#one of my other favorite tumblr glitch is when i type enough tags that i just can’t see what i wrote previously
saltinesinsoup · 8 months
cleaned my room feeling incredible
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gailynovelry · 5 years
Ten Questions Tag
I’m a little late in answering this, but here I am! Tagged by @daftydrafty, <3
1. What writer that inspires you the most?
There’s a looot of authors I could list here, but for the moment, I’ll say that I like Neil Gaiman. Coraline gave me my first taste of true horror when I was a kid and I never quite got over it.
2. Top three tropes?
Found family, hammy villains, and complicated and/or delicate political situations. Bonus favorite: gay ladies being gay for other ladies.
3. Which of your OCs would you like to appear in a different WIP?
Mepari is actually already spread out across different non-Shadow Herald WIPs and roleplay shenanigans of mine because he’s such a personality. He’s different in every universe I write him, and yet, he stays the same weird little brat at heart every time. His current roleplay incarnation is a stupid, flamboyant bard with storm powers. He’s also one of the inspirations for V.I.R.T.I.G.O, the AI in Mind Hive.
4. Do you prefer typing or handwriting?
Typing. I taught myself how to hold pencils in a very strange way when I was in kindergarten, and handwriting for long periods of time becomes painful for me. I keep trying to re-learn the standard way of pencil-holding, but I always seem to forget about it midway through a sentence, and slip back into my (un)comfortable old habit.
5. Do you believe literature must have a moral/political/social function or it’s art for art’s sake?
Absolutely not. If you just want to write about a hero saving the word, or two gay ladies making out, that’s great. The world can stand to have a few stories that exist just to be stories. Of course, I say this as someone who can’t keep social commentary out of her stories for the life of her…
6. Best time to write?
Whenever you have a bit of peace and quiet.
7. If your story ever became a movie who would you like to play the protagonist, their sidekick and the antagonist?
I… don’t really keep track of actors, so I have no idea. I think I would want Shadow Herald to be animated, so the best I can say is that they should be played by voice actors. Except for Mepari. He’s purely an on-screen presence.
8. Are any of your OCs based on people you know in real life?
No. My character’s flaws and shortcomings are very out in the open, and I think it would not be flattering if I based any of them off of a real person.
9. One trope you really can’t stand?
I’m going stir-crazy over “slow burn” romance as a concept and I’ve stopped describing Shadow Herald as one. “Slow burn” feels like an excuse to push off a relationship with little teases and hints, and never actually get around to writing it. This is a bit of an unpopular opinion, I know. But I think a relationship that never starts because the author can’t put their foot down and go “yes, it’s developed enough, let’s begin” is just as bad as the insta-romance cliche.
(Exception: Enemies to Lovers. It is often very necessary to slowburn a de-escalation that delicate.)
10. Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what are some of your favorite songs/playlists/etc?
I listen to lots of music! For me to write effectively while listening, it either has to be without vocals, or a song I’ve listened to so many times that the vocals are just background noise to me.
I’m inordinately fond of weird bands and artists like Alice Glass, Blackbriar, Blackmore’s Night, The Changelings, Glitch Mob, Indica, Infected Mushroom, Kate Havnevik, Mr. Kitty, Nightwish, Purity Ring, and Xandria. So… filk, rock, trance, and electronic. If it “sounds like drugs”, I probably have it tucked away into my playlist. Heh.
I’m a bit shy about tagging people and I’m a little new to Tumblr and Writeblr as a community in general, so I’ll say that anyone who sees this is free to consider themselves tagged and answer my own questions in turn!
1. Do you write more by instinct, or are you guided by craft research?
2. What is your favorite part of the writing process?
3. Which tropes do you use most often? Why?
4. Which tropes do you never use, or avoid at all costs?
5. Do you ever use non-written works as inspiration for your writing — visual art, animations, movies, etc?
6. Are there any particular places that you like writing at?
7. Which one of your characters would you least like to meet in person?
8. Which one of your characters are you most proud of creating?
9. Is there any aspect of your writing that would make someone familiar with your work go “yep, that was made by them”?
10. What is your favorite word?
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belzinone · 6 years
[old] guidelines
// these are my original rules. though they are still generally relevant, my newer, shorter, more concise rules post is here
A love letter from me to you! Please take it to heart.
The Lowdown: mod is an artist & supportive af|selective|primarily plot-motivated|operates on mutual respect|your friendly rpc fairy godbitch; gimme your wishlists|zero tolerance for OC negativity & bigotry|triggers present|18+ content present|consistent but occasionally capricious activity|OOC communication appreciated|lots of love abound ♡
Mod Sal (they/them/theirs; 24; PST)
     I study medicine and social justice with emphasis on emergency medicine and sex work, respectively. In addition to being a writer I’m also an activist, artist, and scholar. I’ve been writing Bel since 2015. She’s a very intricate and highly dynamic character who has gone through many changes over the years via her interactions. I look forward to developing her even more with your muse(s)!
     Before I talk about the kind of conduct I’d like on my blog, this is the type of roleplayer and friend I aspire to be. I’ll strive to be as attentive and supportive as I can about your muse, ideas, as well as ooc presence. If we’re mutuals, you can expect plenty of inboxes, tag games, headcanons, relationship tags, to be tagged in & sent posts relating to our muses, general interaction, and emotional support proportional to the depth of our interactions when I’m online. I’m an unapologetic 1-person hype squad at heart and will do my best to spread the love and return the love I get.
     If I’m not around here, you can find me on my snk blog and/or discord by request. I muse Eren and Levi as secondary muses, but they won’t be nearly as active as Bel and are only available to established mutuals. I also have untagged resource & nsfw musing side blogs.
  When it comes to interactions, nothing motivates me more than an eagerness to develop our muses’ relationship. Depending on what works best for you, we can work on this via inbox submissions, plotting, or simply interacting. I have a tendency to write para/novella-length replies, but will strive to match you in length and style. Please include something I can actively respond to in your reply, because neutral replies can be very difficult to build upon, and please do not godmod her based on assumptions and/or stereotypes about her character/profession.
  With regards to ask responses, please feel free to turn them into threads by tagging me in a new post and cutting your replies. I’ll turn asks into threads if they inspire me, but you’re under no obligation to continue them if you’re not as motivated. When cutting, please don’t cut me out. Also, please don’t reblog asks with your reply or reblog replies with my tag if I don’t reply quickly enough. I track of all my threads to the best of my ability, so please check there first if you want to know the status of our thread. If I’ve missed a thread of ours, please help me out by sending it to me in a message so I can add it to the tracker. If you lose muse for a thread, please don’t feel pressured to continue it. We can always take a break or start something new. I don’t cap my threads and am always open to new interactions.
    Though I run a selective blog, I am not very selective in nature. I do have a preference for original and SnK/AoT characters, especially those that inspire me and challenge me. I’ll primarily look for interactions by checking blog rules for oc-friendliness, reblogging promos, asking to be mutuals in the tags, then follow back after that initial follow is granted. If you don’t want me to follow you, please block me completely because otherwise I’ll think it’s a mistake/glitch and follow you again. On the topic of glitches, they do happen so I apologize ahead of time if that happens above or below my radar.
    I don’t tolerate oc-negativity or ooc bigotry and will handle my blog accordingly. If you align yourself in any way with TERF, SWERF, homophobic, ace-exclusionary, racist, and/or xenophobic rhetoric, please do not interact. It’s important for me to surround myself with enriching content and community. I have boundaries and will be setting them for my own comfort as well as respect yours because mutual respect between muns is key to a healthy rpc.
    Please don’t do it. This goes for starters, ask memes, wishlist posts, and wanted connections. I understand we might not be the muse/mod duo you have in mind and that we don’t fit every situation, but please don’t fill my notifications with this sentiment, especially if we don’t have any established interactions yet. If our blogs have that much in common, there’s so much we could be musing about. If this happens excessively without us having any interactions, I’ll unfollow and/or block because I am a roleplay blog, not a resource hub. If you’re interested in my musing/resource posts, please show interest in muse interactions as well. The latter is why I’m here and there’s nothing more disheartening and discouraging to my creativity than being used and/or ignored when I present things.
Original Character Disclaimer
    It pains me that something like this needs to be said, but Bel wasn’t created to force ship with your muse and/or overpower our threads. I will absolutely under no circumstances tolerate any form of OC negativity. I don’t care if you think they’re “cringey”, “underdeveloped”, “overpowered”, or any other iteration of not meeting your personal criteria of a good character. Opinions are valid but unsolicited bullying is not. It is important to realize that canon characters are still original characters bar their capitalistic franchise. The mods of original characters are a goldmine of free and original content and deserve to be judged by conduct, not content.
    If you’d like to support OCs, I invite you to scroll through and reblog a thing or two from my OC positivity tag, as well as follow and engage in meaningful interactions with the OCs in your orbit. Your encouragement could be what makes a content creator’s breakthrough, so please be kind and supportive. Saying you’re OC-friendly while providing an extensive grocery list of double standards OCs must abide by to be considered acceptable isn’t OC-friendliness. Likewise, musing an OC doesn’t automatically make you incapable of being exclusive (unintentional or not) so please be cognizant as well  and lets support each other.
    That being said, I’m just like every other mun. I enjoy shipping and the occasional smut scene given the chemistry is right and both muns are equally invested in the relationship as well as comfortable with it. The more we develop our muses, the more complicated their relationship will be and the more likely I’ll personally gift you with fanart. Above all, your comfort is paramount to our interactions so please communicate with me. Likewise, please respect my comforts when I speak of them. I am much more likely to be enthusiastic about shipping than Bel is, however, so please be patient with us and respect her boundaries as well.
    This is the tag I will use to mark sexually explicit content. Bel is somewhere on the ace spectrum, but is nonetheless a sensual character and has a couple verses that engage in sex work. Bel’s struggles with her identities are a very big part of her personal characterization, so please be patient with her. [Marilyn Monroe’s hinted asexuality] Likewise, if she’s not into your muse, please don’t push such interactions unless we discuss them as a plot element.
Trigger Warnings
    The SnK universe is rampant with violence, gore, psychological trauma, profanity, and grey morality. Furthermore, I enjoy writing dark themes and will provide the disclaimer now that this may be a rather trigger-heavy blog. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be subject to all these themes. If you’d like me to tag things in a certain way, please don’t hesitate to let me know because your comfort is important to me. I’ll gladly create a new tag for you to blacklist/filter and add it to my tag list. Furthermore, this blog will have the occasional explicit content so please don’t interact if you’re under 21.
   I’m finishing up my bachelor’s so classes and coursework will keep me from here sometimes. Furthermore, I struggle with mental illness and domestic abuse in my home environment, so bouts of these may also pull me from activity. I’ll be doing my damndest to keep my issues off the dash but if things are especially severe and I feel the need to post about it and/or reach out, I’ll use a semicolon tag (#;).  Nonetheless, musing, roleplaying, and plotting helps keep my spirits up so please keep me updated with your muse and share your discord with me, if you’d like. I’d love it so much if we could continue developing our muses as I slip off of and find my way back to tumblr, and I’d appreciate you very much as a writing partner and friend. ♡
    I’m not very savvy with code, but I do try my best to keep my blogging accessible as I tinker and learn. If you struggle with accessing any part of my blog, let it be font size, style, or anything else, please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate because I don’t want to perpetuate elitism or ableism in the rpc. As far as reply formatting goes, I’ll usually stick to once small text (particularly in novella length replies via ctrl shift -) and spare use of italics, bolding, and strikethrough text. I may use unicode and/or zalgo for art captions, personal musing posts, crack threads, and other posts that call for it. Every once in awhile, I will blog from mobile and as a result post text in default size, but I’ll still cut my posts and at worst, separate our replies with a symbol or icon if I can’t blockquote text through html.
     One of my favorite things about roleplaying is sharing content and playing tag games. If you come across anything that reminds you of Bel and/or our interactions/plotting, please show me! Even more so, if you’re a content creator, you have complete and total freedom to use her and her inspirations in your work. I only ask to see it! Likewise, if I ever create any art for you, please acknowledge it at the very least. If you send in an art request and I deliver, please reblog it. Failure to do this kills my creativity as well as generosity so... please.
   Exclusive to this blog are my own art and edits as well as those gifted by friends. Please don’t ransack our labors of love and re-purpose them as your own. Bel’s Iva & Marie icons were collected by yours truly with a beautiful frame made by Shane. Other people who have contributed their talents throughout the years include madcapraccoon, L, desertbl00m, Eris, Justice, sangre-rebelde, emptyolivejar, desimouse, and the many rp blogs that have interacted with her. I’d also like to give a special shout-out to sjokohama for the boundless enthusiasm given to her development as well as the readers who have enjoyed and left amazing comments on her original fanfiction. She wouldn’t be out here if it weren’t for Y’all ~ ♡
If you feel like something should be added to or clarified in these guidelines, please let me know. I realize I have a lot to say as a consequence of being here for so long, but I still want to keep my conduct as transparent and accessible as possible. 
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to like this post and interact ~ ♡
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door
im finally fuckin posting this dad au fic im losing it, i meant to post this earlier but tumblr kept glitching so!!! here it is!!
anyways as i’ve said a few times already, this fic will be updating on a weekly basis, which means that there’s gonna be one new chapter every friday until all of them have been uploaded. i hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it!!
link to ao3
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammich  @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville, Wade Barrett, Original Child Character(s), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Rating will go up, wink wonk, Parenthood, Single Parents, Post-Divorce, Alternate Universe - Parents, god for a sec i didn't think there was a parent au tag on here and i was gonna be so confused, First Meetings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
"yo" "do me a favor when you get home" "i can see there’s someone new moving in next door" "introduce all of us to him plz n thx"
Single parent Neville was convinced that he would never find love again following his divorce. Little did he realize just how much these four texts from Wade would change his life.
The more that time passed, the more it seemed like Neville was never going to be able to escape this stupid little office.
He was never going to get away from his desk. From his computer. From his phone that never seemed to want to stop ringing for thirty goddamn seconds. From the sounds of his co-workers typing away on their own keyboards. From his boss who almost always seemed to have some new, pointless assignment for him to complete whenever he passed by his cubicle. Such were the woes of working for such a big company…
He told himself that this job was only temporary. Every day he would remind himself that he was only going to be there until he was back on his feet following his divorce. As difficult as this was, it wasn’t going to last forever.
But then a time where he was financially secure enough to start looking for a different job arose, and Neville didn’t jump on the opportunity to leave. He had wanted to stick around for awhile longer to make sure he had completed everything, so that the poor bastard who took this secretary -- no, administrative assistant -- position after him wouldn’t be swamped with missed deadlines and unfinished projects. He didn’t mind staying for a few more days.
Those days turned to weeks. Those weeks turned to months. Those months turned to years.
It had been almost three fucking years since he had the chance to quit, and yet there Neville was, still typing out emails and arranging appointments for higher-ups who couldn’t give any less of a shit about him if they tried.
Sometimes he would stop while in the middle of working, staring intently at his mouse cursor, debating just walking out and leaving this hell behind and never looking back. No one appreciated him. It would make more sense to go elsewhere, wouldn’t it? Where he wouldn’t have to work unnecessarily long hours just to earn a decent pay? Where a boss would actually seem grateful for the work that he puts in?
It was as he would have these thoughts, however, that he would catch sight of the pictures resting next to his computer monitor -- those of two little girls, smiling at the camera and looking so full of life.
His little girls.
The older one was Jennifer, though she was only ever called that when she was in serious trouble (which wasn’t often, now that Neville thought about it) -- otherwise, she was simply known as Jen. She was definitely more like her mother, from having the same light brown hair to the same headstrong personality. Though she was only nine, she was incredibly independent -- almost too independent, however, as she was often too stubborn to ask for help when she was in tough situations.
Then there was Daisy -- ‘Daddy’s favorite,’ as she claimed whenever Neville would do something nice for her (even if he had also done the same thing for Jen). She was six, and even at such a young age she was already showing signs of being just like her father. That is to say, she was becoming a bit of a smartass. True to the little sibling stereotype, she essentially lived to spite Jen, always making sure to say whatever it was she least wanted to hear just so that she could appreciate her over-the-top reactions.
These two lovely children were depending on him. Neville couldn’t quit and risk losing out on money when he knows that they’re counting on him to take care of them.
With that thought in mind, he continued typing.
 If he was lucky, then Neville’s drive from the office back to his home was relatively short, the traffic scarce despite it technically being rush hour.
Unfortunately, that day was not his lucky day.
Despite never actually having met the driver of the minivan that he was stuck behind, Neville felt like he was deeply familiar with their personal life, considering the amount of bullshit on the back of it. There was a stick figure family decal on the back window -- a father, a mother, two little boys, and one little girl. Down on the bumper there were multiple stickers proudly announcing to the world that there were two honors students in the family. What about the third kid? Neville found himself thinking, fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Are they not good enough for a sticker?
His phone vibrated in the cup holder next to him, and he glanced down at it for a moment before focusing back on the road, pulling up a little once the traffic started to move. He heard the phone vibrate a second time. A third time. By the time the fourth vibration occurred, Neville looked back down at the device and took it in his hands, wondering just what in the hell was so urgent that it required sending that many messages.
Then again, considering that the only person who ever texted him nowadays was Wade, there was no way it was actually anything of substance.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: yo
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: do me a favor when you get home
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: i can see there’s someone new moving in next door
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: introduce all of us to him plz n thx
Typical. Wade was once again trying to get Neville to do something for him. It seemed like all that Wade had done since moving into the downstairs apartment in Neville’s house was try to butter him up for something. That man truly has not changed since college…
Though Neville ribbed Wade for his tactics, even going as far as to jokingly refer to him as a freeloader in his phone, the truth was that he didn't have any negative feelings towards him at all. In fact, he was actually incredibly grateful for him. Wade had been employed when he moved into Neville’s home after his divorce, but he’d been laid off not too long after, and he’d had no success finding a job ever since. It seemed like every time things were looking up for him and he might have found something other than the occasional odd job, the position was always given to someone else, and as such he was never able to pay his share of that month’s rent.
He was always willing to babysit whenever Neville needed him to, however -- which was fairly often, seeing as his job sometimes required that he stay late at the office. Had it not been for him, Neville would have had to worry about paying a sitter on top of all of the bills and everything else. Difficult as things may be, he was glad to have a close friend like Wade.
Someone actually bought that house, though? Neville thought. It’s been on the market for ages. He could only vaguely remember the small family that used to live there before they abruptly moved because of the father’s job. Though the last thing that Neville wanted to do was give Wade what he wanted, he had to admit that he was just as curious as he was about this new neighbor…
 Me: And why should I do that? Can’t you go over there yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: your texting while you’re supposed to be driving??
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: dangerous
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: tsk tsk
Me: *you’re
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: SHUT UP
Me: Also I’m in traffic, asshole. Now tell me why you can’t do it yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because i just woke up from a nap and have a killer headache and am in no mood to actually socialize
Me: What makes you think I’M in the mood to socialize? I just had a long day at work.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because you’re the cuter one between the two of us and it would be better if he saw your pretty face instead of mine
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: you could win over anyone with those eyes of yours
 It was at that moment that Neville placed his phone back down in the cup holder -- partially because the traffic was beginning to move and he needed to start driving again, though mainly because he’d read enough. Wade always tried to compliment him whenever he was too lazy to do something for himself, and Neville was ashamed to admit that this strategy worked more often than not.
This time was going to be different, however. After a long day of typing away at his desk and going straight into bumper-to-bumper traffic, it was going to take a lot more than some sweet talking to get him to introduce himself to a total stranger.
Neville finally pulled into his driveway about fifteen minutes later, turning the car off and leaning back against the seat with a sigh. Somewhere along the way it had started raining, the droplets of rain tapping rhythmically against the windshield. He loved the rain -- that is, when he didn’t actually have to go walking through it. It was a short walk from the car to the front door. Even so, he was not looking forward to getting wet…
As he gathered his bearings, he took a quick look out of the passenger side window, and he noticed that there was a light on inside of the house next door, and there was an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. So Wade was telling the truth when he said that there was a new neighbor. Wonder what their story is.
The neighborhood that Neville lived in wasn’t bad by any means, but he didn’t think that it was an area that anybody would want to willingly move into. Most of the residents tended to keep to themselves, the extent of their interactions with one another being a quick ‘hello’ and nothing more. Wouldn’t someone looking for a place to start their new life look for someplace more interesting? Whoever this new person was must have had no other options.
...Then again, it wasn’t like Neville really cared about what this new person thought. He had more important things to worry about then whatever was going on in their mind.
Neville resigned himself to his damp fate and exited the car, making sure to lock it before trekking through the rain and up the front stops until he reached the door. Despite it being closed, he could hear what sounded like a commotion inside -- just what he needed after the day he’d had. What are they fighting over now ? He clicked his tongue and opened the door, bracing himself for whatever the latest controversy was.
“Jen, you said yourself that you didn’t care if she ate your leftovers or not.” The first voice that Neville heard was that of Wade, who was clearly trying to mediate an argument between the two girls, standing in front of Jen while Daisy hid behind his back.
“I said I didn’t want them! I never said she could have them!” Jen had her arms crossed.
“I never ate them, though!” Daisy peeked out from behind Wade, clutching his shirt, dark brown curls falling over her face. “I swear! Why would I want something that you touched?”
“Uh… Hello?” Neville decided to speak up, prompting the three of them to look over in his direction.
“Daddy!!” Daisy let go of Wade and went charging towards him, now opting to hide behind him instead (and prompting a “What, am I not a good enough shield for you?” from Wade). “Jen’s bullying me again!”
“I am not!” Jen insisted. “She’s the one that did something wrong! She ate my food!”
Of all the ridiculous arguments that these two could have had, they had to have one over chicken tenders? Were fights over toys going out of style? “Okay, listen,” Neville started. “Jen, you did say that you didn’t mind if someone else ate them. And Daisy, you shouldn’t insinuate that anything your sister touches is dirty.”
Daisy blinked at him. Neville couldn’t imagine why she looked so confused, seeing as he made a perfectly good point.
“Nev,” Wade said. “She’s six. I don’t think she knows what ‘insinuate’ means.”
“Right… Okay, how about this -- don’t say that anything she touches is dirty. There, is that better?”
Daisy nodded this time. Neville knew her too well, though. It may appear as if she understood, but in reality she was plotting her next move. Chances are she had plenty more insults ready to unleash the moment that Neville’s back was turned.
Jen made a disgusted sound and stormed into the hallway, bounding up the stairs towards her room. Now that her enemy had disappeared, Daisy deemed it safe enough to emerge from hiding, heading towards the kitchen. Neville pushed his glasses up his nose as he watched her go. “How did that argument even start, anyway?” He asked.
“Hell if I know.” Wade shrugged. “I was minding my own business when Daisy came running in here claiming that Jen was going to kill her. Again.”
“Did she even eat the leftovers?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Then who…” He squinted at Wade. “ You ate them, didn’t you?”
“Of course you did.” Neville sat down on the couch, rubbing at his temples.
“What, did you expect me to speak up? Angry Jen isn’t fun to deal with. The last thing I wanted was to be on the receiving end of her wrath. She clearly got that gene from you.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Wade took a seat next to him. “Enough about that, though. What happened with the new guy next door?”
“I didn’t talk to him.”
“What?” He looked disappointed. “Not even after I asked you so nicely?”
“Trying to get me to do something for you by buttering me up isn’t always going to work, Wade. I told you that I had a long day today and I wasn’t up for introductions. I’ll get around to it when I’m not exhausted.”
Wade huffed, propping his feet up on the coffee table (and having them shoved off by Neville a few seconds later). “All I’m trying to do is help you get back out there…”
Neville looked at him, eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, did I say that out loud? Oops.” Wade was acting as if that were an accident, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he’d clearly meant for Neville to hear him.
“What do you mean that you’re trying to help me ‘get back out there’?”
“Well, y’know…” Wade began to play with his nails, avoiding Neville’s gaze. “I thought you and the cute new guy next door might want to chat for awhile, maybe hang out sometime, that’s all.”
“You-- Wait, you actually want me to date this guy? This guy who I’ve never even met? Are you kidding me?” Neville had learned so much about Wade in the years that they’d known each other, but never once had he shown any interest in trying to play matchmaker. “Why do you want this so badly?”
“I just thought it would be nice! I know you’ve been lonely lately--”
“And just how would you know that?”
“Nev, I’ve been your friend since college. I’ve been living with you ever since you and Marina split. The last few years have been rough for you romance-wise, and it’s obvious that it’s taken a toll on you.”
Neville swallowed at the mention of his wife’s name. “How do you know ?” He repeated, growing a little impatient.
“I feel like I hardly ever see you smile anymore,” Wade continued. “It’s not that you never smile, it’s just… genuinely happy smiles are pretty rare for you these days. I thought that maybe finding you a nice guy to hang out with would help lift your spirits a bit -- and who knows, something great could come out of this. You should give him a chance.”
Neville knew that he was probably being rude, but he still rolled his eyes, shaking his head and once again pushing his glasses up his nose. He knew that Wade didn’t mean any harm. He was one of the few truly good people that Neville knew, and he would never do anything to hurt him.
This, on the other hand, while it didn’t hurt him by any means, was on a whole different level. “Wade, listen… I understand that you’re just trying to help,” Neville started. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me. But I know I’ve told you before that I’m not interested in finding a partner at the moment. I have a family to support, and I don’t have time to be fooling around with romance right now.”
“Okay…” Wade’s shoulders drooped. “Sorry if it seemed like I was forcing you into something that you didn’t want.”
“No need to apologize.” Neville stood up from the couch, stretching. “I gotta go get changed. These clothes are so damn uncomfortable.”
“It’s times like these where I’m almost glad I don’t work,” Wade commented, watching Neville as he made to leave the room. “Otherwise I’d have to wear stuff like that .”
“I envy you, I won’t lie.”
Neville arrived at the top of the steps and started to make his way down the hallway. He briefly stopped in front of the door to the girls’ room, knowing that Jen was most likely still stewing inside. He knew that she would get over it eventually, but it still bothered him knowing that she was angry with the wrong person. Maybe once she calms down we can tell her… Though Wade will probably be scared shitless while we do it.
He continued down the hall and made it to his own room, taking off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed. He was about to start undoing the buttons on his shirt when he noticed that the window was open, and he let out a little annoyed noise. Great, now the floor is wet…
It was when he went over to close it that he once again caught sight of the house next door -- in particular, his eye was drawn to the window. He could see that there was someone moving around inside, but he was only able to see his back. There he is, the man of my dreams… or so I’ve been told.
Neville wasn’t in the mood to be accused of being a creeper, so he quickly shut the window and closed the blinds, resuming his undressing. Whoever the hell this new guy was, he wasn’t interested in watching what he assumed were his dinner preparations (nor was he willing to strip right where he could see it).
For all the complaints that Neville had about his job, there was one thing about it that he did like -- the fact that he was able to work from home on Fridays.
He was set up at the kitchen table, lazily scrolling through the emails that were gradually piling up in his inbox. Most of them didn’t even concern him -- in the beginning they were about figuring out what time would work best for everyone for the next meeting, now most of them were people debating which day of the week would be better between Monday and Tuesday. I’m stuck in that office anyway regardless of the day, so what does it even matter? Neville thought to himself, taking a sip from his coffee mug as he went to work deleting some of the messages.
“What a sight to behold.” Neville looked up from the screen and found that Wade had entered the room. “You’re still sitting here working and drinking from that ‘World’s Okayest Dad’ mug. Don’t you think you should give yourself a break?”
“I already took my break earlier,” Neville replied just as he heard another chime ring out from his laptop -- the meeting would officially be on Monday, despite numerous complaints. Incoming shitstorm.
“Take another one. What’s stopping you? It’s not like anyone can tell that you’re not working.”
“They’ll tell when I’m not responding to any of their emails.”
“So if you don’t respond immediately after they send it to you then they’ll know that you’re slacking off? Sounds rough. Glad I’m not working there.”
“You’re not working, period .”
“Exactly, and who would want to with those regulations?” Wade went to the fridge and dug around inside until he came back with a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. “Hey, where are the girls? I haven’t seen them all afternoon.”
“Outside in the yard.” Neville nodded his head in the direction of the back door. “I’m surprised they’ve been playing for so long without getting into a fight.” Right as Neville finished saying that, he heard a thud and the unmistakable sound of Daisy yelling “Ow!” “Ah, I see I spoke too soon.”
A few moments later, both girls stumbled into the kitchen through the back door. “Daddy, Daisy threw the ball over the fence again,” Jen complained, elbowing her sister in the side.
“Ow-- It wasn’t my fault! She was the one who threw it.”
“You said you were ready for me to throw it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did! Daddy, didn’t you hear her say she was ready? She’s lying again--”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Neville interrupted her before she could say anything more, and he pushed back his chair. “You two head back outside and wait in the yard. I’ll go get the ball for you.”
Jen and Daisy looked at each other before they both walked back outside, the two of them getting into a brief scuffle in the doorway since they couldn’t decide which of the two of them got to go through first (Jen ultimately won by reminding Daisy of who the older sibling was). Neville pinched the bridge of his nose once they were gone, letting out a sigh. “What am I going to do with them…”
“Well, you can start by getting their ball,” Wade said.
Neville made a little frustrated noise and stood up, though it was as he was about to leave that he noticed the cocky smirk on Wade’s face. “What’s up with you?”
“Nev, how did you get the ball the last time they threw it over the fence?” he asked, leaning back against the counter.
“Uh… I went into the yard and got it?”
“You realize you can’t do that anymore, right? Since there’s now someone living there. That’s trespassing.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that you’re going to have to get the new neighbor’s permission to go back there and get it. You two are finally going to meet.”
“Oh God, are you still on this?” Neville huffed. “I told you that I’m not interested in being in a relationship right now. Let it go .”
“I never said you had to date him. Just that you’re gonna be meeting for the first time.”
“Maybe so, but I know you’re thinking it.” He waggled his finger at him. “And let me tell you this: I’m going to go next door, ask for the ball back, and then come right back here. No bullshit, no stopping inside for coffee or whatever, no nothing . You got that?”
“Whatever you say, mate.” Wade still didn’t look entirely convinced, but he didn’t press the issue any further and left the kitchen, leaving Neville all by himself.
What a pain in the ass… Neville shook his head as he watched Wade retreat downstairs. He waited until he was gone before exiting into the hallway and walking towards the front door.
The moment that the early-August heat hit his face, Neville immediately regretting going outside. God, how have those kids been playing out here for all this time? He despised the thought of meeting his new neighbor while drenched in sweat, so he decided to stop wasting time and briskly started the trek over to the house next door.
“It won’t take him much longer, calm down!” Neville could hear the faint sound of Jen reprimanding her sister from his own yard.
“We’ve been waiting foreverrrrr…” Naturally, the next voice he heard was that of Daisy.
Five minutes. It’s been five minutes since they asked. At most.
Neville looked up at the house that was now in front of him, and he marched up to the door with authority, determined not to let Wade’s nonsense get in the way of what he came here to do. He didn’t come here to flirt or do anything of that nature -- he was not going to let the wannabe matchmaker that lived in his basement cloud his judgement.
He rang the doorbell and took a step back, crossing his arms and waiting for some sort of response. He could still hear the sounds of Daisy and Jen bickering from the yard. He debated taking out his phone and asking Wade to keep an eye on them, but it was right as he reached for his pocket that the door opened.
“Hi, I’m—” Neville stopped himself once he got a good look at the man now standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open slightly.
“Um… How can I help you?” The man asked, brown eyes narrowed in confusion, like he couldn’t figure out why this stranger was gaping at him on his doorstep. It was those same eyes that Neville found himself suddenly lost in, momentarily forgetting just why the hell he was there in the first place. That’s a good question -- how can you help me?
Neville cleared his throat, shaking his head and snapping himself out of his trance. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but my kids accidentally threw their ball over your fence. I was wondering if we could get it back.”
“Oh, that’s what that was?” He smiled. “I heard yelling coming from next door and was wondering what had happened.”
“Ah, well, you know how little girls can be sometimes…”
“Trust me, I do. I work with them. I can toss the ball back over for ‘em.”
“Thank you.” Neville returned his smile. “Again, sorry to trouble you. I know you’re still busy unpacking.” Neville could see the moving boxes that were sitting in the hallway. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem at all. Hey, what’s your name, by the way? I’m Mustafa.”
“Mustafa…” Neville repeated. It was a nice name. “I’m Adrian.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Adrian.” There was that infectious smile again. Neville found himself quite liking how his name sounded coming from his mouth -- and he normally hated his first name. “You’re the first person around here that I’ve actually spoken to, you know that?”
“That doesn’t shock me.” He frowned. “The people around here aren’t exactly the nicest. They don’t really do things like greeting new neighbors.”
“That’s a shame… But at least I have one nice neighbor in you . That makes up for it.” Mustafa shot him a wink. “I should probably go get the ball now -- I’ll catch you later, okay?”
“Okay! I’ll, uh… see you around.”
With that, Mustafa shut the door, and Neville let out a breath that he didn’t even realize that he was holding. Finally, it was over . He had done what needed to be done, and now he could go back home and rub it in Wade’s face.
I didn’t linger at all. Neville thought with a sense of triumph as he went down to the sidewalk. Wade was so sure that I was going to fall head over heels for him within thirty seconds of knowing him. Not even close.
…Still, Neville thought it was a bit strange how he had acted when Mustafa first opened the door. Everything about their conversation was normal with the exception of the beginning. Neville had been completely entranced by him, especially those eyes … What was that all about?
Neville’s moment of contemplation didn’t last very long, as he was interrupted by the gleeful sounds of his daughters, whose ball had just been returned to them. He was overthinking things, as usual. He only felt this way because Wade planted the seeds in his mind.
This was nothing to dwell on.
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jejublr · 7 years
A/N: Okay, I’m reposting this bc I think Tumblr glitched and the tags didn’t work? I’m sorry guys >< Thank you so much for the support you’ve shown for boyfriend!the8!!! I hope you’ll enjoy boyfriend!jeonghan as much as you did the others! (But also can we talk about Jeonghan’s new hair? Please talk to me about Jeonghan’s new hair, it’s so beautiful I might start crying). Enjoy!
ok but I imagine him not being the most upfront person when it comes to liking somebody?
like, he’d be pretty shy at first but oh, God, everyone would know
he doesn’t make it obvious but he’d probably talk about you a lot to Coups and Joshua
remember when I said he’d be pretty shy at first?
well, it’s going to change once he gets comfortable enough around you
would laugh the loudest when you trip and fall but of course he’s gonna help you but he’d still tease you about it for a week
“what would would you do without me~”
keeps you on your toes
lots of playful banters
“y/n, who’s cuter; me or the dog?”
“Jeonghan that’s a dog.”
“well no s***. quick. who’s cuter.”
“..the dog.”
he didn’t talk to you for two days lmao
loves to do mini fashion shows in the dressing room with you
you guys are store attendants’ worst nightmare lol
“Jeonghan, it’s okay, they don’t have another piece. let’s just buy this one.”
“no! you can’t buy this one! this was the last piece on the mannequin. the other store must have a new one!!”
bc he’s one-half of the sloth line, what do you expect?
orders take out and watches s***ty soap operas with you
and he’s the passive-aggressive boyfriend, alright
gets high-key jealous if someone tries to chat you up and flirt with you
“they’re with mE.”
*aggressively pulls you closer*
probably would baby you in front of everyone
“y/n, whose baby are you~?”
dino is probably glad that he’s free from Jeonghan’s tyranny
but he’s low-key afraid that you’ll get bored of him one day and leave himbut 
when it happens, you cup him by the cheeks and tell him 1004 reasons why you wouldn’t leave him for someone else
you’ll know when he’s feeling clingy when he suddenly pulls you to his side in an arm hug
“uhm… Jeonghan, what are you doing?”
“hugging you.”
the first time you say 
“I love you” would probably be kinda funny actually?
like, you would just nonchalantly say it one afternoon as you lie down next to each other
“..Jeonghan, I love you.”
“Thanks. I love me, too.”
jk but seriouslyhe never thought about it before but the moment you confess, he’d be like, same?
he has never really put his finger on that one emotion he always feel whenever he looks at you?
and then he realizes it’s love
and he’d hug you so tight because ‘I actually love this person so much wow.’
literally so soft for you
loves to play with you hair
one of his favorite moments spent with you are the ones when you lay your head down on his chest and he would just run his fingers through your hair
you guys are the couple that manages to make couple clothes look fashionable instead of cringey
like, you’d probably just woke up one morning when you got a phone call
“Jeonghan, what the f***.”
also the type of boyfriend who would pick you up from work/school looking all suave and hot
you would complain about it bc now your friends wouldn’t stop asking you about him
although you secretly adore him for taking the time out of his day just to pick you up
the boys walking in to find you sprawled out on the floor with Jeonghan bc same
he may not be like it with the other guys, but he’s guilty of doing a Seungcheol-esque tendency
and that is using your products
“Jeonghan, did you use my conditioner?”
“…I’ll buy you a new one.”
him knowing you well enough to make you do things for him or to get away with his s***
him losing it when you got sick one day
I mean, we all know how he cried for two hours when Wonwoo caught his gastritis
he would drop everything and went straight to see you
gets into momma bear mode
will take care of you and nag you for not taking care of yourself enough
“see? you should’ve taken enough rest and eat healthily.”
“who would take care of you if I’m not around?”
“you should take care of your health!”
“Jeonghan, it’s just a fever.”
“just a fever? just a fever?”
but he’s low-key worried underneath his nagging bc he cares so much about you and he couldn’t imagine if anything happens to you
and I see Jeonghan as someone pretty stubborn?
despite his selfless nature
which would probably lead you guys to your first fight?
it wasn’t even anything big, you probably fight over something small and petty but it got to the point that you both were too stubborn to back down
he holds grudges but one look at your face and he’d give in bc he can’t stand seeing you mad or sad
all in all he’s literally an angel, okay?
his teasing is just his way of showing that he cares about you and pls love our 1004 angel and stop calling him a swindler bc it hurts his feelings and he deserves the whole world
Other Boyfriend!Seventeen
S.Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | The8 | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
Pop Culture Paganism, Semantics, and My Practice
I resisted the name of “Pop Culture Pagan” for a while, not because I wasn’t interested in working with pop culture spirits, but because there was this feeling that being a PCP required worshipping these spirits as divine entities, as gods (or, alternatively, only working with the particular gods of a pop culture system, like Hylia from Hyrule). And that never really sat well with me. Not because I don’t believe they can be gods, if they wish or that’s how your practice shakes out, but because that wasn’t what I was looking for when expanding my spiritual practice. I already have gods meddling enough, thank you very much. And, to be quite honest, I’ve never really been one for ‘traditional’ worship to begin with.
I don’t really know where this idea that pop culture entities were to be treated like gods or “you’re doing it wrong” (ugh) came from, but I let it keep me from really exploring pop culture paganism until recently. I was determined to stick purely to the Norse pantheon—the gods I gushed and cried to and had to swat off when I needed private time. But I liked the idea of pop culture paganism a lot. I kept a TARDIS papercraft on my altar, partially because I saw Loki in the Doctor and partially because, deep down (though I wouldn’t admit it at the time), I wanted to work with the Doctor in my spiritual practice. Looking back, I’m glad I didn’t wind up opening that door at the time. I wasn’t ready. And one cosmic Trickster was enough.
In an attempt to learn more, I would trawl through the Tumblr Pop Culture Paganism tag, hoarding ideas, unconsciously refueling my “I can’t do this” bias, and marveling at the people who could. I tried to pick a fandom I thought I could start with if I ever decided to try, but every time my fear of permanency—of fucking up and being stuck with that poor choice forever—kept me from actually giving it a shot. Add in a healthy sprinkling of self-doubt and self-consciousness about how other people might see me, and the very idea started tying me up in knots. Once that happened, I would ditch it completely for a while and remind myself that I was a Good Heathen™ (let’s just ignore the whole “working with Loki” thing and the fact that “Good Heathen™” is super problematic in other ways for now) and couldn’t possibly work with pop culture gods, because I was devoted to the Norse deities. Eventually, the curiosity and the urge would hit me again.
So, I was caught in this weird on-again, off-again consideration of an idea I found both appealing and off-putting. As a sort of middle ground, I made my Fandom Oracle deck—a stepping stone toward working with pop culture spirits by using their likenesses (and, potentially, energies) in a divination tool. Almost a year after putting it together, it’s my favorite deck of all time. But I was still exceedingly uncomfortable with the idea of further incorporating pop culture entities into my personal practice. There was still that hang up of “worship.” I sucked at worshiping the gods I already worked with, how could I justify potentially reaching out to more of my own accord? And that wasn’t even counting the fact that I almost never initiated a relationship with a spiritual being on my own. Normally, they’re the ones that reached out first. I had no idea where to even begin.
By the time I started watching my roommate play through Final Fantasy XV, I had finally resigned myself to doing pop culture magic and divination, but never really being a person who could be in contact with pop culture entities. There were no PC gods that called to me, and my other internal issues were their own block. I never expected to feel so attached to three (well, four, but Noctis is a special case at the moment) characters in a game I wasn’t even playing yet. Especially since I’d never actually made it through a full game in the franchise before, mostly because I’m just not a huge gamer and got distracted by other things.
But I couldn’t get enough. I looked up fanart. I read the game spoilers. I started my own play through. It became my de-stressing tool at the end of the day and, even on days when I felt like I had no energy for anything, I could manage to play an hour or two and spend time with the Chocobros. The banter and the easy relationship between the boys was a safe, comforting space for me. And that’s not even including the beautiful scenery, the catharsis of beating up imaginary creatures, or the amusement of the game glitches.
The game became my escape, in more ways than one, and I started realizing I felt like I knew Ignis, Prompto, Gladiolus, and Noctis better than I knew some of the people in my life. I felt like I could trust them for some reason, even though I knew they’d been programmed to act a specific way. I connected to them in a way I hadn’t connected to characters in a long time, and I’m still not even sure why. But it happened.
One night, on a pure whim, I jokingly asked my pendulum if I should consider reaching out to Ignis spiritually, since I was so similar to him. To my utter surprise (and anxious horror), it gave me an incredibly firm “Yes.”
I’ll admit: I panicked. I must have done the reading wrong. It was just supposed to be a joke; I couldn’t possibly actually reach out to Ignis! So, being paranoid and a devotee of discernment, I did about a hundred other readings (including asking for some third-party blind confirmations) and everything came back positive, no matter the iteration or subtle word changes I used. Yes, yes, yes, talk to him already!
When the message finally sank in, I reluctantly reached out. And, as things tend to do in my spiritual life, it quickly snowballed. In the span of two days, I had had brief interactions with Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio, because package deals are apparently my thing. The moment I opened up to their energy, to the idea that they were real PC spirits and I’d somehow gotten their attention, I could feel them clearer than I’d felt spiritual entities in ages. I was pretty sure I was losing my mind, but I pushed forward nonetheless.
So, now I’m working with pop culture spirits and there’s no turning back. Does that make me a Pop Culture Pagan? Yes and no. I am a Pagan/Heathen, and I work with pop culture spirits alongside the Norse pantheon. I don’t believe the Chocobros are gods, nor do they seem to want to be (jokes about Prompto being the god of photography aside). I’m not worshiping them in any traditional sense, but I’ve made a list of gifts and activities I think they’d enjoy, same as I’d do with friends on the physical plane, and I’d love to get figures or art of them for my altar. They’ve already helped me through panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, and awful meetings at work. They still make me smile every time I feel them around, or boot up their game (even when I’m crying about the uber-angsty plot), but I don’t pray to them or have the same ‘godly’ feeling I have when Loki or Odin or Frigga pop in.
If I had to create my own label for my current situation, I’d probably use something along the lines of “Pop Culture Spirit Companion.” Which is entertaining in its own right, since “spirit companion” is another descriptor I’d never really thought to apply to myself before. But it fits here. First and foremost, I’m friends with the PC spirits currently in my life. They want to help me, and I want to help them, but mostly we just goof off and sass each other. And that’s perfect for us right now. It’s friendship, companionship, with spirits that originated from a video game (well, I mean, multiverse theory suggests they have their own plane and whatnot, but most people will look at it as “these are video game characters, Nonir”) instead of more “traditional” spirits like ghosts or fae.
“Pop Culture Spirit Companion” isn’t really a term I’ve seen used before, either. From what I’ve seen of other people sharing their experiences (admittedly, this is pretty much confined to Tumblr and the godsawful tag search system), the closest is a discussion of soulbonding with PC entities, but that doesn’t feel quite right when discussing my relationship with Iggy, Gladio, and Prompto. It is, of course, a matter of semantic preference more than anything, since these sorts of terms mean different things to different people, but I like to think there are more people out there who have a sort of spirit companionship-type relationship with PC entities, even if I’m the only one actively working with the cast of FFXV.
For some reason “Pop Culture Pagan” still carries a connotation for me of venerating PC spirits and entities the way one honors other gods (because my paganism is inherently polytheistic, this is where my mindset goes; I know, logically, there are a lot of different pagan paths that don’t include deities at all), and that just simply doesn’t describe my current path. But if I have any hope of connecting with other people who work with PC entities in any form outside specific spellwork, it’s a label I have to uncomfortably shoulder for now.
There’s still resistance, and there may always be. But for now, I am a Heathen and a Pop Culture Pagan/Spirit Companion. And I’m learning to be okay with that, for both their sake and mine.
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ittybittypyro · 8 years
Tagged by @yougotmeyugyeomie​ (thank ur a bless lolol)
LAST TEXT SENT: “Be free, Sora” (friend’s kh game glitched and sora just kept on jumping but never went back to the ground)
LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: Red, Black, grey WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: wake up and stay up was around 11 AM WHAT WERE YOU DOING LAST NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT: sleeping NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: summer when my cousin, @superchemicalhearts​, visits me!!! IM SO HYPE WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER: around 2:30 PM ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: have as much motivation as i have procrastination WHAT’S GETTING ON YOUR NERVES RN: nothing RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in a relationship FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Steven Universe, Tokyo Ghoul, Stranger Things, Voltron
FIRST BEST FRIEND: Mark, we still keep in touch ^U^ LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Fried Noodles by Pink Guy 3 FEARS: hurting people i care about, being alone in the wilderness in the dark, getting on a plane and it crashing 4 TURN ON’S: Height, Hair, humor, eyes 4 TURN OFF’S: being judgmental, being rude to my friends and family,  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pan SENIOR YEAR QUOTE IN MY YEAR BOOK: “Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still you find reasons to keep living. -Princess Mononoke”
okay but one dude in my class had a hilarious sr quote: “Being a single mother is pretty hard when you’re a teenage boy with no kids.” FIRST THING I NOTICE IN A NEW PERSON: their eyes (i love eyes so much) SHOE SIZE: 7 EYE COLOR: dark brown, black almost HAIR COLOR: black, naturally dark, dark brown FAVORITE ITEM OF CLOTHING: erm, i have too many that i love!! all my kh shirts, pokemon shirts, tokyo ghoul shirt, Jungkook jacket, jjong and tokyo ghoul socks WHAT COLOR UNDERWEAR I’M WEARING RN: purple and white ULTIMATE BIAS: Jungkook ULTIMATE BIAS GROUP: BTS FAVORITE SEASON: autumn HOW MUCH TIME I SPENT ON DESIGNING MY BLOG: eh, not a lot tbh THE REASON I JOINED TUMBLR: to do drrr!! rp DO I EVER GET “GOOD MORNING” OR “GOODNIGHT “ TEXTS: nope WHEN DID I LAST HOLD HANDS?: a week ago HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE ME TO GET READY IN THE MORNING?: less than 10 minutes HAVE I SHAVED MY LEGS IN THE PAST THREE DAYS?: just my calved bc i put too much shaving cream in my hand WHERE AM I RIGHT NOW?: in bed  DO I LIKE MUSIC LOUD OR AT A REASONABLE LEVEL?: Depends on my mood 3 THINGS I LOVE: animals (especially my cat and my aunt’s cat), my best friends, music HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW: tired SOMETHING I REALLY, REALLY WANT: fully paid college tuition jfc 3 THINGS THAT UPSET ME: being ignored/avoided, having my plans and goals get shit on by my family, not having enough money to pay for tuition WHAT I FIND ATTRACTIVE IN OTHER PEOPLE: eyes, nerdy personality, and humor 3 HABITS I HAVE: bouncing my leg when i sit or just having to move in general, chewing the inside of my cheeks, uh SOMETHING I FANTASIZE ABOUT: creating a mecha SOMETHING I’M TALENTED AT: i like to think singing THE BLOG I GIVE THE MOST NOTES TO: idk THE LAST PERSON THAT RE-BLOGGED SOMETHING FROM ME: @bangthebun​ DO I SMOKE/DRINK?: Sometimes drink MY FAVORITE FOOD: taco salad MY FAVORITE DESSERT: egg pie WHAT I DID YESTERDAY: sleep, watched a movie with my cousins, played kh NUMBER OF KIDS I WANT: maybe 2 adopted kids, none birthed by me, no thank NUMBER OF SIBLINGS I HAVE: 2 SOMETHING THAT’S CONSTANTLY ON MY MIND: music, sleep, kh LAST PERSON I MESSAGED ON TUMBLR: @wayfindertrio​ CAN I DRIVE: yes but  legally, no WHAT STATE OR PART OF THE WORLD DO I LIVE IN?: America AM I IN SCHOOL? taking the quarter of university off DO I GET GROSSED OUT EASILY? Nope SOMEWHERE I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT FOR A WEEK: Japan, Washington state, Mexico I’LL LOVE YOU IF…: you geek out with me  LAST SHOW I BINGE-WATCHED: Blue Spring Ride WHAT WORDS UPSET ME THE MOST:  WHAT WORDS MAKE ME FEEL THE BEST ABOUT MYSELF: You have a pretty singing voice or I love your art A WISH THAT I’VE WISHED FOR REPEATEDLY ON 11:11: I forget to wish WHO I WOULD SWITCH LIVES WITH FOR A DAY: My cat tbh
LAST AWKWARD SITUATION I FOUND MYSELF IN: AHAHAHAHA i was walking home from class and a guy in a car next to me just stopped little did i know that he was turning and he looked like my friend so i tried waving to him to make him keep moving, there were cars behind him. hE TURNED AROUND AND IT WASNT MY FRIEND SO HE GAVE ME THIS WEIRD LOOK ANd the image is stuck in my mind WHAT TIME IS IT RIGHT NOW: 4:57 PM A SONG THAT’S MADE ME CRY: first tokyo ghoul theme FIRST SONG I EVER SUNG AT KARAOKE: Come Clean - Hillary Duff
if you wanna do it you can, i dont feel like tagging sorry
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the-final-world · 8 years
64 Questions I love these things 1. if you could have one superpower, what would it be that one tumblr post about Bethesda glitches 2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 1?? The dark is ok as long as you don't hear some witchy shit then it's not ok 3. The person you would never want to meet? What 4. What is your favourite word? I dunno??? Apathy comes to mind 5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? I took a test and it said I'd be a willow tree so that 6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? "Why does my hair stand up like that, it looks like it has an election... Hairection" 7. What shirt are you wearing? My trademark tank top which I love 8. What do you label yourself as? ロスト コズ 9. Bright room or dark room? Dark room because the sun reflects on my screen and I can't see shit if it's bright 10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Playing danganronpa 11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? Literally none I've craved death ever since I was little 12. Who told you they loved you last? Oh 13. Your worst enemy? If I cared about keeping an enemy I'd say almost everyone but honestly having an enemy is a waste of time 14. What is your current background picture? Karamatsu 15. Do you like someone? I am incapable of romantic feelings without getting bored in two weeks 16. The last song you listened to? Afraid- the neighbourhood ️ 17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. who would you blow up? Boring 18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? Boring 19. If anyone could be your servant for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? ;) 20. What is your best physical attribute? I haven't taken care of myself for months I have no attributes 21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? You know damn well what I'd do Also grow a beard Beards are great 22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? I'm not talented 23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Cannibals 24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Spinach feta spinach feta Idk what it's called 25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? A hundred dollars doesnt go far and idk I'd probably see if I can find the owner first It could be a little kids birthday money or something dude 26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? I'd give it to someone else tbh I wanna go to Japan and Canada and England but I want the satisfaction of knowing I worked for it 27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the beverage of your choice Iced coffee Or I could get somethin really fancy, sell it for a decent price, and use the money to buy stuff for the families in need around here? I know a few people and they could really use it! Altho I haven't talked to them since late December 28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Don't hurt the fucking animals or you get the exact same treatment cunt 29. What is your favourite swear word? Fuck dude I use fuck and cunt alot? Those I guess 30. Your house is on fire! You have just enough time to run in there and grab one inanimate object. Don't worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing fire? Id panic and while deciding once I get into the house, burn alive bc Im an idiot Actually I have a secret chest with all these really treasured objects people have given me so that 31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? As much as I'd love to Ive learnt from every experience and if I were to erase them I'd be bound to make the same mistake so pass 32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has superpowers. But check out this cool fact… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Do I get to take my cats and family if so England 33. The celestial gates of beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend / family member / person / etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? I'd prolly thank the dude but I'd pass, it just seems really fucked up to bring someone back Just like cloning??? Messed up shit 34. What was your last dream about? Nightmare I'm not willing to share but I did have a dream about pizza before so 35. Are you a good… singer? No 36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Yes 37. Have you ever built a snowman? I've never even seen snow 38. What is the color of your socks? I don't have any 39. What type of music do you like? Angsty music 40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? I love both 41. What is your favorite milkshake? C h o c o l a Te thiccshake 42. What football / soccer team do you support? No 43. Do you have any birthmarks No 44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I'm a dropout dude 45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Already changed it my man 46. Are you reliable? No 47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would you ask? Wyd ho 48. Do you hold grudges? Lil old me??? Yes I can't even help it, it is ingrained 49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? No what the fuck Lobster man 50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? When I was little this girl told me a praying mantis tried to have sex w her and I had a horrible dream about it 51. Are you a good liar? I wish I was 52. How long could you go without talking? I live almost secluded and I have no physical friends Guess 53. What has been your worst haircut / style? Long hair 54. Have you ever baked your own cake? I want to say yes but this is definitely fucking slang for some shit 55. Can you do any accents other than your own? No 56. What do you like on your toast? Nutella? Jam? Idfk? 57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? I posted it not long ago 58. What would be your dream car? One that drives 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? I just think 60. Do you believe in aliens? Who tf doesnt 61. Do you often read your horoscope? No 62. What is your favourite letter of the alphabet? Y 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs I love dinosaurs I've always loved dinosaurs even before I could walk Dinosaurs have always been a thing w me 64. What do you think about babies? I hate them and I hatew people who shove them in my face leave me alone But that isn't an excuse to be mean to a baby or child directly tagging??? Who wants to do this tho
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