onepiecexyou · 8 years
Hi and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here! ^^ So... Could I ask for a fluffy scenario about Law proposing to his female s/o? Best wishes for you, darling! :3 Btw, your blog looks adorable :D
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶: @dreamyanimegirl (thank you
𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽: Proposal𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼: 1342𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻(𝓼): Law x Reader𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓼: none
Law had been pacing around in his study for a good few hours now. The ship was already being docked before he even realized it and Penguin had came in to tell him. He noticed his Captains fidgety behavior and it just caused him to smile. “Captain, you’re going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep pacing around like that.”
Law was mumbling to himself and hardly heard Penguin at first, “Huh?” but slowly his comment registered. “Ah…” He shook his head and turned away with a shaky sigh.
This was happening today and soon. At first he felt entirely confident in the proposal but as the time grew later and later he could feel his nerves starting up. He would not back out of this though. He knew that he wanted this and that you did too. You’ve dropped the hint plenty of times and he merely brushed them off gently and pretended to not get the hints so he wouldn’t spoil the real surprise. You wouldn’t even see it coming until it happened. He looked back around and noticed that Penguin was staring at him with a big dorky smile which caused Law to feel slightly uncomfortable and self conscious, “What?” Law snapped.“Nothin’, it’s just adorable seeing you all nervous.” He held his hands up in defense. Law rolled his eyes, “Don’t you have food to prepare or something.” He really couldn’t handle being teased at the moment. “Everything is ready Captain, don’t worry yourself.” Penguin gave him a big thumbs up glad that the other hadn’t threatened to shamble him yet. He didn’t want to chance it though by continuing to tease his captain. “It’s going to be perfect.”
~*~*~*~*~*~On the deck of the sub you were getting ready to explore the new island. You were excited and bouncing on the balls of your feet waiting for Law to hurry up and meet you on deck. Penguin had appeared out from below and said that he would be out shortly before he, Shachi, Bepo, Jean Bart, and the others had all disappeared off the sub saying they were going to get some supplies for the sub.
You just waved them off and sighed still waiting. You had half a mind to make your way down to Law’s study and drag him out.
“Waiting for someone?”
You spun around spotting Law standing there and smiled before you forced a pout. “Well, I wouldn’t have to be waiting if someone had came to meet me here on time.” You huffed but he just laughed at you poking your puffed out cheeks.
“We never had a set time to meet.” Which was true. But she did say as soon as they got there but he needed time to calm himself.
“I guess that’s true. Well, you’re here now so let’s not waste any more time! I wanna go see the town!” You were always like this. So excited to see new places no matter how off or dangerous an island looked.
“Okay okay.” nodded and slipped an arm around your waist directing you towards the ramp. “Let’s get a move on then Miss. Explorer.”
As you both went through the town and began exploring Law found himself just watching you excitedly run here and there looking at all the fascinating objects in the windows or looking through the market at the food they had here. He started thinking to himself wondering if the others had finished by now.
“-earth to Law.”
Law blinked in surprise not even noticing that you had finished looking and had came over talking to him. “Sorry. What was that?”
“Are you okay?” You asked in a serious tone.
“Of course, why would you ask?” He furrowed his brow.
“You’re not acting normal. Not really, I just feel like somethings different…or off. You hardly looked at anything, or asked to stop by the library, or to check out the medical stores that they may or may not even have here.” You crossed your arms and looked up at him. “Is something wrong? You can tell me.”
You were always so perceptive and smart. He loved that about you.
Law just laughed, “No, really. Everything is fine. I was just thinking is all.”
“You think too much.” He knew you didn’t buy it but you didn’t bother to press him. He also loved that about you.
Law rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Well, I read up on the island a bit. I know they have this one place you’d probably like to see.”
That changed the subject quick and he saw the light in your eyes sparkle with curiosity. “Oh?”
“Mhm, want to go there?” He offered.
“You bet I do!” You said excitedly grabbing his hand to tug him along while he smiled and stopped you.
“It’s the other way.” You were always so eager and ready to go.
“Heehee…oh.” You blushed and looked away. “Lead the way Captain!”
~*~*~*~*~*~“Are we there yet?” You asked looking around at the trees. They were huge here. Well, you’ve seen bigger but they had some really big trees here for such a small island. That was pretty interesting. Not to mention the really nice smell. The woods smelled so fresh and sweet. There were a lot of flowers around but it just seemed like the smell was embedded in everything. The trees, the leaves, the grass.
“Not too much farther.” Law looked behind after you and held out his hand. “It’s just up ahead.” You smile and take his hand lacing your fingers together. “Okay.”
The both of you soon came up onto a clearing and you could see the ocean on the horizon over a huge cliff. But that wasn’t the only thing you saw. There was a gorgeous set up there on the grass. There were a few white candles there in the center already lit and a bottle of wine set in a bowl of ice. Two wine glasses. A plate of fruits and no telling what else was in the basket.
“Ah, I think someone else may be here. There’s a picni- Law what are you doing?!” You say in surprise as he sits down and pats the spot beside him.
“Surprise.” He smiled up at you and you flushed at first until it completely registered then you turned the color of a tomato when you realized he did this! and it was a surprise for you.
You cover your face and look away trying to hide your smile. “You jerk!”
He laughed and stood up walking behind you and wrapped his arms around you. “Oi, you don’t like it?” His voice sounded hurt to you and you quickly turned around to see him smiling down at you like he knew you did like it. “I even got your favorite wine.”
“What’s all this for?” You ask in suspicion.
“What? I have to have a reason to spoil you?” Law furrowed his brow and looked off almost offended.
“Heh, I don’t suppose.” You laughed. “Thank you Law! It looks lovely.”
He let you go and took a step back “That’s not even the best part. Look over there.”
“Huh?” You turned back towards the woods when you spotted familiar faces. Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, and Jean Bart were all standing there holding signs. “What the….” You blinked and slowly began reading the signs out loud.
“Will. You…. Marry…me-” You gasp and spun around and felt your eyes instantly well up with tears. You couldn’t even stop them from overflowing when you saw Law down on one knee holding out the little box in his hands. Inside it there was a ring with a heart shaped diamond.
But Law… He looked so serious and handsome and he had your heart fluttering like it never had before. It was a sight and feeling you’d never forget.
He looked up at you smiling and met your eyes. “I love you…and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?”
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Luffy, Law, Zoro, Sabo, Ace, Marco, Shanks, and Smoker react to their SO getting kidnapped?
Hi love! Sorry this took so long, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! - Admin Athena
Luffy:At first he was oblivious. Luffy was too focused on the battle at hand and didn’t know you were gone until he snuck a glance at where he last saw you and saw that you were missing. First a chill ran through his body, only to be replaced by the bearing heat of his anger. He turned back to his enemy with malice in his eyes as he yelled, “WHERE IS ________?!”
Law:Law’s brain was over-calculating everything going on the battle field. He was making mental notes of the health and stamina of his crew, to the weak spots of his opponent, to how you were doing in your fight….. Only to realize that you weren’t there. Panic would course through every nerve ending and through his spine but he wouldn��t dare let that show. He kept his composure calm, and though to himself “______ is strong, they wouldn’t go down so easily.” With that signature smirk of his, he would turn his steely eyes to his opponent raise his hand and say “You’ll regret ever laying a hand on ______”.
Zoro:Even though Zoro was in the midst of battle he would feel your lack of presence the moment you were taken. When it came to you Zoro always felt like he had an extra sense, like your souls were connected. Without any fear he kept cutting down his opponents in front of him as he looked for any sign of you. As he laid his eye on your limp body behind the opposing captain he felt a violent heat surge through him as uncontrollable bloodlust overtook him. Mind focused on you and nothing but you, Zoro unsheathed his katanas.
The moment you disappeared from his side was the moment something within Sabo snapped, the edges of his clothes set ablaze. He narrowed his analytical eyes and searched the battlefield for any sight of you. The more he worried about not finding you, the more everything around him was charred to dust. As he found the captain responsible for your kidnapping, he would trap their head in his hand and whisper “Dragon Claw”.
Ace:Ace was always known for his recklessness. Whether on the ship or in battle he carried this habit wherever he went. But perhaps this time he was carried away. He was so caught up in showing off for you, to show you that he could take anyone down, that he didn’t see that you were missing. Climbing down from his high he’d tell over the noises of battle “Oi, _____. Ya see that?” When he didn’t get a response is when he would start to get worried and loose his normal carefree aura. He would grow serious and analytical as he showed his true strength as commander. His clothes would start to singe as he slowly lost the focus to maintain his ability. When he finally found who was responsible for your kidnapping he would smile, “I’ll take my time with you. You can reflect on your actions and all that you did wrong to _______.”
During battle, Marco would fly calmly overhead the cluster of bodies fighting and thrashing at each other surveying his crew, and aiding the members he could. When it registered that he has not yet seen you, he leaped into the sky once more to look for you. As he saw no sign of your presence he started to grow mad. Mad at the person responsible, and mad at himself for letting yet another person so close to him out of his sight. With an unspoken promise in his heart , he would do whatever it takes to find you.
Shanks:He was having a great time drinking as he went to your shared bedroom to collect you for yet another game. But when he saw several of your belongings broken and strewn all over the room he would drop his drink. Damn,“ he would curse under his breath. Of course his opponent would strike at the worst time, during one of his parties. The more it dawned on himthat you were kidnapped the more he would clench his hand so tightly that his knuckles would turn white as he turned around and made it back to the deck. He would make it well known to his crew that the party was over and that they will celebrate again, after they found you.
Smoker:The fight with you from earlier was still fresh in his mind. And the fact that you have given him the silent treatment hasn’t helped either. Sure Smoker was a stubborn man but when it came to you, he didn’t know which way was up. He stalked up to your chambers and knocked on your door. Quietly grumbling out a half hearted apology. When you didn’t answer the more frustrated his knocks became. ”_____, I know you’re mad at me but you can’t be THAT mad at me.“ When you still didn’t answer he took a deep drag from his cigars. “FUCK THIS IM COMING IN.” As he sifted in through the cracks in your door he saw that you were no where to be seen. The glass window above your bed broken. Shards of glass littered all over your bed. Your absence leaving a taste is his mouth more bitter than his cigars. He would narrow his eyes and clench a fist around his jitte as he stalked down the hallway, hellbent on finding you.
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
Admin Tag Meme
I was tagged by imaginepedal (which I honestly wasn't expecting, wow) to do this admin meme, and I'm practically jumping at the chance to talk about myself, hahaha. So let's do this!
Lydia. Old lady name, but whatevs
18. I'm a brand-new adult, it's scary.
High school senior/part-time waitress. Your pretty standard 18-year-old, lmao
What made you start your own scenario blog?
Honestly, it sounds corny, but I was inspired by other scenario blogs. I absolutely adore headcanons (especially unpopular ones), and hearing everyone's opinions on what this or that character likes, does, etc. It's all pretty interesting stuff!
Is there a particular character you like to write about?
All of them, really! Though I do have a soft spot for Luffy.
What asks do you like to answer?
Ones that wouldn't usually be requested or modern-day AUs, like that one about the Straw Hats' modern day professions. Just fun requests in general, I love- and I reeally love getting feedback on those, too. 
Is there a character/type of ask you wish you’d get more in your ask box?
Hmm... well, since this blog is still fairly new, I don't expect that many asks right now- but I've gotten plenty of asks regarding the Straw Hats, and I really want more asks with more minor characters, and the women of One Piece, too. 
Have you ever posted something about yourself (face, stories about yourself, ect) on your scenario blog?
Don't think so. But I guess there's a first time for everything! And if you ever want my main blog, just message me about it!
Anything you want to say in closing?
I just want to thank imaginepedal, first of all, for tagging me in this (I had a lot of fun doing this), and all of my followers for sticking around for so long! I know I hardly update (work and school are killing me right now), but I have to say, a good chunk of you are keeping your patience with me, and I really, really appreciate that, so much. Thank you! 
Tag 10 or so other blogs!
Oof, I don't really know many other scenario blogs. If you're an admin and you see this, I tag you! ;*
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onepiecexyou · 8 years
Can you do scenario where Law's s/o hates her boobs because they're very small , but Law loves them as hell and trying make her feel comfortable with them ? Pleeeeassse , my friend NEEDS this ! :D and thank you ❤️🙈💘💘 -M~
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶: Anonymous (I hope you and your friend like it!! :D I was a little bit half asleep when writing so I hope it all makes sense!)
𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽: Body Positive𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼: 1098𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻(𝓼): Law x Reader𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓼: female
You huffed and puffed angrily leaving a beaten Shachi behind on the deck where Bepo and Penguin frantically looked between the two of you. Shachi had only joked about how good you were at fighting because you didn’t have giant breasts getting in the way. Then may have proceeded to say that being flat chested wasn’t too bad for you and you may have felt a slight sting.
Although it did help in combat you couldn’t help but feel self conscious about the fact that your breasts were so small. Every time the crew went to a tavern or pub the men of the crew were always going gaga over some big breasted woman and talked about how much they loved them.
You couldn’t help your body! You just weren’t born with giant pillows for a chest. It really just opened up little nagging thoughts in the back of your mind… Did Law like women with bigger breasts? Did it feel weird when you two were together? Was he just being nice about it? You let out a frustrated huff and walked into the storage room. It was empty and you wanted to be alone so it was perfect. Snatching off a clip board from a nearby wall you decided to take inventory. Smashing the pencil against the paper as you walked through the boxes you mumbled to yourself.
You were so lost in your own thoughts and mumbling you didn’t hear Law enter the storage room or hear him sneak up behind you. You turned almost running right into him but instead you flinched letting out a surprised yelp almost hitting him with the clip board. He didn’t even bat an eye. Instead he just looked at you curiously.
“Jumpy aren’t we?” He laughed softly. “Having some trouble with something?” He watched you stick your nose up in the air and shake your head.
“So, you nearly breaking Shachi in half was just…nothing?” He looked at you knowingly and you averted your eyes guiltily unable to look at him. “W-well…sorta. He just made me mad.”
“And that poor excuse of an explanation gives you the right to beat him senseless?” He quirked an eyebrow. “I know you. You don’t normally snap for no good reason…especially if someone ‘just makes you mad’.” Law really knew you too well.
You turn away from Law and hold the clip board close to your chest. “He kept talking about how flat chested I was… I don’t think he meant anything mean by it but… I mean he doesn’t know how I felt about it so I probably shouldn’t have went off like I did…” You mumbled to yourself. “But…”
Law just laughed a little and for some reason that irked you. What was so funny? You started pouting. “I’m sorry (Y/N)…” He reached around you and pulled the clip board out of your hands setting it aside on a nearby box. Once that was out of his hands he pulled you back against him resting his head on your shoulder giving it a soft kiss. “I just find that a little silly.” You huffed and tried to move away from him but he held you close. “I don’t kow why you got so upset. You’re perfect the way you are.”
“You say that…but you don’t hear anyone talking about how attractive small breasts are.” You snap.
Law hummed and slipped his hands underneath your shirt. “Oi…” You start in surprise. “What do you think you’re doing? Now isn’t really the time for this. I’m busy pouting.” Law hummed some more and ignored you as he slipped both his hands over your breasts massaging them softly.
“O-Oi, I said…” You felt your voice waver. Being taken by surprise really threw you for a loop and on top of that it really felt good.
“Sorry, what was that?” Law teased a little more whispering into your ear before pressing another soft kiss to your neck then nuzzling against it. “I don’t care about how big your breasts are… they’re just breasts…they are all the same to me. Small or large whenever they are touched they make you feel the same way…” He brushed his fingers over your nipples and you could feel them hardening under the attention. “See? Let’s not forget to mention breasts are mainly specialized glandular and fatty tissue- but I’m sure you don’t care about the whole actual anatomy thing at the moment.”
You rolled your eyes. “I know what breasts are really for Law. But… they aren’t big…or squishy. You can’t use them as pillows or whatever.” You tried to weakly argue with him. “The point is… They’re not attractive. I hate them.”
“Well, that’s a lie. I find them very attractive…besides, big breasts can get in the way… I can rest my head on yours comfortably and I find them much better than the latter because when I do rest my head on your chest it’s comfortable but the most important thing is that I can be closer to your heart and can listen to it beating…I can hold you closer even.” He held you tight against him and you flushed darkly. You started to feel much better about it now.“You shouldn’t hate any part of yourself (Y/N)… because all of you is amazing and perfect to me. I don’t want to hear you saying you hate any part of yourself…that’s Captain’s orders okay?” He slipped his hands down to your hips.
You pouted at the loss of attention but gave a soft sigh of defeat, “Fine…” Law nodded then released you and turned around a moment. “Oi, where are you going?” How dare he come in here and get you feeling all flustered and needy then leave.
He ignored you and paused in front of the door before locking it. He turned and smirked at you before walking back over. “Nowhere. I just wanted to make sure that no one can bother us.” He wrapped his arms around you again. “Just feeling your warm soft breasts seems to have gotten me a little excited. I want to see them…and touch them all the time. Especially right now. I’ve been so busy and I haven’t been giving you all the attention you deserve but now everything else can wait. You’re more important.”
He pulled you in for a long deep kiss, “I love you and everything about you. Every imperfection, every ‘flaw’, every good and bad thing about you. I love it. Remember that.”
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onepiecexyou · 8 years
Hi! Could I have a VERY fluffy scenario of Luffy cuddling my OC? Her name's Brittany. She has long brown hair, honey brown eyes, and is 5'2". She's also a werewolf, but that really doesn't have much to do with anything. So while they're cuddling could I have Brittany start telling Luffy what she loves what he does (hugging, kissing)? She says it makes her feel safe. Then could she ask him to lightly run his fingers along her back because it feels nice? He messed up at first, but then gets good!
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶: Anonymous𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽: Fluffy Cuddling𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼: 641𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻(𝓼): Luffy x Reader𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓼: her/she
It was a warm evening with a nice breeze perfect for napping. After fishing with Ussop for a little bit and annoying Sanji for a snack Luffy settled down in his favorite spot seated on the head of the Sunny.He was surprisingly quiet and just staring off to the sea looking like he was lost in his own thoughts. He hadn’t even heard you approaching. Then again you were always pretty quiet when you snuck around. 
“RAH!” You had pounced and landed right on his back knocking him down against the head of the lion with a laugh. He let out a surprised shout and pouted that you had managed to take him by surprise, “Oiiii,” He huffed puffing his cheeks up and narrowing his eyes at you as you laughed at him. While you laughed though he wrapped his stretchy arms around you several times and pulled you over into his lap.
“Oiii,” You only fake whined like it was annoying to be forced into cuddles but of course you really liked it and just let it happen. He smiled his big silly grin and rested his head on yours before unwinding his arms from around you a bit and let out a content sigh. To him it was always nice to cuddle you close like this. He loved the way your brown hair smelled and how it tickled when he nuzzled his face against you and how easy you fit in his lap so comfortably.You always put his mind at ease and he felt less reckless when you were around, well, only sometimes not as reckless.
You drew his attention when you called his name. “Hm?” he rested his head on your shoulder waiting for you to speak, “Is something wrong?” He asked in concern.
“No, I just wanted to say…” You spoke quietly and smiled as you looked ahead and enjoyed the feeling of his closeness. “I really like it when you cuddle me like this…your hugs are the best…they make me feel warm and safe and really happy.”
He was quiet for just a second and then he smiled his big goofy grin, “Shishishi, that makes me happy to hear.” He pressed his face into your neck and gave you sloppy playful kisses. You laughed and tried to push his head away but he wasn’t letting you go so easily.
“Hahaha Luffy stop! That tickles!” You just couldn’t get away from him not that you really wanted to but you couldn’t take the tickling. “Hehe, oi, instead of tickling me could you maybe rub my back a bit…it helps relax me…and it feels nice.”He finally stopped tickling you and nodded, “Okay.” At first he pressed his hands a little too hard into your back and began rubbing too hard causing you to wince a bit and pull away.
“A little more gentler please.” You pulled away just a bit before moving back to him. “Lighter and slower.” You directed softly.
“Okay.” He nodded more focused now on being gentle. He didn’t want you to pull away from him because he was hurting you. Hurting you was the last thing he ever wanted to do. He lightly ran his fingers up and down along your back and when you gave a content sigh he relaxed himself and was pleased that he was making you feel good with such a simple gesture. He’d remember this and do it again next time you were cuddling together.
“That feels really good.” You hum quietly and close your eyes. “Thank you Luffy.”
He just smiled wide and nodded before pulling you close again and resting his head on top of yours as he leaned back with you and closed his eyes getting ready for a quick nap with you before Sanji called for dinner.
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onepiecexyou · 8 years
Arw~ A new op scenario blog ♥ Good luck with that! ^^ May I ask for a scenario where Doflamingo someday finds his crush's sketch book and see's lots of doodlings of him? Also his crush is kinda tsundere and denies that she likes him in a romantic way (which is obviously an act). No specific pronouns needed~ Thank you very much ♥
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶: @trashforthetrashgod (thank you ^.^)𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽: Tsundere crush𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼: 1107𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻(𝓼): Doflamingo x Reader𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓼: Non specific
You didn’t mean to leave it out in the open but you were in a hurry to check on something in the kitchen and by time you returned to the gardens surrounding the pool you spotted Doflamingo there on the couch resting lazily while flipping through the pages. 
You felt your throat tighten and your body grew numb and heavy rooting you to the spot for a moment out of sheer fear. Your mind went blank and you knew that he was going through YOUR sketchbook looking at every page… every single page…
You felt your face burn and before you knew it you were marching across the stone path towards the pool straight for him to snatch it out of his hands but when you reached him and tried to grab it he flicked a finger in your direction and you were frozen to the spot.
“Tsk tsk….” He smiled over at you. “You’re not very good at sneaking around you know. Fufufu….” he laughed and continued flipping through your book.
“That’s not yours.” You huffed and tried to move but his hold was still strong.
“I know. I’m assuming it’s yours.” He paused on one page and turned the book around showing you a drawing you had done not too long ago. It was a sketch of him and you instantly felt the color drain from your face before filling with warmth and darkening your cheeks to a red. You thought that he probably found it creepy that you had been drawing him.
The majority of your sketchbook was different doodles and sketches of him. You didn’t know Doflamingo that well but you were here working in the kitchen and watering the flowers in the gardens so you’ve seen him around a lot. He really intrigued you but you knew he’d never give you the time of day so you didn’t bother. Instead you found yourself drawing him.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“What’s it look like?” You quipped biting your lip not meaning to snap at someone like Doflamingo. Now you were afraid you’d be killed for sassing him or worse….turned into a toy. “It’s… just doodles.” You muttered under your breath.
He turned the book back around and flicked his fingers again and you moved. You thought this was it… he was probably going to drown you in the pool… but instead you were forced to sit down on the couch.
“It’s not just doodles (Y/N).” He spoke not even bothered by your shocked expression. You didn’t think he even knew who you were. You stayed quiet and just looked away. He could have just read your name out of the sketchbook…. yeah, that explained why he knew your name. Not that you cared if he knew your name or not! “They aren’t that good…” You muttered quietly.
“Are you saying that you drew bad pictures of me?” For a moment it was as if he was twisting your words and making it sound like you were offending him.
“N-No…I mean, I’m not a good artist!” You stammered out. “I-It’s hard to really get the detail from f-far away! It just doesn’t do you justice.” You answered quickly trying to defend yourself. You huffed in confusion and wasn’t thinking before you spoke whatever crossed your mind first in your defense. 
But he merely smiled and you realized you fell into his little trap in admitting you somewhat found him appealing or at least enjoyed drawing him for other reasons. Not that he already couldn’t tell with how much you had drawn him.  You crossed your arms and huffed looking away. “I like them.” He answered. “I think I’ll keep this book.”
“What no!” You panicked and turned trying to snatch it from him but he just grabbed your hand and tugged you close to where you were half being dragged into his lap. He was definitely bigger than you were and it was very intimidating. “That’s mine…” You swallowed hardly able to recognize your own voice. It sounded so small and timid.
“Hmm, well then, If you want it back you got to earn it.” He nodded thoughtfully pleased that he could play with you and use the sketchbook against you.
“What do you want me to do…” You were almost afraid to ask. You moved back pulling yourself from his awkward hold half across his lap and sat beside him right at his side where your legs touched a bit. You felt a little tingly inside and your stomach flipped but you were too stubborn to act all giddy about it at the moment.
“Tell me why you drew me so much?” He asked. It was an innocent enough question… as innocent as Doflamingo could get.
“No reason.” You huffed. “I just didn’t have anything else to draw I guess. Can I have my sketchbook back?”
“Hmm,” Doflamingo looked thoughtful for a moment, “No.”
“But I answered!” “You’re not telling the truth (Y/N).” He tsked again.
“Tch! I told the truth! I draw lots of things I like.” You huffed and crossed your arms before realizing what you had said. “Not that I like you…” You thought that may come off as offensive to someone like Doflamingo. “I mean…I don’t not like you…not like that… you know… I draw lots of things!”
“Ahh,” Doflamingo smiled wide seeing through your little tsundere act. “Well, then I guess I don’t have much of a choice then…” He sighed closing the sketchbook and handing it to you.
You snatched it and hugged it close to your chest still seated very close to him wondering if it was alright for you to go.  "May I go…“ You ask softly still not able to look at him. You felt too embarrassed. "If you must.” He rested against the back of his giant couch and you could tell he was still watching you. You slipped off the couch and began to walk off to find a rock to crawl under for a while when he called out your name again. “(Y/N), next time I’d like to see some more of your doodles.”
You glance back a moment then look ahead before giving a small nod before running off. He really seemed to like your stuff and it made your heart beat just a little faster and your stomach flutter. You wasn’t sure why you had agreed so easily to show him more of your doodles after trying so hard to stop him the first time. But the thought of maybe spending a little more time with him didn’t sound too bad either. 
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onepiecexyou · 8 years
Can I have how Law +ASL cuddle? Good luck with your blog!
Sorry, this turned out kind of short but I hope you enjoy!
Requested by: @lordnessofawesomeness
He loves to cuddle you close to his chest with his chin resting on your head whether you’re facing him or facing away from him. As long as his arms are around you and your legs are tangled together he is content.
He loves to press his nose into your hair and smell your shampoo which helps him to relax because he knows you’re there and you’re real and you’re with him. He likes to lazily trace his hands along your sides or up and down your back and listen to your steady breathing.
Ace loves to hold you close with his head resting on your chest (or vice versa) so he can listen to your heart. Use you as a pillow.
He likes to hug you close and keep his arms tight around your waist where he can run his fingertips along your stomach and over your sides .
He likes to be playful and press tickling kisses on your neck to make you laugh and ends up turning cuddle time into a lazy play fight where he just rolls over on top of you and lightly squishes you underneath him until you admit defeat.
Sabo likes to cuddle you from behind and pull you close against him.  He likes to press kisses along your shoulders and run his hands along your arms in an attempt to comfort and soothe you as you rest.
He also likes to cuddle you face to face where he could press his forehead against yours and give you playful kisses on your nose or lips. He loves to play with your hair and sometimes when he’s feeling more playful he’ll grab your butt and pretend that he didn’t do it but of course he’d keep doing it until you attempt to stop him.
He likes to cuddle you close and press his face against your neck with his arms wrapped around you. He doesn’t care much for anyone’s personal space especially with you. He likes to listen to you hum or sing or even just breathe. When he’s feeling clingier than usual he’d like to hold you tight with his arms wrapped at least twice around you comfortably and watch you. If you met his eyes he’d just stare into yours and it wouldn’t be creepy. The way he looks at you is like you’re his everything and someone he wants to protect. He knows he can be a bit of an idiot at time but when it comes to you he tries even if he can’t word it he wants to let them know by the little things he does.
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onepiecexyou · 8 years
Ok I'm going straight away with this ! Ace x reader scenario where Ace finds out he fell in love with his female friend ❤️
Request from: anonymousSort of request: Falling in LoveWords: 807Character(s): AceXReaderPronouns: Female
Ace stared at you as you spoke. Rambling on about some island the two of you were on their way to and myths around it. For a moment it just seemed as if he was staring off into space ignoring you but really he was hanging onto every word while thinking to himself… how could this happen?
He didn’t know when he started feeling like this but lately he found himself enjoying every moment alone with you and whenever you both were close together he felt his own heart skipping in his chest and he grew warmer without even using his devil fruit. What had you done to him to cause him to feel this way? He watched you twirling the ends of your hair between your fingers which you did without realizing most of the time when you went off on some long one sided conversation about interesting facts and stories. He found it absolutely adorable and wished he could also play with your hair.
You were never afraid of him. Even when you learned who he was. You just asked him if he was stupid thinking that you’d not want to be his friend because of something as silly as his father being Pirate King. You had punched him in his shoulder and laughed at him telling him he’d have to try a little harder to scare you off if that was what he was trying to do.
“The blood in your veins doesn’t have anything to do with you as a person…” You had said to him.
You stayed by his side through everything when together with him, and even when apart he found himself thinking of you a lot more often and wishing that the two of you would run into each other again. After a while, and another surprise run in, he asked you to join him on a few adventures and now here you were. Hanging out laying on the deck of your small ship staring up at the clouds together. Well, you were watching the clouds but he was watching you still.
You had the cutest laugh and the sweetest smile and you always liked to act so tough with everything but deep down he knew you were as gentle and kind as could be. He noticed little things about you that some people probably didn’t. He knew you liked flowers but pretended that it was stupid to give someone flowers, and when he had jokingly handed you one he had picked while you were walking through some town you had turned red and flustered calling him an idiot… but you took it.
Not only did you take it but you put it in your hair and made sure you didn’t lose it all day. He wanted to tease you about it the rest of the day but he didn’t.
There were so many things about you that he had learned just being around you and watching you that let him see past what you only wanted others to see. You were a wonderful person. Full of life and energy and just him being around you filled him with the same excitement. You made him feel complete and like he was good. Like he had a reason to live. Being with you was like a breath of fresh sea air that energized him and made him feel like he could take on the world and nothing could stop him not even his own demons.
It took him a while to figure it out. He tried not to think about it at first afraid of what he felt and what it could mean but being around you he couldn’t seem to stop himself.
He fell for you hard and fast and only now was he ready to just shout it to the world even though it was just the two of you here floating in the middle of the ocean.
You were still talking but after a moment you grew quiet clearly finishing your story before turning to him, “Ace? You’ve been surprisingly quiet. More than you normally are… you alright?”
He just smiled at you and leaned over closer causing you to freeze. He pressed his lips to yours in a quick sweet kiss that would surely start the conversation for why he did it but for now he wanted to watch your reaction.
You stared blank but he could see the color rising to your cheeks and to the tips of your ears and you sputtered in delayed surprise turning your head away covering your face. “Are you stupid!” He could hear the smile as you yelled at him and he just laughed at you and ruffled your hair before tensing at a surprisingly weak punch to his shoulder.Yeah, he really did fall hard in love with you.
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
What pets would the straw hats get (except chopper cause that could be awkward)
Of course! I’m going to stick with more typical pets, though.
Luffy: Luffy would probably get a dog- the bigger, the better. After all, they have as much energy as he does, and they’re not extremely high maintenance. Plus, if they were big, Luffy would be able to ride them, too. 
Zoro: Something “sturdy” would be the best pet for Zoro, like a turtle. He would fare well with something that doesn’t need constant affection, but would definitely show them regular affection anyway. Plus, Zoro thinks that their ability to hide in their shell is really cool. 
Nami: For obvious reasons, Nami would get a cat. She feels that a cat would be the perfect sidekick for her, ‘The Cat Burglar.’ They’re as cute and prim as her, too, so the fit would be natural. Despite how distant cats can be, Nami wouldn’t hesitate to show her pet constant affection.
Usopp: Something small would be the best pet for Usopp, like a Japanese fighting fish. Even if they’re small, they’re still really cool. Plus, they’re fairly low-maintenance and fare as good company. 
Sanji: A rabbit would be the ideal pet for Sanji. They’re small and cute, so he can spend days on end just cuddling the little thing (and it probably wouldn’t mind much). Even if he would have to clean after it a lot, it’s still worth it- mostly because he can brag about how fast it is, especially compared to Zoro’s “shitty turtle.”
Robin: A large bird, like a cockatoo or parrot, would be good company for Robin. They’re highly intelligent creatures, sophisticated, yet still have their own charm. It would also be pretty entertaining to use them to send messages to her crewmates. 
Franky: Franky, like Luffy, would probably get a dog. Franky, however, would get some sort of guard dog, as he feels that that would improve his image greatly. And it always seems like the bigger, scarier dogs have the biggest hearts when it comes to their owners. 
Brook: A small bird, like a finch, canary, or parakeet, would be a good pet for Brook. Besides the fact that they’re super cute and charming, he also feels that it would be fitting appearance-wise.
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
What do you think the straw hat crew's occupations be in the modern world? Drug dealer? Cop? What you think~?
I had a little too much fun doing this one.
Luffy: Luffy would probably go into a profession that would allow him to travel and see exciting things. So, he’d likely end up being a photojournalist. He gets to travel, see exciting things, and expose the truth to the world- three birds with one stone.
Zoro: Something that challenges his physical strength would be best suited for him. Zoro would likely consider wrestling, but after seeing that acting would be a huge part of it, he would drop the idea- so he’d probably follow his second choice- being a bodyguard.
Nami: Either an actress or a talk show host would be the best fit for Nami. After all, she gets to be on camera and show her beauty to the world, she gets to talk, and gets to be the main focus of her audience.
Usopp: Usopp would go into a profession that would allow him to tell his tall tales and get away with it, which would likely be a politician writer. He could stretch the truth and put him in a good light, and no one would ever know it.
Sanji: Obviously, Sanji would be a chef. He would likely cook for four- or five-star restaurants, or be the private chef of one person/family.
Chopper: Chopper would likely research medicinal herbs and their benefits as a career. Of course, he would also like to be a doctor or at least a nurse to one, but, unfortunately, no one would take a talking reindeer seriously.
Robin: Despite her canon profession of being an archaeologist (while she is good in that field), a better fit for her would be in paleography, or the study of ancient texts. Robin excels in this field, and can even apply it to deciphering Luffy’s handwriting.
Franky: Franky would, like Zoro, probably make a good bodyguard. He does, after all, have the strength for it, and is practically unmatchable when it comes to protecting people.
Brook: Brook would likely apply his musical talent to performing in an orchestra. He’d much rather perform on his own for private parties and gatherings, but he’ll get there (eventually).
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
Brook headcannon, please?
Brook loves fishing. He doesn’t do it very often, but still, it’s a relaxing pastime. He would go fishing with Luffy and Usopp, but they always do it for food- and as much as he likes seafood, he can’t help but feel a little bad, especially after getting to know Laboon. So, whenever he does get the chance to fish, Brook always makes sure to return the fish to the sea, where they belong.
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
how about a relationship with kid but like not irl more like an au? xx
Sure, but could you please specify? Like, what kind of au?
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
Could you do something with Doflamingo in a relationship? How he'd act, or anything. He doesn't get enough love haha! X
Haha, tell me about it! Doffy’s one of my faves, it’s a shame.
Doflamingo gives attention to his partner according to his own schedule- for example, when his partner wants to cuddle but he’s too caught up in other things, they don’t cuddle. If he’s in the mood to do something, however, he’ll make sure that his partner drops everything to come join him. And although he isn’t the one for giving affection regularly, he will show small, minor gestures that remind his partner that he really does love them. 
Doflamingo is also really quick to pamper his partner. It sort of makes up for the lack of affection he gives them, but he also truly does believe that they are more than deserving of it. 
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
In the spirit of Ace's birthday, how do you think he would celebrate it?
Oh, you’re right, it is his birthday!! Not that I forgot, or anything. Well, happy birthday to both Ace and Eiichiro Oda!
Ace isn’t really the type to care much for his birthday. He normally won’t celebrate it, but if his friends insist that they do, then he will. The only reason why he actually does somewhat like his birthday is because it brings all of his friends together, and it’s an excuse to have a huge feast. Otherwise, he’s perfectly fine without celebrations, or even acknowledgement of his birthday. 
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
Corazon relationship headcanons?
Of course! 
At the beginning of a relationship, Corazon is unusually distant. Though he’s already completed the goal of forming a relationship with the person he likes, he doesn’t quite know how to keep them by his side and fears that they’ll grow bored of him. Still, his partner makes sure to confirm their affections, and make a point that they won’t be leaving him any time soon. 
Corazon is very into public displays of affection. He wants the world to know that such a wonderful treasure belongs to him, and that no one else can have them. Though he won’t do any rough kissing or anything of the sorts in public, he will hold their hand, kiss their cheek, or practically any other sweet, soft gesture. 
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onepiecescenarios · 9 years
How would Nami react if caught under the missletoe with Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, or Brook?
Ooh, that would be awkward!
More than likely, Nami would ignore the mistletoe (regardless of who is under it) and go on with her day. If the other was expecting a kiss from her, she would deliver them a swift slap to the cheek. 
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