juniesfairies · 9 months
My girlfriend is straight out of a dELiA*s catalog!
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" There goes my perfect.. "
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trigunfanart · 1 year
Aitai Kuji tweeted: TRIGUN STAMPEDE will be getting luxury designer brand line of clothes and accessories for Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood, distributed by COSPA Essentials and featuring three brand names: The Viridi Anne, Dummy Run, and Onbeat.
Link to the shop
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yourelosingains · 2 years
will byers appreciation edit because yes
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can't wait for when rhythm heaven 5 eventually comes out n i have like. who knows how many new games to memorize the timing for-
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sprawlingants · 4 months
its onbeat totes!!!
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automaticfrenchhorn · 1 month
Study on rhythm today, featuring trumpets for their very crisp staccato. I have found that playing offbeat 8th notes (like m3-4) isn't terribly difficult, but offbeat 16th notes are much more challenging on wind instruments. So, today's goal was to find some ways to convey that rhythmic idea while being less impractible to play. While m5-6 outline a relatively simple way to achieve this, m9 is where the pattern I study in this piece comes in.
While consecutive offbeat 16ths are quite difficult, getting one every so often is much more practical, and is a common sight when playing a 2:3 polyrhythm. So, by layering this against a stream of 8th notes, one of every three offbeat 16ths comes through. By then repeating this idea staggered by an 8th note, the three remaining parts can collectively play all of the offbeat 16ths, while still having just as many onbeats to keep themselves rhythmically grounded.
Now, this is still quite difficult to play, especially when you have the other polyrythmic parts distracting you, but I believe this should be much more managable than trying to just play the offbeat 16ths on their own. The pattern in m5-6 is definitely easier still, but it has an intensity that comes from each individual player playing several consecutive 16th notes that I wanted to avoid.
The resulting pattern also has some wonderful emergent properties, namely the spatial motion of where the offbeat 16ths are coming from, and how it quickly cycles through the group. I find it also creates a very compelling gestalt; none of the individual parts hold much interest to my ears on their own, but their combination certainly does.
As always, these pieces are welcome for anyone and everyone to play! All I ask is that you share it with me, because I'd love to hear it done by live players!
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manleycollins · 2 months
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Goodness, it feels so good just to step away from the African-American stress. Rex Club was so good with Bass Culture and the DJ played Electronic, Techno, and HOUSE with super deep bass. I wanted to Shazam the whole playlist. Oh my poor knees and I was drunk only off cranberry and strawberry fruit juice. It was a good mixed crowd. Hilarious moments are seeing European white folks and Asian Indians dance onbeat, offbeat, and crazy steps all combined into one. Bumping into people, touching each other, brushing up against each other, or accidentally stepping on each other's foot did not start any fights.
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smoqueen · 1 year
i talk a lot of shit onBeater Bars but man oh man seeing one in person they can fuck a bot UP throw it around and make some sparks
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negrolicity · 5 months
Quiana Lynell - Full Set | The OnBeat Sessions
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fazedlight · 7 months
The curse of vidding is that offbeat transitions often make sense from a lyrics perspective but onbeat transitions feel like they drive the vid forward 😭
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tallat-of-thralls · 11 months
Today's decrypted tarot message:
"Go lament on blog mental blame game among notable mage ego. Note an emo tone, no one to belong to, an onbeat omen montage, angel nametag... Age an aeon on lag. Get an agent. Go gamble on a bet."
~a palpable sarcasm hangs in the air~
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just remembered when i first played lockstep in megamix n was fucking up on the practice repeatedly and was just like "where's the rhythm help display. where is it. why hasn't it shown up yet." it doesn't show up in games in heaven world-
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
The 2022 writing Advent calendar: Day 2
2. Christmas concert/competition
“I am so excited!” Francesca said to Diego who was sitting on the driver’s seat. It was early march and they were driving towards the studio to a super secret meeting that Pablo had called their whole class for. “What do you think this will be about?”
“I don’t know,” Diego answered, “Must be something important since I hear that the guys canceled an interview for this.”
Not that getting called to the studio for a meeting would have been that odd, if it would have been the past three years… but it was not. They had all graduated now, so even if the Studio was always gonna be their home, it was not their school anymore. SO this meeting had come out from little bit out of the blue. 
“I guess we will find out ince we get there.” Fran continued. 
“Fran!” Vilu ran up to hug her best friend as she and Diego appeared at the studio. She had been singing with Leon on the piano just a moment before with Ludmila and Federico.
“Vilu! It is so great to see you! Do you know what this is about?”
“No I don’t.” Vilu lamented, “I think Angie does, but she refuses to tell me anything. But it is so nice to be here again with everyone.”
Maybe ten minutes later everyone had gathered on the stage of the studio after Maxi and Naty had arrived with Camila as the last ones.
“Where is Pablo?” Diego questioned after greetings had died down. 
“I hope this was not a joke,” Leon remarked before getting a smack on the arm from Violetta. 
“I heard that!” Pablo suddenly emerged through the sliding doors with Angie. “No, this was not a jokeeeee…” he continued saying as everyone swarmed them into a huge group hug. “...Well guys, I am glad to see you too.”
“Pablo, why did you ask us here today?” Violetta asked after the commotion had died down. 
“Well, we have a proposal to run past you,” Pablo started explaining, “You as the class of 2015 are undoubtedly the most-known class that has graduated from Studio OnBeat in ten years, and we are so proud of you.”
“And, we have been talking with our students about this year’s end-of-the-year showcase,” Angie took over the explaining, “And we actually are going to do a big Christmas sing-along. After YouMix, Pablo was originally bit hesitant about finding new partners, but now we have partnered with a new streaming company called Vidia, and they have agreed to sponsor the concert.”
“Angie that sounds amazing!” Francesca gasped
“And super good opportunity for the students,” Camila agreed.
“As long as they won’t go around putting cameras everywhere, like when during the talent thing Gregorio did.” Ludmila remarked sarcastically.
“No, they won’t do that.” Angie laughed. “But they will stream the concert, and with their sponsorship, we have been able to secure Gran Rex as our venue.”
“Why, what do you need us for?” Andres piped up. “Will we be the lightning assistants or waiters?”
“No Andres,” Pablo laughed, “We were just getting to that. You know that even with all of your big efforts last year, we are still working on getting our attendance back to what they were in Antonio’s time. So all the faculty have agreed that we should have guest performers. It would help with the promotion and recruitment next year. The students actually suggested that it would be you guys.”
“So, would you be willing to perform and host our Christmas showcase?” Angie completed the proposal.
“WHAT? Of course!” Violetta was the first one to react, “You agree guys, right?”
“Of course!” Federico answered
“Anything for the studio,” Ludmila nodded. 
“So what kind of thing are we supposed to perform?” Naty had already her notebook open?
“Yes, we already talked about it with Pablo,” Angie continued. “The concert will be a full-length performance with an intermission. At least three hours long. We would want all of you to do about six numbers, a classic group number, then a solo by someone, and the students especially asked that All Four You would do a number and Leon and Violetta duet. We are also working on an original song in my class that will be the closing number and we want you to perform that with the students. All the songs are supposed to be Christmas songs, but you don’t need to start working on the originals, especially since we gave you so little time. Does anyone have any ideas?”
“There is this song that I remember my mother used to sing: White Christmas.” Vilu started speaking, “That could be our duet with Leon.”
“Good,” Pablo wrote something down in his notepad. 
“We have been working on a new version of an old Italian Christmas song with Diego,” Fran piped up next.
“That can be the solo,” Pablo responded.
“It is actually going to be on my next album,” Fran continued, “but I am sure my label won’t mind this being a preview.”
“I actually have been working on a new Christmas song as well,” Naty said, changing a page in her notebook. “It can be worked into a tercet. We can do it with Ludmila and Camila.”
“I love that idea!” Cami jumped to hug Naty. 
“I can work a new arrangement for the group song,” Maxi said.
“And the band is of course on board!” Leon nodded.
“I can take care of the choreo,” Broduey said jumping to his feet.
“You all know I’ll be in charge of the costumes,” Ludmila crossed her arms, “Otherwise half of you are going to end up on that stage looking like an absolute mess.”
“The students will be so happy to hear that you are on board.”
“Of course!” Vilu exclaimed. “For On Beat”
“On Beat!” Everyone yelled
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12endigital · 4 months
El festival de los 80 a los 90 llega a Alicante
Onbeat Producciones, empresa líder en el sector de los Musicales, junto a Rives e Islena,  se enorgullecen de Presentar el Festival de los 80 a los 90. que llega hasta el Puerto de Alicante el sábado 29 de junio El Festival de los años 80 a los 90 llega ser una realidad tras el Musical de los 80 a los 90 que es hoy el musical original más visto en la Gran Vía de Madrid y en más de 50 ciudades de…
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automaticfrenchhorn · 1 month
Melodic piece for wind quintet today. Once again, this piece features some of my favourite doublings in this ensemble, such as flute and horn in octaves/twelfths.
A little heads-up to everyone who has been following this series, I will be away this weekend, so I won't have any new studies until Monday.
Harmonically, most things in this study come from a suspended chord shape, namely the main melodic and countermelodic ideas. Most of the vertical sonorities feature a prominent fourth between the lowest voices. I find this voicing interesting because it is ambiguous if the lower note is the root, and the harmony above is Ionian, or if the upper note of the fourth is the root, and the harmony is Lydian, with the 5th in the bass. I wrote it with the Ionian interpretation in mind, but I bounce back and forth as to which one I hear when I listen to it. I'd be happy to know how other people hear it!
Rhythmically, the melody is very focused on offbeats, to contrast the simple onbeat backgrounds. There's an element I used of repeating an idea at a subito softer dynamic, like the players are providing their own echoes. I barely scratched the surface of this idea in this study, so I will definitely focus on it more in a future study.
As always, these pieces are welcome for anyone and everyone to play! All I ask is that you share it with me, because I'd love to hear it done by live players!
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