It happened.
Today is my birthday.
Its..It's... odd.
I've been through a lot since the beginning of 2023.
I managed to make some new friends, staying connected to the ones I have (or trying to at the very least), and building the courage and esteem to not think myself as a nuisance when messaging others.
I'm drawing and learning to animate again, attempting to drive, trying to write agai , and become involved in fandoms where I met awesome people and now...
I just want to say thank you. I want to say thank you for being there for me, or even just saying hi on occasion. You guys won't ever know just how much it means to me.
@betasuppe @wolfjackle @princesstadashi @theflyingredrobot @omsrandom @sweatandwoe @patchworkpoison @sabertoothwalrus and many more here.
You guys mean a lot to me, and I want to share that happiness with you guys
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omsrandom · 2 years
Just letting yall know I'm live on twitch if anyone wants to come bother me. I'm doing a 10 generation challenge in sims 4
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cozylittleartblog · 3 years
When Lancer frees Kris, he makes a note that "a wild Mom" caught you! Unsure if it means they're related or he just thinks everyone called/titled Queen is his mother.
see at the time i thought it was just another 'queen looks/acts like a Mom(tm)' joke (of which there are a few in ch2) but now? 🤔🤔🤔 although lancer already seems to confuse the terms 'king' and 'dad' so i mean, that idea would track too
i dont think lancer knows anything (if there's anything to know, that is. although i think it's funnier if the poor boy is oblivious to it all) but its weird that they look similar, laugh similar (queens laugh is just lancers laugh in cursive and you Can't change my mind), have the same penchant for shenanigans, all the aforementioned Implied History(tm) ('new man' implies there was an old man and he's talking to the king🤔), how fast she adopts the kid after rolling into castle town despite lancer still having one (1) not-jailed father (although tbf i can think of a few varying reasons for this, mainly that. she didn't seem to know who rouxls was??), its just. *touches the ground* Something Happened Here. feels like we've got a frame with no picture in it.
im getting way too wrapped up in implied secondary character lore for my own good lmao, as usual. much like kris i too am a puppet but my puppet master's name is ADHD (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
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syndianites · 4 years
I'm playing KOTOR right now! I have the mod that brings back the content that was cut out and I love it.
Right!! I used to play it all the time as a kid, and getting to see all the cut content and do new things was amazing! That game is still close to my heart
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roguelioness · 5 years
omsrandom replied to your post: laraslandlockedblues replied to your post: ...
Am I late to the discussion? I think the biggest thing that helps a lot when it comes to writing is that you’re writing the story for yourself first. If you don’t like how it’s going, you can change it because it’s yours to do just that.
You're not late :)
It's incredibly important that writers write the story *they* want - but so often the case is that writers would also like some validation. Writers do want people to read (and if applicable, to appreciate) what they write - i have no data to back me up on this, but I feel like if published authors didn't have readers, they'd be less motivated to write another story
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💚Green: The strong older sibling type, they’re nurturing and always there when you need them even when you think you don’t and care for you as though they’ve known you all their life.
(Asks from here!)
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la-ro-ki · 5 years
Ohma here and yeah, he did make the connection that they looked similar :3
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pan-kawaii-chan · 5 years
that AU name is such a pun, I love it
awarewolf.... im still not over that i accidentally made a pun vjxjfd
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
Soon... #AngstWar2k18
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Happy Valentines @betasuppe @sweatandwoe @wolfjackle @theflyingredrobot @princesstadashi @omsrandom
I eosh I could of made you all something, so instead I'm sending you my love
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omsrandom · 2 years
I'm live on CozyCoveSMP again! Come join me for shenanigans!
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cozylittleartblog · 3 years
*grabby hands* Gib me unreleased OC content. Name, favorite thing, anything. Tell me about the children who aren't shown off
an extremely fun question but i don't have any ~ * ~ secret OCs ~ * ~ at the moment (': i can talk about some of the characters i hardly use, though - under the cut, because oops long post
first one that came to mind is frankie stein, she's three years old but i only started using her again in june.
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or, well, "started using her again" is slightly an exaggeration, i got really into her for a few days and i haven't actually drawn her since asdlfjkdf. i want more villains so she is supposed to be all the most fun villain tropes - fucked up and evil just for the fun of it, highly theatrical, killer musical numbers, swarms of dumb henchmen with ridiculous names like steve and bill, mildly incompetent so she doesn't get as much done as a "real villain" and just sort of resorts to stabbing people... i mean she's def still a threat and has def killed a lot of people, but. she hasn't taken over the world yet 🤔 hmm.
i was developing her at the same time as the daltons so she was this [-] close to being part of that universe, here's some cut content for u: the group was actually part of tessa's past originally and i was toying with the idea of frankie killing one of them for more than a hot minute >:) but nah she doesn't fit the universe super well and i liked everybody too much
rogue is close to being a secret OC cuz almost all his art either hasn't been posted or was just shared among friends. he's a funky little nonbinary pirate with a passion for annoying people and BFGs (big fucking guns).
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i can't wait to share more of him 🥺 its the first time im actually exploring the 'tessa's friends with a bunch of street rats' thread and he's such a little agent of chaos. i don't think he takes jobs for money as much as he does for the fun of getting to steal things and shoot people with whatever fucked up gun he's invented that week. Stealing Is His Favorite.
come to think of it, finch, audrey, and vanessa all probably qualify as “secret ocs” given i hardly draw any of them and they don’t even have th profiles unlike the above two. finch is dakota’s older brother and he and van are in a rock/punk band together, and audrey is van’s girlfriend. i know the band name and they have a playlist where i keep songs that remind me of what their music would sound like, but i wanna design the rest of the band before i actually draw anything for them. only problem is i don’t really have a story for them, they’re just an extension of another story :V mayhaps some day
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
I have apparently skipped over trying to write that Skyrim story and went straight into learning how to mod while looking at how hard it is to upload mods anywhere. My mind really just said "make everyone hurt 💜 😈"
my brother mods for starbound and it looks like a nightmare, i wish you luck o7
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Hitorinbo Envy
*Laughs evilly* So here is my first fanfic for @omsrandom‘s Angst War 2K18!! I decided to do a fanfic based around a Vocaloid song called Hitorinbo Envy and the AU I picked was @ask-joeydrewstudios. I hope you guys enjoy! 
Also before you enjoy small warning before you read!
Also here is the song: 
AU: @ask-joeydrewstudios 
“Why them?” Alice asked herself. She looked in the distance and sees the workers glaring at one another at each passing day. It was her dad’s entire fault this happened. Since summer started, Joey made new work arrangements to get everything done, but only for it to fail. It stressed everyone to the point of arguing with one another.
Susie and Sammy have been arguing to the point they can break up in a second. Henry had to be put on less coffee, and gets into arguments with Wally and Joey. Her brothers tried to help them, but after Wally hit Bendy and got scolded by Lacie and Thomas and Joey snapped at Boris it became a war zone. Everyone was scolding one another and dropping “its your fault.” Or “just do it and stop complaining!”
These non-stop arguments caused Alice and her brothers to no longer play and just get out of everyone’s way. Especially earlier today, Susie was crying due to the recent argument with Sammy and when Alice tried to ask if she was all right, she smacked her hand and yelled at her to “go away!” Alice gasped at Susie’s action and ran off. Now the little angel was huddling in a small quiet blocking out the recent argument with Norman and Joey.
“They don’t need you anymore.” A voice said.
Alice looked around and saw who said it, but saw no one around. It was probably her imagination or just someone else at the studio having an argument. Alice shrugged it off and silently cried.
As Alice fell asleep she dreamed off all the good times she had with her family and workers at the studio. She remembered playing hide and seek and tag. She remembered when Susie was kind hearted and sweet and even when Sammy gave her compliments for helping him. “Al.” Bendy said snapping Alice out of her thoughts.
“Yes Bendy?” Alice asked.
“You okay? For the past few days you’ve been acting strange.” Bendy replied.
Alice sighed. “Just worried about everybody.” That was Alice’s only response to the whole thing.
“Same.” Bendy replied. “I just wished there was something that could make them stop.”
Alice sighed. “I agree. It would be easy to find some way to end all this fighting.” She thought about it long and hard, but then fell asleep.
“Alice. Alice.” The same voice from earlier said.
Alice woke up and looked around. “Hello!” She whispered. The voice didn’t respond back. The angel sighed and went back to sleep thinking it was all a dream.
The next morning wasn’t anything different. Alice just stayed in the apartment and drew a cute photo of the studio members all happy and smiling. Her happy thoughts were shattered when Joey came into the apartment slamming the door shut.
“I’m done with Henry!” He yelled. Alice looked up and followed Joey to his office as he was writing something down in anger.
“Dad?” Alice asked.
“Alice I’m busy! Leave me alone for a while!” He yelled.
“But I wanted to make sure if you-“
Joey then cut her off slamming his hand on the desk. “ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!” He screamed. Alice flinched and gasped in horror. Her father never yelled at her like this before. Why now? Alice cried and nodded leaving her father alone. Enough was enough for her.
“Where are you going?” Bendy asked as he read a book.
Alice gulped and faced her brother with a small smile, as inky tears went through her face. “Just going out.” She whispered, closing the door.
“You see they don’t need you. They don’t want you.” The voice said.
“Alright! Where are you!?” Alice yelled.
The voice chuckled. “Follow me.” Alice followed the voice stepping to the outside world. She looked around for the voice. “Come on. Closer.” It said. Alice followed the voice to a nearby river. Alice along with her brother were scared of water, but this time she wasn’t. How would water help her?
“Come closer. Closer.” The voice said.
Alice looked hypnotized, like she was being leaded to the river. It was like she was never scared at all seeing the water. Once she steps in all of her worries will be over.
This is it.
This is what she wanted.
Once she took the final step she fell in. The last thing she heard was someone calling her name.
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roguelioness · 5 years
omsrandom replied to your post: omsrandom replied to your post: ...
^ this. Validation is very needed, I’ll admit, but every written story should have at least one guilty pleasure for the author themselves.
Isn't the very story the writer's guilty pleasure? ;)
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