#on the positive side. I cant wait to wear my binder out more often
tvmblrsillyman · 1 year
just realized the new ui is mobile/tablet friendly first and foremost ):
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idontknowwhyibite · 8 years
I wrote a thing
Slight TWs tho such as: Unsafe binding, implied self harm. Suicide.
[[ yes. its one of those. anywho, sit back and enjoy. iw rote this at 3am last night  . ]]
There's monsters in Tyjo's room.
The monsters under your bed that scratch at the sides, where the claw peeks out of from under it and tries to grab onto you and drag you into a dark abyss of nothingness. There's a man in the corner with a disfigured face, dead bodies on the floor and blood is leaking from the ceilings and the floor, and the loud sound of the man with the disfigured face cackling is caving in on him.
He can't breathe, his eyes are bloodshot and he can't stop himself from shaking. He tries to tell himself they aren't real, it's just his psychosis.
Sometimes he and Olly text eachother, Olly often catches Tyjo  in the middle of his psychosis and tries to calm him down by soothing him with reassuring texts. Tyjo sends pictures of them, hoping he'd see it all but Olly swore he saw nothing. But they were still visible in the pictures Tyjo sent and it terrifies him even more.
Olly - 3:30 A.M They're not real, breathe. You're safe.
Tyjo I can t br eathhe READ 3:32 A.M
Tyjo lays there still shaking, eyes wide and watering as he brought his hands up to his face, his vision blurred as he slipped in and out of conscience. He let out a pained yelp as he felt a stabbing sensation in his chest and he shot up in his bed, clenching his hand over his chest and pulling the blanket up to bury his head in it as he quietly whispered to himself repeatedly "Go away, Go away, Go away"
He then saw the faint light of his phone light up, and the vibration against his leg. He shakily grabbed it and stared at it, although his vision was pretty messed up right now, he could still make out the text Olly had sent.
Olly - 3:33 A.M Ty?? babe?? dont let them get the best of you. please. fight them. you can do it. you've done it the last few nights.
Shaking fingers tapped at the illuminous keyboard, as his eyes shifted about the room, the disturbing images becoming more clear as the minutes went by.
Tyjo ij canth i cant vsee straigt olly hlpme oyly READ 3:34 A.M
Tyjo hid under his covers, bringing his phone with him and holding it close to his chest, breathing ragged and heavy.
He didn't sleep that night. They go away in the morning and Olly and Tyjo are exhausted.
Tyjo is a burden. ----------- The next morning the boy stood outsdie the record store, with a vanilla latte in hand. He had purposely forgotten to get a cover for the cup to stop it from scalding his hands through the cardboard. His fingertips are red and stinging from the heat.
It was raining today, and Tyjo feels uncomfortably wet. His hoodie is soggy and his jeans are too tight, and not to mention the binder he had been wearing for six days had started to constrict his chest. It hurt to breathe and reminded him of that guy with a messed up face suffocating him, but he didn't want to take it off. He'd have to eventually. He hasn't showered in days. He doesn't tell Olly. Olly arrived shortly after with a red umbrella, his icy eyes locking onto his short lover, a concerned look in his eyes as he stepped closer so they could share the umbrella, Tyjo looked at him briefly, then back at the window of the record store.
In it was a large vinyl disk with 'The Rolling Stones' written in red permanent marker. The red colour reminded him of the blood soaking his walls last night. He squinched his eyes shut and pushed it to the back of his head.
Olly finally spoke.
"How're you feeling today?" he questioned, his free hand resting on the smaller boy's shoulder.
"I don't know." Tyjo says quietly, voice hoarse. "It was him again."
"The guy.."
"The guy with the disfigured face, yes." Tyjo sighed, shoulder slumping. Ignoring the pain from his binder.
"We need to come up with a name for him, you know."
Tyjo thought for a moment, he's already given the guy a name. Two. It just fits, but he hated being called that. Always made Tyjo hurt himself whenever he called him it.
"Like what?" he asked, looking up at the taller man.
"Uh... I 'unno, Blurryface?"
Tyjo shook his head. "That sounds dumb."
"It's supposed to. Make it less scary."
Tyjo almost smiles. "Alright. We'll call him Blurryface."
When they get through the door of Olly's apartment, Tyjo feels a sharp pain in his chest.
He tries to make it unoticeable, but he can't move.
"Could I maybe lie down?" He asks, trying desperately to keep his voice calm. "Go ahead," Olly said, before stopping to look at him. "Hey, are you okay?" "I'm really tired," Tyjo says, collapsing onto the couch. Which was a bad move, since the collision sends his ribs into agony.
"Me too." Olly states, sitting down on the couch beside him where Tyjo was sitting in an awkward position. "We were up until 4 last night."
Tyjo felt guilt wash over him, it was his fault Olly was so exhausted.
"I'm sorry.." he said quietly, looking away. Olly waved it off. "It's okay." It isn't okay, Olly is extremely tired.
More stabbing pains in Tyjo's chest, he unintentionally yelps, gritting his teeth afterwards. "Ty seriously - what's wrong? Did you hurt yourself again last night?"
"No - it's not that Olly - it's nothing -"
"Tyjo Anderso-"
"Olly. No." The way Tyjo's voice sounded made Olly skeptical, he's heard that before. He knows because Tyjo used to bind unsafely as a teenager. Olly frowned, looking at Tyjo as his chest only got worser.
"You need to get that binder off."
"No." Tyjo huffed, his tone stern and stubborn.
"Ty. Take it off." Olly sighed, placing a hand on the boy's broken body. "Please.." Tyjo attempts to sit up, tears in his eyes from the pain. His breathing grew heavy and more wheezy, which made Olly worry even more. He helped Tyjo get his hoodie off, and the sight made Olly go pale in the face.
Tyjo's arms and stomach are covered in uneven scratchy cuts,  and the occasional burn or self inflicted bruise, but Olly had seen all these before. What really caught him off guard was his binder, it was homemade out of duct tape and bandages, it dug into the boy's skin leaving red friction marks. No wonder Tyjo couldn't breathe.
Tyjo almost rips it off him, and Olly feels sick.
"Can I have my hoodie back now?" Tyjo  asks. Olly is quiet, he slowly handed him his hoodie. Face still pale. As Tyjo was attempting to get his hoodie back on, Olly reached his hand out. "Wait. Before you do. Take that binder off."
"But -"
"I want to be able to hold you without harming you."
He had a point. Although even without the binder it'd hurt. But he was right. Reluctantly, Tyjo  went to take it off, but Olly insisted. Slowly, Olly began to peel the bandages off, then the tape, he was very gentle and Tyjo was grateful for that. Olly glanced up at him, his eyes asking if he's okay. Tyjo nodded, and once Olly got it all off, he let Tyjo get his hoodie back on.
"Listen I-"
Tyjo raised a brow and shifted closer. "I'm going to get you something for your birthday.."
Tyjo smiled, "Oh?"
"Your parents won't find out because it's from me. I'm going to get you an actual binder."
Tyjo blinked, eyes wide "But-"
"No buts. I don't want you to suffer anymore. Now come here."
Tyjo felt tears well up in his eyes, but this time they were of happiness and relief, Olly grabbed him and gently pulled him into a warm hug, kissing his cheek gently. "I love you, okay? even if you keep me up at night. It's not your fault." Olly whispered, rubbing the back of the boy's hair.
"Just," Olly pulls back. "Don't harm yourself anymore..please?"
"I promise."
With teary eyes, Olly enveloped the smaller male into his arms, and clenched his eyes shut. “I love you.” was all Tyjo could whisper .
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