#one piece episode 135
brainyxbat · 10 months
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New outfits exclusively for my Roronoa Venus AU!
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thychesters · 2 years
Luffy is like staring into the sun.
At least, that is what Zoro thinks the first time he sees him. But then, his first coherent thought had been it’s too bright upon their initial meeting, looking up from glowering down at the ground to raising his head and squinting at a too big, self-congratulatory smile and do you want to join my crew?
Then it had been simple enough to blame the harsh sunlight blinding him, framing Luffy’s profile and that bright grin, and he’d bitten back the hell I will one minute and had a sword and an oath clenched between his teeth in the next.
And so Zoro follows the sun.
He follows and his skin reddens and blisters and peels; it splits at the seams and bleeds as he burns, and still he follows. It aches and cracks, and still he reaches out, twining his fingers through promises and a loyalty that will not bend.
Luffy curls a hand around his jaw and it’s a different sort of burning, flaring up into his eyes and down to his very marrow. And Luffy asks, where will you go? Nowhere, Zoro says as the words gather in his throat, raw and parched, and he chokes on them, anywhere.
His touch is a balm as fingertips skitter across his skin, soothing and pressing and digging and prying, and Zoro thinks he would burn again and again, blinded by the sheer brilliance of it all.
And then it’s dark out on the open sea, some nights, and then others too many stars dot the horizon, gathering up above them like they’re spilling out of the slit open belly of a giant, and Luffy tilts his head, blistering heat where he rests against his shoulder and looks at Zoro and says, I think I know where, and would you come with me?
And Zoro is a drowning man with a lungful of sea water, salt gathering with blood at the corners of his mouth and asks, of course, and where?
Luffy smiles and it’s a gathering of starlight and the sun, and it makes Zoro want to shove his fist into his mouth and shatter every one of his teeth, and Luffy would just laugh and bite down on his wrist and lay claim to his pulse point, like he doesn’t already live inside its every thrum.
No telling, he says. Will you still come with me?
And Zoro burns and it rages in the pit of his belly right into the raw skin of each scar, into his fingertips as they dig into Luffy’s scalp. How dare he have to ask, grin with the knowledge that he already knows the answer, and Zoro turns to follow the sun and says, yes, says I wouldn’t be anywhere else.
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Gildayshe Musings (plus past one-sided Gildemma)
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(Chapter 143)
Despite Ayshe only debuting in chapter 135 and not featuring in all of the subsequent 49 chapters of the series, Gildayshe is my favorite ship for both girls. This is for the very important primary reason of I think they look cute together.
Besides this crucial point, below the cut are some musings that act as the foundation for my interpretation of a potential relationship for them. (Somewhat of a complementary piece to this one speculating on what Norman said to Ayshe in chapter 160, doubling as a “this is how my default endgame ships coincide with one another” explanation.)
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“I read a book one time; it said the outside world has hundreds of clothing designs and patterns, and I wanna wear them all!” (S1 Episode 1)
I love seeing Gilda’s growth across the series. When we first meet her, she’s not afraid to voice her opinion to most of her siblings, she’s competent enough to be considered a Mom candidate under Isabella’s specific standards that has only her and Emma interacting with the young infants in the plant
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(Chapter 12)
in addition to being among the five decreed fit to serve as an offering to The One, and her younger siblings have a deep admiration and respect for her that becomes even stronger post-escape.
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(Chapter 95 Bonus Sketch; she’s familiar with child care, cleaning, and laundry from Grace Field, but on top of all that she picks up cooking and gardening with ease.)
They trust her and feel safe in her presence, effectively thinking of her as a surrogate mother at points (we won’t get into how cruel it is she has to take up that role at the tender age of ten).
“The night that Conny left, Emma and Norman both went down to the gate. In most cases‚ even if you had broken the rules, you’d eventually come clean about it and things would go back to normal, but you haven’t done that yet.” (S1 Episode 4)
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(Chapter 11)
But in the face of authority or those she views as being more capable than her, she’ll withdraw and become meek when pressed. She was scared about what would cause Emma and Norman to not come clean to Isabella, scared that something might have happened to Conny, and scared that Emma might be upset at her for asking, and she feels so stressed and guilty about it that she cries. Emma doesn’t hesitate to embrace and comfort her, even if at the time she’s not telling Gilda the full truth about their situation.
I mentioned in my post about Don and Ray’s relationship that while Don respects and admires all his older siblings, it’s Ray’s approval that he seeks the most. For Gilda, she wishes to be closest to and connect with Emma.
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(S1 Episode 6)
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(S1 Episode 7)
We see her cling to Emma, following her lead, looking to her for guidance and protection. Norman was also an option to hide behind here, but despite the respect and love she holds for her older brother, she still opts for Emma.
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And it’s from her conversation with Emma in chapter 11/episode 4 that she draws strength from when meeting with Krone later that evening.
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(The way her eyes shimmer here. She values their bond so much. ;;)
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For Gilda, Emma has always been a safe, grounding presence, and it’s in her presence that she begins to sort out what she likes and admires in girls. She loves Emma’s drive and conviction—pointing out to Don that Emma must be serious about the claims regarding Isabella because “Emma loves Mom and this house just as much as the rest of us”—and, let’s be real, Emma’s adorable; it’s not hard to understand how Gilda could crush on her and be drawn to her magnetic personality.
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(Chapter 35)
To watch her take to heart Emma’s core beliefs of prioritizing family and how no one should be sacrificed in order to ensure the survival of others, and then expanding beyond Emma’s original scope to include the children of the four other plants—something that Emma herself adopts and eventually wants to extend to every single cattle child in the demon world—even if she’s terrified about everything that could go wrong with the plan, how her voicing her thoughts could derail said plan, and the uncertainty of the world beyond the walls of Grace Field, is incredibly heartwarming.
We see Gilda’s growing confidence and sense of responsibility toward her family continue to be displayed post-escape.
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(Chapter 44)
She’s the first to voice caution about Mujika approaching their group and confronts her about who she is and what her purpose is there (while protectively cradling Emma). After such a harrowing first day out in demon world, it’s no wonder she directly confronts Emma later either.
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(S2 Episode 2)
I particularly like how in the anime they show a bit more hesitancy on her part as she walks up to Emma and then how she leans over her when addressing her, not only because she’s frustrated about Emma seemingly unable to conceive that everyone could be worried about her after their conversation in chapter 19/episode 6 of season 1 where she committed to being honest and sharing the burden with them along with Emma underestimating her personal limits, but it’s also the first time Gilda adamantly puts herself in conflict with Emma. While never quite putting her up on pedestal or seeing her as infallible, before she would ultimately defer to Emma and rely on her to make the most sound choice in a dire situation. She didn’t here—not out of malice, but maybe a bit of ego that could come off as her going back on what she said to Gilda back at the house—and the children are so incredibly lucky it was Mujika and Sonju they ran into instead of practically any other demon.
One could easily cite this and further instances of Gilda’s protectiveness over Emma as evidence of later Gildemma (e.g., threatening to blow up the shelter if she and Ray don’t come back from Goldy Pond alive, initially being happy with Norman’s plan to exterminate the demons while specifically citing the reason “this way, you won’t have to carry such a huge burden, Emma” [chapter 121], and pleading with Emma to tell her “why? why does it always have to be you?” when it comes to risking her life for everyone else [chapter 130]), but for the sake of my narrative here I interpret it as her crush beginning to fade alongside the arrival of the Goldy Pond children at the bunker.
For nearly her entire life, her world was the confines of Grace Field. Familiarity breeds content in this case, and being in proximity to Emma, someone she deeply admired who embodied warmth, caring, strength, and safety, Gilda felt safe and comfortable exploring her burgeoning feelings with her in mind, and this is how she sorts out she’s a lesbian fairly early on. When the truth of Grace Field is revealed to Emma and Norman, it hurts her to see Emma grow distant over the course of two weeks. When Emma lets her in on the horrible reality of their situation, Gilda is able to bear it because she finds a tremendous amount of solace facing it together with her. It’s just them and their siblings against a world filled with adults and demons.
But with the arrival of the Goldy Pond children it begins to sink in for her that there really is a world beyond the walls of Grace Field. Emma is still incredibly dear to her and she was absolutely foundational for Gilda being able to sort out some of what she likes in girls, but at the same time, it was a crush born out of proximity and convenience, and with the search for Cuvitidala and then the Seven Walls laid out before them, trying to avoid being eaten by wild demons and pursued by ones from the farms, the romantic bent of it fizzles out for her. (Emma, meanwhile, is oblivious. Despite having an acute emotional awareness of the people around her at such a young age, on matters such as these that concern herself, she falls a bit behind.)
Something that never fizzles out for Gilda, however, is her commitment to her family.
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(Chapter 135)
Enter Ayshe, a girl who sometime between February and October 2047 arrived at the paradise hideout after Norman and co. murdered the demon who had raised her as his own daughter.
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(Chapter 139)
Other than their dogs, he was the only family she had. The only other being she had extended conversations with in multiple languages for nearly thirteen years of her life. Even with the knowledge of the common language spoken by demons and humans alike, she refused to get close to anyone at paradise hideout, partially due to not wanting to give away that she could understand everything that was being said around her to have the upper hand when she enacted her revenge, and partially due to believing all humans hated all demons. Why would she want to get close to people who couldn’t or wouldn’t want to try and understand the bond she held with her father?
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(Chapter 139)
Don and Gilda are the first humans to go against her assumptions. While expressing hesitancy at embracing Emma’s goal uncritically, they don’t want a demon genocide to take place because they don’t view them as a monolith deserving of harsh retribution. Despite the suffering they’ve endured under the farm system, after traveling and seeing how regular demonfolk lived, they know things aren’t as simple as that, plus they’re forever indebted to Sonju and Mujika and regard them fondly. Maybe not to the degree of fondness Ayshe held for her father, but more than she believed other humans were capable of holding for demons.
On top of all this, the duo’s open relief at the news that Ayshe isn’t an assassin is simultaneously an indication how they still value their relationship with Norman and would rather be in the least amount of conflict with him as possible, and this is after Ayshe just told them she was planning on killing him. He’s hurt her so very, very deeply, but she can conceptually understand where the two are coming from because she valued her bond with her father. Even if they’re obviously biased toward their brother, it still causes her to pause and briefly reevaluate the situation before voicing her worries. They didn’t rebuke her or try to argue against her plan to kill Norman and co. because they understand what the group did to Ayshe’s father was wrong, but they also, intentionally or not, showed her there was still something in that relationship that was worth holding onto for them.
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(Chapter 144)
Even after Norman confirms their initial worries of being used as bait to lure Mujika and Sonju into a sense of false security.
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(Chapter 144)
It’s far from an innately shippy moment, but this scene is what underpins Gildayshe for me. I like to think it serves as a character-defining moment for Gilda to Ayshe.
Gilda, who, even though she considered Norman’s betrayal a possibility before the wolf pack trio set off in search of Mujika, was still devastated about being used by him after she and her family believed he was dead for nearly two years and had only just reunited with him, and hoping for the best possible outcome of being able to stop the genocide after taking Emma’s stance to heart and saving the older brother she loved because she understands he’s suffered at Lambda.
Ayshe, who had a life filled with love from her adoptive father unwittingly stolen by Norman, is taken aback by this sorrowful reaction and heartfelt plea. She doesn’t look angry, though there’s obviously still some inner conflict over this based on her reaction to Norman in Ch160 (see this post and this post for further thoughts on that because I genuinely don’t believe she would have reacted the way she did if Don and Gilda hadn’t acted as a buffer for her vengeance), but this is different from the tears Gilda and Don shed in chapter 139 that are portrayed with a more lighthearted, humorous tone. She’s lived almost entirely isolated her whole life, her father becoming even more of a recluse than he was before in order to protect her from a society that, at large, wouldn’t hesitate to eat her. The only other heartbreaking display she’s witnessed in her life greater than this one was likely her father reaching out to her as he succumbed to his injuries.
But this girl she’s known for roughly four days not only holds compassion for the person who wronged her personally, but the entire demon race whose sentient existence is predicated on eating humans like her. I like to think it serves as a character-defining moment for Gilda to Ayshe that stays with her and provides a foundation for things happening between them in the human world.
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frogmaestro · 1 year
tiktok has figured out i’m watching one piece and keeps serving up Scrumptious fanart/edits of law and yesyesyes i am eating them up but PLEASE i am on episode 135 i don’t even know who this man is yet .
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
Best One Piece Filler Arc (Round 2)
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Alabasta Arc filler episodes (ep 98, 99, 101, 102): Various one-episode stories about the Strawhats and Ace in the Alabastan dessert, with the titles: Here Come the Desert Pirates! The Men Who Live Free / Spirit of the Fakes! Heart of the Rebel Army, Kamyu! / Heat Haze Duel! Ace vs. Scorpion Man / Ruins and Lost Ways! Vivi, Her Friends, and the Country’s Form
Post Alabasta Arc (ep 131-135): Five stand alone episodes focusing on the histories and goals of the Straw Hat Pirates crew, excluding Luffy and Robin. They are titled: The First Patient! Anecdote of the Rumble Ball / The Navigator’s Mutiny! For an Unwavering Dream! / Inherited Recipe! Sanji, the Curry Expert / I’ll Make it Bloom! Manly Usopp’s Eight-Shaku Ball / Infamous Pirate Hunter! The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro!
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mr-imagin8ion · 8 months
A project 3000 years in the making: every episode of Futurama ranked in increasing order of sci-fi, from earthiest to spaciest
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Tier 10: Insulting - These episodes are hardly even sci-fi. They just address realistic situations in a hardly even futuristic setting.
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138. Stench and Stenchibility - The earthiest episode. It doesn't even feel like a Futurama. It feels like a "King of the Hill" that wasn't selling, so the script people crossed out the name "Dale" and replaced it with "Zoidberg".
137. Three Hundred Big Boys
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136. The Luck of the Fryish - I hate the flashback episodes. They defeat the purpose of the show.
135. How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back
134. A Leela of Her Own
133. Zapp Gets Cancelled
132. I, Roommate
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Tier 9: Antiquated - These episodes are better at employing 4th-millennium technology, but their plots are still unmistakably 3rd-millennium.
131. That's Lobstertainment!
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130. Naturama - It doesn't even use technology. The only reason it isn't completely below the scale whatsoever is that it's implied the narrator is from Omicron Persei 8.
129. Future Stock
128. The 30% Iron Chef
127. The Silence of the Clamps
126. Attack of the Killer App
125. Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television
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Tier 8: Earthy - While incredibly down-to-earth, these episodes do have one pretty important bit that makes them qualify as sci-fi, like a robot Santa or a head transplant.
124. Jurassic Bark
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123. Yo Leela Leela - It is nearly my favorite episode, no doubt there - but let's face it. Change a few things, and it could easily happen in this era.
122. Raging Bender
121. Rage Against the Vaccine
120. Xmas Story
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119. The Route of All Evil - It's the 31st century, but there are still newspapers????
118. The Impossible Stream
117. Put Your Head on My Shoulders
116. Fry and the Slurm Factory
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Tier 7: Humble - These stories are a little futuristic, but they still feel plain for their day.
115. Bender Gets Made
114. Cold Warriors
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113. Saturday Morning Fun Pit - Mostly grounded in the 1980s, but spared from a lower tier because it does have clones and lasers and the like.
112. The Cyber House Rules
111. Bendless Love
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110. Near-Death Wish - The expensive panoramic bits were pretty epic, however.
109. The Lesser of Two Evils
108. 31st Century Fox
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Tier 6: Allegorical - These episodes use future crap as a metaphorical stand-in for present crap.
107. Bend Her
106. Into the Wild Green Yonder
105. A Big Piece of Garbage
104. Proposition Infinity
103. The Cryonic Woman
102. Mars University
101. Bendin' in the Wind
100. Love's Labours Lost in Space
99. A Head in the Polls
98. Children of a Lesser Bog
97. The Futurama Holiday Spectacular
96. A Flight to Remember
95. Fun on a Bun
94. Lethal Inspection
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Tier 5: Type-Zero - Pretty standard sci-fi plots, unremarkable in their remarkability.
93. Anthology of Interest I
92. A Pharaoh to Remember
91. The Problem with Popplers
90. T.: The Terrestrial
89. Viva Mars Vegas
88. The Inhuman Torch
87. Amazon Women in the Mood
86. The Deep South
85. The Mutants Are Revolting
84. A Fishful of Dollars
83. Where No Fan Has Gone Before
82. Leela's Homeworld
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Tier 4: Techie - Here's where it gets fun. These are the first plots to get out of this world. (As a bonus, we've hit the median point!)
81. The Tip of the Zoidberg
80. Fry and Leela's Big Fling
79. That Darn Katz!
78. Murder on the Planet Express
77. When Aliens Attack
76. The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings
75. Space Pilot 3000
74. A Clone of My Own
73. The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz
72. Where the Buggalo Roam
71. The Beast with a Billion Backs
70. How The West Was 1010001
69. Brannigan, Begin Again
68. The Farnsworth Parabox
67. A Taste of Freedom
66. Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?
65. Less than Hero
64. Spanish Fry
63. The Sting
62. The Bots and the Bees
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61. Meanwhile
60. Related to Items You've Viewed - It feels like it should be a tier-6, but just isn't. There is no mathematical explanation for this.
59. The Butterjunk Effect
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Tier 3: Otherworldly: The epitome of Futurama. These have the ideal blend of science and fiction.
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58. Fry Am Fry Is the Egg Man - Grammar, Stanley.
57. Parasites Regained
56. The Prince and the Product
55. Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch
54. Mother's Day
53. The Series Has Landed
52. Decision 3012
51. Hell Is Other Robots
50. A Tale of Two Santas
49. Anthology of Interest II
48. Bender's Game
47. Insane in the Mainframe
46. In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela
45. War Is the H-Word
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44. I Know What You Did Next Xmas - A ponderance: does this episode nullify "The Late Philip J. Fry", now that they can go back in time the easy way?
43. Crimes of the Hot
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Tier 2: Spacey - Mind-bending and heart-warping, these shows are good enough to make you (very, very temporarily) stop wishing Matt Groening would die.
42. A Farewell to Arms
41. Parasites Lost
40. Game of Tones
39. Overclockwise
38. Zapp Dingbat
37. Godfellas
36. The Thief of Baghead
35. Free Will Hunting
34. My Three Suns
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33. Leela and the Genestalk - Fun side note: At first, it didn't used to occur to me that this episode was pronounced "JEEN-stalk". I'd been pronouncing it "JEN-ə-stalk", like the way it's pronounced in words like genetic, genesis, or generate.
32. The Why of Fry
31. Roswell that Ends Well
30. Calculon 2.0
29. Assie Come Home
28. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences
27. All the Presidents' Heads
26. Forty Percent Leadbelly
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25. Möbius Dick - Some episodes are ranked so low only because there are so many that rank higher than them.
24. I Second that Emotion
23. The Day the Earth Stood Stupid
22. The Duh-Vinci Code
21. Obsoletely Fabulous
20. Fear of a Bot Planet
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Tier 1: Unreal - Creativity personified; these stories are chariots to the stars, moving so fast that they make the other nine tiers appear to stand still.
19. Ghost in the Machines
18. Neutopia
17. 2-D Blacktop
16. Law and Oracle
15. Love and Rocket
14. Rebirth
13. A Bicyclops Built for Two
12. I Dated a Robot
11. Bender's Big Score
10. The Six Million Dollar Mon
9. A Clockwork Origin
8. The Honking
7. Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles
6. Reincarnation
5. The Late Philip J. Fry
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4. All the Way Down - Infinitely better than I expected from a Hulu episode.
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3. The Prisoner of Benda - Nothing says sci-fi like inventing a whole new math equation just to give your story a proper ending.
2. Time Keeps on Slippin'
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1. Benderama - The spaciest episode. Now this is what it is all about: half-sized clones and microscopic microbrewing and sensitive giants.
Other notes:
The spaciest season is season 6 (weighing in at a high tier-2), and the earthiest is season 2 (a low tier-5).
This is intended as a ranking of the episodes in order of earthiness to spaciness, not as a ranking of my opinion on the episodes. A ranking of my opinion is over here.
Drafting this list took all night, and preparing it took all morning.
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 9 (04/22/2023)
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Hello there and welcome to my weekly show where I look at the new debuts from the Billboard Global Excluding US chart. Yes I didn't do this last week. Part of it because I had final thesis to revise. But also I didn't feel it with most of the debuts and the less I said about Melanie Martinez...the better.
Anyways this week is definitely more interesting than last week because we have three j-pop songs and one of them came from the most hyped anime this season Oshi no Ko. We also have some k-pop too and even some surprises. Let's do this.
16. "People Pt. 2" by Agust D ft. IU
Another day, another new solo song from a BTS member. Now we get Agust D who usually do the rap portion of a lot of BTS songs with this being another rap song. This reminded me of early 2010's rap song where you have a singer doing the hook and it just reminded me that Airplanes is now could be considered as retro...next.
23. "Search & Rescue" by Drake
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (this is shit)
30. "I AM" by IVE
I love a lot of IVE songs and I will say that After Like has the best obvious sampling last year. Which is why it's kinda disappointing that this didn't clicked with me as much as it did. The production is tiring and it's basically "I'm back bitch" singles.
80. "Un Finde Crossover #2" by Ke personajes X Big One X FMK
I was vibing to this...then the farty synth and the laser beam sound appeared.
83. "Baby Don't Hurt Me" by David Guetta, Anne-Marie & Coi Leray
This is just sad now. Like I think this song that made me realized that maybe AI music isn't so bad after all when anything David Guetta made in 2022-23 sounds like AI generated mush.
102. "Mera Na" by Sidhu Moose Wala, Burna Boy & Steel Banglez
First and foremose Rest In Peace Sidhu Moose Wala. Secondly this song is just a well produced Punjabi rap and the addition of Burna Boy here is needed.
135. "Idol" by Yoasobi
And here it is. The song that might be the center piece of Oshi no Ko. Anime series based on critically acclaimed manga made by the same guy that did Kaguya-sama. Now even though I haven't watched the anime, I have been spoiled by the manga and well the reason why I swelled up while listening to the song while reading the lyrics...yeah this song is something special.
141. "Kizuna no Kiseki" by MAN WITH A MISSION x milet
Oh hi it's another Demon Slayer song but tbh might be the worst one imo. Yeah this song is great but it's typical for shounen anime to have banger OP at this point and nothing could beat Gurenge.
146. "Never Felt So Alone" by Labrinth (uncredited: Billie Eilish)
One of my favorite content creators Spectrum Pulse coined a term "Riverdale-core" to describe songs with bombast but no substance tackling social issues but with the gaudiness of a vaudville villain. Well for this song I wanna coined a term "Euphoria-core" which is lowkey mostly RnB song with strings and mechanical production.
154. "Zero" by NewJeans
Now I am interested what NewJeans will follow up after the big success of Ditto and OMG. And seems like they are making...a drum and bass song about Coke Zero....okay then.
162. "Chanel" by Becky G & Peso Pluma
Now we will see more impact next week, but what a year it is for Mexican music. Seems like the sound of the trumpet plus that bassline is caught on (tbh idk what to say at this point like after listening to Idol with subs on I'm a jsdhjkdsh)
178. "LADY" by Kenshi Yonezu
I highly recommend everyone to listen to these songs.
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haus-of-wu-ao3 · 2 years
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I posted 91 times in 2022
That's 91 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (32%)
62 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 83 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#k thinks out loud - 36 posts
#fic inspo - 27 posts
#joongryeon - 18 posts
#tomorrow mbc - 15 posts
#tomorrow kdrama - 15 posts
#fic updates - 14 posts
#k writes - 13 posts
#series: haunted by regret - 9 posts
#koo ryeon - 9 posts
#park joong-gil - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#listen...the moment i get back from my trip i am gonna be so deep in the epilogue fluff...i have so many thoughts and currently no time
My Top Posts in 2022:
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drunk in the morning (너에게 취해 여전히)
there are various ways to cope with the loss of your wife. park joong-gil turns to alcohol and working himself to the bone.
but it doesn't matter what he does - the ghost of her memory still haunts him.
words: 1586
rating: general audiences; no archive warnings apply
pairing: park joong-gil/koo ryeon (joongryeon)
genre: angst/tragedy
content warnings: references to grief and alcoholism
miscellaneous ao3 tags:
spoilers up to episode 14
joong-gil becomes a depressive drunk after ryeon dies
i come up with the saddest headcanons while brushing my teeth
I will not apologize for this
31 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
i wrote "what do i call you now?" from ryeon's perspective after ep 14, but now that we have all the scenes from ep 16...
i wanna do a spinoff from joong-gil's POV (now that he finally Knows) bc there's so much gray space to fill in btwn him finishing his 1 month hell!prison sentence and him completing his 6 month demotion...
i need to pack for a trip, i literally do not have time for this right now but i am posting it here to remind myself to write it once i return
33 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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upon returning to jumadeung, joong-gil grapples with where he stands with ryeon – and what he wants to be to her.
words: 3012
rating: general audiences; no archive warnings apply
pairing: park joong-gil/koo ryeon
genre: fluff, getting back together, pining
content warnings: only good wholesome vibes in this one
miscellaneous ao3 tags:
the way my brain just latched onto taeyeon's what do i call you for this pair
some introspection but barely
joong-gil is a giant idiot okay? his first instinct is to run but he's learning
64 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
headcanon that after ryeon dies, joong-gil becomes a depressive (but functional!) alcoholic
he only talks to her (in reality, to no one in particular, he's just speaking to empty air) when he's drowning in sadness and drink, and she can hear every word of it from hell
68 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ryeon can't help but notice the shadows, the traces, of the man she knew (and loved) in the Park Joong-gil she meets at Jumadeung.
“He won’t know you,” The Jade Empress had said. “He just shares the same face and the same name, but he is not the Park Joong-gil from your life.”
That’s the funny thing about reincarnations though. They’re never exactly the same, but they always share core personality traits and values.
So even if Ryeon isn’t actively searching for pieces of her husband in the Park Joong-gil she works with, her subconscious still picks up on the crumbs that it manages to find. And it hurts like hell.
163 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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dannyvhs · 2 years
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I posted 569 times in 2022
196 posts created (34%)
373 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 543 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#dannyvhs - 86 posts
#rabbit chitters - 78 posts
#daniel draws - 74 posts
#dsmp - 65 posts
#saw 2004 - 54 posts
#fanart - 45 posts
#twd - 42 posts
#chainshipping - 39 posts
#video - 29 posts
#mcyt - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#pretty much whatever doesnt fit in the kitchen since fridges in the kitchens are so fucking small recently unless u buy your own fridge
My Top Posts in 2022:
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happy new years everyone
blame @rainbowchocolatedinosaur for this
65 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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"Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord." Colossians 3:20
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111 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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they're cute your honor.
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121 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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ive fallen for another traumatized damaged eye teen oops
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145 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“I’ll make one hell of a me out of the pieces of you!”
So that new episode huh
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Reblogs > Likes ❤️
1,076 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
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spiritmoon23 · 2 years
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I posted 41,712 times in 2022
That's 3,559 more posts than 2021!
366 posts created (1%)
41,346 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,135 of my posts in 2022
#iswm spoilers - 135 posts
#yeah - 73 posts
#god - 49 posts
#< prev tags - 23 posts
#iswm - 21 posts
#save - 20 posts
#real - 17 posts
#markiplier - 17 posts
#&lt;3 - 15 posts
#in space with markiplier - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#what's more the police are useless! who can possibly piece together the evidence to solve the perfect crime? this looks like a case for… 
My Top Posts in 2022:
i think actor chameleon blinks one eye at a time
80 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
In the 12th episode when yellow guy is saying nonsense at the beginning in response to the crossword puzzle he's describing the enlightened versions of reality (there's a bigger one on top of you = the bigger guys up stairs; and there's a bigger one on top of that = the superadvanced guys w the experiment upstairs from them; and there's a small one on top of that = the lady in the room in the attic)
He knew all of this already, at least subconsciously, which makes me wonder if his story has been told before
97 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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And it keeps getting funnier every single time I do it
106 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
i love getting these updates by the day bc it shows just how many times tolkein wrote "[character(s)] woke up (description)ly" skldjf
127 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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You fools... you've activated their trap cards
173 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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krakenartificer · 2 years
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I posted 2,048 times in 2022
That's 356 more posts than 2021!
65 posts created (3%)
1,983 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,044 of my posts in 2022
#too tired to tag - 319 posts
#laugh rule - 101 posts
#reblog - 95 posts
#undescribed - 92 posts
#video - 92 posts
#recovery - 72 posts
#leverage - 69 posts
#meme mutation - 57 posts
#gpoy - 55 posts
#read out loud to spouse rule - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#like. nerds feeling superior and basing their identity around being ‘smart’ is bad. but so is basing your identity around being ‘stupid’
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just watched a video clip of David Tennant being asked what “is the most Scottish thing that Captain America could shout from behind his shield”
And I’m re-reading the Tiffany Aching books
And now I really want to see Steve Rogers in a kilt yelling, like ,,, idk,,,, “Nae Fascism! Nae Genocide! Nae Nazis! We willna be fooled again!” or something like that
135 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Behold! The most uselessly complicated piece of fanart (I have) ever made!
(Minor spoilers for @derinthescarletpescatarian's web serial Curse Words)
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Medium: macrame and embroidery Fiber: acrylic
What is it, you ask? Why, it's a picture of the lake monster's tentacle, magnified 80,000x!
The what? you ask. Well let me just let Max explain it:
The four materials detected by the enchanted microscope showed up in the photos as four distinct colours. Mostly blue and red, with a generous dash of green throughout and rare fine threads of yellow. With the four materials easily distinguished, the structure of the tentacles was obvious. A whole lot of long strands, twisted together. “It’s rope,” Kylie gasped. “Or thread or cotton, I guess, given how small it is.” “It’s much finer than thread or cotton,” Max said. “These filaments are subcellular in diameter.
But that's not all! The description goes on!
These parts are just twisted like rope,
See the full post
147 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Leverage fandom
There's an episode where someone else is running the briefing for some reason, and Nate gets impatient like "We know all this!" and Hardison says something like, "On the contrary, while you are familiar with this already, some of us have focused on technology and have no knowledge of {whatever it was}. This is new information, and I am fascinated, quite. Please, go on."
I would like a gif of "I am fascinated, quite. Please, go on." (or whatever the actual line is). Does anyone have one, or at least know which episode that is?
232 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
As I was heading out the door to watch the Superbowl with parents-in-law, the image popped into my head of Eliot and Nate discussing the Big Game, and Parker saying "What big game?" and Hardison being like, "? ?? You don't know about the Superbowl?" and Parker being all scornful "Of course I know what the superbowl is." and then just as Eliot is calming down, she adds "It's the safest day of the year to steal stuff from a residential neighborhood."
(And then she totally misinterprets Sophie's astonished expression, and conscientiously adds "in the United States")
280 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what Leverage needs?
A bibliography.
Like, obviously don't interrupt the show for it. But somewhere ... on a website, a wiki, something ... there should be links for all the outrageous bullshit the marks get up to.
When Breanna explains how an already-bad policy exacerbates racism? I would like a link for that.
When Harry explains the loophole in federal law that makes this theft legal? I would like a link for that.
When Eliot goes off about the ways working-class families are being harmed by something we consider "normal"? I would like a link for that.
And more than any of that, I would like a link to people who are working to change it. Like you know how we all got together and said "Yeah, medical debt is horrendous and this charity buys it up and then forgives it, be a superhero like Parker and delete someone's oncology bill!" -- could we do that for, like, all of this?
Just because I learned it from a TV show doesn't mean I don't want to share it with everyone I know. Quite the opposite, actually.
530 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
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another month, another… misleadingly high word count. though this was due more to Being On Vacation than being sick, so that’s something! all one piece words, yet again; this makes 135 straight days of one piece writing, for anyone who’s counting.
no new badges this month, just repeats—i got my 18th, 19th, and 20th hamster badges, because it’s a very rare day where i get distracted in the middle of my words, and my 3rd and 4th night bat badges because a lot of the time i forget to write my words until just before bed.
words and days breakdown is as follows:
opfwex ideas: about 11,900 words across eight days
near miss fics: about 7,700 words across five days
the pre-canon uta fic: about 3,000 words across two days
this ask box fic: 790 words on one day
i put a little note in my metadata on the day i finished the buggy pov post-marineford fic that makes me laugh to look at now. that last chapter took me forever, and i was as excited as anyone else to be done with it. maybe too excited?
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most of the opfwex idea words were for my proper exchange assignment, which was hell to figure out how to frame. i knew from the beginning the concept i wanted to tackle, but to do it properly would require, like, 20k at least. so i had to narrow my focus, and figuring out the right way to frame it so it still felt like that 20k of story happened in the wider world of the 2-3k i was posting… that took at least five of these days, just writing one false start and scrapping it to write another false start and scrapping that. idk that i’m fully satisfied with the end result… but that’s what happens when you write on a deadline.
the other opfwex days went to treat #2, which also wants to be, like, 20k, and i want to write them so bad. i was tempted to just forget about the exchange and write this fic on my own schedule, and gift it to the prompter at that time, but… idk. i want to gift the prompter something now, just so they know how cool i think their prompt is. so i’m gonna try and get the set-up written so it feels like a prologue to a larger work, and gift them that. i have until the 11th! i might be able to pull it off!
the pre-canon uta fic is… still very vaguely outlined atm (i really do need to watch the uta backstory episodes, if not also movie red, before i attempt this one), but basically: what if shuggy divorce happens and then, about a decade later, shuggy coparenting happens? i’m certainly fudging timelines to make it work, which i hate to do, but the concept is too fun! uta’s gonna parent trap these idiots without even knowing that’s what she’s doing.
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Now watching episode 135 One Piece
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Preparing to liveblog Toonami, and spoilers are included. Blacklist the following tags…
My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia 135
My Hero Academia 136
One Piece
One Piece 611
Naruto Shippuden
Naruto Shippuden 434
Liveblogging starts at 10:59pm Central Time (11:59pm Eastern Time) and come back once the episodes are done. Until then, viewer description is advised.
0 notes
onepiece-polls · 1 year
Best One Piece Filler Arc (Round 1)
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Ice Hunter Arc (or Lovely Land Arc) (ep 326-335): The Straw Hats, onboard their new ship, the Thousand Sunny encounter a damaged ship, whose members they help, but who then try to trick them. They are then revealed to be working for the bounty hunter group named Accino Family.
Post Alabasta Arc (ep 131-135): Five stand alone episodes focusing on the histories and goals of the Straw Hat Pirates crew, excluding Luffy and Robin. They are titled: The First Patient! Anecdote of the Rumble Ball / The Navigator's Mutiny! For an Unwavering Dream! / Inherited Recipe! Sanji, the Curry Expert / I'll Make it Bloom! Manly Usopp's Eight-Shaku Ball / Infamous Pirate Hunter! The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro!
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softxsuki · 2 years
Heyy, Han! I hope you're having a great day so far! Hopefully, you're taking care of yourself?
How far into One Piece are you now?
Heyyy. Today went by quickly so I’m happy about that. And I have New Years Eve off :D
I’m on episode 135 (yes I’m watching the filler episodes. They’re actually pretty cute) but I’m loving it 🥰
How are you doing? Any New Years plans?
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