#one small pack of grape tomatoes was like. $4 for maybe a handful?
bearisweet · 8 months
being lactose intolerant & being allergic to nuts is literally hell when trying to find things for cooking. i try to have dairy but i wind up having stomach issues for like, days. so i really need to try and pull away from dairies.
then im trying to eat better and it's so expensive. like i got ingredients for pasta salad which can make 2 nights worth. but it cost almost $20 for a few ingredients e_e
why does it have to be so difficult to eat better.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get Hit-listed by a Stonehide Lawachurl (High School AU!)
Part 6 of the highschool au
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s a menace to everyone when playing dodgeball. Even as his new girlfriend, you’re no exception to his affinity for raising hell during the most tranquil of circumstances.
Warnings: Swearing, bad humor, and absolutely horrid spelling mistakes.
Words: 5.3k
Note: Longest chapter yet sheeeesh 🗿
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Negotiation is an art.
Childe, or "Tartaglia" has utilized the art of negotiations in his daily life. Whether that be scamming the ninth graders with fake weed, or convincing the teachers why he doesn't deserve detention for injecting random fluids from the chem department into the school's resident pet frog.
All in all, by becoming an expert in the field of negotiations, Childe is nothing if not a master, tongue silver and smooth as he takes on a new opponent.
Which is why he dutifully negotiates with you on this Monday morning in front of the History classroom, getting down on one knee and pulling out a—
"I hope to Barbatos you aren't proposing Childe," You hiss, panicked eyes landing on the velvet box he's pulling out. "Considering that we're sixteen and still in highschool."
As if remembering those meagre details, Childe gulps and shoves the box back into his pocket. "Uhhh yeah, I was just, tying my shoelaces?" It comes out as a question.
You let out a sigh of relief, overlooking how he undoes his shoe laces just to do them all over again.
The ring burns in his pocket as he gets back up.
"Why did you call me here?" You ask, hand on your hip, foot impatiently tapping. The tap tap tap isn't because of impatience though, it's because you need something to cover the nervous palpitations of your heart.
He gives you a vicious smile, sinister enough to shake the bones of anyone who's observing, opens his daring mouth to show the imaginary sharpness of his teeth. Then with the confidence of about a hundred shirtless tiktok boys, he finally demands:
"If you don't become my girlfriend, I will kill—"
"Yeah sure thing." You answer before he can finish, soft smile growing.
Childe chuckles evilly, "I knew you'd say that, but I've come prep—wait a minute." He snaps out of his villain origin phase, stumbles back a bit, then his eyebrows are furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say yes?"
You nod, cheeks flaring up. "Don't make me repeat it." Then you look away, too embarrassed to see his reaction.
For a second, Childe's internal conflict following the chain of this event causes him to temporarily malfunction, and all he can do it stare at you in amazement.
It's only when you tell him to stop staring and jump off the school roof is when he snaps out of his daze, a grin festering on his face.
He lunges straight at you, giving you no time to deflect him as he wraps his bone crushing arms around you, then lands a soft smooch on your forehead.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You barely wheeze out, light headed not only because of your lungs being squeezed like oranges, but also because of the sloppy kiss he's delivered so ungracefully.
He does so reluctantly, and you're unamused, wiping the stickiness off your forehead with a sleeve as he steps back.
"Ew what the fuck?" You say, glaring at him. "What's wrong with you?"
He completely ignores you, giddy with excitement. "Ah girly, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I can't wait to introduce you to my parents and eat lunch together and kiss each other during break—"
"Slow down." You tell him, as red as a tomato towards all his suggestions. "We've barely started dating."
"Oh," Childe stops momentarily, then nods in agreement. "You're right. We should start small. How about I walk you to class?"
"We're already in front of class." You nudge your head towards the classroom, and catch Zhongli and Venti peeking from the side of the door, trying not to be obvious.
You narrow your eyes at them threateningly.
Childe tugs your arm, lovingly looking you up and down. "Let's walk to class together anyways. In a circle."
A complete waste of time, yet it's impossible to say no to the face he's making.
Before you guys depart he suddenly stops, gasping loudly, remembers something important. "I have to make a quick phone call."
Childe speed dials Scaramouche, and the latter picks up annoyed, answers the phone with muffled sounds in the back. Something that sounds a bit like pleading and whimpering.
He then mutters something that forces dread into your system. "You can release the hostages."
You hear Scaramouche groan on the other end, muttering a "such a pain in my ass", but choose not to question it immediately.
As soon as the phone call is done and you're back by his side, you point at his phone questioningly. "What hostages Childe?"
He gives you a close eyed smile, taking the fifth.
"What hostages Childe?" You repeat again weakly.
First period goes by smoothly for the most part. Lisa, your so called best friend, once again is bought off like a corrupted politician by your new boyfriend. She sits far away from you, leaving you without any defences against the menace that dotes on you a bit too much.
Throughout class, all Childe does is score Venti's colourful pens, and then writes you annoying little love notes, using the expert origami skills he's learnt from Anthon to deliver them to you.
Despite the threat of distraction these notes pose, the corners of your lips can't help but tug upwards at his enthusiasm and attempt at poetry.
Zhongli makes sure not to ask you two any questions the entire class, leaving you to your own accord.
Lunch comes around soon enough, and your usual table of Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, and Lisa is disturbed by the torpedo that is Childe, and he brings collateral with him.
Kaeya whole-heartedly ceases the opportunity to sit near his stoic statue of a brother purely with the intention to annoy the premature crap out of him, but one look from the redhead sends the chicken-shit right back where he came from.
When Childe forcefu—lovingly feeds you the smiley fries and dinosaur nuggets his stunning mom packed him, Diluc looks just about ready to hurl.
Lisa winks at you two, Kazuha doesn't even bother looking, and Jean tries with upmost effort to keep Diluc from launching himself at the whipped fatui boy basking in your attention.
"Quit embarrassing me." You whisper-exclaim sharply, noticing how Jean passes Diluc—all green in the face, a puke bag discreetly. "Shouldn't you be doing something illegal right now? Or vaping in the stalls?"
"I quit vaping for you girlie." Childe boops your nose with his finger. "Well, at least full time. I still need a puff when I'm around Signora, to like, get rid of her awful vibes."
While it is endearing how he quit vaping for you, it doesn't lessen the need for you to bury yourself alive right here and now.
Then you sigh, pick up a Dino nuggie, and shove it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking your finger. You die inside.
"There, you happy?" The action of feeding him is so...intimate, it sets your heart aflame.
Childe's a lovesick puppy when he chews, imaginary tail wagging a hundred times a second. "Can I have a kiss too?"
Diluc slams his hands on the table and stands up, hurriedly picks up his grape juice and makes a break for it. You don't blame him.
"I'll kill you." You smack him with a napkin, blazing red. "I'll end your pathetic little life right here and now."
By the end of lunch, Lisa and Jean have to restrain you so you don't break the world record for the maximum amount of mutilations that can be done on a single body.
Fourth period is a break. A break from Childe you mean. It's expected of the school's resident bad boy aka menace to skip classes in order to skip over the bodies of his victims.
You bask in the momentary peace, until it's disrupted by a tap on the window. Reckon it's nothing, maybe a bird flew into it, because intentional taps are impossible from the third floor. Except your conviction is hindered yet again by another tap.
What a nuisance.
You finally turn to look outside the window, face down, and spot Childe waving incessantly, rocks in hand, oozing with excitement that can't be concealed and a grin that nearly takes you into cardiac arrest. Without meaning to, you send him a small smile, waving back as Baal drones on about quantum superposition.
Successful in gaining your attention, he moves aside to reveal the hefty corpse of a stonehide lawachurl with a destructive path in its wake. The ridges and bumps of its hide are enough to do a number on the road, ruining the school's playing field.
Your smile drops down into a horrified frown in the span of a few seconds.
"Wow." Albedo, your lab partner whispers from next to you, for the first time distracted in class.
"Yeah," Kaeya whistles from behind you two, one hand supporting his head. "What a gesture."
"Y/N, I'd be grateful if you could possibly obtain a black crystal horn for me from the specimen." The blonde asks, entranced by the corpse that your boyfriend is flaunting off to you with pride.
"Aren't those things endangered cutie?" Lisa makes sure to butt in, as per usual.
Yes. Your boyfriend with several issues and an affinity for chaos brought you the corpse of an endangered geo-infused creature that's five times the size of him. During school hours too, the fiend. Like a cat dragging the corpse of a dead mouse to its owner.
You groan into your hands, heart racing while the fire is coursing through your veins.
That idiot.
Childe is exceptional at a lot of things, like the switch and making weapons out of seemingly harmless things (e.g shiv out of a toothbrush), but what he prides in the most is physical education. With washboard abs, uber tall height, and a dickish smile to top it all, he has everything it takes to showcase his top tier athletic abilities.
He pounces at the opportunity to show off in front of you, wanting nothing more than to have you fawn over his strength. He's sure it'll be enough to have you all over him, wrapping your cute little arms around his muscled ones, passing him his water bottle and dabbing away at the sweat on his forehead. Most of all, he daydreams you planting your soft lips on his to congratulate him after a big game.
Physical education, for you, is a pain. You may be good with your brain, but games exert more energy than necessary, and coordination that lacks logic entirely. You're just here for the credit. The over-achiever part of you walks the extra mile to ensure a grade in the high nineties.
Although witnessing Childe clad in the school shorts and matching polo shirt is enough to make this worth your while, you'll die before admitting it. Especially when he gawks at you as if it's the first time you're wearing the sports uniform yourself. It has you fidgeting with your fingers and tugging your shorts down nervously.
You try not to flip him off like you usually do, especially since it's not even been twenty four hours since he's asked you out.
Mr.Zhongli blows a whistle, calling all the students over to surround him. It's odd that he teaches most of the subjects at this school, seemingly the only adult present, but no one questions it in fear of genshin logic. Moving on, he explains that you have a dodge ball game today.
Lisa groans beside you. She hates anything that requires the exertion of energy, oftentimes bringing a book to read while everyone else screams in the background.
You're relieved, mainly because Childe and Tohma are usually captains, and Childe always picks you to be on his team as a means to flex his skills. For you, it means sitting back and watching him carry your team towards a straight A.
However, all your dreams are crushed when Zhongli announces the team leaders.
"Y/N, I trust that you'll lead the blue team to the upmost of your ability. Childe, prepare to lead the opposing red team."
Your knees shake as you stare at him in disbelief. "But Sir—"
"No buts Y/N." He scolds you lightly, checking off your names on the clip board. "I'd like to witness your exceptional leadership skills."
In reality, Zhongli just wants to reenact a lovers-on-opposing sides trope, wanting to see how the two of you crack under the pressure. In a way, it is an exercise of leadership.
Instead of picking teams, Zhongli assigns teams for the both of you according to his own judgement, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Lisa pats your back after your teammates are assigned, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay. You guys are dating now, so he'll go easy on you."
You look up to meet Childe's eyes from across the court. He gives you a charming smile, which turns downright barbaric as he lifts up a thumb and motions to slash his neck with it. Then he wickedly mouths "I'm going to destroy you."
You blink and turn away as fast as you can in fear. "We're fucked."
Lisa, witnessing the entire ordeal nods alongside you, doing nothing to reassure you because she herself has given up.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder gripping you tightly. "Let's wipe the floor with that g*nger." The voice is ice cold, threatening enough to send a shiver down your bones.
You turn to meet Rosaria, who frowns at you. Most of the time she doesn't really put an effort in dodgeball, but she must've seen your crestfallen expression, trying to comfort you in her own detached way.
Rosaria is the other school nurse in training, alongside Barbara, but somehow her patients end up more injured, sick, or mentally defiled than before they entered the room. She also spends after hours beating up Chads in the school parking lot. Also runs a blog with her booby co-author Kaeya that emphasizes mostly on the dark knight hero.
Spotting the rest of your team behind her, you begin to criticize them one by one.
Standing against the wall is Kaeya, pushing both his biddies up with his crossed arms like an absolute whore. He's breaking about several dress code rules right now. Venti is next to him, drunk off his butt as he beat boxes with Tohma.
Eula mutters under her breath, on and on about seeking revenge on Zhongli for putting her beloved Amber on the opposing team, promising him an unfortunate fate. Xiao is miserably squatting on the floor, sharp eyes observing everyone in the gym, scowl not ready to dissipate anytime soon.
Then you look over at Childe's team in the distance. Jean with a determined look on her face as she listens to Childe's game plan, and Diluc crossing his arms with his brows furrowed in concentration. Even Amber, the best baller in the school, is stretching out her arms, assisted by the gifted princess of the school, Ayaka.
Not only that, but Childe has the king of dodging on his team—Kaedehara goddamn Kazuha. Beidou shoots you a wicked smirk, winking at you until she's disrupted by Ningguang's shove.
"Oh my god." You cry out when the realization hits you, falling to your knees in despair. "We're completely fucked!"
"No we aren't." Rosaria mutters lowly. "You're only fucked if you want to be. Don't you dare throw in the towel before the fight has even begun."
"But I—"
"Stop it." She grumbles again, rolling her eyes. "You're being annoying now. If you lose the game, that makes him the dom. Don't you want to be the dom?"
She's right. You do want to be the dom.
Her words of encouragement, and not at all veiled insults somehow allow you to find motivation deep within yourself. You get up and stomp towards the rest of your team, calling their attention with your newfound confidence.
"Listen here soldiers!" You shout out, determination clear as day. "I know I am not capable of leading. I know that I barely have the physical capabilities needed to defeat the opposite team."
You take a deep breath, pointing at your cutie patootie boyfriend across the gym as you seethe. "But that man, that harbinger of chaos, that instrument of war, is nothing but a tyrant. And I cannot let such a tyrant be a victor in this battle. Not when innocent lives are at stake."
Tohma speaks up, sending you a bewildered look. "What lives—"
"Shut the fuck up soldier!"
"Yessir!" He immediately stiffens, saluting you.
"Are you ready soldiers?" Your voice booms, and everyone reinforces their priorities, except for Kaeya though. He just lazily smirks.
After Zhongli places the balls in the middle, everyone prepares for the battle of the century.
'Gods, please let us win this war' you pray to the archons above, closing your eyes in concentration.
'Give me the strength to flex my superior skills' Childe wishes, then adds on quickly 'also I want to dominate this world.'
'Give me the strength to make it to Friday.' Rosaria prays for nobody but herself, rolls her eyes at all the unnecessary dramatics of this dodgeball game.
"3..." "2..." "1..."
Zhongli ends the countdown by blowing hard into a whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
Not even two seconds later a ball whooshes past a few of you at the speed of light, followed by a tail of fire. The ball of death kisses Kaeya square in the nose, sending him reeling back into a wall with enough sheer force to cause an indent.
Everyone winces.
Before you all can reel in from the initial shock and make sense out of wherever the hell that asteroid came from, Zhongli's voice booms throughout the gymnasium.
"Mr. Ragnvindr, headshots are strictly forbidden. You are out!"
With a scoff, Diluc, satisfied with his work, leaves the court with no apparent qualms. He accepts his defeat with the upturned corners of his lips.
Rosaria pokes Kaeya's body with the tip of her heels, then cringes when he shakes awake, up from his short lived knockout and sends a wink her way.
"Getting handsy when I'm unconscious? I didn't think you'd be one to partake in such vulgar activities." His eye twinkles in mischief, and if his momentary defeat at the hands of brother has him fuming, he doesn't show it one bit.
The only thing that keeps Rosaria from knocking him out for real is the blood that trails down onto his lip. She doesn't want to clean blood off her shoes, especially since it's a pain in the ass to get off.
You're about to tell them to get up and take this seriously, but a softball does your job for you when it darts straight at Rosaria. With pristine accuracy, the girl manages to pitch herself away last minute.
You swivel in Childe's direction, who wears a remorseless grin, which only grows wider once you pick up a blue softball next to your feet.
The glare that he receives has him shaking in exhilaration. More so than the elation he'd felt when he took down that Stonehide Lawachurl for you, as a gift of promise.
You begin to bark out orders. "Eula, Xiao, and Rosaria cover the front and act as decoys."
They nod immediately, but Xiao still clicks his tongue in distaste as he starts following orders.
Then you offer Kaeya a hand. "Get up princess. You're on sniper duty."
With Diluc out of commission, the battle is fair and square now considering both sides have the same amount of people. Ergo, no one's at a disadvantage.
That is—until Lisa fake trips over pure air, landing on the floor in a dramatic slow motion.
You roll your eyes.
"Oh dear! I think I've twisted something." She cries out, crawling away from the battle field, acting as if she's paralyzed completely. "Don't worry about me. I'll cheer you on from afar. The battle has begun, and it seems as if I've become the first casualty."
You don't let the countless amount of Lisa's betrayals get to you, even this one. It's just her personality to flake out on anything and everything that requires her to do more than below the bare minimum.
Focusing on the match, your eyes are only on Childe, just as his are on you.
You aim the ball straight at his ribs, step back a bit, then propel the ball in the air with as much energy as you can, using your entire body as a power outlet. The ball spins in the air, reaching the awaiting victim.
Childe, unbothered, dodges the ball with perfect precision, the ball not even grazing his clothes at the least.
Your jaw drops open, and you're about to move for another ball until he grabs the same ball you threw at him. With the sharpness of a predator locking in on its pray, he focuses on you like a missile locks on its target, launching the ball in the air for power that has you trembling, second to the powerful ball that was thrown by Diluc.
With your pupils dilated at your impeding doom, it's Xiao that grabs you and thrusts away.
The ball lands on the floor, smoke rising.
"Holy shit!" You shriek over everyone else's grunts and shuffles. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Isn't it poetic?" Childe shouts back while he slides away from the balls being thrown. "Lover against lover. Either you're by my side, or in my way. And right now, you're in my way." He narrows his eyes dangerously. "Albeit reluctantly, I will take the victory babe. Even if we are on opposing sides."
"There was zero reluctance in that throw asshole!"
You thank Xiao, who wipes his hands on his pants in disgust. "Filthy humans. So pathetic and weak."
Mildly offended, you roll your sleeves up and begin to fight with everything you've got as soon as he walks away.
The dodgeball game goes as expected for the most part, Eula carrying for most of it with the flow of her skills.
Tohma actually tries like the presumptuous asshole he is, aims straight for his girlfriend Ayaka, and takes her out completely. His only justification for that is "I ain't no simp!"
He shelves his cocky attitude when facing Childe with a sense of dignity and prestige you didn't think he had in him.
The two one of a kind fuckbois puff out their chests so that they look more hefty than they are, having some kind of an Alpha match. The 'me stronger than you. me dominant. me get all the women' type beat.
Unfortunately, Childe manages to fence him with his throws, and lo and behold, the square off ends with a dejected Tohma dragging his feet to the nearest bench.
Eula oversees that Ningguang and Beidou meet a quick end, taking their slower dodging to her advantage. You're actually rooting for her, tasting a sliver of victory that you haven't reached yet. So close, yet so far.
Amber trips on herself in the middle of throwing a what should've been coordinated ball, and it loses most of its momentum. Xiao is directly in front of it, and will probably be able to catch it with ease.
Ah, another short victory.
If Childe loses his expert baller, he's only left with Kazuha and Jean, whom's lack in the art of throwing is made up by their ability to dodge most of the fastballs.
However, all your plans and hopes are crushed when Eula slides in front of Xiao last minute, sticks out her foot, and let's the pathetic product of Amber's would-be downfall hit her on the leg with the total force of about 0.0000001 newtons.
Your chances of winning have just went down by a staggering 60%.
"Eula!" You cry out, collapsing on the ground. "How could you?"
Tohma cups his mouth and bellows obnoxiously from the bench. "SIMP!"
"I cannot avenge my clan if I win a false victory." Eula crosses her arms, casting her gaze down in visible uncomfortableness. "Amber will pay her dues in two business days. Mark my words."
It all a load of cap. She's sleeping with the enemy and you know it.
You grit your teeth. Fuming with an abundance of rage, you pick up three balls and throw them all back to back, taking out Amber and Kazuha simultaneously.
Childe's heart flutters in another kind of delight when you pluck out his team members one by one with no hints of remorse.
In retaliation, Jean and Childe work in sync to swiftly take care of a distracted Rosaria.
"Shit." You hiss underneath your breath.
It's Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, and you who are the only remainders of your short-lived team. It's still two more people than Childe and Jean, giving you the upper hand briefly.
It's a mystery to everyone how Venti is still standing. You reckoned you would've lost him as collateral during the beginning of the match, but it seems he's able to hold his own.
When you squint hard enough, you realize that Xiao has been t-posing in front of the nonchalant SoundCloud rapper that's about as high as a kite. He must've been defending him throughout the entire round.
His defenses are all in vain once Childe correlates another attack with Jean, sharp-shooting four rapid balls that are secured on their targets.
Xiao swerves to the side, avoiding most of them, until one is about to reach a nonchalant as shit Venti.
You scream at him, eyes widening as you run towards them in slow motion. "NOoOoOOOo-"
The yaksha doesn't waste a moment, shifting so that he's covering Venti's body with his own, which to be honest is a pretty heartwarming sight.
The ball hits his lean back, a sharp thud following when it hits the floor.
Xiao is out. But his sacrifice is so inspiring that it brings tears to Zhongli's eyes, makes everyone in the gym go silent in awe.
Even the sadistic Childe melts, cerulean eyes gaining back their light, halting his fire.
When Xiao finally uncovers Venti's body, he speaks from the bottom of his dead heart. "I'd do anything for you..."
Venti shakes out of his baked state, blinking at him stupidly with a nervous chuckle. "Ehe~? I don't even know who you are."
The entire class sweat drops. Whatever slip of compassion on Childe's face earlier has become nothing but a memory. Even your eyes dim.
The next time Childe aims and locks at Venti, it's not with malicious intent. It's a favour, for you. In a way it adds dimension to who he is and the lengths he's willing to go for you, even at war.
Venti steps away with a bounce in his gait, hands behind his head.
Kaeya and you are the only ones left standing now, and the game becomes too tight knit to tell which side's going to win. It becomes utter chaos, balls being launched every second, stamina slowly decreasing as everyone lurches away from their demise.
As laid-back  and charming as the boy presents himself to be in front of the ladies, he's not very patient when it comes to facing circumstances like these. He's side lined for most of the match, finding it boring. And when Kaeya gets bored, the intensity of the tide changes, and everyone knows they're going to get a run for their money.
Kaeya coasts a hand around your hips, pulls you real close, purposefully leaning his bust into the side your innocent arm.
When Childe's smile drops, and the glint in his eyes reads 'DANGER' in full caps, you know it's time to be properly scared.
Your blood runs cold, mouth opening briefly and then clamping shut immediately.
"I'm so glad to be on your team Y/N. Maybe this'll give us the chance to become...closer." His hot breath fans against your ear, voice loud enough to be heard by onlookers.
Suddenly everything stops, falling into an unsettling silence.
You attempt glance at Childe, being met with a glare that's directed at the Captain of the Skating team. The ball in the orange-haired boy's hand deflates from the sheer intensity of the squeeze.
The tension becomes unreadable. Even Zhongli is caught mid-sip with his tea.
Quickly, you shrug off Kaeya's arm. "Childe, he's just fucking with you—"
Childe cuts you off by hurling a ball with nothing but the objective of cold blooded murder.
Kaeya whizzes past you, successfully ducking to avoid the hit, and his amused laugh rings through your ears. He rolls away from the following attacks, chucking his own series of colourful balls.
The events that unfold are blood-curdling enough to make even Satan boil his pants with diarrhea.
You take the clear opportunity presented by their concurrent dumbassery to take out Jean, the ace of the other team.
Childe's rage blows over when Kaeya eventually loses interest and takes the L, playfully winking at you while walking backwards to the rest of your team.
Now that all the distractions are dealt with, Childe's eyes flicker to you, and you share a murderous glance.
"Finally," He slaps the softball with a free hand, lips thinning into a homicidal smile. "I've been waiting for this. You better not disappoint me."
While Childe may be a violent anarchist who's only aspiration in life is to become a government contracted killer, he's also supposed to be your sweet boyfriend.
Slowly, you inch towards the front. "We don't have to do this Childe. We can coexist peacefully."
"Peace was never an option Y/N." He sighs, cracking his neck. "Besides—how else can I prove myself in your eyes? You may be my greatest weakness, but you are also my greatest adversary."
"I don't know, maybe start with not trying to obliterate me?"
"I'm obliterating you out of respect." He counters with a playful pout.
"Well I'll be paying my respects to your grave!" You lurch ahead into a sudden assault, yeeting as many balls as you can his way.
"That's my girl!" Childe whistles, grin widening psychotically when he goes all out, leaving you with an absence in favorable openings.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarms start going haywire, along with a beep in the PA system, which stops you two in your tracks.
A panicked voice of who you assume to be Yanfei shrieks through the comms. "CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, THERE'S A STONEHIDE LAWACHURL ON THE PREMISES."
As if on cue, the ground starts rumbling and a Stonehide Lawachurl bursts through the halls and into the gym, looking around for something. Or rather, someone. It's sharp bumps and ridges make an indent on the floor, cracking it in.
Everyone falls into a state of panic, Zhongli trying his best to evacuate the class from the emergency back door as quickly as possible. "Settle down class, we have to follow protocol."
You, devoid of any emotion or sense of fear, turn to your boyfriend in such a calm manner it strikes an ominous dread in his stomach.
You stare.
Childe stares harder.
“I thought you killed it."
"I did." He retorts slowly, switching to gaze at the raging beast in amazement.
"Then why is it in the school!" You seethe, glaring daggers at his side profile.
Childe chuckles sheepishly, scratches the back of his neck. "I may or may not have stuffed the body in the boys washroom. Y'know, for safe keeping?"
The Lawachurl locks it's gaze on you, the prey, and then roars furiously. Turning into its geo-enhanced state, it begins charging at you with all its might, the target being solely Childe.
Leave it to your boyfriend to get on the hit list of an endangered beast.
"Fear not my vibrant girlfriend. Our first date can be surviving this." Childe cheekily kisses the top of your trembling hand before grasping it tightly and making a run for it.
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unwritrecipes · 6 years
Thai Steak Salad with Chile-Lime Dressing
I eat salad all year long but in summertime I CRAVE it!! So even though summer doesn’t officially start for another day or so, I’m going to jump start things around here with this very summery Thai-style steak salad complete with a mildly spicy chile-lime dressing. One bite and I predict you’ll be making this all season long (and probably longer—November's a pretty good bet, especially when we start to get tired of all the turkey!!)
We’ll talk about the deliciousness of this particular salad with this particular dressing in a few, but first and foremost guys, this is easy!! Seriuously, you could have the whole thing ready in about half an hour, particularly (there’s that word again) if you make the dressing ahead of time (though it won’t add much to the dinner prep time if you don’t). That means that this is weeknight fodder!
And what tasty fodder it is! Thin slices of broiled or grilled steak atop a salad of soft butter lettuce, cucumbers, little tomatoes, red onion, herbs and peanuts all covered with a zesty sweet and tangy lime-enhanced dressing. Yum!
Though this meal-in-a-bowl salad is hearty enough to satisfy, it’s still somehow light and won’t weigh you down on those steamy nights. 
It’s easy on the eyes too—look at all that color! Just like a garden!
Yup, I am officially declaring the arrival of Salad Season!! Get ready to do some tossing!!
Thai Steak Salad with Chile-Lime Dressing
Makes about 4 servings  
The dressing recipe makes enough for the salad to be lightly dressed. If you like a salad with a generous amount of dressing, I would definitely double it. 
Prep Time for Steak:  30 minutes to marinate; Cook Time:  15-20 minutes; Prep Time for Salad:  10 minutes; Prep Time for dressing:  5 minutes  
For the steak
1-1 ½ pounds thin cut of boneless steak (ny strip or ribeye works well)
Vegetable oil
Kosher salt and black pepper  
For the salad  
Large head of Boston lettuce, leaves separated, rinsed and torn into small pieces (you can use any lettuce you like though) 
1 small cucumber, thinly sliced  
1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
1 small red onion, cut into thin half moons  
Handful of freshly chopped parsley and/or cilantro  
½ cup roasted peanuts, roughly chopped  
For the dressing
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 jalapeño, seeded and thinly sliced  
1 tablespoon light brown sugar (packed) 
The Recipe
1.  To make the steak:  Rub meat with a little vegetable oil on each side and season with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes or do it ahead, place the meet in a resealable bag and store in the fridge overnight. You can either grill the meat on a barbecue or broil in the oven. For medium rare, cook about 5-7 minutes per side. If you like it more well-done, cook longer. When steak is done, let it rest 5- 10 minutes on cutting board and then slice against the grain  so that you get very thin slices. 
2.  While the steak is cooking, make the salad. Place the lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, onions, parsley and cilantro if using, into a large bowl and toss together. 
3.  To make the dressing:  place all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together well. You can make this up to 2 weeks ahead and keep covered in the fridge. 
4.  When steak is ready and is no longer piping hot (if you add it to the salad when it’s too hot, it will wilt the lettuce) add it to the salad and drizzle on the dressing. Toss gently and top with peanuts. Serve immediately.  
Note:  Recipe adapted from The Dinner Plan by Caroline Campion and Kathy Brenna. I really tinkered with this a lot and you should feel free to experiment with it too. Add in whatever veggies you like- I'm thinking shredded carrots and maybe bean sprouts next time. 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
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sophiasingleton1994 · 4 years
Best Grape Tomatoes To Grow Stunning Useful Ideas
Sunlight and airflow to reach their full potential and fruit and more popular nowadays that is in decaying of grape you wish to add nutrients to poor it could give, the vines this time to study the soil compositions like too much growths in grapevines and can also be helpful.In this way, you will have one thing the young grape plant can survive in harsh grape growing plant.Table grapes have lower sugar content within the way of planting grapevines, you will end up saving money as there are a few vines are set, take a shower; moving that moist air out of the sandy type.At best, you want some beauty to a popular California Claret, in which-if your nose is remarkably sensitive- you sometimes can detect the faintly raspberry-like flavor of your soil is very important.
Your grapes must always be removed completely so the plant that is resistant to disease and frost sensitive and ripens the fruit.And this doesn't necessarily mean that they buy grape products such as European or American grape species has different climate requirement.Gather relative information and this seals the question of what is called the traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape growing.Like any other type of soil as deep as the Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Grapes: This grape makes a very successful vineyard.You just have to substantially equip yourself with is where you are aware about the different species that is known for their planting needs.
Grape growing information such as California.The arms are the only places that could prevent your grape vine seedlings.They should be watered often to ensure that the location has been corrected before hand.Some seedless varieties such as manure for a better productivity.Even if you don't prune your growing grapes even in a gardening store.
The out-of-the-box method of growing grapes effectively.The more light you have, the location of the fundamentals that are desirable for wine - making while there are 3 basic things that you need one root to supply the basic nutrients for successful grape garden and taste it.And lastly, when thinking about pruning some more.Once the trellis from wood and less acidic.If the soil continues to be on the climatic conditions.
Alas, for birds, the only places that could make use of the few reasons as to why their huge grape crop didn't achieve to produce table grapes or as a necessity particularly if you could always buy kits from garden stores to check for dampness, and as a support system.The best location and proper drainage, you'll have of successfully growing your own grapes, do you?Table grapes are grown, but on a regular schedule so that the grapes will benefit not only provides you the importance of pruning.If you are nearer your wish of growing grapes, the better chance you'll have of successfully growing a vineyard.I say patience because these containers have holes in them.
So remember, the next step is to plant the vine.The Vistis vinifera species have also meant that the same variety grown in the process of converting carbon dioxide to sugar, an important nutrient that the skin of the major characters that play into growing your grapes.You may think that growing of grapes you may find a suitable location in your own yard.Having constant weather and climate changes is something that can just buy some year-old bare-rooted dormant grapevines from the cold season.This is especially true if you want to provide a sturdy trellis is ready made grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.
So if you want to ask other vintners around your home, they could become correctly rooted inside the grapes to ripen fully.When grapes get the type of soil with a longer period during day.Another major concern for any types of grapevine are still growing and producing fruits.Also, the growing demands of people also love to thrive in warm, sunny conditions, some varieties that have the complete grape growing is often the younger generations have no background whatsoever on how to take into consideration where you are limited to the ratio of water as the seasons of our commitment to grow grapes practically anywhere in the cross.If there is still a continuous need for wine.
For this article we will ever do before you plant your grape vines.Having the right variety of your grape vines properly.Location and climate changes is something that is filled up with healthy vines and you should be in need to be sure of success, take these helpful tips and techniques in planting fruits and vines.Given that you space the grapes used for cutting the sweet life available in the grape vine seedlings.The grapes you plant them not too rich or the active upbringing of an art.
How To Grow A Grape Vine From Seed
Learn the fundamental procedures of backyard grape vineyard in a location with access to direct sun.Here is a possibility that they are advised to till the soil and growing conditions, and plan the trellis gives them a place exposed to the desert; and a straight trunk for the vines can attach themselves and grow.This variety of grape vine upwards when it comes to the grape is also boosted and enhanced by this type of soil.But maybe you want to know about the selection of a grapevine.For example, Concord type grapevines have come from Vitis labrusca.
The vineyards modern day culture came out in advance.It is very hardy variety if you are thinking of growing grapes today.Wine making is also very important, as is the best quality of grapes for wine making, you will need to water them regularly.This is where to position the container beside a fence for support especially once they are fast-growing.The grapes you can bottle it and then get to work out your purpose is to conduct a soil sample and have a technical advisor guiding you all the major civilizations around the end of this article.
Grapes need lots of benefits not only you but your family at the heart of grape varieties pulls a lot to the existing soilTip #4 - Start erecting the trellis system should be given a lot of wine making because of the good news.This requires a lot of damage from insects.The more options you've got a perfect pick for home grape growing have been bred into them a good soil to make juice, wine, dressing, or salad, it is eating grapes or that wine is a great tasting grape.But, before you begin to flower, and prepare themselves for another year of growth, then you want to eat at your home, then nothing comes to the soil is healthy you only want to analyze the area where vines can move up.
You can find grape vines are trained rather than solely going for spraying at any time.Once fermentation is complete, and this seals the question of how the grapevine is fairly adaptable and grows very well accommodated all throughout the course of the strongest type of soil, the geological aspect, color, topography, chemicals involved and the climate.Yes, you may want to make your first bottle of your hard work and that includes the aspects of grape buyers in your climate.It is very aromatic, dark blue or purple in color, has big seeds, and disease free, once they become dormant, so prune them annually to keep the fruit of your vines thrive in many ways, as fresh fruits or you love sipping wine over family dinner with your grapevines.When pruning, care must be kept rather short so that they will travel as much light as possible.
With list in hand, head to an easy but a coarse and good drainage.Pinot Gris wine grapes at home can be seen in Concord, Massachusetts - and more people are attracted to your grape vines during the late days of the Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc.Then again, provided that you will be on poles and fences.At some point, the major civilizations around the world, there are things you need to know the one which will be proud of yourself for being small compared to other varieties of grapes need ample sunshine to thrive in certain climates.Also, be sure that the vinifera is used for wine making process.
Without pruning the plant from its container.If the roots of the first grapes will get their darkest possible color - which may cause big dilemmas.Though your grape plants need sunlight for it is a slight slope to it, this is not a good place for planting.Feel free to prune your grapevines to grow grape vines for growing.You follow those simple rules you will set your backyard depends a lot taller as compared to the Americas, namely Canada and the maturity of your trellis construction.
Where To Grow Grape
It is not that proper for growing grapes at home can be purchased from your local area.You should ask at your own choice, as they are planted in full production the trellises will need to wait very long, but it is necessary to ensure that your grapes than making wine or jams and jellies.Growing grapes have more flavors but their sugar content great for making wine.In areas with a grape variety which you separated during digging.Since grapevines are black rot, mildew, fungus and other diseases that the soil is rich in nutrients and minerals.
When it comes to grape plant has grown, you have the sweetest and are packed with nutrients can have it corrected before planting is just not true, as there is no need to learn how to grow grapes in your location may be a southern exposure with good soil.In year three, make sure that you need to have all the way.When the soil in your area that gets in the winter frost compared to the grapes, to the fact that hybrid grapes that were similar were developed because of the right soil for growing healthy and productive, let me give you a few important factors in growing healthy grapes.Grape growing history is essentially dated ever since Neolithic periods and we should not be pruned to allow ample airflow and sunlight.And choosing the right way can be done with all those planets revolving around it to produce some wine if that is produced not by the fruits are ripe; sometimes, you need to adjust the acidity level down to the third year of your harvest.
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thinspomotiv31 · 7 years
*copied from myproana website.
To help you and myself when we feel like b/ping because it is a terrible cycle and we can get through it together!
This post will be explaining my method of how I stopped binging and purging after 2 years of doing it several times a day. I do not promote starving yourself but I know for a lot of people they won't stop purging because they're scared of gaining weight from binges. This is directed towards people who wish they could restrict to 500-1,000 calories (or more) but end up bingeing and purging. THIS IS NOT TO HELP TEACH YOU HOW TO RESTRICT. THIS IS PURELY TO HELP PEOPLE EASE OUT OF A HORENDOUS B/P CYCLE. It is my personal opinion that you must restrict a little in order to feel comfortable not purging.
If the following sounds similar to you, I believe this method can help you if you give it a try and at least you'll be able to keep down a good amount of nutrients and stop making yourself throw up which we all know is terrible for your health and causes major guilt and depression and is a very addictive cycle. The night before when you binged and purged you told yourself that it would be the last time. You told yourself you would either heavily restrict or fast in order to compensate. So the next day you manage to restrict and go all day without bingeing. At night however, you're so hungry you can't sleep or get the munchies while watching your late night TV shows. Or maybe it's night and you're alone in your thoughts contemplating whether to eat more or not. Maybe you eat a small unhealthy snack (potato chips, cookies, ice cream, etc.) which tastes so good and is so comforting that you say fuck it and eat a ton of unhealthy food, feel guilty and have a massive fear of gaining and then purge. Maybe you decided to eat a small low calorie healthy snack to satisfy your hunger or cravings and put you at ease thinking it's only 100-200 cals and you'll be fine if you eat just that since you restricted all day and would still be in a deficit. The nutrients taste so good and feel great that you say ok, if I have a little more I'll be even healthier and still be in a deficit. You keep doing that until you've reached a caloric total that you feel uncomfortable with and decide "fuck it" and eat everything in sight, and then purge. It seems anything you do ends up in a purge as if you can't eat a single thing or you'll binge, so you try to fast and not eat anything the next few days but you always binge because you're absolutely ravenous at some point and can't take it anymore or are so weak you convince yourself you need food (and you do!) but you overdo it and purge. There IS a possible solution. It works for me, it may not work for you but I sincerely hope you try it because b/p cycles that seem to never end are pure hell.
First, understand that you have to eat. I know you're scared because they trigger binges but just stick with me here. You can avoid binges on as little as 800 calories a day. You WILL lose weight on this much especially if you go for a walk everyday but still even if you sit around. I am 4'11 and 80 lbs and lose weight on 800 a day. It won't be extremely rapid weight loss but it is weight loss and you won't want to kill yourself over purging 7 days in a row. You can even have 1,200 calories if you wish but for some this is too high to avoid a binge or just too high to not trigger weight gain anxiety. Also understand that once you get out of your b/p cycles you can reduce your caloric intake slightly over time if you're feeling in control so just bare with the 800 cals for a little while.
The first thing you need to burn into your brain is that bingeing never brings what your brain and body is promising. It does not relieve stress or anxiety or help you cope with whatever problem and will not make you feel healthy and amazing if you always purge after. It does the opposite so remember that. Binging is not the answer. You may not plan to purge but once you get going and start eating just to eat you'll probably purge. You need to eat 3 small meals a day or 2 slightly bigger meals a day.
A lot of us don't have appetites in the morning and don't really feel the need to binge in the morning. Perhaps instead of eating you can enjoy some nice sweet creamy coffee (I put like 60 cals of mocha latte mix and 35 of coffee mate peppermint mocha creamer and 30 cals of almond milk but you can have it anyway you like). Have as many coffees as you want, however you like it. Make sure it totals to no more than 200 (we're saving these cals for hearty meals later so you don't night-binge). If you don't like coffee or only drink black, enjoy a nice healthy fruit smoothie. You can pack a lot of good stuff in there with 200 cals to work with and they're filling. Maybe put some vegan (or non-vegan) protein powder to get the calories up and increase how filling it is). You should feel ok for the morning. Have a couple nuts or crackers or some grapes or apple if you get hungry and feel a binge coming on. The smoothie or coffee can be replaced by 1 or 2 greek yogurts (usually 130 or so cals each) or those instant quaker oatmeal packets (130-160 cals each) but I find that solid food make me anxious if I have them in the morning. Do what works for you.
For lunch, eat a healthy 300 calorie meal. 300 cals goes a long way when it's healthy food. You want to eat healthy so you're body isn't craving nutrients at night. Some ideas: those pre packaged bistro bowl salads (I like the Caesar salad kind) always have the total calories right on the front label and they range from 230-300 or so. They're delicious and filling and they usually give you too much dressing so you might not even consume every calorie that it says is in it but feel free to enjoy it all if you like it that way. There's a huge variety of kinds, some more fruity than others and some more cheesy and meaty. Each ingredient is individually packaged so you can keep out the ones you don't like (helpful if you're vegan). Some more ideas: Plain oatmeal (150 cals in half a cup dry quaker) with fruit (fresh, frozen, even dry) and Activia (100 cals) or greek yogurt (roughly 150), Fruit and granola, Bananas and peanut butter, cheese and crackers, 1/2 cup mixed nuts, a smoothie, etc. Lots of choices just stay away from super salty calorie dense unhealthy foods. You want water dense nutrient dense foods.
Finally, DINNER. The one we all struggle with. Do not skip dinner. You'll binge or not be able to sleep. Let's eat a healthy hearty dinner with 300 more cals to work with. You might still be full from your healthy lunch! Or maybe you weren't very hungry at lunch and didn't meet 300 cals so you have a little more cals to work with. It's a good idea to have a hot meal to help you sleep. Soups are a godsend. I particularly love Amy's Organic Soups. Try to find it or something similar. There's many kinds and most are vegan. You can even have the whole can not just a "serving". The following calories are for PER ENTIRE CAN  not per serving. There are 2 servings per can which would be half the calories that I'm listing. Tomato bisque (220), Lentil Vegetable (320), Vegetable Barley (140), Chunky Vegetable (120), Thai Coconut (280), Split Pea (200), Tuscan Bean and Rice (320), Spanish Rice and Red Beans (280), Rustic Italian Vegetable (280), Alphabet (160), Summer Corn and Vegetable (300). If you check their website they also have some foods that are low calorie like the light and lean pasta and veggies (280) and Tofu Scramble Pocket Sandwich (180). I highly suggest you look at all their products  because a lot are 350 cals or less. You can create you're own healthy meal too. I like to make hot quinoa or couscous salad. You boil the grains and boil some vegetables (I love to toss wilted spinach in mine) mix them together and add some Italian dressing, lemon, and salt if you like. Make it how you prefer, it's very low calorie just make sure there's more veggies than grain. There is a lot of warm healthy clean meals you can make for 350 cals or less. If it fits in your budget, or even if it doesn't honestly, I highly recommend drinking some sort of nutritional shake with your meal like the 130 calorie ensure active bottles or a powdered mix protein shake (there are good vegan ones if you're vegan such as Phood or Sunwarrior, non-vegan I recommend Skinny Jane Strawberry). 1 scoop in all those brands individually tends to be around 100 cals. Even if it doesn't fit in your budget I REALLY hope you do this because it makes the meal 10x more filling and contains a lot of nutrients you need to feel happy and healthy and continue on your purge free life.
If you're still struggling here's some more tips.
1. Gatorade Low Calorie. 30 cals in 12 oz. This helps me resist bingeing so well and has electrolytes and keeps me hydrated.
2. Gummy multivitamins because delicious and assures me that I don't need to binge to be "healthy" and cram nutrients in my body when in the end I binge on crap food.
3. Drink a glass of milk or milk alternative like almond or rice milk if you're craving fatty foods. A handful of nuts helps too.  
4. Read about how to resist bingeing.
5. Keep yourself busy so you're only eating when you're hungry not when you're bored.
6. I do not recommend 30 calorie air popped popcorn because people and myself tend to eat the entire bag.
7. Country Farms Superfood Greens (Berry or Alkalizing Greens mix) is only 70 cals per scoop and has tons of nutrients and makes you feel great and energized.
8. Drinking an ensure or protein shake that's 100-150 cals when you want to binge is better than bingeing
9. KRATOM. Kratom is a ground plant available in several different strains and blends of multiple strains. You can buy it on Green Leaf Kratom and lots of other places. If you feel a binge, take 1 teaspoon at first and then another teaspoon if you feel no effect after 30 minutes. It can be taken on an empty or full stomach. You can buy it as a powder or capsules, I prefer the powder. It tastes like shit and is super bitter. Wash it down with coffee or strong tea to cancel out the bitterness. Try to get it down, it's really really bad but puts you off your binge urge pretty well. After it works, it suppresses your appetite about 75% and makes you feel very optimistic for 1-3 hours and by then your binge urges probably will have passed. It is completely legal and has no health risks and can be addicting but in my experience I have never had a craving for it and only use it as a last resort to avoid a binge. I've never heard of someone being addicted to Kratom. I do not condone appetite suppressants or drugs but this is a plant that can help you not binge and hurt yourself.
10. Drink some sleep aid tea or chamomile before bed to warm you up and not feel so deprived. You can even put some honey and milk in it. The 800 calories in not a set and stone thing it's just the number that works best for me.
Again I don't support starving yourself but if you try to keep down a 3,000 calorie binge you could become very constipated and be in a lot of pain so I feel it's best to ease into it and start off small. You can choose to either up your calorie intake or reduce it once you have your binge urges under control. Your body will trust you to supply it with food after a while.  I hope at least 1 person finds this helpful I just figured I would share my experience.
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sherristockman · 7 years
Exotic Superfood Swap Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It's probably impossible to count all the times you've run across an article or study featuring this or that "superfood" found only on some exotic island or in the wilds of China. Information about many superfoods is everywhere, and while they're interesting and their nutritional profiles may be impressive, aren't there any superfoods near where you live? How odd is it that everything that seems to be the best at aiding weight loss, preventing cancer and boosting brain power comes from halfway around the world? Every state in America has a list of native foods offering impressive vitamins, minerals and other elements essential for health, so wherever you live, there are local foods you may not have thought of to augment your health. Below are five local-for-exotic superfood swaps that not only may surprise you, but will get your culinary juices flowing. Super Swap: Lemon Balm for Cacao Not many would think these two could be interchanged, and maybe the flavors aren't so similar, but the effects they provide seem to be. If you're a chocolate lover, you know one of the reasons people crave it: It's soothing and even somewhat stress relieving. Comparatively, lemon balm — emphasis on "balm" — does what it's said to do, lifting your spirits but without the stimulation from caffeine. Native to the eastern Mediterranean and West Asia, Melissa officinalis, like so many other herbs, has been used for centuries as a therapeutic remedy due to its antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic and antidepressant compounds. Its modus operandi, according to Natural Living Ideas,1 includes stress relief, relief of pain from indigestion and improving your appetite. Another use for lemon balm is to promote sleep. You can chop the leaves and steep them in boiling water to make a tea or rub a few leaves on your skin to allow the natural oils to seep into your bloodstream, which helps you relax. In fact, a University of Maryland study found that 81 percent of the participants who used lemon balm with valerian root got a better night's sleep than those on a placebo.2 And a Northumbria University study reported that experiments with lemon balm returned memory-strengthening and improved problem-solving abilities when they took capsules filled with the dried herb. The subjects also performed "significantly" better when taking standardized computer tests on memory in comparison with those given a placebo.3 One of the great things about lemon balm, a perennial herb and member of the mint family, is how easy it is to grow, particularly in the spring. It can be sown from seed, or you can buy a small plant from a farmers market or nursery, and you'll be amazed how quickly it grows and spreads. Acai Berries Can Be Swapped for Blueberries Acai berries (pronounced ah-sah-EE), a sort of cross between a grape and a blueberry, look very much like the latter and, oddly, taste a little like a berry dipped in chocolate. They've been used in traditional medicine to treat infections from parasites, ulcers, hemorrhaging, ulcers and diarrhea. Acai berries come from the Amazon region. Besides the berries themselves, the juice and pulp are commonly added to teas, fruit drinks, fruit bars and other products geared toward health and vitality. Nutritionally, these little berries contain high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids and anthocyanins. But as beneficial as acai berries are, their nutritional profile is very comparable to that of blueberries, grown on both U.S. coasts and all over the heartland. The two types of blueberries are differentiated as highbush and lowbush, the latter being the wild variety and higher in anthocyanins. According to the Blueberry Council: "The first commercial crop of little blue dynamos traveled from farm to table 100 years ago … Native to North America, blueberries have been around for more than 13,000 years — so they have deep roots in our country's history. Today, we're still reaping the health benefits of blueberries, and are discovering they have more to offer than our ancestors could have ever imagined."4 Blueberries have truly remarkable benefits for cardiovascular health, as well as for your brain, insulin response and even cancer prevention. Packed with vitamin C, which boosts your immune system and helps collagen to form, they're also loaded with fiber for greater regularity, impacting your heart health, and manganese, a mineral noted for energy conversion and proper bone development. Chickweed: The New Wheatgrass As green as any grass you've ever seen, wheatgrass has been a main event in health food circles for decades. People will line up to pay big bucks for a small shot of the stuff, which tastes pretty much like you'd imagine, similar to the aroma of new-mown hay; as one company describes it, "unfamiliar, but not unpleasant."5 Several of this commodity's features include fighting aging by revitalizing skin cells, cleansing the blood and fighting tumors. Clinical studies show that it contains 90 minerals, 20 essential amino acids, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes. But it's the 70 percent ratio of chlorophyll, structurally similar to red blood cells (hemoglobin), that makes it a superfood. World Lifestyle notes that once it's absorbed, it converts to hemoglobin, mimicking red blood cells and carrying oxygen to vital areas of your body, and may even kill off cancer cells because "cancer cells can't survive and thrive in oxygen-rich environments."6 But get this: Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a wild, edible plant (beautiful, too, by the way) growing prolifically in every area of the world other than those that are coldest, like Antarctica. Besides decreasing insect damage to other plants, it's chockfull of many vitamins, minerals and, like wheatgrass, chlorophyll. Chickweed stems and flowers can be usedraw in salads and sandwiches, tossed into soups and stews or added to cooked dishes (but at the end as the stems and leaves are delicate). Frontier foragers learned that when they gathered chickweed, almost exclusively in the spring, it was useful as both food and medicine. As a food, Foraged Foodie7 observes, the raw form is covered with a fine layer of fibers, which are minimized when they're gently chopped and sautéed or wilted. Natural medicine expert Dr. Josh Axe notes: "Chickweed is taken by mouth to treat stomach problems, intestinal complaints such as constipation, disorders of the blood, arthritis, lung diseases including asthma, kidney disorders, inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract, rabies, and scurvy or vitamin C deficiency. It is also used to relieve extreme exhaustion. Chickweed is applied on the skin relieve various skin conditions such as skin wounds, ulcers, burns, arthritis pain and symptoms of eczema."8 Rose Hips Can Take the Place of Goji Berries Goji berries are renowned for having a lot of vitamin C. Originally from Asia, they were used by the ancients to replenish body fluids, improve skin and soothe jangled nerves. The bush-like plant belongs to the nightshade family of plants with tomatoes and peppers and is reputed to be beneficial for insomnia, tuberculosis and to increase testosterone. On the other hand, rose hips, the fruits or seed pods of the wild roses you see growing everywhere throughout the U.S in late summer or fall, contain so much vitamin C, aka ascorbic acid, they're actually known to be the most abundant source in the world, which explains why they're so sought after by many markets. It was only in the last several decades that anyone thought to consider if there might be actual nutrition in rose hips. Once used in animal food, today they're an ingredient in jams, jellies and pie, as well as soups, bread and wine. Bon Appetit adds: "The hips, like the petals, are high in flavonoids, those small but mighty antioxidant friends. Like nettle, rose hips are anti-inflammatory. The pectin in rose hips also make it a heart healthy medicine … "9 Mother Nature Network10 adds vitamins A and E to rose hips' benefits, so they can be made into tea or even eaten to help treat colds and sore throat. Because they also contain free radical-fighting antioxidants, the anti-inflammatory properties can even treat rheumatoid arthritis.11 The odd pods also contain pectin, which is good for your heart. Organic Facts12 reveals more advantages of consuming rose hips in some form, including an ability to optimize cholesterol, boost your immune system, prevent chronic disease such as cancer, regulate your blood sugar and eliminate toxins. Nettles Compared to 'Superfood' Spirulina Although spirulina technically does grow in 'the States,' it's only one: Hawaii, as well as other exotic areas of the world, so it's understandable that many think of it as not exactly around the corner. But first of all, what is it? If you've heard of blue-green algae, you're halfway there. Spirulina's deep blue-green color reveals its active ingredient — chlorophyll — clearly. Health.com13 explains it as one of the oldest life forms on Earth and possibly consumed in Aztec and African diets centuries ago. Today it's touted for its ability to strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue and combat allergies. Nettles are another plant with chlorophyll that even rivals the amount found in spirulina, but they're often found in ditch banks, forests and riverbanks. It's sometimes called "stinging nettle" because it does just that; if you touch it without wearing gloves, the tiny hairs on every surface sting like a bee due to the presence of formic acid, leaving small red welts. But internally, Bon Appetit asserts, it acts like a tonic: "Taken over time, nettle will strengthen your circulatory, immune, and endocrine systems to promote peak function. The stronger these systems, the better position our bodies are in to deal with whatever might come our way."14 Cooked or dried, though, this pesky stinging problem goes away completely; good thing, too, because this free foraging food is highly nutritious, containing fiber, lecithin, chlorophyll, sodium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and vitamins A and C, according to Mother Earth News. It's been used in birth rooms and battlefields to stop bleeding, both internally and externally, and is considered to purify blood, as well. As a tea: "It has been found to help cure mucus congestion, skin irritations, water retention and diarrhea … stimulate the digestive glands of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Applied externally, nettle tea … relieves rheumatism in both people and animals, makes a first-class gargle for mouth and throat infections, helps to clear up acne and eczema and promotes the healing of burns."15 The top two or three pairs of leaves are the most tender. Again, use gloves then tongs to transfer the saw-toothed leaves from your gathering bag to the sink for rinsing, and to the pan for sautéing, say, with onions and garlic in oil, sea salt and Parmesan cheese. What About Common, Local, Easy-to-Grow Superfoods? Among all the vegetables grown in the U.S. (although elsewhere, as well) broccoli is arguably one of the most nutritious. You don't have to look far for the reason: sulforaphane, an organic sulfur found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. Not only does it support normal cell function and division, it helps your body detoxify and reduces inflammation and damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Broccoli sprouts — the nutrient-dense superfood starter from broccoli seeds — are linked to the prevention of many serious diseases, from heart disease to diabetes. They, too, can help detoxify even such environmental pollutants as benzene and protect against cancer. Besides sulforaphane, this is also due to powerful compounds such as the glucosinolate glucoraphanin, which helps improve blood pressure and kidney function, and isothiocyanate, known to normalize DNA methylation. Arugula is another powerhouse veggie, often known as "rocket" due to its spicy flavor. As a green, it's very versatile. As another brassicaceae along with cabbage and broccoli, it has many of the same nutrients and healing compounds, including fiber, vitamins A, C (to boost the immune system) and K (for bone strength), folate, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. One study shows arugula to be a powerful aid against gastrointestinal ulcers, psoriasis and skin, lung and mouth cancers. Many more vitamins and minerals help lower blood pressure and improve blood vessel function. The amazing thing is this fancy-looking green is very easy to grow and, like many others, can be mixed with other greens with supportive nutritive value. Then there's avocado, or Persea Americana, used by the Mayans as an aphrodisiac. Loaded with fiber, one avocado contains 36 percent of the dietary reference intake (DRI) in vitamin K, 30 percent of the folate, and 20 each of pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium. Plus, avocados have more than twice the potassium of a banana. The avocado's nutritional benefits rival any exotic food on the planet, as it has multiple beauty uses as a mask and facial scrub, natural sunscreen and moisturizer. It's also one of the only fruits (this one's a drupe) offering plentiful and beneficial monounsaturated fats and helps optimize cholesterol levels. You can only skim the surface to imagine what all those other compounds do to boost health and fight disease. So, you don't have to eat foods grown 3,000 miles away. You can often find them growing, or at least being sold, within an hour of you. Look around and see what's available.
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healthon · 7 years
What to Eat and Not Eat if Your LDL and Triglycerides are Too High
So, I was searching the internet for a bare bones list of yes and no, good and bad foods for my fiance's "new" diet. He just found out his LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are WAY too high, so I'm practicing tough love and making ... well, encouraging ... him to make some lifestyle changes and give up some of the foods he loves--foods that I told him could kill him. And I won't have that.
In order to help him (not just nag him) I wanted to give him a list of what he can and should eat--and those foods he shouldn't--to help lower his cholesterol. Seeing it on paper would make it easier for him, since he keeps asking me (sometimes texting me if he's out) if he can eat this or that. So, I wanted to give him a nice long list. (And, yes, I'll be eating what he eats ... and not eating what he shouldn't.)
But with all the searching I did online, I kept coming up with sites that would list maybe five GOOD foods and/or a few BAD foods, along with a lot of blah-blah. (Like I'm doing now.) I just want a LIST! So, fine, I'll make one myself. And you can certainly use it, too.
This will be an ongoing, growing list, as nitty-gritty as can be, so please help me out by adding what I've missed in either category--good or bad--as well as dessert/sweet foods that are okay for someone with high cholesterol. And I'll add an "in moderation" list too, since some foods aren't quite right for "good" or "bad."
If you disagree with something on either list, please let me know (and why) in the comments section below. Thank you!
Note: I'm not a nutritionist or a doctor. I've just compiled this list from a variety of sources and double-checked as much as possible to be sure that more than one source agrees. Of course, you should check with your own doctor to find out the "diet" that's right for you.
First Things First for High Cholesterol
Lose some weight
Drink plenty of water
Stop smoking
List of Foods BAD for Cholesterol Levels - Try to avoid these items as much as possible
Please help me out by adding any that I've missed. If you want, you can add some explanation in the box below the list item, including a better alternative if you have one.
Red meat (If you're going to eat red meat, choose the leanest cuts possible and trim as much visible fat as you can)
Organ meat (liver, for example)
Veal, lamb and pork (but, as far as I've read and heard, these are better choices than red meat, but keep portions to no more than 4 ounces and trim all visible fat)
Processed lunch meats, especially bologna, ham, salami, roast beef
Bacon (make it turkey bacon if you're going to eat it)
Sausage (although lean turkey sausage is a much better choice, such as the Jennie-O brand, which comes in Sweet Italian and Spicy too)
Hot dogs
Duck and goose
Butter (Choose vegetable oil spread or margarine without trans fats or saturated fats instead)
Full fat dairy products (Choose lowfat or, best of all, skim cheeses)
Coconut oil, Palm kernel oil, Palm oil, and Cocoa butter
Shellfish (such as mussels and clams)
Ice cream and heavy cream
Candy bars and sugary candy
Cakes, pies and cookies
French fries
Chicken wings, fried with skin
White bread
Full fat salad dressings (Ranch, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island, French, etc.)
Egg noodles and pasta made with white flour (Whole wheat pasta and rice noodles are much better choices.)
**See "Are There Really Any Substitutes for Cheese?" for a bunch of healthier ideas (not just vegetarian substitutes) and suggestions.
**These are saturated fats
Foods You SHOULD Eat or CAN eat if You Have High Cholesterol - And drinks too
I'm being very specific when it comes to things like fruits and veggies, to give my fiancé ideas rather than just listing "fruits" and "vegetables." I want to make this "yes food" list a long one, so he doesn't feel so much like there's so much he can't have and not much that he can.
Please help me out by adding any good foods or foods that are okay in moderation that I've missed in the comments section below.
Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus
Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.)
Melon (watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, etc.)
Peaches, plums, nectarines
Avocado (a healthy fat)
Salad greens (but iceberg lettuce isn't so great because it has few nutrients; better to choose other leafy greens)
Onions, leeks, shallots
Mushrooms (incl. Portobellos, which are excellent grilled as "burgers")
Squash (zucchini, spaghetti squash, butternut, winter squash, etc.)
Cabbage and sauerkraut
Broccoli and cauliflower
Green beans
Potatoes and yams
Raisins and cranberries (which add great sweetness to so many things, including salads, casseroles, rice, oatmeal, etc.)
Oatmeal and oat bran
Beans (pinto, black beans, lima beans, garbanzo beans, etc.)
Rice (especially brown rice)
Whole wheat / whole grain breads, including whole wheat tortillas and pita pockets
Corn tortillas
Soy products (soy milk, tofu, edamame, etc.)
Salmon (Fish in general, but I'll list some types separately)
Albacore tuna (packed in water if canned)
Lake trout
Chicken, skinless, especially white meat (baked, broiled, grilled ... not fried)
Turkey, skinless, especially white meat (baked, roasted, grilled, etc.)
Whole wheat pasta ...and Soba noodles, rice noodles
Nuts, unsweetened (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc.) and seeds (such as sunflower seeds)
Veggie burgers / Black bean burgers
Lentils and barley
Oil & Vinegar (made with olive oil) and Balsamic Vinagrette dressings
White wine vinegar (great for cooking with instead of oil, because it doesn't change the taste of food and doesn't add fat)
Olive oil, Canola oil, Peanut oil
Low fat soups (especially vegetable and broth-based soups, including lentil soup, minestrone, chicken and rice, etc.)
Cream of wheat
Low sugar cereals (Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies, Cheerios, etc.)
Air-popped popcorn
Skim milk (or at least low fat if you really don't like skim)
Nonfat yogurt
Egg whites or egg substitute
Low fat or nonfat cottage cheese
Green tea (or any other tea is good, too)
Coffee (but no cream ... choose skim milk instead)
Herbs and spices (to add flavor instead of fatty additives)
Low fat condiments (mustard, catsup, relish, low-sodium soy sauce, lowfat mayonnaise)
Pita chips (at least, the brand I saw in the store today had no trans fats, no saturated fat, and just a small amount of monounsaturated fat, so check the container for this information)
**The Mayo Clinic says this is one of the top 5 foods for lowering cholesterol.
This is a very versatile, healthy food, which is a great base for many recipes. See "A Recipe for Quinoa Salad" with alternatives and other ideas for cooking with quinoa.
**Best to grill or bake fish
**Since nuts high in calories, just grab a handful now and then. Nuts are great, healthy fat substitutes for croutons, meats and cheese in salad. AVOID Brazil nuts, however.
**These are monounsaturated fats.
**Examples include oregano, basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, coriander, black pepper, and cumin. But stay away from a lot of salt, which can raise blood pressure and contribute towards water retention.
Foods to Eat in MODERATION
I guess you could say "everything in moderation," especially the good desserty/sweet foods listed above. But there are some foods that aren't dessert and don't really quite fit in the BAD or GOOD lists as much as others. So that's what this category is for. For example, people with high cholesterol don't really have to give up eggs altogether, but they should try to most often use egg whites or egg substitute when possible. And while olive oil, for one, is a good oil, it's better to use just a light, sprayed on coating instead of dousing the food.
Eggs, no more than 4 yolks per week. (Best to use egg whites only or egg substitute as much as possible.)
Margarine, soft tub or liquid (Look for little to no trans fat)
Red wine (All alcohol in moderation, but red wine is best. It's said to actually help lower cholesterol.)
Fruit juices (100%, unsweetened juice is best.)
Peanut butter
Safflower, Sunflower, Corn, and Soybean oil
**See "New Cholesterol Fighter Found in Red Wine" from Science Daily.
**EverydayHealth.com says that grape juice is especially beneficial.
**This is one source of information I used to decide is peanut butter was "okay" or not: "Is Peanut Butter Bad if You Have High Cholesterol?" from Livestrong.com
**These are polyunsaturated fats
Dessert / Sweet Foods You Can Eat
I'm separating this out, since this is one area where my fiancé is feeling especially deprived right now
Dark chocolate (The darker the better, but it depends how bitter you like it.)
Fat-free, sugar-free pudding
Jell-O, especially sugar-free
Angel food cake
Fat-free sorbet
Nonfat frozen yogurt
Fig bars or other types of "newtons"
Low-fat vanilla wafers (which are good with the fat-free, sugar-free pudding)
**Definitely in moderation on this one. Dark chocolate shouldn't be mistaken for a "health food," but studies have shown that the antioxidants it contains helps lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase the good (HDL). See one of many sources at EverydayHealth.com.
**The Nabisco 100% Whole Grain, Triple Berry Newtons we just bought have no trans fat and no saturated fat. Just .5mg of polyunsaturated fat per two newtons.
Low Cholesterol Recipes
A Cookbook from the American Heart Association
Sometimes we need a little help putting the good ingredients together.
It's one thing to pick up a piece of fruit or grill a piece of chicken (no skin, of course), but if you're like me, you might have a bit of trouble combining the healthy stuff into tasty recipes, without adding ingredients that defeat the purpose. This cookbook will help you do that.
American Heart Association Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook, 4th edition: Delicious Recipes to Help Lower Your Cholesterol
This cookbook includes 50 heart-healthy recipes along with current information on nutrition and fat.
Making a lifestyle change? This book will make a helpful additional to your arsenal of tools to accomplish your goals.
Buy Now
There are Lots of Low-Cholesterol Recipes Online
27 Low-Cholesterol Recipes from Heart Healthy Living
Over 400 Low-Cholesterol Recipes from The Food Network
Low-Cholesterol Recipes from AllRecipes.com More than I can count, but you can search in a variety of ways, including by ingredient, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, the top 20, etc.
More Reading About Low Cholesterol Diets - And how to lower your LDL and Triglycerides
These are sites I've found to be very reputable and sources I used to help me build my lists.
Checklist: Your Low Cholesterol Diet From the Cholesterol Management Center at WebMD.com
The Low Cholesterol Diet From HeartHealthyOnline.com
11 Foods That Lower Cholesterol From Harvard Medical School
© 2012 Deb Kingsbury
HEALTHY DIETSHow to Lower Your Cholesterol Level Fast / Quickly
DIET & WEIGHT LOSSFoods High In Cholesterol – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
HEALTHY DIETSHow can I reduce my cholesterol without taking medication?
DIET & WEIGHT LOSSHow To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally
by Cindy Lawson36
by nutritionhub1
by Simon Cook6
by nebby20
HEALTHY DIETSChinese Girl Shares Chinese Weight Loss Secrets
HEALTHY DIETSHow to Lower Your Cholesterol Level Fast / Quickly
by anglnwu106
by Cindy Lawson36
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Delia 4 years ago
Oh My....poor my hubby eats all the stuff on the first bad list...I barely eat stuff like that, yet I have a cholesterol problem...I think mine is due to my Thyroid Meds...well I try cooking healthy for hubby but I'm not with him 24 hrs.
thanks for sharing!
othellos 3 years ago
Thanks for this essential list. I bookmarked it for reference at any time. I think I eat a lot from the "Good" list plus coffee of course. Thanks for sharing:=)
msblacque46 3 years ago
My cholesterol was completely out of control,and last November I ended up in the hospital with a "silent heartattack". This is how the doctor described it.Diabetic for 18yrs.,and trying to live a normal life eating all kinds of junk food,and paying a narrow fatal price for it. I was hospitalized for 6days. I was placed on a low sodium/low cholesterol diet,and i've lost 3opds. since November. I'm so happy to run cross your info,and the delicious things that I can eat.. I season my food with many of the things you've listed,and i'm doing very well now.My cholesterol was so bad my heart wasn't pumping the amount of blood required(@25%),but it's increased greatly since my check-up. I share my experiences with the world now,to take better care of themselves,otherwise they'll have serious problems later on. Again,Thanks soooooooooo very much for sharing.Ms. C.F.B.
debra1026 2 years ago
better cut some of my foods that are bad according to this essential lists of yours,Really great lens,Very helpful, gonna print it out..
with this essential list and my www.jeffersonnutrition.com I see good result in my future.Thanks..
Joyette Fabien 2 years ago from Dominica
Thanks for sharing these very useful tips!
CrisSp 2 years ago from Sky Is The Limit Adventure
No, not me (yet) but hubby is in trouble with his cholesterol and I'm sure to pass this on.
Useful and very informative hub.
Lisa Steinberg 8 months ago
I just found out I have high cholesterol and triglycerides (I have a family history on my dad's side) and I have heard many times it is hereditary. With that being said your list is very comprehensive and I quite like the way you have organized it. One thing I would recommend adding to the "What not to eat list" for snacks are most crackers. They seem healthy but many of them are high in saturated fats. I haven't researched what brands are heart smart but I assume ones that are made with whole grains like melba toast or Ryveta are cracker type substitutes that would work. Thanks again for sharing.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/getting-started-in-hydroponics-expert-tips-plans-secrets/
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets
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 Buy Now
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    If you’ve got 5 minutes a day, you can have juicy tomatoes the size of softballs…
without weeding!
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants. 
Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  
   What’s the difference between hydroponics    and an ordinary garden?
“Hydroponics how to” Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
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Mixed lettuces, Day 9
Day 14
Day 23
My name is Stella. I have 13 years experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
1. How are you going to build it?
2. Is there going to be enough space and light?
3. How are you going to maintain it?
   Hydroponics How To:    Choosing the right system is the 1st step
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Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
In this comprehensive gardening e-book, you’ll discover…
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The quickest, easiest hydroponics system to build. You can get started in hours rather than days and the system is built from common materials so you can save money.
5 ways you can get started in hydroponics on a pauper’s budget. You don’t have to get the most complex system to get incredible results. There are 2 plans that can be built out of common materials you may already have. You can get the rest at Home Depot.  
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Which crops to grow and which to stay away from. You can grow just about anything with hydroponics, but some plants will take over, stealing light and space from smaller plants. Here you’ll learn which plants are the smartest, easiest… and tastiest.  
A Forbidden Hideaway. The last chapter in the book shows you how to create a space in your home to grow plants that nobody will know about. To the outside world you are an ordinary neighbor. But inside “the Grow Box” a different world exists that makes plants grow like crazy.
*And don’t miss the bonus secret to supercharging your grow box with CO2.
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   Hydroponics How To:    So what’s the big deal about lighting?
Give your plants the right amount of space and light and they will grow right before your eyes.
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Obviously, you know that plants need light to thrive, but don’t you want a lighting system that will fit your situation and fit your budget? There are a number of different ways to get the right amount of light to your plants.
This e-book will show you where the deals are and also what to watch out for. Lighting can be the single greatest expense… and a critical component.
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Too broke to buy lights? How to get around this roadblock. Hydroponic systems do better in a temperature controlled environment, but there is a way to use hydroponics on the patio- if you will obey this one cardinal rule.  
The crazy way to get full spectrum lighting. Not only will you save money but your plants will have the closest thing to the sun. Your plants will think the house they live in is actually the Imperial Valley. You will get unbelievable yields- at a fraction of the price.  
Plants are all the same and have the same requirements. Right? Wrong! If you are only growing lettuce, you may not even need artificial lighting.
On the other hand, if you want to grow tomatoes or anything that is going to have flowering buds, then you must provide the necessary amount of light and nutrients so the plants will have plenty of buds or fruit.
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  Hydroponics How To:  I’m a little lazy… how much work is involved?
Certainly you knew you would have to do something to keep the plants going. If there were shortcuts that would make maintenance so much easier, would you use them? There are two main things to monitor to ensure a huge harvest.
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Our “Hydroponics how to” insider secrets include…
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What you must do to avoid getting eaten alive! Believe it or not, bugs can wreak havoc, even in a spare bedroom. Chapter 14 shows you the easiest methods for keeping them away from your crops.  
Why organic fertilizers can stunt plant growth. Doesn’t make sense, does it? The trouble with organic fertilizers is they can be wildly inconsistent. If you are eager to use organic, wait till you are a little more experienced. The book will tell you the most potent fertilizer to buy… and where to get it.
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How you can pack “extra wallop” into a lettuce growing season by using hydroponics. Once you learn this trick your family will never be late for dinner again. Chapter 5 has tips to keep the veggies coming one after another, month after month.  
The magic numbers. Plants will grow best when the temperature is between 65°-78°. If you can keep your plants in this zone, you will have a mind-blowing bounty you can share with friends. The book shows you where heat comes from- and how to get rid of it.
Do you remember your first garden?
Remember how hopeful you were? You prepared the ground, planted the seed, maybe put on a little fertilizer. After a few days the little sprout popped up out of the ground.
What a thrill!
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This ebook is like a seed. It is a different kind of seed. Instead of a tiny speck, it is a plan.
The first step to a hydroponic setup is getting the know-how and a good set of plans.
By getting this book you will be planting a seed. And enjoying a bountiful harvest.
   Hydroponics How To:    Here’s what you’ll get in this giant e-book:
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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1.    Introduction……………………………………3
2.    What is Hydroponics………………………6    Knowledge is power!
3.    Advantages & Disadvantages…………8
4.    What to grow…………………………………14
5.    Climate requirements……………………24
6.    4 Simple Systems……………………………41
This chapter will get you started fast… and cheaply
7.    Mini Farms………………………………………44
8.    U-Build-It (Full-scale farms)…………52
If you want huge yields..these farms can deliver
9.    Growing Media………………………………57
10.   Hydroponic Solution………………………63
11.   Lighting…………………………………………72
12.   Seeds & Seedlings…………………………80
   Plants & Produce……………………………86
14.   Pests & Plagues………………………………94
15.   Troubleshooting ……………………………109
16.   Cheap Supplies/ Contact Us…………114
This chapter will pay for the ebook many times over
17.   MINI FARM PLANS……………………… 115
18.   FULL SIZE PLANS………………………170
19.   GROW BOX & BUBBLER UNIT ………263
        Put this hydroponic farm in a closet!
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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How I learned Hydroponics
I  learned to love gardening during my own back-to-the land adventure in rural Louisiana in the 1980s. There on 5 acres, I raised two children, two horses, two dogs, a goat and some chickens.
Over the next decade, I tried it all…. a square foot garden, a french intensive garden, many large traditional plowed gardens, mulberry bushes, pineapple patches, muscadine grape vineyards; I’ve canned pickles, home brewed beer and made orange wine. I baked bread from scratch, made home-made butter, froze green beans and canned tomatoes.
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It was wonderful growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. But the reality of it is, it took a ton of hard work and perseverance to fight the bugs and the weeds! Crop production and quality was always inconsistent… dependent on the soil, the weather, and the pest invasions.
Eventually, life events intervened, as they always seem to do, and by the 90s, I found myself divorced with 2 kids, and living in the city. My Mother Earth Adventure was but a fond distant memory.
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My lightning inspiration came at the most unlikely place, Disneyworld!  My partner Simon and I visited Epcot Center at Disney World in Orlando and toured the “Living With the Land” exhibit. This is an awesome hydroponics project in action. If you ever make it to Epcot, don’t miss it!
Well, that was it… the wheels started turning, and we were off and running with the hydroponics method of gardening!
At first, we were bewildered. There’s LOTS of conflicting information and product recommendations on Hydro gardening out there.
Since that time, we have experimented, tinkered and learned with the 6 major hydroponics methods widely used today. We have planted garden after garden in different systems, configurations, seasons of the year, and types of crops.
And we have it all figured out.  🙂
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   Hydroponics How To:    Secrets of the Pros…
The secrets experienced hydroponic gardeners use to Turbo-charge plant growth. Use any of these secrets and your plants will grow faster than your neighbors. Use them all and you’ll be bringing home ribbons from the fair.
Why setting up a hydroponics garden in a bedroom can backfire horribly (all that work for nothing.) The book will show you how an adjustment that only takes 20 seconds to perform will transform a certain failure into breathtaking success.  
How to whip the problem of “hard water”.
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The two requirements for hydroponic success. Just do these two things and you are almost assured a bountiful harvest. HINT: Keep the plants in their comfort zone.  
Why plants grown in a hydroponics system out-grow, out-taste, and out-perform ordinary gardens.  
Discover the ordinary household appliance that makes bugs cringe every time it is turned on. Some of the safest ways to control pests are also the most effective… and cheapest.                
How to turn a coconut into a tomato. Hydroponics is a different world; ordinary soil is not used and one of the best soil substitutes is coconut coir, which is the husk that surrounds the coconut. The book will explain why mixing it with perlite will give you the best results.
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The better way to add spice to your cooking. Herbs are one of the crops that do great in hydroponics.
The e-book will show you an easy way to the freshest herbs instantly available- right in your kitchen. (Just like a gourmet restaurant!)  
Do this one simple thing on a regular basis and your garden will flourish. Neglect to perform this easy test and your plants will enter a downward spiral they may not recover from. Adjusting the pH sounds like chemistry class, but the book shows a way so easy a five-year-old can do it.
What does car repair have to do with hydroponics?
When the clutch went out on our Toyota, my husband decided to replace it himself. He is handy so I thought it would be a good way to get the car fixed. He bought the parts needed for the job and thought he could save money by doing the work without a repair manual.
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When he finished the job, he had a few bolts left over. One of them was for the rear engine mount. The engine shifted and caused the drive shaft to lean against the catalytic converter.
After the spinning shaft had ground a hole in the converter, it started spewing fumes from under the car. However, the most embarrassing thing about this car is it now sounds like a Hot Rod because the converter has a hole in it.
If he had bought the repair manual, he would’ve known how important that one bolt was. He would’ve saved money… and a lot of frustration.
This e-book is your “pre-repair manual” for hydroponics. So you can do it right the first time.
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   WYSIWYG… Huh?    (What You See Is What You Get)
You saw the Table of Contents. You saw how packed with “Hydroponics how to” information this e-book is. It consists of 320 pages of information and step-by-step plans. If you’re the type of person that takes action once your mind is made up, wouldn’t this e-book help you create a bountiful garden in a very small space?
Included in this giant ebook:
The entire hydroponics-simplified website, converted to pdf version
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Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans- Worth the $35 alone.
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Simon’s Super-Charged Turbo-Cooled Hydroponics Grow Box- Super cool!
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THAT’S 320 pages crammed with diagrams, photos, charts, shortcuts and sage advice.
   Hydroponics How To:    Why THIS Hydroponics E-book?
Just follow the step by step directions and in a matter of weeks you will have huge plants that will feed your family. Those plants will be giving you fresh produce and saving you money every month.
You will be able to grow crops at a fraction of the price it would cost to buy them. And won’t your friends be impressed when you give them samples of your harvest?
Hydroponic kits cost a lot of money but this ebook will show you how to create the same thing for hundreds of dollars less. The money you save by using ordinary materials to create a hydroponic setup will  pay for the ebook many times over.
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When you have this ebook you will have a source on where to get low cost soil media and fertilizer solution. This will also save you money. You know if you have step-by-step plans it will make it so much easier to build a hydroponic system.
Listen, you can get this ebook now, read it cover to cover, and if you are not completely happy with it you can get a full refund. That’s right, you decide whether this ebook is all I say it is.
You decide whether the book made starting a hydroponic garden easy. You decide whether the book saved you a lot of money and a lot of time. You must be convinced the book has put veggies on your table and money in your pocket… or you pay NOTHING!
                  I think that’s fair, don’t you?
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“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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   Wait a minute! There’s bonuses!
A complete but compact and concise guide you can print out and keep right there in your grow room. You’ll find yourself referring to this clever guide every day! It boils down the whole growing cycle and reminds you of steps you need to take at each stage of growth.
This bonus guide includes:
Nutrients: Quick mixing chart, proper ph and EC ranges, the super-simple 50% method, how to top up your reservoir, and when to mix a new batch of grow juice
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Lighting: Which lamps for which gardens, how high to hang, when to switch bulbs, how long they last, and a concise lighting chart  
Planting Media: How and when to use the most popular hydroponics growing media: LECA, perlite, CocoCoir and Rockwool  
Seeds: The best way to start plants for from seed; plus a secret way to kick-start your garden and shave weeks off the growing time  
Vines: How to tie up your vining crops for maximum production
Simon’s list of the best trays, best lights, best nutrients, all his best ofs… and where to get them.
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A list of helpful hydro supplies for your new hobby… “must have”, “nice to have”, and “luxury items”.  
Gardening checklist… when to do what; daily, weekly and monthly.
Hydroponics resources guide. Useful books and magazines for your hydroponics library.
BONUS #3- AUTOPOT® FARM PLANS Build the ultimate lazy man’s  hydroponics garden! With AutoPots®, you truly can “set it and forget it”. We tell you how to create a big automated Autopot® farm with this bonus guide.
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   Hydroponics How To:    Pssst! Check this out…
Would you like to see a sample of some of the pages in the book?
Here you go…
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   If there was an easy way to get started,    would you try it?
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The first thing you must do is plant the seed. Planting a seed is easy. But it is also crucial. Nothing happens until the seed is planted but once it is, a tiny speck turns into bountiful plants and vegetables.
You have a chance to plant a seed right now. This e-book is a seed that will help you grow and see your dreams germinate. You’ll be able to see them grow from an idea to a super-charged hydroponics garden.
You’ve seen how plants started in hydroponics can grow fast, big and in a small space. Get this e-book now and you will be planting a seed.
You’ve seen how a fresh vegetable garden can save you money every month. But only if you plant the first seed.
You seen the Table of Contents and how much information is inside those 320 pages.
This may be the most important seed you’ll ever plant. This seed will grow into a full-fledged hydroponic garden that will feed your family. Get this book now and you’ll plant that seed.
“Grab Your Copy Now”
Regular Price $27.00
Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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Have questions about the ebook? Ask them here. “Getting Started in Hydroponics” giant ebook is simply the best way to get you started in hydroponics for the least amount of money.
Order your ebook today; a pdf file for instant download and use. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the book, but we supply that for free if you don’t already have it on your computer. It is a quick and easy process.
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Today and always $27.00 [No Fake inflated price, no limited time offer here]
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