edenfenixblogs · 4 months
You guys. I just…I was trying to remember the word oneg.
And my brain kept saying “egg nog.”
Can I report a hate crime against my own brain.
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ruraljew · 10 days
attended the most eclectic shabbat service with about ten people, all over 50. shout out to the one aggressively bostonian guy talking about not wanting to do tashlich in our lake here bc its nasty
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cozymochi · 7 months
it’s now up to me to manifest cards
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but, hey so long as we’re here, where’s everyone elses suitor suits——
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now im upset we never get trashy jewish romcom films and only ever Christian Girl Autumn ones ☹️ cmon hallmark i want an excuse to make up a synagogue meet cute dreamling au
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citrusitonit · 1 year
now tme write the nxt chaptre
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seven-saffodils · 2 years
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whoreishghost · 1 year
i made date charoset and bought kiddush wine bc i couldnt find maneschweitz for my flatmates family and i keep wondering if they have matzah and if the meal will be kosher or have any chametz and what the seder will be like bc theyre not religious and neither am i really but they dont really do anything and my flatmate doesnt even know the names of the holidays and i had to send my haggadah so that they had one at all and i brought my kippot but my flatmate said their sister would be weirded out if anyone but me wore them idk its going to be different from what im used to
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wutheringheights78 · 2 years
i miss my shul 😿
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sillybert · 2 years
im finallly gonna get my room cleaned up and my mom said shell help,,
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icemankazansky86 · 6 months
A 16-year-old Ice, chatting with a fellow congregation member during the oneg before Shabbat service:
Chava: Do you cut or tear your challah?
Ice whilst ’Fortunate Son’ by CCR echoes in the back of his mind: “My Дедушка Georgiy would always tear the challah and lob it at my sister and I with great speed and precision.”
Chava: 👁️👄👁️
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Jewish Song of the Day #3: Yedid Nefesh
Posting this in honor of Shabbat
This is a beautiful traditional liturgical poem that is said as part of the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service
There are tons of versions and I love most of them (and even wrote one of my own at one point) so this will only be the first of several
It is a poem of longing for closeness with G-d, and so typically is set to hauntingly beautiful and longing melodies
This gorgeous version of it by Josh Warshawsky has a special place for me recently, because it is the first happier song I was able to listen to after Oct. 7th and it reminded me that happiness, including Jewish joy, is still present and strong. It literally lifted me out of that grief space and into oneg Shabbat for the first time in well over a month. I hope it brings you as much comfort coming into Shabbat as it has brought me, and helps lift your soul closer to Hashem, to holiness, and to this sacred rest.
Shabbat shalom!! 🩵
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theauthor27 · 20 days
Oneg like and I'll eat a piece of ppaper
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ceaseless-exhauster · 12 days
Okay so I have to vent a little about the Rosh Hashanah Oneg and Yom Kippur break fast plans at my temple
I’m on the membership committee and I asked if anyone had been making sure to include considerations of folks who are BOTH gluten free AND vegan because there are literally AT LEAST THREE ppl who come to temple regularly that are, and possibly more who’ll show up for High Holy Days (we have a sign up list that asks for specific categories of things so it was a reasonable consideration)
And I’m particularly concerned about the break fast bc like. WE ARE BREAKING A FAST, everyone should be able to participate
And I got told “I mean there’ll be veggies, and people who have that many dietary restrictions usually bring their own food anyway” and like, bitch what???? Not everyone in this congregation is well off and also like, this is our responsibility? Why are we even hosting a break fast if some folks are just gonna have to go get their own food anyway???? Also “that many dietary restrictions” as though vegan food is terribly difficult to incorporate into a Kosher spread and as though GF stuff isn’t easy to find these days
So I guess now I’m living “be the change you want to see in the world” bc I signed myself up to bring some things that are both GF and vegan, I’m just mad bc the stuff I’m bringing is so simple without just being fuckin raw carrot sticks and plain hummus it’s not that hard
Rant over ig
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the-lesser-light · 2 months
I think the biggest thing I've noticed since converting is the difference in access for the disabled.
I can't speak for the Christian side of things, as I never really attended church.
However, while struggling through the wiccan/pagan/whatever side of things, no one seemed to give a flying fuck about the disabled.
Solstice bonfire in the middle of a muddy field? In a wheelchair? Sucks to be you. Get some legs and go leap over that fire to feel included or go home.
Sure, you had substitutes for incense when you had asthma and plants and things of that nature, but you were still left feeling left out. Look at all those good true believers gathering up their incense and things to burn.
It left me feeling angry and like I wanted to do something to bring attention to these issues.
Yet when I reached out to prominent members of the community, I was ignored or glossed over.
Now, here I sit in a community where my Rabbi is in leg braces and she talks openly with other members that use canes about the best brands to get.
I watch a community that has more than a fair share of older people and we discuss upgrading our ancient synagogue with a lift so they don't have to struggle with all those stairs when going to the oneg in the future.
We discuss using LED candles when using real fire is dangerous or scary. We clearly label all the food so those with special dietary needs don't have to feel like they can't make safe choices.
I have Jewish Friends who have PTSD and other mental health issues and we talk about the things that make us feel safe and practices that help us get by week to week.
We discuss the fact that despite the rules and traditions and everything, there is still Pikuach nefesh which will always come first.
We even had a discussion over preparing for end of life to help when one of the older members said she was unsure what to do and needed help feeling less unsure on how her body would be handled.
I can't stress enough how much of a difference I've seen. And sure, things could be better. Things can always be better. The synagogue still has a lot of stairs and sometimes the food doesn't say if it has this or that in it... But the difference is that people seem to actually care when you say "that's not fair. We need to let this person in too."
Inclusion isn't just wearing a pride shirt. Inclusion is making sure everyone gets there together.
"Rise in body or spirit" is still a phrase that resonates with me every Shabbat. It is hard to explain this to someone that has never had to watch someone in a wheel chair turn around and leave because they can't even get through a door.
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ofshivelight · 10 days
my temple had an outdoor service last night and my rabbi explicitly invited people to bring their pets so he could bless them and it was SO CUTE. everybody brought all of their dogs and cats up to the makeshift bimah and the rabbi blessed g-d for teaching us the value of companionship and cultivating awe for the gift of life through our pets, and then we had all the very well-behaved pups hanging out with the kids during the oneg afterwards and it was delightful
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