#omega adam
lilacwriter07 · 2 days
Death To The Rising Star
After the battle of the latest extermination peace returned, months passed by and then ..
The King of Hell Lucifer the most powerful Omega of Hell announced, his upcoming wedding to his new Queen .
Charlie was shocked and panicking because she doesn't know anything about this !
What about her mom ?
Lucifer sitting on the throne with a kind smile (but it was not kind, it held so much pity and a sinister look)
His new Queen an Omega was no other then the suppose to be dead Adam .
Having a golden chain around his neck, crying, pleading for someone to just kill him .
But nobody dares to move .
Nobody dares to stop the king as he takes Adam, as he throws Lilith's head on the floor .
"Death to the traitor !" He shouted ."Long live the Devil's bride !"
The sinners cheered scared of their minds, as Charlie cries holding her mother's head, Adam trembling with a bloody spot on his neck .
The devil is done playing nice .
Next is Heaven .
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rainforestakiie · 2 months
omega lucifer x omega adam part 03~
i really am enjoying writing this! it's really fun to be honest! haha! i do hope you like it!
lilith finds out lucifer and adams mating. the angels get involved and adam loses a part of himself. poor bean.
Nest of the Damned (Omegaverse Omega/Omega) Part 01. Part 02. Part 03. Part 04. Part 05. Extra 01.
Full Version
"What's that?"
Adam jumped, a startled yelp escaping his lips as a firm hand clamped down on his shoulder. He was yanked back with such force that he nearly lost his balance. His green eyes widened in alarm as he turned to face the towering form of Lilith. The pungent smell of smoke assaulted his senses, making his nose twitch.
"Let go!" he cried, pushing the Alpha woman away. "Don't touch me!"
Lilith's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What's that on the back of your neck? I've never seen it before."
"It-It’s none of your concern," Adam stammered, scrambling to put distance between them. "It has nothing to do with you."
"I bet it will if I ask the Angels," she hissed, her posture bristling with tension.
Adam frowned deeply, standing inches away from her. His instincts screamed at him to flee and hide as her aggressive scent filled the air. Adam longed to return to his safe nest and never come out again. Lilith despised him; she had made that clear from the beginning. The idea of being seen with him, let alone speaking to him, repulsed her. Not that Adam cared anymore.
"Why would you do that?" Adam asked, struggling to keep his voice steady. He swallowed hard, his throat aching as he tried to puff out his chest, showing he wasn't afraid of the Alpha. "Why would you ever get Angels involved in our business? You hate the Angels. You said they’re controlling us."
Lilith's eyes widened in surprise. Adam had never stood up for himself before. Her suspicion deepened as she stepped closer, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Her icy blue eyes glared down at him threateningly.
"Did you make Lucifer bite you?" she accused coldly. "How selfish can you be? Forcing yourself on him like that. What did you do? Put on the waterworks again? Is that it?"
Adam shuddered, his skin prickling with anxiety. It was the same accusation she had hurled at him since Lucifer had stopped spending time with her. She blamed him for taking the angel away, but Lucifer had never been hers. He had always been Adam’s guardian Angel.
"No, you're wrong. Lucifer bit me because he loves me," Adam said, trying to keep his voice level, to hide his nerves. "And I love him. We’re mates, so you can’t mate with him anyway."
His heart pounded harshly as he stood up for himself. Adam’s eyes dropped, avoiding Lilith's piercing gaze. He shuffled his feet before finally raising his anxious stare to meet her harsh look. His stomach churned as he saw the intense anger in her eyes, prompting him to take a step back.
Then, without warning, Lilith's hand flew. She slapped Adam harshly across the cheek, causing his head to snap to the side. His eyes were wide and watering, his cheek reddening and undoubtedly bruising. Slowly, he raised a hand to touch the sore spot and looked at Lilith in disbelief.
"Y-You slapped me," he gasped.
Lilith growled, baring her teeth. "You're disgusting! You tricked him into mating with you! How vile!"
"I d-didn't!" Adam cried. "I didn't trick him! We mated because we love one another!"
"You're both Omegas! Omegas can't mate together!" Lilith snapped. "Omegas are supposed to mate with Alphas! I was supposed to mate with Lucifer, not you! He would never want you; you're not an Alpha!"
It was the first time she had yelled at him, and Adam shrank in on himself.
"So tell me!" Lilith demanded, grabbing Adam's arm as he tried to flee. Her fingers dug into his flesh, yanking him back with a force that made him gasp. Her other hand clamped around his neck, nails biting painfully into the sensitive skin at the nape.
Adam screamed from the sudden assault, his hands flying up to grasp her wrist in a desperate attempt to free himself.
"Tell me how you tricked my Omega!" she howled, her voice a feral growl.
Her fingers pressed down even harder on Adam's mating glands, tearing through the tender flesh. He writhed in agony, struggling against her iron grip. Alphas were naturally stronger than Omegas—something Adam had learned the hard way. Lilith's strength was overwhelming, far beyond what he could muster.
"I didn't! I didn't!" Adam chanted, his face contorted in pain. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. "Let go, please, you're hurting me!"
She practically shook him, dragging him closer with a single hand. "Yes, you did! The moment you presented and Lucifer could no longer spend time with me? What a delightful little consequence! I let it slide before because you were both Omegas, and I figured Lucifer was simply teaching you how to control yourself. But now I see you took advantage of my Omega! You tricked him, manipulated him!"
Another sobbing scream tore from Adam's throat as he trembled in her grasp. His heart pounded in his chest, and his vision blurred with tears. The pain was excruciating, both physically and emotionally. He wanted to disappear, to escape the torment and cruelty that Lilith inflicted upon him.
Waves of ruby red blood were beginning to run down Adam’s skin. He clenched his eyes shut tightly, grinding his teeth together as Lilith began to rip out his mating glands. Tearing out the claiming mark Lucifer had placed upon him. His vision blurred with white and lightning striking across his eyes. 
Suddenly, Lilith was forcefully pulled away, leaving Adam to release a heart-wrenching sob. He crumbled to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks like rivulets of sorrow. Gentle hands cradled him, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. Soft white wings cocooned around him, guiding him further away.
"What have you done?" Lucifer hissed, his voice dripping with venom as he glared daggers at the Alpha. "Why did you attack Adam?!"
Lilith recoiled in shock, not expecting Lucifer's furious outburst. She thrust her blood-stained hand out with a feral growl. "He claims you mated him! That can't be true! You're both Omegas! Omegas can't be together like that! He tricked you, didn't he?!"
Cupping the back of Adam's neck, a radiant blend of blue and gold light shimmered around Lucifer's hand. He did his best to heal the inflicted wound, biting his bottom lip as he drew Adam closer. Uncertainty gnawed at him; he wasn't sure if he could fully heal Adam's Omega glands—they might be permanently damaged...
"Lucifer?!" Lilith howled in rage. "It's the truth, isn't it?! He manipulated you, didn't he?! He played weak and pathetic to lure you in because that's so like him, isn't it!"
Lucifer frowned deeply. "Lilith, calm down. You're not thinking straight. Do you realize what you've just done? You've harmed Adam, an Omega! That's punishable."
Swallowing thickly, Lucifer's eyes lifted to the sky. It was already growing dark and stormy. His sharp teeth clenched together as he saw glimpses and sparks of gold appearing. His siblings would be here soon; Adam's pain had alerted them to trouble in Eden, just as his pain and screams had alerted Lucifer. The Archangel had been waiting for Adam in their nest and had grown worried when his Omega mate hadn't returned.
Lucifer cursed himself. This was all his fault. He knew he should have gone with Adam. He knew something like this would happen eventually. All Alphas were headstrong, especially when they felt threatened. It was ridiculous and it was his fault. If only Lucifer hadn't spent all that time with Lilith! Granted, he only did it so Lilith wouldn't have noticed Adam presenting! Lucifer hadn't wanted her to realise how beautiful and gorgeous Adam was. And his selfish actions had led to Adam being hurt.
"It's okay! It's okay, it doesn't matter, does it?" Lilith wheezed, approaching anxiously. "Adam doesn't have his stupid mating glands anymore, you're no longer tied to him! I've fixed it, your Alpha has fixed it! It'll be okay, we can still mate, can't we?"
"No!" Lucifer snarled, causing the Alpha to freeze in her tracks. "Why would I ever want to mate with you? After what you've just done? To my mate!"
A screech escaped Lilith. "Don't call him your mate! He is not your mate! I am!"
"No, you're not!" the Omega Archangel practically screamed in return. "You'll never be my mate! I'm in love with Adam, I have been since before you were even created! I wanted Adam, I still only want him!"
"You're lying!" Lilith screamed even louder, her voice echoing over the Garden of Eden. "We belong together! I'm an Alpha and you're an Omega! Omegas are not supposed to mate! He used you!"
Adam blinked his teary green eyes, lifting his head from Lucifer's chest to look at the deranged Alpha. He shivered as he noticed the lights flickering in the darkening sky. His hands gripped tightly at Lucifer's robes.
"L-Lucifer, the sky..." he whispered.
"I know," Lucifer said softly, choosing to ignore the deranged Alpha. He lifted his hand to check the back of Adam's neck, biting back a growl of anger. It had stopped bleeding, but it definitely looked like it would scar over his mating glands. "It'll be alright. I'll protect you...I'm so sorry I wasn't here..."
Adam smiled weakly up at him. "It's not your fault...s-she snuck up on me when I wasn't looking."
"Still, I should have been with you." Lucifer nuzzled his face to Adam's, releasing a warm rumble of comfort.
Lilith's eyes widened at the display, her rage intensifying tenfold. Her hands tensed at her sides, nails digging into her palms. Her chest heaved as she hissed with pure anger, her vision turning acid white.
"How dare you," she snarled from the back of her throat. "How dare you mate with fucking Adam?!"
Adrunply familiar figures appeared in the sky. Lucifer eyed them as they approached, pressing his lips together as he met Michael's gaze. He glared, tightening his protective hold around Adam.
"Lilith, whatever is the matter?" Sera questioned, landing beside her. Her entire being shuddered as she sensed the thick tension in the air. She tried to keep smiling, but Lucifer saw it falter from the scent Lilith was releasing.
Lilith bared her teeth at the angel and pointed a threatening finger towards the two Omegas. "Lucifer mated with Adam!"
"What?" Sera gasped loudly, her eyes growing wide. She turned her head to stare at Lucifer in disbelief.
Michael landed before Lucifer but kept a small distance between himself and the Omega. "Is that true? Lucifer, what did you do?"
"We love each other," Lucifer defended, pressing Adam's head into his chest. His wings spread and arched around them, shielding Adam from the other angels.
Eyebrows raising, Michael's mouth opened but then closed. He stared down at his elder brother as if his brain had short-circuited until finally he blinked, and a sickening expression of disappointment took over. As if he had the right to be disappointed in Lucifer.
"Lucifer, you didn't..." Gabriel gasped.
"What have you done?" Sera huffed, her anger beginning to spike, but she quickly settled herself before it could show. "Omegas do not mate with one another. That poor man, you've influenced his mind, haven't you?"
Lucifer narrowed his eyes at the suggestion, baring his sharp teeth threateningly at her. "Don't talk as if you know anything! Don't forget your place, Sera."
"Did you bite him?" Michael stepped in once more before Sera could speak. He stared back at Lucifer coldly, taking a daring step forward, but then retreated when Lucifer released a strong wave of his own power. "Did you mark him, Lucifer? Tell us, did you bear a claiming mark upon the first human Omega?"
Lilith shuddered, puffing up in her frustration. "Yes! He did! I saw it!"
"Lucifer..." Michael closed his eyes in disappointment. "How could you be so selfish and foolish? You've spoiled all our hard work. You were supposed to watch over him, not manipulate him. You have sent us back not days, but months, maybe even years.”
"I did not manipulate him!" Lucifer shot back heatedly. "I love him, and he loves me! We mated out of love! It's too late to undo it—we've marked one another!"
Sera gasped at his words. "You mean to say you had Adam bite you in return? Lucifer! How could you do that? This means Adam will never be able to mate with Lilith now."
"That's the point!" Lucifer snapped angrily. "We want to be together!"
"Omegas are not meant to be together like this!" Sera replied sternly.
Lucifer bristled at her words. "Who says so? Adam and I are the only two Omegas in existence! It's not written anywhere that Omegas can't be together! Father isn't punishing us for mating either!"
That gave Sera pause. She looked towards the skies where their Father, God Himself, would typically be watching over them. There were no storm clouds, no lightning strikes, no booming voice of wrath. Sera and Michael shared a look, coming to the realization that Lucifer was annoyingly correct. Their Father was not intervening, deeming it unnecessary to deal with.
"What should we do?" Sera asked Michael. "Without Adam, Lilith has no mate. She is companionless. She cannot breed without an Omega."
Michael sighed, his eyes flickering towards Lucifer and Adam briefly. "I'm not sure."
Breathing softly, Adam leaned against Lucifer, listening to the soft beat of his angelic heart. It was so soothing, luring him into a safe slumber if he wasn't careful. His skin prickled as he realized the danger had passed. The Angels had registered that Adam could not mate with Lilith anymore. While Adam didn't understand the true ins and outs of it, he was still relieved. Relieved that no one was going to take him away from Lucifer now.
As if he could read his mind, Lucifer hugged him tightly. Adam tilted his head back, meeting Lucifer's eyes before bravely standing up. Lucifer's lush white wings shuddered, clearly wanting to hold onto him and never let go.
"Make her a new Omega," Adam said shakily. He felt light-headed from the blood loss and just wanted to curl up in his nest, but he fought to stay upright. "Make Lilith a new Omega. I love Lucifer, and that's okay."
Immediately, Lucifer beamed and shot to his feet, his gentle hand grabbing Adam's and squeezing lovingly. He purposefully ignored the disapproving stares from Michael and Sera.
"Adam, it is not that simple..." Sera said softly, lowering her voice gently as she looked towards him.
Adam shook his head. "You... You said you would make me a new Alpha if Lilith didn't like me, remember?"
It was the first time Lucifer had heard about this. His eyes widened, and he looked towards Michael to see if his younger brother knew of the plan. However, Michael purposefully avoided his stare. Lucifer scoffed—how ironic. How laughable. They had a plan if Lilith chose to mate with him instead, yet they didn't notice him spending time with Adam?
"You said—you said you could make me a new Alpha. One better than Lilith, kinder and gentler," Adam breathed out. He felt comfort in Lucifer's presence, holding his hand, loving him. It made his whole body buzz that Lucifer had chosen him. "Then you can do the same for Lilith. You can make Lilith a new mate, a new Omega. Just like you were planning to do for me."
Sera's mouth gaped like a fish out of water. Finally, she closed her lips and slowly nodded, her eyes returning to Michael. "We could."
"It might be the only way now," Michael agreed.
"Then I shall gather the preparations," Sera said, appearing somewhat tired. Her eyes glanced back to Adam, appearing rather hurt that he hadn't followed the plan she had made for him.
Adam always knew Sera cared for him. He always knew she had nurtured him sweetly and kindly, almost like a mother would with her child. But did it really matter if he didn't mate with an Alpha? Shouldn't Sera be happy that he was happy? Adam was confused and so sleepy.
"Adam, are you sure about this?" she suddenly asked, looking as if she was about to approach them but didn't when Lucifer hissed warningly. "It's not too late to change your mind. I-I'm sure we can figure something out. You don't have to stay mated to an Omega."
Lucifer bristled at the insult of a suggestion.
"I'm happy," Adam mumbled. "You should be happy, I am happy. I don't care that Lucifer is an Omega. I care that he is nice to me, that he cares about me, that he doesn't make me feel frightened. I love him and—and that should be all that matters. G-God said..."
Adam paused, nibbling his bottom lip shyly. The moment he mentioned the Angels' father, they all looked at him. Even Lucifer was staring at him curiously.
"Father spoke to you?" Michael asked in surprise.
"Sometimes," Adam said meekly. "God said I should mate with the one who makes me feel the most comfortable. I should mate for love and that it was okay to not mate with Lilith."
Michael appeared to be debating Adam's words. He even checked the skies, knowing that God never accepted any lie about Him. But when he saw no sign of a lie, he accepted that Adam was telling the truth.
"Brother," he began darkly, looking towards Lucifer. "Despite how it may seem, you have still involved yourself in a way you should not have. You have still betrayed the very foundation you were made for."
Rolling his eyes, Lucifer scoffed. "Oh, spare me the righteousness. Just tell me what punishment you deem worthy of me, oh mighty one."
Michael narrowed his eyes at the taunting comment. "You are banished from Heaven. You will live out the rest of your life in Eden, with your mate. You will watch as Adam grows old and eventually dies."
That didn't sound so bad. Granted, the thought of Adam growing old and dying was horrible. It made Lucifer's stomach coil, but it wasn't a terrible thought. It was practically what both he and Adam wanted: to live out the rest of their days together in peace, happily mated without anybody bothering them.
"Then, when the day comes where Adam passes away and is welcomed into Heaven, you will not be allowed to reunite with him," Michael added cruelly. "You will forever be banished from Heaven's gates, knowing where your mate is but never being allowed to see him again."
"You can't do that!" Lucifer exclaimed in disbelief. Even Sera appeared surprised by the punishment. "You can't keep us apart like that!"
"It's simple, Lucifer. You have chosen to defy us and soil the first human Omega," Michael grunted coldly. "Therefore, I suggest you enjoy the time you both have together, as human lives are not very long. I'm afraid to say, you no longer have an eternity together."
Lucifer's eyes widened in shock. "You... You really are an asshole. I’ll make you regret this.”
“Be thankful I am being merciful on your crime, Lucifer.”
Sera gazed at Adam with pity. 
Humming a gentle melody, Adam toyed with the soft feathers lining their cozy nest. Lucifer's beautiful wings had recently shed, making way for new feathers to grow. His older feathers were lovingly incorporated into their nest. Adam smiled as he held one aloft, the tip of the white and blue feather playfully tickling his nose.
The Omega lay on his stomach, nestled snugly in their warm sanctuary, waiting for Lucifer's return. It had been a few months since their love had been revealed to the Angels, resulting in Lucifer's banishment from Heaven. But it wasn't so bad. It meant they could be together without a care, and Lucifer no longer had to fulfill his angelic duties. They spent every moment together, wrapped in each other's arms, talking, laughing, and making love.
"Adam~" Lucifer's voice called out as he landed just beyond the wall of purple flowers.
Immediately, the human Omega sprang to his feet, a radiant smile lighting up his face. As soon as Lucifer ducked beneath the cascading Wisteria blooms, Adam launched himself into his mate's arms.
"Luci! You're back!" he exclaimed joyfully.
Lucifer's arms encircled Adam's waist, while the human's arms looped around Lucifer's shoulders. His wings fluttered with excitement as Lucifer spun him around, dancing on one foot while the other kicked up into the air. They tumbled back onto the nest, pulling Adam down with him.
They landed in their nest, laughing together.
"Were you lonely without me?" Lucifer teased, rolling onto his side with one arm tucked under Adam's head and the other gently cradling his shoulder. His fingers threaded through Adam's brown and red hair, pushing it back from his enchanting green eyes.
"I'm always lonely when you leave," Adam murmured, smiling as he pulled the Archangel into a deep, tender kiss. “I don’t like it when you leave.”
"I don't like leaving you either," Lucifer murmured, returning the kiss. Their warm bodies curled together, a perfect fit. He tenderly caressed Adam's cheek, his fingers dancing lightly over the soft skin. "Are you feeling alright?"
A soft blush colored Adam's cheeks as he weakly touched the back of his neck. Since Lilith had cruelly ripped out his mating glands, Adam had been a shadow of his former self. His body struggled to cope with the loss of such an important part. Lucifer had done everything he could to care for him, but there was only so much he could do. Though he had initially healed the wound, he couldn't restore the glands...
"I'm... okay. Really," Adam whispered softly.
Lucifer sniffled and pressed delicate kisses along Adam's face, neck, and shoulders, his hand still gently caressing Adam's cheek. He leaned forward, nuzzling into Adam and releasing a sweet, comforting Omega scent.
"Do you smell that?" he whispered tenderly.
Adam blinked slowly, his eyes beginning to water. He smiled weakly, shrugging helplessly. "No. I... I'm sorry. I still don't smell anything..."
"You will!" Lucifer promised, though they both knew it was a lie. "I-I'm sure you will, in time. So - so don't worry, okay? Just rest, everything will come back in time."
Humming quietly, Adam nuzzled into Lucifer's throat. He breathed in gently, wishing he could still smell Lucifer's Omega scent, still feel the connection that once pulsed so strongly between them. He could sense a faint tingle in the back of his mind, a reminder that he was still mated to Lucifer, but it was nowhere near as intense as it had been. Lilith, whether she knew it or not, had caused irrevocable damage...
"I love you," Lucifer said seriously. "Even if you can't feel our connection anymore, I want you to know I still love you. More than anything."
Adam cooed, basking in the love and attention. "I love you too. I don't regret anything, Lucifer. I hope you know that."
"Are you sure?" the Archangel asked brokenly. "Because of me, you've lost your Omega glands. If... if I never mated you... you wouldn't have lost that part of you..."
Shaking his head, Adam cupped Lucifer's rosy cheeks and pulled him into another kiss. "I never regret anything, really I don't. Even if I knew I was going to lose my Omega glands, I would have still chosen to be with you. I still would have mated with you."
Lucifer released a relieved, loving sound, akin to a contented preen.
“I love you. I love you so-so much.” Lucifer cooed, rolling them over so he was on top. “More than anything. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Adam grinned cheekily, reaching up to nip at Lucifer’s jaw. “I love you sooooo much~”
Giggles bounced between the two Omegas as they began to share deeper and longer kisses. Tongues beginning to play cat and mouse. Hands started to wonder, touching one another in places that only each other could touch. Gasps, whimpers and moans filling the air in a loving melody. Their breath hitching and saliva bridges appear between their lips, among other areas. 
The rushing pleasure formed like a bubble between their legs. Their mouths stayed pressed together as they rocked their hips together, rubbing their Omega-hoods back and forth, increasing the delicious friction between them. Just as the bubble finally popped and the pair released matching cries, collapsing onto the nest in a mess. Their sweat mixes together. 
Lucifer buried his face in Adam’s throat, listening to his beloved pant and wheeze. He missed the intoxicating scent Adam used to release whenever he reached his peak—now there was nothing. He knew it wasn’t Adam’s fault; it was his own. He hadn’t been there to protect Adam, to keep Lilith from getting close...
A shiver ran through him as Adam began to caress the back of his neck. Lucifer’s warm lips trailed along Adam’s throat, planting butterfly kisses until they reached his mouth again.
“I don’t smell like anything, do I…” Adam said meekly.
Lucifer’s blue eyes grew sad, though a soft smile graced his lips. “It’s alright. I don’t need to scent you to know you enjoyed yourself. It doesn’t bother me that much, honestly.”
“Yes, it does…” Adam mumbled quietly, turning his head away. “It bothers me that I can’t…that I can’t scent you. I want to so badly, but it’s just nothing.”
Cradling Adam’s cheek, Lucifer kissed him slowly and deeply. “It’ll get better with time. We just need time. It’ll be fine.”
“I hope so…” Adam said with a hopeful smile. “But as long as you’re with me, I think I’ll be fine.”
"That's right. As long as we're together, we'll be okay. We'll get better, together. We will help one another be better." Lucifer cooed, pressing another kiss to Adam's lips. "Everything will get better as long as we're together."
They would be together, forever. No matter what Michael said. When Adam eventually died and became an Angel, Lucifer would find his way into Heaven. They would reunite and be together. Nobody, absolutely nobody, would get between them.
For hours, neither spoke. They cuddled together, Lucifer trailing his fingers up Adam's arm, tracing the delicate blue veins. Every so often, they shared a warm, sweet kiss.
"Oh, I saw Lilith's new Omega this morning," Adam suddenly hummed, snuggling even closer against Lucifer. He nuzzled his head into his Archangel's throat.
Lucifer tensed up, his arms tightening protectively around Adam as if the Alpha might appear from nowhere. He couldn’t bear the thought of Adam being attacked again. "I thought we agreed you'd stay away from Lilith."
"We did and I did." Adam smiled in amusement. "I saw the new Omega, not Lilith. Calm down, I didn't approach her. She was across the river anyway."
"Oh..." Lucifer relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. He laid his head against Adam's with a frown. "They made Lilith a female Omega?"
Adam released a purr at the hug. "Yeah. I thought it was strange too, but she looked really pretty. She had bright red hair, super long too! Not as long as Lilith's, but waist-length. And brown eyes! She had these odd specks all over her."
"Freckles." Lucifer said softly. "You're talking about freckles."
Adam yawned softly, his eyelids growing heavy once more. "Ah, freckles. Yes. She had freckles. I think she saw me and waved, but I left."
"That's good. I want you to stay away from her too," Lucifer muttered darkly. His possessive side began to emerge again. He knew there was no reason to worry, but he did. The thought of Adam finding this new red-haired Omega more beautiful than himself was unbearable.
"Okay." Adam pouted. "Why?"
Lucifer eyed his pretty Omega from the corner of his eye. "If I happened to see her and thought she was pretty, then came and told you about it...would you like that?"
"No." Adam said immediately, his eyes narrowing. He lifted himself up slightly and frowned deeply. "I don't like that thought. Oh, I see what you mean. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
"Upset me?" Lucifer chuckled, sitting up as well and cupping Adam's face. "No, Adam, I'm jealous. I love you so much that I can't stand the thought of you liking anybody else. I don't want you to care for anyone else. I don't want you thinking anybody is pretty but me."
An awestruck expression took over Adam's face. His green eyes glittered with amusement and love. Immediately, Adam slipped onto Lucifer's lap and wrapped his arms around Lucifer's shoulders. "I will never think anybody is more beautiful than you, Luci~ You're the most gorgeous person I have ever met! I think you're wonderful, amazing, and I would never want anybody but you~"
"I like those words~" Lucifer purred, kissing him again. "I want to be the only thing on your mind~"
"And you are! Always, only you!" Adam preened, running his hands down Lucifer's back. "I'm yours. Only yours."
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inubaki · 1 month
The Nest of the Damned
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Eyebrows raising, Adam’s gaze fell on a figure with its back to him. He stood still, watching intently, wondering if this could be the King. But with each peculiar sound that slipped free from the figure, Adam’s face grew hotter and hotter.
Had he... had he just walked in on the King in the middle of something... private?
"Almost got it!" the King exclaimed, his voice hitching eagerly, his shoulders trembling with effort. "Just a little... ah!"
Adam jerked back in shock as the King suddenly spun around, his hands outstretched to reveal... a rubber duck.  ——
story by @rainforestakiie! welp! The art sucks! But the story doesn’t!! If you like the omegaverse and Adamapple, I highly recommend it! One of my favorites! -and this isn’t the surprise.
link of the story below, hope everyone has a nice day!
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In the beginning of humanity there were two, man and woman. However, they were also the first alpha and omega, and their names were Ada and Steve. The angels of Heaven itself were given the task of creating mankind. Which they did with the added quirk of a secondary gender. For it would help dictate what a person's place in humanity is. 
The first mates were both given responsibilities. Steve the first man was made to be an alpha and would be father of humanity and lead the first generation of mankind. While Ada was given the role of omega and was given the role of mother of humanity and was expected to follow Steve and his orders. After all he was her superior, at least that’s what Steve told her every time he got the chance. Ada disliked it, disliked her so called “mate” both she didn’t have any choice but to obey him. He and her both had their roles to play and this was hers. 
And so for the first three months of both their lives that is how they lived in what was meant to be paradise called Eden. Ada would do whatever Steve told her to do whether that was making him dinner, or massaging his feet, or even laying on her back and taking his seed. The only friends she had to comfort her were the animals who kept her company and cheered her up when she was at her lowest and it helped her get through another day. However, things had come to a head when the elders of Heaven visited them and asked Steve on why they have not produced a child from their intercourse. The elders were upset and told Steve so, in turn Steve was both humiliated and upset to turn to his mate when the angels left and blamed her for not conceiving. 
Ada tried to defuse the situation and say she was not at fault and tried to run. That’s when she felt a harsh smack to her bare back and fell down. When she looked back she saw her mate red in the face and looked ready to strike her again. She took the chance she could and fled from Steve. She ran and she ran until her legs finally gave out and her lungs felt like fire.
 She couldn’t hear her husband or anything else as she had gone so deep into the garden to a place not even any animals inhabited. There she crawled under a tree and wept. Wishing and praying that she could change her fate, she prayed for a miracle, that she could get away from Steve, but most importantly she prayed for a friend, someone who knew what it was like to be her. Unknowest to her, her prayers had been heard and on that day her life would forever change for all eternity
Ok, @things-arent-what-they-seem66 your up, hope you liked my little prologue 🤭
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Ok, just listen to me
what about another Sinner Adam deal au, only this time is a little different…
inspired by a past post of yours I saw
Adam comes back he used to be an alpha but is now an omega. For his full protection Lucifer will give not only that but as well as to let Adam live his afterlife in Hell in complete comfort.
All Adam has to do now is…to give him babies, to be basically a breeding mare
Adam blinked owlishly at the King in front of him. Did he hear him right? "Can you fucking repeat that?"
Lucifer rolled his eyes, he knew Adam heard what he said. "What's the big deal? You'll be safe, live in the lap of luxury, and you'll be getting laid on the regular."
"Except I'm not just getting laid, you want me to be your fucking baby factory." Adam snarled. "Why would you even want to?"
Lucifer looked Adam up and down as if undressing him with his eyes. He had a thing for the first humans fucking sue him. "I've always wanted more kids than Charlie. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death. But Lilith was cursed to never have kids and if she did they would die at birth. Charlie was lucky. But you...." Lucifer gave Adam a feral smile that sent a shiver down the new sinners spine. "You were blessed to be super fertile and have lots of kids."
Adam frowned. "I thought sinners couldn't have kids?"
"But you're no mere sinner are you, Adam? You're special, you always have been." He knew the praise would go to Adams head. "Besides, you really think anyone out there is going to stop if you tell them it hurts? Take care of you when you inevitably end up pregnant? No." The thought of anyone else fucking Adam made his blood boil.
Adam knew this was his best bet, he just hated that it was his best bet. Lucifer was right, he would only know suffering on the streets of Hell. He looked at the golden floating paper, it was waiting for him to sign it.
Reluctantly, Adam grabbed the pen and slowly signed his name on the dotted line, literally selling his life away. Golden chains appeared around his neck, they led to Lucifer's hand where he was holding the end.
Lucifer let them disappear. "Good, now." He pushed Adam back on the bed, when did they get to a bedroom!? Adam felt panic hit him at how much he fucked up. "Relax."
"Relax!? Why don't you-" The words died in his throat when he smelled something, something that instantly calmed Adams nerves making him almost docile. "You...."
"Relax darling and trust me. Now." Lucifer placed his hands on Adams knees and spread his legs wide open. "It's time to fulfill your end of the deal."
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shadewolf95 · 5 months
Im upset. A while back i read a wip highschool au of adamsapple omegaverse and now i cant remember where i saw it to check for updates. If anyone knows what im talking about please link me!
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eggcompany · 7 months
Dumb Men and Mummy Dearest
Female! Hannibal coming home to find Duncan and Nigel have fucked the omegas, Will and Adam, without any prep. The boys are upset and afraid their "mommy" is going to be mad at them. She isn't. She's pissed at the alphas though. She loves the omegas and takes care of them.
They all woke up differently. 
Hanna woke up first, extracting herself from Will's warm cuddle and carefully kneeling over Duncan, to quietly make her way to her old room to shower and get dressed and leave for work. She never fully moved into their collective room. She couldn’t. She would wake up the omegas and the babies needed their sleep. She kept her clothes and some of Will’s in her own room along with some of the men’s outfits just in case they needed to leave early for an emergency. But it was okay because every morning she could wake up and see all her boys snuggly and sleeping.
Except Duncan, who would be awake during it all as he woke up first but he could never pull himself away from the babies when he slept with them. If he was in his own room he’d be up watching the sunrise coffee in hand. But for some mornings he would scoot over and collect Will into his arms. 
Will was always so warm at night, warm hands creeping over Hanna’s stomach to scratch and pet at the older man’s fuzzy tummy or chest, warm back pressing against his side in the morning, warm little breaths panting across his neck when the boy holds onto him after a bad dream. Will was just a snuggly thing and Duncan couldn’t resist him. Especially on such a nice morning when they could all sleep in.
Adam was awake then, he always woke up the same way. He would let out a little high whine, sit up which woke up Nigel, and stretch his arms up and stretch his hands to his toes and get up. Adam always needed to stretch right when he woke up because he was always curling up in weird ways between Nigel and Will. He liked touching both men. He liked his face firmly shoved into Nigel somewhere (neck, face, arm, armpit, belly, side, he once woke up with his face in Nigel’s crotch and his toes tucked into Will’s armpit) and liked keeping his feet on Will because he always had cold feet and Will’s legs were perfect foot warmers. 
Nigel would wake up, hug Adam around the middle, and pull the small omega up to get a bath together and feed Adam. Showering was always Nigel’s first priority because 1. Morning Boners were best taken care of by sleep loose little ‘megas and 2. Adam had a habit of drooling in his sleep and Nigel didn’t want to have dried drool on him. Plus Nigel liked shaving Adam’s face for him. Hanna liked shaving all of them but she always let Nigel shave Adam because Adam was so… tempting to just nick a small bit. Just a little. Just a small indulgence. But Adam hated it and Nigel never nicked him.  
Will woke up last when he didn’t work. Which was very often given Hanna had let off on Crawford. Will had been so sleep deprived after a particular case of someone mutilating eighteen omega men and stringing them up in a warehouse that he collapsed on his way back from his walk and caused them all to have a panic. Poor Adam wouldn’t leave his side and couldn’t stop crying. Hanna had a private conversation with Jack and now Will only ever worked from home or consulted from the office, never in the field. 
Will would wake up and throw a leg over Hanna or Duncan, let out a few purrs letting whoever pet him and he’d rub a bit on whoever hoping to get a good good morning. Usually Hanna would simply slip her slim yet strong thigh between his legs, and either pop open the top buttons of her pajama shirt or let one strap of her slip dress slide down so Will could nuzzle and kiss at her breast. Will loved a good good morning. Duncan would just hum and tell him to go take a shower first. 
Duncan never was much for sex unless it was heat sex. Duncan didn’t get knots anymore but he still had such a nice smell and could quench the boys’ heats all the same. Even still rubbing on him was comforting. 
Each day was similar and routine and scheduled. 
Perfect for two neurodivergent omegas and a (maybe a bit overly) controlling woman, and relaxing for the (mostly) retired men. 
Today was a day off though. Today no one but Hanna had work and she only worked till 2pm. She was gone and Adam was sleeping in, nude back pressed against Will’s undershirt covered one, toasty warm and maybe too warm. 
Adam bristled a bit when he realized he was damp. He made an unhappy noise which was copied by Will who was starting to wake up. Both hated waking up damp, Will even more so after so many years of waking up soaking wet in sweat. 
“Willy? Are you…?” Adam whispered and squeezed his thighs together as he woke up enough to realize his cock was a bit heavy in his underwear and hips ached from opening up. Adam always had worse heat pains than Will but he was younger and his body was still in its prime for pupping.  
“Yeah, yeah me too. Fuck-“ Will murmured and whined and pushed at Duncan’s hips with his hands trying to get the older man to roll to face him. 
"Will? Wha's wrong?" The deep rumble came from the eldest man. Will whimpered and pushed his hips against Duncan's side, his boxers rubbing scratchily against his erection. He threw his arm over Duncan’s chest and pulled him close and nuzzled at his stubbly neck. 
"Oh? Didn't know you were due" Duncan said as Will climbed to lay on his chest, their bodies touching head to toe. The fresh scent of petrichor made grind his hips up so the omega could feel his cock growing harder. 
Adam let out short half cries and climbed onto Nigel in the same way. 
Adam and Will acted nearly identical during their heats. Having the same moves and needs. Both pushed their chests out, grabbed and pulled at their own hair, and kicking their feet. Though they were still a bit different. Adam made squeaky noises and cried out a lot and usually needed to have his face lifted from the bed or else he’d choke on his own flood of tears and snot. Will made long drawn out moans and begged a lot, mostly for it to be harder, rougher, god daddy hurt me , and such. 
Oddly when both the boy's underwear were down and they were ass up, face down, there wasn't any trace of Hanna's prep or that she'd already given them their first orgasm. 
That was Hanna’s thing. Heat time rolled around, she would take the boys and let them hold onto her, suck on her breasts or find comfort in them, and use her thigh straps to give them their first orgasms and knots. It ensured they were properly slicking and stretched enough to take the alphas’ very very considerable lengths. 
There were just… not the usual signs like some small red pinch marks on their bums like Hanna usually sent them back to bed with or her dark lipstick staining their foreheads and necks. 
However no one cared because, god, those sounds that poured out of the boys... could send a man straight to hell. All blushing plump flesh and needy whines, no one took a second to think about Hanna or prep. 
That would come to bite them in the ass. Hard. 
Will and Adam call out as soon as Hanna stepped into the house. They came wobbly crying to her, their faces messy, shirtless, with slick freely running down their legs. And their smell making a thick coating of fresh rain, Will, and gentle cocoa, Adam.  
“Hello sweet omegas. I smelt you this morning but I didn’t expect to come home to full heats. You’re not due for another four days.” Hanna said as she nearly toppled as the two boys pulled onto her suit jacket panting  and whimpering. They smelled a bit like fresh blood, a bit meaty, their holes probably gaped and rubbed raw. Hanna hated to smell that when they were in heat. 
“Momma, momma, hurts. I'm so hungry.” Will whined and shoved his face into her breast still covered by her suit jacket and blouse. She pressed her hand to the back of his head, his hair unwashed and sweaty, and encouraged him to nuzzle close. She towered over them easily in her high, yet modest, heels. 
“Mommy… hurts…” is all Adam whimpered and Hanna kissed his forehead. Adam was so soft hearted. So soft, so young, so needy. Poor thing had such a low pain tolerance. 
“My poor darlings. I’ll get you two in the bath and have a… conversation with daddy and papa. You’re such good omegas for telling me. Now let’s get you two in a nice warm bath.” Hanna said and realized that indeed, she shouldn't have trusted two thickheaded alpha men to really take care of the babies. 
“You moronic man.” Hanna said as she slammed her hand across Nigel’s face. Palm open and fingers flat. 
“You should have done better.” She said as her hand came rearing back to backhand Duncan. 
The two alphas rubbed their cheeks and didn’t meet the woman’s eyes. She was a force to be reckoned with. Unmovable. Not someone to even try to explain yourself to nor someone who cares about excuses. 
“You know I didn’t prepare them like I usually do, I let them sleep in. You didn’t bathe them, you didn’t let them nest in their selected area of the house, you haven’t given them any privacy, and you fucked them over the work bench which they now feel so guilty about because they know it’s a rule. The thought I was going to take them over my knee? No, I'm going to take you two over my knee. You dumb,” she paused with a slap across both faces. 
“Knotheaded” she said and her hand swung back to connect again. 
“Worthless, inconsiderate, men.” She said ending each work with a swing of her flat hand. The final slap was so hard they nearly feared for her hand not to break. 
She stood there, eye to eye, and panted. She was the epitome of wrath of a woman. Fire set in her eyes, sneer showing her pointed teeth. 
Both men were hard in their trousers. 
“I should bend you both over this bench and castrate you where you stand. However I need to fix my babies, and cook dinner. Both of you can go weed the garden, clip the hedges, and clean the porch. Do not come back into my house until I tell you to. Go. Now.” Hanna said and both men left silently to go do what she said. It was deadly not to. She stood there until the door clicked shut behind them and she closed and opened her hand a few times because damn… that stung. 
But she had much more important things to take care of. And wash. And kiss. And get her fingers into. 
“Will darling what happened to your back? Is it a sweat rash?” Hanna asked when she pushed the boy to face away from her to wash his hair. His back was all red and rubbed raw in some places and looked so tender. 
“Papa… took me against the wall with the wallpaper. It’s scratchy.” Will said and reached back to try and cover his back. Duncan had shoved him against the wall and he’d been bouncing up and down against it and it had hurt then but it hurt more now that the water was sloshing against it. It probably wasn’t very pretty…
“Poor thing, I’ll put balm on it once we’re out. Adam, did you get any rub marks?” Hanna asked and put her hands on his shoulders to turn him around. Usually he would be markless except for some hickies inside his thighs. But who knows since those men had been so careless. 
“Mommy” is all Adam said and laid his head against her arm. Hanna kissed the top of his head and moved her hands to rub and massage his marked neck. 
“I know, you’ve already gone so deep. I’ll put some on you anyway. Make sure you feel good to make a nice nest.” Hanna said to deaf ears and Will turned and laid his head on her opposite shoulder, his scruff growing scratchy given Hanna didn’t shave him during heat. Will gave a scratchy worn purr and Hanna pet down his back and dug her thumb into Adam’s mate mark. 
“Wanna nest momma's room.” Will grumbled and brought his soggy arms up to hug Hanna around the trim waist. She was just so strong and solid and warm and she was pulling at the scruff at the back of his neck. 
“Mommy’s room.” Adam agreed and Hanna’s fist around his scruff and pulled it into her grasp. 
She had them both in her grasp, completely silent and lax in submission. 
“That’s perfectly fine babies. We can go right to my room, I’ll grab what I need while you two dry off. Be good boys and take care of each other.” Hanna said in a quiet low voice and released the boys who nodded and lifted themselves up out of the deep tub. 
Hanna looked out her bedroom window at the men in the backyard. They were working, Nigel clipping the hedges and Duncan pulling weeds from the garden beds. She wasn’t happy with them but she was over her anger. It was up to the babies now. 
She had pulled out all their blankets and pillows and had clean sheets on her large king sized bed. She had her harnesses and a few changes of clothes for them all. She’d pulled off her suit jacket, her slacks, and her pantyhose. She pulled on a pair of lightweight blood red pajama pants and left her dark blouse on from the day. 
She was sitting at her vanity wiping away her lipstick and minimal makeup when the boys came back in. Hand in hand, Will leading them. They were panting and had both pulled on pairs of slick absorbent underwear that Hanna had left. 
She watched them in the mirror look and sniff around at the blankets and such on the floor around the bed. They both looked up at her for approval. 
“Start but do not get in until I’ve looked you over.” Hanna said and continued her routine. The boys whispering and shuffling behind her. 
Soon a nest started to form up Hanna was done and turned in her vanity chair. The boys looked up at her with flushed faces and big round eyes. She had already set out some balms on her desk and beckoned them over with a single spread of her legs. 
“Will, your back.” She said and the boy turned around and knelt down on the hard floor. He let his head hang down, his hands fiddling in front of his stomach scar. Hanna felt a spark of heat deep in her belly. Will was always so perfect in submission. A delicate little flower, so easy to crush in your palm. 
Hanna dipped her fingers into the viscous gel in the tub of balm. It was freezing cold to her touch and she was quick to presh it into Will’s raw back. 
The boy cried out but held still, leaning down panting, letting his hands support him. 
“Momma, that hurts. It burns.” Will cried out and Hanna smiled gently as she pressed the cold substance around Will’s back. She used both hands to rub and spread the gel until Will’s skin started to absorb it. She rubbed a bit more after and Will was shaking. 
He was panting loudly and his whole body was shaking in pain. Adam was looking out the window, he didn’t like hearing Will get hurt even though he knew Will enjoyed it. 
“Will, go get the knot you want. Adam come here.” Hanna ordered them and Will stood up, knees red and sore but in the best way. He turned to face Hanna first and she could see the outline of his rock hard cock in his underwear. She looked up at his desperate face and Will bit his lip. 
“Go pick out the knot you want. Clear off the edge of the bed. Good omega.” Hanna said in her most commanding voice and Will was nodding along with her words. He turned and did what he was told, slick already overflowing the pad in his underwear making it wet. 
Adam walked over and made that damn kicked puppy face. He was starting to tear up again. He’d already confessed to having sex in the kitchen, but Adam held onto guilt. 
“Are you mad we made your counter messy?” He asked and tears started to slip down his cheeks. Hanna shushed him and pulled him into her lap for a hug and to kiss his forehead. Adam sniffled and wrapped the flowy fabric of the woman’s blouse in his fists. 
“My toes couldn’t even touch the floor, mommy it was so scary. And it hurt my- my skin. It hurt my bones.” Adam tried to explain but the words weren’t what he was meaning. He was just upset and his hormones were all wonky and he was hot and cold and empty. 
Hanna shushed him and kissed his temple through his still damp short hair. She understood. She always understood. 
“May I see where it hurt? My work bench was made for my height, you’re just too small to be able to bend over it. It’s not your fault sweet baby.” Hanna whispered into Adam’s ear, her lips teasing the sensitive flesh. Adam shivered and let out a small noise. 
“Yes ma’am” he whispered and climbed off her lap and pulled off his underwear. Slick started to drool down the inside of his leg. Hanna caught some off the inside of his knee and licked it from her finger. She hummed and looked at the way both him and Will were staring at her. Dizzying, that power, absolutely dizzying. 
“Hurts here, now” Adam said and pressed a hand to his belly right above his small erection. Adam had what was an “ideal” omega genital. Small, uncut, barely any precum if any at all. Will didn’t. That was another reason Hanna loved him so. He was big, cut, and drooled a delicious amount of precum every time he got riled up. 
Hanna smiled and pulled Adam closer by his hips and he dropped his hands. She placed a small kiss to his stomach and looked at his bruised hip bones. Indeed, the alphas would get matching ones brought to them by a cane. They had a rule about careless bruising. 
“I’m sure it does hurt. Poor little boys. Go get yours ready Adam. We can take a nice long nap while daddy and papa make dinner.” Hanna said and Adam went to get the dildo of his choice. 
Hanna smiled at Will who’s knees were trembling a tiny bit, holding onto the thigh harness with his blue knot, it was small and short but rubbed against his cervix in a way that always had him gushing and cumming in no time. He liked the way it made him ache inside after. 
The woman stood and walked around Will to sit on the edge of the bed and took the harness from his hands. She quickly and efficiently slipped the straps around her thigh, high on her thigh, and buckled the nice and snug. Will was already climbing on the bed to straddle it but all Hanna had to do was put a hand on his belly and he paused. 
Adam was making huffs and frustrated noises. He was still standing by the toy box by the bedside table. He had a big pink dildo in his hands, the knot bold and pronounced, girthy and long. It would fit through the ring of the harness with a bit of finesse. Adam just needed to be filled and knotted. 
“Adam, bring that to me.” Hanna commanded and Adam huffed in defeat and handed them both to Hanna. She fastened the harness to herself once the toy was through and Will was already growling. She gave him a sharp slap to the ass which made him moan.
Adam was careful to position himself, always was, just so he could easily sink down and get full without hurting. Once he was ready he didn’t start their game by sitting down. He looked at Hanna waiting for her. 
“Go ahead Adam. You may take it now.” Hanna gave him permission but Adam shook his head and grabbed her blouse. 
Will huffed and growled again. He was not patient enough for this. Hanna knew it too, so she said nothing when he grabbed both sides of the blouse’s collar and ripped it so her bra was exposed. 
“Hurry up” Will barked out as his body shook in need, his toy just touching his needy hole. Adam smiled and started to sink down and nuzzle at Hanna’s soft bra and softer breast. 
Once he was letting out short breaths and had his hand under Hanna’s bra, Will dropped himself. 
Will was fast about it though, his slick had dripped down to cover Hanna’s pajamas and made it easy for him to slam down, the knot nearly slipping in, and throw himself back up. He was crying out. 
“Oh momma, feels so much better! Need it, need it momma, please, give me, I need-” Will begged as he made a punishing pace for himself. Each time the small knot slipped past the ring of muscle and rubbed against his prostate and the head crammed against the small bud of his cervix. He’d be bleeding by the end and bruised up on the inside for the next few days of heat. But lord it felt good. 
Will had his hands on her shoulders, he could enjoy her warm breast when he was sleeping, and he was bouncing all three of them with the effort of his thrusts. 
Adam however was quiet and fulfilled. He’d been fucked today, he didn’t need anymore. He needed to be filled up and snuggled in. He had one hand under Hanna’s plain blue bra, happy she never had underwires. He was cupping the soft, warm, soft, really soft plump flesh gently and nuzzling the exposed top of her breast. He wanted to undo the few clasps that rested in the valley between her breasts but he didn’t wanna move his hand away. 
Will was making so much noise and almost there. The boy battering his inside and Hanna’s warm body right there and their nest was ready and fuck. Fuck. 
“Fuck, momma, I need, Fuck, I need- Scratch me! My leg, here” Will finally struggled out. He needed the bite of her short nails, the heat of it. He needed a little pain and he’d be there. Hanna smiled and brought her hand to first squeeze his cock in one long stroke which made him cry out and then to stroke his thigh a few times. She stroked his thigh with the rhythm he’d set for himself and when he finally nodded and let her nails catch the strong scarred flesh of his thigh and tear down it for a few inches. 
Will screamed and grabbed onto Hanna, the scent of blood and cum filling the space. Adam gagged a little but reached over and touched Hanna’s thigh and gathered some of Will’s slick and brought it up to his mouth. It helped. 
“Beautiful. Beautiful Will. Thank you for giving me that. Now let’s take a nice nap, both of you need sleep.” Hanna instructed once Will caught his breath. Both boys nodded and allowed Hanna to unbuckle and remove the straps from the toys. She’d just need to remove the rings from the bases of the toys once they were done. She pulled her blouse off and looked at the way Adam was staring at her chest. 
“Adam, do you want to unclasp it?” She asked and Adam smiled and undid the clasps and moaned when the offensive blue fabric fell away. He immediately leaned forward to kiss and suck gently at her rosy nipple. Hanna tossed the bra to her vanity chair and Will brought his hand up to play with her other nipple. 
“That’s enough of that , you two. Nap time, now.” Hanna commanded and laid down in the center of the nest letting the two omegas snuggle up to her and get comfortable. 
Will curled up with his head on her stomach and his hand resting on her hip. He liked laying where he could smell the scent of arousal rolling gently off her body. Adam shoved his face into the soft side of her breast and let his hand go to lay in the toasty underside of her other breast. His arm was under his head so his hand could pet at her greying blonde hair gently. 
She was absolutely content and comfy. It was easy for all three of them to drift off to sleep. 
It wasn’t until nine p.m. that they all woke up. 
And realized they never allowed the alphas back in the house. It was okay though. It just made their punishments a fraction less brutal. 
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the-l0st-lore · 6 months
Next Episode for sure y’all
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bloodycowboyclub · 6 months
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signed and sealed in BLOOD
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allelitewrestlings · 5 months
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it's got an awful bite. it's gonna rise again.
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lilacwriter07 · 2 months
Omega Adam smiles to himself as he wears the surprise for Lucifer, the angel didn't know but Adam kept all his feather he preened from him . Whenever the angel asked the Omega for help .
Adam braided them in his hair, and with a string around his neck and wrists . He will also do that silly dance Lucifer sometimes do when he seems happy .
Perhaps seeing his surprise will make him spend more time with him then with Lilith .
"Adam !" The first man quickly got up as Lucifer lands close to him, but backs off when he saw what Adam was wearing ."Oh what's this ?" He looked curious .
"Look I am an angel as well !" Adam said feeling his cheeks flushed, why does he feel so shy now ."Silly Adam !" Lucifer laughs but stops as Adam danced ."Look now I am Lucifer, doing my silly willy dance !"
Adam laughed as he messed up a bit, the dance seems harder then it seems .
But Lucifer was quiet as Adam stops, was he angry ?
He didn't mean to make him mad ."So .. Whaa !" The Omega screams as the older Omega jumps on him, sniffing his neck and started to hump him like he saw some wolves do .
"Luci ?" He felt bit scared as Lucifer purrs ."Mine ."
later Michael scolded Lucifer for mating with the human, as Lilith asks Adam if it hurts while Sera deals with her headache . And Gabriel asks God to make an other human for Lilith .
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rainforestakiie · 2 months
i wrote more for the omega lucifer x omega adam au i posted a few days back. i might write more, i have a few ideas. but really i should be working on be lonely with me. haha.
i just want to thank @inubaki and @lilacwriter07 because you two encouraged me to write another part. haha. thank you for being so kind to me!
anyway! here is the next part of the omega au! i think there might be one or two more parts? i do really want to write the fall in this. so let me know what you guys think!
omega lucifer x omega adam.
Nest of the Damned (Omegaverse Omega/Omega) Part 01. Part 02. Part 03. Part 04. Part 05. Extra 01.
Full Versio
Adam's body had undergone profound changes, and even after months, he was still adapting. His once resilient skin had become softer, more prone to bruising at the slightest touch, and his energy waned much quicker than before. Most noticeably, he had grown emotionally sensitive, with his heartstrings tugged by the smallest of things, and his thoughts becoming increasingly tender and sweet.
"Adam~" cooed Lucifer, descending gracefully from the heavens to land before him. The Archangel's vast white and blue wings shimmered, each feather softer and more radiant than ever. A wide grin spread across Lucifer's face as he cradled a white basket in his arms. "Adam! Did you miss me? I missed you~"
Sniffling, Adam glanced up almost shamefully, quickly wiping his tears in a futile attempt to hide them from his angelic mate. The newly presented Omega managed a weak smile at the towering figure of Lucifer. Though Lucifer always looked beautiful, with the warm sun behind him, his golden hair glowing and his blue eyes twinkling, Adam found him to be the most gorgeous being he had ever seen.
His heart tightened with the realisation that Lucifer was his mate!
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying? What did she do now!” Lucifer demanded, bombarding him with questions. His blue eyes darkened with concern, and his face twisted in anger.
Adam shook his head vigorously. “It’s nothing. It was my fault anyway. I was bothering her too much.”
“Doubtful,” Lucifer grumbled. “Adam, I want you to stay away from Lilith from now on. She’s dangerous. Alphas are dreadful, trust me.”
“They are?” Adam questioned softly, his wide green eyes watching as Lucifer balanced the basket on one arm and gently took his hand. Lucifer pulled him to his feet with effortless grace. “I don’t really know about Alphas. Are all Alphas like Lilith?”
Lucifer pouted, understanding Adam's innocence and curiosity. It wasn’t Adam’s fault he had so many questions, wanting to know more about his new reality. Everything Adam knew about being an Omega came from Lucifer, the only Omega in Heaven and Adam's sole guide. Yet, Lucifer’s possessive side wanted to forbid Adam from even thinking about Lilith and Alphas. But he also knew his duty as Adam's mate, lover, partner, and guardian angel was to guide him.
Sighing softly, Lucifer brushed his fingers across Adam’s rosy cheek. He grinned widely as Adam shuddered and nuzzled into the touch.
“Alphas are... not nice,” Lucifer explained. “They’re demanding, controlling, and they like to push Omegas around. My brethren often try to throw their weight around because I’m an Omega, forgetting who was born first! It doesn’t take long for me to remind them, but it’s frustrating.”
Adam’s lips turned downward, and his hands slipped around Lucifer’s waist. He hugged his Omega lover tightly and bravely pressed a kiss against Lucifer’s blue-tinted cheek. He watched with fascination as Lucifer purred, smiling so beautifully that it made Adam blush.
"I think you're the strongest Angel I've ever seen~" Adam murmured, nuzzling his face into Lucifer's throat.
The Archangel giggled, relishing the delightful sensation of Adam’s touch. He tilted his head towards the human, looping his free arm around Adam's slender waist, pulling him close against his slim hip.
"So tell me," he began, lowering his voice to a gentle whisper, masking the anger simmering beneath. "What did Lilith do to make my Omega cry?"
Adam blinked, his gaze dropping shyly. A shiver ran through him at being called Lucifer's Omega. His fingers curled into Lucifer's soft white robes, luxuriating in their warmth. "Um... she... she's mad at me. She... she thinks I have..."
"You have?" Lucifer pressed, nuzzling his face against Adam's.
Adam inhaled deeply, his chest tightening as he gathered his courage. He raised his eyes to meet Lucifer's piercing blue gaze. "She blames me for you not wanting to spend... time with her anymore. She says I... I put on the waterworks and manipulated you into spending all your time with me instead."
Lucifer's wings bristled, his expression darkening. It took all his restraint to remain calm. His lips twisted into a grim frown, his eyes narrowing in thought. "That's not true, you know that, right?"
"Adam?" he added, tilting his head when Adam's green eyes began to wander. Lucifer immediately took hold of his chin, gently forcing the human Omega to look at him. "Adam, you don't believe that, do you?"
Adam parted his lips, awkwardly licking his dry lips, which Lucifer immediately noticed. "I-I mean... I did force you to stay with me, didn't I?"
"No," Lucifer hissed sharply. "No, you didn't. I stayed with you because I wanted to. I mated with you because I wanted to. I'm in love with you and have been in love with you since the very beginning of time."
If it was possible, Adam's face turned even redder. His eyebrows knitted together in thought, and he fiddled with Lucifer's soft white robes. "Um, I-I love you too... I'm sorry, Luci. I don't know why but-but Lilith can... she just..."
"I know," Lucifer cooed, his mood brightening at Adam's confession. Lucifer stepped back, tracing his fingers down Adam's exposed arm and taking hold of his hand. "I know, Lilith is an Alpha. You feel like you have to obey her, but you don't. She will never be your mate, I'm your mate."
"You're my mate," Adam repeated, relaxing at the words. His lips formed a loving smile as he curled his fingers tightly around Lucifer's. "It doesn't matter if we're both Omegas. We love each other."
Nodding, Lucifer brought Adam's hand to his mouth and pressed a tender kiss to his knuckles. "That's right. It doesn't matter if we're both Omegas, we're meant for one another. Meant to be together."
"We're meant to be together," Adam echoed in a soft, dreamy hum, his green eyes shimmering with joy. He giggled to himself, delighting Lucifer. "We were made for one another."
"That's right~" Lucifer sang cutely. "We don't need anyone but each other, we're mates, bonded together for the rest of our lives~"
Adam beamed.
"Now then, do you want to see what I've brought you this time?" cooed the Archangel, jiggling the basket he was holding in his other arm. He grinned at the excited expression that lit up Adam's face and squeezed his hand. "Let's go to our tree~"
Adam nodded eagerly. "Y-Yes! Let's go to our tree!"
"You're so cute!" Lucifer cooed, all six of his magnificent wings spreading wide. Each feather fluttered gracefully as they prepared to fly. “Have you named the tree yet?”
"Oh?" Adam jumped slightly, looping his arms securely around Lucifer's neck. He nestled his head against the Archangel's shoulder as Lucifer's arm tightened around his middle once more. Adam's green eyes were large and round, his heart leaping into his throat as Lucifer took to the sky with one powerful flap of his wings. "I named it 'Purple Wisteria' because I thought the flowers looked purple!"
Lucifer hummed with a loving smile. He adored it when Adam named new things. Adam always came up with the most creative and dreamy names, filling Lucifer's heart with pride. He cherished the way Adam could dream up the most perfect names.
"Such a clever Omega, you~" he cooed, soaring gracefully through the blue sky.
Squealing in delight, Adam tightened his arms around Lucifer, his eyes wide with wonder as he watched the clouds drift past them. He tilted his head downward, gazing at the vibrant hues of green far below.
Lucifer eyed his beloved's face from the corner of his eye. He simply loved every expression Adam made. By now, the Archangel had taken his beloved Omega mate up into the sky multiple times, flying him over Eden and dancing with him among the soft clouds. Yet, Adam always appeared so awestruck by the experience, his expression perpetually soft, adorable, and cute. It was as if every flight was their first, and Lucifer adored him all the more for it.
They landed gently in front of the tree where Lucifer had first found Adam months ago. The tree that had witnessed so many of their beautiful moments, their bonding, and so much more. Lucifer cooed at the sight of the delicate purple flowers. He licked his lips, recalling the activities the pair had gotten up to behind the hanging flower walls. Lucifer could still taste Adam on his tongue, the sweetness of his Omega core and the way Adam had gasped from every lick. 
"Our Purple Wisteria," he murmured, gently lowering Adam to the ground. He kept one arm around his mate, holding him close. "I love it. You have the best ideas, Adam."
Adam beamed, his heart swelling with happiness. "Thank you, Luci."
Lucifer smiled warmly, his fingers brushing through Adam's hair. "Now, shall we see what I brought for you?" he asked, jiggling the basket in his other hand.
Adam's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! Let's see!"
Gleefully, Lucifer parted the cascade of purple flowers, revealing their hidden sanctuary. He giggled to himself, his eyes twinkling as he surveyed the area in the centre, adorned with soft petals, leaves, and a sprinkling of his own feathers. It was modest now, but soon it would become something extraordinary.
Adam blushed deeply and averted his eyes from the intimate space, feeling a mixture of shyness and anticipation. He remembered all the sinful things they had done inside the protective shell of the purple flowers, all the things he had done with his Omega mate. A tingling heat appeared between his legs, reminding of what exactly had transpired literally the night before. How Lucifer had taught him to push their Omega-hoods together and ride one another until they couldn’t move. It was…embarrassing but felt so good. 
"Come, Adam," Lucifer coaxed gently, taking his mate's hand and guiding him into the flower chamber. "This will be our special place, just for us."
Adam hesitated for a moment, then let Lucifer lead him. The scent of flowers filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the leaves and the faint, comforting scent of Lucifer's feathers. It was a place of peace and intimacy, a sanctuary hidden from the world. Their own scent drifted throughout the area, soothing his anxiousness and fears. 
“Today I'm going to teach you something new~" Lucifer cooed, placing the basket down and tugging Adam closer. He used both of his hands now, and even teasingly brushed his feathered wings along all the sensitive areas of Adam's body.
Adam trembled, giggling as a rosy flush spread down his neck. "Something new? Like what?"
"I have to admit, I've been quite selfish these past few months," the Archangel sighed, tapping his chin and glancing slyly to the side with his blue eyes. "I've been quite... neglectful of my main duties."
Blinking in confusion, Adam tilted his head innocently. "What do you mean, Luci? Are-are you going to leave me again?"
"No," Lucifer smiled, caressing Adam's cheek. "I mean since we've mated, I've been selfishly fulfilling all my dreams and fantasies. You're amazing, the perfect lover, my adorable Omega..."
"You're an Omega," Lucifer added with a soft sigh. He scratched his head with a quiet chuckle. "Adam, when you present as an Omega, I'm meant to teach you the ways of being an Omega. I'm meant to show you and explain to you about what it means to be an Omega, about what to do when you get uncomfortable, nervous, or scared."
Making a soft rumble from the back of his throat, Adam inched closer to his adoring angel mate. "Am I supposed to be doing something then?"
"Er, sort of. Do you remember before we mated? You mentioned that you wanted to collect things? You wanted my feathers and robes, do you remember that?" Lucifer chimed softly, squeezing Adam's hands.
Another giggle fluttered past Adam's lips as Lucifer purposely brushed his feathers across his tender, exposed neck. "Yes, I remember. I... I was quite, um... something was wrong with me because I wasn't able to build something."
"Right. I'm supposed to teach you about that," Lucifer sang, reluctantly pulling away from Adam. "When I was first born, I was alone in the universe. It was difficult to be alone, and while I don’t like to show it, I still got anxious and even scared. Especially when my siblings began to be born."
“Luci…” Adam released a soft rumble, leaning forward to rub his nose against Lucifer’s cheek. He unconsciously released a soft scent of comfort.
Lucifer preened in return. “My siblings presented differently from me. I was the only Omega while they were Alphas and Betas. I didn’t like it, especially when some of them tried to claim ownership over me, tried to force me to bend to their will… it wasn’t a very nice time back then…”
Lucifer glanced off to the side in thought. He didn’t really blame his newly presented Alpha siblings; they knew no better. Their instincts had taken over within seconds. Lucifer refused to bow to them, and when one of them began to step over his boundaries, God had given him permission to put them in their place. It had been quite a show, he supposed. Lucifer had never wielded so much power, but he had forced all his misbehaving siblings down onto their knees to beg for repentance. God, their father, had graciously allowed Lucifer to decide if they earned repentance or not.
Lucifer, being the loving older brother, had granted it. As long as nobody tried to overstep his boundaries again. Nobody did. Michael was the only one who seemed to challenge his authority nowadays, trying to make sense of an Alpha having to obey an Omega. It was Father’s will, therefore nobody was allowed to try to repress him.
“I gathered things to comfort myself. Things like my robes.” Lucifer explained, pinching at the white material wrapped around him. “Blankets, feathers, and so on. I used them to build a nest. We have certain instincts, certain needs that must be fulfilled and when I finally gave into my instincts and built my first nest, it brought such security and comfort."
Adam's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "A nest? Like a bird's nest?"
Lucifer chuckled warmly, nodding. "Yes, but for you or us really, it can be anything that makes you feel secure and loved. Feathers, soft fabrics, anything that holds meaning to you. It's a way to create your own sanctuary."
Adam's cheeks flushed with excitement. "Um…by building a nest, I'll feel more secure?"
“That’s right,” Lucifer sweetly cooed. “A nest is what you wanted to build. You still want to make a nest.”
“But how will I do it?” Adam asked, shuffling his feet. “I…can we make a nest together?”
Lucifer's smile widened, his heart swelling with love for his eager mate. "Of course, my love. That’s why I’m here. I’m your mate, your other half; we’re supposed to work together and rely on one another.”
Releasing a breath of relief, Adam relaxed and his lips twitched into a warm smile. “You-You’ll teach me how to do it, right?”
“Yes,” the Archangel purred, cupping Adam’s cheek once more. His thumb made circular motions across the tender flesh. “I brought a lot of things we can use for our first nest~”
Adam's eyes sparkled with delight as he looked at the basket Lucifer had brought. "What did you bring?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Lucifer giggled, loving the excitement in Adam’s voice. "I brought some of my feathers, soft fabrics, and a few special items I thought you might like," he said, kneeling down to open the basket.
Adam watched with wide, eager eyes as Lucifer pulled out a beautiful collection of feathers in various shades of white and blue, along with silky fabrics that shimmered in the light. There were also small trinkets and stones that glowed softly, adding a magical touch to the collection.
"These are perfect!" Adam exclaimed, reaching out to touch the soft feathers and fabrics. "I can't believe you brought all these for us."
"Anything for you, my adorable mate," Lucifer replied, his voice full of affection. "Now, let's start building our nest."
Together, they began arranging the feathers and fabrics, creating a cosy and inviting space beneath the tree. Lucifer guided Adam’s hands, showing him how to weave the materials together to form a snug and comfortable nest.
As they worked, Adam felt a sense of peace and security he had never experienced before. The process of building the nest with Lucifer was not just about creating a physical space; it was about deepening their bond and creating a sanctuary for their love.
When they finished, Adam looked at their creation with pride. "It's beautiful," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I never imagined it would feel this amazing."
Lucifer wrapped his arms around Adam, pulling him close. "It’s because we made it together," he murmured, pressing a kiss to Adam's forehead. "This nest is a symbol of our love and partnership. It’s a place where we can always find comfort and solace."
Adam snuggled into Lucifer's embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of their nest enveloping them. "Now what, Luci? What do we do with our nest now?”
“Well, my nests always brought me comfort and security, like I said.” Lucifer purred, tracing his fingers along Adam’s side. His eyes zoned down on Adam’s flawless, exposed throat. He wanted to bite down, to give Adam the claim mark that would fully tie them together. “But I was thinking~”
“Hmm?” Adam leant forward, enchanted by Lucifer’s blue eyes. “What is it?”
A gasp escaped the Omega human when Lucifer pulled at the ribbons of his snow-white robes. His green eyes widened and his face flushed as the robes fell down the Omega Archangel, leaving Lucifer just as exposed and naked as Adam. 
Adam’s skin prickled as Lucifer stepped up fully. Pulling Adam as close as possible, their bodies pressing together. 
“Let’s add another reason for Omegas build nests, something much more…pleasurable~” 
Adam swallowed thickly from the words. Lucifer had taught him so many pleasurable things already, what else is there? 
Apparently there were a lot.
With a whining whimper, Adam’s whole body trembled. His insides twitched and churned as the knot deep inside him came unknown. His limbs stiffened up and his hips arched, meeting Lucifers until finally, the pair of them collapsing into the middle of their newly built nest. Their chest heaving and breathing mingling. 
“How was that?” Lucifer asked after a few minutes.
It took a rather embarrassingly long amount of time for Adam to regain control of his limbs. He blinked his dazed green eyes and raised his hands to cup Lucifer’s face, pulling the Archangel down into another desperate kiss. Their soft lips pressed together as if they were made for one another, and soon, their tongues were swirling together in a dance of pure love.
“Guess it was good,” the Archangel teased, licking his sore lips. “Was I so good that I render you speechless?”
“Oh, shut up,” Adam snorted with a laugh, pushing Lucifer off him.
Lucifer grinned, rolling onto his stomach next to his mate. He tried to ignore it, but he found himself eyeing Adam’s throat again. He ground his sharp teeth together, hoping to ignore the overwhelming desire to mark Adam as his own. He didn’t know why he wanted to bite Adam’s neck so badly, but Lucifer really, really wanted to claim Adam as his.
“Hm?” Adam blinked at him, tilting his head and accidentally exposing more of his neck. “Do you want something, Luci?”
“Huh?” Lucifer turned bright red at the question. “W-What? No, no, I’m good, I mean - um.”
Giggling, Adam reached over to flick the spot directly in the middle of Lucifer’s face. The area where Lucifer’s nose would have been if he had one. “Um, you make this face whenever you want something. I’ve learned to notice it! So, whatever it is, I’ll give it to you!”
“I make a face?” Lucifer gasped in disbelief. His hands touched his face in awe. His chest bubbled with warmth, his stomach twirled at Adam’s words. His precious, adorable little Omega mate had taken notice of his facial expression?
It was so cute. It made Lucifer fall in love with him even harder.
"I...would like to bite you," Lucifer finally admitted sheepishly.
Adam moved himself to his knees and ran a hand over his neck. "You want to bite my neck? You keep looking at my neck. I thought you just wanted to check my glands again."
"Oh, well, I do want to do that too!" he gasped quickly, moving to sit on his knees in front of Adam. Lucifer's soft, stardust hands cupped Adam's face this time. "You haven't been scratching them still, have you? Because I meant what I said, I will enclose your hands in feathers if you keep doing it."
Pouting, Adam glanced down at his hands. While the thought of touching feathers was so alluring, he realised that if Lucifer really did that, he wouldn't be able to use his hands at all. "I'm not scratching! Really!"
"Good boy, I believe you," Lucifer said quietly. His blue eyes lowered and he bit down on his bottom lip. "I want to bite your neck. You're right. I don't know why; it's just...this new desire. It came from nowhere, and I can't explain it to you, but it's getting...stronger and stronger..."
Adam made a soft, melodic sound from the back of his throat, his nose twitching slightly. "Maybe it's a new Omega thing?"
"What do you mean?" Lucifer asked, his eyes widening in surprise. The thought had never occurred to him.
"We're the only two Omegas in the universe right now," Adam said, a gentle smile lighting up his face. "Just you and me. No other Omegas, just us discovering new things together! Maybe marking each other's necks is, um, another mate thing?"
Lucifer's mouth opened and closed as his brain tried to process Adam's words. It made perfect sense, something he had never considered. Of course, it would be another Omega instinct.
"Do you...want to bite me too, Adam?" Lucifer whispered, his voice filled with hope.
Shyly, Adam nodded. "Yeah... f-for a while now. I really want to bite you, I want to..."
Desperation filled Lucifer's heart, his fluffy wings twitching with the urge to spread wide. "Yes? What is it? Please, tell me, Adam."
"I want to mark you," Adam finally admitted, his face turning a deep crimson. His green eyes shyly looked away from Lucifer’s intense stare. He squirmed, struggling to put his thoughts into words. "I... it’s strange. I want to bite you too, I want to leave a mark on your neck, to let everyone know that you - you belong to me! I, um... I..."
"Adam..." Lucifer whispered sweetly, leaning forward to brush his lips against Adam’s. "You have no idea what that means to me. Just hearing you say that makes me so happy."
"Happy?" Adam whimpered in surprise. "I feel really weird, Luci. I don’t know how to explain it. I get mad too. I don’t like it when Lilith talks about you the way she does. It - it makes me sad. Something's wrong with me..."
Frowning deeply, Lucifer pulled Adam close, his stardust arms wrapping around the Omega. "How does she talk about me?"
"...weirdly..." Adam mumbled, leaning his head against the angel’s shoulder. His hands bashfully caressed Lucifer’s exposed skin, lightly brushing his fingertips along the area where Lucifer’s wings connected to his back. Adam smiled as the wings flapped in response. "Um, like she wants to do what we do, but only with you. I think she wants to mark you too..."
Ah. That made sense. Lucifer snorted to himself. Lilith was an Alpha, after all.
"I don’t want her to do that!" Adam exclaimed, pulling back to look into Lucifer’s dark blue eyes, worry etched on his face. "I don’t want her to do those things with you! I - I only want you to do those things with me!"
Purring, Lucifer immediately pulled his adorable mate into a kiss. "Oh, Adam. Don’t you see? I already belong to you~ The moment we mated all those months ago, I became yours and you became mine~"
"Y-You won’t do that with her?" Adam asked meekly. "Only with me?"
"That’s right," Lucifer cooed, running his hand up Adam’s neck and gently caressing his mating glands. Adam gasped at the sensation. "I will never do any of those things with anybody else. I will only ever do them with you~"
Adam let out a sigh of relief, nodding his head in sync with Lucifer’s words.
"And you, Adam?" the Archangel sang. "You'll only do those things with me, right? Nobody else? Not even Lilith?"
"Of course!" Adam bristled, almost insulted at the suggestion. His face scrunched up at the thought of mating with anybody else. He only wanted Lucifer. He only felt comfortable with Lucifer. "Not even Lilith! She smells bad anyway..."
Lucifer giggled. Lilith only 'smelled bad' because she was an Alpha, probably releasing aggressive scents unconsciously around Adam, making her smell even worse to his Omega. Oh well, that didn't matter to them. Nobody mattered other than each other.
"If we bite each other, it's like placing a claiming mark on one another. So everyone will know we belong to each other~" Lucifer smiled, pecking Adam's lips repeatedly. "Nobody will be able to come between us."
Looping his arms around Lucifer's neck, Adam crawled onto Lucifer's lap and pressed his lips back against the Archangel's. "I want that. Let's do that, Luci. Please."
With a gentle and delicate touch, Lucifer cradled the back of Adam's head. He nipped at Adam's bottom lip, a soft rumble emanating from his chest. "Yes, of course, we will do that, Adam. Anything for you~"
Adam beamed with delight, his heart swelling with joy. He tilted his head to the right, exposing the tender flesh of his throat to the Archangel. “Will this do?”
“Perfect.” Lucifer’s voice dropped low. 
His eyes grew menacing, becoming dark and hooded. Lucifer traced his fingers along the soft fresh and licked his lips. His sharp teeth grew hot and ached, his heart was beginning to pound in his chest to the point Lucifer couldn’t even think straight. Until finally he buried his face into Adam’s throat and enclosed his mouth around a patch of delicate skin. 
Lucifer sucked delicately at first, his soft lips practically glueing them to Adam’s warm flesh. He pulled back just enough to aggressively lick at Adam’s tender Omega glands, his tongue swirling up and down, making circle-motions before he scraped his sharp teeth over the glittering wet skin. 
Adam released a whimpering moan. His head tilted even further for his mate, giving Lucifer even more access to his mating glands. His emerald eyes shimmered, his eyelashes fluttering shut briefly as he melted into the other Omega. 
Finally, Lucifer sunk his sharp teeth into Adam’s neck. He bites down onto Adam’s mating glands, his wandering hands beginning to caress the human Omegas body until Adam was quivering once more. Desire rushed through him all at once and something stirred inside his stomach, as if his inner-self was waking up and growling in content as Lucifer finally marked Adam as his. 
He held the back of Adam’s neck for a good few minutes, the copper-taste of his blood seducing him. Pool of heat rolled throughout his stomach and Lucifer released his hold on the human Omega, his hands cradling Adam as he withdrew from him. 
“Adam?” he clocked his head, noticing Adam appeared dazed and his green eyes were unfocused. His expression was slack with sweet pleasure, similar to the face Adam makes when they’re making love. Lucifer cupped his cheek, releasing a sound from the back of his throat that belonged to Adam alone. “Baby? Are you alright?”
Blinking a few times, it took Adam a few seconds to come back to Eden. “Lucifer? I…whoa…”
“Did it feel good?” Lucifer grinned. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. He licked at his lips, licking off the small traces of blood still on them. “Aw, did me claiming you as mine give you the butterflies?”
Flushing brightly, Adam bit down on his bottom lip. It felt more than good. It was great. Adam’s never felt anything like that before. It was new and so exciting, it had Adam’s body trembling in a way it had never done before. Not even when Lucifer taught him to kiss with their omega-cores, Adam would never forget how it felt to spread his legs and move forward to make delicious contact with the Archangel. 
Lucifer took hold of his hand when Adam moved to touch his mating glands. His blue eyes sparkling with glee, taking notice of the drooling face of his adorable Omega. “I wouldn’t touch it for a while. The glands will probably become swollen.”
He glanced at the area as he spoke, the skin looked rather red and angry. Sore in fact. It was swelling already. Brushing his other hand up the front of Adam’s body, his fingers catching Adam’s nipples and rubbing them briefly. His fingers danced further up, sliding up Adam’s throat and grinning when he felt Adam gulp. Finally, Lucifer feather-dusted his fingers across Adam’s chin. 
“Don’t you want to mark me the sameway?” he cooed seductively. Lucifer purposely rolled his shoulder and tilted his head, showing his own Omega glands. “Don’t you want to bite me too?”
Adam’s emerald eyes immediately zoned down onto the exposed glands. His mouth suddenly dry and he forcefully swallowed as he gazed at the soft-snow white glittering skin. “Am I allowed too?”
Lucifer paused in surprise. He blinked once and giggled, his hand twirling around Adam’s head and drawing him in close. “Oh Adam~ I so-very-much adore you~”
Letting out a surprised gasp, Adam fell against the Archangel with his face pushing into Lucifer’s throat. A shiver ran up his spine and Adam bravely pushed his lips to the divine being’s throat. He kissed the stardust skin and felt his stomach churn with something unknown as Lucifer whimpered. 
It was liberating. Having Lucifer tremble, gasp and moan in return was truly enchanting. Adam’s stomach coiled with lava and he traced his nails up Lucifer’s naked body, dragging them along his sensitive sides. Adam’s lips trailed along Lucifer’s throat, kissing gently and nipping bravely until Lucifer was groaning. 
“Adam, you’re so gentle~” Lucifer possessively tangled his hand into Adam’s thick brown and red hair. His back arching with enjoyment. “Remember what I taught you? Be a little more rougher, you know I can take it~”
Immediately Adam bites down onto Lucifer’s shoulder, causing the angel to grin and tremble with desire.  Lucifer began to play with his hair, pushing Adam closer. Enticing him to explore more, Adam’s warm and wet mouth slid further down Lucifer’s throat. Adam trembled as he felt the angel’s pulse under his tongue. 
A startled yelp suddenly escaped Lucifer when Adam’s tongue unknowingly made contact with his mating glands. 
“I’m sorry!” Adam gasped, tugging his head back in concern. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Lucifer’s eyes were glassy and dazed, he pushed down on Adam’s head. Guiding him back to his neck with a comforting rumble. “No, you silly apple. I liked it. Don’t pull away like that again.”
“Oh…” Adam breathed in deeply, relaxing immediately as Lucifer’s omega scent embraced him. 
He practically became slack against Lucifer’s body. His mouth returned to Lucifer’s exposing throat, trailing along the muscles towards Lucifer’s mating glands again. This time, he didn’t withdraw as he kissed them. 
Lucifer let out a whine when Adam’s tongue covered his glands. His back arching further and the hand in Adam’s hair tensed. He pushed Adam harder against him, enjoying the sensation of his omega’s mouth on his glands. 
Breathing in so deeply that his chest ached, Adam sunk his teeth down upon the flesh. His green eyes screwed shut tightly and he pressed his teeth harder, an odd copper taste filling his mouth. 
“Oh Adam~” Lucifer called, hugging Adam tightly. “We now have matching bite marks. Isn’t that exciting~” 
With a gasp, Adam pulled, golden liquid dripping down his chin. “We’re now bonded?”
“Yup~” Lucifer licked his blood from Adam’s mouth, cleaning it from his chin and lips. “Now you can’t get rid of me, even if you want too~”
“Luci!” Adam laughed. “I don’t want to get rid of you ever!”
(a bad doodle of my omega au Lucifer and Adam)
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inubaki · 1 month
The Nest of the Damned
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The Fall Art by @breedtheseed writer of the story is @rainforestakiie
Here’s the first surprise. I hope you love this gift. A commission wonderfully taken on by breed thetheseend.
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Adam apple high school AU PT 3
(this is a pretty long one so bear with me)
. On the very first day at his new school, Lucifer had felt as though his soul had been stripped away from his body, the reason being...Adam Mann
. You see everything was going fine he was given a schedule of his classic, and a basic tour of where his classes were, and everything seemed to go well during his introduction as the new student during first period
. sure, when he said his name, he got a weird look from this one girl in the middle row, but he just ignored it
. it wasn't until after class when he was waking to his next class, and he accidentally bumped into the one person he never thought he would see again that it's kind of all went to Hell
Lucifer: I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going, are you alright?
Adam: yeah, I'm fine no skin off...YOU!
Lucifer: A, Adam!?
. Lucifer would hardly believe it, the most beautiful person that he had ever known was right before his eyes, and as it couldn't be even more possible was even more beautiful than ever
. His face was more defined as he had a small stubble on his chin, he had gotten taller too, his soft brown eyes had a sort of golden shine to them, and his scent was even stronger than ever before his scent was of freshly peeled oranges with a hint of soft soil
. but the most prominent feature about him would be his body and his body, oh holy mercy it had curves not the normal amount of curves the usual omega had he had curves for days, right from the top of his perky chest to his soft tummy, all the way down to his big thighs, then to end it was his big juicy booty, though (of course, he didn't see it till after Adam left, but he was only looking respectfully he swears!)
. But before he could fully admire the angel before him he was suddenly pressed up against the lockers with the once lovely scent turned sour as Adam glared down at the person who was responsible for ruining his life back in middle school
. Lucifer gulped, both in horniness and fear(but mostly for being a horny little gremlin)
Lucifer: listen, I know we didn't leave on good terms, but
Adam: But nothing! you stay out of my way here and I'll stay out of your way, got that pipsqueak!?
Lucifer: Pipsqueak?! (before he could say anything else Adam turned around, skirt swishing as he did so, and stomped off. And all Lucifer could process were these cold facts, the one who got away is here, he’s even more hot than ever, and he hates his guts
. this was going to be the longest semester of his fucking life
. a month and a half had passed since the incident, and neither Lucifer nor Adam could barely even tolerate being in the same room together let alone speak to one another
. Lucifer has tried to talk to Adam during this time when he sees him outside of class or when they do have class together tries to sit next to or at least near him
. however it keeps failing for him because A. Adam doesn’t want anything to do with him, and B. His guard dog Lute won’t even let him look at Adam’s general direction let alone try and go near him
. it all comes to a head one day when out in the school football field sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Adam to finish lacrosse team practice, once he saw he was done he waved and called out to him to get his attention
. luckily Adam did acknowledge him with an eye roll and walked over to him
. Lucifer gave himself a mental fist bump as they finally were going to clear the table and maybe Lucifer would finally be able to tell Adam how he felt
. which is why it made so much sense that the plan went to shit
. see while rushing down the bleacher steps he slipped on the last few steps causing him to trip and fall of landing on top of Adam
. at first Lucifer thinks he must have landed right on his stomach because the body part he lands on is soft and squishy…with a space in between
. he slowly lifts himself away to see that he had landed right on Adam’s breasts, a fiery blush spreads all across his upper body as his eyes look into Adam’s shocked/disgusted filled ones
Lucifer: I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry it was a complete accident, I swear!
. he didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he was picked up by the scruff, thrown off of Adam, and was proceeded beaten by Lute
. Adam was in a daze for a minute as he tried to understand what the actual Hell happened
. his attention was then focused on the fight between Lucifer and Lute fighting on the ground
. that was really bad for two reasons, they were still on school grounds and if the coach came back those two would be on grounds for expulsion while he was more worried about Lute getting into trouble, he couldn't help but feel a ping of worry in his chest for Lucifer, damn omega instinct, reason number two was that two alphas fighting especially over an omega can more often than not turn bloody
. So, scrambling to his feet, he made his way over to the small crowd where the girls from the team were watching the fight, some even egging it on
. He pushed his way through them and saw Lucifer had Lute pinned under him with his fist raised up ready to strike her
. Adam ran towards them and tried to pull Lucifer off when he suddenly felt a hand hit right in the eye, he falls backwards and clutches his eye while whimpering in pain
. both alphas stop immediately and turn their attention to the omega in distress
. Lucifer gets off the female alpha and rushes towards Adam, while Lute stays frozen in place not believing that she hit Adam, on accident of course she didn't expect he'd be on the crossfire she just wanted to get Lucifer off
Lucifer: Holy shit, are you okay!? here let me take a look
. at first, Adam tried to just leave but Lucifer kept him still while giving a pleading look he sighed and allowed the alpha to look him over Adam's eye appeared to be swollen and starting to throb
Adam: is it bad?
Lucifer: It's not so bad that you'd need an eye patch just need to get something cold on it, come on let's get you home
. Despite his own injuries he helps Adam up and starts to lead him away as the crowd slowly starts to dissipate now that the fight was over
. Adam turns his head slightly and says in a frustrated tone
Adam: Not now Lute, just, not now, I'll text you later ok?
. Lute doesn't say anything as she watches from the ground in complete shock as Adam allows himself to be taken away by that little demon
. after carefully maneuvering around the school so no one would see them in their current predicament they made it over to the student parking lot where a small white car resided
. Lucifer unlocked it with a push of his key's button, went to the passenger side to open the door for Adam, and went to his side to start the car, before turning to Adam
Lucifer: do you mind giving me your address?
Adam: No, please don't it's my aunt's day off and she'll freak the fuck out if she sees this.
. he says while referring to his damaged eye
Lucifer: ok I get it, um well, if your comfortable with it, are you okay with coming back to my house? I can get you the right medical aid you need
. Adam doesn't say anything as he silently nods
. The drive there is silent and tense as Adam's attention is solely focused on what is happening out the window, while Lucifer keeps checking on him every so often
. They soon made it to a high-class condo complex, they park in front of one and Lucifer quickly opens his door to open Adam's and helps him out
. They head inside and Lucifer calls out to Uriel, he breathes a sigh of relief when he gets no response
Lucifer: Ok were good, let me take you to the kitchen
. There he gets Adam a bag full of ice and he gently places it on his eye, wincing from the slight flinch from the cold
Lucifer: you need anything else? are you hungry or thirsty?
Adam: all I need now is how to tell my Aunt on how I got this, though shouldn't you be more concerned with your own injuries?
Lucifer: I think the worst I got was a bump on the head, I'm ok
. It was true that while he had some bruises he was mostly a-ok
Lucifer: but if you really need an excuse for her, just say you accidentally ran into a door while rushing to class
. suddenly Adam's phone starts to buzz he picks it up and sighs seeing the caller's ID
Adam: speak of the devil (answers it) hey Aunt Sera, no I uh stopped at Mcdonald's for an after practice snack with a friend, yeah I know they cause people to get fat but guess what that sentiment can't really be applied to me when I'm already fat, no that's not sarcasm that is stating facts, uh huh, yeah, yeah I'll be home soon ok, I don't know an hour soon ok? See you then, yeah love you too
. he ends the call and looks at Lucifer
Adam: ok, situation averted, for now at least, so
Lucifer: So?
Adam: (sighs and looks straight into Lucifer's eyes) you have exactly thirty minutes and explain why the Hell you've been trying to follow me around and won't just leave me alone? I mean if you're trying to apologize over what happened in Eden you're doing a pretty shitty job at it
Lucifer: I, I'm sorry but while I did want to talk to you about the whole Eden situation, I don't see why I have to apologize for anything
Adam: um ok how about you stealing my girlfriend then making me feel like complete shit by constantly following me around and trying to shove your tongue down her throat, oh! and let's not forget the rumors that destroyed my reputation, because I know you and Lilith were the ones that start them!
Lucifer: first of all, YOU broke up with Lilith first I think that made it perfectly ok for me to "Steal your girlfriend" second I didn't start those rumors I swear I didn't Lilith must've said something to her friends and those friends said something to their friends and it probably spiraled out of control from there, thirdly Lilith was the one to drag me to those places I swear it was a giant coincidence
Adam: Broke up with her, what the Hell are you talking about I didn't break up with her she broke up with me by being a slut!
Lucifer: what about Eve then?! the girl you left Lilith for!
Adam: You mean Eve my cousin?
Lucifer: what?
Adam: Eve is my cousin, and she was a new student there and I was just helping her settle in!
Lucifer: I, I, you're not lying to me, are you?
Adam: What the actual fuck would I earn by lying to you?! No, I'm not lying she was the one who fucking cheated on me why don't you get that?!
. Lucifer took a shaky breath and turned away eyes going wide in realization
Lucifer: she lied; she's been playing me this whole time
Adam: YES! finally you see the truth, she was a lying cheating alpha whore who only cared about her own wants and needs
Lucifer: A, Adam I, I am so, so fucking sorry I swear I didn't know I just I swear if I knew the truth I wouldn't have done that...if it makes you feel any better, she wasn't the best girlfriend to me either
Adam: Makes me feel a little better
Lucifer: I don't know how I'm going to make it up to you, actually I have an idea
Adam: what is it?
Lucifer: this Friday I don't know if your aware but there's a festival happening at school and if you're ok with it, why don't you let me take you? we could have fun and get to know each other better, get to know the real us, not the version's Lilith's lies had created; so what do you say wanna do it?
Adam: Uh I
. Adam didn't know what to say to an offer like that, he literally just spilled his guts to someone who he held onto a great amount of resent towards, or he at least he did once the realization that Lucifer was used just like he was, he supposed that maybe he could give him a second chance
Adam: sure, what's the harm
. Later when Lucifer drops Adam off in front of his house, he walks him to his door when Adam turns to address him
Adam: Well, I'll see you later, I I'm glad we had this chance to finally clear the air
Lucifer: me too
. Lucifer gives him a soft smile which caused Adam to blush then in a last-minute decision Adam places a soft kiss on his cheek, Lucifer's face turns to a deep Scarlett and before he had a chance to react Adam went inside closing the door
. Lucifer's lips split open into a goofy grin as he sways his way back to the car in a lovesick manner
. Inside Adam reels from realization from what he just did when he suddenly hears his aunt
Sera: Oh good your back hopefully you didn't ruin your appetite because dinner is, IS THAT A BLACK EYE?!
. Oh shit he forgot about that
(sorry it’s late, hope you liked it)
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Imagine if Adam, who was the first alpha was turned into an omega after he died. It’s an au I’m currently working on. What do you think? Any thoughts
Sounds good!!
It would be such a shock to Adam to go from one extreme to the other. And when that time came around he wouldn't want just any alpha he'd only want the best. *Wink*
I imagine he'd lock himself away in his room to not be bothered or to have anyone smell him.
Lucifer: What is that sweet smell?
He follows it all the way to Adams room and grins. This will be fun.
Lucifer: Adam, open the door.~
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cowboyshit · 28 days
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september 2, 2020 -> august 28, 2024
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