domenicomiceli · 2 years
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Domenico Miceli Graduated in Medicine
Domenico Miceli was a student at McGill University. His career has been mainly associated with Hanson associates and Forterra. With Miceli as the Sales director the company has reached new heights and will continue to do so. Miceli has been at the heart of Forterra for a long time and this has made the company a success.
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antoniniurology · 5 months
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lanawinterscigarettes · 3 months
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gotta be one of the best twink death dilf births that I've ever seen
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"In a first-ever human clinical trial, an mRNA cancer vaccine developed at the University of Florida successfully reprogrammed patients’ immune systems to fiercely attack glioblastoma, the most aggressive and lethal brain tumor.
The results in four adult patients mirrored those in 10 pet dog patients suffering from brain tumors whose owners approved of their participation.
The discovery represents a potential new way to recruit the immune system to fight treatment-resistant cancers using an iteration of mRNA technology and lipid nanoparticles, similar to COVID-19 vaccines, but with two key differences: use of a patient’s own tumor cells to create a personalized vaccine, and a newly engineered complex delivery mechanism within the vaccine.
“Instead of us injecting single particles, we’re injecting clusters of particles that are wrapping around each other like onions,” said senior author Elias Sayour, M.D., Ph.D., a UF Health pediatric oncologist who pioneered the new vaccine, which like other immunotherapies attempts to “educate” the immune system that a tumor is foreign.
“These clusters alert the immune system in a much more profound way than single particles would.”
Among the most impressive findings was how quickly the new method spurred a vigorous immune-system response to reject the tumor, said Sayour, principal investigator at the University’s RNA Engineering Laboratory and McKnight Brain Institute investigator who led the multi-institution research team.
“In less than 48 hours, we could see these tumors shifting from what we refer to as ‘cold’—very few immune cells, very silenced immune response—to ‘hot,’ very active immune response,” he said.
“That was very surprising given how quick this happened, and what that told us is we were able to activate the early part of the immune system very rapidly against these cancers, and that’s critical to unlock the later effects of the immune response,” he explained in a video (below).
Glioblastoma is among the most devastating diagnoses, with median survival around 15 months. Current standard of care involves surgery, radiation and some combination of chemotherapy.
The new report, published May 1 in the journal Cell, is the culmination of seven years of promising studies, starting in preclinical mouse models.
In the cohort of four patients, genetic material called RNA was extracted from each patient’s own surgically removed tumor, and then messenger RNA (mRNA)—the blueprint of what is inside every cell, including tumor cells—was amplified and wrapped in the newly designed high-tech packaging of biocompatible lipid nanoparticles, to make tumor cells “look” like a dangerous virus when reinjected into the bloodstream to prompt an immune-system response.
The vaccine was personalized to each patient with a goal of getting the most out of their unique immune system...
While too early in the trial to assess the clinical effects of the vaccine, the patients either lived disease-free longer than expected or survived longer than expected. The 10 pet dogs lived a median of 4.5 months, compared with a median survival of 30-60 days typical for dogs with the condition.
The next step, with support from the Food and Drug Administration and the CureSearch for Children’s Cancer foundation, will be an expanded Phase I clinical trial to include up to 24 adult and pediatric patients to validate the findings. Once an optimal and safe dose is confirmed, an estimated 25 children would participate in Phase 2."
-via Good News Network, May 11, 2024
-video via University of Florida Health, May 1, 2024
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
A personalized vaccine for glioblastoma – the most aggressive and fatal type of brain cancer – has extended the survival of four humans in the first clinical trial of its kind. The newly fashioned medicine works by supplying the immune system with a way to 'recognize' the tumor and an 'instruction manual' for its entire transcriptome. This reveals where each and every gene in the tumor can be turned on or off. Equipped with such vital information, the immune system can reprogram the cancer's defenses and launch a more successful attack.
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lazybakerart · 3 months
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"Idiots. Not you, Wilson <3"
a house for @weird-an!!! you're amazing and i'm so happy we get to obsess over a 2004 medical yaoi together~*~*~
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heardatmedschool · 20 days
“When no one knows the mechanism, we always blame cytokines.”
About the pro-thrombotic tendencies of most neoplasms.
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jimmywilsonschutzpah · 10 months
Somehow Wilson is more unhinged than House in 4x01. B&E and cutting Tide coupons, kidnapping House’s $12k 1967 guitar and THEN actually damaging the guitar?? I thought he’d have ripped out the bridge of a different guitar but then NO, at the end of the ep we see he actually potentially ruined a $12k guitar. The man was completely ready to use all his skills to blackmail House.
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theoddvet · 7 months
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Work has had a few squamous cell carcinomas come in recently and I wanted to share just how pretty these can look, even when they are inflamed like this one is.
This invasive neoplasm typically consists of islands and trabeculae of keratinising (keratin-producing) stratified squamous epithelium. They can range from well differentiated like in this case, to more poorly differentiated and difficult to diagnose. The presence of keratin pearls (pictured in the top left and bottom right photos) is a huge help in diagnosing these neoplasms.
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The Princess delivered such a clear & well written statement for the layperson. She displayed unparalleled poise, courage, and compassion under the harshness of the global spotlight.
I feel for her. Unlike Charles (IMO), Catherine never anticipated that she might have been battling cancer symptoms. Hearing the pathology results was devastating. They deserve our compassion.
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And yet THIS:
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Knowledge is Power
I already created a post to help the layperson better understand "preventative chemotherapy."
The use of preventative chemotherapy means Catherine's lymphatic system is concerning and warranted aggressive action to ensure that she is cured of this disease.
Sometimes a malignant tumor is removed and the body is cancer free [Sarah York/Guiliani Rancic].
Thankfully Catherine's magins are cancer free as there is no evidence the cancer metastasized.
Despite those cancer free margins, the cancer gained access to the lymph channels (not her lymph nodes), hence she was prescribed a course of a "preventative" form of poison (chemotherapy) to arrest & annihilate the wandering cancer cells in every system of her body. 😥
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thesaltyoncologist · 4 months
My ick is when another physician calls me, knowing I am also a physician, and still introduces themselves as Dr. Whomever.
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rogrogrog · 7 months
The brightest stars shine in the darkest of nights.
Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila
Nov. 20, 2023
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jenthebug · 10 days
Healing isn’t linear, and I think I have a seroma (annoying pocket of fluid that isn’t draining into my drain like it should). It’s a squishy lump, painful to the touch, not hot or red, on the left side above my drain. I’ll get it checked out at my post op with the oncology surgeon tomorrow.
Here’s the bad news: it’s painful to the touch. And something is touching it. That something is the band of my incredibly tight surgical bra.
Constant pain! I’m so pissed!
On the other hand, it is incredibly cool to have a husband who I can take my shirt off in front of, and trust that he will do what I ask him to do without turning it into anything sexual. No innuendo, no comments about how he can’t wait until my boobs get bigger or until I can have sex again, no touching anywhere except where I ask him to…RESPECT.
Now, if the oxy would just kick in, I would be in a slightly better mood.
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fleshwizard · 3 months
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science doodles done at the lab during reunions
tertiary lymphoid structures
flow cytometry
leucocytes (back of the sketchbook)
neuroendocrine carcinoma
cellular leiomyoma
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule Tuesday [April 9, 2024] that will require 218 chemical plants to reduce toxic and carcinogenic airborne pollutants, aiming to reduce the number of people with elevated cancer risk by 96% nationwide.
The rulings principally address chloroprene: used to make rubber products, and ethylene oxide, used primarily for sterilizing medical supplies. Long-term exposure to these chemicals and their manufacturing have been identified as possible carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents.
According to a report in the Washington Post, this can include lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer, and liver cancer.
Across a strip of Louisiana and Texas where half of the 218 chemical manufacturing facilities set to be affected by the new regulations are located, cancer rates of these kinds are substantially higher than national averages, leading it to be colloquially called “Cancer Alley.”
EPA Administrator Michael Regan visited Cancer Alley during the open-comment period of the proposed ruling, and said that across the 85 miles dotted with communities, he failed to meet a single person who didn’t know a loved one or friend who had either developed cancer, died of it, or knew someone who had.
Once implemented, the ruling will reduce more than 6,200 tons of toxic air pollution each year, according to the Post."
-via Good News Network, April 15, 2024
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel told AFP his company's experimental vaccine against melanoma could be available in as little as two years, in what would amount to a landmark step against the most serious form of skin cancer. Globally there were an estimated 325,000 new melanoma cases and 57 ,000 deaths from the disease in 2020. "We think that in some countries the product could be launched under accelerated approval by 2025," he said in an interview.
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