#on a crowded bus
fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
Was talking to She roommate the other day, saying that I'm pretty sure years of [multiple bad things I did wrong] caused me to have a fucked up left hip, so I've basically forgotten how I'm supposed to walk, and nothing I do seems to be making it adjust to "non-painful walking".
She then asked if I'm "doing silly walks, or more like" and sent me this gif:
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YUP. there it is. How I walk now.
It's shiggy wiggy time
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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38th Street & Fifth Avenue, 1920s.
Photo: NY Historical Society/Getty Images/Gwinnett Daily Post
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korvessa · 1 year
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Face of a guy who successfully tentatively persuaded a guy to join him on his tourbus / a face of a guy who didn’t even need to be persuaded in the first place
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moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
Not to get mushy but. Have you thought about how lucky we all are for being here right now? Like, how many of us struggled so hard before, to the point of nearly giving up? And yet we're here??
What are the odds of a bunch of random weirdos all over the world happen to get into the same bands, and be active in a equally weird, supposedly "dead" social media, at the same time? And just happen to be "just" brave enough to talk to someone, and another one, and another one?
I mean really. Have you thought about it? This just doesn't really happen like that. There's so many of you I consider genuine friends. So many of us that have or will meet irl. Like??? Hello ??? This is crazy!! Genuinely bonkers!!! Idk man, I'm super in my feels and I appreciate tf out of you all.
I mean, wow. How lucky I am to be here right now and be your friend. Yall are so neat and cute and interesting and cool and precious, like WOW. I'm glad we made it so far guys. Let's be alive for a long time 🥹💙
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frankenturrets · 7 months
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come on guys dont blame the trans men for being disgustingly transmisogynistic and forcing trans women out of their spaces :( theyre probably just like reeeally super depressed or something and theyre actually hurting themselves MORE than theyre hurting trans women. this is a normal thing to say. wont SOMEONE please think of the poor transandrophobia truthers in their hour of need
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bastardbvby · 1 year
i can’t wait to see how dream’s movements on stage change between the first and last show of the tour as he grows more confident oooooh my baby like we literally get to watch his presence grow over the next two weeks
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yellowaugustnights · 2 months
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lottieurl · 10 days
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wam-my · 3 months
Tsp Roadtrip YIPPEEE:3!!
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I am so hyped guys
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ratatatastic · 3 months
on this episode of the finn bus antics...
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as you can see the crowdwork power is certainly not getting to their heads i promise you
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2 finnish cats? no surprise! theres 3! theres 3 of em! 3 finnish cats! call that a basket of kitties or alternatively huddle in the giants arms of warm love because it is still raining and he provides shelter in this cold
also mikksy shouting LETSGOOOO and lundy trying to pump up the crowd god never seperate any of them from each other or i will CRY
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when i tell you lundy and mikksy are the clearest example of monkey-see monkey-do i have ever seen in my life and they both switch off on whos the leader of the antics at any point in time... like lundy starting the beer splashing and mikksy following his lead only for mikksy to throw the can into the crowd with lundy following suit 😭😭😭 the braincell unfortunately pingpongs widly between them at any given moment and we never know where its gonna land like a terribly awful pachinko machine
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BARKY BARKY BARKY!!!!! no one will get more hype than lundy himself when it comes to sasha!!!! all hail sasha!!! mama cat absolutely amused and maybe a little exasperated with baby cats antics lmaoo kills me that lundys more excited about the barky chants than sasha himself bouncing around like a little bunny
i think everyone should greet sasha by chicken bowing to him aggressively actually
Panthers Championship Parade | 6.30.24 (x)
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puppyeared · 1 year
I hate the taste of blood but I will acquire a taste for it if I have to
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doodlebeeberry · 3 months
ppl should put amelia in really banal situations more. she is going to the post office. she is eating a burger. she is on a crowded bus. that stuff
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smimon · 5 months
What if I just report my adventure here lol
09:00 Kaufland Warszawa - Wola: yes oddlygood, no Käärijä 🙁
Surprise Bonus Joker Out - the market is right next to Progresja!
Stay tuned for more
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mitamicah · 6 months
Vem da Greš from Filmstudion, Göteborg 03.16.24 (mostly here because I still cant believe I got this good a spot without early access 🥹)
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Figured Id post this
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dionysus-complex · 4 months
as a (perhaps self-evident) corollary to that post about transportation and experience of space, these things are very much written on the geography of the city - i.e. a metro area like, say, Los Angeles or Phoenix is designed as a network of islands linked by major freeways and travel corridors (which lines of public transportation tend to parallel) and simply cannot be experienced in the same way as a more condensed and walkable city, or one with an extensive subway network. and while this fact (rightly) seems to fill people with vitriol, I do think it’s also a source of misunderstanding that leads people to call them cultural wastelands or whatever when they’re just distributed on a different geographical scale
I guess that is to say that we all have to live with the bones of the cities we’re given and expecting Los Angeles or Phoenix to be Seattle or New York is a fool’s errand - but perhaps there’s a path to a more livable Los Angeles or Phoenix that lies in expanding the human-scale islands that do exist and supporting urban forestry to fight extreme heat and working to make public transportation free, safe, and accessible to all. obviously it’s tempting to throw up one’s hands in frustration (I do it all the time!) and fantasize about moving elsewhere but rather than the stock “why would anybody want to live in Phoenix/LA” complaints I wonder if there’s a rhetoric that appreciates them for what they are and is committed to making them livable versions of themselves
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