#one of those things where you go 'wow this creator is gross' and move on
nyssasorbit · 9 months
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girls-and-honey · 2 years
1, 3, 33, 40 ✨💗
here we gooo
1: what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
1. hmm okay definitely my parents (not always in a positive way but hey they ran my whole life as a child so it's hard not to be shaped by that) 2. creative hobbies, especially writing and music. they allowed me room to feel and explore and express and just have somewhere private that I didn't need to worry about messing up in an irredeemable way while I worked through my thoughts 3. tbh I have to credit tumblr as hilarious as I find this for two opposing reasons: this is where I started to see people's life experiences that weren't the same as mine and understand how varied the human experience is, AND where I found people's life experiences that were similar to mine that I could find community a feeling of belonging with
3: 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
I don't tend to watch movies that much but rewatch shows allll the time. this list is highly subject to change depending on the day but let's go with: 1. what happened to monday 2. 20,000 leagues under the sea 3. coherence
33: any hobbies?
oh so many hobbies, let me count the ways... but for real I need hobbies to survive and I love learning new things. so some of these I've gotten into for a few weeks before moving on and others have been (and will continue to be) life-long adventures. I'm just going to start listing: music!! I've played piano, a variety of mallet and auxiliary percussion, recorder (lol), violin, trumpet, and flute. I still play the piano every day but won't be able to starting next week bc I'm moving, so I decided I want to learn to play the harp next and I'm super excited for it!!! wow that reads more like a paragraph than a list oops, anyway other hobbies include sewing, writing, crochet, painting, I tried vector art for a bit, gardening (harder in an apartment), plant parenting (easier in an apartment), baking, and home canning. those are the ones that come to mind anyway!
40: any bad habits?
probably a lot that I don’t realize (who’s going to tell me) but off the top of my head I’m bad at doing dishes right away. I’m a little better with hand-wash dishes but dishwasher stuff... yeah idk why but it’s just not! that easy! even though it should be! I do make an effort to not let them get gross though, I’ll at least rinse something if it’s messy. I also crack my knuckles and my spine which some people say is a bad habit but I don’t think it’s a big deal. and like all creators of any kind I do sometimes lose interest in projects partway through and delay them or abandon them completely. but I think that’s less of a bad habit and more of the ~creative process~ so... yeah let’s stick with that 😅
questions I think it would be fun to be asked
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Karma (2) - Halloween Series
Pairing: Demon!Tom X Angel!Reader
Wc: 3.2k 
Warnings: swearing, religious themes, talks of death 
Summary: They’re always watching and listening. But are they always checking the mail?
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Y/N’s thumbs fiddled back and forth. Her eyes were transfixed in front of her, the only thing comforting her nervous mind was the white quilt on her couch. It had been a rough forty-eight hours. That last mission hit her hard. She was unable to keep her mind straight and had denied every job offer since she returned back to The Place.
How could she go back to work though? Y/N had wondered if the Angels would act the same if this happened to them. She nearly killed an innocent person. The exact opposite of what her job is. Sure, she has to barter with the Demons for lives, but she had never caused death.
Y/N gulped. Her eyes moving to the mirror above the mantel that showed her depressing situation. Although she was an angel, the stress was still decaying her. Strong emotions affected Angels more than common earth-folk, so her body felt stiff and broken. Y/N needed to move on, but she could only think about one thing: Tom.
The Demon who caused all of this. He couldn’t stick to the plan, he had to irritate her and question it all. Then the comment about her wings and how he touched her back. Y/N swatted at the wing slits, cursing herself for it. Angels are supposed to have beautiful wings, large and blinding. Y/N, however, hated hers. Hid them from the world. No one would see them and that was fine. But when Tom made the comment, it floored her. How dare he ask about him! Angels didn’t show their wings on all jobs. Hers were private, a not so hidden secret.
Knock knock
Shivers went down her spine. Y/N was so lost in her dreadful thoughts that she forgot Carlos was coming over. When she returned from her last mission Carlos could tell something was wrong, but she pushed him away. Afraid that he would report her for her thoughts. Her idea of questioning the order. That was the biggest law that didn’t actually exist. Angels could not question anything, and if they did...well they’re never around long enough after to find out.
“Hi,” Y/N squeaks as she cracks the door open.
“Hey,” Carlos peers through the crack. “Are you okay? You invited me over, remember?”
Yes she did, but she needed to make sure he didn’t bring anyone with him. It would be a Carlos thing to do to bring Sloane or another Angel along to cheer her up. But this was not an emotional rescue mission. It was a call to action to mend Y/N’s unraveling brain.
“Yeah. Come in,”
Carlos slipped through the door, shutting it behind him and watching Y/N as she stands in the middle of the room. Y/N smacked her lips as she looked around her living space, it was the same in every home. White or grey furniture with gold detailing. A fireplace that was barely used was the center point of the room. It was copied and pasted into every living space in The Place. ‘It creates unity’ was the excuse they gave her. That was the first red flag for when Y/N arrived here.
The second red flag was the photos on the mantel. Every home was adorned with pictures of the person’s life back on Earth. It was childhood photos of them or pictures of a dog or a possible family member. It seemed like a sick joke to Y/N though, how she couldn’t remember her life at all but she has these pieces hanging right in front of her. She could literally grasp her life before her death, but she couldn’t relive it.
“How’s the agency?” Y/N speaks calmly as she turns around to look at Carlos.
“Crazy as ever. We could really use one of our top Agents right now,” He winks at her playfully which cracks a smile on her stern lips. “So what’s going on?”
“I got my bathroom reorganized,”
Y/N bores her stare into his eyes, flattening her expression into seriousness. Carlos knows she’s referring to something, but he doesn’t know what.
“Come look at my bathroom,” Y/N demands in a soft voice.
Something flickers in Carlos’s eyes and she knows that he finally understands. Y/N guides him to the bathroom, pointing at her tub and closing the door once they both enter. This was another secret in the Place. It was obvious they listened. Who they were? No one knows. But they were listening and the only place they couldn’t was the bathroom. Y/N had heard that through the Agency, eavesdropping on higher officials. That was the perk of working for this government like system, she knew the dirt like no other.
“So what do you have to say that’s gonna get us in trouble?” Carlos sighs. He leans against the bathroom counter with furrowed brows.
“I almost killed someone,”
“Oh wow, right into it,” Carlos blinks. “What do you mean you almost killed someone?”
Y/N breathes sharply, trying to remember the events that happened two days prior. Fuck it hurt.
“That last mission, something came over me-- Darkness or something -- and I tried to shoot an innocent woman. The Demon saved her. Then he killed the bank robber. I purposely tried to kill her though. I was thinking about how I wanted to see her...die.”
It’s quiet. They can’t meet each other’s eyes because of the sickening words that poisoned Y/N’s tongue. Carlos ruffles his own hair, exhaling deeply.
“You know that they must know right?” Carlos sighs.
“I assume they know but they haven’t done anything. I haven’t been called in or written up. I think they don’t care, but,” She pauses before the words crawl out.
“I want to speak to the Demon boy,”
Carlos stands up fully, taking a hold of her shoulders and pushing her against the wall. There’s intensity behind his eyes as he shakes her around. Y/N is not afraid though. This was the reaction she was expecting.
“Don’t. Say. That.” Carlos warns. “We do not talk to those kinds of people,”
“He saved that woman’s life. He seems good.”
Carlos scoffs, shaking her again.
“We’re talking about a Demon here. They’re made to be evil.” He lets go, throwing his hands up in the air. “You’ve been overworked. It’s all been a hallucination. That’s the only reason why you’re still here and aliv-”
“I’m not crazy Carlos!”
He flies back against the bathroom counter. Y/N is enraged and unable to process the power she’s exerting. Her hands glowed white as she stomped her foot like a child.
“Something is wrong with me and I don’t know what! There’s only one person who knows what happened and I need to talk to him. I’m not insane or evil, I want the answers and I don’t have time to wait for the Creator.”
Carlos freezes in front of her, teeth gritted tight while Y/N tries to catch her angry breath. This was her only friend and support, and she had screamed at him. But how dare he not believe her? It probably wasn’t smart to tell someone who worked so closely with the agency, but who else could she divulge to. Carlos crosses his arms and closes his eyes.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Can you send a letter to the Under?”
Another pause is followed with the break of Carlos’s face into a stupefied smile.
“You’re gonna get me killed,” He sighs. “I’ll send one letter! If I get caught though, I’m ratting you out.”
A twisted laugh left Y/N’s lips. It sounded somewhat strangled through her anger and the sliver of hope coming over her.
“I’m okay with that,” Y/N extends her hand to shake his. “But I really appreciate it. I can only trust you.”
Carlos slowly blinks, closing the handshake with the hardest exhale he could muster. Y/N could tell this was the last thing he wanted to do. The only reason why he was even offering this little chance was because he cared. No one else did or seemed to. Everyone lived in the ignorant bliss that Y/N saw through. She saw the corruption and red flags, and for a second she could tell Carlos did too.
“I hope you didn’t make the wrong decision,” Carlos says flatly.
“I think I should say the same thing to you,”
Tom paced across the break room in a fit of nerves. The only thing giving him an outlet of stress was the fire being created in the palm of his hands. The warm tingling reminded him of something, not sure what. Maybe it was something earthly that he read in books. Tom could never put his finger on these types of feelings, the descriptions were vague but he felt it. It was the most real thing he’d ever felt.
“What’s so important that I needed to rush over here?” A voice exclaimed as they entered the room.
“I’m dying,” Tom responds, the fire immediately going out.
Harrison, one of Tom’s closest friends, stood in the middle of the room with his fists clenched to his sides. His horns were stark black that contrasted with his light blonde hair. He looked nothing like a Demon should be. It was a running joke that the Creator mixed him up with an Angel, now there’s a poor evil Angel running around. This was immediately debunked though, as Harrison had the highest kill rate in the rankings. Which is why Tom needed his help. Only Harrison would know what to do.
“You can’t die. You have to be alive first to die,” Harrison mocks him with a crooked smirk.
“Haz, I feel like I’m dying.” Tom anxiously tangles his fingers together into a begging motion. “I have no idea what I’m doing-”
“Well, you just got a promotion so you must be doing something right,”
This created a gross taste in the back of Tom’s mouth. After that last assignment, he was given a promotion, finally. But it felt so wrong. He finally killed someone and inadvertently created emotional trauma to that bank teller woman. Not a win in Tom’s book, but Kaiser took it as the biggest accomplishment he’d ever seen.
“That was a fluke. I told you I didn’t pull the trigger-”
“I know that. You know that. We all know that, but we’re going to ignore that so we can celebrate that you’re on your way to getting horns.”
Harrison smiles, taking a rough hand and ruffling Tom’s hair. It seems as if he’s feeling for the little mounds though. Tom could feel Harrison slow down over where his horns should be, but there was nothing. Shame fell upon Tom, along with fear and anxiety. What is a Demon without horns? It’s like an Angel without wings.
That was why he was so curious. Tom wanted to see an Angel’s wings so bad, but the last one was insane about them. She was ashamed, like him. Tom remembered feeling the place where the wings should be, the slits were small and almost closed off. It was like she was purposely not using them so they would disappear. This was not the first time he thought about that Angel, Y/N. She was the reason for his invading nightmares and uncontrollable thoughts. It was her, who tried to kill that woman, that was causing all of his problems.
“I, I killed that robber though. I gave him an aneurysm. Do you know why?” Harrison raises an eyebrow to motion him to continue. “I wanted to see him suffer like he made everyone else did. He didn’t deserve the glorious death of being killed by cops. He deserved to die looking into the eyes of someone who survived his wrath. What does that sound like to you?”
Harrison doesn’t shift an emotion. He nods, grabbing Tom’s shoulder and patting it lightly.
“Sounds like you wanted revenge,” Harrison makes complete eye contact with Tom. “Holy revenge like those fucking Angels. What are you trying to tell me, Tom? That you want to be an Angel or something?”
“No! I don’t know why I feel pity or remorse. I want to be like you, but I don’t know. You need to help me,”
Tom squeaked as the door opened. Harrison nearly jumped, turning his back towards Tom to see who was intruding on their conversation. Though his scowl soon turned into a stiff flat expression when he realized it was Kaiser. Tom bit his lip, wondering if his head of the department knew what he had done. Of course, he did, but he hadn’t said anything which was even more suspicious. Kaiser shuffled in, whistling some sort of song with a letter in hand.
“Men,” Kaiser hummed. “Tom, you have a letter here from the big office,”
His stomach churned. Oh no, this was it for him. Tom knew he was going to end up in the pit for sure. Kaiser handed the letter off as if it was nothing. Harrison whipped around nervously as if he knew what the contents were too.
“Do you know what it is?” Tom questioned in the sturdiest voice he had.
“Not sure. The delivery guy said it was from the transfer unit so maybe that.”
Tom was going to throw up. He needed to set his affairs now because he was going to spend the rest of eternity in the void, wishing for death to finish him off. Tom ripped the letter open and fiddled to read the note. It wasn’t what he expected though. It wasn’t typed up on stationary, but handwritten and sloppy. It was a real letter, and it was from that Angel.
Dear Tom,
This the strangest thing I’ve ever done but I need your help. You are the only one who will understand my pain from that day. You are the only one who really knows what happened that day. I’ve been wracking my head for days on why I did what I did, and why you did what you did, but I can’t find my answers. I’m hoping you will be the key to figuring out the truth. You are my last hope, and I know you’re good. I saw that last time. Please write me back at the return address. I’m really counting on you. Thank you.
Tom had forgotten to breathe, taking a giant inhale as he tried to process the whole letter. Y/N wanted his help? An Angel risked it all to talk to him? Of course he had to reply. It was the right thing to do and all. Tom looked up to see Harrison and Kaiser still staring at him. Harrison was watching with complete horror while Kaiser looked to him in curiosity. He couldn’t tell them what it was so lying was the next best option.
“Apparently there was a mix up with paperwork,” Tom stated and stuffed the note back in the envelope. “Kaiser, can I get a copy of my last assignment sheet? The head office must've lost it.”
“Sure, I’ll send that to you with your next assignment,” Kaiser shrugged and headed back towards the door. “You worried me for a second. I don’t need another man going to the darkness and all,”
Both Tom and Harrison laughed awkwardly at Kaiser’s comment before he slipped away. Tom waited until the door clicked close to let out a sigh of relief. All that worrying for nothing, or at least for now. He still had to compose a somewhat legible letter and figure out how to send it back without being caught.
“So what was it really?” Harrison motioned to the letter.
“You know Kaiser knows you’re lying right?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter. If he cared he would have said something,” Tom tucked the letter into his coat pocket for later. “And that conversation we had, just forget it okay.”
Harrison quirked an eyebrow up, folding his arms back up to his chest with a stern look. Tom couldn’t tell him about this. He wouldn’t understand. Harrison always fit in and had a way with this job that Tom could never possibly have. This was Tom’s one shot of finding someone who felt the same as him.
“Tom, I want to help you here but you’re not helping yourself,” Harrison tried to take a step closer to his friend but felt the insane heat that radiated off of him. “You just need to turn those feelings off and you can be like the rest of us,”
Like it’s so simple? To just be free of all those emotions that his friends did not have. Tom didn’t choose to feel sympathy. He wanted to be as ruthless as the others. He craved to feel the gratification from ending a life or causing a tragedy. He didn’t feel it though, and Tom always hated himself for that. He wasn’t programmed right, whatever the Creator did it was a mistake. But he was also told that the Creator doesn’t make mistakes. So what now? Live a life that’s a lie? Or suffer for something he can not control?
“I am like the rest of you,” Tom lied with his stomach-churning. “I will cause more destruction than all of you combined. Mark my word,”
Tom’s eyes glowed red and Harrison suddenly was thrown back towards the wall. That was not what Tom was trying to do, but it got his point across. Harrison gripped the carpet, glaring daggers into his best friend. Although he was impressed by the unused power, Harrison hated to be beaten at his own game.
“Challenge accepted,” Harrison smirked while standing to his feet. “Worst person wins,”
Harrison winked which caused the shoulder of Tom’s jacket to light itself on fire. Tom reacted quickly, patting out the flame while Harrison laughed. It always had to be a game with him. He couldn’t take a joke or a bet without it getting serious. Tom watched his friend leave, still chuckling over his childish powers. His hand reached for his pocket to make sure the letter was still there. The parchment felt cold in his hand but it burned a hole in his mind. He needed to do this now.
Tom could not wait until he got home. He searched through the break room trying to find any piece of paper he could write on, finally finding an old stationery set in one of the compartments by the loungers. He snapped a pen into his hand, scrambling quickly what he needed to say. So many things filtered through his mind, so many questions and comments, but he kept it simple.
Dear Y/N
I can’t stop thinking about that day either, mainly because I knew you were just like me. You have been questioning things too. I saw that as soon as I set my eyes on you. The way you were frightened by the fact I didn’t want to barter over lives. It’s something you were not used to, which is the scary thing about what’s going on around us. I may not have the answers you’re looking for, but I can be your person to talk to about this whole mess. We’re the outsiders it seems. And I’m okay with that. Even if we get caught, at least I know we were on the same side. I look forward to talking, and maybe even meeting with you.
@hopeless-starry-kingdom / @1-800-ahh-crap / @spnqueen02 / @heatherhollowayst
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thebigmystery · 5 years
So before I went to bed last night I was recommended a video on YouTube and nearly shit myself in surprise. A video of ProJared called "YOUVE BEEN LIED TO".
I gave it a watch. Even with the title itself being a fucking red flag on it's own. Now don't get it twisted, I followed Jared up until all the drama went down so I believed him to be an honest and decent person. The reason I dropped his channel and essentially him as a person because wether or not his marriage issues, or the cheating, or even the alleged sending nudes to kids is true, his conduct and how he handled things sent giant red flags to me. I know manipulative behaviors. I've experienced it first hand. When you deal with it yourself you can smell it a mile away.
So after watching the video, and my whole point of this post is, that no matter what the he said she said that went on, what he did was wrong.
Not only that, in his video he openly says that he knows that and is sorry YOU'RE upset by it. Not that he thinks it's wrong himself. Not that the mere fact that blatently being on a website where he KNOWS his fans might be on the younger side, said "SEND ME NUDES" on a constant basis under the guise of "sexual positivity" where in reality that's a lie. If it was that you could make it anonymous. But he knew full well that he was slapping his name all over it, and it was to draw fans in. It's. Disgusting. Theres no realizing later there's a "power imbalance", you can't at all not know what you're doing when you make a fucking blog with your YouTube namesake on it encouraging people to send nudes.
Now onto the second half of that. "But the kids who sent them lied! They said they were 18+! And he asked!"
1. No shit Sherlock. They're fucking horny teens who were encouraged by their idol to send nudes. They could be anonymous because everyone knows tumblr is, and so of course they did that. And where Jared becomes a disgusting person is that it's impossible for him not to know this.
2. Not only that the whole video is him blaming FUCKING CHILDREN FOR SENDING NUDES TO HIM. How the fuck does anyone think that's okay??! To put it into perspective:
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You know you're a celebrity with power but youre going to blame fucking children for your discusting behavior.
And 3. "He asked!" This is the most pitiful excuse. Apparently asking someone on the internet before you get nudes "are you 18+?" Is a go ahead. If your that naive about the internet oh do I have fucking news for you. The mistake was making a porn blog that is available to anyone and repeatedly asking for fucking nudes in he first place. Asking if someone is 18+ is not enough. Ever. And to think so is fucking stupid. He full well knew this was not an entirely safe way of asking for age (even admits it) and still asks from nudes who may or may not be children, and then got his rocks off on it. Period.
Oh and let's not forget that he blames kids for it, but says it might be due to ones head trauma and that they at the time experienced hallucinations and psychosis. While I can't say personally that it can work that way....I don't think it works like that. Not only that, his proof is blaming a child who had mental health problems in general. Pretty fucking sleezy.
Yes they could have lied. Yes there could be discrepancies with the story of his cheating. But his blatent regard for knowing or even fully acknowledging that what he did was wrong and then insults everyone for it is a fucking dick move any way you slice it.
Oh and also saying that the people who accused him of it used "illogical fallacies", saying that they presented negative comments or personal vendetta's before laying facts. WHEN HE STARTED ALL OF THIS. HE HIMSELF WAS THE FIRST TO POST ON TWITTER ABOUT THE DIVORCE AND SAYING NOT TO BELIEVE ANYONES STORIES AND THAT HE WAS INNOCENT AFTER BLOCKING HIS FUCKING WIFE ON TWITTER. Wow. What an actual piece of shit.
Point is. He's not innocent. Won't admit he was wrong and gross. And please. Please. If you're underage don't fall for this shit from awful creators, when they know what they're doing. They're using you, and you need to be safe.
And those apologizing for calling him out, don't. He knows what he did and he's actually suckering YOU this time. Don't fucking fall for it.
Jesus Christ.
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Bird Banfe: The Frederator Interview
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You might be surprised, talking to people in the animation industry, at how rare it is to encounter a still-kicking passion for cartoons. Bird Banfe is, to borrow Drake’s term, a real one. A recent SCAD Grad with mad Storyboarding skills, a deep investment in Scooby Doo and a penchant for pink, Bird's enthusiasm for her craft emanates from her, an enlightened power not unlike those of the magical girls she grew up idolizing. Hearing Costume Quest’s Production Coordinator speak with conviction, knowledge and love for the shows that shaped her, and those she now helps shape, it’s abundantly clear that her passion is an unstoppable force, and when it comes to Bird’s dreams, my sense is that it’s never been a question of ‘whether’—simply one of ‘when’.
How did you break into the animation industry?
I got the chance to intern at Nickelodeon during my last year at SCAD, on Spongebob. Totally by accident!
Cool! How does one “accidentally” become a Nicktern?
The Dean of our school was PO’d because Nick representatives were visiting campus, but it was finals and nobody knew, so people weren’t showing up. My friend who worked in the animation building called me up and was like, “Hey, there are Nick people here doing general interviews. Come do one!”
So you bailed on whatever you were doing and went?
Yeah! I had like 30 minutes to throw on an outfit, a little makeup. I thought it went awful. Which is how you can expect an interview to go, with no preparation and barely any clue what it’s for. I didn’t hear anything for a couple months, so I figured, eh, good learning experience. Then on the last day of school, I got a call at like 9pm from an unknown number, and didn’t pick up. They left a voicemail - and it was my interviewer! She said she had something to tell me. I was like, “What?! It’s been two months! This could still be a thing?!”
And on the last day of school!
The last day of school - period. I was driving home to New Jersey the next day. No job lined up, flipping out. We got in touch, I waited a bit more, then I got a call from the Spongebob team. From a Skype interview with them, I got the job.
What were your responsibilities on Spongebob?
The same as a PA. Handling files for artists, organizing things, picking up tasks to help the production along. On Spongebob specifically, I did a lot of archiving backgrounds. The show has these beautiful, physical painted backgrounds. Handling those was probably the coolest part of the job. It got really weird sometimes. It’d be like, “Here is the interior of Patrick’s mouth and it’s really gross.” And I’d have to search around to label it, because they go into Patrick’s mouth in like 3 different episodes.
Wow, so you became the in-house expert on Patrick Star mouth shots.
It was a lot of fun! I learned a lot about how animation works. In art school, they don't teach you anything about production. I didn't know what to expect, or really what was expected of me! I'm good at organizing, I know Photoshop, and I work really hard. Those things carried me through the internship.
Backing way up - when did you know you wanted to work in animation?
A lot later than most people would say. I wasn’t drawing on the walls when I was two. I was drawing! But about as much as any kid would. I wanted to be a Veterinarian for most of my life. In sophomore year of high school though, I realized I have a lot of story ideas, and original characters - all the stuff that kids who really like anime would have. And I knew I’d go insane if I didn’t have a creative job. That decided it for me. Not, “I really want to do this!” more, “I can’t imagine a world where I’m satisfied with a different career”.
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So as a junior and senior, you geared yourself toward animation?
Yeah - my Uncle was working in visual effects, mainly for superhero movies, so I knew someone ‘who does that’. I knew it was an option, not an intangible dream. I was in art classes throughout high school, because they were fun. But then I started going to an art studio after school to take animation, painting, and life drawing classes - the last of which was a big shock to me.
Oh, wow - you did all the right things!
When you know people who do it, they’ll tell you! “Go take your life drawing classes—there are no other kids in high school drawing naked people, you’ve gotta do it”. I got advice from a lot of people and followed it the best I could. I applied to a bunch of art schools for animation, though none in California. Not even CalArts - wasn’t even a blip on the radar (off my surprise) It was too far for my family! We picked Savannah, and I’m really glad. I had a great time at SCAD.
What did you like best about animation at SCAD?
It was a good fit for my personality. I was very much the go-getter in college - you know, a try-hard. And the school has a ton of great resources if you want to put in the work. SCAD is set up in a way where if you take advantage of everything that’s there, and are willing to work, you'll prosper.
Going into animation, did you have a focus in mind? 
I knew from my animation classes in high school on that I wanted to storyboard. I figured that out quickly, mostly because my teacher steered me toward it. He was like, “You’re good at this. You need to keep doing it.” I was like “Okay, will do.” (laughs) I think every role in animation is interesting, and I’m not too picky. I’m sorta glad somebody made that decision for me!
Are you now looking for avenues into storyboarding from production?
Definitely, but I’ve loved my time in production. I can’t see myself doing it forever, but, remember I said I was a big go-getter in college? I pushed myself really hard. I don’t want to say I burned out, but... I wanted time for myself. To learn how to be an adult, do things like cook for myself. Working in production has given me time to breathe and figure out what I value in the industry. 
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For example - I was accustomed to that air of, “Oh, you want to be on a show with clout, a show that people know”. I realized on Spongebob how little that really means. Tell anybody in the industry you’re on Spongebob and they’ll go, “That’s cool” and maybe mention their friend on the show. It wasn’t ‘celebrity status’, you know? Maybe to my Grandma, but not to people here. I’ve come to see it’s much more important to find a team that really works with you, and Costume Quest was that team for me.
Did being part of a great team help you shelve the art anxieties?
Oh yeah. When I first started in production, part of me was like, “You need to get into art, now. You need to be doing this, this, and THIS you should have done yesterday!” Tons of pressure. But on Costume Quest, I realized, “These are really great people. I like being around them, I like coming to work every day. I don't want to leave.” So I decided I'd do everything I could with this show and this team. And that’s been very fulfilling. Not in a way that I expected—but in a way where I’ve learned about what I need in a workplace.
What’s your Big Goal in animation, if you have one now?
I always feel embarrassed saying this, because I'm just starting out. But I have lofty goals of being a Creator. I just want to make something that’s important to young girls growing up. Thinking about the things that were important to me as a little girl, I want to foster that.
What kinds of Things?
Magical girl shows (laughs). Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura. The very ridiculous, very pink, frilly stories, where the message is usually “Love is the most powerful thing in the universe”. But I think those stories are really important! Empathy is important to teach people, and cartoons do that, today more so than ever. Plus, kindness is actually what kids want: when we tested our show, we got feedback that the kids didn’t like it when our characters were mean. When I was growing up, there weren’t as many US shows that talked about interpersonal dynamics, or hit on the empathy theme: “people are different from you, that’s why they behave differently.” That’s probably why anime was so fundamental to me then. Spongebob wasn’t talking about things that felt important to me at that age, but Naruto was. I’ve always been attracted to stories about people learning what it means to grow up and make the world a better place, and where the characters are fun to watch doing that. Costume Quest definitely is that, to me. I just really like all the characters.
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Who are your favorite of the characters? Which ones do you identify with?
I definitely identify with Wren the most—which is not something I should admit to. Very much the stubborn, rough-and-tumble personality. I look at her and go, “Yup, that’s me as a kid.” My favorite character is Rudy, which is really weird. It’s that crazy YouTube-popstar personality - the one associated with “YouTube celebrity” which I just find hilarious. And I love Reynold. I like the dynamic between him and Wren the best.
Do you have a favorite episode of Costume Quest?
My favorites are always the Reynold ones, because they have so much heart. You really feel for the kid. He goes through a lot, and he cares a lot; there’s just no way you can’t. I’ll say “Scout’s Honor”. Of all the episodes we’ve done, that’s probably the one that puts a smile on my face the most. The board artists and writers packed a lot of funny stuff in there, and I love singing along with it.
What have you liked best about working on Costume Quest?
The people, first of all. And it’s just a good show. I live for those moments where I can watch something then go to my friend later and be like, “Remember that part?” and crack up about it. Costume Quest is a lot of that for me.
Anything you’d like future fans of the show to know?
Keep an eye out for a little clown doll. We got a haunted doll last summer, off eBay. His name is Little Richie and he moves around the office. It's so funny. It was actually Julian (interviewed here!) who decided to start hiding him in some of the backgrounds. So he’s now a fun little Easter egg - or a continuity error,  depending on the sense of humor of whoever you ask. It’s been so fun having him crop up all over the office. In the freezer, behind a plant. Suspended from the ceiling.
What are your favorite cartoons?
I love love love loved Scooby Doo as a kid. I still do. I love those ridiculous straight-to-video WWE crossovers. They are my guilty pleasure in every sense of the word. So bonkers. There’s John Cena standing next to Daphne. It's great. I was Scooby for Halloween for 5 years. I was obsessed, but not for any reason that I can parse today as an adult. I think I just like dogs. I really liked Chowder. That show, especially that style, stood out to me when I was deciding to pursue animation. Same with Flapjack, a similar vein of style and humor. And with both, it’s these lead characters who are just sweet kids, nothing but nice. Courage the Cowardly Dog I loved, even though I was the most easily scared kid in the world. You might think, “Oh, Scooby-Doo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, you must like scary things.” Not at all. I was deeply afraid. I just loved dogs that much. PowerPuff Girls was huge for me. These days, I have to keep up with every episode drop of Steven Universe or risk getting it spoiled. Star Versus and OK KO! are great too, and Ducktales I really enjoy putting on.
What are you working on now? Do you feel pretty motivated to go do your personal work after the work-day? 
My portfolio. And it’s hard. It’s really hard. It took time, but I’ve come to terms with that. You can’t burn yourself out. You have to put body first and figure out the balance you need in life, in order to be happy. I’m also the type that works a lot better in an office setting. So I’m prone to coming into the office at a weird time, if I actually want to get something done. At home, I never get anything done. Unless it’s Sunday. Sunday is my work day. Saturday’s my sleep day.
Bird is now Production Coordinator on Final Space. Follow her on Twitter. Costume Quest will premiere in 2019 on Amazon Prime Video - keep an eye out!
Thank you for the interview Bird! And for helping make Costume Quest the extraordinary show that it is <3
- Cooper ❀
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spiritchronicle · 5 years
Alchemy and Healing (Light code healing)
Alchemy and Healing (Light code healing)
Let’s begin by explaining what alchemy is. Alchemy is the process of transformation that traditionally and allegedly turned lead into gold. How I’ve come to understand alchemy in spiritual terms, is when we are able to use spiritual processes to turn our lower/negative thought forms into light elevated love thought forms.
Before we go any further let’s address the nature of thought forms. I will be using this term as an umbrella term, for the human soul. The basic nature of our existence is thought, we are the thought of the one infinite creator, as Ra explains in the Law of One series, and as A Course of Miracles also states “A thought never leaves its source” meaning that we as thought children of God, never left God. Because we are thought forms, and because the universe is a universe of inclusion, we will categorize ourselves with other like minded thought forms or individuals. This ALSO includes our subconscious or unconscious mind. We will therefore pair up with those who will either teach us a lesson to bring out our unconscious thought forms, and/or with those who will match our conscious self’s vibration. This is why we match with all kinds of people, those who are serving us to bring about transformation by triggering our unconscious negative thought forms to the surface, as well as those who make us feel at home and provide support for us.
If you paid attention, this pretty much sums up how alchemy and transformation are related to healing. The whole game is to transform those lower vibratory thought forms (unconscious), into light/love understood thought forms (superconscious), with our (conscious) mind forming the medium between the two, which is our job here on earth in these human body incarnations. So just to summarize, we need to bring the unconscious, to the conscious, in order to achieve the superconscious, which is oneness with the one infinite creator, God, or the universe, whatever you choose to call it. We won’t be getting into the nature of the unconscious at this time, but will mention different methods of how to transform or alchemize it into the superconscious.
Alchemy in general
As I have already mentioned, Alchemy is the transformational process of turning darkness into light. And not to mystify it here, this alchemical process is simple, it is obtainable by everyone, and we all can do it every day of our lives. Yes I have read and studied enough to know that there was in fact people that could turn physical metals into actual gold, but you see, this ability comes only to those enlightened beings who understand the holographic and illusory nature of this physical existence, so gold at that state pretty much has no significance anymore, it’s seen as part of the illusion and everything in it.
Back to the spiritual alchemy of which I’m talking about. . . there are many processes that can help us alchemize our lower vibratory thought forms. Some of them are outlined in the series “The One Being”, The Law of One, and A Course In Miracles. One such process is that in order to do this, the entire universe follows the same formula at every level. We begin spinning and vibrating at specific frequencies in order for the lighter thought forms to remain on the outside, and the dense and darkest thought forms to be forced into the core of the person or planet. Because of this, the darkness will leach out onto the surface, a little at a time, just enough to perhaps cause a trauma, or something bad to happen in a person’s life, but not enough to kill that person or planet.
When this happens, he have the opportunity to practice alchemy. We can take those events and lessons and learn from them, learn to accept and love those parts of ourselves that cause shame and pain in our psyche, those thought forms which we do not want to look at because it is to painful to do so.
I have learned to speak to those thought forms directly, telling them that everything is okay, that I am here no matter what is happening, and that I will be there for them always and forever, offering all they need and all I can provide at this time. As soon as I do this, I can literally feel that thought form integrate into the larger part of who I am. You should try this next time you are in pain or emotional distress, you can be your own inner guide and alchemist.
An just like that, you can alchemize any thought form into your true higher self. But like I said, there are many modalities and ways of performing this work. I will mention one more, which is light codes.
Light Codes
I once did a light code activation by this woman named Deborah Aerial Pietch. She has a video on youtube called “St. Germain the man, Alchemy, Pineal Gland Activation, I AM Presence” (I will leave the link in the description if you want to check it out). This was my first real experience with light codes, and light code activations. I sort of had this intuitive knowing that something big was going to happen, I watched all 2 hours of it, feeling a little nervous but excited. As the end of the video was getting closer, I paused the video, I stood up and walked to the kitchen because I had a runny nose and had to blow my nose. So I blew my nose, and closed my eyes, and when I opened them, something amazing happened. I had all of my clear quartz crystals charging in sunlight on the windowsill, and I don’t know if that had anything to do with it, but as I opened my eyes, these two basketball sized light orbs appeared, they moved in space from left to right rotating around each other as they moved, leaving behind them an intertwined trail of light. They were these beautiful green and blue hued white light orbs. They were only visible for a few seconds, and then they disappeared. My immediate thought after that was to doubt what I had just seen, I just stood there for like a minute, trying to figure out what had just happened. Now I def knew that something amazing was about to happen. So I went back into my room, pressed play on the video, and began the activation.
The activation itself was such an experience that it completely drove the light orbs out of my mind. As she began her activation, I began to feel everything she was saying, going up the dimensions, bring it down and then to the center of the earth, and back again into my body. I began to shake because of the intensity of the energy, and I started to sweat like if I had been working out for an hour. My eyes and hands were shaking very intensely. I intuitively knew that this was part of the process and that this activation was clearing out a lot of dense energy from me. Anyway, it ended and I sat there, on my bed, shocked to my core. I had experienced a lot of mind opening and spiritual experiences before, but nothing like this. I was speechless, I mean, wow. Eventually I got up, and had to go shower, since I was so sweaty from the experience, and I mean, literally my shirt was wet with sweat, not to gross you out or anything haha, but just to let you know that this was a real visceral, physical experience, just as a spiritual one.
Again, this was my first experience with light codes, and after this experience, I never doubted their efficacy. I have had friends do this activation before, to see what they would experience, and each of them had different experiences, but nothing like mine. I guess the universe will show you what you are ready for, when you are ready for it. Anyway, Deborah explains her light code activations as “working with the holographic field and channeling the light codes by being a conduit for this energy”. She does not claim to be a healer, but she does this work help in the ascension of mother earth and for the liberation of the planet. You can check out her work if you are interested.
Now, that was just an example of Deborah’s work, but I want to offer a different kind of light code therapy, that pretty much uses the same type of energy as well as working with the holographic field, to activate and transmute your encoded information, to lighter and more subtle light forms. I studied with a conduit for light codes in Mexico, she was guided to create a form where she could somehow encode this information into gold plates. Now, she actually uses copper to make it more accessible for people, but the effect is the same, it is the use of light code information, to work with your holographic field in order to alchemize your subtle emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
With this form of Alchemy, we bypass the traditional method of making things conscious in order to transmute them. With light codes, we can go in there, into your encoded information, and subconscious, and begin to transmute the information before it manifests into the physical.
This work can have some side effects, they will definitely not be as intense as mine, because that is what is so great about the form of therapy that I use now, you will only get what you need from it, as soon as it is done, your higher self will stop the energy from going any further.
And just to explain the process a little bit, I do not channel the energy, my only job as a practitioner, is to ask with a pendulum what light codes you need, to place them on you, and keep asking which are done and what other ones you need for the duration of the session. I can work at a distance by you allowing me to call forth your etheric bodies, and work from there. I only do this to be able to work on you, and I will only do it with your consent and the consent of your higher self. This is only to help you evolve and grow, never to do harm. Believe me, I don’t want to add to my Karma haha.
Like I mentioned, there are many forms of alchemy available to us at this time, and it’s your choice to choose what you want to engage with. I have personally found ACIM, light code therapy, meditation and working with crystals as well as having a direct connection to my guides, to be really really helpful in my spiritual journey. And If you are seeking your optimal method, don’t stop until you have found it. Remember that ultimately it comes down to doing that work at whatever level it shows up for you. Light codes are just a little help to get out in front of the game, but there are no judgements here for any modality. I believe we are all going the same way and will ultimately meet where the road ends as one.
Just to add a little more about these light codes. . .
They don’t work on your physical body, but it will have results there once the information in the higher bodies has been alchemized. Wether you contact Deb, or choose to get a light code therapy from me, or any other practitioner, this method is such a gift from the higher realms. It is here to help humanity and those who choose to engage with it, to not suffer through the changes and healing of the planet and of the self. This has turned into a daily practice for me, I ask very day what codes I need for the day. Everything from Karma, to Anxiety, to DNA activations, to developing psychic abilities has come up for me. And I def feel the difference, perhaps not as intensely as that first experience I had, but I have come to realize that these light codes can have such a big impact in people’s lives, that it still amazes me that I have this available. And I want to make this available for you too, I offer light code therapy on my website, SilverSoulCrystals.com for $40. If you choose to get a session you can use the discount code ALCHEMY for a 25% discount on a 30 or 60 minute session. I also do Tarot card readings, and there are some Crystal necklaces on there too. Bare with me, I just re-launched it and it’s still a work in progress haha. I will offer light codes as well, for you to purchase and use whenever you want. I will try to keep the prices as low as possible for you to be able to engage in this energy work. This is my service to humanity, along with this podcast and this work.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected], or go on the website to leave us a comment on the blog section. I will leave this episode in written form for your reference, or simply if you prefer to read it, than hear my annoying voice haha.
Again thank you all so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the website as well.
Thank you!
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I Think We Have Been Here Before
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Two college grad students meet, and find out that they’ve been having the same dreams about a pair of brothers in an old Impala. After trying to ignore their strange pull they realize that nothing ends, not really, and sometimes you can miss someone that you haven’t met yet.
Created for @samwinchesterbingo
Square Filled: Soulmates!
Rating: T for language
Pairing: Sam/Dean (but not Wincest really if that makes sense)
Tags/Warnings: AU Soulamtes, language, major character death, angst
Word Count: 3991
Creator’s Note: I’ve always been interested in the concept that Sam and Dean are soulmates in an unromantic non sexual kind of way. Hopefully this comes across well :) enjoy!
The name Sam echoed in her head at all hours of the day. Becca had these dreams... she was riding in a car. The windows were down. She would turn to the side and see a man, his scruff on his cheeks pristinely shaved, but sometimes the growth came back before he could get to the bathroom. Music played, Metallica, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, and sometimes something a little less expected. Things were easy, but even in her dreams they weren’t always easy. 
Sometimes she would wake up in tears, still feeling his arms wrapped around her, weeping into her neck as blood seeped from her stomach. 
She tried to not think about the dreams. She tried to not think about this person she’s never met. This person that she misses so deeply that it hurts her. 
“Bec, you good?” Her roommate, Asia, asked. 
Becca looked up from the bathroom sink, that was threatening to overflow. She shut off the water and glanced at Asia in the mirror. “I’m fine.” She said weakly. What was she supposed to say? She gripped the cross necklace that hung from her neck that usually gave her peace. Things had been escalating, and she was trying to remember it all. She walked out the front door, grabbing her backpack on her way out. 
She worried that if she told anyone that they’d think she was insane. Maybe she was insane. Her apartment was close to campus, within walking distance. The fall semester had started, and everything was colorful. Guys threw a football in the grass and everyone was studying outside. She scanned the grounds to find a place to park it. 
She jogged to her favorite tree and lowered herself to a seated position. She pulled her notebook out of her bag and clicked her pen a few times before scribbling on the page. 
All I felt was pain, it was quick, but he was there to catch me. He always was. He cradled me against his chest, like I somehow knew he’d been doing my whole life. He would protect me against all else. I knew he would. “Hey, look at me. It’s not even that bad. It’s not even that bad, all right? Sammy?”
“Whatcha writing?” 
Becca slowly raised her head to find a guy sitting in the tree above her. What the fuck?
“Uh, nothing.” 
He squinted, and smiled widely. “Yeah, sure looks like nothing.” 
“Do you mind?”
“Do you? I was kind of here first.” He smiled charmingly. “I’m Nate.” 
“Good for you.” Becca said smoothly. 
“And you are?”
“Not interested.” She said, closing her notebook. He would have to wait. 
“Wow, ice queen.” Nate snorted swinging himself out of the tree like a monkey. 
His feet hit the ground right next to where Becca sat and he lowered himself next to her. Her heart rate picked up a bit with him so close. She held the notebook against her chest protectively. 
“Business or pleasure?” He asked, eyeing the notebook.
“I...” I want to tell him. “It’s a dream journal.” 
“Ohh, any naughty dreams.” His eyebrows wiggled.
“Gross, no.” She stood up quickly, wiping the dirt and leaves off her jeans. 
“Hey, I’m just kidding.” Nate said, scrambling up to his feet. 
“Well, it’s not funny.” Becca said, crossing her arms tightly across her chest. 
“You looked kind of peaceful writing, studious.” He commented. 
“So you thought you’d shoot that horse in the face?”
His eyes widened, he looked surprised. She smiled at him. His green eyes felt so familiar. They were kind, behind the sarcasm, and flirty front. 
“Well, I should go.” She said, backing up. 
“Class?” He offered. 
“Work, actually.” She said slowly.
“Where do you work?” He asked, his steps keeping up with her stride.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “The bar on 4th.” 
“Maybe I’ll come by for a drink.” He flashed a white smile, which looked really nice against his tanned skin. 
“Maybe I’ll see you there.” She smirked a bit before turning on her heels. “Bye!”
“Wait!” He called, taken off guard by her quick escape. “What’s your name?”
I am fucking Looney Tunes. Nate kept getting flashes of a face. A tall guy with long, shaggy hair. It was weird. It started out as vague dreams, but the longer it went on the more clear they got. They were even coming around in the day. 
He was leaning against the tree, his legs hanging down as he daydreamed, again. 
He was driving this car, blasting music. “Dude you’re going to be deaf by the time you’re forty.” 
“Hey, if I live that long I will deal with the repercussions.” Nate said, drumming on the steering wheel. His words weren’t his own. 
The guy next to Nate rolled his eyes and Nate smiled to himself. He didn’t know who the man was, but he knew he was important. Somehow Nate knew that he loved him. 
He was pulled out of the memory from the sound of someone settling in at the bottom of the tree below him. She was pretty, her dirty blonde hair was down, flowing freely, and she was scribbling in a notebook. His heart raced just looking at her. Fuck, am I getting sick? He pressed his hand to his chest, trying to ease the pounding that was moving from his chest into his temples. 
She was rude, and standoffish. She wasn’t interested in him, but somehow he found myself walking. She said she worked at the bar on 4th, and before he knew it he was standing in front of the red glowing neon sign. Nate pushed my way in and walked straight to the bar. 
Her back was to him, and he took a second to look her over. To take her in. She had curves to fill out her jeans, but she was obviously fit from the curve of her bicep. She reached up to get to the top shelf, but she was too short. He grinned at the sight. 
“Seriously?” She asked when she finally turned around. She crossed her arms with annoyance. “You actually came.”
“I’ve always wanted to check this place out.” He said casually. 
“I’m sure.” She said with an eye roll. 
He squinted, to read her name tag in the low light of the bar. “Becca, huh?”
“He can read!” She said with fake cheer, causing Nate’s stomach to flip. 
“Yeah... I like to read.” He said, feeling some weird dejavu that he couldn’t quite shake off. 
“Can I get you a beer or are you just going to loiter?” 
“Yeah, sure. Give me a beer.” 
She nodded and grabbed one out of the fridge. She cracked open the top and handed him an El Sol. He raised an eyebrow. “How’d you know this is my favorite?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t.” Her green eyes flickered from his back down to the bar top. She suddenly seemed really interested in a spot on the counter. 
“Is it.. should I have not come?” Nate asked, suddenly self conscious. Why did I come here? Doesn’t seem like she really wants to see me. 
“I... I don’t know.” Becca admitted, leaning forward. “Just not used to guys trying so hard.” She smiled a bit. 
“I’m not used to trying this hard either.” He grinned, making pink rise on her cheeks. “It may sound weird, but I just kind of felt like I had to come here. When I saw you I knew I had to talk to you.” 
“That is kind of weird.” She agreed. Becca went back to washing the counter, and Nate continued to watch her. He hopped up after a few minutes and put some money in the Juke Box. 
I was a little too tall, could’ve used a few pounds. Tight paints points hardly renown. She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes... 
Becca looked up, meeting eyes with Nate. 
“Dean, I can explain what was going on...”
“No, no, no. No.” Dean said with a laugh, cranking on the radio. 
“Don't Night Moves me.” He groaned at his brothers choice of music. 
“Shh. Just let it wash over you.” Dean grinned at him from the side. He’d caught his brother with a half naked girl in the back seat that morning, and he had to give him shit. Of course he did.
“Just take it in.” Dean grinned, mouthing the lyrics.
I was a little to tall, could’ve used a few pounds. Tight Pants point hardly reknown. She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes
“This is ridiculous.”
“One of the greatest rock writers of all time, Samuel.”
“It’s Sam.” He groaned before rolling his eyes and belting, “Out in the back seat of my brother’s ’67 Chevy.”
Dean laughed. 
Sam grinned back at him. “Yeah, you started this. You started this.”
“Here we go. Come on now.”
The two looked at each other with a grin and sang off key, but together. “Workin' on our night moves...”
“Everything okay here?” The manager asked, interrupting their moment. Nate shook himself out of the very vivid day dream, just to see Becca’s eyes seemingly glazed over as well.
“Uh, yeah, Mark it’s fine.” She said forcing a smile, but her eyes never left Nate’s. The manager raised an eyebrow, but quickly walked away to deal with some other bar related issue. 
“Sorry,” Becca said, sheepishly. “I guess I kind of... zoned out.” 
“Me too.” Nate said, barely able to articulate. Things felt straight up weird. He couldn’t  place it, but more than anything he knew that he was there in that car. Something told him that so was she. 
There was something going on inside of Becca. Saying it out loud would be insane and she knew it, but she was in that car. She was singing, but it wasn’t her voice. “It’s Sam.” Those words came from her own mouth. She reached up and touched her bottom lip, like she had been kissed. What the hell is going on? 
“Weird.” She offered, avoiding Nate’s eyes, suddenly. He was making her nervous. All of it seemed like too much. Too real. She could feel the road under her as if they had been plucked from the car. They. She shook her head. Nope that’s bat shit crazy. Do you want to be committed? 
She pressed her lips together. “You know, I’m suddenly not feeling very good.” She offered a weak smile. “Beers on the house.” She pulled off her apron and pushed out from behind the bar. She swung open the back door and went into the alleyway, immediately bending over and vomiting. She felt flushed, holding her knees 
“Becca! Wait! Are you.. oh shit.” Nate commented. 
“Nothing to see here.” She said, waiving him off dismissively. 
“No need to be a hero.” He grunted, walking to her. He gathered her hair in his hands, letting her vomit, get it all out. “You’re not pregnant are you?” He joked, lamely.
“No.” She snorted, wiping her mouth with the back of her hands. 
“Good.” He said, supporting her by her elbow. “‘Mere.” 
She let him lead her down the alley way, and out to the street. They lowered themselves to a seated position on a bench. “Feelin any better?” Nate asked her gently.
No. “I... yeah. I guess.” 
“Can I ask you something?”
Her eyes flickered up to his. The large, full moon was reflecting in his green iris. “Anything.” She murmured, and somehow she knew that she did mean anything. 
“When you zoned out earlier... did you.... uh. Shit this is going to sound crazy.”
“It’s okay.” She said, sitting up a little straighter. “You can tell me.” 
“Fine.” Nate said, forcing a smile. “Did you, uh, see anything?” 
“Like what?” Becca asked, carefully.
“I sound like a fucking loon.” He complained before letting out a rush of air. “But... I don’t know. Like a car?”
Becca sat up even straighter. “I... yeah. Yeah I think I did.” 
“I know it sounds... wait, really?” Nate turned to look at her intensely. She found she couldn’t focus with his eyes on her like that. She nervously pushed her hair behind her ear. 
“Yeah. The moment the juke box started playing it was like...”
“Like you were transported somewhere else?”
“Yeah.” She said eagerly. “Exactly like that.” 
They searched each others faces for answers. “It’s happened before.” He admitted.
“For me too.” 
“I always see the same guy with me. He’s some... some tall guy, and I don’t know I’m not me.” Nate said slowly.
“I think... I think I see that, too. I think they’re brothers.” Becca said gently, not admitting that she felt like she was Sam when she was in these memories. It didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t logical. She was just herself, but there was more to it. Even if she couldn’t admit it to herself, she knew it deep down. 
“Yeah, before I heard them say that... I knew they had some kind of bond. That’s fucking bananas, isn’t it?”
Becca laughed humorlessly. “About fifteen minutes ago I would’ve said yeah, but now... I don’t know. I thought I was going crazy! But if you’re seeing them too...”  
“What do you think this means?” Nate asked quietly. 
“I wish I knew.” Becca said, lacing her fingers with Nate. She didn’t know why she did it. She didn’t know this boy, but there was something about him. Something safe. “Maybe we could go to the library and do some research?”
“To research what?” He laughed, looking down at their combined fingers, beginning to feel calm.
“Just seems like the thing to do.” Becca said quietly. What she didn’t say is that it’s what Sam always did in her dreams. There’s no problem that couldn’t be solved with a book. 
“Alright, fuck it. Let’s go.” Nate said standing up. 
They didn’t release hands as they walked down the road to the library on campus. They only released when they each settled down in a chair. Becca began typing diligently, but Nate couldn’t focus. He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was a stranger, but yet she was so familiar. He just couldn’t place it. 
“Get this.” She said, squinting at the screen. “It’s said that soulmates can have the same dreams. That’s crazy isn’t it?” She asked, turning toward him. 
“Maybe not so much.” Nate said, meeting her eyes. He glanced at his own screen, clicking a link. “I... I don’t want to sound any crazier than I already do, but I feel like I know you Bec.” 
“Bec.” She said cooly. “Yeah... I get that too, Nathan.” She eyed him.
“Right. Not on nickname bases yet?”
“I just thought I’d try it out. I don’t really mind.” 
“Samuel.” “It’s Sam.”
She pursed her lips. “I don’t think... the big one liked nicknames. I think he felt like he was being demoted somehow.” 
Nate smiled. “Yeah, he liked teasing Sammy, but that’s what brothers do.” 
Becca closed her eyes. This is too fucking Twilight Zone. 
“Hey, you good?”
“What? Oh yeah.” Her eyes flew open, landing on his hand. “I’m good. I’m great.” 
“Sure sellin it.” He chuckled and turned back to his screen. “What do you think about it?”
“About what?”
“The whole soulmate shtick?”
“I think... I think I don’t have any better explanation.” 
Nate stretched his arms above his head, waiting for the satisfying crack, but instead his hands shot straight into the chest of some older guy. “Um, sorry, dude.” 
The brunette man looked tired. He wore an outdated trench coat, with a cheap suit underneath. “It’s fine.” The man smiled. He looked upset. 
“Right, well.” Nate cleared his throat. “Better get back to studying, ya know?”
Becca looked nervous, and reached for his hand. He took it instinctively. 
“I don’t have time for pleasantries.” The man said, lowly. “I need to talk to you both.” 
“No thanks.” Nate said, protectively. “We don’t want whatever you’re selling in that weird ass coat.” 
The man groaned outwardly. “Why must you always comment on the coat?”
“Listen, buddy.” Nate said, rising. “I’ve never met you before. I think you must have me confused...” 
The man reached out his two index fingers on both hands, and pressed them to Becca and Nates foreheads, sending them into a quick, and peaceful sleep. 
Sam looked at his brother, his hands in the sudsy water, doing the dishes. “Did you see them at dinner, the way they looked at each other? They just seemed happy, you know? It doesn’t feel fair to get all this and have to throw it away, and I know we have to. But it just feels like, you know… Once we send dad back… it’s none of this ever happened. He just goes back to being dad.”
Dean glanced at Sam, as he mindlessly dried a plate. “You saying you wish things would be different?”
“Don’t you? Can you imagine dad in the past, knowing then what he knows now? I… I think it would be nice.” Sam said weakly, peeling his eyes away from Deans. 
Dean shrugged. “Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that.”
Sam licked his dry lips. “Yeah.”
“And for the longest time, I blamed dad. I mean, hell, I blamed mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I gotta be honest, man. I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives, they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.”
Becca’s eyes opened first, with a flutter. She could still feel the warm water on her hands. She could feel the wounds on her face, the ache in her temple. She could still feel Dean’s gaze as he described their lives. How he described the impossibilities of starting all over. Her heart ached at the idea. The idea that the boys probably died in the grips of each other, doing what they thought was right. Her heart broke knowing that they probably never got a day of rest. That the memory she saw, the ones she’d been seeing, were one of a kind. 
She turned to her side, she was laying next to Nate who was still passed out. She rested her palm on his chest, right above his heart. 
“I’m sorry.” The man from the library said quietly, I just... I recognized you two. I had to talk to you. It isn’t protocol, but seeing that you found each other... it was too tempting. 
Something came over Becca suddenly. 
“Cas is that really you?” Dean asked, his eyes wide under the light of the night sky. 
Sam shook his head. “No. You’re... you’re dead.” He was desperate. His heart was aching. He wanted to reach out and hug his friend, but he couldn’t, not until he had all the answers.
“Yeah, I was.” Castiel said carefully. “But then I.. annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back.” 
“I don’t even know what to say.” Sam said, dumbfounded.
“I do.” Dean said, rushing Castiel, pulling him into a hug. “Welcome home, Pal.” 
“Castiel.” Becca breathed, before she realized what she was doing.
“You’re having memories?” Cas pressed.
“I... I don’t know what’s going on.” Becca admitted, in tears. “I’m a grad student. I... I don’t believe in all of this..”
“It’s alright.” Cas said gently. “I just...”
“What’s happening?” Becca asked intently. 
Nate groaned next to her. 
“Hey.” She murmured as he started to stir. 
“What the...”  
“I think... I think we know him.” Becca said, eyeing the angel in front of them.
Nate squinted. “Yeah I think you might be right.” He said up all the way, rubbing his head. “So get to talkin, stalker boy.” 
“I’m not a...” Castiel sighed and shook his head. “I recognized your aura. Your souls energy.” He said slowly, eyeing Nate. “I’d recognize you anywhere.”
“Dean and I share a more profound bond.” 
“I’m not sure it is.” Becca said. It was like she turned her dreams on high. She was getting constant flashes. “Castiel.” She said quietly. “What is going on here?”
“It is said that when two souls make a significant imprint on the world, on each other, that in every life they will find each other again. I.. I don’t know why you have left heaven, but I am happy to see that you have found each other again.”
“Heaven..” Becca murmured, her heart breaking. She was right. 
“What is he sayin?” Nate asked, looking irritated. 
“I think... I think he’s saying..” 
“You’ve been reincarnated.” Cas said simply.
Becca swallowed. “So Sam and Dean...” 
“They were a past life of yours. The one where I met you. Where I was your friend.” He turned to Nate. “Your best friend.” 
“Hm.” Nate grunted.
“You wear a different face, Dean.” Cas said with a kind, nostalgic smile. “But you are still the same.” 
“Dean.” Nate said slowly. “Like from the dreams?”
“I don’t think they’re dreams.” Becca said, moving her hand off of Nates leg. “I think they’re memories.” She felt sick. She stood up and began to pace. “So if he’s Dean... then I’m.. oh god.” 
It all rushed over Nate instantly and he stood up too. “Sam.” He breathed. “Of course.” 
Becca turned, shaking her head. “Nope. I can’t do this.”
Nate grabbed her hand. “Hey... just.. it’s okay.” They both turned to Castiel.
“Soul mates are complicated.” He said quietly. “You both died countless times, in each other’s arms. That leaves an imprint. In this past life you were siblings, but I’ve never seen anyone connected so strongly.”
Becca busted into tears, Nate supporting her as she lost it. “How did they die... how did we.. Cas...”
“It was a hunt.” Cas said weakly. “It was an accident... it was tragic.” He admitted sadly. “It was a long time ago.” 
Becca gripped Nates shirt, and he wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve got you.” 
She knew he did, because she could see him a thousand times over, holding her in the same way. Holding Sam. She could see his face, bloodied and broken under her fist. 
“And if we die, we will do that together too.” 
“I believe in us!”
“I’ve looked up to you my whole life.” 
She held her head and just cried. She mourned for the loss of who she used to be. She mourned for Dean. Her eyes fluttered open and she caught those same green eyes full of concern, looking right back at her. Fuck. She thought, touching his cheek. “Guess it isn’t our first time around is it?”
“Guess not.” Nate said quietly. 
“I am sorry if this was too much.” Cas said, weakly. “I just saw you and I couldn’t... I couldn’t not.” 
“We understand.” Becca said, regaining her sea legs. She stood up and walked to him, wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you.” She breathed. “I had no idea I could miss someone I never met, but I think I missed you, Cas. I think I missed both of you.” She said releasing her hug, turning to meet Nate’s eyes. They were different than his, but somehow exactly the same. He gave her a cheesy sideways smile, the same that she’d seen a million times before, before she woke up, before the sun touched the horizon. 
“Hey, no chick flick moments.” Nate complained.. 
Becca smiled a bit, before murmuring. “Jerk.” 
Nate grinned without missing a beat. “Bitch.” 
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zombeamik · 6 years
OKAY SO BIG BIG BIG BIG SPOILERS DOWN BELOW IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME AS THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE SO i did update this as i was playing so please ignore my spelling mistakes and confusion as i am to lazy to go back and fix it lmao enjoy!! :D
but man it’s so cool and i’m happy so
ok was there a way to finish the crown mario button fight without being pacifist ew
i’m sorry i don’t know how to get exp or love or whatever they call it and i am MAD
when you loved clover but you trying to be mean so you had to kill them D: I AM BAD PERSON BC IT WAS THEIR BIRTHDAY UGH
i love magnus and his hammer head ugh he cute
i charged my mind i love lancer he’s just scared and he wants his papa to live and love.
ALSO HUH LOOK AT THAT ATTACK WOW REMINDS ME OF FLOWEY OH WOW IT WORKS LIKE FLOWEYS ATTACK! WAY TO STEAL AN ATTACK FLOWEY (he don’t exist yet i’m guessing as toriel talked about asriel at the start of the game so prequel to when monsters lived above???)
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susie is like ok we can talk it out with the king and i’m like WHAT NO IM HERE FOR GENOCIDE I AINT DOING NO PACIFIST
even tho i couldn’t kill the button crown dude whatever honestly didn’t know how lmao
excuse me Rouxls Kaard??!?! ur basically a royal mettaton OK BUT WAIT WHAT WAS THAT SPARKLY THI G DOD I MISS IT OR HUH
ugh gross the shop keeper is Rouxls Kaard MAN EW UR PUZZLES SUCK
you’re much stronger than i envisioned PLS don’t use toriels like thanks i am TRYING to do genocide BHT OK
wow i suck i just want to kill everybody and not even do a peaceful way whoops lmao
okay yes toby i will leave you be but i wanted to look i the computer lab cri
omg did asgore die maybe they had a fight again or whatever but excuse me what happened i want to know.
and undyne and alphys not together???
huh that’s cool instead of souls he has flowers instead pls don’t tell me we gonna run into evil soul flowers in this game thanks.
oh the flowers toriel used for her wedding are probably the ones in the containers i am sad
excuse me mum but if you do not put those flowers in the kitchen and you put them in the trash I AM MOVING OUT
oh i just noticed that my side of the room in really empty and now i am sad, asriel what the hell.
end of first run lol
starts of pacifist run
also so i’ve replayed it as i’m trying to actually do genocide and pacifist instead of neutral, ill figure it out. but the cutscene when they were falling down tbh could have been my eyes but i swear i saw abit of red on uh chara or mikaela or kris or whatever you want to call them. anyways.
so i’m doing pacifist ugh anyways omg?
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anyways if ur doing pacifist o honestly think you gotta fight the temptation to kill everything as the evil character man it’s gonna be hard bc goat mama noticed something was wrong and now we ripped our soul out so UH I MEAN YES SOMETHING IS WRONG. CALL 000 PLS
anyways time to continue with pacifist story
ah lovely pacifist ending
no my only question is when chapter 2 comes out i’m wondering if that’s gonna be start of the “genocide route” or where you start gaining levels if you want.
im sorry i thought i was done with this post lol but that ending gets me everytime i’m still wondering where the soul will go or who will take it bc goat mama is probs gonna see it in there. but i honestly wonder why they turned evil like was it because asriel wasn’t there and mum and dad broke up or was it because of susie even tho she was nice like?????? maybe it was because of the king like spooky king not dad king like maybe they noticed that you can’t trust anyone and like i gotta kill them or. UGH I DONT KNOW. TO MANY THINGS.
as someone who loves Chara/whatever you name them/frisk/kris but also loves genocide i can’t say anything to justify their actions as i did nothing wrong and they ripped out their soul and got a knife by themselves so uh IT WASNT MY FAULT
if ur waiting for a theory it ain’t coming i mean there might be bits in this but like it’s honestly me screaming LMAO
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divine-ruin · 6 years
So called "drama police"
Skip if you wish, I know I wouldn't want to read this either. However, points are made under the cut.
As of this point in time, most people know I came to FF after a bad RP experience that lasted nearly two years. This person is not only manipulative but takes advantage of others as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
In February 2017, this person was blocked and removed from my life in every way after I caught them in several lies about things that had been done behind my back. I don't deal with people who can't be truthful with me. Knowing that the only character I knew about was blocked, this person proceeded to message me on another (that I can only imagine was either dormant or transferred to Balmung as character creator was still closed). Others that they approached let said person know in no uncertain terms that I was done with them, and would go as far as harassing and messaging said friends daily to ask about me, talk shit about me, or find things about me, but also trying to make sure everything that happened "wasn't their fault". I have receipts from all of these conversations whether they realize it or not. The same day said person went around my barriers and boundaries put in place, I had just put my dog down not even an hour before. I was not in a good place at all, and I even felt like my grieving time was violated. The conversation was not civil, there was no "giving me love" there as they told my friend they "got to give me their well wishes".
Moving on, said friend has been very clear that they do not want interaction from this person either. They keep crossing this boundary every time they get unfollowed and blocked by my friend. Now that she's in a new community, it followed and is continuing.
So no, do not sit there and act like she's victimizing herself because you know damn well everything you've done. You know damn well that those threats you make don't hold water. You are not above the law yourself, and you're slimy enough to continue the gross behavior that you do. Look in a mirror and take your own advice; no one is going to want to interact with a guy playing a female character looking for lesbian ERP. You tried telling people that I dropped RP with you because of a mental handicap which you KNOW couldn't have been further from the truth, otherwise I would have ditched you the first week we interacted if I was that person you have constantly made me out to be.
Going into new WoW guilds, right out the gate you were talking shit about me, and you always forgot one thing: I always find out eventually when someone is lying, and your hand has been caught in the cookie jar several times. I have been happy and healthy here in FF; do not make me release the receipts I have on you.
For anyone curious, feel free to message me for said information..
As for the “You’re not a victim, not anymore” comment, you don’t get to decide when I stop being a victim.  I have so many receipts of your shit behavior that it floors me.  I have shared them with some people already, so remember that when you sit there and say that “I do this like it’s my day job”.  You know damn well what my day job is because it hasn’t changed, and you are not above the law yourself no matter how many times you crossed boundaries, SK.  You know who the fuck you are.  Don’t bring that crybaby “pity me” bullshit here.  Take that back to WoW where it got you ERP.
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fullmetalirin · 6 years
Fullmetal Alchemist OG vs. Brotherhood: Rush Valley (OG 26, BH 11)
Another 1:1, but the content is actually very different this time.
Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 26: "Her Reason"
Mustang investigates Hughes' murder and concludes through Armstrong that a high ranked member of the military may be responsible for his death. Izumi Curtis, Edward and Alphonse's teacher, shows up at Central looking for them, but she has missed them by a few days. Edward, Alphonse, and Winry, on their way to Ishbal, arrive in Rush Valley.
We open with Mustang getting an invoice for all of Ed's hospitalization charges. LOL.
Mustang demands to know where the Elrics are. He's pretty harsh and aggressive.
Riza grabs her gun when Izumi barges in.
We're still doing the equivalent exchange intro? This is starting to raise the question of what "those days" are, exactly. From what point in the timeline is Al saying this?
New OP, though! It looks more like a slideshow of scenes from the anime. New characters are in it, most notably Wrath.
Automail girl is told she can't get a cannon arm because it's for men.
How does automail arm wrestling work? Wouldn't it just be determined by the quality of your automail, not your own strength? Despite this, the girl puts up an impressive showing against the champion before he cheats.
Announcer initially propositions Al, but then goes into a bit about how short Ed is. LOL.
Ed is looking more muscular than before, I think? He should be 16 now, so that makes sense.
Extra comedy from Winry when the announcer calls his automail shoddy. LOL.
Ed tears the guy's arm off! Did he use alchemy for that?
The big guy has a tiny replacement arm.
Ah, Ed did use alchemy.
Winry beats everyone up. I think it does lean a bit into "female violence is funny", but that she has a legitimate reason that's treated seriously makes it work, I think.
Now we get the scene with Mustang investigating. He talks with Armstrong in an alley instead of in the open. Thank you.
Mustang makes the same deductions, but his reasoning for the Philosopher's Stone connection is that the Elrics left without telling him, implying they didn't trust the military with information about the Stone. That's more reasonable.
Bechdel Test pass when Winry talks with Paninya.
Cartoon face when Dominic walks in on Paninya. It's a little much, but appropriate given the lightheartedness of this plot.
Dominic knows Pinako as a brilliant engineer.
Ah, a race shows the power of her automail legs as well. That's clever.
Paninya calls Ed a pipsqueak before starting the race. I wonder if Winry coached her on that.
Ed leaps two stories with his shonen protagonist powers.
Ed looks strained while running, while Paninya isn't breaking a sweat.
Paninya leaps from the roof straight onto the ground with no ill effects. Ed does the same thing, so it's not just that automail absorbs the shock. Artistic license, I suppose.
Without the rocket, Paninya's leg collapses and she falls off the building. Ed saves her by extending… rock platforms that break under her? I guess that would slow her a little, but if she's already going that fast that must still be pretty painful.
Winry blushes when Ed says he can't let anyone show up his automail. Aw.
Back in Central, Hakuro shows up to intimidate Mustang. So I guess he's finished razing Liore. Mustang grovels for him.
Sheska wants to continue the investigation, but Mustang says it's been suspended.
Oh wow, Izumi's here already? Thinking about the timeline… it seemed like it only took them a day to get here by train, and it has been a day since Izumi showed up in Central, so that checks out.
Winry is sad that Ed doesn't want automail. I think that's a bit much? She's known he wants to restore his body for a while now.
Cartoon faces when Sig barges in. I think that's reasonable; as a cliffhanger, it is clearly meant to be jarring, and it's a clean break from the seriousness of the last scene.
New ED. The bit with Winry typing with the dog is really cute. Winry inexplicably having her shirt open so we can see her boobs is less cute. And it looks like the text in the background is a plot summary of the story? I wonder if it's notes the mangaka gave them, or their own? I think I preferred the last one's music, though.
FMA Brotherhood Episode 11: "Miracle at Rush Valley"
Edward, Alphonse and Winry arrive in Rush Valley where Edward's state alchemist pocket watch is stolen by a pickpocket named Paninya. After chasing her down, they find she has automail legs. Winry asks the automail's creator, Dominic LeCoulte, to let her be his apprentice, but her request is swiftly denied. Winry convinces Paninya to stop being a pickpocket and return the pocket watch, but first she peeks inside and sees the date when the Elric brothers burned down their house. Meanwhile, Dominic's daughter-in-law is having a baby, and she is unable to travel to a hospital in the poor weather. Winry and Paninya deliver the baby, resulting in a successful birth. Winry asks Dominic again to be an apprentice, and this time he directs her to another automail mechanical engineer. With that, Edward and Alphonse continue onward to Dublith.
We're doing the alchemy intro again.
Recapping the last episode, again.
We start in Rush Valley this time. Curiously, we don't get the ship-teasing of Winry behaving exactly the same way as the girlfriend who wants her boyfriend to buy her the expensive ring; Ed is just exasperated over her fangirling.
Ed is really grouchy.
Cartoon skit where everyone crowds around Ed's automail and… strip him? That's pretty awkward.
Cartoon skit when Ed realizes his watch is gone.
Cartoon skit when the villagers ask to see Ed's automail again.
We get emphasis on how hot and inhospitable the region is. Dominic apparently lives in the mountains, rather than a back alley.
Winry and Ed yell at each other. I can just feel the romance wafting off them.
Ed and Al somehow recognize Paninya despite not seeing her earlier, and are able to see the watch in her hands even though she's only a speck from their perspective. How.
Cartoon skit when Ed sees her.
Ed uses alchemy to make steps carving a direct path to her.
Then he makes a huge wall to cut her off, about on part with Izumi's levee.
Ed then makes grasping arms out of the ground. How are they bending?
Al ambushes her and makes a metal cage. They did say earlier that this area is rich in metal ore, so that makes sense.
Paninya has a blade in her leg instead of a rocket, and it… can cut through the metal bars, somehow.
Ah, her other leg has the cannon.
I'm just now noticing she does not have an automail arm.
Winry catches her. How? Did she sneak ahead?
Comedy when Winry wants to look at Paninya's automail.
Al's head falls off, which is amusing.
Winry nuzzles Paninya's knee. Uhhh.
Instead of being amazed by Winry's work, Dominic scolds her for making the limbs too heavy. This is where we get introduced to the possibility the automail is stunting Ed's growth. Of course, in this continuity that will come to nothing because consequences are for losers.
Ed has a fantasy of towering over everyone. This is actually very funny. We see him still daydreaming while we resume in the present, which is also funny.
Why is Al constantly turning into a cartoon, though? I think he's spent more time in cartoon form than not this episode.
We get a cartoon of Ed being a single-celled organism when Dominic calls him one. It amuses me.
We get a picture of the fetus when the brothers touch the pregnant woman, which I find unnecessary and kinda gross.
The brothers gush about how miraculous childbirth is.
Paninya says her stumps ache when the weather turns bad, which is a nice detail showing that automail isn't perfect.
When Paninya gives backstory, there's no flashback to the accident, but there is a flashback to Dominic because the man is what's important here.
The whole conversation places much more emphasis on Dominic, how grateful she is to him, how she wants to pay him back, etc.
Winry argues with her to stop being a pickpocket.
Ed sealed his watch shut with alchemy.
Cartoon where Winry opens it.
Cartoon when Ed tells Winry about the labor.
The labor scene is similar to Elicia's birth, so I guess OG moved this there. No line where she snaps at them for making a fuss, though. It has way less emotional impact and context here when it's just some rando, and the men's incompetence is less excusable when they're adults. Winry has to do basically everything herself.
Ed notes that Winry's a doctor's daughter so she does actually know this stuff… and then immediately undercuts it by saying she probably didn't absorb any of it because lol women thinking they know stuff, amirite? We've seen no indication Winry is doing anything wrong. Why are you being a dick, Ed.
Shot of Dominic riding through the rain.
Winry goes in to help with the birth, but we stay focused on Ed whining about how sad it is he can't help.
Cartoon Al when he gushes over the baby.
Same line about mothers accomplishing what alchemists can't, but Winry tells him not to compare alchemy with "the mysteries of life".
Ed is mad at Winry for opening the watch.
We get a flashback to them burning the house.
Winry is determined to stay with them because she's ~so amazed by Ed's resolve~. Also explicitly says she wants to get better just so she can help Ed.
Comedy and slapstick when Ed demands his watch back from Paninya. I guess slapstick targeted at women is sort of equality?
Dominic melts when doting on the grandson. Ed notes it's out of character and gets glared at and turned to cartoon.
Ed has to push for Winry's referral; she doesn't think to ask herself.
Paninya is called a "tomboy", and is invited to come visit. So I guess their relationship isn't as close here?
The Elrics run past a wanted poster of Greed. Nice foreshadowing.
Ed tells Winry to get better so she can make him better automail when he leaves.
So these are really two completely different episodes. There are similarities in characters and the basic plot, but they're portrayed very differently.
Taken individually, I'd say they're both good. Like with the Resembool episode, when comedy and lightheartedness is actually appropriate, Brotherhood does great at that. The episode is a fun low-stakes adventure with a lot of good jokes. Conversely, OG making its own plot was also a good move. It's still a breather episode, but sticks to the more subdued, less madcap energy characteristic of the anime, so it doesn't feel out of place. We get clever use of elements and lots of people talking about their feelings, which is exactly what I want out of OG. The episodes are both good examples of their series' respective ethos.
But one of our things to watch is female representation, and they don't compare nearly as favorably there.
OG's episode is about Paninya from beginning to end, and develops her into a full character with her own motivations. In Brotherhood, she's just a plot device to introduce us to Dominic, and is then swiftly forgotten about. Winry's conversation with her is also a lot friendlier in OG, and more focused on Paninya herself. I also find it very interesting that Dominic is only amazed by Winry and Pinako's work in OG; there's no question of her becoming his apprentice, giving the very clear implication she is already a master herself.
For all that people say Brotherhood is so much better at female characters, OG sure seems to care about and respect them way more. It does give us that weirdly gendered thing about the arm cannon, but it's not pushed very hard – Paninya doesn't have to give up her rocket leg, and she's not forced to give up her tomboyishness like Clause did.
Quite frankly, Brotherhood's "feminism" feels very manufactured to me. It does the exact bare minimum of what it thinks people want out of female characters, but no more – then, having paid its dues, it goes right back to gushing over how awesome the boys are. OG seems to be coming from a more traditionalist angle that leads them into some blunders, but I don't see any malice behind them; they've shown again and again a willingness to seriously engage with even minor female characters, even at the expense of the male ones, and that feels much more genuine to me.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Jupiter’s Legacy: Mark Millar on the Genesis of His Superhero Story
This article is presented by:
Superheroes have a long history. After flying onto the scene more than eight decades ago, led by Superman, along with fellow octogenarians Batman, Wonder Woman, and Captain America, the pantheon of capes-and-tights characters has expanded to include countless more. And as legendary creators made their mark across decades, the origins and powers of these icons transformed almost as frequently as their costumes.
Meanwhile, the superhero team The Union, from the comic book saga Jupiter’s Legacy, have 90 years of consistent fictional history, with a singular overarching story, envisioned by one man: Mark Millar.
After discovering both Superman and Spider-Man comics the same day, at the age of four in Scotland (where he grew up), the now 51-year-old writer would go on to make a significant impact on the superpowered set. But he wanted his own pantheon.
And with Jupiter’s Legacy, Mark Millar has created a long history of superheroes of his own—now set to be adapted as a Netflix series.
“I wanted to do an epic,” he says. “Like The Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars… the ultimate superhero story.”
Co-created with artist Frank Quitely and published by Image Comics in 2013, Millar calls Jupiter’s Legacy his love letter to superheroes—and part of his own legacy.
The story begins in 1932 with a mysterious island that grants powers to a group of friends who then adopt the costumed monikers The Utopian, Lady Liberty, Brainwave, Skyfox, The Flare, and Blue Bolt. Told on a grand scale with cross-genre influences, the story spans three arcs: the prequel Jupiter’s Circle (with art by Wilfredo Torres), Jupiter’s Legacy, and the upcoming June 16, 2021 release Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem (featuring art by Tommy Lee Edwards). With the May 7 debut of the Jupiter’s Legacy series on Netflix, the story will now also be told in live action.
Millar established himself in the comics industry in 1993 and crafted successful stories including Superman: Red Son, Wolverine: Old Man Logan, The Ultimates, and Marvel Comics’ Civil War—all of which have inspired adaptations and films, and led to him becoming a creative consultant at Fox Studios on its Marvel projects. His creator-owned titles Kingsman: The Secret Service, Kick-Ass, and Wanted, have likewise spawned hit movies.
But compared to Jupiter’s Legacy, none of those possessed such massive scope and aspiration as the story that explores the evolving ideologies of superpowered individuals, and how involved they should be when it comes to solving the world’s problems. Relationships are forged—and shattered by betrayal—with startling violence and titanic action sequences (both part of Millar’s signature style).
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy: Ben Daniels Plays Mind Games as Brainwave
By Ed Gross
Jupiter’s Legacy: Andrew Horton on the Importance of Being Paragon
By Ed Gross
“From Superman and the Justice League to Marvel to British comics—inspired by guys like Alan Moore, and so on, I’ve thrown it in there… it’s got a bit of everything,” he says.
That “everything” extends beyond comic books. Millar drew inspiration from King Kong’s Skull Island, and references the cosmic aesthetic of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which informed the “sci-fi stuff.” The writings of horror author H.P. Lovecraft “were a big thing for me,” when it came to The Island, created by aliens, “that existed before humanity, and that these people are drawn out towards where they get their superpowers.” The character Sheldon Sampson/The Utopian is a Clark Kent/Superman type, but his cohort George Hutchence/Skyfox is more than a millionaire playboy stand-in for Bruce Wayne. Rather, Millar based him on British actors from the 1960s—Peter O’Toole, Oliver Reed, Richard Burton, Richard Harris—who were suave rascals.
“I loved the idea of a superhero having a good time, getting on with girls, drinking whisky, smoking lots of cigarettes,” Millar said.
At the risk of sounding “so pretentious,” Millar jokes, he also pulled from Shakespeare. Indeed, the comics are as much a family saga as a superhero one (and written by the much younger brother of six whose parents died before he was 20). Utopian is a father to his own disappointing children, and a father of sorts to all heroes. He is Lear as much as he is Jupiter, the Roman god of gods. The end of his reign approaches, and various factions have their own appetite for power—such as his self-righteous brother who thinks he should be a leader, or Utopian’s son, born into the family business of being a hero, but who could never live up to his father’s expectations, or his daughter who is more interested in fame than heroism. 
He views Jupiter’s Legacy as more thoughtful than Kick-Ass, Kingsman, or Wanted. The plot’s driving action hinges on a debate about the superheroes’ philosophies and moral imperatives. It seeks to address a question Millar asked when he was a kid reading comics.
“Why doesn’t Superman solve the world’s problems?” he recalls thinking. “Why didn’t he interfere and stop wars from even existing?… Is it ethically wrong to stand aside and just maintain the status quo, especially when the status quo creates so many problems for a lot of people?”
On one side of the debate, Utopian believes interfering too much with society’s trajectory is a bad move. It’s not that he is cynical; quite the opposite. He thinks things are actually improving in the world. His viewpoint is there are less people hungry across the globe than ever before, and less people with disease. Millar describes Utopian as a “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” kind of hero, to borrow a phrase associated with Superman, and believes capitalism works. As his hero name suggests, Utopian thinks a better world is within reach, even if it takes generations, and encourages even the heroes to be patient and trust people to do the right thing because they are innately good.
“He says, if you look at the difference somebody like Bill Gates has made in Africa—just one guy—if you look at capitalism taken to the Nth degree, then it pulls everybody up, and poverty in places like India, is massively better just compared to a generation ago.”
Besides, as Utopian says to his impatient brother Walter/Brainwave, in Jupiter’s Legacy #1, being a caped hero doesn’t make them economists and, “Just because you can fly doesn’t mean you know how to balance a budget.” Plus, the notion of using psychic powers or brute force to simply make the world “better” is out of the question. Or is it?
The mainstream awareness of superheroes baked in from more than 80 years of stories, and the shorthand that especially comes with 13 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe commercial juggernaut, has provided Millar with a set of archetypes to lean into. It was true of the hero proxies in the Jupiter’s Legacy books, and he says it’s true of the show. In fact, he says audiences are so sophisticated with regards to these types of characters they’ll be able to immediately slip into his universe, and that “a lot of the hard work has been done for us.” He adds that audience literacy with superhero tropes also provided him something to push against.
“The Marvel characters lock these guys up in prison at the end of these movies,” Millar says. “Everything’s tied up neatly with a bow, the rich are still the rich, the poor are still starving, and the superheroes aren’t really doing anything for the common man in any very global sense. These guys have just had enough of that.”
Millar’s comics technically kick off in 1932, when Sheldon first brings his friends on a journey to The Island, but his story goes back to 1929 when the stock market crashed, and the Great Depression began. This is likewise when the Netflix series will begin, and Millar says it’s because of the historic parallels between then and 2021.
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“We’ve been in a similar situation as we are now: there’s impending financial collapse coming out of a global pandemic,” he says. “The idea is that history continues and repeats itself, and people make the same mistakes over and over again, and the superheroes are saying, ‘Let’s actually fix everything.’”
Continuing the theme of parallels, when discussing the inception of Jupiter’s Legacy with Millar, The Godfather Part II comes up more than once because of the film’s dual storylines following Vito Corleone and son Michael, separated by decades. However, while the comics contain some flashbacks, the plot doesn’t unfold across different time periods simultaneously. But the Netflix series will shift between eras, with half of the show during the season taking place in 1929, for which Millar credits Steven S. DeKnight, who developed the series.
“The way Steven structured it was really brilliant, because I saw these taking place over two [different] years,” Millar says. “[But] The Godfather Part II track shows you the father and the son at the same age and juxtaposes their two lives.”
As a result, he says the series is a visual mash-up of genres that’s both classical and futuristic.
“It just feels like a beautiful period movie, then when it gets cosmic, and it gets to the superhero stuff, it’s a double wow… it’s like seeing Once Upon a Time in America suddenly directed by Stanley Kubrick doing 2001.”
This is a notable advantage to bringing the story to television, as opposed to making Jupiter’s Legacy three two-hour films as he originally planned with producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura in 2015. Millar says that to tell the Jupiter’s Legacy story properly on screen would require 40 hours, and with a series, what would have been a one-minute flashback in a movie can now be revealed in two hours of its own. 
It was another director who has since made a name adapting ambitious comic book properties that extolled to Millar the benefits of television: James Gunn. When Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, The Suicide Squad) had a chat with Millar about the project, Gunn said it could never be done as a movie. “The smartest guy in the world is James Gunn,” Millar says.
An exciting challenge of adapting his work for television is that the series will expand on the backstories and concepts of the books. For example when Sheldon Sampson and his friends head to The Island in the first issue, it takes up six pages. Within the series, half of the first season is that journey, and what happens when they arrive.
“Six issues of a graphic novel are roughly about an hour and 10 minutes of a movie; for something like an eight-part drama on TV, you really have to flesh it out,” he says. “It just goes a little deeper than what I had maybe two panels do.”
He emphasizes, however, that these flourishes won’t contradict the comics. Though he sold Millarworld to Netflix, he remains president so he can maintain control of his creations.
Overall the series has made the writer realize the value of television, and while a second season has not yet been confirmed, he’s already thinking about a third and fourth, and how it will dovetail with the upcoming Requiem. The story that began in 1929 continued through 2021, and collected in four volumes, will soon continue far into the future in the concluding two volumes.
“We saw the parents, then we have the present, and then we see their children in the next storyline,” he says. “That storyline goes way off into the future where we discover everything about humanity, superheroes, all these things. It’s a big, grand, high-concept, sci-fi thing beyond that.”
Listening to the jovial Millar discuss the scope of his Jupiter universe, which is imbued with optimism, one might not think this is the same person known for employing graphic violence in his works.
He thinks his films especially are violent yet hopeful, and fun. Kingsman is a rags-to-riches story, and “you feel great at the end of Kick-Ass, even though you’ve seen 200 people knifed in the face.” But he doesn’t consider his writing to fit under the dark-and-gritty label, and he’s not interested in angst, which he finds dull. With Jupiter’s Legacy, the comic and the show, he views the tone as complex but not “overtly dark.”
Additionally, Millar says he thinks society needs hopeful characters such as Captain America, Superman, and yes, The Utopian in 2021—as opposed to an ongoing genre trend of heroes drowning in pathos.
“The Superman-type characters are just now something from a pop culture, societal point of view, we need more than ever,” he says. “The last thing you want is seeing the world as dark, as something that makes you feel bad. Never forget Superman was created just before World War II in the midst of the economic depression by two Jewish kids who were just scraping a living together… I just think it’s so important when things are tough to have a character like that that makes you feel good.”
Even though Utopian suffers for his idealism in the comic, Millar says his ideas are passed on. This is The Utopian’s legacy. 
“Ultimately, he wins if you think about it,” ponders Millar.
After a successful career spent creating characters and re-shaping superheroes with 80 years of history, the new pantheon of Jupiter’s Legacy may become one of the defining and lasting features of Mark Millar’s own legacy. 
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Jupiter’s Legacy premieres on Netflix on May 7. Read more about the series in our special edition magazine!
The post Jupiter’s Legacy: Mark Millar on the Genesis of His Superhero Story appeared first on Den of Geek.
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt
CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS GOING THIS IS WATER ON ALL THE Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt PLANETS ARE ALL THE MOONS IT’S VERY VERY PREVALENT SO THE OPPOSITE THAT WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT THE WATER DOESN’T EXIST IS WRONG SO I THINK THIS’LL BECOME MORE MORE MAINSTREAM INFORMATION AS TIME GOES BY NIGHT I SINGLENESS OUT THIS TIME I CAROL BECAUSE. Victory how would his relationship with Dr Melfi play out what he walk away from the life altogether we get answers to some of these questions Dr Melfi cut them off when she realizes Tony is a lost causeand Tony does not walk away from the life the final scene in the show takes place at a diner where Tony scheduled to meet his family for a regular dinner Carmela shows up his daughter has some difficulty parking we noticed that several of the other patrons in the diner are acting kind of suspiciousand giving Tony decide I journeys don’t stop believing increases in volume to the point that it’s almost overwhelming is really dissonant dark comedic tone seen as buildingand building intentionand then cuts to blackand that is the end of the Sopranosand as came from 12 years later the loss will be one angry creator David Chase knew how is going toand for a while saying no one was trying to be audacious honest to God we did what we thought we had to do no one was trying to blow people’s minds are thinking wow this will piss him off people get the impression that you’re trying to fuck with themand it’s not true I actually really like the ending of the Sopranos I think it works both thematicallyand dramatically Tony might’ve died in a moment cut black or he may just have had a boring dinner but as long as he stuck in that life he’ll always be living on a knife’s edge going to do differently with the little things but the Sopranos set the stage for memorable endingand another lesson was learned here the wrong one in my opinion a memorable even controversial ending is the same as a good one service also merits discussion here because fans in recent years have had a much more active role in shaping media typically the longer thing goes the more fan service gets jammed in the keep people engagedand not all fan services bad one of the positive changes from the books of the fight between Breannaand the hound in season 430 to what she in the book the hound goes down from blood raising from a stupid wound he gets in a bar fight but in the show you have two characters both care about fighting over aria to the death Lake was involved in a big no no my children screaming so click gain bull dog nightand best gain bowl is was abandoned the that combine both bookand a lot of Internet mean cultureand the burning desire to see this giant man to be asked of this other giant man revenge fight so epic that it would rock the foundations of Western’s itself you will see the hound looks the way he doesand is afraid of fire because brother the mountain shoved his face into a fire when they were kidsand ever since then he’s wanting some revenge for thatand some other things all about that revenge is really really needs that mountain that ride Satan is a live eights in the hound for memorable list once revenge yesterday itself was a lot of fineand we got everything is a plot point it down through down one not only is the mountain functionally dead by this point like overand Martel killed himand what we have now is basically just a mindless zombie that does whatever Circe says but to the books make it pretty clear that Sandor is finally at peace with himselfand his need for revenge Georgia room being mistaken for justice is a big thing in the booksand we will get to that later his art wasn’t about getting revenge it was about moving past the show. On the masses they are the same as the same yes now the so called Iris didn’t bonding America day ago people this is okay gonna do it is divide and conquer as his finest the oldest trick in the book Anatolia America is all about that that’s what they about that you don’t have to ask when you see the callout of flags what’s wrong to be fair is what works for tourism is not here we go with our service is a look at these people and they gonna bring that all your people you never get it to Seth Scholl daft to bring the so called black people to talk about it because a so called Iris is black and these people is fighting for black people you believe it on TV fake that if you take them as black people are fighting for you dumbass tall steel is like she was born American dream is born in Oakland California and how stainless work bloodstream MRI to the bloodstream and pay attention people remember the election is so called November watch out for the drama that gonna come with it under divide and conquer what
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I love a Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt couple of them in a different attorney I was presented the hike across the modulesand now you chop a sheet tool to have Sal down almost hundred 30 confronting his faceand boosting his confidence will finding new ways to get highs wanting the minister to in Tony Strickland. WARNS OF THE HUNDRED AND 11 PRICE INCREASE FOR CALIFORNIA AND THIS IS BECAUSE IN CALIFORNIA THEIR DRIVERS ARE BEING RULED AS EMPLOYEES IN THE NEXT AND GOOBER WANTS TO BE THE NEW AMAZON OF TRANSPORTATION AND THIS IS OBVIOUSLY AS SOME OF THE STUFF FOR THE PANDEMIC IS WIPED OUT A LOT OF THEIR CORE BUSINESS. There there there rate like a furiousand fast seminar now that in the top six highest grossing all is called the dominating meaning I am not going to the moon anybody that loves these movies they don’t do it for me but hey there making me a ton of money they’re gonna keep coming great prior to the Caribbean guilty pleasure mine wanted to see this weekend that I have to pirate my own Duffy ship insteadand I have some wine on that little vesseland not an crap line like sharks out there he goes back painfullyand I’m in the bayand so I did see some seals because I think the running away or so tell no tales it’s going to make its moneyand a lot of money I think they watch with you that they watch as I think it’s good you well overseas because of the brand Baywatch was like I was more popular overseas they watch was David Hasselhoff treasure all over the worldand in Germany ready toand then you have the rock so I think it’s going to do well the rock took on moving man’s on Twitter insane is such an obvious the movie man’s going in with his box office a report in the rock said listen brother we still have some international markets is going to open a lot like all over the world see how it does for me know it is a lean covenant dropping 71 I wonder now if Ridley Scott is going to get to finish his he is swinging for the fences with this thing I really admire Prometheus I really enjoyed the movieand I admired that he was still going for with alienand that’s where that movie fell apart for me because shoehorning those aliens in there with that story he’s telling the creation datedand what he’s doing there with Michael Fassbender’s character I’m very interested to see the conclusion that story the box office results tell me that might not happen bummed out about a lean covenant you know I’m I’m sorry that all of you sci fi horror fans are not going to go see this movie because it really is worth seeing in the theater mean what whatever you care about whether you hated Prometheus or like you don’t like alien love alien I think it’s a fun horror film I think is a lot of the things that Scott Mr like he doesn’t deal enough to cover the bases for the people who loved Prometheus he drops a lot of those thingsand brings back a link is if you like however was crying about alien I thought that thing was you know what I like to say was toaster burnt his way like saying I is a very weird way of freezing it on but the look at to see a drop 71 is kind of a bummer because the movement takes risks sound afraid to be differentand has a very cool storyline I thinkand there’s a lot of you know there’s some holes as Pottle’s guess what this bigger plot holes in the fastand the dumb thing you could possibly ever imagine I just made 1 billion does kind of embarrassing that the movie going public is so constantly cracking on a garbage he type of film which really literally is just like a bunch of cool starts in some dumb guysand family 1 million times nothing meaninglessand stupid it was of the tries to make something that has a little bit of some kind of storyline was up low visit everyone who complained pride about that movie I think Matthewand now I need to fasten See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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frederator-studios · 7 years
Meet D.R. Beitzel, Creator of “The Bagheads”
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DR Beitzel is a cartoonist, creative producer, and Pennsylvania fellow living a NYC dream. His day job is playing video games in a Times Square skyscraper; his evenings are occupied writing funnies and drawing comics for the likes of MAD Magazine, McSweeneys, and his own Phatypus Comics. And like several of his idols before him - Matt Groening, anyone? - he’s now making the petite leap from comics to cartoons.  His GO! Cartoon “The Bagheads” is a historically accurate depiction of trash take-out travails with former roommates and his competitive clashes with his older brother. He maintains that the Goat (”Goooat”) is its sole foray into the cartoonish make-believe. He studied politics, so you know that he has 0 capacity to - dare I even suggest it!? - fib.
Sooo, where’d you study animation?
I didn’t! I first went to a community college in central Pennsylvania. It was full of a bunch of cool people - unfortunately not Donald Glover or Alison Brie, but fortunately also not Chevy Chase. Then I went to University of Pittsburgh and studied communications and political science.
Poli- what now?
Yeah... it was the Obama era. I thought “It’s all uphill from here! We’re just riding this political train into the Promised Land!” Reality hit hard. Back then, Jon Favreau was writing Obama’s ‘Yes We Can’ speeches, and I was all riled up. I wanted to be a speechwriter.
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At one point a local city councilman asked me to write some remarks for him to use on Martin Luther King Day. I was idealistic and had a head full of steam, so I wrote this fiery, passionate stemwinder that drew on self-sacrifice and righteousness. I even referenced "Letter from Birmingham Jail”. The thing was, it was for a pancake breakfast at a rural Pennsylvania fire hall. So, I'm pretty sure he went out and said something like, "Thanks for coming. Go Eagles”.  I was young and naive, and didn't realize that every speech didn't have to be "Ask not what your country can do for you ..."
When did you decide to NOT work in politics?
When I met a real life politician. (I laugh) No, really! He was a hometown representative - I’m from the Pennsylvania boonies. And he was a Republican, which was fine; I was just looking for a foot in the door. But when he found out I wasn’t, he asked me if I was a double agent. Like he actually suspected me of being in cahoots with the Dems to get dirt on him! So weird. And then finally, it came down to either an unpaid internship with a politician or a paid gig without a politician, so I chose to get paid.
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Chasing that dollar. What was the paid gig?
I started out as a freelance editor for fashion and fitness blogs. The biggest perk - and irony - was that I was working in sweatpants from my couch. I got jobs at some TV and radio stations. At the end of college, I did do one unpaid internship, which was the best free work I ever did. It was at WQED, the PBS affiliate in Pittsburgh where Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was filmed back in the day. They still had a bunch of the sets just hanging around the hallways - and I even got to meet Mr. McFeely, who was exactly as nice as you’d hope. Eventually, I decided to leave Pennsylvania and move to New York, probably for the cheap rent. And I’ve been here ever since, working with mobile games. I even got to visit the old MAD Magazine office when I did a comic with them. It was covered in original art from some of the all-time greats.
What kinda stuff have you done for MAD Mag and others?
For MAD, I did a comic parody called “Captain Red America”. He’s like Captain America but only represents conservative states, so a lot of his enemies are things he doesn’t actually believe in. So, when he fights the super villain Climate Change, Cap can’t fight back because he doesn’t believe in climate change, so it just beats him up. I also did some writing for McSweeneys. They have some of the funniest stuff published anywhere, and I always wanted to write for them. I love doing comics, too, because if I have an idea, I can just put it out there—there aren’t really stakeholders involved. Recently, I just finished a Valentines comic for Bushwick Daily, a local Brooklyn blog, about the types of people you meet on Tinder.
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How was transplanting to NYC - did you always want to move there?
Ehhh… I’m one of those unwilling New Yorkers who loves to hate it. The city has its upsides; it’s the best comedy scene. When I first arrived I joined UCB, which I think is mandatory when you move to New York - they just issue you a membership with your MetroCard. I always brag that I got to see Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson perform their Broad City stage show before it became a TV show. I love that community, and part of me wishes I’d have stuck with it longer, but I was getting pulled in a bunch of different directions, including a new job.
Oh yeah? Where at?
At Nickelodeon! I got the opportunity very randomly, about a month after I arrived. My (soon-to-be) boss called two people in for interviews, and I guess all that theatrical training from UCB paid off, because I was able to fake being a functional person long enough for her to hire me. It’s a really fun place to work: talented artists, toys everywhere, and sometimes wide-eyed kids are touring the office or testing games for us and you remember what we’re all doing there. The downside is that we’re in Times Square, so when I venture into the street I’m guaranteed to get a face-full of armpit. But playing video games is part of my job - I produce apps and games related to Nick shows.
That is the Dream. What’s your favorite game you’ve worked on?
Probably TMNT: Legends. We had a tremendous team of real fans, and the game looks great. Plus, I got to go visit Montreal where the team is based. I highly recommend that everyone spend years developing a game with a blockbuster studio, so you can visit, too.
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Did you choose the cartoon life, or did the cartoon life choose you?
Wow, I really need to get “Cartoon Life” tattooed across my stomach. It was mutual selection. As a kid, I’d go to my grandma’s house and draw through all the paper she had. I looked up to Sergio Aragones of MAD. I was always drawing in the margins of the handouts at church - that’s the only way I’d sit still. But in high school, I stopped drawing for a bit - I guess I was partying too much, or maybe I just lost all my pencils in one of my oversized neon Tommy Hilfiger jackets. Then, I got back into it in college, drawing editorial comics at my school newspapers. I get inspired by people like Matt Groening. He was grinding out “Life in Hell” for like 40 years - well after he became a TV tycoon with The Simpsons and Futurama - just for the love of it.
How did you come to pitch for GO! Cartoons?
Just a random Google search, looking for places to send some stuff. I only barely met the deadline. I put together a thumbnail pitch and sent it on in.
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Did “The Bagheads” change much from pitch through production?
The core story was always a brother and sister arguing over trash take-out. But it fluctuated in length quite a bit. There were a lot parts I added and then we condensed or cut out. There were intros, flashbacks - at some point, probably dragons and ice zombies - a lot did have to be trimmed down. Which was tough, because as you can probably tell, I’m a pretty big blowhard.
Who inspired the Bagheads, and were they always, you know… bag headed?
The Bagheads were always bagheads. As a little kid, I used to doodle baghead people with my brother, who inspired me to start drawing at all. We’d draw the guys from Guns ‘N Roses, but with bags over their heads—I have no idea why, but probably because I was kid who was crappy at drawing and couldn’t draw faces. Anyway, it became a running gag between us, we called them Guns ‘N Baggies. And over the years since, I’d draw those types every now and then -- a muscle baggie, an old baggie, whatever. So when I was getting ready to submit to Frederator, I knew the character’s personalities, but I didn’t know their appearances. So I reached into my childhood and pulled out the Bagheads.
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What do you enjoy the most about Elbow and Artemis?
Well, what I enjoyed most about the short in general was working with so many talented people to bring it to life. I gotta give a big shout out to Eric, Kelsey, Michelle, JoJo, Sylvia, Paul, Bill, Kevin, Stephen, our cast and everyone else at Frederator and Salami Studios who made this happen. I did not do this alone - nowhere near it.  
As for Artemis and Elbow, I’ve always liked duos with friendly antagonism, like Ren and Stimpy, Bugs and Daffy. Those good-natured conflicts where you’re kinda buddies, but you’re also kinda at each other’s throat. I like that Artemis and Elbow’s personalities create conflict: she’s hyper-competitive, he’s lazy. And then there’s their poor clueless dad, who’s working too much and constantly worried about the safety of his kids but doesn’t realize the biggest danger to them is each other. Those relationships can serve up a lot of fun, simple stories.
What inspired Nuke Man Jones, who’s still pulling off the eternal dunk as we speak?
Harlem Globe Trotters, for sure. They basically have superpowers. I was really looking for things that Elbow might see at a high altitude and I wanted something silly. Nuke Man is stuck up there in Earth’s orbit now, cursed to never complete that dunk like some Sisyphean baller fate.
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The billion dollar question: do the Bagheads have bags for heads, or are they wearing bags over regular people heads?
Ya know, I’m gonna opt not to answer that one. The question of the bags can remain an unanswered mystery if it gets a series. It’ll be like The Leftovers for kids.
How about some favorite cartoons?
I mean, my Top 10 would just be The Simpsons, Seasons 1 through 10: that’s my all-time favorite TV, right there. South Park can’t get enough love—those guys have turned out classic after classic, and they’re the smartest gross-out humor in history. Looney Tunes, Ren & Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead - Mike Judge is a genius. Jim Henson and The Muppets, even though it’s not a cartoon; puppets count, right? MAD Magazine stuff like Sergio Aragones features or ���Spy vs. Spy,” which was an inspiration for this Bagheads short.
I’m also really inspired by old school newspaper comics. It breaks my heart that they’re disappearing. Calvin and Hobbes is gorgeous and the most inspiring thing to me. I just read the entire series again, and it’s as good as ever. I appreciate that Bill Watterson refused all the licensing and merch deals people wanted to make for it. I read once that he left something like $400 million on the table.
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That’s amazing.
Yeah. Once, I made a parody album cover for a local comic shop’s art show, and I made one based off of Notorious BIG’s “Ready to Die” cover: Notorious HOB’s “Ready to Live”. People wanted prints so I started selling them, and then it dawned on me that I was breaking the spirit of Watterson’s anti-commercial stance. So I stopped selling them, and just told people, “Sorry, they’re gone!” 
What do you like to do outside of your work*? (*everybody else’s play)
I like to connect with my inner hillbilly - errr, inner hippie - whatever it is. I go to the beach and state parks pretty often. And I love stand-up: I just saw Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, Jeff Ross and Kevin Hart at Radio City Music Hall. It was insane.
What are you working on now?
At the moment, I’m investing all my resources in trying to score “Black Panther” tickets. Otherwise, I'm working on a musical animated series idea with two musician friends, Jeff and Matt. It's really cool and is somewhere between Hamilton and Freaks & Geeks. I'm also working on a comic strip about animals in a post-human world. It's really cartoony, except the president is a photo-realistic opossum whose speeches are just incoherent, ear-piercing screeches.  I'm not sure where that falls on the fiction/non-fiction spectrum. So much for giving up politics!
Great talking with you D.R., thanks for the interview! Looking forward to all of your future endeavors. And I’ll be sure to vote for you if you ever return to politics / being a spy for those wily Pennsylvania Dems.
Everybody: keep up with Phatypus Comics on Facebook and Instagram, @phatypus! And here on Tumblr: @phatypuscomics
- Cooper
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kyojinofbraveos · 8 years
Snk // Watchmen Paralells - Rorschach
It is no secret that Isayama has inspired a lot by the legendary comic Watchmen, written by Alan Moore, which is another kami-sama by the way. In this post, I’ll explain some parallels between Rorschach’s character and Shingeki no Kyojin series as a whole.
I know Levi was inspired by Rorschach and that is why he is wearing that cravat and such but as you’ll read this post, I think you too will that understand Rorschach’s character did not just affected Levi’s character, but the whole manga.
I don’t know if anyone pointed out that parallels, I have never seen that kind of post either but if anyone did it before well... Sorry not sorry.
And one last thing, I think if you haven’t read Watchmen comics, you are missing a lot. Like really. A LOT. Get out from the cave you were living before and read it.
Comic spoilers and deep character analyze below!
There are heroes who wear masks.
And there are heroes who has become their masks.
Rorschach is in the second category.
Rorschach was born with the name of Walter J. Kovacs. He was the only child of Sylvia Kovacs which earns her bread as a prostitute. Which is our #1 parallel with Levi, his mother Kuchel was also a prostitute as well.
But unfortunately, the parallels between Sylvia Kovacs and Kuchel Ackerman are just that. They are both prostitutes, that is all.
While Sylvia beats Walter, he is Walter back then, and blames him for all the struggles she is going through, but we know Kuchel is a loving person and she loved Levi more than anything. How do I know? Just look at Levi’s personality. I don’t think Kenny nor The Underground City had the environment for him to become this compassionate and understanding person. He learned it from somewhere. Read @momtaku ‘s post HERE for a detailed explanation.
Also to quote @teetanjaeger ‘s Kenny / Levi analyze:
In developmental psychology, empathy is generally considered a learned ability. We are not born with an innate sense of empathy for other people. This is why children are really egotistical little humans. (You know that joke about children being sociopaths? Its kind of true…) So, in order for Levi to have this level of empathy, he had to have learned it somewhere. It certainly wasn’t from Kenny as I already established Kenny lacks the ability to empathize.
But Walter is not capable of that because of the way Sylvia treats him.
Sylvia beats Walter, blames him for her struggles, she tells the poor kid she should’ve listened other people and made an abortion. I know, mother of the year indeed.
His papa has went to buy milk and never came back, his mama gives him sweet trauma candies and our baby Rorschach turns out a psycho, he is not just incapable of empathy, also asexual when he becomes an adult. He has no idea what love is, what understanding means, and of course he is not capable of building healthy relationships with other people.
Not just that, the kids around are not accepting him because he is son of a whore, they make fun of him. And suddenly there comes a moment where Walter has his first special Ackermoment and he jumps on the little kid and chops of his nose and he burns the other’s skin with a cigarette. 
I sometimes wonder if Levi had to go through the same mocking words. Like, did people ever treated him bad just because his mother was a whore? Anyway, back to Walter.
With that, Walter learns a clever surprise attack can make many things. We also see that in Levi, as well. Both of our sweet psychos know a fast, clever attack can make many things. 
Both Levi and Rorschach are smol trauma balls that are capable to do anything at anytime, they are both ready to take action, their mind state is pretty close. Just like their height as shorties and I don’t remember where I’d seen that, but in Levi’s first sketches Isayama wanted to make him more ugly, just like Rorschach is.
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Chapter 56.
And not just that, both Rorschach and Levi tend to use violence to get what they want, or to do what needs to be done.
Note: Manga: Right to left // Comic: Left to Right. For those who always miss it like me!
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Rorschach is asking information from an Underground Bar, Issue #10.
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Levi is helping Historia to make a choice, Chapter 56.
Let’s return to Rorschach, the times while he still was Walter.
After the incident, they sent Walter to a school for problematic kids where he’ll stay for five years. There, Walter shows academic talents, he is incredibly good at literature and also religious subjects and also he shows physical talents too, like gymnastic and amateur boxing. Rorschach also uses a different, poetic in his own way language and most of his sentences are turndown. He sometimes gets nasty, but not as much as Levi.
Well, as you read my last sentence you guys probably thought wow, so that is why Heichou speaks so different you might think. Yeah, while it is kinda true that Levi has his own, weird way of talking, it is not as deep as Rorschach, he just has a nasty mouth. But Rorschach speaks poetic, almost like the way Homeros wrote Iliad in Rorschach crazy way. So, Rorschach probably just inspired Isa, but Isa didn’t take the way Rorschach talks to himself.
At 1956, the year Walter is gonna start to work in a garment factory, he finds out that his mother was murdered. The only response he gives is a simple “good”. That is all. But after Kuchel’s death, we can see how devastated Levi was. He stays by the side of her mother’s dead and never lefts the room for who knows how long, when Kenny founds that skeleton boy wrapped in his mother’s clothes, he asks him whether he is alive or not.
Even though Walter acts cold-blooded about his mother’s death, we know that the year he started to work in a garment factory is the year his mother was murdered. So he must have felt something. Resentment. That is one of the main elements in both Walter’s and Rorschach’s character. Maybe he got angry to his mom for ruining another thing he has, school, he just dropped it. 
But Levi does not have any traits of resentments in his character, yet. Maybe a little to Zeke, but we don’t know that and waiting for Isayama to tell us how he felt. Anyway, moving on. He didn’t felt any resentment to EMA and even tried to comfort Armin with his classic No Regrets™ speech. If Rorschach would be there, I swear to you all he would tear everyone apart to make what he decided to choose.
I don’t know if you have noticed this yet, but when I am talking about the young Rorschach I am using Walter. But when I am talking about the upgraded Rorschach in the comics I am using his hero name. There is a reason why I am doing this, because to Rorschach these two are two different people. Walter got two mushrooms to eat before he can upgrade to Rorschach, a.k.a the final form of Mario. 
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And we hit at our rock to eat our first mushroom.
The death of Kitty Genovese.
That happens right outside of her apartment, and while the event takes place all neighbors sit there, does nothing and some of them even watch it. That hits Rorschach because Kitty Genovese is the creator of Rorschach’s classic mask.
At first, it was not a mask though. It was a dress but the company didn’t like it and Kitty throw it to trash with disappointment. But to Rorschach, that fabric was the most amazing thing he has ever seen. He was amazed that the dress is just black and white, with no gray. That symbolizes Rorschach’s world view, to quote him:
“There is good and there is evil, and evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this”
He sees the world as black and white. Not a single part of gray is aloud to exists. This remind me something...
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Chapter 31.
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Chapter 31.
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Chapter 6.
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Chapter 73.
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Chapter 86.
And like people who sees the world black and white like Rorschach, these characters are also tend to do whatever it takes to do the right thing™ . Or sometimes, what they find right.
Levi, thank to gods, does not have that trait. He got his lesson all the way from Underground to clear sky. 
After the death of Kitty Genovese, Both Walter and Rorschach also become extremely protective over the women. Maybe who knows, with that way deep down he is also trying to save his mother, in his crazy sub-conscious way.
Ah, that reminds me! We hit the second rock, and a mushroom popped up! Hurry, we gotta catch it!
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The death of Blair Roche.
So, Blair is the girl of a bus driver and her family is really poor but some maniac mistakes her with the daughter of some company, if I am correct. So, that maniac wants a bigass amount of money and poor family runs to Walter who pretends to be Rorschach that time.
I am just gonna ruin your mood with panels from comic. I am gonna let the Rorschach speak and tell us how Walter died. (Read left to right!)
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Issue #6 page 17.
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Walter might be anything, but he is not an idiot. It doesn’t took his time that much to understand what happened to little Blair.
And that is just Gross.
You see what I did there? Muhahah.
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And out of that madness, Walter dies. He is no longer a person wearing a mask, he has become Rorschach, his alter-ego, the mask he has been wearing all that time. There is no Walter anymore, it is just Rorschach. And if you read the comics, you’ll see Rorschach refers his mask as his face because to him, Walter Kovacs is dead and burned to the ashes. And dead can not walk among living, that is why that mask is his face.
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Rorschach does not give a fuck about evidence, you idiot. He wants to serve justice, and I am not talking about judges and lawyers, I am talking about the blind goddess with a scale on her hand. Rorschach serves her, not to lawman has created.
Justice? Served.
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Am I the only one that sees the screaming Shingeki no Kyojin parallels?
For example, what Rorschach has gone through is really close to what Ackermans have lived when they found their liege. Not same, but quite similar.
Like Blair, we also have one innocent child that has been fed to dogs.
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But that was the most obvious one.
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These words sound really familiar, too.
Where did I heard that speech before?
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But unlike Rorschach who thinks this world is stinky and disgusting, Ymir finds it fascinating.
To Rorschach, there is nothing more, that is why this world is so wrong. Because the reason this world is so wrong is us, humans. No devil, nor god. Just humans. And we are still making more madness, doing more mistakes and sins even when the world is already so wrong.
To Ymir, there is nothing more, that is why this world is fascinating. Because out of that madness, if you are lucky enough, you may also see a little beauty in it out of all those horrible things. There is no god, nor devil. Just humans. And we can still create, built and dream even with al the madness around us.
After that, Rorschach never changes. He never compromises. Even after The Keene Act, where government orders all masked heroes to stop, the cops find a serial killer with a love letter on his chest: NEVER. 
Because if he stops being a hero, nothing left from him at all.
Here, I am a little scared for Levi. I trust his compassion and understanding but I am scared he won’t agree if there comes a time they need to compromise with Zeke. I am worried if he looks and seeks for his death like Rorschach did when Adrian Veldt and Dr. Manhattan agreed that a giant squid will unite the whole world.
And Rorschach never compromises. So Dr. Manhattan murders him.
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And I don’t want that to happen Levi.
Rorschach literally begs bloomy bloomy blue guy to murder him because he knows, after that even if he stays alive Rorschach is gonna die, too. He will be empty, he will be meaningless. The world around him changes, people change but he never does. NEVER.
Rorschach is like a ronin, a homeless samurai who fights on even though there’s no clear path to victory. A samurai with no master.
And Ackermans are associated with knights who serve a liege, as Isayama said so. 
Kenny went down with ‘go Ronin or go home’ after Uri’s death and he seek to find him somehow and that caused his death.
Levi please go home.
I beg you.
Rorschach was never able to accept change.
He ws never able to compromise.
He was never able to understand the way this world is.
He was never able to understand human nature.
And that caused his death.
Sounds familiar. *cough*Jaeger*cough.
I wonder which way Isayama will choose?
‘Kill just Rorschachish ones or kill them all’.
We’ll see.
Thank you all for reading!
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Chapter 29,
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” Sam is in shock. “That’s not possible.” “Oh, no, no it’s very possible.” Chuck says lightly. “I can make anything have celestial powers.” He turns around pointing. “That chair, this book, that ladder, everything. This just seemed appropriate.” he said gently touching the shroud. “So--I’m really a nephilim? What exactly does that mean?” Sam asks shakily. “Well, you’re still Sam. You’re just kinda...new and improved. Think of everything angels can do and--I dunno, add whatever you have learned in your human life and kinda, mesh it all together.” he says, interlocking his fingers. Everyone is still stunned. “Gabriel, since you and Sam are--” he purses his lips, “umm, what’s the right phrase here..” he wonders to outloud. “Knockin’ boots?” Gabriel offers with a shrug. “Uh, yeah, sure. That’s a little more crass than what I was-- but yeah, it’ll do. Since you two are--that--I’m asking you to explain any and all questions that Sam may have from now until,” he tosses a hand in the air, “forever.” Sams turns to Gabriel. “Forever? Like, forever, forever?” he says with a giant smile. Gabriel shrugs and holds out his hand. “I guess so, baby boy. You ready for this?” Sam strides over and leans into his angel and wraps him in a tight hug. Eremiel crosses her arms and taps her foot. Chuck turns to her with his hand on his chin. “How would you like to be my new scribe?” Her face turns white. “My King I’d--” “Please,” he interrupts, “call me Chuck from now on, ok?” Eremiel blinks rapidly. “Yes, sir. Chuck, I’d be honored.” Chuck puts his hand on her shoulder and she just about faints. “Great. Someone is going to have to write down what’s happened here today and since you got a first hand look at it, you’d be perfect.” he says with a beaming smile. Chuck picks up the tablet and turns to walk out the door. Eremiel hangs her head. “You’ve GOT to be kidding me.’ she whispers to herself. “I’m gonna go now.” Chuck announces. “I’ll take care of the tablet. You take care of Earth. I’ll--see you around I guess. Bye.” he waves and then he’s gone. 
“He’s still so painfully awkward.” Gabriel chuckles. “You’d think the creator of literally everything would be, I dunno, better at interacting with people.” “We have to tell Dean!” Sam smiles. “How do I--can I teleport like you guys?” Gabriel smiles. “We don’t call it that, but yeah, I don’t see why not? Just think about Dean and you’ll be there in a flash. Oh--just be careful. I can’t count how many times I’ve flown in on people who were ‘indisposed’. Maybe just focus on the bunker for now.” he chuckles. “Are you coming with me?” Sam asks in a hopeful voice. Gabriel wraps his arms around his man. “Forever.” is all he says.
They land in Sams room, still wrapped in each others arms. Gabriel looks around for a second before he says “Good job, Sammy. Perfect landing.” He presses his lips against Sams gently. Sams body is flooded with feelings he’s never had before. His blood is singing, his skin is on fire in the best of ways, he can feel the air shift around him. He pulls back. “What was that?” he huffs. Gabriel smiled an ran his hand down Sams cheek. “That, Sammy boy, is how angels experience love. We feel everything on a cosmic scale.” His hand runs down his neck to his chest. “Can you feel that?” he asks softly. Sam closes his eyes and steadies his breathing. His chest is tingling. It feels like thousands of tiny stars are lighting up his insides. His shoulders begin to rise and Gabriel removes his hand quickly. “Hey, hey whoa, hang on Sammy.” he clamps his hands around Sams back and holds tight. “You don’t wanna open those bad boys in here. You saw what mine did in heaven. Yours would crumble this little bunker.” he laughs. Sam smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, I didn’t know--I can’t help it.” his mouth ghosts over Gabriels lips and lightly presses against them. His tongue forces Gabriels mouth open and he starts to feel fire burn in his belly. His shoulders seem to move on their own. He pulls away quickly and balls his fists. “I gotta work on that.” he grins. “Oh baby boy, you have a lot of time to learn self control. And I’ll be there every step of the way. Why don’t we go find your brothers?” Sam smiled wide at that. Castiel was his celestial brother now. That made his heart so full.
They walk through the bunker together, hand in hand. They stop in front of Deans room and knock. “Hey, Dean? We’re back.” he shouts. There’s muffled voices coming from the room and light laughter. The bed creaks and he hears footsteps. Dean cracks the door open slightly. His hair is a total mess and he’s only wearing a sheet. “Oh, hey! Hey, guys what’s up? How--Cas stop--how was heaven?” he asks nervously. “Good.” Sam squints his eyes. “Um, can you get dressed and meet us in the library? We have some news. You know...whenever you’re...done.” Dean lets out a sharp breath and looks behind the door and laughs. “Seriousl--ah!” he laughs. “Yeah, yes. Sam, we’ll be out in ten.” he slams the door. “TWENTY!” Castiel yells and laughs. The bed creaks again and he room falls silent. Gabriel shakes his head. “Gross.” is all Sam says as they walk away.
Gabriel is sitting on the table in front of Sam in the library. Sam is lightly running his hands up his angels thigh and lets out a soft hum. He leans down and gently kisses his neck up to his ear. “I can’t keep my hands off you.” he whispers into Gabriels ear. He reaches behind Sams back and pulls him close, lifting the end of his shirt out of his pants. “You won’t hear me complain.” he moans. He slides his hand up Sams back and presses in his fingertips as Sam bites down on his ear. “I can feel everything.” Sam sighs. His hands work their way up to Gabriels waist, starting to unbutton his pants. “I want to feel you.” is all Gabriel says. Sams places one of his hand on Gabriels back and tugs. The shirt falls off his body like a petal from a flower. “Payback.” Sam growls. Gabriel takes in a sharp breath and runs his tongue across Sams bottom lip. “Ah, God, come on guys.” Dean groans from the doorway. “Get a freaking room.” He doesn’t care that his brothers are watching, Sams eyes don’t leave his angels. He plants one last sweet kiss before pulling away and buttons his pants. Dean is taken back by his brothers brazen behavior. “So,” he clears his throat, “We have something to tell you guys, too.” Castiel takes Deans hand. “After everything that happened in heaven--Oh, hey, by the way,” Dean walks over and reaches a hand out to Gabriel, “really glad you’re alright man.” They shake hands and Dean pulls Gabriel in for a quick hug. “Anyway,” he begins again, “after heaven, when we left, Castiel took me somewhere special.” He looks over lovingly at his angel and smiles. “Where?” Sam asks curiously. Castiel smiles. “The garden of Eden.” Gabriel and Sams eyes widen. “Wow. Like thee garden of Eden?” Sam gasps. “Yes. And while we were there,” Castiel beams, “I asked Dean to marry me.” 
The room is dead silent for exactly 3 seconds before it erupted in cheers and happy yelling. They’re all smiling and laughing and hugging each other. “Oh my God! Oh my GOD I can’t believe this!” Sam shouts. He hugs his brother and holds him close for a long time, tears welling in their eyes. Gabriel and Cas share a quick hug and pats on the back. Sam runs his hand over his face. “I seriously--my God, you guys. I can’t tell you how happy I am for you.” Sam hugs Cas tight. Castiel stiffens and pulls back. “Sam?” is all he says. He freezes. Dean looks at the expression on Cas’ face and squints. “What’s wrong?” Sam steps back next to Gabriel. “Well, like I said. We--we have something to tell you too.”
“A freaking nephilim? YOU’RE a Nephilim? So, you touched the shroud of turban--” “Turin.” everyone corrects him. Dean closes his eyes and holds up a hand. “Turin, and then presto chango, you’re a nephilim?” Sam looks at his brother and shrugs. “Don’t-” mimics Sam shrugging “-me, man. Seriously.” “It’s not a bad thing, Dean. It’s incredible. I’m the same guy, just with perks. I didn’t know this was going to happen and when God showed--” “GOD?! YOU SAW GOD?” Dean shouts. Everyone got very quiet. Dean sighed loudly. “Sorry, this is just--it’s a lot to fucking take in.” He runs his hand over his face roughly and turns to Cas. “Any input whatsoever?” he asks. “I’m frankly as shocked as you are. No offense, Sam.” Cas says apologetically. “I knew the shroud had powers, but I never thought God would let anyone touch it.” Sam lowers his head and Gabriel put his hand on Sams leg comfortingly. “Listen guys and gals, we can sit here all night and tear this down to the studs, but like it or not, Sammy boy here is and will remain a nephilim. We can talk about this rationally or not at all.” Everyone is shocked with how logical Gabriel is being right now, himself as well. Dean puts his head in his hands and sighs, rubbing his eyes. “I need a drink. You all need drinks. I’m going to go get drinks. Then, were talking about every detail of this.” he points demandingly at everyone.
0 notes
ramialkarmi · 7 years
How Terry Crews went from sweeping floors after quitting the NFL to becoming a transcendent pitchman and huge TV star
Terry Crews has built a career by doing everything from action movies ("The Expendables") and comedy series ("Brooklyn Nine-Nine"), to being a game-show host ("Who Wants to Be a Millionaire") and pitchman (Old Spice).
But at one point, after playing in the NFL, he was broke and had a job sweeping floors at a factory.
Now, he's one of the most recognizable faces on the planet — and even has a furniture line.
Terry Crews learned the hard way that you should never take an opportunity for granted. 
He was 11 years old when a woman at his church, impressed by his drawing ability, offered to have him create a sign for her storefront. She would give him $25 for the work, which for a kid from a blue-collar family in Flint, Michigan was quite a pay day. He was told to complete the sign within a week.
“I thought, ‘This is going to be easy!’” Crews recalled to Business Insider in a recent interview. “So I spent the week watching cartoons, hanging out, playing around, and the day before it was due I started. But the paint wasn’t sticking to the canvas, everything was going wrong, it was awful. The woman showed up at the house and looked at it and was like, ‘I’ve never been more disappointed.’ I was crushed. I didn’t put any effort into it. I vowed to work hard after that. I never wanted anyone to have that disappointment in me again.”
And Crews’ career proves that he’s never forgotten that life lesson. 
From being the face of Old Spice commercials to his memorable roles in movies ("Idiocracy," "The Expendables") and TV ("Brooklyn Nine-Nine"), thanks to his hulking size matched with his comedic talents, Crews, 49, has gone from being broke after a lackluster career in the NFL, to being an actor who seems to always have a new goal he’s chasing down.
And recently Crews also stood up and became part of the #MeToo movement — the viral wave on social media denouncing sexual misconduct in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein allegations. Late last year, Crews said in a series of tweets that a Hollywood executive groped him at a party in 2016. This, and subsequent statements and interviews, led to Crews being included in Time magazine's Person of the Year: “Silence Breakers.”   
For this piece, Crews took Business Insider through some of the landmark moments of his career to show that when it comes to his brand, as he puts it, “I’m happy, but I’m never satisfied.”
Broke and sweeping floors in a factory after quitting the NFL
Terry Crews’ career in the NFL was not a memorable one. Basically a glorified tackling dummy in the league after being drafted by the Los Angeles Rams in the 11th round in 1991, Crews also played for the San Diego Chargers and Washington Redskins. He walked away from the game after being on the practice squad for the Philadelphia Eagles in 1996. He played a total of 32 games over his 5-year career.
With no other career to fall back on, Crews tried to get into acting, but quickly realized having the NFL on his resume didn't equal instant success.
"It was a big shock to me," Crews said about not finding immediate fame in the entertainment world. "I moved to Los Angeles thinking that because I was a football player, I was going to get a lot of big opportunities. They didn't even have a football team then, nobody cared!"
Crews said he spent a year broke, and had to get a job sweeping floors at a factory to make ends meet.
"I realized I had to start all over again," he said. "I gotta sweep these floors and make sure they are clean but I also felt like I was doing something about the situation. It was a gut check."
Finding his big break in "Friday After Next"
With no acting experience but a lot of desire, Crews got himself into auditions thanks to his size and outgoing personality. It led to him being cast on the syndicated show "Battle Dome" in 1999 — think a combination of "American Gladiators" and pro wrestling — where he played the character "T-Money" for two seasons. He also got extra work on movies like "Training Day" and the Matthew Perry comedy "Serving Sara."
Then in 2002 he got his big break.
After working security on the set of 2000's "Next Friday," the sequel to the Ice Cube stoner comedy "Friday," Cube cast Crews in the third movie, "Friday After Next." Crews played Damon, an ex-con who basically was the intimidating presence in the movie (as Tommy "Tiny" Lister's Deebo character was in the first two movies).
But Crews took the character to a whole new level and became a standout in the movie. This was particularly because his Damon character is sexually attracted to another male character, Money Mike (Katt Williams), a storyline that at the time in black culture was very taboo.
"I remember talking to Katt and saying, 'If this is the last thing we ever do, they can love us or they can hate us, but we have to make sure they never forget us,'" Crews said. "That was our whole mantra. Do something that will just make everyone's eyes bug out."
And they did just that. Crews said he pushed the homosexual tendencies of the Damon character to the point that even on set fellow actors thought it was going too far.
However, despite the movie being a box-office bomb (it grossed only $33.3 million worldwide), Crews was one of the highlights.
"At the premiere, Ice Cube came up to Katt and me and he was like, 'That whole third act with you and Katt takes over the whole movie.'" Crews said. "And I was like, wow. I got respect from people in the industry because I was willing to go all in."
The Old Spice commercials
Crews' "all in" approach led him to be a huge part of an advertising campaign that has influenced the way commercials are made today.
In 2010, he began doing commercials for Old Spice deodorant called "Odor Blockers," and the company's YouTube channel suddenly became one of the most addictive destinations on the site. Created by the Wieden+Kennedy ad agency and directed by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, of "Tim and Eric Awesome Show" fame, the videos instantly became viral thanks to Crews insanely yelling and screaming while doing bizarre things (with the help of CGI). Whether it was rolling his head down a bowling lane, popping his now-famous pecs, or suddenly appearing in another brand's commercials, Crews embodied the insanity that made the commercials — as well as Isaiah Mustafa's equally zany "Smell Like a Man, Man" Old Spice commercials — go on to win advertising awards and spawn countless imitators.
"I remember the first time we shot any of the Old Spice commercials we did three on the same day because we kept coming up with ideas," Crews said. "I had to sign contracts and fax them to Wieden+Kennedy on set because I was only signed to do one ad."
"I trusted these guys and it was a magical moment," Crews continued. "It's been eight years and I'm still doing them. I'm filming a new one on Thursday!"

President Camacho from "Idiocracy"
Through the years Crews has played some entertaining characters, but his most memorable (so far) is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho from the 2006 movie "Idiocracy."
Though hardly anyone saw the movie when it was released, it's found a second life on Blu-ray, cable, and streaming. And Crews' portrayal of the president in a future when corporations are king and everyone is stupid has gotten to cult icon status.
There was even talk of Crews portraying Camacho in some anti-Donald Trump ads that "Idiocracy" director Mike Judge was going to make during the 2016 presidential campaign. But Crews balked, saying he would only do it if all the candidates were made fun of.
Looking back now, Crews feels he's protective of the Camacho character because of how it can be shaped to any political agenda — none of which the actor wants to be a part of.
"People are way more complex than Republican and Democrat, and that's what I love about 'Idiocracy,' it just told the truth," Crews said. "That's the comedy I like to do. I still think there's room to do Camacho stuff, I would love to. But I want to also just tell the truth and then let it lay."
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine"
Recently, Crews' steadiest work has been playing Detective Sergeant Terence "Terry" Jeffords for five seasons on the Fox comedy series "Brooklyn Nine-Nine."
And if you're wondering, no, it's not a coincidence Crews' character is named Terry on the show.
"We designed the role for Terry, we named the character 'Terry' just to tell him how much we wanted him to do it," Michael Schur, co-creator/executive producer of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," told Business Insider in an email. "Everything about Terry Crews is impressive — his talent, his work ethic, his courage, his activism, everything. In fact, his biceps are the least impressive thing about him, which is saying something."
There is no better place than TV for actors to work on their craft, and Crews is appreciative of the show for that — and for the incredible response he's received from the show's fans over the years.
"One woman told me she watches 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' because her son passed away and they enjoyed watching it together," Crews said. "So when she watches it now it brings her back to that time. You start to realize the influence. This is beyond me."
Furniture line
That's right, Terry Crews has furniture named after him.
Crews said he was helping a friend out on a furniture line when he was suddenly offered his own.
"On the [list of] things I want to accomplish, furniture wasn't on there but art was," Crews said. "I felt, wait, furniture is art, if you make it it's art!"
Crews dove into the project, coming up with sketches on his own. It was evident for those working with him that he wasn't just going to slap his name on anything placed in front of him.
"He had so many solid ideas that the difficult part was choosing which ones to pursue for his first collection," Jerry Helling, creative director of furniture maker Bernhardt Design — which is doing Crews' line — told Business Insider in an email. "His knowledge of design and his passion for the industry, combined with his artistic skills made him an ideal collaborator."
Crews' collection ranges from seating to tables, all inspired by ancient Egypt. A second collection will be coming out in the spring.
Using his art skills to make a TV show
Before scoring a football scholarship to attend Western Michigan University, Crews got an art scholarship. He's also been a courtroom sketch artist (back in his hometown of Flint, Michigan), and even painted portraits of NFL players to earn some extra cash during his playing days (sometimes charging $5,000 a portrait).
Now Crews is trying to combine his passion and his celebrity status to make a show.
He's prepping a pitch to send around Hollywood of a talk show in which he'll interview a guest while also sketching them. The pilot has already been shot with his "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" costar Andy Samberg as the guest.
"The pilot looks great, we got a lot of pitch meetings lined up," Crews said. "Our biggest thing is will the show be 30 minutes, or 10 minutes, or even a couple of minutes? We can tailor to whoever wants it. So we're keeping it open to any format."
Time magazine Person of the Year: "Silence Breakers"
Recently, the biggest thing on Crews' mind has been an incident that happened to him at a party back in 2016, he said.
In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct allegations this past October, Crews was one of the many who spoke out about sexual harassment.
Through a series of tweets, the actor said that a "high level Hollywood executive" groped him at a party he attended with his wife.
Crews later revealed that the exec he was talking about was Adam Venit, head of the motion picture department at the talent agency William Morris Endeavor. The same agency represented Crews (the actor has since left WME). After a one-month suspension, Venit went back to work at WME and was demoted.
Crews, who has since filed a report with the LAPD alleging Venit sexually assaulted him, was later named as one of the "Silence Breakers" in Time's Person of the Year issue.
Looking back on the past months, Crews said telling his story was "a good thing" because it revealed who really was in his corner.
"I found out who my friends really were through this thing," Crews said. "There were a lot of people that I thought were behind me and weren't. I didn't cry in my bed, 'Oh, I've been betrayed,' as a businessman the difficult times revealed who was there for me and who wasn't."
"I'm thankful," Crews continued, "because I would have gone for years thinking these people had my back. I would have just kept going. Sometimes you don't see until something weird happens, and it doesn't get weirder than what happened to me."
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