#onassis stegi
garadinervi · 18 days
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AGF & Various, arachnesound, (CD, Digital album), AGF producktion 036, poemproducer, 2021, Commissioned by Onassis Stegi
Artists and Collaborators: Reine Linda Nyongo, Angela Dimitrakaki, Anna Stereopoulou, Katerina Iliopoulou, Savina Yannatou, Konstantina Korryvanti, Dimitra Ioannou, Ismini Samanidou, Maria Arapoglou, Maria Papadomanolaki, Nicoleta Chatzopoulou
Artwork: Carsten Stabenow, Tuned City
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statesofexception · 1 year
Raed Yassin — 'The Sea Between My Soul' (2020)
Filmed at Onassis Stegi, Athens
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iridation-m · 2 years
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amrartrprojects · 3 months
Bi-monthly web radio residency at Onassis stegi.radio
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maquinitas · 1 year
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"Welcome to Space Afternoons.
Electronic Greece pt.1
This new chapter will include vinyl-only recordings that happen to fit the climate as well as the mood. This time we focus on domestic electronic releases from 1970 to the present day."
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inutilradioshow · 1 year
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sguardimora · 2 years
Eva Giannakopoulou in residenza per “Ichthyolatry”
01 Dicembre 2022 - 15 Dicembre 2022 
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Inizia oggi la residenza creativa per la ricerca e la composizione del nuovo spettacolo di  Eva Giannakopoulou. Eva è l’artista selezionata per questo quinto tandem di produzione che vede coinvolti come coproduttori PCAI Awareness Raising (Grecia), ARTEMREDE/Torres Vedras Municipality (Portogallo). La selezione è avvenuta attreverso una call lanciata il 10 gennaio 2022 e chiusa il 28 marzo 2022 per artisti residenti in Grecia.
Ichthyolatry rappresenta la quinta tra le 12 produzioni internazionali che verranno realizzate e coprodotte da altrettanti tandem produttivi nella cornice del progetto europeo Stronger Peripheries. L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora, tra i partner, è stato scelto per la sua esperienza e l’unicità della sua vocazione come principale luogo di residenza creativa per sette di queste produzioni. 
La teorica culturale Astrida Neimanis nel suo libro “Hydrofeminism: Or, On Becoming a Body of Water” (2017) inventa il concetto di “Idrofemminismo”, proponendo un’inedita prospettiva eco-femminista: l’acqua, il genere femminile, i corpi incarnati e la cura dell’ambiente e della biodiversità dovrebbero fondersi e creare una nuova etica ecologica. Apprendere la “fluidità” tipica dell’elemento in costante movimento potrebbe contribuire alla nascita di una nuova coscienza ecologica, politica e poetica, attraverso una lente femminista? Se l’acqua è l’elemento da cui derivano tutti gli organismi, come potremmo tornare a questo remoto stato della nostra esistenza, abolendo i limiti tra evoluzione e storia, natura e cultura? Come creare alleanze trasversali tra generi, specie e ambienti in una prospettiva post-umana? La risposta a queste domande potrebbe “colmare il divario” esistente tra passato, presente e futuro, tra esseri umani e non, tra una medusa ed un cane. Mentre siamo diretti testimoni di epidemie, guerre, catastrofi ecologiche e crisi energetiche, potrebbe essere interessante ripartire dall’acqua, in un orizzonte etico post-umanista, per incoraggiarci a pensare orizzontalmente, al di fuori degli interessi della nostra specie, abbandonando una concezione del mondo narcisista, e prendendo sul serio gli interessi e i diritti di tutto ciò che non è umano. Ichthyolatry è il tentativo di collegare il Pireo (GR), Torres Vedras (PT) e Mondaino (IT) attraverso “percorsi d’acqua e di etica dell’acqua” sperimentando con le comunità locali, la natura e i rispettivi contesti urbani.
Eva Giannakopoulou è cresciuta a Itaca, in Grecia, e attualmente risiede con suo figlio ad Atene, dove lavora. In passato ha vissuto a Napoli, Barcellona, Istanbul, Berlino e in altri luoghi a seconda delle circostanze. Ha presentato spettacoli in vari siti non convenzionali, tra cui spiagge, piazze, fiumi, parchi e stadi improvvisati nello spazio pubblico. Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in musei, istituzioni, gallerie e festival, tra cui la Onassis-Stegi Foundation (Kin Baby, FUTURE N.O.W, 2021 e Kivotos Channel, 2021), il Museo Benaki (“The Same River Twice”, 2019; “The Equilibrists”, 2016, entrambi a cura e organizzati dal New Museum, New York e dalla Fondazione DESTE), il Kultursymposium Weimar (2019), il Goethe-Institut Athen (“Weasel Dance”, 2019), la Biennale di Atene AB6: ANTI (2018), the Athens Biennale AB5to6: OMONOIA (2016), the Material Art Fair (Mexico City, 2017), the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Berlin, “Autonomy Help ME!”, mostra personale, 2015), MPA-B (Berlin, 2014 e 2015), Action Field Kodra (Thessaloniki, 2012) e la National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (MIET) Thessaloniki Center (in occasione di un evento parallelo della terza Biennale di Arte Contemporanea di Salonicco, 2011). Ha studiato storia dell’arte in Italia e belle arti in Grecia sotto P. Charalambous. Eva ha ricevuto la borsa di studio IKY (State Scholarships Foundation) e Vikatos per i suoi Master “Space Strategies” presso l’Accademia d’Arte Weiβensee di Berlino. Ha co-curato e co-organizzato numerosi progetti artistici ed eventi performativi, mentre nel 2013-2014, è stata collaboratrice del MPA-B (Month of Performance Art, Berlino). Nel 2019 ha co-fondato “Most Mechanics Are Crooks”, una band artistica e curatoriale che mira a reclamare l’insincerità come strumento di discorso progressivo. Eva è candidata al dottorato presso l’ASFA (Athens School of Fine Arts). Il titolo della sua tesi di dottorato è: “m-otherness. Verso un’indagine sulle voci materne e sulle rappresentazioni attraverso tattiche sovversive”.
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pass-temps · 3 years
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ncellee · 4 years
Ακόμη δεν έχω καταλάβει αν δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ γιατι δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω να σε σκέφτομαι, ή αν δεν κοιμάμαι για να μη σταματήσω να σε σκέφτομαι ούτε στιγμή...
Vasilis Kekatos - As You Sleep The World Empties
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man-reading · 4 years
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Stegi – Onassis Foundation
Athens, Greece
Onassis STEGI is the place where contemporary CULTURE meets aesthetics and science. The place where courageous, restless, daring Greek artists find the means to showcase their work; the place where international collaborations are nurtured; the stage on which the boundaries between science, art, society, education, learning and politics are renegotiated. Above all, Onassis STEGI is the space where questions are asked which feed the mind and spirit, which query givens, with this ideal ultimate goal: generating actions, interventions and ideas which shape and shake society.
The Onassis STEGI building hosts theatrical and musical productions, film screenings, art and digital shows, but its activities and central concept extend beyond the four walls of the center on Syngrou Avenue.
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crazytimesinsummer · 4 years
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“Birds (Or How To Be One) / Όρνιθες (ή Πώς να γίνεις πουλί)”,  Babis Makridis
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kalo-gr · 4 years
Postcards from the End of the World | Konstantinos Antonopoulos
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Καρτ ποστάλ από το τέλος του κόσμου του Κωνσταντίνου Αντωνόπουλου | Postcards from the End of the World by Konstantinos Antonopoulos Trapped in a seemingly dull family vacation, Dimitra, Dimitris, and their two daughters will have to find a way out of a secluded island in the Mediterranean, when confronted with the unexpected end of the world. Written & Directed by Konstantinos Antonopoulos With: Giorgos Gallos, Angeliki Dimitrakopoulou, Isavella Anagnostopoulou, Magda Varda, Dimitris Bitos, Jason Bitter, Io Latousaki, Kostas Papakonstantinou, Tatiana Pitta, Giorgos Lignos, Giorgos Vasilenas, Giorgos Mihalakis, Elena Mirtchofksa Produced by: Fani Skartouli Director οf Photography: Thodoris Mihopoulos GSC Editor: Livia Neroutsopoulou Production Designer: Chrissa Kourtoumi Music: Larry Gus Sound Designer & Mixer: Giannis Giannakopoulos Production Manager: Maria Repousi Production Company: Either/Or Productions Financial Support: Greek Film Center, Cosmote TV, Onassis Culture, Cultural Department of South Aegean Region, Artcut Festival Distribution: Varicoloured International Sales: Premium Films The movie is screened in the context of the Onassis Scholars Screenings 9-15.07.2020 at the Onassis Foundation YouTube channel. Learn more at https://www.onassis.org/news/watch-onassis-youtube-week-15 ------------------------------ Παγιδευμένοι Read the full article
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Day 8: “Is this really the time for jokes?”
This may be the cutest thing I have ever written which is kind of rude to my jercy brain but whatever!
I wrote a post for Percy's birthday that had a "headcanon" in it that inspired this fic
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Percy Jackson tucks a small box into his pants pockets, before adjusting the collar of his shirt and making sure the beaded necklace he never takes off still sits at the hollow of his throat, the trident directly in the middle. 
The unusually cool breeze that flutters through their villa brushes the back of his neck, instantly allowing him to breathe more easily. The bright blue ocean spreads out below them, calm and inviting. Like visiting his mother’s house. Or stepping into their apartment after a long day: his girlfriend curled up on the couch with her wire frame glasses propped on her nose, hunched over a book. It is comfort that he looks out on.
“Pers?” Annabeth calls from the bathroom.
“Yes Wisegirl?”
“Do you mind grabbing my heels by the bed, the blue ones.” Her voice bounces across the room.
He moves away from the mirror in the corner and gets onto his knees near the bed to find the shoes. Hidden between the side-table and the frame are baby-blue satin heels. Ribbons hang from the ankles and he knows they’ll look godly wrapped around her golden legs.
“Found them?”
He steps into the bathroom with a soft smile on his face, and hands them over. He takes her in and all the breath screams out of his lungs. His heart jumps in protest but he can��t bring himself to inhale. He’ll choke on her beauty.
She is wearing a soft, silk dress that hugs all the hard plains of her, and stops mid thigh. Her generally unruly curls are barely contained in a low bun, small strands already springing out and falling around her face. Her ears, usually decorated in her signature owl earrings, now adorn small jewels in her two lobe piercings. One he recognises as the earrings he got her for their fifth anniversary. Her helix piercing is still the same silver hoop they both bore after a drunken decision and a 24 hour tattoo shop. Percy’s mother was not impressed, but she wasn’t nearly as angry as the tattoo debacle.
“You ready?” His girlfriend squeezes his hand, looking at him with appreciation and love in her grey eyes.
“For anything.” He squeezes back. They had faced enough in their years that the words held more weight than most people could bear. But their shoulders had held the sky, and together they would hold the world.
“Where did you reserve a table?”
“At the restaurant we got to when we came here the first time. That one where you snorted your orange juice and we both laughed so hard the waiter thought we were dying.”
A giggle erupts from her and it lights up the room like neon sunshine. ‘I remember. Oh gods we were an absolute disaster.”
“I thought it was very cute of you to spurt orange juice through your nose and onto my white shirt.” He grins.
She shoves his shoulder and squeezes his waist. Her head brushes his cheeks, the heels giving her height on him she didn’t usually possess. He loves it. It makes it easy to kiss her. And he does. Long, and hard, and with enough affection to drown them both.
She pushes away eventually, “We’ll never get anywhere if we carry on like this. And i am not wasting another pretty dress.”
“Is it really a waste if i got to see you in it?” He pouts.
“Yes.” She raises a perfect eyebrow, giving him that look that says ‘i dare you to argue with me’, but there is so much light glittering in her eyes.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go Wisegirl.”
So they step out of their little slice of paradise for the week and onto the cobbled white streets of Athens. The night air is fresh, and full of ocean breezes, and pretty memories. He hopes to make a few more before they leave in two days.
The restaurant is not far from their hotel so the walk is short and filled with lingering touches and comfortable silences. Annabeth looks like a goddess as the moonlight strikes her dress at all angles and gives her an ethereal glow. The ribbons of her shoes wrap around her legs and make them look impossibly longer. He is sometimes struck so inexplicably by her beauty he feels like his ribs are splitting from his spine.
A waiter greets them and leads them to a table in the back where the lights are low and the candles are bright. The crimson tablecloths drape elegantly and Percy has to remind himself that he is not the undeserving little kid who wasn’t allowed to even look at things that cost more than fifty dollars. He is a grown adult, making his own money, deserving of all the things he has gotten and achieved in life.
As if sensing his hesitation, Annabeth gives his arm a gentle squeeze and then sits down at the chair he’s pulled out for her. One of the many lessons his mother insisted on drilling into him. Walk a partner to the door. Open the car door for them. Pull out their chair. He may be chaos in motion but he is respectful all the same. He is his mother’s child through and through.
“Can i get you something to drink?”
He looks at his girlfriend, smirking as they both recall the orange juice, and with one voice order the infamous drink. Along with lemon water and celebratory cocktails. Today they’ve been together seven years. Today he is twenty five years old. Today they are alive. Today they deserve to live.
He feels the little box in his pocket and he hides a grin. There are no nerves thrumming through his veins. He has never been more sure of anything in his life.
“I can’t wait to go to Onassis Stegi tomorrow,” Annabeth sighs, a faraway look in her eyes. “I hear they have the most beautiful exhibitions and their work is monumental.” He senses he’s lost her to architecture so he grabs her hand and gets lost with her.
“They’ve just completed a project to light up the Acropolis. Oh Pers it’s so beautiful we must make time to see it. I’ve been fascinated with it’s structural integrity ever since I was eight years old.”
He doesn’t hide his amazement at the fact that Annabeth was researching the structural integrity of anything at eight years old, but he doesn't interrupt her either. She has that look, cheeks flushed, grin wide, and hands animated that tells him she’s been dying to gush about this.
When he had first surprised her with the holiday she had burst into tears because there were so many things she hadn’t gotten to see the first time they had come to Athens. Whereas before they were tourists, with ancient roots in this beautiful city, now they are simply architect and boyfriend, social worker and girlfriend, Percy and Annabeth.
Their evening proceeds in a similar fashion: her gushing, him listening, trying to keep up; him joking, her laughing. When they drain the last of their cappuccinos and he feeds her the final bite of brownie, they are live wires dangling over cool water.
“Want to go for a walk along the beach?” He nods towards the walkway, where the ocean dances under the light of the moon.
She stares at the beach, a calculated look on her face. She glances at him and something crosses her face that he doesn’t have time to read. Even all these years later he is still figuring out the enigma that is Annabeth Chase.
“Lets.” She holds onto his shoulders, and unties the ribbons at her ankles.
Immediately she shrinks to her usual height at his shoulders , and he can’t help but place a kiss to the top of her golden head. She offers her shoes to him, before lopping her arm through his and tugging him along. They step onto the sand, which sinks underneath his feet and suddenly she is running towards the sea, curls flying, dress fluttering, and her hands rising to touch the sky.
“Come on Seaweed Brain!’ She yells. And he can see the happiness radiating of her.
Tugging off his own shoes, and socks, he races after his girlfriend, vaulting onto her back. With a grunt she wraps her arms around his legs and takes off at a sprint, feet splashing on the shore. He laughs into her hair and her reactionary smile lights his soul on fire. It is then that disaster strikes. 
Annabeth trips over a small rock, and they both go flying towards the sandy, shore. She lands on her stomach and he rolls right over her head and onto his back. They are a mess of limbs and wet sand and laughter like ringing bells.
“Guess you’re really falling for me,” He grins.
She wipes grains out of her eyes and pins her grey gaze on him. “Is this really the time for jokes, Seaweed Brain?”
“There’s always time for jokes Wisegirl.”
He hauls himself into a kneeling position, pretending to adjust his clothes, as she gets up and wipes off the fall from her now wet dress. The cream silk clings to her even more, and her hair is caked with ocean sand and tiny shells. She looks beautiful. 
He pulls the box out of his pocket and looks up at her. She is still distracted by her clothes and the water lapping at her bare feet.
“Wisegirl,” He says softly.
She looks to him, fire crackling in her eyes as if she’s preparing to frown at him for another joke. Her legs visibly shake at the sight before her.
“I have loved you since the day you stood over me and told me i drool in my sleep.” He smiles, and it echoes hers. “I will love you until we’re old and more grey-” Their eyes flick to the twin streaks in their hair. “And i get to tell you you drool in your sleep.” 
She rolls her eyes but there is mirth dancing on her chest.
“You are my best friend, the greatest warrior i have ever fought beside, and the only person that can choke on orange juice at the same restaurant three years apart.” Their laughter catches in their throat. “Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Only if i get to say something first.” She smiles delicately. He nods. She continues, ‘I have heard sirens tell me my deepest desires, I have rebuilt Olympus, i have found the Athena Parthenos and held up the sky. We have even gone to Tartarus together. But my greatest adventure, and my most beloved pride, has been standing by your side.”
There are tears in both of their eyes; the drops land in the ocean and find their way home.
“Yes Perseus Jackson, I will marry you.” She leans down, cups his cheeks, and kisses him like time is merciless. “Over and over again. I will marry you and fight by you and love you, over again.”
“I love you Wisegirl.” He slips the sapphire ring onto her finger.
“I love you Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth Chase kisses him again. “Together?”
“Together.” Percy Jackson smiles. And their next adventure begins.
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iridation-m · 2 years
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Onassis foundation award
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elladastinkardiamou · 4 years
9 Afrogreeks discuss: What does “I can’t breathe” mean in Greece
Everyday life, thoughts and experiences of the Afrogreeks in a conversation that you should not miss.
Onassis Stegi invited two Afrogreeks – Jackie Abhulimen and Eirini Niamouaia, Ontoul, both of whom have a background in legal representation and activism – to curate and chair a discussion of their own, with the participation of a group of young people living in Athens, about what “anti-Blackness” means in Greece. About how racism has touched their lives. The daily experiences of people of African descent around the world – the “Black Experience” – brim with projections and social stereotypes that often mean their voices cannot truly be heard. This manifests, in the main, as a kind of insurmountable “wall” that rises over and again before them, constantly blocking their path forward: yet another dimension of “I Can’t Breathe”. Learn more at https://www.onassis.org/el/news/9-afrogreeks-discuss-what-does-i-cant-breathe-mean-in-greece
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spiralcircle · 4 years
Arachnesound by AGF & Various | Trailer from bestbefore on Vimeo.
An audio collection of 36 music tracks created by AGF in collaboration with Greek women sound artists and singers, an animated film by Andreas Karaoulanis which accompanies the music, an homage to the Greek female poets from ancient times to nowadays. Sound and remembering in arachnesound.
Animation by bestbefore - Andreas Karaoulanis Produced & Commissioned by Onassis Stegi Watch the full film (Duration: 69’) here: youtube.com/watch?v=6YLoYMmo04c
more info here: onassis.org/onassis-stegi/season-2021-2021/arachnesound
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