#one of my favourite plushes I've made <3
skermit · 1 year
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Plush Nog from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 🧡
Nog means so much to me as he goes through one of the biggest character arcs of anyone - going from a scared, petty thief and juvenile delinquent to a model Starfleet officer to dealing with the trauma of war.
Time taken: 13 hours 30 min
[Originally posted on IG 5 November 2022]
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Happy Fathers Day.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
author’s note - happy father’s day, y’all, i know that is late but this cute little idea popped into my head and i just had to write about it. 🫶
word count - 7.3k
in which, father’s day was something that harry never envisioned himself celebrating in past years, but now that he has his own little one, he couldn’t be more excited to celebrate . It’s been almost a three years since your angel baby made an appearance (25 months to be exact) and today is father’s day you’ll be spending the day with your gorgeous husband and your prince charley, as well as some friends, family and a whole lotta love.
trigger warnings - mentions of panic attacks <3
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June 18th, 2023.
Acoronf to Wikipedia, is a holiday honouring one's father, or relevant father figure, as well as fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.
It was a very special day but also a slightly bitter sweet one.
As much as Harry loved celebrating Father’s Day with his family, and his biological father, he couldn’t help but think of his step father Robin on this day.
He passed away in 2017.
You wake up with a smile, the realization dawning on you that it's Father's Day. Excitement dances in your eyes as you glance at your husband, still slumbering peacefully beside you. An arm wrapped tightly around your waist like it always was when you slept.
You carefully climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb the man beside you before heading across the hall to your son's room to check on him.
It’s what you did every morning.
Your bare feet hid the wooden floor as you made your way over to his room, your hand reaching out to push the door open even more than it already was.
That was when you made your way over to the crib and your eyes softened at his peaceful figure.
Charley Robin Styles.
Born May 10th, 2021 at 09:18 am.
He's still sound asleep, cuddled up in his little fortress of stuffed animals, lying in his front which was a habit he picked up from his father.
A surge of love fills your heart as you watch him, grateful for the gift of being parents to such a wonderful little boy. He was so carefree and hardly ever kicked off, but that was before he started going through his terrible twos.
You pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head before you tiptoed out of the room, closing the door gently, and headed to the bathroom to prepare a special surprise for Your Harry.
With delicate care, you set up the bathroom, transforming it into a mini oasis. Soft towels, scented candles, and Harry's favourite shower gel adorn the space.
Everything is in place as you quietly slip back into the bedroom, ready to awaken Harry with your surprise.
You sit on your side of the bed, gently shaking his shoulder. "Wake up, sleepyhead. It's a special day.”
Harry stirs, blinking his eyes open slightly before a sleepy smile graced his face. "Hmm? What's going on?"
"It's Father's Day, love," you whisper, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I've arranged a little surprise for you in the bathroom. Shall we start the day off with a relaxing shower?"
Although he had just woken up, you could see the small smirk that filtered into his face as the idea of a shared shower.
But there would be none of that today mister.
Harry's eyes widen with delight as he fully wakes up, realizing the treat in store for him. "You've outdone yourself, my love. Lead the way."
Hand in hand, you make your way to the bathroom, the anticipation building.
The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow as you step into the steam-filled shower. The soothing sound of running water envelops you, heightening the atmosphere of relaxation.
"Sit here," you gesture to a small stool inside the shower, covered with a plush towel.
Harry settles onto the stool, his eyes fixed on you. "You're spoiling me today."
He spoiled you every day so it was only fair.
"You deserve it," you reply, reaching for a loofah and squeezing a dollop of his favorite shower gel onto it. "Today, it's all about celebrating you as an incredible father."
You dip the loofah into the warm water, watching it foam up with fragrant bubbles.
Gently, you begin to wash Harry's back, your touch a tender caress. The lathered loofah glides smoothly over his tattooed skin, releasing a subtle aroma that fills the air.
Vanilla and Oak.
Harry closes his eyes, surrendering to the sensation. "This is heaven. Thank you, my love."
You smile, your heart swelling with love. "I'm just getting started. There's more to come."
With each stroke of the loofah, you pour your love and appreciation into the simple act of pampering.
You work your way down his back, his shoulders, and his arms, focusing on every inch of his tired muscles, washing away the fatigue of fatherhood.
As you rinse off the soap, your hands glide through his hair, massaging his scalp with practised tenderness just how you know he likes it. The water cascades down, washing away the suds and any lingering worries, leaving only a sense of serenity in its wake.
"I'm so lucky to have you as the father of our son," you whisper, your voice filled with emotion. "You bring so much joy and love into our lives."
Harry opens his eyes, his gaze locking onto yours. "And I'm grateful every day to be your partner, to witness the incredible mother you are. Our son is blessed to have you."
Tears well up in your eyes as you lean in, your lips brushing against his. The shower becomes a sanctuary of love and appreciation, a sacred space where the bond betweenyou and Harry deepens, reinforced by the shared moments of tenderness and gratitude.
As the water continues to cascade over you both, you shift your attention to Harry's front, your hands working their magic against his butterfly tattoo with the gentle touch of the loofah. You navigate the curves of his chest, the contours of his abdomen, and down to his legs, ensuring every part of him is enveloped in the soothing embrace of the shower.
"Thank you for being such an incredible father," you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. "Our son is growing up with a role model who embodies love, kindness, and strength."
Harry's eyes glisten with emotion, his love for his family radiating from within. "Being a father is the greatest gift. I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I couldn't do it without your unwavering support and love."
You smile, the water mingling with tears of joy on your cheeks. "We're a team, Harry. Through the challenges and the joys, we're in this together."
Together, you rinse off the remaining suds, feeling the weight of the day and the world wash away with each droplet. As the shower comes to an end, you wrap soft, fluffy towels around each other, basking in the warmth and comfort of the moment.
After the shower, instead of getting changed you and Harry decided to stay wrapped in your pyjamas.
Well you wore one of Harry’s shirts and a pair of his boxers whilst he just wore his boxers and left his torso on show completely.
You cast a look over to the baby monitor that was resting on your husband's bedside table. “— shall we go wake up Char and head downstairs for some brekkie?”
Waking up your son was one of Harry’s favourite things to do, he loved to be the first Charley saw in the morning and the last thing he saw at night.
Together, you enter Charley's bedroom, greeted by the sight of him still sleeping peacefully in his crib. His tousled hair that matched his fathers and rosy cheeks make your heart swell with love. Harry approaches the crib, his voice filled with warmth and anticipation.
"Good morning, little champ," Harry whispers, leaning over the crib rail. "Wake up, Char. It's a special day today."
Charley stirs, blinking his sleepy eyes open, and a smile tugs at his lips as he recognizes his dad's voice. "Daddy?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
Harry chuckles softly, reaching down to scoop Charley into his arms. "Yes, buddy, it's me," he replies, his voice brimming with affection.
Charley's face lights up with delight. "Happy Daddy Day!" he exclaims, his small arms wrapping around Harry's neck.
 You join in the tender moment, a loving smile on your lips. "Happy Father's Day, Harry," you say, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Harry's eyes twinkle with gratitude as he gazes at both of you. "Thank you, my loves. This is already the best Father's Day ever."
With Charley nestled against Harry's chest, you make your way downstairs to the kitchen. The delicious aroma of breakfast lingers in the air, inviting you to partake in the celebration. As you enter the kitchen, you see the table adorned with a feast fit for a king—fluffy pancakes, sizzling bacon, fresh fruits, and a steaming pot of coffee.
The morning sunlight spills into the kitchen, casting a warm glow over the countertops and filling the room with a gentle ambiance.
Charley's eyes widen with glee as he spots the colourful array of food.
"Breakfast!" he exclaims, clapping his hands in delight.
"That's right, buddy. A special Father's Day breakfast for all of us."
You settle Charley into his high chair, his little legs dangling beneath the tray. His excitement is contagious as he eagerly waits for his plate to be filled. Meanwhile, you and Harry take your seats, the anticipation of the meal bringing smiles to your faces.
You begin to fill Charley's plate with small portions of each delicious treat. Pancakes, cut into bite-sized pieces, are stacked high, adorned with a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup. You carefully place a few slices of crispy bacon beside the pancakes, knowing it's his favourite. Ripe strawberries, juicy watermelon chunks, and a handful of blueberries complete Charley's colourful plate.
Charley's eyes light up as he takes in the feast before him.
“Yummy!" he exclaims, reaching out to grab a piece of pancake with his tiny fingers.
Harry leans over, his eyes brimming with pride. "Go ahead, buddy. Dig in. It's a special breakfast just for you and me."
You smile, watching the father-son duo bond over their shared excitement for the meal. Charley's small hand grabs a piece of pancake, and with a delighted giggle, he takes his first bite. A smudge of whipped cream adorns his cheek, a testament to his enjoyment.
While Char enthusiastically devours his breakfast, you and Harry exchange glances, savouring the simple joy of this moment. It's a celebration of Harry's role as a father and the love that surrounds your family.
"Thank you," Harry says, his voice filled with gratitude as he looks at you. "For this beautiful surprise, for being an amazing mother to our son, and for making every day feel like Father's Day."
Touched by his words, you reach across the table and clasp his hand. "I'm grateful for you, Harry. You bring so much love and joy into our lives. Watching you with Charley fills my heart with happiness."
Charley, oblivious to the depth of the conversation, claps his hands and exclaims, "Daddy!"
Harry chuckles, his eyes glistening with emotion. "That's right, buddy. I'm your daddy, and I love you more than words can express."
The breakfast continues, laughter and conversation filling the room. You share stories and jokes, creating memories that will be treasured for years to come. Charley's infectious laughter rings out, reminding you of the incredible gift of family.
As the meal draws to a close, you rise from the table, carrying Charley in your arms. With a satisfied grin, he leans in to give his dad a messy, syrup-sticky kiss on the cheek.
"Happy Father's Day, Daddy!" Charley exclaims, his voice filled with love.
Harry's eyes shine with pure joy as he gazes at his son. "Thank you, Charley. Being your daddy is the greatest privilege in the world."
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After getting changed for the barbecue, all three of you were getting everything ready for when your guests would be arriving.
You were wearing a white knee length cotton dress, with white ruffles on the sleeves, paired with a pair of white converse seeing as you didn’t want to walk around your garden all day in heels.
Harry was wearing a grey tank top with a pair of multi coloured shorts to add a bit of colour to his outfit, his hair was pushed back by a bandana and some white Adidas running trainers.
Charley looked really cute. He was wearing some white and blue pin striped overalls with some light blue crocs on his feet and a hat sat backwards atop of his head to protect his head from getting burned.
As you stood in the kitchen, you stared at the open fridge, head tilted to the side, as you studied all of the food you had brought for your guests.
A million and one thoughts were running through your head.
Did you have enough chicken wings?
What about burgers? There were going to be twelve people at the barbecue but what if you ran out?
And salad? You hadn’t checked if anyone was allergic to anything, what if someone had an allergic reaction?
As the pressure of preparing for the Father's Day barbecue intensifies, the weight on your shoulders becomes almost unbearable.
The constant stream of tasks, the expectations you've placed on yourself, and the fear of falling short begin to consume your thoughts. The familiar signs of a panic attack start to manifest—racing heart, shallow breathing, and a tightening in your chest.
Why had you agreed to organise this bbq?
In the midst of the chaos, you don’t even realise that Harry has walked into the kitchen, his wedding ring being the only ring in his finger for the day and his nails freshly painted by you the night before.
Harry senses your distress and quickly springs into action.
"Hey, love," he says, his voice laced with concern as he approaches you. "I can see you're feeling overwhelmed. Let's take a moment to regroup."
Tears well up in your eyes as you struggle to catch your breath. "Harry, I don't know if I can do this," you manage to say between gasps. "I wanted everything to be perfect, but it's too much. I'm failing."
Everything was becoming hard to focus on.
Harry's face softens with empathy, and he gently guides you away from the hustle and bustle of the preparations.
"Alright, darling," he reassures you, "let's step away from this for a moment. We'll find a quiet space where you can catch your breath."
With Charley by his side, Harry leads you to a serene corner of the house, away from the chaotic whirlwind that had engulfed you. He gently guides Charley into the adjacent room, making sure he's occupied and safe.
Harry didn’t ever want Charley to see either of you having an anxiety attack, it was something he never wanted his son to grow up to see.
He always made sure that your angel baby was in another room either watching tv or occupied by his toys so as to not see either of his parents having a meltdown.
That’s what made him an even better father.
As the door closes, a sense of isolation settles upon you, exacerbating your panic. Harry, however, remains by your side, his calming presence providing a lifeline.
He guides you to sit down on the sofa in the lounge room, he sits down beside you, his warm hand resting on your back.
"Focus on your breathing," he says, his voice steady and soothing. "Close your eyes, take slow breaths with me. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale."
You follow his instructions, attempting to mimic his rhythmic breathing pattern. The sound of Harry's voice becomes a guiding melody, anchoring you amidst the storm of your racing thoughts.
But the panic refuses to subside. The weight on your chest intensifies, and you clench your fists, feeling the urge to escape from the suffocating grip of anxiety.
You felt as though you were going to faint.
Harry senses your struggle and adjusts his approach. He reaches out, gently taking your trembling hands in his own.
“It's okay to feel overwhelmed," he whispers, his voice filled with empathy. "You're not failing, love. You're doing the best you can, and that's more than enough."
Tears stream down your face as the weight of his words sinks in.
“But what if it's not enough?" you sob, your voice choked with fear. "What if I disappoint everyone?"
You had spent too much time organising this for it all to fall to shit.
Harry's grip tightens, his voice firm but reassuring. "Listen to me," he says, his eyes locking with yours.
"You are enough, and you are loved. Our family and friends are going to be here to celebrate with us, not to judge how flawlessly everything is prepared. They're here because they cherish the time spent together."
His words resonate, breaking through the cloud of panic. Slowly, your breathing begins to regulate, and the tightness in your chest eases. You open your eyes, meeting Harry's gaze filled with unwavering support.
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice filled with gratitude and a bit raspy due to the crying your throat just endured. "I needed you to remind me of that. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Harry smiles, wiping away your tears with his thumb. "You don't have to do it alone, love," he says softly. "We're a team, and we'll navigate this together. Remember, the true essence of today is celebrating fatherhood and the love we share as a family."
Oh, what would you do without him?
After you and Harry continued to sit next to each other on the lounge sofa, it wasn’t long before Charley was calling out for his father to come and play.
Harry seemed hesitant about leaving you alone but you were quick to usher him towards where your son was, telling him that you needed to get cleaned up before the guests arrived.
Now that the panic had subsided and left you feeling vulnerable, you knew that it was time to take care of yourself. Give yourself a little bit of TLC.
You stumbled your way to the bathroom, seeking solace within its familiar walls. The cold tiles beneath your feet offered a grounding sensation, a small anchor in the midst of chaos.
With trembling hands, you turned on the faucet, letting the water flow until it reached the perfect temperature—neither too hot nor too cold. Cupping your hands, you allowed the clear stream to cascade over your fingers, a gentle touch against your skin.
As the water pooled in your palms, you brought it to your face, splashing it with gentle force. Each drop that landed on your skin carried with it a whisper of relief, a momentary respite from the turmoil within. You repeated the ritual, each splash washing away a fraction of the panic that had overwhelmed you.
With each touch of the water, you felt a sense of renewal. It was as if the pure liquid carried not only physical cleansing but also a soothing balm for your troubled mind. The weight of the panic began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of calmness that danced within your soul.
After the final splash, you reached for a soft towel, its fibres caressing your sensitive skin. With delicate motions, you patted your face, the material absorbing the remaining droplets and leaving a sense of comfort in its wake. As you dried yourself, you focused on the rhythmic motion, finding solace in the simple act of self-care.
Once your face was cleansed and dry, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. The person staring back at you was a survivor—a testament to your strength and resilience. The panic attack may have shaken you, but it did not define you. You were stronger than the storm that tried to break you.
Someone ringing at your ring doorbell snapped you out of your slight daze and had you turning your head towards the bathroom door.
Your guests had finally arrived.
Taking a small breath, you walked out of the bathroom, out of your bedroom and down the stairs and made your way towards the front door.
Harry had no idea who was coming today, he thought it was his family but boy was he wrong.
You invited his closest friends, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall, along with their kids, to join in the festivities.
It was going to be a good day.
On your way to the front door you fixed yourself in the floor length mirror located by the door and pushed some of your hair out of your face, before pressing your hand against the handle and opening it up to see all their smiling faces.
It was adorable that they had all arrived together.
Opening the door, you were met with the smiling faces of Louis, holding hands with his seven-year-old son, Freddie, and Zayn, with his two-year-old daughter, Khai, perched on his hip. Liam trailed close behind, accompanied by his six-year-old son, Bear, while Niall stood beside his girlfriend, Amelia, wearing a grin from ear to ear.
"Surprise!" Niall exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. "Happy Father's Day, Harry!
You looked over your shoulder at your husband who was with Charley. “— H, look who it is!”
Harry, who had been playing with Charley in the living room, turned his head at the sound of your voice. He entered the hallway, his eyes widening with astonishment as he took in the unexpected sight of his friends and their kids.
"Hey, mate! Happy Father's Day!" Louis greeted Harry, giving him a friendly pat on the back.
Harry's face lit up, his surprise transforming into pure joy. "You guys! I had no idea you were coming! This is amazing!"
Freddie, eager to join in the excitement, tugged at Harry's shirt. "Uncle Harry, we're here for the party! Are you gonna play superheroes with us?"
Harry chuckled, lifting Charley onto his hip. "Absolutely, Freddie! We'll save the day together!"
Zayn grinned, handing Khai over to Liam so he could give Harry a warm hug. "Mate, we wouldn't miss this for the world. Happy Father's Day! And trust me, our kids are gonna keep us on our toes today."
Liam, with Bear at his side, playfully nudged Harry. "You're in for some serious dad competition, my friend. Bear here is already strategizing for the water balloon fight."
Niall chimed in, wrapping his arm around Amelia's waist. "Happy Father's Day, Harry! We thought we'd come and celebrate with the best dad we know. Plus, we brought some goodies!"
Harry's eyes gleamed with gratitude as he took in the warm wishes from his friends. "Thank you all so much. This means the world to me. And Charley here is in for a treat with all these little friends to play with!"
Today was going to be a good day.
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The backyard was filled with the joyful sounds of laughter and conversation. You took a moment to step away from the festivities and went to the outdoor bar to mix a refreshing drink for yourself. As you poured the liquid into a glass, you felt a tug on your shirt.
Looking down, you saw Freddie, the son of Louis, standing beside you, his eyes filled with concern. "Hey there, Freddie," you greeted him with a smile. "What's up?"
Freddie fidgeted slightly, then spoke in a soft voice. "Charley is crying. He wants you."
Your heart melted at Freddie's words. You put down the drink and followed him, eager to tend to Charley's needs. As you made your way through the crowd, you reached your son, who was sitting on a picnic blanket with tears streaming down his chubby cheeks.
Kneeling down, you enveloped Charley in a comforting hug. "Hey, sweetheart. What's the matter?"
Charley hiccupped, sniffling. "Mommy, I want milk."
You smiled, understanding his request. "Alright, Charley. Let's go somewhere quiet, just you and me."
Scooping Charley into your arms, you made your way upstairs, finding a peaceful space where you could nurse him.
You settled into the comfortable rocking chair, feeling a sense of calm and connection wash over you. As you adjusted your position, Charley looked up at you, his tiny hand reaching for your chest.
"Mommy, milk?" Charley asked, his voice filled with innocence and longing.
You smiled, recognizing the familiar request. "Of course, my love. We can have some quiet time together."
When it came to breastfeeding your little Charley, you and Harry agreed that you wouldn’t stop breastfeeding until he decided to stop himself. You wanted Charley to wean himself, you didn’t want to force him to stop when he ultimately didn’t want to.
Charley snuggled closer, his little fingers tracing patterns on your arm. As you guided him to your breast, the room filled with a peaceful silence, save for the soft sounds of breathing and the rhythmic swaying of the chair.
Charley latched on, and you could feel his gentle sucking, a reminder of the incredible bond between mother and child. The world around you seemed to fade away as you focused on this precious moment shared between the two of you.
Charley's eyes met yours, his gaze filled with warmth and comfort. "Mommy, I love you," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
You kissed the top of his head, the words melting your heart. "I love you too, my sweet Charley. More than words can express."
The room filled with a serene ambiance as you continued to breastfeed, the soft rhythm of his swallowing bringing a sense of peace and contentment. Time seemed to stand still as you embraced the simplicity and beauty of this intimate connection.
You stayed rubbing soft circles onto his back as he continued to suck on your nipple, Beverly thing was peaceful until a foul smell made its way into your nose.
Chuckling softly, you whispered to Charley, "Oh, little one, it seems we have one more task to tackle."
You tapped his diaper clad bum through the material of his overalls and watched as he unlatched from your breast, a clear indication that he was finished eating and giggled, head thrown back slightly.
Charley giggled, his laughter filling the room. "Di-di!" he replied, pointing to his bottom.
You nodded, reaching for the wipes and fresh diaper. "That's right, Charley. Let's get you all cleaned up."
As you began to remove Charley's soiled diaper, he kicked his little legs in excitement. "Tickle, Mommy!" he squealed.
Gently tickling his tummy, you joined in his infectious laughter. "Tickle, tickle! You're such a funny little one, Charley."
As you wiped away the mess with care, Charley's curiosity got the better of him. "What's that, Mommy?" he asked, pointing to the diaper rash cream.
"This is some special cream, Charley," you explained, showing him the tube. "It helps to keep your skin nice and protected."
Charley nodded with wide eyes, clearly intrigued. "Skin nice!" he repeated, mimicking your words.
With the old diaper disposed of and Charley's bottom all cleaned up, you unfolded a fresh diaper and expertly slipped it under him. Charley couldn't resist reaching for the tabs, eager to help. "Me do it!" he exclaimed proudly.
You smiled, allowing him to try and fasten the diaper himself. "Good job, Charley! You're becoming such a big boy."
Charley beamed with pride, his little hands fumbling with the tabs. "Big boy!" he repeated, pleased with his accomplishment.
Once the diaper was securely fastened, you scooped Charley into your arms and peppered his cheeks with kisses. "All done, my little love," you said, cuddling him close. "You're clean and fresh again."
Once he was all clean, the two of you made your way back down stairs and made your way into the garden, a smile appearing on your face as you saw all your friends and family having their own conversations in the garden.
Charley was set upon the floor and within seconds he was racing towards his Aunt Gemma, Nana Anne and Grandpa Des, who must have arrived when the two of you were up stairs.
Making your way over to where Amelia was sitting, you plonked yourself down in one of the chairs at the outdoor dining table and offered her a smile.
The two of you shared a comfortable patio set, sipping on refreshing drinks and immersed in conversation.
Amelia smiled warmly, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "So, how's everything going with your family? I heard you and Harry were considering moving to a new place?"
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink. "Yes, we've been thinking about finding a new home, one that fits our growing family. Charley is getting bigger by the day, and we want to create a space where he can flourish."
Amelia leaned in, her voice filled with curiosity. "That sounds exciting! Have you found any potential houses yet?"
You looked around the lush garden, your eyes scanning the playful scene before you. Harry was engaged in a lively game of football with Charley, Louis, Freddie, Zayn, Khai, Liam, Bear, and Niall. Laughter and shouts filled the air, mingling with the clashing of soccer balls.
"Well, not yet," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips. "But with all these wonderful friends and family around, it's hard not to feel at home. We've created a little community right here."
Amelia's gaze followed yours, and she chuckled. "You're absolutely right. It's heartwarming to see everyone coming together like this. Speaking of which, how has your relationship with Harry been lately?"
 You took a moment to watch Harry, his face beaming with joy as he played with Charley and the rest of the group. "Harry has been an amazing partner and father," you said, your voice filled with adoration. "He's always there for us, and seeing him with Charley, it fills my heart with so much love and gratitude."
Amelia nodded, a soft smile on her face. "That's beautiful. Niall is the same way with me. I couldn't ask for a better partner. We've been through so much together, and his love and support mean the world to me."
As your conversation continued, you noticed Anne, Harry's mother, walking towards the garden. She carried a tray of freshly baked cookies, her face radiant with happiness. Behind her trailed Gemma, Harry's sister, and Desmond, his father.
Anne's eyes sparkled as she approached, her voice filled with warmth. "Hello, dears! I couldn't resist bringing some treats for everyone. It's lovely to see you all enjoying the day."
Gemma and Desmond joined the gathering, their smiles mirroring Anne's joy. The garden became alive with laughter and conversations, a true celebration of family and friendship.
You turned back to Amelia, both of you taking in the beautiful scene. "We're truly blessed, aren't we?" you mused, your voice filled with gratitude. "To have such incredible people in our lives, to witness these precious moments... It's a reminder of how fortunate we are."
Amelia nodded, her eyes shining with appreciation. "Absolutely. These moments, the love we share, are the foundation that makes life meaningful. I'm so grateful for the connection we all have."
With Anne and Gemma bidding their goodbyes and returning inside, the atmosphere shifted slightly, creating a more intimate setting between you and Amelia. The sound of children's laughter and the occasional thud of the football being kicked provided a comforting backdrop to your conversation.
Amelia took a sip of her drink before turning to you with a mischievous grin. "So, have you and Harry been considering any exciting plans for the future? Any big adventures or dreams you're pursuing?"
You chuckled, a spark of excitement igniting within you. "Funny you should ask! Harry and I have actually been discussing the idea of building our own little dream house. We've been searching for the perfect plot of land and envisioning what our ideal home would look like."
That was true, you and Harry had lived in your current London house for just over seven years together now, two years as a family and the other month, you had both shared a conversation about wanting to potentially expand the family and move house some time in the future.
You remember when you told Harry that you wanted to expand your family and the look on his face was priceless.
As the moon cast a soft glow through the bedroom window, you lay in bed next to your husband, Harry, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. There was something on your mind, something you had been contemplating for a while, and tonight felt like the right time to share it.
It was one of those quiet nights when deep conversations seemed to find their way to the surface, and you knew it was the perfect moment to share the thoughts that had been swirling in your mind.
Turning towards Harry, you mustered up the courage to speak your heart. "Harry, I've been thinking a lot lately, and I want to talk to you about something important."
His eyes met yours, his face reflecting a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "What is it, love? You know you can tell me anything."
Taking a deep breath, you gazed into his eyes, finding solace in his unwavering support. "I want us to have another baby, Harry. I know we have busy schedules, with your touring and album projects, but I can't help but feel the longing to expand our family."
A brief moment of surprise flickered across Harry's face, quickly followed by a cascade of emotions—joy, contemplation, and a hint of concern. His voice was filled with tenderness as he reached for your hand. "Love, that's a beautiful desire, and I understand how important it is to you. Our family means everything to me, and the thought of giving Charley a sibling fills my heart with warmth."
You couldn't help but notice the genuine reflection in his eyes, the way he processed the idea with care. It meant the world to you that he took your feelings to heart.
"But, love," he continued, a touch of uncertainty lacing his words, "I can't deny the demands that come with my career. The touring, the studio time—it can be a whirlwind at times. I want to be there for you and our family as much as I can, but I worry about the balance between my work and family life."
You squeezed his hand, offering him reassurance and understanding. "Harry, I appreciate your honesty, and I understand that your career is a big part of who you are. The fact that you're willing to have this conversation and consider the possibility speaks volumes about your dedication as a husband and a father."
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his gaze filled with gratitude. "Thank you, love. It means a lot to me that you see my perspective. I want to be present for our family, to create a nurturing environment, and I'll do my best to strike that balance between my passion and our family life."
His words resonated deep within your heart, affirming the strength of your partnership. Together, you were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.
You leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Harry, I know it won't always be easy, but I believe in us. We've overcome obstacles before, and with open communication, love, and support, we'll navigate this journey together. We'll find a way to make it work."
You had been looking online for houses around the current area you were in as you didn’t want to live too far from home, but there had been a few lots that you had seen where you could build on.
Created The Styles Dream House.
Amelia's eyes widened with intrigue. "That sounds amazing! Tell me more. What kind of house are you envisioning?"
You leaned in, your voice filled with enthusiasm. "We want a cosy yet spacious home with lots of natural light and a touch of rustic charm. A place where we can create beautiful memories with our family and friends. We've even started looking into eco-friendly features and a garden where we can grow our own fruits and vegetables."
Amelia's excitement mirrored your own. "That sounds like a dream come true! It's wonderful that you and Harry are envisioning a space that reflects your values and allows you to live harmoniously with nature. I can already imagine the warm gatherings and laughter-filled evenings that will take place there."
You nodded, a sense of anticipation bubbling within you. "Exactly! We want it to be a haven for our loved ones—a place where they can feel welcome and cherished. We've been gathering inspiration, creating mood boards, and sharing ideas. It's such an exciting time."
Amelia leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's incredible how our dreams evolve as we go through different stages of life. I remember when Niall and I used to talk about travelling the world, exploring new cultures and experiences. Now, our dreams are centred around creating a stable and nurturing home for our little one."
You nodded in understanding, recognizing the ebb and flow of dreams and priorities. "Life has a way of shifting our focus, doesn't it? But it's a beautiful evolution. Our dreams adapt and align with the chapters we're living, bringing us joy and fulfilment in unexpected ways."
It wasn’t long before the barbecue was ready.
As the delicious aroma of grilled food wafted through the air, you all gathered around the picnic table, ready to enjoy the Father's Day feast. Freddie, Louis' enthusiastic son, proudly held his little notebook and went around, taking everyone's food orders.
Freddie approached Anne with a big smile. "What would you like, Grandma Anne?" he asked, pen poised over the notebook.
Anne chuckled affectionately. "Hmm, I'll have a juicy burger with all the fixings, please. And make it extra special, just like my son here," she said, playfully nudging Harry.
Harry laughed and nodded. "You got it, Mum. One special burger coming right up!"
Freddie moved on to Gemma, who raised an eyebrow teasingly. "What's on the menu for me, young man?"
Freddie grinned mischievously. "Well, Auntie Gemma, I think you need something spicy to match your fiery personality. How about some tangy chicken skewers?"
Gemma pretended to fan herself dramatically. "Oh, Freddie, you know me so well! Chicken skewers it is."
Next, Freddie turned his attention to the rest of the guests. "Alright, Liam, what can I get for you and Bear?"
Liam ruffled Bear's hair affectionately. "We'll have some mouthwatering ribs, Freddie. And don't forget the barbecue sauce!"
Freddie scribbled down the order and moved on to Zayn. "Hey, Uncle Zayn, what's your pick?"
Zayn smiled at his daughter, Khai, who was playing with her toys nearby. "Khai and I will share some tasty grilled vegetables, Freddie. We're keeping it healthy."
Freddie nodded approvingly and wrote down the order. He then approached Niall and Amelia, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Niall, Amelia, what can I put down for you?"
Niall grinned. "I'll take a juicy steak, Freddie, cooked medium-rare, please. And Amelia, what would you like?"
Amelia pondered for a moment. "I'll have a grilled chicken salad, please. Light and refreshing."
Freddie eagerly noted down the orders and made his way back to Harry, who was tending to the grill. "Dad, I've got all the orders ready. You're doing an awesome job, by the way!"
Harry beamed with pride. "Thanks, buddy. You've been a great little helper today."
As the food sizzled on the grill, you joined Charley at the table, helping him cut up his hot dog into bite-sized pieces. Charley's eyes widened with anticipation as he watched the food being prepared.
"Mummy, is it ready yet?" he asked eagerly.
You smiled and nodded. "Almost, sweetheart. Just a few more minutes, and then you can have your yummy dinner."
Finally, Harry brought the platter of grilled delights to the table, and everyone's eyes lit up with delight. The air was filled with appreciative murmurs and exclamations of hunger.
Anne took a bite of her burger and savored the flavors. "Harry, darling, you've truly outdone yourself. This burger is absolutely divine."
Harry blushed modestly. "Thanks, Mum. I'm glad you like it."
As everyone dug into their meals, the table came alive with lively conversations. Gemma shared a funny anecdote from Harry's childhood, causing peals of laughter to fill the air.
"Remember that time Harry got stuck in the treehouse?" Gemma exclaimed, pointing at Harry. "We had to call Dad to come and rescue him!"
Desmond chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah,those were the days. Harry always had a knack for finding adventure, even in the simplest of places."
Louis raised his burger, playfully imitating a toast. "To Harry, the ultimate treehouse explorer!"
Everyone joined in, raising their glasses and laughing heartily. Harry blushed but couldn't hide his wide grin.
Amelia turned to Niall, nudging him playfully. "Do you remember the time you and Harry tried to build a secret hideout in the backyard? It ended up looking like a pile of sticks!"
Niall chuckled, a fond twinkle in his eyes. "Oh, how could I forget? We were convinced it was the best hideout ever. But let's just say our architectural skills were lacking."
The table erupted in laughter, the shared memories creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Conversations flowed freely, intertwining stories from the past with plans for the future.
Between bites, Liam leaned over to Zayn, teasing him good-naturedly. "Hey, Zayn, remember when we used to prank each other relentlessly? Those were some epic battles!"
Zayn smirked, reminiscing. "Oh, Liam, the pranks we pulled on tour were legendary. The fake spiders, the disappearing clothes—I still have scars from some of your tricks!"
Liam chuckled, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, mate, it was all in good fun. Besides, those pranks brought us closer together."
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the gathering, Harry's dad, Desmond, raised his glass, his voice filled with nostalgia. "To all the fathers here, both present and in our hearts. May we continue to cherish and nurture the beautiful bonds we share with our children."
The clinking of glasses resonated through the air, and everyone raised their voices in agreement, expressing their gratitude for the fathers in their lives.
As the conversation continued to flow, Charley tugged at your sleeve, his eyes sparkling. "Mummy, look! I cut my food all by myself!"
You beamed with pride and pulled him into a gentle hug. "Well done, Charley! You're such a big boy now."
Charley giggled and took another bite, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The table became a symphony of laughter, stories, and the clinking of cutlery, each voice adding to the melody of love and togetherness.
The evening wore on, and as the last rays of sunlight faded, a sense of contentment settled over the gathering. Plates were cleared, and desserts were served—a sweet finale to a memorable Father's Day celebration.
As you sat there, surrounded by loved ones, laughter echoing in the air, you couldn't help but reflect on the joy that filled your heart. Father's Day had become a testament to the strength of the bonds forged through love and shared experiences.
In that moment, amidst the conversations and laughter, you realized that it wasn't just the food that nourished the soul—it was the presence of family and friends, the stories and memories woven into every bite, that made the celebration truly special.
And as the night sky sparkled with stars, you glanced at Harry, his smile radiant, knowing that this Father's Day would forever be etched in your hearts as a day of love, laughter, and cherished moments with those who mattered most.
You turned towards your husband, whose grey tank top was now removed from his body due to the body heat and was sitting next to you with a blissed smile etched into his facial features.
You linked your hands together, the feeling of his wedding ring cooling down your skin ever so slightly. “— Happy Father’s Day, H.”
“Thank you m’love,”he turned towards you, leaning forward ever so slightly and nudged his nose against yours, forgetting everyone else that was around you. It was as if it was just the two of you. “— you made me a father, and for that, I’ll forever be grateful.”
Happy Fathers Day Everyone.
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taesanluv3r · 12 days
lost in love songs.
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han taesan x reader
a short, three part, friends to lovers story.
ੈ✩‧₊ hidden love unfolds when taesan's ipod nano accidentally ends up in the hands of his best-friend, yn. a certain playlist catches her eyes, revealing the true feelings kept within the depths of the boy's heart.
part two: about a girl.
reader goes through an overwhelming amount of emotions (shes crying 😿), some cuss words, myung jaehyun (reader's older brother) comforts her <3 lowercase intended, excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors! enjoy :3
wc: 2,009
masterlist 𖦹 part one 𖦹 part three
"damn, can't believe that dork writes songs about my loser sister…i say we give it a little listen and-"
jaehyun's words are interrupted, "get out of my room" yn says sternly, a finger pointing out the opened door and her face dead serious. her brother rolls his eyes, "whatever, i'll leave you to it i guess. weirdo…maybe you two are meant for each other" the girl flips him off, climbing off of her bed to forcefully push her annoying sibling out the door, slamming it shut behind him. she sighs, turning back around and staring intently at the silver device that remained on her white bed-sheets. her stomach hurts as she sits down beside it, her heart pounding straight out of her chest, though she doesn't know why. yn takes a deep breath as she holds her friend's ipod in her hands, the size of it unfamiliar to the girl who was so used to her larger phone. the wired earphones were tangled and grey from how worn out it was, she hesitates for a moment, wondering if it were really a good idea to be listening to the song her friend made a point to keep hidden from her. but it was right there, staring at her with her name written on it, literally. yn scoots, her back making complete contact with her pillows, a fluffy cloud-shaped plush toy sandwiched between her chest and her knees. she sticks an earphone into her left ear, beginning to do the same on the other side when the ping of her phone stops her. turning over to the device, she blinks slowly at the contact name on her screen.
han taesan.
she watches from afar as countless texts and a few missed calls came in, her arm reaching out to grab her phone. yn contemplates for a moment, his urgent warnings forming a sense of hesitance as she falls into a dilemma. once again, she sighs, turning her phone on do not disturb, ignoring the guy's begs and pleas before she averts her attention back to the ipod nano. blocking out all outside noise, the other side of his earphones find place in her right ear, a finger grazing against the white buttons that decorated the silver music player. yn exhales, finally pressuring the tips of her nail, pushing play on the very first track,
'about a girl.'
the name directly stolen from a song by his favourite rock band, the girl fully expects her friend's usually grunge-y sound. however, yn is taken by surprise when a soft guitar acoustic hits the surface of her eardrums instead. the rhythm of the track almost as sweet as the lyrics that he begun to sing. taesan's voice is smooth like butter, matching perfectly with the rather simple strumming pattern of the stringed instrument. being fully produced in his bed-room on a cheap microphone he got at the thrift shop, the girl finds herself smiling slightly at the shuffling sounds she could still hear in the background, breath hitching when she finally processed the words.
i listen to love songs in hopes they come true. i listen intently to conversations with you. my mind turns into mush and i can't seem to speak. in seconds i'm out, the door shuts with a creak. i could talk about her for hours on end, i could talk with her, or maybe not, it depends. cause she drives me insane, and i've got worms for a brain. and i can't get her out of my head.
the girl doesn't know what to think. it just all sounds so…foreign. the taesan she knew never wrote songs like this, or at least none that she knew of. the shy and reserved boy would never be caught dead showing this much emotion in real life, his honey-like voice fades out as the instrumental gets louder, giving the girl a moment to think. a million questions swarm into her head. he wrote this song…for her? she's lost in the music for a moment, her mind racing as she goes through about a billion thoughts per second. her heart fluttering at the very idea of this whole thing- i mean, it was as if all those romantic dreams she's had were finally coming true. a whole song written for her? frankly, the girl was on cloud 9. yet still, yn can't help but doubt herself, does he really feel this way for her? her best-friend since middle school? the ever so introverted han taesan who's never even spoken of love, this is him? as the questions swim through her brain, his soft singing wakes her up again.
this girl that i know, she's a girl that i like. but she won't feel the same, i don't know though, she might. i just can't, and i won't, let her know how i feel. i fear it might slip and it'll all become real. for my mouth only speaks around her, and my mind only thinks about this girl.
after another beat or two, he sings the final words of his love song,
still, you drive me insane. and i've got worms for a brain. think i might like you more than a friend.
with that, the first track in the two-song playlist comes to an end. the room is silent, the only thing she could hear was the quiet sound of her deep breaths. yn's mouth hangs open, her body freezing up like she had just been transported to the arctic without shelter. she doesn't even want to listen to the other song, in fear it'd make her heart beat faster than this one did. unconciously, a single tear begins to run down her cheek. "i know you said to go away but mom's asking what you want for dinner" the sound of her older brother's voice shakes her out of the daze, her eyes blinking rapidly as her head turned towards the door. "are…are you crying?" jaehyun asks, eyes widening as he began to walk over to where she sat on the bed, taking a seat beside her. "i…" she starts but doesn't continue, not really knowing what she was going to or even wanted to say. "so…you listened to that song, huh?" the boy asked, his features softening at the sight of his tearful sister who looked…well, lost.
she nods slightly, "just…just the first one" she mumbles, gulping all too loudly as her hand moves up to wipe at the tears that stained her blushed cheeks. "so? does he like you, or what?" jaehyun's question comes out a bit rushed, like he was impatient to know. "i…i don't know" and before they knew it, the girl had broken down into tears again. she still didn't know why though, the lyrics of her friend's song was nothing but sweet. however, the truth about the feelings he had, the ones he must've been keeping from her this whole time…it made the myung girl overwhelmed, not really knowing how she had to react. "hey, don't cry" her brother coos, a hand stiffly patting against the small of her back as she sobs into her hands. "yn…i know you hate it when i tease you but, don't you think it's obvious he's always liked you?" she lifts up her head, fully looking at her older sibling with confused eyes. "and don't lie, yn. we all know you're a terrible liar. i can tell by the way you smile when you mention him, i can tell by how annoyed you get over silly things about him that you, whether you like it or not, you're just in love as he is" jaehyun lets out a breath after talking too fast, his lips pursed into a line as he hits his sister with the reality of her feelings, and her best-friend's.
"but…" she starts again, stuttering as the salty taste of her own tears managed to seep into her mouth that started to feel a little dry. "but what if it's all a misunderstanding? i mean, what if i got it all wrong? what if this ruins our relationship forever? i shouldn't have…i shouldn't have listened to this. i-" the rambling girl gets cut off, "yn!" jaehyun's voice is louder by a decibel, his hands pressed firmly against his shaking sister's shoulders. "yn, look. there's only one way to find out. and you and i both know that things will only get weird if you don't talk to him about this, right?" the myung girl sighs, nodding at him, a grateful look on her face for her older brother and his big heart- even if he bullied and teased her half the time. "you're right…" another ping grabs their attention away from each other and over to the phone she had tossed to the other side of the bed. "i think that's him…" jaehyun smiles softly at his love-sick little sister, reaching to pass the phone over to her before patting her back lightly. "talk to him, yn. tell him the truth. what's the worst that could happen, right?" he says, earning a half-assed smile in return from the girl.
"besides, he did write love songs dedicated to you- something tells me you two are going to be just fine"
the boy gets off of the bed, "i'll tell mom you're not hungry yet. let me know if you need anything, okay? and if it is all a misunderstanding, which i doubt it is, i'm only a call away and i'll fight the guy for you!" the last part makes the girl giggle, breaking away from her somber state for a moment, rolling her eyes as the older sibling began showing off his non-existent arm muscles. he shot her a quick good luck before he was out the door again. leaving myung yn alone, alone with the thousands of messages and calls from a panicked han taesan.
emo loser (taesan) yn, whatever you do DO NOT touch my ipod. yn answer my calls!!!! yn please. yn, don't do it. it's too late isn't it? yn… i'm sorry.
the girl can't help but feel sick, the guilt of it all making her stomach turn and her heart to swell in pain. she takes a deep breath, the ticks on the bottom right of his messages turning blue, signifying that she had finally read them.
emo loser (taesan) you listened to them, didn't you?
yn's breathing gets heavy and fast, her fingers trembling as she began to type out a response.
i need to talk to you.
she bites her lip, nervously watching as the three dots appear then disappear on his end of the chatroom, like he had started to type but stopped half way through. yn shuts her eyes, opening them to stare at the ipod nano that had turned itself off at some point before. her gaze is turned back to the phone in her hands when he finally texts her back.
emo loser (taesan) meet me at the playground tomorrow? i have so much to say you'll listen right?
yn smiles softly, a sudden feeling of warmth engulfing her previously frozen body. she nods to herself, fingers hovering over the digital keyboard.
tomorrow at 1?
this time, he texts back almost immediately.
emo loser (taesan) i don't think i can wait that long meet me there at 10 unless you're still sleeping, lazy ass.
the boy's teasing joke, after the whirlwind of emotions she had just gone through, comforts her a little. suddenly, the girl feels confident that her brother was right and that they'd be okay after all.
see you at 10 then, weirdo
the conversation ends there. yn hides under her covers that night, her stomach empty though she didn't feel the need to eat, and her body exhausted though she couldn't seem to sleep. she's still in disbelief. the sound of his voice playing over and over again in her head all night. the lyrics tattooed onto her brain as she finds herself lost.
lost in the love song he wrote for her.
first of all tysm for 100 followers !!! HEHEHEHE taesan straying away from his usual emo grunge music to write secret love songs for yn 😿 featuring the lyrics that i wrote myself <3 THOUGHTS??? reblogs n feedbacks are highly appreciated!! send me an ask, let's talk abt this 💭 see u guys in the final part!! love, kona.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
Yandere/smut Tae or Yoongi PLS 🥲🥵😵‍💫
the red means i love you:
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x yandere! f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || established relationship || non-idol au || yandere
summary: taehyung always knew how to cheer you up.
word count: 1.3k
tags/ warnings: murder and blood, consumption of said blood, very very morally wrong ending/brief descriptions of a dead body, smut in the forms of: public sex, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (this is fiction, don't be stupid), squirting, creampie, mild cum play
notes: drabble game is closed <3 i think i'm slowly figuring out how to write such short smut scenes... maybe, i had to cut some of the good bits out :')
☆ this is definitely one of the more morally grey drabbles (mostly the ending) i've done so far, so please check the tags before reading!!
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
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Taehyung was beyond an ordinary being. Crafted by hands made of gold, wired by a brain as fucked up as his own. The same gentle fingers that had moulded your brain from the depths of hell, all the little things that make us the wrong kind of human, programmed into your entities. 
Maybe you’d been designed for Taehyung, understanding his kind of love just as he understands yours. Two shattered souls finding their broken half, because surely if the both of you were insane alone, together you’re nothing but normal.  
Every dip in Taehyung’s skin and impurity in his design is utterly perfect in your eyes. Truly a god among humans. A love so raw, you find yourself toeing the line of mania; small things throwing you to the edge. Heart shattered during the moments apart, or suffocating hate for every other human he interacts with.
Now, Taehyung was perfect. He could pull off any colour, face ethereal, proportions unmatched; but you’d always felt he’d looked best in red. 
White button-up tainted, stained with the blood of a woman whose name neither of you know; will never know. 
Your thighs clench as Taehyung wipes his bloodied hands over his slacks, smearing the red further up his wrists, trailing his honeyed skin like a snake. 
Really it was her own fault, sauntering up to your table like you weren’t sitting there; like Taehyung wasn’t clearly taken. As if the ring on his finger, and eyes that belonged to you weren’t enough of a clue that he wasn’t interested in her lame attempts at seduction. 
You hadn’t been happy, understandably so. Bitter, ugly jealousy consuming your mind. Petty in the way you’d turned your head when he’d tried to talk to you, or brushing him off as he’d tried to feed you your favourite dessert. Taehyung’s lucky he knows how to brighten your mood, never one to shy away from pulling you into an alleyway beside the bar, whore of a woman taking his invitation for a good time. A shame really, when only you and Tae seem to ever find unbridled excitement from what happens after that.
Ever the sadist, your panties had slicked up deliciously at her muffled screams. 
“You’re ever so pretty” you sigh, Taehyung’s fingers digging into your jaw, sticky blood smearing across your skin. 
“I was just about to say the same thing about you, my love” he hums, plush lips skimming over the shell of your ear. 
A moan catches in the back of your throat as a stray hand grabs onto the meat of your ass, your lover’s straining cock pressed up against your lower stomach. 
“Need you, Tae” you whimper, rubbing your cheek a little further into his palm. 
He groans as you cup his bulge, gravelly in a way that has another pitiful flush of slick spilling into your panties. 
Impatient, you tug haphazardly at his belt. 
“Let me take care of you” he murmurs, slipping his thumb into your mouth, metallic tang of blood coating your tongue. 
Your legs fall open a little wider as a curious hand wanders up your skirt, nails scratching over your lacy panties. He wastes no time, tugging the crotch to the side, lips quirking up as he runs a finger through your sodden folds. 
“So wet, my love. All for me?” 
You nod, hands wandering under his shirt, nails digging into whatever skin you can hold. Lines of raw red love sure to paint his skin, a reminder that he is only ever to be yours. Dull ache of your nails on his skin sending arousal straight to his cock.
Taehyung’s lips press against your jaw, breath tickling your bare skin as he runs his tongue over your neck, working his way down your chest; tugging your blouse down below the swell of your breasts, the prettiest little canvas. 
Purple flowers bloom from your skin, Taehyung’s favourite kind of art that he spends painting each morning, your skin is always that little bit tender from his lips. 
You’re pushed against the concrete wall, back arching as the cold sinks into your bones.
Slicked-up fingers brush over your clit causing your hips to buck. 
“Turn around for me, my love” Taehyung pats your ass, tongue wetting his bottom lip when you do as told, fingers grasping the hem of your skirt. You tug it up around your waist, arching your back enough for Taehyung to get a glimpse of your slick-stained panties and sodden folds. 
“Good girl” he croons, fingers digging into the flesh of your asscheeks. 
The corners of your lips tug up when the click of his belt echoes off the walls of the alleyway, your pussy clenching around nothing as you’re reminded of where you are; world passing by, barely concealed. 
You sigh when Taehyung pulls the crotch of your panties to the side over your ass, blunt cockhead running through your folds. Your knees buckle as the tip nudges your clit, electric pleasure thrumming down your body. 
“Inside, Tae” you rock backwards, slicking his cock up further before he’s grabbing it at the base, impatient as he sinks into you. 
You moan, arousal leaking out of your pussy, leaving the inside of your thighs shiny. 
“So deep” you sigh, hand reaching back to hold Taehyung’s waist, helping him sink further into you. 
Taehyung groans, hands falling to hold your waist as he pulls back, only briefly before he’s rocking back into you. 
You quiver, fingers digging into the wall, delicate skin flaring red as Taehyung starts to pick up the pace. Guttural groan rivalled by the lewd squelch of your cunt. 
“Harder” you whine, selfish in your own pleasure as you rub your clit, hurdling towards your orgasm. 
You hear a group of people laughing, footsteps pattering louder and louder, Taehyung unashamed as he grunts, hips smacking against your ass leaving it red; leaving his claim. 
“Fuck–” he cries, “Cum for me, come on” a hand slithers round the front of your body, deft fingers snaking under the band of your bra, delicious pleasure sending you over the edge as he tugs at one of your nipples. 
Your thighs shake as you continue to thrum over your clit, body bending just enough for Taehyung’s cock to hit a sweet spot; a rush of wetness splashing against the wall. Rather, you grind your clit onto the palm of your hand, pitiful dribble wetting your thighs further as your orgasm ebbs away. 
“Fucking hell” Taehyung groans, cock twitching. 
His hand travels down the front of your body, thumbing over your clit before he’s rubbing your own watery cum into the meat of your thighs. 
“Cum Tae” you whine weakly, bordering jittery overstimulation. 
He punches back into you one more time, holding you to his chest by the weak hold he has over your pubic bone. And then he cums; thick ropes of seed soothing your insides as he gently rocks back into you. 
“So good” his head falls onto your shoulder, half-limp cock slipping out of you as he staggers back slightly. 
Your mouth falls open at the dribble of thick cum that trickles down your thighs, a breathy whimper falling off your tongue when Taehyung scoops it up, fingering it back into your pussy. 
He pulls your panties back over your hole, arm slipping around your waist to hold you up as he tugs your skirt back into place. 
“No~” you whine, “You got blood on my favourite blouse” you gape at the handprints that have seeped into the material. 
“I’ll buy you a new one, baby” he frowns, kissing your cheek, then your lips, “but first, we need to finish a little job” 
Your gaze flicks to the corpse, the poor woman is probably cold by now; the night was bitter after all.
Her blood had seeped into the crevices of the pavement, horror on her face artistic, haunting even, in the dull streetlights. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you in red?” you turn to Taehyung, tongue wetting your bottom lip. 
“All the time, my love. You look just as enthralling” he smudges the blood on your cheek, lips pressing a chaste kiss to your lips; smudged red. Maybe with blood, maybe with lipstick. He isn’t sure, though he thinks it suits you.
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spooked-skull-studios · 7 months
The making of my Vortigaunt plush
Hi! I'm Silas and I frickin love vortigaunts. They're my favourite Half-Life alien :3
Yeah so there are vintage Vort plushies you can buy off like,,,, eBay n shit but they're all around £400-£500 and buddy. I am an unemployed college student. I cannot afford that. SO! I made my own >:3
This is Jeremy the Vort :> (Named by my Grandma BC she couldn't pronounce the word Vortigaunt) h is very silly and looks at me like a borzoi.
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The Patterning:
Right off the bat, Jer is made from my own modified version of this pattern
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The Face, Arms and Legs:
These were kinda tricky to make but I eventually figured it out :D (At this stage, their face will look quite scrompled lol)
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Before sewing the body patten together, I attached the third arm through a slit made in the chest piece then stitched the parts together.
After stitching up the body (excluding the seam beneath the legs) and turning it the right way out, I thoroughly stuffed the head and body with an ungodly amount of cotton from college before stitching up the open seam.
i chose to shape the third arm last since it seemed, and turned out, easier.
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Final Touches (Aka: Woe, Vortigaunt Be Upon Ye):
The teeth and eyes were the last thing I detailed. I just gently dabbed the eyes with red fabric paint while using an old, crusty paintbrush.
For the teeth, I stitched a freehand pattern with my sewing machine before cutting it out and sewing it under the 'mouth' seam with the teeth seam facing inwards so it was hidden.
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So yea! This has been my silly little HL project I've been working on! I'm planning to make another one of my Vort, Void but for now we must wait :>
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bubblegumbayleigh · 2 years
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pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: steve tries to pick out a chapstick for the ever-so picky reader. things get passionate as an overwhelming memory sheds light on their true feelings.
word count: [2.2k]
cw: nothing really. fluffy but spicy yearning, slightly touchy (?), long-awaited kiss, robin being a little shit hehe
an: this is the first fanfiction I've actually finished and posted so eek! super nervous. probs super messy and short so please forgive me! anyways crush to best friend to lover steve is cute,, also I've been listening to meet me in the pale moonlight so that was the mood I wrote this in. enjoy lovelies <3
“What about this one?”
You looked over your shoulder to see your best friend Steve, who had been rattling through your endless box of colourful, flavoured chapsticks for the past hour, splayed out on your bed.
He was entirely determined to find the perfect flavour for you before you two had to leave to see the gang for a movie, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed in dedication whilst the plastic clatter filled the room all afternoon. He was nowhere near giving up, despite the ache of his elbows digging into your mattress and the frustration of your instant dismissal of his every suggestion.
That was until he found one he recognised a few moments prior. Now his expression was full of gratification, holding the small pink tube to your face, rolling it between his finger and thumb. It read “strawberries and cream” along its length, and the cap was visibly loose from its frequent use. Your expression softened and a smile adorned your blushing face.
“I haven’t used that since like, sixth grade, don’t remind me”, you turned back to your vanity mirror, continuing to brush your hair, glancing at him in its reflection ever so often. A part of you hoped he would have remembered the little plastic tube, but why would retired king Steve Harrington remember what was smudged on your lips years ago, anyway? It’s not like you spent every day applying that specific chapstick just for him, knowing it was his favourite as you overheard from a passing conversation.
Younger you was… impossibly desperate for his attention; you struggled with the thought that maybe that urge never truly left.
This time, you didn’t hear the disheartened drop of the chapstick back into the box as he had done a million times before, instead, a pop of the lid shot your head back around to face him again. He had pressed the tip to his lips, dragging it carefully along the top and then down to the bottom, applying more pressure as the chapstick threatened to run out. It may have also been fueled by your eyes fixated on his movements, a smirk curving the edge of his mouth upwards.
Followed by a smack of his lips, you were out of your trance; they looked even softer, pinker. More delicate and plush than ever before, if that was possible. 
“Hm?” You bit your lips and looked back up to meet his gaze in a frenzy. Maybe it was to suppress anything idiotic which would have spilt out of you in response, or just to relieve yourself of the ache which throbbed within you. 
You plopped down next to him, facing the ceiling. It still made you nervous to be so close. The impact made Steve’s entire body spring slightly off the mattress, his hair flopping over his eyes. He lifted his palm to swoop the hair back, then settled it down above himself.
“It wasn’t sixth grade, it was seventh.” Steve replaced the lid with a snap and plopped backwards, legs dangling off your fluffy pink bed with his much larger body, a sigh of defeat escaping through his smile. “I remember noticing something different about you, then the missing shape of the chapstick in your left pocket..”
“But worst of all, I could never smell strawberries whenever you were close enough to me. It was comforting, y’know? Like, even if I closed my eyes, I knew you were there.”
“You paid attention to that?” You fiddled with the hem of your dress, too nervous to turn and look him in his eyes. 
“It’s embarrassing, I know. We weren’t even that close back then and all.” Steve was equally as nervous to look back at you, he felt like his words were bubbling out of his mouth, frothing, and he just couldn’t stop it. He was scared, and even more anxious to admit that to himself.
What made it so much worse was the feeling of your dress brushing along his arms, barely even touching him; thoughts of the same fabric covering your bare skin.
“No.” You mewled. “I don’t think it’s embarrassing at all.”
A few seconds of dead silence passed, a strenuous effort from both of you. It felt more like an hour, more thoughts circulating around your brain than what the average person should endure.
Although you spoke last, you could feel another sentence approaching your lips, but a blunt ache filled your throat like stacks of cotton balls.
Steve spoke first, as if it was a custom.
“Why did you stop wearing it?”
You feared this question would arise eventually. It wasn’t like you could just say that you lost feelings for him because, in all honesty, you didn’t. You never did, you just tried to make yourself believe it after seeing Steve’s hundredth new girlfriend of the week. It made you sick. He was just so much different from who he is now. You can’t remember a single girl he dated in the past year despite his incessant popularity, which is a drastically different track record from his earlier years. 
“I guess I just got bored of it. Peach became more my style, it brings in the ladies. You would know, Harrington.” You scoffed and nudged him with your elbow in an attempt to hide the crack in your voice. You thought maybe lightening the conversation would help, but the almost mute giggles you both gave provided no comfort.
If anything, it made the conversation tenser, and you could feel both of you were mere seconds away from snapping. It had never been this tense with your best friend before, although you could sense it building over the past few days. Hands brushing over thighs, chests grazing past backs, fingertips on waists.
You thought you only imagined it, but it was clear as day that Steve felt the same now, too. It was, different.
Steve finally rolled onto his side, elbow propping him up to let him look into your eyes. You could see his lip quiver in anticipation of speaking again, the smile from earlier dropping slowly from his face as the cogs were turning in his brain.
“Could you, maybe, wear it again?” 
He whispered. It was only now that you noticed the glimmer of desperation and want in his eyes, resembling that of a puppy. 
“Er,” You gulped from the heat of the sudden attention. “Well, yeah. I could.”
His expression softened as if he was expecting a different answer, but he was entirely relieved at your reply. He handed you the chapstick, and the pattern of his breathing became quiet as if he was holding it in an effort to not make noise. Taking it, you popped the lid once more. 
To your shock, the tube was near to empty. After using a generous amount each day for years, you were surprised there was anything left for Steve to use. Despite this, you just couldn’t bear seeing the craving expression embellish his features.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should have used less.”
Your voices barely reached a whisper. The moment felt intimate, the eye contact was unbreakable, but didn’t feel forced or awkward. However, your nerves were increasingly creeping up, engulfing your cheeks in soft blush and sending a tingle of adrenaline up your spine.
His face was closer now, body attempting to glance over into the chapstick, but his eyes wouldn’t budge from yours. You realised what he meant now, the smell of the strawberry; it was entrancing. Whether that was the chapstick or the fact his lips were centimetres away from your face made your eyebrows knit in thought. 
Suddenly, a stupid thought flooded everything else.
“That's okay. There’s still some left.”
The puzzled expression on Steve’s face only drove you over the edge, rolling your entire body weight on top of him, pinning him below you as you straddled his lap.
You never realised how gorgeous he looked laid against your pillows, although he would laze about your bed regularly.  But his hands were thrown up at his sides as if he was under arrest, hesitating around your waist. His eyes didn’t have the same desperate twinkle they had seconds before, and you could no longer grasp a sense of his thoughts.
A deep sensation of embarrassment and regret set in you; how you completely misread the situation will never be lived down, if you even stayed friends after this. All you could do was hope you would both laugh it off, move on, and forget this ever happened. In a sudden movement, you tried to push yourself back onto your knees and lift yourself from his lap. 
“Shit. Steve, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
There was a grip around your thighs and a gasp escaped your lips. His hands no longer hovered over you, the tips of his fingers digging into the flesh directly under your ass with an eager desperation. His eyes filled again with the sparkle from before, chest rising up and down steadily as he scanned over your features.
“No, i-it’s okay.”
It was his turn to be shy, his grip on you becoming softer as he started to regret his unexpected touches. Still, his hands remained on your thighs, guiding your body back down onto him; relaxing your tensed-up muscles with gentle drags of his thumb. A low grunt escaped him as your weight pressed down onto his crotch, breathing heavier than before.
The look from before wasn’t fright or disgust, but the sheer fear of messing up the moment he had anticipated for so long, nerves shaking his fingertips. He was burning to touch you for weeks now. Not that he wasn’t this impatient years prior, but the yearning feeling near-drove him to insanity at this point. Your beauty, your scent, your innocent touches and glances. Naturally, he couldn’t help but fantasize about your taste.
“Y-you said there’s-” He paused to take a breath, trying to calculate your next move. “Said there’s-- more?”
The realization hit you as you remembered what got you here in the first place, words hitching in your throat.
“Yeah I mean, I-”
“Show me.”
That was all you needed to slam your lips down onto his, all of the remaining tensions snapping at lightning speeds. As cliché as it was, it felt like fireworks exploding all over your body, a bright flash and ringing in your ears as everything seemed so much grander than before.
All of your senses were melting, your thoughts ablaze. You could feel Steve whine into the kiss as he breathed out his nose in relief, his shaking hands running up your thighs, lightly brushing up your skirt, past your hips and onto your waist. One hand trailed further up, slipping past your jaw to lightly caress your cheek and deepen the kiss, tilting your head slightly to the right. 
As confident as he tried to appear, Steve was about to break. He thought maybe a kiss would soothe the burn, but if anything, it only fueled the heat to twice the size. It was never like this, with anyone else, ever. He realised a couple of months back that he in fact did not want anyone else.
He wanted you, nobody else but you.
You could feel Steve getting restless, his fidgety hands squeezing you slightly harder than before, his tongue threatening to slip past your lips any second. He was too bashful and nervous to push through, but the need was most definitely there. 
A crunching sound of tires arriving at your house knocked you both back to consciousness. You pulled back to see Steve’s kiss-drunk expression, his hair messy, eyes glossy and low, blush spilling over his nose to both cheeks to match his lips. It was a sight you would give anything to see again.
“Movie” He barely muttered, keeping his eyes on yours to signal how keen he was to keep you right where you were. He refused to admit he knew you both had to go. Gently, he brought your face back down to his with both hands and kissed you again, softly.
“Jeez, only honked like, thirty times? Where were you?” Eddie slammed his hands down onto the wheel as you both emerged from your house, trying to seem as normal as possible.
As you turned to lock the door behind you, Steve noticed your dress clinging to where he pushed it up before. He quickly pulled it back down with a swift move of his hand, an exchanged look of panic and a nervous laugh buffering the silence after Eddie’s question.
You slipped into the front as Steve slipped to the back next to Robin, who had an undeniable smirk on her face.
“Sorry, makeup dilemma. Right, Stevie?” You brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, smoothing your dress down and resting your hands into your lap, seemingly as innocent as ever.
Eddie did nothing but sigh, starting the car with a roll of his eyes and a bite of his lower lip. The great thing about Eddie was that he was almost always completely oblivious to the things happening around him, including this.
“You will be. You too Harrington.” He shot a look back to Steve who rolled his eyes and kept his usual dorky expression. You almost couldn’t believe how smoothly you both pulled that off.
“So” Robin scoffed. Your heart dropped.
“Since when do you wear pink chapstick, Stevie?”
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strawberrysodaslut · 7 months
𝓓𝓸𝓰𝓰𝔂 𝓓𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓘𝓷 - Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
(and GN!dog)
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[ main masterlist ]
[ eddie munson masterlist ]
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word count: 1.9k
(description in small font for formatting and convenience, actual story is in regular)
warnings: mostly fluff, some angst, mentions of upcoming death of dog, dog in palative care, not fully proof read but i tried to keep both dog and reader as gender neutral, and without descriptions, i am basing a this in real life so it might have slipped.
summary: After receiving bad news about your dog, you and Eddie decide to take them to their favourite movie at the drive ins.
authors note: Hi. It’s been a little while. This is based on something i did with my dog a few weeks ago, we took her to the eras tour movie and it’s one of the best nights i’ve had with her. i’ve i wanted to get it out within the week of that but then life happened, i had to take care of her a bit more and we sadly had to put her down the sunday before last. we’re receiving her ashes soon and i got a plush that looks like her so i felt inspired to write this again as a way to deal with my grief. i have included a lot of anecdotes about her in this, so im sorry if you’re trying to picture your dog or a past one and some events done line up. i tried my best to keep the descriptions of the dog pretty general, the only big thing i think is that they would have a tail. anyway it’s 4am and i’m crying now so i’m gonna be on my way. i hope you enjoy <3
i won’t be doing my taglist for this one, hope you can understand <3 if you would like to join the taglist for less emotional fics you can here
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"They're not gonna let us in."
"Will you sto- they're gonna let us in." He chuckled, glancing at you quickly with a smile."Stop worrying. Remember what I told you? Your only job this week is relaxation and snuggles."
You sigh, opting to look out of the window instead of responding.
Eddie notices, but he also knows you're still listening. "Which conveniently go hand in hand don't they sweetheart." He says, upping the baby talk as he stretches his arm behind the drivers seat to scratch your dogs chin, marvelling at how quickly they leaned into his touch, groaning in joy.
"See!" He said, laughing. "I'm their favorite."
It's the same thing he said when he installed the makeshift doggy car-seat Wayne had made you months ago. When Eddie first suggested taking your dog with the two of you on drives, he started drawing up the plans immediately.
"That dog is the darn cutest thing I've seen since you were in diapers." Wayne said, pointing to his nephew. "And I don't trust your cowboy driving."
Two weeks later when he picked you and your dog up for your first big drive, you were immediately taken by surprise that he put the seat on his side.
"You traitor!" You said, pointing towards the seat Eddie was now fastening your beloved dog to, away from you.
Eddie gasped in faux shock, looking at your dog with wide eyes. "Can you believe they called me that?" He said to your dog, who responded to him only with a wagging tail and a lick on the chin.
"See!" He said, clapping his hands once your dog was settled in. "I'm their favorite. So I get to be closer to them. You get a nice view, so don't complain." He said, winking at you as he swung into the drivers seat.
You had done a lot of trips since then, but this was the first one later at night. It wasn't too bad, springtime means the sun is slowly setting a bit later. You can't help but be enamoured when you turn to look at your dog, the way the sunset sits behind them makes look like a painting.
Eddie seems to have noticed, because he's reaching on the dashboard and passing you his prized film camera. "If you don't get a photo of them right now I'm never talking to you again."
You laugh, snapping a photo that you would later discover is your favorite one you've ever taken of your dog... and a few more for good measure.
"We're here!" Eddie says,  pulling into the Hawkins Drive In. He parks just outside of the concession stand. "Do you want anything."
"Popcorn and a coke please." You say, pulling out your wallet to give him money, but you know it's no use when swats it out of your hand.
Instead of mentioning it though, he turns around to the back of the seat to face your dog. "And some nuggets for you bud?"
As if they can somehow hear him, your dog yaps in response. Eddie nods, "Thought so."
"Eddie..." You start, nuggets were salty and salt is not good for your dog.
Eddie cuts you off though, "I'll ask for no salt, they'll probably like it better that way anyway. And hey, you said it didn't matter what they ate anymore."
It's not Eddie's fault, but you feel as though you've been struck. He was right, that was what you had said, but for a shining moment, you had forgotten the constant countdown ticking over your dogs head. Displaying a number you had no way of reading exactly what it said.
It doesn't take more than a second for eddie to realise what he's said. "Hey- no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring that up. Here, let's take them in and they can pick out something." He said, running around to your side of the door and opening it for you- ever the gentleman.
He helps you out of the car and the two of you take your dog out of the back of the van, heading into the concession bay.
Immediately you- or your dog- is greeted by a young girl running up to pay them. Her mother quickly scolding her for going up to a strangers dog. Less than a minute later, the girl carefully walks up to you, almost stubbornly.
"Can I pet your doggy?" She asks, her hand twitching as she clearly fights the urge to give your dog a big hug.
You nod your head, "You definitely can, thank you for asking." You say, looking up to the girls mother and winking at her, getting a mouthed 'thank you' in response.
And you have to say, if there is a heaven, it's going to have a tough time beating the joy your dog gets when a new person gives them cuddles. You and Eddie both swear that your dog is convinced that everywhere you go, everyone is there to see your dog specifically.
"It's the pet tax." Eddie said a few months ago when your dog barked out your front window at unsuspecting people walking by for the third time that afternoon. "The people walking past have to pay a pet tax to the top dog."
You both agree that it's better for it not to be an official tax, as your dog would not appreciate having to stop at every house with a dog so that you could pet a random dog. Absolutely not.
Eventually, the little girl's mother got her food, and told her they had to go. The girl frowned, but said bye to your dog, whispering a 'i'll save some popcorn for you.' before running off to join her mother.
In the meantime, Eddie had ordered your food, two large popcorns- of course, a coke and a pepsi- something the two of you could never agree on, and two servings of nuggets, no salt.
"You're funny." You say, opening the door for him as he tries to balance the abundance of food and drinks.
"I am- hey could you-?" He started, but you've already grabbed your drink, noticing it just about to slip from his grip and onto the dirty cement. "Yeah, thanks."
You smile at him. "We're a well oiled machine you and me." He nods in agreement, muttering something about 'you and i' incorrectly when you get back to the van. It’s hard not to chuckle.
It's barely a thirty second drive to the parking spaces for the movie, but both you and Eddie insist on strapping your dog in their seat while you park.
Unfortunately, you have to do it while your dog is giving you the saddest puppy dog eyes you've ever seen. They don't want to be in the doggy-seat, they want to be in the front with you... and the food.
The order of those aren't important.
"I know hun, but it'll just be a minute and then we'll get to cuddle okay?" You say, doing absolutely nothing to stop your dog viewing the car seat they're now in as an obstacle from the food they want.
Eddie parks the van with the back facing the screen, jumping out of the car before pulling the back doors open. You giggle when he shouts at you to wait so that he can once again open your door for you.
"Here you go m'lady!" He says in a bad british accent, pairing it with a theatrical bow.
You take his hand like how you've seen rich people do it in movies. "Why thank you sir!" You gasp, matching his dramatics instantly.
Before you can get too lost in the bit, your dog barks, reminding you that the more you chat, the longer they have to wait for food- cuddles. Cuddles, not food. Not food at all.
You climb into the back of the van, Eddie following close behind you, food in tow. "Here you go buddy, I've got the goods."
"Don't say it like that! You sound like you're giving them weed." You giggle, unclasping the safety belts from around your dog.
Eddie furrows his brows, clearly still appealing to his inner theatre kid with faux confusion, "Wait..." He says, before dramatically laying out the first blanket. "Was I not supposed to?"
You both giggle as you set up the blankets and pillows, and if you hadn't been keeping such a close eye on your dog, you might not have noticed them slowly sneaking towards where the food sits.
"Hey!" Eddie laughs, grabbing the food and moving it to where you're all going to sit among the blankets and pillows.
Once again, your dog gives an oscar winning performance, giving Eddie a look at only a starving puppy could have.
Eddie, ever the softie, gives in.
"Oh alright." He says pulling out a nugget from the box and ripping a chunk from it. "Okay, now sit." Your dog follows, tail wagging so hard it's making a clanging noise against the metal floor.
"Good, now high five." Eddie says, lifting up his right hand, your dog deciding not to leave him hanging by smacking his hand with his paw. "Good job buddy." He says, "Now other paw, can you do other paw?"
Other paw was one of the newer stills your dog learned. To be entirely honest, you have no idea how they learned it. You were just asking for high fives one day, said other paw and it worked. You gave them praise and then the next time they did it again, and then again.
You're half convinced your dog taught you other paw, not the other way around.
It's still about 50/50, if your dog thinks they've done enough, they won't respond to other paw the same they would with other commands. You guess that comes with the whole 'they trained you' theory you had.
That odd also jumps wayy down whenever you try to show off  'other paw' to someone who hasn't seen it before. Your dog loves you and enjoys your games, but they're also a pet and they love embarrassing you and proving you wrong.
Today, the odds were on your side, with your dog doing a perfect example of the 'other paw' to Eddie, who for weeks of failed attempts of showing him, thought you were lying about.
"See! I told you!" You cheered, grabbing a bigger chunk off of the nugget in Eddie's hand and giving it to your dog. "Good doggy! What a good doggy!"
Eddie laughs, "I'll be damned." He says, throwing his piece of the nugget into the air for your dog to catch, they do so, ready for more.
You both give them the rest of the nugget before settling in for the movie, you figured you'd try to spread the nuggets out, so your dog could enjoy them the whole time.
Your dog seemed to get the message, crawling inbetween you and Eddie. Or- actually, pushing the two of you apart so they could be sandwiched in the middle. Their favorite spot.
As the previews come to an end, you turn to Eddie "Thank you for doing this with me." You say, scratching your dog behind their ear.
"No thank yous necessary sweetheart, I'm glad you're both having a good time." He replies, a soft smile adorning his face.
You all relax into each other just as the beginning of your dogs favorite film; 101 Dalmatians, starts to play on the big screen.
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rowretro · 6 months
𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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✧taglist✧: @nxzz-skz   @nshmrarki @wntersm
Five minutes.... now Four... now th- "Okay class you may go off to your lunchbreak now!" The science teacher smiled as the students scurried around here and there grabbing their belongings and leaving hastily.
Babe mentally groaned as the class ended a few minutes early... that's an extra 3 minutes of torture. With a sweet smile, Eunchae had approached her again. 
"Hi, it's me Eunchae... I was wondering if you'd love to sit with me and my friends for lunch!" the girl asked, as Rowan smiled. To her dismay, the boys had beat her to it again "No can do. she's ours pretty girl so leave." Sunoo said as he dragged Rowan out of the classroom.
This time they were headed to a different location... the Janitor's closet. It was very spacy, too spacy to just be a closet. The girl was threatened by the cleaning products, mops, bleach and other toxic materials that were placed neatly on the shelves.
"Do you have your own food or need us to get you some from the cafeteria?" Sunoo asked, not one bit bothered by her fear. "N-No need... I-I have my own lunch..." The girl forced a smile as Sunoo rolled his eyes. 
"Suit yourself. Heeseung come with me I'm getting food." Sunoo said as he left the closet with the older following behind.
Sunghoon smirked as he slipped beside Rowan, his arm snaking around her waist as Jake looked her up and down. "This the new girl?... why is she so... short?" He simply asked as the other's rolled their eyes. 
"Babe... I've never kissed a girl before you know?... and now that you belong to us, I'm thinking why not hmm?" Sunghoon smirked as he saw her eyes widen, he gripped her jaw with his empty hand, as the other arm remained around her waist.
Sunghoon forced his plush lips onto her soft ones. making them move in sync, his eyes closed as he bit a little too hard on her lip, the metallic taste of blood slipping down both their chins. It didn't take him too much effort to simply slip his tongue into her mouth as he kissed her passionately, ignoring the punching on his chest.
All the while, Jake and Jungwon videoed the 2 making dirty comments. After what felt like 5 blue moons, the male finally pulled away, licking her saliva off his lips as he stared into her eyes. "Tell me Babe... that felt good... right?!..."
Babe didn't want to say just that, but she knew she couldn't have her way around, hence she just nodded in response. "Use your words tiny." Jake added as the girl heaved a little sigh.
"I-It felt good..." She managed to let out. Within a matter of time, Sunoo and Heeseung were back with their lunch as they sat down to eat.
Seeing that everyone was eating, Babe took out the packet of instant noodles she had, broke it in the bag, added a little flavour, and munched on them as if it was a bag of crisps.
"Lunch time is a time where you eat real food babe. do you want to faint halfway through your last lesson?!" Jay told her off as the girl didn't know what to say.
She was used to eating snacks for lunch, it just tasted so much more better, and was so much more cheaper. "Whatever. you'll be having dinner with us anyway" Jay simply added as Rowan frowned.
She can't even put up with their bullshit at school... now she has to put up with them outside of school?...
. . .
Luck was on her side when she strolled into her media lesson, of course Sunghoon, Jungwon and Riki were in that class, but the Teacher made Babe sit beside Hong Eunchae. 
The 2 silently squealed as Eunchae suddenly frowned "There's blood on your lip- here have a tissue" the girl smiled handing her a tissue as Babe gladly took it and ridded the little drip of blood that trickled off her lip. 
"Thanks Eunchae!" Babe smiled as she discarded the tissue in a trashcan near by. Media was one of Babe's favourite classes, as well as Criminology, but it was made even better when she got to sit with Hong Eunchae and Huh Yunjin.
Two girls who were the life of the classroom. Babe almost forgot that the boys were even there, happily making funny little harmless jokes that made the class and even the teacher laugh a little.
When the classroom fell silent and everyone's heads were down, taking notes. Babe felt something hit her back. It was a crumpled piece of paper. She sighed as she threw that in the bin. 
The boys obviously were not going to stop there. Something a little harder hit her with more force, causing her to wince. She sighed and opened the crumpled piece of paper had a metallic substance in it.
No wonder why it hurt. 
The paper was a note, that told her to wait after school. She turned back to see the 3 staring right back at her, Riki fiddled with his chain, Sunghoon winked at her while Jungwon was staring darkly at her. 
She knew life was going to be hell from this day onward... She just didn't know how hellish exactly....
✧𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗✧
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darkstar225 · 9 months
Twice's 10th member loses her stuffed dinosaur ft Girls' Generation's Tiffany as GF
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend LyraHarris6 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi its me again. I want to request can you do where y/n is dating Tiffany snsd and y/n lost her favourite stuff dinosaur and throw a tantrum and the members call Tiffany and she came right away to the dorm to calm you down and help you find it. Thank you and love you ❤️
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The TWICE dorm was bustling with activity on a typical sunny afternoon in Seoul. Laughter and chatter filled the air as the members went about their various activities. Y/N, the group's 10th and youngest member, was in her room, frantically searching for something.
Y/N - Where is it? Where did I put it?
The maknae kept muttering to herself, her brows furrowed in frustration.
The object of her search was her beloved stuffed dinosaur, a plush toy that had been with her since she was a child. It was her comfort item, the one thing that always made her feel safe and happy. But now, it seemed to have disappeared.
Y/N's girlfriend, Tiffany from Girls' Generation, had often teased her about her attachment to the dinosaur. Tiffany found it endearing, and she understood the sentimental value it held for her girl. They had been dating for a few months, and Tiffany had quickly become an important part of TWICE's angel's life.
As the younger girl continued to search her room, her frustration grew. She had already turned the place upside down, and there was no sign of her precious dinosaur.
Y/N - Where could it be?
She mumbled, on the verge of tears. TWICE's sunshine had a busy schedule, and the thought of facing the world without her beloved stuffed animal was making her anxious.
In the living room, the other TWICE members exchanged worried glances as they heard Y/N's distressed murmurs. They had all grown fond of their sugar and knew how much the dinosaur meant to her.
Sana, one of the closest members to the girl, finally spoke up. 
Sana - Maybe we should call Tiffany unnie. She might know where it is.
The suggestion seemed to be a lifeline to Y/N. She immediately grabbed her phone and dialled Tiffany's number, her hands trembling with anxiety.
Tiffany, who was at the SNSD dorms working on some solo projects, answered on the first ring.
Tiffany - Hello, babygirl. What's up?
The voice on the other side of the line quivered as Tiffany listened attentively.
 Y/N - Baby, I can't find my dinosaur! I've looked everywhere, and it's just gone. I don't know what to do.
Tiffany's heart ached at the distress in Y/N's voice. She knew just how much that stuffed dinosaur meant to her girlfriend. 
Tiffany - Don't worry, sweet girl. I'll be right there. We'll find it together, okay?
TWICE's lovebug let out a shaky breath, feeling a bit of relief. 
Y/N - Thank you, my love. I love you.
Tiffany - I love you too, boo. I'll be there soon! 
Tiffany reassured her before hanging up.
The TWICE members watched as Y/N hung up the phone, her expression a mix of anxiety and anticipation. They knew that Tiffany was the only one who could calm her down in a situation like this.
True to her word, Tiffany arrived at the TWICE dorm in record time. She was greeted by a tearful Y/N at the door, who immediately threw her arms around her girlfriend.
Tiffany hugged her darling tightly, whispering soothing words in her ear. 
Tiffany - It's going to be okay, my heart. We'll find your dinosaur, I promise.
Y/N pulled away, her eyes red from crying. 
Y/N - I don't know where to start, Tiffany. I've looked everywhere. *pouts*
Tiffany smiled gently and took her girl's hand.
Tiffany - Let's start by retracing your steps. When was the last time you saw it?
The younger girl thought for a moment. 
Y/N - I had it with me last night while we were watching a movie in the living room. I remember snuggling with it on the couch.
Tiffany - Okay, let's check the living room first. *nodding*
They walked into the living room together, and Y/N's eyes scanned the room in desperation. But there was no sign of the dinosaur.
Y/N's voice quivered as she spoke next.
Y/N - It's not here, Tiffany. I don't understand where it could have gone. *sobs*
Tiffany remained calm and composed, determined to help her precious girlfriend find her cherished possession. 
Tiffany - Let's check your room one more time, just to be sure.
They returned to the SMC's room and began searching once more. Tiffany carefully looked under the bed and in the closet, while Y/N checked her nightstand and the bookshelf.
As Y/N reached out to pull open a drawer, she let out a gasp of surprise. 
Y/N - Tiffany, look!
She held up the stuffed dinosaur triumphantly. It had been hidden under a pile of clothes in the drawer.
Tiffany couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her sunflower's joyful expression. She pulled her into a tight hug. 
Tiffany - I'm so glad we found it, baby.
Y/N clung to Tiffany, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. 
Y/N - Thank you, darling. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Tiffany pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead. 
Tiffany - You never have to worry about that, hon. I'll always be here for you.
The TWICE members, who had been waiting anxiously in the living room, let out a collective sigh of relief when they saw their youngest and Tiffany emerge from the bedroom, the stuffed dinosaur safely in their dongsang's arms.
Nayeon, as one of the older members and Y/N's mom, felt the need to tease them.
Nayeon - I guess Tiffany unnie is the hero of the day, huh?
Tiffany chuckled and hugged Y/N tighter. 
Tiffany - Just doing my duty as Y/N's girlfriend.
Y/N's face turned a shade of pink as she buried her face in Tiffany's shoulder. The members' teasing only made her feel more grateful for the love and support she had in her life.
As the evening continued, Y/N held onto her stuffed dinosaur, feeling more secure than ever. She knew that no matter what challenges she faced, everything would be okay if she had Tiffany by her side.
The TWICE sisters watched the couple with warm smiles, knowing they were witnessing a love that was as enduring and comforting as Y/N's beloved stuffed dinosaur. And this made them only have one thought:
We love our dear maknae.
A/N: I’m sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there’s something wrong, ty for reading <3
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sherifftillman · 2 years
can you do a steve x reader (drabble headcannon anything really) where the reader faints on steve unexpectedly? thank u babes <3
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 899
A/N: me, sitting with my beetlejuice build-a-bear by my side: anything for you, tumblr user lydiadeetzstan <3
"Alright, go nuts," you say to your younger siblings as you open the door to the arcade. While it may be air conditioned in here, which you were hoping for, you forget that other hot, sweaty kids would have packed the building with the same intentions. Trying super hard not to breathe the air in too much, you yell after them, "Remember, hydrate or die-drate!"
They run to some shooting game, and you try to find the coolest spot in the building. Turns out, the coolest guy in the building has had the same idea.
You and Steve had a bit of a repertoire going. You'd go to Family Video to pick out a movie to watch with your friends. He'd roast your choice, then choose one for you, you'd take them both for your friends to watch and write down their reviews of both movies, usually to rub in Steve's face that your friends did prefer your choice all along. You're very aware that you're not the only customer who comes in to have some one-on-one conversation with Steve, but you take what you can get.
He spots you and waves you over to join him, which you do. "Hey! Didn't know this was your scene."
"Not mine. Siblings," you gesture in... A direction. Who knows where they are. "I never knew you had any."
Steve scrunches his face. "I dunno if you can call them tha- hey!" He snaps his fingers up high as he shouts across the room. A pale, gaunt boy with a mullet flips him off. Steve rolls his eyes. "Anyway. Do I get a sneak peek at this week's reviews?"
"Oh, you mean that Taxi Driver was boring, and therefore sucked?" you smile, and Steve pretends to hold his heart in shocked offence.
"You would say that about Taxi Driver?! Okay, okay, don't tell me you're going to say that Airplane! was actually bett-"
"It had us all laughing the whole time, start to finish. At least it made us feel something," you shrug, and Steve shakes his head, taking a sip of his drink. You think to go and get one, but then he makes a hum of realisation and points out the air hockey table as he swallows his sip. "Wanna play? I've been waiting for it to clear."
You accept, trying to keep your cool. You even beat him. He insists on best two out of three. You deliberately slack off in the second game, but his gloating earns him a second loss in the final game. He pulls a face and looks for another game he can beat you at.
Every time you finish a game, regardless of who wins, Steve immediately looks for another. You make a point of making sure you can still see your siblings from wherever you are, though you do keep forgetting to get a drink. The air conditioning is really starting to struggle to keep the building full, with more and more people piling in.
One of the only games left that you haven't tried is a claw machine. Steve grins, "Oh, you know I'm a pro at these."
"Oh yeah?" you ask, scanning the plush toys inside. You point at one of your favourite animal. "Get me that one, then."
"You got it," he smirks, putting money in. "See, the trick is, you gotta really get the claw swinging..." His voice goes quiet, as does all the background noise around you. Everything looks blurry, until -
Next thing you know, you're on the floor, feeling as though you've just woken up from a terrible sleep. Everything is hazy, including the figure hovering over you. You finally make out what he's saying, "Oh god, I can't just go - yes, you, hello! Water, your coldest water bottles, as many as you can bring over, now!"
"Steve?" you ask groggily. He comes into focus, sitting on the floor with you, holding your head in his lap.
"Yeah! Don't panic, take it easy, okay?" You start looking over and pointing, trying to locate your siblings. Steve picks up on that, "Don't sweat it, I got my team distracting them, okay? They're not gonna see you like this." He helps you to sit up, using his body to prop you up as well. The employee returns with several bottles, which Steve takes off their hands easily. "Can you..." Steve makes a gesture with his hands as though he's waving somebody away, then points around the room. More starts coming into focus. All the people staring at you. Great. The employee starts herding them away as Steve hands you a water bottle and presses two more to your forehead. "Drink up, 'kay?"
You nod, gulping half the bottle down in one sip. "God, at least hopefully I've taught my siblings what not to do."
"Shit, you had me worried. I'm so sorry, I should have picked up that you weren't drinking anything," Steve apologises, but you shake your head.
"I'm a big girl, I should have spoken up. Having too much fun, I guess," you laugh.
"Can I make it up to you sometime, at least?" Steve asks.
You tilt your head up to look at him. "Are you going to try to make me like your shooty-shooty movies?"
He laughs, "Not on the first date, no. Maybe like... Third or fourth."
"I'll take those odds," you smile.
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sketchfanda · 5 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Hail to the Queen (of OPAR!!)
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Static and pixels flash across a screen as a camera became active, showing a sort of studio made to seem like the VIP area of some high class lounge mixed with a talk show set ala Conan O' Brien or Jay Leono. That is if said lounge had decor showing that its owner had a partial fondness for pop and gothpunk culture of course as the host revealed himself to be none other than the author of this certain set of stories, spinning the office chair he parked in around to face the non existent crowd with all the sort of showmanship and flair any host would. Adjusting the tie he was wearing as claps akin to what you'd hear in a sitcom played out with the camera showing he wasn't alone as seated in a couch beside the desk was none other than our fave little gentleman imp hitman Moxxie in his cute little possum boi glory. To say he was a tad confused and concerned was an understatement as something told him things were about to get weirder than Blitzo that one time he was high off a cocaine rush and DON'T ASK!!
??:"Whassup viewers or should I say readers, it's Sketchfan coming to you live from an undisclosed location which for security purposes will remain anonymous!! that's right folks, the writer of whose work you've been enjoying is always aiming to bring you variety not just in the line up of beauts and bombshells he puts his 3 favourite guys in the world with, but such is the spice of life that I just have to try all the different ways to approach ideas!!*The flaming skullheaded madcap author spoke enthusiasm that the imp at least found more tolerable at least compared to his boss. But really could anyone be easier to compare to Blitzo?*"Now in this case I was particularly wanting to try out this concept for a while based on Daitomodachi's Kakyoin: Waifu Connoisseur video series of which I'd highly recommend checking out on Youtube of course..." *That only made the his guest slightly concerned now. He couldn't even look it up since the security staff confiscated his phone for the duration of this pseud talkshow session so he just had to ask.*
Moxxie:"Mr. Sketch, sir pardon my query and all but what exactly are you talking about? Baring in mind up to this point that I've had to endure and put up with a lot of what you put me through. Not complaining mind you but the women you've arranged encounters for me with have been exhausting I mean makes me wonder what you'd even have mind for a solo chapter with Millie or Loona..uhm, hey girls..."*The sweet little possum couldn't help but give a wave to the audience section, the camera turning to where there the bleachers were shown to be occupied solely by what could only be called Moxxie's harem. Millie and Loona among quite the assorted, more than easy on the eyes audience of ladies that have been with the Imp. Including Verosika and Stella of course, a few them holding up signs declaring their affections for the imp, plush toys as well as wearing t-shirts with Millie's reading "Founder and president of the Moxxie fanclub. What can be said, he was a very loveable stud.*
Sketch:"Oh that's a good bit down the road little man, I can assure you.."*The author/host quipped as he checked a secret drawer containing a few select drafts, quickly closing it as he regained focus.*"But to answer the first part of your question, it's quite simple really, on this little show of mine, I arrange for a guest to come over and the two of you, to put it bluntly, fuck away."*The flaming skullheaded madman awaited Moxxie's brain to process this information. The clock ticking away in his head as he put two and two together. He took it about as well as can be expected of course.*
Moxxie:"Excuse me but WHAT?!! You mean to tell me you're bringing some woman in here just for us to give you a live show?!! What is your damage?!!"*the sweet imp boi spat with understandable indignity. Looking about ready to want to throttle the guy as his hands made strangling gestures. To which Sketch was non-chalant as he sipped from a mug before he gestured to stage right. The crowd anticipating who he had lined up.*
Sketch:"So without further ado, let's introduce our guest of honour for this round of getting a dose of vitamin Moxxie. And on that we cue the music!!"*The bizarre eccentric host pressed a button on his ipod docking station, playing atypical hype music you'd hear a house band play when a special guest came on. And oh was she a stunner, a veritable African Dream Queen, rocking a very stylish and stunning all white fashion ensemble that contrasted delightfully with her dark complexion and complimented her mane of flowing platinum blonde hair. The crowd hooting and hollering while Moxxie could only drop his jaw as a set of feline-like jade green eyes locked on him with a predatory and thirsty gaze. Her thick toned sexy body that put pin9-up girls and pornstars to shame moving with a grace akin to a jungle cat stalking its prey.*
Yes indeed it was the one and only underrated but unforgettable villainess of Disney's Tarzan animated series, La, the queen of opar. The dominatrix of leopard men and possible former Atlantean native parking herself on the couch right beside Moxxie, crossing her luscious legs in a sensual way that put Sharon Stone in Basic instinct to shame. The Moxxie fan club crowd, aka the harem looking on with anticipation as they awaited the moment when she would pounce and have that big Imp cock rock her world. All they had to do was wait patient as can be but certainly wasn't stopping the waterfalls forming between their legs.
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Moxxie:*Looked at La with absolute scarousal while looking ath the Host Author with absolute livid contempt.*"Are you INSANE?! The yandere megamaniac jungle witch queen?!! How and why for that matter is she even here? Isn't this a tad meta for you? I mean was it that difficult to at least cook up an actual plot for her or something?" *The imp gestured at the Queen of Opar, who eyed him like a meal she was going to savour and relish. Missing the sensual lick and bite of her lips as she idly teased and touched the tip of his cute little tail. It helped he was so distracted calling out the mad man before him.*
Sketch:"Hey give me a break, I was stuck for ideas and this was a concept I wanted to try out for sometime. I'd had thought of saving the Waifu Conoisseur approach for my Krillin story but ya know inspiration struck. And why not La? I mean look at her!!"*He remarked as the camera focused on the immortal, immoral witch queen. Scott Pilgrim style fact boxes popping up as they pointed out and highlighted some of La's finest traits and quirks from the mental to of course the physical. Truly she was a work of art of the particular outfit she had on only highlighted the fact. What guy ir gal wouldn’t get horny for that?*
Moxxie:”In the immortal words of a certain emo, my answer is no, with a side of fuck you.”*The imo emphasised this statement by flipping the host author the bird. Gritting his teeth at the mad man’s continued non-chalant nature as he turned to face La.*”No offence but I really can’t be in your league right? Hell not eben the same ballpark or sport..”*Whatever Moxxie was looking to say next hit the brakes in his brain as La leaned in close to him. Lips inches from his as she trailed and caressed an immaculately nailed finger under his chin.*
La:”Darling I’m certainly not being picky and I’ve seen your track record. Besides which it’s only in recent times I’ve finally been getting some attention in fics and art and even that duo and their New Peta project is taking its sweet time getting to my scenes. So let me be frank, cut the bullshit, get naked, take that bitchbreaker known as your cock and fuck, me, hard.” *The sexy British sounding accent of the immortal witch queen spoke, no nonsense as she sensually licked her lips at the levels of scarousal the imp began showing. Biting her lower lip sensually as she put her hand on the back of his head and pushed his face to play it between the valley of her cleavage.*”Now let me put it this way, I like you and I want you. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours….” *As she spoke an all too familiar threat for some, Sketch snuck out, hitting play to hit some porn style music playing through the speakers. Leaving Moxxie to his sexy doom as there was no way the imp could say no.*
Indeed Moxxie knew there was no way out of this except to make the beast with two backs with the Queen of Opar as he decided to accept his fate. Getting out of LA’s reach as his harem slash fan club stayed quiet to let the mood set itself as the Imp began to strip. La shuddering with a tingle of ecstasy at the sight of that now exposed length and girth of his as she grasped it in her hand and began vigorously stroking away. The usually domineering megalomaniac looking as undignified as a porn star as she leaned in to begin planting licks and kisses on the shaft with shameless lust, making the imp shudder.
Now La wasn’t a virgin by any means or stretch of the imagination but any men she had been with prior to Moxxie were certainly being out to shame by the imp just from the scent snd taste of his cock alone. Any sense of dignity cast aside by her primal desire as she was soon commencing with fellatio, sucking and blowing on that fuck-rod. Eyes glowing with lust as she felt his quite gifted hips pump and thrust with a hidden urge to want to just fuck her face and make her mouth an oral pussy for his own pleasure. Her primal urges and instincts coming to see this sweet little imp as an absolute alpha male she simply had to have pin her down and destroy her until it was more than assured she’d be having his babies.
But of course once his libido took the helm and ensured his sense of inhibition and hesitation along with his shame were all set aside out of the way, as he soon had La stripped of that lovely ensemble. The naked jungle queen begininng to work up a nice sheen of perspiration as she was rolling her head back, her platinum blonde mane flowing as deep throated moans escaped her luscious pouty lips and with good reason of course. As Moxxie was between her legs, the equally nude crimson possum eating her out and ooh she found he had quite the skilled tongue, proving he was more than meeting, hell he was exceeding expectations. His snow white shock of hair and his zebra striped horns being caressed by one of her well manicured hands as she ensured he was getting good and deep making out with her sloppy mound as things could only escalate from there.
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Escalate they certainly did as the heavy petting and foreplay soon lead to the Imp and African Dream rutting like animals in such way that the noise coming from them would ensure that no, the lion wouldn't be sleeping tonight. La currently riding Moxxie cowgirl style, the difference in height and body size a splendid contrast as her luscious bubbly chocolate booty jiggled and clapped with every impact of her bouncing on his shaft. His cute little skilled hands massaging her splendid hips as she hugged and held his sweet little head between her pillowy soft tits. The Queen of Opar rlishing how deep his length and girth reached, the swelling bulge of her washboard toned abs a sight to behold.
But oh how it only got better for her when the charming little imp got a little mora assertive and abrasive, as if the more primal instincts he had as a man began to take more of a hold on him. The Queen of Opar finding herself on her back as the sweet potato of an imp fucked her like a caveman in spread eagle before proceeding right into a mating press. Cock jackhammering away into the ever greedy and welcoming intimate embrace of her pussy, those heavy balls smacking her ass as their tongues danced in a heated kiss. Their grunts and moans echoing through the studio as its walls and ceiling filled with the music and rhythm of the game of adult Twister.
Moxxie's fanclub slash harem enjoying every single position shift as they played with themselves at seeing their man prove himself to be an absolute sexual unit. La's eyes glowing with neon pink hearts of absolute bliss as Moxxie fucked her doggy style, mounting atop her back, arms hugged around her waist as he jackhammered away into her overflowing pussy. The floor stained with puddles of their juices as the mismatched pair showed no signs of stopping. And you can dam well guarantee it was going to breakout into an orgy, that was for damn sure.
Sketch of course was hidden away in a secret Rec room, giving them all the time and privacy they needed as he played some Switch, taking a sip of some Pepsi max from a sixpack he had nearby. Product placement, got to love it. As the flaming skull headed author avatar and host realised he had company and looked towards the camera. Shooting a wink and finger guns at the unseen reader audience.
Sketch:"Hey folks hope you've enjoyed that as well as enjoying this story. Yeah you can tell this is gonna be a while so best we leave them to it of course. Rest assured the Waifu Conoisseur Show isn't going to be a one time deal here, handy to change up the format and formula every once a while, know what I mean? Anyways, later maniacs..." *With that, the camera faded out. Static flickering even as the audio could still pick up Moxxie and La's little erotic acquantanceship goin on with no signs of stopping. Sweet dreams for those visuals eh? 'Til next time, same Helluva time, same Helluva channel.*
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(Bonus: Rough example of the author's designated avatar. Handosme fellow isn't he?)
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runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
I will never, ever, ever understand why Deerling is not more popular, but I'm glad the BW! anime gives them so much love and they fill the forest bordering Nuvema Town. They're often in crowd scenes in the Best Wishes! anime, to the point that a user on here has managed to identify that BW! takes place in about half a year because the Deerling are consistently in Spring form in the first half and Summer form in the second half. ;3; (Deerling pixel art by ohdeerling--but the post has been deleted!)
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So darling. So sweet. I have never loved a Pokemon this much before... and I'm very fond of the entire Litwick line. I love most fox Pokemon, love Eevee and Vulpix and Ninetales.
But Deerling... cute pastel fawns with flowers... their big, innocent eyes! Their cute, delicate, little limbs. Their adorable fluffy tails!
I think Deerling, various Grass, Fairy, and Ghost types are unique among my top favourites because I didn't become attached to them via a favourite human/trainer in the anime, but just for themselves. Like, I got attached to Arbok and Dustox because of Jessie training them (Arbok even made me love real life snakes and Dustox made me stop fearing moths!), but I wouldn't have likely fallen for them without loving their trainer first...
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(Dancing Mawile animation by abgallery. ^^)
Before the introduction of the Fairy type, I used to just say I had Lass-like tastes in Pokemon, fff. Mostly the cute, pink, and round ones... Alcremie is another top Fairy favourite, but so is Mawile! If a Pokemon has both creepiness and cuteness going for it, that's ideal. The creepy-cute Fairy Tale Girls class is one I feel suits me more now!
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I have always loved, for instance, many Ghost types because of my fondness for horror... I'm especially fond of Frillish, I find it elegant and beautiful, yet also adorable. I love their fairy tale royalty aesthetics, I love their cute, dainty lashes, their little crowns, their veil-like fluttering tendrils/tentacles, their ability to paralyze prey with their venomous embrace... even if I'm not fond of their evolved forms.
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I adore so many Grass types that look like flowers, including the similar underrated (in my opinion) Hoppip line, Bellossom and Lilligant! They're cute, darling, and refreshing to look at.
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Togepi was a childhood favourite, alongside Eevee and Mew, because of how adorable and baby-like I found it in the anime. I always loved the idea of being a mother, so Togepi was endearing!! I still have a Hasbro reversible Togepi plush from 1998. I took her with me before I began my first paying job in June of 2022. ^^
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But I've never been so attached to a Pokemon that any time I see it, I feel this big of a burst of joy, and feel like it's truly mine, like I do Deerling. I'm almost happy it isn't absurdly popular, because it makes collecting it a lot easier, if there isn't much to collect. ^^;;;; A few plushies (Sitting Cuties, Jakks Pacific standing, musical--different sizes, different Season forms), a bunch of smaller and more cheaply made kid's toys, Jakks Pacific action figures, keychains, stickers, and trading cards.
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(Deerling pixel art by starfruut.) I don't even want a huge collection, I'm happy with just a few pieces I really like, I love Spring Deerling most of all, but Autumn Deerling also grew on me.
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swift-kwikster · 5 months
But my favourites right now are! (Under the read more because I babbled heaps)
Pikachu (always and forever - I loved Pokemon before I even went to school, I know that much. It could even be before preschool and as a kid I loved Pikachu so much. I'd imagine my plush Pikachu as like a friend to me and pretend it was real (as kids do) - so cheesy as it is, Pikachu forever is my number 1. For 20+ years <3)
Koraidon/Miraidon (is saying both for 2 allowed? :P) - THESE HAVE RECENTLY GONE UP SO HIGH ON MY FAVOURITE LIST.. I just adore these two with their cool designs, and their roles in the Scarlet/Violet with their personalities and lil animations. It makes me love them to bits. I can't pick one over the other, since they're exactly the same except for their designs, design wise I'd probably go for Koraidon because of the colours and how cool the wings are. But I can't say I like it overall over Miraidon, they're both the same to me.
Bewear - Ever since Pokemon Sun this bear has been a favourite. It's so goofy and cute yet also so scary and violent. It's such a hilarious idea I can't help but love it. My absolute favourite things about Bewear was the animation it'd have when hit by a move, it'd just cutely cover its face as if it was really nothing. Then they absolutely killed it in the anime with how they portrayed Bewear in its intro. (I haven't watched much else of the Sun & Moon anime sadly :( )
Slurpuff - Another pink Pokemon being on here for being funny, cute and silly. But it's also fun to use for battle. I used to like Swirlix more than Slurpuff design wise, but Slurpuff has won me over with how fun the concept of a cupcake cake dog thing is.
Sandshrew - Sandshrew and Sandslash have always been favourites from Gen 1 (adorable and cool designs - and that Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Sprite for Sandshrew is adorable) but ever since I saw a twitter post where someone said that when they were a kid they thought Sandshrew's name was Paul- every single time I see a Sandshrew I think 'oh it's Paul :)', then my brother and sister also join in on it when they see Sandshrew and it has never stopped. Such a silly joke has made this little thing one of my favourites. Just seeing Sandshrew/Paul makes me feel a little happy inside.
Appletun - This one was so hard to decide, this list changes often but right now I've been more obsessed with Appletun. I think its design is fun and once again the goofy look its got won me over- then there's how tiny it is. I remember thinking I wasn't probably gonna have my Applin stay on my team on Shield until I saw it evolve into that. And I couldn't let the fella go. It was too perfect.
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allisonlol · 2 years
aa hi allison!! firstly, i totally understand if you've got too many match up requests already, so no worries if you don't get to this! 💜 AND CONGRATULATIONS ON 2K AGAIN! help i hope i'm not too late—
i'm straight and i'd love a romantic match up, preferably with nsfw!
starting with my appearance, i'm around 1,67m tall, i've got long light blonde hair that reaches to around my hips and is straight — i really like to try out fun hairstyles, such as different braids etc.! —, my eyes are grey and i've got very few freckles and some birthmarks! i'm very pale and have quite a few health problems like constant headaches, being constantly cold and fainting, but my doctors say they can't do anything about that?? 🤨
my aesthetic is very soft; i really like pastel pink and white as colours, i enjoy (faux!) white furs and plush fabrics and i'd say i've got a very feminine style! i don't own any trousers or jeans actually, only skirts and dresses.. liz lisa is one of my favourite brands but it's expensive </3
my hobbies are drawing, writing, reading, learning languages and playing the piano! i also go to dance classes each week — standard dance like slow waltzing etc.! i, uhh, what else... English is my second language and i'm currently learning two more languages for school/uni! i also love to go ice skating and travelling!
special interests of mine are shopping baking and cooking! i just made an apple pie today 👁️ and i often bake whenever i'm stressed or frustrated! makes me feel very housewifey... 🤲🏻 i also like snowy and rainy days and playing card games (even though i'm a bit of a sore loser...)!
i like pop music like Marina and the Diamonds (is that pop? i hope so) and classical music, as well as some soundtracks from video games and movies! the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack will always be my favourite.....
i'm an ENTP, though i spend most of my time at home by myself! i asked my friends to describe my personality for this occasion only and they said something along the lines of “calm, rational, intelligent”, and i agree with that, though i'm also very soft-hearted!
when i went shopping some time ago i bought the one item in a broken packaging on purpose because i thought no one else would get it and i felt bad </3 help me
i tend to overthink a lot... this might be some sort of anxiety but my mind is constantly making up worst-case scenarios and i can't stop </3 worried 24/7
i'm affectionate but not clingy, and i love animals! i've got three cats and i love them with all my heart... i like dogs as well though they kind of scare me occasionally... i can be pretty sarcastic and teasing, but i'm very adaptive, so if my partner would dislike back talk, i'd just stop </3
i like flirting but i get flustered so easily, blushing sputtering the second someone hits on me in return...
i'm not sure about my love languages; i'm guessing it's quality time and receiving gifts... THIS MAKES IT SOUND LIKE I WANT A SUGAR DADDY THAT'S NOT TRUE but... i do like getting gifts... an occasional necklace or bracelet or so would win my heart very easily... 👉🏻👈🏻
because of my very exhausting overthinking i really crave security, especially in a relationship. i have no idea whether i'd fit more well together with someone introverted or extroverted — i believe intjs are my ideal match based on the mbti types, but i'd give everything a chance! THIS IS KIND OF EMBARRASSING TO ADMIT but i'd love to be with someone who's very confident and has everything under control so i can just.. relax and follow orders, maybe... "brain no more thoughts please i already think too much" is a very relatable meme... The urge to just be a pretty housewife and stay at home and cook and clean and welcome my husband home is big..
i'm not very picky when it comes to dates, though i'd love going out to eat in some fancy restaurant or visiting a theatre etc together! staying at home sounds fun, too, though!
UH NSFW FACTS.. i'm very submissive but i can be a bit of a brat, though i'd also try and be obedient only if that's what he'd prefer. i like quite a lot of things like choking, spanking, anything that makes it less vanilla — or so i say, because i'm still a virgin. help </3 would i let my partner spit in my mouth? yes. anything for him. ANYWAY—
that's about everything i can think of!!
thank you so much already in case you decide to do this!! i'm very excited already! 👁️💜
꧁♥ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴇss… ♥꧂
i match you with...fyodor dostoevsky!
ok ok hii honey!! first of all, reading this was super relatable like?? we're opposite aesthetics but otherwise u are me </3 also the only person i could think of the whole time was fyodor (and not just cuz u wanted an intj--) i will explain more below but YEA
the dynamic here is like the supermodel looking gf and the tired, "on the verge of death" bf (jk--kind of)
but in all seriousness you contrast each other in every way, both physically and mentally
be very glad that your love language is receiving gifts because fyodor showers you with random and expensive gifts
^is he using this as some means of manipulation?? probably but you don't care
you steal his clothes a lot, specifically his coat because it matches you aesthetic. plus, who wouldn't wanna wear it??
fyodor adores your willingness to stay home and away from people so u can be his little housewife <3 you always cook something for when he arrives home or bake him snacks when he's locked up in his office all day :((
^repays you with kisses and rare affection
playing card game together? yes, playing card games together. except with him it's more of a psychoanalysis and u always lose (except rare occasions where he lets you win and goes :0!! great job dear!!)
luckily for you, fyodor is the type of person you can banter with and tease <3 but only in moderation!! too much of it and he shuts that shit down
^if you tease him too much he'll either 1) flirt back but 10x more extreme so you get flustered or 2) ignore you and refuse to give you attention until you quit your antics :((
brings you shopping, traveling, out to eat or to the theatre often, anything you want to do he'll join you on really!! i see his love language as quality time as well so that works out near perfectly
when you go shopping, he enjoys watching you try on all the clothes you want and will give his opinions <33 he's brutally honest tho
suuuuper overprotective, not necessarily jealous since he knows you're all his, but hates when other people look at you for too long and will glare them down >///<
oh lord what have u gotten yourself into
as mentioned before, fyodor adores your submissiveness in both innocent and sexual ways
but especially in bed
you are just...so pliant for him?? anything he orders you to do, you usually do so without a fight
i feel that fyodor is rather vanilla (traditional--?) when it comes to sex but when he's riled up, he gets pretty damn kinky
^an easy way to achieve this is by being a brat. teasing him or refusing to do as instructed results in fyodor quickly losing his patience and putting you in your place
^spanking, orgasm denial, choking, etc...
degrades degrades degrades. glares down at you in near disgust while calling you all kinds of names such as "useless whore" and "unsatiable slut" :((
dw he can be nicer sometimes <33 operates on a reward system: the more well behaved you've been, the more praise and affection you will receive
and yes, he does spit in ur mouth <3 gives u a lil pat on the cheek and an approving smile when u swallow it >///<
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dgiacomo · 1 year
#munday - I reactivated my old long-closed tumblr account just so I could interact with this blog. Love the art style, the concept and direction you take when answering asks, it’s fantastic! 👌
How long have you been making plushies and working on comics/serial blogs like this?
[Oh wow, that means a lot, haha, thank-you, anon! =D I'm glad you enjoy what I do, that really is a confidence booster, thanks!! =)
That's a good question, haha! I know for a fact I've been making plushies since either 1997 or 1998... because I remember being taught how to sew in my class that year (and I still have that plush, haha, it's very funny looking XD). I just carried on making plush beyond then (because I was told by an adult that I would never be able to make 3D plush of all things and I wanted to prove them wrong)... so I've been basically doing that on and off since then! And now I can make myself plush of my favourite characters that I wouldn't be able to have plush of otherwise (and my own OCs!), so I'd say that's a win. XD
For comics... that's a bit harder... probably about the same amount of time, haha! I have some um... XD Yeah, kid comics that date about around then, though they very much feel like they're made by a kid (which they were)... I started actually being able to... make better and more coherent comics around 2000 (was still a kid though) and I used to make loads and show basically nobody. =T Everybody has to start somewhere though!
For ask blogs, I made my first ask blog on this site in 2013. =) Had I think... 3? eventually around then... I made one in... 2016 it might have been? And then nothing until now, so it's been a while XD]
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mrswagtastic · 3 months
Introduce me to your teddy bear: show me its picture, tell me its name and how you got it. You can also add any additional info you want. If you don't have a teddy bear it can be any plushie you own or even a figurine. /@i-send-you-random-asks
OOO OOO YESSS THIS QUESTION IS SO AMAZING TY!!! Okay so I have like a lot of plushies and figurines so it was kinda hard to choose BUT I feel like this fellow has the most interesting backstory ig (I will gladly talk about and show any if the others if anyone asks though!!!)
Tumblr media
Anyways this lil guy is Axel!! Basically one day I went to a fair with my family and it just wasn't a fun time (I despise fakrs theyre like my own personal sensory hell) and after a few meltdowns I came across this hook a duck game. I won and got this lil guy as a prize!! He honestly made me feel way better and I got super attached to him really fast because he was the most grounding and comforting thing I'd had all day lmao. I then got the idea to make an octopus plush army and now own I think 12 or 13 of them..? I've not done a count in a while but they're all very silly and bring me lots of joy!!! Axel is the leader of course because he's swag like that and his favourite food is blueberry pie and he also LOVES the Parappa the Rapper games like bro is hyperfixated. Also constantly attempts to skateboard despite his many failed attempts!! Thanks sm for this ask I genuinly loved it and I hope my answer was sufficient :3
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