#on a note i also find the idea of entrapta THINKING she understands emily or projecting speech onto her
sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
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Hell yeah, some drawings from tonight!!!
1. @phosphoricbomb has been working on a Gem AU for Spop. She asked me to make a Catrapta fusion!!! I think Catrapta would be a bit of a mess, especially early on - fusions emphasise the overlapping components of their parts, so Catrapta is a wild child who likes to toy with her opponents and blow things up with a Detachable Spiderbot Morningstar, but she also deals badly with rejection, even by... yknow... the people she is toying with. She's misguidedly trying to impress them. I think that Catra and Entrapta's intentions have only limited control over the decisions of this fusion, like Sugilite (or Gotenks), even if they have a clear plan it doesn't go past the fusion stage.
2. This shining star is the Bowdora fusion!! Kim has a LOT of thoughts on Gem Bow specifically, ill hold back from saying much on him, but I think if Bow and Adora fused, their overlapping traits would also be emphasised... and Bowdora would be a super hero!!! I may even add a moustache in, this character is literally like 80's Bow and She-ra, a standard cat-saving superhero who takes advantage of their enormous powerset to take down enemies. I think Bowdora is a mostly stable fusion, but can start panicking when they're failing to protect their friends, especially if Glimmer or anyone close gets hurt!!!
I had this incredible concept for a terrifyingly string Glimscorp fusion but I need to work on her design before I can share.
3. Sleepy pal trio! Well, sleepy Entrapta and Catra. I cant tell if Scorpia is happy or if she feels stung and left out, like Marcy Wu. I think Scorpia would feel like shes doing something wrong if her friends came back from space and were more comfortable around each other than with her.
4. On a similar note, it would be hilarious and tragically fitting if Emily was the one character who couldn't forgive Catra. Like, i think of everyone, Emily may have seen the worst consequences of Catra's behaviour. She lost one friend, and watched another suffer, and was threatened with destruction just for being who she is. Also i may have been reading too much sweary shera.
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magical-girl-coral · 4 years
et any more than ten notes, but fuck it, here are the reasons why Entrapta should have been kidnapped instead of Catra :
Catra's redemption would have felt more well earned - if Catra was trying to find a way to help Glimmer and Entrapta, then her change would seem more legitimate. She already showed signs of guilt through her nightmares of what she did to Entrapta. Instead of falling to her old ways like in Prime's ship, she would most likely go through a complete 180 and almost kill herself while trying to prove her worth. Imagine Catra trying to befriend Emily and Imp so they could find a way to save Entrapta, putting aside her past grievances with them so they could signal Entrapta on Prime's ship. Maybe Imp was the one collecting robot bits, so they could give it to Entrapta once they find her. Maybe Emily showed one of Entrapta's old recordings before she was sent to Beast Island for the sake of filling the empty space she left. The possibilities are endless.
Making the princesses look more justified in their anger - The princesses' ableism was handled terribly. There is no way around this. Neurotypicals obviously wrote episode two, and it shows*. However, once you replace Entrapta with Catra, their anger, hostility, and Scorpia's timidness make way more sense. Mermista's rage especially makes the most sense since Saelinas was the kingdom was fell first thanks to Catra and Hordak. Instead of making all of our favorite characters, ableist assholes, this plotline makes them more human. The power of friendship can only run so far, after all, and every single princess is allowed to have a breaking point in trust. 
It would showcase Entrapta's real priorities - For most of the show, both fans and characters see Entrapta as someone who would never care about anything other than tech. Now, if that were true, then Entrapta would have no problem joining Prime's side. But that's not what would happen. Instead, Entrapta would unleash hell on Prime's ship without Prime even noticing. Sending signals to Etheria and new tech designs, helping Glimmer escape and sending her back to the Best Friends Squad, all while showing zero hesitation. Entrapta loves tech unconditionally until it starts to mess with her friends.
It could show ableism correctly through Prime with how he would treat Entrapta - This is my scenario of how Entrapta ends up on Prime's ship (please tell me if you have anything better): Prime, after looking into Hordak's memories, sees a young and brilliant scientist. Prime decided to show her his ship, trying to seduce Entrapta into improving his tech while convincing her that a 'defective, retarded, emotionless' Etherian like her could never truly be great, so she might as well give up now. He would touch without her consent and shame her for turning his "affection" away. Instead of falling to his manipulations, Entrapta realizes that he is afraid of her. She's biologically different then most Etherians, and Prime doesn't know how to control her. That gives her the final push of courage she needed to have to go behind Prime's back and rescue Glimmer. By making Prime ableist instead of the princesses, the show tells us how ableist is bad and disables people deserve more respect (I know that most of the show's fans are above fifteen, but with how the fandom has been acting, they deserve to be taught like children).
It would give a parallel 'be careful what you wish for' between Entrapta and Catra - At the start of the series, all Entrapta wanted was to see more advanced tech, and all Catra wanted was to see Etheria conquered. They both got exactly what they wanted, and their lives couldn't be worse. 
A chipped Entrapta breaking free from the hive mind because of her autism would be awesome - That's it. That's the pro. I'm incredibly desperate for more good autism rep, and this would be amazing.
Catra and Adora bonding while in space would be excellent for both characters - As much as I love the angst from chipped Catra, it feels more like fanservice now. At the end of the day, it felt like Catra and Adora didn't bond enough to have a solid devolvement in their relationship. This could change if they went to space together with Bow. Instead of spending just half of the last season together, they spend the next eleven episodes bonding in the insanity of their situation. It would also allow more time for Catra to understand Adora's abuse under Shadow Weaver. By forcing those two into a close space in the middle of nowhere, they would have no choice but to confront the other about their issues. And speaking of much-needed bonding time.
Glimmer would get a chance to face Catra about Angella's death - If there is one thing I will never forgive season five for, is forgetting Angella's death.  It was Glimmer's main motivation to take more action against the Horde, it was what almost drove Micah to despair, and it was the final nail in the coffin for Adora, making her stop taking the blame for everything and take Catra's threat to the world more seriously. But then season five happened and they just... forgot about her? She was never mentioned again because if she were mentioned, Catra would look bad, and Glimmer would have a reason to hate her. But if Glimmer were to meet Catra again outside of Prime's ship, with all the trauma she went through there, she would definitely take out on Catra (kind of like how Katara took out her anger on Zuko after he joined the gang).
Hordak would join the Best Friend Squad early after they save Entrapta and would get more devolvement as a result- If you think for one second that Hordak won't abandon Prime after what he did to Entrapta, then you haven't been watching the same show. I don't know how he joins the BFS. Maybe Catra tried to find him to fix her mistakes**, maybe he finds them by accident and remembers some of the past events as a result, or maybe he was one of the clones that witnessed chipped Entrapta and got a wake-up call. Either way, he wouldn't sit back and watch Prime continue to ruin his only friend's life. This would give him more screen time to show his backstory more clearly, give more sympathy for the clones along with a better redemption arc. And finally, the most crucial point.
Catra's growth would be more consensual - Most of Catra's maturity seemed to be out of her control. She helped Glimmer because she felt like no one wants her anymore. She had her hair cut because Prime wanted her to look more tamed. She was buddy-buddy with Glimmer and Bow because the plot says so. Nothing that happened this season seemed to be with Catra's consent, which made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Instead of watching Catra go through glorified torture porn, imagine her changing from her own free will. She cuts her because her hair reminds her of how Shadow Weaver's hair looked wild when she was angry. She changes clothes because she didn't want to wear her crown anymore. She goes to space with Bow and Adora because she wants to do good with her life, and is tired of being the mean old bully she was never meant to be. Doesn't this seem more satisfying?
*here, here, here, here and here are some metas about why Entrapta’s treatment was written terribly. I’m too tired to explain myself, and these posts tell the show’s problems better then I could
** I really like the idea of Catra finding the Luvd crystal and returning it to Hordak as a way apologize for how she has separated them. It would also be a cool parallel to all the times she took the crystal out of Hordak’s suit.
Edit: holy shit, there were so many typos here. Why didn’t any of you guys tell me?
Double edit: soooooo... I may or may have not written a fic...that you can read here...please support me, my brain is begging for more serotonin.
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marcirose · 5 years
Season 4: Holy Shit
Yo season 4 was wild.
Okay let me start off by saying that I originally thought Glimmer learning from ShadowWeaver was going to be a bad idea, but now I realize that that wasn’t the case and Glimmer fucked up on her own. I understand why but she still fucked up. It was only after Glimmer started doing her bullshit later in the season where I was like “Oh, ShadowWeaver doesn’t have control.”
Secondly, we all knew Micah was alive. We called it when s3 ended.
Thirdly, we all knew Entrapta was alive somewhere on Beast Island because we know she doesn’t die so easily. I love her, and I missed her.
On that note, one of the major things I wanted was for Hordak to find out Catra lied to him about Entrapta and for him to beat her ass when he did. I’ll just say I am SO GLAD he found out because seeing him believe Entrapta had betrayed him broke my heart because you knew how much he cared about her. His tears almost put me in tears.
Double Trouble. Just Double Trouble. I love them so much. They’re a little shit but I love them.
I knew there was something off about Light Hope since season 2, and I had a feeling that there was more to what Mara did than what we were let on, and we got more of that in s3. Honestly, I’m super happy with how the twist turned out, but I still want to learn more about the First Ones. The whole fucking Mara episode had my jaw on the floor.
My son Kyle almost fucking died, but I’m also super glad he, Lonnie, and Rogelio got the hell out of there. I was just waiting for them to realize not that they were on the wrong side, but that Catra wasn’t the same person they knew and they needed to get away. Also I saw bags under Kyle’s eyes. Let my son sleep.
Seeing Catra have a mental breakdown when she realized she was alone was tear-jerking but satisfying to see. And it was even more satisfying when DT called her out on her bullshit. They really went “I don’t give a flying fuck about your past. Everything that’s happening right now is on you.” And DT was right: It was for her own good to hear that. Last season made me doubt a possible redemption arc for her, but now I’m more open to it.
And finally, Horde Prime better be ready to catch these hands. He really did a factory reset on Hordak and I don’t even want to IMAGINE what he would be like. And no, I don’t think Catra and Glimmer are going to ally with Horde Prime. I think they’re going to work for him out of survival and also find a way to get the hell out of there and back to the others.
But overall, this season was amazing. I would say it’s the best season atm. I had to watch it in pieces since today was one of my busy days, but I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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