#omega adam raki
eggcompany · 7 months
Will was always a fighter
Will had his first heat when he was six. He didn't share a heat until he was nineteen. He didn't get a real knot until he was twenty. And all along the way he was kicking and screaming and Hannibal, his daddy through adoption, was there kissing his forehead and trying his best.
Features, sad backstory, Adam/Will, Duncan/Hannibal, Nigel Hannibal (implied), and Will/Duncan.
“Hi, I need my daddy” said the little boy as he tried to peek over the tall desk of the nurses station. 
“Hm? What did… Hi sweetheart, what’re you doing here? Are you lost?” Said the nurse as she quickly rounded the desk to kneel down next to the small boy who was pushing up his thick framed glasses, paper held tightly to his chest. 
“I need to see my daddy. He said he’s here today. ‘M Willy Lecter.” Said the little boy, Willy. His daddy said he was gonna be doing surgery today and that meant he was on one of the top floors. 
“Oh! My goodness you’ve grown so much! I’ll make sure Dr. Lecter knows you’re here. Are you okay? Do you need help?” The nurse said as she calmed down. Dr. Lecter had been chatting with the nurses earlier in the day. She’d only seen Will when Hannibal had brought him from the pediatric unit before he could even walk. 
“My teacher gave me this paper and said I need to be with my daddy. Mr. Garret drove me here.” Will said and pushed his heavy glasses back up his nose and looked around, looking at faces trying to see if anyone was his daddy. 
“Alrighty Will, why don’t you come sit over here, yeah you can hang out with us for a while until your dad’s done. Can I see that paper so I know what to tell Daddy?” The nurse asked and ushered the boy to sit down in one of the few empty chairs as she dragged it over to sit beside her own, the little boy holding onto one arm tightly. 
“Um… I don’t think so. I think it’s just for daddy.” Willy said as he kept the paper held tightly against his chest. 
“That’s alright, we can just say that as soon as he can, to have Dr. Lecter come see you.” The nurse said and waited for confirmation from the little boy who had caught the attention of a few other nurses, and a secretary. 
“Okay” Willy said and swung his feet as an older lady came over to bend down next to him. 
“Put your stuff right there and why don’t we get you a juice box and some cookies, you like cookies Willy?” The first nurse asked as the other handed Willy a lollipod and took his backpack and set it behind him out of the way. 
“Yes ma’am! I like ones with candy in them!” Willy said with a big bright smile.
“Loraine? Loraine, where’s Will? Is he…” Hannibal said as he searched the nurses station looking for the nurse who had said his son was there. 
“Sh!” Came from a few of the older women working as he came closer to where the little boy was curled up sleeping under his bear print blanket in the lap of his dear friend and nurse. 
Hannibal let out a sigh of relief and looked at his boy, sleepy and a bit too pink in the face. Probably got another fever. Will was a fever baby, often caused by stress or simple nightmares or even just him being overly excited for a long time. Maybe they got to read a book about dogs during story hour. 
“We gave him some juice and a pack of cookies and he needed a nap. He’s got a paper for you.” Loraine explained quietly as Hannibal leaned down to gently run his fingers through Will's slightly damp hair, it was soft and fluffy. He always liked to keep Will’s beautiful curls healthy and clean. 
“Hannibal, he’s barely six and he smells like heat. Now I know it’s over stepping but I emailed to see if Adaleia Hospital is taking emergency peds. They are and they have several rooms available.” The nurse, Lorraine, whispered lowly to the doctor. The little boy had been fidgeting, wiggling, unable to even begin to comprehend what the word heat even implied. He’d smelled like warm laundry and baby powder, like a fresh baby, like a scent that either came from a fresh baby or an omega begging for one. 
“Thank you Loraine. I’d rather keep him in house though. I’ll call Alana and see if she’s in.” Hannibal said shortly, Lorraine had a habit of meddling but it was always in a caring way. He gave the nurse a courteous smile and looked back down at his son. 
“Willy?” Hannibal said and knelt down on one knee and gently let his fingers rub across Will’s damp forehead, around his closed eyes, and to rest on his flushed plump little cheek. 
“Daddy?” The little boy said in a slurry sleepy voice, he blinked a bit and then sniffled, tears welling in his eyes already. 
“Hello darling, how do you feel?” Hannibal asked as Will reached out and pulled himself into his daddy’s welcoming arms. 
“My insides are itchy and I wanna bottle” Will whimpered and tears started to slide down his cheeks, breaking Hannibal’s heart. He cradled the boy, Will was still small enough to cradle, Hannibal convinced himself Will would always be this tiny. 
“I know my sweet, I know. We need to go to see Doctor Bloom, you remember Doctor Bloom?” Hannibal asked and rubbed Will’s back comfortingly as the little boy let out sad little sniffles and hiccups. 
“Mhm, my tummy hurts daddy and my teacher gave this to me to give to you.” Will sniffled out and pushed the paper into Hannibal’s hands. 
‘ Notice of Alarming Behavior’ 
“Everything’s gonna be okay, Willy. Daddy’s right here. Daddy loves you, remember? Daddy loves you so much.” Hannibal whispered as he crumpled and tossed the paper in the trash and carried Will with him through the doors to the pediatric wing. 
“Alright,I’ll get you set in a room. They’re usually empty, thank god, so they’re nice and sterile and quiet. You know what to do Hannibal, skin contact, I’ll get some loaner bottles and medicated lactaid, he really shouldn’t have dairy, it messes with slick production in peds, and the cupboards are free range. You’ll need to nest him, don’t bother bathing yet, we need to run a lot of tests on him… Yeah I’ll get him something for the nerves.” Alana explained as she walked the doctor who was pulling his scrub cap off his head, hair in a tousled mess. He listened intently but couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten. 
Hannibal was never supposed to have a pup. Not after being so neglected by his own parents, he wasn’t made for it, he’d told himself. Not after Mischa, his failure to protect her. He was a beta, bound to marry and have a surrogate child. 
But… oh when he saw little Will being rushed into the emergency hospital they’d set up in Louisiana, after he’d been pulled from the wreckage of his washed away home, after the largest flood the state had ever seen. Hannibal had come down in part of the emergency response. He’d been doing rushed surgeries, pulling railroad spikes and spires of wood from people, sewing people up, and taking care of severe bone breaks. 
It was getting slow. It had been days since the flood water receded, people were still being pulled from the more rural houses, houses that were more mud than space. He was sitting with a few children, those whose parents were getting patched up and being given information on temporary housing. 
The doors had burst open. 
Will was only a baby then. Barely a year old. Sixteen pounds, three ounces. Alive but not crying. He looked like he was sleeping. Hair all matted, nails long and jagged, and he had terrible bruising all over him, new and old. 
William Henry Graham wasn’t leaving that hospital with anyone other than Hannibal. They had pulled his father from wreckage a day prior but when they’d learned there was supposedly a child whose mother had died during birth they’d gone back. In an old bassinet made from metal, under an ironing board, laid a perfect little baby boy coated in mud, wearing only a toddler’s t-shirt and a pinned diaper. 
Hannibal had fallen in love with him from the moment he set eyes on the baby. He was just a cute little thing. Hannibal was the only beta in the team, so he was put on baby duty over the orphan. 
Now Willy had been living with him for five years, life full of snuggles and kisses and healthy eating and going to kindergarten and begging his daddy for a puppy dog. 
Now it was all falling apart, at least that’s how it felt to Hannibal as he held his unsettled, angry, uncomfortable son against his chest, rubbing his sweaty back in an attempt to calm him. 
“Will they’re just gonna ask you some questions, you don’t have to move.” Hannibal tried to explain as the little boy wiggled and kicked in his arms, Will was always a fighter. 
“Daddy, stupid shirt!” Will yelled out and pulled at Hannibal’s undershirt and tugging angrily at the offensive white fabric. 
“Of course little one, I know. I know my sprout.” Hannibal said and pulled the boy back to sit up on his own, giving just enough room for Hannibal to pull the cotton white t-shirt off and set to the side of the sloppy nest. Hannibal was never very good at nesting, never came to him naturally. 
Will made a happy little noise, he trilled mostly. He didn’t laugh, he very very rarely laughed, but he made happy little shaky lovey noises. The little boy wiggled closer and snuggled into his daddy’s comforting warmth. 
Will was naked down to just his dinosaur print pull up and his little blue socks with trucks on them, so the skin to skin felt like balm to him, calming, he quit kicking and flailing and laid still. 
Will just smiled and nuzzled into Hannibal’s bare smooth chest. The man had fallen into a habit of shaving before a big stressful surgery. Face, armpits, arms, chest, face, all smooth. Something oddly calming about feeling so clean . 
“Are you going to be good and answer some questions?” Hannibal asked when he felt his boy calm all the way down. 
“Mhm, I’ll be good, daddy.” Will answered and looked over at the few nurses and nursing students, all holding clipboards and notepads. 
“William, does your back hurt?” The nurse asked and the questioning began….
School was just not in William Henry Graham- Lecter’s cards. After being discharged from the hospital and being documented for future studies, he returned home with a strict schedule. Hormone injections in the morning, pills with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and of course he’d need to be supervised at night for the first two months. 
Work was no longer in Hannibal Lecter’s cards. He took a leave of absence for a year…which turned into an indefinite leave… which turned into a retirement after not returning for more than a consultation for seven years. 
They lived happily though. Hannibal hated the idea of Will becoming a lonely hermit. Four different tutors, often trips to the dog park once he’d gotten Will a small beagle, trips to the public library much to Hannibal’s dismay, and of course wherever Hannibal went Will was reading a mystery book or daydreaming nearby.
Will was a good kid. He liked climbing trees and playing in the mud and coloring and sitting on the floor playing with his little beagle, Beskytte. He liked to read books and do puzzles and he liked to chew on bottle nibs and had a terrible habit of chewing on anything and everything no matter what. 
Hannibal loved his son more than anything else in the world. No matter how many specialists they fly out to or how many times Will screams and hits and says he hates Hannibal and wishes they were both dead. He loves Will so much, and each day he watches Will grow more and more into a bright and helpful young man. 
Hannibal only ever wants the very tip top best for Will too, he wants to buy him designer clothes and the best of technology and toys. 
However, Willy Lecter is a simple boy. He likes flannel button ups and jeans and little velcro sneakers, he likes coloring books and puzzle books and gameboys and pokemon cards, and he likes lego bricks and little crafts. So that’s the way they lived. Happy quiet life together. 
Well mostly quiet. 
“Daddy? What’s that? Looks friggin weird.” Will asked as he made his way into the nest room. He was hunched over a bit and rubbing at his cramping stomach. This heat was a little different than usual, more crampy and he was having horrible migraines. 
Sitting on his rolling stool beside the bed Hannibal was hitting buttons on a small laptop looking thing with a tri-ended wand on the end. 
“It’s an ultrasound machine. It’s a pediatric design, but it’ll work well into your adulthood too. I bought the sweet smelling jelly too. I know you liked that stuff.” Hannibal explained as Will climbed onto the bed to lay down, the nest had been widened a bit so it wasn’t as snug around him. The twelve year old boy looked over at the screen, it looked like the screen at the doctor’s office, and smiled. 
“Oh! Awesome. No more cold tables and stirrups and stuff then?” Will asked and felt himself calming down. Ever since he started slicking a few months ago they started to make Will go to the ‘big kid’ doctor as Hannibal liked to say. Stirrups, having to strip down and spread himself for doctors, cold tables, all sorts of terribly scary things. Will hated it, and Hannibal hated seeing Will so, so, distressed. 
“No my dear, I had to change one of your outlets though so unfortunately you have to move your gameboy changer.” Hannibal said with a smile as he pulled on his black nitrile gloves, Hannibal didn’t much like latex. Will pulled his t-shirt up and over his head and pushed his little brown tie shorts down a bit to expose his lower belly. 
“That’s alright daddy, I’ll charge it in the library.” Will said and snuggled into the bed, it was warm, Hannibal must’ve turned on the heating pad. 
“Good, now then. It’s gonna be cold.” Hannibal warned as he brought up the bottle of sweetly scented jelly. 
“Fuckers! Ow! Daddy what the- why did you do that?” Will asked as he drew his knees back up from where he had kicked them out, hitting Hannibal in the chest, causing the man to slide back a bit on the rolling chair. 
He pulled his feet to cover where Hannibal had just pressed a finger into his body. He’d been touched like many times before, fingers, ultrasounds, speculums, sensors, all sorts. But he didn’t expect… he didn’t see it coming. Hannibal usually used other tools. He’s never so… hands on . It was a shock. 
He immediately started trying to apologize, leaning up to make sure his daddy was okay. 
“I’m sorry daddy! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to kick you!” Will said and laid back down as Hannibal shushed him calmingly and shook his hands in a ‘ never mind’ way. 
“Will, that did not hurt me and it did not hurt you. Yes it was cold and yes my fingers are a bit larger than Dr Blooms but you know we do not curse like that in this house.” Hannibal said and wagged his finger in the air. Will was becoming a bit of a potty mouth and he was not having it. Cursing was such an ugly way to communicate. And Hannibal found the cursing far more concerning than being kicked. Though he did note that Will had kicked quite strongly… Good, strong boy.
Will groaned and let his legs spread and Hannibal waited a moment and replaced his finger again, just one all the way to the knuckle. 
“Hng, daddy I’m sorry but… can’t you use the wand thing? Why your fingers? I don’t like that.” Will complained as he felt the large finger twist inside him, touching his itchy places and making him feel like arching and whining… but he couldn’t do that in front of his dad. That's friggin 'weird even if he is a doctor. 
“Because dear the wand cannot feel what my fingers can now, what do you need for us to keep going?” Hannibal asked patiently. He hated to rush Will, especially in heats. 
Will made a face and looked away, off to the side where a little stuffed dog sat on the edge of the nest. 
“Just… don’t look at me.” Will mumbled and grabbed the toy and held it to cover his face, the soft expensive plush feeling extra amazing against his bare chest and neck. 
“Of course dear” Hannibal said dotingly as he got back to trying to find what the node he saw on the ultrasound was…
“Daddy?” Fell from the young man’s lips as he floated from room to room in search of his daddy, his protector, his everything. 
“Papa? Daddy, where are you?” Will asked again not knowing it was no louder than a light speaking voice. His heat riddled brain aws feeling all scrambled. He’d been unable to take his heat closer on account he had slick nodes, which only got worse with closer but would sort themselves out through heat. 
“Will? I’m in here, pup. Finishing some paperwork.” Hannibal said as he heard Will wondering room to room. Will always stomped a bit when he was in heat, uncaring how loud he walked. 
Will walked into the doorway, eyes round and sparkling and blown black, his chest was bare and blushing, nipples pointed, his light blue boxers darkened from slick and his cock hard pushing the fabric forward. Looking like the sweetest little omega on the face of the earth. It broke Hannibal’s heart, Will’s just a baby. 
“Daddy?” Will cocked his head and stood there. His brain felt a bit more like cotton candy, fluffy and light and confused. 
“Oh, poor puppy. Is your heat making you feel a bit light?” Hannibal said in a thickly pitying way and rolled his chair back and opened his arms. Will was a snuggly thing during his heats, always wanting to be held close. Well actually Will was always a snuggly thing. 
Will walked forward, his scent sweet and rich. Something that made Hannibal’s heart feel full. The scent like pecan praline coffee cake, sweet and warm a bit like chopped green wood. 
“Daddy, I feel so empty. I want more, give me more papa.” Will said in a low tone, voice cracking, and instead of his usual sitting sideways on Hannibal’s lap, he crawled up into Hannibal’s chair to straddle him. 
Will shoved his face into the older man’s neck, rubbing his crotch against Hannibal’s waist. Will sniffed and Hannibal could feel his quivering lip against his neck. 
Hannibal hugged him and rubbed his back. Feeling his boys little sniffly breaths and rubbing up and down on his heated skin. 
“I know puppy. You’re getting to be such a big boy.” Hannibal whispered and Will whimpered and shoved his crotch harder against Hannibal’s hips. Hannibal rubbed his back and kissed his sweat damp forehead. 
“Please daddy, please, please” Will begged and pulled his head back to look into Hannibal’s calm eyes. 
Will had tears rolling down his cheeks and his bottom lip was shaking where it was poked out. Always with the pout and puppy eyes. 
“Sh sh sh, here move like this. Let me finish this last paper and then we can get you set up on a big boy helper okay?” Hannibal explained and moved Will's legs so he straddles only one thigh and could rut much better and get enough stimuli. Hannibal knew you weren’t supposed to encourage rutting in omegas but Will was always an exception. 
Will hadn’t ever used anything other than a small rubbing matt, a silicone pad that had ridges and bumps to rub his hole against. Hannibal hated the idea of… Will being penetrated. Being used like some sex object. But he was old enough, and he was big enough, and he asked. 
“Okay, okay, I’m okay, I’m all itchy daddy, so itchy for it.” Will whimpered and shoved his face into Hannibal’s neck and grabbed onto the dress shirt's chest. He started an unsteady nearly frantic pace of pressing his butt against Hannibal’s thigh and thrusting his cock forward into his hip. 
“Good, try and find a good spot. Easy, back and forth, easy.” Hannibal guided him and placed a hand on his lower back to start a steady pace of back and forth. More of a rub than a rut. 
Will was whimpering and huffing, hands squeezing at Hannibal’s shirt and thighs trembling around Hannibal’s thigh. 
Once Hannibal had sighed the bottom of the papers he leaned back and rubbed both hands up and down Will’s tense back. 
“My big strong boy, my precious little pup, Will how are you doing?” Hannibal asked quietly. Will hiccuped and sobbed and shook his head, hands coming up to rub at his face. 
“Terrible! I want I want- I’m leaky” Will said, the last word laced in shame. 
“I know my sweet. We’re gonna have to move somewhere so you can use your helper. Where do you wanna go?” Hannibal asked and pulled the sobbing boy into a hug. 
“Bathroom” Will said quietly and wrapped his arms around Hannibal’s neck and squeezed his knees together, crushing Hannibal’s thigh between them. Hannibal gave him one more big squeeze and pushed Will to sit up on his own. 
“Okay darling, I need you to go get some pillows and blankets and put them in the bathroom while I get you your big boy helper alright? Do this for papa.” Hannibal ordered and Will sniffed and nodded. 
“Okay daddy, I’ll… I’ll be waiting, okay? Am I okay?” Will asked and stood up, standing in front of Hannibal. His underwear was drenched, his body was feverishly hot, his face was a mess, and his body so little and plump still. Poor baby, sickeningly wrong. 
“You’re going to be perfectly alright, my dear sweet Will. Daddy’s gonna make sure of it. Now, run along. I'll be in shortly.” Hannibal directed and watched Will stumble a bit before hurriedly heading down the hall to his bathroom to nest in the tub. 
Will was getting so pretty. Not very tall but tall enough. His hair was getting longer, curls wild and unkept. He never liked brushing his hair anyway. 
His eyes grew better, still needing assistance of glasses, but he no longer needed quite a strong prescription. 
He liked being outside still and he liked climbing in the trees behind the house. His muscles filled out and grew strong. 
Will was going to be fifteen come June, and he was growing to be a smart and mature young man. Braces pulling his teeth and lessons in shaving and personal hygiene being followed to the T. 
Will Graham was going to go to public school. 
“Daddy I’m so excited! I’m gonna join the scholar bowl team and I’m gonna get to meet so many people. Do you think I’ll make friends? You’re my best friend but do you think I’ll have other friends?” Will asked excitedly as he wiggled around the passenger seat of the Bentley. They were going “school shopping like normal people” as Will had put it. Hannibal hated going to big chain stores. But whatever Will wanted he got. 
“I’m sure you will. You’re a very nice young man. Just try and do your best and if you get too overwhelmed just call me or go to the nurse and take your medicine.” Hannibal reminded him. He’d never been so stressed out in his life. 
Finding a school, getting told no, finding another school, being told no, being persuaded to let Will go to not even the best public school in the area, background checks on teachers, school website, facebook page, PTA backgrounds, offered extracurriculars, tours, enrollment, councilor meetings, nurse meetings, more paperwork, more tours, schedules, more paperwork, meeting the teachers, schedule changes, meet the teachers, more paperwork, and now shopping with a copy of the dress code…
Hannibal was on the brink of falling back into his… childish primal hobbies. He’d given up hunting long pig after gaining Will into his life. Mostly because he had no time but also because Will was so perfect and fragile, a touch of something so filthy as the pigs being hunted, even cooked into something beautiful, it would never come near Will. 
“Okay, I wanna go by myself. If I need help I’ll come back to get you or call you.” Will said as he made sure he had his cell, his list, and checked himself in the mirror. 
“Are you sure, Will?” Hannibal asked as he looked around at all the other people walking to and from the department store. Poor Will didn’t usually do well in large crowded areas and he was terrible at making decisions what if got overwhelmed with the selection or got confused where to go or what if he tripped and got hurt-
“Yes daddy, thank you, I love you” Will said and took the heavy metal black card from Hannibal’s fingers as he laid a kiss on Hannibal’s cheek. Hannibal swallowed and put on a calm smile and waved his hand as Will hopped out of the car and practically skipped to the doors. 
“Be safe my lamb” Hannibal said and laid his head on the steering wheel. Babies were so much easier…
“Oh hey, don’t get that one. You can’t wash it, it like totally falls apart.” Said a girl's voice behind Will who whipped around, blue backpack still in his hands. 
She was taller than him, black hair pulled into a messy bun on her head, wearing a pair of tight fitting black jeans, a maroon and white striped polo shirt, a million different bracelets, black platform boots, and had black makeup smeared around her eyes. ‘ Super cool’ Will thought. 
“Oh uh, okay. I’ve never gotten a backpack before, I don't really know what I’m doing.” Will said and gave her a nervous smile, looking back at the wall of all different backpacks. He saw a blue one and had just picked it, assuming all backpacks were the same. 
“How have you never gotten a backpack? Where are you enrolled?” The girl asked, crossing her arms and looking at Will in a scrutinizing way. 
“Oh I’ve been homeschooled since kindergarten. I’m gonna go to Patterson, I’m a freshman this year.” Will explained and kept his eyes away from the girl’s. Eyes always made him feel… uneasy. Especially with strangers even if it was a cool girl his age. 
“Oh no way! Me too! I’ve been going to Patterson for my whole life. I’m Beverly.” The girl said excitedly and stuck out her hand, smile plastered to her face. 
“Oh nice to meet you in Will… Graham. Will Graham.” Will said, using his birth name was becoming a new thing. Will Lecter was a kid, Will Graham is a man. At least what he tells himself. Plus daddy already said they hyphenated his name so he could use either last name. 
“Well nice to meet you too Will, now put that down, come get one of these, I had one for like eight years and I had to get rid of it because it got burnt.” Beverly said and walked over to where the heavy canvas rucksacks were hanging between the school bags and hunting bags. 
“Will? What do you… Hello” Hannibal said as he spotted his son amidst all the racks of shoes. He stopped short when he noticed Will was standing next to a girl sitting on a bench chewing gum. A bad habit he noted. 
“Hey daddy look this is my new friend Bev and she said I need sneakers for PE, like I need gym clothes and stuff.” Will said excitedly and motioned toward the racks of Reebok sneakers in front of them. The girl waved and smiled, polite at least. 
“Nice to meet you Miss Bev, I’m Will's guardian, Doctor Lecter. Will get whatever you need or think you need. You know the max on that card.” Hannibal said and felt his skin crawl as he glanced around the store. Too bright, too… cheap. Polyester everywhere, so much harsh lighting, it was giving him a headache. 
“Woah, doctor, fancy. Yeah like Will needs all sorts of stuff. Did they not give you your class lists?” Beverly said and stood up after putting the shoes she tried on back in the box and into the cart that they’d been piling both their things into. Hannibal watched but really… Will found himself a friend, it would be fine to buy her supplies. 
“Yeah actually it’s uh… daddy where’s that paper? I think I- oh found it!” Will said and showed Bev the wrinkled paper from his back pocket. They stood close to each other, shoulders touching, and Bev ran her finger over the page. 
“Yeah so you need like shorts and sneakers and usually like tank tops or t-shirts for that, and maybe a duffel bag if you don’t want your bag to smell like sweat, and then you need like a black polo shirt and slacks for scholar bowl and you’re gonna need a hoodie, like seriously for Mrs Willcox, her room is like negative nine degrees.” Beverly explained and skimmed her finger over the paper at the different classes. WIll nodded along and smiled when Beverly mentioned hoodies. 
“I love hoodies! I just got a Mario one” Will said excitedly, bouncing on his feet. 
“Oh no way you play Mario! What do you play on?” Beverly asked, matching Will’s excitement. 
“Oh I have a gameboy and an NES…. Daddy got me the NES for my birthday and it’s like… so awesome.” Will said and looked over at Hannibal who was smiling, overwhelmed with pride and joy for his… well his pride and joy. 
“No way! I have a Pokémon gameboy! I-” Beverly said but Will cut her off with a happy little gasp. 
“I love Pokémon!” Will said and off they went on a tangent of yappering together about things Hannibal had no idea about. 
“Ahem, Will? Are you fine to continue shopping? I think I’d like to wait in the car?” Hannibal interrupted their conversation. 
“Oh yeah! Yes, me and Bev are gonna keep shopping! See you in a minute daddy, thank you!” Will said happily and hopped up to kiss Hannibal’s cheek. Bev laughed and waved Will back over as she began pushing the cart again. 
What a wonderful young lady. 
“I’m very proud of you Will. You’ve already made a friend and you’ve signed up for an extracurricular. I just wanted you to know I am very very proud.” Hannibal said as they walked into the house, Will holding his backpack and the bags of clothes while Hannibal carried in every other bag full of supplies and such. 
“Thanks daddy, I’m so excited. Do you think I can show you some of the stuff I got today?” Will asked as he twirled back and forth, letting the bags hit his legs. He was smiling, a big happy smile. It warmed Hannibal’s own soul, seeing his sweet baby boy so happy. 
“Oh a fashion show just for me? What a treat!” Hannibal said and explained he’d sit by the fireplace and Will could change in the bathroom.
Will came out in the first outfit. Black Chuck Taylor’s, dark blue jeans, brown leather belt, and a dark green flannel tucked in. 
He was smiling widely and did a small spin. 
“What do you think? I really like this belt, it’s nice.” Will said and ran his fingers along the edge of the leather. It had a somewhat larger buckle. Surely Hannibal could get him something bett- That’s no way to think. This is what Will wanted and what he chose. 
“Absolutely dashing, Will. Very handsome. How are the shoes? Not too tight?” Hannibal asked and Will giggled and pulled his hands together in front of him. He rolled back and forth on his feet. 
“No, they're great! I got two other of these shirts and I got a lighter pair of these and a black pair because Bev said everyone wears jeans. I like them a lot!” Will explained, he’d always either worn slacks or little cargo pants. Jeans suited him well, rugged and strong. 
“That’s wonderful dear, they look nice on you.” Hannibal complimented and Will did another spin and let out a happy sound. 
“Okay now gym clothes hold on.” Will said and scurried back into the bathroom to change. 
Will was wearing something that could barely be called shorts. They were more revealing than his underwear. Short, skin tight, little black shorts that looked to be about as thin as wet paper. He also had on a baggy grey tank top that showed his collarbones, toned arms, and a sliver of slightly haired belly above his waistband. He also had on ankle length white socks and a pair of blue and white sneakers. 
Will was blushed pink and grinning with his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“I got a few of these shorts and um these came in a pack of three and I got two packs. Beverly said the PE classes are split by designation so we won’t have the same one but she said there’s another boy in mine who also likes Pokémon and video games and stuff. She said most of the ‘mega boys wear shorts but I also got some pants.” Will finished and looked down at himself. 
He loves it, especially the shoes. Bev had laughed at him when she’d returned and he was wearing a pair she’d picked for herself. Reebok Princess, blue and white, and fit perfectly . And the shorts are great and soft and comfy and the shirts were breathable and comfortable. He feels like a dressed up doll, something so pretty and nice. 
“Very handsome Will. I’m sure you’ll meet plenty of people who’ll like the same things as you.” Hannibal said and Will smiled big and open, braces catching the light, green bands on display. Hannibal almost let himself laugh. Will was always a little odd but goodness he was so good. So beautiful and perfect and funny and smart and was blooming into such a wonderful young man. 
“Thanks daddy, I’m so nervous and excited. Oh and and! Look at these shirts me and Bev found!” Will said and ran back to his room and pulled off his tank top, bent down and picked up a tshirt. While he was bent down his round bum was on display, Hannibal would have to remind him those shorts were meant for physical education only . 
He pulled the shirt quickly over his head and ran back out to Hannibal, holding the bottom of the tshirt to show the colorful image screen printed on it. 
“We found a bunch of Pokémon shirts! I got this one and like three others. I even found one with bulbasaur! Bulbasaur is my favorite it’s the one with-“ 
“The flower on its back, I remember. That looks quite comfortable.” Hannibal said as he looked over the soft looking cotton shirt, it was short but would cover Will’s belly still if lifted his arms. 
“Yeha and people who also like Pokémon are gonna know I like Pokémon and Bev is gonna wear her Super Mario shirt on the first day so we can like match.” Will explained in an excited way, voice cracking a bit. His voice cracked a lot these days. 
“That’s great. Are you planning on bringing your cards? Do you think we should reorganize them?” Hannibal asked about Will’s Pokémon card binder, each organized every so often. He moved to stand but Will put his hands out.
“No hold on- um… me and Bev also went down to the end of the strip mall…. She took me into one of the more um grown up stores…” Will said and turned as red as a cherry. 
“Yes Will?” Hannibal said as he sat back into the chair. If Will had by himself looked into some form of mating ritualism then Hannibal would support him. Will had a very… besmirched idea of mating and sexuality. Perhaps it was a collar or some form of heat assistant. 
“I don’t wanna show you what I got but also I want you to see.” Will explained and looked down at his shoes. He wanted a beta or alpha opinion, he wanted to know what daddy thought because daddy was of mating age and had very good taste in… well everything. 
“What kind of outfit is it, Will?” Hannibal asked as Will had mentally drifted a bit. 
“An omega outfit. A proper… a proper omega outfit. Stereotypical proper outfit. Something… it made me feel really special when I saw it.” Will said, face in flames and heart hammering in his chest, his eyes got wishy-washy with tears. 
“I see… Will, why don’t you let me see it so you know if a mate would like it or not? Hmm?” Hannibal offered. He knew exactly why Will had asked in the first place. Will lived off his daddy’s approval and praise. 
“Okay… yeah. I’m growing up and soon I’ll have a mate and I need to make sure I know I can look… I can look pretty in things that make me feel special.” Will said and walked with determination to the bathroom and waited for a moment in the doorway, doorknob in his hand. 
“Of course Will, of course. Now go make yourself feel special and show me because I am the one who bought it. Go my handsome boy, my little lamb” Hannibal joked lightly and Will snickered as he giddily hid away in the bathroom to change again. 
Will looked perfect. Like a true artist's work. Lips darkened and shiny with gloss, lashes decorated with dark mascara and lids dusted with dark powder. His hair was brushed out making it poof out and large like a cloud around his head. 
Held up by two thin straps hanging off his shoulders was the softest flowing little green dress. Hanging just above his knees the dress was layered with a soft darkest green petticoat. There was a pinch at Will's waist, a strap that went around him and was tightened with the lacing at the back which made the dress fit perfectly onto his barely developed curves. 
The bodice was sheer green, allowing a view of his slim stomach, and beautiful collarbones, having covers blended into it to sheild his nipples. The bodice had structure built from the dark green fabric, the sides and center making Will look that much slimmer. 
The center going up and connecting with a collar around Will's neck, the collar was embroidered with white creating a gentle herringbone pattern. 
Adoring his legs were feather light barely tinted green thigh highs, forest green floral design traveling up the sides of them. 
Will was sniffling as Hannibal looked him over. Perfect. Will looked perfect. Any alpha would choke to have him. Any alpha would have to nearly die to even ever get near him. 
“Will, you look so beautiful. You are such a gorgeous young omega. How do you feel?” Hannibal asked, feeling a bit like a mother bear, wanting to kill to protect his baby boy.
“Special, like a gem. Like I’m… pretty. Like I’m beautiful. I feel special, I feel… happy.” Will said sincerely and smiled down at his own body. He wiggled his toes which caused Hannibal to break a smile. 
“You look special darling, more valuable than any gemstone. My lamb, you are so perfect, any alpha would be a fool not to beg for just a word from you.” Hannibal praised and waved his hands gesturing at Will’s beautiful outfit. 
“Do you really think so daddy?! I’m glad, I really like it!” Will said as he flopped down into Hannibal’s lap and grinned against his neck. His skirt popped up and Hannibal caught a glimpse of what looked like white lace panties. Not very age appropriate but matching with the outfit. 
Hannibal hugged him and kissed his forehead. 
“Maybe when you find someone special we can get you something a bit more fitted and custom. Maybe your friend could even take you? That sounds like a good outing for you.” Hannibal offered and rocked back and forth, Will making happy noises and kicking his feet where they hung off the side of the chair. 
“Yes daddy, and maybe me and Bev can find me a headband to match cause my hair is so in my face!” Will said and blew a raspberry which caused his hair to fly up and back down against his face. Hannibal chuckled lowly and kissed his head again, feeling so in love with his boy. 
“Will? Did you just bite me?” Hannibal asked in shock as he looked at the boy who was just hugging and dragging on him complaining of being ‘ boredddddd’. 
“Mhm, what’re you gonna do?” Will said as he stepped back toward the door, he was springy on his feet, ready to run. Like a puppy jumping around with a ball in its mouth, waiting for someone to take chase. 
“Will, it’s not nice to bite.” Hannibal chastised with a wag of his finger. Will walked back over to him with a hesitant suspicious look. 
“Yeah… it’s not nice…” Will agreed strangely and leaned forward to seemingly kiss Hannibal’s cheek in apology but instead nipped his ear and bounced back to the doorway with a smile. 
“Will! That’s naughty!” Hannibal said again, the last time Will had bitten him, the boy was a toddler and Hannibal was trying to get him to wear socks. 
“Yeah it was, now what’re you gonna do? Gonna get me?” Will said with a fire crackling in his eye. His body was a pressed spring, ready to go go go run run get chased . 
Hannibal knew school would help Will develop natural needs and wants. Hannibal stood up and unbuttoned his waistcoat and tie. Omegas craved the chase, especially ones that had just been exposed to so many other prepubescent omegas. 
Lord… and they said toddlers were tiring. 
“Darling, sweetheart, papa is not so young anymore. Let’s go have a snack. Come, I’ll make grilled cheese like you enjoy.” Hannibal tried to tempt the boy back into the house. They’d been running around the house for nearly an hour and a half straight. Will had run up the stairs twice, around the house three times, and had side stepped Hannibal at least a dozen times. Hannibal hadn’t had to run like that in… years. He was not in hunting shape, he was soft and slow, and made for cooking and cuddling these days. 
“But daddy you didn’t catch me! You gotta pin me!” Will said and hopped around where he was standing on the side of the house staring at the bent over panting beta. He was smiling, there was a joy radiating from him so pure it was nearly blinding. 
“Will, I don’t want to hurt you by pushing you down. You know daddy doesn’t like to hurt you.” Hannibal tried to convince as he stood back up, hands on his hips. He was barely getting his breath back. Shamed in his unfit ways, he hadn’t noticed himself getting out of shape like this. 
“But I want you to pin me!” Will whined and stomped his foot. Brat. 
Hannibal walked closer and Will pouted, arms crossed. His blinding joy started to fade to a more… going-to-have-a-tantrum kind of radiance. 
“Will…” Hannibal said in a sing-song way, praying the boy would just be good and go in the house. Will huffed and looked away from him. Hannibal moved to put his hand on Will's shoulders and the boy dropped his arms. 
“I’m sorry da- Ah!” Will shouted as Hannibal quickly pulled his arms back and pinned Will to the damp ground, face down ass up with Hannibal blanketed over his back. A proper way to pin an omega. 
“There, I win. Now lunch.” Hannibal said and sat back on his calves and put his hand on Will's belly to help the boy kneel up. 
He instead laid heavily onto his daddy’s hand, arms laden by his head, forehead pressed into the grass, knees shivering. 
“Daddy…” Will whimpered and his body warmed up, his cock fevering into erection. His waist dipped into a seductive little pose. He felt tears starting to well in his eyes but the hand on his belly made him feel… a lot. 
“Will, that’s enough. We can play chase but you have to control yourself. Now up, come get some food and go do your homework.” Hannibal ordered and rose back up to his feet with a grunt. His legs were gonna be killing him by tonight. 
Will whined and hit the ground with his fists a few times, kicking his feet, acting like a toddler having a tantrum. 
“No fun!” He said and got up and stomped back into the house, closing his door roughly when he got to it. Hannibal sighed and sat down on the bar stool. He was fucking tired and didn’t know what to do with Will other than to try and make sure he knew when Will wanted to play chase. Playing chase was a good activity for growing boys and helped develop stamina. 
Play chasing surely was one way to keep in shape. Will's legs were strong and plush looking. Hannibal grew to be able to chase and pounce with far more ease. Catching his boy in the dirt and in the house, pulling him from the tree, tackling him over the couch. 
Will often would giggle and roll over when caught. Snuggling against his daddy’s chest and saying a sweet little “thank you daddy, sorry for nipping you” and giving Hannibal a kiss on the cheek and going back into the house for a small snack and a drink. 
He’d stopped getting hot feeling in his pants after Hannibal made him take a cold shower and told him to keep a cold rag in his pants until he ‘ learned how to behave’ . He’d only ground a little bit onto his daddy’s leg… but Hannibal said there were no exceptions for bad behavior. 
Will enjoyed public school. He liked going and seeing his friends in the morning, he liked his classes that were far too easy but he refused to go to AP classes. He liked the scholar bowl, he loved going to meets and getting to meet all sorts of new people. Him and Bev and a few more of their friends liked to meet up and play games and occasionally they’d come to Will’s house and Hannibal would go… visit a friend. 
However teenaged drama was never too far. 
“Why don’t they like me! I try to look pr-pretty and and I’m quiet and and I stay out of the way so why doesn’t anyone like me! I just wanted to get a pretty dress and and get my hair done and and look pretty! Why didn’t anyone ask me!” Will sobbed into the large bowl of horribly chemical riddled ice cream as Hannibal rubbed his back. 
School Dance. 
No one asked poor little Will Graham to the freshman’s winter formal. Or whatever it was called. 
It was tonight at six. It was currently seven. Will had been a wreck since four when he got home from school on the bus. Bev was on vacation for two weeks with family and none of their other friends were going claiming it was lame and stupid. Of course Will had agreed with them but he was crushed . 
“I know my lamb, I know. I think you’re the most beautiful omega in the whole world. The stupid little boys at school must be absolutely blind not to notice.” Hannibal tried to get Will to feel a little better. When Hannibal had been in school dances were… for show. 
Will sobbed again a big ‘wahhhhhh’ and shoveled more “rocky road” into his mouth. He’d been feeling a bit self conscious. He’d been asked so many times if he was a beta and and did he look like a beta? Did he smell like a beta? Why would they think he was a beta? Was it what he wore? Maybe if he wore a beautiful pastel soft dress to the dance everyone could see he was an omega! But then…
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” Will sobbed and shoveled more ice cream into his mouth. 
“You’re not doing anything wrong sweetie I’m sure when the right alpha sees you they’ll fall head over heels and cherish you the way you deserve to be.” Hannibal tried and continues to try and comfort Will until the boy falls asleep at the bar stool and Hannibal carries him back to his room and puts him in bed. 
Will had started to become… repressed. Hannibal had walked in on him rubbing himself against… well everything. Couch pillows, his bed pillow, the arm of the chair, the bar stools, everywhere. Hannibal had reminded him that he could still use his grinding mats from when he was a kid but Will said they were for babies. When heats rolled around he just took closer and sat alone in his room for a few hours till the fever dropped, not allowing Hannibal to get near him. 
And he became fucking mean . 
“Can’t you ever just fucking leave me alone! I’m eighteen, I don’t need you old man! You’re not my fucking father, you freak!” Was the straw that broke the camel's back. Will had stopped out the door to go to Bev’s, backpack slung over his shoulder. Will was of age, he needed an alpha to take him. 
“Daddy? Someone’s here to see you. Um Mister Nigel and Mister Adam?” Will hollered as he watched the two men slip off their shoes and coats. 
The one man was… handsome. Strong, tattoo showing over a plain black button up short sleeve shirt, tall, blonde hair laying floppily over his forehead. A bit messy. 
The other was… Will felt himself get damp at the scent of him. He had short hair, big blue eyes, wearing a grey button up under a yellow sweater vest and a pair of tan slacks, no belt. Will didn’t care though he wanted to sniff him. He was a bit taller than Will so he was perfect to sniff and scent and nip at. 
“Oh dear we’re not here just for Hannibal. Hasn’t he explained? It’s alright darling. Not to worry.” The taller man said and ran his hand from Will’s back up to grip gently at his neck. Will’s eyebrows shot up and looked at the man, Nigel. Alpha. Oh Alpha . 
Will felt himself get a little away from himself, body slack where he stood, slick dampening his boxers. Hannibal came around the corner and Nigel moved his hand back down to Will’s shoulder blades. Adam had just been rocking back and forth on his feet, not caring at all. 
“Will, these are my friends. See Nigel and I ran into each other a few times and sometimes have brunch together. I think you and Adam might get along well. Like we talked about the other day?” Hannibal explained and Will felt himself get shocked back into his head. The other day? When they were talking about omega bonding? When Hannibal gave him a book on omega bonding? The day Will had learned that omegas could fuck each other as long as the alpha(s) approved? That other day?
He was on fire, burning alive. He looked over at Adam… too many layers. But attractive, cute, maybe older than him… experienced. He had to be Nigel’s mate. He had a bite showing barely under his collar. 
“Oh… oh! Um daddy are you- do you- um- really?” Will asked in a whispered yell and leaned toward his daddy. Nigel leaned forward and sniffed at the back of Will’s neck and he had to help Will stay stand up. 
“Yes Will, why don’t you and Adam go talk in the library by the fireplace. I’m sure poor Adam is cold.” Hannibal guided and turned toward the omega who had kept him company on a few cold nights. Adam smiled and stood up and walked up to stand closely in front of Hannibal. 
“My face is cold but that’s it. Nigel makes me wear layers.” He said with a smile and stared somewhere over Hannibal’s shoulder. Hannibal smiled and nodded toward Nigel who sighed and let the boy go. 
“Well then go warm your face dear.” Hannibal said more toward Will because Adam was already walking toward the library. 
“Okay” Will breathed and followed the scent to the warm library. 
“Will? How are you doing…” Hannibal asked as he looked around the door to the fireplace. He and Nigel had shared a glass of wine… well wine for Hannibal and beer for Nigel. And perhaps a quick sloppy makeout but that wasn’t here nor there. 
Will was sitting with his back to the door, kneeling over Adam who was sitting cross legged. Both shirtless, Will was holding onto Adam's shoulders as he sucked and pecked across Will's collarbones as his hands rubbed from shoulders to Will's round bottom still hugged in his jeans.
Adam looked over Will’s shoulder into Hannibal’s eyes. Will squeaked as Adam bit down, grinding down against Adam’s lap. 
“We’re fine, Hanni. Go play with Nigel, please.” Adam asked in his usually flat high voice. Will hunched down, pressing his face to hide in the other omega’s neck and scoot forward more so they’re pressed together and he grins down a little bit more. 
“Go ‘way. Go ‘way, daddy.” Will pleads weakly and Hannibal smiles and blows a kiss to Adam. The closed the door as Adam pushed Will onto his back, crawling over him. 
Will lived losing his virginity to Adam. 
Pulling his jeans away, boxers caught within them. Will was huffing, hands rubbing at his chest and stomach, craving stimulation. 
“You’re very pretty Will. Do you think I’m pretty?” Adam asked genuinely as he kicked his own slacks away and folded them on the stack beside Wills own clothes. There was no need to be messy, folded clothes are best. 
Will nodded, spreading his legs so Adam could kneel between them, his small cock erect and radiating heat Will could feel against his own underdeveloped soft cock. 
“Do you think Nigel’s pretty?” Adam asked as he moved to grab the pillow from where it sat in the seat of the arm chair. He shoved it under Will’s hips and moved so Will had his legs around Adam’s thin waist. 
“He’s y-your mate. Alpha, he’s an alpha.” Will whimpered as Adam scootched close enough his tip barely grazed Will’s needy hole. The older boy leaned over Will, forearms framing the younger’s face, their chests and stomach touching.
“You’re a good omega.” Adam stated and slowly brought his hips forward, cock slipping easily into the sloppy slick mess of Will’s hole. 
Will made such nice noises, Adam noted as he thought about it. He wasn’t against sex. He didn’t dislike it but he could take it or leave it. Especially topping. When him and Nigel had sex it was different. Nigel took care of him, he didn’t take care of anyone else. 
Will cried out and wrapped his arms around Adam’s boney back, he clenched up, slick dripping onto the hardwood floor beneath him. 
“Adam! ‘S in me, you're in me.” Will whimpered and crossed his legs together behind Adam’s bum, pulling him to stay as deep inside as possible. Adam nuzzled into Will’s soft neck. 
“I can’t give you a knot, Will.” Adam stated and Will nodded, holding onto the older omega tightly. Adam thrusted as much as Will would allow, more just pushing himself against Will. 
“Can.. Adam wanna…” Will tried to get out but he just ended up whining pitifully and clenching tightly around the hot cock inside him. 
“Can we kiss more?” Will asked finally, big eyes meeting Adam’s, well he was looking at Adam who was looking off to the side but close enough. Adam smiled and leaned down to sweetly kiss Will’s lips. 
Will was hungry for it though and soon they laid against one another, tongues caressing each other, hands wondering, penetration abandoned for rubbing against each other, slick mingling. 
By the time they’d both warmed up and snuggled into a sleepy haze Will calmed down and tears no longer rolled from his eyes. 
Hannibal was happy to see his boy so comfy, Nigel was happy to see his mate finally getting some decent sleep. They’d tossed a blanket over the omega’s and decided they’d be fine by themselves in the library for a little longer…
It was a usual thing. Each time his heat rolled around Will packed his bag and Nigel came to pick him up and he’d return Will a few days later, fresh and happy. 
At least that’s how it lasted till after Will graduated and started taking online college classes. Then occasionally the two would come to House Lecter and well that was fine until June. For some reason Will was getting less and less content until he popped. 
“Get the fuck off of me! I’m not a fucking toy! Stop picking at me! You’re not my mate, you’re just using me like a fucking fleshlight! I didn’t even fucking want you in the first place, why don’t you just just fucking go away!” Will screamed as he hit at Nigel’s arms where the alpha had come over to scent the boy while he worked. Nigel stepped back and snarled, how dare an omega be so insolent!
“It’s okay Will, If you even wanna play more though just call. Nigel I want dinner, I’m hungry.” Adam said as he walked through, gameboy in hand. He didn’t even look up. Nigel followed behind him. Just as they pulled on their shoes Hannibal came down the stairs. 
“What was that? Will, why are you being so rude?” Hannibal asked but Adam stopped him. Nigel left to leave and Adam stood between the beta and the boy. 
“You should call Mr. Vizla. I think Will might need to have a visit to Papa. I think it would help. Bye bye Hanni.” Adam said and got on his tiptoes and gave Hannibal a kiss on the cheek. 
Will was already crying and Hannibal hugged him. So emotional, his little Will, so emotional. 
“Sweetheart, we’re going on a trip. This is for the betterment of us both. Montana, I’ve rented a cabin for as long as needed. We’re going, no argument, and we are going to be meeting someone who’s very close to me.” Hannibal said as he stood in Will’s doorway. The boy was laying in bed, he’d been running a small fever, he hadn’t heated in the months since he’d stopped seeing Adam and Nigel. 
“Daddy, I don’t wanna. What’s there in Montana?” Will asked and Hannibal came over to pet Will’s hair. He was really hoping he wouldn’t regret letting Will near the older man, letting Will near one of the only people Hannibal had ever hunted with, who willingly asked for Hannibal’s cooking even after he knew. The one person who fed into Hannibal’s indulgences. 
“Someone special. A nice little cabin by a lake, it’s a vacation. Trust me, Will.” Hannibal said quiet and Will rolled over to his side and purred. Hannibal kept running his fingers through his boy’s hair for a little longer, enjoying the fluffy mess. Once he knew the omega was asleep he left the room, quietly closing the door. 
“Woah… I love this daddy! Can I go fishing? Oh and for a walk this weather is so good, why haven’t we come here before!” Will said as he dropped his duffle bags and flopped down on the couch that was covered in a rustic printed blanket. Hannibal sighed happily and looked through the kitchen. Duncan said he fixed it up and left some food there for them. 
“Even the air smells so fresh and ugh good, I just wanna go roll in the dirt!” Will said and trilled when Hannibal ruffled his hair. 
Hannibal sat one in the arm chair and looked out over the lake. The view was wonderful, the puff of smoke coming from the porch of the opposite house made it all that more enticing. He’d cross the lake once Will was to bed. 
Will had never slept so well in his life. The air here, the smells, the sound of the water against the rocks, it was like a glove that fit him perfectly . He’d spent the first few days exploring, sitting beside the water with his shoes off reading, fishing, going on walks into the woods, and lots of just sitting sniffing the air. There was this scent in the air, something not so natural. Something like cigarettes and gunpowder and sweat and… Well one day the breeze was going and Will had the bathroom window pulled open and… he could help but shove a few fingers inside himself. The scent alone was nearly enough alone to put Will into a heat. 
Hannibal spent days reading, working on his ipad, and going off on his own. Will didn’t know there was another hunting lodge only a mile or so away. Hannibal felt alive, really alive . He hunted, carved, really took time and enjoyed it. He snuck away to Duncan’s cabin and talked for hours, snuggling in with the older alpha, sharing long heated kisses, occasionally sneaking a hand down to make Duncan relax a bit. 
This trip really was paying off. 
Especially when one morning Will woke up in heat. He was burning up, slick dripping down his legs where he stood, waiting for Hannibal. His daddy had woken him up and told him to get dressed, Will did even as the waves of need rolled over him with more and more power. 
Barely pulled into a pair of now soaked jeans, a hoodie, and his sneakers without any socks. Will was whining, knees pressed together, arms crossed over his belly. Hannibal was taking his time, he wanted Will ready when they got to Duncan’s. 
“Daddy, come on, where are we even goin?” Will whined and Hannibal guided him out the door and toward the car. Hannibal pushed Will into the seat and climbed into the driver's side. 
“We’re visiting my good friend. He lives there, across the water. Duncan Vizla, I told him about you. You’re gonna go meet him and see what you think.” Hannibal explained and Will kicked his feet, whining, arm still wrapped around his belly. 
“Stupid! No! I wanna-” Will said, full of frustration before letting out a scream and kicking the dash and slamming his body back against the seat a few times. Hannibal swallowed and kept his eyes forward. He’d seen Will scenting up the air, knowing Duncan had an… acquired smell. 
“William Henry Graham get out of the car.” Hannibal said in a threatening low voice. Will had been fighting him off every time he tried to get the boy to walk the few feet to the door. 
“No! I hate you! I hate you! Go ‘way!” Will screamed and kicked some more. He’d soaked the seat through now, stomach cramping and twisting in pain instead of washing with waves of need. Hannibal sighed and was about to just get Will in some kind of hold and carry him in, but he heard the front door of the cabin open and close behind him. 
Will reacted immediately, eyes opening, tears falling down his face as his arms reached out. He pushed himself out of the car like he was being pulled toward the older man like a magnet. 
“Papa, Alpha ” Will cried out and then suddenly he was on the ground, his knees first and then pushing his forehead into the soft dirt. The older man made his way down the few steps and then stood over the boy’s body. Will fell onto his side, arms wrapped around his belly and knees drawing up to his chest. He forced his eyes open….
It had been years since he’d heated in a hospital. The last time he had to be around the clock monitored. He’d been throwing himself down trying to get an orgasm to calm himself down, stressed out and moving frantically under the covers, the whole room smelled like burning chemicals, frantic omega. He gave up with a huff and the nurse who’d been working on a computer leaned back in her chair and sighed too. 
“Ya know, How about we try something else. Something that’s helped me in heat when I was a kid like you. Wanna try?” She’d offered and leaned forward onto her arms on the desk. Will huffed for a second and agreed. Worth a shot, he thought. 
“Close your eyes and picture the perfect mate, someone you wanna spend your whole life with.” The nurse said and Will tried to picture it. He could see it sort of… not a picture perfect future but something. Napping in their lap, sex, getting pet by them, sex, taking baths together, and of course mating heat sex. 
“Can you see ‘em? Describe them.” The nurse said and Will started to move again under the blanket. He tried to picture something but… someone he didn’t even know started to show in his mind. He could see him but… had they even ever met?
“It’s um.. It’s a man. Tall, strong, he’s uh, he’s got big strong hands. He’s… handsome. Really handsome. He’s, ah fuck, he’s got a beard and mustach and stuff and he’s hairy. His arms and chest and belly. His hair’s all black and silver. He’s older, strong. Oh god, oh my god. Um, um, he, he’d take care of me. Like I was a real ‘mega. Oh, oh my god, yeah, he’d be so nice to me! He’d, he’d fuck me like a real alpha!” Will finished and he tensed up, twitching. The orgasm taking the edge off and making him feel calmer. 
“Didn’t take you as an age gapper. Looks like you’re on the hunt for a silver fox!” The nurse teased and giggled. Will huffed at himself, he didn’t even know this dream man but here he was cumming to the image of him. 
“I didn’t know either”
Will thought back to that as he stared up at the man he’d knotted himself to the image of. His brain was mushy, his body on fire with incredible need, and there he was. 
Tall, strong, silver fox. 
“ Papa ” Will sobbed and reached out to grab any part of the man who had his arms crossed looking down like he was looking at gum on the street. Will grabbed onto one of his ankles, the man was barefoot, Will felt like just touching his skin calmed him. 
“He’s a bit small.” Said the man in a deep deep voice. 
“He’s begging, please, Dunc, just… please? Give him a chance.” Hannibal pleaded and Will sobbed out. He just wanted to be taken care of in this perfect place by this perfect man. 
“Hannibal, go back to your place. Don’t call, don’t come over here. I’ll call you when I’m done.” Duncan said to the younger man. He’d never put up with Hannibal’s controlling nature. 
“Alright just… be careful with him.” Hannibal said as he climbed back in the car and drove off. Duncan waited until Hannibal was out of the driveway to pick up the little sobbing omega, holding him against his chest. 
“Hello, little one. Aren’t you the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Come on then, Papa’s gonna make it better.” Duncan said and Will trilled happily and rutted up against that alpha. Will was taking in big huffing breaths of the alpha’s scent. 
“Pa,papa, smell so good. Alpha, alpha, alpha” Will grumbled and rubbed himself anywhere he could. Arms against shoulders, feet and ankles against hips and thighs, chest against chest. 
“ God! My fucking guts, papa so fucking big!” Will cried out as Duncan sat him down full onto his cock. Will held onto the older man’s shoulders as he shook, body putting so much effort into just making room for Duncan’s cock. 
They were sitting in the armchair in front of the fireplace by the window. Duncan, stripped bare of his shirt but pants just pulled down around his cock, and Will stripped down bare. Will was straddling him, knees shoved into the chair’s cushion on each side of the alpha’s hips. His hands had wandered across the fuzzy front of the man, Will particularly liked the hair around his belly button, soft and thin. 
“Good baby, gonna take my knot? Come on, just a little bit” Duncan harshly grumbled into Will’s ear and grabbed two handfuls of Will’s soft ass and lifted in a little over an inch and pushed him back down. The boy let out a squeak and squeezed his knees together, trying not to clench around the huge thing sitting inside him. 
“C-can’t, too big, can’t m-move” Will whimpered and just tried not to let himself get ripped open. He felt like he was filled past the bring twice . Duncan hummed, vibrating in his chest causing Will to arch and rub his chest against the alpha’s, the coarse hair feeling wonderful against Will’s soft sensitive nipples. 
Duncan lifted the boy up again, only a few inches, and pushed him back down. Will yelled out and held on tightly to the alpha’s shoulders, nails digging in. 
The alpha made a rhythm and kept it, up and down. Will had leaked down to the floor, a puddle forming under them. 
“Good pup, daddy’s good little puppy” Duncan whispered into Will’s ear and that only caused the boy to gush out more slick, crying out and digging his nails into Duncan’s shoulders. 
Will was letting out sobbing long wanton moans, broken at each thrust down. His body creating a sweet little place for Duncan to fuck. The older man hadn’t felt so so good in so long, he hadn’t knotted anyone in… too long. 
Long enough so that when his knot began to swell he stopped lifting and pushing the boy to simply holding him tightly against his chest and thrusting up into him in short little ticks. 
“Knot me! Knot me! Gimme it please please please alpha alpha ” Will cried out and his muscles started their own matching rhythm of clenching and milking, trying to get their fill. Duncan grunted with the last few thrusts, his knot snagging on Will’s slicked snug little hole. 
When the knot finally tied them together, no longer being able to be popped back out, Will bit down. He drove his teeth into the alpha’s shoulder as his thick cum pumped into him, filling him so perfectly. He felt… so far away by the time his jaw unclenched and his teeth unclamped. 
Duncan was in heaven. Such a cute little thing. So tight, so warm, so welcoming. He leaned back in his chair, Will falling against his chest, asleep and muscles still trying to milk the last few drops of cum from Duncan’s cock.
“Good pup, good omega” Duncan whispered and kissed Will’s forehead and peaked down at his belly. Will had a small pooch, a little puffy pocket full of cum. Duncan put his hand there, he could feel himself still pushing against the boy’s insides. Will whimpered a bit and tried to turn but his legs were stuck. 
“Okay puppy, bend your leg…” Duncan instructed and moved the boy around, still held down to him by the knot, to sit sideways in his lap. Will immediately curled up and laid his head onto Duncan’s shoulder. Snuggling in. Just like his father, Duncan thought, which caused a smile on his lips as he pulled the quilt from the floor beside them. He tossed it over them and tucked it around Will. He could already feel himself getting soft but his knot held them together still. He wasn’t a young man but Will seemed satisfied. 
Hannibal was happy to receive a hushed call saying they were done and Will was sleeping. He came in and Will was snuggled into Duncan’s lap, purring and drooling a bit against his chest. 
“Bring him back. He’s a good puppy.” Duncan said and pet Will’s wild hair. 
“Bring him home. He smells even better.” Hannibal said and leaned down to place a kiss on Will’s head and then a short peck to Duncan’s lips. 
“Now then! Dinner!” Hannibal said and began to carry in cooler bags in and busy himself in the kitchen.
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heuficrecs · 3 months
My personal fave fics, fic rec
These fics are my personal favorite and I tend to recommend to people if asked. I will also be updating and adding to them over time. There's no order in how much I like them!! Please make sure to read the tags on said fics!! And the relationship will be added in italics since some are not just hannigram!!
Overcoming by: purefoysgirl [words:547,570] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
victorian au; omega Will Graham is married to Alpha Hannibal. Except there’s a problem, Hannibal hates omegas
On Hiatus by: Observe_or_Participate [words:197,363] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Will goes to Italy and chooses to stay at a bnb. Of course run by Hannibal Lecter and his adoptive daughter Abigail Hobbs.
Lonely Eyes by: sourweather WIP [words:???] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Nonverbal autistic Will has been to many school because of his father's work. He's new to this school and meets mute Hannibal and make other friends.
Miserere Mei, Deus by: sainthannibal WIP [words:???] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Nun Hannibal and father Will Graham meet in 1644 northern France and have an inappropriate relationship
Paragon by: BloodyWar2411 [words:552,461] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
After 3 years Hannibal meets Will, who was framed for his Chesapeake killings. Upon meeting Will, Hannibal gets hit with obsession over him and chooses to start killing again to free Will.
Typhoid and Swans by: NoFootprintsInSand [words: 82,119] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling
Clarice decides to find out where Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham went, and well, she did.
Poising an angel by: er0guro [words: 6,957] Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki
Nigel gets Adam addicted to drugs
It Takes Two To Nest by: TheSilverQueen [words:13,959] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal and Will are both omegas and pregnant. They meet in the hospital where Hannibal helps Will give birth, and then his water broke.
A Post card and a knife by: Canis_cosmos [words: 37,862] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
A canon divergence S03 E05 where Will Graham is pushed off the train by Chiyoh, he follows the tracks which led him to Florence, but back in a different time.
daddy doesn't pray anymore by: antiheroblake [words: 3,476] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Will's hair is growing out and is reminded of his past when he last had his hair grown out.
Ardent Obsession by: havok2cat [words: 87,964] Matthew Brown/Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Omegaverse fic where omega Matthew Brown bonds with both alpha Will Graham and alpha Hannibal Lecter
The Mardi Grass Effect by: StratsWrites [words: 19,234] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham goes through the cannibal forum and offers himself up to one Hannibal Lecter on said forum
The Fisherman and the beast from the sea by: Pragnificent (PragmaticHominid) [words: 212,273] Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham working at a lighthouse finds a shark creature (Hannibal) stuck in a net and helps him escape. Soon they strike up a relationship
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folieadeuxserver · 1 year
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Folie à Deux’s next creator challenge, In Every World, is fast approaching! From May 22nd through May 28th, we’ll be celebrating the Hannibal Extended Universe with daily creation prompts (listed below).
The fest is also being run on Ao3 and twitter! Tag us and use #FADserver when posting your fills. Want to brainstorm or chat about your ideas? Join our Hannibal & HEU discord server
Challenge Rules
All content & creation mediums accepted
No minimums/maximums
Works must feature 1+ character from a non-Hannibal HEU work (RPF counts)
Use the daily prompt (loose interpretation welcome!)
Late entries accepted
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Day 1 (5/22): Major Pairings 
We kick off our celebration with the relationships we know and love! Create something for a major pairing such as Spacedogs, Madancy, or Tristhad.
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Day 2 (5/23): Hannibal Crossovers
Day 2 honors NBC's Hannibal! Show us a world where Hannibal and the HEU collide. Maybe that’s a ship like Kaisergram, Spacecannibals, or DogsDogs, just to name a few. Or maybe you want to throw Chiyoh and Camille together, or to focus on something platonic! The sky’s the limit.
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Day 3 (5/24): HEU Villains
For today's prompt, we're asking you to create something that features a villainous or morally questionable HEU character such as Le Chiffre, Nigel, or Cal Roberts!
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Day 4 (5/25): Omegaverse 
For Day 4, any HEU character or pairing is fair game, as long as you throw them into some version of the Alpha/Beta/Omega universe!
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Day 5 (5/26): HEU Daddies
Create something for an HEU character you think deserves to be called a capital-D Daddy. Is that Duncan Vizla? Nolan Price? Bobby Bronson? Markus? You tell us!
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Day 6 (5/27): HEU Baby Boys
Can't have a Daddies Day without a day honoring our HEU Baby Boys! Honor a young, innocent, adorable HEU character such as Adam Raki, Lenny, or Prince Charmont.
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Day 7 (5/28): Polyamory & Group Sex
We close out our week by asking you to create something for a pairing featuring three or more characters, like Polygram, SpaceHannigram, and LecterTriplets. Polyamory? A purely sexual encounter? We want it all!
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cinnamaldeide · 1 year
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Crumbles of unfulfilled expectations
Chapters: 261/261 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Hannibal Extended Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom/Margot Verger, Will Graham/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Aiden (Blood and Chocolate)/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Lee Fallon/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki, Luke Brandon/Le Chiffre, Will Graham/Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser, Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted)/Draco (Clash of the Titans), Galahad/Tristan (King Arthur 2004), Roberto Bellini/Tonny (Pusher), Jimmy Price/Brian Zeller, Elias (Men & Chicken)/Adam Towers, Le Chiffre/Adam Towers, Jimmy Price/Chiyoh (Hannibal), Grigg Harris/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Lucas (Jagten)/Nick (Coach), Lee Fallon/Ivan Fjeldsted, Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted)/One Eye (Valhalla Rising), Le Fantôme (Ford Edge "Le Fantôme" Commercial)/Lee Fallon, Lee Fantôme, Jacob Pederson/Buddy Wittenborn, d'Artagnan/Comte de Rochefort, Will Graham/Adam Towers Additional Tags: Ficlet Collection, Inspired by Fanart, Inspired by Twitter, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Domestic, Not Beta Read, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, Omega Verse, and many more
Collection of ficlets of the length of a tweet or two. Every chapter belongs in a different setting, and has different characters/pairings
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Roman(ian) Holiday: Previously In Series | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3  | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Fandom: Spacedogs Series: Welcome To California (ABO) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki Characters: Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Adam Raki Additional Tags: Tagging as I go, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Commitment, tiny bit of angst/hurt, mostly fluff… as usual, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha/Omega, Paperwork, lots of paperwork, and resenting paperwork, because it actually sometimes sucks to be an alpha or omega, discussion about pregnancy, (female pregnancy), No mpreg, Anxiety, discussions about Heat, nuzzling, So. much. nuzzling, Rimming, (tiny bit. just for flavour. lol), Knotting, Adam pretty much gets his own way, Anxiety Attacks, Fluff and Angst, Adam loves The Hobbit, Bucharest, Romania, meeting Gabi and Charlie, visiting the past, family home, Family Feels, overwhelming desire to punch Charlie in the face, there’s a reason Nigel loves dachshunds, surprise visitor, Nigel has to keep his shit together, Adam is pretty badass, Gabi is pretty badass, Charlie is as much use as a chocolate teapot, Threats, Canon-Typical Violence, Sexually Suggestive, Lace Panties Summary: Adam and Nigel, inevitably, run into trouble.
Nigel had been so focused on Darko, and remaining firmly between the alpha and Adam, that he completely missed the heavies who came into the room as Darko got to his feet. Two from one door, one from another, a fourth behind them who must have followed them in from the street.
“Imagine my surprise when my contact at the airport saw your name on a manifest. I like keeping tabs on such things as you know.”
“No, I don’t know. No memories.” He tapped his head and Darko grinned.
“Shit? I thought that was a put on. Well, damn.” He chuckled.
Nigel bristled, but remained still. This was no match and he wasn’t going to endanger Adam or the others by doing something stupid and impulsive. Which was probably the opposite of what he might have done before he moved to The States.
Darko seemed to think this too from his reaction. A sort of amused surprise.
“Whatever this is, it does not involve anyone else here, so how about we take it elsewhere.” Nigel kept his voice level and calm out of necessity. He could feel Adam’s anxiety and fear, likely every alpha in the room could smell it. He was just thankful that he and Adam were mated and bonded - he wouldn’t want an unmated omega in this situation.
“That’s very reasonable of you.” Darko smirked. “Unexpectedly so. What have they done to you in America? You used to be a much angrier man.” He let out a low chuckle and looked at Adam then.
The shift of Darko’s eyes onto his omega had Nigel fighting the combustive anger within him. The anger he had learned not only how to control, but how to harness with disciplined action. Disciplined violence. If he believed in fate he might have believed that boxing had come into his life for this exact moment. To protect Adam right, not to get them both hurt or killed by rash action.
A smashed glass. Charlie’s throat and puffed out cheeks. Gabi pointing a gun at him.
He pushed the jumble of thoughts from his head, trying to forget the anger that accompanied it, that he had felt at the time perhaps. It didn’t linger, not like they had when he had first begun to have these flashes. He remained in control.
Darko’s smile had dropped and he appeared to be perturbed by the Nigel in front of him that was different than the Nigel he had known in at least one very important way - he was mated and Darko was threatening his omega. Something that Darko clearly knew he had realised too late.
Continue Reading on AO3
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vix-spes · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Adam (2009), Charlie Countryman (2013) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki Characters: Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Adam Raki Additional Tags: Getting Together, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Omega Adam, Dress Up, Halloween, #SpookyABO Summary:
The Halloween party might not have gone as Adam expected but, in the end, it may have turned out better.
It’s still Halloween somewhere, right @hannigram-a-b-o-library
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wyrm-wolf · 7 years
Summertime Slick Collection I
I decided to make a master post of all the works i have done so far for the Summertime Slick fest, because 10 was a nice place to start. Thank you again to the @hannigram-a-b-o-library for making the event possible :D
Day 1: Werewolf - Alpha x Alpha Hannigram; A wendigo Hannibal finds some interesting company while on a hunt under the full moon.
Day 2: New Kink - Omega Hannibal x Alpha Will Post TWOL;  After the fall, Hannibal and Will must learn to deal with each other. Only Hannibal seems to be a little more interested in staring at Will's beard
Day 3: Scenting - Omega Will x Alpha Hannibal;  Everyone but Will, keeps noticing Hannibal scenting the poor omega.
Day 4: Trope Tuesday - Omega Will x Alpha Hannibal, Omega Adam Rake x Alpha Nigel, Mad Max au;  In the wastelands, there is no such thing as finding love, the only love you'll find is death.
Day 5: True Mates - Omega Nigel x Alpha Adam; You know the phrase, ‘God doesn’t make mistakes’, well that is a load of piled up shit, freshly served on a silver platter. Because God definitely makes mistakes, for example, Nigel was born to be an aggressive, and fierce alpha, instead he came out to be an omega.
Day 6: Psychic Bond - Alpha One-Eye x Omega Cal; Sometimes when summon a great old eldritch monster, you just have to ask yourself, “WHY DIDN’T I READ THE GODDAMN WARNING SIGNS!?”
Day 7: Surprise Heat - Alpha Le Chiffre x Omega Buddy Wittenborn; During a high staked poker games, things start to heat up a little, when someones omega goes into heat.
Day 8: Accidental Bonding - Alpha Hannibal x Omega Will; When the Greek God Zeus accidentally misses a shot in one of his little fits, things get a little...interesting.
Day 9: Reference to Knotting - Omega Hannibal x Alpha Will; When Hannibal get’s invited to Mason Verger's dinner he knows there’s something a little off about the invitation. 
Day 10: Popsicle - Alpha Nigel x Adam, Alpha Hannibal x Omega Will, Supernatural Au; "Nigel, it's the end of the wolrd, and you want to spend your afternoon sitting on a park bench, eating popsicle’s?"    
This is all I have so far, but in time I will have the rest of the day’s complete I am just a little slow at the moment!
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eggcompany · 7 months
Dumb Men and Mummy Dearest
Female! Hannibal coming home to find Duncan and Nigel have fucked the omegas, Will and Adam, without any prep. The boys are upset and afraid their "mommy" is going to be mad at them. She isn't. She's pissed at the alphas though. She loves the omegas and takes care of them.
They all woke up differently. 
Hanna woke up first, extracting herself from Will's warm cuddle and carefully kneeling over Duncan, to quietly make her way to her old room to shower and get dressed and leave for work. She never fully moved into their collective room. She couldn’t. She would wake up the omegas and the babies needed their sleep. She kept her clothes and some of Will’s in her own room along with some of the men’s outfits just in case they needed to leave early for an emergency. But it was okay because every morning she could wake up and see all her boys snuggly and sleeping.
Except Duncan, who would be awake during it all as he woke up first but he could never pull himself away from the babies when he slept with them. If he was in his own room he’d be up watching the sunrise coffee in hand. But for some mornings he would scoot over and collect Will into his arms. 
Will was always so warm at night, warm hands creeping over Hanna’s stomach to scratch and pet at the older man’s fuzzy tummy or chest, warm back pressing against his side in the morning, warm little breaths panting across his neck when the boy holds onto him after a bad dream. Will was just a snuggly thing and Duncan couldn’t resist him. Especially on such a nice morning when they could all sleep in.
Adam was awake then, he always woke up the same way. He would let out a little high whine, sit up which woke up Nigel, and stretch his arms up and stretch his hands to his toes and get up. Adam always needed to stretch right when he woke up because he was always curling up in weird ways between Nigel and Will. He liked touching both men. He liked his face firmly shoved into Nigel somewhere (neck, face, arm, armpit, belly, side, he once woke up with his face in Nigel’s crotch and his toes tucked into Will’s armpit) and liked keeping his feet on Will because he always had cold feet and Will’s legs were perfect foot warmers. 
Nigel would wake up, hug Adam around the middle, and pull the small omega up to get a bath together and feed Adam. Showering was always Nigel’s first priority because 1. Morning Boners were best taken care of by sleep loose little ‘megas and 2. Adam had a habit of drooling in his sleep and Nigel didn’t want to have dried drool on him. Plus Nigel liked shaving Adam’s face for him. Hanna liked shaving all of them but she always let Nigel shave Adam because Adam was so… tempting to just nick a small bit. Just a little. Just a small indulgence. But Adam hated it and Nigel never nicked him.  
Will woke up last when he didn’t work. Which was very often given Hanna had let off on Crawford. Will had been so sleep deprived after a particular case of someone mutilating eighteen omega men and stringing them up in a warehouse that he collapsed on his way back from his walk and caused them all to have a panic. Poor Adam wouldn’t leave his side and couldn’t stop crying. Hanna had a private conversation with Jack and now Will only ever worked from home or consulted from the office, never in the field. 
Will would wake up and throw a leg over Hanna or Duncan, let out a few purrs letting whoever pet him and he’d rub a bit on whoever hoping to get a good good morning. Usually Hanna would simply slip her slim yet strong thigh between his legs, and either pop open the top buttons of her pajama shirt or let one strap of her slip dress slide down so Will could nuzzle and kiss at her breast. Will loved a good good morning. Duncan would just hum and tell him to go take a shower first. 
Duncan never was much for sex unless it was heat sex. Duncan didn’t get knots anymore but he still had such a nice smell and could quench the boys’ heats all the same. Even still rubbing on him was comforting. 
Each day was similar and routine and scheduled. 
Perfect for two neurodivergent omegas and a (maybe a bit overly) controlling woman, and relaxing for the (mostly) retired men. 
Today was a day off though. Today no one but Hanna had work and she only worked till 2pm. She was gone and Adam was sleeping in, nude back pressed against Will’s undershirt covered one, toasty warm and maybe too warm. 
Adam bristled a bit when he realized he was damp. He made an unhappy noise which was copied by Will who was starting to wake up. Both hated waking up damp, Will even more so after so many years of waking up soaking wet in sweat. 
“Willy? Are you…?” Adam whispered and squeezed his thighs together as he woke up enough to realize his cock was a bit heavy in his underwear and hips ached from opening up. Adam always had worse heat pains than Will but he was younger and his body was still in its prime for pupping.  
“Yeah, yeah me too. Fuck-“ Will murmured and whined and pushed at Duncan’s hips with his hands trying to get the older man to roll to face him. 
"Will? Wha's wrong?" The deep rumble came from the eldest man. Will whimpered and pushed his hips against Duncan's side, his boxers rubbing scratchily against his erection. He threw his arm over Duncan’s chest and pulled him close and nuzzled at his stubbly neck. 
"Oh? Didn't know you were due" Duncan said as Will climbed to lay on his chest, their bodies touching head to toe. The fresh scent of petrichor made grind his hips up so the omega could feel his cock growing harder. 
Adam let out short half cries and climbed onto Nigel in the same way. 
Adam and Will acted nearly identical during their heats. Having the same moves and needs. Both pushed their chests out, grabbed and pulled at their own hair, and kicking their feet. Though they were still a bit different. Adam made squeaky noises and cried out a lot and usually needed to have his face lifted from the bed or else he’d choke on his own flood of tears and snot. Will made long drawn out moans and begged a lot, mostly for it to be harder, rougher, god daddy hurt me , and such. 
Oddly when both the boy's underwear were down and they were ass up, face down, there wasn't any trace of Hanna's prep or that she'd already given them their first orgasm. 
That was Hanna’s thing. Heat time rolled around, she would take the boys and let them hold onto her, suck on her breasts or find comfort in them, and use her thigh straps to give them their first orgasms and knots. It ensured they were properly slicking and stretched enough to take the alphas’ very very considerable lengths. 
There were just… not the usual signs like some small red pinch marks on their bums like Hanna usually sent them back to bed with or her dark lipstick staining their foreheads and necks. 
However no one cared because, god, those sounds that poured out of the boys... could send a man straight to hell. All blushing plump flesh and needy whines, no one took a second to think about Hanna or prep. 
That would come to bite them in the ass. Hard. 
Will and Adam call out as soon as Hanna stepped into the house. They came wobbly crying to her, their faces messy, shirtless, with slick freely running down their legs. And their smell making a thick coating of fresh rain, Will, and gentle cocoa, Adam.  
“Hello sweet omegas. I smelt you this morning but I didn’t expect to come home to full heats. You’re not due for another four days.” Hanna said as she nearly toppled as the two boys pulled onto her suit jacket panting  and whimpering. They smelled a bit like fresh blood, a bit meaty, their holes probably gaped and rubbed raw. Hanna hated to smell that when they were in heat. 
“Momma, momma, hurts. I'm so hungry.” Will whined and shoved his face into her breast still covered by her suit jacket and blouse. She pressed her hand to the back of his head, his hair unwashed and sweaty, and encouraged him to nuzzle close. She towered over them easily in her high, yet modest, heels. 
“Mommy… hurts…” is all Adam whimpered and Hanna kissed his forehead. Adam was so soft hearted. So soft, so young, so needy. Poor thing had such a low pain tolerance. 
“My poor darlings. I’ll get you two in the bath and have a… conversation with daddy and papa. You’re such good omegas for telling me. Now let’s get you two in a nice warm bath.” Hanna said and realized that indeed, she shouldn't have trusted two thickheaded alpha men to really take care of the babies. 
“You moronic man.” Hanna said as she slammed her hand across Nigel’s face. Palm open and fingers flat. 
“You should have done better.” She said as her hand came rearing back to backhand Duncan. 
The two alphas rubbed their cheeks and didn’t meet the woman’s eyes. She was a force to be reckoned with. Unmovable. Not someone to even try to explain yourself to nor someone who cares about excuses. 
“You know I didn’t prepare them like I usually do, I let them sleep in. You didn’t bathe them, you didn’t let them nest in their selected area of the house, you haven’t given them any privacy, and you fucked them over the work bench which they now feel so guilty about because they know it’s a rule. The thought I was going to take them over my knee? No, I'm going to take you two over my knee. You dumb,” she paused with a slap across both faces. 
“Knotheaded” she said and her hand swung back to connect again. 
“Worthless, inconsiderate, men.” She said ending each work with a swing of her flat hand. The final slap was so hard they nearly feared for her hand not to break. 
She stood there, eye to eye, and panted. She was the epitome of wrath of a woman. Fire set in her eyes, sneer showing her pointed teeth. 
Both men were hard in their trousers. 
“I should bend you both over this bench and castrate you where you stand. However I need to fix my babies, and cook dinner. Both of you can go weed the garden, clip the hedges, and clean the porch. Do not come back into my house until I tell you to. Go. Now.” Hanna said and both men left silently to go do what she said. It was deadly not to. She stood there until the door clicked shut behind them and she closed and opened her hand a few times because damn… that stung. 
But she had much more important things to take care of. And wash. And kiss. And get her fingers into. 
“Will darling what happened to your back? Is it a sweat rash?” Hanna asked when she pushed the boy to face away from her to wash his hair. His back was all red and rubbed raw in some places and looked so tender. 
“Papa… took me against the wall with the wallpaper. It’s scratchy.” Will said and reached back to try and cover his back. Duncan had shoved him against the wall and he’d been bouncing up and down against it and it had hurt then but it hurt more now that the water was sloshing against it. It probably wasn’t very pretty…
“Poor thing, I’ll put balm on it once we’re out. Adam, did you get any rub marks?” Hanna asked and put her hands on his shoulders to turn him around. Usually he would be markless except for some hickies inside his thighs. But who knows since those men had been so careless. 
“Mommy” is all Adam said and laid his head against her arm. Hanna kissed the top of his head and moved her hands to rub and massage his marked neck. 
“I know, you’ve already gone so deep. I’ll put some on you anyway. Make sure you feel good to make a nice nest.” Hanna said to deaf ears and Will turned and laid his head on her opposite shoulder, his scruff growing scratchy given Hanna didn’t shave him during heat. Will gave a scratchy worn purr and Hanna pet down his back and dug her thumb into Adam’s mate mark. 
“Wanna nest momma's room.” Will grumbled and brought his soggy arms up to hug Hanna around the trim waist. She was just so strong and solid and warm and she was pulling at the scruff at the back of his neck. 
“Mommy’s room.” Adam agreed and Hanna’s fist around his scruff and pulled it into her grasp. 
She had them both in her grasp, completely silent and lax in submission. 
“That’s perfectly fine babies. We can go right to my room, I’ll grab what I need while you two dry off. Be good boys and take care of each other.” Hanna said in a quiet low voice and released the boys who nodded and lifted themselves up out of the deep tub. 
Hanna looked out her bedroom window at the men in the backyard. They were working, Nigel clipping the hedges and Duncan pulling weeds from the garden beds. She wasn’t happy with them but she was over her anger. It was up to the babies now. 
She had pulled out all their blankets and pillows and had clean sheets on her large king sized bed. She had her harnesses and a few changes of clothes for them all. She’d pulled off her suit jacket, her slacks, and her pantyhose. She pulled on a pair of lightweight blood red pajama pants and left her dark blouse on from the day. 
She was sitting at her vanity wiping away her lipstick and minimal makeup when the boys came back in. Hand in hand, Will leading them. They were panting and had both pulled on pairs of slick absorbent underwear that Hanna had left. 
She watched them in the mirror look and sniff around at the blankets and such on the floor around the bed. They both looked up at her for approval. 
“Start but do not get in until I’ve looked you over.” Hanna said and continued her routine. The boys whispering and shuffling behind her. 
Soon a nest started to form up Hanna was done and turned in her vanity chair. The boys looked up at her with flushed faces and big round eyes. She had already set out some balms on her desk and beckoned them over with a single spread of her legs. 
“Will, your back.” She said and the boy turned around and knelt down on the hard floor. He let his head hang down, his hands fiddling in front of his stomach scar. Hanna felt a spark of heat deep in her belly. Will was always so perfect in submission. A delicate little flower, so easy to crush in your palm. 
Hanna dipped her fingers into the viscous gel in the tub of balm. It was freezing cold to her touch and she was quick to presh it into Will’s raw back. 
The boy cried out but held still, leaning down panting, letting his hands support him. 
“Momma, that hurts. It burns.” Will cried out and Hanna smiled gently as she pressed the cold substance around Will’s back. She used both hands to rub and spread the gel until Will’s skin started to absorb it. She rubbed a bit more after and Will was shaking. 
He was panting loudly and his whole body was shaking in pain. Adam was looking out the window, he didn’t like hearing Will get hurt even though he knew Will enjoyed it. 
“Will, go get the knot you want. Adam come here.” Hanna ordered them and Will stood up, knees red and sore but in the best way. He turned to face Hanna first and she could see the outline of his rock hard cock in his underwear. She looked up at his desperate face and Will bit his lip. 
“Go pick out the knot you want. Clear off the edge of the bed. Good omega.” Hanna said in her most commanding voice and Will was nodding along with her words. He turned and did what he was told, slick already overflowing the pad in his underwear making it wet. 
Adam walked over and made that damn kicked puppy face. He was starting to tear up again. He’d already confessed to having sex in the kitchen, but Adam held onto guilt. 
“Are you mad we made your counter messy?” He asked and tears started to slip down his cheeks. Hanna shushed him and pulled him into her lap for a hug and to kiss his forehead. Adam sniffled and wrapped the flowy fabric of the woman’s blouse in his fists. 
“My toes couldn’t even touch the floor, mommy it was so scary. And it hurt my- my skin. It hurt my bones.” Adam tried to explain but the words weren’t what he was meaning. He was just upset and his hormones were all wonky and he was hot and cold and empty. 
Hanna shushed him and kissed his temple through his still damp short hair. She understood. She always understood. 
“May I see where it hurt? My work bench was made for my height, you’re just too small to be able to bend over it. It’s not your fault sweet baby.” Hanna whispered into Adam’s ear, her lips teasing the sensitive flesh. Adam shivered and let out a small noise. 
“Yes ma’am” he whispered and climbed off her lap and pulled off his underwear. Slick started to drool down the inside of his leg. Hanna caught some off the inside of his knee and licked it from her finger. She hummed and looked at the way both him and Will were staring at her. Dizzying, that power, absolutely dizzying. 
“Hurts here, now” Adam said and pressed a hand to his belly right above his small erection. Adam had what was an “ideal” omega genital. Small, uncut, barely any precum if any at all. Will didn’t. That was another reason Hanna loved him so. He was big, cut, and drooled a delicious amount of precum every time he got riled up. 
Hanna smiled and pulled Adam closer by his hips and he dropped his hands. She placed a small kiss to his stomach and looked at his bruised hip bones. Indeed, the alphas would get matching ones brought to them by a cane. They had a rule about careless bruising. 
“I’m sure it does hurt. Poor little boys. Go get yours ready Adam. We can take a nice long nap while daddy and papa make dinner.” Hanna said and Adam went to get the dildo of his choice. 
Hanna smiled at Will who’s knees were trembling a tiny bit, holding onto the thigh harness with his blue knot, it was small and short but rubbed against his cervix in a way that always had him gushing and cumming in no time. He liked the way it made him ache inside after. 
The woman stood and walked around Will to sit on the edge of the bed and took the harness from his hands. She quickly and efficiently slipped the straps around her thigh, high on her thigh, and buckled the nice and snug. Will was already climbing on the bed to straddle it but all Hanna had to do was put a hand on his belly and he paused. 
Adam was making huffs and frustrated noises. He was still standing by the toy box by the bedside table. He had a big pink dildo in his hands, the knot bold and pronounced, girthy and long. It would fit through the ring of the harness with a bit of finesse. Adam just needed to be filled and knotted. 
“Adam, bring that to me.” Hanna commanded and Adam huffed in defeat and handed them both to Hanna. She fastened the harness to herself once the toy was through and Will was already growling. She gave him a sharp slap to the ass which made him moan.
Adam was careful to position himself, always was, just so he could easily sink down and get full without hurting. Once he was ready he didn’t start their game by sitting down. He looked at Hanna waiting for her. 
“Go ahead Adam. You may take it now.” Hanna gave him permission but Adam shook his head and grabbed her blouse. 
Will huffed and growled again. He was not patient enough for this. Hanna knew it too, so she said nothing when he grabbed both sides of the blouse’s collar and ripped it so her bra was exposed. 
“Hurry up” Will barked out as his body shook in need, his toy just touching his needy hole. Adam smiled and started to sink down and nuzzle at Hanna’s soft bra and softer breast. 
Once he was letting out short breaths and had his hand under Hanna’s bra, Will dropped himself. 
Will was fast about it though, his slick had dripped down to cover Hanna’s pajamas and made it easy for him to slam down, the knot nearly slipping in, and throw himself back up. He was crying out. 
“Oh momma, feels so much better! Need it, need it momma, please, give me, I need-” Will begged as he made a punishing pace for himself. Each time the small knot slipped past the ring of muscle and rubbed against his prostate and the head crammed against the small bud of his cervix. He’d be bleeding by the end and bruised up on the inside for the next few days of heat. But lord it felt good. 
Will had his hands on her shoulders, he could enjoy her warm breast when he was sleeping, and he was bouncing all three of them with the effort of his thrusts. 
Adam however was quiet and fulfilled. He’d been fucked today, he didn’t need anymore. He needed to be filled up and snuggled in. He had one hand under Hanna’s plain blue bra, happy she never had underwires. He was cupping the soft, warm, soft, really soft plump flesh gently and nuzzling the exposed top of her breast. He wanted to undo the few clasps that rested in the valley between her breasts but he didn’t wanna move his hand away. 
Will was making so much noise and almost there. The boy battering his inside and Hanna’s warm body right there and their nest was ready and fuck. Fuck. 
“Fuck, momma, I need, Fuck, I need- Scratch me! My leg, here” Will finally struggled out. He needed the bite of her short nails, the heat of it. He needed a little pain and he’d be there. Hanna smiled and brought her hand to first squeeze his cock in one long stroke which made him cry out and then to stroke his thigh a few times. She stroked his thigh with the rhythm he’d set for himself and when he finally nodded and let her nails catch the strong scarred flesh of his thigh and tear down it for a few inches. 
Will screamed and grabbed onto Hanna, the scent of blood and cum filling the space. Adam gagged a little but reached over and touched Hanna’s thigh and gathered some of Will’s slick and brought it up to his mouth. It helped. 
“Beautiful. Beautiful Will. Thank you for giving me that. Now let’s take a nice nap, both of you need sleep.” Hanna instructed once Will caught his breath. Both boys nodded and allowed Hanna to unbuckle and remove the straps from the toys. She’d just need to remove the rings from the bases of the toys once they were done. She pulled her blouse off and looked at the way Adam was staring at her chest. 
“Adam, do you want to unclasp it?” She asked and Adam smiled and undid the clasps and moaned when the offensive blue fabric fell away. He immediately leaned forward to kiss and suck gently at her rosy nipple. Hanna tossed the bra to her vanity chair and Will brought his hand up to play with her other nipple. 
“That’s enough of that , you two. Nap time, now.” Hanna commanded and laid down in the center of the nest letting the two omegas snuggle up to her and get comfortable. 
Will curled up with his head on her stomach and his hand resting on her hip. He liked laying where he could smell the scent of arousal rolling gently off her body. Adam shoved his face into the soft side of her breast and let his hand go to lay in the toasty underside of her other breast. His arm was under his head so his hand could pet at her greying blonde hair gently. 
She was absolutely content and comfy. It was easy for all three of them to drift off to sleep. 
It wasn’t until nine p.m. that they all woke up. 
And realized they never allowed the alphas back in the house. It was okay though. It just made their punishments a fraction less brutal. 
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slashyrogue · 8 months
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Spacedogs MPREG A/B/O AU: Desperate Heat - 32/32 - COMPLETE
Every month there is a line out the door to be considered for Heat Auction.
Nigel has never been affected by omegas, caring little for their high maintenance spoiled natures, but as he goes through thousands of interviews over the years he never even bats an eye at any of them.
Until Adam Raki.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Strange Diamonds by sku7314977 [words: 35,297]
An innocent trip to the museum turns into an unexpected adventure flipping Adam's world upside down when he's tricked into being the drop man for a double-cross exchange between a thug and the guy stealing his wife.
Space Invader by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 28,512]
Nigel isn't handling his divorce well. When a good Samaritan starts leaving him gifts on his balcony, Nigel gets suspicious. What could go wrong?
Craigslist by Llewcie [words: 28,477]
After Beth leaves Adam, he thinks about how to deal with everything on his own - selling the apartment, packing for California, communicating with people there - and decides to post an ad on Craiglist. He’s looking for someone who can “take care of things” for him - things that are “messy” and “complicated”. Nigel answers the ad, expecting to be hired as a contract killer. He ends up becoming a very odd version of Jeeves.
The Wedding Date by slashyrogue [words: 3,088]
Adam asks Nigel to accompany him to his ex girlfriend Beth's wedding.
At First Glance by stratumgermanitivum [words: 9,252]
Adam met Nigel completely by accident, when Nigel showed up at his side at a bar and pretended to be his boyfriend to ward off an unwanted admirer. A few weeks later, when Nigel asked Adam to return the favor, Adam couldn't bring himself to say no. It was one of the first lies Adam had ever told, but it was certainly not the last.
The Set Up by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 4,178]
Nigel decides if he can't have Adam, someone great should. So he plays wingman for his friend/secret crush and sets Adam up on a date with a gorgeous woman. What could possibly go wrong? OR—The fic where Beverly Katz learns to see the fun in blind dates.
Hello Gorgeous, Love Your Left Hook by Ishxallxgood [words: 4,920]
Adam accidentally punches a stranger in the face and finds out that he might just be a little bit gay. Nigel just got punched in the face, and finds out that the perpetrator is just as gorgeous as his left hook.
Marbles by Llewcie [words: 5,561]
Adam moves to a new neighborhood and promptly loses a prized possession to the neighborhood bully. But when the tables are turned, Adam extracts a promise from Nigel that will follow them through the years. The friendship that develops as a result will end up meaning more to them than they ever could have anticipated.
Integrate by Watermelonsmellinfellon [words: 10,692]
The slow integration of Nigel into Adam Raki's life. Little, accidental meetings between them blossom into much more than either believed possible.
Don't Take Them Off by whatacunningboy [words: 2,579]
Adam has taken up a new hobby with Beth and wants to show Nigel some of the things he has learned.
Pochemuchka by slashyrogue [words: 1,441]
Alpha Nigel gets roped into taking the empty bartender spot on Omega Speed Dating Night where he happens to meet a certain blue eyed omega.
Kiss the Sky by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe), printersdeadly, printersdevils (tuesdaysgone) [words: 12,418]
Nigel wasn't exactly expecting a drug deal at the Rose Bowl Flea Market to turn into a blind date, but he's certainly not complaining about going home with Adam Raki instead of Darko.
Scent by slashyrogue [words: 922]
The infuriating scent of one particular omega was following Nigel around. Or Nigel finds his true mate who doesn't seem to want to meet him.
When A Star Is Born, They Possess A Gift Or Two by DarkmoonSigel [words: 4,268]
Kind of working with the movies but not. Nigel gets divorced instead of dying. Adam lives in Portland, Oregon instead of California. It's just a fun little story about flirting and falling in love.
Green Card by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 30,107]
Adam is about to lose his apartment. He can't bear the idea of leaving the only home he's known. Luckily, the building's super, Mr. Dalca, has a proposal: Marry his friend Nigel so that Nigel can get a Green Card and stay in the country. It's a simple deal - Adam won't even have to live with Nigel. But when the government starts checking on whether or not Adam's marriage is legit, he's forced to live with a husband he never wanted. Will they make it work? Or Will they kill each other?
9,941 Degrees Fahrenheit by LectersDaughter, LittleSpacePrince [words: 11,276]
All he knew was the biological need to be taken and bred by an alpha, by Nigel, and that he was afraid. “Nigel… Nigel, I… I'm… Nigel, I think I presented.” Adam whispered shakily, grabbing tight to Nigel’s hand. If Nigel thought he was shocked before, he was terribly mistaken. His heart all but stopped altogether when those few words slipped from his angel’s lips. He inhaled deeply, scenting the air for that unmistakable smell. He sat up abruptly when he found it, the scent of an omega. His omega. And his omega was in heat.
Star Stuff by AdmiralApathy [words: 5,724]
Gabriella Ibanescu rented a book from Adam's quaint corner bookstore and Adam manages to track her address; however, when Adam shows up there is only Nigel and Nigel has no idea why anyone in their right mind would assume he has some book about Orbits Motioning or whatever.
Idle Worship by honorablementioned [words: 1,111]
Nigel wants to bite. He wants to nibble and chew and worry something, anything, against his teeth. He wants something bitter to hit the back of his throat and wants to chomp down on anything in reach, just to feel okay again. It’s one night with Adam, who had asked him so sweetly to have sex, that the idea occurs to him.
Welcome to California by TigerPrawn [words: 13,708]
Omega Adam is moving to California to take up his new job. Alpha Nigel leaves Bucharest with a head injury and amnesia and is off to start a new life in the States. The pair meet by accident and may find their lives become entwined...
We Are Blinding by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite for LoveHonorCookie [words: 5,298]
Nigel doesn't die at the end of Charlie Countryman, instead he goes to New York to escape painful memories and give himself a break. Depressed and bored, Nigel's not looking for much, until a beautiful angry boy runs into him with a box of office supplies and changes his life.
Midnighters by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 52,228]
Nigel does not need another man on his team for this heist. He doesn't fucking need one. And he certainly doesn't need Adam fucking Raki, but there he fucking is.
Hurt by slashyrogue [words: 2,489] 
Adam and Nigel have been broken up for months when he starts to see Nigel's new boyfriend leaving every morning.
Bonded by slashyrogue [words: 1,994] 
There were many people who could tell you what it felt like to lose a mate, but very few who could tell you the pain of the loss when your mate was still alive. Nigel was now one of those unlucky few.
Strangers in the Night by Rising_Phoenix [words: 10,063]
On his way home from a disastrous party, heartbroken Adam comes across an injured man who needs help...a night that will change both their lives...
Safe by slashyrogue [words: 968] — (Spacedogs)
A burglar breaks into the apartment and Nigel protects his Star.
Meet Cute at the 20th Precinct by thymogenic [words: 5,136]
Adam gets arrested and meets a handsome stranger in a police station. Somehow, drunken kisses ensue.
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hannibalcreative · 6 years
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Welcome to the masterpost for #ForBothOfUs! We're delighted to share the fruits of these collaborations, proving once again that this fandom is the brightest and the murderiest of them all! Thank you so much to @haedraulics for the gorgeous banner. Go give these creators love!
By the Light of the Moon by purefoysgirl
Summary: When Will Graham abruptly cancels his appointment despite knowing Hannibal's strict 24-hour cancellation policy, Hannibal has no choice but to indulge his curiosity and find out what's gotten into him... or out of him, it would seem.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Artwork for BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON by CamilleFlyingRotten
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Pâtisserie by cinnamaldeide
Summary: Hannibal owns the cute bakery by which Will passes most days, without knowing what those fragrant pastries taste like. Until one rainy November morning. An experimental one-shot composed of drabbles. Written for Hannibal Cre-Ate-Ive’s #ForBothOfUs, in collaboration with LazyBaker, inspired by this post on Tumblr
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Art for Pâtisserie by Granpappy-Winchester
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
The Cannibals Outside are Frightful by DrJLecter
Summary: It's Christmas and Will Graham is visiting a part of his past.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Hannigram, Marlana
Art for The Cannibals Outside are Frightful by Llewcie
Summary: Inspired by James' story of the darkness outside, and what might be hiding there. Digital collage.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom, Margot Verger, Ravenstag
Hannigram, Marlana
Until I Found You by AchillesLament (11Mydesign11) and You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am
Summary: Bitter and hardened from lies and cheating, powerful mob boss Nigel Zugravescu is a middle-aged, unmated Alpha, resigned to never taking a mate until he is unwittingly “stuck” babysitting his employee’s son – a young Omega named Adam. Completely innocent, incredibly smart, and remarkably beautiful, Nigel is captivated immediately, but the boy is far too young to take, and his heat is still likely a few years off. Will Nigel have the patience to wait? Will Adam even want the far older, gruff, violent man?
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage
Adam Raki, Nigel
Spacedogs (Nigel/Adam Raki)
Collage for Until I Found You by wendigobunny
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage
Adam Raki, Nigel
The Angle Of Repose by ElectraRhodes, andiemerizein, crystalusagi, Hannibalsimago, HarkerX, inameitlater, JGogoboots, LoveHonorCookie, melmac, OneHandedBooks, purplesocrates, TigerPrawn, and vix_spes
Summary: A Season 1 Remix by thirteen authors from five countries across eight time zones.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Collage for The Angle Of Repose by melythemac
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Theory of Adaption by DuchessofYork and Elefant
Summary: Hannibal now has his David. Together they explore Europe, and each other. Romance in Paris in the light of darkness.
Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Frederick Chilton, Bedelia Du Maurier, Robert Lecter, Lady Murasaki
Hannigram, Chilton/Bedelia, Robert Lecter/Lady Murasaki
Edit for Theory of Adaption by elefant1362and DuchessofYork
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
The Piano Teacher by ElectraRhodes
Summary: “Are you Mr Graham? Hannibal said you were coming. I’m Mischa. I’m interviewing you. If that’s ok?” He smiled a bit more. She was managing her shyness with a reasonable amount of bravado. Well, he could work with that.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Mischa Lecter, Tobias Budge, Alana Bloom
Art for The Piano Teacher by trashbambi
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Mischa Lecter
Lady In Red by Silicon World[.]Net and Stagfires
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom
Hannigram Mad(s)-libs by Adzusai, FhimeChan, kinokodon, and virdant  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
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hannibalside · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Adam (2009), Charlie Countryman (2013) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Nigel, Alpha Adam, Scenting, Omega Distress, Pre-Relationship, Omega Purr Summary:
There was a distressed omega in the building.
Adam had smelled him for days, the scent like ash in his nose and it felt wrong that no one was trying to fix it.
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Mature // M/M // Spacedogs - Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki (Adam) // Tags: omegaverse, beta/beta, Insecurity, thoughts of mpreg, Discussions About Having Kids, alpha/omega role play, References to Knotting, Happy Ending Words: 1000 Chapters: 1/1 
For @hannigram-a-b-o-library #Summertimeslick beta pairings, and @hannibalcreative #EatTheRare
Nigel cooing over Darko's new baby makes Adam feel insecure about their relationship.
[Become a Patron] [Shout Me A Coffee] [Commissions]  [My Fics on Tumblr] [TigerPrawn on AO3]
Also in response to this prompt I got years ago and am only now responding to. I will admit to having fudged it a little. Sorry it took so long @lissieisspacey
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When he got to his late teens and hadn't had a secondary puberty, Adam had been glad.
He wasn’t sure how, or if, he would have been able to cope if he had. Trying to consider how his life may have been had he presented as alpha or omega, made him anxious. Growing up had been hard enough during those years, with his mom dying and Adam navigating a neuro-typical world without her help.
Going through a secondary puberty would have been traumatic, much less anything that followed. Seeing his father struggle once his mom was gone was bad enough. He’d had to leave Adam with Harlan and check into heat clinics, before he finally went on suppressants, which had made him really sick for a while. It had been hard enough to watch someone go through it, Adam couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to experience first hand.
He had been relieved to remain a beta. He had been even more glad to meet another beta who loved him for who he was in a world where everyone seemed to covet an omega.
Adam had felt the luckiest man alive the first time Nigel had kissed him. The first time he had really understood that there was love between them. He hadn’t looked back since. It was like they were made for each other and nothing would ever shake that.
Or so he thought.
As he watched Nigel cradle the baby in his arms, cooing and smiling as she played with the fingers he pressed into her tiny hand, Adam felt sad. It wasn’t jealousy, it just made Adam realise something that he had tried never to think about.
If he was an omega, he could have had a baby for Nigel.
cc. @hannigramfanfic @hannibal-extended-universe
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Adam (2009), Charlie Countryman (2013) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki Characters: Adam Raki, Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Elizabeth Buchwald, Harlan Keyes Additional Tags: Sex, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Blind Date, Short & Sweet, Spacedogs, Spacedogs Summer, Possessive Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Protective Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Nigel (Charlie Countryman) Loves Adam Raki, Harlan chapter, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, Drug Use, Drugs, Shower Sex, Blood and Torture, Kidnapping, Violence, So much violence, Darko makes an appearance Summary:
Beth sets Adam up on a blind date. Sex happens.
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hannigramfanfic · 6 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Adam (2009), Charlie Countryman (2013), Hannibal Extended Universe - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Adam Raki, Nigel (Charlie Countryman) Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha/Omega, Tropes, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, spacedogs cameo, Halloween, Barista Will, pumpkin spiced lattes, poor customer service, this is going to get fluffy, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, halloween decorations, more flirting, First Kiss, heat dialling, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Anal Sex, Knotting Dildos, Knotting, Hand Jobs, nuzzling, Fluff, Happy Ending, this is basically a ridiculous romcom, Hannibal Extended Universe Series: Part 2 of Trope Trope: Exploring fic tropes in an Omegaverse setting, Part 35 of ABO/Omegaverse Fics by TigerPrawn Summary:
Will has lost his teaching job thanks to being an 'unstable omega', and his cousin Adam helped him find work in a coffee shop. As it turns out Will is a terrible barista who can't make a drinkable cup of joe and is lacking in any kind of customer service skills. When he loses his shit at a snobbish alpha, he may have found that his greatest nemesis is no longer a pumpkin spiced latte, but one Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
More About Tiger
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eggcompany · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Polar (2019), Charlie Countryman (2013), Adam (2009) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal Lecter/Adam Raki, Will Graham/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki, Will Graham/Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser, Adam Raki/Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser, Will Graham/Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Female Hannibal Lecter - Character, Will Graham, Adam Raki, Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser, Nigel (Charlie Countryman) Additional Tags: Female Hannibal Lecter, Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Strap-Ons, Sex Toys, Knotting, Knotting Dildos, Omega Will Graham, Omega Adam Raki, Alpha Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Alpha Duncan vizla, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Gender or Sex Swap, Masochist Will Graham, Scratching, Bathing/Washing, Nipple Licking, Breasts, Mommy Issues, Mother Complex Summary:
Female! Hannibal coming home to find Duncan and Nigel have fucked the omegas, Will and Adam, without any prep. The boys are upset and afraid their "mommy" is going to be mad at them. She isn't. She's pissed at the alphas though. She loves the omegas and takes care of them.
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