανές της κατηγορίας compact, μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε αδιάβροχους μετατροπείς και φίλτρα φακών 45 mm στην κορυφαία σειρά φωτογραφικών μηχανών TG χρησιμοποιώντας τον προσαρμογέα μετατροπής φακού CLA-T01. Ο μετατροπέας φακού fisheye FCON-T02 παρέχει τη δυνατότητα λήψεων με κυκλικό εφέ fisheye χωρίς να θυσιάζει τη φωτεινότητα του φακού. Αλλάξτε απλώς…
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infolucasdavid · 8 months
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markallen-7 · 8 months
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fudeen-note · 1 year
accidentally added red.
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hall crabapple- accidentally added red to the white powder
    Translated the Haiku made by YOSA Buson
海棠や白粉に紅をあやまてる            与謝 蕪村
------------------------  玄宗皇帝が,ほろ酔い機嫌で寝ていた楊貴妃を起しに行ったところ,まだ眠そうな顔をした楊貴妃が現れた。  それを見た玄宗皇帝は,「海棠(かいどう)の眠り未(いま)だ足らず」と言った。  蕪村の眼に映った花海棠は、中国の故事を彷彿とさせたのでしょう。  そんな印象を僅かながらでも写し撮るべく 1 EV の差で 5 枚現像して、high dynamic range image として仕上げました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS TG-4 ○ focal length : 11 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 61 mm ) ○ shooting mode : Program AE ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : sec.1/125 ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F3.6 ○ ISO speed rate : 1,600
☆ Preprocess ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ preprocessor : DxO PureRAW 2 ver. ○ method : Deep PRIME ○ DxO optical correction :  whole lens sharpness : on  lens distortion correction : on ○ output format : DNG
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ○ taste : fudeen's special ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : +1 EV ○ total exposure compensation : +2/3 EV ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 4,841 K ] ○ tone adjustment : strong contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.09 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : V4 compatible ○ color representation : film color Velvia ○ sharpness : pure detail  edge emphasis [ 18 / 100 ]  detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ]  black spotted outline control [ 25 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction : fine detail  false color control : [ 30 / 100 ]  fringe removal : [ 10 / 100 ]  noise aligned : [ 20 / 100 ]  noise removal : [ 75 / 100 ]  dark side noise reduction [ a little strong ] ○ highlights controller : initial value  color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  saturation / hue emphasis [ 70 / 100 ]  bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ]  dynamic range extension [ +5.0 / 6.0 EV ] ○ development setting :  type of file : TIFF  pixel size : original  match the long side direction : on  develop result settings : for reprocessing with silkypix ( 16 bits)  record exif information : on
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by Photomatix Pro 6.3 ○ style : soft 4 ○ EV spacing : 5 images, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ tone mapping method : exposure composition / natural ○ strength for tone mapping [ -5 / ±10 ] ○ exposure balance [ -3.5 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow contrast [ 0.0 / 10.0 ] ○ local contrast [ 0.0 / 10.0 ] ○ white clip [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ black clip [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color settings : image color ○ saturation [ +5.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color temperature [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ brightness [ +10.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ blending / opacity [ 0 / 100 ] ○ contrast : low contrast ○ sharpness : low
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 四ツ谷界隈 ○ target : 花海棠 ------------------------
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cupomzeiros · 1 year
Melhores Câmeras à Prova d'Água: Veja o TOP 7!
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Para aqueles que gostam de fotografar e também gostam de aventuras, as câmeras à prova d'água são um recurso indispensável para o registro dos momentos em imagens. Isso porque, elas são funcionais e práticas na medida certa, se adaptando a vários ambientes. O registro dos mais variados momentos da vida se tornou algo corriqueiro nos dias atuais, quer para a atualização das redes sociais, quer para guardar momentos e recordações. Por isso, juntamente com os celulares, as câmeras fotográficas caíram no gosto das pessoas. Pensando nessas características, listamos nesse post as 7 melhores opções do mercado em termos de câmeras à prova d'água. Leia até o final e descubra as melhores, aproveitando todas as nossas dicas! Top 7: confira quais as melhores câmeras à prova d'água do mercado Antes, queremos te lembrar de usar os nossos cupons de desconto para economizar nas melhores lojas online! Veja: - Cupom de desconto Amazon Nessa seleção faremos algumas indicações com as melhores câmeras à prova d'água! Foto: Câmera de ação à prova d'água HLLYLL Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera de ação à prova d'água HLLYLL A primeira opção de compra em nossa lista é a câmera de ação da marca Hllyll, uma câmera profissional e à prova d'água. Ela possui resolução de 4k ultra HD, que grava quatro vezes de forma mais profissional, e controle de pulso para poder tirar fotos em qualquer ângulo. Além disso, possui suporte para Android e IOS e conectividade wi-fi e HDMI. De forma extra, possui resistência a até 30 metros de profundidade na água, o que permite tirar fotos aquáticas e vem com 20 acessórios para aprimorar as fotografias. Foto: Câmera digital à prova d'água Jectse Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera digital à prova d'água Jectse Outra boa opção de compra é a câmera digital à prova d'água da marca Jectse, um produto como múltiplas funcionalidades para quem gosta de tirar fotos. Ela é resistente a água em uma profundidade que pode chegar a até 3 metros, podendo ficar por até uma hora. A bateria possui alta performance, isto é, pode funcionar de forma ininterrupta por 3 horas e também suporta cartão de memória de até 128 gb. As suas fotos e vídeos de boa qualidade, e há possibilidade de tirar autosselfies em 2, 5 ou 10 segundos. Por tudo isso, é um dos produtos com bom custo-benefício. Foto: Câmera GoPro Hero 11 à prova d'água Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera GoPro Hero 11 à prova d'água Uma das opções mais robustas dessa lista é a câmera Hero 11 à prova d'água da marca GoPro, um item profissional e com diversas funcionalidades. Suas fotos e vídeos são de alta resolução, com mais de 1 bilhão de cores, com lente versátil que permite capturar melhor as imagens. As gravações possuem 30 segundos anteriores antes da filmagem oficial e que pode chegar a até 3 horas ininterruptamente. Acrescenta-se que essa câmera é resistente a água a uma profundidade de até 10 metros. Possui também bateria durável e recursos de bloqueio de horizonte e de efeitos noturnos, que permitem fotos em todos os tipos de ambientes. Foto: Câmera à prova d'água Olympus Tough TG-6 Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera à prova d'água Olympus Tough TG-6 Uma das câmeras mais resistentes do mercado é a câmera à prova d'água da marca Olympus Tough TG-6. Isso porque, ela resiste a uma profundidade na água que chega a 15 metros, sendo também robusta em relação à poeira, a quedas de até 2 metros e esmagamento de objetos de 100kg, aguentando até graus de -10º celsius e é antiembaçante. Não obstante, suas fotos também são de alta resolução, com sensor de retroiluminação e tem 4 modos de disparo da lente, produzindo imagens em diferentes formatos. Foto: Câmera sports CamPro Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera sports CamPro Outro item que não poderia ficar de fora dessa lista e que é um dos produtos mais baratos da categoria é a câmera sports à prova d'água da marca CamPro. Essa câmera possui conectividade wi-fi, USB e HDMI. Também gera fotos de alta qualidade e vídeos em diferentes formatos, podendo ser usada por até 70 minutos seguidos. Além disso, é vendida junto com suportes para a câmera para capacetes e bicicletas, fita de fixação manual, suporte para carro, cabo de transmissão e caixa também a prova d'água. Foto: Câmera de ação à prova d'água Shanrya Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera de ação à prova d'água Shanrya Outro produto dentre os baratinhos, mas que também oferece bom custo-benefício é a câmera de ação à prova d'água da marca Shanrya. Ela é resistente a água, podendo mergulhar em profundidades de até 40 metros e ainda ser operada nessa ambientes, permitindo fotografar debaixo d'água com lente que corrige a imagem de forma inteligente fazendo captura dos melhores ambientes. A sua tela colorida e HD de 2 polegadas, com lente de vidro óptico de 6 camadas que suporta explosão, lapso de tempo e capturas contínuas. Além disso, o tamanho é compacto e é leve, podendo ser transportada com grande facilidade. Foto: Câmera digital para crianças à prova d'água Bonnu Veja avaliações do produto: VER NA AMAZON Câmera digital para crianças à prova d'água Bonnu Por fim, uma opção que pode ser usada tanto pelas crianças quanto por adultos, a câmera digital da marca Bonnu. Essa câmera possui manuseio fácil e é resistente, ela é impermeável e à prova de água e queda, na medida em que possui revestimento anti-embaciamento e caixa de estanque externa. Por isso, ela pode ser manuseada sem problemas debaixo d'água. As imagens geradas são claras e nítidas, ela possui funções de autoescurecimento e foco automático, além de campo de visão mais amplo. Também dispões de temporizador de disparo contínuo e funções de filtro e espelho, que deixam as imagens mais divertidas. As pessoas também perguntam Quais os acessórios que podem ser usados em câmeras à prova d'água? As câmeras em geral já possuem diversos recursos embutidos entre suas funcionalidades, no entanto, com alguns acessórios é possível maximizar e melhorá-las. Os principais, englobam recursos para cuidado, praticidade ou melhoramento das imagens. Nesse sentido, podem ser utilizados tampas de lente de borracha ou outro material que proteja, baterias ou carregadores portáteis, flashes externos, suportes para cartões de memória, alças, tripés, controles remotos, estojos e filtros especiais, por exemplo. Vale também destacar que nem todos os modelos podem utilizar todos os recursos citados, é necessário avaliar quais as possibilidades e a necessidade. Qual a profundidade máxima que as câmeras à prova d'água podem alcançar? As câmeras à prova d'água podem variar bastante em relação à profundidade máxima de mergulho. As mais resistentes alcançam uma metragem de 60 metros. Os modelos mais simples, por sua vez, podem variar com menos de 10 metros. Como escolher a melhor câmera à prova d'água? Para escolher a melhor câmera à prova d'água, no momento da compra é importante observar algumas características técnicas dos produtos, com o intuito de que seja a de maior qualidade e funcionalidade possível. Por isso, em primeiro lugar, cabe destacar que um dos fatores principais é analisar a qualidade com que aquela câmera capta as imagens. Nesse sentido, prefira os modelos que tenham desempenho mais profissional. A análise desse desempenho está relacionada a resolução, estabilidade, brilho, foco e qualidade e grau de zoom. A busca aqui é por fotos o mais realista e nítidas possível, por isso, modelos com ao menos 12 mega pixels, recurso de zoom digital, lentes subaquáticas e distância focal gradativa são mais interessantes. Como se trata de câmeras que terão contato em algum momento com a água, observe os cuidados que deve haver com esse processo. Isso porque, algumas modelos vem com caixas de estanque e só podem mergulhar com elas, a fim de proteger alguns componentes internos. Esse tipo de especificação técnica é fundamental. Outro ponto de destaque, pensando nas fotos em si, é a profundidade de mergulho que a câmera pode trabalhar. No mercado atual os modelos variam bastante nesse quesito, podendo ir até a 60 metros. Quanto maior a profundidade suportada, mais profissional será a câmera. Por isso, prefira os modelos que suportem pelo menos 30 metros ou mais. Além disso, algumas características de conservação também são relevantes e merecem ser analisadas com certo cuidado. Nesse quesito, as câmeras que tenham peças ou proteções especiais contra poeira e areia são mais interessantes, na medida em que tendem a ter maior durabilidade. Acrescenta-se ainda que os modelos com proteções antiqueda são modelos que devem ser preferidos, uma vez que todo o tipo de proteção extra que o aparelho tenha é bem-vindo. Por fim, vale também destacar que recursos extras sempre são interessantes. Os modelos mais atuais podem variar nesse tópico, no entanto, em geral, estão relacionados a conectividades USB e wi-fi e possibilidade de visualizar a foto imediatamente após a tiragem. Portanto, quando for escolher o seu modelos de câmera à prova d'água opte por adquirir o modelo que tenham as fotos o mais perfeito, com proteções de segurança e recursos extras, observando também o custo-benefício em relação ao preço. Quais os tipos de câmeras que existem no mercado? No mercado atual há diferentes tipos de câmeras fotográficas disponíveis para os consumidores, variando de modelos extremamente simples até aqueles profissionais e cheios de filtros e funções. Vale mencionar que as câmeras à prova d'água são as câmeras que possuem proteção e designe próprio para resistir a água sem ser danificadas. Esse tipo de sistema pode ser incluído em qualquer um dos tipos abaixo, sendo, no entanto, mais comuns nos modelos mais modernos. Os tipos mais simples são as 35 mm ou de formato pequeno, elas são as baseadas em filmes fotográficos. Também podem ser mencionadas as câmeras DSLR, que são aquelas que usam lentes intercambiáveis, isto é, adaptáveis e com sistema de reflexão melhor da luz e cena, o que permite fotos melhores. Outro modelo são as câmeras sem espelho ou câmeras mirrorless. Sua principal característica é a ausência de espelho interno, sem que as funções de resolução e qualidade sejam danificados. As câmeras de formato médio, por sua vez, já produzem fotos digitais, possuindo sensores e filmes maiores. São bem mais profissionais. Há também as câmeras compactas, modelos mais simples e fáceis de usar. Elas permitem a utilização por diversas pessoas, possuem a função de troca de lentes e ainda podem dispor de algumas qualidades próprias dos tipos profissionais, relacionadas ao zoom, por exemplo. Outro modelo muito bom são as câmeras 360º, apesar de não muito comuns. Elas são aquelas indicadas quando há campo amplo angular, ou seja, são ótimas para fotos panorâmicas. Por fim, existem as câmeras de ação e aventura. Como o próprio nome induz, podem ser utilizadas para fotografar momentos de ação e aventura literalmente, na medida em que são os modelos leves e compactos, além de mais resistentes. Considerações finais As câmeras fotográficas são aparelhos que fazem parte do dia-a-dia de muitas pessoas, sendo utilizadas não apenas por profissionais, mas também por todos os que desejam eternizar momentos e acontecimentos. Nesse âmbito, estão as câmeras à prova d'água. Elas são aparelhos utilizados para a captura de fotos aquáticas ou próximas da água. Para escolher a melhor câmera é necessário analisar não apenas a qualidade da foto em si, mas também quais os recursos de segurança e extras que o aparelhos dispõe. Quanto mais funcionalidade, maior a gama de fotos que podem ser criadas. Gostou do nosso post? O que achou das nossas indicações? Já conhecia algum desses modelos? Conte-nos mais sobre o que você achou! Read the full article
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I'm contemplating getting a GoPro as a dashcam for my car, and to this point have gotten the mount and installed it in my car. In the meanwhile, to get an idea of what footage might look like, I'm testing out some of my other cameras on the mount. This is footage shot with my Olympus TG-5. __________ Additional Resources: Support the channel: * Membership sign up: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcXq_uoAGafTEoT5FTS2eNQ/join * YouTube Super Stickers and Super Thanks (click the $ sign in the live chat during premieres and live streams) My social media: Tumblr: https://ift.tt/yRhBoYq Flickr: https://ift.tt/JXRVZ4o
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codidead · 1 year
The 10 Best Action Cameras On The Market Right Now
Maybe little things are changing the world actioncamera.
Whether you’re an action sports enthusiast or just a casual traveler looking to capture some amazing moments, action cameras can help you capture the action with ease. With so many options on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is best. To help you out, we’ve rounded up the 10 best action cameras you can buy right now.
1. GoPro HERO7 Black
It’s no surprise that the GoPro HERO7 Black tops our list. It has a rugged design and is waterproof up to 10m, making it the perfect companion for any adventure. It has an impressive 12MP camera with an impressive 4K60 video resolution. It also features HyperSmooth stabilization, which helps to reduce camera shake even in rough conditions. The HERO7 Black also has voice recognition and can be controlled with simple voice commands.
2. DJI Osmo Action
The DJI Osmo Action is another great option for action cameras. It features a 12MP camera with 4K60 video resolution and impressive EIS (electronic image stabilization). It also has dual screens, allowing you to easily frame your shots and see what you’re recording in real time. The Osmo Action also has a rugged design and is waterproof up to 11m.
3. Sony FDR-X3000
The Sony FDR-X3000 is a great choice for those looking for a high-end action camera. It has a 12MP camera with 4K30 video resolution and impressive SteadyShot image stabilization. It also has a built-in GPS and a built-in Wi-Fi connection, allowing you to control it remotely. The FDR-X3000 is also waterproof up to 10m and comes with a range of mounts and accessories.
4. Garmin VIRB Ultra 30
The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 is a great choice for those looking for an action camera with lots of features. It has a 12MP camera with 4K30 video resolution and electronic image stabilization. It also has built-in GPS and Wi-Fi, allowing you to track your travels and control the camera remotely. The VIRB Ultra 30 is waterproof up to 10m and comes with an array of mounts and accessories.
5. Olympus TG-Tracker
The Olympus TG-Tracker is a great choice for those who want a rugged and waterproof action camera. It has a 7MP camera with 4K30 video resolution and a 10m waterproof rating. It also has a built-in LED light, allowing you to capture footage in low-light conditions. The TG-Tracker also has built-in sensors that can track your location, altitude, and depth.
6. YI 4K+ Action Camera
The YI 4K+ Action Camera is an affordable option that doesn’t sk
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malakasaroobie · 1 year
5 Best Action Camera 4K Models To Buy In 2019
When it comes to , there are many questions and debates that still need to be addressed action camera 4k.
Action Camera 4K technology is becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason. Action Cameras are perfect for capturing all of life’s adventures, be it a big mountain bike ride, a once-in-a-lifetime diving experience, or just a fun family day out. With so many Action Cameras 4K now on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. Here are five of the best Action Camera 4K models currently on the market in 2019.
GoPro HERO 7 Black
The GoPro HERO 7 Black is the latest and greatest Action Camera 4K from GoPro. It offers stunning 4K resolution video with incredible image stabilization and a range of other features. It also offers a range of frame rates and resolutions, so you can capture exactly what you need. The GoPro HERO 7 Black also comes with an intuitive touchscreen, making it easier to use than ever before.
YI 4K+ Action Camera
The YI 4K+ Action Camera is the perfect choice for those looking for a great feature set at an affordable price. It offers 4K resolution video at 60fps, along with a range of other features, such as an electronic image stabilization, time-lapse mode, and a range of other shooting modes. It also comes with an intuitive touchscreen, making it easy to use.
Garmin VIRB Ultra 30
The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 is another great choice for those looking for a 4K action camera. It offers 4K resolution video at 30fps, along with a range of other features, such as voice control and an electronic image stabilization. It also has a range of shooting modes, such as time-lapse, looping, and slow-motion. The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 also comes with a range of accessories, making it perfect for any adventure.
Sony FDR-X3000R
The Sony FDR-X3000R is another great 4K Action Camera. It offers 4K resolution video at 30fps, along with a range of other features, such as an electronic image stabilization, time-lapse mode, and a range of other shooting modes. It also comes with a range of accessories, making it perfect for any adventure.
Olympus TG-Tracker
The Olympus TG-Tracker is a great choice for those looking for a 4K Action Camera. It offers 4K resolution video at 30fps, along with a range of other features, such as a 1.5-inch LCD monitor and a range of shooting modes. It also comes with a range of accessories, making it perfect for any adventure.
No matter what you’re looking for in a 4K Action Camera, there
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happystarfishmaker · 1 year
The Top 5 Best 4k Action Cameras On The MarketRight Now
That's interesting. Don't watch what happens next 4k action cam.
4K action cameras are becoming increasingly popular as the technology continues to develop. With more and more people using these cameras to capture their outdoor adventures, the market is becoming flooded with a variety of options. To help you decide which one is best for you, we've compiled a list of the top five 4K action cameras currently on the market.
1. GoPro Hero 8 Black
The GoPro Hero 8 Black is the latest version of the renowned action camera. It features 4K video recording capabilities at up to 60 frames per second. It also features a built-in mounting system, HyperSmooth 2.0 image stabilization, and the ability to livestream footage directly from the camera. The Hero 8 Black also has an improved battery life and a range of additional accessories to help you get the most out of your shots.
2. DJI Osmo Action
The DJI Osmo Action is another great option for those looking for a 4K action camera. It features 4K video recording, up to 60 frames per second, and can also record in slow motion. It also has a 1/2.3-inch sensor, dual-screen design, and built-in image stabilization. The Osmo Action is also waterproof up to 11 meters and comes with a range of mounting accessories.
3. Garmin VIRB Ultra 30
The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 is a great choice for those who want a 4K action camera with a range of onboard sensors. It features 4K video recording capabilities, up to 30 frames per second, and a range of sensors including GPS, an accelerometer, and a barometer. It also has an electronic image stabilization, voice control, and a range of mounting accessories.
4. Sony FDR-X3000
The Sony FDR-X3000 is another great 4K action camera. It features 4K video recording capabilities, up to 30 frames per second, and a range of features including SteadyShot image stabilization, live streaming, and a range of mounting accessories. It also has a 1/2.3-inch Exmor R CMOS sensor and an impressive waterproof rating of up to 60 meters.
5. Olympus TG-Tracker
The Olympus TG-Tracker is an interesting option for those looking for a 4K action camera. It features 4K video recording capabilities, up to 30 frames per second, and an array of sensors including a GPS, a compass, an altimeter, and a thermometer. It also has an impressive waterproof rating of up to 30 meters and a range of mounting accessories.
No matter what type of 4K action camera you're looking for, there's something on this list for everyone. Whether you're looking for a camera with a range of onboard sensors or one with an impressive waterproof rating, these are the top five best 4K action cameras on the market right now.
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lanecross · 8 months
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My first night dive at Juara Tioman area at the JSA house reef 'Aquarium' :) back in May. I definitely have a hard time IDing squids 🐙, probably a species of reef squid from genus Sepioteuthis. If you look closely, the little black pigment spots are chromatophores that aid in their camouflage. Chromatophores are skin color cells that can expand or retract to show different levels of color, reef squids and many other cephalopods can change their colors and patterns extremely rapidly.
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poridyydd · 1 year
The 5 Best Mini Waterproof Cameras On The Market
When you’re looking for a camera that can go everywhere with you and take photos in any environment, mini waterproof cameras are the perfect solution. They’re small, lightweight and take amazing photos that you can share on social media in no time. But with so many different models on the market, it can be hard to know which one is best for you. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the five best mini waterproof cameras available today.
1. GoPro Hero 8 Black
The GoPro Hero 8 Black is a great choice for anyone who needs a reliable and high-quality camera that is waterproof up to 10 meters. It features 4K video recording, time-lapse and slow-motion capabilities, and even has built-in image stabilization. It’s small enough to fit in your pocket, but still packs a punch in terms of features.
2. Fujifilm FinePix XP140
The Fujifilm FinePix XP140 is a great choice for anyone who loves to take photos while swimming or snorkeling. It’s waterproof up to 20 meters and also shockproof, dustproof, and freeze-proof. It features a 16.4MP BSI-CMOS sensor, a 5x optical zoom lens, and an impressive battery life. It’s also one of the most affordable options on the market.
3. Olympus Tough TG-6
The Olympus Tough TG-6 is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a mini waterproof camera that can go anywhere. It’s waterproof up to 15 meters and is also shockproof, dustproof, and freeze-proof. It features a 12MP BSI CMOS sensor, a 4x optical zoom lens, and RAW shooting capabilities. It’s also one of the most durable cameras on the market.
4. Panasonic Lumix FT7
The Panasonic Lumix FT7 is a great choice for anyone who needs a mini waterproof camera that can take amazing photos. It’s waterproof up to 31 meters and features a 20.4MP MOS sensor, a 4.6x optical zoom lens, and 4K video recording capabilities. It also has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
5. Nikon COOLPIX W300
The Nikon COOLPIX W300 is a great choice for anyone who wants a rugged and reliable camera that can take amazing photos. It’s waterproof up to 30 meters and is also shockproof, dustproof, and freeze-proof. It features a 16MP CMOS sensor, a 5x optical zoom lens, and built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
No matter which mini waterproof camera you choose, you can
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The 10 Best HD Action Camera Options To Buy In 2018
From its practical applications to its potential future developments, it is a field that is worth exploring in greater detail hd action camera.
1. GoPro HERO7 Black
The GoPro HERO7 Black is the top of the line HD action camera for 2018. It comes with 4K video and 12MP photos. It also features HyperSmooth Video Stabilization, Live Streaming and TimeWarp Video. The HERO7 Black also features Waterproofing up to 33ft, Voice Control and a 2-inch Touch Display. It's the perfect choice for any adventurer looking to capture their best moments in stunning HD.
2. Sony FDR-X3000R
The Sony FDR-X3000R is a 4K action camera that is capable of recording in stunning detail. It has an Exmor R CMOS image sensor and a BIONZ X image processor which helps to capture crisp and clear images. It has a built-in Balanced Optical SteadyShot stabilization system and a Zeiss Tessar lens which provide stunningly smooth footage. It also has built-in Wi-Fi and NFC that allow for easy sharing of videos and photos.
3. YI 4K+ Action Camera
The YI 4K+ Action Camera is one of the most advanced HD action cameras available in the market today. It features 4K/60fps video recording and 12MP photos. It also features the Ambarella H2 SOC image processor which helps to capture stunning 4K footage. It has a 2.19-inch touchscreen LCD for easy navigation of the menus. It also has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for easy sharing of videos and photos.
4. Garmin VIRB Ultra 30
The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 is a rugged and waterproof HD action camera that is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. It features 4K/30fps video recording and 12MP photos. It also has a 3-axis image stabilization system that helps to capture smooth and stable footage. It has a 1.75-inch display for easy navigation and includes built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for easy sharing of videos and photos.
5. Olympus TG-Tracker
The Olympus TG-Tracker is an ultra-rugged and waterproof HD action camera that is capable of recording in stunning 4K/30fps. It features a 204-degree wide-angle lens and a 1.5-inch LCD display for easy navigation. It also has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for easy sharing of videos and photos. It is waterproof up to 30ft, so you can take it with you on your underwater adventures.
6. GoPro HERO5 Black
The GoPro HERO5 Black is an HD action camera that is capable of recording in stunning 4K/30fps. It features a 2-inch touchscreen display for easy navigation and a 12MP sensor for capturing amazing photos. It also features Voice Control, Waterproofing up to 33ft and GPS for capturing location data. It has built-in
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nuuukoooxxxx · 1 year
5 of the Best Action Cameras To Shoot In 1080p Resolution
5 of the Best Action Cameras To Shoot In 1080p Resolution
Are you looking for an action camera 1080p that will let you shoot stunning videos? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ve gathered five of the best action cameras that can shoot in 1080p resolution, so you can pick the one that fits your needs the best.
GoPro HERO8 Black
The GoPro HERO8 Black is one of the most popular action cameras on the market. It features HyperSmooth 2.0 stabilization, so you can get smooth and steady footage even when you’re shooting in 1080p resolution. There’s also a TimeWarp 2.0 feature that allows you to capture stabilized time-lapse videos in 1080p resolution. The camera is waterproof up to 10 meters, and it also has an integrated mount, so you can quickly attach it to any compatible accessory.
Sony FDR-X3000
The Sony FDR-X3000 is another great action camera that can shoot in 1080p resolution. This camera has a built-in image stabilization system, so you can capture smooth and stable footage even when you’re shooting in 1080p resolution. It also has a waterproof housing, so you can take it underwater up to 60 meters. The camera also has a built-in microphone and a wind noise reduction feature, so your audio will be clear and crisp.
Yi 4K Action Camera
The Yi 4K Action Camera is a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable action camera that can shoot in 1080p resolution. This camera has a 2-inch LCD touch screen, so you can quickly change settings and adjust the frame rate. It also has a built-in image stabilization system, so you can capture smooth and steady footage. The camera is waterproof up to 40 meters, and it also comes with a range of accessories, so you can quickly attach it to any compatible mount.
Garmin VIRB Ultra 30
The Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a feature-packed action camera that can shoot in 1080p resolution. This camera has a built-in image stabilization system, so you can capture smooth and steady footage. It also has a waterproof housing, so you can take it up to 50 meters underwater. The camera also has voice control, so you can quickly change settings and start recording without having to take your hands off the handlebars.
Olympus TG-Tracker
The Olympus TG-Tracker is a great action camera if you’re looking for something that’s small and lightweight. This camera can shoot in 1080p resolution, and it also has a built-in image stabilization system, so you can capture smooth and steady footage
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yiiiicooodi · 1 year
The Best Waterproof Cameras With Wifi_ Reviews And Comparisons
Let's look at the key words in this article waterproof camera with wifi.
The Best Waterproof Cameras with Wifi: Reviews and Comparisons
When it comes to capturing your outdoor adventures, nothing beats the convenience of a waterproof camera with wifi. Whether you’re snorkeling in the Caribbean or skiing in the Alps, a waterproof camera can help you capture stunning images and videos without worry. But with so many models out there, how do you know which one is the best? Here’s a look at the top waterproof cameras with wifi on the market and how they compare.
Olympus TG-5 Waterproof Camera
The Olympus TG-5 is one of the best waterproof cameras with wifi on the market, boasting a 12-megapixel sensor and 4x optical zoom lens. It’s waterproof up to 50 feet and can withstand extreme temperatures, making it the perfect companion for any adventure. The camera also has built-in GPS, so you can geotag your images and videos. The TG-5 is also capable of capturing 4K video, making it a great choice for aspiring videographers.
GoPro HERO7 Black Waterproof Camera
The GoPro HERO7 Black is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an adventure-ready waterproof camera with wifi. It’s waterproof up to 33 feet and can withstand extreme temperatures. It also boasts a 12-megapixel sensor and 4K video capture, making it a great choice for capturing stunning images and videos. The HERO7 Black also has built-in HyperSmooth stabilization, so you don’t have to worry about shaky footage.
Sony RX100 VI Waterproof Camera
The Sony RX100 VI is a powerful waterproof camera with wifi that’s perfect for capturing stunning images and videos. It’s waterproof up to 33 feet and can withstand extreme temperatures. The camera boasts a 20-megapixel sensor and 24-200mm zoom lens, so you can capture everything from wide-angle landscapes to close-up wildlife shots. The RX100 VI also has 4K video capture and a pop-up electronic viewfinder, making it a great choice for any level of photographer.
Fujifilm XP140 Waterproof Camera
The Fujifilm XP140 is a great choice for anyone looking for a budget-friendly waterproof camera with wifi. It’s waterproof up to 65 feet and can withstand extreme temperatures. The camera has a 16-megapixel sensor and 5x optical zoom lens, so you can capture stunning images and videos. The XP140 also has built-in wifi, so you can easily share your images and videos with friends and family.
Canon PowerShot D30 Waterproof Camera
The Canon PowerShot D30 is an excellent waterproof camera with wifi that’s perfect for capturing stunning images and videos.
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