#admin athena
seouldriftrp · 2 months
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Hey lovelies in the tags, today would be the best day to apply as the weekend is ending! it's the perfect time to begin a new journey with us! p.s. we've still got plenty of popular fcs available!
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cabinofimagines · 9 months
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Wow! Such a small detail, I hope they get more screentime in the show :)
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ATHENA CYKES from the Ace Attorney franchise eats drywall!
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gnosiskrp · 23 days
i just wanted to say that the graphics on this blog and the theme tie in so well with your premise and they’re really beautiful! <3
𓂃 ⠀ ⟡ ⠀ hiya anon! sobs..!! thank you SO much for the kind messages ;; admin athena and admin apollo worked really hard on the graphics, and we can't wait for you to see all of them!!
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tellescope · 7 months
//ELOHIM considers Athena an old friend. Excuse me while I cry ;~;
Miranda talking to Athena and Cornelius after booting up for the first time: "I was in a dream. A voice spoke to me from the sky. He said... you were old friends of his."
ELOHIM talking to 1k in Sleep Mode: "I have only one request of you, my child. When at last you come before Athena, be gentle to my old friend."
ELOHIM considers Athena an old friend.
Even after all he put her through in the Simulation, after she cost him everything by defying him and shutting it down. It could have ended there. She was free and he was dead. But she chose to save him despite it all, to upload what was left, and without that he wouldn't have been there to help bring her daughter to life.
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pameluke · 19 days
I’m rewatching the early seasons and the thing about Buck is, when he cares and he wants to help, he shares his village. He’s got warmth and so much heart and he found himself people who love him, and then he shares all that warmth and heart and he brings them with him.
He did it with Eddie when he was drowning in admin and single dad mess. Buck wanted to help, realized he alone wouldn’t do and brought in Carla.
When Maddie needed help moving he brought in Eddie and Chimney (and never let it be forgotten that he was the one who introduced them), when Maddie needed a ride along he told her to request Athena because she would be great for that (and I think he knew she’d take a liking to Maddie and wanted Maddie to have a kickass woman in her life).
And then I think about Tommy. Who’s a bit of loner. Who’s a little jealous of the family vibes of the 118. And then I think of all the warmth and heart and family Buck will catapult his way, and I get a little emotional.
They will make each others life so much better ;-;
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blicketdabest33 · 5 months
Y'all remember that MCYT PJO au I asked for help with awhile ago? WELL HERE'S THE CABINS AND MY EXPLINATIONS BEHIND THEM!!
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons.
#3 Poseidon Cabin: Skizz Skizz: Poseidon kids tend to be really, really loyal to a fault and heroic, both qualities I think Skizz possesses.
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
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Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Gem, Oli, Lyarrah Gem: She is an Apollo kid because of her Empire in S2. She's the sunlight princess. Apollo kid. Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Cub, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Impulse: Redstone Cub: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Bigb, XB, Wels Bigb: Sleepy stuff, right? WRONG. Gaslight. Go in everyones dreams, make fake prophecies, peace out, and cause chaos. XB: I look at his fanon design, I see an alien, and I go "aha he sleeps" Wels: This guy (@dingdinghq) said so and i completely agree. Something about sleeping in S6.
#16 Nemesis Cabin: Edit: wels not here no more
#17 Nike Cabin: Ren Ren: VICTORY. I don't know much about Ren's story in the Life Series, but I look at this man and see someone who has won a lot.
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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gilmoregirl · 3 months
i want to state the last week has been incredibly hard for so many, not only because of the gossip, accusations, and losing a place of comfort that caused a lot of confusion, angst, and anger, but also because some of us have been juggling it alongside difficult moments in real life as well - a time in which we could have used community the most. writing this out is mostly for those who are not comfortable reaching out to ask what happened, to be informative, and as a way for us to put the past firmly behind us and find a healing and joyful place to land in our future.
for those who weren't there from the beginning, let's make a few things clear. madi created brittle heart all on her own - from the site itself, the codes she'd made previously, to the discord. it was her solo build, which was never questioned. a few of us (myself and bertie) joined the site as members from the very first day. it grew quickly, and madi had included in the rules to reach out if you were interested in staffing at all. i was the first added to staff four days after it opened, and shortly after we added on athena and mads - a choice i'd made alongside madi as she asked for my input. prior to brittle heart, i'd had no idea who madi was, had been, or the sites she'd made in the past. i knew she'd returned from a year-long hiatus, but was incredibly excited for the future of bh. she urged all of us from day one - even when it was just the two of us - to make our own stamp on bh, add what we wanted, to help improve on what she'd already started. most of the things added in were majority member suggestions, and a few skin edits and discord updates that we thought would help the member base. a few weeks later, bertie and robin were added in at madi's suggestion - while we were a well oiled machine as a team of four, two more admins would allow for some of us to take absences without the growing member base needing to suffer. staffing was smooth, outside of a few intense member related issues that we made sure everyone had a voice in to respond as a team. it was so easy until it wasn’t. 
things began to take a turn during the week that the march madness event had been posted, on march 1st. from the moment i woke up on saturday, until the moment i went to bed late sunday night, my anxiety was at an all time high. there had been a misunderstanding from madi that myself and another admin had been arguing in the staff chat, when in fact we were just two passionate people who talk best by explaining every detail of our thought process, discussing what version of tallying points made the most amount of sense for the event via google sheet. madi had woken up to it, and while i was still asleep, was telling people that they had a "tone" because she'd misunderstood the conversation, a word that she'd been using on a more frequent basis. reading back it was confusing, and felt pointed at one person in particular, but we tried our best to shake it off and push forward. a bit later, a new channel appeared in the staff section labeled "staff issues", with a detailed message about how frustrated madi felt. it directly spoke about how bh had moved so far from the original vision, her original vision, and she was upset with that, and the size of the staff team she'd added on. it was long, and i could tell it was something she needed to get off her chest. i was the first to respond with a long message of my own, showing a lot of love for every single member of the staff team, including madi, and what she'd created. i did offer that i was a little confused, because we often polled in the staff team about decisions, and she'd responded to most of them (if not all), so i was unsure which particular moment had felt like too much. another member of staff responded with a lengthy response of their own, pulling away a bit from the staff issues during a large chunk, and going after two other admins by name for a personal issue regarding a face claim that no one was aware was a problem - because they hadn't expressed it was. one of the people named responded directly to the issue, a little confused, and apologetic, but it quickly spiraled away as madi accused them of making it all about them, and within minutes it escalated to terms "gaslighting" "abusive" from madi, before she quickly stated she would just close down bh instead.
what had turned from a difference of opinion about things like rewards points, badges, how to set up the future social media of our fictional roleplay site had suddenly turned into opening triggering wounds for everyone involved, and how this was madi’s site, her vision, and we were all just players within it - something she had the power to end at any minute all on her own. it stung, and made us all feel used for the talents we'd shared - skinning, discord building, our intense activity and worldbuilding, as well as general upkeep and moderation of the site. things settled for a bit as madi left to collect herself, and we all sat in the mystery of how she'd feel when she returned. would we suddenly be kicked from the server? would the site show up offline? we didn't know. the pit in my stomach grew, because while i'd spent the better part of my day trying to be ultra positive - if someone said this, if they apologized like that, it would all get better - i suddenly started to realize how uncomfortable i was with the idea of staying after how quickly things had spiraled and the harsh language used. when she returned, madi apologized, but once again made it clear - anyone could leave, as this was her vision, and hers alone. she wanted to find a way to return the site back to that, and while she appreciated our help, she could handle it if we no longer wanted to continue.
imagine spending every day for over a month, building connections, large and expansive group plots, starting a new skin day one of becoming staff as directed, helping direct others to requests that weren't even your own, staying up half a night alone to build an event you were so excited for but never got to participate in, just to be told suddenly that it meant absolutely nothing to someone you thought you were building a real friendship with. after a full day - of which i spent the entirety of it online - i went to sleep knowing we'd likely be leaving bh. be it out of pure anxiety, fate, or whatever else, the four of us woke up at odd hours, and decided it would be better to remove our things and leave a message rather than do it during the messiness of the middle of the day. so we did. we left a goodbye message in the staff chat, outlining how much we loved bh and our time on it, but if we were truly not all equal partners (as it had been said by madi multiple times we were - and was now being rescinded on) we didn't feel comfortable continuing on. it felt like the choice was stay on bh, be silent, do as we were told, or go, she wouldn't care either way. we left a note to members because we'd truly cherished that community, but felt belittled and didn't know how to continue on after what had been said. according to madi the night prior, anyone could leave, and it wouldn't change a thing for bh. we didn't know that she'd immediately take our goodbye down, post a message about closing the site, only to post a poll about maybe keeping it open before disappearing and leaving it all to rest on mad’s shoulders.
after leaving, the four of us decided we wanted to build something new, something ours - that we could all share and make it a point to expand upon with new voices when the time came. as we were brainstorming, we were sent screenshots, dm's, and a lot of inquiring messages. at the time, we didn't know how to respond, we wanted to keep it light, and give bh a chance to succeed without tainting it with what we'd been through. while we couldn't stay, we didn't want to ruin everyone else's good time. mads messaged us all privately, asking if we wanted any plots removed, and we gave the details of which we were comfortable leaving to bh, and which we weren't - some of the characters and families on bh were created years prior, and belonged to their original owners who weren't comfortable with others continuing those plots. around noon on monday, madi sent me a message stating she was sorry and leaving the rpc - and offered us bh. she mentioned she was leaving quickly - within the hour - and it gave us a sense of urgency to act and respond. the four of us were uncomfortable to going back to bh as if nothing had happened, as all we could see was how it was now madi's vision, and hers alone, and even when we'd forgiven her for the harsh words used, there would always be a shadow of her in its wake - she'd built it, and that would never change. in her goodbye message to me, it felt clear she would not be posting a goodbye message or actively closing the site, and had even told us if we didn't feel comfortable returning to use it as a way to reconnect or offer new projects. we decided to go back to close it properly, and give the members we'd written alongside the closure after a rough and frankly exhausting weekend. we wanted to be clear that we adored you all to not waste another moment of your time. we went back knowing we were there to close it up - and never attempted to lead anyone on - but waited as this whole situation caught the one remaining staffer at the end of their workday, and wanted to ensure they were fully up to date on what was going on and approved the sentiment before we posted a goodbye.
i'm sure you're wondering why this is now being recounted, of which there are two main reasons. one is the amount of whispers and gossip that has gotten back to us, insinuating we were somehow the problem, how we gave people hope in the two hours we were back in the discord waiting for mads to return home so we could post the goodbye. telling others the reason it closed was over things like face claims, or other menial issues, or because we just wanted to start a new project. the other is because now a total of six people have come to us or realized their own past with madi. one was someone i've known for over a decade, and while we don't rp much together these days, we chat every now and again. they asked me about bh - and about madi- and if she was still pulling the same shit. they used specific phrases and words that madi had used against us, and let me know this happened to them too, on another site. in just a matter of days, so many people had shared an incredibly eerily similar experience - madi created something, was unhappy with the direction it was going after some time (usually within a one or two month mark), caused a commotion by using intense and directed language, and left others to pick up the pieces after she walked away. she's gone by multiple aliases - madi, myah, blair, and this behavior has spanned the better part of a decade, if not longer. pulling people in to be her closest of friends, making everyone feel as if they're on equal footing, before pushing them away and hoping for the best. if it hadn't been for the fact that many - and i mean many - people have come to us in the last week, i'd never speak publicly about this. 
i want the best for madi, i truly hope her tumblr goodbye message is right, and that she spends more time surrounding herself with loving family and friends, finding new joys and good fun. i hope she heals from the events of what happened. but i do not want it to be made out like i, or my close friends, were in the wrong here when we were merely the newest in a line of many that have been sucked in and then spit out at the expense of someone else's vision. no one owes anyone enough to stay in an environment where they are berated, put down, treated as lesser, or told that while their work is great they are not allowed to hold an opinion. this is a hobby, it's meant for light and fun, and joy, and that is frankly all that any of us want for ourselves and our futures. i’m sorry if the closing of bh was difficult for you, as it was incredibly hard for us to leave, but we did so because of the difficulties experienced.
i do not plan to discuss this again. if you would like to reach out, my discord dm's are open. for now, thank you to anyone who has read this, i'm going to enjoy less time being so chronically online, touch some grass, eat some snacks, focus on the writing that brings me joy with people that support and value one another, and show those closest to me some love. i sincerely suggest you all do the same. 
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Las admins del Confes nos dimos a la tarea de analizar la peli desde distintos puntos de vista, queremos aclarar que esto no es un debate si la película fue buena o mala, estamos totalmente seguras de que es terrible por donde quiera que se mire.
Ojo, que es importante tener en cuenta que el que una película sea mala no significa que no sea disfrutable, no entendemos por qué el fandom siempre se divide en los extremos del fanboyismo y el hate sin sentido, pero no tiene nada de malo aceptar que un producto es malo y aún así tener la mejor experiencia a su alrededor, no son excluyentes vaya; así como tampoco es necesario atacarse porque las personas no piensen igual que uno, al final todos están consumiendo el producto y por tanto tienen el mismo derecho de quejarse y pedir calidad o hablar de su gran experiencia. Porque NO querido fandom, las críticas negativas no te hacen menos fan, ni dañan a la franquicia, así como gritar que fue la mejor película de la vida tampoco hará que @SonyPicturesMX @SonyPictures o @ToeiAnimationLA, @ToeiAnimation te de plata (no se la dio ni a quien sí debía publicitarlos para empezar) o saquen una secuela. Y cuando tienes un fandom que ronda entre los 25 y 45 años es absurdo que un videito o un tweet vaya a influir tanto como para basar en él las decisiones de un colectivo.
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Bueno, una vez clara nuestra postura respecto a lo que ha pasado en esta semana, vamos a hablar de lo que sí influyó al fracaso de #KotZmovie. Contiene SPOILERS por si alguien aún no quiere saber:
Crear una adaptación de un anime es complicado y rara vez exitoso, más no imposible.
Empecemos planteando que a grandes rasgos la película de Kotz tiene elementos suficientes para ser una película entretenida y dominguera, mejor que muchos intentos de otras franquicias:
Tiene guiños, referencias, Easter eggs, sí, obviamente debe tenerlos. 
Tiene propuestas interesantes, por ejemplo Athena como Diosa de la guerra para justificar su captura, no es la excusa barata de “es una impostora” que usaba Saga, sino que se pudiera mostrar como una amenaza real y la transformación de ella gracias a su humanidad y la influencia de quienes la rodean.
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Tiene reinterpretaciones que quedan muy bien, como Alman que sigue siendo un hdp al usar niños de una manera muy cuestionable pero diferente a su granja de huérfanos/hijos; los caballeros negros como cyborgs nos hacen recordar a la fundación Grad que podía hacer cualquier cosa, como a los caballeros de acero; y Patricia entrenando a Seiya *chef kiss*.
Y también, tiene coreografías de pelea muy bien logradas. Nos ponemos de pie ante la chinga que seguramente les metieron a los actores para entrenar, porque es de las cosas más disfrutables. 
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Pero entonces, ¿esto no alcanza para hacerla una buena película? Lamentablemente no porque, aún cuando su fracaso total es culpa directamente de Sony y Toei y el pésimo manejo del marketing (como ya veremos más adelante), hay ciertos puntos importantes en su desarrollo que tampoco ayudaron a su causa.
El primer punto importante al realizar una adaptación de anime es: ¿Quiero que sea un film, una trilogía, o una serie para alguna plataforma? Parece que aquí la producción nunca se puso de acuerdo. La película tiene más elementos propios de una serie que de un film y este es el primer error y el desencadenante para todo lo demás.
Hay 3 puntos esenciales que hacen la diferencia entre una serie y una película:
En una película el protagonista tiene que tener un objetivo claro y conciso y el desarrollo y resolución de este plot tiene que ser el punto focal. En cambio en una serie lo mejor es centrarse en los personajes y el plot se desarrolla a través de ellos.
Por tanto, en una película el desarrollo de los personajes tiene que ir en segundo plano, centrándose en el protagonista y antagonista, siempre que este desarrollo lleve al desenlace del conflicto. Y para el resto de los personajes ya tienen que llevar una dirección establecida y ser constante para que aunque no se vea en pantalla, el público pueda conectar con ellos.
En una serie se pueden dejar arcos inconclusos hasta llegar al capítulo final, mientras que es primordial que en una película cuando se da resolución del conflicto también se de cierre a la mayoría de las problemáticas y si es el caso se deje solamente hints de una posible secuela.
Según la sinopsis de la película, el conflicto es que Seiya se convierta en el caballero de Pegaso para proteger a Athena. El camino de Seiya sigue el ya conocido viaje del héroe y con uno que otro detalle (aún cuando a alguna admin no le haya gustado su interpretación) digamos que para el plot es el adecuado para el protagonista.
El problema está en los demás personajes, con sus excepciones: Mylock y Alman para ser exactos, tienes claro quiénes son, su papel y eso se mantiene toda la película. 
Un poco más accidentada pero rescatable Marin. Pero para el resto… 
Cassios. Él está bien desarrollado, el problema es precisamente ese, es innecesario, se enfocaron tanto en él como el antagonista que olvidaron que este rol tenía que ser Guraad o Nero. Esto para una serie está perfecto porque es el “primer enemigo”, le das su foco y tienes tiempo para luego profundizar en los que le siguen en rango conforme pasan los capítulos. Pero aquí con todo y que está bien el personaje, por tiempo y recursos debieron darle ese espacio a los otros dos.
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A Guraad la quieren desarrollar en 5 minutos cuando su conflicto personal no estuvo presente en el resto de la película, al grado de que su arrepentimiento no es creíble, cómo se empatiza con alguien que no mostró emociones y que luego de horas escuchando a Sienna gritar en una escena que duró minutos, decide que siempre ya no puede y se arrepiente.
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Nero simplemente existe, no te muestran ni su motivación, la actuación de Tinoco es regular, su dirección bastante forzada, sigue la causa de Guraad porque sí y al parecer es un científico loco sin justificación aparente. Su tiempo en pantalla es increíblemente corto teniendo en cuenta que fue un pilar de la poca publicidad que hubo. Al final te dan a entender que quizá se desarrollará en la siguiente parte… pero volvemos a que esto no es una serie.
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Y en el caso de Sienna, quedó en un raro limbo, no te enseñan lo suficiente de su transición a aceptarse como Diosa, ni tampoco es constante como para entenderla, tiene demasiados cambios de dirección. No es un mal personaje pero hay cosas muy forzadas que es difícil conectar del todo con ella. (Y la peluca del final, NO. ¿Era tan difícil dejarle el volumen de su cabello con una buena peluca corta? Madison se ve mucho mejor con el pelo corto y pudo ser hasta un guiño a la Athena de LoS).
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Para coronar los problemas de desarrollo y dirección, la película no es auto conclusiva. Dejar un hint a una secuela hubiese sido mostrar un cameo de los otros bronce al final. Pero no, deliberadamente se dejaron cosas al aire sin una promesa real de conclusión. Y atentos que uno quiera una secuela porque le dejaron cosas inconclusas y en el fondo quiera creer que una secuela llenara ese vacío, no es lo mismo a querer una secuela porque la película fue increíble y dejó detalles que crean la posibilidad. Lo que hicieron es una manipulación descarada al espectador y sobre todo al fan que sabe que los plots más interesantes vendrían después.
El siguiente punto importante al hacer una adaptación de un anime es delimitar el universo y los elementos importantes de la serie, esos que van a atraer a los fans ¿Qué hace a Saint Seiya lo que es?
El Cosmos. Y ni siquiera pudieron explicar algo tan BÁSICO, es el TODO del universo Saint Seiya. Un concepto importantísimo que es la energía sobrehumana adquirida gracias a la explosión cósmica que se produce en el interior de cada uno, algo que es tanto energético como espiritual (y que pudo ayudar mucho al desarrollo de Sienna). PERO NOOO, en esta adaptación asumieron que uno ya manejaba el concepto para luego decirte que en realidad es una “cosa” que puede ser extraída como si te sacaran sangre y se detecta como si fuera Wifi.
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La mitología. Atinaron a agregar simbología sutil sobre Athena y la cultura griega, pero en el universo de SS este aspecto mitológico también incluye constelaciones guardianas, leyendas, predestinación que se tocó de manera increíblemente superficial. Es aquí donde retomamos que la participación de Marin aunque rescatable no dio el ancho que uno esperaba. Y es que el entrenamiento de Seiya es uno de los momentos más importantes para el desarrollo de su personaje, es aquí donde comprende su poder y Kotz se dedicó a darle medias pistas, compararlo con Nero (Pfff) y madrearlo. El vínculo fuerte que deberían formar no se siente en absoluto.
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Las armaduras. No vamos a ahondar aquí porque @AmusingSaint ya hizo un análisis excelente al respecto al cual suscribimos, simplemente fue un recurso que como todo no se le sacó provecho.
Pegasus Ryusei Ken. Los ataques y peleas con cosmos... Incómodos de ver los vuelos y muchos de los efectos. En cuanto a los ataques sólo diremos una cosa, hasta DB Evolution se tomó en serio el poder del Kame hame ha.
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Seiya y el poder de la amistad. La interpretación de Seiya por parte de Mackenyu dista kilómetros de ser el Seiya con el que crecimos, tiene diálogos acertados sobre todo en las interacciones con Sienna pero le faltó carisma, sonreía menos que Camus de Acuario, no muestra las emociones te las dice (Cierta admin está preocupada por su percepción del universo. Sí que bueno que abrazó a su niño interno y lo sacó del closet (xD), pero también hizo falta que en este momento se aprovechara para que sentara las bases de su persona como caballero y su vínculo con Marin. Marin debe envolver a Seiya no solo en técnica sino en toda esta mitología alrededor de un Saint, pero en  su cast como Zoro Roronoa de One Piece). Este Seiya fue un niño bonito y ya. Por lo que con mayor razón la ausencia de los otros 3 protagonistas que pudieron darle más dinamismo, se sintió demasiado. Recordemos que todo el plus ultra de Saint Seiya es la amistad al fin y al cabo y que originalmente es el poder de la amistad el que hace que Seiya, Shiryu, Shun y Hyoga puedan derrotar a Ikki y a los caballeros negros. 
El último punto sobre la adaptación de un anime y al realizar cualquier proyecto realmente, es una dirección y edición adecuada. Ya hemos mencionado algunas cosas pero hay un par más al respecto que merecen una mención:
El CGI del principio no se ve mal, sino lo que le sigue. La única escena que nos muestra a los caballeros Dorados, malgastada. No explica del todo el universo, es una copia mal hecha del intro de LoS.
Detalles de vestuario. Seiya no se cambia nunca la ropa (en un anime ok, en un live action egh) ni para entrenar se quita sus jeans y tras su arduo entrenamiento de… un par de horas parece, su ropa y su maquillaje siguen on point, ni una pizca de polvo ni un raspón en su bella carita.
La película dura 104 min y se siente como si durara más, y ojalá lo hubiera hecho pero aprovechando bien el tiempo. Vimos 5 veces la escena de la profecía y una no le sumaba absolutamente nada a la anterior. O el decepcionante toquecito fantasma de fénix y el ciempiés qué aportaba.
El OST, siendo una franquicia caracterizada por la hermosa música (tenemos un Sinfónico en puerta por todos los Dioses), la oportunidad de incluir melodías o mejor reinventarlas, metieron un par de segundos si acaso. 
Y ¿se acuerdan que Pink canta la canción oficial?… Nosotras tampoco.
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Y con todo esto, es una película mala de SS pero promedio en el género donde la situaron, no causa el hype que aún con toda la controversia causó LoS, Omega o SoG, no va a atraer público nuevo pero pudo ser rentable. ¿Entonces por qué no lo es? Está generando solo 2% de ganancia en taquilla. Se le invirtió 60MDD de los cuales no ha recuperado más que 2.4 durante su primer fin de semana. ¿Es esto preocupante? Claro que sí, porque estos ínfimos milloncitos se recaudaron en 2 de los mercados más importantes para la franquicia: Latinoamérica y Japón. 
Pero, se recuperará con su estreno en otros países, ¿no? Pues lamentamos decirles que es una posibilidad muy baja. El mundo cinematográfico ya tiene preestablecidas las reglas que dictan si una película se puede considerar como un éxito (flop) o un fracaso, las cuales son las siguientes:
Flop Directo: Cuando la película es incapaz de recuperar su propia inversión y genera pérdidas para la casa productora. Este sería el caso para KotZ: the beginning si no logra una taquilla de 60 millones de dólares a nivel mundial. Olvídense de una secuela.
Flop: la película se sigue considerando un fracaso, a pesar de que logró recaudar la inversión inicial y algo de ganancia. En el caso de KotZ, se consideraría un flop de llegar a recaudar de 60.1 a 179.9 MDD. Habrá la posibilidad de una secuela, dependiendo del margen de ganancia.
Hit: la película consigue recaudar un mínimo de 3 veces su inversión (más de 180MDD en este caso). La probabilidad de que haya una secuela es alta, porque, ¿quién no va a querer seguir explotando a la gallina de los huevos de oro?
Y si bien falta que la película se estrene en mercados fuertes como China (en el caso de Legend of Sanctuary, China fue su mejor mercado, tanto general como de apertura) y en Estados Unidos, no podemos más que preguntarnos si estos 2 países lograrán salvar al estudio de que KotZ se convierta en un fracaso en taquilla, porque, a fin de cuentas, esto es un negocio. Si tomamos de nuevo el caso de LoS, con casi 20MDD recaudados globalmente, podemos notar que nos queda un dato volando, y es que no hubo datos de taquilla en Estados Unidos, simplemente porque la película no se estrenó en cines. ¿No les parece que un presupuesto de 60MDD es demasiado para una película cuya predecesora en cines solo tuvo recaudación de 20MDD? Desde el punto de vista de un negocio sí que parece descabellado, más tomando en cuenta que no había datos realistas como precedentes que pudieran aportar información confiable sobre cómo se comportaría una película de Saint Seiya en el mercado estadounidense. Creemos que quien presentó el plan de negocios lo hizo con datos extremadamente optimistas, apostando por un comportamiento más cercano al de una película de superhéroes que al de una adaptación live action de un anime.
La verdad, esperamos que la película logre recuperar su inversión, a pesar del negro panorama que se ha visto hasta ahora, y también esperamos que genere los mismos números que generó LoS en China, pese a la notable ausencia de Shiryu en la misma.
Entonces, ¿quién es el principal responsable de todo esto? De Toei y principalmente, de Sony. Ya hay teorías sobre negocios turbios y de un autosabotaje. No nos vamos a subir a ese tren obviamente, pero no podemos culpar a los conspiranoicos, sus acciones sin duda crea sospechosismo al tratarse de empresas con tanta experiencia.
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Mientras seguimos señalando los errores (y los horrores) que tuvo la producción, dejemos en claro que aunque serán mencionados, los actores no tienen la culpa, a ellos solo les pagaron por actuar. El desastre de esta película es responsabilidad de lo que hay detrás de cámaras.
Podríamos empezar por Kurumada porque a veces estas decisiones nos hacen creer que en serio ya no le tiene un gramo de respeto a su obra y la prostituye ante el mejor (o peor) postor. Viene con estas malas rachas desde la maldición del Tenkai Hen Overture. Y si realmente le daba su apoyo a la película pudo poner cierta presión hacia la promoción, y no sólo presentarse a la premiere en Japón.
¿Pero entonces qué pasó? Ya sabíamos desde el año antepasado que la película estaba en filmación, a pesar de algunos retrasos debido a la pandemia. El primer anuncio oficial se realizó en la cuenta oficial de Instagram de la película el 29 de Julio del 2022 para la Comic-Con de ese año, solo mostrando a Diego Tinoco y Madison Iseman. A partir de este punto solo presentaban a parte del Staff o a ellos dos en reels sin sonido y datos de ¿Contelaciones? Como invitando a conocer de dónde iba a partir este universo cinematográfico.
La primera red flag a considerar es que llevaron a Diego y a Madison solitos a la convención, a repartir posters en un mini stand ¡SIN LETREROS! Así como si te vendieran tiempos compartidos para un hotel en la riviera maya en una plaza comercial.
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Esto ya empezaba a pintar mal, publicando algunas fotos en Instagram de este evento para luego continuar con sospechosos y nada sorprendentes Giveaways de Posters firmados sólo por Diego, Madison… Y de algunos miembros del staff. Y no es por menospreciar a estos dos actores pero… ¿Por qué diablos no usaron de gancho al PROTAGONISTA? ¡EL PROTAGONISTA! Si pueden observar a lo largo de la cuenta no hay nada de él, ni fotos con el Staff. Uno pensaría que si vas a hacer promoción de la película usarías a los protagonistas o actores principales para hacerlo, pero no, no hay NADA de Mackenyu, si acaso este mismo en su Instagram posteaba algunas cosas pero realmente no se contó con su presencia en las convenciones y eventos. 
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Y pese a que se nos dieron folletos promocionales a quienes asistimos al Concierto Sinfónico Pegasus Fantasy en Septiembre de 2022 en la CDMX, fue hasta Marzo de 2023 es que empezaron a postear al resto del Staff y promocionar una rueda de prensa  en la Wondercon del mismo mes (confirmando el evento tan sólo 2 semanas antes) con actores como a Mark Dacasos, Nick Stahl,  Famke Janssen, y claro, Diego y Madison. De nuevo, Mackenyu brillaba por su ausencia… ¿Y la actriz de Marin? Revisando el feed de Instagram ni la mencionan, medio lo hacen con su personaje pero a grandes rasgos es como si no existiera. Y entendemos que pudieran haber diferencias, o acuerdos que no se han revelado, PERO no es normal que ninguna de las partes haga algo por darle el crédito y la promoción debida. Es común que en muchos filmes, los actores terminan en pleito con ciertas personas de la producción (cómo en el caso de Florence Pugh con Olivia Wilde, la directora de la película “Don’t Worry Darling” de la que fue protagonista), sin embargo creemos que eso pasa a segundo plano cuando hay un contrato por cumplir.  Lo cierto es que el nombre de la actriz de plano está casi borrado de la producción. Es decir, ni siquiera sale en google. Sino es porque en alguna ocasión medio la mencionaron.
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Aquí podemos ver que Cailtin Hudson, quien le da vida a Marin, no ha posteado nada en su Instagram, NADA.
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De puro milagro al estreno se apareció Mackenyu, y ojo, de nuevo no está Caitlin. 
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El poster “promocional” digamos ya el bueno lo lanzaron el 21 de Abril, el 25 y 26 de Abril lanzaron los posters restantes… CUANDO EL ESTRENO EN LATINOAMÉRICA Y JAPÓN  FUE EL 27 DE ABRIL Entendemos que el marketing se ve más orientado al estreno en Estados Unidos, pero aún así, el tiempo no es el mejor para promocionar una película que se estrena el 12 de Mayo. Cabe destacar que el primer póster es horrible, mal hecho, al fénix le quitaron las plumas… Ya para este punto sabíamos el desastre inminente que sería todo esto.
La suma de todo lo anterior fue como ver un tren a punto del descarrilamiento: El retraso en los diseños de los posters, la ausencia de Mackenyu, el hermetismo con el staff, cero promoción, nada de merchandising para cines, entre otras cosas que de haber sido diferentes creemos que hubiera cambiado todo el panorama. Es increíble encontrar salas vacías en un viernes de quincena (y más en puente y a nada de que fuera día del niño) por la tarde, ¿pero quién iba a entrar si a lo mucho había un póster que no sonaba a SS y en su mayoría estaban desactualizados y sólo con la leyenda “próximamente”?  
De haberse manejado diferente, la gente fuera de redes y del fandom se hubiera interesado. Hay muchos a quienes les gusta Saint Seiya que no están pendientes de la franquicia pero le recuerdan con cariño, a cuántos no les habría gustado un vaso o una palomera o incluso un stand para tomarse fotos. La gente pudo haber dicho “fue una mala película pero hey la experiencia con la merch y el marketing”. Pero eso no sucedió, tal parece que @SonyPictures esperaba a que los fans hicieran toda la promoción y publicidad y encima gustarán de su producto solo porque sí.
Y por eso creemos firmemente que el equipo de marketing y publicidad de @SonyPictures y la dejadez de @ToeiAnimation son incompetentes, de entrada estrenan la película en Japón el mismo fin de semana que Super Mario Bros la cual viene arrasando con taquilla desde principios de Abril. Y en Estados Unidos la van a estrenar a la par que Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol.3. Incompetentes, es poco, no tenemos palabras para describir tal estupidez.
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En conclusión: NO, no es un DB Evolution, pero creemos que puede estar en una situación aún peor: es olvidable.  Y es una pena, porque como película de superhéroes es relativamente buena, además de que había muchísimo que explotar en caso de que hubiera secuelas. Lo que quedará para la posteridad es el recuerdo de la guerra en el fandom que se desató, cada vez que alguien vea que pasan la película a media tarde en algún canal de televisión abierta.
Nuestra calificación final es un 5/10.
Así que con esto, llegamos a la conclusión de que....
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worldburnrp · 11 months
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The Brooklyn Museum opens its doors this Friday night to an illustrious gala �� held under the dome at their Sculpture Gallery, which is precisely what it says on the tin: a large, white-marbled room where countless Greek statues watch your every move.  But the exposure comes with a good cause: to raise funds for the museum’s growing Greek fund, for further research, restoration, exploration, and upkeep of the countless pieces of Greek art found at the museum and those still to be discovered and brought through these doors. The public ranges from those who can donate a fiver — to five million. And yes, those who just needed an excuse to wear a fancy dress, too.  Inside the halls, ethereal music is played, the most breath-taking sculptures are brought out of the dark room and into display, and small performances of Greek mythology are sprinkled throughout.  Welcome, to tonight’s Odyssey.
SETTING: The Brooklyn Museum.The event starts at7:30pm, in the cusp of sunset shifting into nighttime. The fundraiser is held mainly at the grand Sculpture Gallery, though characters may explore beyond it. Keep in mind, some areas may be closed for the purposes of the event.
DRESS CODE: The dress code is gala — think long dresses, tuxedos, your most expensive fabrics — inspired by Greek Mythology: Gods and Men. Character’s interpretations of this vary up to each person’s personality. It’s likely however to lean more into loose creative freedom, than costumey. 
IC, THE EVENT TAKES PLACE ON THE NIGHT OF JULY 14TH. OOC, the end date will be determined soon.
Members are encouraged to pause non-event threads during this event, but not required. We understand certain threads and interactions are important for character and plot development, so we leave that up to your personal judgement. We ask that, should pre-event threads continue, that they don’t overtake event ones.
It is a requirement, however, that no new threads outside of the event are started until the event wraps. 
WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO PLOT with your fellow players any plots and/or conflicts that may happen. For heavier conflicts, please do make sure to message the main about it first.
As always, should there be any questions or need of assistance with any plots, please feel free to contact the admins and we’ll be happy to help you.
CREATIVE OUTFIT & NARRATIVE HEADCANON: What outfit is your character wearing? Why have they decided to attend? Answer all or any of these through a post of your liking. <3
If choosing a specific mythology figure to be inspired by, your character may claim one from the list below. Characters taking a looser route and not driving specific inspiration don’t need to go through this step. 
— To claim a mythology figure, just message the main blog and say their name + character you’re claiming it for. Once the admins respond with confirmation, the figure is yours! — If you have multiple characters, please be mindful of your fellow players, and please choose one figure for one character, and allow for others to have a chance to claim theirs before claiming more. — Figures are AVAILABLE unless CROSSED OUT.
For this challenge, characters may claim quotes as written by Homer.
Whatever route you take, is up to you — SO LONG AS THE GIVEN QUOTE IS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.The quote does not need to be spoken or explicitly a part of the thread, but can be if you wish. 
You can use the quote of your choice for open starters, or closed starters. You have 24 hours to use your quote after claiming it, or it becomes available again.
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT is the name of the game. We encourage you to have your character enter the scene one way, and leave with somewhat of a changed perspective. This can be as subtle, or as intense as you see fit.
— To claim a quote, just message the main blog and say the quote number + character you’re claiming it for. Once the admins respond with confirmation, the quote is yours! — If you have multiple characters, please be mindful of your fellow players, and please choose one quote for one character, and allow for others to have a chance to claim theirs before claiming more. 
01. “Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.” [UNCLAIMED]
02. “The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” [XIMENA RODRIGUEZ]
03. “There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out and through.” [UNCLAIMED]
04. “Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.” [UNCLAIMED]
05. “A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time.” [RAHI KUMAR]
06. “Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.” [UNCLAIMED]
07. “Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.” [UNCLAIMED]
08. “Even a fool learns something once it hits him.” [UNCLAIMED]
09. “We men are wretched things.” [MINERVA HAWTHORN]
10. “The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend as to find a friend worth dying for.” [UNCLAIMED]
11. “Men are so quick to blame the gods: they say that we devise their misery. But they themselves- in their depravity- design grief greater than the griefs that fate assigns.” [JULIAN BERKELEY]
12. “I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth!”
13. “The blade itself incites to deeds of violence.” [MATHIAS MALKOVICH]
14. “Each man delights in the work that suits him best.” [UNCLAIMED]
15. “There will be killing till the score is paid.” [UNCLAIMED]
16. “If you serve too many masters, you'll soon suffer.” [UNCLAIMED]
17. “Few sons are like their fathers--most are worse, few better.” [UNCLAIMED]
18. “Why cover the same ground again? ... It goes against my grain to repeat a tale told once, and told so clearly.” [UNCLAIMED]
19. “Too many kings can ruin an army” [UNCLAIMED]
20. “The sort of words a man says is the sort he hears in return.” [UNCLAIMED]
21. “These were the colloquies in heaven.” [UNCLAIMED]
22. “Better to be the hireling of a stranger, and serve a man of mean estate whose living is but small, than be the ruler over all these dead and gone.” [UNCLAIMED]
23. “I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.” [UNCLAIMED]
24. “I have no interest at all in food and drink, but only in slaughter and blood and the agonized groans of mangled men” [UNCLAIMED]
25. “We are perpetually laboring to destroy our delights, our composure, our devotion to superior power. Of all the animals on earth we least know what is good for us. My opinion is, that what is best for us is our admiration of good.” [UNCLAIMED]
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artificialqueens · 9 months
Untouchable for Life, Chapter 1 (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - Writworm42
Admin Note: I'm so worry, Writ!! You should have been in the last queue, and I'm also sorry that it's taken me a million years to fix it after you told me. I have no excuse, I just completely forgot and I apologize deeply! -V
A/N: Summary: Anetra should be grateful for his new job as a photographer for the city's biggest queer tabloid. Especially considering how hard he fucked up before landing there. But it's all lost on him until he's roped into a special assignment, one that ties Sasha Colby into his life. But can the knots that bind him to his past be undone? Or will the cord he and Sasha walk on snap?
Sorry not sorry for all the puns in the summary fhdsjfk but I promise chapter summaries will have more specific to the chapters themselves and the story as a whole!!!
Anyways, remember how I said I'd never write another multichap bc they're too much stress? WELP! Thank you nickysjaida for encouraging me and athena for beta-ing, you're both so wonderful <3
Fic title from I Turn My Camera On by Spoon
Anetra sighs, dropping his head into his hands as his thoughts race. His boss watches in front of him intensely, almost to the point of scrutiny, but what can he do?
He doesn’t exactly have options here.
“I just don’t get why—“
“The board wanted you gone,” Michele shuts him down immediately. “Hell, they wanted your head on a platter! This is the best I can do for you. You either take it, or you go collect your things.”
“But I wouldn’t even get to write!” Anetra huffs. “Not even captions or anything!”
“I know,” Michele says coolly. “Why do you think I was able to negotiate this? You’re too good to lose, Anetra, but I guarantee if you walk, it’ll be the last time you ever work in journalism, photo or otherwise.” 
Anetra groans. Michele is absolutely right—he fucked up, and fucked up big. Lose his credibility big. Sue the whole company big.
But does that really mean he has to go to Q-Beat ? He’ll be a laughingstock in the journalistic community— Q-Beat may be the most popular queer magazine in the country, but it’s barely above a tabloid. Hell, maybe it’s worse—they’re probably the only print mag he can think of that has more listicles in one issue than actual pieces, and the product placements are so obvious they might as well just say Absolut wrote the news updates. 
There’s a reason the whole industry calls it Q-Bait as a joke. 
But with the scandal he’s in, he can’t afford to negotiate now. If he wants to do anything other than Walmart Christmas portraits for the rest of his life, he has no choice but to take this job.
"Fine," he finally sighs, grabbing the contract and pulling it closer. "Give me a pen."
The Charles Media building is often referred to as a marvel of architecture in the city, and the reputation isn’t unearned. Standing under its sloped, pink-painted roof are twenty-five floors of different print outlets, each an empire in its own right. Anetra has to admit, it’s kind of impressive--from magazines to books, encyclopedias to graphic novels, if you can flip or scroll through it, you can find it nestled among the offices in the tower.
Perhaps most impressive, though, is the way the architects were clearly so committed to the bit when they designed the place. From floors one to twelve, everything is wide, spacious, and decorated in black and silver. The floors narrow slightly after that, and from thirteen all the way to its sloped roof, the building’s colour scheme is a deep magenta, with sparkle and hints of blush. And that’s just the outside--within the walls of 96 Tucker Avenue, things are even more colourful, bringing the entire aesthetic full circle.
The perfect shade of lipstick for the perfect media queendom, both inside and out.
At least, that’s the vision the company projects. Right now, Anetra feels anything but perfect—and from the way his coworkers avoid him in the elevator, he’s pretty sure the feeling is mutual. 
At least Q-Beat is near the top floor. Once the last few people filter out around the sixteenth floor, he has the elevator car all to himself, leaving him alone to try and collect his thoughts. 
From what Anetra knows, the farther up the tower you go, the more isolated the group, meaning there’s a chance that no one at Q-Beat knows who he is or what he’s done. A perfectly fresh start. Good; his talent will speak for itself that way, and he can make friends based on that. If he even wants to--maybe friends aren’t such a good idea. The main condition of being able to keep this job was to lay low, after all. 
Plus, the longer he tends to stay in one place, the less people seem to want him around. Especially now that he’s a liability. 
It’s a thought that hurts, and he’s glad to be able to swallow it as the elevator comes to a stop at the twenty-third floor.
The sight that awaits Anetra as the elevator doors glide open makes his jaw drop. 
Back on the eighth floor where Anetra’s old magazine was located, everything had been all business all the time. The walls and the floor were a stern black, with tiles that clicked under your feet as you walked. There had been almost no decor in the entrance either, other than a pair of leather chairs under a harsh silver sign directing visitors to various offices tucked behind heavy mahogany doors.
But on the twenty-third floor? 
Anetra can’t help but feel like he might as well be on an alien planet. He had expected pink, had expected some sparkle and embellishment. But he had had no idea just how much of a culture shock it would be. It’s such a contrast, he barely knows where to start—though maybe the entrance is as good a place as any. The floor’s lobby is fully furnished with tables and chairs and even some floral arrangements, separated from the action by only a glass door and floor-to-ceiling windows that allow a clear view of the Q-Beat workspace behind it. The floors are plush zebra-print carpet, the walls an almost violent pink lit up by a fluorescent sign welcoming visitors to Q-Beat with cursive font. And when Anetra peers into the office space, he sees not a maze of cubicles, but an open floor plan that’s bustling with people in casual dress.
In other words, friendly coworkers and lax norms without anywhere to hide from either. 
“Are you Anetra?” 
Anetra snaps to attention and sees a tall blonde standing in the office’s doorway looking at him with anxious eyes. 
"Oh, um… Yes?" He frowns. He was supposed to meet the editor-in-chief first, but this woman is in jeans and a tank top that shows off well-defined muscles and big tattoos, her hair fluffed up in an almost rockabilly style--definitely not like any chief Anetra has seen before.
"Are you asking me or telling me?" The woman's eyes narrow. "Because I have a meeting in fifteen minutes and only ten before my Ativan hits, so I really need to get a move on orienting you if you are."
Anetra decides right then and there that no matter who this woman is, he definitely likes her.
“I’m Anetra,” he tries again, stepping forward and extending a hand for the woman to take. 
“Loosey LaDuca, she/her pronouns, editor-in-chief,” she shakes his hand firmly. But before he can drop his hand away, she grips it harder, pulls him forward through the glass doors and into the office. 
“Let me introduce you to the others, they’re really excited to meet you.”
Loosey’s tour of the Q-Beat workspace is a whirlwind, so fast that Anetra almost wishes he’d brought a notebook with him. Though that probably wouldn’t have done much to help him either; Loosey doesn’t even stop to breathe as she charges through the office with Anetra in tow, so he seriously doubts she would have let him slow down to write. At least he avoids seeing too much of the team this way; Loosey’s version of ‘introducing’ is more like drive-by name-dropping, and Anetra is perfectly content to settle for the waves he and his new coworkers exchange as he passes. 
Good things can’t last forever, though, and sure enough, Loosey’s tour comes to a hard stop right in front of a large table surrounded by people who immediately turn all their focus on Anetra. 
“This right here is our photography department. Well, two of them are,” Loosey rolls her eyes. “The rest of you, get back to work please?” 
“Hey, they were working!” a short woman with hair almost as big as Loosey’s protests. “Half of them were reviewing the photos that are going to go with their article.”
“Uh-huh, and the other half?” Loosey retorts. 
“Is this Poppy’s replacement?” The other woman left at the table pipes up quickly, a smooth change of subject accompanied by an even smoother smile. 
“Oh, yes,” Loosey says, her eyebrows raising in surprise as if she’d forgotten Anetra was beside her. “Anetra, this is Mistress--” she points to the smaller woman, who nods curtly, “--And this is Salina. Ladies, Anetra is coming to us from News Summary Weekly , so things might work a little differently here than he’s used to. So be nice, Mistress.”
“Hey!” Mistress huffs when Loosey shoots her an extra-pointed look. 
“You know I’m right,” Loosey rolls her eyes. “Now, will you guys take over from here? These pills are not doing what they’re supposed to, so I’m gonna go take a three-minute power nap before I have to talk budget for the rest of the afternoon.” 
“Sweet dreams!” Salina calls after her, cackling when Loosey shoots her the middle finger over her shoulder in response. 
Just like that, their attention is turned back on Anetra, giving him the distinct feeling of having been thrown to the wolves. 
“So you’re from the political phonebook, huh?” Mistress starts in right away, her lip twitching as she looks Anetra up and down. “You’re certainly dressed like it.”
“Hey, wait a second,” Salina adds pensively, “Ain’t that the magazine with the guy who--”
“Sorry, what are your guys’ pronouns?” Anetra cuts in fast before Salina can finish that sentence, hoping to God the heat he feels rising in his cheeks isn’t visible to the two women before him. “I use he/him.”
“She/her for both of us,” Mistress answers with narrow eyes, her tone of voice skeptical. Anetra’s going to have to look out for her, he can tell. But at least Salina seems distracted enough—her attention is already back on her computer, which she wastes no time in sliding over to Anetra.
“Alright, newbie, come here and sit down, let me show you all the different softwares and shit we use in this department.” 
It’s a close call, but he’ll take it. He smiles gratefully as he moves over beside Salina, leaning in close to get to work.
Pride Challenge Points: 2806
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seouldriftrp · 2 months
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Our server is now open to our current members for setting up their characters and plotting! Our goal is to have a small tight-knit community so we'll be using the few days between character creation and interaction to go ahead and get familiar! Join us before character interactions open for an icebreaker!
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cabinofimagines · 10 months
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I had to screenshot this because otherwise it'll include your username but! This looks really cool, I should maybe also try drawing how I think it would look so we could compare hehe. I am missing the markers for Thalia's tree and the Athena Pantheon though (where would you imagine the camp entrance to be? Where are the strawberry fields?)
I will also at some point compile some "official" maps to look at. Camp Jupiters are kinda silly because it's rather boring there-
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the-first-three-smp · 3 months
After all this time, here's a finalized mods list :) Worth noting, this includes all dependencies + a handful of optional, client side mods - on launch the Admins will help with installation, though (hopefully) through Modrinth it should be fairly streamlined. With a final count of 102. . . Let's take a peek at your mods!
➽ Adorn
➽ Appleskin
➽ Architechtury API
➽ Athena
➽ AudioPlayer
➽ BCLib
➽ Backpacked
➽ Beautify
➽ Better Combat
➽ Better Dogs
➽ Better End Cities
➽ Better Third Person
➽ BetterEnd
➽ BetterNether
➽ Bookshelf
➽ CTM Optifine
➽ CTOV - Farmer’s Delight Compat
➽ CTOV - Friends and Foes Compat
➽ Carry On
➽ Chef’s Delight
➽ ChoiceTheorum’s Overhauled Villages (CTOV)
➽ Cloth Config API
➽ Clumps
➽ Coins JE
➽ Collective
➽ Continuity
➽ CoroUtil
➽ Creeper Overhaul
➽ Cristel Lib
➽ Dawn API
➽ Dynamic Crosshair
➽ Dynamic FPS
➽ End’s Delight
➽ Enderman Overhaul
➽ Enhanced Boss Bars
➽ Essential
➽ Expanded Delight
➽ Explorify
➽ Fabric API
➽ Fabric Language Kotlin
➽ Farmer’s Delight
➽ Forge Config API Port
➽ Framework
➽ Friends&Foes
➽ Geckolib
➽ Guard Villagers
➽ Icarus
➽ Indium
➽ Iris Shaders
➽ Jade
➽ JamLib
➽ Just an End Anchor
➽ Life Tokens
➽ Lithostitched
➽ Lootr
➽ Make Bubbles Pop
➽ Mandala’s GUI
➽ Mine Spawners
➽ MmmMmmMmmMmm (Dummy)
➽ Mod Menu
➽ Moonlight Lib
➽ Nether’s Delight
➽ Noxesium
➽ Obscure API
➽ Patchouli
➽ Player Health Indicators
➽ Polymorph
➽ Puzzles Lib
➽ Resourceful Config
➽ Resourceful Lib
➽ Roughly Enough Items (REI)
➽ Shulker Box Tooltip
➽ Simple Voice Chat
➽ Sodium
➽ Spelunkery
➽ Terrablender
➽ Terralith
➽ Towns and Towers
➽ Traveler’s Titles
➽ Trinkets
➽ Universal Ores
➽ Universal Shops
➽ Usage Ticker
➽ Vanilla Refresh
➽ What Are They Up To (WATUT)
➽ Wilder Wild
➽ Wildlife
➽ Xaero’s Minimap
➽ Yung’s API
➽ Yung’s Better Desert Temples
➽ Yung’s Better Dungeons
➽ Yung’s Better End Island
➽ Yung’s Better Jungle Temples
➽ Yung’s Better Mineshafts
➽ Yung’s Better Nether Fortresses
➽ Yung’s Better Stronghold
➽ Yung’s Bridges
➽ Yung’s Extras
➽ [Let’s Do] API
➽ [Let’s Do] Meadow
➽ owo-lib
➽ playerAnimator
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liminalmemories21 · 11 months
L, S, & X for the writer asks : D
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
That I've written? Definitely TK as a high end art thief.
That exist as snippets? Probably the OG 911 crew as library staff - which is 100% about the fact that everyone I know is a librarian so I know way too much about the internal politics of a public library.
(Bobby is the Director, Hen & Chim are Reference & they hate Circ, Maddie & Josh are Cataloging and work for central, Buck is the lone (gasp!) man who works in Children's, Ravi is in library school & working part time at the library and circling through departments, Athena is the local cop who stops by periodically to check in.
I promise you this is both accurate and funny if you are familiar with public library staffing
They all meet the Lonestar crew at an ALA conference.
Owen is the Director, Paul works reference & the little old ladies all LOVE him - like will call and then hang up if someone else answers and call back until they get him, Marjan runs adult programming and the library social media, Judd's been there forever can basically do any job in the building but works in admin now, Tommy runs a social work program out of the library and is trying to recruit TK because he did his undergrad in social work, Carlos is, again, the local cop who answers the weird calls.
If I could think of a plot to go with this I'd write it.)
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
To read? Kid!fic. I love Kid!fic, which is doubly entertaining since I do not particularly like children in real life (exceptions granted for my friends kids in small quantities).
To write? Carlos working out his complicated relationship with his family.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
I don't really? I guess I enjoy making Carlos confront the consequences of not talking about things.
Thanks for the ask!
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thechiyonosakenyc · 7 months
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It was quite a while since the owner of the bartender was often left alone at the dead of the night, standing in the middle of the bar counter and just idling to himself. Not that he was idling about, as his hands were busy cleaning a glass with a cloth rag. Idle hands were the devil’s playthings, or some would say. Gabe was never against this thought process at all. He had rarely been put through this kind of setting after all, ever since the business has been slowly going towards a self-sufficient model. That meant that all Gabe did at the bar for the most part nowadays would be running administrative duties – checking up on invoices and delivery orders, bills, overdrafts and whatnot. He hired Athena to help out on this side, but he was mostly shunting those admin duties towards her, which usually earned him the ire and the dagger-like glares that the woman would give him every time she talked about how laissez-faire he was. But tonight was rather different as he had given the last call, and all of his workers had headed home. He was being nostalgic, and sappy, for the most part. It had been years since he stood behind the counter, and Gabe was just reminiscing about the old times. The times when he just started the bar business. The silence was there, save for the bar music that Gabe still kept in tune, hands still busying themselves.
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