#on the reverse count olaf sees matches malone and has no idea that is bruce wayne but he somehow knows that bruce is batman
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Going into the Bruce Wayne adopts a random fictional orphan famous AUs: Bruce Wayne becames the legal guardian of the Baudelaire childrem. Now Count Olaf can try to murder trick and steal TWO whole fortunes.
Imagine Klaus in the Wayne Massion library and discussing books with Jason and having conversations over feeling missplaced and not yet belonging to the Waynes even tho he fits with Duke and bonding with Barbara over her time as a librarian
Violet helping Lucius Fox invent equipament for Batman and bonding with Dick over their shared eldest daugther sindrome and working in the cars with Jason and Bruce and bomding with Tim because Tim totaly would not fall for Olaf's bs.
Sunny cooking with Alfred and being a menance with Damian and learning to talk with Cassandra and Bruce finally having the toddler experience and being besties with Stephanie who will see sassy powerfull baby and become automatically the cool older sister.
All while Count Olaf and Esme Squalor bond with the Rogues Gallery. And even fied with some of them.
Olaf discussing arson with Firefly and trying to outdrama Riddler and bounding with Deadstroke over the fact everyone forgets about their weird comentaries involving a fourteen years old.
Esme exanching date advices with Harley and doing make-up with Joker and bullying Jonathan because he dresses like a poor person.
All while Lemony(the only person that can maybe take Bruce's place over being the most paranoic human being ever) fails in finally meeting the Baudelaires because he keeps getting lost in Gotham because he is a trouble magnet and everything there is trouble.
Also Alfred sassing Mr. Poe. Everyone's dream.
For my personal preferences let Batman take the place of the Vilage of Fowl Devotees: that would mean that we still have Duncan and Isadora, we already have Esme and Jacques may not die. Absolute perfection.
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