egobuzz · 4 years
omgchckplease replied to your post: voldemort was a self-insert character apparently...
do u have a twitter bc i wanna retweet this so bad this is THE FUNNIEST take i have seen on this bs ���������� (if u dont btw thats fine idw post something on twitter w/o ur permission~!)
I do! https://twitter.com/egobuz
just tweeted this post special for you lmao 
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asterlark · 4 years
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i’m sorry it took me so long to answer these but hi!! i always love talking about the swv!!
primer for those who don’t know: canonically there are 3 known members of the samwell women’s volleyball team: caitlin farmer ‘18 aka farmer aka chowder’s girlfriend, march ‘16 (who dated ransom for a bit) and april ‘16 who appeared in parse part 2 and who me & amber headcanon as co-captains in their junior & senior years. the rest were made up by me & @abermb​!! they’re very gay and chaotic and i love them to death
kelsey sherman ‘17
psych major, wgss minor
from hawaii
like if shitty and holster were one person and that person was a loud, party-loving lesbian
that is, chaotic. lovable. often inebriated. 
dating fellow team member bailey thompson
used to be a dancer
owns a ridiculous amount of snapbacks
probably has a tiktok. probably also has adhd
would get along with parse
is captain after march & april graduate
bailey thompson ‘16
bio major with a focus in forensic science, criminology minor
loves true crime shows & podcasts
fat & black & fucking stunning
anxious pansexual
similar in personality to lardo (she’s quieter, observant, but genuinely v chill & funny) - her & lardo def get along
collects sunglasses
responsible & a good student but doesn’t always take care of herself when stressed/busy/anxious- kelsey & the team help :)
loves dogs so... fucking... much
sara ‘18
double major in theatre & english
tragically heterosexual, if she wasn’t she’d be dating amanda
wants to write scripts or maybe books or maybe just be on broadway. she has a lot of dreams
shortest/smallest on the team yet fightiest & so loud
yes she’s a soprano. and an only child
loves photography & is proud of having 3000 followers on her hipster photography instagram
used to do ballet
always filming things- her snapchat & insta stories are always full of her teammates being dumb
used to be a 1d blogger, still has a tumblr but it’s just memes and her friends’ selfies 
amanda ‘17
theatre major, art minor
the alto to sara’s soprano, yes they harmonize showtunes on roadies constantly, they are stereotypical annoying theatre majors dsghsjgf
very artistic, loves to draw & paint
is constantly drawing her teammates & sticking doodles in their lockers to improve morale at morning practice
human embodiment of a puppy, like at that stage where they’re tall but clumsy and excitable
trans straight girl
if she wasn’t straight she’d be dating sara
loves platonic kisses & cuddles
molly & mallory class of ????
like if ollie & wicky were also johnson
where did they come from.... when will they go......
both blonde & seemingly omniscient 
no one can tell them apart unless they’re standing right next to each other (molly is a little shorter)
are they dating & just look really similar?? or are they like?? twins???? it’s unclear
mallory’s number is #53 and molly’s is #35 and sometimes they switch jerseys just to be terrible and confuse everyone
jessie ‘19
undeclared major at first bc everything is very exciting to her & she takes all the classes (excitability levels = chowder-esque)
by the time she’s a sophomore she figures out she wants to be a zoology major and be either a vet or a zookeeper
from texas, has a strong accent
weird texas shit: is very proficient at riding a horse, knows how to shoot a gun, had her first drink at 14 and owns 3 pairs of cowboy boots in varying colors (also a cowboy hat but everyone on the team shamed her out of wearing it in public)
thought she was straight until she went to samwell, figures out she’s bi by the end of freshman year
the second shortest/smallest on the team after sara but and similarly loud, altho shier when she’s not around her friends 
when she talks fast she’s indecipherable
has bright red curly hair, freckles, huge brown cow eyes, is just generally adorable
as for how they’re doing now- i don’t think we made hc’s for the class of ‘20 or ‘21 so all these girls have graduated by now! i’ve already written a drabble about kelsey & bailey getting married lol so that’s definitely a thing (they probably had the wedding in 2019). jessie’s in vet school, sara and amanda live together in new york trying to make their broadway dreams happen, and molly & mallory? who fucking knows lmao
i always love talking about them so feel free to send me swv asks anytime!! if you’re thirsting for more here’s my tag and here’s the beautiful fanart! thank u for these asks, writing this up was a lot of fun!! 💖💖💖
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turner-strait · 4 years
omgchckplease replied to your post:  ...
there’s the issue lmao
why do we even go on this shitty-ass website anymore
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bokulikescomics · 4 years
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy and put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged from you!
Ahh alrighty jgdjgdjd
1) Nicely wrapped presents
2) Amusement parks
3) Hammocks/ rocking chairs 
4) Music that gives me the Feels™
5) Pretty architecture
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queerhawkeyes · 4 years
omgchckplease replied to your post “for anyone who relied on everything, please! to read comics + extras...”
thank you!!
you’re welcome! it’s nowhere near as nice as everything, please! but for immediate binge reading purposes it should work lol
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Un mensaje de omgchckplease:  está por ahí el chico de las patatas fritas? cómo ha reaccionado??
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karasunovolleygays · 4 years
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy and put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged from you!
I like:
staying at home for days on end
buttered popcorn
star trek
when you burrow under the covers for the night
hoodies right out of the dryer
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niallsnovia · 8 years
omgchckplease answered your question:SHOULD I CHANGE MY URL
NIALLSBRUJA THO AFSKJSAKL STOPPPPPPPP XDDD (i personally like kinghoron, but that’s also bc i already kno that u)
honestly the only reason i didn’t change my url and avi is because I thought “jercy won’t recognize me”
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bootycap · 8 years
#i have a stuffed dog #after my ex found out about him #he went out and bought a stuffed cat #so my dog (doggy) would have a friend when i'd spend the night #and vice versa -- KDSKASJ THAT'S SO CUTE?????????? DAMN NEED ME A FREAK LIKE THAT (u can ignore this btw i srsly think that's fuckin cute omg)
lmfao we were a very... weird couple. like that’s not even the beginning of it.
i’m glad we’re not together anymore, but we had some fun times :D
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pov, your choice of a zimbits fic :3
(meme link)
Jack, the night of All Manner of Things Shall Be Well (so like technically a sequel but wev):
Coach Bittle returned from the concession with beer and a hot dog in time for the second period to start. He pulled a bag of peanuts out of his jacket and offered them to Jack. “These fit in your diet plan?”
“Thanks,” Jack said, realizing that they actually were a pretty good choice, all things considered, and thought about making a joke to Bittle about protein later; by the time he realized there might be some other meaning to Bittle’s father buying his boyfriend a present, Coach had turned his attention to the ice.
“Your team just scored a touchdown,” Jack said after shift change, when Bittle was off the ice and his father’s attention slackened. Coach Bittle twitched at that, involuntarily patting his pocket. “They’re up 13-3.”
Coach considered that a moment, his eyes on the hockey, then nodded phlegmatically. “They’re a good team. My assistant’s got ‘em in hand.”
Jack tapped the edge of his own phone against the seat back ahead of him, watching Twitter scroll again and tell him that Coach Bittle’s team just pulled off their point conversion. “You didn’t have this conference on your schedule when I visited you in July.”
Coach looked out at the ice again, twitching his moustache and sniffing, then reached out without looking for a peanut. Jack moved the bag so he could take one. “’Til you visited in July,” he said, splitting a peanut and shucking the skin with thumb and forefinger, “I didn’t have a need to be up here this October. But my boy wasn’t talking to me much, so once he left I thought I’d find a reason to be in Boston in the fall.”
Jack took a peanut out of the bag and turned it over in his fingers. “October’s a busy time for a football coach.”
“It is.” Coach looked at him sidelong and raised an eyebrow. “But there’s more important things in life than football. Thought you woulda learned that by now.”
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karasunovolleygays · 4 years
Tagged by @omgchckplease
Name your top 10 fav character from 10 different fandoms (and tag 10 people). They’re not in any order because my crazy pills aren’t strong enough for that kind of critical thought.
Kindaichi Yuutarou - Haikyuu
Furuya Satoru - Daiya no Ace
Fuji Shuusuke - Prince of Tennis
Christophe Giacometti - Yuri on Ice
Worf - Star Trek
Todoroki Shouto - Boku No Hero Academia
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
Zuko - Avatar the Last Airbender
Sasaki Haise - Tokyo Ghoul :re
Nozaki Umetarou - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
I’m not tagging people because it’s late and idek 10 people right now. If you wanna do it, be freeeee!
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plumey · 8 years
omgchckplease replied to your post “yo if y’all play pokemon go what team are you in and why”
if i could play (my phone can't handle it either) i'd be on instinct for the memes and the underdog trope. but tbh i feel like i'm more mystic lol
furiouscuddles replied to your post 
Mystic cause I like blue and water
amy-thystt replied to your post 
team mystic cause i like the color blue, and articuno is my favorite legendary bird :p
missmarsbar replied to your post 
I was gonna be Instinct bc I like yellow but my friends made me join Valor
tacogrande replied to your post
what i’m getting from all this is
pick your fav color or your fav bird or just whatever makes you happy and just go
some people seem to get really worked up over different teams but i prefer the ‘idk it’s my fav color’ method
thanks guys
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tiptoe39 · 8 years
hey tippy how'd you find out poots' name? is it from the latest comic update or in an extra i missed or? just tryna find out--thanks~!
So in 3.8 the announcers refer to "the rookie Fitzgerald" and Tater refers to Poots as "rookie Poots." Now I suppose it's definitely possible that there's more than one rookie, and that Fitzgerald is someone utterly different from Poots. But if I were Ngozi trying to do tight storytelling I'd definitely drop Poots' real name in such a fashion.So tl;dr: I don't KNOW, I just figure. :3
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omgchckplease reblogged your post and added:
in all honesty, i thought this post was talking about bunk beds for a hot second and thought “justin tops, duh, he’s got the bunk already” until i Realized
u sweet summer child bless u
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hELLO ARE THE UPDATES Y'ALL'RE SCREAMING ABOUT FROM PATREON OR DID N POST SOMETHING SOMEWHERE AND I CAN'T FIND IT????? (i'm not a patreon and i'm just wonderin so my soul can be at rest lmao)
Yes! Patreon subscribers get access to a special password-protected blog, and Ngozi posted the updates there a couple hours early. They should be up on the main blog later today.
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