#as fun as mindlessly scrolling through this site
tvmblrsillyman · 1 year
just realized the new ui is mobile/tablet friendly first and foremost ):
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Hello!! Sorry if I'm late, but congratulations on graduating high school! Can I request Jeff the killer x fem reader. Where Jeff thought the reader was another weak victim but then ended up getting his butt kicked by her. Slow burn since the reader doesn't trust him. Tyy ❤️ hope you get into the colleges/university you want!!
awwwww thank you!! Everyone of y’all are really too sweet, I really appreciate you all 🥰
!Split between Headcanons and fic? I hope that’s ok? And I might do I part 2? Where he confesses ofc ofc ????
Jeff the Killer x Reader who beat his ass
Bro, he just wanted a kill
that was it
but no
jk jk, I support readers beating Jeff’s ass
he snuck in one night, hoping to get in a quick kill and steal some money
he was running a little low on money and he owed BEN some
and your apartment just happened to be there
sneaking in, Jeff could hear the tv running
there you were, sitting in the small living room with a bowl of cereal in hand
Quick and easy, slit your throat from behind and be done
but no
he approaches, you turn around and throw the bowl at him
he’s angry, ofc
tries to kill you
Epic fail
You beat him up
Small little fic under the cut
Jeez, there was nothing good on TV. You scrolled through channels mindlessly, eventually ending up on some cheesy horror movie. You sat and ate a bowl of cereal, eyes glued to the TV. Completely unaware of the cheap Joker knock-off breaking through your front door.
Jeffrey was in desperate need of a little bit of cash. He owed BEN, who was getting impatient with Jeff about the money. So, what’s the plan? Break into a random apartment, kill a victim or two, steal the money, and pay BEN back. Simple, right?
Wrong. Very, very wrong.
Breaking in was easy enough, picking the lock and making sure to stay quiet. Jeff had done this plenty of times, he was an expert. He glanced around the little walkway, noting the shoes thrown about and keys on the table by the door. The TV caught his attention however. You were awake, which could prove an obstacle for him. Oh well, no matter.
Stalking into the apartment, Jeff grabbed his favorite knife. Quickly going to slit your throat, he was not ready for what came next. Something wet hit is face, along with small pellets? Then, a large bowl smacked him square in the forehead.
“Oh what the hell?!” He swore out, not paying attention to you running off. He looked at the ground, seeing milk and cereal everywhere. You threw a fucking bowl of cereal at him?!? What the hell?!?!
You heard him come in the moment he began to mess with your locks. Preparing the milk assault, you were ready for him. You dashed off, sprinting to your room to grab a small army knife and slip out the window. A fire escape would be easy and maybe you wouldn’t have to fight this guy head on.
Spilling into your room, you grabbed the knife sitting in your nightstand before whipping around. The man, maybe 6 feet tall, stood in the doorway, knife held tightly.
“You do not know who you’re messing with,” he threatened. Getting a good look at his face, a small chuckle left you. That pissed him off even more.
“Why do serious?” You asked, laughing. This joker knock-off really wanted to threaten you? Bitch please, you were just going to make fun of him. Not another word was spoken as he charged at you, knife held high. You dodged and ran out of the room, heading toward the front door. He yanked your hair back just as you turned the corner.
“Got anymore jokes?” His smile grew impossibly wider.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” a shadow covered your face, “I’m Batman.” You dropped your voice low, a smirk making its way to your face. You stomped on his foot, wiggling free. You took off once more, throwing open the front door. Running out the door, you jumped down the stairs and sprinted across the parking lot to your car. Finally turning around, the killer was no where in site. What the fuck?
A few hours later and the police had swept your small apartment. No trace of the killer was found, but a destroyed apartment that would take hours to clean up. The police got your statement and left, which left you alone to pick up the cereal and milk. You were angry, of course, and slightly afraid. Would he return? With a vengeance? You giggled at the word “vengeance”, remembering the Batman references you made.
A sick and twisted part of you hoped he returned.
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I've been lurking on this blog for a while, and really enjoy your stuff. Could I get some headcanons for Blitz, Stolas, Striker, and Fizz/Ozzie with their S/O infodumping to them about theatre?
Reaction to their S/O info dumping about the theatre
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It was date night, you and Blitz were getting ready for a fun night in, you already curled up on the couch with your drinks.
Loona was out at some party so that apartment was all yours~
You were on the couch as Blitz prepared your snacks, while you looked for a movie on HellFlix.
And youd been looking for a few minutes, but simply put, it was all shit.
Blitz rocked up with treats and even more Liquor. Handing you your drink. You told him your shared plight. "Nothin fuckin good on this shit. Why do we even pay for this?"
Blitz took a swig, telling you simply. "We don't. I saw our neighbour put in his code so now we got it."
You let out a little 'Huh', taking a drink from your bottle.
Youd sit beside each other a while longer, mindlessly scrolling through the various bootleg and herendously bad TV shows.
And not even, so bad their good, type of bad.
Just bad.
So, scrolling through the site a while longer, before Blitz perked up. Getting up, he rushed up, running to his jacket, he grabbed something out before rushing back, jumping onto the couch, almost knocking everything over.
Setting down, he held up a DVD case. "Here! Moxxie said you'd like this!"
And upon seeing it, you utterly beamed.
Snatching it up, you found a genuine addition of The Fantom of the Opera, produced by none other then lord Belzebub, the production said to be the most exclusive and high class in the History of Hell.
You giggled like you just gone mad before abruptly going on a tangent, describing everything you'd heard. How it revolutionised how Sinner operas were perceived in Hell. How it legitimised Hellborne actors in once highly exclusive industry.
It was so good, Lucifer himself witnessed a production. And after that the human operas became a hot topic, so much so Demons on every ring began to emulate it.
You just went on and on, going on and on about the history of the theatre in Hell.
Blitz for his part, just got comfy, turning to you as he grabbed his snack.
You told him your favourite operas and what you loved about them, telling him everything and anything you could think of.
You went on for hours, you going on and on and on.
Blitz didnt really care, he just enjoyed the show, the Imp smiling at you as you just gushed over the opera.
Now, Blitz didn't really know shit about Opera, although he did love the Theatre, just not enough to actually learn about it in a historical context.
But seeing you so passionate. Seeing you gush over something you clearly loved so much.
Just seeing you like that in your own little world. Hell, he could listen to you spouting on about damn near anything, just so long as it made you happy.
You went on for a long while, blabbering on until you heard Blitz yawn.
And youd pause, feeling a little insulted and well, sad that he'd yawn about something you care about.
Blitz was an ass for sure, but he wasn't the sort to just insult something you loved like that.
Blitzø, seeing this, quickly assured you he wasn't being a smart ass, it's just, well, you'd even talking for so long.
And that'd when you realised how late it had gotten. You'd been talking for what was likely hours, the TV having turned off from inaction.
Youd blush, scratching your cheek before apologising.
At that Blitzø just chuckled, moving forwards and leaning close, kissing you on the nose. "You don't need to apologise, I think it's sexy when you talk about something you like~" He finished, giving you that little grin he always got before he made a move.
And that's what he did, sliding his hand from your chest, down to your hip, eyes never leaving yours.
You just smiled, leaning in you'd kiss the Imp. The kiss quickly breaking into a heated make out session.
Your kissing would only become more heated as Blitzø slid his hands up your shirt, the kissing getting even more heated.
It'd be just as Blitzø removed his shirt that Tha apartment door slammed open.
Blitzø, on instinct, shot up, pistol in hand. Only... for it turn out to be Loona.
The girl walked in, stopped briefly to stare at the both of you in your dishevelled state, she deadpanned. "Grose." She cringed, walking away and slamming the door to her room.
Blitzø, lowering his pistol, sighed, turning back to you. There was several moments of Silence before you both burst into laughter.
The both of you curled up on the couch, and after a few moments Blitzø looked around, telling you. "Ya know, if we're careful, I bet Loona won't hear us?" He purred, hand sliding down your chest.
You blushed, looking over at the girls door, "Are you sure she won't be able to hear us?"
Blitzø just smirked. "I'm sure~"
And just as you kissed him, your arms around his neck as his hands slid down your side... the mood was instantly killed when Loona shouted very loudly. "I CAN STILL FUCKING HEAR YOU!"
And with that, Blitzø sighed, collapsing atop you, the two of you just curled up together, giggling as you snuggled, kissing his cheek, the two of you getting comfy, content to drift off together.
"Love you Blitzø~" you told him, surprised at how tired you are.
Blitzø just chuckled, kissing you before telling you softly. "I love you too (Y/N)."
The two of you happily drifting off, curled up in each other's embrace.
Stolas, being the man of means he was, could afford the finer things In life.
Like, say, the theatre.
And what do ya know, that's just where you were. You were naturally ecstatic, practically vibrating with joy as he suspected you would be, given you made it plain that you loved the theatre.
Stolas loved this of course, he loved seeing you so happy, and he knew you loved the theatre, so he made sure to take you on a regular basis.
And it'd be as you walked out after a show, you utterly gushing over it that you'd do one of his favourite things.
Youd Go on and on about your favourite parts of the play. Telling him in detail your favourite parts and aspects if the show.
Stolas for his part just let you go on, accompanying you our of the theatre and to his private limousine.
He'd just patiently sit there, happily watching you as you went on and on about the theatre, face lighting up as you discussed it.
Of course, by 'discussed' I mean he sat their patiently, happily listening to you.
You spouted out a thousand 'fun facts' about the opera or theatre, many of which he'd already heard a hundred times.
Not that he was complaining.
He loved seeing you like this. All excited and passionate. You were adorable.
So he'd just listen, a warm smile across his face as you went on and on and on. The owl adoring your passion for the art.
Youd eventually turn to him, the owl just sat there when you realised were rambling, and after blushing, you apologised.
To that Stolas just chuckled, pulling you close as he told you he adored how passionate you were.
You, blushed, warmly cupping his face as you shared a tender moment, the owl giving you a kiss, something you warmly returned.
He'd hold you close the rest of the ride home, holding you to his fluffy chest. The two of you wrapped in a loving embrace.
Striker didn't care about the theatre.
I mean, sure, he could respect the art on some level. But mostly, he saw it as a waste of energy, especially when you could be out there working.
Like him.
But with you, he would find a greater appreciation for the time and energy that went into it.
And trust me, you made sure he knew how gruelling the theatre was.
It would be in your anniversary, the Imp having booked you tickets for an actual production, the serpant like Imp having carefully listen to your rambles and booked a ticket to your favourite show.
He had no interest in it, really, but the look on your face when he showed you those tickets, Hoo! It was worth every cent.
So, getting all dressed up, the cowboy would escort you to the theatre, and the entire time, you gushed about the production.
He didn't mind. If anything it was adorable seeing you so excited. He rarely saw you This excited about anything.
So it was a nice beginner to the night.
The show itself was great, but even better was your commentary.
Youd give him little details and 'fun facts' throughout the entire show.
Honestly, he didn't give a shit about the show. Had zero interest in watching a bunch of prissy pricks pretending to be some sinner or dead prick from centuries ago.
But watching you gushing and prattling on about the history and rise and fall of certain theatre systems.
It was very cute.
And sure you were getting the occasional glare, or hush from the other theatre goers.
Not that he'd gave a shit, but seeing you so happy, dumping on him what should have likely been a years worth of overpriced histery lessons, in the span of a few hours, it was fun.
You walked out of that theatre, you still yabbering on about your thoughts and notes on the production you'd barely watched.
Striker just smiled, happily listening to you ramble, as he walked you home.
And even then, when you walked into your apartment. Or more accurately, 'safehouse', you still rambling on as he poured you some drinks. And even curled up on the couch you continued, Striker happily listening.
But, after a long while, you stop, seemingly finally reaching the end of your train of thought. You'd sit there, realising you'd just spent hours rambling over the theatre instead of, well, just enjoying it.
And realising that you hadn't let him get a word in, you'd timidly apologise. Just for Striker to chuckle, tail curling around you as he pulled you close.
He'd tell you he didn't mind, he loved seeing you so happy, and didn't give a shit if you rambled on, just so long as you were happy. So was he.
Youd just give a wiggly little smile, you'd kiss him, thanking him for putting up with you.
Striker would just release a hearty, chuckle as he kissed you again, curling his spiked tail around you.
Fizzaroli & Asmodeus
Being in a relationship with the two of these idiots meant a lot of things.
Firstly: lot and lots of sex.
Secondly: beging surrounded by lots and lots of Sex.
Thirdly: you had access to the highest quality... well everything.
You were in a relationship with a literal Sin and his right hand Imp. And as such, no pleasure was off limits, something the Sin would remind you every chance he got~
And luckily enough, one of your favourite pleasures was the theatre.
Asmodeus had a fondness for the theatre himself, Fizz less so, the cybornetic Imp thinking it was borning.
Although his favourite productions were usully borderline pornographic, probably the only times Fizz was actually engaged.
Still, you had a mutual appreciation, even if you appreciated different aspects~
Of course, you rarely got to really appreciate it as either Fizz or Asmodeus would usually do their best to get in your pants doing... very devious acts on you before it even begins.
But on a few occasions you'd actually get to watch the production unhindered, and well, to put bluntly, they were essentially your captured audience.
Now, neither of them really cared, seeing you ramble on for an hour anf half about the theatre was just a prelude to more intimate night.
If they weren't already doing something dirty as you rambled.
But more often then not, they'd just enjoy seeing you blabber on about the theatre. Word vomiting countless facts and trivia about the industry, listing of every though and opinion you had on the subject.
And yeah, Asmodeus didn't have to endure this, he was a busy Demon after all, he could be doing anything else with his time.
But despite himself, he just loved watching you gushing and brag and adore the theatre, Fizz especially. Despite their usually short attention span, the two found it utterly adorable, the Sin telling you as much, usually followed up by either a tantalizing session of teasing, or some outright rough and dirty fun~
He loved how you appreciated the theatre, but he was still the Sin of Lust, so it was only to be expected, Fizz happily getting in on the action.
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allur1ngg · 4 months
party - matt sturniolo ੈ✩‧
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PAIRING: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff, suggestive (no smut)
SUMMARY: you go to a party with your friends to have fun, when you spot a cute guy siting by himself alone.
WARNINGS: alcohol, weed, making out, use of y/n.
You were laying on your bed, scrolling on your phone mindlessly when suddenly you get a text by your best friend inviting you to a party tonight.
Obviously you said yes, you’re always down to have fun.
Couple of hours passed and you started to get ready. You decided to wear a black short dress that hugged you in the right places, and a cute pair of heels.
You were finishing your makeup when your best friend texted you telling that she had arrived. You grabbed your purse and closed the door. Outside was your best friend waiting for you in her car.
-Heyy girl -your friend says in a excited tone.
-Hii, i’m so excited for tonight. I haven’t been to a good party in a while, i wanna get wasted today -you said laughing.
-Me too, we’re gonna have so much fun!
Fifteen minutes later, you guys arrived to the party.
As soon as you entered the house, the smell of alcohol and weed filled your nose. You and your best friend went to the kitchen to do some shots. After 5 of them, you started to feel drunk.
You were dancing with some friends when you noticed a cute guy sitting alone with a cup in his hand. You stared at him trying to recognize him until he looked at you back and smiled. For some reason, you felt a wave of confidence and made your way towards him.
-Hi, what’s your name? - you said with a smile.
-Matt, you? - he said making eye contact.
- Y/n. What are you doing here alone?
- Well, I came here with my brothers but i don’t know where they are. - he said while taking a sip of his drink.
-Damn - you laughed. - Wanna get another drink? - you suggested.
- Sure - he said with a smile.
You grabbed his hand and made your way through the crow to get to the kitchen.
After a couple of shots, you guys were already pretty drunk and couldn’t stop laughing over the dumbest things.
- Hey, let’s go outside so we can talk better. -he said.
You agreed and you both went outside.
- Much better - he said with a smile.
You guys started talking and he told you about his life. You found out that he has two triplet brothers and the three of them had a youtube channel. You also told him a little about your life.
After a while, you guys just sat in silence enjoying each others presences.
- So, you like parties? - you said trying to restart the conversation.
- Yeah, but i would rather stay home watching a movie or something. - he said.
- Same - you laughed.
You looked up at him and noticed his bright blue eyes.
- You have really pretty eyes, did you know that? - you said keeping eye contact.
- You’re really pretty, did you know that? - he said with a smile mocking you.
- Thanks - you responded with a soft smile.
- Anytime - he said with a grin and looked at your lips.
You did the same, and before you knew it, he placed his lips on yours.
It was a sweet kiss. You grabbed his neck and he grabbed you by your waist. You opened your mouth to take a breath and he took the opportunity to insert his tongue in your mouth. This time, the kiss was more needy and passionate.
You guys made out for a couple of minutes until you pulled away, looking into his eyes with a soft smile.
- Was that okay? - he asked shyly.
- More than okay. - you reassured him.
Your phone started ringing. It was your best friend telling you that it was time to leave.
- It was nice meeting you, Matt.
- You too -he said smiling.
You turned around to leave when he grabbed your hand.
- Wait, will you give me your number? - he said nervously, which you found really cute.
- I thought you were never going to ask - you laughed and gave him your number.
- Don’t forget to text me! - you said while walking away.
He looked at you with a smile and nodded.
You found your best friend and she looked at you with a funny look.
- What? - you asked.
- Who was that? - she asked with a grin.
- No one, let’s go - you said with a dumb smile.
After a while, you were in your bed ready to go to sleep, when you got a text.
Unknown number
-Hey, it’s matt
- I had a great night, would you wanna hang out tomorrow?
- Only if you want to, of course
- Yeah, i would love to.
- See you tmrw <3
- Gn, see ya tmrw :)
You tuned off your phone and went to fell asleep with a smile, your mind making you think about that blue eyed boy that you just met.
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first post!! idk if i like it 😭 anyways, tell me what you think ab it and send me requests in my inbox!! love y’all <3
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oreharuuu · 2 years
éta ritual (1)
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Summary: You didn't know why you agreed to do some stupid ritual on the first place. You've never had believe on the supernatural. Maybe you will after this encounter.
Warnings: none
A/N: oop first post, reminder this will be a yandere series. and I'm planning on making it a bit towards horror. Oh, and it's ot8 ;)
Going back to a few days ago, you really weren't paying attention to what your friends have been talking about. You were mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when Jieun, one of your oldest friends, tapped you on the shoulder.
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Your whole life you've never been this stressed out. Not even your siblings could make you almost faint at how stupid they were at believing stuff.
"Hey, (name)! Have you been hearing us this whole time?" She pouted. "So mean! I was explaining something fun here."
"Sorry," You sheepishly apologized. "What were you explaining again?"
Jieun smiled as she clapped her hands. "I found this website, super creepy! They have an interesting ritual where—"
"Yeah nope."
"(name)! I swear it's so interesting," Jieun smiled as she grabbed her phone, typing something for a while. "Oh wait, I forgot to turn on the VPN."
You sighed before looking at Hyein, only for her to shrug her shoulders. "It's kinda interesting, the ritual said you could potentially summon hot demons."
"That's what you focus on? Not the weird creepy ritual Jieun somehow find through an obscure internet site?"
"Hey! For the record, it wasn't me who founded it. It was Kim," Jieun wagged her finger before pulling up her phone. "See? Super creepy."
What you're looking at seems to be like one of those dark web stuff that you usually watch from YouTube. How it's supposedly blocked from any access unless you know the code or something. It's corny but it works, with how minimalist and not threatening the website.
Jieun then tapped on one of the links and there it was. The summoning ritual. It's the same as the website, minimalist in every way. It only has a few steps that you apparently should follow if you want to summon a demon. Or demons.
1. Make sure you're in an empty and dark room, prepare an unlit candle in the middle of your circle.
2. Hold hands with each other, make sure there's four to eight participants.
3. Close your eyes, don't open them. If you open them there will be consequences.
4. One of the participants will read the chants slowly and clearly.
5. Listen to your surroundings, there will be sounds.
6. If the ritual is successful, then the candle will be lit.
"Weird. Usually candles are lit before right? Then some freaky stuff happens before it's blown by a wind," You hummed.
"Or maybe a hot demon," Hyein smirked.
"Yeah, again, no."
You placed the phone back to Jieun's hand before closing it. "Jieun, I love you—"
"I know."
"—but you seriously better not be doing this. It's bullshit. It's make believe."
Jieun sighed. "I know, but it's been so boring lately that I've been searching for stuff to do in our free time. And when Kim offered us to do the ritual I can't just reject the offer!"
University was closed for a few weeks. You don't know for sure but whispers around the hall said it's related to someone's death. Who's death? You don't know for sure. You don't even know if it's a rumor or the truth. But then again, free from stress and annoying professors? Sounds like a good time for you.
You hummed before stopping. "What do you mean by offered?"
"It means," Hyein started. "That Jieun and I already agreed to do the ritual, and you're going with us!"
That's how you find yourself in some abandoned building that Kim found, with the printed instruction held on Hyein's hand. She hands the paper to Jieun, who excitedly grabbed it before facing the both of you.
Jieun squealed. "This is going to be so awesome!"
"Of course. If we succeed, then we'll have the experience of a life time," Kim hummed as she grabbed the candle from her bag. You glared at her from the corner of your eyes, not liking how calm and reserved she is.
You've never been close with Kim. Only Hyein and Jieun were close to her because they have the same course in university. Sure she's nice to you, but she somehow always unnerves you at times when she just stared into oblivion without blinking. Even then you could still sometimes hear her mumbling something, like she's talking to someone. She wasn't like this when you first met her, this strange behavior only started when university got closed off.
You tried to dwell your nervousness and slowly walked to the rest as they sat around in a circle. You sit between Hyein and Kim, ignoring the shiver you got when you noticed how cold her hand's were. You ignored her when she glanced at you a few times, focusing at how Jieun was practically moving with excitement.
"Ok, I have the papers in front of me. It's already dark, so now we just have to close our eyes."
You exhaled before closing your eyes. You're scared of the dark but at least you're holding hands with someone to know they're still there. Even though it's Kim but you tried to ignore it.
"Everyone has their eyes closed?" Jieun asked, and you all answered a soft 'yes'. "Alright, let's start."
You regulate your breathing and tried to listen to any of the sounds mentioned in the instructions. Well it didn't really specify what sound you're supposed to hear, but you kept listening anyway.
Jieun's still chanting, so you assumed the ritual wasn't working. You held back a yawn before changing into a slouching posture, trying to stay awake. For some reason Jieun wanted the ritual to be held at midnight so you don't want to argue with her. You just want this to be over.
The chanting abruptly ended, making you frown in confusion as to why Jieun stopped.
"...I hear something."
Your heart plummeted, gripping Hyein's hand before waiting for someone to speak up again. Hyein's grip turned lax, making you curse.
"I-I hear something too!"
Mentally cursing out your friends, you tried to think that this was all not real. Maybe they're just pranking you, right? They're the ones who founded it, maybe Kim asked them to prank you because they know you don't believe in this kinds of stuff.
"(name), how about you?" Kim suddenly asked, making you jolt in surprise. You didn't answer, not when you're trying to regulate your breathing so you would calm down. You ignored how Kim's grip turned even tighter than before, her nails seemingly more sharper than ever. You tried to take your hand away from her, struggling slightly when it's apparent she doesn't want to let go.
That's when you heard it.
You scream in surprise, tilting your head downwards and closing your eyes even tighter. There's no fucking way the ritual actually worked, you don't even want to open your eyes. Kim's grip turned normal as if she could hear what you just said.
"It's time to open our eyes. If we see the candle lit then it means someone's with us," Kim explained before taking her hand's off you. You decided whether or not to open your eyes, mentally debating if it's the right thing to do.
You shivered when the cold air hits you suddenly, before you felt like someone or something touching your shoulder softly.
open your eyes, darling
You snapped your eyes open, glancing back to see nothing. You looked back at the unlit candle before noticing that all of your friends seemed to be waiting for it to be lit. Not even a second later, the candle was lit.
"What the fuck?!" You screamed, moving backwards. Hyein seems to be scared and hesitant as well, following you to hold your hands together. Jieun just seems excited while Kim blankly looked at the candle.
"Wow, it actually worked!" Jieun awed in wonder before moving closer to the candle. "Jieun! What the fuck? Move away from it," Hyein hissed.
"Oh, don't be a big baby. Besides, if the ritual works then—uh...what's the purpose of the ritual anyway?"
Sometimes you want to strangle Jieun so hard when times like these happens, when her stupidity knows no boundaries that it could cost you harm to you and your loved ones. But these kinds of things intrigued her, she loves the unknown territory. You're happy for her to have a hobby like this but this was really out of your boundaries.
"When the candle is lit, it means that someone is here for you. It hears all of your desires and needs. It wants to help you," Kim answered as she grabs the candle, blowing it out before grabbing her bag.
"Wha—Is that it?! What the fuck should we even do after this?" Hyein gawked. Kim glanced at her before standing up, walking slowly to the both of you.
"Wait and see. You'll notice when it's there, you just have to be patient. If they show themselves—"
"Wait, we're gonna fucking see them?!"
Kim glared at Hyein before continuing. "Yes. If they show themselves, it means that they're ready to help you."
You bit your lip, grabbing Hyein's hand tighter before looking up to Kim. "Why...why do we need to wait for them to show up?"
Kim tilted her head at you, looking up into the dark abyss before smiling down at you. You really didn't like how she smiles, it's creepy.
"Well, you're not getting the help for free. You have to earn it."
You moved your gaze to Hyein as she looks anxious, even Jieun was starting to fidget with her fingers as she listens to Kim. You yelped when Kim suddenly squatted in front of you, making Hyein move away.
Kim brush your hair behind your ears, humming slightly. "I'm jealous of you. I was the one who summoned them, well not all of them. But they wanted you. I don't know why...but I'm intrigued," She whispered. Moving her mouth next to your ears, you could've sworn to hear a growl nearby. Or maybe growls?
"Just a reminder, once they take a liking to you, they'll always be there. Always."
And with that, Kim stood up and walked away. Leaving the three of you to comprehend what the fuck just happened.
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the-real-xmonster · 1 year
chit chat
Somehow I keep forgetting to include tumblr in my usual routine of coffee and mindlessly scrolling through social media. Anyhoo, what's everyone been doing for fun recently? Me, I'm reading The Magician's Daughter by H.G. Parry - I'm almost done and it's a pretty nice book but not as good as her previous 3 books, which if I'm completely honest is a bit disappointing (I do recommend her other 3 books by the way they are excellent and yet I think suffering from an almost criminal lack of popularity). I've been playing a lot of Octopath Traveler 2; I'm 66 hours in and have exhausted almost all of the side quests, about to move on with the main story (side quests before main is just the normal way of playing RPG am I right, I am sure everybody does that, yes, most definitely). I'm also rather hyped for Honkai Star Rail's release later this month, anyone around here going to play that game?
@skating peeps: I watched Worlds last month by the way, first competition I've watched live since forever. Excellent event eh?
I went glamping up in the mountains in Thailand a couple of weeks ago. Here's a photo from the site:
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Have a nice day y'all!
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Demon America together with an Female S/O eating a box of chocolates, and things gets...messy.
In the spirit of Valentines Day I give you something to satiate the hungry heart ❤️ hahaha
N$FW so turn back now if this isn’t the content for you.
Your boyfriend was still away negotiating land deals in the underworld. But he didn’t forget to leave you a small token of his feelings for you. There was a large box of See's Candy, a donut bouquet, a bouquet of red roses, and a giant teddy bear that said “I Love you BEAR-Y much.” There was also a lack black box that screamed ‘sexy time’ and decided that it would be better to open it when your lover was around. A smile spreads across your face as you eagerly crack open the 150 piece box of chocolates. You head over to the couch and plop down. You turn on your [favorite genre of music] munch away at the sweet treats until you could figure out what you were going to have delivered for dinner. The absence of Alexander did irritate you somewhat.
‘Why on today of all days does he have to be in the underworld to debate on which land he gets to keep; he can do that on the other 359 days of the year that don't hold a lot of romantic value!’
You scrolled around mindlessly on [favorite social media site] you felt a thin snake-like thing make it’s way up your leg. You body jerks in shock at the sudden sensation. When you rolled over on your back you were pleasantly surprised to see those fiery red eyes.
“Hey there doll face miss me much?” He lowered his body down to yours and you could immediately feel his erection through his bulky uniform.
Before you could even respond he placed his mouth directly on top of yours that had a piece of chocolate hanging out. The two of you let your moths meld together like a hunk of clay being shaped by a ceramicist.
He burns your clothes off so that he could admire your bare beauty. He lowered his head next to yours. You could feel his hot breath and untamed hair brush up against your soft and somewhat damp skin. The rising heat within the room made you begin to perspire.
“Did you doubt me?” A hint of sadness could be detected along with an intense craving building within him.
“I mean…” You caress the side of his face and your fingers crawl up to his pointy ears. This made his crotch begin to burn and expand more with the rising temperature in the living room. It was quickly becoming an inferno. He also felt pangs of hunger, it had been awhile since he’d had an actual meal. He grabbed the box of chocolates and the black lacy fun box. Alexander swiftly discarded his heavy military jacket and crisp black shirt. His torso was already covered in a coat of sweat.
His member was becoming impatient within its cotton confines. He whipped off his black slacks but left on his light cotton cover to taunt you. He relishes in the cute frown that you give him for not showcasing his peacock to you just yet. He saw the lust flowing over in your eyes like the Mississippi river during the rainy season.
“Since it’s Valentine's day we have to make this more exciting.” He pulls out cuffs and a lacy black mask to cover your eyes during the act. He pins you down and cuffs your ankles and wrists tightly together.
Before he places the blindfold over your eyes, his yearning ocean blues beckon your lips to join together in a zealous union. The kiss was genuine and flowed over with a warm love that could only ever come from the heart's deepest furnace. When he pulled away he locked eyes with yours and said:
“I’m going to be kind of rough and will leave bite marks….so prepare yourself Y/N.” He rubs your temples in an attempt to relax you before the main event. He covers your eyes and his tail forces your legs apart. Alexander begins to decorate your body with chocolate. The sides of your neck, your breasts, stomach, and thighs were covered in the small sweet treats. He quickly whips off his boxers so his erection could spring free. He grabs the top of your rib cage as his dick rubs against your entrance.
“Ah! Alexander.”
He puts a piece of chocolate in your mouth to be like a gag of sorts. Then he begins his work. He places his mouth on the first chocolate that was on your neck and eats it while he simultaneously nibbles on your flesh to leave you a hickey. Your brain couldn’t concentrate and eat the candy when your body was beginning to sing with pleasure. He moved down to your breasts and swirled his tongue around your plump mounds. He gave them a few kisses before his mouth over the next chocolate. He inches his member closer to your heat. He bit down on the caramel filled chocolate that was on your perky nipple.
“Hmmmm! Hmmmmm!” Pleasured hums leave you.
Alexander hungurly devoured your mound long after the sweet sauce had dissolved. He littered your chest with bite marks on both breaths and some of them had pronounced puncture wounds. Before he continued he brought his hips backwards to make an immense thrust. His hips propel forward with a mighty force. Your body was struck with a lightning bolt of pleasurable thrill. You struggle against your restraints. Your body didn’t have the time to adjust to the sudden force spreading it thin.
“You’re so warm Y/N.” He threw his head back in ecstasy. He has to wipe the sweat off from his upper brow. The heat in the living room had at least risen 15 degrees. He doesn’t remove his member and keeps it in the hilt of your pussy. He continued to greedily gobble up the remaining chocolate that decorated your body. By the end of it you had 6 hickeys, 13 gaping bite marks, 50+ papercut thin scratches, and small remnants of chocolate that adorned your body.
Once he was done Alexander proceeded to pick up your battered body and took you to your master bathroom to clean you up.
“I love you, Y/N.” As he’s kiss your fresh love bites and massages your thighs.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
I didn't really know who to send this to and was just going to let it rot in my brain, but you commented on the lurker situation and it got me into a weird rabbit hole and made me kinda realize something a little tangential but I think still relevant. Maybe I'm old, but it seems like the attitude around fandom has shifted in the past decade or so from a collective of like minded people sharing and creating together, to a creator/consumer relationship that mirrors influencer culture. It's all transactional now. And that makes me sad tbh. Like participating in a community is so much fun and lurkers or those who just consume without engaging are really missing out, but also I hate seeing fan work creators getting treated like content farms. If you write or create art, nowadays that seems to define your fandom identity, it becomes your (unfair) barrier for participation and validation, and you're ostracized or forgotten and replaced if you can't continue to clear that hurdle for whatever reason. There never used to be this huge gulf between fandom creators and the other members, in my experience at least. It's like people now think they only have 2 options: be a creative person and provide a steady stream of free content (for an audience that expects/demands it from you) or mindlessly consume and only ever watch to the sidelines. But it's not true! Participate! Be a hype man! Curate your favorite fan content! Do something! Fandom is supposed to be more socialism, not capitalism! And maybe try to see the writers/artists as fellow fandom members first and content creators second. Like, you'd probably be frustrated too if people who you thought were your friends expected you to always be the only one to put in any effort to the relationship and then just ignore you if you asked for anything in return. It feels bad.
Nah, in a way I kinda feel the same. Sometimes I think I must be old because when I was younger and writing was primarily on quizilla/ff.net/LJ fics always used to have lots of comments, people would comment on each individual chapter and there were always bookmarks/faves etc.
In a way I want to say the shift in fandom has meant that people are more inclined to be lurkers now, or sites like tiktok/twt have made it easier for people to lurk. Or it could be that because there are more websites and years worth of content that it’s now easier to find fics and consume them mindlessly without worrying where you’re going to get your next fix.
But then there are sites like wattpad, and I know that everyone seems to hate wattpad for various reasons, but honestly I feel like the way their site works is ingenious. It gives people who read fics the ability to comment on each paragraph of the fic, enabling them to almost “live react” as they read through. And then you can still leave a little comment at the end or discuss in the comments with other readers/the author. And if you go on there now, you’ll see the sheer number of comments some fics have.
I also think that if you’re in a smaller/niche fandom you’re more likely to get more meaningful responses/engagement for your content. I used to write for Z Nation for example, which is an extremely small community and I got maybe 10-50 notes on a fic but more than half would be people commenting or simply interacting with me? Because people were grateful to find fics for their fave fandom? Whereas Bakugou there’s a million Bakugou fics so why should someone bother interacting with anyone when they can just scroll to the next one?
So it’s websites like that which make me think it’s partly that fandoms and the way we receive content has shifted, but I also think it’s people being selfish and ungrateful too. Because they just want to mindlessly consume and they don’t think about the living, breathing person behind the screen.
But for me personally, I’ve made some of my best friends by commenting on/reblogging their fics or just talking to them? So it’s like why wouldn’t you want to interact with people who are the same as you? Who enjoy the same things? Or why wouldn’t you want to do something so simple (and free) that could make someone’s day?
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looknstr8grzzly · 2 years
Social media, twitter, and beyond
Social media and twitter has been in discussion as of late, and for good reason. I’ve been seeing lots of people say they’re gonna leave twitter and go on tumblr, or mastodon, or cohost and honestly, the idea of having to start anew on a different social media platform nowadays fills me with so much dread. I’ve spent a good latter of the decade on twitter and tumblr and I feel like both sites have kinda had some form of an affect on me negatively. Tumblr really messed me up in terms of trust issues and self worth and played into insecurities. Now that’s not to say that I regret my time here because I don’t, It introduced me to the person whom I’m going to marry in the near future and introduced me to some of the best friends I’ve ever had who I still talk to today! But when I think of tumblr I can’t help but remember some negative moments I had even though I don’t want those to define my time on here. Twitter has been big force in my daily life as of the past 6 years. I’ve made a ton of friends on there who I love a lot and I love getting to talk to them everyday. I also really love that for the first time It’s an experience where I feel like it’s curated and catered to my liking, I have a lot of fun on there but at the same time in recent years I have felt I’ve grown too socially dependent on it, and there’s so many times I will mindlessly look and scroll through my feed even though nothing is going on. Which has been getting to me lately and gets to a point where I will look at it at times I don’t want to such as when I’m at work or even in serious situations, which I know is not okay. I even get to a point where when I catch myself, I say or think “there’s nothing going on here, back out” and I do. Another thing that gets to me on twitter is that I really hate how it seems like there’s no middle ground on anything. Everything is so black and white and there is always toxicity and fighting going on, and people making outlandish and ridiculous statements which I see and they anger me, which I don’t want. I don’t want to be an angry or mean person, that’s not who I am or who I want to be. I’ve always wanted to try to be a positive person and be the one others can turn to when they might feel down and the last thing I want is for them to see me be bitter and say mean spirited things. This year I promised myself I would cut back on social media use and I feel like I failed myself on that promise. But these recent talks people have been making in relation to Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter have been bringing up this talk. I think I really want to try again at not being online so much and trying to talk more on discord or telegram rather than being on twitter. Also the elon factor does play a role into this too, I don’t like him. I think he’s a narcissist who is only extremely wealthy out of sheer luck (all the while getting that wealth from slavery and colonialism) and I don’t have confidence that he will run the site well, things very well could get way worse before they get better. I know this all might seem incoherent but this is a lot of what I’ve been thinking lately, and it has been making me reevaluate my usage of social media and how much I use it. I’m not saying I’m gonna drop it all together, I just want to keep it at a moderation and try to focus my time doing more productive things and socialize via other means. I think it would benefit me in the long run.
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childabusesurvivor · 1 year
Good News Really Matters
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2023/05/24/good-news-really-matters/
Good News Really Matters
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According to Nieman Labs, we should be watching more positive news stories:
In our research, we found that spending as little as 2-4 minutes on Twitter or YouTube reading about the pandemic affected people’s moods adversely.
However, our latest study has found that looking at positive news stories — specifically, videos and articles featuring acts of kindness — can actually counteract the ill-effects of seeing negative news stories.
The article suggests that news organizations take a good look at covering positive news more often, to try and counterbalance the negative emotional and mental health effects of sharing negative stories 24 hours a day. That’s not a bad idea but I suspect this is something we all should be taking some personal responsibility for as well.
Instead of simply scrolling social media mindlessly taking in whatever the algorithms decide to show us, let’s figure out how to have more good news show up in our feeds. It’s not that we are ignoring the bad stuff that is going on in the world, or creating toxic positivity, but if we are to get through this life together, we need more stories that will balance out that negativity. Without that balance, I fear we are all headed for a very bleak outlook on the world and a bleak future to go along with it.
Let’s start the conversation, where do you go when you want to see some good news? Do you check out a site like Upworthy.com? Do you follow someone making fun content or beautiful art on social media? Do you find fun music on your favorite streaming app? What can we do to bring more kindness into our newsfeeds?
Where do you go to find the good in this world?
#Emotion, #MentalHealth, #Music, #Research, #SocialMedia, #Twitter
0 notes
usedpidemo · 3 years
Make me smile, make me scared (Choi Yena)
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A fanmeet usually starts somewhere between 2 and 6 p.m. You have been there since you had lunch. Five hours later, you’re still waiting.
It’s already 8:00 p.m. and you’re still seated in the hotel ballroom with four others. That’s the other thing very noticeable. Usually there’d be plenty of cameras, staff, and more than around 20-to-30 audience members, mostly fan sites. Not today. The enclosed space feels vast when there’s only five of you close together—waiting without a waver in your patience. Occasionally you’d hear a rumble of an empty stomach that elicits an audible giggle in the midst of the awkward silence.
As for the guys you’re stuck with, they’re all seemingly fine people—most of them anyway. Some of them sleep. Others mindlessly scroll through their phones.
They appear to be close to your age bracket—save for one. The older gentleman with a elderly beard creeps you out. After all, he’s a notable stand out in the lucky list, being somewhere around his early forties based on his appearance. You try not to make much of it and assume the best, otherwise he wouldn’t have been selected for a good reason.
At least you all shared something in common: a love for Choi Yena.
Speaking of, just as you look away from him, the doors ahead of you open. You’d complain angrily about the hours wasted waiting, but you certainly wouldn’t want to look bad in front of your idol—especially in such an intimate setting.
Entering the next room awaits five chairs surrounded by couches and blankets all over the floor. Still no sign of personnel or anyone else for that matter. After you’ve all passed, the doors behind you automatically close. The unusual ambiance combined with the lack of staff puts you on edge. Meanwhile, the other fans act like there’s nothing to worry about.
You just wish for this tasteless prank to end.
As you take your seats, you hear a slight rumble of footsteps from behind the panel. All eyes watch intently as the woman of the hour makes her entrance, enthusiastically waving to her most dedicated fans.
“Hi everyone!” Yena waves from the stage, her gummy smile and cute charms present for all to see. This was the idol you admired from behind a television screen, now bright as the sun to your eyes. Waiting for this moment was always worth it—heck, you’d bide even longer. Anything for her.
Her exuberant energy is met with equally resonant claps and cheers from everyone, including you. Unlike the others, you bothered not to pull a camera or phone out. The memories you keep from tonight will be more memorable than an image on a digital plaster. No one can take that away from you.
“I know you’re all tired and exhausted from waiting, but I wanted to make this show very personal for you all! You’ll have a unique experience that no one else can say they have!” Yena’s enthusiasm once again evokes a lively response from her audience.
The intimate fanmeet goes by so well that you ignore the passage of time. When you check your watch again it’s already half past 10 in the evening. But who cares about going when she’s having fun. Performing all her songs from the Smiley album, playing games with her fans, and signing all your items—it was a dream come true. You reckon that your ordeal far surpasses that of even a concert. No—it does surpass any event you’ve ever gone to and probably will ever go to.
When all is said and done, the others have taken countless photos and clips on their cameras. You still insist by not doing the same. Regardless, all five of you shared a wonderful time with your favorite idol.
“It’s been incredibly fun and I’m so happy to interact with you,” she says on stage. “I’m really thankful for you all.”
Another applause. No one feels like they want to leave. Neither does she.
“And I have one more surprise for you guys,” Yena adds, her cheeky grin turning to a subtle smirk. “I hope you all brought your sleeping gear.”
Sleeping gear? You don’t recall that part of the items-to-bring list. Maybe it was there, but you’ve most likely forgotten. And every other fanmeet you’ve been to didn’t last a whole night, so what gives?
“Sleeping gear? I didn’t know we were gonna sleep here,” you whisper to the person beside you, a blonde haired man. His eyes widen and he gently turns to you without the attention of anyone else.
“You didn’t know? This was an intimate fanmeet for a reason.”
“How come?”
Before he can answer, Yena says it on his behalf.
“I want to make you smile and feel better, so let’s get the real party started!” As soon as she finishes, her black sheer top begins to flow down her tight body. Her bare body is revealed to the loudest cheers of the night so far. Even blondie looks away from you to revel in her nakedness.
And your joy suddenly turns to a mixture of disbelief and dumbfoundedness.
Thoughts of a staged prank return. There’s no way someone like her, especially with that innocent demeanor, suddenly transforms into this except through manipulation.
“Woah, woah, woah, what!” You partially restrain your shout by covering your mouth with your hand. “What is going on here?”
“You didn’t get the memo?” Blondie looks at you again, confused. “We’ll all get the opportunity to fuck the shit outta her! Isn’t this great?”
“What do you mean this is great? She’s a pure, innocent doll! This just feels so wrong!”
“Oh you’re quite out of it, huh? She’s a cockhungry slut. At least I thought she was. Now it feels good to be validated.”
You’re speechless to how openly he speaks lewdly about her. Then you realize that the others were possibly chosen for possibly the worst reason imaginable: being insufferably horny bastards—including the uncle fan.
Yena continues to twirl and show her mostly nude figure to her private audience—the ones who probably have the lewdest, nastiest ideas about her. Her heels and stockings are the only things left attached to her body, but once they get their filthy hands on her, it’ll be torn apart in mere seconds. Your view shifts between her on stage and the fans. Denial occupies your head rent-free.
You slap yourself in the face, believing this is some croak dream—but it isn’t.
“All right, boys. I know you’re as excited as I am. Your turn.”
On command, everyone except you begins to shed their own clothes. You’re still glued to your seat, stupefied and utterly stunned. Garments begin to form a makeshift pattern on the floor—the only ones missing are yours. You look at Yena again and find her eyes grow into saucers, staring hungrily at the stiff shafts. She’s eager to take them all.
Once again, all eyes are on you. Peer pressure is scary.
“Wait,” you say. “This just doesn’t feel right. I thought we were gonna have a good time!”
“We are,” Yena says, getting down from the stage to approach you. “What’s up?”
With your favorite idol eyeing you close until she’s directly in front of you, surrounded by five of her most devoted fans, you’re not really going to be able to fight back. You can, but the price of pain isn’t worth the pleasure you already had.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting this type of intimate fanmeet.”
Yena places her hands on the buttons of your shirt, slowly undressing you. You’re powerless to resist, especially when her delicate fingers and touch leave you paralyzed and overwhelmed. She peels through your top then grabs your bare shoulders. A choked up moan escapes your breath.
She looks at you with that familiar sweet gaze. “Don’t worry, everyone gets one. Including you. Whenever you’re ready.”
There’s no getting around it. Deep down, you’re just as whipped for her as the men in the room.
“He seems uneasy, but he’ll be fine.” Yena’s eyes scour the fans circling you both. “Now shall we begin?”
The question is met with collective nods. She draws away from you and walks back to the stage, with her fans following close by. You remain frozen in place, your feelings conflicted between whether to go through or not. But you’re half-naked already, and soon enough your pants follow. Little do you know you’ve already decided what you want to do.
“Don’t worry about hurting me.” Yena spreads her arms wide, ready to receive her fans’ affection. She flashes a gummy smile, a contrast to what she’s about to get. “Fuck me like you’ve always imagined.”
At once, five pairs of hands seize various parts of her body. Her nude figure is a magnet for everyone’s lips as her neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and back become spots to fill with wet kisses. One of them, a surprisingly massive dude you simply nickname Swampy (because he towers over everyone like a tidal wave), takes a firm hold of her ass. He squeezes them so hard you’d almost believe he’d pop her for a quick second. All of them seem hellbent on pleasuring themselves without care for Yena’s comfort.
She begins to choke up and gasp heavily under the duress of all the bodies all over her. Tears start to run down her face. Her perfect makeup is completely ruined within minutes. In any other situation, you’d step in and intervene, but instead you’re only able to watch helplessly. The sight of her wrapped with other flesh around her troubles you even more. Even after she reassures you, the image of your bias being a cockhungry girl can’t fullymprocess in your head.
Though she drowns under the many sensations that course through her petite figure, she’s able to lock eyes with you. Fighting against the pressure of her fans, she lifts her arm up to present her hand. Her fingers make a small gesture as if inviting you to join the fun too. She ultimately submerges under everyone's weight and slumps to the floor. One after another the men slam down on each other, vying for complete dominance. A crescendo of grunts escape their mouths as they struggle to get a piece of her.
Ultimately Swampy gets the win, his mammoth frame blocking out her view of the men atop him.
Surely she can’t last, especially with how out of control these fans are. Yet she continues to work tirelessly to please them all, her fingers slowly but surely reaching for his shaft sandwiched between her thighs. Meanwhile, the losers have to compete for even a slight touch of her as consolation.
At the end of the day, everyone gets one, so no one’s really a loser here. Except maybe you, watching from a distance.
“Fuck, baby girl, you’re so fucking tight.” Swampy mumbles in her ear—which ends up as a proclamation to everyone in the room. He somehow manages to insert himself inside her despite the awkward position and the weight imposed upon him. As he starts to thrust, the fleshy heap’s foundations shake and slowly fall apart until they eventually crash down. Without the lump on his back, he’s free to pump inside her with reckless abandon.
No one flinches or winces for more than a second. Before any sort of pain registers, the sounds of filthy talk and skin against skin is sufficient to pull them back. Eager eyes watch as Swampy fucks her to oblivion—without a thought that there’s three, maybe four people still waiting. One of them doesn’t even care anymore. Frank—the name you give to the dude who openly watches porn and even tries to share one with you at some point—slips his fingers around his dick and pleasures himself at the sight of Yena being railed hard.
Any minute now, whoever’s operating this chaotic mess is going to say ‘cut.’ Instead, the scene continues until this mammoth sized man finally reaches his end.
Swampy’s grunt of release is the loudest orgasmic groan you’ve ever heard in your life. You’re absolutely sure that everyone in the lobby can hear him climax. Heck, even those from the mall across the street can feel that too. He rolls himself beside her, somehow completely zapped of energy within minutes.
Yena props herself up with her elbows and starts to look at the others. They look at one another with awkwardness and confusion. No one’s willing to go second. She turns to you for a moment, but you hide your growing lust behind a shy blush and lowered head.
A light stream of white flows from where she sits to the edges of the stage. By the end of tonight, there’ll probably be a new waterfall installed in this ballroom.
Her gaze lingers on Frank—who’s lost himself completely in his own indulgence. He doesn’t even realize that Swampy came and went just as quickly as he nearly edges himself. A hand stops him short of his inevitable high. He opens his eyes to find the coy idol grabbing his cock with a surprisingly threatening grip. One deliberate pump causes him to throw his head back and his eyes to slam shut.
His mouth slowly opens until indescribable sounds escape. Eventually they form coherent speech. “F-fuck, duck makes me wanna cum so fucking hard. God, yes.”
Then it reverts back to meaningless babble. Frank’s the kind of guy who’s been on the internet too much to fall under the touch of a woman. Unsurprisingly, he does—even quicker than Swampy. Jerking off beforehand does him no favors either. And just like his buff brethren, he collapses to the floor.
Just as she finishes him off, Blondie approaches her for round three with something concealed on his back.
“Tell me what to do,” she purrs as he takes her by the hand to his level. “Anything for you.”
He raises his eyebrows and a confident, somewhat arrogant smirk. “Anything you say?” Then he leads her to the wall of the stage and places her to her knees.
“All right then. Suck my cock.”
Without wasting any time, Yena proceeds to fill her mouth with his cock. Blondie places a palm on her loose hair. At first, you question the simple command he makes her do, but then the intent makes itself very clear. In his other hand is a belt. You already have an idea of what’s going to happen.
He binds the girdle around her neck like a leash while she licks her way beyond his tip. Halfway through his length, she feels a sharp tug on her nape that stops her blowjob. She looks up to a devilish smirking Blondie, smiling from ear-to-ear. Seeing that the sensation stopped, he yanks the strap hard again.
“Did I tell you to stop, pet?” Yena shakes her head. In response, he pulls her for a third time. Airless gasps leave the idol’s mouth, as well as a couple of chokes. Your orbs grow as she suffocates under his grip, but he meets you halfway with a cocky grin.
“She said anything!” he says, as if he knows you will contend against him. Then he returns his eye to her, humming and slurping down to his base. Her hands clutch on his surprisingly hairy legs as now it's his turn to groan.
To keep her in check, he jerks the leash to cause her to slightly suffocate. Yet this doesn’t stop her at all; she tirelessly pecks and blows his cock while a palm slips underneath his balls to squeeze it. This weakens his control over her, giving her enough time to let him fly over the edge. With continued laps around his tip, he loses hold of the belt as he succumbs to his orgasm too. Yena opens her mouth wide to consume his entire load. Afterward, his shaft departs her with an audible pop.
She playfully puffs her cheeks with her gob full of seed before swallowing it all. Then she flashes a cutesy expression right in his face. Blondie’s back slowly slides down the wall, his smug visage turned to a defeated and exhausted one. Only two more left.
Yena flashes an impish grin to you before she approaches the penultimate victim—or winner. She massages Uncle Joey’s shoulders as he wraps his arms around her waist. Then she straddles herself on his lap, gently lowering her moist slit on his girth. Seeing that’s an older man, you’d rightfully assume that she might go gentle on him, considering his age, but you’ve seen some crazy shit tonight that’s more twisted than a pretzel knot.
As he has been all night, he remains quiet except for the low moans he spews as she begins to ride him at a gentle pace. He pushes his face towards her petite breasts and hungrily kisses her chest. She rests her head against his shoulders. It seems like she’d give someone normal pleasure for once.
Little do you know you’d be proven wrong again.
“Fuck, daddy, I love how your dick feels inside me. Fuck me like you fuck mommy.” She mumbles in his ear. A switch flips inside his head as his seemingly rusty hips begin to thrust upward against hers. Completely in utter disbelief, your finger rests against the side of your temple. Yena’s duality is an unreal sight.
“Daddy,” she continues to purr huskily. The more she mumbles into him, the faster he hammers into her. She’s pushing him to his absolute limits. He lifts his head up, desperate to fight against his own impending finale, but she grabs his skull to force him to make eye contact with her.
With a devilish smirk, she kisses him torridly. “In me, daddy. Isn’t this what you like doing to mommy?”
“I…I…” Poor Uncle Joey’s unable to formulate a word. Without any sort of escape or resistance, he too, falls just like the others before him.
“Cum for me daddy!” On cue, he orgasms. She leaves him slack jawed and drained on the chair after he fills her tight pussy with his thick load of semen. Look around and see unconscious bodies splayed all over the place. All of them entered this place full of energy, now left depleted and absolutely wrecked.
And to make things worse, Yena shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, she looks much livelier after having emptied everyone’s balls. It’s like she absorbed their life force and used it to empower herself.
With you being the only one left, she has her sights set. How she approaches you is like a serial killer. Seeing what she’s done to everyone leaves you paralyzed with fear. It’s not like you have a way out—these doors are most likely locked and no one can hear you scream.
“Oh god, please, I swear I’m sorry for lewding you like a complete fuckdoll!” You brace yourself. “I’m really, really, sorry! I don’t wanna be a dried up skeleton!”
You feel a tap on your knee. Then you impulsively yell the loudest you’ve ever yelled.
“Don’t kill me!”
Silence. A few minutes pass. Her hand is still planted on your knee. Slowly you open half an eye to find Yena with a gummy smile. The smiley side from when things seemed normal.
“Come on, scaredy cat. I said everyone gets one, right?” She says it so innocently, but you’re paranoid to assume otherwise.
She takes you by the hand and leads you away from your seat without a hint of resistance from you. As you walk together toward a pile of soft pillows, you look around again. The motionless bodies everywhere are a grim reminder of your certain fate. Then she lets you loose and pushes you down into the cushions. Afterward she clambers on top of you. Despite your fright, your cheeks are flushed.
Her fingers coil around your cock, stiff and slick. You struggle to keep your eyes open. She giggles as you squirm beneath her. “I thought you didn’t want to fuck? Looks like your dick says otherwise.”
A slight jerk of your shaft causes you to moan on her neck. Watching you flail and whine in pleasure compels Yena to do it again. And another. Each stroke forces out a small burst of precum. Though it’s only a handful of pumps, each one is intentional, deliberate, and calculated to send waves of delight all over your body.
You sigh. Her eyebrows rise, then her cheeky grin grows.
Yena positions herself above you, lifting her waist up until she positions her wet slit around your shaft. You slowly watch your dick impale her down to your base, snug as a glove. Despite taking three cocks earlier, she’s incredibly tight. Her warm, soaked pussy suffocates your girth.
“Oh, fuck!” You manage to utter out after a deep, lengthy groan. Then you make one ‘last’ request before she brings you to her end.
“Please be gentle.”
She shakes her head. “No promises.”
Gulp your throat. Of course she won’t guarantee anything, you silly fool.
Your eyes shift back and forth between Yena’s delight filled face and her hips grinding against your groin. You try to grope her breasts, which she allows. She cries out a soft whine after the first squeeze. In response, her pace quickens slightly. As she continues to ride you hard, the sound of flesh and moans make you thrust upward too. Bliss replaces the fear in your heart. A part of you wanted this for the longest time. You’ve long resisted it, but she’s broken your chains.
Between fucking you, Yena lowers her head next to your ear. “You know, I’ve picked you guys for a reason.”
Her fingers enclose around your throat, but not too tightly. “I’ve read everything you say about me. How you’re my biggest fan and all…but also how you want to fuck me.”
As she confesses to you, you’re unable to respond. Her slick walls occupy your brain, the wet noise of skin driving away other thoughts.
“Yes. I know you want to lick my pits too. Go ahead.”
And like those before you, you comply immediately. She reaches her right arm around you, open for consumption. You dive into her pits like a hungry animal, kissing and licking her creamy skin like your favorite dessert. The cherry on top in your personalized fantasy. Yena understands what you truly desire, but you’ve been foolish to deny yourself a free gift. Or maybe not—saving yourself for last lets you savor the intimate feeling more. Deep down, you’re no different than anyone. Be a disgusting weirdo freak. Accept who you are.
Kiss up to her fingers with tender lips. Yena crashes her hips against you at a constant rhythm. Her slim frame presses down on yours that you can’t move beyond your head. You know you’re not worthy to dictate how you want her, but you’re thankful for her grace nonetheless.
“God, Yena, you’re fucking amazing,” you blurt out, the words words leave you airy as your groans.
Swampy rolls over to find you pounding her. Shortly after, the others regain consciousness. They watch with heavy breaths as she rides you hard. Relishing the moment was no longer the priority—both of you are determined to reach the end.
Yena wraps her fingers around your neck again. This time she puts a little more grip to it, disrupting your gasps with croaks. As you’re pushed to your brink, she throws her head back, fully drowned in your shaft.
“This cock is so fucking good. You’re not the girthiest, but fuck, does this feel the best inside me.”
You wriggle beneath her. You can’t hold yourself a minute longer.
“That’s it. Fill me up.”
And that’s all she wrote. Her command finally ends you.
With a shout of her name, you submit yourself to your orgasm. She harshens her hold on your neck to keep herself stable. Her pussy pulsates against your shaft as she quietly cums as well. Waves of your seed fill her and mix with her slick and juices. As this goes on, Yena continues to ride you through your collective climaxes.
Just as she winds down, a black leash wraps around her own neck. From nowhere, Blondie and the others yank her away. Your dick slips off her with a disappointed sigh from your lips.
Taken by surprise, you quickly jump to your feet. The foursome take the idol and force her to a chair. Blondie has his belt around her while the others ready their hard dicks as payback for what she did to them.
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“All right, tell us where you want her,” Blondie asks you how you want to take her. Five sets of eyes, including Yena, fixate on you as you make your decision. Your gaze lingers on the restrained idol. She nods in approval.
“Put her on fours,” is the answer. They push her down to the floor and set her on her fours at once.
You look at Blondie. “Where do you want to take her?”
“Her ass.” he says with brimming enthusiasm. Then you turn to Swampy and ask the same question.
“I want her pussy again.”
“So do I,” says Frank. “I want to fill this cumstain with my children.”
Uncle Joey doesn’t speak a single word. Instead, he moves beside her and leads his cock around her shoulder. Blondie tugs at the makeshift leash to make Yena grab Uncle’s hard shaft.
The five of you approach her entrances with your erect tips. Yena’s whine is muffled by your dick in her mouth as she endures a cock-filled assault from every side. Her hand begins to pump the oldest man’s shaft while Blondie fights to enter her incredibly tight asshole. Meanwhile, Frank and Swampy’s girths stretch her slit wide, though the mammoth man’s build almost knocks away the former’s manhood.
Tears form in Yena’s eyes, having been slammed shut. Your hands play with her hair and ruffle it up. As you all fuck her in varying paces, Blondie drags the belt around her. Her cheeks and later on her face flush cherry red. A crescendo of grunts and moans fill the room, combined with bursts of foul language from everyone’s tongue.
“You’ve been such a naughty pet,” Blondie hisses as he continues to pull on her neck, his dick thrusting in her at a snail’s pace. “Fuck, you deserve all our cocks as punishment.”
A stream of lustful intent follows.
“Yeah, bratty cum duck slut. Take all our fucking cocks.”
“I bet you love being taken like an open prize, right? Look at your needy face.”
“We’ll ruin you so hard that you become a cockslave for us only.”
“How are you still so tight?”
Yena pumps Uncle’s shaft at a quick rhythm. The sweet sound of sexual desires stirs not only her, but also everyone else. You continue to slide in and out of her mouth, occasionally extending your dick to her throat. She continues to whine a constrained mewl as the men pound without care for their own comfort or hers—only pleasure.
Despite your lack of acknowledgement for one another, you’re able to coordinate your thrusts. Her body quivers all over the place. Beads of sweat mesh with her streaks of ruined makeup and tears. Even as you tug her hair and Blondie yanks her with his belt, you read each other’s minds and take turns to pull her around.
One by one, someone admits they’re close. A minute later, another confesses. It repeats like a chant three more times until you’re the last one to finally break. Knowing you’re about to reach your ends once more, you decrease your rhythm, savoring each little euphoric sensation of Yena’s mouth. The others do the same. Even she reads the room and also slows her jerking of Uncle’s shaft with her hand.
Instead of covering her insides with seed, everyone pulls out as they reach their climax. A rising choir of grunts fill the air as you all orgasm. You paint her face and neck with another blast of sticky white. She arches her back as the others coat her with their own cum. Blondie glazes her lower back and ass, Swampy glazes her upper back and a portion of her chest, Frank on her legs, and Uncle sprays over her arm. Then in synchronized motion, you all collapse to the floor. And finally, Yena falls, her body trembling from the overwhelming sensation of cock.
The ray of bright yellow lights on the ballroom ceiling is the last thing you see before you pass out with a smile on your face.
You wake up to the sounds of muted moaning and kissing.
Yena’s on her knees while Blondie’s seated on a chair. To no one’s surprise, he’s got her on a leash while he pounds her from behind.
When you loudly yawn, she stops to look back at you. Then you look behind you and find that the others are still fast asleep. Gingerly you stand up and scour the massive place for your pants. Eventually you find them in a clustered pile composed of everyone’s clothes. Check your phone. 10:27 a.m. flashes on the screen.
As fun as it has been, you were needed at work the next day.
Dressing up quickly you wave farewell to Blondie and Yena as they reciprocate your gesture. You make sure not to create noise as you push through the doors of the ballroom. Even as you walk through the lobby with many eyes glued to what appears to be your fly exposed, the memories of last night linger on your drive home.
Later that night, you receive a private message on your personal blog.
Hey there!
Last night was an amazing night and I couldn’t be more thankful. Thanks for the great fuck. I hope I didn’t scar you for life though. Hahaha. Anyway, attached here is my personal number. Feel free to call if you want to have sex during the weekends. Also, there might be six friends from the company also interested too. They’re as wild as I am! Call and you might receive a lovely surprise. Thank you for the continued support! &lt;3
YH Entertainment
(A/N: I don't think it's a hot take but Yena's solo is probably my favorite post-IZ*ONE release. Early SOTY! This might also be the last lengthy work I release for a while; the new Pokémon game dropped and I'm no-life grinding the shit out of it. Amazing experience so far, even though I've made little progress story wise. Thank you for reading!)
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Swipe Right
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Bucky has been your neighbor for a few months now, so he likes to think you two are friends. Which is why he thinks you're the best person to go to to help him get back into the dating scene.
AN: inspired by one line of dialogue from the first ep of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. lol also, FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER EP 1 SPOILERS!
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Bucky felt lost. Well, he's always felt lost ever since he suddenly came back along with have of the world's population. He was pardoned by the government and now a civilian. He was going through therapy to deal with his 70+ years worth of trauma and trying to navigate his way through the modern world. Everything was new and exciting but also overwhelming and exhausting.
His therapist encouraged him to date and make friends. So that's what he did, or at least, tried to do.
He considers you a friend. You live in the apartment right beside him, gave him a friendly smile and helping hand when he first moved in. You two chatted when you'd run into each other in the hall or in the laundry room. You were nice, attractive, funny. He honestly thought about asking you out a few times, but you were his friend, his only friend it seems. So he couldn't ruin that. Therefore, he resorted to online dating.
He signed up to a bunch of dating websites and apps: eharmony, match.com, plentyoffish, tinder-SO MANY. Why are there so many dating apps?!
He's scrolling through his phone, so overwhelmed by the different pictures and information. What does DTF mean???
He scowls, tossing his phone onto a pile of dry laundry he should be folding. You enter the laundry room with a chuckle, "Everything alright?"
He glances over his shoulder and sees you. He immediately smiles and faces you, "Hey, um, yeah," he gestures to his phone, "Just, um..." he lets out a sigh and asks, "Do you know anything about dating?"
You look at him curiously and reply, "A little. Why? What's up?"
"I'm just," he nervously scratches his head and places his hands on his hips, "I'm trying this online dating thing and it's...a lot."
You can't help but snort, "I feel ya," you give him a reassuring smile despite your heart dropping to your stomach, "So, uh, what sites or apps are you on?"
"Um...all of them?"
You snort again, "No way. Let me see your phone." you hold out your open palm to him and he places his phone into your hands after unlocking it. You swipe through his apps and your brows shoot up to your hairline, "Well it's not all of them , but it's definitely a lot." you look up from the phone to Bucky, "Can I give some advice?"
"Please, I'll take anything you can give me," he replies desperately.
You hop onto the washing machine and hold up his phone, "Okay. These apps are usually for the older crowd. Like thirty five and up, so if you're not picky about age, feel free to keep these. Now, these apps are what the younger generations use. Tinder is usually for hook ups, one night stands and all that. Not many people take Tinder seriously. Bumble, is a level up from Tinder. You'll find people who are more serious about finding a relationship with also a mix of people looking for something casual. Hinge, I think, is a level up from Bumble. You don't see people's typical lame ass bios, but their answers to some fun questions, what kind of relationship they're looking for, if they smoke or do drugs, etc. Also, I'm not sure if you know this, but you can change the age range on all of these apps. So instead of having it from 18 to 50, you can narrow it so 25 to 35 or however you want."
You look at Bucky and see his brows are furrowed in...concentration? Confusion?
"Was that too much? Do I need to slow down?"
He shook his head, "No, no, that's not it. Um, thanks, Y/N," he shoots you a grateful grin and you smile back, "No problem, Bucky." You see the gears turning in his head and you ask a question, he might be scared to ask you, "Do you want me to help you find some potential dates?"
"Will you?" he asks in that same desperate tone from earlier.
Again, you put on a smile, despite your breaking heart, "Sure!"
You tap on Hinge, double checking on his preferences, and then going to the main page.
"Oh! Look here. She's a single mom, but she's also a nurse. On the weekends, you're most likely going to find her wine drunk and watching movies with her kids. She has pets. She'd like to have more kids some day. She sounds nice. How 'bout it, Bucky?"
"Sure. She-She sounds good."
"Cool! So you tap on the heart on whatever thing on her page. So let's like her....answer here. If you want, you can comment something, but if not, you just forward it and hope to see that she'll like you back and you can start messaging her! Also, it looks like some people already like you! So you just tap on this icon here and you can scroll through the different people who've liked something on your page and it's up to you if you want to make contact or not."
Bucky hums and plucks his phone from your hands, "Wow. This-Thanks Y/N. This really helped."
"No problem, Buck! If you ever need more help, just let me know!" you hop off the washer and proceed to start up a load of laundry. You mind running back and forth about how you should shoot your shot, but you were too afraid of ruining the friendship you and Bucky have.
Bucky: Hey
You: What's up?
Bucky: can you come over? I need more help with this online dating situation.
You: sure!
You let your phone fall to your side with a sigh, Bucky has been asking for your help with his online dating for two weeks now and while you're always happy to help him, it just sucks seeing someone get his attention that you wish you had.
You roll out of bed, not caring about how you looked and exit your apartment, knocking on Bucky's door.
He swings open to reveal him in a tight blue henley and some black jeans, "Hey!" he shoots you a grin and moves aside to let you in, "So, um, this girl, Janine. We've been messaging for a few days now and she wants to meet up. Is that too soon? And where should I take her? I've," he pauses to chuckle to himself, "I haven't dated since the forties so..."
Despite your feelings for him, you knew Bucky deserved to be happy, especially after all the shit he's gone through.
"Hm, well, what kind of vibes are you getting from her?"
"Yeah, um, what feelings do you get when you talk to her? Do you feel happy? Do you want to get to know her more?"
"Uh, yeah, I suppose so. I think it'd be nice to meet her in person and get to know her more face to face."
"Then yeah, take her out. But since it's your first time meeting her in person, it should be something casual. Low key, no pressure. A decent restaurant or a bar is probably best."
Bucky nods, "Yeah. Okay. Um, do you think you could help me pick something out?"
You can't help but laugh, "Bucky, I'm sure whatever you choose to wear, you'll be fine."
"Okay. Thanks, Y/N," he slowly wraps his arms around you for a hug, but not too tight in case you're uncomfortable. You surprise him by hugging him back, giving him a little squeeze, "You're welcome, Bucky."
It was Saturday and you didn't have work. You friends asked you to hangout with them, but you didn't want to. You wanted to stay holed up in your apartment, wallowing because Bucky would be going on his date with Janine tonight.
You're mindlessly watching tv , curled up on the couch. You turn your face into the pillow and scream in frustration. You should've just asked him out when you had the chance, but now that chance is gone.
You groan as you roll off the couch and head to your balcony. You just need some fresh air. You push up your window and climb onto the metal balcony. You sit on the outdoor chair you have there and stare up into the night sky. The stars are twinkling, the moon is shining. It looks like a perfect night for a date and here you are, alone.
"AAAHHH!" you scream by the sudden appearance of Bucky on his own balcony. You're staring at him wide eyed, hand on your chest.
Bucky couldn't help but laugh at your expression, "Sorry."
You shake your head and stand to meet him, "It's fine. What're you doing here? I thought you were on your date."
"Yeah, uh, turns out Janine didn't, what phrase did you use once, pass the vibe check?"
You snort, covering your mouth as you giggled. Bucky's smile grows at the sound and you pull yourself together, "Um, yeah that's it. But I'm sorry."
He shrugs, leaning against the railing, "Honestly, it's okay. I don't think the online dating thing is really for me. I think I'll probably stick to the old fashion way: meeting in person and asking them out on a date."
"That's understandable," you say with a nod.
"So how 'bout it?"
You look at him confused, "How 'bout what?"
"Do you wanna go on a date sometime?" you give a look of surprise and Bucky immediately adds, "But I totally understand if you don't want to. I just-you're nice, and beautiful, and funny I thought maybe-but we're friends so I totally understand if you don't-"
"No, no. Bucky, I just-I'd love to go on a date with you."
"Yeah?" You nod and he holds out his hand, "Come on then."
You give a nervous chuckle, "What?"
"I picked up a pizza after that disastrous date. We can eat and watch a movie. Casual and no pressure, right?"
You look from his striking blue eyes to his outstretched glove hand. You reach out to place your hand in his but then pull back, "Wait. I should probably change."
You step back to head back into your apartment, but Bucky grabs your hand, "You don't have to. You look great."
You chuckle and begin to climb from your railing to Bucky's, with his help, "Alright, Prince Charming. I expect to be wooed tonight."
"Of course you do, which is why I ordered pizza from your favorite place and I'm letting you pick the movie we watch."
"Bucky Barnes, I could kiss you!" you exclaim thoughtlessly but then you realized what you just said. You shook your head and began to ramble off excuses, "No no! I mean not now! Now that I don't want to kiss you. You're very kissable. Not that I imagine kissing you or anything it's just-"
Bucky leans in and gives you a little peck on the cheek, "I don't kiss until after the date's over, doll. So will that suffice for now?"
You could feel your cheeks heating up as you nodded and squeaked out, "Yup!"
He chuckled, taking your hand in his again and leading you to the couch where the pizza was waiting for you.
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mythtiide · 2 years
4, 11, and 42??
4. which cryptid being do you believe in?
im going to be completely honest idk anything really about cryptids but i think bigfoots got a big chance of being real. I mean hes just some big guy so it seems pretty plausible!
also maybe not deer. Who knows what they’re up to in those forests…
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
i havent been in many extracurriculars but i did do this before school activity thing. I did art therapy so we spent time making different things in the class. Also the teacher was really nice :D
42. An app you frequent besides this godforsaken site?
I use Pinterest a whole ton when im not on here! Its just fun to mindlessly scroll through n listen to music ^__^
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eyeofthedrgn · 3 years
Fort Building - Rowcan Oneshot
Rowan and Lorcan have a little girl named Rayla. Lorcan is a househusband. Him and Rayla are hiding in the fort they built when Rowan gets home.
Word count: 995
"Lor, babe, I'm home!"
Rowan shut the door behind him as he toed off his shoes then hung up his coat. The house was quiet and he definitely found that suspicious. Lorcan was usually trying to get their little girl to eat dinner at this point in the day. Rowan hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen to start inspecting.
The kitchen was empty, the high chair was still out, but the tray was clean, dirty dishes in the sink. Rowan quirked his lips to the side. Then, he heard something from the living room.
He walked around the island and took in the site of the room before him. There were couch cushions, pillows and blankets everywhere. Rowan was jealous now. They had made a fort without him!
"Hmmm, I wonder where everyone is?" He heard a small giggle from somewhere in the mess of blankets and pillows. A smile crept across his face and only grew when he heard his wonderful husband shushing Rayla. Rowan could only imagine the smirk on Lorcan's face. "I wonder if they're in this amazing fort that someone made."
"No one is in here!" Rayla's small voice was muffled. Lorcan chuckled.
Rowan knelt down at what seemed to be the entrance and crawled through the tunnels until he found his favorite people. Rayla screeched and then giggled when Rowan started tickling her.
Lorcan looked fondly at the two of them. He loved these two. More than anything.
"Dad!" Rayla laughed. "Stop!" She was wiggling all over the place trying to get away from the tickle monster. "Daddy! Save me!"
"You want me to get Daddy?" Lorcan questioned.
"Yes!" She managed to say through her laughter.
"Well, okay. Daddy to the rescue!" Lorcan crawled over to Rowan and planted a kiss on his husband's lips. Rowan immediately stopped tickling and extended their kiss. Rayla rolled away.
Lorcan broke away, Rowan said, "Not fair," the same time Rayla said, "Ewww!" Lorcan just laughed.
The kitchen timer started beeping as their laughter died down. Lorcan scuttled his way out of the fort, Rowan smacked his ass as he left. "Dad, that's gross!"
"Well, my love, I'm sorry, but both daddies like it." She just shrugged as she yawned. "And I think it's time for you to go to bed!"
"But I'm not sleepy!" She said through another yawn as she grabbed her stuffed manatee.
"Mhmm, of course you're not. Come on, love." Rowan followed her out of the fort and then scooped her up. "Let's say goodnight to Daddy." Her head settled onto his shoulder.
Lorcan was pulling out a couple of plates for their dinner. He set them down next to the casserole dish before walking over to them with a smile tugging at his lips.
"Hey there, pumpkin. Did you have fun building a fort today?" She hummed in response as he placed a soft kiss on her hair, then nudged his nose against Rowan's. Looking back at his daughter he said, "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you."
Rowan walked her down the hall to her room, he laid her down on her bed. Pulled up her Star Wars comforter over her shoulders.
"Yes, love?"
"I love you and Daddy so much!" Rowan smiled wide at his daughter's admission.
"I love you, sweetheart," he said as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "So does Daddy. Very much. Now, it's time for sleep." He placed another kiss on her forehead and made sure her manatee was tucked under arm. "Sleep dreams, love."
Back in the kitchen, Lorcan was leaning against the counter, mindlessly scrolling on his phone. Or at least that's what he thought until Lorcan turned his phone towards his husband. His heart melted when his eyes saw the adorable photo of Rayla that Lorcan managed to capture today.
"She's so damn cute." Lorcan hummed as he leaned into Rowan.
"I missed you today." Lorcan set his phone down on the counter as he wrapped his arms around his husband's waist.
"Yeah?" Rowan leaned their foreheads together.
"Mhmm." Their noses nudged against each other before their lips met. Rowan hummed into Lorcan's mouth as his hands carded into dark, midnight hair.
They languidly kissed for several minutes, hands gently caressing their jaws, necks, sides. Rowan's hands somehow found their way under his husband's shirt, relishing in the warmth of his skin.
"We should eat dinner. I slaved for hours making it," Lorcan breathed against his lips.
"I am starving," Rowan chuckled and reluctantly pulled away, but not before one more kiss. Then he saw what his househusband made. "Baked ziti! Thanks, babe! You get another kiss." Lorcan smiled into the kiss.
They talked about their days as they ate. Their feet touching under the table. Lorcan talked about fort building and the ridiculous stories that Rayla loved to come up with. Rowan talked about a new client that he really didn't want to work with for multiple reasons.
"So, since the living room has been turned into a fort, I'm jealous by the way, do you want to spend the evening doing some marriage things in our bed?" Rowan wasn't sure why, but he could feel a soft blush grace his cheeks. Maybe because they haven't really had the time or energy lately.
Lorcan gave him a devious smile as he got up and cleaned up the dishes. Rowan stood behind him at the sink and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, pressing open mouthed kisses to Lorcan's neck. Lorcan leaned into the touch, causing Rowan to smile against his skin.
The water turned off and Lorcan turned around in Rowan's arms. "I love you." He cupped his husband's cheek, leaned in and parted Rowan's lips with his own, his own tongue diving in and claiming. Arms tightened around him, Rowan moaning into his mouth. They pulled apart, but only just. Both panting slightly.
"Bedroom?" Rowan quirked a brow.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 01
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, future angst, future smut
; Word Count: 2.8k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh...incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: This is going to be a drabble series. It’s not planned out, it has no planning. It will be written as and when I get the inspiration for it. The Flower app is inspired by the Bumble app in which women make the first move on it. This is just purely something to try and get me back into enjoying writing again so...please show it and me some love because I already love this Hoseok? I haven’t proof read lol
Flower Masterpost
“Okay...okay. Let’s do this...you can do this. It’s easy. Just...download the app and go. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Well you could get murdered. That would suck. But it would resolve a lot of issues I guess. On the other hand...I could meet the love of my life. I mean...is that likely?” The soft sounds of your muttering are probably barely heard over the soft playing music through the speakers connected to your television, YouTube playing mindlessly to itself on the screen.
Your focus though, is solely on the phone in your hand. Soyeon, your best friend, had been bugging you to join some online dating sites for a while and it had only gotten worse when your other friend Chungha told her that she fully agreed with her. Part of you felt cornered by them both but another part of you understood them.
They were just looking out for you. You were naturally quiet and shy, introverted and preferring to remain inside or on the sides if you were dragged to a party. An inability to engage in small talk meant that that you struggled to make conversation with people as well. That all resulted in a small circle of friends who understood you well but that was it, everyone else was merely acquaintances who would hang out with you simply because they were friends with your friends.
As such, it meant that you struggled with dating. And by that, you mean that you hadn’t been in a relationship for a long time. Nor could you do flings like some of your friends did, the very thought filled you with anxiety.
This was why they had suggested trying online dating, because you’d lamented to them about how lonely you’d started to feel. You were still relatively young, and you knew that relationships weren’t the be all and end all. But when you haven’t dated since college, it starts to feel like no one is interested in you at all. And that was a hard feeling to take in.
You wanted to be like your friends. To have someone to talk to about things without feeling embarrassed, someone who would enjoy being in your company and actively seek you out, someone to be intimate with. Someone to fall in love with. It sounded cheesy and stupid but both Soyeon and Chungha had taken your concerns to heart.
They’d asked if you wanted to be set up on blind dates but the very idea of that made you lose your breath with anxiety, the fear of failure or judgement from someone who has never met you before overwhelming. So Soyeon had suggested online dating and now here you were, curled up on your couch on a Saturday night, a glass of water on the side because you don’t like alcohol and the app store open to dating apps.
“Tinder...isn’t that just for hookups?” You murmur, frowning as you look at some of the reviews. There were probably people who had managed to get lasting relationships on Tinder, but the idea of having random people actively deciding whether or not you were worth trying simply from a photo or something was horrible. Not that you had any idea how it actually worked, but still…
A few other apps look to be the more traditional online dating route and you consider whether to download one of them. But then you see an app that attracts your attention, a small soft pink and orange logo with the outline of a white flower in it. The title is simply ‘Flower’ and you take click on it to read the description.
‘Find the perfect partner and watch love or friendship bloom like a flower! 
The Flower app asks you to set up a profile by asking you a series of questions to determine your interests and personality. We then set you up with a series of people we consider to be a good match and give you the opportunity to initiate a conversation!
Here at Flower, we want to make sure that dating is fun and most importantly, equal. As such, we allow women to be the one to initiate contact with their matches. This means that if you’re looking for a same sex relationship, then you can both reach out. The same goes if you don’t identify as female or male. If you’re looking for a heterosexual relationship, then you can reach out to your match and he can decide whether he wants to respond. 
We don’t tolerate any form of hate speech or intolerance and will respond with quick action against this. At Flower, we promote inclusivity, diversity and tolerance. We want the world to grow and bloom with love, one relationship at a time!’
The reviews for the app seemed to back up their description and you felt curious. An impulse takes over and you download it, tongue sticking out as you wait before loading it up once it’s done. The interface is clean and take a moment to chew your lip before clicking the sign up button.
Everything seems to be rudimentary at first, asking for your age and location, name and occupation. But then it starts to ask some other questions. Your favourite film genres, a list of favourite films, your favourite books, where you’d like to go on vacation, favourite music and songs and so much more. Some of it felt bizarre, like would you rather eat chicken or beef? Would you rather drive an Audi or a Ford?
You presumed it all had a reason though, and after what felt like five minutes of answering questions, you finally had a profile. Flicking through the gallery on your phone, you found a picture that you felt was flattering while still showing your personality. It’s from a few months ago and was taken with a Polaroid camera, giving it that distinctive filter that always seemed to be flattering everyone.
You were giving a small smile, eyes looking to the left of the camera while your chin was in your hand. Nose wrinkled slightly, a soft and fluffy white cream sweater covers you while a cherry blossom scarf is wrapped elegantly round your neck. And on top of all that...a bright yellow Pikachu hat sits on top of your head.
It had been your birthday and the girls had managed to coax you out for dinner before presenting you with a bunch of presents. They’d been a random assortment, as usual, but you’d loved it all. A skin care gift set, the Pikachu hat and a Pusheen stationery set. Your colleagues at your admin assistant job had given you the side eye when you’d added yet more cute and strange things to your already colourful and cluttered desk but you’d ignore them.
This picture had been one of the best taken of you recently and you smiled gently as you made it your profile picture. You didn’t like being photographed, constantly convinced that you were unattractive but your friends were convinced otherwise.
Everything looked to be set up and you wondered what you meant to do now, when a sudden notification pops up on the screen with ‘20 Matches Found’. Sudden anxiety makes you feel sick, stomach rolling with nerves as your veins practically fizz as you click on the view more button. These were people who the app had compared your own answers to and considered to be the best matches.
There’s a tiny moment of waiting as a tiny flower in orange and pink blooms and you sigh when it finally clears. The profiles are shown in descending order with those most matched to least. A tiny refresh button in the corner let’s you see that you can refresh your matches if necessary.
Each profile shows their profile image, their name, age and location. Scrolling through them, you note idly that you seem to have got a wide range of people that you had matched with. A 24-year-old swimming instructor named Kim Chaeyoung, a 31-year-old high school English teacher named Seo Jinwoo, a 29-year-old mechanic called Park Jisoo and more.
It was interesting to see the wide range of people that had come back and you perused their profiles carefully, reading the little description they’d written for themselves along with a few answers to questions similar to what you’d had to answer. The app seemed to pull a range range of questions for you read, with each person’s being slightly different.
You supposed it meant that you would need to ask for that information and you found yourself curious about one or two people, pressing the little button that indicated it would bookmark their profile for later viewing. Apparently you had a week to make the first interaction before it would vanish.
Humming lightly, you wondered if anyone would be interested in talking to you? 
Everyone looked so pretty on here and you wondered if you matched up to them. Would they consider you worth their time? Biting your lower lip, you shrug your shoulders and decided you had nothing to lose really. You didn’t know these people in real life and no one would laugh at you for simply reaching out and trying to make a connection.
You come across one profile that makes you pause though, your brow lifting in surprise as you wonder why on earth the app has matched you with this guy. The two of you don’t even look like you come from the same planet, nevermind have enough aligning interests to warrant being in your top 20 matches at the moment.
Clicking on his profile, you read through his basic info question while you purse your lips, making soft noises in your throat.
Jung Hoseok. 28 years old. IT Technician. 
He sounded pretty normal and you wouldn’t even give it a second thought normally, but his appearance did not match the casual job description he had. Maybe you were just being stereotypical here, but most of the IT people in your workplace were of the nerdy looking variety. And you only say that because every one of them wore some form of Rick and Morty or other pop culture shirts.
Which you were fine with, because you enjoyed most of the same things too. But no one looked like this guy.
The reason you were so surprised was because of his profile picture, and despite your earlier thoughts about just sending messages to everyone for the sake of it, you felt a well of anxiety rising again as you looked at him. This guy is quite possibly the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, the kind of guy that people only think exists when they’re rich and famous.
But he’s also completely unlike you. He’s evidently at some sort of event as he has a bottle of beer in his hand while his other hand is making the metal horns shape. One eye is closed to camera, winking while his tongue is poking out of his mouth on one side, white teeth visible beneath pink lips amidst gold skin. A silver ring pierced his lower lip on the right while a small ball is visible in his tongue.
His hair is jet black, gleaming in the crappy lighting in a messy state that looks slightly wet while his exposed skin has a sheen of sweat on it. A red and black shirt unbuttoned on him, rolled up to his elbows to reveal toned forearms that are completely covered in vibrant and bright colour.
The tattoos make what you presume to be full sleeves on both arms, his left arm appearing to be a swirling galaxyscape with brilliant galaxies, planets, moons and more interwoven with, bizarrely, dragons that are almost transparent. They look beautiful though, and you get an image of space dragons made of fine dust flying through the vast expanse of space as you look at them.
His other arm looks to be a mesh of things together, flames and flowers and skulls and ships. None of it makes any sense to you, but you’re positive it probably means something to him. One of the sleeves expands onto his hand, the one showing the horns and you eye the clock tattoo that takes up the space.
His tattoos look to expand beyond his arms as the black top beneath his shirt gives tantalising glimpses of the black and colour tattoos that obviously sprawl across his chest. Strands creep upwards, almost to his neck and you get the impression of something fiery, the soft wisps of red and orange looking like burning embers on his skin.
This guy...looked like he belonged in a metal band or tattoo shop. And he was...beautiful, way out of your league. 
Which was why you had to have experienced an out of body moment when your finger presses the message button, the screen popping up with an automatic message pre filled out for you.
“Hey, Flower shows that we’re good matches so I’m reaching out to you! If you would like to talk to me, please respond!”
Scowling, you deleted the message, deciding it would be bad manners to just send the template message to someone that you were attracted to. That thought gives you pause, acknowledging that you are in fact attracted to him. He looked like the kind of guy who would take one look at your profile and laugh himself home at the prospect of doing anything with you.
The man clearly thrived on social situations, enough of his profile gave that away and again you wondered why the app matched you together. Maybe he had some secret love of Pokemon or something. Looks could be deceiving, obviously.
And even if you’d never listened to a metal song in your life...you were always open to trying new things. If you were going to open yourself up to the prospect of online dating, then you may as well go fully out of comfort zone.
Swallowing, you carefully type out a short message and spend the next five minutes reading it over as anxiety and fear swirl within you. Indecision causes you to wonder whether you should just delete it all and ignore his profile, going for the safe option of someone who looks like they’d be more accepting of you on your list.
But the allure of something so unlike you pulls you in and you press send, watching the message swoosh away and changing his profile to a soft pink to indicate that you’d initiated contact. Almost immediately you feel sick, body going cold as you pant ever so slightly.
Oh god, he’s going to read that message and take one look at your profile then delete the message. He probably had hookups all the time, the kind of guy you shouldn’t get involved with. You had no interest in being a one night stand and- you shake your head, clenching your teeth and taking a deep breath.
Stereotypes are damaging to yourself and others, you tell yourself quietly. There’s no reason to paint him with a negative brush already when he’s not even had a chance to do anything. And so what if he only wanted hookups? It was the 21st century, men and women could sleep with who they wanted, as often as they wanted and they shouldn’t face the prejudice you’re showing him already.
Before you can even think anything else though, your phone sends out a soft, melodic note and you look down with wide eyes. The message icon has an orange notification on it, signifying that you have a new message on there. Hesitating, you wonder if it’s just one of those generic ‘welcome’ messages that you sometimes get when you sign up for sites.
But the name of the sender tells you very much that it’s not a generic message, and the cold fear mixes with nervous excitement and trepidation as you see Jung Hoseok’s name. He must have already been on his phone to have responded so fast, and you wonder if he’s just sent a polite ‘thank you but no’ back.
It would be awfully nice of him if he did. Embarrassing, but polite.
Opening the message, your jaw drops and eyes widen as you read what he’s responded with.
You: Hi. I don’t know how to use this properly, so I’m sorry if I do it wrong. You showed as a match and...well I guess I say I’m interested? Not as a friend, unless you want that. I mean...the other way. Feel free to say no! Y/N
Reading it back over, you cringe at how...you it sounds. Hesitant and awkward and shy. Dammit, why couldn’t you just seize the moment and sound confident for once? Say something bold that would attract his attention.
And then you read his response.
Hoseok: Hey Y/N. Thanks for reaching out. How are you tonight?
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bwglifestyle · 3 years
Why Taking A Break From Social Media Is Good For Your Mental Health
When you wake up, before you begin work, during your lunch break, when you get home and before you go to bed. Sometimes, even when you use the loo. Did you know that around 3.96 billion people around the world use social media, and, on average, spend around 145 minutes per day checking in. That’s 2.4 hours full hours per day.
Studies have shown that spending too much time on social media can increase feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Many find that they want to take a break from their phones, but find it extremely difficult to resist the urge to constantly check their social handles. This is because social networking is designed to lure you in and keep you addicted. It is however vitally important to learn how to take a break from social media. If you are checking your social media and spending more than 2 hours per day consumed by the world wide web, perhaps it’s time to take a detox, and here is why.
  It helps you in setting boundaries
Social media can often feel like an anxiety-fueled space, due to amount of negativity you are exposed to on a daily basis. It’s up to us to decide when to turn it off and stop the negativity from seeping into our personal space. By shutting off the noise on social media and taking a break, you ultimately set the healthiest boundary you can for yourself, which is the ultimate form of selfcare.
 It allows you to reclaim your time
One of the most precious commodities to ever exist, time is something you can never get back. If you are complaining about having zero time for family, to go for that run, or to get your emails seen to, perhaps it’s a good idea to not give in to the social media procrastination pull.
 It helps you stay focused on your goals
When you remove that constant distraction, it allows you to keep your eye on the prize. Stepping away from social media means less wasted energy thinking about comments and who last viewed your Instagram story. Instead of scrolling, it’s far more refreshing to begin doing things that feel good for you, and not for the reactions it receives.
 It helps you to reconnect
When you take a break from social media, it allows you to have more real-life interactions. Whether a phone call or a coffee date, plan a day out with a friend that you’ve been wanting to catch up with, and take enjoyment with some “guilty pleasures” or self-care routines, like taking a trip to the spa to recharge.
  It is important that you use your time offline to deal with issues that may affect you when you are online. The key is to ensure that you’re no longer triggered when you see certain posts online. Social media is an open forum for people to post about their accomplishments, big wins and great moments, however, it can also be a place where you could be cyberbullied and can often make one feel inadequate about your life or appearance. The fear of missing out (FOMO), and isolation that social media provides is unhealthy too. You need to equip yourself with the proper tools to ensure you're not susceptible to triggers when you do log back on. 
  Here are a few common signs that you may need to take a break from social media.
 It’s not fun anymore
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are meant to be a fun and enjoyable way to connect with family and friends. When it’s no longer a source of joy and connection in your life, it may be a sign to take a break.
 You compare yourself to others, even offline
If, at any stage, you feel like you aren't good enough, pretty enough, or successful enough as others in your news feed, you should consider taking a break. Especially if you feel worse about yourself after you’ve been online, this is a string sign that you are damaging your emotional well-being.
 You're doomscrolling
Doomscrolling occurs when you find yourself continuously and mindlessly, scrolling through social media sites. You may do this because you feel the need to constantly know everything that's happening in the world— from news to trending topics. At times, you may not even realise you're doing it until a huge lapse of time has passed and you're still sitting in the same position, having been absorbed into your screen.
 It's the last thing you see at night
Looking at your phone right before bed may be disrupting your sleep patterns because it keeps your mind active and awake. The blue light from your cell phone suppresses melatonin, which is a hormone responsible for controlling sleep. Since blue light is an artificial colour that imitates daylight, your body thinks it's daytime and tries to keep you energised and awake, thus resisting the urge to fall asleep. 
 It changes from a “nice-to-have” activity to a “need-to-have” activity
The moment you feel that you “need” to check your social media, you should know you need a break. The rule of thumb is this; if you're occasionally using it to stay connected or otherwise enhance your life, that's a nice-to-have. However, if you're using it as a way to cope and begin to feel anxious or like you feel yourself becoming distressed because you haven't checked it in a while, those may be signs that you need a break.
 To ensure that social media has a positive impact on your health, it's important to be conscious of how you're using it. That means knowing when to take a break and direct your attention elsewhere. 
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