#female hannibal lecter
sabythemerchant · 4 months
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Mizumono fem Hannibal <3
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eggcompany · 7 months
Dumb Men and Mummy Dearest
Female! Hannibal coming home to find Duncan and Nigel have fucked the omegas, Will and Adam, without any prep. The boys are upset and afraid their "mommy" is going to be mad at them. She isn't. She's pissed at the alphas though. She loves the omegas and takes care of them.
They all woke up differently. 
Hanna woke up first, extracting herself from Will's warm cuddle and carefully kneeling over Duncan, to quietly make her way to her old room to shower and get dressed and leave for work. She never fully moved into their collective room. She couldn’t. She would wake up the omegas and the babies needed their sleep. She kept her clothes and some of Will’s in her own room along with some of the men’s outfits just in case they needed to leave early for an emergency. But it was okay because every morning she could wake up and see all her boys snuggly and sleeping.
Except Duncan, who would be awake during it all as he woke up first but he could never pull himself away from the babies when he slept with them. If he was in his own room he’d be up watching the sunrise coffee in hand. But for some mornings he would scoot over and collect Will into his arms. 
Will was always so warm at night, warm hands creeping over Hanna’s stomach to scratch and pet at the older man’s fuzzy tummy or chest, warm back pressing against his side in the morning, warm little breaths panting across his neck when the boy holds onto him after a bad dream. Will was just a snuggly thing and Duncan couldn’t resist him. Especially on such a nice morning when they could all sleep in.
Adam was awake then, he always woke up the same way. He would let out a little high whine, sit up which woke up Nigel, and stretch his arms up and stretch his hands to his toes and get up. Adam always needed to stretch right when he woke up because he was always curling up in weird ways between Nigel and Will. He liked touching both men. He liked his face firmly shoved into Nigel somewhere (neck, face, arm, armpit, belly, side, he once woke up with his face in Nigel’s crotch and his toes tucked into Will’s armpit) and liked keeping his feet on Will because he always had cold feet and Will’s legs were perfect foot warmers. 
Nigel would wake up, hug Adam around the middle, and pull the small omega up to get a bath together and feed Adam. Showering was always Nigel’s first priority because 1. Morning Boners were best taken care of by sleep loose little ‘megas and 2. Adam had a habit of drooling in his sleep and Nigel didn’t want to have dried drool on him. Plus Nigel liked shaving Adam’s face for him. Hanna liked shaving all of them but she always let Nigel shave Adam because Adam was so… tempting to just nick a small bit. Just a little. Just a small indulgence. But Adam hated it and Nigel never nicked him.  
Will woke up last when he didn’t work. Which was very often given Hanna had let off on Crawford. Will had been so sleep deprived after a particular case of someone mutilating eighteen omega men and stringing them up in a warehouse that he collapsed on his way back from his walk and caused them all to have a panic. Poor Adam wouldn’t leave his side and couldn’t stop crying. Hanna had a private conversation with Jack and now Will only ever worked from home or consulted from the office, never in the field. 
Will would wake up and throw a leg over Hanna or Duncan, let out a few purrs letting whoever pet him and he’d rub a bit on whoever hoping to get a good good morning. Usually Hanna would simply slip her slim yet strong thigh between his legs, and either pop open the top buttons of her pajama shirt or let one strap of her slip dress slide down so Will could nuzzle and kiss at her breast. Will loved a good good morning. Duncan would just hum and tell him to go take a shower first. 
Duncan never was much for sex unless it was heat sex. Duncan didn’t get knots anymore but he still had such a nice smell and could quench the boys’ heats all the same. Even still rubbing on him was comforting. 
Each day was similar and routine and scheduled. 
Perfect for two neurodivergent omegas and a (maybe a bit overly) controlling woman, and relaxing for the (mostly) retired men. 
Today was a day off though. Today no one but Hanna had work and she only worked till 2pm. She was gone and Adam was sleeping in, nude back pressed against Will’s undershirt covered one, toasty warm and maybe too warm. 
Adam bristled a bit when he realized he was damp. He made an unhappy noise which was copied by Will who was starting to wake up. Both hated waking up damp, Will even more so after so many years of waking up soaking wet in sweat. 
“Willy? Are you…?” Adam whispered and squeezed his thighs together as he woke up enough to realize his cock was a bit heavy in his underwear and hips ached from opening up. Adam always had worse heat pains than Will but he was younger and his body was still in its prime for pupping.  
“Yeah, yeah me too. Fuck-“ Will murmured and whined and pushed at Duncan’s hips with his hands trying to get the older man to roll to face him. 
"Will? Wha's wrong?" The deep rumble came from the eldest man. Will whimpered and pushed his hips against Duncan's side, his boxers rubbing scratchily against his erection. He threw his arm over Duncan’s chest and pulled him close and nuzzled at his stubbly neck. 
"Oh? Didn't know you were due" Duncan said as Will climbed to lay on his chest, their bodies touching head to toe. The fresh scent of petrichor made grind his hips up so the omega could feel his cock growing harder. 
Adam let out short half cries and climbed onto Nigel in the same way. 
Adam and Will acted nearly identical during their heats. Having the same moves and needs. Both pushed their chests out, grabbed and pulled at their own hair, and kicking their feet. Though they were still a bit different. Adam made squeaky noises and cried out a lot and usually needed to have his face lifted from the bed or else he’d choke on his own flood of tears and snot. Will made long drawn out moans and begged a lot, mostly for it to be harder, rougher, god daddy hurt me , and such. 
Oddly when both the boy's underwear were down and they were ass up, face down, there wasn't any trace of Hanna's prep or that she'd already given them their first orgasm. 
That was Hanna’s thing. Heat time rolled around, she would take the boys and let them hold onto her, suck on her breasts or find comfort in them, and use her thigh straps to give them their first orgasms and knots. It ensured they were properly slicking and stretched enough to take the alphas’ very very considerable lengths. 
There were just… not the usual signs like some small red pinch marks on their bums like Hanna usually sent them back to bed with or her dark lipstick staining their foreheads and necks. 
However no one cared because, god, those sounds that poured out of the boys... could send a man straight to hell. All blushing plump flesh and needy whines, no one took a second to think about Hanna or prep. 
That would come to bite them in the ass. Hard. 
Will and Adam call out as soon as Hanna stepped into the house. They came wobbly crying to her, their faces messy, shirtless, with slick freely running down their legs. And their smell making a thick coating of fresh rain, Will, and gentle cocoa, Adam.  
“Hello sweet omegas. I smelt you this morning but I didn’t expect to come home to full heats. You’re not due for another four days.” Hanna said as she nearly toppled as the two boys pulled onto her suit jacket panting  and whimpering. They smelled a bit like fresh blood, a bit meaty, their holes probably gaped and rubbed raw. Hanna hated to smell that when they were in heat. 
“Momma, momma, hurts. I'm so hungry.” Will whined and shoved his face into her breast still covered by her suit jacket and blouse. She pressed her hand to the back of his head, his hair unwashed and sweaty, and encouraged him to nuzzle close. She towered over them easily in her high, yet modest, heels. 
“Mommy… hurts…” is all Adam whimpered and Hanna kissed his forehead. Adam was so soft hearted. So soft, so young, so needy. Poor thing had such a low pain tolerance. 
“My poor darlings. I’ll get you two in the bath and have a… conversation with daddy and papa. You’re such good omegas for telling me. Now let’s get you two in a nice warm bath.” Hanna said and realized that indeed, she shouldn't have trusted two thickheaded alpha men to really take care of the babies. 
“You moronic man.” Hanna said as she slammed her hand across Nigel’s face. Palm open and fingers flat. 
“You should have done better.” She said as her hand came rearing back to backhand Duncan. 
The two alphas rubbed their cheeks and didn’t meet the woman’s eyes. She was a force to be reckoned with. Unmovable. Not someone to even try to explain yourself to nor someone who cares about excuses. 
“You know I didn’t prepare them like I usually do, I let them sleep in. You didn’t bathe them, you didn’t let them nest in their selected area of the house, you haven’t given them any privacy, and you fucked them over the work bench which they now feel so guilty about because they know it’s a rule. The thought I was going to take them over my knee? No, I'm going to take you two over my knee. You dumb,” she paused with a slap across both faces. 
“Knotheaded” she said and her hand swung back to connect again. 
“Worthless, inconsiderate, men.” She said ending each work with a swing of her flat hand. The final slap was so hard they nearly feared for her hand not to break. 
She stood there, eye to eye, and panted. She was the epitome of wrath of a woman. Fire set in her eyes, sneer showing her pointed teeth. 
Both men were hard in their trousers. 
“I should bend you both over this bench and castrate you where you stand. However I need to fix my babies, and cook dinner. Both of you can go weed the garden, clip the hedges, and clean the porch. Do not come back into my house until I tell you to. Go. Now.” Hanna said and both men left silently to go do what she said. It was deadly not to. She stood there until the door clicked shut behind them and she closed and opened her hand a few times because damn… that stung. 
But she had much more important things to take care of. And wash. And kiss. And get her fingers into. 
“Will darling what happened to your back? Is it a sweat rash?” Hanna asked when she pushed the boy to face away from her to wash his hair. His back was all red and rubbed raw in some places and looked so tender. 
“Papa… took me against the wall with the wallpaper. It’s scratchy.” Will said and reached back to try and cover his back. Duncan had shoved him against the wall and he’d been bouncing up and down against it and it had hurt then but it hurt more now that the water was sloshing against it. It probably wasn’t very pretty…
“Poor thing, I’ll put balm on it once we’re out. Adam, did you get any rub marks?” Hanna asked and put her hands on his shoulders to turn him around. Usually he would be markless except for some hickies inside his thighs. But who knows since those men had been so careless. 
“Mommy” is all Adam said and laid his head against her arm. Hanna kissed the top of his head and moved her hands to rub and massage his marked neck. 
“I know, you’ve already gone so deep. I’ll put some on you anyway. Make sure you feel good to make a nice nest.” Hanna said to deaf ears and Will turned and laid his head on her opposite shoulder, his scruff growing scratchy given Hanna didn’t shave him during heat. Will gave a scratchy worn purr and Hanna pet down his back and dug her thumb into Adam’s mate mark. 
“Wanna nest momma's room.” Will grumbled and brought his soggy arms up to hug Hanna around the trim waist. She was just so strong and solid and warm and she was pulling at the scruff at the back of his neck. 
“Mommy’s room.” Adam agreed and Hanna’s fist around his scruff and pulled it into her grasp. 
She had them both in her grasp, completely silent and lax in submission. 
“That’s perfectly fine babies. We can go right to my room, I’ll grab what I need while you two dry off. Be good boys and take care of each other.” Hanna said in a quiet low voice and released the boys who nodded and lifted themselves up out of the deep tub. 
Hanna looked out her bedroom window at the men in the backyard. They were working, Nigel clipping the hedges and Duncan pulling weeds from the garden beds. She wasn’t happy with them but she was over her anger. It was up to the babies now. 
She had pulled out all their blankets and pillows and had clean sheets on her large king sized bed. She had her harnesses and a few changes of clothes for them all. She’d pulled off her suit jacket, her slacks, and her pantyhose. She pulled on a pair of lightweight blood red pajama pants and left her dark blouse on from the day. 
She was sitting at her vanity wiping away her lipstick and minimal makeup when the boys came back in. Hand in hand, Will leading them. They were panting and had both pulled on pairs of slick absorbent underwear that Hanna had left. 
She watched them in the mirror look and sniff around at the blankets and such on the floor around the bed. They both looked up at her for approval. 
“Start but do not get in until I’ve looked you over.” Hanna said and continued her routine. The boys whispering and shuffling behind her. 
Soon a nest started to form up Hanna was done and turned in her vanity chair. The boys looked up at her with flushed faces and big round eyes. She had already set out some balms on her desk and beckoned them over with a single spread of her legs. 
“Will, your back.” She said and the boy turned around and knelt down on the hard floor. He let his head hang down, his hands fiddling in front of his stomach scar. Hanna felt a spark of heat deep in her belly. Will was always so perfect in submission. A delicate little flower, so easy to crush in your palm. 
Hanna dipped her fingers into the viscous gel in the tub of balm. It was freezing cold to her touch and she was quick to presh it into Will’s raw back. 
The boy cried out but held still, leaning down panting, letting his hands support him. 
“Momma, that hurts. It burns.” Will cried out and Hanna smiled gently as she pressed the cold substance around Will’s back. She used both hands to rub and spread the gel until Will’s skin started to absorb it. She rubbed a bit more after and Will was shaking. 
He was panting loudly and his whole body was shaking in pain. Adam was looking out the window, he didn’t like hearing Will get hurt even though he knew Will enjoyed it. 
“Will, go get the knot you want. Adam come here.” Hanna ordered them and Will stood up, knees red and sore but in the best way. He turned to face Hanna first and she could see the outline of his rock hard cock in his underwear. She looked up at his desperate face and Will bit his lip. 
“Go pick out the knot you want. Clear off the edge of the bed. Good omega.” Hanna said in her most commanding voice and Will was nodding along with her words. He turned and did what he was told, slick already overflowing the pad in his underwear making it wet. 
Adam walked over and made that damn kicked puppy face. He was starting to tear up again. He’d already confessed to having sex in the kitchen, but Adam held onto guilt. 
“Are you mad we made your counter messy?” He asked and tears started to slip down his cheeks. Hanna shushed him and pulled him into her lap for a hug and to kiss his forehead. Adam sniffled and wrapped the flowy fabric of the woman’s blouse in his fists. 
“My toes couldn’t even touch the floor, mommy it was so scary. And it hurt my- my skin. It hurt my bones.” Adam tried to explain but the words weren’t what he was meaning. He was just upset and his hormones were all wonky and he was hot and cold and empty. 
Hanna shushed him and kissed his temple through his still damp short hair. She understood. She always understood. 
“May I see where it hurt? My work bench was made for my height, you’re just too small to be able to bend over it. It’s not your fault sweet baby.” Hanna whispered into Adam’s ear, her lips teasing the sensitive flesh. Adam shivered and let out a small noise. 
“Yes ma’am” he whispered and climbed off her lap and pulled off his underwear. Slick started to drool down the inside of his leg. Hanna caught some off the inside of his knee and licked it from her finger. She hummed and looked at the way both him and Will were staring at her. Dizzying, that power, absolutely dizzying. 
“Hurts here, now” Adam said and pressed a hand to his belly right above his small erection. Adam had what was an “ideal” omega genital. Small, uncut, barely any precum if any at all. Will didn’t. That was another reason Hanna loved him so. He was big, cut, and drooled a delicious amount of precum every time he got riled up. 
Hanna smiled and pulled Adam closer by his hips and he dropped his hands. She placed a small kiss to his stomach and looked at his bruised hip bones. Indeed, the alphas would get matching ones brought to them by a cane. They had a rule about careless bruising. 
“I’m sure it does hurt. Poor little boys. Go get yours ready Adam. We can take a nice long nap while daddy and papa make dinner.” Hanna said and Adam went to get the dildo of his choice. 
Hanna smiled at Will who’s knees were trembling a tiny bit, holding onto the thigh harness with his blue knot, it was small and short but rubbed against his cervix in a way that always had him gushing and cumming in no time. He liked the way it made him ache inside after. 
The woman stood and walked around Will to sit on the edge of the bed and took the harness from his hands. She quickly and efficiently slipped the straps around her thigh, high on her thigh, and buckled the nice and snug. Will was already climbing on the bed to straddle it but all Hanna had to do was put a hand on his belly and he paused. 
Adam was making huffs and frustrated noises. He was still standing by the toy box by the bedside table. He had a big pink dildo in his hands, the knot bold and pronounced, girthy and long. It would fit through the ring of the harness with a bit of finesse. Adam just needed to be filled and knotted. 
“Adam, bring that to me.” Hanna commanded and Adam huffed in defeat and handed them both to Hanna. She fastened the harness to herself once the toy was through and Will was already growling. She gave him a sharp slap to the ass which made him moan.
Adam was careful to position himself, always was, just so he could easily sink down and get full without hurting. Once he was ready he didn’t start their game by sitting down. He looked at Hanna waiting for her. 
“Go ahead Adam. You may take it now.” Hanna gave him permission but Adam shook his head and grabbed her blouse. 
Will huffed and growled again. He was not patient enough for this. Hanna knew it too, so she said nothing when he grabbed both sides of the blouse’s collar and ripped it so her bra was exposed. 
“Hurry up” Will barked out as his body shook in need, his toy just touching his needy hole. Adam smiled and started to sink down and nuzzle at Hanna’s soft bra and softer breast. 
Once he was letting out short breaths and had his hand under Hanna’s bra, Will dropped himself. 
Will was fast about it though, his slick had dripped down to cover Hanna’s pajamas and made it easy for him to slam down, the knot nearly slipping in, and throw himself back up. He was crying out. 
“Oh momma, feels so much better! Need it, need it momma, please, give me, I need-” Will begged as he made a punishing pace for himself. Each time the small knot slipped past the ring of muscle and rubbed against his prostate and the head crammed against the small bud of his cervix. He’d be bleeding by the end and bruised up on the inside for the next few days of heat. But lord it felt good. 
Will had his hands on her shoulders, he could enjoy her warm breast when he was sleeping, and he was bouncing all three of them with the effort of his thrusts. 
Adam however was quiet and fulfilled. He’d been fucked today, he didn’t need anymore. He needed to be filled up and snuggled in. He had one hand under Hanna’s plain blue bra, happy she never had underwires. He was cupping the soft, warm, soft, really soft plump flesh gently and nuzzling the exposed top of her breast. He wanted to undo the few clasps that rested in the valley between her breasts but he didn’t wanna move his hand away. 
Will was making so much noise and almost there. The boy battering his inside and Hanna’s warm body right there and their nest was ready and fuck. Fuck. 
“Fuck, momma, I need, Fuck, I need- Scratch me! My leg, here” Will finally struggled out. He needed the bite of her short nails, the heat of it. He needed a little pain and he’d be there. Hanna smiled and brought her hand to first squeeze his cock in one long stroke which made him cry out and then to stroke his thigh a few times. She stroked his thigh with the rhythm he’d set for himself and when he finally nodded and let her nails catch the strong scarred flesh of his thigh and tear down it for a few inches. 
Will screamed and grabbed onto Hanna, the scent of blood and cum filling the space. Adam gagged a little but reached over and touched Hanna’s thigh and gathered some of Will’s slick and brought it up to his mouth. It helped. 
“Beautiful. Beautiful Will. Thank you for giving me that. Now let’s take a nice nap, both of you need sleep.” Hanna instructed once Will caught his breath. Both boys nodded and allowed Hanna to unbuckle and remove the straps from the toys. She’d just need to remove the rings from the bases of the toys once they were done. She pulled her blouse off and looked at the way Adam was staring at her chest. 
“Adam, do you want to unclasp it?” She asked and Adam smiled and undid the clasps and moaned when the offensive blue fabric fell away. He immediately leaned forward to kiss and suck gently at her rosy nipple. Hanna tossed the bra to her vanity chair and Will brought his hand up to play with her other nipple. 
“That’s enough of that , you two. Nap time, now.” Hanna commanded and laid down in the center of the nest letting the two omegas snuggle up to her and get comfortable. 
Will curled up with his head on her stomach and his hand resting on her hip. He liked laying where he could smell the scent of arousal rolling gently off her body. Adam shoved his face into the soft side of her breast and let his hand go to lay in the toasty underside of her other breast. His arm was under his head so his hand could pet at her greying blonde hair gently. 
She was absolutely content and comfy. It was easy for all three of them to drift off to sleep. 
It wasn’t until nine p.m. that they all woke up. 
And realized they never allowed the alphas back in the house. It was okay though. It just made their punishments a fraction less brutal. 
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Guys will say "hear me out" then show you a picture of Angelina Jolie from 2005 while girls will say "hear me out" and then show you a picture of some fictional character who's a psychopath.
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multific · 7 months
Two Sides of The Same Coin
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Hannibal Lecter x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Cannibalism, Smut, Murder +18!!!
Summary: You two were so different, yet still the same. 
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"Mrs Lecter?" 
You turned and smiled at the woman. "Yes?" you asked with a soft tone when in reality you were fuming.
How dare she just come up to you out of the blue?!
How dare she interrupt your perfect evening?!
"Hi, My name is Lucy, and I'm a huge fan of your books." of course she was, your books are brilliant. "I truly believe you are a pioneer in the genre of horror-romance."
"Thank you very much." Of course you were, no one was as good as you.
"I was wondering if you could sign my book please?"
"No problem at all." you smiled so sweetly. Why would she even have the book with her?! You are in a restaurant! You quickly signed her book and she thanked you, with your smile still present you turned back and lifted your glass to your lips.
"No need to be angry, Darling." your husband chuckled as you looked into his eyes.
Reading the other as if you were open books was something that came to both of you naturally. 
"I'm here to celebrate our anniversary. Not at a meet and greet."
"Of course, but you have to indulge them a little. Make them think they are important so they keep coming back. You mastered that one, My Love."
"I believe it was you rubbing off on me. After all, it is 30 years we have known one another."
"And I knew you were trouble from the second I saw you. Cunning, manipulative, narcissistic, egoistic, psychotic. And yet you are stunning and mine." Hannibal lifted his glass as you clicked yours against his.
"Only yours." you smiled at him, this one, was not fake but a genuine one for your husband.
On your way home from the restaurant, it began to rain, you let out a long sigh as Hannibal was driving.
"Rain always makes me nostalgic," you said as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. He stopped at a red light and you looked at him. "When you killed my stepfather... for me. It was also raining."
"He had it coming, he abused you and murdered your mother. I gave him a merciful end. One he didn't deserve."
"He deserved to suffer like I did, but it was not what I meant, Hannibal."
"Please, elaborate then."
"You killed him because he was about to kill me, you became my saviour, but it is not only that. I remember you tore him apart, you kept on cutting and breaking his bones. I should have been disgusted, yet all I could think about was the way your muscles tensed and the grunts you let out."
"So, I turned you on." he spoke as he turned a corner. "I figured, from the way you acted after."
"I never got naked so fast in my life. We made love in that pool of blood in front of the fireplace. I remember we were young and unsure. It was so hot, I could taste blood on your lips." you could recall the way he moved his hips, so amazing, he reached such depths inside you that you weren't even sure existed. 
But he could also recall the way you completely submit to him. You only ever done that to him, no one else gets to have control over you, but him.
"Why are you bringing this up now? It has been a very long time ago."
"Because I want you to do the same tonight. As my gift for our wedding anniversary, I wish to watch you hunt, break and cut and then, I want you to fuck me in the blood."
"We are very similar, My Love." he stopped the car, your eyes never leaving him. "I was thinking almost the same." he smiled as the window behind you rolled down.
"Hi there, I like a three-way, 500 for an hour." the woman behind you talked and you finally turned to look at her.
Prostitutes disgusted you, the way they looked at your husband made your blood boil, but you smiled at her. 
"How about a thousand and I get to watch?" Hannibal replied and you smirked.
The woman agreed and got into the backseat, having no idea what she was in for.
"Happy anniversary."
"I love you." you said as he began to drive again.
The next morning you wake up in your bed, under the warm sheets with the smell of food filling the air.
You slowly woke up as the blanket fell down your naked body.
You rolled out of bed, and got dressed in one of Hannibal's shirts before heading to the kitchen.
"Good morning." you said as he had his back turned towards you. You rounded the kitchen island and hugged him.
"Morning. I made your favourite for breakfast. Bacon with eggs."
You looked at the meat sizzling in the pan before looking up at Hannibal as he leaned down to kiss you.
"She truly was a pig." 
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Taglist: @castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad @groovyqueer @lilliumrorum
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dirafames · 11 months
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honestly i'm both
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fluffy-little-demon · 7 months
Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Warnings: baby trapping, manipulative behaviour, obsessive behaviour
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Imagine you're one of Hannibal's patients, but you're close because he's obsessed with you, and so Hannibal constantly invites you for dinner and almost always ends up in bed staying the night. Until one day, when you find out you're pregnant.
You're stressing out cause there's no way you can look after a baby. You can barely look after yourself. You don't have the money for baby supplies, medical bills, or any of it. The only reason you could afford therapy in the first place was because it was court ordered, and they paid the biggest part of it.
Hannibal steps forward and places a hand on your cheek, gently pressing a kiss on your forehead to stop your rambling. He tells you that you don't need to worry about anything he will pay for everything and suggests that you move into his house so he can help and make sure you're ok. He's so excited to be having this baby with you.
You realise that the only reason you've been taking care of yourself is because you've been going to his house for every meal. You pretty much already live here already, so why not make it official.
I am begging someone to turn this into a full fic please 🙏 I would love you forever 🩷
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30k follower celebration for Hannibal Lecter please prompt 3 “I never thought I would see you again.”
.⋆。Won’t Let Go Again。⋆.
Hannibal Lecter x plus size reader
implied Hannigram x plus size reader
Moving to Baltimore was supposed to be a fresh start, to escape the ghosts of your past but a budding new friendship with an FBI profiler leads you back to the man who left you behind
Warnings: european!reader, DARK, usual Hannibal warnings (implied cannibalism, kidnapping, drugging, manipulation), childhood lovers, needles
WC: 1.2k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
Halloween Celebration
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America confused you, everything was big and moved so quickly, you considered it a miracle that you didn’t constantly get lost. But it was such a beautiful place, especially Baltimore. The mixture of old and new architecture that lined the bay was so reminiscent of your old home but also gave you a whole new world to explore.
With a paper map in your hands, you wandered down a mostly empty street, your small heels clacking softly against the pavement. You were determined in your search for a new coffee shop to try out on your day off but so far, you have been unsuccessful. Head down and concentrated, you didn’t notice an equally distracted man walking straight in your direction.
You bowled into each other and you both fell down. You winced and the man yelped as you crashed onto the cold sidewalk. “Oh god! I am so sorry, I should’ve seen where I was going.” You apologised quickly, ignoring the way the skin of your knees burned with pain.
The man shook his head at you, causing his brown curls to tumble over his forehead. “No it’s my fault, sometimes I just wander and forget my surroundings.” He pulled himself to his feet and offered you a hand, although he would not meet your eyes.
“I suppose we are both at fault then.” You chuckled and allowed him to help you to your feet. Your long skirt fell back over your legs, concealing the small cuts on your knees. You took note of the way he made sure that you were all right before he appraised his own body for any injuries. 
He suddenly ducked down and grabbed something from a puddle on the side of the street, and when he popped back up with your now destroyed and waterlogged map, he smiled sheepishly at you. “How about I get us some coffee as a sorry for ruining your map?”
He finally met your gaze with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes you had ever seen. Then his stomach growled loudly and he looked away, pink dusting over his high cheekbones. “Then let me buy some sandwiches for us both.” You offered.
Your friendship with Will Graham was like how you viewed the states, both nostalgic and brand new, filled with mystery and comfort. You learned quickly that he was not a very reliable friend given that he frequently disappeared into cases and his own mind but he was also an incredible friend when he was around.
He showed you all of Baltimore and taught you some tricks to navigating any city so you wouldn’t get lost. And now, he was inviting you to dinner- at his therapist’s house. 
“I would hardly call this romantic, Will.” His eyes flicked to you as he reached to ring the doorbell of the townhouse in front of you.
“I never said this was going to be romantic.” He snipped but he still squeezed your hand tightly.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “You said that you were taking me to dinner somewhere nice, I assumed it was a date.”
“You’re teasing me, I don’t like when you tease me.” He muttered but you could clearly see the way the corner of his lips turned upwards in a soft smile. 
Before you could retort that he did in fact love your teasing, the door opened and the breath was sucked from your lungs. “Hannibal.”
Amber eyes widened and the careful composure he possessed, fell away. “Mylimasis.” (Beloved) Your hand went limp in Will’s hold and suddenly your vision was blurry with tears.
“I-I have to go.” But your companion held tight, his own blue eyes staring at you with an apt fascination. You could see the way his brain was ticking over, analysing each and every part of you but you refused to give anything away. “Let me leave.” 
You tried to pull from his hold and instead you were pushed into another one. Hannibal was much stronger than you remembered and he easily pulled you into his home. Will followed close behind, shutting the door with a firm slam. You would later question why he so blindly obeyed Hannibal but in the moment, you were only focused on the way your heart was breaking all over again. 
His chest was firm beneath your touch as he tugged you fully into his arms. He was older, there was no doubt about that, but the longer you looked into those golden eyes you used to know so well, the more you saw of that boy who had stolen your very soul. “My mylimasis, I never thought I would see you again.” 
Your anger flared once more, setting your veins alight with a fire you thought you had extinguished long ago. “That tends to happen when you abandon someone.” He did not even flinch at your fight.
A large, warm hand cupped your full cheek as he gazed at you just the same as he had so many years ago- you wanted to punch that look off of his face. “Even more beautiful than I remember.”
Your eyes burned with unshed tears, memories unearthing from the deep graves in your mind you had buried them in.
The first time you saw him, you didn’t think he was real. He was so beautiful he had to have been some sort of fae. His regal features practically glowed in the spring sunlight as he smiled at you. You could never clearly remember what he said to you that day in the flower fields by your small home but you did remember the feeling of his words- love, comfort, warmth.
But the day he left, his touch only brought you pain. You could still feel the way that the gravel sliced into your palms as you fell at his feet, begging him not to leave. He promised you the world yet he took the world from you. His eyes were dark, his lips turned down in a vicious sneer.
No matter how hard you tried, you could not forget the expression of pure hatred and disgust he held on that day. 
“You know her?” Will finally spoke from behind you. Hannibal finally looked away from you and to his patient who still stood awkwardly right in front of the door. 
“She is my first love.” He answered simply as you scoffed under your breath. “It seems fate brought my two loves to each other and then to me.” 
Your eyes went wide. “Let me go!” You thrashed violently but his grip never faltered. “You’re fucking crazy!” Hannibal never even acknowledged your struggle, instead nodding over your head towards his lover.
So caught up in your struggle, you didn’t hear the opening and subsequent shutting of a drawer before the heat of Will’s body drew closer and his breath tickled the back of your neck. “Don’t fight it, it will only make this worse.” His voice sounded cold and so unlike the man who would call you in the middle of the night to talk about a new stray dog he rescued.
You tried to turn your head but Hannibal firmly gripped your jaw, keeping you still. There was a pinch in your neck then warmth suddenly flooded through you. “Fuck you.” Even as your words slurred, the malice in your tone didn’t escape either man.
“Just close your eyes mylimasis, we will never let you go ever again.” The darkness swallowed you whole.
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Hannibal Lecter
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tulsajesusfrk · 4 months
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Hi!, Could you do a Hannibal x reader fic where Hannibal is the obsessed teacher, until one day they went beyond just looking at each other and he asked him to stay after class to talk about "things", they talk for a while, until Hannibal ask if she have a bf or something, he get up and tell her that also notices how she looks him... (Can it also end with smut? If you're comfortable whit) And Hannibal could also be a little annoying? like he know she needs him then he feels good whit.
(I'm not proud of this but... I need it)
And my apologies my english isn't great
a/n: i think we all need it if we're being honest
Hannibal X Reader: Teachers Pet
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Warnings: smut, teacher!Hannibal x Student! reader, penetration (p in v), Hannibal being a tease, domish Hannibal, pet names (pretty girl), dirty talk, liking older men, age gap (no specified), no use of y/n
Word count: 1,4K
Someone is talking but he isn’t looking at them. He’s looking at you. Actually he is always looking at you. It doesn't matter if someone else asked him a question or if he's lecturing, his eyes are always on you. You don’t mind it. Actually you enjoy it quite a bit because your eyes are always on him too. Maybe it's wrong to want him like this but you really can’t get yourself to care. It's not like you're actively doing something to fulfill your little fantasy. They are just meaningless glances, nothing more.
Except that they weren’t and you both knew it.
Months of stolen glances and lingering touches. Hannibal can’t take it anymore. He’ll go insane if he doesn't have you. So he asked you to stay after class. He used some excuse about your last paper, saying he wanted to talk to you about your grades and whatnot. It was a lie of course and you could tell.
“Is something wrong professor?’
You’re acting innocent, trying to figure out how far he’d willing to go with this charade. 
“I wanted to talk about your grades. I’ve noticed they’ve been slipping recently. Did something happen recently?”
He pauses his eyes peeking up at you through his glasses. 
“A new boyfriend distracting you from your studies perhaps?”
“No. No boyfriend.”
Hannibal hums, his eyes moving to glance at the papers on his desk. You place your palms on the edge of the table leaning forward so that you could look at the papers too. 
“You’re a good student. What happened?”
“Well you could say something has been distracting me lately.”
Hannibal lifts his gaze, his eyes catching on your chest. The blouse you’re wearing isn't doing much to hide the bra you're wearing, the whitline of it is clear through the almost sheer fabric of your shirt. 
“But not a boyfriend?”
You shake your head no your eyes looking at Hannibal innocently. It's a fake expression of course. You knew exactly what you were doing.
“In all honesty, professor , I shouldn't even be looking at him but I can't help it. He is very handsome.”
Hannibal's eyebrow quirk up.
“It's that so?”
“Uhum. He’s a little older too. I’ve always had a thing for older guys.”
“Have you told him?”
“No but he knows. I caught him looking at me too.”
There it is. The opening Hannibal was looking for. He gets up from his seat taking off his glasses and placing them on the desk before moving to where you are. You turn around your ass coming into contact with the desk behind you as Hannibal moves close to you. You tilt your head to look up at him. He still hasn’t touched you but you're practically buzzing with desire.
“You can’t blame him. You’re a very pretty girl.”
Hannibal's hand reaches out to cup your cheek, his thumb moving over your lips. You open your mouth to him, taking his digits in between your lips. Hannibal bits his lips as you suck on his thumb, the sight enough to make his pants tighten. You release his thumb with a ‘pop’.
“I need you, professor.”
Hannibal let out a groan, his body launching forward. His lips move roughly against yours. He plunges his tongue into your mouth and you let him a whine leaving your lips. His hands move to grope your ass. You cling to his shirt as he lifts your body onto the desk.  His body sloths against your with ease, his dick rubbing against your clothed cunt as he moves. You moan for him, your hands moving to unbutton your blouse. Hannibal stares at your chest, eyes widening as your bra is finally revealed to him. Before you can even react he’s tugging the bra down, his lips wrapping around your left breast. You throw your head back, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you frantically buck up into him. Hannibal's hand moved to your waist forcing your hips to stop moving.
“Patience. You’ll get what you want soon.”
“Please Hannibal. I need you so bad.”
“Show me.”
You lift your hips, removing your underwear. You dip your hands into your pussy collecting the witness that's gathered there. You lift your hand up to Hannibal showing him your juices. He hums pleasantly at the sight,  his pants growing tighter. He moved forward engulfing your digits with his mouth. Your mouth opens in shock as you watch him lick your fingers clean. All of his self control seems to leave him, the need to feel you wrapped around him getting to his mind. He moves away from you fingers moving to remove his belt and pull down his zipper. You lean forward on his desk watching him. Hannibal senses your gaze on him, his hands pausing for a moment. He makes his way back to you, guiding your hand to his boxers. You gasp as you feel the outline of his dick against your palm.
“Take it out for me, pretty girl.”
You do as he asks your hands moving inside his boxers to free his dick from his confines. You gasp as you feel the weight of his dick in your hand. He was larger than you had expected. You give him a stroke, your thumb moving over his head, collecting the pre cum there. Hannibal's watches you guide your thumb to your mouth, licking the pre cum off it with a smile. 
That was his breaking point.
You squeal as Hannibal drags you off the desk, your ass squeaking against the wood at the rough movement. He turns you around, his hand moving to push you against his desk. Your nails dig into the desk as he begins to enter you. A moan threatens to spill from your lips but Hannibal shushes you.
“Gotta be quiet. You don’t want anyone to hear us right?”
You clench around his dick at the thought of getting caught making him smile.
“Dirty thing.”
Before you can manage a smart remark Hannibal plunges his dick into you causing your voice to leave you. Your bare breasts rub against the desk beneath you as Hannibal roughly snapped his hips into you. You want to scream but you know you can’t so instead you bite into your hand. Hannibal’s moving so fast against you you're surprised the desk hasn’t moved from its spot. 
“Professor I'm close…”
His movements slowed causing you to let out an annoyed grunt.
“Why did you stop?”
Hannibal pulled out of your turning your body so that you were facing him. You look up at him eagerly. His fingers cup your cheek roughly.
“You wanna cum is that it?”
“Beg for it then.”
“Please make me cum Hannibal. Please, I need it so bad!”
“Lay down on the desk and spread your legs. Wanna see that pretty face as you cum.”
You move quickly, hopping onto the desk and laying down. You place your feet against the edge of the desk giving a clear view of your folds.
“Look at that. Just begging to be fucked aren’t you?”
You nod eagerly at him.
“Use your words.”
“Yes professor. Please fuck me.”
He moved forwards entering you again. Despite his desire to tease you Hannibal couldn’t hold on for much longer. His hips move roughly against you pistoling into your pussy at a brutal pace. All you can do is lie there and take it, the pleasure is too much to cope with. You barely register your orgasm until Hannibal spills his seed into you, his fingers digging into your thighs as he lets your cunt milk him. 
He pulls out of you with a grunt, his hands moving to stuff his soft dick back into his pants. You continue to lay on the desk, far too tired to move. Hannibal makes his way to you tugging your body up. You let him carry you down. Your feet hit the floor, legs wobbling a bit as you try to stand. Hannibal pulled your bra back to its original position before his hands moved to button your shirt. You stare up at him, trying to regain full control of your mind. He places his hands on your cheek smiling at you. You give him a tired grin.  You watch him move over to where you threw your underwear. He grabbed it, showing it to you before putting it into his back pocket.
“A small souvenir. I’ll return it to you next time.”
“Next time?”
“Yes next time. Now get out of here, I have things to do.”
You make your way to the door feeling Hannibal's cum drip down your thighs as you make your way to your car.
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shegatsby · 11 months
Hi I'm not sure if you're taking requests if not then please completely ignore this
If you are I was wondering how you think Hannibal Lecter might propose to his female s/o?
No Warnings!
A/N;Hi guys, hope you're having a great day. Enjoy this short imagine. Love you all.
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Hannibal planned this trip  a year ago and  he scheduled everything  according to it. His patients, his work with the FBI. He seemed extra prepared for this trip which made you question him. You knew his character, he was always ready for anything but this time was different.
Analyzing people rubbed off on you from him, you’ve been together for 3 years now and living together for 2 years and obviously some of his personality traits made their way to you. You weren’t sure whether  you had affected him the way he did but this last year he was more settled and sometimes carefree. Of course those occasions were pretty rare, but it was fun to see him opening another bottle of wine after being tipsy or cancelling his work just for a get away with you.
When he made the last phone call about his work he was free. ‘’We won’t be bothered anymore, my love.’’ He kissed your temple and together you left your shared home to catch the flight.
Weather in Italy, Portofino was something you needed. Baltimore was too cold for you. He rented a villa up the hills, overlooking the entire town, sea, forests, buildings. The view made you feel you belong to Portofino, maybe one day you’ll live here with him.
You were on the balcony, being in awe of the sight before you while Hannibal was being in awe of you, he hugged you from behind, kissed the tip of your ear. You giggled like a child, he loved that about you, admired your nurturing, yet, carefree spirit. He was aware that together you were in the perfect balance.
Hi hands went to your stomach, he imagined you carrying his child. Before you, he never imagined having someone in his life, of course he had some people that he saw time to time bur being in a committed relationship was something he never dared to dream. The sun was setting, he made you turned and looked at his deep maroon eyes.
He planned everything and it was time,
‘’My dearest, 3 years ago today was the first time that I saw you. You were drinking your coffee, just the way you like, and reading your book.’’
You smiled, you were reading ‘’A Philosophy of Walking’’ by Frédéric Gros, he made a comment about it, thus, you started talking about great philosophers for 2 maybe 3 hours.
‘’But we were so caught off guard by our instant chemistry that you left without bestowing me nothing but your elegant name. Thanks to my connections with the FBI, I found you.’’
You remembered the big bouquet of flowers on your work desk after a day, how scared you were…
Soon you’ve come to realize that Hannibal Lecter, even though he was the epitome of the modern gentlemen, deep down he was a hunter. He lived to chase and catch, you gave him a chase which was worth the ride.
‘’I never want to let you go, what we have is real.’’ He let go of your hands to get a ring from his pocket. You could feel the tears of happiness forming, ‘’Be mine. Forever.’’ You kissed his lips, ‘’Yes,’’ you whispered, ‘’forever.’’
Thank you for reading. :)
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sabythemerchant · 4 months
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Short hair fem Hannibal (I tried my best for the hairstyle meme, I'm almost done! This was probably the toughest aesthetically)
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eggcompany · 7 months
Pain in the ass
Doctor Hanna Lecter takes care of malnourished Will Graham while he receives care for his eating disorder. Just a short and cute little thing with caring Hanna Lecter and omega Will Graham. Includes heats and mommy kink.
Will Henry Graham. Sixteen years old, Louisiana born Maryland transplant, and omega. 
Also complete and utter pain in every nurse's ass. 
“Here’s your breakfast William.” Said the tall blonde as she rolled over the table with his tray of meek mush on it. 
“My name is Will.” The boy bit out snappily. He hated when they called him William. His name wasn't William. It was just Will. 
“Okay, well eat up.” The nurse said offhandedly as she typed away at the computer. 
“No.” Will said and rolled over to face away from her and look out the window at the sad grey skyline. 
“Well I’ll leave this with you to eat.” She said and turned to leave. 
“Fuck you.” Will growled and flipped the tray into the floor. 
Just like most days. 
And the nurse came back to load his feeding tube. 
Will didn’t weigh enough to take on an alpha. He was too short, too thin, and also hated everyone. He weighed only a hundred and three pounds. Plus he didn’t even like alphas, they stank and only had ever caused trouble in his life. Always acting so much better than everyone else and always being so annoying. 
He didn’t get up enough and no one cared about him. He was an angry little boy and everyone was tired of him. 
No one tried to get him up and out of bed, no one took him on walks to the small garden on the lower level, no one even came in and tried to make conversation with him anymore. Hell his hair hadn't been brushed in months. They'd only ever given him a tub of water and rags to wash himself and it was difficult to wash his hair like that. 
That was until he was seizing and had a fever of 106. Alarm bells were ringing and nurses came running from the station. It was a fiasco for a while but then when it finally stopped Will was calm, quiet, resting. He had never been so scared in his life but he just had to bottle it all up, no shoulder to cry on and no hand to hold. 
Then he was screaming and thrashing in bed and everyone was trying to stick him with sedatives. Will was a fiesty thing, snapping and biting and clawing at anything he could. When he finally got stuck he let out a screech that could have shattered glass. 
When Will finally woke up he just started crying. He felt so bad. And so alone. And his bum hurt. 
“Hello Will.” Said a heavily accented voice. Will immediately reached out and shoved and scratched at where the voice was coming from. His eyes opened but everything was all bleary. 
“No! No, go away! I hate you! I hate you…” Will screamed but the voice shushed him and soon hands were taking his gently. Will fought and pulled his wrists away trying to get loose of the secure grip. 
“I know Will. I know. I understand.” They said and Will hiccuped a sob and blinked away the tears and gunk from his eyes. He kept pulling until he could finally see the lady who was sitting lightly on the edge of his bed. 
She was pretty. High cheekbones, amber eyes, greying blonde hair tied in a proper bun, and strong vascular hands. She was tall too, definitely taller than most of the other nurses here, especially in the pair of black heels she was wearing. 
“Mister Graham, why don’t we take some nice big breaths.” She said and Will was already taking a deep slow breath. They mimicked each breath together until Will was laying lax in the hospital bed, his hands loose in hers. She had cold hands, very cold hands. His hands were sweaty and warm but hers were… chilly. 
He noted she didn’t have any nail polish and only had on some lipstick and perhaps some light mascara. Her nails were short, cut to be functional and out of the way. 
“That’s much better. Now may we speak? I’d like to get your insight and try to help you with your emotions.” Said the woman who's voice had a certain deep richness to it that was...calming. Will liked it. Will rather thought it was a very attractive voice but then again she was quite an attractive older lady. But that was.. He didn’t think she was… He didn;t quite know what he thought but she seemed a bit less horrible. 
“That’s fine Miss.” Will said and pulled his hands away and let them lay on his thin chest. He felt a tinge of something tight in his chest and looked away from her for a moment. His wrists burned where her touch once was. 
“Oh how rude of me, I’m doctor Hannibal Lecter. My friends call me Hanna, I hope we can be on friendly terms.” The doctor introduced herself and stood up, extending a hand out to Will who looked at it and rolled his eyes and faced away from her to look back out the window. It was better to push away than to let them come closer. Doctors were all the same. 
“Okay Miss Doctor Lecter.” Will said with a slight sarcasm in his voice. He didn't like doctors. Especially ones like this, the ones that don't even bother wearing a lab coat or anything. In regular clothes. Like they're more important than everyone else. 
“Thank you Will. I’d like to give you some more calories while we speak. Is that alright?” The doctor asked and picked up a premixed bag of formula. She looked at him expectantly. He was confused because no one asked him if they could feed him. They just fed him. 1800 calories a day, that's what he got, no more, no less. 
“Gross.” Will grumbled and looked back out at the sky. It would rain later, he bet. If the window could get cracked open he might be able to smell it. He missed the smell of rain…
“I know. I’d only give you a half pack, a small boost for energy.” Hanna pushed with a small smile gracing the edge of her lips. Will huffed and picked at the edge of his blanket. He’d picked a pretty good spot on the edge already. This was a new blanket given he’d puked on his last one. New blankets were nice. 
“… I guess it’s okay.” Will answered in a grumbling voice. 
“Thank you.” Hanna said and started to hooking the pack up. Will rolled his eyes. 
They all thought he was anorexic. He wasn’t anorexic. It wasn’t that he wanted to be skinny. It wasn’t that he didn’t like eating, or that he was addicted to exercise, he was fine in his body. The issue was every time he ate he felt sick, he got sick thinking about food in his mouth. He got horribly disgusting visions when he ate too like maggots in his pudding cups or that all the meat was spoiled. He liked food. He just had problems eating it…
“Will I used to be a surgeon. I was a surgeon for ten years and then I went into therapies. Physical therapy was far too boring for me, too mundane and simple. Mental therapy really drew me in, and of course with psychiatry comes with contact nursing.” Hanna explained as she got comfortable on the incredibly uncomfortable couch. 
She looked up at him when she was done and Will looked at her, blushing. Contact nursing was usually saved for babies and people with severe mental disorders. Contact nurses were meant to supply omegas with hormonal balance and make sure people with sensitivities to touch didn’t go starved. 
He turned away and picked at his leg hair, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment and then looked vaguely over the doctor's shoulder. 
“You’re a contact nurse?” He asked and swallowed thickly, his hands trembled slightly. They had sent him a contact nurse before, some young lady with big boobs and a squeaky voice that made Will want to bash his head against the wall. And then there was a man who had small hands and smelled like coffee. Will didn’t like him either, he kept too much eye contact. But Doctor Lecter seemed… maybe it would be like not totally horrible. 
“Yes Will. What do you think about that?” Hanna asked and scribbled something down on her clipboard of papers. She watched the way Will fidgeted nervously, chewing the inside of his mouth and picking at the wispy light brown hair on his legs. He was sitting cross legged on his bed, blanket pooled around him only covering his feet. His bone bumped hairless chest exposed to the chilly air of the room, pink nipples pebbled  on point. 
Hanna kept an even expression even though her chest was swelling with hunger just seeing the boy’s frail form. He looked so breakable, so vulnerable, so in need. That was what fed her though, being needed. She just needed to tease him until he’s desperate, just wave the food in front of his face until he’d kill for it. He’d look so beautiful plump and covered in blood- 
“Um it’s- that’s- it’s- that’s cool. I guess.” Will struggled out and turned a cherry color in his face. Hanna gave him a real smile. Maybe not just his boyish shy adorableness but also the thought of him let loose like a wild beast. 
“I suppose it is.” She said and looked back at her clipboard. There were a few lines of questions to fill out. She wrote down a few technical things and glanced up a few times and wrote down notes about the boy. 
“Do you enjoy the window Will?” Hanna asked as she wrote about Will’s physical state. She noticed Will had been staring out the window every time she looked up and when he was speaking he never met her eyes, only looking out the window. Some long term patients use the window as an escape. 
“Yeah… ‘s gonna rain.” Will mumbled and looked down at his leg where his fingers were still twisting at the hairs. Hanna hummed and put her clipboard down after flipping the cover page down so Will wouldn’t be tempted to try and read her notes. 
She stood and smoothed her skirt down over her thighs. She walked to where the two large windows meet and, using her key, pushed them to their maximum opening. Only a few inches, suicide safety and all. 
It made a world of difference to the boy though. Will took big gulps of air and moved to try and get closer but the moment his feet neared the floor Hanna was at his side. 
“Slowly Mister Graham, Allow me to assist you.” Hanna more ordered than suggested. She was quick to unhook the monitors and wheel the cart his tube was hooked too behind the boy as he pulled farther and farther from the bed. 
Will’s legs trembled and his ankles screamed. He hadn’t been so glad to sit down on the couch. He pushed his face into the four inch gap and breathed in the dirty city air. 
It was lung opening. 
Will sat there talking long breathes in and feeling the slight breeze graze his nose and shift his eyelashes. 
“Perhaps a walk in the garden would be refreshing?” Hanna offered and Will gasped and nodded his head. He would never be able to walk that far but he had a feeling the woman was talking about in the future. 
Maybe she wasn’t the worst…
“I hate you! Liar! Liars!” Will screamed as he thrashed around. The pain in his stomach was fucking unbearable. He’d woken up feeling like he was being gutted while also being on fire while also having an aching boner. He’d only ever had his first two heats and those were like three years ago before his dad gave him up. And they had been light and had felt so… feathery compared to the hell he was going through now. 
It didn’t help that the nurses had put him on the floor on his knees which hurt because his legs were sore from the last few days of going on walks around the hospital with Miss Lecter. 
It really didn’t help when they had wrestled him down and shoved… what felt like a fucking beer bottle up his ass. 
He didn’t particularly care what it actually was given the agony he was in once they had restrained him in the kneeling position. He just continued screaming trying to get away from whatever it was. 
“Will? Will, what’s wrong? What’s happening?” Hanna asked as she quickly responded to the screaming coming from her patient's room. The nurses cleared away from him as she knelt down in front of the screaming teen. She’d grown quite fond of the little monster. 
“Liars! I hate you! I fucking hate you!” He screamed and tried to head butt the doctor but she was quick to pull him close and cradle his head against her collarbone. She hummed and shushed him, petting his dirty hair and putting safe pressure on his neck with her opposite hand. Will had reacted nicely to petting, stubborn and pouting, but stopped screaming in favor of whining and sobbing. 
“What’s happening, Will? Can you tell me what's wrong? Is it your body or your head?” She asked. They had established that it was easier for Will to explain his pain if he could say his body or his head. He always kept away from his “head” problems but Hanna felt that soon that lock would be shattered open. Sooner now. 
“My b- my body. It’s too big, it hurts. Feels like everythins bein torn apart” Will cried into the soft silky fabric of the doctors wine colored blouse. He pulled and pulled at his hands but they were secured to his ankles. 
“Okay, thank you, Will. I’ll lift you up and I want you to sit on a pillow until I can look at you.” Hanna explained quietly before barking at the nurses to hand her a pillow and to put an extra small knotter in the warmer. 
She was furious. How dare they put such a large object in such a small boy. He had barely gained eleven pounds. He’d need to put on at least ten more until he could take something any bigger. She’d find out who was behind it though… find out which of the nurses would be meeting her for dinner…
Soon enough Will was laying on his back in bed. He was crying and rubbing at his stomach which was at least not concave anymore. Hanna was returning with the small toy, a warm blanket, and some ibuprofen. She reenter the now empty room and Will cried and rolled to face away from the intruder. 
“Mister Graham, Will, Let's get you fixed up. You’ll need to swallow a pill for me, I know you can do it.” Hanna announced and the boy rolled over and looked at her with a pained expression. 
“It hurts too bad. My butt hurts, I can’t sit up.” He explained and tears slipped down his soft cheeks. Hanna shushed him and wiped a few tears away with her thumbs. The boy preened into her hands and she allowed herself to cup his face. Poor pained thing… cracking at the edges…
“Let me sit with you.” She said quietly and he was nodding. She sat down on the edge of the bed and let her hand travel down to rub at the sides of his neck down to sit on his perfect collarbones. 
He opened his eyes and looked at her desperately. 
“Please, it hurts” He whimpered and she looked at him before clearing her throat and setting the warm blanket on his cold chest. 
He called out happily and was shoving it to cover his sweat damp body. When he was settled Hanna had a small cup of water and the pill in her newly gloved hand. 
“I’ll help you sit up but you have to swallow this pill. I am giving you this pill. This is a good pill.” Hanna said and recited what they had agreed on to help the boy take medication that was given to him. 
Will looked at her before nodding and taking the pill, he sat up and the doctor put her hand behind his back which he leaned back on. She had strong arms, muscular and unshavenly fuzzy in blonde hairs. Will stared at the small pill for a long moment. 
“Swallow the medication. Drink the clean water. Two big swallows. You do two things for me and I’ll reciprocate.” Hanna ordered and Will took one big breath and blew it out. He quickly shoved the pill into his mouth and drank the full cup of water. 
Hanna smiled and slowly let Will lay back down as she took the cup away from him. She efficiently stripped away her glove and dropped it and the cup in the trash. She sat back on the edge of the bed and looked at the boy who was squirming around, rubbing his thighs together and petting his own stomach. 
“Do you feel better now Will?” She asked and let her hand lay calmingly on the boy’s boney ankle. He looked much better now that he was plumping up, becoming full of color and life, being able to writhe and cry without passing out. 
“I feel… My stomach hurts. My dick feels like pinchy? It’s weird but it hurts. I feel wet. I hate being wet.” Will said and turned a tomato cherry red and looked out his window. His bum was still bare and he could feel his own slick dribbling down between his buttcheeks. It was gross feeling. 
“Do you think you can take a knotter that’s the correct size for you? The previous one was… well for someone bigger than me even. This is made for omegas with slicking problems, first time heats, or difficult or painful heats. See it soft.” Hanna explained and picked up the silicone cock from beside her. 
She handed it to Will who looked at it like it was an alien thing. He squeezed it, forearms flexing with effort. It could fit in his hand and didn’t have a real knot, it was only a bit more solid at the base. 
“This’ll make it better? But it’s… I’ve…” Will struggled and flashed his eyes up to the doctor who gave him a smile and took the toy back, letting one hand creep under the blanket to touch his bare ankle. She stroked his joint with ease and confidence and Will relaxed again. 
“You’re in heat Will, anatomically your body is begging for this.” Hanna said and nodded toward the phallic thing in her hands. Will blushed and looked away but nodded and little. 
“I’ll be doing the whole procedure. You can even hold my hand. We’re going to try this and if it doesn’t work I’ll order you a heat closer and we’ll have to start you on suppressants. Understand?” Hanna said in a no nonsense kind of way. Suppressants were serious business. Will knew that. 
He swallowed and thought about it. Miss Lecter had to wear heavy scent blockers like all other staff but Will always got an “alpha” vibe off her. Plus she was a lot older than him and she worked in clinic so she probably had so much experience. 
“I don’t wanna be on the floor, hurt my legs.” Will said and looked back at the woman who smiled and gave him a sympathetic look. Will felt a particularly sharp feeling and squeezed his thighs together tightly and let out a high pitchy whine. 
“Okay, breathe through it. In and out, you’re okay. Breathe Will.” Hanna coached and waited patiently until Will was breathing evenly. He was crying lightly and pushing at his stomach. 
“Would you rather have me wear gloves or without?” Hanna asked and stood up waiting for an answer. Will huffed and sniffed a bit. 
“I don’t like gloves, makes me feel like ‘m gettin fingered by a balloon dog.” Will said and Hanna broke out in a smile. What a crude little boy. Hanna handed him a tissue and washed her hands quickly in the small sink. 
“Skin to skin contact is suggested during mating cycles. Especially when you’re still so young and dealing with other conditions.” The doctor explained as she sat back down on the bed and picked up the toy. 
Will trembled slightly at the thought of getting… mated . He’d never actually had heat sex. He’d had a bad blowjob once but other than that he was rather… inexperienced. 
“‘M nervous” The boy mumbled and squeezed his legs together under his blanket. Hanna smiled and let her hand gently rub at the boy’s thin calf under his blanket. 
“It’ll be okay, I’m here to take care of you. We’ll make sure you’re ready when you take on an alpha.” Hanna said and let her hand part his tender fuzzy thighs. 
“Oh- okay. Okay, yes ma’am.” Will shakily agreed and let his knees apart and pulled his blanket up to his belly. -0-0-0-0-
“Momma don’t leave, they hurt me.” Will whimpered and grabbed tighter onto Hanna’s blouse. Hanna shushed him and kissed his sweat salted forehead. 
He’d done so well. Crying, begging, tearing at her arms and shoulders with clipped blunt nails, screaming, baring his teeth, like a little rabid puppy. 
“Darling Will, I’m not leaving. You need to sleep, I’m only going to go prepare your new meal plans and do some paperwork on you. No one else will come in, I promise Will.” Hanna reassured the boy and pet gently at his clammy back. He kept his face shoved against her collarbone and her silky blouse clamped deathly tight in his fist. 
The doctor continued to pet his back and hummed lightly, some old instrumental she’d listened to. 
“Okay momma… wanna sleep so tired.” Will grumbled and released his grip on the silky fabric finally. 
Hanna slowly slid the boy off her lap so he was resting on his side against the bed head which was raised to a nearly sitting position. He whined a little and she placed a pillow in front of him to hug which he did immediately. Legs drawing up to pull the cushion in a koala hug. 
Such a sweet little monster. 
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macaulaytwins · 9 months
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“Oh drunken gods of slaughter, you know I’ve always been your favorite daughter”
NBC’s Hannibal // Netflix’s Arcane // AMC’s Interview With the Vampire // The Orestiea, Anne Carson // “Ptolomaea”, Ethel Cain
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aguas-ucia · 19 days
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I've been listening to Silence of the Lambs to sleep as a podcast substitute (don´t ask) and it was time to draw some femHannibal again, one as a younger Hanni
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liennka · 1 year
Hannibal Lecter x Will's daughter X Will Graham
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Summary: Will was supposed to help Jack with killing Hannibal, but he arrived too late and with him, his daughter, Y/n.... (s2e13)
-> This one is filled with angst, but i realised that's just what i am good at :) I am open to any criticism (be nice pls).
I just wanted to say that I am not the owner of this show, but I did make this story, so don't copy it without my knowledge, thank you.
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When Alana called about the warrant, Will didn't panic. He told Y/n to go downstairs, urging her to turn off the lights and grab a jacket. And as the police headlights came through the windows, they ducked and crawled on all fours to the back door, Will grabbing his gun. Outside, hidden in the darkness, they ran across their property, stopping on a road. The rain soaked their clothes, though at least the ground wasn't muddy, otherwise they'd be easy to track. A taxi pulled up and Will gave him an address. 
"Hannibal Lecter's house? Why are we going from one danger to another?" Y/n asked, much rather preferring a McDonald's or a cinema. 
"Because Jack will be there, and right now nowhere is safe," her father whispered, looking out the window, "and maybe it's the only address I know."
"That's probably it. What are we going to do then? Have a cup of tea with him and chat with Hannibal?" she sarcastically teased. 
"I gave him time to leave, nothing should happen".
Y/N wasn't so sure.
When they got off, her father couldn't have been more wrong. Alana laid there, glass broken, rain rinsing blood from her hair. She seemed dead, just the twitching from shock making her shoulders move up and down. 
"Alana!" Will rushed to her and wrapped her in his coat.
Y/n made note of her surroundings. The front door opened, all sorts of wet footsteps on the carpet, the second floor window busted. And a bloody burgundy dahlia looking at her from a pot near the entrance. 
"Betrayal," she hummed, crouching down beside Alana.
Will looked at her as if she was crazy. He had just called the ambulance and left Alana his phone. 
"The flowers," Y/n pointed out, "I guess he's inside.” 
"Jack's there too," Alana choked out.
Y/N was surprised, she thought Alana's rib cage was too damaged to speak, but Alana proved her wrong. Will nodded and stood up, his gun in both hands. Y/n stayed a little longer, not caring that her hair was now sticking to her ears and causing her to feel cold.
As she opened the door to the kitchen, the smell of blood hit her. There were knives, plates and glass everywhere, two pairs of shoes standing in the midst of it all. As she looked up, Hannibal's silhouette greeted her.  
"You were supposed to leave!" Will was standing in front of him.
"I couldn't leave without you two," Hannibal said affectionately. 
Y/n did not know who 'you two' meant, but had a hunch that it included her. Strangely, Hannibal didn't even spare her a look, placing his palm on Will's cheek as if to caress it. They both had such an intense gaze, the sexual tension almost making Y/n turn around to give them some privacy. The scenery looked like a theater piece, a tragedy at that. They dove into their world, where she didn't exist and where they spoke in a different language, or maybe she just lost her hearing from how loud her heart was beating.  Either way, Y/n wanted to separate them, to drag her dad back to their house, back to their dogs. 
She did not see the knife coming from her point of view. Her father simply yelped and took a step forward, crashing into Hannibal's arms. This wasn't real, no. Hannibal would never hurt Will, he was like the other half of his soul, she lied to herself. But there was a red stain on his shirt and when Hannibal embraced him, the weapon remained in his hand, as if to mock them. Y/n stood motionless, no sound could break through her frozen vocal chords. She never thought this would happen, her chest tightening and her eyes filling with tears of pure terror.
The impact of Will's body aligned with her first fallen tear. His body fell directly into a pool of Jack's blood, his pants soaking it up. A few droplets of their mixed blood landed on her shoe, ruining her white trainers. Y/n swallowed nauseously, not daring to look into her fathers eyes. 
Hannibal leaned forward, his crescent-shaped blade back on the counter. 
"I have let you know me, see me," Hannibal paused as Will struggled to breathe, "I gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it.”
"Didn't I?" Will insisted heartbroken, his eyebrows knitted tightly together. He seemed distressed, but more than anything, he was furious. 
Y/n shut herself off, not wanting to remember her father so frail, choosing to merely listen. And when she heard Hannibal mention the shattered teacup again, something in her snapped. She opened her pocket knife behind her back, using it for the first time since she bought it after the encounter with Tobias. Her fight-or-flight instinct flipped a coin and settled on fight. In a blink of an eye, she was standing behind Hannibal, her knife placed just under his jaw.
Y/n had no idea what she was doing. Her mind told her to end it, to be free at last. But her heart knew that was not possible, not in this life. She couldn't stop shaking, so she applied more force, making him bleed a little.  Will sucked in his breath, not quite understanding what was going on as this was out of character for her. 
"We are not a shattered teacup. You can't glue us back together and pretend like nothing happened," Y/n croaked in his ear, her voice high-pitched.
The blade suddenly twitched as a chuckle erupted from Hannibal’s chest.
"No, you certainly are not just a piece of pottery, but you are indeed fragile."
“You should have left when Will told you to. Instead you slaughtered them all, rightfully or not, whether you believe in God or not. There is no excuse for that,” Y/n hissed, her disappointment in him turning her words bitter. 
"I should have seen it coming…you made us so blind," her disappointment in herself turning her words sour.
Alana's happy face when she gave her a handmade sweater, or Jack and Bella's Christmas party, it was all over. Her bright future turned dim.
"I just wanted us to be a family. Why," she sobbed, a big droplet falling on the floor, "why can't I have a genuine family for once?"
Taking advantage of her state of mind, Hannibal grabbed her hand, pulling the knife away from his throat and spinning her around. He took her face in his palms, making her look at him. Y/n had teardrops on her chin, red spots on her irritated skin, her lips chapped and her eyelashes littered with fresh tears. He wiped them away so she had a clear view of him. However, he was no better, his normally perfectly sleek bangs were now messy, blood on his collar and some drying under his nose. He was bruised and in pain, yet he still looked like the most charismatic man she had ever seen. A charismatic man that attempted to erase her father's existence. 
"You don't get to start over after what you've just done, that's not fair!” she tried to wriggle out of his grip, “You hurt Will and you broke my trust. What do you expect us to do?" 
"Nothing, such is life. Don't fight it, let it all go."
Y/n raised her eyebrows in disbelief, a single tear running down her cheek. By now she could care less about having a weapon on her side, she felt she had already lost. 
"'And what if I don't want to let it go, to forget or forgive?" 
"Then you lose yourself," Hannibal directed his gaze back to Will, "I forgive Will. Will he forgive me?"
"'Don't. No, no, no!" Will uttered for the first time after his collapse.
It broke his heart, but there was nothing to be done, his design was meant to be finished and everything had to go according to plan. He pried her knife from her slack hold, unbeknown to her. 
"What are you tal-" Y/n's question couldn't be finished as she was silenced.
Her own knife, now in Hannibal's possession, was plunged blade deep into her side, almost identically to her father's. She yelped as she felt her muscles being torn apart, the stinging as Hannibal yanked it out causing her to choke. Her eyes opened wide as if trying to comprehend what was happening. The searing pain in her torso sent her to the ground, but it was the pain in her heart that made her burst out crying again, only this time it would not stop. Hannibal slowly lowered her down beside Will, splattering the tiles with her blood and tears like the rain would.
 She shook, struggling to catch her breath. With one hand she pressed against her wound, with the other she found her father's hand and weakly squeezed it. She felt his cold fingers, the energy draining from his body. 
"Dad," Y/n muffled her cries. 
Will wanted to help her, to hold her and console her, but he'd been bleeding for so long he couldn't even open his mouth. He had no choice but to watch with half-closed eyes as the entire room bathed in red.  
"You can make it all go away. Put your head back, close your eyes," Hannibal reached for Will's shoulder and met his eyes. "Wade into the quiet of the stream".
Y/n blinked at Hannibal for a second, but instead of a man, she saw a red horned monster with black dahlias sprouting from its eye sockets. So this was his true self, she realised.
“We were never meant to work, were we?” she clutched at Hannibal's trousers with her bloodied fingers. 
There was a silence for a while, Will's labored breathing slowing and her own sniffles fading to silent tears. Hannibal knelt down and ruffled her wet hair. 
And as her father closed his eyes, Hannibal asked her: "Will you forgive me?"
Y/n wanted to say no. She wanted to send him into the pond of burgundy ink as well, but her own mind said otherwise. 
"'Maybe, if you promise to make us work."
He smiled and stood up, not looking at her again. As his footsteps faded away, Y/n's warm blood grew chilly and her eyes heavy. With her last strength she kissed her father's knuckles, her last tears streaming down her face.  
She shed tears for how pitiful her ending was. And as her vision got blurrier, she bid farewell to her life.
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godspeedviper · 2 months
Minuetto - Hannibal x Fem!Reader (18+)
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𖤐 Synopsis: Reader is playing the part of Mrs. Fell, and takes part in a Florentine masquerade ball at the university Hannibal (under the assumed identity of Mr. Fell) teaches at.
𖤐 Type: established relationship || smut
𖤐 Word Count: 1,620
𖤐 Rating: explicit || clothing kink || social drinking || needle play || manipulation || pain play || PiV
𖤐 A/N: I do not speak Italian but I'm fluent in Spanish (native) and French, so I thought I'd go wild with the swearing lmao. Please feel free to correct any mistakes in the replies!
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 Hannibal leans on the bar countertop, picking up a glass of champagne, and he watches the crowded courtyard like a skilled predator, waiting for the opportunity to strike. He manages to simultaneously blend in and stand out, as there is a crowd of curious onlookers marveling at the historically costumed partygoers. He has his eye on a specific couple that are engaged in a rhythmic minuet on the dance floor. She wore a crème colored robe à la français with floral details, a translucent fichu over her décolletage, and a matching crème colored mask with blush pink faux feathers atop it. She twirled across the dance floor with dwindling grace, her hands holding steadfast onto a young man’s forearms, he was one of Hannibal’s (or should I say Mr. Fell’s) new colleagues. He watched as her steps quickly grew more and more uneasy, ultimately leading to her collapse. Hannibal sprung into action and darted towards his damsel in distress, weaving through the crowd of partygoers like a viper ready to strike. 
“Vita mia!” Hannibal exclaimed, as he reached down to pick her up off the floor. “Stai bene, carina?” 
She nodded weakly in response before Hannibal turned his attention to the man she had been dancing with. 
“How dare you?” It was less a question and more a threat. “I trusted you to hold my wife’s drink and this is what you make of that trust!”
“Sei pazzo, come pensi che sia possible?” The man, gesturing wildly, shouted in return. 
A crowd started to gather around the trio, whispering amongst themselves a myriad of scenarios that could possibly unfold. Hannibal quickly glanced around at the masked onlookers before pulling his fist back and throwing a hard punch directly at the man in front of him, crushing the man’s paper mâche mask into his nose. Hannibal placed himself firmly between the man and the drugged “Mrs. Fell”, imitating another punch to frighten the man into not fighting back. 
“Porca di quella grandissima puttana troia della Madonna di merda cristo iddio inculato da Geppetto e da tutti i santi in colonna!” Yelled the man as he tried to stem the bleeding from his nose with the sleeves of his costume. 
Hannibal puts his arm around her waist and starts to slowly escort his damsel off the premises and to the safety of their shared home. 
“What the fuck did you put in my drink this time, Hannibal?” She stirred, coming to in the frighteningly familiar comfort of a silk covered chaise. 
“Nothing you haven’t already tried before, tesoro.” He replied with a purr. 
“So you set up that poor man just to drug me?” She scoffed. “You said you weren’t even gonna show up to the party and yet you show up just to cause problems! You’re insufferable.” 
“And yet here you are.” He smiled menacingly. “Thousands of miles away from home, in the hands of a wanted man.” 
Hannibal stalked toward the chaise, tossing aside his suit jacket in the process. He bent over the chaise, his hands gripping the frame as he towered over her. She inhaled sharply, still a bit drowsy from the drug. A whole body shudder tore through her in anticipation. 
“You ought to be more appreciative of me, carina.” He looked at her how a starved man might look at a fresh kill, with a wild hunger that threatened to tear into her with reckless abandon. “I’ve done so much for you, for us.” His breath tickled her lips. “Besides, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you on the dance floor in full costume. You looked absolutely riveting, carina.” 
Hannibal’s charm in combination with the drug cast a powerful spell upon her. She looked into his ice cold gaze with reverence, mistaking malice for mirth, as beauty does not discriminate against lethality. Almost instinctively, she lifts her head off the mattress in an attempt to capture his lips in a heated kiss, but Hannibal swiftly pulls back and denies her reward. He pushes away from the chaise, standing straight once more and looking down at her with near contempt. She whimpers slightly as she feels his warmth leave her, and he clicks his tongue in disapproval. 
“Tsk tsk.” Hannibal wags his finger. “You need to be reminded of why you are here… alive. You are mine, and you must do as I say, tesoro. Capisci?”
She quickly nods her head in agreement, not daring to say a word. 
“Now then, tell me, who do you belong to?” 
“Y-” Before she could utter another syllable Hannibal struck her across the face with his palm. 
“Incorrect.” He said coldly. “I’ll give you another chance. Who do you belong to?”
“H-H-Hannibal? I… I belong to you… Hannibal.” She spoke with caution, gently rubbing her reddened cheek with her fingertips. This is what she so craved, danger, passion, the feeling of her heart beating furiously in her chest as she flirted with death. 
“Good girl.” He replied. “Play along now, and I promise it will be worth your while.” 
Hannibal pulls up a small ottoman to sit on at her feet. He begins by carefully removing her shoes and tossing them aside. Then, his hands reach out to her torso, his fingers searching the fabric of her dress for the pins which hold the stomacher in place. He slowly tugs her fichu out of its place, exposing her full cleavage, held up nicely by the boned stays underneath. 
“Hold still,” He said, and he began to put the pins into her skin, making sure to just catch the uppermost layer so as not to leave a nasty scar. She winced at first, but ultimately surrendered to the sensation as she watched him arrange the pins so that they formed a heart. “Good girl.”
Once finished with the pins, Hannibal set the stomacher aside and pushed the gown off of her. She watched as his hands took their time untying the ribbons which held up the petticoat and pockets underneath. It was as if he had all the time in the world, Hannibal moved at such a languid pace humming happily beneath his breath. He enjoyed this, he enjoyed the process of unwrapping her bit by bit, making her wait while he savored each dainty detail, committing them to his memory palace. She lifts her hips, allowing Hannibal to pull the layered petticoats off her body and onto the floor. He took her leg into his hands, brushing his lips against the knee high stockings, feeling the warmth of her body radiating through the white linen. “Bellissima,” He whispered to himself as his lips reached her thighs. Nimble fingers worked the blue silk ribbons she wore as garters, slowly rolling the linen stockings down to her lips, exposing her legs. Situating himself between her legs, he reached back up to her chest and began to gently pull the needles back out of her skin. Hannibal sets them aside on a small side table and watches hungrily as small drops of blood begin to form and ooze out of where the needles once were. 
“Oh look at you,” He brings a hand to your cheek. “You delight in wickedness, but then berate yourself for the delight. That simply won’t do, I won’t allow it.” 
He stands up and she watches him undress. Starting with the belt buckle, his hands calling attention to the bulge in his slacks. She licks her lips as she watches him free his erection and position himself between her still clothed thighs – the split bloomer design making for ease of access. Without warning, Hannibal thrusts himself into her, as far as her body would take him in this state. She yelps out in pain as she feels his cock spear her, stretching her sides and causing a dizzying agony. 
“Sh sh shhh” Hannibal coos, putting one hand over her mouth and the other gripping her hip over the boned stays. 
She struggles against his grip, hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she cries out in pain, pleasure, and delirium – his hand muffling her helpless pleas. He thrusts into her hard, hips setting a merciless pace and his eyes fixated on the rhythmic bouncing of her breasts bulging out from the bodice stays, covered in wispy streaks of blood. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as pleasure begin to win over the pain. Agonized cries gave way to wanton moans, spurring Hannibal on. 
“There you go,” His voice was trembling. “You’re enjoying this, I know you are.” 
Her hands desperately clawed at his back as her pleasure mounted up. She loved being his toy, his pretty little victim. He took care of everything, he made all the choices, all the had to do was lay back and let him do as he wished. It was all so much easier than normal life, working late hours, fighting for your career, being threatened by men of status and constantly having to prove herself in her field, chastised for the sin of simply being a young woman in academia. Here, she let Hannibal take the reigns fully. With Hannibal by her side, no one dared threaten her, he made sure she was safe, he took care of her like a princess just so he could have the privilege of breaking her himself; and break her he did. 
With one last strong thrust, Hannibal fully lost control, vision going completely white as his orgasm coated her insides. He felt her nails piercing his flesh, the vibrations of her screaming against his palm, the power of knowing she was fully in his hands, and it all sent him over the edge. Perhaps he wouldn’t eat her after all.
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