#one liner call
pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
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Introducing KOBD ( and Wildbreak) into Thorns and Thrones AU!!
These two play the part of Rescuers to both Sir Orion and Megatronus at a turning point in their quest!
I’m thinking KOBD are the ones who come across them after this scuffle in the snow gone wrong >:]
Knockout and Breakdown are currently lone travelers on a journey off to the Dinobot Isles! The couple ventured out of the desolate, ever-increasing decay of Decepticon lands in a hurry to secure a stable future for their adorable new addition.
With the re-entering strict Autobot lands clearly not presenting itself to be a safe option to settle down, these two, with their little one in tow, have been making the lengthy journey to the coastlines.
Allies anxiously await their arrival—both in determination to seeing their old friends safe, as well as being in great need of their skills as both healers and warriors.
Trouble is stirring in the cavernous mountains that aid in the sustainment of the Isles. Those who have ventured up for recourses are returning with fewer numbers, strange wounds, and even stranger stories of the web-wielding demon supposedly responsible.
Knockout and Breakdown are off to offer their help in exchange for a place to call home—but first they have to figure out what the hell an Autobot and LORD MEGATRON-!?!? are doing all the way out HERE??
Perhaps after Optimus (ohhh that’s his name!) and Megatron (whoops! merc cover blown) get patched up, their rescuers and new friends made in the Isles will wrangle them into an adventure in the mountains—for for Primus’ sake get them some new gear!!!
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nyxi-pixie · 1 month
its so foul that asgr puts chuuyas dazai rants on blast within the text but mostly lets dazai get away with just implying hes been yapping about chuuya
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mutantmuses · 3 months
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kitnita · 1 month
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the tnt panel on jake oettinger pregame   —   DAL vs COL;   game 3   —   05.11.24
liam mchugh: would it be difficult, for a goalie? i’m sure there are people at home like, alright hank —  henrik lundqvist: ‘he just stands there.’  liam mchugh: standing around all night long, you’re not really doing much —  [all laughing]  henrik lundqvist: okay, let me tell you, goalies — we don’t just stand there, okay, we actually work extremely hard. anson carter: hang on a second, hank was supposed to be in a single just now, we went to the game?  [all laughing]  paul bissonnette: to another good looking goalie, jake oettinger. another handsome cat. he’s been great though, boys, i mean, all playoffs long. he’s, uh, he’s been kicking strong.  anson carter: what’s dutchy calling him? matt duchene? uh, that walrus from that insurance commercial? is that what he is — duncan?  paul bissonnette: yeah. duncan. anson carter: i can’t unsee it now, he’s been awesome.  henrik lundqvist: he’s going to be very important, obviously, playing in colorado. and, again, the way they attack the net with their speed, but also how they get to the second and third opportunities. it’s always a challenge for goalies, the way colorado has been playing over the last couple of years with the lineup they have — for any goalie, that’s — you get ready. you buckle up.
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ultfan · 2 months
like this post for a one liner
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infernal-feminae · 3 months
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Like this for a lyric-based starter! Multis please specify muses and that goes for mine too, or else it'll be randomized.
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mythcaels · 2 months
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like for some one - liners ( you'll get 3 ) from some random oc muses of mine.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
TBB headcanons: Physical and Mental Traits
I was originally gonna break these posts up by character, but it’s more fun just categorizing everything (plus I get to make more posts this way hehe)
anyway! here are some traits I believe each of the boys have:
Oldest of the og four (CT 9901) 
All of his senses are heightened, which makes him more sensitive to things (smells, sounds, touch, etc) but he’s REALLY good at hiding it
Occasionally experiences sensory overload, but has several techniques to keep himself calm (stimming with his knife, meditation, isolation, listening to music, conversing with one of his bros or Omega) 
Is autistic, but is good at masking it most of the time 
Very, very rarely experiences panic attacks from overstimulation (happened mostly as a child, has only happened once during the war) 
Has a high level of tolerance for pain, despite his heightened senses (mostly is just good at hiding it though)
Has a scar over his left eyebrow that he got due to accidentally cutting himself with a knife when he was younger (he has perfectionist issues because of this); has other various scars all over his body (main ones being on his left pectoral from getting shot by Cad Bane, and slight burn marks on the palm of his right hand from the Zygerrian whip)
Fairly introverted; he likes his solitude but gets lonely at times and can NOT be away from the squad for too long or he’ll go crazy
Second oldest of the og four (CT 9902) 
Retains information the first time it’s told/explained to him (the recording thing is literally just a hobby, he doesn’t need it LOL)
Obsessively researches things in his free time 
Basically blind without his goggles; he’s semi colorblind, which is why the lens are tinted
Is very autistic 
Stims with his tools 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain, doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it and straight up ignores it most of the time (“I pretend I do not see it”)
Has a few scars on his hands from tinkering, but are mostly healed (lotion works wonders my dudes)
Completely introverted, please leave him alone thanks
Second youngest of the og four (CT 9903) 
Is constantly hungry because of his size and high metabolism 
Gets muscle aches if he goes too long without being active 
Has ADHD and autism 
Stims via working out or playing with Lula (or any of Omega’s other toys when she’s not playing with them)
Has a low level of tolerance for pain, but tries to act otherwise (and does a terrible job at it LOL)
Got his face scar on their first mission ever, doesn’t regret it and thinks it makes him look cooler 
Has various scars all over his body, as well as stretch marks from growing so big so quickly
Very extroverted, gets lonely easily
Youngest of the og four (CT 9904) 
Gets frequent headaches because of his superior vision (which is why getting the Order 66 headaches didn’t seem out of the ordinary to him) 
Gets sore limbs sometimes, especially his legs, from how long they are 
Is autistic 
Stims by chewing on his toothpicks 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain but is really good at hiding it
Has a few minor scars on his body but mostly stretch marks from growing so tall so quickly
Very introverted, but gets lonely at times (and will NEVER admit it)
Oldest of the entire group overall
Suffers from “ghost limbs” with his scomp arm and legs sometimes 
Will get eye twitches sometimes from his brain “short-circuiting” 
Makes jokes about his disabilities to cope (“you wouldn’t hurt a disabled man, would you?”) 
Has PTSD, mostly from what happened after the Citadel explosion 
Distracts himself from the Horrors™ by running ship diagnostics and rereading manuals (which he already liked doing, of course)
Has an average level of tolerance for pain and likes to hide it behind his jokes (“tis but a flesh wound!”)
Has some scars all over his body from the Citadel explosion and his implants
Big extrovert, HATES being alone, please don’t leave him alone OMG
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zangyo · 11 days
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AAAAA like this post for a one liner later! /////
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outguilt · 6 months
tiny starter call ! capping at 8 for now. multis pls specify
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dev1lsden · 8 months
starter call !   hit  the   ♡ . it will most likely be canon dialogue / song lyrics.
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Why was the Until Dawn fandub literally life changing
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had to leave work early bc i was having trouble breathing again and also i just didn't wanna be there BUT when i got home i had a perfume sample for a full sized bottle im considering purchasing and also a full bottle of a budget knockoff of ANOTHER expensive fragrance ive been wondering about AND a free lip liner and balm AND a job application in my inbox that just needs to be submitted so they can officially make me an offer AND the full bottle of champagne i bought last night to help me motivate myself to get some shit done around the house. so everything is basically coming up millhouse ☺️
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storybounded · 14 days
I shouldn't do this but I am. Like this for a starter with either of Scott's children. Ally or Ian! I don't use either enough and I want to change that :C PLEASE specify who you want, and who you want me to address the starter to. And as I said before, this is for ALLY AND IAN ONLY. Please don't suggest other muses, as they will be ignored.
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caltria · 10 months
"Fairy launch, go 😎 "
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Nahh bro what kind of Top Gun/ Yukikaze/Ace Combat game is this???
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desertbled · 20 days
❤️ for a starter cuz i rlly need more interactions here
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