#oni dbd x reader
theres-a-body-here · 3 months
Love Letter Aftermath
First part
The realization of receiving a love admission sinks in for the killers
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
He's angry
Angry at you for giving him that damn letter
And angry at himself for keeping it
He keeps it on his shrine
Even while he tries to distract himself with training between trials, your letter is all that's on his mind
At least once a day, for a couple of minutes, he stares at the letter while working up the courage to crumple it and dispose of it
He never can
When Rin found the letter, his heat sunk
She thought it was cute, but rolled her eyes at how Kazan was acting
The days following the letter, you've noticed in trials with Oni, he never downs you with his Kanabo anymore, only his Katana
Even during chases, when he's activated his blood fury right behind you, he stampedes off somewhere to down anyone else
And when he carries you to hooks, you've noticed how gently he holds you
But he never stays after hooking you and seems to avoid your gaze
Strangely, Rin has been giving you some leeway during trials as well
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
When he got back to his realm after the trial, he immediately went to work on making a box for the letter
Yeah, a whole keepsake box for a single letter
He places it next to the box where he keeps his old drawings
Whenever he sees you in trials, he still gets those butterflies
If you step in one of his traps, he's immediately rushing to where he heard you scream
If he sees any other survivors trying to free you, he swats at them
Evan gently pulls at the jaw of the trap and pulls it apart, letting you retract your injured foot
He's trying his hardest not to ogle your legs
"Sorry," he mutters gruffly, his hands holding your leg softly while he inspects the damage
He picked up some gauze that one of the others dropped and begins to bandage your wound
He can feel your gaze burning holes into his mask as he works
He's the one to break the silence
"I've killed you... and your friends, over and over."
There's a long pause on your end before you respond
"I know"
You two leave it at that
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Caleb keeps the letter under the bar counter in his realm
Whenever he returns from an exhausting or lost trial, he looks at it
A small part of him still thinks you're messing with him
He's way too nervous and skittish around you now to do anything, so you're gonna have to initiate everything
In trials, you do your best to spend time with him
Especially when you insist that he treats you no different
When he carries you to hook, you take the moment to touch him
You turn your head to plant a kiss on the back of his neck
Caleb visibly shivers and lets out a groan
"Yer tryin' ta kill me, ain'tcha?"
"Is it working?"
Despite you asking otherwise, he tends to leave you alone when he can in trials, opting to hide the others
If you confront him about it, he'll deny it
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
He keeps your letter in the inner pocket of his jacket
You definitely have his full attention now
Don't expect any special treatment, because he's not gonna give it
In fact, he seems to actively seek you out first if he knows you're in his trial
Wesker gets angry when you can't loop him for more than a couple of minutes
"Are you even trying? Pathetic"
While carrying you to a hook, he's lecturing you all the way
"You didn't run it tight enough. You were too greedy with the pallet. You didn't check your blind spots."
He'll get even more irritated if you start to tear up
Can't you see he's trying to help you?
Wesker refuses to have someone so vulnerable as an admirer
So you better get to it
If you do manage to improve and become better in trials, his attitude changes
It goes from scoldings to rewards
He takes off his gloves to hold your chin and pull you close
You feel his lips ghost over your cheek and shiver when he tightens his grip on you
He stares at your face, drinking up your reactions
And then he lets you go, watching as your face twists from dazed to confused
"What? Were you expecting a kiss?"
You're gonna have to do a lot more if you wanna get a smooch from him
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
He tapped your letter to the side of his chainsaw
He gets all giddy when he glances at it during his sweeps, especially if he manages to down a survivor
It's his good luck charm
If he spots you in a trial, he'll literally drop everything to rush over and give you hug
Bubba would honestly hug you all trial if you let him
He's definitely become a bit more protective over you, maybe even prone to jealousy
He doesn't even let anyone work on gens with you, revving his chainsaw if anyone gets too close
Once everyone gets the message and leaves you two be, he'll sit behind you as you work and hug you
Expect lots of nuzzles
Bubba whines when the gen is completed and you have to stand up to find a new one
He follows you like a puppy until you find the next one and the process begins anew
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Danny doesn't really have anywhere he can store the letter safely
So he does the logical thing and memorizes it's contents, word for word
He doesn't care what happens to the paper
Sometimes during trials, he'll tease you by reciting it during chases
Even adding things you're certain you never added
"And I promise to always let you smash whenever and wherever you want," he says, mimicking your voice as you dangle from the hook
Being her favorite, The Entity doesn't care if Danny spares you every trial
But he won't
Because he's a meanie
"No hard feelings, right boo?" He coos as he plunges his blade into your back
If you're sore about it, he's more than happy to make it up to you
He'll run his cold leather-gloved hands under your shirt, pressing you against a wall as you try to stay angry
"Come on, don't be like that," he mutters into your ear, squishing your sides
If you fold now, he'll tease you for being whipped
But if you stay strong, he'll pull out the big guns
He buries his masked face into your neck, slowly grinding his hips against yours
"You feel that, baby? You feel how sorry I am?" He growls, pressing his hard-on against you
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rabbitblackx · 2 years
Can i request some headcanons with Oni, Mastermind, Ghostface, Trickster reacting to their sweet and innocent reader getting accused by a random survivor for throwing a rock at them, even though the person was the one that did it, and not the reader. The person also tried to get them to chase the reader instead of him or her order to get away. But it immediately backfired due to them knowing better that their survivor reader would never do something like that to them?
I hope that you had a good Halloween rabbit! 💖
Yeah cool no problem! Hope u like it :) and I hope u had an awesome Halloween too!!💖
DBD Killers when an Innocent!Reader is framed for throwing a rock at them🤭🪨
Includes: Ghost Face, Oni, Trickster and Mastermind
Ghost Face
Feng Min pegged a rock at the Ghost Face, successfully decking him in the back of the head. The man sighed, turning around to see you and her by a generator. Feng immediately pointed at you, framing you for her assault. She then darted away and left you in her dust. You gaped at the betrayal of your fellow survivor. The Ghost Face met your eyes through black mesh
“Wha? It wasn’t me. I swear! She—she lied!”
The Ghost Face’s shoulders shook as he gave a raspy chuckle. Of course it wasn’t you. You were far too sweet, and he knew that. He knew that well
“C’mere, gorgeous.”
Your eyes grew wide as he waltzed over, hooking an arm around your waist. The Ghost Face yanked you into his chest, causing you to blindly grip onto leather with a yelp. He would go get your ‘friend’ later. But as of right now, he just wanted you in his arms. It had been awhile since the Ghost Face and you had crossed paths. Because of this, he made sure to treat each time like it was your last
“You know she was lying, right? I’d never throw a rock at you.” You pouted
The Ghost Face chuckled again, bringing a gloved hand up to remove his mask
“I know, baby.” He grinned
His lips pressed against yours firmly. His eyes were blissfully shut as he pulled you impossibly close
“Mmm, Danny.” You squeaked against him
The Ghost Face pulled away to stare at your innocent features. His dead heart felt an unfamiliar warmth as you smiled sweetly at him
He would then leave to you be, in search of Feng instead. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she found the Ghost Face chasing after her instead of you. Had her ‘genius’ plan not worked?
You looked on in horror after Yui threw a rock at your poor Oni’s masked face. He had quite the thick covering in that area but you could tell it still hurt him. He wasn’t looking at you two when it happened. He was distracted with Adam, slicing into the man’s back with his katana. That was when Yui struck. While she did it to help Adam, that didn’t apply to you. When the Oni whipped around to glare at her, he sneered behind his mask when she pointed at you
“They did it.” Yui deadpanned
Yui took off, with Adam limping after her. You couldn’t believe the betrayal. You thought that the Oni would get mad, and maybe even harm you. But he honestly seemed more mad at Yui than yourself
“It wasn’t me! She was lying. I would never!”
The Oni trudged over to your cowering form. You flinched when a massive hand came up over your head. Your tense muscles relaxed as it set on top of your hair with an overwhelming amount of gentleness
“I know.” He cooed in Japanese
The Oni pet your hair. You were very surprised he hadn’t gone crazy with fury yet
“Sorry she was a meanie, Kazan.” You frowned
He hummed in reply, a deep rumbling noise that brewed within his broad chest.
Kazan absolutely adored you. Which was why he had to love and leave you, furiously going after Yui. How dared she blame you for something she did? And to think she’d get away with it?
The Oni gave your cheek one last caress before hunting down that girl. Like you, this was going to be sweet. The sounds of Yui’s screams were going to sound all the more satisfying because they were just for you
The Trickster cursed in Korean when a small rock bounced off the back of his head. He whirled around to spot you and Claudette in the tall grass. Claudette immediately pointed at you, silently telling him you did it. But alas, she was only framing you for her own crime
The Trickster laughed at her meanly, knowing better. As if his perfect songbird would hurt him like that. He yoinked a colourful blade from his yellow coat, skilfully throwing it Claudette’s way. It struck her shoulder, and you leapt back in surprise. You and the girl stared at the Trickster in disbelief
“I said they did it!” Claudette gasped in pain
The Trickster still didn’t listen, only pinning her down with more and more of his blades. He only stopped when you said so.
That made him sigh, begrudgingly letting Claudette limp away, only to catch up with her later. His glowing gaze set on you now, taking in your cute face
“I promise it wasn’t me.” You blurted out
The Trickster smirked, playfully rolling his eyes. “I know, babe. It’s okay.” He moved towards you
You threw your arms around his neck and nuzzled into it with a giggle. He hugged you tight, his nose buried in your hair. You glanced up and gently traced your fingers over his temple
“Are you okay? She didn’t hurt you too bad, did she?” You asked
The Trickster pressed a tender kiss to your flushed cheek
“Don’t worry about me, babe.”
He soon trotted off, in searches of Claudette again. He left you all smitten and flustered, making sure you wouldn’t try to intervene. You were just so kind like that. Though she threw you under the bus, the Trickster knew that you would still and try save her
He couldn’t help but admire that
“Are you trying to make me angry?”
Albert Wesker chased after Dwight after he had pegged a rock at him when he wasn’t looking. Though in a fit of panic, Dwight shoved you in the way
“It wasn’t me. It was them!”
The Mastermind nearly bouldered you over as you were thrown in his road. He halted to a stop, just skidded in front of you. Your face was covered by your hands as you cowered before him. Albert sighed, and placed a gloved hand on your shoulder. Your head whipped up to meet his catlike eyes
“It’s alright, darling.”
Tears pricked your eyes, saddened that Dwight and abandoned you. But at the same time, you knew he was just scared
“Albee, it wasn’t me. I promise it wasn’t.” You whimpered
The Mastermind immediately snaked his arms around you. You sniffled into his chest and held on tight
“I know, sweetheart. I didn’t think it was you for a second. It doesn’t matter, my dear. I’m fine.”
He petted your head that was nestled against him. You hadn’t seem Wesker in awhile, and missed his touch. Though he didn’t want to admit it, he felt the same way
This was fine. Once the Mastermind was done with you, then he would hunt down Dwight. Uh-huh, sure… just a little longer holding you then he’d get straight to work…
Albert couldn’t let you go. Your warmth and sweet words of praise made his stomach flutter. He had never met someone quite like you
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l0sercat · 1 year
Hello hi! Thanks again for doing my request and thanks for clearing a lot of things up for me! I actually feel a lot less nervous now so thank you!
Speaking of requests i was wondering if you could do a request for some killers(literally anyone- yes i do have favorites but i like them all), more specifically the really tall killers, with a survivor and/or s/o (hell it can even just be platonic friendship!) that takes a look at tall people and just sees them as a "threat" so to "assert dominance" they just start climbing the killer(s).
Nothing can stop them once they've got their eye on a climbing target and i mean nothing. I like to imagine that once they reach the "top" of the killer they just decided to perch on the killers shoulder.
Tbh this could be either platonic or romantic i just like the idea of climbing the really tall killers for fun and riding on their shoulders. As you can probably tell i like to climb tall people. Im not short, most of my friends are just taller than me so i just start climbing them sometimes.
Hopefully this isn't confusing or already done and i really like your writing/formatting, it's really pleasing to read. Thank you again! Have a good day!
Omg ty for the compliment! I'm so glad you like my format. I actually was a bit insecure about it lol.
Killers react to survivor climbing them
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Michael Myers
He felt something on him so he slowly moved his head down an saw you on his leg
He stared at you with a hard gaze
You slowly climb up his tall frame and he grabbed the back of your clothing and tried to pry you off
But you clung onto him with an liton grip
He pulled harder and you came off with a grumpy look in your face
He tilted his head and you spring yourself back onto him and rested on his shoulders
He processed what happened and continues to not care unless you disturb what he does
Pyramid head
He sensed your presence and saw you stalk towards him
He made a grunting sound when you wrapped around his leg
He froze and planted his knife into the ground and watched your movements
When you got to his shoulders and landed on them and held onto hi helmet he relaxed a little
He was confused but continued on with his duties
But when it came time to punish the damned he picked you up by the scruff and set you down somewhere safe so you wouldn't get hurt
He felt his leg get heavier and he sighed
You pulled this bullshit before but failed because he flung you by accident
He shook his head at your stupidity
He let you but he didn't know why you would do such a thing
When you got into his shoulders and cheered he gave a little grin
He would let this pass for now
He walked around his house and outside for a while before he made you get off
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diejager · 9 months
Hello, may please ask for nsfw headcanons for the Oni please?
NSFW headcanons
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Pairing: The Oni | Kazan Yamaska x fem!reader
Cw: NSFW, breeding kink, biting, marking, aftercare, possessive behaviour, size kink, tradition, scent/musk kink, worshiping, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1.1k
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Kazan is a proud man, honouring his family name to the point of committing blasphemy. He cherished the things that belonged to him, taking care of his kanabo with the careful swipe of his towel and as much love as he has for you, his little human. His big hands came to hold you before him, a supporting gesture while you stared up at him in the mirror, his piercing, red eyes meeting yours. 
Under the protective shield of his armour, those ritualistic shoulder guards with curved Oni horns, chest armour, sleeves and thigh protections secured by thick ropes rounding the mass of his body; and the bloodied cloth of his shirt, shin guard, skirt and pants held with strong string sewing them together to become a piece; Kazan was a soft lover, caring and soft-spoken with his feelings for you. Under that scary Oni mask, Kazan is scarily human, even with the added height and broad shoulders.
Size played a lot to his kinks, his body looming over your smaller one, his hands holding your curved hips as he bullied his cock into you, watching the skin of your navel bulge with his enormous size. You cried when he pressed a palm over the bulge, pushing it as he plotted through your wet and tight cunt, milking and clamping his thick shaft. Kazan enjoyed watching you take him by yourself, using his chest as support as you sink onto him, mewling and whining about how big he was and how your cunny was too small when you’d taken him over and over before, getting all his length in you. You shook and trembled, legs weak and useless, depending on Kazan to move you up and down, his big hands holding your hips. 
However gentle he tried to be, his strength and pleasure always got the better of his self-control, leaving bruises on your hips and waist, purples and blues the size of his fingers on your arms and thighs. Leaving marks on your soft, pliant flesh was a guilty pleasure of his, he liked sinking his jagged teeth into your shoulders and thighs. The sensuality of seeing the swollen bites on your skin and the sensitive news to it when he pressed a kiss on it. The ferality he felt surging in his body when red rolled down your thighs and shoulders, a single drop that painted your skin in a beautiful shade of crimson. 
He’d be ploughing you with his veiny cock while he leaves traces of his presence on your being, a show of possession on you that he revelled in with pride and sheer, unbridled joy. He was bound to be possessive of what he loved, he held great value and high respect for anything that deserved it, and you were at the top of his list. Forgoing his need to value and respect, being a killer naturally made him more possessive, the need to own and show the others he owned you. Perhaps it made you feel like an object, an item of his obsession, but you’ve never voiced your concerns and fears so he kept going on. If he can show to the others - either killer or survivor - that you were his, he could live happily.
Kazan, as the Oni, had a potency to his being. He had a name, had a reputation, had skill and had needs. He knew, like him, a lot of killers had forsaken their humanity - their souls - to their monsters. Most killers had better noses, their enhanced sense made sniffing out survivors easier and, in his case, helped let the others know you were his. The smell of his mark on you would cling onto you like a cloud of musk, the scent of his cum inside of you screaming about your branding. He would cum in you, spurting rope after rope of potent cum, staining your slick walls. 
He left it inside of you, dripping from your cunt and leaving the musk of his cum and your shared sex as a show of ownership. He spent time pumping you with his loads, he won’t stop until he’s overstimulated, because he can’t stop coming at the thought of breeding you. Building a family was a cultural tradition in his time, and to raise his descendants into honourable people, it was a dream of his, wishful thinking. He knew that within the Entity’s realm, all time stopped, he never aged, he never changed and he would never become a father, but the temptation of knocking you up was simply too much for him not to fuck his cum deeper.
Even while he bullied his load deeper and deeper, cock still as hard and leaky as when he first started, he’d kiss your lips so gently, muffling your mewls and cries. His hands cradled your face, placing sweet, worshipping kisses all over your face, hips rutting into you with your legs swinging over his shoulders. He rolled his hips steadily, making sure that you wouldn’t end up overstimulated like he was, all as he worshipped you. You were like a goddess to him, his little goddess that he could claim with his scent and mark. He kissed the ground you walked on, he kissed your hands when you held it towards him, and he would do anything you would want, all you have to do is ask. 
After everything, the hours-long marathon in bed, he would take care of you. He’s amazing at aftercare. He would do every whim of yours, if you wanted a cup of water, he’d have it in seconds, if you wanted to shower, he’d bathe you; if you wanted to sleep; he’d cuddle you from the back. His attention was spent on you and you alone after every session, he cleaned you, he fed you, he watched your back when you slept. He spooned you, his bigger body shadowing you in a comfortable and safe embrace, an arm under your head and another over your waist. 
If you didn’t want to sleep, wanting to feel pretty and clean as his, Kazan’s little goddess bride, he would dress you up prettily. Kazan was also a man who saw the beauty in tradition, painting you in the colours of his country, the powerful red and its innocent white. He painted your face in those shades with soft pink and yellow on your eyes, tried your hair in high loops and used beads to decorate your locks. Dressed in the beautiful robes that told stories and legends of his empire, you looked like those elegant geishas he remembered seeing years ago. You would dance and sing, he’d twirl you around him and make the ends of your sleeves flutter.
Kazan, for all his worth and pain, finally had something good in his life, something he could be proud of loving. Perhaps The Entity wasn’t as cold and unfeeling as She portrayed herself.
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bxnnywrites · 9 months
🖤 Killers Reacting to Nervous!Reader Holding Their Hand (Pt. 2) 🖤
AN :: Since my last one was well received, I decided to do another one as a quickie! I'm also testing out a new layout so lmk what you think!! Hope you guys enjoy <3
Characters :: Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni), Eva MacMillan (The Trapper), Frank Morrison (The Legion), Susie Lavoie (The Legion), Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal), Ellen Ripley (Bonus!) Pt 1 Here [link]
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༉ Kazan Yamaoka :: The Oni
[PT: Kazan Yamaoka: The Oni]
✴ He's surprised by it at first, your small hand in his giant one.
✴ It puts into perspective just how tiny you are compared to him, though these days it's rare for anyone to be bigger than he is.
✴ You're so small, so frail. It gives him a surge of protectiveness, the need to keep you safe.
✴ He leans over and brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing it softly, gentlemanly.
✴ Fucking hell that makes you blush even more.
✴ He chuckles a bit, ruffling your hair with one hand. A small act of affection to let you know you're safe.
✴ He will keep you safe, no matter what.
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༉ Evan MacMillan :: The Trapper
[PT: Evan Macmillan: The Trapper]
✴ Honestly? He's a bit nervous too.
✴ He won't admit that though, won't even show it. Him? Nervous over someone holding his hand? Nah, he would never.
✴ He squeezes your hand in return, pulling you just a bit closer, but doesn't have much immediate reaction to it.
✴ Absolute sap about it in private though, can't stop thinking about it. It was so simple but it reminded him that you loved him, only him.
✴ The next time you're together he takes the initiative and holds your hand first. Keeping you close to him to really let everyone know who you belong to.
✴ Fuckin dork.
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༉ Frank Morrison :: The Legion
[PT: Frank Morrison: The Legion]
✴ Aw, lookit you! You're so nervous from just some hand holding.
✴ "You're damn cute when you blush like that, babe."
✴ You pout in return and he chuckles, pulling you a bit closer and kissing your forehead.
✴ "You're just provin' the point, y'know?"
✴ More pouting and he's grinning ear to ear, bastard that he is.
✴ But you suppose that's why you love him in the first place, cocky son of a bitch.
✴ Anyways, similar to Michael, his hand now. It shall be returned within 3-5 business days. Dw about it.
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༉ Susie Lavoie :: The Legion
[PT: Susie Lavoie: The Legion]
✴ asdfghjkl;'
✴ Oh my god hand? Hand Holding???? You are Holding her Hand?????
✴ Screaming internally
✴ You're blushing so much oh fuck you're so cute you're so pretty
✴ What does she do oh shit fuck uuuuuuh
✴ Holds your hand tighter, trying not to implode from her own nervous wreck of emotions.
✴ Eventually, and very quickly, she kisses your cheek.
✴ Trying not to die from her own blushing and embarrassment.
✴ You give her hand an affirming squeeze, smiling at her, and she relaxes.
✴ God how did she get so lucky?
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༉ Bubba :: The Cannibal
[PT: Bubba: The Cannibal]
✴ You...you're holding his hand?
✴ You're so gentle, your hands are so small, so soft.
✴ He could crush your hands if he wasn't careful, a similar worry to Michael's.
✴ But you were holding his hand!!! Your dainty little hand was in his!!!!
✴ It was a sign you loved him, really loved him!
✴ He starts giggling, he can't help himself. He doesn't even notice how nervous you are, consumed with his own delight.
✴ Pulls you into a really, really tight hug. One of the ones where you have to remind him to be gentle.
✴ He makes an apologetic noise and nuzzles his face into your hair, picking you up bridal style to hold you close.
✴ He's so happy you love him, he loves you just as much. He's so darn lucky to have you.
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༉ BONUS :: Ellen Ripley
[PT: Bonus: Ellen Ripley]
AN 2: wifewifewifewifewifewifewife
✴ Damn that's sweet.
✴ Sweet like the feeling of fresh coffee in her veins, like hearing her cat purr against her chest.
✴ And you're so damn cute all nervous like this, it makes her heart sing.
✴ God she's so glad to be trapped in this hellhole with you.
✴ She kisses the back of your hand and runs her thumb over it gently, giving you this look that lets you know you mean the world to her.
✴ And you look at her the same way.
✴ Wordless but full of meaning in such a simple touch. Affection that goes beyond what words could describe.
✴ The other survivors are gagging from how sweet you two are.
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Final Notes :: I'm a big butch lesbian so I added my Wife as a bonus because this was a bit of a sausage fest (besides Susie, perfect lil angel baby). It was weird writing romance for Susie tbh bc when I look at her I'm just like "Ah yes, my child." because whenever I play as her I get weirdly protective and if she gets palette stunned it becomes like, a personal offense. That's my fuckign niece dude!!!!! But I know some peeps would love to be romantic with her so I am here to provide. As is the authors duty. If you make it weird I'm shanking you behind a Wendy's.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to rb and follow if you enjoyed!! <3
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daddy-deathslinger · 7 months
Can you do a Deathslinger / Knight / Oni / Ghostface with a thick s/o who is so strong that their perk is to literally carry their survivor friends while they heal? And during trial, when the killer sees an injured survivor, they were about to snatch them when they got accidentally lifted up and carried off by their s/o, who mistaken them due to a blindness effect perk?
Bonus if the injured survivor shout out, “WRONG PERSON” and when the effects wore off, s/o realizes they’re carrying the killer with ease
Howdy there! I hope you like what I came up with, needless to say the killers react waaay differently to this happening...
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn with a buff s/o
You’ve always been strong, and since entering the Entity’s realm your strength seems to have almost doubled. 
You have thus taken it upon yourself to be the protector of your fellow survivors, always putting their safety before your own.
So, as you see Meg helplessly bleeding behind a barn during one trial, you run towards her, ready to help. 
Suddenly the world seems to turn into some kind of haze, and Meg’s silhouette becomes harder to distinguish in the fog. But you find her and pick her up with ease.
“What in tarnation?!” 
That doesn’t sound like Meg at all, but you make a run for it with her on your back nonetheless. Time is running short, she needs to be healed, she needs help-
That’s Meg.
You stop, dropping the person you held on your back to the ground. And then you see who it is.
“Caleb!” you exclaim in surprise, the killer squirming on the ground in embarrassment. “Caleb, I’m so sorry, I thought you were-”
“I know who ya thought I was”, Caleb mutters as he gets up quickly. “Let’s just… start this whole trial over, shall we?”
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács with a buff s/o
Tarhos is a strong man, but he doesn’t mind that you’re stronger than him.
Ofcourse, what he minds has its limits.
Like if he, during a trial, sends out his scouts, and they return empty handed. He growls in anger and goes scouting himself.
It takes him some time, but he eventually finds a coward that he injures! He hunts the coward, their screams of agony and fear brings him so much excitement and he can almost taste their blood and-
Suddenly, he feels himself being picked up from the ground.
The hunt is interrupted as someone, without any trouble at all, carries him away from his prey.
He shrieks in anger, waving with his arms in the air. The prey is left standing, just watching, and in the distance he can hear his scouts laugh.
“Shit, babe, I’m so sorry!”
He’s being put down, at last. His captor reveals themselves to be none other than his dear lover. 
“I-I didn’t see you, I mistook you for… Shit, I’m so sorry!”
This? Yeah, this he minds.
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka with a buff s/o
Kazan is a strong and muscular man. He has fought many battles and killed mercilessly.
So when he met you, he knew he finally had found his equal. In strength, at least.
He likes training you, making use of your strengths to fight him.
So when, during one trial, things go a bit adrift, he’s confused.
It starts off as any trial, Kazan hunts and they run. He injures, and drinks their blood. He puts them on hooks and reap the rewards.
But this trial, things go different. He blinds them all with the perk that the Entity has blessed him with, and he has the high ground now. Nothing can stop him now-
Suddenly, as he’s about to go into rage mode and attack them all, someone picks him up with ease.
How? What? Who??
“Shit! Kazan!” he hears his lover exclaim, as he is abruptly dropped to the ground with a loud “FTUNK!”
He remains on the ground, just staring up at you in confusion. You stammer out an apology and ask him if he’s mad at you for ruining his moment.
Mad? How could he be mad? You’re strong, you’re powerful, you’re everything that Kazan admires. He’s never gonna let you go.
The Ghostface/Danny Johnson with a buff s/o
You know that Danny dislikes being the smaller person in the relationship, physically. He doesn’t feel too good about you being stronger than him, either.
And one trial, what can’t happen happens. 
It must have been the blindness effect, you don’t know what else could have caused it. You just wanted to help Kate!
You picked her up, as you always do when your friends need to heal and be on the move at the same time.
She was alot louder than usual when you did, though.
“For fuck’s sake, put me down Y/N!!!!”
He’s not gonna let you live this down, is he?
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deadbydangit · 3 months
I had a dream about this and i laughed my ass off when i woke up.
Would you be willing to do Mastermind, Knight, and Oni with a reader who is insanely good at climbing? Like not even just trees but they could climb a completely flat wall with no problem, and one day the reader just scales them like a tree to ride on their back? Totally understandable if not!
Hmm, I think I can do that. I'm just going to simplify it a bit. Please enjoy!
With a Reader who is good at climbing: Mastermind, Knight, Oni
What on Earth are you doing?
Get down from there!
Wesker isn't amused.
He doesn't have time for such antics.
"Are you trying to make me angry?"
Part of him is annoyed that you're climbing because he can't get to you.
It almost feels like you're mocking him.
Can he climb?
But, somehow, you're better.
And that pisses him off beyond belief.
The idea that somebody is better at something that he is?
It drives an insane.
The other part is that he's worried about you.
Sure, you do seem to be pretty good at climbing.
However, what if you fell?
Of course, he could catch you.
He's fast enough to run and grab you before you fall.
But what if he wasn't there?
"I won't always be around to save you."
"Do you realize how dangerous that is?"
He'll scold you.
Scolding like a mother would to a disobedient child.
But he's only doing so because he loves you.
Yes, he can be somewhat overbearing sometimes.
But it's all from a place of love.
However, there will be times when he'll join you while you're sitting in a tree.
"It's very peaceful. I can understand why you like it up here."
You don't have to do anything while you're both sitting there.
He's just enjoying the peace and your company.
"Descend from there this instant!"
Tarhos is a very powerful strong person.
He is able to knock just about anyone off their feet with his strength.
However, one thing he isn't is agile.
His armor is very heavy and bulky.
Seeing you easily scale up that tree?
He'll huff and scowl at you as you hang above him.
There are so many reasons why this just bugs him.
He's supposed to be the powerful one in the relationship.
Not you.
So the fact that you have an advantage over him?
It makes his blood boil.
What makes it so much worse is that Alejandro is able to join you up in the trees and you both taunt Tarhos from down below.
He'll be so furious that he'll stop away.
Part of it is that he doesn't have time for such childish games.
He has things to do, guards to command, people that kill.
He won't admit it, but he's very jealous.
Seeing you so carefree and happy?
He never got to have that.
And, despite how much he denies it, he would love to have a taste of that freedom in his life.
Lastly, he wants to be the one to climb with you.
He hates how Alejandro teases him from up in the trees with you.
It should be him up there, not one of his guards.
However, he really likes it when you drop down into his arms.
He'll hold his arms out, and he'll always catch you.
Make sure you do it often.
It makes him feel joy knowing that he can protect and care for you.
He finds it extremely childish.
He has better things to do than climb trees.
Well, not like he could.
Every tree couples under his weight.
He tried to climb up after you once.
He was just too heavy for the tree to support.
It was rather embarrassing, so Kazan doesn't like to talk about it.
So, he can't climb trees.
But that doesn't mean he's going to stop you.
If it's something that brings you Joy in your life, who is he to stop you?
Besides, it's good exercise. He knows that.
It might not be his idea of training, but it seems to be working for you.
And, he knows that you're able to keep yourself safe if an enemy were to attack.
Sure, you might not be able to wield a sword.
Or crush somebody's head and pull out their tongue.
But, you have the ability to run from danger if the need arises.
You can get to the high grounds where it's harder for enemies to reach you.
And that puts him at ease knowing that you're able to take care of yourself.
Don't worry if you ever end up getting hurt because you fell.
He'll be right by your side, picking you up and patching you up.
He may look annoyed, but he's really concerned.
Kazan is so worried that you might climb up something too high one day. Or he won't be around to catch you.
He finds your childlike love of climbing to be endearing.
Still he finds your innocent sweet nature to be cute.
He won't say that out loud though.
Seeing you enjoy yourself with such a simple activity brings him a new hope and humanity he thought he had lost a long time ago.
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rootsofdread · 9 months
How do you think some women and men killers would treat us after putting their s/o through a lot of pain?
(Gonna love angst and fluff)
*nods sagely* we do gotta love it.
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Amanda Young / The Pig:
Rarely, if ever, does Amanda feel remorse for anything she does. John taught her well, and she understands that what she’s doing is right. One of these rare moments of remorse is seeing the tears in your eyes when she throws you on a hook, or a genuine, pained cry when she fastens a reverse bear trap on your head. In those moments…she feels remorse. You keep coming back, after all, you survive. You choose life, you don’t need to be tested any longer…on some level, it confuses her as much as it hurts her to do these things to you. But she knows she’s hurt you more. She holds you close, whispering sincere apologies to you, you don’t deserve to be tested over and over, while you’re nuzzled under her jaw. She knows you’re grateful.
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Charlotte Deshayes (and Victor) / The Twins:
It likely goes without saying, but Charlotte feels…absolutely awful when she has to hurt you. Every time, without fail, it never gets any easier for her, and she hates seeing you so upset because of it, too. She’s hovering around you constantly after a particularly tough trial, checking on you, telling you she loves you, giving you little squeezy-hugs when she can. She’ll even send Victor for you if she can’t tend to you for any reason, and he may not be the best, but he knows what helps Charlotte feels better and he’ll do the same for you, like holding your hand or cuddling up in your lap. It’s his way of telling you sorry, both on Charlotte’s behalf, and his own. At the end of the day, Charlotte just wants the best for you, and it tears her apart when she has to hurt you so badly like that.
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Kazan Yamaoka / The Oni:
Never has Kazan been known for his kindness nor his compassion; but when you’re upset with him, he’s a completely different man. He knows he’s doing what is right, punishing those that need it, but he knows you’ve done nothing wrong. He takes no joy in hurting you. Unlike everyone else…you don’t deserve it. And he lets you know that, that you shouldn’t be caught up in his duties. He will always tell you that he’s sorry that it has to be this way, and he holds you close to his chest. He lets you do whatever you feel like you need to do to decompress: yell, scream, cry, beat your fists against his chest. As long as you feel better by the end, and you know that you don’t deserve any little bit of it, that’s perfect for him.
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Elliot Spencer / The Cenobite:
Most people would honestly be genuinely shocked by how gently Elliot treats you “behind the scenes.” Nobody would expect it from a cenobite, much less the leader of the gash. On days after he had to hurt you so badly, he’s all gentle touches and gentle words. His hands caressing your shoulders or your lower back, he knows that it hurts, he knows you must be angry at him. But you must know that the more pain you go through, the more divine you become. One day, it won’t hurt at all anymore. But until then, he’s here for you, to hold your hand, guide you, and help you through it all. He assures you, all this, one day, will make you better than the rest.
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marksbear · 11 months
Whenever you have time, can you do Kazan Yamaoka/the Oni. I have never played or seen any videos but I’m thinking of possibly playing sometime in the future.
If you have any tips it would be greatly appreciated
Okay so my first fic back officially! I’m in a way better place than I was. It was a huge family issue with my mothers side so. All is good now!
Happy late Father’s Day and all that!
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-He learned how to be gentle with you.
-Anytime the both of you are in the trial together he will give you free gens and hatch.
-You watching him brutally chase the other survivors.
-He let’s you ramble on and on as he cleans his blade.
-One time he had slashed you from the back because you were doing a gen. But when you had turned around and he saw who you was he felt so guilty.
-Many of the killers and survivors were shocked to know that you two were married before getting stuck here.
-You showing him the survivors that you don’t like before any trial. Like the ones who was being mean to you or etc he goes for them first.
-Let’s you touch his mask.
-He gets butterflies in his stomach anytime you call him pretty. Even with all his scars and his other flaws.
-He had to warm up to affection and the sweet words.
-He likes to trace your face and hands with his fingers because one he likes to compare the size and see how fragile you actually are. And two because he just like feeling of your warm skin against his cold one.
-Him trying to avoid you the best he can during his blood fury.
-You randomly giving him a hair clip to keep his hair out of his face. At first you was just did it as a joke, but you were surprised to see him actually wearing and using them.
-He will let out a deep groan or a sigh if he’s upset or irritated at you.
-You always catch him off guard when your just randomly and casually standing next to him. It actually spooks him a bit.
-Very overprotective and possessive of you. He gets jealous very fast.
-He gets bad at you for helping someone with a gen of getting someone off hook. He was jealous about how you gave them attention.
-He likes to randomly rest his forehead against yours before he has to go kill in a game.
-One time he was very jealous and mad he shoved you inside a locker and made sure you couldn’t get out until he calmed down.
-He can’t really talk so he just makes random sounds that comes close to saying your actual name.
-Loves the height difference.
-Stares at you intensely and randomly.
-He loves to scare the living hell out of you during games.
-Watching him brutally Mori a survivor because they had pushed you away to be left for dead. Little did they know they just pushed you into your husband.
-He acts like he hates getting affection and babied but he secretly loves it.
-If a killer kills you in a game he would be so pissed and petty at them.
-When you escape a game he’s just waiting in the forest by the fire waiting for you holding back the excitement that you survived.
-Likes to randomly stand above you so you have to look up at him. It gives him butterflies and he loves it so much.
-Likes the color pink.
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mundoperla · 1 year
Could I get hcs for a gn survivor that’s horrendously touch-starved, whenever they’re being carried to a hook, they completely relax in the killer’s grip and lean into them, because they’re brain just goes w a r m human contact fuck yeah- and they can’t help it sdvh
If you could include Frank from The Legion because..he’s my favourite, I find him hot- but aside from that, any killers you want to write hcs for! :D
𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙤𝙧 .
⤹⋆。˚ 。˚۰ ۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⋆ 。˚۰༄
killers x gender neutral reader
—killer(s) included;; frank morrison, ji-woon hak, kazan yamaoka, & caleb quinn WOOOOOO DEATHSLINGER PROPAGANDA
‼️tws;; none i could catch but if there is anything lmk!!!‼️
⤹⋆。˚ 。˚۰ ۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⋆ 。˚۰༄
𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖔𝖓
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.。❅* you were being tossed up onto his shoulder to be brought to the nearest rusty hook like the last, you had yet to even be put on one so of course some kind of struggle or fight was expected.
.。❅* but you weren’t moving, barley even a scream or kick from you. he couldn’t feel any kind of struggle, but he can feel you practically melting into him.
.。❅* he did not.. understand.. you’ve gotta be broken or something.
.。❅* he’d stopped in his tracks completely, wiggling you a bit with the arm that held you up to see if you’d respond with maybe an elbow to the side of his head, but you just sat there. completely still. you were just enveloped in his touch. sitting still and very peacefully.
.。❅* Frank didn’t exactly know how to react or how to feel.. it’s wonderful having someone feel so comfortable being this close to him, but he was also expecting the usual response he got from others.
.。❅* he’ll just stand there for a minute, letting you hang out for a while longer. he’ll feel guilty if he just tossed you onto a hook afterwards so he gently places you on the ground and leaves you there for one of your teammates to pick you up.
.。❅* if you do it again in more trials with him he’s slowly going to start ignoring his initial objectives and just carry you around the map with him.
.。❅* again he won’t admit he likes feeling this kind of contact with you, he’ll swear up and down that it’s just because he feels powerful when someone’s on his shoulder for long periods of time like some kind of prize catch.
.。❅* regardless of whatever lame excuses he pulls to justify holding you so you, he makes it a mandatory task whenever he spots you in a trial, aswell as the occasional jingle of your body when you’re hoisted up just to see if you’ll ever retaliate.
.。❅* you never do. he digs that.
𝕵𝖎-𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖆𝖐—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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.。❅* like Frank, he’s expecting you to fight him to get out of his grasp like your life depended on it— which it does.
.。❅* maybe if he hits someone on your team with you on him you’ll do something? maybe even beg for him to spare everyone else & to just kill you?
.。❅* wrong. you’re still just sitting there.
.。❅* Ji-Woon doesn’t mind to say the least, attention is attention & you’re practically melted into his shoulder just pleased to have this much contact with another person. it’s a win-win for the two of you.
.。❅* The Trickster is very.. tricky to say the least, he loves having you pressed up on him when he’s picked you up after a chase, but at the same time he still internally wants you to fight back. bite him at least.
.。❅* he will still throw you onto a hook after a minute or two of you being up with him. he’s still got others to get rid of.
.。❅* then again he doesn’t want to do too much to make you avoid him, he still wants to feel you lean into his hands when he hold your face up or when he’s holding you sturdy on his shoulder. it’s actually very nice when he’s making some kind of physical contact with you.
.。❅* he’ll be annoying you whenever he’s caught you though, he’s aware that you’re not gonna do anything to get away but instead revel in this brief moment of physical contact with him of all people.
.。❅* ❝ Should I hold you in a more comfortable position this time 여보 ? just for now until i unfortunately have to put you away. ❞
.。❅* like i said — he’s annoying.
𝕶𝖆𝖟𝖆𝖓 𝖄𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖔𝖐𝖆—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖓𝖎
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.。❅* he will not notice this at all until after maybe the 7th trial with you. he’s a ruthless and feared killer, but you never seemed to care when he would carry you to your inevitable fate.
.。❅* you had decompressed entirely on him multiple times, and Kazan was pissed to say the least.
.。❅* the ‘Oni Yamaoka’ was known far and wide for his brutality across the country, even tearing apart the very lord that spat the foul nickname at him and his family’s name. he was less than eligible for you to feel comfortable enough to mould around.
.。❅* he had full intentions to harm you to get a point across, but Jake was quick to get you away from The Oni with his flashlight.
.。❅* Kazan was even more angry, because now he had to get you back so he could jam it into your head that he is not to be taken so lightly. he looked for every opportunity to get you slung over his shoulders again but fumbled every time he got you where you were wanted.
.。❅* but every time you wound up in his grasp, you’d lay there enveloped in his touch. the idea of being brought to a hook or even the basement was irrelevant in the moment. it felt amazing basically sitting in the palm of his hand.
.。❅* it makes him angrier whenever you do this, he’s so comfortable being feared by every living being that surrounded him & he was not adjusting well to the idea of you not groveling in that same fear like the other survivors.
.。❅* you occasionally entertained him by pretending to be scared when he had caught up with you, which also made him angry. he didn’t ACTUALLY want you to feel that way, he just wanted you to know how the other survivors perceived him. he’s contradicting himself trying to ignore the fact he really does enjoy you being close to him.
.。❅* he’ll actively start refraining from picking you up unless he needs to, which despite this he will still constantly pick you up. you get the impression he actually enjoys the skin to skin contact much more than what he wants you to believe.
𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖇 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗
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.。❅* he’s oblivious to it all at first, he doesn’t get why you always seemingly chose to turn into mush when he makes contact with you.
.。❅* but he’s very pleased by this to say the least, even taking the courtesy to find a secluded space to sit down with you peacefully. he’ll carry you over to an exit when they open up.
.。❅* you’re aware of the damage he can cause, not just to others but to you specifically. he was dangerous just like the next killer you’d have to go up against.
.。❅* but that felt so irrelevant when your abdomen made contact with the harsh material of his coat for the first time. your worries and fears faded in an instant. even with all his jagged edges, his touch managed felt like pure velvet.
.。❅* Caleb could sit down in one of the secret rooms of the saloon with you forever if The Entity allowed him to, you’re obviously enjoying the time spent on him; he doesn’t want to yank that peace away from you so suddenly.
.。❅* he ups it a notch, placing a hand on the nape of your neck — being met with another deep exhale from you. he didn’t think it was possible to witness a person genuinely melt until now.
.。❅* he’s also melting against your touch, you buried your head into his chest and he wanted to keep you on that spot. he hasn’t felt this close to another person in a long time.
.。❅* The Deathslinger could be gentle if he wanted to, always doing his best to limit as much movement when you’re up high on his shoulders as to not disturb you, even though you didn’t particularly mind him moving around.
.。❅* if he see’s another open opportunity outside of a trial, he will offer to let you sit on his shoulders again. you seemed very peaceful the last time, so why not experience it again without the time limit?
⋆┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈⋆
please i beg of you give me more frank reqs he’s so fun to write for
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
Recieving a love letter
Part two
You decided that the best time to give it to them (pause) is during a trial
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Death, some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Impossible... You're both men
Kazan cannot accept this
This simply wasn't acceptable during his era
He immediately smashes your head in with his Kanabo on instinct
Gay panic defense
The evil has been dealt with, Kazan lets out a deep exhale
But...his eyes wander to the letter, still within your cold, stiff grasp
Advantages come from all angles... Don't they?
Kazan takes the letter, convincing himself he'll use whatever information he finds inside against you
It smells like you... Not that he checked
(He did)
A red wax seal holds the letter closed
Kazan looks closer
You had carved his family crest into the wax
Something foreign invades his body, something other than rage
It's nervousness
He opens the letter, making sure to keep the seal intact
For no reason in particular
(He's pocketing that mofo)
Instantly, he's impressed by your penmanship
So organized, clean, and sharp
But its contents are even more eye catching
The love letter is short and sweet
But what follows is even sweeter
A haiku
Kazan feels his heart skip a beat
He checks it once, then again, and one more for good measure
Yep, no mistakes
The loud pop of a gen echoes through the trialground, snapping him out of his trance
Kazan whips his head all around, looking for witnesses
Finding none, he pockets the letter
He stares at your lifeless body, feeling something else flutter in his chest
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Evan stares at you as you hold your letter out for him to take
After a long, uncomfortable silence, he takes it
He brings it to his face, inspecting it through the holes of his mask
Evan has absolutely no idea what to do here
He looks back at you
"Do you...want me to fuck you?"
Romantic gestures are new territories for Evan, so he honestly thinks this is just your way of asking for dick
Whichever the case, he has a job to do
He puts you down without hesitation and hooks you up, leaving without a second glance
He's still holding the letter
Part of him wants to rip it up, and the other is curious to know what you wrote
He sloppily tears the letter open, reading it hastily as he walks to the next gen
Evan stops when he reads a bit more
You weren't asking for a ball slapping, eye watering, toe curling, deep dick fuck...
You were asking for his heart
You wanted all of him, hooks and all
Okay now he feels a bit bad
Evan reads some more
You actually drew a portrait of him within the letter, saying you learnt of his knack for art from Philip
Now he feels even worse
He lets the others save you without hiccup
In fact, he basically leaves for alone for the rest of the trial
He stops chasing and hurting the others occasionally to stare at you from afar, observing that focused look on your face as you work on gens or heal a teammate
Evan feels butterflies and he no longer has the strength to swat at them
It doesn't matter if he kills all your friends or if they opened the gates and left; Eventually, you're alone with him
He holds your letter out, watching as confusion sets on your face
"I'm dirty and sloppy... I'll ruin it"
He sounds vulnerable, waiting for you to respond
You curl your hand over his, folding the letter into his palm
"I want you to keep it," you say softly, as of talking to an apprehensive deer
He doesn't know what to say
Whatever he was going to respond with gets stuck in his throat as you lean in to kiss the cheek of his mask
He watches as you leave through the exit gate, glancing down at the letter in his hand
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Obviously you're joking... Right?
Cuz there's no way you'd be attracted to someone like him— Old, beat-up, and grumpy
You'd have to push him some more if you want him to accept the letter
Convince him you're being genuine
Eventually, he gives in and takes the letter from you
He glances around nervously, like he's expecting the other survivors to jump out and laugh at him for falling for the joke
He opens the letter, stunned when he sees there's actually things written inside
A blush creeps into his face as he reads, only deepening when he reads more
After he's done, Caleb can't even meet your gaze
After a few moments of silence, he speaks
"I can.....uhhh....keep this... right?"
Talk about awk as hell
Even after the trial, he lies awake thinking about it
Caleb rereads the letter over and over
You're gonna have to be the one to seek him out outside of trials since he's way too embarrassed now
"Yer serious 'bout this, ain'tcha?"
He decides to let his guard down just a bit to let you in
Be prepared to give him lots of reassurance
"Yer sure ya ain't mistaken?"
Caleb isn't one for words, so instead of writing you a letter, he makes you trinkets out of scrap metal
If you kiss him as thanks, he'll actually die on the spot
So please don't... unless you're evil as hell
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
Wesker makes you kneel as you give him the letter
After snatching it out of your hands, he scans it meticulously
"I see you've made eleven spelling mistakes"
He enjoys the way you tense up instantly, like a puppy waiting to be put on punishment
"How adorable"
He ALLOWS you to watch him put the letter in his inner coat pocket
He would never admit it, but this certainly boosted his ego to new heights
Albert lifts you off the ground and tosses you over his shoulder
He carries you to the basement
"Stay here while I deal with your companions"
He leaves to kill the rest of your friends
After every hook, he pats his chest to make sure the letter is still there
He'll deny he ever did that if you ask him though
Once he returns, Wesker will bombard you with questions, expecting an answer within 5 seconds or less
What took you so long? What do you like most about him? Would you choose him over your friends? How can you satisfy him?
He loves how easily you crumble under his interrogation, blushing and stammering like a fool
Once he's had his fill, he picks you up again
He carries you to hatch
Before he lets you go, he grips your chin and makes you look at him
"I suppose I ought to leave you with something"
Wesker reaches into his coat and pulls out a pair of sunglasses
"I hope you can explain this to your allies," he chuckles
Before you can protest, he puts them on you and drops you into the hole
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
Freezes in place and gasps when he sees you hold out your letter
He lets out a happy squeal before dropping his hammer and chainsaw to the ground
Bubba takes the letter from you gently, treating it like glass
He immediately plops onto the ground
He tears open the envelope carefully and take out the letter
He's completely forgotten about the trial
He reads the letter, shaking with excitement
It's sappy, sweet, and everything he's ever wanted
Even when the sounds of popping generators ring through the trial grounds, Bubba doesn't take his eyes off the letter for a second
He occasionally stops reading to either make a sound of happiness or cover his face out of embarrassment
Once he's finished, Bubba will stand up and pull you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up a bit and swaying you around like a ragdoll
You're definitely leaving this trial unharmed
He grabs your hand tightly, marching over to the hatch or exit gates and lets you leave with a goofy wave
The Entity doesn't even punish him for it since his joy was so great it made up for the lack of bad emotions from the survivors
He immediately works on writing a letter for you after the trial is over
The next time you see him, expect another bear hug followed by a letter being shoved in your face
It's messy, sticky, and covered in glitter
Crudely drawn hearts cover the inside as the letters are shaky and almost intelligible
But you can tell Bubba put his whole heart into it
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Instantly smug as hell
"Oh, what's that? That for me?"
He takes it from you and immediately tears it open, tossing the envelope behind him nonchalantly
His mask moves as he visibly reads through the letter, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head
Danny finds this scenario so fucking funny— A survivor having a crush on a killer
After he's done, he looks up at you
"Do you have daddy issues or something?'
He laughs loudly when he sees a hurt expression flash across your face, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders
"I'm just messing with ya, cutie"
Danny marches over with his head high to one of the hooked survivors, waving the letter in their face
You stand to the side awkwardly, unable to meet your friend's bewildered look
"Your homeboy is down bad for me. Whaddya think about that?"
The survivor grits their teeth struggling to keep the Entity's claw from puncturing their chest
"I think....Gah!...they.... have daddy issues...fuck!"
You're never living this down
He goes around the map showing off your love letter to the others
After he finishes gloating, Danny hooks you
What? He's the Entity's favorite! He can't his reputation be tarnished
Outside of the trial, he follows you around like a shadow
He deadass interrupts your conversations with the others to tell you he wants attention, and you'd better deliver
Your love letter was basically an invitation for him to claim you as his own, whether you regret it or not
You're his now
Like a housecat that swats at others who get too close to their owner
"That kiss factory better be open, pookie"
He says shit like this in front of any survivor or killer
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l0sercat · 1 year
I saw a movie where one of the protagonists kissed a bad guy to get him distracted enough to escape, and I’d like to request the same for Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Oni, Ji-Woon and Wesker. 🤭 If their mouth isn’t available then a kiss where their cheek would be. Whether it worked or not is up to you. 👀
Ooo I like that
Killers react to survivor who kiss them to distract them
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Pyramid Head
He gripped you by the neck about to mori you ...
You then bended over and kissed the tip of his helmet
He didn't even freeze he still continued to mori you
What did you think would happen? He's a being soly created to punish people
He had you cornered
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him close
You pressed a big kiss on his mask leaving a lipstick mark(sorry if you don't wear lipstick)
He was stunned at first then grinned as you were able to slip away
He soon was able to catch up with you to have some fun time;)
You did not know how you ended up like this
He had his hand wrapped around your throat choking you
You had an idea that would most likely fail
You quickly kissed the nose of his mask
He froze and his grip loosened
You got away(for now)
He grabbed you when you tried to vault
You yelped and you're eyes widened
You spun around and without thinking you kissed him. Hard
He was taken aback for a split second before grinning
Of course you kissed him! He knows he too irresistible
Who wouldn't want to kiss him? He just so handsome and perfect 🥰
You did not get away only because he wanted to mori you <3(how romantic) it would have worked if he didn't have a mori
He had you pinned up on a wall by his tentacles (uroboros)
You tried squirming out but the grip got tighter
So you did the only thing logical.
You gripped his face and kissed his roughly
He backed up, letting you go
Face flushed
He just stands there broken asf
You do get away but a the end of the match he gets you (what happens is up to you ;) )
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lorimnnn · 1 year
Hiii! May I request something for Kazan Yamaoka?
During a match at the Yamaoka Estate where Kazan sees from a distance survivor reader is gonna go to a gen that's in one of the houses but she catches herself before she steps inside. She takes her shoes off and leaves them at the door before going to the gen. Despite it being a realm different from the real world she still respects Japanese culture. And she does this every time she goes through any houses in his realm.
Idk I'm just curious how Kazan would react to this since none of the other survivors or killers (besides him maybe) respect this. But if not that's totally ok!
omg, I can't explain how much I love this request! I know it took me ages but I'm here! I'm looking to write more on Kazan because there's hardly anything on him.
warnings: canon-typical violence and gore, life-threatening situations, swearing, i hate editing so obviously it's not edited but i'll probably go over it one day
trope summary: fluff, slow-burn
You were the last one left. Did you know that?
It had never crossed your mind--- so no, you didn't. You had learned long ago not to care about those types of things when you were facing killers like The Oni. He was a devourer. Your teammates never stood a chance to begin with.
But you didn't know that.
The first time The Entity threw you into The Oni's world, you took off running. That's what your other teammates did, anyway. There had been a collective groan when the fog cleared and you all came to terms with where you were--- then a grim caress of fear that seemed to possess all of you. The sight of your teammates so flighty had struck you the wrong way and you weren't going to go about asking questions about it.
The primal roar in the distance said all that you needed to know.
What was this place, anyway?
It was like you'd time-travelled to Edo-era Japan. It was beautiful and antique and you'd never seen anything quite like it. But you'd always wanted to travel to Japan.
The Entity took that chance away from you.
You found yourself reminiscing over all those lost opportunities. You were never going to get them back. You should've gone even when you were sure you were going to be dirt poor afterwards. You should have taken the chance and travelled everywhere as soon as you got the money for it. You didn't even know what you were saving for. Everyone else was doing it, so you supposed you were supposed to as well. But what was the point of having so much money if you couldn't even use it to buy the things that would make you happy?
If you could go back, you would leap at the chance to travel somewhere here. But you supposed that 'here' wouldn't really exist in the real world. Not like this. Not at the peak of it's grandeur.
Ha! The irony.
Could you even call this a privilege when you were only here to die?
You heard Kate cry out in the distance. You flinched; you needed to wake up. Work on some gens. You were still running aimlessly, trying to get away---
Kate had just died, and here you were.
Admiring the scenery.
You'd always been little airy-fairy. Not quite there, sometimes too much in the moment, sometimes a little too far off. It meant you had a lot of delayed reactions, such as now.
Right now, you needed to be thinking of how to stay alive and keep your teammates that way, too.
So you headed for the house, running faster than ever. The doors were open and you could already see the gen.
"Quick," you muttered to yourself.
Before he catches up to you.
You hadn't seen The Oni, but you'd heard stories about him. Gruesome stories of his brutal, unforgiving nature, his mistaken dignity and honour. A true warrior who had been corrupted by his blood thirst.
You wondered how a samurai of all things learned such villainy. Weren't they all about honour? That's what you'd read in your books, at least. Now you weren't so sure.
Before entering the house with the gen in sight, you paused. You know you shouldn't of. You know that he was the last person in this hellish world deserving of respect when he was literally out killing all of you, but---
But this was different.
"It's the bare minimum," you reassured yourself. It helped comfort your warring fear that you were crazy. That you were empathising with a killer.
You took off your shoes and aligned them neatly outside before heading in and working the gen.
Too easy.
It was all too easy. Sometimes so much so that it got boring very quickly--- the same chase, the same screams, the same mindless fury that Entity infused him with. It wasn't as though he cared about the survivors in any way. He couldn't care less if they had families, let alone worth it personalities. But there was no more motive behind the kills. No more drive.
It was the ultimate disgrace to his honour---
But if Kazan admitted that, what would the Entity do?
It would be an insult. It would risk his life and extended existence, and there was so much he hadn't done yet. So much he was already doing that he had vowed to finish. One day the Entity would release him and he would resume his life and old purpose. Or maybe he would start all over again and honour his father better.
That was his secret hope.
You were the last survivor. He hadn't met you yet. Hadn't even heard of you, but he knew that you weren't fresh of the boat if you had eluded him so easily. You must have heard things or been smart to ask if it meant that it was your first instinct to run.
"Shoes...?" He muttered to himself.
He could hear you working on the gen. You were so diligent. So focused.
So naive--- how had you not heard him?
Well, Kazan had been taking his time with you. He didn't attempt to be quiet often. The kills were usually so quick that it didn't even matter. He was fast and they were prey and he would consume them before they even knew they were food.
But that was a thought for another day, because---
You had put your shoes outside. You had set them up neatly. It was a custom he had almost forgotten about and learned not to apply to the survivors. He never bothered to hold it against them, either. In this game of life and death, customary traditions were the last of any of their worries, even his.
And yet you had remembered.
Something dead twitched in his cold, hollow heart. It was small, but so significant that it barrelled into him--- a short breath escaped him in a husky puff.
He was feeling... warmth.
He looked up from your shoes. He watched you gently, the hardness receding from his gaze for that moment alone--- he observed your fixated frown, the nimble work of your fingers, the way you were still too absorbed to notice him...
The Entity's voice startled him, even if it didn't show. It had been a while since she had spoke to him at all, and it was only at the start when he'd been summoned to this cruel arena of death.
Her voice was sharp. Cutting.
A warning.
Was this all they were meant to do? To kill and consume, to die and be reborn, only for the cycle to continue until the end of eternity?
Could he really kill you now?
He would never admit it. Not allowed, unless he wanted to die. But the Entity's voice, it had disgusted him. It probably knew that. Somehow, even a fraction of his hesitance had amounted into something significant enough for the Entity to speak--- it knew all.
It knew he wanted to spare you, just for this small gesture.
But it knew he wouldn't.
Kazan killed you in cold blood.
He thought about you long after.
The Oni was said to roar when he killed. It was loud and brutal and everyone knew about it--- you became a sacrifice in his hands, and you died with honour.
Did he hate you?
Why had he killed you so silently?
One moment you had been working on the gen. The next you were dead. All you saw was a flash of a grotesque mask. It was drenched in blood but you were still able to make out the curving and elongated features of it, the bright red eyes that shone through and burned through your soul. You hadn't even had time to scream. To feel scared. He had grabbed you and killed you from behind and all you'd seen was the blur that the last seconds of living had afforded you--- in that way, you felt betrayed.
Had you insulted him by doing what you had thought would appease him?
You hadn't even intended to win his favour. That gesture had been out of respect for his culture. It had been more for you than anything.
Did he think you were shitting on his culture instead? What the fuck?
You were more angry about it than you had right to be. Jake was out doing his alone-time things in the woods when you bumped into him, kicking twigs and punching trees.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine," you grumbled. Jake didn't believe you, and you were terrible at hiding things. You sighed. "I hate killers! I hate them! What the fuck!"
Jake's usually impassive face betrayed the hint of a smile. "I know."
"Why are they such heartless pains in the ass?"
"They're built that way."
"Were they not people, once upon a time?"
"Hardly." Jake shrugged. He tried to end the conversation there, but you kept following him around and eventually he was forced to sit when you clung to his sleeve. "They have inhuman backstories. So I've heard."
"And what's The Oni's?"
Jake snorted. "He's bothering you?"
"Is it that unbelievable?"
"He's not worth a backstory," Jake said. "Trust me. He's purely in it for the kill."
Somehow, that made you angrier.
You clung to Jake's sleeve harder when he tried to stand, and he looked at you, slightly irritated.
"Can I go now?"
"No," you said flatly.
"What do you want?"
You stopped. He sighed.
You let go of his sleeve and sat there, fighting tears. They fell anyway.
Kazan didn't understand you.
You didn't understand Kazan.
You kept unintentionally respecting him, and he kept killing you. he didn't really know how to react, actually. You were too...
Too kind.
He caught himself stalking you outside of trials. He covered it up by banging on the boundary that separated the killers from the victims and acting like he was trying to come after you. At first you were scared. He regretted scaring you.
Kazan did it again and again anyway. It had been a while since he'd felt anything. The more trials he had with you, the more things he was left to grapple with. He hated it.
He yearned for it.
So he kept seeking you out.
You were kind. A bit stupid--- how could you not see how the other survivors abused your purpose and skillset? Or did you know? Why did you let it happen if you knew?
You seemed to like the other survivors, though. He couldn't understand why.
He quickly learned that you were sentimental. Ah. That made sense. No wonder you bothered with things such as cultural customs.
Sentimental was not good. It meant emotional.
To be emotional in a place like this was to kill yourself over and over, and everyone knew it. It had established the natural order of kill or be killed. Survive or die. And yet you were there, uprooting it.
No wonder everyone borderline disliked you. You showed too much interest in doing more, being more. Connecting.
How long had it been since he'd connected?
He supposed he had Rin. His descendant. But that was a bit different, wasn't it?
"What the fuck is your problem?" You'd yelled out once. You'd startled him by coming right up to the boundary and screaming in his face--- he'd stopped trying to break it just to let you speak. "What the fuck do you want? Why do you want to kill me so bad? Are you okay? Are you good?" You paused to take a breath. You were panting, hot in the cheeks, sweat beginning to bead in your hairline. "Are you fucking okay?"
He should have been angry. Who gave you the right to talk to him in such a way?
Who gave you a right to make him feel like this?
Feel anything?
And who the fuck gave you the right to make him feel bad of all things when he caught you crying?
He wouldn't have seen them if you hadn't turned your head that slightest angle, the sun hitting the thing glaze of your tears. They were shining.
You seemed to realise you were about to fall apart the same time he did and retreated. Why were you embarrassed?
Why was he contradicting himself?
Kazan watched you run away into the woods. He growled when he saw that black haired one who often pretended to ignore you sigh to himself and then run after you.
He shouldn't have stalked the both of you as far as the barrier allowed him to. Shouldn't have hid when he heard you sobbing out loud, shouldn't have stayed hidden when that stupid survivor took you into his arms--- pretending to hate it--- and let you cry there as he battled with his red cheeks.
The next time he had a trial with Jake Park, he brutalised him again and again.
Jake didn't know why, of course. And would The Oni ever tell him?
Because how would he even begin to explain what he was feeling when he didn't even know himself?
You'd had enough.
The Oni had made you his obsession over and over, saving you for last. It had made his kills twice as brutal and twice as painful because know you were always ready for them.
And recently he'd been coming on to you with a vengeance, like you'd done something wrong.
You were going to sort this out for once and for all. Somewhere along the way it had become incredibly personal and this undiscovered connection and had become intimate, even if it was mostly comprised of him killing you for more than just that, killing you. Somehow that alone made it all the more emotional, all the more addictive.
You couldn't run away; there was nowhere to go.
So the next time you had a chance, you went to his realm on your own. You hunted him down and yelled in his face--- he hadn't expected you, clearly.
He had been meditating in his temple and suddenly you had come flying out of nowhere.
"Why are you doing this?" You shouted. "Why do you keep doing this? I don't get it. What have I done to hurt you so personally?"
The Oni scrambled--- ungracefully-- to his feet and stood up.
"Are you seriously going to kill me again?" you wailed. "Outside of a trial of all things? I just came to talk! Because you're a bully! A mean fucking bully!"
The Oni hesitated, his hand uncurling from his katana.
"I hate you!" You yelled.
He said nothing. Of course he did.
Now you just felt embarrassed.
"I hope I never get put in a trial with you ever again!"
That prompted the Oni to take a step closer to you. You were already walking away, though, and was surprised to find the Oni close behind, trailing at a modest distance away. You walked faster. So did he.
You walked slower.
So did he.
"Go away," you mumbled, shoving your feet back into your shoes. "You make me so mad. I don't know what I've done to piss you ff this much, but I hope it's worth it!"
The Oni kept following you.
It was quickly becoming aggravating. You stopped and turned around, probably to yell at him, but seeing him just standing there made you too mad for words and you turned back around to walk. You stomped your foot and screamed at the sky.
You hated this.
It made no sense.
You jumped at the feeling of a hand curling around yours. It was big and meaty and riddled with scars and veins. It was a human hand. The Oni's hand.
And he was touching you gently, like you could break at any moment.
Like he was sorry.
But Kazan would never say it.
"...Stay," he said.
You gawked. You hadn't even realised he could talk. You'd been sure his only language was punching and letting out battle cries. Still, over the revelation, you glared at him. "Are you crazy? What if you kill me?"
"I won't."
He held your hand slightly tighter. Was that a threat?
You pulled away your hand to test it; he didn't try squeeze it harder.
Not a threat.
What did you do now?
You hadn't expected this.
"Stay," he said again.
"For tea."
You felt like laughing. Was he serious? Was he actually genuine? For tea? He wanted you to stay for tea? Huh? What? Why-
"Yes," you said. "Okay."
You were staying for tea.
The Oni was... Not what you expected. He didn't say much, but when he did, it was choked and gruff like he wasn't used to talking. And maybe he wasn't.
You were skeptical the whole time, but not once did he move to hurt you. He didn't even poison the tea that he made--- hand ground and the water boiled over a fire. He showed you his every move with distinct slowness like he knew you were watching.
"Does it ever get lonely here?" You found yourself blurting. "All alone. I mean, I heard you're related to Rin. Is that true?"
All you got was a nod. You weren't sure whether that was to the first or the second question, but you ran with it.
"Do you often make tea?"
He shook his head.
"Am I annoying you?"
The Oni looked at you again--- this time sharply, and you tensed and held your breath. You weren't expect the flash of deadpan attitude in his eyes when he sighed and turned away.
"So... I'm not?"
"Drink your tea," he said.
You did.
You should have never come back.
But the tea...
The tea was good.
Yeah, the tea.
So... Kazan may like you more than he thought.
It wasn't intentional; it had just happened. You kept coming for tea, he kept listening to you babble, and he started to crave your company the second you left. You had managed to fill a gap in his chest that he hadn't even realised had been vacant to begin with.
You were just so beautiful.
It had caught him by surprise. One day you came to his realm, took off your shoes and waited for him to pour you a cup of tea and it had struck him that you were the most stunning thing to exist in all his millennia of living, and could spend a millenia more of just admiring you if you allowed. But you never did.
You always thought something was wrong when he stared at you for too long. Always took it as your cue to leave.
Kazan regretted killing you over and over again.
Maybe if he didn't, you'd be more willing to trust him again.
"Yamaoka Kazan," he said one afternoon. It had slipped out. You were in the middle of talking and then he'd just said it.
"My name."
"Oh, well if I'm right, you introduced yourself with your last name first. Out of respect, should I call you Mr Yamaoka?"
That alone sent a shudder down his spine. Kazan barely managed to hide it. The only thing stopping him was his need for you to say it again, say it more intimately. Say it like you meant it. And not his last name.
"No," he said.
You were past that. You deserved more. Deserved everything.
But selfishly, he wanted something from you first.
Hesitantly, you tried his name in your mouth. "... Kazan?"
Suddenly he was just a man, not a killer. A man who had lived and breathed and felt things, and now he felt them for you.
"Well, if we're on that level, my name is Y/n."
You looked away from him, and he smirked beneath his mask.
It seemed he affected you just as much.
I swear to the universe the only thing i could think of with 'you were staying for tea' was that meme from mulan like 'would you like to stay for dinner' and then the grandma yelling out 'would you like to stay forever' but it's rin
I wanna write a pt. 2 for this but would you be interested in that?
As always, please reblog!
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morimemichael · 18 days
Not Allowed
Dbd!Myers x f!Reader
Reader it’s new to the realm, she gets a good first impression on everyone; killer and survivor. Tho there’s certain someone who seams to became too obsessed with her. She doesn’t get it, she thinks this killer hates her with all their guts. Sooner than later she finds that some interactions and relationships are not allowed in the realm.
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WG: Some angst and cursing Michael actually talks but this is not actually a warning lol mentions of death, blood and gore. Michael and Ghostface have a bromance cause deep down they are besties. Dbd!Michael it’s based on RZ! Michael here. Use if y/n twice on the entire fic. Ghostface removes his mask. Michael removes his mask. Big old Pewpaw Kazan Yamaoka, aka, the ink is a great hugger. Happy ending(?)
You were brand new to the realm, like a new born baby. You didn’t understand what was going on, one night you went to bed and the next thing you know it’s the uncomfortable feeling of grass and wood sticks on your back. This was beyond clear that it wasn’t your bed.
You woke up scared as hell in an unknown forest to you, it’s was late at night you could tell and you didn’t met a single soul this far. All of that was vanished when the sound of what it seemed a camp fire stroked your ears, and for your surprise it wasn’t just a camp fire you could distinguish the sound of human voices too. It didn’t seem too far from were you currently were. So you walked a little faster while covering your chest with your own arms in a sutil attempt to combat the cold weather.
You stepped closer to the people in the camp fire to ask for help and maybe an answer to what was going on here. As you got closer could see a bunch of girls and a few boys. One of the girls had red hair and running clothes, the Oder one had short black hair, she was wearing glasses, the other one had also shirt hair, she was wearing a black and red shirt and loosen pants, on the other side; one of the boys was tall with very short black hair and when you herd him taking he had a british accent, the other boy had also black hair but it reached the mid of his face.
“Uhm, excuse me?” You said. Your voice low but clear. The red hair girl turned around to look at you. Suddenly everyone stopped talking.
“Oh my god…” The red hair girl stated. “Guys…I think we have a new partner!” She continued.
Everyone smiled at you and presented themselves. It turned out the red hair girl’s name was Meg Thomas, the girl with the glasses was Claudette Morel, the other girl was Nea Karlson, the British guy was David King and the other guy was Jake Park.
“Did you just arrived?” Claudette asked.
“Yeah…I don’t know where I am.” You stated.
“What’s your name girl?” Meg asked.
“Where are you from?” Another question, this time Jake.
“She’s gonna need a lot of help.” You herd David talking.
“Guys, why don’t we just let her sit with us and let her talk?” Nea said. It was the first time she talked.
You smiled for the first time.
You sat next to Meg and Nea and proceeded to tell every detail about you, your name, your age, where were you from. You told them that last night you had a fight with your parents and when you went to sleep you woke up here.
“We get you, we really do.” Jake spoke.
Everyone told you their personal story. How they end up here, but most important of all they told you what was going on in this place.
“There’s uhm…there’s something that we call the entity, that rules all of this place. She can do what she pleases with us and with everyone.” Nea talked looking at you.
“To survive and to keep every thing, no matter how small it might be, here with us, like some food and water, we have to go through trials.” Jake explained.
“Trials?” You asked confused.
“Yeah, we must repair five generators to open the exit gates.” Meg continued.
“That’s it? Just five generators? It’s a piece of cake…” you laughed.
“I wouldn’t say that if i were you…” David looked at you.
“Why not?” You talked back.
David sight, then he explained the most difficult part.
“We must face a killer that will be with us in the same place.”
“WHAT!? A real killer? Like from slasher movies?” You stated.
“Yes, a real killer.” David stated.
“N-no, no, I wanna go home, please!” You yell at the sky hopping this entity would hear you and somehow pity you.
Everyone looked at you with sad eyes, they knew you weren’t going home anytime sooner.
“Wish we could do something about it, I’m so sorry.” Jake spoke again after a long time.
You moved your head to the sides and looked down, a long sigh scapes your mouth. “Shit…” that’s all that came from you. Everyone remained silent for a while until you spoke again.
“So, how this trial thing works?”
“Well, the entity select some of us for the trial, four survivors to be exact. To help you in the trial you can carrie an object with you, this objects being a toolbox or a flashlight or a med kit and others. Every object has their own use, the toolbox can be use on the generators or to sabotage the hooks the killer use to hook us, by the way; the killer’s main goal is to hook us all in those hooks, flashlights are meant to blind the killer and save your teammates that se going to get hook, and last but not least the med kit as its name suggests can be use to heal yourself or your teammates. Also when you get hook-“ Claudette was interrupted by survivors who just came back from a trial. Four survivors emerged from the dar fog of this place.
“Gosh, that trial was so easy, I need something more challenging!” A young girl with blonde hair spoke.
“Hey Laurie, who was the killer this time?” David asked her.
Laurie? Like the same Laurie from the Halloween movies? You thought to yourself. The intrigue of knowing if you were right was eating your brain, you know you wouldn’t last any longer so you had to ask her.
“The trickster.” This girl said looking at David.
“Uhm excuse me, Laurie? Like Laurie Strode form the Halloween movies?” You finally asked her.
“Yes! I’m her. You must be new right?” She smiled back at you.
“Yes, in fact I got here a few moments ago.” You then proceed to present yourself.
“So nice to meet you! I know we’re gonna be good friends, watcha say new girl?” Laurie had a content face. New girl huh? You liked the new nickname.
“I hope so! By the way I loved that nickname!” Laurie smiled back at your words.
Nea joined your conversation with Laurie explaining further more how the trials work.
“Continuing with the trials, we’re gonna spawn in a map. In this map you will find certain constructions you can use to loop the killer, evade them or confuse them.
“Ok.” You listen very carefully to what Nea said.
Sooner than later you realize that some of the survivors that came with Laurie were from the Resident Evil game franchise. Leon and Jill were here, you wondered if others form the same games were too. You smiled when you saw Chris and Claire in this place too. You presented yourself like you did with everyone else and they seemed to like you as much as the rest did.
“We should tell you that some survivors came along with their respective killers, generally they are related to them. For example, Leon and me came along with Nemesis.” Jill explained.
“So…if you guys came along with Nemesis that means you Laurie came along with M-“
“Yes, I came along with Michael Myers.” She finished the sentence for you. The second you hear that afirmation you knew you no longer wanted to get back home.
“Gosh that’s awesome! I love the Halloween movies, as much as the Resident Evil games or the Scream movies. I love Halloween season so much, and Halloween loves me.” You gave the guys a mischievous smile.
“That’s great! But do let me tell you that most of the killers aren’t nice as us survivors. Some of them lack empathy and act rude. Tho I have to say some killers are nice sometimes.” Leon’s voice was calm but it sounded firm.
“I see, so uhm…Michael?” Your question was meant to find out how he acts in this place.
“Well, Michael has his “I think I could spare you” moments sometimes, but most of the time he just hooks us…he’s very accurate I would say.” Laurie didn’t have anything left to say about Michael.
You couldn’t help but feel a mix of disappointment and excitement, you wanted to face him so bad by now. Eventually the time for your first trial came, thankfully you weren’t alone, Laurie got picked too. You asume that the most optimal object to take with yourself for your first trial was med kit.
Soon the trial started and you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw that the killer you were going against was none other than Michael Myers himself. You were over excited, you wanted to say hi, let him know how much you liked his movies. You wander how he was going to act this time, you assumed since you were new maybe he could spare you. He was lurking near the generator you were currently working on, unaware you were conscious he was there.
Something inside you made you leave the generator and get closer to Michael. You could see he was stalking Jill, who was also picked with you, David was here too, somewhere on the map. You got closer and closer to Michael until you were near his back. The sound of a wood stick breaking under your feet gave you away. He stopped on his track and tilted his head to the left making you know he heard you. Your heart was ricing at this point. He turned around completely to face you. You could hear him breathing behind his mask. His blueish eyes analyzing you. The leafs under his feet made a cracking noise as he slowly walked towards you. Walking in circles around you he kept looking you up and down. Something form you caught his attention, maybe you reminded him form someone, he didn’t know. One thing was certain, besides looking you he was also stalking you. He made a final step in front of you, this time he was very near you. You instantly thought it was your end when he lifted his kitchen knife at you. You closed your eyes ready to get hit and downed, but the empty feeling of nothing tearing your flesh apart made you open your eyes. Yes, he was still there but his didn’t made a single move against you, he didn’t even tried to down you.
“I-i uhm know you! I love your movies.” You didn’t know why you said that. You felt so stupid. He didn’t answer of course he just tilted his head to the left.
He started moving forward through the map that’s stroke you late it was Haddonfield. You were following him, you didn’t fully understand why he didn’t try to kill you or stab you. Asking him questions didn’t seemed a bad idea to you tho. “So, how you end up here?” And another one “How long have you been here?” And another “Why don’t you talk?”, “Don’t you miss your home?”, “I told you i love your movies right? I think i did..” You even told him your name and your age and the place you came form, even how you end up here. But he never answered, all he did was stopping whenever you asked something and turn around to look at you.
Later than sooner you realize he was heading toward Laurie, who happened to see all the interactions between Michael and you.
“New girl? What are you doing?! RUN!” She screamed at you. She stepped forward to grab your hand, and just as she saw Michael was going for you she stepped in the middle of you to. Michael grabbed her instead. He grabbed Laurie by the throat and buried the long kitchen knife in her abdomen.
“OH MY GOD LAURIE!” You scream in panic. The young blond girl struggled against Michael who buried the knife deeper fully killing her.
“LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE, DON’T HURT HER!” Blood leaving Laurie’s body as he throws her on the street asphalt. He lowered his knife for a second and walked to your side, he looked again at you, this time inches away from your face. You closed your eyes waiting for your inevitably fate, which it never came. He lifted his knife again and went for the rest of the survivors, Jill and you were left until it was only you.
“Shit…” you muttered to yourself. You were just meters away from Michael who was facing back at you and still had his knife up.
You heard a little noice of something opening near you, but Michel herd it too. This time walking towards you, ready to curse him you saw how he walked pass you a few meters away and turned to look at you again, this time putting his knife down. He look down at what it seemed to you like a little door on the street, and look back up at you. You didn’t understand. You catch up with him and looked him dead in his dark eyes.
“Fuck..you..and this place and your stupid movies!!” He gestured down to the little gate again.
“I don’t get it!! I don’t know what it means…freak.” You were really starting to hate him, or you were just scared. Claudette didn’t finish to tell you that this things happen frequently. Deaths happen frequently, but you just didn’t know it. Michael gestured one last time to the little door and then looked up at you.
“FUCK! I don’t want it! Screw you bastard!” You push him a little bit, you knew this time you went too far when he grabbed you by your throat and push you against the nearest parked car. You tried your best to hit him hard, unfortunately he didn’t even react.
“I-i can’t…can’t breath Mich-michael…” You felt your air leaving your lungs. He gave you his signature look and move his knife closer to you. Then you finally felt it. Cold, it sting like, you finally felt the pain. Then all over again, and again, and again. He stabbed you, more than once. He wasn’t stabbing vital points, he was going slow.
“Please…” You pleaded, in vain, cause he didn’t stop. Instead he got out all the knife and finally stabbed you deeper. Little pain sounds scaped your mouth, and for the first time on this place you cried. Then all turned black. Just like that you were gone.
Michael put your body down, surprisingly with gentle moves. He kept looking at your dead body noticing what was left of your tears. He wasn’t going to kill you. When he saw you for the first time moments ago something woke up in him, he didn’t know what it was. You intrigued him in a way nothing ever did before. He wasn’t bother by your questions, the first time he looked at you was because he didn’t know what to do, he analyzed your gestures your face, your eyes...the other times he stopped when you asked him a question was on purpose, he wanted to look at your precios eyes just to be sure he wasn’t making it all up. He didn’t want to kill you, but…why did you act like that? He wanted you to leave, damn he even offered you the hatch. The second those hurting words left your mouth he felt attacked. He was trying to be nice, to do something nice…why couldn’t you be nice to him too? He was hurt, you caught his attention, but you hurt him. Why? You even said you loved his movies, why were you being so rude to him? He let his knife fell to the street, looking down he brought one hand to his masked face and one single scream was heard on Haddonfield that night. He was the only one left there.
The feeling of your death still lingered on your body the first time you came back to the camp fire. Laurie, Jill and David were already there due to that they have been killed earlier before you. You couldn’t help but feel awful.
“He…killed…he killed us. Like we were nothing.” You sounded so disgusted.
“Yeah new girl…most of the time it is like this. We forgot to tell you that killers hook survivors to sacrifice them to the entity. Or sometimes they can kill us with their own hand…like Michael did.” Laurie explained. You were so relieved to know that even if you or anyone gets killed they came back.
“I tried to be nice…i-i really did. I even want sure if he was going to kill me, but then he got you Laurie…” You continued.
“I saw all of it. And it was rare! He never acted like that with new survivors.” Laurie exclaime surprised.
“What you mean?” You replied back.
“He wasn’t just stalking you…he seemed to be analyzing you as well…who knows for what or why?” Laurie confirmed.
“Well that didn’t go well did it? I think he hates me…”
“I think he saw something in you. He likes you…” Laurie’s word were spoken so low you didn’t hear her, tho the rest of the survivors did, and they shared the same theory. Because killers can be nice sometimes, you heard killers like Ghostface, or Deathslinger, or even Oni had a good side….but Michael? He was known to be nice just three or four times since he got in the realm. It was unusual his behavior. And they know it, specially Laurie who came with him and Danny the Ghostface who seemed to grow closer to Michael over the years.
On the other hand, in the distant across the camp fire were the killers. They were all in the same place, hanging and resting like survivors did. It existed a physical barrier that separated the camp fire form the killers. Both survivor and killer could get near this barrier but couldn’t cross it. Survivors could meet the killers on trials or if the decided to go to certain map or place. Once there they could interact. But some interactions were not allowed. It’s not like something bad would happen to the survivor or the killer, it was the fact that the entity didn’t want that in her realm. It was known that when a killer didn’t do well in the trial, the entity would punish them, maybe she would make them see something they fear or hurt them the most, something about their past maybe. This only happens when the entity consideres it necessary.
Danny, Kazan, Caleb and Herman were watching the trial. They were also surprised Michael tried to spare the new girl. Of course the also saw how you rejected the offer. Michael came back to the other side of the camp fire with the rest of the killers, head pointing down.
“Hey Mike, you’re okay?” Danny asked him, his vice distant due to the ghost face mask. Michael didn’t answer he just looked at him. It’s not that they didn’t hear him talking tho, this time he just chose to remain silent and walk away. Danny was going to follow him but Caleb stopped him.
“Leave him be, give him some space…” Danny looked at him, then his head turned to look at Michael walking away. His eyes looked down behind his mask. He then decided to walk away too.
“Rejection can hurt.” Kazan said. His English still had a fainted Japanese accent.
“Sure does.” Herman added.
Michael made sure there was nobody with him. Once he realized he was all alone, his hands reached the bottom of his mask and pulled it up, reveling his face. Long blond and a little dirty hair covered part of his face. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your eyes, the way you walked with him while asking questions, your hair, your face…then he remembered those harsh words leaving your mouth. He wanted to understand, he needed to understand so bad why, why did you do that? He was trying to be nice, he usually isn’t. He knows he’s mean, selfish, he has a dark twisted heart, if he even had one. He find himself surprised by the choice of letting you go, to leave through the hatch. He lives for the hunt, the cat and mouse play, the adrenaline he feels when he kills. He’s no good and he knows it very well. On the other hand he felt hurt at your words…he felt…something was wrong with him, it must be right? He never experienced anything let along feelings. So he got to the conclusion that he was just offended by some words. You had offended him, yet here he is, thinking non stop of you.
Back to the others, Caleb was taking with Kazan.
“I think…I think he either likes her or she became his obsession. I mean, she seems like a nice girl, we didn’t cross paths yet. He’s the first one she goes against.” Said Caleb.
“Dark, twisted, small and very broken, but he has it.” Kazan abruptly said. Caleb wasn’t following.
“Excuse me?
“Soul.” Kazan explained. “His soul is dark, twisted, small and very broken, but he has one.” He finished. Caleb rises an eyebrow at Kazans words as to say he is not understanding him.
“Souls, I can see. Souls, I can sense.” Kazan said.
“It’s that so? How’s mine then?” Caleb teased.
“Baka…” It wasn’t rare at all for the Oni to speak Japanese now and then, he just told Caleb he’s a moron.
“Oh come on Kazan! You know my Japanese it’s not fresh!” Caleb protested then saw Kazan walking away.
Days turned into weeks in the realm and you were getting better at trials and so far killer you face killer you got to like you, not as much as Michael apparently. The things with him didn’t change unfortunately. Whenever you two go against each other he tries to give you hatch even if he didn’t sacrifice anyone. All the words that left your mouth were hate words and curse words. You decided if he was going to hate you you will hate him back. Tho deep down you didn’t like that idea. Now and then you catch yourself waking pass the limit of the barrier, just in case you see him. At this point it was like a dynamic. You would face him in a trial, get at his nerves, sometimes he would try to give the hatch anyway but you always complain. And that ends in painful death. You felt like he kills you slower than the rest on purpose. He won’t admit that he also walks pass the limit of the barrier, but in his case he does see you, he sees everything thing you say or do. Of course he does this intentionally. He doesn’t know why he keeps torturing you like he does, or even why he keeps torturing himself watching you knowing nothing will ever happen. Maybe all he wants is to make you hurt, because that way he gets to hear you begging him and saying his name so low.
Michael…please. Stop it.
A soft beg said in a soft voice. All you ever mean by this is for him to stop killing you like he does. He gets you sacrificed sometimes, but you rather get sacrificed a million times than to feel the cold of his kitchen knife stabbing you deep in your guts in the most slow way possible.
By now, you have met all the survivors and went against every killer. But you were closer to Laurie, Nea, Jill, Leon, Yun Jin, Feng, Yui, Oni, Ghostface, the Deathslinger, the Spirit and Wesker. It’s not like you didn’t like the rest of killers and survivors, you just were closer with some. You would often speak with Wesker to hear about genetic stuff, and then you would tease him about some random word you thought it was funny. He would look at you and say something like:
“Hey don’t push me new girl, you will not want me to go Michael!” He laughed. His sense of humor was evident not shared with yours.
“That was not funny Albert.” You said, he looked down.
“I apologize.”
“Rude..” You smiled when you heard Kazan saying that when Albert left.
This far you couldn’t really complain about your staying here. You wish things with Michael were different tho. There was this time when you faced The Doctor, and you were carrying a flashlight, you were getting good at flashlight saves, everything was laugh and fun. You blind him several times, and save your teammates a couple of other time too.
“Hey stop it with the flashlight, new girl! I can call you new girl too right?” Herman asked, annoyed but with a yet friendly tone. In response you pointed the flashlight to his face and granted permission to call you bay your nickname.
“Come on!!! Stop it! I’m warning ya!” He yeld.
“Or what doc?” You really weren’t taking him seriously. Next thing you know is you’re hooked then unhooked, and hooked again. The second time one of your teammates unhooked you, Herman tunneled you and killed you with his own hands.
When you came back to the camp fire you were laughing like a maniac. You really had a good time, not fully caring if you got tunneled or not. Michael, on the other hand, didn’t like that. Not.a.single.bit.
What happened next? The next trial you went on, you and Feng were the only ones left, and guess what? Your were going against Michael, again. This time was different, he actually down you with normal hits and hooked you, it was your first hook when Feng tried to rescue you. It’s not necessary to say Michael grabbed her before she could unhook you. He grabbed poorFeng by the neck and then looked at you, then back at Feng, she knew what was coming. He killed her with his own hand many times before, she didn’t mind at this point. But you? Oh boy you did care…
“Michael…” You say terrified. He tilted his head, he didn’t say a single word but you knew he meant to say “what?” He lift her from the ground and started to get his knife out.
“No please…Michael,” You knew he saw that trial with Herman, you were having fun with the flashlight, then you got tunneled, but you didn’t care, why did he? You could tell it was some type of pay back on Herman, because Feng was his survivor. But..you weren’t his…
Of course Michael was getting his pay back, he just wasn’t going to admit it to you. Pay back exactly for what? For the tunneling? Or maybe was cause he saw you laughing and having fun with Herman instead of him. He thinks he deserves that from you too. Or maybe not, by the way he kept killing you he didn’t doubt why you hated him so much. He just didn’t know what to do. Deep down he must feel that he has to hurt you bad because you hurted him, you kind of rejected him, and one part of him resented you for that. But his other part knows that giving you the worst death of the trial was the only way to get you to talk nicely to him…the way you beg…maybe he wanted so bad to hear you beg cause he couldn’t let himself beg you for attention, for that thing he felt only wfor his mother and his little baby sister, a little bit of love.
Him? Begging? Michael Myers never begged. Victims beg him for mercy, beg him to spare them. He wouldn’t allowed to do that himself.
“Please!!! PLEASE!! LET HER GO!” He didn’t listen any of your words, and the tip of his knife threatened to go deeper into Feng’s belly. You didn’t know what else to do, what else could you say.
“I’m sorry Michael! I’m so sorry, it’s my fault!” The desperate plea for Michael to stop for a second. He knew you didn’t mean to apologize for how you been treating each other. You meant that Feng death was your fault. He turned to look at you. For a second you thought you got it, he would stop. Reality hitter you like a truck when you heard Feng’s desperate cries of pain.
“NOO! PLEASE! FENG!” You cried and sobbed hard. “I’m so sorry Feng.” You apologized to your already dead friend laying on the cold snow of Ormond.
“Why…” Tears falling from your eyes like waterfalls. “Why are you doing this to me? Why I’m not even allowed to have friends…I need them Michael…” you continued.
He remained silent.
“I fucking hate you…your making it impossible for me to be here!” You reclaim.
Imposible for her? He thought. You were the one who put his world and all he knew this entire time upside down. If your harsh words hurt him, this hurt him even more. All of a sudden he got closer to you, and closer….to the point you two were face to face. He hit you with his knife while you were hooked. It was already too late when he noticed that the sharp blade of his knife had cut deep on your throat.
Your face of sudden realization he sliced your throat and your were bleeding out was too much for him. He closes his eyes every time he kills you, but this was too much. This felt way more painful that his normal killing mode. Tears running down your face as you tried to cover your bloody throat in pain. Not being able to tolerate seeing you die like this in so, so much pain, Michael left. He left you there alone to die in the cold.
The trial ended and Michael came back before you, stepping into the other side of the camp fire with the rest of the killers, he was met with Danny, Kazan and Herman.
“Bro…was cutting her throat open really necessary there?” Danny asked him, not really judging him, cause after all you got sacrificed and that what counted. Michael leaned back against the nearest tree there. He looked at Danny, and for the first time since he met you he decided that talking wasn’t going to hurt him that bad.
“No it wasn’t. I don’t know why I did that.” He answered Danny’s question.
Herman decided to join the conversation too.
“Are you okay Michael?” Herman asked. Michael didn’t reply what he expected. He looked at Herman, and for one second he felt ashamed of what he did to Feng Ming, but specifically why he did it. And then something he never thought he would say.
“I’m sorry about Feng Ming.” Herman opened his eyes more…if that was even possible.
Michael gathered himself from the tree and walk away. Kazan made a gesture to Danny. Follow him, that’s what he was tending to say. Needless to say Danny got the hint almost immediately. Danny stood up and quickly tried to put up with Michael.
On the camp fire side, desperate cries and tears came down your face. It turns out that, since Michael cutted your throat while you were still on hooked, when you came back you found out by Laurie’s words that a thin but long scar adorned you neck. You couldn’t believe it. You loved using necklaces and stuff, but now? You wouldn’t be able to use one without the scar sticked to your neck like a bad tattoo.
“I can’t believe this…” You cried. You were so weak that Laurie was holding you by your left arm as Rebecca told you to go to the medical support room, which it was only another part of the camp fire, but with the few things Rebecca could gathered around to help, heal and examine other’s wounds.
“It’s ok girl…we got you.” Laurie reaffirmed. You wouldn’t stop crying. Rebecca was walking in front of you, and Laurie still by your side. You heard a distant “Michael wait!” You recognized that voice immediately.
Ghostface…Danny. You thought. You knew He was close with Michael so you figured out he must be with him.
If I see him I’ll kill him. You thought to yourself. Of course you knew the odds of actually killing a Killer were none, %0. But this time Michael has gone too far and now all you wanna do is tell him how bad he has hurt you. Was he even going to react at your words? Probably not. You turn to look at your left were the barrier was, and you were right. Ghostface was trying to keep up the pace walking Michael had. Laurie seemed to notice you notice Michael on the other side, and gesture to Rebecca to stay with you for a moment.
“Hey, Michael…HEY!” She spoke caughting his attention. Michael stopped and turned to look at Laurie as she got closer and closer to the barrier.
“What’s your deal with her?! You went too far this time! She came back crying and sobbing like an animal!” Michael didn’t react to her words, which only made you angrier. You stepped closer to the barrier as well next to Laurie, this time you were beyond hurt.
“Why…? Why you hate me su much?!” That’s all you could ask.
Michael looked at you but to he was showing no emotions, and you were really starting to suspect it was not due to his mask, you truly believed he hates you for something you couldn’t completely understand.
“You know what? Fuck it I’m done trying to talk to you and to ask-no, beg you to speak back to me and tell me what I did wrong…” tears running down your face.
Michael saw you crying, leaning against Laurie for help. The effort you did in your last trial with him was too much to handle for your little frame. Besides, the feeling of getting your throat cut open was awful. His eyes looked down behind his mask, he couldn’t stand seeing you like this. The sound of your cries and sobbing were tearing through his chest, straight to his heart, if he even had one. He didn’t put a name to what he was feeling and experience when you were with him or near him, all he knew was death, blood and pain. He couldn’t afford to feel anything else…right? With that in mind he turned around and walk away silently.
“Yeah, walk away…like you always do.” You said in a low tone. Throat still hurting for the previous abused it received. He pretend no to listen to what you say. He couldn’t help but feel how something inside started to break.
Michael wondered if the entity was going to do something about this eventually. Little did he know that in reality, the entity was amazed by you and how you treated Michael the first time you met him. Needless to say, that the entity knew how both of you felt for each other. And the only reason she was going to allow what she was going to do, was because she knew both, you and Michael, would react eventually and arrange the differences between you two.
The entity had a plan.
Michael kept stalking you from the dark the rest of the night, that’s how he found out you wanted a choker to cover up the nasty scar. He wasn’t alone tho, Danny was with him. “Ahh…I really would like a choker.” Those were your exact words.
“You heard that Mike?” Danny asked looking at him, smiling behind his mask. Michael nodded.
“I..want to apologize..for..everything I did to her.” Michael said, looking down, eyes to coward to look at you complaining about the scar, a scar he gave you.
“Hey! Now we’re talking!” Danny’s voice a little bit enthusiastic. “How you plan on doing that? I don’t think by just saying that she will even consider to forgive you man…”
“I’ve got an idea…” Michael looked at Danny, then proceeded to whisper in his covered ear what he was going to do.
“It sounds great Mike! You’ll will need lots of paper and fabric. Maybe your mask supplies might work that thing as well!” Danny said looking at your throat’s scar.
“I’m going to Haddonfield.” And with That Michael made his way to his own home town.
Michael spent all night on Haddonfield working on something to give you as for an apology. On the other hand, you didn’t do much, you didn’t had trials that day, until like 6 o’clock you spent your time talking with Kazan, and Danny.
“I don’t like my scar…”
“Scars are sings of fight, if you survive fights it means your strong, therefor scars shows strength.” Kazan spoke.
“I agree with this big red guy here.” Danny added.
“I guess your right guys.”
Somewhere meters away from you, on the killer side, Evan and Caleb were sharing a interesting conversation. You see, Evan since he’s been here long before most of the killers he can speak with the entity sometimes.
“So…your telling me the entity’s plan is basically hope for the best? There’s no way we can know how he will react to it. He has never been punished before!” Caleb said.
“We gotta trust her plan Caleb.” Evan said, his gaze looking up where the entity is supposed to be.
“I hope she don’t do wrong.”
“She never does, Caleb. She never does.”
Time passed and you keep talking with Kazan and Danny from your side of the camp. Danny telling you something about his camera you didn’t quite catch the meaning. It was so specific and technical you didn’t even try to understand it. Then you asked Kazan to tell you everything he knew about the Samurai. You’ve always loved Japanese culture, you wanted to go someday to japan too.
“I would have loved to travel to Japan…” Your voice flooded with sadness.
“It’s so beautiful…my country…I don’t doubt you would have love it.” Kazan replays.
You were so focused on your conversation with Kazan and Danny that you didn’t notice Michael joining them. When you saw him all the joy on your face instantly disappeared. It’s like you couldn’t had one minute alone, not even a day! Kazan and Danny didn’t understand your sudden change of mood.
“What the hell do you want now?” You said, eyes wouldn’t dare to leave that white mask of his.
Both Kazan and Danny looked at each other, raised their shoulders until they looked behind themselves.
“Guys, can we move somewhere else please? I don’t have time nor the energy to deal with this freak.” You said looking dead to Michael’s eyes. Danny examined Michael for a moment and noticed something in his right hand.
“New girl…” Danny looked at you.
“What??” You already sounded pissed.
“Please, just give him a moment…” He said. It was the first time you heard The Ghostface say “please”, so for the sake of it you listed.
Michael stepped closer to the barrier, Danny and Kazan gave him space so his now was positioned in the middle. He reached his right hand to the edge of the barrier beneath him and tossed something to your side. You looked at it confused.
“I don’t get it, the hell do you want?!” You yeld at him.
Michael looks down at the object then back up at you. He wanted you to grab it. You sigh ruin discomfort as you bent down to grab it. Still didn’t catching what it was. All you knew it was soft to the touch.
“And I’m still don’t getting it, maybe I’m just stupid or perhaps you should fucking talk to me already!!” You were getting angrier every minute.
“I think you should open it..” Kazan has an idea of what could it been, you said earlier that you hated your scar, so he though maybe it was a necklace. You looked at Danny for his opinion too. He just nodded.
“Agh!! The things I do for you guys…” You said, your voice still angry. Michael couldn’t help but to feel bad you wanted to spend time with them but not with him.
Your eyes filled with anger when you saw this thing was a choker, and you didn’t even know why. Deep down you wanted to forgive him, you just couldn’t seem to find a reason.
“Sorry.” A single word scaped Michael’s mouth. It was the first time he ever spoke to you. Yet you felt it wasn’t enough. This wasn’t a worthy apology.
“Sorry? SORRY?! That’s all you could came up with?
“New girl, I think you shou-“ You didn’t let Danny finish.
“Your pathetic! Your fucking pathetic you hear me? I can’t believe I told you I loved your movies. How I regret that, I regret being nice to you..” You were angry as ever.
The bad treat continued, once, twice..you couldn’t count how many bad, nasty and hurting things you said to him.
“Fuckin evil!!”
“I hope you die fucking bastard, I want you dead!”
You tossed back the choker to the other side in contempt, and when you finished something scaped your mouth. Something that even in the most agitated of situations you wouldn’t even think of saying.
“Your mom was a fucking whore, a filthy slut. I bet she didn’t even wanted to have you in the first place!! Why don’t you just leave me alone, damn it!” You yelled at him hitting the invisible barrier that separated you from him and your friend killers. You knew thanks to the movie his mom used to be a stripper. His heart skipped a bit when you said that. Now he knew for sure he had a heart.
If he was hurt before now he was torn to pieces. But what torn apart his heart the most was knowing that, despite what you had just said, what he felt for you didn’t change a damn bit. With no more further a do, he proceeded to walk away. Danny followed him as usual, trying to get him to stay.
“Come on Mike! Don’t leave.” He yelled. “You went way too far kid…Kazan, looked at the choker.” He continued, he notice something written inside the choker, you just hadn’t seen it. Kazan took the little fabric from the dirty ground, wipped of the dirt and read it. Danny far gone by now.
“Kazan…? What does it say?” You asked him.
“You made me human…” This words stabbed you right in your chest. You knew very well the pain of getting stabbed, but this? This can’t be compared.
You felt awful. Why did you said that? It’s not like you even meant it. You felt your eyes filling with tears again at what you just said to him. All alone you thought that hurting him back the way he’d hurt you would make you feel better. But it didn’t. It just made you feel worse. Like you had no soul.
“I…I really messed up here, didn’t i? Kazan?” You looked at his red Oni mask.
“I’m afraid you did…” He confessed.
“Oh my god…what did I do?” You tried to see if you could find Michael with your eyes from your side of the camp. What you didn’t know was that the moment Michael tossed you the choker he made the entity put to work her own plan. You could hear a distant voice, again it was Danny.
“Hey, Mike! Hey!! Michael!” Danny exclaimed, yet no answer from Michael. Danny’s exclamations for Michael became more and more audible. Something was wrong, you knew it, you could feel it. You ran in direction of Danny’s voice.
“Dude wake up! Michael!” Danny kept saying. You got there panting and sweating. Kazan followed a little bit after.
“What’s wrong with him?” You asked.
“I don’t know, he was like this when I catch up with him.”
You could see his body was struggling. His left hand holding his knife, knukles white as milk. His breathing could be heard from where you were. He was getting trouble to breathe. Soft pants and groans suddenly left his mouth too. He sounded like he was in pain, but physically he looked fine. No blood or sings of injuries. It take you a lot of effort to notice through his eyes of his mask that his real eyes were glued shut and a few tears running down.
“Oh my god…his eyes! Look at his eyes.” You told Danny.
“He’s crying!” Danny said surprised.
“Something’s wrong with him. Something’s wrong with him!” You exclaimed. His groans and pants became louder.
“Ahh agh…” Michael complained. Hearing him like this putted you on desperate mode. You tried hitting the barrier unsuccessfully, even kicked it several times.
“Please let in through!” You yelled at the sky, knowing the entity will hear you.
“Do something, guys. Help him! I can’t do anything from here!”
Danny tried to shake his body. No responce. Kazan snaked his body even harder. Again, no response. You noticed some pamphlets in the ground near his boots. You pointed this out to Danny and Kazan. It didn’t took you long to realize that those were her mother’s stripper pamphlets. So did Ghostface and Oni.
“He’s being punished…” Kazan said.
“What? Why?!” You cried. “It’s because of the choker?” You asked.
“Maybe, we don’t know.” Danny spoke.
“No! Please, it’s not his fault it’s mine! I’m the one who should be punished. Please!” You begged to the entity. At this point Michael had his head looking up. Grantings of pain still scaped his mouth.
“No Michael, Michael…listen to me!” You looked at his poor suffering form. “I was wrong. I was wrong! All of this wasn’t your fault. I overreacted, okay? And your mom? Your mom was a beautiful person. She did everything she could for you and both your sisters! I was wrong Michael. I’m so sorry…so so sorry! I didn’t mean anything of this to happen…” You sobbed while explaining yourself. Michael managed to look down at you.
Desperation taking over your body, you punched and kicked the barrier. Demanding the entity to let you in just this once.
“Please!! Please, i-I’ll do anything!” You begged her.
From the distant, Caleb and Evan could hear your screams. They know what was already happening, that’s why the decided that not interfering was the best option. Nothing could have prepared the people on this realm for what was about to happen. Your hands banging the barrier were suddenly met with grass and dirt. You fall, that was for sure. But you had fallen into the other side of the camp. To everyone’s surprise, there was no barrier separating both camps anymore.
“Did just the barrier…” Caleb asked Evan. “What did just the entity do?”
“Allowing what was not allowed.” Evan sounded happy. The entity’s plan was working.
You didn’t have time to enjoy your new freedom nor did you killer friends. As soon you got up you went straight to Michael. Holding him by his broad shoulders, you reassured him.
“I’m here Michael! I’m here. Please come back to me.” You begged him, this time was different. You noticed his hands still struggling and clenched. You grabbed the hand that was holding the knife to see if you could easy some of that tension. Worried eyes examining his mask to catch any sign that he was okay.
Suddenly his struggling stopped and his head went down. Your hands fly up to grab his masked face only to be met by his free hand around your neck, squeezing tightly.
“Dude what are you doing?!” Danny yelled.
“Michael, it-it’s me…” Your air leaving your lungs. His hand dangerously tight around your neck. Threatening to break it right there.
“Judith…” He growled. The entity no longer had him seeing the posters of his stripper mother, his school bullies or his stepfather. Now he was having living flashbacks of his older sister, Judith.
“N-no, Michael please, y-you know me…” It was getting hard for you to speak due to the lack of oxygen.
“Don’t speak.” His hand squeezing harder. “I hate you.” The flashbacks of his selfish sister were really getting to him. It all was so real to him that without noticing he was getting his knife near your belly again.
“Dude-dude, if you killer her she’s not coming back, she’s it coming back Michael!” Danny said trying his best to help you. Michael looked at him for one second or two, then he continued to reach for your belly. In a desperate measure, Danny took off his ghostface mask and grabbed Michael’s hand that was holding his signature kitchen knife.
“Mike, who am i?” Danny asked. Another desperate attempt to make him come back to himself.
“L-loomis.” Michael growled at him.
“No, Michael you know me, come on! Who am i? He asked again.
“D-danny..Danny.” Michael said. You could see the tears in his eyes. He was fighting this.
“Good! Good, now, who is she? You got this you know her.” Danny cheered him up. Michael looked at you, eyebrows frowned.
“No..” You left out a sight. You cried even harder when you noticed Michael raising the knife up.
“Dude stop!!” Danny yelled again, this time ready to do something about it but Kazan had to hold him down.
“Let me go Kazan!”
“You’re only going to make it worst.” He stated, holding Danny down.
“Michael..” You sobbed. You prepared yourself when he got ready to stab you. One final stab, and you were going to see dark…fall to eternal sleep. One last thing scaped your mouth before closing your eyes.
“I love you, Michael Myers…” it was low, you hadn’t much air left. But you didn’t want to leave this world without letting him know this. You glue shut your eyes one last time to embrace his final stab. You even heard Danny screaming “Stop!! Stop it!!!” You were ready now, waiting patiently for your inevitable fate. You flinched your eyes anticipating the blade, but the blade cutted through nothing. You opened your eyes. Somehow you succeeded to get Micheal back. The entity’s plan had worked without you even noticing. He let you fell to the ground so as he did with his knife. Danny and Kazan ran to help you get up. You tried to reach for Michael’s arms but he rejected your touch.
“No…i-i” That was all he could say.
“It’s not your fault Michael.” You assure him. But he just took off leaving the three of you there. He wasn’t the only one afraid to keep touching you it appear. Danny hand left your arm and Kazan took a step back. You gave them a “I’m not following you guys” look.
“It’s just that…this barrier thing, never happened before. We never touched you before, none other than to kill you ir sacrifice you…” Danny spoke for both of them, Kazan and himself.
You reached your hand to Danny’s uncovered face, and cupped it in your warmth. He embrace it immediately. Closing his eyes and smiling.
“You look better with the mask off.” You laughed, he did the same.
“If you say so…”
“Kazan…come here!” You told him with opened arms. He seemed hesitant at first.
“Come…” You insisted, smiling.
“Hug?” He asked.
“Yes!” You exclaimed. The tenderness in his hug cought you by surprise for such a big and buffed man like him.
You stayed like that for a few minutes until Michael was the topic of conversation again. You asked Danny where he might have gone.
“I think I know where..” He said.
The single Street and the kind of trees in the block gave the map away very fast. You were again on Haddonfield.
“I know he sometimes comes here to make mask or whenever he feels bad or angry…I don’t know which house it’s his house tho.” Danny explained.
“Oh don’t worry I know which one is it.” You looked at his still uncovered face.
“Okay, good luck New Girl…if he doesn’t speak right away you should come back later.” He said ready to leave when you said one last thing to him.
“You know Danny…your not that bad after all.” It was the first time he heard you call him by his real name, it always had been “hey ghost!” Or “Ghostie!” It felt good hearing that coming from someone he considered a friend.
“You know y/n…Michael wasn’t wrong after all.”
“I don’t follow.”
“You did made us human after all.” You smiled at his statement then he walks back to the camp.
Once you reach Michael’s house you stepped in. Thinking to yourself he must be upstairs you went up. There was only one room with its door opened. Michael must be in there. You were reaching the end of the stairs, walking as slowly as possible to not give your self away. The house wasn’t helping much tho, with each step you made the wood underneath you cracked. He wasn’t unnoticed to the sound he thought perhaps was the wind since he had the windows open. Your small frame compared to his made a silhouette on his door frame.
Once inside his room you could see he had fully decorated its walls with handmade masks he had done himself. Just like in the movie, but that was on the prison cell instead of his real room. You saw him sat in a chair near a wooden desk. His mask still on, his head was down. His chest moving up and down.
"Michael…" You soft voice soothed his ears. He looked at his left, letting you know he knew you were there. "I'm not here to fight you. Not anymore." You said. Michael didn't react. His breathing sounded soft. Him not having any type of reaction made you move closer to him, until you were besides him. Your left hand resting on his right shoulder. Your eyes wondering the masks hanged on the wall in front of you.
"They are beautiful. You know that?" You told him giving his right shoulder little masages. He looked up to contemplate them. You didn't know how you went from looking masks to have him face to face again and your back pressed yo the wall. By now you were expecting nothing less than a kiss. He grabbed you by both your shoulders and lowered his head until it was pressed against your left collarbone.
This is not a kiss. You thought.
Soft sobs could be heard behind his mask, they were muffled by the same, but you were able to hear them. Then suddenly, he spoke again.
“I’m so…so sorry.” Your heart melted at his words and you couldn’t resist but to hold him tight against your little chest compared to his. More muffled sobs coming from Him.
“It’s okay…I’m the one that should be apologizing.” You replied back.
“You already did.” He lift his head to look at you.
You felt the urge to know how he looked behind that mask. What was he hiding. You didn’t have to take out his mask to know he was beautiful. Took your hand move to the edge of it. Michael moved his head back, hesistant.
“Let me see you Mike.” Hearing you calling him Mike was all he needed.
Pulling the mask up with little effort was necessary to take it off. And just as you spectated, he has long blond curly hair, blueish eyes a big, but yet straight nose, and plump heart shaped lips. A beautiful face, just as you thought. You cupped his face with your hands just as you did with Danny.
“You’re beautiful Michael.” Your voice like a sweet whisper. He touched your lips with his thumb, caressing them like it was a newly found treasure. His treasure.
The feeling of his chapped lips on yours was inevitable. Tho he seemed to be the first to started it, as soon as he started he wanted to finish, scared you wouldn’t like it. But you insisted to kiss him longer. You wanted more. It didn’t matter that his lips were chapped. Eventually you two separated to get some air.
“You’re beautiful.” You reassured him again. He put his forehead against yours.
“And you’re the most beautiful human I ever seen.” He replied, voice deep and low. “Y/n?” He added.
“I love you too.” He finally said it. Finally admitted it and gave it a name.
A little time went by and now you were sitting on his lap seeing how he made masks. Your left arm wrapped around his shoulders for support.
“So, I put more glue over here and…we are done.” He was showing you how he made his masks.
“This seems interesting to make.” You replied.
“Are you sure you never done this before?” His mouth forming a little smile. Not fully believing you never done a paper mask before.
“Oh well…you caught me. I did. But a like to see you make them.” You said honestly.
“How cute.” Your heart flinched at his words and your cheeks flushed. “I like it when you flush”
“Stop it Michael!” You gave him a little tug on his coverall.
“Never.” He said looking into your eyes and give your nose a quick kiss.
You spent the rest of the night like this, laughing your lungs out and doing disasters with his glue.
That night loud voices were heard at Haddonfield. The difference this time was that Michael wasn’t alone, he had the best company he could’ve asked for.
I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry if there’s misspellings, English it’s not my mother language, have mercy please 🥹 I’m open to requests!!
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daddy-deathslinger · 7 months
Oooh, I really liked that killers with a S/O who has a particular perk! May I ask for a reader whose perk is to be able to hide very well/slip away easely? As in, they are quite small and so they can crouch and slip through spaces other survivors can't to go unnotinced! Maybe the killer in question struggles to hook them because they keep slipping from his grasp, but reader never mocks him or anything and just runs away until the end of the trial where they leave an item behind as an apology (Hillbilly, Cannibal, Oni and Deathslinger, if it's not too much trouble! If they are too many, feel free to choose whichever!) Thank youuu 🩷
Hi there! What a lovely request, I hope yer happy with what I came up with! <3
The Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr with a slippery survivor
Max is good at hunting his prey, and he usually finds them quite easily.
But there’s always one person he struggles to catch. You.
Just when he thinks he’s gotten you cornered, you slip away somewhere. It’s really frustrating! How can you find that many cracks and nooks to sneak off into? 
And his chainsaw can’t do shit once you’re out of sight again. Sure, he can saw through the wooden walls and search for you, but you’re never there.
It’s as if you disappear from the face of the earth.
One time, after a trial had ended and you, as the last survivor left, had probably escaped through the hatch, he had found something. He was going back into his house when he saw something in the mud of the cornfield. 
A necklace. Shiny, must have been made of real gold.
Max had picked it up and examined it, a smile slowly growing on his lips. He knew you wore this kind of necklace, you must have either dropped it or left it here for him to find.
And his heart pointed towards the latter.
The Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer with a slippery survivor
Bubba isn’t the best tracker (it must be hard to see anything through that mask of his), but once he finds someone they won’t get away.
Except you, you always manage to get away somehow.
Be it a dark nook you can slip into, a hole that is perfectly shaped for you, or you simply just wiggle out of his grasp just as he’s about to put you on a hook.
You’re usually gone in seconds, he never has a chance to find you again.
This pains him greatly, you know that. He shrieks and yells in annoyance and anger, waving his chainsaw around in the air when he can’t find you anymore.
It almost makes you feel a bit bad.
A bit, only a bit. Enough to make you want to make it up to him somehow.
Not through sacrificing yourself though, gods no! But sometimes you leave behind small gifts for him to find.
It can be anything, really. A nice can you found in the cornfields, a bracelet that was buried in the mud. One time, you left a doll inside the house in the cornfields, knowing he would find it there after the trial.
You can only hope your little gestures are appreciated.
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka with a slippery survivor
Kazan is a great tracker. Always has been.
He can smell blood a mile away, and see it as clear as red, shimmering pearls on the ground.
Naturally, prey have a hard time hiding from him once he has injured them.
And yet, there’s one he just can’t seem to ever catch.
This prey just vanishes from his sight the second he has injured them. It’s like they don’t even bleed! Sure, he can find trails of blood here and there, but it never leads him anywhere.
It drives him mad! If you’re in a trial these days, he’s almost certain he’s gonna leave with only three kills. You always seem to find the hatch as well, so.
Sometimes, Kazan finds things.
Things in places it’s never occurred to him to look before, but when he does he always finds a surprise.
It can be a hair tie, or even something of great worth, like a ring or earring. 
Once he found a little crocheted doll, with black buttons for eyes.
He doesn’t know where these things appear from, but something tells him they appear from the same source that so easily disappears. And that thought is a bit amusing to him, it almost brings a smile to his lips at times.
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn with a slippery survivor
Caleb is a proud man, that much you know.
He hates losing, and losing is exactly what he does these days whenever you’re in a trial.
His swearing can be almost amusing at times, when you peek out from a hiding place and see him frantically search for you. He never finds you, and eventually gives up.
You’ve lost count of all the times you’ve gotten the hatch.
All that being said, you make sure to never taunt him. 
You don’t want to rub it in his face, he’s only doing his job here. And so are you. It’s nothing personal.
During the last trial, you had decided to try something a bit different. You had been tinkering on things at the campfire for a while, your latest project was carving a butter knife out of a piece of wood.
It wasn’t particularly pretty, but you liked it.
You had decided to leave it behind for Caleb to find, as a little gift for all his troubles catching you. 
So, you had left it inside the Dead Dawg Saloon, at the bar. Then, you had hid.
When the rest of the gang had escaped, and Caleb eventually got back to the saloon with heavy steps, he had found it.
You had watched as he had taken the butter knife in his hand, weighed it (why would you weigh a butter knife??) and examined it. 
You will never forget the smile on his lips, as he had whispered: “What in the goddamn…” and put the knife in his jacket pocket before leaving.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hello ★ ! This may sound...odd, but can you do : the slashers with a shrine maiden/miko s/o? I've signed up for the job recently ands its quite fun. Pls use they/them pronouns? Also ty :D
I had to google what that means!! But as far as I understand it's a person who takes care of shrines?? I really hope Google didn't prank me today! (At end on fic I posted screenshot of wiki explaining what shrine maid it!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers with shrine maid s/o
Billy Lenz
Will be angy like little baby that s/o has job and cant spend 24/7 giving him attention
If s/o has to wear any traditional Japanese outfits my guy is going to staare. Like he probably never seen Japanese person, let alone in those pretty outfits!!
He has no clue about traditions and culture so please teach him
Guy from hush
"So what? We are moving to Japan now?"
My guy will be so sceptical but he will support them and let them do whatever they want! Its their life anyways
Will be qurious about how s/o job looks like, also will probably visit them mid day, like just drive next to shrine ans be like "sup baby i bought you kfc!"
Micheal Myers
His reaction to this information: 👁👁🧍👍
Guy doesn't care, didnt ask, as far as s/o is alive, happy-ish, and he can get to kill some random people once per week he is fine
Also he finds those traditional outfits very pretty!
Also s/o don't be surprised if you see tall looming figure like 30meters away from shrine just staring at you🥰 its forrrr hm protection?
"Ooh Japan?? Hmm might be fun"
Will take photos of them working
Makes sure none is rude to them while they are working🥰 live laugh love blackmail🥰
Will get kinda lonley when s/o is at work so he gonna call/text them ALOT. He knows s/o can't really answer but he doenst care
Oni (from dbd)
Hmm hopefully the shrine is for him😈😈
He gonna be jealous!! My love please go and take care of his template and shrine!! Not some randoms ☹
Also epic outfit but his maids get way better ones (if he would have maids haha)
Asa Emory
Hmm new place new kinds of bugs to collect
He gonna support his queen
I mean lets be honest s/o doenst need this job hes 100% capable of providing for both of them, but its sweet that s/o wants to get some money too
Wont bother them at work, wont text/call, but he gonna drive them home after long day of working and lisen to all cool stuff they did/saw at work
"Glad you happy about new job sunshine"
Sorry for long wait but I didn't even knew if I should write this! Dont take it wrong way I just had no clue what shrine maid was and was worried that I might say something harmful or rude😞👽
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