#online distance learning philippines
littlemeacademy · 2 years
Homeschooling in the Philippines:-
Little Me Academy, best Homeschooling In The Philippines provides holistic mode of global education & learning accessories bringing great leadership and communication abilities in Children. Homeschooling is the tailored education curriculum for overall development.
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everytechever · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the Right LMS
Quipper shares different factors to consider on determining the perfect Learning Management System (LMS) platform to use for your school #Quipper #LMSplatform #LearningManagementSystem
In this age of digital learning, it is ideal for every school to leverage an effective Learning Management System (LMS) platform to ensure that it can continue providing a facility for learning and fostering growth for every learner. What are the key things a learning institution must look out for when choosing the right LMS platform? For Quipper, one of the leading education technology…
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izicodes · 1 month
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Hi, Hello! It’s me, Izzy and I am back from a very long break!
For those who don’t know who I am and just saw my post, I’m Isabelle but Izzy for short (and even shorter, Izi)! I run a Codeblr blog which I post about anything coding! I try to strictly only talk about coding, programming and computer science, but frankly, I ramble on about something else eventually! Hope you’re doing well!
Now, I know I said I wouldn't come back, but that was because I suddenly became stuck on what to post about and wanted to give myself a break and figure out how to do things on my blog and my online presence in general!
So, in summary, I am back from my break very inspired and eager to help more people get into programming / get better at programming! I will go on to talk about exactly what I have been doing during my break later on in this post, but wanted to say thank you to everyone who messaged me throughout the months and saw how I was! Very thought and extra blessings from God to you, please!
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Working at my new-but-not-so-new job!
Yes! So, obviously, as a 21st Century girlie, I am working! Still at the music company that I started back in January! Now that I am 8 months into the job, I feel now I am fully immersed in the job and the projects and not feeling like an outsider! I went on multiple out-the-office events with the whole company and it was nice! Some I couldn’t attend because of religious reasons, but I still had fun! I got to meet a lot more girlies at my office that I don’t usually talk to (because I’m still the only girl in the frontend engineering team but there is a backend girlie but we don’t work close together so… distance)! Cheatingly, I am always ticking the box of “code every day”! However, work has made me do more UI/UX designing + frontend programming websites which I love! Always wanted to be both and not just one or the other! We are allowed to have 2 job titles, remember? (But make sure the salary is in accordance, of course, ~)
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Learning new technologies! (for fun, obviously)
By “for fun” I mean personal reasons, the technologies I learnt on a whim were not for work but because I needed to learn them for personal projects I wanted to learn! I stress again; it’s more fun to learn something because you want to and not because you have to! So, I have been learning how to create desktop applications using ElectronJS and ReactJS (React has become my best friend!). Me now compared to me when I started my break is 10x smarter I feel like! My brain has definitely expanded somewhere…!
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Latest project?!
Inspired by study productivity apps and wanting to track my Korean language progress, I am making a desktop application called ‘eStudySpace’! It would be my own personal app, but I want to see if I can actually pull something like this off! Right now I have not coded anything because I want to work on the design aspect first (which is smarter and a time saver in the future), so I have been on Figma for the last 2 weeks coming up with designs!
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(It looks bad, I know this is like idea no.3287368 ugh...)
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I have been learning Korean for 4 months now. 
I have plans to move to a South-Eastern country, The Philippines? Singapore? Unsure!
I do have plans to switch to a new career but that’s more like 5 years into the future! But right now, I’m happy where I am at!
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whisperthatruns · 2 years
In bunraku, when you are watching bunraku, there is that sweet moment in your mind
when you stop noticing the three puppeteers hovering around each puppet like earnest ghosts
and begin to follow the story being told by the puppets. The chanter sitting off to the side
voices the love, connivance, outrage, and eventual reconciliation at the heart of each play,
though often what reconciliation actually meant was everyone banished, broken, or dead.
The seeing and non-seeing that make humans humans: I’m thinking now of the placid
English estates where the servants had to face the wall whenever anyone of importance was near,
where workers had to cut the lawns with scissors by candlelight at night, to save the master
the trouble of seeing and hearing all that effort. What the mind does with this kind of information
is probably the knot within the post- in what we call post-modernism, knowing all we know
now about the cruelty that made modernism modernism. In the Philippines, growing up among
servants, I loved the servants the same way I loved my parents, with helplessness and tyranny.
Walking in the exhibit of the black artist’s paintings of young black men in brocaded tableaus,
I am absorbed by their beauty as much as I am by finding out that the intricate backgrounds
were outsourced to painters in Beijing, taking part in the functional ambiguity between
one kind of labor and another. I guess all this matters only as much as you want it to matter,
the mind making its focal adjustments between foreground and context, present and past,
as well as it can. For example, this morning my sister sent me a photograph of my grandmother’s
hands. Sitting outside in her wheelchair, taking in the gold sunshine, my grandmother
had her hands folded in her lap, and I looked at them until I had to stop. This is foreground.
For context, today I learned that the farthest galaxy we know of, located by scientists in 2011,
is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles away. It goes by the name of UDFj-39546284,
for reasons that I haven’t yet looked up. In the photograph you can see online, the galaxy looks
like the dusty stuff in the corner of a windowpane, something you could look at sometimes,
something that is nothing, and has nothing to do with what you know about distance and time.
Rick Barot, The Galleons (Milkweed Editions, 2020)
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theylovewamiii · 2 years
Kabataan Essay
By Jhamel John T. Reyes
The pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area. Such as multiple countries or continents. It typically affects a significant proportion of the population. Surveys show a major increase in the number of worldwide people who report symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia during the pandemic, compared with surveys before the pandemic. Some people have increased their use of alcohol or drugs, thinking that it can help them to cope with their fears about the pandemic. This pandemic was very life-changing wherein everyone became poor because of restrictions that affects many Filipino workers here in the Philippines. Also us, the students, had a very hard time of coping with our studies because of the distractions in our home. Focusing to learn became difficult to do because going to school will always be the best place to focus and learn the lessons.
As an individual who experienced the feeling of being involved in the pandemic, it really made a huge impact on my life. Although I am not used to wearing face shields and facemasks, I am still forced to wear it for my own safety and health. There has so many rules that is being involved then, even until now. But now, it is not as worst as before. There is a lot of hindrances that challenged me when the pandemic starts. Being an extrovert person really hit my mental health because of the rules that I need to obey to stay safe as COVID-19 spreads all around the world. Such as I am strictly not allowed to go outside and not allowed to see my friends. That time, I was so afraid to have COVID-19 because I knew that it might cause a person to die.
While I am living in the time of the pandemic, I started to find and try other things to enjoy and spend my everyday life in exchange of feeling sad and alone. I played online games in order to consume time while being happy despite experiencing this kind of serious and unwanted problem. As time went by, I kept on playing online games wherein I could still have connection to my friends even if we are all in our own houses. I played two games which is called "Mobile Legends: Bang Bang" and "Call of Duty" that really makes me feel so happy even if I am not with my companions and it makes my day more shorter because it was very time consumable, at the same time, enjoyable and really lessened my sadness about staying at home for a long time.
When I was trying to enjoy the pandemic life, I received information about the Month of March. It comes from our school which announced that we will only have a virtual graduation instead of experiencing the actual event wherein every one of us will go to the stage as what other graduating students used to do before. That announcement made me feel sad because I really want to spend my graduation in a place wherein I could celebrate it with my friends and hold my diploma on stage just like what graduation event looks like because graduating virtually does not make me feel excited. It turns out that the graduation day that was supposed to be a grateful day, became a boring day because of the protocol that having physical contact with anyone has been the number one rule to avoid.
As I spent many months staying at home, finally, the level of quarantine became General Community Quarantine A.K.A. GCQ, which means it still has a limited movement to services and work. The operation of government offices and industries up to a maximum of 75% workforce. A limited transportation service to support government and private operations. Flexible learning arrangements and operation at limited capacities to cater to students. This time, I finally had a chance to play again my favorite hobby, which is playing basketball. Me, my family and my friends and also other people were finally able to go to Super Malls and other public places but still have to obey the rules like social distancing and wearing facemasks.
I also spent the pandemic life trying another different thing like taking a picture of myself with my grandfather wearing different styles of clothes and shoes. Me and my grandfather endorsed many clothing lines and became their permanent models. It is the time where my grandfather unexpectedly broke the internet of being famous because he wears clothes and shoes that match my generation. To be specific, my grandfather became famous in Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok apps that made a thousand likes, comments and shares. Because of that, until now, there are a lot of people that kept on giving me and my grandfather some shoes and T-Shirts.
As more months go by, it has been slowly turning to normal life again but people still have to wear their facemasks and still have to distance themselves. This time, basketball tryouts in University of Perpetual Help System (Laguna) began again. I go there to try out for a basketball team because it is one of my dreams. To become a varsity in one of the popular schools in the Philippines. I started to try out there with my friend named Errol Vega and luckily we both were able to join the Perpetual Varsity Team with a full scholarship. It made me feel so overwhelmed because I finally reached one of my dreams. Being a varsity and student at the same time is hard but it is such a good experience as a basketball player like me that really dreams to be popular and one of the strongest and best basketball players.
Experiencing a pandemic gave me a hard time in my 3 years of life. But it teaches me to discipline myself as I obey all of the rules that the government made. I am grateful that I never had an COVID-19 in those years even though I could catch the virus every time I went out. I am always praying that this pandemic will finally end soon. So that no one will suffer in poverty and lack of financial support that pandemic caused to a lot of people in the world. A lot of innocent, kind, dreamcatcher, and hardworking people died because of COVID-19. Being an 18 years old, encountering this to happen can be a trauma because it was close to ruining one of the chapters of my life. But still, all the lessons that I got from the beginning of this situation until now will never be forgotten and will stand as my strength to continue in life no matter what or how big the problem is. It made me stronger to fight for what kind of life will be given to me. As long as I have myself, my family, my friends, and especially God that gives me power to keep on pursuing my goals. No pandemic difficulties or even much bigger than pandemic difficulties could stop me from being the healthy, strong, kind-hearted and intelligent person which I always wanted to be in the future.
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onenettvchannel · 1 month
FOLLOW-UP REPORT: SkyCable Corporation's SkyFiber to migrate Converge in Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental are all set to go Fiber-ready! [#OnlyOnOneNETnews]
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DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- Pampanga-based Fiber internet provider 'Converge ICT Solutions Inc.' goes all set for Dumagueteños and selected provinces of Negros Oriental. On Wednesday afternoon (August 21st, 2024 -- Dumaguete local time), officials from Converge Information and Communications Technology Solutions-Negros Oriental confirmed exclusively to OneNETnews that SkyFiber internet services gradually planned for migration into their network in select areas of Dumaguete City and municipalities of Negros Oriental.
Existing SkyFiber subscribers in these areas (under SkyCable Corporation), under new partnership with Converge previously in late-July 2024 will soon experience changes in their internet service as they migrate to Converge's FiberX plan. Stephanie (not her real name), a local female representative of Converge, eligible subscribers can apply online for such migration from August 20th to September 15th, 2024. In applying, internet fiber users shall provide full details together with valid IDs and legal documents through E-Mail providers like 'GMail' (Google Mail) or 'Yahoo! Mail' through localized e-mail addresses in your region.
Converge has various FiberX speed plans, ranging from 50Mbps to 1Gbps. During this free upgrade period, as we all learned on our newsteam, installation fees shall be waived as intended for the bigger plans of 800Mbps and 1Gbps. However, lowered plans may still have potential installation fees. Existing SkyFiber subscribers who will migrate to Converge shall be entitled to promotional plans in the FiberX category. New fiber customers at Converge will not be covered for the free upgrade outside of SkyFiber or any other Fiber internet providers like PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone) company.
For context… The lowest plan starts at 50Mbps worth PHP1,250; then the next one is 200Mbps (originally doubled from 100Mbps) costs PHP1,500. The rest of the plans such as 400Mbps, 500Mbps, 600Mbps and 800Mbps to be including with WiFi6 compatibility in selected plans with a promotional price from PHP2,000 to PHP3,500; all the way up to 1Gbps worth PHP7,499 (all-in-all are individually worth almost U$D23 to U$D135). Installation fees will be waived for the both plans of 800Mbps and 1Gbps worth PHP3,500 to PHP7,499; but lower plans may have a possibility for installation fees for the free upgrade, then can be opt for a staggered payment for 24 months if not fitted for your budget, and migrating for existing SkyFiber subscribers to Converge, which may be eligible for the abovementioned Converge FiberX promotional plans.
According to Converge's Stephanie, a pilot province in the Luzon area is currently undergoing migration from SkyFiber. She added that it could either be Laguna, Pampanga, or another location in Luzon like Metro Manila. Changes may then be done with the internet fiber modems after the whole Philippine archipelago, including us here in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental -- has completed the migration process, with final announcements to be made by Converge in a flagship office of Angeles City in Pampanga: "We are totally committed to serving Dumaguete, Valencia and other areas here in Negros Oriental with our FTTH Network", assured 'Stephanie' of Converge. "Our goal, here in Negros Oriental, is to provide the people reliable, fast and affordable internet service in these regions for the better and getting it connected. Migration from SkyFiber subscribers to our Converge is currently ongoing today", concluded Stephanie.
For those having technical problems or other concerns associated with fiber internet, customers in Dumaguete City, including Negros Oriental can visit the Converge Dumaguete Office, located at the '2nd Floor, EBT Building, Poblacion 4, Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental' or call +63919-057-2428. Converge customers can also reach the national Converge Support through their Facebook page, X Network (formerly Twitter) or download the 'GoFiber' mobile app on Google Play and Apple App stores.
Converge is awarded with Ookla with its fastest internet in the country, based from the analysis of Speedtest Intelligence data via Ookla for Q3-Q4 2023. Ookla is the global leader in mobile and broadband network intelligence, testing applications and related technologies. Almost 2.4 million, including commercial fiber partnership from SkyCable Corporation and owned by the Lopez-led national media giant 'ABS-CBN Corporation'.
As partnerships comes close for finalization, fiber internet users from soon-to-former SkyFiber subscribers can look forward to enhanced speeds, and an uplift of the general internet experience in Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental, as a whole while the migration process takes its course. Cable television on SkyCable will not being impacted.
PHOTO COURTESY: Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong (Freelanced Photojournalist of OneNETnews) BACKGROUND PROVIDED BY: Tegna
SOURCE: *https://corporate.convergeict.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/11.9_-Press-Release-Yan-ang-internet-Converge-upgrades-FiberX-Plans_FINAL-1.pdf [Referenced Classic PR Article via Converge ICT News Bureau] *https://www.dotdailydose.net/2024/02/22/converge-paints-the-philippines-purple-with-boosted-fiber-internet-plans/ [Referenced News Article via Dot Daily Dose] *https://www.noypigeeks.com/internet/converge-fiber-plans/ [Referenced News Article via NoypiGeeks] *https://www.philstar.com/other-sections/supplements/2024/02/05/2331101/converge-dominates-ooklas-speedtest-awards-now-reigns-philippines-fastest-internet [Referenced News Article via The Philippine Star] and *https://www.philstar.com/the-freeman/cebu-business/2024/08/21/2379468/converge-year-year-growth-236-percent-p53-billion-h1 [Referenced News Article via The Freeman]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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xmandre-dimple-family · 4 months
The Xmandre Dimple Story
The Xmandre Dimple story is a heartwarming tale of an Italian man named Xmandre and a Filipina woman known as Dimple. Their story is a testament to love without boundaries, as they defied the odds in a long-distance relationship that spanned three years. They communicated through video calls and Skype before finally deciding to meet in person1. Their journey and experiences are shared on their YouTube channel “Xmandre Dimple Family: Unforgettable Journeys!” where they post videos about their life and adventures, blending their cultures and sharing their dreams2. If you’re interested in more details about their story and content, you might want to check out their YouTube channel for videos that capture their unique experiences and the essence of their relationship. The Beginning: An Italian father (Xmandre) meets a Filipina woman and they start a family. They decide to share their experiences, humor, and family life on YouTube, creating the Xmandre Dimple Family channel. Content and Growth: The channel focuses on themes of family, fun, and cultural exchange between Italy and the Philippines. Videos might feature: Everyday life with their children (the "Dimples") Travel vlogs showcasing both countries Challenges and pranks involving the whole family Educational or informative content about Filipino and Italian cultures The channel gains popularity, attracting viewers interested in family content, international life, and the heartwarming dynamic between the family members. Recent Developments: The Xmandre Dimple Family experiences a surge in popularity, potentially due to: Engaging content and relatable family themes Videos going viral Collaborations with other YouTubers Reaching out to a wider audience (e.g., English subtitles) Exciting events like: An update on their website, Zyviz.com (purpose unknown without more information) An invitation from the Philippine Embassy to a U19 football match between Philippines and Italy An interview with pathos.com, a potentially prominent online platform The Future: The Xmandre Dimple Family seems to be on an upward trajectory. Their future might involve: Continued content creation and audience growth Exploring new formats and video ideas Potential brand deals or sponsorships This is just a possible story based on the information available. The true Xmandre Dimple Family story is theirs to tell, and their YouTube channel is the best place to learn more about their journey.
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calliopesink · 4 months
Hot but Not: The Education beaten up by the Summer Heat
Yes, it is literally a Hot issue and there's no way to cool it down ahead of time. In this moment of summer, it is known by having our vacation and outings. But since the pandemic happened, many changes have happened especially in our education system. And now, there are classes in the height of extreme heat in the Philippines. And to this moment, we are literally toasted to this temperature and affected by this matter.
But the question is this, are there possible solutions that the Education department must apply especially to those public schools? And do they think that it is the right way to integrate the calendar and go back to those usual times way back? I know and of course everyone will agree to this that their action is essential and we need to deal with this matter as soon as possible.
There are many adjustments that students face due to the heat that they experience in the classrooms like those classes that transfer to early class schedules especially in the morning, also the distance and online learning and many more. In the recent news, the Department of Education is now planning for the gradual comeback of the opening of classes from August going back to June and the end of it from July bringing back to March or April in time for Summer. But there are still a few years before it happens again. The current school year will end in May and the academic calendar that was used before the pandemic will go back in 2026-2027.
I feel frustrated about this matter but there is still a part of me that is hopeful that the current Education department and the government must deal with this and take this action immediately, especially for the benefit of every student that is learning, give them comfort that they deserve. And hopefully, they will have considerations also for their staff and teachers that are more concerned about this situation right now. And hopefully, we do also our part and responsibilities as citizens aside from education but to the uprising of effects because of Climate Change like the Heat caused by El Niño. Let's do it for the future generations for their healthy learning and balanced environment as well.
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Written by: John Rain Corre
Pubmat by: Justiniano Ceruma
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miatheaparnala · 5 months
Mia's Blog: Compilation of My Works in Creative Nonfiction
By: Mia Thea Parnala
All About My Writings
A Life Experience to Cherish ♡
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In every life experience, there is a lesson and memories to treasure. 
“Can we please go to Jollibee and eat chicken joy?,” that is one of the lines I used to say to my parents. Every child is a fan of this fast food and excited to see the well-known mascot namely Hetty, Yum, Popo, Twirlie, and especially Jollibee. Going back, one peaceful and breezy night, at exactly 9:07pm, I was born in Philippine General Hospital in Manila and officially named me Mia Thea Kreenee Sarinas Parnala as the eldest daughter. Currently, we are residing in a single-story house in Alapan 1-C Imus, Cavite together with my four sisters, grandmother, father, and my stepmother as my biological parents decided to get separated. In one of our conversations, my grandmother, Priscilla, shared a story and some trivia about my childhood. During my kindergarten, I used to be described as someone friendly, jolly, and participative in every program and activities in our day care school. This is where I learn how to explore fun things. When the teachers also dismiss the class, we will go to the “10 pesos all items” store to buy some coloring books and stickers. After that, I will play some games with my grandmother, Edgar. Moreover, in my elementary days, I used to have a circle or group of friends. This is the stage where my learning shifts from children's books to advanced books and basic maths to mathematical or scientific equations that helps enhance my skills. Also, I know how to cook, do laundry, and perform tasks independently. I learn how to hang out with friends, eat street foods such as siomai, kwek-kwek, and fishball, and play traditional Filipino games particularly piko, Chinese garter, tumbang preso, tagu-taguan, and many more since the use of technology or internet is not prevalent in that time. It was indeed a meaningful part of my childhood without a doubt.
To further elaborate, throughout my junior high school year at Sangley Point National High School in Cavite City, I learn how to set realistic goals and improve my study habits as there are a lot of school workloads that I have to accomplish adding the household chores and other responsibilities that I need to fulfil as the “panganay” or eldest in our family. I also discover my hobbies or the things I enjoy the most during my leisure time such as reading books, travelling, writing journals, watching movies, and doing some arts that help me feel at ease. Fortunately, due to my determination and hardwork, I became a consistent achiever or honor student as I am aiming for scholarships for higher education. As a youth, I learned to participate in the advocacy of our school and community such as mental health awareness, anti-bullying, and human rights campaigns. On the other hand, I become introverted and unsociable. But since I developed resilience, I can adapt to the changes in my environment.
However, a sudden predicament called “COVID-19” came that negatively impacted almost all aspects including our education. It affects the employment and income of our family. All of us are forced to stay at home and school closes down. But for learning continuity, the institution of the government or DepEd implemented distance learning such as modular and online classes as an alternative for traditional education. During my 9th grade, I chose the modular as learning modality since we don't have stable internet connection and a gadget to use for online class. Admittedly, I am struggling since I have to help my sisters do their modules and study on my own. Furthermore, in my 10th grade, I managed to attend online classes and I effectively comprehend the lesson with the help of our teachers. The transition to “new normal” was not easy, but my family and I still managed to survive and overcome the difficulties.
“Lola, do you think we can overcome this pandemic? It's been 2 years now,” I said, being pessimistic in the midst of a pandemic where we are struggling to survive financially.
“Of course, my dear! There are no challenges that we can't overcome. Just don't lose hope,” she replied, smiling and patting my back to encourage me.
At present, now that I am 18 years old, I am currently studying in Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School. This level of education helps me to be better equipped and acquire skills for higher education or college. I am under the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) as an aspiring teacher. Additionally, I discovered that I have passion in teaching and I want to share my knowledge to my future students to make a positive change. I met a lot of teachers that became my inspiration and role model. Since we are now graduating, I am looking forward to my college life despite being aware that it will be more challenging, but it will be worth our time, effort, and patience. Due to that reason, I always believe that there is always room for improvement, so I will strive harder to excel. Hence, I will just simply enjoy this journey and will continue to hope for a better future ahead of me. Hopefully, I will graduate with flying colors and offer great opportunities. As Helen Keller said, “life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood”. Which means that in every life experience, there is always a significant lesson we can learn from and memories to treasure.
A Kind Heart Always Offers Special Love ♡
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“There is no change without sacrifice” -Gloria Alfred 
Everyone has their own life story that needs to be shared as it offers life changing lessons, experiences, memories, and journey. To begin with, there was a girl named Priscilla De Jesus, born in Imus, Cavite on October 19, 1965 as the eldest among her three siblings. One of the things she enjoyed during her leisure time was singing, listening to music, and sewing clothes as their family ran a small business in their house, so they have a lot of materials, equipment, and machines for sewing or repairing clothes. On the other hand, her mother, Antonina De Jesus was a dressmaker or tailor and her father used to work in Saudi Arabia as a mechanic to earn money and as a source of income. When she was little, she used to dream of being an accountant. In her elementary days, she really did not like the idea of socializing with others. But she joined a competition such as maths quiz bee, and that was the time her nickname “human calculator” was made. Other extracurricular activities she participated in, are games such as sack race and volleyball during their Sports Fest event in their school. As usual children do, she used to play traditional Pinoy games like luksong baka, piko, and patintero enjoying her childhood, but she always came home on time and never disobeyed her parents.
In her High School life, there was really not much to share. She loves listening to carpenters songs like “Yesterday Once More”. As what an average and typical student would do, she studied hard and participated in volleyball sports. Since her grades are good in mathematics, their school counselor advised her to take up and pursue civil engineering, so she decided to shift course. In her college years, she attended Manuel L. Quezon University. She also used to work as the secretary in creating catalogs or brochures for dresses. Moreover, she met her husband named Edgar Parnala during college and their so-called love story began as friends. Her kindness also makes her unique and a good example for others.
Moving forward, she got pregnant with two boys at the age of 20 years old, but unfortunately, it should have been three but she had miscarriage. She also worked as a teacher for two years in St. Emily Academy, teaching mathematics to nursery and grade 1 and 4 students. When she resigned due to certain reasons, she worked in the factory as a sewer. In addition, when the opportunity knocks on her door, she was 22 years old when she went to Paris as an OFW, specifically a domestic helper. She left her children with the care of her husband and family. She would do household chores such as laundry, cooking, and cleaning and she picked up children at school and fed her boss's cat. Also, she would send a balik bayan box carrying chocolate as per request of her children and other necessities. But unfortunately, she was forced to go home, as her younger child has dengue. When she went back to the Philippines, she struggled financially and had no savings to build a house and buy a car. It was like a bitter sweet experience. But she was not called the “light of the home” for no reason.
Currently, she is now 59 years old and has eight grandchildren and the eldest is now attending Senior High School. Priscilla has a part-time job every weekend because that is the only time her plate is not that loaded. One of her daily routines is to take care of her grandchildren who are now in kindergarten as both of their parents go to work. She is now self-employed and often stays at home, leaving her no choice. She should be working, but her second son's responsibilities to their children are passed to her. Hence, there were a lot of opportunities missed due to that reason. But despite all the challenges she's been through, she remains strong for the sake of her family. She is like the bright sunshine and a good role model to her grandchildren. That is why it is said, “grandmother's love is forever and always”. She is one of the living examples of that quote, as she would sacrifice and do everything she can for her children as well as for her grandchildren. No one will beat that kind of special love.
Personal Narrative
A Wisdom Gained from Various Collections of Life Experiences ♡
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“Live your story you want to tell” -Simply Topaz
In every life experience, there is a lesson, knowledge, and wisdom that is acquired as it will teach us to embrace our fears and never be afraid of failure. That explains why life is a “trial and error” process and full of challenges. To begin with, there was a girl named Mia Thea Kreenee Parnala, the eldest and first born in the family. I lived in the province of Cavite, particularly in Imus. In fact, our house was surrounded with a lot of tall dark-green trees and grasses. Admittedly, I feel so lonely as I have no friends to play with, so I have reached the point where I feel so sick playing doll house, teddy bears, lego, clay, puzzles, and other toys that will help ease my boredom. But one day, surprisingly, I met a mysterious friend, not bothering to know her name and we used to play hide-and-seek and other all sorts of kid’s games. During that time, I was confused because my parents would not allow me to play outside. As a response, I threw a tantrum and argued that they should let me play because I have no sister I can play and bond with. Certainly, I enjoy the accompaniment of this unknown friend.
“Do you want to play with me?,” she asked, smiling while pointing to our favorite play place. “I would love to! You don't need to ask,” I replied with eagerness as we played together.
A day came that my parents told me the truth with concern in their faces. All this time, I have an imaginary friend which makes my jaw drop. It is all created in my imagination due to my loneliness. Aside from that, my parents are busy with work and I don't yet attend school, having no opportunity to socialize with others. But as time passed, I learned how to deal with this imaginary friend as I went to school and when my younger sister was born.
Moving on, in my elementary days, I did not study hard and I am fine as long as I have no line of 7 or failed marks. I only care about playing and hanging out with friends, such as going to the computer shop. I also used to be outgoing and extroverted, not until my teacher called my name in front and scolded me for being loud. I cried buckets of tears and locked myself up in the room. On the other hand, during my High School year, that is the time I learned how to prioritize my study to improve my academic performance. I excelled in class and became a consistent honor student. Honestly, the downside of being an achiever is the feeling of academic validation and trying to meet the expectations of others, so the pressure it brings is exhausting. However, I try to develop healthy coping skills such as taking regular breaks, exercising, giving myself a reward or tokens, and developing good study habits.
In addition, one of my experiences in the two years of lock down during the pandemic or “new normal”, in my ninth grade, I am under a modular distance learning approach due to limited access to the internet and technology device I can use for online class. I also learned how to comprehend and study the lesson alone as it is “self-learning”. I relied on the educational videos provided on the internet, so I can understand and answer the modules better. Moreover, I helped my sisters answer their own modules and school tasks. In my 10th grade, I am taking online classes, a form of flexible learning which helped me a lot as I can communicate with my teachers and classmates. It was truly a difficult experience as I struggled with my academic and house responsibilities, but it taught me how to be resilient and bravely face every situation.
Moving forward to the present time, I am now in Senior High School, deciding to pursue education. I also submitted my application in Cavite State University and I will also take the entrance exam in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in Sta. Mesa, Manila when I received the E-permit. I joined an extracurricular activity in our school which is journalism and we compete for clusters and Division School Press Conference. It helps me improve my writing skills and I engage more in reading news articles to be aware about social issues. Currently, we are in the second semester, and we will be having a work immersion as part of the curriculum to gain some actual experience and to expose ourselves in the workplace. Furthermore, I am aiming for scholarships in higher education, and I am looking forward to graduating with flying colors. In the future, I am hoping to be a teacher with great passion in teaching and a good role model to others.
Reflection Essay
How Life Unfolds a Great Experience: A Lesson to Gain and Journey to Enjoy ♡
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“Honest self-reflection opens your mind to reprogramming, change, success, and freedom”-Trudy Vesotsky
First and foremost, as someone who grew up in an average family who earned just enough money to put food on the table, I learned how to be aware of reality and be independent at an early age. The idea of being the eldest or “ate” means having the responsibility to take care of your siblings and graduate in order to escape poverty. I started learning how to do laundry, cooking, and other household chores. It is due to certain circumstances in life that necessitate me to also be parent-figure to my siblings. I become their support system and epitome of diligence as we face the challenges together. Moreover, one of our major struggles is financial, making it difficult for us to meet our basic needs and other expenses. But regardless of that, both of my parents, as a breadwinner, worked hard to provide. That became my inspiration to change and seek for growth.
Moving forward, I remember when I was in elementary school, we reached the point where we needed to borrow food such as one kilogram of rice and canned goods in one of the sari-sari stores in our neighborhood. Also, my siblings would ask for toys and chocolates to my parents, but still unable to grant their wishes. However, I am not in the position to complain and I understand the hardship we have been through. As a response, I tried my best to fullfil my role as I am assigned to look after my sisters and manage the house, so I would not add to their burden. In that time, I figured out that life would not throw or present problems we cannot overcome.
In addition to that, my grandmother never failed to make us feel loved. She took care of us when parents were working, so I grew with her care. I also recalled the time when she always let us first eat delicious food, and she would eat the leftover meals. When doing household tasks, particularly the laundry, I can see how she was suffering from all sorts of pain such as back and muscle pain, therefore, I would initiate massaging her body. In fact, she shouldered the duties of my parents, making me feel bad. I love how she bought us toys from the market and treated us to Jollibee when she had extra income. I wanted to return her sacrifices and hard work by finishing my studies and helping my parents as gratitude. It is also the least I can do for her.
As I always mentioned in my writings, ever since elementary, I have not excelled and performed outstandingly in class. I am satisfied as long as I have no line of seven in my report card. I participated in extracurricular activities such as girl scouts that helped shape my leadership skills and potential in different aspects. But as soon as I moved up to junior high school, I gave importance to my studies and became a consistent academic achiever as a product of my determination and dedication. Throughout my experience in junior high school, I learned a lot of things.
Unexpectedly, when we faced the health crisis called “COVID-19” pandemic, it changed our lives in terms of education, socialization, economic, employment, and many more. I learned how to be flexible and resilient as I acquired the ability to adapt to the changes in my environment. Even though I struggle with my academic and house responsibilities, I still manage to survive and find solutions. I helped my sisters do their modules and after that, I will study my school tasks that took a lot of time since I am not that fast learner. It was a difficult experience but it taught me how to bite the bullet or stand firm despite the challenges.
Finally, in the present time, now that I am in my senior high school years, graduating, I am giving extra priority and focus on my studies. I am aiming for scholarships, to lessen the expenses for higher education. This K-12 curriculum and other extracurricular activities I joined such as journalism helps improve my knowledge, vocabulary, skills, and comprehension. I engage more in learning as I want to be a licensed teacher in the near future. I am looking forward to our upcoming work immersion that will expose me to the working environment.
In my 18th year of life, many things happened, but it is all part of our journey and process of living. All we have to do is to enjoy it and take it as a lesson. Certainly, time flies so we should cherish every moment and appreciate what we have. One thing is for sure, we may have different experiences, situations, perspectives, and challenges, but the bottom line is it will be a significant lesson to reflect on that will change our life. I also know for sure that I am capable of more than I can imagine and there is so much to look forward to in life.
How Journey Creates An Everlasting Memories: A One that is Worth Sharing ♡
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“Travel is an investment in yourself”
Our country, the Philippines, is known for its historical places, islands, and wonders of nature. There are many destinations that are worth visiting as it represents the rich culture, heritage, and tradition of our homeland. Therefore, I will share a fun story about the places that we visited during our family vacation and educational field trip. Just recently (March 9, 2024), on one of our family trips, we went to Patungan Beach Cove also called “Fisherman's Paradise” in Maragondon, Cavite. It is accessible by boat and there are a lot of recreational activities to engage in such as fish feeding, cliff diving, island hopping, and many more. We also tried bonfire and rented videoke. We shared stories and talked about life. Moreover, you can buy souvenirs such as keychains, bracelets, and personalized wallets and try local food products like delicacies and ice cream or “sorbetes”. During that time, I was so excited I could die.
My family also tried enjoyable stuff including catching crabs, collecting seashells, building sand castles, sunbathing, and watching the sunset together. In addition, I really enjoyed the view due to the perfect rock formations, and not to mention the friendly accommodations of the staff. Some of you might have heard of this place for the first time, but it is a highly recommended place to unwind. However, the place has poor signal, limited electricity, and some areas are polluted, so they need to improve that aspect. But overall, it was a great experience and memories to look back on. I can describe the feeling of “I am on cloud nine”.
Furthermore, the last to be shared is during our educational field trip. Last year (March 18,2023), we went on various itineraries such as Aguinaldo Shrine, El Deposito, Museo ng Katipunan, and Star City. In Aguinaldo Shrine, one of the historical landmarks located in Kawit, Cavite, there are many artifacts displayed in the gallery. It includes the badges of Katipuneros, dress and shoes worn by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, guns and bullets, and many more. It was wide and there were a lot of secret doors. There are many interesting things to explore inside and outside of the house. Moving to the next destination, in El Deposito in San Juan, Manila, an underground water reservoir built by the Spanish became one of the historical sites. It provides a natural source or adequate supply of water for the residents. There are also museums picturing the artifacts recovered back then. During the tour, I discovered a lot of new information from Philippine history.
Additionally, during our field trip, we also visited Museo ng Katipunan in San Juan, Manila. It featured Bonifacio's secret society, called “the Katipunan” through significant artifacts such as archival documents, cryptic messages, amulets, medals, and weapons used by Katipuneros during the Philippine Revolution. Inside the museum, there are a lot of dioramas and miniatures of the battle of the Katipuneros. I learned a lot of interesting trivia and knowledge in this historical place. Finally, for our last itinerary, we went to Star City in Pasay. One of the places I am looking forward to and excited to go as it is ride-all-you-can. There are different extreme rides such as vikings, frisbee, rollercoaster, star flyer, and others. My friends and I took a lot of pictures for documentation and tried a horror house that made my voice hoarse. It was a fun and entertaining experience of mine.
In this trip and journey, I discovered the true beauty of the Philippines and its history. I learned how to value our culture, tradition, and heritage and promote it to other people. To conclude, It not only provides relaxation and entertainment, but also offers a lesson to gain about our country. I got an opportunity to strengthen my relationship with my family and friends and to see the wonders of nature. We should visit different places, especially the historical landmarks or sites as it has a great contribution in Philippine history. It will also help improve our well-being by participating in physical activities such as swimming, and to explore different cultures and acquire new perspectives. Every place in our country is worth visiting that we should be proud of as Filipinos. Indeed, it is truly an adventurous, fun experience, and everlasting memories to share.
Literary Journalism
Embrace Diversity: Exploring the Unique Filipino Culture and Tradition ⁠✯
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“Understanding culture builds bridges”-Suzy Kazzen
Culture is a building block in attaining unity as it is made up of shared values, customs, and beliefs. However, there is a concept called “cultural diversity and relativism” that exists between groups of people. In fact, being hospitable and having a heart of gold is deeply rooted in Filipino culture. In times of catastrophe, they are resilient which explains the term “Bayanihan”, and have strong family ties for being oriented. They also use phrases like “po and opo” and “pagmamano” or putting the back of elders' hand to their forehead as a sign of respect. Now, what makes the Filipino culture unique and different from the other? A published book entitled, “Philippines – The Culture'' written by Greg Nickles in 2002, features the rich traditions and practice of the Filipinos. It includes celebrations, norms, arts, literature, and local products created due to Spanish and American influences.
In the book of Greg Nickles, it speaks truths about Philippine culture. First, it highlights the Christian celebrations such as Christmas (where people exchange gifts or sing carols) and Saint's day. Second, Muslims holidays such as Ramadan and festivals featuring Pahiyas, Dinagyang, Panagbenga, Sinulog, Moriones, and Giant Higantes showcased alongside a distinct culture that includes the singkil dance, carabao tales, and bamboo instruments. Third, celebration of fiestas throughout the year is held across towns and provinces to honor patron saints. Moreover, there are traditional arts such as weaving or using raw materials (e.g. cotton, fibers, and abacca) to produce a textile, and seashell crafts for decorating windows panes, lanters, and other objects using shells. Other arts in the Philippines are sculpture, pottery, murals, and carving. Then, the gong instrument called “kulintang” in Mindanao, and other bamboo instruments such as flute and guitars. There are also various groups in the Philippines including T’boli, Ifugao, Igorot, Mangyan, and Tagbanwa. Last but not the least, the native languages used are Tagalog, Cebuano, Waray, Hiligaynon, and many more.
In addition, in one of the articles of Kibin Website called, “An interview of a Filipino Boy About Their Lives and Culture”, is one of the living proofs about how the Philippines is different from other countries. A 14 year-old boy named Jake, who has lived in the City of San Diego for Twelve years, was asked about their culture.
“Filipinos are very strong in religion. Majority of Filipino households are Catholic and have mini-alters in their houses. Filipinos like singing at parties. Many of the Filipino households have sing-a-long machines,” he said in the interview.
Jake believes that Filipino food and tradition varies from other cultures. He also speaks about food lumpia and rice, which he states are always present in the Filipino food and occasions, particularly birthdays. He also added that Filipinos are very family-oriented. But the purpose of the interview was not to be ethnocentric or superior, but to take it as an opportunity to let other people recognize the rich culture of the Philippines and give importance to its values.
Finally, culture has a major impact in people's lives as it gives a sense of belonging and security. The book of Greg Nickles and interview of the boy named Jake, clearly show how creativity and hospitality is embedded in the Filipino culture. It opens a new door to understand the heritage and history of the places and encourages people to participate in local celebrations. The delicacies, literature, arts, dances, folktales, festivals, and other practices is something to be proud of with pride. Hence, it is important to view cultures with respect and equality, so it will not create gaps between people's lives, but to unite them despite the differences. Culture is like an onion, made up of different layers, and in order to understand it, one needs to peel it layer from layer. One also needs to treat cultural diversity as a living treasure and a rainbow river.
A Reason to Continue: Life that Opens the Door of Opportunities ♡
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“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going, tough situations build strong people in the end” -Roy T. Bennet
Some may think that life is unfair, especially for those who are underprivileged and having no ability to provide for needs and wants. It feels like grasping at straws with slightest hope. However, it depends on how one views life and finding a way to escape that reality. A life long enough to put food on the table with little income earned by the breadwinner of the family and going to a nice place and dining in an expensive restaurant once in a blue moon, was how I described my life. But I was able to have a wide perspective as I reflected on life. Now, you will be able to gain an understanding on how I keep on striving hard despite those certain circumstances I faced. It was a single experience that changed my viewpoint and helped me grow independently.
To begin with my so-called “eye-opening life story”, I still vividly remember how my father struggled to search for our food, so that me and my three other sisters could ease hunger as my father was unemployed, and sometimes working sideline jobs. Just for us to fill our stomach, we have reached the point of eating plain porridge without totally no ingredients but rice, water, and salt, and eating rice with condiments like soy sauce, sugar, or salt as a dish. I felt like cutting an onion, as it made my eyes bawl. As an elder, it was hard seeing my family eating meals twice a day, but at the same time, I felt glad as I glimpsed a smile on their faces in spite of our situation. Moreover, we borrow food such as canned goods and kilograms of rice in one of the sari-sari stores in our neighborhood, hence, my family used to be in large debt. But it was thanks to my grandmother, who never neglected us and helped us pay our debt. Her sacrifice was one of the things that inspires me to work hard, for me to be able to pay back her kindness. Grandmother's love was always top-tier and it never failed. One more thing, I never heard my sisters complain about what life we had back then, and even though we are unable to buy them toys.
Truthfully, It has been five years now since my mother and father got separated. All of us decided to stay with our father, so everyone labelled us as “daddy's girl”, which was true. It opened many opportunities because I learned how to do basic household chores such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and doing laundry, and I learned how to figure out things as it taught me a life-long lesson that will remain embedded in my heart. I will be forever grateful to my father who stayed through thick and thin. He stood as both of our mother and father, who never failed to make us feel loved and appreciated.
Now, I am more motivated to exceed my potential in order to attain my goals in life. I have kept in mind that I will keep on standing, even if I fall down, especially that I will enter higher education next school year. In addition, I will work hard to escape poverty and give the good life they deserve. There are a lot of people who are deprived of education, work at an early age, not eating regularly, and having no decent shelter to live in. So, I am still thankful for what we have now.
Certainly, It was not always about pleasant things, but we also needed to see its bad aspects. The weight of the problems can make us feel like giving up, nevertheless, there are a lot of reasons to continue fighting. I also understand what life truly was. Most importantly, all of us should recognize the struggles, efforts, and sacrifices of our parents as earning money was not easy to give us a life worth living. Our family has genuine love, and I never forget to surrender my worries and have faith in God. Being brave is the only choice that we have to overcome or endure what life throws at us.
Facial Recognition
My Serotonin Booster ♡
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“Be happy, be bright, be you”
Happiness is a common feeling caused by positive feelings, thoughts, and experiences. When that certain feeling occurs, happy hormones are released. It can also be about something that we love such as food, movies, clothes, and places. However, happiness is more than just money or luxurious things. Our family, friends, or maybe someone we admire can be a source of joy. To start with, I will be completing one of the tasks I am looking forward to which is sharing the one who makes me undeniably happy. Honestly, it is my first time telling a story about someone I admire, feeling shy about it and a topic I always avoid. It took a lot of time to finally have the courage to open up about him. But, he will remain anonymous as I will not mention his name. There are a lot of reasons why I felt that way, in fact, just the thought of him makes me giggle and makes my ear grinning. This is something new, so bear with me.
It is good to begin with describing him in terms of personality, body, and facial features. He is tall with a round face, pointed nose, rosy lips, dark eyebrows, and mole near his jawline and temple. He is also a responsible, diligent, caring, and hard working “kuya” or eldest of their family. His smile and eyes were an ocean of wonder, that I cannot help but get lost. I like our interactions inside and outside the school since 11th grade. Later on, we became close and shared each other's secrets. I also love how we send memes or collections of humorous pictures from social media, and how we react to our shared posts. As we are mutual friends in TikTok, he always sends me cute and funny videos. I nearly died laughing. Moreover, I always enjoy it when he invites me to eat street foods such as siomai, fishball, mais con yelo, ice cream, and grilled sweetcorn calling him my “food buddy”. He also loves taking pictures of the sunset and documenting every moment, so he will have something to look back at.
When I am stressed at school and worried about personal matters, he will cheer me up and affirm me with his nice words. In addition, I like how he pays attention to every detail I say and how he makes an effort and time like making hand-made flowers. Even if he cracks thousands of corny jokes and cheesy pick-up lines, I will let him do that and laugh at it without doubt. Most of the time, we will hangout and watch some movies with tragic endings, hence, I always prepare a box of tissues beside us. I also like how he gives me small and random stuff such as mushroom hair clips as I am not a fan of material things, believing in, “it is the thoughts that counts”. In case I don't say it enough, I am forever grateful and I appreciate his little gestures as I spend time with him. No matter what he does, I always catch myself smiling like a child who receives a candy.
In the end, life is better when we have someone we can rely on and can share what makes our day. I have someone I consider as my “happy pill” and who boosts my happy hormones. He is one of the people who helped me develop perseverance and taught me to not live up to others expectations. Even if we surround ourselves with silence and do not speak for hours, his presence is enough to make me feel at ease. Furthermore, he is the epitome of a happy-go-lucky person and his broad perspective in life is what makes him attractive. I am hoping to unlock more memories with him. Indeed, he shines like a bright star, the one I always admire and his number one fan. We should appreciate the people who contribute a lot to our growth and well-being, especially reciprocating the love, effort, time, and happiness they offer.
Self Obituary
Live Your Life: Overcoming A Fear of Certainty
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“The value of life is not in the quantity of time. But in the quality of moments lived”
As I sat down in my room and grabbed my pen to take some notes about what I will write in my obituary, I put on my thinking cap to organize my thoughts and came up with an idea. I really don't know how to start talking about my last message and farewell before I took my last breath. In point of fact, death is inevitable and certain as we are immortals. Hence, I asked myself, why not begin writing your own obituary now? I'm not dying anytime soon (I hope not), but I will continue updating my self-obituary for the following years. Many people avoid talking about death as it puts shivers down their spine. However, there is nothing to fear and understanding death will help in self-discovery and giving value to your time and people around you. “What lesson do I want to mark in the people's mind?”, “what inspiration can I share?”, and “how do I want to be remembered?” Are the list of questions I repeatedly asked myself.
To begin writing my self-obituary journey, I was born on October 24, 2005. Many people described me as hard working, resilient, independent, and responsible. I also found solace in watching movies and reading books, like a bookworm. Every time I feel like a wilting flower, it is good to have a support system as I have the habit of not asking help and figuring things out alone. Admittedly, I am not as skillful and intelligent as people think. Maybe there are also a lot of things I can do, but there is not a single thing I am good at. But it is not enough to stop me from seeking improvement. I learned how to perform well in school and surpass all the academic validation, pressure, and challenges that I encounter along the way. I started achieving a lot of awards such as medals and certificates when I participated in nonacademic activities and competitions including journalism, essay writing, and advocacy campaign making. I want to say here that it is not too late to overcome your weaknesses and use them to your advantage and excel in certain fields.
Furthermore, a family who earns enough income to provide for basic needs and having less privilege is how I live my life. At an early age, I become aware and learn basic life skills such as doing household chores to perform my “ate duties” or role as an elder. It feels like I am drowning with responsibilities and being chained in the harsh reality of life. Finding a way to escape these circumstances is the least I can do as the success of my future is in my hand. I also dream to become a teacher to share my knowledge to the next generation and help students address their problems, especially impoverishment. I want people to remember me as an individual who advocates for human rights and encourage them to speak for themselves as they are the leader of their own life. With that being said, we may be different from one another, but there is one thing that we share in common, and that is death. A part of our life. When that time comes, I imagine that I will have grown up children and become a passionate teacher and contribute to the professional field.
In the end, I have realized that death is an integral part of human experience. Writing your own obituary may be challenging, but it will be helpful to know how you will live your life. The manner of death can be natural, accident, undetermined, and pending. Thus, we should live our life to the fullest before our time runs out. Keep in mind that no one has the ability to turn back time, undo mistakes, and get the opportunities that we missed. For my final message, strive hard to attain success and spend time with your loved ones. Do the things that bring you joy such as learning new skills, travelling from different places, eating your favorite food, listening to music, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can also start making a bucket list to jot down the things you want to experience during your lifetime. It is to avoid having regrets and live a more fulfilling life. I hope that this self-obituary will light a spark for you to give value to your life and view it as an opportunity of beginning.
Thank you for reading! (⁠•⁠ө⁠•⁠)⁠♡
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zildsalenga17 · 7 months
Technological Odyssey: Charting the Digital Landscape in the Philippines"
The Philippines, in the center of Southeast Asia, is undergoing a tremendous transformation that is breaking down barriers of distance thanks to the unrelenting advancement of technology. This story takes readers on a tour of the tech evolution of the archipelago, examining important aspects that have ushered in a period of never-before-seen sustainability, creativity, and connectedness.
Digital Revolution: Paving the Way for Connectivity
The Philippines' archipelagic terrain traditionally made it difficult to communicate effectively, but the digital revolution is changing that. Even the most distant islands are being connected thanks to cutting-edge developments in digital infrastructure and the unrelenting growth of high-speed internet. The country is now closely connected, allowing for online cooperation, real-time communication, and economic integration from Luzon to Mindanao.
Innovation Hubs: Nurturing Tech Talents
The emergence of vibrant startup ecosystems and dynamic digital centers marks a paradigm shift in the Philippines' economic landscape. Metro Manila, Cebu, and Davao are becoming innovation hubs that support the growth of indigenous talent. Discover the creative forces driving ground-breaking businesses and how they are advancing the country's transition to a knowledge-based economy.
E-Government Initiatives: Redefining Public Services
The government's revolutionary e-government projects demonstrate its dedication to using technology for the benefit of society. Examine how digital platforms are improving transparency, streamlining governmental procedures, and redefining citizen services. Observe the government's digital transformation towards more responsiveness and efficiency, from interactive citizen interaction platforms to online document uploads.
Sustainable Tech: A Greener Future
Sustainability is becoming more and more important as the Philippines enters the digital age. Learn how the technology industry is embracing eco-friendly practices, coordinating with environmental goals, and creating creative solutions for a future that is greener. Technology advancement and environmental care are coexisting peacefully in the country, as seen by renewable energy initiatives and eco-conscious tech businesses.
In the midst of this technological journey, the Philippines is not merely accepting change; it is shaping a story marked by innovation, connectivity, and sustainability. As the archipelago ventures into the digital era, its path serves as a guiding light for nations aiming to navigate the ever-changing waters of technology.
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ohdesignlab · 1 year
Choosing the Right Chiropractor
Good day, readers! Dr. Jonathan Ruben Goins from Atlas Chiropractic Clinics in the Philippines is here. In this week’s blog, I’d like to discuss the significance of selecting the right chiropractor for your healthcare needs. With so many options, it’s critical to think about things like chiropractic qualifications, experience, patient reviews, certifications, specialized treatments, location, chiropractic consultation, and chiropractic techniques. Let’s get started and investigate each aspect to help you make an informed decision.
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If you don’t know where to look or how to find the best options, it can be difficult to find a good chiropractor.
Chiropractic Qualifications
When looking for a chiropractor, it’s critical to consider their credentials. Seek professionals with a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from an accredited institution. Ensure that they are also licensed to practice chiropractic in the Philippines. A qualified chiropractor should have received extensive training, including extensive coursework and hands-on experience.
In the field of chiropractic care, experience is crucial. While newly qualified chiropractors can provide excellent care, an experienced practitioner has likely seen a wide range of conditions and developed effective treatment plans. Inquire about the chiropractor’s years of experience and expertise in treating specific conditions when considering chiropractic care.
Patient Reviews
Reading patient reviews and testimonials can reveal important information about a chiropractor’s competence and patient satisfaction. Look for reviews on online platforms, social media pages, or the chiropractic clinic’s website. Take note of the overall consensus as well as the specific aspects that patients highlight, such as the chiropractor’s communication skills, treatment effectiveness, and overall patient experience.
Certifications attest to a chiropractor’s dedication to lifelong learning and professional development. Look for chiropractors who pursue additional certifications, such as those provided by well-known chiropractic associations or organizations. These certifications demonstrate their expertise in specialized areas as well as their commitment to staying current with the most recent advancements in chiropractic care.
Specialized Treatments
When selecting a chiropractor, keep your specific healthcare needs in mind. Some chiropractors focus on specific areas such as sports injuries, pediatric chiropractic care, pregnancy-related issues, or chronic pain management. If you have a specific condition or concern, look for a chiropractor who is experienced and knowledgeable in that area.
Choosing a chiropractor in an accessible location can improve your overall experience. Consider the distance from your home or workplace, as certain conditions may necessitate frequent visits. Choosing a nearby chiropractic clinic can help you save time and stick to your treatment plan.
Chiropractic Consultation
A chiropractic consultation allows you to express your concerns, ask questions, and get a sense of the chiropractor’s approach. During this consultation, pay attention to how well the chiropractor listens to your needs, explains the treatment process, and answers any questions you may have. This initial meeting can provide useful information about their professionalism and compatibility with your healthcare goals.
Chiropractic Techniques
Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to meet the needs of their patients. Learn the basics of chiropractic techniques like spinal adjustments, manual therapies, mobilization techniques, and soft tissue therapies. Examine the chiropractor’s approach to see if it matches your preferences and expectations.
It is critical to select the right chiropractor for effective and personalized chiropractic care. Consider chiropractic qualifications, experience, patient reviews, certifications, specialized treatments, and so on.
To make an informed decision, consider the location, chiropractic consultation, and chiropractic techniques. You can find a chiropractor who meets your specific healthcare needs by carefully evaluating these factors.
Remember to look for a chiropractor who has the necessary credentials, such as a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a valid license to practice in the Philippines. Experience also indicates the chiropractor’s familiarity with a wide range of conditions as well as their ability to develop effective treatment plans.
Patient testimonials provide information about a chiropractor’s competence and patient satisfaction. Pay close attention to feedback on communication skills, treatment efficacy, and overall patient experience. Positive feedback can give you reassurance and confidence in your decision.
Certifications show a chiropractor’s dedication to ongoing professional development. Additional certifications obtained through reputable chiropractic associations or organizations indicate expertise in specialized areas as well as a commitment to staying current with the latest advancements in chiropractic care.
When choosing a chiropractor, keep in mind any specific conditions or concerns you may have. Some chiropractors focus on specific areas such as sports injuries, pediatric care, pregnancy-related issues, or chronic pain management. Finding a chiropractor who specializes in your specific area of need can greatly improve the efficacy of your treatment.
Another important factor to consider is location. Choosing a chiropractic clinic near your home or workplace can save you time and make it easier to stick to your treatment plan, especially if you require frequent visits.
Before deciding on a chiropractor, schedule a consultation. This meeting gives you the opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and assess the chiropractor’s approach. Examine how well the chiropractor listens, explains the treatment process, and responds to your questions or concerns. This first meeting will allow you to assess their professionalism and compatibility with your healthcare objectives.
Finally, become acquainted with standard chiropractic techniques such as spinal adjustments, manual therapies, mobilization techniques, and soft tissue therapies. Investigate the chiropractor’s preferred techniques to ensure they correspond to your preferences and expectations.
Finally, selecting the right chiropractor entails carefully considering their qualifications, experience, patient reviews, certifications, specialized treatments, location, chiropractic consultation, and chiropractic techniques. You can make an informed decision and find a chiropractor who will provide you with personalized and effective chiropractic care if you thoroughly evaluate these factors. Remember that your health and well-being are of the utmost importance, so choose wisely.
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littlemeacademy · 2 years
Homeschooling in the Philippines:-
Little Me Academy, best Homeschooling In The Philippines provides holistic mode of global education & learning accessories bringing great leadership and communication abilities in Children. Homeschooling is the tailored education curriculum for overall development.
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beadiola · 1 year
Sama-sama sa Distansya | #SafeAtHome (Globe Ph)
It has been difficult to deal with COVID-19 in the Philippines. The number of COVID-19 cases in the country has significantly increased, especially in the National Capital Region and neighboring provinces, which has left the healthcare system overburdened, with a lack of hospital beds, oxygen, and medical personnel, as well as a high fatality rate. The Philippine government put in place a number of controls to stop the virus's spread, including travel restrictions, quarantine procedures, and social isolation measures. To control the movement of people and slow the spread of the virus, the government enacted a nationwide lockdown in March 2020. This lockdown lasted for several months. The number of COVID-19 cases in the nation increased throughout 2020 despite these attempts. The Philippines recorded its highest daily increase in COVID-19 cases on August 10, 2020, with 6,958 new cases. The total number of confirmed cases in the country reached 1 million on April 26, 2021, with 17,411 deaths reported.
Numerous businesses were forced to close as a result of the pandemic, and many people lost their jobs as a result. To aid organizations and people impacted by the pandemic, the government put in place a number of economic boosting initiatives: schools and institutions in the Philippines were closed for several months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to maintain education, the government put in place remote learning programs like online classes and printed modules.
The “Sama-sama sa Distansya | #SafeAtHome” advertisement of Globe Ph was released on the 17th of April 2020. It showcases that although people might be far from their loved ones due to social distancing, they are still “closer, stronger, and together.” The phrase in the advertisement, “Magkalayo, kasi close tayo” depicts the sacrifice and the need to reduce physical interaction to protect their families and friends, which is the situation of most people during the peak of COVID-19. The Advertised Globe Load App and Network aid people’s bereavement and worries because, through this, they are now able to access communication and be closer online with their loved ones, although they are distanced from one another.
On the other hand, this video advertisement has captured the attention of millions of viewers due to the fact that they relate to people’s grievances, experiences, and circumstances during COVID-19. It showcases to the world that these same people are physically distanced but never mentally and emotionally.
Globe Ph. (2020, April 18). Heartwarming Globe Digital Film Shares Message of Hope and Connection Amid Isolation. https://www.globe.com.ph/about-us/newsroom/corporate/connection-amid-isolation.html#gref
Heartwarming Globe digital film shares message of hope and connection amid isolation | Inquirer Entertainment. (2020, April 21). INQUIRER.net. https://entertainment.inquirer.net/372256/heartwarming-globe-digital-film-shares-message-of-hope-and-connection-amid-isolation
A brief history of Covid-19 in the Philippines. (2022, December 13). Manila Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2022/12/13/a-brief-history-of-covid-19-in-the-philippines/
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genuinelylostsoo · 1 year
Is this what they call, "Deja vu?"
Ever since Philippines welcomed summer for this year, it is undeniably visible that we are experiencing a much, much more hotter summer compare to the last summers we've been through. As for this reason, everyone has the right to complain how dealing with this summer's stubbornness is bothersome. As a matter of fact, because of the unbelievable temperature we're experiencing, reiteration of the implementation of Modular Distance Learning or Online Distance Learning is being taken as one of the possible solution in acquiring knowledge for now. Thinking of that spurts question in my head like, "Is this what they call, 'Deja vu'?", "Will I be facing my laptop again to attend my classes?", and "Will I be isolated again in my room, trying to cope up like a strong soldier?". It is crazy to think that I'll be going back to that routine, where I am all by myself. I was always reminded by my English adviser in my 7th grade this quote: "No man is an island." That quote basically means that no one of us is subjective in living alone. Reason why? Because, let's face it, at the end of the day, socializing with someone or anyone is essential to us, humans to exist and co-exist in this planet.
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gabbzbzbz · 1 year
PT 6 - Journaling Your Response to Advertising
McDonald's Classroom
The commercial highlights people's many difficulties while demonstrating the difficulties of online learning during the epidemic. Many students and instructors worldwide have switched to online learning due to the COVID-19 epidemic, which has brought up a number of difficulties. The advertisement also recognizes the efforts made by instructors and students to adjust to this new teaching method. While lockdowns and other social isolation mechanisms have made it possible to continue education, virtual classrooms have also introduced several challenges that make learning more difficult. In response to this issue, McDonald's has offered people in need of it a convenient and accessible study place by giving free Wi-Fi and food at a few of its locations. 
During the pandemic, McDonald's video ad aimed at students and teachers who were having trouble with online distance learning was effective in showcasing the company's creative decision to turn unused party rooms into classrooms, offering a solution for those who lacked the resources and privileges necessary to feel comfortable with online learning. In order to elicit an emotional response from the viewer, the advertisement highlights real-life examples of people who struggled with online learning while also emphasizing how the project classroom gives the impression of being back in a traditional classroom setting. Overall, the advertisement does an excellent job of addressing the target audience's problems, providing a creative solution, and demonstrating how a business may use its resources to assist the community in times of need.
The McClassrooms initiative by McDonald's can be viewed as good or positive by students and instructors struggling with online distance learning during the pandemic. This initiative offers free use of underutilized party rooms converted into alternative learning spaces, providing a solution to the challenges faced by those lacking the necessary tools or a suitable learning environment. This free service also benefits individuals needing more financial means to rent a private learning area. McDonald's decision to repurpose unused space into classrooms is a creative solution that demonstrates the company's commitment to the community's welfare and its willingness to provide solutions to the challenges its target audience faces.
Although it is difficult to confirm whether the ads for McDonald's Offers Free Use of McClassrooms for Teachers employ media manipulation, the ad's ability to capture viewers' attention can be attributed to a few factors:
It taps into a shared experience of the challenges of online distance learning during the pandemic, which can evoke an emotional response from viewers.
The ad highlights McDonald's innovative initiative of converting underutilized party rooms into classrooms, which can create a favorable image of the company and increase customer loyalty.
The ad's message of providing free access to converted spaces can be a powerful attention-grabber, particularly for viewers who may lack the financial resources to rent private learning spaces. It showcases the company's social responsibility.
Reyes-Aguila, J. (2020, October 14). McDonald's Offers Free Use of McClassrooms for Teachers. Manila Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2020/10/14/mcdonalds-offers-free-use-of-mcclassrooms-for-teachers/
McDonald’s Classroom. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://youtu.be/SL1kICkd4bY
Administrator, S. (n.d.). McDonald’s Philippines. Mcdonalds.com.ph. https://mcdonalds.com.ph/mcdoclassroom
BIDA solusyon sa COVID-19 by DOH
The Department of Health's BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 campaign aims to increase public awareness about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and encourage people to follow specific measures to prevent the virus from spreading. The campaign highlights four critical behaviors - the proper wearing of face masks, regular hand washing, maintaining physical distance, and staying at home when feeling unwell. The message is conveyed through an upbeat and catchy song that features a diverse group of individuals following the recommended actions. The advertisement also emphasizes the importance of collective action and cooperation to overcome the pandemic's challenges by promoting a sense of responsibility among the public to protect themselves and their communities.
The BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 campaign is more than just an advertisement; it is a call to action for Filipinos to become heroes in the ongoing fight against the pandemic. Using the term "BIDA" in the campaign title and advertisement instills a sense of national pride and duty, motivating people to take responsibility and contribute to preventing the virus's spread. An ad is a powerful tool for igniting the "Bayanihan" spirit, a Filipino value of community unity and cooperation during difficult times. Through showcasing a diverse group of people practicing recommended behaviors such as wearing masks, washing hands regularly, maintaining physical distancing, and staying at home when feeling unwell, the ad emphasizes that anyone can be a hero in their way. The campaign encourages the public to take necessary precautions and adhere to government health agency guidelines to safeguard themselves and their communities.
The BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 campaign focuses on promoting the use of essential items such as face masks, hand sanitizers, and other personal protective equipment to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These products play a crucial role in protecting both individuals and their communities. The campaign does not endorse any particular brand or product but emphasizes the importance of following the recommended health protocols. The advertisement aims to educate and remind the public about the essential items needed to prevent the spread of the virus. Therefore, the products advertised in the campaign are suitable for the target audience and necessary for their health and safety.
The BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 campaign by the Department of Health in the Philippines does not exhibit any form of media manipulation in its ads. Instead, the campaign focused on educating the public about the essential items and recommended behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The ad features diverse individuals practicing the recommended behaviors and emphasizes the importance of collective action and responsibility. The campaign's use of the word "BIDA" encourages people to play their part in the fight against the pandemic without promoting any specific brand or product. Overall, the campaign aims to educate and remind the public about essential behaviors and items necessary for their health and safety.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). (2020, February 11). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/science-and-research/surface-transmission.html 
Department of Health. (2012). Department of Health website. Doh.gov.ph. https://doh.gov.ph/bidasolusyon
Department of Health website. (n.d.). https://doh.gov.ph/bidasolusyon 
BIDA Solusyon sa COVID 19! (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://youtu.be/5ruNCIwyBOk
#youtube #pandemic #fastfood #mcdo
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alyssagarciais215 · 1 year
Rising above adversity
Encouragement and Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow
Alyssa B. Garcia | IS215
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people's personal, social, and economic spheres worldwide. Fear of contracting the virus has caused isolation and disrupted daily routines and activities, leading to the closure of businesses and the shift toward online learning in many schools. Despite the pandemic's widespread consequences, local advertisements have continued to provide hope and encouragement to their audiences. These advertisements employ creative and impactful communication strategies while still promoting their products. By highlighting positive messages and fostering a sense of community support, these ads play a critical role in helping people cope with adversity. They teach people how to remain optimistic and resilient despite facing challenging circumstances.
Here are two local advertisements from the Philippines that show resilience, strength, and hope despite the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic worldwide.
Sama-sama sa Distansya | #SafeAtHome
April 17, 2020 by globeph "Being apart makes us stronger, together, #SafeAtHome."
The "Sama-sama sa Distansya, #SafeAtHome" advertisement created by Globe PH is all about the COVID-19 Pandemic and how it separated people from their loved ones to be safe from the infection. Through the first minute of the advertisement, the advertisement uses poetic narration to convey the message that staying apart from loved ones during the pandemic is a difficult but necessary step to keep everyone safe. "Titiisin kita, kasi kailangan. Mahirap tanggapin, pero dapat gawin" is a line from the advertisement which implies that, although being far away from each other is one of the many ways to avoid the virus, it may still be an emotionally challenging need. The overall tone of the advertisement seems to be one of empathy and understanding towards the difficult situation that people are facing during the pandemic, while also emphasizing the importance of following health protocols to protect oneself and others. The advertisement does not end on a sad note. But instead, after the first minute and twenty-six seconds of the video, the advertisement begins to focus on the positive side of staying indoors. At home, we can stay connected with our loved ones through technology and the internet. The lines "Dito tayo gumawa ng paraan. Dito bumalik ang tawanan " and "sa distansya tayo nagtulungan" are examples of how the advertisement shifts its tone to focus on the positive side of the situation. It conveys the message that, through challenging times, people can still find ways to adapt to the current situation no matter how challenging. It encourages people to be resilient and to find creative ways to stay connected and support each other despite physical distance. Overall, the advertisement aims to inspire hope and resilience in viewers and encourage them to continue following health protocols and staying safe during these challenging times. 
The advertisement is aimed at the public, particularly those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary health protocols put in place to control the spread of the virus. It is intended to be a message of encouragement and hope during a grim time, emphasizing the importance of following health protocols while also finding ways to stay connected with loved ones and maintain a positive attitude. Globe is a telecommunications company that provides integrated telecommunications services (Www.linkedin.com). The services which Globe can provide were advertised in the video. These services can be a great alternative for their customers to stay connected with their loved ones despite the inability to meet face-to-face because of the pandemic.  
Based on what was observed, the advertisement does not use any media manipulation or exaggeration. The advertisement was straightforward in its message and captured my attention because of the simple yet meaningful poetry to convey encouragement and hope during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 
Jollibee, Sarap Kasama ang Pamilya
November 21, 2020 by Jollibee Studios "Despite all the challenges we faces this year, being with our family is one of the things we are most grateful for this Christmas"
The "Jollibee, Sarap Kasama ang Pamilya" is an advertisement created by Jollibee Studios. The advertisement is narrated through a song and from the viewpoint of a child who is saddened by the effects of the health protocols for COVID-19 pandemic on his family and himself. At the beginning of the advertisement, the child is seen wondering when life staying indoors every day will end as he observes his surroundings. He asks when a life where people wear face masks that hide their smiles will end, when his grandparents can go out again, and when he can play outside once more. But as the song progresses, it switches to a more positive tone. The child realizes that even though life may not be the same as before, there are still things to be grateful for, such as being able to spend more time with his family. The child switches from wondering when a life where he can't play outside end to wondering when a life would end where he happily plays inside his big brother's room with his brother. He is also enthusiastic about spending time with his parents and grandparents. The child begins to appreciate the little things that make life enjoyable, like eating Jollibee meals together as a family. The advertisement highlights the importance of cherishing family time, even in difficult times, and how Jollibee can bring families together through their delicious food. 
The intended audience of the advertisement are the families who are affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. It can also be intended for any children watching the advertisement to encourage them to be grateful and happy despite the health protocols that were set to avoid the virus. In general, it targets those who may be feeling down and discouraged because of the pandemic. It is intended for those who wonder when a life affected by the pandemic would end. In the Philippines, Jollibee is the largest fast-food chain (Jollibee Foods Corporation, 2022). Like any fast-food chain, consuming food such as fried chicken, fries, or burgers should be taken in moderation because of the unnecessary fats and calories inside. Regularly consuming these foods can place you at a higher risk of developing heart disease which may be a severe case (INQUIRER.net). The Jollibee products are not necessarily good for the audience, but it could serve as a little reward or treat sometimes, and they should have a proper diet every day.  
From my observations, there are no forms of media manipulation that were used. The advertisement captured my attention because of the use of a child's perspective in the narration and the catchy song also helps to make the ad more memorable and relatable. The advertisement focuses on the idea of spending quality time with your loved ones despite the pandemic and the health protocols. It does not manipulate the audience into buying their products but instead showcases that eating Jollibee products together as a family could be another way to spend time with each other. 
Globe Telecom Inc Company Profile - Globe Telecom Inc Overview. www.linkedin.com. https://www.globaldata.com/company-profile/globe-telecom-inc/#:~:text=Globe%20Telecom%20Inc%20(Globe%20Telecom.
INQUIRER.net. (January 20, 2021). Consuming fried food, even in moderation, is harmful to our hearts, says study. INQUIRER.net. https://technology.inquirer.net/107360/consuming-fried-food-even-in-moderation-is-harmful-to-our-hearts-says-study.
Jollibee Foods Corporation. (March 9, 2022). About Jollibee. Jollibee.com.ph. https://www.jollibee.com.ph/about/.
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