#rolo replies
roguelioness · 5 months
Numbers 6 and 12 from the fanfic asks? 💖
Ahh thank you for the ask seren! ♥
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
I'm not sure, tbh. I have a lot of ideas, but not a complete plot for any of them and I'm always hesitant to start writing a fic when I don't know how it ends. I might try to finish up a partially complete Dragon Age fic - I think the idea is neat and I'm halfway through it so it'll be nice to wrap that up first.
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I'm going to try to edit less in the first draft. I tend to write super slow and struggle during the process because I feel like I have to find the right word/phrase and that holds me back. It'll be nice to have times where I just sit, write, and yeet the fic out without editing lol.
Fanfic asks for the new year
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aq2003 · 11 months
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littlebosslady7 · 7 months
how old are the de rolo children in campaign 3?
Vesper: roughly 29-30 since she was a baby in Dalen's Closet.
Wolfe and Leona: Unconfirmed, but Matt said they looked like teenagers, or about 15 or so. That was going off the official family portrait set 10 years or so pre-campaign 3. So I'd guess they're actually closer to mid-20's
Danny Unconfirmed, but at least to my eye in the portrait he looks 4-5 years older than Gwen. So I'd say 16
Gwen: according to Tal'Dorei Reborn should at least be 12, but Matt keeps playing her like 5-6 or under. I adore Matt LOL
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burr-ell · 3 months
@chaseyesterdays replied to your post “i know people like to wring angst out of percy and...”:
You cannot convince me that as soon as Gwen was old enough to be interested in science Percy didn’t almost vibrate out of his armchair at the prospect of running experiments with her on balance recovery with/without a tail or other fun “I can do this and my parents/siblings can’t” phenomena. You simply can’t.
​percy and gwen together require adult supervision, which includes vesper and definitely does not include grog
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oddthesungod · 1 year
Odd, good sir, might I ask what your opinion on Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III is?
he is a BITCH and I love him SO MUCH
fr tho, i can't explain it but the whole thing he's got going on with him is amazing, i love that he's edgy, i love that he's arrogant, i love that he's a goofy science kid at heart, i love his stupid ass fancy pants long name i'll never memorize, i think it's so funny that he created GUN and will be eternally stressing out over the fact that this put in motion a series of events that brought us to MAD MAX BASSURAS EDITION
i love that "de rolo" in portuguese is just "of roll" so like percy de rolo and patê de rolo are names that make me giggle a bit because it sounds dumb in portuguese
character of all time fr fr
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
part of percy's autism involves him not regulating/catching his body's signals when it needs something. he doesn't recognize he's hungry until he gets lightheaded, he doesn't realize he's thirsty until his throat is parched, he doesn't realize he's hot until he's overheating. so on & so forth. i feel like this also translates to his feelings as well??? if he's angry he gets Totally Pissed Off, if he's happy he's foaming at the mouth with joy, regulating his mind / body is not a forte of his
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bluemoss06 · 2 years
have we considered, once she's revived and in the middle of sorting everything out, Laudna introducing Percy, Vex and Pike to Pate de Rolo?
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random-jot · 1 year
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Hello ! I saw you posted a few gifs about Percy de Rolo from The Legend of Vox Machina. Do you happen to know whumpy fics with him as the whumpee ? I find a lot of angst but not really physical whump
Thank you !
I am deeply, deeply sorry for how long this took me to answer!!! I'm so sorry for the long wait! I hope some of these suit your liking!
A Little Blood by seth_kia Summary: Purely self indulgent Percy whump, with some High Key Friendships (could be romantic if you squint).
Memories That Scar, Can Be Memories Healed by SuperPsych99 Summary: While fighting a witch, Percy gets cursed and ends up trapped in his own mind, forced to relive all his worst memories. So the rest of Vox Machina decides to go into his mind and pull him out. But what will they discover within his memories, and can they save him?
Fever Dreams by Anonymous Summary: Percy has a fever. Or, how Vax and Keyleth heard the Briarwood name long before they came to Emon.
Light at the End of the Tunnel by Erdariel Summary: When a mission to clear out an old tomb goes wrong, Percy is injured and he and Vax find themselves lost in a sprawling cave system with no idea where anyone else is. Can they find the rest of their party fast enough to save Percy, or will they become a meal for the monsters in the caves?
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day(s) by Insomnomaniac Summary: In which what was meant to just be a simple, painless, low-effort job turns into a nearly week long series of unfortunate events, with Percy the unwilling centre of it all, and Vex just doing her best to keep her favourite angsty human alive.
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obaewankenope · 10 months
Some vampire Percy de Rolo please!
Here you go!
Percy has no words. No thoughts. He’s just pressed back against the worktop, barely able to register the feeling of the wood and iron frame.
Askbox | WIP Wednesday Post
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flowersforvax · 2 years
honestly i've seen more people upset at how Percy was super cold to Keyleth and Vex which i personally don't see but whatever
???????? lmao okay
Percival??? Too Cold??? Have people forgotten that we was always a stuck-up standoffish snobby dweeb??? (affectionate)
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roguelioness · 5 months
8 and 20 for the new year fanfic asks!
Thank you for the ask viking ♥
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Putting the answer beneath the cut for HW and SB spoilers:
I've been wanting to try and write something a little darker in tone, and two of the ideas circulating in my head are: - What if the rescue attempt at the Vault went horribly wrong? What if, in her haste to rescue Aymeric, Aly ends up getting captured instead. How would that work out? - What if Aly defeated Zenos in Ala Mhigo, but failed to overcome Shinryu? I would like to at least try writing one of them this year? I like my stories to have happy endings so it'd be a challenge to write something darker and have it end well.
(I'm very nervous about trying to write something like that tbh, I worry about being perceived as twisted or wrong. But the itch is always going to be there so I might as well scratch it!)
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
Oh gods no. I'm nowhere near skilled enough for that!
Fanfic asks for the new year
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
Indeed I am! It’s quite fun! Im excited to see how things continue to play out! I’m still progressing slowly but I can dye my outfits now so there’s that!
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
u usually write fluffy pieces or smut. 😭😭😭 about the angst headcanons for perc'ahlia pls?
When Vesper's 2-3 years old, she does a lot of wandering/toddling around Whitestone Castle. Despite the door supposedly being locked, she stumbles in a room she hasn't ever been in. It's the room where Percy and Cassandra were both tortured in by Anna Ripley. Percy manages to send Vesper up with Trinket. PTSD and memories slam him like a tidal waves. Flashes enter his mind. Old wounds begin to hurt and he's sobbing "No, please, we don't know anything!" Vex finds him. She gasped, "Oh shit no, Percival!" She hesitates to touch him as to not startled him in his already heightened sense of fear. "Percival, hey it's me." He doesn't believe her. She slowly guides one hand over to her heart and the other hand over to the swell of her pregnant belly, he feels the twins move. Percy sighs shuddery and broken, "Vex-Vex'ahlia?" She whispers, "Yes, Darling. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I swear it." And they just stay there on their knees in a long hug.
Vex fears she's going to lose Percy and Gwendolyn. Gwen is almost hypnotically drawn to anything to do with the arcane and/or Ruidus. She steals some residuum invention outside her daddy's workshop. They send the kids looking after her as well, but Percy finds her first in the snow. He hurts his knee on his way down to her permanently. Pike was too busy healing Gwen. At most, they needed to warm up after a no good very cold day.
After they find out from Pike and Sarenrae, of course Percy loves Gwendolyn. But the inventor/tinkerer side of him goes into "How can I fix this? How can I undo this deal, so my daughter won't suffer the fate of being a cursed heir. It's the thought that plagues him. And after four pregnancies, there's a good chunk in Vex's first trimester when Percy's afraid to go near Vex, hold her, be around her and the baby. He's almost scared he'll do more harm than good. And Vex is having her toughest physical pregnancy symptoms yet -- hot spells, fevers, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) level nausea. He's there when one of Vex's ladies' maids advises Lord De Rolo that he take her to the hospital. After a violent bout of vomit over the chamber pot, he holds her hair back after weeks. He tries to apologize, "I'm sorry I just..." There's a heavy silence between them, and Vex mentions, "Tieflings aren't curses. Just ask Zahra." They have a bit of a shouting match about his lack of presence. Vex yells, "Oh for fuck's sake, I don't need you to make any more stupid dealings. I, we, just need you, idiot!"
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jaskierswolf · 1 year
*cracks fingers*
Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski de Rolo III... I fucking love him.
I went into watching TLOVM thinking I would kind of casually enjoy it. Up until that point I had really enjoyed D&D. It makes me anxious to play and I kept convincing myself I was letting the party down if I rolled badly. I never watched Critical Role because the episode are hella long and there is so much content, so I thought it would not be able to hold my focus, but the animated format seemed a lot more accessible to me.
Enter one Percival de Rolo.
I was sure when I heard about the characters that Scanlan would be my love. He's a bard and I'm a known whore for bards. And yet it was the pretty boy with the gun that caught my attention. The Briarwoods arch was fucking phenomenal and the character development in the first series alone was fricking amazing. Every time Percy put down the mask I was so fucking hyped. He was cool. He was angry. He was dangerously hot.
But I was not hyperfixated. No... apparently I was perfectly normal until S.2 came out and Hot dangerous Percy became goofy, nerdy and yet still hot Percy... with the added bonus of me now loving Vax equally as much. And now I'm in rare pair hell and I love them both so much god damn it. I'm going to be cosplaying Percy in October for MCM london.
Rating 100000/10 - He's the current main blorbo so he gets to be top with Jaskier. Unless he prefers to bottom. No judgement here.
Headcanon: Percy messed around on the fishing boats prior to VM but it was all casual sex. It wasn't until the twins that he first understood the meaning of bisexual crisis. It's something that him and Kiki bond over when they are in his workshop together.
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
📕💙 (blue heart to subtley request perc'ahlia ideas but no pressure)
nerkjgnekjrgn message received!! no need to be subtle, if you drop "perc'ahlia" anywhere near me i will immediately go insane about them
send me a book emoji and i'll tell you a fic idea i haven't written anything for yet/won't write for at all
okay so. this is something i’d initially thought of for another au, but decided not to go with - it was a minor detail anyway, just some set up - but since it’s scrapped i can toss it here!! the premise is basically that orthax still has a hold on percy’s soul at the end of the series, despite keyleth’s intervention. (the whole reason i scrapped it is cause i remembered what keyleth did and went “oh shit lol” and had to start over, so i’m just... hand-waiving it. lol) and vex, once she dies, takes her place as champion of pelor in the elysian orchards, and realizes that percy’s not there. it’s been a while, she thinks, so maybe he’s just wandered somewhere, or he’s visiting his family, or he’s visiting other vox members - all these mundane explanations, all ways to distract from her worst fears. 
she goes looking for him through the resting places of vox machina members, and then through other gods’ domains, and finally she goes searching through the abyss to find him. eventually, she finds him in the grasp of orthax - tattered and damaged, but she’s gotten there in time, he’s still whole - and with the power of the sun god, manages to burn orthax enough to pry percy’s soul out of there and leave. and by “burn enough”, i mean she’s basically killed him. he’s done for until he manages to manifest again. 
and then she takes him back to elysium and they live happily ever after in the funny sun orchard <33
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