#one piece ccg
witchyuria12 · 2 years
Got some nice pulls!
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Of course, got the GOATS too!!! And the set up for my Baroque Works deck!
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BTW I'm selling a Doflamingo (alt art) One Piece card on ebay because it's the only method I could think of that wasn't Craigslist.
I set my asking price based on TCGplayer.com rates, so if anyone has pointers or wants to buy it, go for it and yell at me about it.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
OP TCG Musings
Cynical cash grab that will likely never have enough of a playerbase in the area to be worth the investment (if my early 30s ass even had the time) it may be...it has come to my attention that the One Piece TCG will allow one to play the Akazaya Nine from the first set. Which means naturally I will be picking it up from the first set now.
Seriously though, around 2014-15ish I had a rather hot run as a semi-pro MTG player. At least made enough in winnings I was coming out a little ahead even with a couple trips for tournaments a year. Always loved CCGs, my teen years lined up with Yugioh’s first competitive scene and I pushed the short lived but amazing YuYu Hakusho game from 2003 hard. Tricky to tell until I can get a proper feel for the game, but looking at the cards and the rules it looks like you do have a solid deck out of the Kozuki. Like, I mean it could be a breakout competitive one if there is a scene for that. 
If that sounds like a topic that interests you, I’m going to pop off with a deep dive gut reation from that vantage point.
First off, one of the best things a Kozuki/Akazaya deck has out of the box is options. From Japan we know the first two sets and starter exclusives. Only looking at what we’ll get for inital releases. This is hilarious, but the Akazaya have options for one amazing reason off the bat; an actual choice between leaders. Because the Akazaya cards check if Oden is your leader...and Yamato counts as Kozuki Oden! 
Awesome, but it means in this early stage we’re one of the camps who has a choice to make. A real one. Oden’s ability is being able to discard a Wano card to reuse the like, mana/resource thing. That plus support cards that let you draw cards and a certain sibling pair who are phenomenal, aggressively costed creature control? Pretty solid base for a control deck. Especially since Ashura piggybacks well off of Kiku/Izo’s abilities as a big attacker. Denjiro also plays nice with Oden’s ability by doing it more. 
That said...Yamato’s a tantalizing choice too. He has a very aggressive ability. Kawamatsu and Tsuru are some nifty low cost characters and you still have that cheap draw spell. I don’t think you quite have the same support here just yet, but a little bit of power creep down the line can get you the foundation of something like Zoo archetypes in Magic. Lightning fast beatdown.
Either way, Kin’emon is the magical one in either build. He gets to bring a buddy with him, Kiku being perfectly costed. In the first build, great for establishing a board presence without investing as much. Keeping more resources open. But he also seems just the right cost for Yamato to use him as a nice closeout before the game goes long.
I am also quite impressed how well all of this jives with the series and my interpretation of the group as a whole.
(Uhhh...disregard some of that. Yama’s not a leader. My bad. Akazaya are still a great early control deck though and we will get a good Kin leader in set #2)
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verycoolcardgames · 10 months
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First time setting the poll length to one week, instead of one day. Trying this out, since pervious polls did not get much votes.
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ccgscans · 2 months
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Buggy The Clown - One Piece
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thewertsearch · 4 months
FUTURE terminallyCapricious [FTC] 0:42:00 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo. […] FTC: HEY BEST MOTHERFUCKING FRIEND. FTC: what all seems to be the motherfuckin problem? :o) […] CCG: OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD FTC: i'm in your future, best friend. FTC: I KNOW WHERE YOU MOTHERFUCKING ARE. FTC: and what you'll motherfuckin do. […] FTC: and also. […] FTC: i'm all about to be meeting up some friends. :o) […] FTC: i wonder if you can all be at with me in time and make me get my reconsider on?
... is it just me, or does it kind of sound like Gamzee's asking for help here?
Instead of directly threatening his friend, he's asking if Karkat will help him 'reconsider' - almost as though there's a piece of him that doesn't want to be trapped in a murderous rage, and it's trying to make itself heard.
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Do I spot some ominous purple text in the corner?
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I do.
Well, Terezi isn’t the worst person for Gamzee to run into on his rampage. A Seer like her will immediately understand that he's snapped - and she's no slouch in the combat department, either, so I don't think she'll be easy pickings.
Things might get dicey, however, if Gamzee pulls out the power he used against the Black King. We have no idea what that even looks like - but Terezi does, so she at least shouldn't be blindsided by it.
Anyway, what does our resident detective make of the dearly departed Tavros?
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Before the full investigation is underway, a legislacerator will always have a chief suspect in mind. The one she will hold guilty until proven otherwise, a process customarily taking place after the execution.
That sounds about right for the Alternian ‘justice’ system. I’d ask what happens if a suspect is proven innocent after their execution, but that presupposes that Alternia even has a concept of 'proving someone innocent'.
In any case, a stopped clock is still right twice a day, and Terezi's corrupt methods have lead her to the correct culprit. What's her next move?
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Above, you detect faint traces of what you reckon to be special stardust, such as the kind left behind by the flapping wings of a mischievous fairy.
I knew Terezi’s sense of smell was impressive, but I didn’t think she could go full bloodhound. She really is the most well-equipped troll for this new, more dangerous Veil.
And not far from that, you detect bright trails of white light. It smells... hopeful.
All three killers are in the vicinity, then.
... look at me, already calling Gamzee a killer. To our knowledge, he hasn't harmed anyone thus far - but I'm fully convinced he intends to, based purely on the strength of his most recent Pesterlogs.
The writing there was genuinely impressive. In just a few dozen lines, Hussie has completely sold me on the idea that the funny meme clown is dead fucking serious about violently murdering his friends.
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tg-headcanons · 2 months
Frothing at the mouth (positive) over the fact you're the only person aside from myself to put their whole ass into the fact the CCG is largely propaganda-based and they barely know shit about ghouls, and only publicly share twisted "facts" about ghouls to get further government money for their ghoul-genocide activities. Whats some CCG propaganda you think they push most aside from "ghouls wre animals and can't think/feel like humans can?"
The CCG does a lot more propaganda work than the general public, and even most investigators, realize. It’s human nature to want to bond and relate to one another and even things that aren’t human, and if people tend to humanize animals, plants, and even machines, a big part of what the CCG does is work to ensure they don’t try to humanize things that look human
Within the CCG there are rules policing language. Ghouls are to be referred to as “it,” and described as male or female rather than using man or woman. Reports referring to them with “he” or “she” are corrected to remove human language from them, and if a superior wants to they can easily use “humanizing language” as an excuse to punish an underling
Because the higher ups rely on their employees not understanding ghoul minds and social structure, they withhold information and most investigators don’t understand how intelligent they are. A study was done on particularly unwell ghouls in cochlea in order to engineer the conclusion that ghouls have the base intelligence of a nine year old child, and that their skills and language ability are mostly mimicry of humans. Because of this, a lot of ghouls have gone under the radar because they’re simply too complex or intelligent to be suspected. When some measurably intelligent ghouls are discovered, the higher ups take over quickly and the ghoul is either declared an odd outlier, or some cover up is utilized to deny their accomplishments
Because the only ghoul research happens in cochlea, a place designed to be as distressing and unhealthy as possible, the results are incredibly skewed. They do not understand social behaviors because the only captive interactions are between stressed and doomed ghouls. They do not fully understand kagune usage because they’re all drugged with rc suppressants. They do not know about ghoul hormonal cycles because the rc suppressants tend to make them fatal. As far as there doves know, ghoul are all erratic, mindlessly violent, and prone to unexplainable deaths in captivity. What little research there that is a good representation of ghoul complexity is often destroyed and falsified
The CCG makes an effort to locate people with violent tendencies or struggle with connection for their academy. Staff there knows that if a student is suffering socially or gets in fights, they are to be fast tracked to training. Many of them could have gotten help and thrived elsewhere, but the CCG training program encourages and enables these behaviors so long as it’s directed towards ghouls. They engineer investigators who are taught to cope with otherwise treatable issues by taking them out on something that looks human, but is okay for them to harm. These people are quickly promoted so when there are “complex cases,” they have someone they can trust not to humanize the ghouls and kill them as quickly as possible. They end up struggling to acclimate to anywhere else, more or less trapping them there to be attack dogs
A lot of news about ghouls has to be run through the CCG for approval. There’s a law on the books prohibiting the spread of dangerous misinformation regarding ghouls, which requires “professional input” on any officially released pieces about them. There are some public personalities and so called Ghoul Experts who absolutely don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, but the CCG allows them to speak on it because they parrot the dehumanizing propaganda they feed the public and it helps to have supposedly independent researchers confirm it. They all know Hisashi Ogura is full of shit, but his fearmongering makes their job much easier
Many investigators die every year because they were not allowed to know what the higher ups know. Countless employees were killed by ghouls they didn’t know how to locate due to misinformation about ghoul psychology or were killed with fighting techniques that were kept confidential for use by the washuu family. A good amount of deaths are preventable, but the CCG will never tell the lower ranks the things that would have saved them. Besides, having a brutal, fatal ghoul attack in the news every day is good for image
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pokebunky · 2 months
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coloradocharmiegirl · 5 months
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Chapter 42 here --New 4/20/24
With Armie heading out to fight the wildland fire at Murphy Creek, Timmy faces some uncomfortable truths about what loving a firefighter really means, and makes promises, to himself and others, about how he'll make sure they never end up in such a mess again.
Timmy reached up and brushed a finger over his medallion, the piece of Armie that had hung around his neck since that very first night. Life had somehow brought him back here, back to Armie–the man who made pancakes laced with vanilla to celebrate 3-month anniversaries, who touched both his body and soul in ways no other person ever had. The man who unlocked hidden desires, tied deft knots, and matched Timmy round for round–the noble man who cared so fiercely and, though he’d never said so in so many words, made Timmy feel loved.
He’d wobbled at the worst possible time, and now Armie was far away, facing danger. Timmy brought the medallion to his lips and pressed a kiss against it, sending a prayer to the universe for Armie’s safety, knowing he needed to be strong. He couldn’t fall apart, not now–not when Armie needed him to take care of the things he’d had to leave behind in the face of duty.
Or start from the beginning here.
Hello! I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. But hopefully this will have been worth the wait. I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you who has hung around and is still reading--thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly. I was recently reminded that this story has been going on nearly 3 years now and isn't finished, and that it's a lot to ask people to keep reading after so long. And I get it, I do. There's more to come, but if you ever want to stop reading, just know that these boys have a happy ending, so you can step away with a happy heart.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
*t-poses into inbox* TIS I! 🎨 ANON!
We don’t talk about how I had to spend 5 minutes making sure this complies to your rules because I have a lot of mental disorders so I had to make sure this doesn’t cater to them lmaoooo
My hyperfixation is Tokyo Ghoul despite it being literal YEARS but whatever (I’m watching it again currently)
Ayato Kirishima with a male!S/O who has a hard time controlling his kagune (i.e when he’s scared he accidentally activates his kagune, when he’s angry it’s there. You can essentially think of it as emotion based) so he has a hard time hunting for food and doesn’t like to go out in public because of that
If you need more I gotchu but do your other requests before mine I know I get priority but nah I can wait
Kirishima Ayato - With Ghoul Male Reader Who Can't Control His Kagune
Hello 🎨pallette anon, I'm finally going to write your request after however long after you sent it to me. Sorry about that. By the way, college classes have been a major reason why my posting schedule has been all over the place, I swear I meant to get to this sooner. Anywho, I hope this is to your liking, and once again sorry for the delay. —Benny🐰
Warnings -> Mentioned Death, Mentioned Cannibalism, Mentioned Murder, Alluded Past Trauma, Ayato Being a Sweety
🐇 While he definitely wouldn't say it out loud, Ayato is incredibly concerned about you almost every hour of the day, though when he has important matters to attend to that worry is pushed to the background but is certainly still there. He's worried that you'll end up getting caught and killed or, worse, taken and experimented on by the CCG, so he's the slightest bit thankful that you stay inside more often than not. Ayato does make sure to drop by your place often to see if you're still there, and if you go out, he makes you tell him what you're leaving for and the exact time you left through the front door; he's not fucking around when it comes to your safety.
🐇  Usually, Ayato hunts for the both of you; he wants you to be able to go and get food on your own eventually, but until he's able to help you keep your emotions in check a bit better, he won't allow it. He may or may not enjoy being relied on by his cute boyfriend, but you didn't hear that from me. When he brings home a meal, he'll snack on it on the way to your place, but don't worry, he always makes sure to leave your favorite parts alone; Ayato just adores when you give him that happy grin while your cheeks are stuffed with the flesh of his latest game.
🐇  Often if you begin to have a panic attack or have strong emotions and your kagune begins to show itself, Ayato will 'reluctantly' grab onto your hand and give it a comforting squeeze. Although that squeeze tends to be a bit too tight most of the time and leaves you with an aching hand afterward, don't tell him that; he'll beat himself up for accidentally hurting you and won't touch you again for quite a while after that. If you're both at home, Ayato will drag you into bed and pull you against his chest, his hand rubbing your lower back under your emerged kagune to coax you into slumber.
🐇 When you both go out, be it for house essentials, food, or new clothes to replace the ones permanently stained with blood, Ayato always stands behind you and watches for potential threats or things that may stress you out. Suppose he sees that something is beginning to upset you, he'll grab you by the arm and physically turn you away from it, distracting you with an interesting object that's being displayed in a shop window or quietly telling you a piece of information about himself that you didn't know. Ayato is a pretty closed-off person even to those he's closest to, so he uses these hidden nuggets of information to his advantage whenever he's taking care of you.
🐇  Ayato is a very busy person, so he can't be with you as often as he'd like to be; to solve this problem, he's taken to leaving you little gifts around your place. A cute rabbit phone charm that he asked Uta to help him paint to look like his old mask, a few of his hoodies, random stuffed animals that he found on the side of the road, a couple of severed fingers for you to snack on in a take-out box, anything he thinks will make you feel better, to be honest. One time, Ayato even went out and bought you one of those cute squeaky stress balls whose eyes pop out when you squeeze them; it was a rabbit, of course.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
expectant (ccg universe)
words: 1,844 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “how reader tells austin she is pregnant” warnings: none notes: other anon i got your request for disneyworld, etc. will be writing it, just might take a min. i’m leaving for a long weekend vacation, but will begin writing something for it when i get back :3 thanks everyone!  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
Here’s the thing about plans—you enjoy having them but also realize that a lot of perfect surprises come along when you’re not restricting yourself to a step-by-step checklist. You’re not gonna lie to yourself that you’ve had a ten-year plan or even a five year one, that’s too far in advance, too many things can happen. You’ve known people with these stipulations, have watched them break themselves into small pieces to achieve goals that don’t even make sense anymore.
You’ve decided a long time ago that that wasn’t going to be you. There has to be flexibility or you’ll drive yourself crazy.
So when it comes to starting a family with Austin, it’s not something you both have mapped out exactly. You’ve talked about it plenty of times, that promise of eventually lingering like a pleasant breeze, just passing through.
Maybe that’s why it comes as such a shock when the third test comes back with the exact same notification: pregnant.
You stare at it a long moment, tapping your fingers against the sink. Well…you suppose that makes sense. The past week or so, you’ve been off and on with feeling funky. You just figured you were run-down from work, another script you’ve been working on, characterization just not clicking for you despite positive feedback from Austin and a few other writer friends you’ve met on sets. There’s always something you’ve been able to blame for feeling sickly—not enough sleep, too many drinks at the bar, staying up too late with a cup more caffeine than you usually do.
Apparently none of those things have been the culprit.
“Pregnant,” You whisper and that single word seizes you, closing around your ribcage, pushing the bones together—it suddenly feels very real.
Somehow a hundred plans come to mind along with nothing specific at all. There are so many things out there that catch your eye about telling your significant other that you’re pregnant. Some ideas range from adorable, to ridiculous, to overwhelming. There’s nothing wrong than just…showing him the pregnancy stick? But at the same time, you want more.
Next time you see him, when he comes home from work, you can just tell him…there’s no need to do anything fancy. Save that for the gender reveal, right? Even though you’re not about to overdo that either. Maybe cupcakes with different color icing on the inside.
Universe must be working against you though because an hour before Austin is due home, you can feel a migraine coming on. You can’t take your medication while pregnant and you feel like you barely make it into the bedroom before it completely takes your knees out. You squeeze your eyes shut, telling Siri to send a text to Austin just to keep him in the loop.
And that’s how he finds you, in bed, covers pulled up and over your head.
Austin comes into the bedroom quietly, moving to the blinds to pull them down. He then sits near your hip, his hand stroking along your side in patterned, even strokes. You move slowly, not wanting to make the pain any worse, like sharp shards behind your eyes. You let out a long breath, removing the sheets from over your head. Austin gives you a gentle smile, pushing your hair aside, his thumb rubbing a tense muscle at the back of your neck.
“You expired?” He teases with a whisper.
A soft chuckle rumbles in your chest and you shrug your one shoulder—kinda, maybe. Not completely. Your temples are pounding and the light, even dulled by the blinds being down, hurts your eyes. It’ll pass though. You’re not sure whether the nausea is from being pregnant or from your brain feeling like it’s being tapped with a hot poker. Your stomach does a full swoop, glancing up at Austin and…
Right, you were going to tell him. The words get stuck right in your throat, thick as molasses.
“Can I get you anythin’?” He asks, moving to circle his fingers at one of your temples, massaging. God—feels incredible. “Meds? Water?”
Your stomach does another flip and your fingers tighten their hold on the sheets you have pulled up to your chin, “Maybe some water, meds didn’t work.” And that’s happened before, if you don’t take them in time. You clear your throat, reaching for his wrist though when he goes to move, “Don’t go yet.”
You run your finger along the inside of his wrist, debating on words that crawl up into your mouth. You had nothing special planned, it didn’t matter how you told Austin the news. But…part of you keeps repeating not like this—not when you feel like you do, miserable and kinda sick and a pounding against your eardrums.
Austin hums lightly and moves to crawl in bed beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. You sigh out, comfortable, allowing your eyes to close as you catch whiffs of his cologne as he draws you close.
You’re so close to telling him, almost—right here. “Austin.”
He shifts, his one leg slipping between yours, pressing a kiss to the back of your head so you know he heard you. He’s patient; quiet.
“Nothing,” You eventually say, shaking your head. “Nevermind.” Your head tips back slightly to look at him, “I’m glad you’re home.”
He smiles at you, brushing his nose against yours before squeezing around your hip.
A few days pass, not…exactly on purpose. But one thing happens after another, getting lost in the normalcy of time passing. You keep promising yourself that you’re gonna find a perfect moment, even though you know nothing like that is going to come. Tonight, tomorrow, next Tuesday, it doesn’t matter—you just have to tell him. You’re not sure why you’re so apprehensive about this…or well, maybe nervous is the better word.
Saying it outloud makes it real and while you assume you know how Austin is going to take the news, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still just a ‘guess’.
You turn into Jillian’s kitchen with a half empty fizzy juice in your hand, your best friend throwing a small get together that feels long overdue. It’s completely lowkey, comfortable, the gathering of close friends to drink (or not), eat a lot of food and play intense, silly games of cards. You’ve been mostly catching up with people, Austin offering you a drink once or twice, but you lie and tell him you’ve got a headache. He brushes his lips over your forehead and doesn’t press…which is good because you’re still formulating those words, teaching your mouth the syllables for I’m pregnant.
Jillian’s trying to talk Austin into a game of flip-cup and you have to bite down on your tongue because you love that game, you’re actually pretty decent at it?
“You can be on a team with Y/N,” Jillian grins, “I mean, that’s practically guaranteeing a win here.”
Austin laughs, mostly air leaving his nose. He looks over at you and gently shakes his head, refilling his own cup with beer.
“I’ll let you play with wine,” Jillian then starts in on you— “I know beer isn’t a good sell.”
Crinkling your nose, “I’ll play with water,” You offer, “Not interested in wine tonight.”
“Oh come on, you never turn down wine. It's like one of your five food groups," Jillian laughs, "What are you—pregnant?"
It comes out so simply that you don’t even think about schooling your expression, but it’s already too late. Austin glances over at you in amusement, a smirk on his lips, until…he gets a good look at your face. Gentle excitement, a tiny bit of uncertainty, fear—joy.
You realize right then you’re taking too long to say anything, your silence is becoming an answer.
You were so unsure of what your husband's reaction would be, it's been a distant plan but…so many of your passions and work are concrete. How does this fit? Can it fit? All those thoughts evaporate when Austin's mouth opens and closes and he takes a step towards you, reaching for one of your hands. His eyes glaze down your form like he's…looking for a difference that he can't see.
"Are you—" It's somehow more of a statement than a question and you let a soft laugh, eyes beginning to brim with tears.
"Yeah," You sniffle, just going for it, nodding, "Yes."
Jillian gasps into a loud exclamation and you—you pictured telling Austin in a completely different way. In a handful of different ways, but you realize that this is just as good as having a plan. His face is…something you'll never forget. Profound awe, love, nothing is better than that.
"What a great reason to turn down wine." Jillian amends with a grin and pours herself more as if to clink glasses with other people in support. She wanders over and squeezes you tightly before going into the other room and you don’t have to hear her to know that she’s telling everyone else.
You let her go, you’re completely focused on the person in front of you.
Austin cups your face, leaning in to kiss you a few times before he draws you into a tight hug. You close your eyes, pressing your face against his shoulder, breathing him in, allowing him to ground you with his arms firmly around your form.
There are slow eruptions in pockets of cheering from the other rooms and Austin pulls away just enough to gently grab onto your hand and tug you somewhere more private. A small balcony Jillian has, the glass door sliding shut able to drown out most of the sound. You wipe one of your cheeks and smile at your husband, Austin cupping both sides of your face again and kissing you.
Slow and intimate, your foreheads resting together afterwards.
“I haven’t known long,” You promise, knowing he’s happy but not wanting him to think you were trying to keep this secret from him. “There were so many different ways I wanted to tell you.”
Austin shakes his head, “I can’t think of any better way of finding out,” He smiles, glancing inside, “Though at the rate Jillian’s goin’, we might not have a chance to tell anyone else.” He says as another bout of cheering rings out.
You laugh lightly, curling your hair around your ear, “I’ll talk to her,” Making sure she won’t spill anything to your families. You love that she’s excited, however.
You’re smiling, fondly, looking over Austin’s face as an eruption of nervous butterflies kiss the inside of your stomach. You hold his gaze for a moment and he squeezes your hands, waiting.
You’re so incredibly happy but…at the same time, “I’m scared.” You admit in a soft whisper, swallowing over a lump of unsaid words in your throat.
Austin smiles a little, running his thumb along your cheekbone before he draws you close, “Me too. But whatever happens? We’ll figure it out together.”
Together, you repeat, pressing a kiss to his lips. A promise.
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witchyuria12 · 2 years
Anyone on here play the One Piece Card Game? Still waiting on my booster boxes from the full release, but I did play in the Super Pre-Release a while back and looking forward to playing more!
Would love to meet other players too, especially in the Indianapolis area!
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canadianlucifer · 7 months
Yeah okay I'll finally make a post on my latest Takizawa headcanon bc ever since I made the connection I couldn't stop thinking about it.
In short, I think he probably has npd, or narcissistic personality disorder.
Now I wanna make it clear I'm not a professional, I'm not giving any diagnosis or anything here, this is just what I've observed through his behaviour and how I think it fits the criteria.
I'm going to be mostly focused on his human character, might bring up a point or two from :re, but it's just gonna be the good brown haired boy for the most part.
Going through the list in the DSM-V, first is: a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
We first see this when he criticises Juuzou for eating in the meeting room and not listening to him because he's older. He's not proven himself to be actually superior, but he believes he is.
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And again later when he's jealous Juuzou gets to go on the Aogiri raid and he's left behind to do paperwork.
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Second piece is preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
Now, we don't exactly ever see him like, just sitting there thinking about being promoted or whatever, but it is known that he desperately wants one.
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Third is believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
I don't have any solid proof or screenshots for this one, but it stands to reason that this is likely why he joined the CCG in the first place. Investigators are strong and "special", and we never see him interact with people who aren't investigators outside of Hide, who he really only seems to vent to, someone he probably doesn't see as an "equal"
Fourth, requiring excessive admiration.
Again, no solid proof, but he often seems desperate for praise for his work and to be recognized.
Fifth is a sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)
See point 1, he feels entitled to Juuzou's compliance and to go on the raid.
Now, point six, being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends), I don't think I've seen. At least, not as a human. In :re I can totally see him using Aogiri to eventually regain the CCG's trust as an example though.
Seven, lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others), is a hard one.
The way I see it is that he sort of has empathy, but only for the attention. In one of the screenshots I added earlier he says he wants to get promoted so he can help people, but if we look at that statement through another lens, it could become "I want to help people so they thank and congratulate me"
Eight though, often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of them, hoo boy is he a jealous guy.
Like, I don't even need to say anything here, do I?
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He is jealous of anyone better than him in anything and everyone around him knows it.
And finally, nine, showing arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes.
Again, when he wanted to go on the Aogiri raid, but this is most clearly seen as a ghoul to be honest. Especially :re volume 3, he's destroying squads with little apparent effort, fights Haise while making snarky remarks, and that monolouge he gives to those two investigators reads so much like "I'm better than you for having figured this out"
A few other things outside of the diagnostic criteria I would like to add is how he clearly has a strong hierarchy, like he views any investigators his rank or lower as below him and any investigators ranked above him as great
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Something else is that narcissistic people often don't have high self esteem
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And though he may talk big, it's clear he's not very confident about facing the Owl
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These are just a few of my thoughts, definitely not everything, and it's not like he perfectly fits the criteria, but I just saw more traits in him than I didn't.
Just another headcanon of mine to add to the list
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queersoda · 3 months
Heyy so I know I’m not as active on here as I used to be but I started my own tcgplayer shop for my pokemon cards if anybody is interested in that! :>
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verycoolcardgames · 1 year
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ccgscans · 9 days
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Extra Special Candelabra - One Piece
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