#omfg UI is SUCH a mess
mothsakura · 5 months
u should talk more about your UI thought i want to hear them i am intrigued
Oh yes absolutely! (note: this is all pre-spearmaster. I am currently in the process of writing out what'd happen in the campaign timelines) So first off: pre-ascension I think both UI's colony and UI's council were mostly made up of rich or religious people searching for job and business opportunities. Their council saw them as their pride and joy, definitely spoiled them a LOT. UI was also quite sheltered, not really being allowed to interact with fellow iterators, for a while the only "friends" they had were their council. Unfortunately spoiling your iterator, especially in the early stages of it's AI developing, is not a good way to teach it how to socialize with fellow iterators. Thus UI was often quite snooty pre-ascension, as well as very judgemental :( This of course didn't make them the most trustworthy iterator to have in a group, a lot of early lore (pre-ascension) relations with their group were... rough... to say the least! They had quite the habit to get into arguments! Well flash forward to after mass-ascension, UI's colony was one of the first to leave. (This gave them a resentment against Ascensionism, and by extension Sliver and the sliverists as well...) Yes UI had all these wills signed over to them, all these fancy and expensive items, but they had to learn the hard way that when they get lonely, they cannot throw all of the money and cool items at someone to make a friend. With loneliness and guilt at their past actions eating them from the inside out, UI decided to instead observe other fellow iterators to see what will help their loneliness. They had discovered that sharing something people would find interesting gives you attention, which is what they thought they needed to help their loneliness. Now where will they get interesting information? Group gossip of course! And so they began sharing some group gossip on the global broadcast network in hopes of gaining some attention... They certainly gained attention alright, not good attention, but attention nonetheless. They saw this as success. They thought that this is what friendship was, and surely now that thousands of eyes were on them, they surely had many many friends.. right? Well eventually they got bored of that too, you couldn't really talk to many people if they either distrusted you or just wanted to get gossip from you. They went to their group instead, and would mimic particularly NSH's behaviors or FP's behaviors in hopes of getting to be friends with them. While it annoyed Pebbles that UI was being such a copy cat, NSH found it endearing. UI and NSH had a friendship at first, until NSH became rather good friends with SRS... who UI did not like.. AT ALL. UI, thinking that NSH replaced them, went to go gossip about NSH and SRS on the broadcast network. NSH found out, was rather unhappy, and it soured the friendship, with UI soon losing contact with NSH. UI was rather confused, confused and guilty, they definitely did something wrong. LttM seemed like a good friend, so UI tried to get LttM's attention, they however failed because good ol' FP was in the way! Even pre-spearmaster, I do not think FP was doing all that good mentally, I think LttM was really busy trying to make sure that FP was alright. This is where UI's and FP's rivalry began. UI saw FP was an obstacle, FP saw UI as an annoying little brat. Thats sort of where it leaves off for now, the next bit would be spear master campaign! I am planning to post more about this au more in the future, so i can surely say that more lore would be coming soon!
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robotpussy · 1 year
staff removed avatars as part of an "experiment" (read: they say its to see how ppl react but in reality its gonna be forced on us in the future despite ppl complaining) and ppl discovered that two of the staff members public blogs...where they are mocking users for being rightfully upset at this change along with the other ui shit they've done.
OMFG.... ykw this happens so often I'm not surprised it's like they're messing up this place on purpose so they can have a laugh..... losers with the "hand of god"
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aliferousdreamer · 10 months
@livingincolorsagain Okay, so first of all:
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Seriously though, unforunately it looks like I can no longer answer your long-awaited ask because I just saved my response to your inbox in the drafts and apparently that just deleted both your ask and my answer?!?! It looks like it's just been completely gone for no reason?!?!?!?! Tumblr: WHY????????? (Btw this is my shorter back up draft so luckily I at least have this lol)
Now... I cannot say this enough... I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO BLOODY LONG to do this. I think it has taken me about 1 ½ years to do this?!?! I'm so freaking embarrassed omfg. There really is no good excuse for why it has taken so freaking long. I remember that I have at least a few drafts that I made, but then my drafts became like this-
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-and then I either forgot about it completely or got overwhelmed when I couldn't find any of the drafts and just abandoned it. My ability to just "nope" out of anything and procrastinate for eternity is unmatched.
Btw: I'm gonna censor most of the fandom/character/ship names (even the ones I like) because 1. I don't want to attract people who feel the need to argue with me (because I cba I really cba) and 2. I don't want to offend anyone who likes those things. It's gonna look super silly with *s everywhere but I don't have the energy for any heated discussions or arguments.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Ooh I have several squicky ships that I do get but I just don't feel them at all and have negative connotations associated with them... It's not exactly an answer to the question but it is what I first thought of.
Pre 2020 me didn't like Harm*one as a ship (in H*rry P*tter). Nowadays I don't interact with the fandom so I don't care but I still have negative associations with that ship and its fans.
I don't have any positive associations with Cl*uis (in TW*DG) because of bigotry.
I understand the appeal of E*yam (from C*kur) but it's a toxic, abusive, insulting mess like its fanbase. Man, I'm so glad C*kur ended in 2021 so I could leave that show and its fans behind.
I also used to feel more negative towards R*xi (from E*phoria) as a ship because of shippers' attitudes towards J*les/R*les but since F*xi became really popular I don't see nearly as much of that ship anymore.
I'll explain the reasonings more in the next question because the answers in both questions are pretty similar.
Also, to sprinkle some positivity amongst my mostly critical answers, here are some OTPs that I do like:
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7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Again, this applies to me pre 2020, but I still remember that I used to somewhat like Harm*one as a ship from H*rry P*tter, but yeah... the portion of toxic fans who were super hateful and bitter and straight up mean towards R*n and G*nny.
I used to like L*ouis and sorta like Cl*uis from TW*DG but the homophobic/lesbophobic/biphobic fans have pretty much turned me off from the ship completely. This doesn't really apply to fans on here, moreso YouTube fans who are just The Worst tbh.
Similarly I used to like E*sun from C*kur and back in season 3 but E*yam fans (particularly on Twitter and YouTube) were just horrible. I remember being civil and polite and considerate to every single one I encountered but they were awful and one fan even wished death on my family when I had said nothing to warrant such a bizarre comment lol. They were also The Worst towards D*lan D*niz and their relentless bullying campaign against her from 2019-2021 (but I saw a few months ago that they're still hating on her in 2023 ffs), all because she was a "threat" to their toxic ship. Man, I'm so glad their ship flopped in C*kur's finale, even if it was upsetting to see them being more hateful towards D*lan. They deserved some karma after being some of the worst fans I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.
Again for positivity's sake, here are some characters I do like:
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12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unlike seemingly most of the fans on here, I like El*ven getting with M*ke in Str*nger Th*ngs. I will never understand why M*leven is so hated. She can be both independent and in a relationship, and I don't see how that's such an unpopular take. Sure, there are issues with codependency, miscommunication and lying but considering what those kids have been through, is it any surprise?! They've both been through so much trauma, both together and separately, so no wonder they don't always go about the things the "best" way. I'd cut them both some slack (especially El*ven considering the hell she's endured all her life that has stunted her growth). Also, I feel like fans are way too harsh of them because aren't they supposed to be around 14 in season 4?!?! I'd say that they're remarkably mature for their age. I will admit that I like them less than I used to after season 4 but tbf there are several characters/relationships that I like less because of season 4. I like other ships like B*ler and E*max but I don't see why liking them should almost become synonymous with hating M*leven.
On another note, this scene >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Again I'm so sorry this took so long, and that this version of my answer isn't the final one that I wanted to send (because Tumblr just erased the original one lmao).
Thank you so, so much for checking up on me and being so kind and sweet to me, even when I haven't responded or showed the gratitude that I should do!!!! I hope you're doing really well!!!!!! <3
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Aegon is the real unsung hero of this chapter I think we can all agree on this.
And God but the descriptions of the dresses... They were amazing, whatever Baela was wearing I want it. 12/10
Also..... Mr Aemond Sir.... I.... *Peppers by Lana playing in the background* I'm just saying... It suits him... Cocky little shit ends up at times also being a sweet and chill and Most Improtantly ™©® a whimpering mess? Thats... That's the way the world uys meant to work. It's all about balance ya know?
I have to return to Aeg because this boy Took Care of business and really is loyal. And he also didn't even bother standing up for himself because he knew he'd be blamed anyway and be seen as an inconvenience and an embarrassment to Alicent?
I'm normal about this.
Also i hope nobody beat me to it but
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I had to make this meme real quick and continue reading.
(what a cunt Hugh was...)
(also what a small slay the Breast™ Pocket™ is. Sure it's not convenient for safekeeping many things but it is absolutely an add on and god bless. Girlies have been deprived of pockets for so long that mother nature had to step up)
Great chapter as always Jo! 🧡💜🤍
Thank you bestie 😘😘❤️❤️ omfg Peppers by Lana is so Aemond coded it’s physically hurting me.
WE LOVE FANON EGG!!! Omg that meme is so perfect LMAO pls I love love LOVE the dynamics of Aegon and Alicent they’ll always pop up in my series
Boob pocket. Literally how I love being a woman!
thanks so much again bestie!! ❤️❤️❤️
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tthe-last-timee · 5 years
2019 Recap
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1/18: Bought my plane ticket back home to the motherland! 
Binge watched You season 1 — thanks, Kayla, for recommending it to me! 
Worked full-time during winter break because my work was severely understaffed (more $$$ yaasss)
As a result of working full-time, I also drank coffee on the daily. 🙃
Also binge watched The Hookup Plan on Netflix. 
First and only time my class was cancelled because of a snowstorm. 
The start of my second semester as a junior. 
Restarted watching Game of Thrones. 
Identity crisis. 
Bought tickets to see BLACKPINK in April. 
Obsessed with skin care, spent a lot of money at Sephora. 
Uni kept me busy for the most part. 
Wasn’t able to watch GoT as much. :(
Hello, dean’s list! 
Started my weekly professional practice experience (PPE) at UI Health. Every Friday for 8 weeks. Made me realize how crazy expensive parking downtown is. 
Binge watched GoT so I can watch the last season when it came out. Season 7 is my favorite! 
Discovered SHY Martin and omfg I love her music. 
Had a fight with one of the closest people in my life, and it opened my eyes to many things. I learned a lot like for example: no matter how close you are to a human being, there will be times where your opinions and views won’t align and I guess that’s okay. Try not to take things personally.
Also discovered L Devine from a YouTuber and I love her music too!! 
I was finally able to use my Twitter account on the actual app. I was locked out for months and had to use a third party app. 
Saw BLACKPINK with my sister and two of my cousins. First concert attended for 2019! 
Finally caught up with GoT and was able to watch s8 as it came out every Sunday. 
Uni kept me busy (lol when does it not???)
I was awarded, along with two other classmates, the Chancellor’s Student Service Award. 
Became a ninang to my first ever inaanak, Miah. 💗
Watched “Someone Great” on Netflix and bawled my eyes out towards the end. Nicely incorporated music throughout the whole movie. 👍🏼
Started to get disappointed with how GoT was going. 
A classmate & I did a joint report on our PPE experience at UI Health to end the semester. 
Started to watch Kdramas again! I watched Touch Your Heart and I had the biggest crush on Lee Dong Wook for a couple of weeks lol. 
Watched Aladdin with my sister at AMC Oakbrook and wore an all white outfit when it was pouring rain lmao. I still feel sad about how my continental 80s were soaking wet. 😢
Started watching Lucifer. I fell in love with Tom Ellis. 
Worked the weekends only because my boss didn’t give me as much hours as I wanted. :( I need money for my vacation :(
Warriors lost the finals, and with many injuries to their star players. I am a sad potato :(
WHEN THEY SEE US. Omfg this show stirred up so many feelings in me that I didn’t know I was capable of. I still highly recommend this mini series. This show also replaced my crush from Tom Ellis to Jharrel Jerome. 
So many books and conferences for senior year. I cry :c
Spoiled by coworkers (bought me coffee almost every weekend) <3
New crush alert: #15 USWNT. 
Hello birth month! Kicked it off by travelling to Florida with my grandparents to visit my tita & tito who live there. Very hot and humid omg. First time my eyes were ever dry that I needed to use eye drops. 
Also, Southwest lost my luggage so we were stuck at home the first day in FL to wait for it to get dropped off. 
 A lot happened this month...
Had to fly to PH early because of a family emergency. 
CULTURE SHOCK. I haven’t been home in 6 years. 
So grateful for my longtime bff, Johan, for staying with me at home while my grandparents were in Bohol sorting some things out. 
7/23: LANY concert at MOA Arena with Johan. Second  and last concert for 2019. #thefeels. Manila traffic is insane. Flew back home early the next day because..
7/25: stayed at davao overnight. Had dinner with friends. I was wasted af. Early flight next day to Cebu. 
7/26 - 7/30: Spent 5 days with my close gal pals Johan, Hannah, Cara, Arvel, and Auleve at Cebu and Bohol. Spent my 22nd birthday with them and it was the best. ❤️❤️❤️
7/27: At Simala Church and I prayed to God about you. (He really listens!!)
He made me a playlist because I asked for song recommendations. That was really sweet of him. 
7/31: Instead of closure, we started something new. We decided to try again. Probably the first and last time I’d let someone read what I wrote on my private blogs. Also, everything happens for a reason haha. 
For the record, I’ve drank the most in this month than I ever had in my entire life. Hangovers can suck it. 
08/04: Davao house party with our closest friends!! Love how supportive they are of us. Didn’t get much sleep, took care of my wasted friends lol. 
Frances made a video of the house party linked here: https://youtu.be/t_AATf2fCg8 
08/09: 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
08/10: Date at davao, then had dinner with Dan (one of his closest friends and our high school classmate) and his girlfriend, Alyssa. 
Started to get texts and emails again from work and uni. :(
Meant so much to me that one of my favorite high school teachers supports us. ❤️
Awarded some $$$ from uni because I had the highest GPA in the HIM program. 
Attended the junior orientation at school. Glad to see it’s getting more diverse each year. 
Lover!!! 💗💗💗
Officially a senior! One. More. Year. #HIM2020
Impulsively upgraded my phone from 8+ to the XS. 😬
My lover’s birth month. 
Honeymoon phase. 
Part of UIC’s Jeopardy team at the AHIMA Conference and we won!!! YAY TEAM!
One of my high school friends, Paolo, and his friend Riz, visited me here in Chicago for 2 days. Going out with them was a nice break from my monotonous schedule. 
And because I had visitors, it was the first time I had to drive on the highway for a long time. Finally conquered my fear of driving on the highway because I had no choice. *pats self on the back*
Sad month. Lost another classmate. 
Back to drinking Starbucks on the daily. My debit card is crying. 
Baby fever is real!
And who would’ve thought... my bff is pregnant!! I tagged Johan on a tweet that said “baby fever but like in an aunt way” and she called me a few days later telling me the good news. I thought she was messing with me at first hahaha. I have a new inaanak coming soon!
Mama’s birthday. Had lunch at our favorite place Joy Yee. 
My mom’s brother who she hasn’t seen in 8 years visited us here in Chicago. 
Friends thought I’m getting engaged or married when I told them I’m going back home after graduation. Love how supportive they are haha.
I was invited to be a panelist for an event at uni. Great experience, although I would not do it again because parking downtown is expensive. 
“Not everything about your relationship has to be shared with others.”
Mental health spiral. (I pulled through after disappearing for a few days)
Cut my hair short, but not that short. 
Senior In-Service done!  
Starbucks discontinued my fav Chestnut Praline Latte and I am the saddest bean ever. :( </3
Impulsively upgraded my phone to 11, hated the quality (reminded me of android phones). So after four days, I upgraded it to the 11 Pro Max. No more spending this year! Lol. 
After all the struggles I went through with school this semester, I still managed to finish with straight A’s thanks to the extra credit points from completing the course evaluations. Summa cum laude = secured. 👩🏻‍🎓✨☝🏼
I tried Disney Plus and binge watched The Suite Life on Deck. I remembered I used to have the biggest crush on Cody since the first Suite Life lol. 
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