#one day i still need to draw /my/ Clover again i miss my daughter still
thatrandomlittlegirl · 4 months
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Lil' UT/DR Sketchdump I've done in the past days because that game is back in the front of my mind again help help help
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so-nightmary-ul · 4 years
Y/N is eight-year-old Julius’s ward.
Y/N is a twenty-year-old girl from our world who died. Her soul moved into the girl’s deceased body (it looks exactly like hers in childhood), from which, as a result of an illegal experiment, magic was taken away and thereby killed her in the world of the Black Clover. Y/N retained all her memories, including the plot of the anime. Julius took custody of her (let's be honest, Y/N just had no choice).
How it actually happened:
You were brought to the Clover castle almost at night. Supposedly secretly.
Marx met you, and then you both went to Julius.
Surprisingly, your conversation with him wasn't in his office, but in some room with a fireplace.
You were seated in one of the armchairs. Julius was sitting in the exactly same armchair opposite you.
In short, it all happened somehow like this:
You, in your thoughts: 'Perhaps I can replay this situation in my direction. It is only necessary to invent a story, how I–'
Julius: «You have the magic seal of reincarnation on you, so I know that you most likely don't belong here. You can tell me everything.»
You, worried, still in your thoughts: 'oh,  s h i–'
Apparently, he understood everything from your face, so he just laughed and offered to calm down and drink some tea.
Your bare feet, and in principle whole of you, were cold (you were in one tattered dress, in which you woke up in this world). You agreed.
During the conversation, you told him about yourself, and how did you die. You even accidentally blabbed that you know some things about their world. And only God knows why you told him all this at all. You could simply be stubbornly silent, well, or at least lie.
Maybe there was something in this tea. Maybe.
By the way, Julius even used Marx, who had been standing at the door all this time, so that he would use his Memory Magic on you. With your consent, of course.
After all this, Julius offered to stay here. By «here» he most likely meant both «in this world» and «in this castle».
Marx, in the background: «Wha– Lord Julius!»
It's not like you were paranoid, but for some reason it seemed very suspicious to you. Too good option. Too tempting offer to refuse.
But since you also weren't too stupid and understood that you don't and will not have any other shelter (besides, a child not trained in magic, there is no place safer than under the wing of the Wizard King, right?), you agreed.
Although you had a growing feeling that you had just, like a nice little girl, been wrapped around little finger.
But it was necessary to come up with a story of how the hell a poor eight-year-old girl settled in the Clover castle (and not by order of someone, but by the Wizard King!).
What options just didn't sound! And the niece, and the extramarital daughter (Marx: «Lord Julius, PLEASE, everything but not THIS!»     You: «Extramarital? So you have children from marriage?»     Julius: «WAIT, THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT–»), and the goddaughter, and the student, and the adopted daughter.
You all agreed on a ward, who was left alone after the death of one of Julius’s close friends, and over whom he took custody in memory of this friend.
You mentally apologized to Zora and his father.
After that you all parted. Marx took you to the guest room, wished you a good night, and left.
In this way, you turned out to be the ward of Julius Novachrono, the 28th Wizard King.
Being in the world of the Black Clover:
The next morning, you were PRETTY sure that you were simply wrapped around little finger, without even a choice.
Therefore, the first thing you did when Julius took custody of you was making a deal with him. He works for at least a couple of hours, and you tell him a little about magic from other worlds (anime, manga, TV shows, and etc) for twenty minutes. And then everything repeats.
So that he doesn't think that life is sweet, and Marx has less stress. After all, it’s can't be just only one Julius who's being cunning, right?
But then you realized that this deal was even profitable for him. Because Julius was ready to do a lot for the knowledge about magic. And given the fact that now he knows that you know what kind of person he is…
You realized that you had been wrapped around little finger by the same person twice already.
After that, you gave up trying to somehow outwit the Wizard King. Mission is impossible.
However, now, even though earlier Marx didn't agree with the idea of ​​leaving you in the Clover castle, he is ready to take his words back. Your new ally in this world.
Sometime later, you already began to curse your little body. Because with such height it was very difficult to reach something. And you didn't want to call someone and ask to reach it, because
You: «…and this proud independent woman is a little ashamed.»
In addition, you considered yourself smart enough to build a stable construction and reach something by yourself. And when you finally took the thing you needed in your hands, you realized that you weren’t smart enough to think about how to get down from this construction before climbing on it. And there was nobody around.
In this way, you met Owen, the royal healer. Because jumping from four large and tall chairs onto a slippery tiled floor with a scream «BANZAI!» was definitely not your best idea.
Marx, who came at the call of the servants: «Y/N! How did this even happen?! I understand that you might need a chair to reach something, if nobody is around, but…»
You: «It was a bookcase.»
Marx: «…FOUR chairs?!»
You: «It was a HIGH bookcase, and the book was almost on the top shelf.»
You: «I'm sorry, this will not happen again…»
In general, you were remembered by the royal healer as a quite smart little troublemaker.
At first you were afraid to leave the room once again, and if you left, you tried not to encounter people. But then you sent everything to the devi– hell. They can't blame you for anything.
We all know that Julius is 42 years old. Men at this age are usually tend to splashing out their paternal instinct on someone small, like a child (even if the body of this child contains the soul of a deceased and reincarnated twenty-year-old girl from another world, yeah). In general, that's why Julius gives out some EXTRA attention to you.
And even if, when he pampers you or has some baby-talk with you, your gaze literally told «what the hell are you doing». It breaks his little, poor, fatherly heart a little.
By the way, after Julius heard about your healing from Owen, he asked the servants to collect, according to your instructions, the books that you would like to read. A mini library in your room.
In general, you suspected that a child’s body sometimes still somehow affects your mind. Like «child mod». Because the former you would think twice– no, three times before doing something like that. You haven't seen another explanation.
Since there was absolutely nothing for you to do in this world, everything you did around the clock was walking around the territory of the Clover castle, reading, and sometimes talking with Julius outside his working hours.
By the way, the first time you opened a book, you realized that you don't understand almost a single letter. And you were surprised to find a book with the alphabet and basic grammar rules in the royal library (exhale, Marx, it was at an accessible height). Apparently, there is really everything in this all-praised royal library.
Julius was really upset that you didn't give him a chance to teach you how to read and write, since you did it by yourself.
But then you discovered drawing, and that was all.
DrAwInG fOr EvErYoNe
Yes, Marx, and for you.
Yes, Julius, and for you too. Don't make such a sad look.
By the way, about one of the consequences of Owen’s healing. You were ashamed of such childish rash behavior. Especially in front of Marx. Therefore, since then, sometimes you ask him for some work for yourself to at least help him a little with his work. Usually it's just taking something to someone, that is, the work of a messenger.
+1000 to Marx’s respect
There are days when Julius’s fatherly instinct pierces the sky. On such days, he comes to wake you up, although you usually wake up on your own. Then you have breakfast together (and Novachrono will not miss the chance to softly joke on you for something). You go to his office, where he works, and you either sit on his lap or draw or read while sitting next to him. Have lunch and dinner together. Then, by nightfall, Julius reads something out loud to you, like fairy tales, and can even kiss you on the forehead.
This is very kind of you, Julius.
But please don't do this anymore.
Julius doesn't hear your thoughts and sometimes continues to do so.
Once you got a little sick, and it was a  c h a o s.
Then was your Birthday. Just a few months later. And there are two options for the development of event: 1) you don't tell them about it, and they somehow know about it themselves (it's impossible to hide something from the Wizard King)  —>  Julius’s fatherly instinct is sounding an alarm  —> literally the best Birthday; 2) you tell them about it  —>  Julius’s fatherly instinct is sounding the alarm  —> literally the best Birthday. In the end, it all ends the same way.
At some point, it dawned on you that you feel like Asta, looking at people using their magic.
Although the body of the girl, which was occupied by your soul, was emptied of magic, apparently, this didn't apply to your soul.
No matter what your type of magic is, this man is THRILLED.
Then the holy  c a n o n  and the intrigues of the Eye of the Midnight Sun began, during which you, singing a quiet melody, painted «Licht» and his three-eyed gang. Then, with a sweet smile on your face and a creepy chuckle, painted over the whole sheet with black paint. And then burned this sheet in the fireplace.
Even knowing what would happen with Julius during the insurrection of the elves, it was painful.
Well, Julius’s fatherly instinct was now more like the older brother’s instinct. It bothered you a lot less. It, obviously, suited you more.
Now you and Julius are a team. Team We-do-not-look-at-our-chronological-age LOL
The captains of the Orders of the Magic Knights:
You didn't plan to meet with the captains of the orders for at least some more time, but then they had a meeting, and at the same time you mistaken the door, and here we are.
Frightened, when all eyes turned sharply on you, you wanted to apologize and quickly get out, but then Julius said cheerfully: «Oh, Y/N, it's you! Feel free to come in! Oh yes, you are not familiar. This is Y/N. She is my ward.»
Novachrono (the cunning, as he is) didn't even try to conceal you.
The first phrase, which instantly ended the dead silence in the room, belonged to the captain of the Black Bull.
Yami: «Damn, old man, when did you have time?»
Hearing «ward», they ALL thought not about what Julius really meant. But Sukehiro voiced this idea first and only.
You almost started to make excuses, but Julius spoke first in time. He explained the situation to them, and for some reason almost all the captains exhaled synchronously with relief.
The meeting could be officially considered interrupted, because c'mon, guys, this is the ward of the Wizard King.
If you are an introvert and don't like large crowds, then RIP
Rill was the first to come, as, apparently, the youngest of them. He began to chatter quickly and indistinctly, at the same time shaking your hands. From his monologue, you only understood that he was the captain of the Azure Deer, that he was nineteen, and that he was very glad to see you. Upon knowing that you like to draw (You, in your thoughts: 'It's not like I like it, I just don't even have much to do'), he began to speak even more merrily and to shake hands more intensely. Charlotte saved you from a dislocation of both arms. Stepping closer, she told Rill to stop, after what he, upset, fell behind.
You and Charlotte just stared at each other for a while. But then you had the urge to poke a finger into her cloak and say: «This is my favorite color.» After that, her face twitched for a second, and then she smiled a little. Charlotte gave you a blue rose created by her magic. When, having accepted the flower, you smiled broadly at the woman (you really like blue roses), the sound of a cracked heart was heard by you. But you still don't understand who it was coming from: Julius or Charlotte.
«Oh God, queen of thorns, what kind of expression that was now? Is your nerve pinched?» it was that phrase with which Yami came up to the two of you. Charlotte blushed, you looked at Sukehiro’s formidable face (he was your favorite character in the anime because of his jokes). When you coughed because of tobacco smoke, someone instantly exclaimed: «YAMI, PUT OUT THE CIGARETTE.» He was dissatisfied, but didn't put it out, but just moved away. This upset you a little.
Jack is creepy by himself, and now that you are standing right in front of him, and he, with his enormous height, hangs over you, you were scared three times more. You really froze, thinking that if Jack confuses you with a statue, he will lose interest in you. You could well have passed out because of fear, but Fuegoleon saved the situation.
He greeted you fairly adequately, asked for your name, and then called his. You thought that he was raising Leopold, so he has some communication skills with children. But Fuegoleon was strangely curious (which you thought was especially unusual for him). He asked about your hobbies, magic, and how do you generally live in the Clover castle. You liked to communicate with him.
Nozel didn't even get up from his place, content with what he was observing from the side. He only said (quite proudly) his name and then asked about your past parents. Julius answered him for you, on the go inventing that they were not from the nobility and other. Knowing that you're not from the nobility, he seems to have quickly lost interest.
William was the last to come. He squatted in front of you (the only one, by the way) and, smiling, called his name. Julius whispered to you: «William loves kids.» Knowing the plot of the Black Clover, you also smiled awkwardly at him, clutching Charlotte’s rose more tightly in your hands. You looked intently into his eyes, apparently trying to find something of Patri’s soul, but failed. And then you realized that for a long time you was indecently staring at a person and hastened to make excuses, blurting out the first thing that came to mind: «You have beautiful eyes.» William was surprised at first, but then again smiled only somehow differently. You thought you would die because of shame.
Dorothy and Gueldre didn't talk to you much. Well, that is, Unsworth snuffle something, but you didn't understand anything. And Poizot silently looked at you somehow strange, because of what you quickly looked away. These were the eyes of a crook merchant.
A few headcanons about the captains:
If you think Julius’s fatherly care is the most awkward care you ever received, then take your words back immediately.
One of the captains could well lend you one of their Magic Knights, if you need to go, for example, to the city.
Sometimes you and Rill draw together. Honestly, you're a little depressed by the fact that he draws 100 times better than you. And if you suddenly get the opportunity to be with him when he uses his magic, the «child mod» is switched-on in you, and you start to advise him what to draw in order to win. There is no need to say that he likes you very much, right?
At one point, Charlotte realized that you looked a bit like Yami. She, you and Yami appeared in her head. F A M I L Y. Charlotte’s heart cracked a second time.
At first, Sukehiro for some reason didn't like you too much. But then, when you became interested in his katana and muscles, perhaps he became more favorable a little. Perhaps.
You still stare a little suspiciously at William when you see him. Absolutely unaware of what was going on in his head.
Patri, don't make such face. Yes, she has the magic seal of reincarnation on her. Patri?.. PATRI, DON'T YOU DARE–
But William knows how to make good wood figures.
If one day someone decides to kidnap you or something, he is better off using all the luck he has. Because when he blunders, no one will ever see him again.
You really like spending time in the World of Dreams with Dorothy.
At some point, you became aware of yourself braiding Fuegoleon’s hair. You wanted to pinch yourself to make sure that it was just a dream, but decided to still watch this fascinating dream, while there is a chance.
Soon you realized that you were not sleeping.
You gave almost all of them a drawing of themselves.
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antman-56 · 4 years
I Don’t Deserve You
Today was a special day. 
Well to the happy love birds, Ann and Ryuji, anyway.
How these two ended up together the majority of the school tried to figure out.
Hell even the school newspaper club made an article to understand the logic of those two. 
One was a beautiful model and the other was a total delinquent.
But as the school year raged on people started to notice a couple of things.
One : Ryuji stopped dying his hair blonde. It freaked Miss Kawakami out when he came to see Ann.
Two : He actually paid attention in his classes. From the below average student to making it to the top 10 in his class. (Mostly thanks to Makoto, and reluctantly Yusuke) He was accused of coping people and that accusation went with a full investigation. On which ended when they continuously found him in the library with his girlfriend and friends silently studying.
Three : He wore his school uniform correctly. This was actually the hardest thing for him and yet everyone didn’t even notice it. His guess was that they zoned him out. Until SOMEONE pointed it out.
And finally. 
Today was their one year anniversary. He had the day planned out. He asked Haru to make a reservation to a good restaurant (he would have done it but she was the daughter of a BIG CEO and he paid her back), have Makoto teach him some stuff about flowers (HE literally begged her), made enough time for Yusuke to make a “master piece” for free (he had to let them draw them on dates for the next 3 months) and Futaba to help him get find great deals on brand clothes and buy them somewhere convenient. And Akria just wished him luck last night. He really wished he was here to cheer him on.
Today had to be special.
But right now he had to get out of bed.
“It’s showtime.”
***Ann’s place***
 Ann had just finished her workout routine and was heading for the shower. 
Today would be a good time to try out that new shampoo bottle.
Ann turned to look at her phone.
“You rang.”
“Hey you have anything planned for today”
“No, not really. Why you wanna meet up?”
“That’s the plan. I’ll see you at 4.”
Ann just looked at her phone. wondering why he sounded more tense then usual. Maybe he was stressed out, he did go all out on the test.
Maybe he just wanted to see me. We haven’t really talked since testing began.
She decided to go all out for him. He needs to relax or else he may pop a blood vessel.
***12 o clock***
“Loyal love!”
“I can’t live without you!”
“Orange Blossom?!”
“Eternal Love!”
Makoto closed the book and nodded.
“I have no more to teach you.”
“And I have the flowers.”
Haru gave him the bundle of flowers.
“I really appreciate this you guys.”
“Hold still. Your ruining my draft.”
Everyone turned to Yusuke.
“He said I was to draw his date and so on for 3 months. Now stop moving.”
“Inari stop being rude. And just because I know you two. The last bus to your guyes houses will be delayed when your late.”
“ALRIGHT I can do this.”
“Knock’em dead tiger.” Akira said over the skype call.
Ryjui marched out of the attic with Yusuke behind him. With the group giving him their support. 
He soon came back up to see Futaba holding out his wallet. 
He took it and was on his way. Again.
“Such a dork.” Futaba stated.
Everyone nodded.
***4 o clock***
Ryuji was outside of Ann’s door and was holding the bouquet of flowers nervously in his hands.
Here he was in a red and yellow flannel shirt and black jeans. He got them on clearance and an additional half off price with Futaba’s help. He basically got the damn things for free. 
Sure the shirt needed a patch up job but Haru was more than happy to help and Makoto kept Yusuke at bay from styling the shirt.
Why was he acting like this. It’s not like their first date!! No it was the most important date of his life right now!! I mean girls hold these thing to a high standard. Right?
“Stop that.” 
“What!” That snapped Ryuji out of his thoughts. He turned to see Yusuke focused on the paper
“Paranoid. It makes the drawing less presentable and gives out the most minimal effect possible.”
“I’m not!!”
“Your shaking slightly. obliviously sweating and over thinking things.”
That caught him off guard.
“Ann loves you. And you her. I’m pretty sure no matter how this date goes nothing will change between you two.”
That really calmed Ryuji down.
“Unless she catches you staring at other girls.”
“Hey” He dropped the flowers and marched to punch him when the door opened. 
In front of them stood Ana, who decided to let her hair down, who wore a red blouse with a clover on her right shoulder and black skirt. 
The boys noticed she smelled like cherry with a hint of lavender. 
What Ann saw was Ryuji about to punch Yusuke, who had a pencil and paper for some reason?
“Uh... what’s going on?”
Ryuji quickly stumped for an answer.
“He was complaining about my price for this masterpiece.”
““What’s this master piece Yusuke?”
“My drawing of you two on your date. 
Ann blushed and stared at a equal blushing and flabbergasted Ryuji.
“And in return I get to draw you two on dates for inspiration for 3 months.”
“Yes, now please pretend I’m not here.”
Yusuke quickly went back to his drawing, hiding his face in the process.
Ryuji took that as his chance to fill in the awkward silence.
“So, yeah I did agree to that. So, you look... Wow!”
“You don’t look so bad yourself. Are those new?”
“Yeah they are anyway back on topic lets get this show on the road. Oh and these are for you”
He grabbed the flowers on the flower and gave them to her.
Ann took them and gave them a sniff. They smell nice and they matched their colors.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s free hand and began to march.
Ann meet his speed and followed her boyfriend smiling for the gift and at his antics.
“Don’t walk to fast.” Yusuke complained.
***8 o clock***
Yusuke had just left the couple and they couldn’t be any happier.
They loved the man but when it came to being his ‘willing’ models...he was demanding.
But what they got saved Ryuji a fortune. He hoped. 
Yusuke refused to show them what he finished said something about adding the finishing touches later.
They had just finished going to the park and they decided to skip the movie since it was a rerun (and because Yusuke needed them to spot him).
Through out all this, Ann noticed something. 
Ryuji was still tense, even after getting to talk again. (minus Yusuke’s occasional comments).
She thought maybe it was because Yusuke was here that he was more tense that he had to show he was perfect for her but, no he seemed just as tense as he was on the phone.
Now here they were alone and heading to a nice dinner in Ginza.
“Hey Ryuji.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“What do you mean I’m acting weird?”
Ryuji began to sweat a bit more.
Since Yusuke left he was now on his own with Ann and she was now wondering if he didn’t meet her expectations. I mean they were followed for the majority of their anniversary.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” He answered weakly.
“Ryuji, what’s wrong?” She asked again with worry in her voice.
The last time he was like this was when he tried to hide the fact that his mom collapsed from over working herself. 
That was a nightmare times 10 for him and almost broke him. 
Now here they were. 
Ryuji desperately looking for a way out of this finally found an opening and unfortunately it was the worst one.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s hand and ran to catch it.
Ann was screaming at him to slow down or to just stop but he didn’t listen. 
They had to get the train
Just as he reached the platform the train left.
He watched as the train left the station along with their perfect date.
She pulled her hand out of his and was now mad at him.
“Because I messed tonight up.”
“What are you talking about?”
She sounded more confused than mad right now.
“Our one year anniversary.”
He sounded defeated.
Ann just stood in shock at him remembering that. Hell she completely forgotten what today was. 
“I asked Yusuke to make a drawing for us, asked the girls to help me make this as special as fucking possible and after all that I still Fucked it up!!”
He fell to his knees and looked down.
She finally understood why he was so tense. He wanted to make today special and she forgot what today was because he made her feel special.
“Everyone was right. I don’t deserve you.”
Now that got her mad. 
She began to walk over to him and stopped when she was in front of his kneeling body.
“What the hell are you talking about!?”
He looked up to see her.
“You don’t deserve me that’s bullshit and you know it. You are kind in your own way, you went against the biggest bastard in the school on your own and when you were right everyone else felt like an idiot! You changed for me even when I didn’t ask you to! I mean look at your grades! You make it a part of your day to be with me even if you had to do something else! You were their for me when I needed you! So to hell to what every one else says!”
She stopped to breath and felt a few tears break out.
Everyone thought she hadn’t noticed what he’s been doing. What they failed to notice was that he had changed her.
She was no longer the quiet girl everyone talked about. And she wasn’t the airhead they claimed her to be. He taught her that she was her own person and that she can be who ever the hell she wanted to be.   
And right now she wanted to be Ryuji’s girlfriend.
Ryuji looked up to see her and with that got the strength to get up and hug her.
“I don-”
Ann grabbed the sides fo his head and kissed him. And it was nice when it was returned.
“Shut up. You do.”
They both smiled.
“Now come on lets see if we can get a cab.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the street. 
“Inari you perv.”
Futaba said as she and him , binoculars in hand, spying on the couple. 
Yusuke was making a new piece. He finished the one for Ryuji and now for his payment.
For Ryuji It was a portrait of those two in the park. Ryuji’s head on Ann’s lap under a tree. when the entire scene was anything but the picture.
Those two just wouldn’t stop moving.
The display of love before him. Was an unconditional sort. If only he could have heard them then this piece would have the emotions that the couple had felt.
This new piece was a man in tears throwing his heart out and a woman catching it and running to him with it, all the while the village just stares at the two. 
“I am anything but. Now to name this piece.”
“How about, “Young Love”?”
Yusuke began contemplating the name. To Futaba he looked like he was ignoring her.
“Hey Inari, I’m going to steal your food if you don’t answer!”
“Not a bad name.” 
He grabbed his lunch box before she could open it and gave Futaba a kiss on the head.
“Bye bye love.”
Futaba stood still for a couple of seconds, red all over face, watching his retreating figure.
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helihi · 5 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 Ep 8
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Overall rating: 5/10
Spoilers Ahead
The Good
One thing that the CRWBY had gotten right since day 1 was the family dynamics and the depiction of abuse in the Schnee household. I don’t say this lightly: I personally know what is to grow up in an abusive household. When I heard Weiss be so hard on herself in Forever Fall during those first episodes, I knew she likely had an abusive parent.
When analyzing a show, especially when one touches on very delicate subjects, it’s a huge sign of disrespect not to dive into them and extract everything you can from the themes. In this case, it gets personal.
Tumblr is an odd place: a site where anonymity and honesty blend together in an odd way. For years, I used this username as a way to put myself out there without endangering myself, but as I grew up and started using the internet to find a job, it was hard to separate this personal little hole I dug for myself and the projects I had in mind for the future. Today, I make choice while doing this review, and that choice is sharing with you part of my childhood, and the reason behind it is to state my bias: I don’t feel empathy for Willow, even before she was introduced I felt she was the worse mother in team RWBY. That, in the short future might change, but here are the reasons why:
Jacques Schnee is an awful person. He’s a terrible businessman, an abusive husband, and an abusive father. He left a mark on all of his family members: his wife turned to drinking, his oldest daughter joined the military to escape him and put herself in harm’s way to protect her younger sister, her second daughter hated herself and didn’t trust anyone around her, and his son mirrored his behavior to protect himself.
However, an abusive household can have more relationships than just “an abuser and his victims”, it can also be “an abuser, an enabler, and their victims”. I don’t mean to say the enabler is not a victim themselves, but their secondary role has an important impact in the life of children.
So here’s my truth: my mother is abusive and my father is an enabler. I don’t know how it happened, but my mother’s violent and hurtful behavior was first downplayed by my father, then it was dismissed, and, in odd times, it was mirrored. A while ago, Lindsay Ellis made a video about Guardians of the Galaxy 2. There’s one quote that always resonated with me:
“The dynamic between Gamora and Nebula might read as familiar for people who grew up in households with abusive or addicted parents, and that is the displacement of anger from the abuser (...) to an older sibling or parent that failed to stop the abuser or the addict. (...) It can be even harder for people to forgive a sibling or a parent who failed to stop abuse than it is to forgive the abuser.” - Lindsay Ellis on Gamora and Nebula’s relationship.
That being said, I don’t, in any way shape or form, believe that Willow is worse than Jacques. However, before you’re quick to defend her or “protect her” remember that she allowed her husband to harm their children as much as he could. At no point did she ever stand up, or seek help; maybe it was because of shame or the need to uphold an image to the outside viewer, but the truth remains: she failed her children.
I’m not saying that Willow was in an easy position, due to her dependency on alcohol and her lack of confidence in herself, we all know that she’s a victim herself, but that will never excuse her behavior in my eyes. When my grandfather became dangerous to my mother and aunt, my grandma packed everything and disappeared with her daughters despite her fear. She made a very risky choice: to move to another province with no job offer and without knowing anyone, but she kept herself and her daughters safe.
My father never put a stop to my mother, and if he ever did, he never was there to make my brother and I feel better or to tell us that we weren’t at fault. I never knew my household was toxic until I started spending more time at my friends’ house (something that my mom wasn't a fan of). It was then that I realized my friends were not scared of their mother’s “wrath” as I was with mine. It was after years of learning this that I realized the reason why I suffer from an anxiety disorder and had suffered from several panic attacks.
Now, I want to draw your attention to a very important scene of this episode, the most important for me: Winter breaks and shouts at her father when under pressure. We’ve never seen her like this. Even her petty quarrel with Qrow didn’t have the same weight to it, and I can tell you why because I’ve lived through it myself:
When you can recognize your abuser’s tactics, and see how they try to gaslight/hurt you or the people you care about after being outside of that toxic environment, you go back to the child you were when you had to live through that. It was like time had never passed. You may get scared or, like me and Winter, you explode.
Winter might have found a surrogate father and a plan outside the Schnee name, but in reality, she’s still at Jacques mercy, more so than Weiss, like I said before. Though it feels great to be right, I cannot describe how miserable seeing the Schnees makes me.
With that finished, I want to move on to what Willow said to Weiss about her and Whitley:
She’s able to recognize that’s better for her children not to be at home, but just like time and time again, she’s an observer, not an active player. She likely saw Weiss leave with the help of Klein, but at no point in time was there for her daughter. So, thanks Willow, for nothing.
Willow is right about Whitley, however it is infuriating that she’s putting his life on his sisters’ shoulders. “You left him here with us.” For fUCKS SAKE. I am doing my best not to go on a rant here, but this whole phrase truly angers me. WHITLEY IS NOT WINTER OR WEISS RESPONSIBILITY, IT NEVER WAS.
I always tried to shield my siblings from my parents’ wrath, but this is not a responsibility you should put in a child. I don’t fucking care if Winter and Weiss are adults, they are victims dealing with their trauma, and though we are all sure Weiss is going to help her brother, that’s not her job. It shouldn’t be her fucking job.
For me, if there was any way for Willow to be somewhat “redeemed” in my eyes, it would be by protecting at least 1 of her fucking children. Say what you want about Raven, she’s an asshole, a manipulator, and a coward, but at least she was there to protect Yang when Neo was about to murder her.
Also, Imma add this here: A kind anon informed me that the vodka that Willow drinks is labeled “Six Swans”, which is a fairy tale written by the Grimm brothers in which a Princess (later Queen) works in silence for years to set her family free from a curse.
If that’s true, then Willow’s cameras will bring Jacques down for treason and the Schnees will be free of him.
So, after all of that, I’m fucking delighted that Winter spoke out during the meeting. People pointed out that Robyn was happy at that, which means that she likely now knows that Ironwood doesn’t trust Jacques, and she will trust on the bees word more than she did last episode.
Don’t think I miss the flirting between Qrow and Clover. It’s so good to see Qrow opening up and refusing alcohol.
The Bad
Fancy dinner everyone! Except no one in the gang is dressed for the occasion.  It makes sense for Ironwood, Winter, and Clover to go in uniform, but the kids have no freaking excuse. Everyone was wearing dresses/suits, except for them. Was it too expensive to suit the gang up, CRWBY?
I don’t like the exaggerated movements of the whole JN_R operation. They could’ve gone the classy spy way, but I guess we need cheap laughs.
Unfortunately, after having a steady episode duration, the writers pull a move from their old books and cut a possible whole episode/special into two for cheap cliff hangers. There’s no reason this episode had to be only 15 minutes and end in the middle of the dinner party. It’s just stupid. This episode only has buildup, no middle, and no end.
I’ve taken a lot of points off this episode because of that cheap trick, I can’t believe they went back to it after doing so well previously.
The Dirty
A long as table and barely anyone there, the fuck???!!!!!!
Also where the fuck is KLEIN IF HE’S NOT SAFE I FUCKING QUIT.
Overall rating: 5/10
AN: We don’t talk about the Schnees.
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Here is the next chapter! Enjoy!! ;)
Peggy's POV:
When I wake up the next morning, I notice I'm not alone. I look up and notice Daniel fast asleep. He must have gotten tired waiting for me to sleep myself, not that I mind him being here. I think this is the best sleep I've had in years; because I knew I was safe. I look beside the bed and see Steph asleep as well in her Moses basket. Why Americans call it a bassinet I have no idea. I don't want to move, in fear of waking Daniel, so I don't. I keep my head on his chest and drape my arm over his torso. Daniel in return leaves his arm under my shoulders and holds me closer. We shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be laying in the same bed holding each other for dear life; but we are. And I don't want it to end.
Daniel starts to stir, and I close my eyes. Just sleep for a few more minutes, please! I don't know what I'd do without him. He has been there for me and my daughter when we've had nowhere to turn. He has been there for me when I have been going mad with illness and terror. And above all he takes care of Stephanie as if she were his own. I've never met someone like that, and I never will again. Daniel is a one of a kind person; and I want him to be mine. I'm tired of running from my feelings. When he admitted there was no one in his life romantically, I saw an opportunity, and I need to take it soon. While working with Howard it may not be possible, unless... I tell Daniel. That may not end well if I do, he may never want to speak to me again, let alone start something new. God this is an absurd mess.
"Mmm" Daniel starts to move around and wake up. "Oh shit!" He jumps back from me and out of bed.
"Daniel? What-" I look at him as he tries to regain his balance. He got up far to quickly without his crutch. "Whats wrong?" I looks at me as if he terrified and ashamed.
"I- I didn't mean to fall asleep. I swear."
"Daniel." I can't hold in my laughter, this situation we've gotten ourselves into is hysterical. "Do you really think I care about that?" He starts to relax, but still I can see his muscles tense. Has his shirt always been that tight?
"Peg...?"I look up at him and then away. I was staring, dammit.
"Sorry, I-uhm..." I clear my throat. "Daniel you should know by now that things like this don't bother me when it comes to you." I gather the strength to look at him, and of course hes shocked. "Oh stop looking at me like that! You know I don't mind." I pat the bed where he was and he sits back down.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Its just-"
"You're worried about propriety and being a gentleman?" He nods his head and avoids looking at me. I hate when he does that. "Daniel..." I reach for his face and he looks at me. "I know you're a gentleman and a good man. One of the best, in my opinion." He laughs. "You don't need to try and distance yourself from me to prove it. " Our eyes meet one another and I get this pulsing shock in my hands from where I touch his face. Does he feel this?
It isn't until now when I realize juts how close and intimate this is. I drop my hands and look away; but he holds my cheek in return. We both lean in and our lips begin to touch, lightly,like they did before... and then they finally meet. At first I wasn't sure if this was real; but it is. I feel as if everything in my body is electrified and I have so much energy I can't sit still. Its happened so quickly I barely have time to understand what is happening. All I know is that we've had out gentle taste...and its not enough. At first it seemed as if Daniel were afraid, but now he has much more confidence. He buries his hands in my hair and pulls me closer. I let him draw me near, and it feels right. The longer our lips stay together, the hungrier they move.
Each kiss feels as if I'm being shocked with a new breath of life, and I don't want it to end. I rest one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, and theres nothing in the world but Daniel and I. One hand slides down my back and rests at my waist and there is no more space between us. Seconds, minutes,or hours go by, but I'm not paying attention. We're going to be late, but I don't care....We stay like this until we run out of breath, our air mingles with each other. And all I can think to do is smile and laugh, and so does he. I kiss him once more and lean back, sitting on my heels.
"That was..."
"Wow." He finishes. I laugh again and retrieve another kiss. These are the kind you get drunk off of. "I was not expecting that..."
"Nor I..." Our eyes meet again and it feels like I'm lost staring into the stars. We lean in once more and I fear we may not go into the office at all today. I stop and look down, my hands on his buttons; asking a question without uttering a word. He nods his head and grabs my waist to pull me closer, and we snog even longer...I feel like this is long overdue. And this time, I actually have a say on who I take to bed. I may not have chosen Rogers, but I will always choose Daniel. I unbutton the first with shaking hands, and we laugh. His hands glide to the hem of my gown and lingers. I nod and kiss him again...  But of course we're interrupted when Steph begins to fuss.
"She has impeccable timing." He laughs underneath me.
"That she does" I laugh in return. I climb over Daniel and walk over to her, and then pick her up."She must be hungry" I slide my sleeve down my shoulder and start to nurse her.
"Uh-right I should-"
"Daniel." I turn to him and glare. "What did you expect to transpire not even 2 minutes ago?!" He looks away and laughs.
"Right, sorry." He has a wolfish smug on his face, and its rather sexy, if I'm being honest. He looks at me and takes my breath away, with his shirt unbuttoned and wrinkled and his hair a jungle of a mess. "What?"
"Nothing." I sit on the bed and continue to nurse Steph. Although shes only 5 months, her teeth have already starting popping out, and they hurt. "You, little miss, are going to be eating something else very soon! I can't stand this anymore..."
"Whats wrong?"
"Her teeth are starting to break through, and its a pain in my arse." and he laughs while coming up behind me. A shiver runs down my spine as he kisses my neck lightly. "Start that and we won't make it to the office today..."
"Maybe I don't want to..." He kisses the side of my neck and moves to my shoulders.
"Daniel!" I laugh.
"Peggy!" He embraces me from behind and looks down at Steph. She looks up at him and stops eating. "Hey sunshine." She laughs and reaches for him. He takes her and I stand, fixing my dress.
"I should shower, and get ready."
"Want me to join you?"
"Daniel!" he laughs and I can feel the heat on my my face. "We'll never leave if you do that." He smiles, knowingly. I've never seen this side of him before... I like it. I wish we could stay in today, but I can't. I have to leave to keep him safe. "Besides...I'm leaving today." and the wolfish look on his face morphs into one of sadness.
"I know..."
"I'll still come here. I still want to see you ans Steph and..." I walk over to him and sit. "I-I want this. I want to see...where this goes." Our eyes meet again and his are filled with longing and sadness. "I'm not leaving this...us. I want you, Daniel. And my leaving here won't change that." He looks at me and leans in, and we meet in the middle with a tender kiss.
"I trust you, Peg." I leave the room, my hand letting go of his, and head in the shower. This will be an interesting week...
Several days later:
Its been nearly a week with living in Howard's house, and nearly a week of not seeing Steph for so long. I decided it would be best to leave her with Daniel while I was at Howard's to see if I could really do this; live in the Griffith Hotel and not see my little girl as often as I like, and its harder than I thought. But Daniel has taken very good care of her. I enjoy visiting him, especially with everything between us out in the open. Although I love seeing Steph and Daniel, I know I can't stay. The only way to keep them safe is if I leave the building and move somewhere where no one will get to them. So, I told Angie I will take the flat at the Griffith, but to get it I have to have an interview done first. We walk about the grounds as she gives me a small tour before I talk to the overseer of the building.
"Evelyn," Angie politely says, and the woman replies with a hello of her own. "Evelyn's a lounge singer at a club in midtown." She explains. "Hi Sarah." Angie says as we keep walking. "That's Sarah, shes a slut." Angie whispers. Well that was profoundly honest... I'm taken back by her comment. "I'm so glad you changed your mind! You're gonna love it here" Angie says.
"Assuming I'm accepted. I've never rented a flat that required an interview."
"Its just a formality, you'll ace it. Miriam's a total pussy cat." If by that she means a completely stiff and downhearted woman, than I agree. Shes very set on propriety and manners, and to be quite honest, she reminds me of my prudish headmistress with a stick up her arse.
"Your references are impeccable. Senator Palmer is especially complimentary," Miss Fry says.
"He and my father were dear friends." I say and smile. Which isn't a lie, the stories I could tell of him and my father when I was a child...I look at Angie through the window at the desk, shes promised to help me through this interview. "Were you limping as you came in?"
"Caught my heel on a Cobble stone. You know how the West Village is." I try to lie and shake off the fact that my leg is still wounded from the fight over the Daisy Clover truck.
"I'm afraid I never travel below 33rd street,so no, I don't." Bloody hell...I look at Angie and she has a grim expression. I try to shrug it off and say I don't know what to say. Miss Fry catches it and glances at her, but says nothing about it. "How long do you see yourself working for the telephone company?" Oh, um.. right. She is a stickler for propriety.
"Only until I'm married, Miss Fry." I hope that was the right response...This is all so odd. She explains the hotel is for proper lady's that must dress with elegance, and explains their code of conduct, curfew, No men above the first floor. Thank God I got the flat, now its time to go to work.
I walk through the elevator doors and into the bullpen,when I notice Chief Dooley,  Daniel-no Agent Sousa, and Agent Thompson all standing at Sousa's desk. They're looking at the photos from Spider Raymond's club, and seem to be adamantly pointing at something. Chief usher me to come over, and I do.
"Settle a bet for us...Is that Joe DiMaggio?" Oh thank God, I thought it was me in the picture.
"I don't follow boxing." As I say this, Dooley goes into a laughing fit.
"Told you she wouldn't know who DiMaggio was." Daniel says. I glance at him and smile. Thompson pays Daniel, pats him on the back, and walks away.
"You bet against me?" I ask with a smirk on my face. He looks up at me and I try to keep my composure. "How could you be sure?"
"I wasn't. Thats why they call it gambling." Smart arse. He knows for a fact I don't know who that man is because he knows I don't understand or follow any American sports. Sneaky bugger got an easy win on this bet. Dooley insists it was this man, and Thompson disagrees. He says he would have known if he were in the same room as Joe DiMaggio, as if he were some enormous fan and detector of celebrities.
"Do you spot anyone else?" I ask, trying to change the subject before I pull him into the file room and steal a kiss. I fear I've fallen a little too hard, and shouldn't be having these thoughts at work.
"Nothing definitive, she really knows how to duck a camera. Not one clear shot of her face.
"Tough break"
"Nobody's lucky forever. We'll find her." Little does he knows he's looking right at her. I hate keeping this from him, and i want nothing more than to come clean and say it. But I'm afraid what will happen if I do...Then again it could be much worse if he finds out and I don't tell him... Bloody hell. I have to tell him.
Daniel's POV:
When I got to the office this morning, The first thing I did when I got there was look for Peggy, but of course she wasn't there. She has to get that apartment today; but I wish she wouldn't. I liked when she was living with me, and even though Steph is still with me, its not the same. Ever since that kiss, things seemed to change for us, and for the better. We have lingering looks and gentle touches, and while he haven't kissed a lot since then; I'm waiting for the right moment.
When I get to my desk, I unlock my drawer and open the packet with the club photos. As I look through them, Thompson walks by and stops to look.
"Hey! Is that..? Nah it can't be."
"I thought that was Joe DiMaggio."
"Huh. It does look like him doesn't it?" I look closer at the photo, and son of a bitch, I think it is him. Thompson calls to the chief and they both look at it.
"Holey mother of Mary. That's Joe DiMaggio." Both the chief and I think its him, but Thompson disagrees and says theres no way its him. "How much you wanna bet?"
"Its not worth it." Thompson argues.
"I bet you even Carter will know its him." Dooley says.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Chief. I doubt she even knows who he is." I say They both turn to me and bet on it. So when Peggy does come int, they both loose. Half the day goes by and Peggy starts taking everyone's lunch order.
"Do I even need to ask you?" She smiles at me and I laugh.
"I don't know, Carter. I might change it up today." She shoves my shoulder lightly and puts the paper on my desk.
"Well if you're going to do that you might as well write down your own damn order." She tilts her head, defiantly, and smirks.
"Fine. I will." I look down at the paper and when I start writing I notice a little slip of paper in the corner. Weird. When I hand her my order, she slyly drops that little slip on my desk and starts to walk away.
"Thanks, Sousa." I watch her walk away and can't help but think of how strange that was. I look around to make sure no one is watching and then I look at the slip. 'Meet me at the Automat after work. Its urgent. -PC' with a little heart at the end. Kind of giving mixed signals there Peg...
Hours go by and I notice Peggy leaving. She smiles and waves goodbye as she leaves to pick up Stephanie. I know its killing her inside, seeing her daughter less and less, and I wish I knew why she was so adamant about me not knowing who her sitters were. Not that its a major problem, but its weird how she puts on a front and seems happy, but I know shes hiding something. I clock out about an hour or so later, not wanting to stay too late, and head over to the Automat. Maybe this mystery urgency or whatever shes been keeping form me will all make sense.
Peggy's POV:
After I pick up Steph, I go back to Daniel's apartment and grab some of her things. Shes been very vocal lately, and I think she may speak her first word soon; and I hope I get to hear it. Once I finish everything doing what I need to do and grab what i need. I leave for the Automat and wait for Daniel.
"Hey English! Awe look at her, shes so cute! Can I hold her?"
"Sure." I hand Angie the babe and she starts to smile.
"Where is she staying at? Did your sister come back?" Oh rats, I forgot about that.
"Oh, uhn. No shes actually staying with a...friend of mine. He's actually coming here soon." Angie hands her back and takes my tea order; and then we wait. Steph starts to get fussy and I give her one of Daniels's vests to cuddle with. And of course, she starts to settle down. I can't get over how much he keeps her calm.
"Peg." I look up and see him.
"Daniel!" I get up from the booth and embrace him, quickly, then sit down. A few eyes wonder in our direction but don't pay us much attention. "Poppet, looks who's here." She looks around at the sound of my voice and her eyes brighten when she sees Daniel.
"Hey anjo, what were you doing?" He laughs when I give her to him. "Is this my vest?"
"Its the first thing I grabbed when I was at your apartment. I knew she would get unsettled if we were here to long."He plays with her for a few moments and then turns to me, with concern written on his face.
"So. Are you gonna tell me what this is all about, or am I suppose to guess?" I look down and sigh in defeat.
"I do...have something to tell you." I lean back and look at my tea. "But if I tell you I fear what you will say of think. And I-"
"Hey English!" Such rotten timing, Angie. "DO you want a refill or something to eat? Maybe for your...'friend' too?" I glare at her and look at Daniel. He asks for a coffee and I get more tea. When comes back with our drinks and leaves, I start to speak again. "Daniel. Do you trust me?"
"Of Course I do, Peggy. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because what I have to tell you may make you hate me...and you may never want to speak or see me again. And you could possibly turn me in, and I-I hope you don't."
"Peg what're you talking about. Turn you in? To who? And for what? And where the hell would Steph go?" I shut my eyes and wipe away a tear that escaped. "No. C'mon Peggy, do you really think I'd do that to you?" I know he looks hurt at the thought, but I don't know who I can trust with this.
"I-I don't know." I say honestly. "I hope not-
"You should know I would never do that Peg." Now I feel ashamed. I like Daniel, a lot. And we are friends, but we've been treading the water of becoming more, and now I've mucked it up.
"Daniel..." I look at him as I take a deep breath. "Its about Howard." Now I have his attention.
"You're working with him. Aren't you?" Well that didn't take long for him to figure out. Then again he is an excellent Agent whether the SSR sees it or not. I say nothing, instead I look away and nod.
"He came to me, a few weeks ago, asking for help." He shakes his head and looks at Steph. "He didn't do this,Daniel. I know that. Hes a good person, when you don't look at his ego and big brain." Daniel chuckles. "He has a heart...and he's my friend. I don't want to see him hunted down and locked away as if her were some horrid animal." He looks at me and all I can think to do is melt in his eyes. "Daniel...Howard is innocent and I'm trying to help him prove that. I wanted to tell you because-" I stop and try to gather my emotions. Its best not to make a scene so publicly, even if the Automat is practically empty. "Because I don't like keep things from you. Its been eating away at me. I want to keep the two of you safe, thats why I had to leave your apartment." "Peggy-"
"Daniel I had to. Its my fault Colleen died!" I yell whisper the last part. "And then Roxxon happened and- I-I just can't let anything happen to the two most important people in my life. I won't loose you Daniel. And I won't loose Stephanie. I'd die if anything happened to either of you, especially knowing it was my fault." I look away and wipe away the tears.
"Peg..."I look up and he reaches for my hand. "I would NEVER ever in my life turn you in or hate you for being an amazing person and a protective mother." I squeeze his hand as more tears fall. "Peggy, you don't have to carry this alone. I'm here, you know that. You don't have to doubt me or my honesty." How on earth does this amazing man exist?
"I've all but admitted I've lied to you and sneaked behind your back and yet... you don't care?"
"You were doing it for the right reasons. How could I ever be angry with you or hate you for that?"
"You..." I shake my head and wipe away my tears with one hand, as I keep the other in his. "You are incredible, Daniel Sousa."
"Not really, I just have ethics, morals, and boundaries."
"And modest." We both laugh. We walk back to his apartment and play with Stephanie. But all too soon I have to leave. "Its getting late,  I should be going. This Hotel I've been accepted to has a curfew for its residence. If I miss it I may not have an apartment anymore. "
"Curfew? Seriously?" I nod my head and kiss my daughter.
"Goodbye poppet, Mummy loves you so much." I hold her against me and I don't want to let go. Daniel embraces us both and I lean into him. "Good night, Daniel." I place one hand on his cheek and a kiss on his lips. He holds me close and I feel as if I should stay.Our lips press against each other perfectly, like two puzzle pieces meant for each other. Steph begins to laugh and bounce around, I think she likes what Daniel and I have started.
"Good night, Peg." One last kiss and I hand over Steph, then I leave. Maybe one day, I won't have to go...
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
Clover And Lace, Chapter 1
Happy Friday. Welcome to the launch of Clover and Lace. This idea has been kicking around for almost a year now. It was probably the first story idea to ever come to me as a complete plot and I’m honestly very excited for this one. Let’s all take a moment to thank @winterisakiller who has acted as support, at times beta and a wonderful ear for me to bounce plot points off of all while being trusted with the series’ deepest secrets.  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC 
Series Warnings: Future smut and cannon typical violence. Mentions of passed sexual assault, child abuse, neglect and death. 
Summary: When Steve feels like the fight will never end he buries himself in his work, running mission after missing and running the team ragged. In a effort to get themselves some peace, he is encouraged to leave the city for a while. What he finds when he does is wholly unexpected.
Sara was everything she appeared to be. A small town artist who was the only daughter if immigrant parents. Her red hair and green eyes could draw anyone’s attention. In Steve’s eyes she was perfectly sweet and unmarred by the horrors of the world. Instantly Steve was drawn to her. She was everything she seemed and had a easy way about her.
It’s a shame she had her secrets. When nothing with Sara is as it seems and lies give way to truth, can Steve and Sara find away to allow their just blossoming love to bloom or will the fire of mistrust burn what could have been to the ground leaving nothing but ashes between them?
Chapter 1
Steve Rogers didn't know what he expected to come of his trip to Akron, New York but he knew he needed to make the trip. It was a few hours drive upstate but he had caught wind of a art exhibit being held for one of their local painters. Word of mouth even was that she was good.
He had a rare day off and Bucky encouraged him to go. Really, he was given the appearance of having a choice in the matter. They said he was at risk of burnout. They said that he did nothing but work, nothing but train and fight. They said it wasn’t healthy.
While that was true there was always a battle to be won, always a enemy that needed to be put down. It was never ending. Even when he took breaks, he filled his time with paperwork. There was always more to do.
He supposed they were right. A part of him knew it even as he jumped on his Harley and made his way out of the city. It felt odd to be out of the city and relaxed. Steve didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't remember the last time he had fresh air to breath and the peace to actually enjoy it.
If he was going to this exhibit, he may as well try to the event. He had always enjoyed art, when did he give that up? And so just like that Steve decided to start enjoying things again. Starting with the ride to Akron and looking at paintings by some no name local artist who some said could make a name for herself, he would learn to enjoy things again.
Sara Wilson penned her name to one last canvas and frowned down at it. 'Sara Wilson' it read. How she hated the name. Yet she long ago stopped entertaining the idea of taking a name she would like. Names changed with time. For her they always did and always will, one way or another.
“Sara, dear! We need the last of them to hang.” The hearty voice of the old woman who owned the cafe below called from the stairs.
She would rarely come up- her knees and back ached making it nearly impossible for her to climb the stairs or so she said. It was one of the reasons she let Sara rent the upstairs apartment so cheap. Yet as the old woman got more and more comfortable her knees felt up to tackling the stairs more often and she would visit with Sara.
Sara always liked Mrs. Jones and when she told her friends in the big city about Sara's art somehow she ended up putting on a show. It was never a good idea to draw attention to herself but she didn't want to disappoint the old woman who gave her so much kindness and understanding. Mrs. Jones never asked the hard questions about Sara's past, the questions that would always be avoided and redirected.
It took a few more hours to set up the show. Watercolors littered the walls around them in the cafe. Snacks were ready, drinks were ready and the cafe even had a barista in to man the espresso machine. People came, people went and Sara was growing tired of dodging questions about who she was and where she came from. Some people bought her art, some did not and it didn't matter to her one way or another.
Then, she saw him. When he walked in, Sara about dropped her glass. Tall and blonde, he was perfection walking. While many women fawned over tall, dark and handsome she had always preferred the lighter look. Maybe it was just that she was hiding from her own darkness that she didn't want it mirrored in her partner.
Not that she would ever truly have a partner. Not wanting to get caught looking at him for too long, she turned quickly and made herself busy as best she could. If she was lucky he wouldn't see her and she wouldn't have to try and talk to him.
Steve however had his eyes trained on her almost instantly. The motion of the white of her dress caught his eye as she spun on her heel to face away. That was well enough for him as it gave him a chance to take her in from a distance without looking like a creep.
She wore a lacy white floral print dress that dusted over her knees and simple rose heels. The cut was classic and flattered her frame. Auburn hair was curled loosely and cascaded down her shoulders. Light skin looked to just be kissed by the sun enough to give it color but she was still fair.
“Her name is Sara,” The voice of a old woman startled him. “if you'd like to pick your jaw up off my floor and go talk to her. Keep drooling and you’ll leave a puddle on my floor for me to slip on. You want me to break a hip, Boy?” When the old woman came up next to him, Steve had no idea.
“Thank you Ma'am but I'm just here to look at the art.” He really didn't have the life to be getting involved with someone. And truly whoever Sara was she deserved a whole life.
“Son, you seem more keen on admiring the artist over the art.” With a raspy laugh, the woman patted him on the back and left him be.
Steve had half a mind to tell the woman he was old enough to nearly be her father but she seemed to not recognize him. Sara was the artist?
Steve stood back and watched her for a few moments longer as she turned and spoke with another man. Over the small crowd he could hear the melody of her laugh, it sounded almost like wind chimes. Before he thought better of it his feet carried him forward.
“Hi.” Steve spoke simply when she turned to him.
Bucky would have been proud that he had at least he managed to say that much without stammering. She was beautiful. Pale skin and dark green eyes greeted him. Her petal pink lips turned up in a smile.
“Hello.” Was all she said in return as she took him in.
His blue eyes and light brown hair made him look all American. If he spent too much time in the sun, did the strands bleach blonde? Sara wondered if she got closer, would he smell of apple pie?
“I'm Steve. Steve Rogers. You, ah-” There you are old boy- stammering in front of a pretty face yet again as he held his hand out. “These are yours?”
“Sara Wilson. Yeah, they are mine.” She couldn't help the smile when rather than shake her hand as she expected, he took it to his lips and kissed her knuckles before releasing it. It was such an old fashioned gesture that it brought a blush to her face.
“You do beautiful work, Miss Wilson.” Steve made a point to look around, trying to ignore how cute she looked with her flushed cheeks.
“Please, Sara is fine.” She rested her hand on his arm as she spoke. “And thank you. It passes the time.”
“Your accent, I can't place it?” Steve felt rude for asking, but it was just a hint of an accent that seemed to make her words float away on the wind.
“Ah, my parents are from Europe and traveled around so much. I was born here however it seems to stick.” She smiled and hoped her eyes wouldn't betray her lie or that he wouldn’t ask if ‘here’ meant this little town or just stateside. As much as she had tried to school her accent over the years, it still gave her away as different.
“I like it.” Steve admitted, cringing slightly as he processed his own words. Sara just smiled at him.
“Would you like a drink?” Sara looked around as if a drink would come to her before leading him to the refreshment table. Mumbling a thanks, Steve followed close behind.
“I, ah-.” Sara was amazed how her brain seemed to shut off as she waved her hand dumbly at the table full of drinks next to the coffee bar.
“A beer is fine. I mean, great.” Steve plucked the beer up and made quick work of taking a long pull from the bottle. If he was drinking, he couldn’t say anything else stupid. At least, he was counting on it to keep his mouth occupied while he tried to remember how to talk like a human being.  
Somehow, they passed the next few hours chatting away seemingly about nothing. Sara found that he did not actually smell of apple pie, when they stood on the balcony overlooking the lake behind the cafe.
The wind shifted and she was just close enough that she could smell the rich scent of his aftershave. He smelled of sandalwood and a hint of pine, not pie it turned out. She learned much about him. He liked apple pie and pumpkin spice. Even now, she still could swear he was everything good about America, right down to being happy to talk about shallow topics and his own likes.  
Steve didn't notice much when he was with her. His attention was wholly focused on the way her hair danced in the breeze and how the setting sun made her eyes sparkle. They were so close, standing next to each other leaning on the railing that he could feel the warmth of her arm. Again, the wind shifted, stronger this time and he was mesmerized as her hair danced in her face.
He listened to her laugh as she tucked the strands back behind her ear. The sweet smell of her perfume filled his nose and he wondered if this was what he really needed. If what he needed was to reconnect with the world, not to look at some paintings.
“Sara?” She smiled up at him.
“Yes, Steve?” Oh how his name sounded, floating away from her lips.
“I'd like to maybe see you again. If you wouldn't be opposed, that is.”
She just couldn't get over him. He spoke and acted as if he was from the past. So old fashioned, so respectful. It was a risk, but she wanted to know more about him. It has been years now, she was allowed to have a life. Surely, it wouldn't be that much of a risk?
“I'd like that. Won't you call me from the big bad city?” She deserved to be happy, even if it was for a few fleeting moments.
“I'll do you one better, Doll. I'll come see you. Next weekend, surely there is a place to grab a nice dinner around here?”
“Oh- I ah...” Sara looked away, not sure what to say. This wasn’t something she expected or even dared to dream of.
“How about I just call you?” Steve presses, biting his lip. He didn’t want to let her go. Maybe it was too soon to plan a trip out to see her. Perhaps he was rushing a bit. Things moved so differently now, so fast and yet so slow somehow at the same time. “We can go from there?”
“Okay.” Sara looked down before swallowing the butterflies trying to escape her stomach. She was excited for the prospect of something she didn’t even know would happen. Something she shouldn’t even let happen.
She watched from the front porch as the lights of his bike faded in the distance. Chewing at her lip while she lost in thought, she didn’t hear Mrs. Jones come up next to her.
“He was a mighty fine man.” The old woman sighed wistfully. “A good one too it seems. They don’t seem to make them like that often now a days. Tell me you got his number, Girl?”
“I did.” And that was part of the problem.
Getting attached wasn’t a good idea. Now with the hustle and bustle of the show over and without his nearly intoxicating presence next to her, doubt began to creep in. To ever talk to him again was risky. Was that risk worth a few moments of feeling normal, of maybe being happy? Was the heartbreak of when she had to leave worth it?And she would have to leave. She always had to leave.
“Good girl.” Mrs. Jones praised as she patted the woman she knew as Sara on the arm. “If I was 40 years younger, I’d be all over him.”
“Mrs. Jones, you’d be like 45 if that was the case.” Sara laughed.
“I’d make sure he knows how to use what God gave him.” The old woman winked and she laughed. “Make sure he’s in fine shape for you, Sara dear.”
“Oh god.” Sara shook her head and turned away, trying to hide the blush that Mrs. Jones already knew was there. It took nothing to make her turn shades of pink and oh how that old woman enjoyed teasing her. It wasn’t fair, it really wasn’t.
Rosemary spent the two hours pacing her small apartment. Mrs. Jones wouldn’t let her help clean up, insisting that she did the hard work of talking to everyone today and those ‘big strong Maxus boys’ could do the cleaning up. That left Rosemary plenty of time to think.
Thinking was good and bad. She thought of how she almost liked the way Steve said ‘Sara’. The memory of the way he smiled at her just a little softer when he didn’t realize she was looking made her cheeks warm.
Sitting down on her couch she tried to decide what to do. If she called her brother, she knew what he would tell her. Don’t ever speak to him again. Don’t ever look at him again. It’s safer to be alone.
And he would be right. But she knew right now no one knew where she was. Right now, she was safe. She’d made a life here for the last four months and it was looking like she could remain for maybe up to a year longer. It would be one of her longest stints in one place and it was exciting. But she also knew when she left- and she would have to leave eventually without so much as a goodbye or a look behind, it would hurt all the more.
Unlocking her phone, she spent far too long just looking at his number. She wanted to text him, make sure he had made it back to the city alright. Hell, she wanted to call him and hear his voice again already.
She needed to block the number and delete the contact. No matter how badly she wanted to be normal for a little but. The painting above her TV caught her eye. It was a watercolor of what was a historic looking couple locked in a sweet kiss. It was one of her favorite works and like all of her others, when she moved on from here she would leave it behind.
It made her question what harm could there be in giving him a chance. It was all temporary, just like everything in her life but she could enjoy it while it lasts. Why shouldn’t she get to know what it feels like to love another, even for a little bit?
With a bitter laugh she shook her head. It was a childish wish. A dumb idea. Highlighting the contact she brought open the menu. First she would block the number, then delete it. No more temptation once that was done. It was just a few clicks on the screen.
Steve rode home that night with a smile on his face and a new phone number in his contact list. He had promised to let her know he made it home safe and so he sent her a text message just as soon as he rolled in.
If she knew him as Captain America she had given no indication and that was just fine by him. If she lived under a rock in small town America and only knew him as Steve Rogers he would be all the happier.
“I take it you enjoyed yourself?” Bucky was leaning against the counter of their shared apartment as the front door closed behind Steve.
Tony had offered them a room in the compound and for a while Steve had taken him up on the offer. In time however, Bucky was ready to reach out and become a part of the world again. Being a part of the world resulted in him being open to being a part of Steve’s life again.
The compound wasn’t such a good place for Bucky however. The cold industrial feel of the building seemed to trigger Bucky’s nightmares and seemed to cause them to become worse and though Tony was more than willing to make whatever changes they thought may help, it ended up being better to simply move out and find a apartment for the two of them.
“I met a dame. Long legs, soft hair, beautiful lips.” Steve gushed as he made his way to Bucky and leaned on the other side of the island as he pulled out his phone.
“That so?” Bucky leaned forward, looking at the screen as Steve typed a message that was perfectly fine.
Bucky then watched as Steve deleted the message. And typed a more cheesy message. He then deleted that one and wrote something that sounded far too causal and dismissive and deleted that one. Before he could type yet another message Bucky plucked the phone from his friend’s hands.
“Hey!” Steve squawked in protest as he reached over the island for his phone only to have buck lean back against the far counter.
“No, you’re being a fucking dumb shit. Each message is getting worse. You’re going to end up sending nothing at this rate.”
“I was going to send...” Steve lunged around the counter as Bucky darted around to the other side of the island.
“Send what?” Bucky challenged as he typed quickly on the phone. “Flowers in 10 years?”
“Dammit Bucky, give me the phone!”
“There.” Bucky hit send.
Tossing the phone back to Steve, Bucky rolled his eyes at the way his friend visibly relaxed reading the perfectly acceptable message sent as him. With a chirp the phone announced a few moments later that a message was received.
“What did she say?”
“’Glad you made it back safe.’ that’s it?” Before Steve could begin overthinking things in earnest his phone chirped again. “This one says: ‘I really enjoyed our time today.’”
“Well good fucking job, Punk.”
The remainder of the night was spent rehashing the night with his friend while trying to figure out a plan. It was decidedly the most normal night they had spent in over 70 years.
Tag List: @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @bambamwolf87, @dangertoozmanykids101, @alexakeyloveloki, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller
@sweetbeary713- I still can’t tag you :( 
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Taming the Rage
TITLE: Taming the Rage
AUTHOR: lokilover9
Original Imagine: Imagine Odin tells Loki that he has to marry and it’s you. You’ve hated him for years. Every time he sees you in the palace he smirks knowing all the duties you’ll have to perform as his princess, making you cringe. He isn’t exactly fond of you either, but can’t help looking forward to the challenge.
Upon Edgar’s death, Frigga had ordered his small apartment be locked and un entered until further notice. She’d intended to personally deal with his belongings, but hadn’t had the time. The drawings Erika mentioned kept resurfacing in her mind however, so when a delegate cancelled dinner for the same evening one morning, she used the opportunity to investigate. Edgar’s apartment was spotless as he’d always kept it and she smiled at the light scent of sandalwood still present amidst the rooms. It was his favorite and would forever remind her of him. Once finding the chest, it was larger than Frigga had anticipated and upon opening it, she was truly awed. Inside was file after file, labeled with names and specific time periods all the way back to Edgar’s early adulthood. Edgar’s parents, her and Odin when first married, Ander and his Mother, Thor and Loki as babies, the palace, friends, Thor and Janes wedding, Junior, there were so many, she’d need time to inspect them all and so turned her attentions to a particular era. Loki’s childhood.
It didn’t take long for her to find drawings of Loki secretly watching Odin and Thor spending time together. Often they were laughing and playing, or Odin was expressing a rare gesture of affection towards him. As much as she’d loved her husband, the heartbreak in Loki’s expressions angered and brought her to tears, especially in the drawings where she realized Odin was berating him. Loki would be cowering in fear and she couldn’t believe he’d been so frequently cruel to him as there were no drawings of Odin treating Thor this way. She’d witnessed him deliver harsh words and delegate discipline to both boys, but never had he looked so vicious like in Edgar’s drawings making it obvious he’d observed incidents between Odin and Loki she hadn’t.
After shedding many tears and verbally thanking Edgar for all his kindness towards Loki, she’d almost put everything back when a file she hadn’t initially noticed caught her eye. Searching it from the very beginning, she found something that warmed her heart beyond words and knew exactly what needed to be done with it. “Oh Edgar, thank you again. This is perfect.” Upon standing, she accidentally knocked a small box from the shelf above her. It opened when hitting the floor and she chuckled. “Oh my, this will be perfect too.”
A few days later, Erika requested the presence of her sisters, Father and Frigga in her room and Loki arranged it. They all sat in chairs around her bed and Erika cleared her throat.
“I’m uncertain of what you’ll think of this, but I must to tell you.” She described her time with Asta word for word, including the part about Beatrice and as her sisters cried, Jarles and Frigga stared at her in awe.
“The..the clover.” He stated. “You were a baby when I lost that Erika. I never told you of it.”
Jarles’s oldest daughter suddenly rose from her seat. “Oh norns!” She yelled, before bolting from the room. Jarles asked his other daughters to follow her and they left.
Erika then turned to Frigga. “What’s going to happen to Beatrice?”
Frigga explained she would go before the highest court in three weeks. She could either plead guilty, or have the lawyer assigned to her plead her case for a trial. Either way, her participation in the plot to murder an heir to the throne, would most likely result in death.
Erika then revealed to Frigga what Edgar had asked of her. While imprisoned, he’d strongly sensed the horrible guilt and sadness that constantly plagued Beatrice and knew she’d been an unwilling victim in Anders plot. He’d asked of Erika upon her sentencing, if she’d visit with Beatrice and assure her one day she’d be forgiven.
Frigga sighed. “I can’t say I disagree with her sorrow. She cries so often I’ve had to place a magic shield around her cell so no one can see or hear her. The other prisoners were complaining and calling her a baby killer. From the day she was imprisoned, her entire family seems to have completely disowned her as well and she’s had not one visitor.”
Erika winced at this. “Please Frigga? I must see her.”
Edgar’s input definitely influenced Frigga’s decision and she agreed, but only if Erika was healthy enough at the time. Then her sisters all came barreling into the room and stared at Jarles.
His oldest daughter approached him, holding out a closed hand. “Father, forgive me? I’d completely forgotten until Erika mentioned it.” Upon opening it, there sat a perfect four leaf clover encased in the clearest and strongest of plastics within Asgard.
Trembling when taking it, he looked to Erika. “You’re Mother had this made for me when we were dating. It was for luck whenever my job required a dangerous mission, or I had to go off into battle so I would always return to her safely. I thought I’d lost it forever.”
Erikas sister apologized again and explained. She’d been playing in Astas jewelry box as young girl where she’d found it and had it in her hand when she got caught. Asta was furious and while taking the box away, she’d slipped it into her dress pocket. Sent to her room, she’d hid it in a small box deep in her closet, fearing Asta would think she’d meant to steal it. A week later, Asta went to her about it and she’d lied, still fearing punishment. Believing it lost, Asta stopped talking about it and over time, it ended up forgotten about until this day. Elated to have it back, Jarles forgave her immediately.
“So, she actually said we’d all be together again one day did she?” He asked Erika.
“Yes Father and I believe her.”
Jarles stared at the clover in his hand, then smiled at Frigga. “Me too.” ~~~~~~~ Erika continued getting stronger and early the next week, Loki left her room shortly after breakfast one morning and returned with a wheelchair.
“Really?” She asked. “I can?”
He smiled at how her face lit up. “You may, I spoke to Eir about it last night.”
“Can’t I just walk? I’ve done so good in my room.”
Loki helped her put on some tights and a sweatshirt Jane had given her, using magic to fit it around her IV tubes. “You have, but it’s a beautiful day and I thought we’d go outside for a bit.”
“We’re going outside?”
Her response was that of an excited child and Loki kissed her. “Yes Darling we are, but only if you agree to stay in the chair.”
“I promise, just please get me out of here?”
Everyone that passed them in the palace corridors greeted Erika with nods and smiles, but Loki didn’t give them a moment to stop and chat.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” She asked.
“You can see them another day. Why waste more time inside?” They reached the palace’s main doors and he stopped. “I need you to do something for me please?” He stood beside the chair. “I’m taking you somewhere and need to blindfold you until we arrive.”
“Blindfold me?” She asked. “Isn’t it a little soon for the ‘God of Kinkyness?’ You aren’t taking me to that tree are you?”
The guards at the doors smirked and Loki squatted to her level. “No, I am not.” He whispered. “Could you keep your voice down Darling?”
“Then what are you up to?” She whispered back.
“Erika, will you please just humor me?”
Something in his eyes convinced her to allow it and as they exited, she inhaled a deep breath. “I’d almost forgotten what fresh air smells like. It’s funny how we take some things for granted until we no longer have access to them.”
He leaned to her ear. “Very true and I shall do it no longer.”
Erika sighed. “Oh Loki, I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I know you didn’t. Enjoy the ride, hmm?”
He purposely took her along different areas of the palace grounds in hopes of confusing her and could tell it was working as she kept smelling the air and tilting her ears to various sounds. Eventually, they drove over what felt like grass and came to a stop. After locking the wheels, he stood before her while removing the blindfold, watching her reaction.
Recognizing the spot immediately, she smiled up at him. “Oh Loki, this is it. The pond we first met at. I still can’t believe you remembered.”
“How could I forget? Such a brat you were.” He teased. “This truly was my pond and no one said I had to share it. Then along you came with your red curls and big green eyes, thieving rocks and dirtying my new boots. Consider yourself lucky I don’t toss you in for that.”
“I can swim silly, remember? Although my dancing partner might not fare so well. I’ll certainly be happy when I’m freed of it. I know it’s necessary, but the longer I’m stuck with it, the more I miss ‘home’ and our life there. You must miss home too and I’ve kept you so long from it. I’m sorry.”
Loki knelt before her. “No Erika, listen. Wherever ‘you’ are, that’s where home is for me too. If that’s within Eirs rooms right now, then so be it. I don’t care how long it takes until you’re well, do you understand?”
“Good, now cheer up or I ‘will’ toss you in.”
She chuckled, then took a better look around. “It’s been awhile since I’ve come here. The gardeners have done wonders with the landscaping, it’s beautiful now. Thank you for bringing me.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiled and kissed her hand. “I couldn’t think of a better place than the spot we first met for the occasion.”
“Occasion?” She asked.
“I know we’re betrothed Erika, but I couldn’t let that stop me from doing this the way I’ve wished.”
She gasped when from a back pocket, he presented a small, velvet, green box. “Loki?” Upon opening it, her mouth fell ajar as inside was a beautiful fair sized Emerald in the shape of an eye, surrounded by small diamonds on a gold ring.
Loki looked her in the eyes. “I call you Emerald girl because that’s what your eyes have reminded me of since the moment I first saw them. I’ve wasted enough of my life without you and refuse to do so any longer. Will you marry me Erika?”
A sob escaped her as she threw her arms around him and slid onto his lap. “Of course I will marry you!”
Loki laughed, gripping her IV pole as it almost fell over. “Don’t you want to wear it?”
“Yes, I do!” She kissed him then sat back in the chair.
“I measured your finger while you slept and as you’ve lost so much weight, had it made a size larger.”
Erikas hand trembled as he placed it on her finger. When realizing it was too big, she pouted and he put it on the middle one.
“It doesn’t matter to me which finger you wear this on, the jeweler can fix it accordingly. You will still be my wife sooner than you think.”
“Loki I love this, it’s so beautiful and don’t worry. I told you I’d wait for you.”
“Why should you when we’ll be married this Saturday?”
Erika was stunned, realizing he was serious. “Wh..what? How? That’s only four days away.”
He could see the concern on her face and reassured her. “It’s alright darling. I’ve had this planned since days after you first woke. It will only be immediate family and we can have a proper wedding later, whenever you wish. Marry me this Saturday Erika?”
Loki couldn’t have been happier when she agreed and after an extensive walk through the gardens, he took her to one more place before returning. They stopped along the path near the clearing where Colton’s tree was and he offered his hand.
“I actually get to escape?” She asked.
“Only for a moment as I’ve a question about something.” He stood her in a certain direction and smirked. “The vines along this fence are rather thick and difficult to see through, wouldn’t you agree?”
She gave them a quick gander. “It would appear so, yes.”
His smirk widened. “I see. So where exactly were you standing then, to get a good view of me pouring water onto my half naked body?”
Erika’s expression flooded with embarrassment and she squeezed her eyes closed. “Oh no. I have a serious bone to pick with someone. Very serious.”
“Ohhh, come now.” He teased. “She meant well Darling. Your perversion was revealed along with your love for me.”
“What? It’s not a perversion. I…”
“Yes it is.”
“Look.” She stated, with a sigh. “I was bringing you lunch and you were shoveling and…it just sort of happened.”
His smirk returned. “You watched me shoveling as well? Just exactly how long ‘were’ you ogling me through those bushes for?”
“I wasn’t ogling. Can we not talk about this anymore? It’s rather..embarrassing.”
“Hmm.” He sauntered towards her and feathered his lips over hers, speaking in a husky tone. “So tell me. Did I make you as wet as I made myself?”
“Oh that does it.” She walked over and plunked back down in the chair, sighing at his impish grin. “I’m never going to live this down am I?”
Loki laughed as he pushed her along the path. “Not a chance in hell Darling.”
Once back in the palace, Loki insisted they have lunch before informing Thor and Frigga of their decision. Eir entered her room while they were waiting for it.
“You look happy. Did you enjoy your walk?”
“Very much so. I was formally proposed to and look!”
She beamed with pride, showing off her ring and Eir smiled. “It’s beautiful, congratulations. May I see you both in the Soul Forge room please?”
“Is something wrong?” Asked Erika.
“No child, but it’s time you had a more exploratory check up. Come.”
They followed and Erika laid on the examining table while Loki watched, standing near the bed. A 3D vision of Erikas womb appeared and moments later, they all heard a faint, yet rapid, consistent swooshing sound.
“What is that?” Loki Asked
Eir smiled at them. “Your baby’s heartbeat.”
Erika became excited. “Is it really?”
Loki and Erika smiled at each other. “Is he or she alright? I mean, considering.” She asked.
Eir continued viewing the image, turning it on different angles while studying it intently. “I realize what you’re asking and we won’t know more until later in the pregnancy I’m afraid.”
She looked really focused and they stared at her. “The weekly blood work I’ve been taking and now this Forge, still shows the antidote is steadily killing the poison and that’s good. However, it’s also left me suspicious of something due to your hormone levels.”
“Oh?” Asked Erika.
Just then, the heartbeat was heard again and Erika noticed Loki was very focused on the image as well. The curious, yet baffled look on his face, was amusing and she smirked as it intensified.
She smiled again. “Yes Prince Loki?”
“Is that..what I think it is?”
“Yes it is.” Seconds later, she was chuckling at him. “Oh Norns.”
Erikas mouth fell open as she looked at the floor. “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’ll be fine. Look closer at the image child.”
Realizing what he’d been staring at, Erikas face lit up. “Oh my goodness! Really?”
“Yes, that was a second heartbeat. You’re having twins.”
Erika chuckled while looking at the floor again. “It would appear the God of Mischief has played the sneakiest of tricks on himself.”
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