#omg thats a lot of people following me why would you do that to yourself 🥺
brainrotdotorg · 9 months
imagine a dashboard for alligators. what do you think that would look like
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🍏gatoridae Follow
Controversial opinion. If you're doing nothing but eating meat, what are you even doing. Remember to include bugs, fruits, and legumes into your diet in order to help aid digestion of the meat that you get from snakes, fish, and mammals.
Just because we have the reputation for eating lots of meat, that doesn't mean we have to stick to it.
🥒biting-you-biting-you Follow
counterpoint: fuit yucky
🪵blog-from-a-bog Follow
wdym reputation of eating meat. i float lik ea log thats what im known for
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🌿swamp-ass Follow
asked dad if i could go and steal some Floridian guy's lunch and he said "we have prey at home" girl we have been doing shit ALL DAY i am an awesome 600 pounds and I need some meat left on me to deathroll with. let me get a quick snack that i don't need to kill mmmmmmm burgers I want people food soooooo badddd....... i know they shouldn't feed it to me but I have such a lovely smile oh please oh please give me your burger.........
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🥗aliali-seeyoulater Follow
mom says it was cold the season she laid me so i have to be a girl. because girls are always born from eggs laid during cold seasons.
cope and seethe mother first of all, second of all, the reason i am transgender is because you kept me too fucking snuggly warm in the nest.
#i guess if you wanted a daughter you should have. idk. made a shittier nest? #thats not really my fault man
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⛰fuckyeahhugesnout Follow
You'll never guess how I just learned that we have the honor of being the "loudest reptiles in the world"
🫑teethem Follow
Yeah yeah, the 90 decibel mating bellow, we've all heard it.
🤢ch0mper Follow
we've all heard the what
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🩲gaytorrr Follow
this guy asked if i wanted to see his gator hole and i said fuck yes. why this boy take me into a 65 foot long hole in the mud at the bottom of the lake
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✨Remember to take it easy sometimes!✨We thrive in slow-moving waters!✨Even though we can run fast, we get tired fast too-- it's okay to let yourself take breaks!✨Let yourself relax, that's how we made it this far as a species.
Yeah, imagine telling your prehistoric great great great great great great great great great great grandpa or something to calm down and relax when he should be doing nothing but deathrolls. the longevity of the species should be your only goal. It's irresponsible to encourage your fucking species to fall behind even more than it already has? Have some pride, you're not a crocodile.
jesus christ calm down
Okay, this post has a lot of misconceptions in it. There aren't as many differences between crocodiles and alligators than you think. It's really harmful to think that we have nothing in common with each other. So what if they're carnivores and we're closer to omnivores, or their snouts are more U shaped while ours are V shaped. We're both badass miracles of nature that have no reason to be pit against one another all the time.
Don't listen to guys like this. It's just hateful and small-minded.
crocs are like. like them shoes that float right
wetlandia898 Follow
i wish i was a crocodile because i could have a virgin birth and i wanted to see what it would be like to eat an immaculate conception.
welcome to the no notes gator/croc discourse post.
🦖l8rg8tr-z Follow
omg this is the post.... i can't believe i would see this naturally on my dash
🎍taildraggers Follow
Uh are we just going to ignore the virgin birth reply orrrrrrrrr
gator heritage post
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Follow
hgwiow h
howw ws i nbevyrboy tyopingssaog oo vd wi hhrth rh thrre cl alawas ?>>
🌴a-l-g-t-r Follow
lmao this idiot never learned how to use their tail to type
#/j lol yeah its kind of hard at first #actually i'd say cut your losses and forget how to type bring the laptop back to the dumpster its not worth it
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🐍bellowbellowmygoodfellow Follow
am i fucking stupid. i just learned theres another species of alligator other than just me and the guys in my swamp. and i said "oh wow I didn't know that! which one of the two are we haha" and my buddy just stared at me like I was a fucking idiot. how am i supposed to know if no one ever tells me this . WHICH AM I
🍖meet-eat3r Follow
there are only 70-80 mature chinese gators in existence while there are 750,00-1 million mature american gators . do the math.
🐍bellowbellowmygoodfellow Follow
i could have just hatched you don't know me.
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🍀gatortears Follow
a group of queer gators in church call that a congregaytion
#reblogging this one bc none of you appreciate me
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👞makemeintoshoesdaddy Follow
I'm seeing the no notes gator/croc post circulate again and ha ha yes it's very funny, but we are NOT starting gator/croc discourse in 2024. lets leave that shit in the past. i know that's not what the post really ended up being about but i am soooooo sick of it.
🌾clawstothewalls Follow
okay, so the one with a fetish for getting turned into handbags is gonna talk down to us now.
👞 makemeintoshoesdaddy Follow
Not to be a pedant but its Shoes Actually. It even says so in the name. Shoes.
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a-slut-for-smut · 1 year
Nanamin deserves better than Mei Mei
Don’t forget how creepy she is towards Ui Ui
Ya know, I really wish people were more willing to think critically about the stories they consume vs taking every at face value. Sure, when you see something questionable in a story, question it, but immediately writing off the story/story element as “problematic” just because you don't like it or triggers you is such a disservice not only to the storyteller but also yourself by stunting your own media literacy skills.
As ive addressed why NanaMei pair well in previous asks, i'll focus more on the controversy revolving around Mei Mei because its something i really want to get off my chest. The more i think about the arguments made against her the more i get these puritanical and anti feminist/non-conformist vibes from them and its really concerning to say the least.
She's Greedy/Selfish
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Yes, shes money hungry. She shamelessly honest with what she likes and what she wants; she has a personal code/credo and stanchly follows it and its hard not to respect that energy. She's motivated and grounded in a way that seems out of place in the 'sorcerers must protect humans' fantasy world, but in the real world? Of course we'd look out for our own self-interest/preservation- shes as real and relatable as they come. She's logically driven (vs emotionally) and honestly if she was a man i bet the fandom wouldn't blink an eye (and prob would slobber all over him) but as always God forbid women have a strong sense of self and refuse to conform to the patriarchal ideals of what a woman should be.
THAT panel
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A lot of the fandom screaming in*cest & p*edophile for this panel and i'll admit not surprised it raised eyebrows but not really reading this as sexual. Yes theres nudity, but body language makes it pretty obvious if nudity is sexual or not and well, its not- and how the first thing fandom thinks is "omg they f*cked" because shes topless or whatever is very telling. It's not a stretch to think she would be comfortable with nudity and a sense of propriety seems out of character with someone as shameless as her. She probably splurges on 1000 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets with all the money she makes, who wouldnt regularly sleep nude on those?
As for UiUi its inferred he used his CT to escape/save their lives directly before, all the more reason he would be tired. Mei Mei even apologies for waking him, implying his CT exerts him and he should rest for the day. Ui UI’s “oh my how shameless!” is said in surprise, indicating he probably blacked out after his CT and woke up fully clothed in bed with her, NOT that he’s tired from having a wild night banging his sister 🙄
I wonder about the japanese dialogue and if there is any nuance/context lost from the english translation, but I interpreted her "Do you not like me that way" was in reference to the shamelessness of her personality, essentially asking him "do you not like me the way I am?" and not her nude body because the translation used "that way" vs "this way", the latter being suggestive. And the fact that they shared a bed to sleep didnt seem OOC given their close familial dynamic.
Sibling Relationship
Its established in-universe that they are "calculating", so naturally they work very much in tandem as far as motivations go and re-enforced from what we seen in their battle tactics. Clearly Mei Mei is offense and 99% of the time can handle any issue on her own, but for that 1% she cant? Thats where Ui Ui steps in.
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Ui Ui would never be in danger if Mei Mei is around, and fandom seems to ignore this fact when they say Mei Mei manipulates him to self-sacrifice himself (and her crows) for her benefit. If Mei Mei is fighting and her life's at risk, yall think Ui Ui (or the crows for that matter) stand a chance?? Maybe if he could teleport away himself which is what his CT suggests, but who really knows, and more importantly would he even consider abandoning his sister from what we seen?
I see it as a failsafe CT, only to be used in emergencies since it drains him considerably as Malaysia scene suggests- which is why he wholeheartedly waits (and binding vow) for permission from her to use it, not as a form of control or abuse or simply to please her, but to know if/when as accordance to the battle strategy mapped out by her. Shes shown as a tactician/extremely logical when it comes to battle and will use whatever is at her disposal to win if it means self-preservation (even if it means abandoning the battlefield altogether). Her loyalty is to herself above all.
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And her asking “are you willing to die for me” is literally asking consent- she is asking, 'this could be the end- will you do what’s necessary for me to win this?' To which he resoundingly concurs, seemingly out of devotion but realistically if she dies where would that leave him? It’s as natural a response as one could be- in nature mothers will fight tooth & nail to protect their offspring, but at the cost of her life? What would be the point??? Offspring wouldn’t be able to survive without her, they’d be good as dead.
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As far as their dynamic, there is clear affection from both sides- Mei Mei is more playful while Ui Ui is reverent. Ui Ui adores her, not atypical of a much younger sibling, but especially so given how accomplished Mei Mei is. It's stated that she inherited their weak family cursed technique, but rather than be solely defined by it, she trained herself to the maximum physical limit, THEN mastered her so called "weak" technique into one of the strongest out there (probably why she acknowledges Maki as a promising sorcerer, she sees herself in her).
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If that isn't admirable than i dont know what is, and if GOJO of all people respects her, then thats saying something. But while he respects her and acknowledges her strength, does he trust her? Probably not, not like he does with Utahime who is supposedly "weak" in comparison. And i personally like that dynamic- despite not trusting her to "do the right thing" and expecting her to be self-serving, Gojo knows/respects her as a person and fellow sorcerer. Gege gives us layered interpersonal relationships between multi-faceted characters and yet so many are quick to reduce them to a single trope and its a little sad honestly.
In conclusion, yall need to relax on the pearl-clutching and have a little more perspective by all means hate on her if you dont like her but at least hate her accurately lol
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
omg you're taking requests!!! im way too obsessed w/ the thought of enemies-to-lovers Sangyeon ESPECIALLY if he's the one that ended up simping over you too much 😵‍💫 smut bcos I won't accept anything else (1/2 jk) congrats on the 1k followers!! YOU DESERVE IT
Thank you so much my darling and I hope you like it😋
Enemies To Lovers with Sangyeon:
cw - smut, whipped sangsang, but he’s also a pain in the ass, Sangyeon likes to be degraded by you, messy quick fuck that scrambles your hole, he has a strength kink.
Unlike my previous statement suggests, Sangyeon is not the only pain in the ass
You are a pain in his ass and his head too
Double kill!!!!
Both of you are COMPETITIVE competitive
You know each other through a mutual friend, lets say Jacob, the angel who just wants you to get along
And because Jacob adores you both
You get invited to the same activities a lot
But the same friend is also the reason you become enemies because???
You both always try to one up each other
Out drinking at a bar becomes riling each other up over who can down more shots without chasers
Playing basketball turns into pushing each other until your sides are bruised
Even the gym isn’t left alone as you both fight over who has more muscles and can bench press more
Movie nights have you quarrelling over your apparent shit tastes in entertainment
“You text like an ancient relic”
“At least people look forward to seeing ancient relics, you midseason allergy”
He talks a lot of shit for someone who’s becoming more and more impressed by the same competitiveness that used to tick him off before
One day you’re working in the kitchen and he comes in to get some juice or whatever
And you call him a mouthbreather out of nowhere
But instead of coming back with a “That insult went out of fashion in the 1900’s just like your chopping skills,”
He just laughs
Yk that heart, very Sangyeon-like laugh?
Yeah that one
And its so fuckin out if the ordinary that you spin around to face him
“Why are you laughing?”
And thats the only thing he says
And it irritates the hell out of you
“What do you mean cute you gross piece of shit,”
And he’s just staring at you all starry eyed
“Did you get hit by a bus? I’m sure your last braincell died because you’re looking at me like a dead fish”
Notice how long the insult was??
Its because you were trying to hide how furiously your cheeks heated up at a single word
Cute. Who the fuck does he think he is? He probably meant it as an insult… so he thinks he’s better than me? This huge piece of horseshit!
This entire monologue goes on inside your head as your anger keeps overcoming your fluttery heart and Sangyeon stares at you like he just got an epiphany that yeah you’re the most adorable boiling pot he’s ever seen in his life
He giggles again and you break out of your stupor
“What are you laughing at?” You snap
He would lean against the fridge and you’d take it as a challenge
Striding towards him with purpose
You’d push him flat against the fridge and he lets himself be shoved
“Never call me cute again you fuckface,”
He’s looking at you with heart eyes
You don’t know but he’s been thinking about it hard lately
Thinking about when he started getting less angry at your bitchy attitude
And started following you around like a lovesick puppy provoking you so he can enjoy your furious eyes send daggers his way
Mans has a zero thoughts, head empty kinda moment
Caught up with your forearm pushing his neck into the huge food container machine
He swallows his inhibitions and kisses you
Mouth to mouth
It ends in a flash
But you feel the weight of his lips against yours so well
“What the fuck is wrong with you today how dare you kiss me-“
To the surprise of all the stars in the sky and Sangyeon and you yourself, you cut your own self off
By pulling his collar and kissing him properly
You tug at his lips with your teeth as you pull him to crowd you against the counter
You jump on it yourself
“You’re so useless,”
Sangyeon grinds his chubbed up cock in between your open legs caging him in
Your nails scratch his pelvis as you messily try to get his cock out of his sweats
And he quickly gets your lower half naked
He has no time at the glorious image displayed for his eyes to stare at unfortunately
Because you’re hooking your legs over his arms, scooting over the edge and dragging his cock to your hole
His huge cock
His damn thickness
You make sure trace the outside of your entrance with his massive cock to tease him🫶🏼
And then you shove it in yourself
You try to set the pace too by holding his waist and pulling him to you
But something snaps in him
And he grabs the back of your thighs
Pushing them all the way back to fold you like a pretzel
And sets a brutal pace enough to bruise your insides
His cock shoves roughly into you, uncaring of your quickly bruising skin
His balls would slap so hard against your skin that he would actually consider going slow
But the way you’re panting and groaning into his chest makes him rethink
It wouldn’t be too far off to imagine him sliding you off the counter at one point and bouncing you ok his cock mid air
He likes having you lose control like this
No matter how much he likes getting degraded by you as well
Your orgasm hits you hard and explodes all over his shirt
And he shoves you to the counter, back pressed flat against against it
His hands on your chest keeping you pressed there as he ruts into you like crazy and empties himself on your abdomen.
“I guess this is one way to get along,”
Poor Jacob
But you do get along after that
Because when Sangyeon confessed that he’s started to like you a lot
Your rolling eyes couldn’t do jack shit to hide your smile
Even if you promise yourself you don’t feel the same way
You too start liking his annoying banter a few after-sex cuddling sessions later
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writing-hat · 2 months
hi hat!
firstly sorry for going silent for a while - im doing something thats really keeping me busy and i haven’t had the time to do much. speaking of which, i wanted to ask you for some advice - how do you go about writing your fics? like, in specific, how do you come up with your plot and follow through with it? i’ve been working on a new project but the actual “creating the storyline” bit is digging me an early grave lol.
also i wanted to ask - do you have any recommendations for other ninjago aus? (they dont have to be fics) im just looking for some interesting new stuff to hyperfixate over and thought you might know
-smiley anon :)
hi smiley anon! Sorry for taking so long to answer (I'm forgetful and a bit stupid sorry)
answer under !
Regarding the ask before this one, I'm super glad you have your AO3 account!! I hope you'll have lots of fun writing in the future ! :D You're definitely always going to be hard on yourself in the future, that's completely normal! But you'll be proud of yourself once you manage to get through it all and write that story down!
Don't worry for going silent, I think I am much, much worse ahaha.
As for writing for my fics, I usually have an idea first that I write down then the scenes kinda happen in my head, and I always have something to write them down (phone or notebook) if I'm not on my computer right away. My plots come from those ideas that form in my head? Idk how to explain that but uh yeah and it's rarely followed through tbh, I often change things along the way
One thing I do is like okay, this will happen now, how might it affect in the future if it's something important? I really have no idea how to explain all that I'm so sorry I hope it still sorta helps
A storyline right away can be kinda complicated to handle, it's what I'm trying to do with "everybody loves somebody sometimes" which is why it's taking so long to be written. But if that's what you wanna do, go ahead! But don't overwork yourself
I have no idea for other ninjago aus omg I read too little yet the fandom does such wonderful job at creating stories and I unfortunately forget to read stuff. hah. (sorry everyone)
I'm kinda obsessed with jay so I'll tell you what I have so far about it (i'm not tagging anyone to not bother anyone)
@/mondothebombo "when you think you're all alone" for more skybound definitely. it's such a good fic but there's like 90% chance you already read it jksgseh
I would suggest Cabinet Man by @/spinjitsuburst, I have been loving the story so far though nothing's written yet but what's already up is super good!
The AUs from @/taddymason !! She has a dad jay au that's UGH so good I'm addicted to that story and also the fic stormbound!!! really great stuff plus incredible art you should check it out!!
There's @/finn-m-corvex for all the stuff about jay his work is just mwah chief's kiss (lots of angst too (they have the fic Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire which is super good so far and am very excited to see more of!! definitely check it out))
I feel so so bad for forgetting so many people's stuff there's so much aaaaaa but you should find a ton of them on tumblr!! so many talented people in the ninjago fandom and so many good aus you'll have your fun by looking in it
i'll answer your second ask now aefhgseg
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riding-ricciardo · 4 years
Thank you @suckmyballshoney and @ricciardo-and-gang for tagging me! ❤️
🐳 name: Napsugár
🐳 nickname: Napsi, Napcsi, Sugi, Nap
🐳 zodiac sign: Taurus
🐳 height: 167 cm
🐳 nationality: Hungarian 100%
🐳 languages spoken: Hungarian and English
🐳 what time is it: 10:56 pm
🐳 celebrity crush: Zendaya, Ariana Grande, Marc Márquez, Sacha Fenestraz
🐳 favourite fictional character: Deadpool - Wade Wilson
🐳 favourite musician: Rosalía (rn I change it every week tho)
🐳 favourite sports team: Red Bull and McLaren
🐳 favourite season: Spring
🐳 favourite flower: Sunflower
🐳 favourite scent: Vanilla
🐳 favourite animal: Cats and horses
🐳 favourite food: pancakes
🐳 dream car: a Suzuki or a Honda
🐳 dream trip: UK or Barcelona
🐳 instruments: No nothing. I’m tone deaf :( I wanted to play on piano years ago but it’s not for me.
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Tea
🐳 dog or cat person: Cat! I love them.
🐳 following: 213
🐳 followers: 541
🐳 other blogs: only my personal. I don’t really post there @napsugarbihari
🐳 blog established: 2020. 01. 15.
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: not really, @suckmyballshoney do you count?
🐳 do you get asks: Sometimes yes! I enjoy a lot answering questions tho.
🐳 what is your lucky number: 3, 7, 8, and 78.
🐳 what are you wearing right now: An old white t-shirt and shorts
🐳 drink of choice: Water? Maybe red wine.
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: One.
🐳 average sleep hours: 8-10. It doesn’t really matter because I’m still tired™️ 24/7
🐳 random fact: I have a piercing in my ear and I really want to get more soon!
I’ll tag @loving-ricciardo, @theonlyprincessoftheworld, @pins-a-roulettes and everyone else who wants to do it!
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
that 8eing said if you think tum8lr mutual-ness is like the most sincere understanding form of friendship there is online handing you the hugest largest most massive gargantuan L there is
#clove rambles#IF YOU GENUINELY N33D MORE SPACE IN REL8IONSHIPS AND TUM8LR MUTUAL SHIT IS SINCERELY SATISFYING TO YOU#AND ANYTHING MORE CLOSE OR DIRECT OR FREQUENT IS OVERWHELMING OR WHATEVER TO YOU#THIS POST IS *NOT* A8OUT YOU I RESPECT YOU CARRY ON WITH UR 8USINESS I LOVE YOU#im talking a8t people who WOULD 8e more than happy with like directly dming people and having group chats and shit#8ut.. think.... someone liking your posts.... and following you 8ack... is like the closest thing ever#like ill s33 posts addressing their mutuals like theyd trust them with their fucking house keys when the most direct interaction theyve had#was a dm going 'hey you re8logged from Gross Person'#and its like. why. why. why are you putting yourself through this.#its like going 'OMG the person in my art class stared at my painting hung up for THR33 WHOLE SECONDS!!! the INTIMACY..'#'holy shit in my cooking class the girl with purple hair ASKED ME TO USE MY WHISK WHEN I WAS DONE WITH IT...'#like YEAH those are still nice little things!! they do S33 You and if youve 833n mutuals for a while it can 8e nice!!#8ut if thats LITERALLY the ONLY social interaction you get online or even at all#please... Please try other shit out Please s33 what works for you if certain things give u anxiety#its not selfish or unrealistic to want someone to say ily and good night to you every daay#its not unrealistic to have ppl you can tell smth funny that happened at school or how your day's 833n#its not selfish to want to have ppl to just Talk to all the damn time and understand and 8e understood 8y#please dont deprive yourself of affection and attention youd 8e happier with just cause you think this is the 8est youll get#i f33l like theres a lot of ways you could '8UT WHAT A8OUT-' what im complaining a8t here cause its so so specific#8ut i can and will 8e so frustr8ed over such tiny little things that i f33l the n33d to groan to everyone a8t how much i h8 it#also 8c ppl are like hey clove i like ur takes! and im like. oh? my words are valued? sick an excuse to never shut up!#FUCK i hope tag limit doesnt cut this post in half
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haitanizzz · 3 years
hello since you guys are a new blog i wanted to request. Can i have separate headcanons of mikey, the kawata twins, baji and mitsuya with a male s/o who takes the dominant role in the relationship. Hes also a really badass fighter and has a really scary reputation thats makes people afraid of him but is really chill and more like a himbo.
omg tysm for requesting!! we did our best since this is our first request, we hope you like it♡
characters: mikey, souya, mitsuya, nahoya, baji x male reader (2nd pov)
cw: slight violence, pure fluff tbh, spelling errors
L: mikey, souya, mitsuya
F: nahoya, baji
mikey would be the one who wants to be pampered by you all the time. always asking for piggy-back rides/asking you to carry him, basically clinging to you everytime he’s with you. you're basically the new draken once you start dating lmao he isn’t scared of pda at all so expect a lot of that too especially when you’re the one being intimate in public. he’s not the type to get embarrassed easily but when it’s with you..oh boy..just grab his wrist and pull him into a hug and he’s already red as hell (the others will tease him if they see you especially draken and baji). he likes how intimidating you're to other people but also gets jealous when you get way too much attention lol if anyone looks at mikey in a bad way you just glare at them and they're already walking away in fear. loves it when you take him out to eat to your fav place and actually falls asleep on you. everyone in the gang who doesn't know you is actually really scared of you but it changes once you brought food to a meeting. (everyone loved it)
he thinks you're really cool when you fight and actually looks up to you in a way. when he sees you fighting it gives him so much energy that he's next to you in a second throwing punches as well. he loves it when after a fight with another gang you're all over him checking him for any injuries and taking care of him if he got hurt. (he deserves all the love tbh:(<3) he will fake being hurt just to be carried.
i think he's a very shy person when he's with you especially at the beginning of your relationship. the same as mikey, he's the youngest sibling and he loves to be pampered but doesn't really show it. grab his hand in public and he's gonna be a shy blabbering mess, he doesn't know where to look or what to say he's so embarrassed😭 nahoya will make fun of him if he catches you two and souya's face gets even more red if that's possible and since he's too shy to hold hands he just follows you around like a puppy or just holds your pinkie. your reputation comes in handy since i feel like he's not really a social person and hates being at the center of attention, so people usually stay away from you.
he absolutely adores how strong you're and thinks you're amazing and would love to have you teach him some moves! secretly loves it but pretends to be annoyed when you just show up at his house and take him for a ride not taking no as an answer. hug him from behind when you're in private and he will melt.
now for the love of god please take this boy to your house at the weekends for a day long cuddling session cuz he needs. a. break. don't get me wrong he loves his sisters more than anything but he really needs someone to look after him too. (and that's why you're here) loves to go shopping with you for fabrics and going out to eat to a nearby restaurant that you choose everytime. not gonna lie he was scared shitless when he first met you but that image of you quickly shattered when you used a corny pick-up line on him when he bumped into you and yeah you've been dating ever since lmao the first time he took you home his sisters were hiding at his legs and the next second you showed them the stuffed toys you bought them they were all over you. luna and mana loves you sm tbh you always bring them candy (without mitsuya knowing ofc) and they just love the headpats you give them. once he was in the kitchen preparing dinner for you guys (you were sleeping over) and found you and his sisters on top of you sleeping on the floor, he took a polaroid of you and has it hanged up in his room.
he loves how you're more than capable of protecting yourself and actually wants you to teach him so he can get stronger. even though he knows you're strong he still worries but when you just flash him your stupid smile it all goes away. (he also blushed but looked away.)
i just know he would show you off to everyone. he's so proud of you and he wants everyone to know how amazing you are:( also i feel like he would use you to treathen people?? "do you have any idea who my boyfriend is? don't make me tell him to-" you would have to cover his mouth in embrassement and apologize to the poor guy who accidentally bumped into smiley and made him fall. i like to imagine that he's clingy as hell, especially when you're around others. you can't get him off of you because he constantly wants to hold your hands, ask for headpats maybe even climb on your back and clinge to you like a koala. (please do give him headpats he will melt on the spot). he just wants to show off his love for you to the others:(
his poor brother was literally shitting his pants when you first joined the gang, meanwhile nahoya was basically all over you, asking things like "where did you learn to fight?","can you teach me some moves??", basically smiley being the social butterfly he is.
he's overall so so proud of you and looks up at you so much. he loves how you're independent and that you can protect yourself and others, it makes him feel at ease!
to be honest he didn't like you at the start when he met you. he imagined you as a person full of himself because he's stronger than others. he was really avoidant of you, maybe even suspicious that you want something from the gang. but when he saw you play with some kittens at his usual spot where he was feeding the stray cats?? oh boy that man literally fell in love with you, he just didn't want to admit it yet. from that day you two would usually go and hang out around that spot, just talking about meaninlgess things and playing with the kittens. and when you planned a cat cafe date with him as your first one, he never thought he can fall even harder for you.
i like to imagine that when baji does something stupid the gang is calling you immediately, half of them already has your number saved just in case 💀. he hates to admit it but he loves pda, he's just too shy to ask for it and likes to play the though guy. but when you take his hand in your's around the others?? he would be a stuttering and blushing mess.
he thinks you're the coolest person he ever met, even if he had his doubts in the beginning. you're like his role model, he always tells you how you take out the best of him. i feel like he has a hard time showing his emotions, but he loves you and is really proud of you!:)
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Hi so im thinking this idea of au where Nico can see ppl mind whenever they touch him and back. its a cursed thing bc all he ever felt is ppl's hostility towards him, whether that "annoying kid", "scary scary", "thy son of hades holds the world's crushing grudges", "hes suspicious we cant trust him", "hes gonna kill us all one day", "creep" or "im going to kill him"
Solangelo mind reading upon touches au (with Nico can read a small amount of thought from people's mind base on how they touch him)
Bianca is straight out, "youre annoying and i love u so much, but i dont want to carry more burdens, dont want you to always put everything u care and trust on me, i want u to find yourself, your own path, follow your heart, not me and also, you are not allowed to watch aquaman until your 13th birthday"
Percy's more complicated, its a mix with guilt, anger, betrayal, brotherly love, annoying, sad, sorrow, "im so sorry Nico", "gods this kid is going to be the death of me", "why did u do that i trusted you!", "im sorry im so sorry you dont have to forgive me im sorry", "i trusted you", "why", "he doesnt...hate me?", "imma make a drop dead joke abt his dad", "i hate him im going to do everything for my lil bro"
Annabeth is quite brief actually, but i imagine it goes like "u go and slay kid", "thank you", "deserved", "gods hes such a nerd i like him", "wtf we can eat spiders as FOOD??? the demigods saved humanity for million times and this is what we ge—"
Hazel is very wholesome and nice, "you saved my life", "Im willingly trust u with everything", "youre my brother! happy happy!", "f— sh— holy he—", "baby bear frank we stan", "ppl find u untrustworthy but dont worry Nico i do and i will shove this sword up thei—", "i love u brother", "i wonder what Bianca will think of me"
Jason's wary at him at first but after the Cupid incident he becomes protective and cares for him a lot, "i dont trust him", "son of hades what will u do", "grrr woof woof bark arf", "piper, leo piper leo..", "hes scary", "does nico eat fancy stuff—", "hes brave", "nico youre the best u deserved the world", "im sorry for not trusting u", "im glad i know i appreciated u", "i hope hes ok", "nico you idiot thats not self loving thats self harming com'ere ill give u a hug", "its going to be alright bro", "dont be sad youre great you should know that everything is going to be alright"
Lastly Will Solace, dude this guy is just full on, sentimental, love, gentleness it makes Nico shooked so badly every time they touch, theres even this electrify feeling and warmths and affections, is not like, is not the same as everyone else. And, Nico fall for it every time, in denial, but he can not chase that weird sappy thing in his heart away, cannot ignore it any longer, cannot be in denial, any longer.
they touched the first time, and all Nico see is just worried and strangely huge amount of adoration, "omg did i...touch him, with my hand, which just delivered a baby satyr?", "shit hes cold", "also cute", "dammit Will nows not the time everyone's dying", "imma warm up his pretty warrior hand that is full of scars and scratches", "hes fading", "oh no oh gods no shit keep calm keep calm keep calm", "please i just met him", "i dont want you to fade away", "i have to—i have do something—anything", "fricking speak Will! speak! hes going to disappear again!", "that shirt is cute and disgusting, but overall looks very nice on you", "not that idiot", "smart stuff", "youre going dark and its terrifying me how much i dont want you to—", "what did you do to me", "you are driving me insane"
the second time in the infirmary is just Will being a lovesick puppy and a concerning friend.
"youre old", "im sorry let me fix that", "youre dense and i love-hate you for it", "im worried", "careful focus stitches careful steady blood careful calm bandage", "did i hurt you", "im sorry if i did", "no why would i think that", "of course hes hurted", "he doesnt look like it", "i want to somehow help you other than healing i want to help you but what should i do", "what if hes uncomfortable", "what if i make him uncomfortable", "but hes just", "i need you", "i want to help you", "not as a medic or healer or therapist", "something more", "you are so...nice", "what did you do to me", "ambroisa unicorn draught maybe lights he needs to be at shine", "please dont go", "please come back, "i look forward to seeing you", "hi its nice your face nice your smile nice", "please dont disappear", "i like you", "lots of things about you", "everyday nico everyday nico", "you need every rest you can get you can have everything you want", "even me"
the third time and is just, is too, driving Nico crazy. Despite all the things Will said, not even once of them connected to those inside his head, why, why tho, why him, why this Apollo's son choose him, of all campers, why him, why? And one single touch then this mind-blowing fact hit him harder than a truck.
"i love you"
oh...huh, its simply as that? he is, nico—is, that dense and stupid, isnt he.
Nico, tapping Will's shoulder: Will, can I um, have that?
Will: Have what? "im here you know u can have me instead", "that fricking caramel chocolate candy bar", "you can have anything hon just kiss me", "actually no id died", "worth it", "he looks cute today as well", "dear diary hes cute FUCK—"
Nico, choking: I—nothing. I want to sit with you
Nico, petting Will on his head: Hey, I was just wondering—
Will: "FUKA AFSHEJDKHSSHJA HE TOUCHED MY HEAD—", "soft hand soft hand soft hand soft hand soft hand", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA—", "its Nico", "Nico Nico Nico Nico—", "and iiiiiiiiiiiii—", "crying right now", "fuck my face is red isnt it duck shieee no no nono calm calm"
Will, blushing: Yes, I'm available, what's up?
Nico, snorts:
Will, leaning his head on Nico's: Nico? "oh gods its happening everyWill calm down oh gods oh gosh", "calm calm calm calm wheres medic Will! We need his ungayness", "nowhere! we lost him seven days ago!!", "wtf thats three nico days he died that early!—", "fuck we doomed"
Nico, trying to hold in his laughter: Y—Yeah?
Will: It's on my mind for awhile "no itS DUCKING NOT—", " i dreamed abt you", "no this is not a dream fuck fuck duck duckshit", "i thought of you every—", that I always wanted to, um, wanted to spend more time with you, to hang out or wanted, you know, be with you, like, "for the rest of my life say it coward say it say it saY IT SAY IT" m—most of the time, and would you mind if I—
Nico is so red, he's not even ashamed of it at this point: If you?
Will: A—Ask you out..."on a date on a date on date on date" on a—on a—
Nico: Yes...?
Will: —trip to Starbuck where we can eat fancy coffee and laugh at stupid drinks like Crystal Ball Frappucino or something "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO—", "WHY DO WE KEEP LOOSING", "FOR GODS SAKE ITS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE", "WE ALMOST FRICKING HAD IT FUCK—", "BUT ITS TECHNICALLY A DATE RIGHT??? ITS A DATE RIGHT???"
Nico, trembling: G—Gods sure Will sure, snorts I—of course I'd lov—love to
Nico, pokes Will's back: Will...
"Will", hardly breathing: "cute cute cute cute cute cute nico cute cute cute", "hes being a babyyyyyy—", "fuck thats cute", "is he pouting??? is thaT A FCKING POUT—", "mind be calm and im having a heart attack", "i wanna hug him"
Will: Oh? What's wrong, love?
Nico: It's nothing important, really. I don't know how to explain it. I'm just...kinda, gloomy, at the moment
Will, immediately: "i wanna hug him", "you wanna hug?" You wanna hug? "—OH SHI—"
Nico: Yes, took you long enough
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7soulstars · 4 years
Hello ☁️ Can I request a Sherlock x deaf reader who is very shy and self concious? you're an amazing writer!
 Omg thank you for requesting darling! I had a lot of fun researching this but it was quite a challenge ! I wasn’t sure if you wanted a fic or an hc so I decided to do a hc ! I hope you like this !
Sherlock with a Deaf S/O
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- Now it is not new to everyone that Sherlock doesn’t do feelings.
- He knew sign language, he had learnt it for a case years before meeting you.
- You kind of saved him from getting strangled by a murderer by knocking him out with a fire extinguisher the first time you two met at a library where he followed the murderous man.
- Why were you there ? Well it is a good place for an introvert to hang out. You were studying a bit of something related to your profession when that happened.
- John, Greg and his divsion had followed in a few mintues later .
- “Sherlock!” *looks at you who is staring down out the fainted body in absolute terror* “Thank you for helping him !”
- But you didn’t hear him, you chose not to wear your hearing aid that day either.
- “She’s deaf Gavin stop embarrasing yourself ! Really are you that stupid? ”
- You never thought you would see him after that but fate had it’s own gameplay.
- Next time you met him and John was when he scared off a creepy man following you.
- “Just a payback for last time”, he had signed looking at any direction but yours.
- You just stood their silently. You were too shy to talk so you decided you should take your leave from the undoubtedly handsome detective with a squeaky little goodbye.
- But he stopped you by saying that he needed help with a case related to your profession.
- He lied.
- He spent the entire night bothering Greg and Mycroft to find him a case involving you profession.
- Soon enough every single person who Sherlock was always around had to learn sign language even though you assured Sherlock you knew how to lip read.
- Sherlock speaks too fast so he always has to sign for you.
- You feel bad because you think it’s bothersome but your boyfriend doesn’t think so.
- “It’s quite entertaining keeps me alert and on my toes”
- Explains how he solved a case to you in rapid sign language because we all know that little shit will be all smug about it.
- Unspoken habit of not shooting while you’re at 221B because the vibrations startle you a lot.
- You are highly insecure and he read that out the moment he saw you but he doesn’t know the cause.
- So he asks. ( And has John by his side to whack some sense into him incase he blurts something rude)
- By the time you had finishing the duo had the biggest frowns on their faces
- The fact that you were rejected by regular schools for being disabled and were not accepted at a school for people like you for not fitting into the stereotype pissed Sherlock off.
- The fact that you underestimated yourself annoyed him even more.
- You are highly intelligent and Sherlock knew that very well, but your self conciousness always came in the way.
- He starts giving you little affirmations all the time.😭
- You often refuse to wear your hearing aids because they’re a bit uncomfortable but Sherlock insists you to wear them whenever he drags you out on a case.
- “Not everyonee is as smart as us darling”
- He doesn’t smoke anymore. Whenever he has a bad day he just gets home and stares at you.
- *stares* 
- ”Need a hug ?”
- *wordlessly falls into your lap as you skim through his curls*
- Once did the same when you had a REALLY bad day and when you were extremely insecure.
- “You do this for me all the time you look like you need one today...”
- You cried in his arms and he said nothing. Just held you tighter because that’s what you needed the most.🥺
- IRENE WHO ? He figured out you felt like she was better for him than you and the man blocked the woman’s number and told her to not contact him again in the most polite way possible
- You’re the only one who can handle his childish tantrums when even John can’t.
- “You are MY GIRLFRIEND don’t side them !”
- “It was an ExPeRiMeNt Y/N !”
- You being the only one who is allowed to stay in the room while he is in his mind palace.😤
- “Anderson get lost, Y/N where are you going? Stay here”
- “Sherlock really loves you darling I just know it !”
- ”MUMMY !”
-”You better marry her”
- He makes you feel like the most important person in the room in the most subtle ways.
- Even his rivals know that you are a line they willl never dare cross because nobody touches Sherlock Holmes’ girlfriend or they will pay in unimaginable terms.
- Even though he would never dare to tell you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes was awfully and dreadfully in love with the local shy and deaf girl and the entire world knows of this.
Part 2
*Stops typing and wallows in self embarrassment because I think it's not perfect enough for my perfect readers*
Sherlock: it may be shitty but you tried
Me*nodding*: I tried😔
Moriarty: well, all you can do is pray that they like it.....
But in all seriousness I FINALLY finished this piece after battling with my writer's block. I know this is not at all accurate and that brings me to an important point. I research a lot for this hc but I was disappointed that there was rarely any information on deafness and experiences of people with disabilities and problems faced by them. What does that mean?
Again I really really really tried my best and I really hope you all like it. In case of any mistakes I've made or if I have written anything offensive or triggering please tell me in the comments so that I can make immediate corrections. Please like and reblog my work if you like it to support me. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please do not plagarize my work I really work hard on it! I have 4 fics to be completed but I promise to finish it soon. Thank you guys for being patient. 
~Love Hri! 😘
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
omg hey, if not done yet, can we please have 51 + jk? also take your time for part 3, no need to rush and stress about it, you're an amazing writer and good work always takes time 💜
under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game!
omg thank you for being so kind 🥲 I wanna end under the oak tree in a good way so I've just been pushing it off until I come up with something thats not a complete disappointment?? but I'm hoping these drabbles give you guys more time to enjoy the characters! hope you like it :)
51. “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time” | jjk x reader ft yoongi | word count: 2k
The castle was eerily quiet.
Most days it would be loud with the sound of footsteps and the banging of mugs hitting wood tables followed by the clanking of cutlery. However today, no one seemed to want to make a peep; they were as quiet as a mouse. Unlike everyone else who found the lack of noise peculiar, Yoongi enjoyed it - reveled in it, flourished in it even. Nothing made him happier than being able to sit and enjoy his daily morning, afternoon and evening naps and it made studying all the damn protection spells Jungkook wanted for the castle a hell of a lot easier. But there was one thing that threatened his new paradise, a looming cloud over his glorious fantasy, the grey cloud that he called Jeon Jungkook.
Now Jungkook was never one to be in an especially chipper mood, at least not around most people that is (you on the other hand, seemed to be a completely different story). Yoongi distinctly remembers seeing baby pictures of the lad when he was just a baby with a scowl etched permanently on his face under bushy dark brows. He often found it comical. Here was this lumbering idiot, with a silver spoon practically being shoved in his mouth, the glorious savior of the kingdom, but he was walking around as if his favorite horse had died (which it hadn’t, he checked). It was really starting to get on his nerves.
“Kid, you’ve gotta stop scaring the men. I swore I saw one of them shit themselves the other day.” Yoongi said from beside Jungkook. Currently they sat side by side in the great hall, feasting on bowls of hearty beef stew, the kind with giant chunks of meat and half haphazardly chopped vegetables covered in a thick and glorious gravy. Hmm my favorite Yoongi hummed to himself, eyes slipping shut as he drank up the delicious broth with a loud slurping sound. His spoon made a loud clanging sound against his bowl when he dropped it back down, wiping his mouth to shift his gaze back over to the scowling man to his left. “You know if I were you I would be jumping for joy. You’re filthy fucking rich, whats to be sad about huh?”
Jungkook didn’t even let out his usual grunt in response, opting to continue swirling his spoon around in his stew while glaring down at it as if it had wronged him in some way. But the sudden sound of one the knights from across the hall laughing had him snapping his head up to send a growl over to the group of men which had them instantly silencing themselves, ducking down to continue silently eating their food. Yoongi watched the exchange with amusement, “Yeah you definitely need to get laid.”
Jungkook raised his hand to swing at him to which Yoongi merely stopped with a spell, not even bothering to look at him while he took another spoonful of his food. He knew Jungkook would never try to purposefully hurt him if he knew Yoongi couldn’t protect himself, so this was just considered normal playful banter between the two men. “That’s enough, Yoongi.” He mumbled angrily, dropping his fist to bang against the table. The noise gained the attention of everyone in the dining hall, but none of them dared to turn their heads to look at the commotion, afraid the Duke would redirect his anger towards them. “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, you know, that's what tends to happen when you don’t get any for a while.” Yoongi sighed and leaned his hand against his hand, gazing pitifully at Jungkook. He noticed the slight twinge of confusion on Jungkooks face and decided to reiterate himself, “It’s called blue balls idiot.”
Jungkook nearly choked on his spit. Yoongi was never one to mince words and this time was no different, but still his blunt words caught him off guard. “Would you keep it down!” Jungkook seethed, whipping his head around to see if anyone had overheard the topic of their conversation. It’s not like he was scared of anyone mocking him (everyone knew better than that) but still, he didn’t need the whole castle knowing that him and his wife still hadn’t had sex yet since he’d been back.
Yes, you heard him correctly. Jungkook had been back for almost three months and you and him still hadn’t even so much as touched each other intimately. Sure they had a few passionate kisses and lust filled embraces here and there which had left your neck bruised with hickies, but outside of that, neither of you had even dared roaming a hand south of the border. He didn’t know why he hadn’t tried it, perhaps it was because he wanted to make sure you were ready this time, instead of forcing himself on you like last time. He wanted to be positive that you enjoyed yourself as much as he did, wanted to bring you to new heights that made you absolutely euphoric. But until you were comfortable with him enough to let him do so, he would stick to his hand and the dirty images that he had conjured up in his head.
“I know what blue balls are, Yoongi. But I’m perfectly fine with how mine and y/n’s relationship is going.” he mumbled, glaring at the sorcerer. “And I don’t need you meddling in my love life so why don’t you just go and frolic with that stable boy like you do and leave me be.”
Yoongi let out a noise of disagreement, throwing his hands up in annoyance, “How many times do I have to tell you, me and hoseok are not frolicking or whatever the hell you’re into-” Jungkooks foot kicked his leg under the table causing him to let out a hiss but nonetheless he continued, “You can’t keep waiting for her to make the first move. Y/n is a lady and a lady from Aster at that. Those chicks never make the first move.”
Jungkook grumbled and pushed his bowl away from him then sipped at his ale in contemplation. Perhaps Yoongi was right, maybe it was time for him to make the first move. “But how can I make sure she’s ready? What if I fuck up like last time?” he questioned, not bothering to hide the genuine concern in his voice.
The sorcerer just sighed, patting Jungkook on the shoulder, “Trust me, kid. If you fucked up, she wouldn’t still be here. And judging by the noises I heard last time, I’m pretty sure she enjoyed herself.” yoongi shuddered. No more late night walks through the hall he promised himself. “Just try to do something nice for her this time. Don’t just throw her around, take it easy. Try and lighten the mood, understand?”
Jungkook was quiet for a second, the gears turning in his head. When he finally seemed to come to a conclusion, he grunted and nodded his head. The corner of Yoongi's lips tilted up in a satisfied smile and he clapped the man on the shoulder, “Thatta boy!”
Immediately after dinner, Jungkook went to the kitchen to request the finest meats, cheeses and artfully crafted desserts they had along with the sweetest wine the chef could find. The kitchen staff were practically shaken in their boots when the Duke had first walked into the room, afraid they had done something to mess up his dinner. But when they saw how shy yet dedicated the man seemed to be (despite how much he had tried to hide it) they were more than happy to help him, promising him that they would do their best. Jungkook gave them a monotonous thanks and had practically run out the room, up the steps and to the bed chamber. He had a lot to do in a short amount of time.
“I am pooped!” You groaned, complaining to Seokjin about how much work you had done today while walking through the hard stone halls of the castle. You had spent most of today working in the library, learning and going over the finances with Seokjin so you could finally start taking on more of your ‘wifely duties’ and relieving him of some of the burden. “I’m still not sure how the conversion from pences to shillings works. Or is it shillings to pences? Ah, oh well.”
Seokjin merely rolled his eyes as he walked beside you, hands clasped behind his back in his usual gentlemanly fashion. “Yes my lady you did work very hard today. I do believe it is time for you to get a good night's rest so we can start again in the morning.” You whined at his words, stopping as you finally reached the door of your bed chambers. Seokjn just let out a small chuckle at your over the top theatrics, “Have a goodnight Y/n.”
You had returned his well wishes, sending him a beaming smile and wave as he walked back down the hallway. Once he was out of sight you turned back towards the door hand reaching out to grasp the knob. But before you got a chance to even touch the brass door handle, the mahogany swung open in front of you, your tall husband's looming figure instantly coming into sight. “Oh hello!” you greeted, surprised by the fact that he seemed to be waiting for your arrival.
Jungkook just stared at you, is he blushing? You asked yourself. The man didn’t say anything, just stepped out of the way and gestured for you to enter. You thought the whole exchange was weird and cautiously stepped around him, not expecting the sight that awaited you.
You let out a gasp, hand flying up to cover your mouth in shock as you surveyed the room. Almost every inch of the place was covered in the most beautiful and fragrant rose petals, the room lit up from the fireplace he had going across the room. Delicious food and desserts covered the tables so much of it that you had no idea how he expected you to finish it all. “Jungkook, what is all this?” you said, whipping around to look at him as he continued to stand by the entrance, stiff as a board.
He ducked his head, hands coming up to fidget as he nervously looked around the room. “Do you like it?” he asked, finally daring to meet your gaze. “I had Yoongi help me. He said you might like all this...or whatever.”
Your irises were practically lit up with admiration, eyes shining with pure undulated joy. You couldn’t believe he had done all of this for you. “Of course I like it! I mean- I love it! But what did I do to deserve this?”
Jungkook just furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, finally crossing the room to cradle your cheek and stare into your eyes affectionately. “What do you mean deserve this? I love you, y/n. I would give you the whole world if I could.”
His words had your eyes tearing up and you brought a hand up to gently hold the one he had placed on your cheek. Your head turned, placing a peck against the calloused skin of his palm as you returned his gaze, letting your eyes show just how thankful you were. “Jungkook...I love you too.” you whispered, watching as his face seemed to light up with your confession.
The rest of the night was spent dining on the luxurious food the kitchen had prepared, mouths full as you whispered sweet nothings to each other and spilled all of your darkest secrets and happiest moments. And despite the fact that the two of you still hadn’t managed to find your way to the bed or explored the rest of each other's bodies that had laid untouched by one another for quite some time, Jungkook couldn’t find himself to care. He was happy enough to be here at this moment, with you.
Blue balls be damned
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
120 notes · View notes
btsandvmin · 3 years
Ask: Reply - 2021.04.16
Time to answer some more of your questions. I have a lot this time, and still a lot left I’ll have to save to another post. You are all very good at being curious and asking interesting questions. There are also some asks that are replies to old asks, and then I’ll include the link to the referenced post.
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This time the topics will be:
Ask 1 - About KTH1 and expectations Ask 2 - KTH1 spoiler with “Oh lady” Ask 3 - Vminies getting superiority complex Ask 4 - Not dismissing the bond between Vmin and the other boys Ask 5 - Other people’s words can influence your thoughts Ask 6 - Vmin not sharing rooms in Bon Voyage Malta Ask 7 - Has being a Vmin shipper always been so overwhelming with all the content? Ask 8 - “Just a friend” interview Ask 9 - The garnet necklace Ask 10 - Vmin in CMs Ask 11 - Taehyung uncomfortable about shipping/tae*kook? Ask 12 - What did Jimin write on his shirt in Run ep. 53? Ask 13 - Gina Maeng ask follow up Ask 14 - Vmin’s love is beautiful (and so much nice praise omg)
Today’s post is a long one... Enjoy!
Ask 1 - About KTH1 and expectations
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Ok, so I did write a shit post about this... (I mean… This is literally all Vmin’s songs so far ), but I still think your questions are worth a proper answer.
Honestly I think speculating about KTH1 is kind of hard, and as seen in the shit post I am quite torn with my expectations... In general I am the type who doesn’t like to expect too much in fear of being disappointed. I rather be pleasantly surprised. That being said Vmin does have a track record of getting involved in each other’s songs. I mean a lot is just speculation of course, but we do have confirmed cases as well, enough to not be too surprised if they would keep it up and do something for Tae’s solo album as well. (Tae saying his mixtape would be named Jimin back in 2016 still haunts me.)
On the other hand, they have already given us a lot of collabs. Adding more would feel more like a statement, at least if it would be only Jimin out of the members on that album. The thing is that if Vmin would have something “real” or at least if they are a bit careful with how they come across... I am not sure they would do something too “obvious”. But where such a line would be drawn is impossible to know. I mean clearly they managed to write and sing Friends and it worked fine, even if they did get more attention as a ship.
We also know Tae has been quite loud about Jimin in ways that single him out, so maybe they would really dare push the boundaries as far as actually including Jimin in the album somehow. It’s also very possible there could be other members, and honestly we probably shouldn’t hyper focus too much on it and that it has to mean something no matter if anyone is on it or not.
I think one of the rappers being on it is probably more likely out of the members, but it seems Tae has shown an interest in collabs with people outside of BTS, so that’s kind of what I am expecting the most. No matter who in the group is on it I am sure fans will make a big deal out of it, and maybe Tae would rather have his own thing for his first album. I really don’t know how his thoughts would go.
But again, looking at how Tae and Jimin has talked about working together, and have had moments like Tae promising Jimin a song or Tae saying they will work together again... It’s definitely not impossible to get another Vmin song. I do feel it’s more likely for any connections to be vague and not instantly noticeable though (at least not anything romantic looking because we know what happened to the Christmas song). Especially considering how they have only recently revealed things like 4 clock’s inspiration more openly and had Friends followed by Sweet Night. My main stance for any possible real ship is still that they have reason to be careful, and yet another Vmin collab, on Taehyung’s first personal album would probably raise some eyebrows considering everything else we already have. But it could also be me over analyzing them, and maybe they just really like and want to work together. Tae for sure has after all been vocal about this preference and want to work with Jimin.
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So yeah, on one hand they have a track record that is hard to ignore... But on the other I wonder if they might want to add another “point” for ARMY to look at them and their songs. I also don’t want to assume that if there are songs on there that sound romantic that they automatically will be about Jimin. There will have to be legit possible connections for me to acknowledge them.
It’s tricky. I guess we will have to wait and see. I am kind of scared both that there won’t be anything or that there will be SOMETHING. Thank you for the ask, and I hope I shed some light on my thoughts on this subject. Either way I am very excited and looking forward to an album full of Taehyung’s own songs and the stories he wants to tell.
Ask 2 - KTH1 spoiler with “Oh lady”
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I am not sure it is “lady”, since it’s a bit unclear in general. He also has a part that just seems to go “do be do” and I don’t know if the lyrics are even finished or if he worked with someone else etc. We basically lack a lot of information. But even so using lady/her/she etc. in a song doesn’t have to mean it is about a specific person or that the person is a she or that it is Taehyung’s own feelings (I know he said he usually sings about things he have felt, but just saying it doesn’t always have to be). 
Of course I don’t want to downplay it and say it doesn’t mean anything, but considering their fanbase is majority women, they live in a homophobic country and he has even been denied to sing a romantic song with a man before, it’s not impossible to add that to make it more “relatable” or less “gay”. God, that sounds terrible. I don’t want to start discussions where we don’t take their words for what they are, so I hope you might understand my point of view. That being said of course it could just as easily be to or about a specific woman in his life that we don’t know about. Or as you say, he isn’t actually in love but is simply writing love songs that could be inspired by non-romantic relationships or movies etc. as was the case for his inspiration for Winter Bear.
Tae also used “she” in Winter Bear, and that seems a bit forgotten. Or people try to say it has to be about his grandmother... Which we obviously don’t know, it’s just the woman people jump to since he used “she” and many people don’t like the idea of him dating a woman or writing about a woman we don’t know. Either way I think we need to remember that anything is possible and we don’t know them personally and how they think or why they choose to do what they do.
I think we need to remember that there is always going to be the possibility that ships aren’t real, that the romantic songs aren’t about Jimin and that either one of them could be in a relationship with someone else (all genders included).
Ask 3 - Vminies getting superiority complex
Hello! I want to address something that has been bothering me for a while now. I have been seeing some vminnies have a superiority complex just bcoz they ship vmin. Its very rampant among new vminnies and twt vminnies. I get that we all feel validated and happy when out OTP claim to be soulmates and bff. I feel that way too. But people have to remember that vmin are real people and their relationship is dynamic. Like they did grow from bff who used to tease e/o and fight alot to soulmates who are gentle and caring. Who is to say that one day they wont drift apart (i hope not and dont think thats gonna happen but for argument sake) so there is no reason to feel superior or look down on other shippers. 
If people think vminnies are superior bcoz they are not toxic they probably know they are lying. Lbr i have seen my share of toxic vminnies though may be a lesser number but they are there and its not the ship but its that particular person who is at fault. While i agree that some ship theories cultivate hate and toxicity there may be people among those ships who are just as sane and good as we claim to be. I just wanted to address this bcoz seeing some vminnies on twt saying locals thinking vmin were tgt after coway add is a validation kind of triggered me. I m sure there would have been similar responses to any other ship bcoz they all have been tgt for a decade and are very comfortable with e/o. I just wanted to talk to someone about this and i know you have discussed similar topics in the past. So yeah this was very long.
First of all, on request I won’t show your name, but thank you for sending me this and letting me know who you are. It’s always nice to know who is behind the question. But that being said I don’t mind people asking on anon, I totally get it being a lot easier to ask or question things when you don’t have to reveal yourself. Either way I am just glad to get interesting and important topics and I do think the things you bring up are worth talking about.
As you say, there is this thing when people start to feel and act superior for various reasons, and I too have seen some Vminies do this. Getting a lot of moments is sure nice. But honestly, just imagine if another ship came and mocked Vmin or gloated every time they got more moments. It has surely happened too, and I am sure it doesn’t feel very nice when on the negative end. Just be a decent human, ship moments will always vary and it’s great to be happy about getting moments, but there is no need to compare or look down on other ships. I say it again, shipping is not a competition, just enjoy your own ship and let others enjoy theirs.
As for feelings superior based on group behavior I think we really need to stop looking at groups and start looking at individuals, both when it comes to groups we are part of and groups we consider “bad”. I have said it many times, but individuals of other groups we don’t agree with won’t all be bad, or all stupid or young etc. We might want to tell ourselves they are worse, but it really doesn’t change much. 
Being “less bad” it not a merit and it shouldn’t be a competition. We all have our own selves to answer to and we should judge other people based on their actions and not based on what group they might belong to.
I think size and the toxicity of a narrative can lead to more people in certain groups behaving in toxic ways... But I think any person could happen to fall into these behaviors if not careful and aware. Often the change is gradual too, or you feel attacked by the other “rival group” and thus feel it’s justified to attack back, and so it escalates.
Vminies are at the moment as a group smaller, and thus have less “bad apples”. We likely also have a narrative for Vmin that doesn’t require as toxic mindsets, for example extreme jealousy or Vmin being forced to hide. But there for sure are still toxic Vminies, and there are also a lot of non-toxic shippers in all groups. Usually the louder ones are also the worst ones while the chill and nice will remain in their own lane and ship more peacefully. But being part of a smaller group doesn’t make you superior, your actions is what is important.
As for small moments getting noticed or other types of “validation” for your ship, of course it’s going to feel nice. However, what people see and think of any relationship in BTS is still just an outsider view and literally has no meaning for their actual relationship beyond it being a cute moment. That’s why size and popularity also doesn’t matter as any kind of “proof”. Interpretation will always just be interpretation, good or bad, if you like it or not.
Sadly I think we will get more and more toxic behavior from more ships as the fandom grows and as some things get more normalized within those ships’ communities. It’s about certain behaviors growing into a community culture... The more toxicity that is allowed the more others will follow. That’s why bringing up the problems is important, but trying to do so without shunning people so that they don’t go and create their own space where everyone else is the enemy. After all, being open and welcoming and understanding is much more likely to make someone listen and even change their mind than by attacking them.
I answer for my own actions. So does every person. I don’t want to be judged for everything every Vminie or ARMY or Multi K-pop fan etc. has done. Generalization is a huge problem in general, not just in fandoms or ship wars. I do try to be a positive influence, to not judge too harshly and to remember that being hostile won’t help any situation. But that’s about it. I am glad you brought up this topic, because talking about it is important, but sadly I don’t think there is a lot that can be done about it. Just try to be nice and open minded.
Thank you for the ask, I hope you all understood what I wanted to say.
Ask 4 - Not dismissing the bond between Vmin and the other boys
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Thank you. I really see no need for it. It’s clear as day that they all love each other, and even if one pair would happen to be romantic instead of platonic that won’t change. We don’t have to compare and we definitely don’t have to downplay the moments they share with each other. All shippers should at the very least accept the the things they do and say as mostly genuine. I trust BTS and what they show us, it’s that easy.
I know some also get influenced by toxic fans, but we really need to remember that no narratives by fans matter when it comes to reality and what bonds BTS share with each other. They are all great people and seem to have such love and respect for each other I frankly don’t understand how you can be a fan if you think any of it is played up to the point some claim.
Likely no ship in BTS is real, but if any is, to me I am sure the ones involved would be happy and supported by the rest of the members. That’s why it doesn’t really matter what ship would be real or not real as long as they are happy. We shouldn’t let our own views and sometimes want or hopes affect the way be judge their reality. This applies for things outside shipping as well.
Thank you for your kind words. :)
Ask 5 - Other people’s words can influence your thoughts
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Indeed. The brain is a powerful thing. This is very obvious if you are a multi-shipper or a general fan, but BTS truly has a lot of questionable moments between all kinds of pairs. Focus is a interesting thing. If you like something you will notice it more, and you will also remember it more while you forget other moments. Likewise if something is “negative” like a rival ship you are likely to notice them more as well. This happens even if you just watch the general content and get your own bias. Imagine then how it might influence you when others keep repeating either your happy interpretations or things you worry about? You’ll get it stuck in your head and remember it more than other things.
Like isn’t it funny how we might gush about Vmin sharing beds, or worry about ji/kook or tae/kook cuddling while hope/kook literally sleep wrapped around each other in both Bon Voyage 3 and 4? Sometimes it’s all about perspective.
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By now we need to realize that fan perspective will influence us a lot. And in particular if a lot of people say it or if it is presented in a way that makes it sound logical and intelligent. Words have power. 
I still think using “Vmin is dead” or spreading worry often in itself leads to people thinking it and it being somehow accepted as fact. In similar fashion getting to hear about certain ships or certain narratives will make us notice things in relation to that. My own words and posts too will have influence on some people that read them. That’s why I try to be so careful, and why I try to avoid using strong words or claims that might cement themselves in someone’s mind. (I’ll actually talk more about the power of language in my big analysis as well)
Thank you for your input, it’s definitely an interesting thing to consider and another aspect of why shipping mentality is so complicated. 
Ask 6 - Vmin not sharing rooms in Bon Voyage Malta
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Hi and yes, I have answered this before HERE, but it’s ok. I know it’s not easy finding old topics amongst my collection posts.
Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN Collection of asks 2 - BTSandVMIN Collection of asks 3 - BTSandVMIN
In short I think Vmin wanted to share rooms but that Taehyung got fooled when Jimin stopped him from checking the upper room. Because it seemed like Jimin stopped him from walking into that room by saying he couldn’t peak Tae probably assumed it wasn’t Jimin’s room and that when Jimin said it was his room he was joking (his face was definitely something). So yeah, I think he just got fooled by Jimin’s statement about not being allowed to look inside the room before picking. There are other interesting things about this whole moment, but the one thing we should take away from it is how it is one out of now many examples that seem to show that Vmin have a preference to share rooms/beds. Thank you for the ask. :)
Ask 7 - Has being a Vmin shipper always been so overwhelming with all the content?
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I wouldn’t say it’s something recent. I say it often, but we really do get very intense periods from time to time with many of the ships. For example in February 2017 with ISAC, fan signs and everything else we got a lot of Vmin too. I remember being overwhelmed myself, and that was coming out of BST era Vmin. We got many moments every day and that’s just one specific period I can remember. 
 Over the years sometimes we do get these very intense days or weeks with a lot of moments at once. Usually I get asks like “do you think something is up with Vmin lately” or “wow I can’t believe how much Vmin we have gotten lately” but really, it’s hard to tell, because it really does happen from time to time. I also still say we always get Vmin moments regularly as long as we get BTS content, but sometimes a bit more and sometimes less. I am sure there will be more times when we also get “Vmin is dead“ and worried people because we get less moments than they expect. It just happens, up and down and around it goes.
As for what ships are big I will definitely say Ji/kook and Tae/kook are the biggest, but that all BTS ships are big by now. Meaning as soon as we do get moments it will be seen online. Especially if you follow people who talk about it of course. I also think what platform you are on can result in some ships being seen more than others. For example I know ji/kook is by far the biggest BTS ship here on Tumblr while Youtube seems to have more tae/kookers.
Thank you for the ask. Let’s hope Vmin keeps overwhelming us. (But let’s not start to worry if they don’t) ;)
Ask 8 - “Just a friend” interview
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Ah yes, I have a bit of a soft spot for this interview myself. I am not sure, but I think it might be from 2017 (since Tae wrote a birthday letter to Jimin in 2016), or at least that’s when I found it and saved it down. I haven’t actually tracked the original source. You can find the translation in the link shared HERE, credits to @95z​.
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Seeing this close after the chaos of Let’s BTS and other letter confessions it really does seem very cringe for them to express sincere thoughts in these more formal ways. I can’t blame them. 
I do think this interview is yet another example of how much Vmin has tried to adapt to each other, learn and be more open with expressing how they feel. They literally inspire and learn from each other in how to express themselves. Isn’t it completely endearing? 
I also love how they get each other to feel strong emotions and how they are there for each other when in need. On a slightly more analytical note I also can’t help but note the “just a friend” vs “soulmate” descriptions and how they seem to have a hard time putting it into proper words. We already know this of course, but yeah... They really don’t have an easy time describing their relationship.
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Thank you so much for sharing this moment. I was going to talk about it in my big analysis anyways, but honestly I can’t save everything for it, and you mentioned it so who am I to keep it to myself.
Ask 9 - The garnet necklace
Oh yeah, I know that JK wore it once and that the talk was that a fan gave it to all of maknae line. Not much was ever confirmed from what I know, but regardless it doesn’t change why I think it’s a Vmin/soulmate necklace and why I see it as special.
Here is the thing, when I use “Vmin thing” it really doesn’t have to be exclusive. To me it’s the context around it and how they have used it and even reacted to it that makes the garnet necklace something special for Vmin. In the case of the soulmate necklace Vmin wore it a lot. Almost constantly during a big part of 2017 and even a bit into 2018. They also wore it at the same time a lot. I find this very cute, and we all know “couple items” is something all fans enjoy even if it would just be a platonic relationship behind it. But if both of them wearing it was all there was, as a lot of Vmin sharing clothes (or BTS in general sharing clothes) I wouldn’t really think too much about it beyond it being cute. It could still be just a cute thing that Vmin did, but I personally see it as something beyond the normal clothes/jewelry sharing.
(At the very least you can remember Vmin did this while people thought their relationship was dead, which doesn’t make much sense to do if you hate or dislike someone.)
The things I find more noteworthy about this necklace is the fact that the fandom picked up on it and because they wore it so much and so often at the same time it was dubbed the “soulmate necklace”. Possibly knowing this Tae also brought specific attention to the necklace at two times, as if wanting to show it off. Interestingly enough, in one of these times Jimin seemed to ignore Taehyung who was bringing attention to it on purpose. For me it came across as another thing Taehyung wanted to show off and that Jimin was a bit more careful about. 
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Of course I could have read it wrong, maybe Jimin just misunderstood. But even so, Tae did bring attention to it in specific relation to Jimin. You can watch the clip HERE. (BTS Tell Us What They Love About Each Other & An Update On Tony & Nate From America Hustle Life) 
The other time was in Run ep. 39, right after Vmin talked about being in school together and showing off their school uniforms. If Tae is the one to try and highlight something, I feel it likely has some meaning to him at least.
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Either way the necklace is basically a symbol of Vmin’s relationship and the fact that they liked it so much and wore it together during a long period I think they liked wearing it not only because they both happened to like the design but because they both had it. If JK also had one and didn’t use it of course it could include him, but I will still say it remains significant for Vmin’s bond with each other.
As for buying a necklace together they haven’t talked about this one in particular, but Tae did mention he bought his tiger necklace with Jimin in NY, so maybe you are mixing the two things up?
Ask 10 - Vmin in CMs
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Thank you for loving my blog and for the ask! :) I am not sure if you perhaps meant in a lot of BTS own photoshoots/units as well, but I’ll focus on CMs in this post since that was your direct example. I might go a bit beyond here, but I saw it as a good chance to revisit some Vmin ad moments.
I wouldn’t personally say we have gotten “way more” but I do think because of their Friends unit they got to do some more interviews together and some CM stuff too. I also think we have gotten more BTS commercials in general now, likely because it’s an income alternative to touring during the pandemic. So that obviously means more CMs, and more chances for them to be paired up. They also have gotten paired with others of course (like in the Bodyfriend CM or Baskin Robbins), but most commonly they aren’t divided in smaller groups at all.
We also have gotten Vmin paired up before, both in photoshoots and in CMs. Of course we saw some great ones in 2016 with Puma and NUGU, but I don’t think we got that much more in 2016 and before than in 2017-2019. I think what we can see is BTS having more endorsements after Covid.
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Like honestly, the Puma adds are iconic. Of course the original one, but also the revisits from 2018. Puma definitely seemed to like to pair Vmin in particular. (There are so many good examples from Puma that I’m not including)
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We also got a snippet in the Hyundai one, also from 2018.
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Another snippet from the Coconut Chicken ad from 2017.
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I mean, I don’t know if I should count the snippets at all, like from BTS x VT cosmetics in 2019, but I feel sometimes just being seen in the same frame seems to get attention as being paired up so. (I decided to not include being together when it’s at least a third member in the frame)
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And guys... Have you ever watched BTS and the milk song?
What did we get so far more recently? In 2020 we had the Hyundai interview.
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And the hyundai #PositiveEnergyChallenge
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Fila provided a nice one, also from 2020.
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Samsung gave us a snippet recently.
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Coway was basically couple goals and like the best one in my own opinion (besides Puma because it is going to take a lot to beat Puma).
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But other than that? I don’t think we have seen it that much, have we? I am not complaining or anything, like I am happy with what we got, but I don’t know if it’s that much. I might forget some obvious ones, but these were the ones I had top of mind. Feel free to add ads if you can think of more recent ones that I left out.
So I think we have gotten more BTS ads in general, also more where they are not all of them or single focus, and that we have seen maybe Vmin getting paired a little more after Friends. But to me there is such a small difference I can’t really say if it is anything particular to Vmin or just BTS doing more CMs.
I mean, I don’t have a sheet of who has been paired with who and how many times over the years. But either way I don’t think we should look too deeply into things like CMs or even photoshoots units. Thanks for the ask though, I hope you enjoyed this mini collection. :)
Ask 11 - Taehyung uncomfortable about shipping/tae*kook?
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So this is a thought sent in after THIS ASK though it really brings up a new subject, which is that of Tae possibly being uncomfortable with shipping. As for Tae saying that to a tae/kooker in particular I think we have to remember it could very easily just have been in the moment and we can’t know why he decided to reply to that person in particular.
The Vmin post was not invasive and it wasn’t romantic. I mean, I do think Tae keeps showing again and again that if there is any person in BTS that is special to him it’s Jimin. But the difference in the posts also likely matters, but we can’t know how much. We don’t know if Tae would feel annoyed if a Vminie wrote the same thing as the tae/kooker did, and we don’t know if it was just in that moment that he got fed up with the shipping discourse in general, or if it was because it was tae/kook.
Honestly any shipper, regardless if a ship would eventually prove to be real or not, should not go and invade spaces where the boys get exposed to it. We don’t know if Taehyung would have reacted in a similar way if it happened to be another ship.
Personally I don’t think tae/kook drifted apart as a result of shipping, because honestly they still kept being pretty intimate physically and engaged in fanservice on stage etc. If they truly were uncomfortable with the idea I just don’t think they would “feed it” much at all. I think as they said in ITS they just, kind of changed and it became harder to talk. I’ve talked more about tae/kook and my views on their bond in THIS POST and a little in THIS POST as well as about BTS possible stance on shipping HERE.
I also think all of BTS has a pretty good distance from hate and fandom speculations in general. I think that because they know about shipping and partly also feed into it they probably expect crazy people to some degree as well, even if they probably don’t like it. Hetero shippers as well, or solo stans etc. have very toxic behaviors at times, but I think BTS can recognize that it is kind of “bound to happen” with their popularity, no matter what they do about it. Not saying they would like it, and they could definitely feel awkward or annoyed because of it, but it doesn’t seem to bother them too much as I think they can detach themselves from it pretty well.
I also think “fan opinions” in form of rival shipping wouldn’t really harm a hidden couple as it first would likely be a sort of “shield” and second because they have their relationships and are likely comfortable with them on their own terms. What fans think is probably secondary.
It is possible that they could get annoyed or frustrated at times, but again, if they truly felt bothered by it they probably wouldn’t do a lot of the things they do. Because I am sure they are aware to some degree that fans scrutinize their every move and ship moments. Both Tae and Jimin are some of the most physical out of the members, and also some of the members that seem to like to initiate fanservice moments... So I doubt they would have much problem and can feel secure enough in their relationship no matter what fans think.
Ask 12 - What did Jimin write on his shirt in Run ep. 53?
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Hi, I guess you got curious after I talked about this episode recently in my post Ask: Reply - 2021.03.30 (Ask 8 - Going down the rabbit hole, micromoments and shipping vs believing).
I don’t know hangul, but I do know what “Jimin” looks like. On Jimin’s shirt from behind the scenes of Run ep. 53 you can see he’s written his own name “지민” Jimin followed by what looks to be “ 님 “ which is nim. So basically the text on the container in the picture says Sir Jimin.
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Jimin seemed very keen on writing his name on both his own shirt and on Tae’s and even tried on JK’s. He failed of course, but he sure did try. 
Thank you for the ask, and isn’t Tae cute?
Ask 13 - Gina Maeng ask follow up
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Glad you liked my reply. :) (From Ask: Reply - 2021.03.30  Ask 4 - Idols dating members of the same group). Yeah I get what you mean, talking about it openly I suppose isn’t so normal. But since it seems to be more and more fans who assume it happens to some degree maybe it’s not so strange if it starts getting more talked about as well. I’ll take it as a good sign, even if the information is nothing new in itself, being more open is going to make it easier for fans to realize it’s possible for their idols to be LGBT+ or have hidden relationships.
As for K-Population it doesn’t seem to be too well known, but it’s one of few actual examples to be found. So yeah, interesting that we know it has happened, and also that it shows what risks it could mean to get involved with a group member. I think the risk of a falling out is something a lot of shippers tend to forget. Anyways, thank you for your reply. ^_^
Ask 14 - Vmin’s love is beautiful (and so much nice praise omg)
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Oh my... I am not sure I have ever been called sweetheart by anyone ever before. Thank you! You are making me blush with all the praise.  💜💜💜
But really, we can all just watch Vmin in awe and be happy they have each other and feel such immense love for each other, no matter what that love is. It’s kind of amazing. Like even if they are platonic their relationship is so wholesome and they put so much love and effort into it that it’s truly inspirational. I love when we get bombed with moments like this with a very intense period of great Vmin interactions. As you, me too never fail to feel all soft watching them together.
95z is love and what a love they share. Truly wonderful. 💜
You take care too, and really, thank you so much for this lovely message. it means a lot and is very heartwarming.
And with that sweet ask I’ll end the post. There was a lot of very different questions and I feel I could have written more about many of them, but alas I need to remember I can’t write full essays on everything or I would never get anything posted. Thank you all for reading and I hope you found my thoughts and speculations interesting. ^-^
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wolfsneedles · 3 years
perhaps a small meta like thing i wanted to write and share on robb. I was thinking about that very haunting and pivotal moment in ASOS, when rickard karstark a loyal man of robb and starks killed the two prisoner/wards kids from lannister family when he realised catelyn released jaime. Catelyn releasing him is different and a very realistically emotional thing but robb acting and defending his mother when rickard says It was Lady Catelyn who was responsible for murder of the two kids....he just slaughtered in sleep and dark of their cells (reeks of bit sexism and misogyny tbh). Not realising however that jaime wasn't gonna get killed anyways that to by rickard or Robb was never gonna let them hurt him. basically so if karstark was avenging his sons...who died in battle with Robb, it is understandable but this was rickard's individualistic revenge - he was fighting for robb too. For North and for Starks and for his KING. i never understood how he killed two children but thats not the concern really. It is how robb reacts to murder of two children by karstark which is so foolish and stupid and honestly cruel considering his revenge was not gonna succeed anyways when jaime had...already escaped (and no omg cat wasn't responsible for karstark betrayal). And then Robb says, "
"I owe their fathers truth," said Robb. "And justice. I owe them that as well." He gazed at his crown, the dark gleam of bronze, the circle of iron swords. "Lord Rickard defied me. Betrayed me. I have no choice but to condemn him.
He made up his mind anyways to execute karstark not for betrayal but also for justice. Poetic Justice maybe...but the entire scene of rickard karstarks execution is very hauntingly beautiful however uneasy and eerie, and you see robb from Cats POV doing something from his own hands himself. The imagery and environmental gloom is perfect. Even weather grrm wrote like, was hauntingly unsettling.
Lord Rickard's fought at my side in half a dozen battles. His sons died for me in the Whispering Wood. Tion Frey and Willem Lannister were my enemies. Yet now I have to kill my dead friends' father for their sakes." He looked at them all. "Will the Lannisters thank me for Lord Rickard's head? Will the Freys?"
He obviously knew, the death of karstark's liege lord will earn him worse betrayals and series of more unfortunate events,, yet he still in despair asks brynden and others, that freys and lannisters will obviously not thank him for this. Infact they repaid him worse.
How then can you call this vengeance? This was folly, and bloody murder. Your sons died honorably on a battlefield, with swords in their hands.”
I wanted to describe the scene which is so poetic. But the fact that there is constant thunder and rain can highlight the fact that it was or can be synonymous to misery and death and...robbs ultimate betrayal when karstarks leave in the night same day. Catelyn described the weather outside as,
"Outside the thunder crashed and boomed, so loud it sounded as if the castle were coming down about their ears. Is this the sound of a kingdom falling? Catelyn wondered"
In the next sentence u see, robb more mature and dauntless when he decides he will execute rickard, "Robb reached down with both hands, lifted the heavy bronze-and-iron crown, and set it back atop his head, and suddenly he was a king again. “Lord Rickard dies.”
(also makes me mention how ppl criticise dany too mostly from the got show, but in books why she kills people, i think....if u put yourself in those historical framework and mentality of medieval society with loyalties and devotion tied to each other whether based on federalism or personal love, betrayal and treachery or going behind a king or queens back doesn't...go unpunished. Treason never goes unpunished when we also think of jon snow executing janos and robb with karstark. You have to realise emotions of both people. the one who carries sentence and one who dies.)
Back to the scenic description i found in this chapter. Catelyn again talks about weather and i absolutely loved contrast bw the weather and grimness of it and an execution soon to be carried in godswood,
"When day broke, grey and chilly, the storm had diminished to a steady, soaking rain, yet even so the godswood was crowded. River lords and northmen, highborn and low, knights and sellswords and stableboys, they stood amongst the trees to see the end of the night’s dark dance."
"Robb flung the poleaxe down in disgust, and turned wordless to the heart tree. He stood shaking with his hands half-clenched and the rain running down his cheeks. Gods forgive him, Catelyn prayed in silence. He is only a boy, and he had no other choice"
I think the rain is perfect thing. the way it is pouring down and then previously it was mentioned how remaining men who took part in killing young boys of lannisters with karstark were hung from trees ...but their faces were darkened and washed and grrm mentions this a lot everytime he mentions a depressing scene with death and ppl hanging from trees esp when lady stoneheart or brothers without banners or brienne and pod encounter people hanged. Its also sooo haunting how karstark was executed in front of heart tree and godswood...by hands of Robb as well (similar to what ned said that man who passes sentence will swing the sword so he knows what he feels too and robb did it last moment too)
" That was the last she saw of her son that day "
This line by catelyn also describes horror of war and how young people like robb in this case are dragged into the lords game of thrones, sometimes half-heartedly sometimes intentionally she describes how war is affecting her son who is after all a boy.
".....rain continued all through the morning, lashing the surface of the rivers and turning the godswood grass into mud and puddles"
This weather is same as it was described and was on the day or eve of when Catelyn and robb along with edmure were making for the Twins and and something more horrific which was about to unfold there as well ( red wedding ) and on their way to twins the rain is mercilessly beating and falling too.
Last i wanna mention is day when robb and his men with Catelyn made for the Twins for wedding and weather was same miserable since last time it was when karstark was executed...which I was thinking DOES point to robbs failure and demise in the end as weather has a lot of impact on story and so does the ice and fire contrast that has always been made where winters and cold winds welcome the coming of darkness and enemy force in this case the Others, and fire reflects passion, warmth and hope for me in passages. prob why i love mention of dany and her dragons because they do represent an entirely different aura and hope against the dread that is building on the Wall and beyond it for coming of the actual-evil-forces the Others.
This is how perfectly the differences bw robbs victory in Whispering wood taken as sign of pride and hope is mentioned with --> emphasis on how warm the weather was, and now their travel to the Twins for red wedding as --> rain, mud, puddle, banks overflowing, their stark banners flooded and hanging down (another excellent indication for how house stark did have their back and strength broken after the wedding hence banner hanging low, or when arya later travels to twins and sees the banners on fire due to the massacre taking place...)
"..As the gods would have it, their route took them through the Whispering Wood where Robb had won his first great victory. They followed the course of the twisting stream on the floor of that pinched narrow valley, much as Jaime Lannister’s men had done that fateful night. It was warmer then, Catelyn remembered, the trees were still green, and the stream did not overflow its banks. Fallen leaves choked the flow now and lay in sodden snarls among the rocks and roots, and the trees that had once hidden Robb’s army had exchanged their green raiment for leaves of dull gold spotted with brown, and a red that reminded her of rust and dry blood"
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suganovakawa · 4 years
hi! i found ur blog through saudade and was like!! this the good kush! and earlier i was scrolling through ur blog and saw the jealous hcs and suga's was so accurate 😭 i can totally see him being all smiley and passive aggressive like 'do you want something haha? >:)' anyways! can i request reader being sad and doubting their relationship with noya and tanaka (separate) bc they always talk abt kiyoko and how beautiful she is and how they feel abt her? thank u so much, pls take care of urself!!!
the potential this one has OMG yes i am on it 🥺 u better be taking care of yourself too , anonnie !!!
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karasuno boys remind you that you’re always going to be number one in their eyes, no matter what !
— check out my masterlist !!
we all know kiyoko is a goddess , but it’d be nice if your boyfriend could give you some of that love too , y’know ? let’s see how these two make up for giving kiyoko too much attention .
also yuu’s came out really really long so do be prepared for that — ryu’s isn’t as long because he praises kiyoko the same way yuu does , so there’s no need to repeat everything fjjdndjsjd
— ask to be part of my gen taglist !
taglist : @yams046 @janellion @avylee
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yuu nishinoya
yuu has bunches of love to go around , believe me
but sometimes , it really doesn’t seem that way , y’know ?
you knew even before your relationship with the guardian deity that he was a simp for kiyoko ; how he also fell for you was even a surprise for you
but noya definitely does try and show you that you that you have a special place in his heart , even if he gawks over the team manager at times
but when his appreciation for kiyoko gets out of hand , oh it really gets out of hand
the first time it happened , you were completely shattered — however , you weren’t sure how to even handle a situation like that
everyday of just — “ kiyoko ” this , “ shimizu ” that . . . it was a never ending cycle of yuu going on and on about how the karasuno team manager was just so perfect at everything she does , that she was the paragon of beauty and so forth
and while you held no grudge against kiyoko — hell , she made it very clear that she had absolutely no interest in yuu . like , multiple times — seeing him gush over her so much made you feel self conscious in yourself
you were his significant other , weren’t you ?
so why wasn’t he treating you that way ?
it came to a point where you just didn't say anything the moment yuu brought up kiyoko . there was no point in trying to stop him or changing the subject , because once he was on a roll ; he was on a mf roll
god , even the first years could see that noya was giving kiyoko more attention than you
the only one besides noya who didn't notice this was tanaka , who was just as smitten over kiyoko as the libero was
and everyday , it was the same old topic ; didn't they have anything else to talk about ?
" WHAT , BRO ? "
and your snapping point : yuu choosing to help kiyoko clean stuff up instead of walking you home after practice
was this his way of breaking up with you ? whatever it was , you couldn't handle it anymore . just seeing yuu give so much of his time to kiyoko was heartbreaking for you ; you even began to question if you really were a significant other figure to nishinoya
you stopped showing up to practice
and shortly after , you avoided and ignored the second year as a whole
it took about less than two days for noya to realize that you weren’t around for him
and even worse — you seemed to have no interest in talking to him when he did try and approach you
uh oh , he really messed up now
he approached the third years with his head hung low , wanted advice on how to talk to you again
and they were willing to help , of course ; but not before giving him absolute hell for not noticing his own actions sooner
it took three tries to get you to talk to noya again
daichi approached you first after class , wanting you to come back to practice again ; you politely told him no , and before he could press on further , you hastily turned heel and walked away
second attempt was suga and asahi , suga was more straightforward with his attempt at bringing you back , while the other was just there mainly for support ; he explained that noya felt apologetic and wanted to make it up to you , but you countered with “ if he really was sorry , he’d come himself . not make you do it for him . ” and you left
third time’s a charm — kiyoko was the final person to confront you
you were still upset , and she understood that completely — she explained that even with noya’s , ehem , worship over her , he still cares about you deeply ; he just gets overly excited and doesn’t know how to control it
and she added that there was no practice due to ukai being out that day , but yuu was still waiting for you in the gym
you finally gave in , walking slowly to see kiyoko’s words speak for themselves — there he was , sitting against the wall with his eyes staring intently at the ground
“ yuu . . . ”
his head popped upwards the moment he heard your voice , scrambling to his feet to sprint to you as fast as his two legs could take him
before you could say anything else , he jumped forward and pulled you into the biggest hug he could offer ; shakily , you hugged back with the same intensity , burying your face in him as he just continued to squeeze you as if you’d disappear if he dared let go
he began to blubber all sorts of apologies — about how stupid of a boyfriend he was , that he should’ve noticed he was hurting your feelings sooner , that he shouldn’t have been fawning over kiyoko
he would’ve continued , but you shut his mouth with a finger , smiling softly as you shook your head
“ it’s okay , i forgive you . it just . . . hurt my feelings , is all . i know you like kiyoko a lot , so i didn’t want to — ”
“ no , y/n . you’re my s.o. , i shouldn’t have been like that . you’re my priority , not kiyoko . she used to be , but not anymore . i know that now , and that will never happen again , i promise . ”
and believe me , his redemption went all out
he'd walk you to and from school , catch up with you after every class , walk you to lunch , compliment your clothes and remind you of how much he appreciates you having in his life - kiyoko basically became nonexistent to him after that
tanaka didn't seem to mind - now he had the manager all to himself KDKSKKD
once in a while he gets caught up again , but this time he's more wary of your feelings ; if he sees that your mood has changed even a little bit , he'll ask you if he's too much , and then he'll forget about kiyoko again
yuu definitely has a long way to go until he's a perfect boyfriend , but he'll dedicate himself to make sure you know that you're irreplaceable in his eyes
ryuunosuke tanaka
something tells me ryu would definitely be more attentive than yuu , but he's still a total simp for shimizu
the moment you stop coming to practice , oh he notices right away
i imagine it going the same way as noya — him just talking everyone’s ears off about kiyoko’s a goddess , that she deserves all the best things in the world . . . all while you’re right there next to him
it’s a stab in the heart , to put it lightly ; you can only take so much before it just downright hurts
you’ve tried to talk to tanaka about it — he’ll brush you off with a “ hey babe ! ” with a quick kiss to the forehead / cheek before running off to practice again
so naturally , you felt defeated , and could only defend yourself — your heart — by not going to practice anymore , as well as just avoiding him as a whole
oh boy , did tanaka feel like an absolute failure of a boyfriend
“ y/n was here at school today . . . why didn’t they show up for practice ? they’re usually here , helping set up the net before standing next to kiyoko ”
tsukishima will probably be the one to retort back to him — you are his senpai , and he noticed how dejected you were , the more ryuunosuke ignored you for the team manager
“ oh , y/n decided not to show up today . someone decided they were gonna be a better boyfriend , and not fawn and drool over someone else like a dweeb . ” tsukishima was a jerk , yes , but he hated that tanaka was just so blatantly ignorant to you ; you didn’t deserve that at all and he knew that
“ WHAT ? Y/N WOULD NEVER — ” his voice dropped as his eyes widened in realization , “ oh my god , i’ve been neglecting my own s.o. for kiyoko . . . ”
it was an awkward silence , the third years didn’t know if they should berate him or comfort him of his realization , the second years were feeling awkward AF ( especially yuu ) for not telling him sooner , and the rest of the first years weren’t exactly very well-versed in the romance department so they had absolutely no advice for the wing spiker
even ukai was confused that you weren’t there as he walked in “ where’s y/n ? they said they’d help me with — ”
a bunch of people giving him the “ NO NO NO NO NO ” signal as he finally lays eyes on ryu , keishin understanding that something must’ve happened
tanaka was not doing well that practice , too side tracked and too upset with himself to focus properly
it came to the point where daichi had to pull him aside , and give him a stern talking to
“ listen here , tanaka . i know you now understand how stupid you were in being so overly obsessive over kiyoko with y/n always standing right there , and simply , you are the one who needs to make things right with them . you should wait until tomorrow though , so you have time with them . they’re not the type of person to hate so easily , especially if it’s you . have this be a valuable lesson , and i hope you remember how important of a person y/n is , to us , and to you . ”
tanaka had a whole epiphany with daichi’s speech — damn right , you were his . so why did he need to simp over kiyoko , when he had an amazing s.o. already by his side ?
with the team’s permission , tanaka requested to miss practice the next day — he promised he’d make up for it the following day , he just wanted to spend more time with you and make up for what he did
it wasn’t easy for him , coming to grips with his own foolishness as he approached you after class
“ y/n . . . i want to take you somewhere after school , if that’s fine ? ”
though you were hesitant in responding , you didn’t have the nerve to look away , nor run . “ but ryu , don’t you have practice today ? ”
he smiled sheepishly and shrugged , “ i got permission from the others to skip it today , i just have to work even harder to make up for it . ” taking you by the hand , he pulled you closer to him “ besides , nothing is more important to me than treating my beloved s.o. to something special , especially after how poorly i treated you for the past few days ”
but like woah , what happened to ryu ? going from kiyoko simp to this . . . it flustered you to the MAX
“ but in all seriousness y/n , i’m really sorry for how i acted . i shouldn’t have been paying so much attention to kiyoko like how i used to , now that i’m lucky enough to have you in my life . i want to try and make it up to you , starting with this badass cute date i’ve got planned for the two of us ! ”
you can’t help but smile as tanaka drags you out of the school , you’ve already forgiven him for just this precious moment alone
“ badass and cute aren’t words you’d use at the same time to describe something , ryu — ”
“ well , they are now ! ”
even kiyoko will be surprised at how he’s hardly even fazed by her at after today’s events ; ryuunosuke is a changed man , for you
you’ve got one of the biggest simps in haikyuu as your boyfriend , be prepared for how this mf is going to SPOIL . YOU .
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akaashisbabydoll · 4 years
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You're a freshman. You're Hinata's classmate and bestie. You both get along because you both are loud and energetic af. Sometimes you have your own days but Hinata got used to it already.
Hinata joined the Karasuno Volleball Club and one day he just introduced you to everybody. You all get along even though sometimes you think Tsukisihima doesnt really care about you but Yamaguchi always assures you that, that is not the case.
You dont really have a club yet so you just go help Yachi and Kiyoko prepare things before, during and after a match or practice. Basically, the whole volleyball team was your home.
You always go watch their practice matches and official matches. You went with them on training camps too. Met a lot of strange people but became friends with them as well. Especially when you're with Hinata, anybody can be your friend. He's the king of compliments and motivation.
The team is your family too. They have a special place in your heart and they are a part of your life. They know everything about you and so they take care of you like you're the youngest crow in the family. Sometimes they go overboard especially Tanaka and Noya. You are not even sure if they want to protect you or push you to do stupid things.
They know everything about you especially how people hurt you. You're a crybaby. You've got a soft heart. You forgive easily, you get hurt easily and you believe people easily.
They got an official match and the school not far from Karasuno was also included. Little did you know one of the players was your middle school bully. You always get taken aback whenever you remember or see anything from your past. You got traumatized. Your whole body shakes.
Thats why when you saw that guy in the hallway talking with his teammates your whole body was shaking and you were trying to stop it or minimize it at least. You're scared to distract the team. You dont want them to worry.
"Hey..." your tangerine bestie nudged you on your side with his elbow, "...you good?" He asked you sincerely. Worry is written all over his face, this is why you dont want them to worry.
"O-of course. W-why would-dn't I?" You tried to answer.
"Ohh. Ok then. Let's go?" the tangerine hesitantly asked.
The whole team is preparing for their match while you are sitting on the bench, holding a notebook and a pen. You’re trying your best to control your shaken state. 
You’re looking at the ground trying your best not to cry and not to distract the whole team for their upcoming first match of the day and the season. You know how much they want to go to nationals and you were there in every camps they’re into. So of all people you know how much they want to win.
You were concentrating on how you should control yourself when someone knelt in front of you and cupped your shaking hands with his. You raised your head and you saw the Captain of the team, Daichi. Behind him are the whole team looking at you with worried eyes.
“Whatever you’re thinking. Whatever you saw. We’re here. We’ll always be here.” The captain assured you which made you teary eyes. You looked on your left and there’s Yachi at the verge of crying and  on your right is Kiyoko smiling wholeheartedly at you.
You sniffed and all the boys were frozen. After three seconds they started to panic. Asahi being the first one on that list, “Uh--Uhhh what should we do. What did we do? W-what did you do Daichi?” 
“Me? Why are you blaming me? I didn’t do anything!” Daichi replied.
“Will you two stop? Who’s got a puppy here? Who brought something?! No one?! No one did?! Didn’t I tell you all kids to carry something all the time?!” Suga yelled almost heard in the whole gymnasium.
“Suga-san you didn’t bring anything either.” Ennoshita pointed out.
“I---I did, it was on my pants. I forgot to take it out in my pocket.” Suga said while scratching his nape.
“OH! OH! OH! I know something that can make y/n smile!” Noya excitedly said. Then he suddenly made eye contact with Tanaka, Hinata and Kageyama. Tanaka and Hinata grinned, obviously want to do whatever they’re going to do. Kageyama’s face turned blank. “D-Do we really have to do that? Here? In the gymnasium? Where all players can see us?” He asked.
The three looked at him scarily. “Do you want to see y/n smile or not?” Tanaka asked him.
“Y-you know guys, it’s fine. Kageyama you don---” you were cut off when Kageyama sighed and said yes. Then they suddenly sang and danced that song Meat God where they composed on the spot, one day at summer camp.
The whole team laughed so loud. Tsukkishima shaking his head probably wondering why he’s in this team. Yamaguchi enjoying it so much that he got to film it.
“OK! That’s enough! You all get ready, the game will start in ten minutes!” Coach Ukai said while trying to hold back his laughter. Takeda not even trying to hide his laughter and just laughing his ass off. All eyes were on your team.
“Wish us luck y/n!” they all yelled except Noya and Tanaka asked luck from Kiyoko as well.
They don’t even need luck because you know yourself that their hard work and dedication is stronger than just luck.
While the others were going back to the court, Tsukishima didn’t join them. He just stood there in front of you, was hesitant to do something. You frowned and titled your head, confused on why he’s just standing there when he suddenly threw you his towel and you felt something hard hit you on your forehead. You were ready to fight his ass when you saw what it was. It was a chocolate bar. You smiled. Here you thought Tsukki doesn’t really care about you.
You felt a hand on you shoulder and you looked who it was and its Kiyoko. “You see how they’re dedicated to make you smile? For them you are also important as volleyball. So don’t be hesitant to ask us anything, ok?” You were speechless. You didn’t know they care about you this much. yes they knew all about your past. But you didn’t know they’ll be so affected by it.
You stood up and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Yachi offered to go with you but you said it’s fine. There might be an emergency later on and they need her.
You were fine going to the bathroom. The thought of seeing one of your bullies a while ago was overlapped with the images of the team laughing.Not until you went out of the bathroom and bumped into him...your bully.
The blood on your face? Gone. You felt cold. Your whole body is shaking. When he took a step towards you, you suddenly felt weak that you immediately knelt.
“y-y/n? what’s wrong?” you can hear how worried he was based from his voice. You wanted to say it’s ok. That you’re ok. But you can’t say anything. There’s a lump on your throat that causes you to get scared more. You want to say something but your voice won’t come out.
You saw him holding your shoulder and hearing him mention your name  a couple of times and suddenly everything went black.
You woke up due to the noise you heard outside, you opened your eyes and white ceiling welcomed you.You felt something soft on your back, you were in a bed. You got up and groaned. Your head hurts so bad.
“That was y/n! That was y/n right?” You can hear Suga’s loud voice outside and the others agreeing to him.
“Yes. It’s her now if you all please---no stop! One at a time boys! You just can’t enter all of you! Coach!” The nurse aggressively said trying to stop them from entering the little clinic they have. 
“Oh my god, Thank god you’re ok” Suga let out a huge sigh and held his chest when he saw me.
“Y/N!” The whole first year (except for Tsukishima), Asahi, Tanaka and Noya yelled in unison when they saw you. At the verge of crying.
Tanaka and Noya approached you and hugged you at the same time. Patting your head like a baby saying bad things to the bully you met.
“Go away that’s my best friend right there!” Hinata said and Tanaka just slapped his hand and hugged you more tightly. Noya joined in and said, “This is our baby!”
“Our baby!” Asahi and Ennoshita reminded them.
“Excuse me? Did I just hear something bullshit?” Suga butted in.
Tsukki sighed and said, “I knew he was going to react badly.” and shook his head. As usual Yamaguchi filming whatever is happening inside that little clinic packed of noisy crows.
“H-how did you all know I was here.” You asked.
“That guy you met. He was the one who carried you here.” Everyone was quiet after Daichi talked. “Why didn’t you tell us that he was your bully? He was the reason why you were shaking before. Right?” You nodded. No voice coming out. 
“I’m sorry if I always worry you guys. It’s not my intention to do that. I just---I was kind of hesitant because you have a match to face---OMG THE MATCH!” You yelled when reality hits you.
Coach Ukai chuckled. “It was finished earlier than expected. When they heard what happened to you, they got so aggressive that they want to finish it already. They won two sets in a row. Kageyama and Yamaguchi with their service ace. It was a landslide.”
“I didn’t even know we can do that.” Yachi added.
Noya and Tanaka starting to rub their face on you like cat. “Our little baby crow. We will take care of you and love you.” Noya said.
Tanaka suddenly rolled up his sleeves and said, “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him. I know where his school is.”
“Speaking of. He actually wanted to talk to you in person. To apologize of his behavior before. He said it’s fine if we’re there too.” Daichi said.
“Ohhh we gonna be there.” Suga said seriously like he was in an action movie while squinting his eyes. Everybody followed him and you saw how stupid they looked so you laughed, loud. You were so happy, about everything. Being with them.
You were cursed before, bullied, hurt and humiliated. But now, you think everything is in place, everybody laughing. You found not only one but sixteen people taking care of you and loving you with the love you so much deserve.
You are happy. Very happy.
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Hi guys omg i’m actually happy i got to reach 200 followers *insert crying emoji bc im on my laptop* ily all so much <33 so here’s something from my draft <33
M A S T E R L I S T 
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Hi there Trish! Me and my friend have something for you. 😁
Ok Sam, bring it!
...Um, Sam?
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Oh there you are! Come here!
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Are you excited as well? Ok, you can give me-
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Oh, you will open it for me? Ok, be careful buddy~
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Good boy! Could I borrow that letter so i can read it to Trish now?
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Thank you so much for your help~
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Ok, let's see...
Dear Trish,
we all are in so much love with you and your work. You are so talented, kind, sweet and wonderful person. Please, take care of yourself, be kind to your body, to your feelings and to your mental health. These people, who doesn't listen to others when they ask them for something so simple like read their rules, ignores it, and simply doesn't care for what you are comfy with or for who you write, are horrible. I hope your break did help a little, but if not, please take a bit more....I believe nobody pays you for your writings and this all is just for fun, so why take such pressure on yourself. I know you love this "job", but just like with me (i paint, draw and sculp), when my hobby starts to overwhelm me, i start to hate it and lose ALL my motivation to start again, so please, don't let others to ruin what you love. Thank you for your hard work and that you took care of yourself and your health and took a break. You deserve so much people to know about your...what is this called?...blog? Page? Idk....and so much love amd support. Everything you wrote is beautiful and i love every piece. Like i said in my request, it's like drug for me. I know these are just plain words, but i hope they held something important, even if it's 1% from 100%.
Love you with all my heart, continue to take care of yourself and keep doing what you love and ignore every rude person that finds your...blog, page,... 🤣❤❤❤
Sending lots of love and praises from Czechia 😙🇨🇿
Okay, Sam, say goodbye to Trish!
Me as well 👋😁 bye!
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Ps: I'm so sorry if it's cringe, omg....I wanted to do something nice for you...I didn't draw for more like a 1 year, maybe more....thats why is it so sloppy and kinda weird.....i'll go dig myself a deep, big grave and throw myself in it like there's no tomorrow.....if you block me, i would even thank you 🤣🤣😅 Also sorry for my mistakes in english. JUST SLAP ME IF THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG
Cringe? No way! This is adorable and precious and I love every single thing about it! I have nothing but love for you and for Sam and for this ask! I really don’t have enough reaction images to express how much this mean to me, but here are a few:
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The fact that you took the time to write this, to draw the most adorable doggo in existence, the thought of this amazing detail, your lovely words... I’m gonna cry, you really don’t know how much I appreciate everything! 😭😍💜
It’s true that I don’t get paid for this blog, but that’s just why it’s so important to me that you understand me so well, that you and other absolutely lovely people have my back and despite some other careless people, I know there’s always the sweetest people having my back, encouraging me to take breaks and look after myself, and that you lovelies give me such a warm welcome. 
I suck at expressing myself sometimes, so I really don’t know how to tell you how much this moved me. Again, thank you so much for sending this because it has made my entire month. I feel super lucky and thankful to have such amazing followers like yourself. Take care, you absolute angel 🥰💕
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