#e learning in education
entaberp · 1 year
What Is Immersive Learning And How Does It Work?
Immersive Learning is an innovative approach to education that involves actively engaging students in their learning process. It utilizes technology, interactive activities, and real-world scenarios to create an engaging learning environment. Immersive Learning is different from traditional learning methods, as it allows students to explore and interact with the material in a hands-on way. This type of learning has been found to increase student engagement and retention of the material.
Immersive Learning promotes creativity and critical thinking. By allowing students to explore and interact with the material, they are encouraged to think outside the box and develop their own solutions to problems. This type of learning also encourages students to take risks and be more comfortable with failure.
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Immersive Learning also allows students to develop skills in a more natural setting. By working on projects in a realistic environment, students can hone their skills and gain practical experience. This type of learning also helps to foster collaboration, as students are encouraged to work together to complete projects.
Immersive Learning also has the benefit of being more engaging to students. By using technology, interactive activities, and real-world scenarios, students are more likely to be interested in the material. This increases their motivation to learn and improves their overall learning experience.
Overall, Immersive Learning is an innovative approach to education that has many benefits. It encourages creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, while also providing students with a more engaging learning experience. By utilizing this type of learning, students can gain a better understanding of the material and develop their skills in a realistic setting.
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lauramee · 1 year
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Unlock boundless opportunities for learning with e-learning, where flexibility meets accessibility. Harness the power of personalized education, empowering learners to tailor their journey. Embrace cost-effectiveness, eliminating barriers to education. Fuel continuous growth, enabling lifelong learning and skill development. AnA Academy provides a range of services for all IT Courses and Government Exams Coaching.
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everytechever · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the Right LMS
Quipper shares different factors to consider on determining the perfect Learning Management System (LMS) platform to use for your school #Quipper #LMSplatform #LearningManagementSystem
In this age of digital learning, it is ideal for every school to leverage an effective Learning Management System (LMS) platform to ensure that it can continue providing a facility for learning and fostering growth for every learner. What are the key things a learning institution must look out for when choosing the right LMS platform? For Quipper, one of the leading education technology…
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
hi, first off i really love your art. the h/c and warmth really hit me where i live and your illustration style is fantastic. lately i've been obsessed with the post where an unwell milek thinks geralt will leave him behind. was that an ingrained insecurity, assuming his super-witcher dad wouldn't have time for a sickly human kid?
[MASTERPOST] - Ahh, thank you for the ask! Yes, this scene.. I actually saw this a bit differently! It's not about Milek fearing Geralt will leave him behind, he actually wants him to. They need to find his Pa!! I think he often feels like a burden; Jaskier knows this, but Geralt isn't aware of this yet. Milek just wants to pull his weight, especially with Jaskier. A little sneak peak to their struggles regarding this:
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Meanwhile Jaskier continues to struggle with his omega status.
#jaskier#the witcher#geraskier lovechild#julian alfred pankratz#omegaverse#there are various things happening here! a. Milek never really had to fear that Jaskier would leave him he knows he never ever would#b. Jaskier said again and again that he'll always care for him and loves him and that he doesn't have to pull any weight at all#c. Jaskier actually became the parent that just wants his kid to be educated and study and learn#(maybe because he knows Milek won't be able to do hard labour but also because he knows what Milek really wants to do)#(filed under: things I haven't drawn yet but they had their big fallout because of oxenfurt and university - things to come in the future)#d. Milek has watched Jaskier working his ass off in various jobs that he didn't like#(and he thinks that prostitution is the worst but only because they didn't properly talk about it before)#e. Jaskier is struggling with how he is percieved - which I think was never that much on his mind when he was travelling with Geralt#being a carefree bard and giving everyone the middlefinger who had some wrong ideas about what he could do and what not#but this is definitely an AU in which he doesn't have a good relationship with his father and he can still hear him say he'll become#'an unbonded omega with a bastard child working on the streets' and I think sometimes it gets to him#(because Jaskier is king of hating his parents ever being right about him)#that Jaskier kind of wants to spare Milek and quietly hopes we won't become an omega - even if he feels bad about it - shall become plot#(one dayyyy)#anyway that was a very long rant about Mileks complex relationship with him feeling like a burden
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fedoranon · 3 months
In retrospect it's weird that I had a Computer Science Class for 3 years in middle school and I never learned how to use like. Excel. HTML. Literally anything.
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Theory: History of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy
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Fair warning that I went nuts with this one and am absolutely reaching in some cases. Also, this will contain leaks about the upcoming Sigonia relic set lore, so please keep that in mind!
I established in a prior HC post that Ratio, as far as I'm concerned, is from the Laurel Wreath Galaxy. However, it was while thinking about this that I realized I missed something crucial from a Memory Bubble in the game: Rationality's Fall was a direct consequence of the Mechanical Emperor's War (referred to hereafter as MEW).
We learn from this bubble that the Philosopher's Union was overrun by robots after they massacred all of the philosophers, as well as destroyed most of the planets in the galaxy, before sentencing the Philosopher King Aurelius to his death by the Union's own laws and demanding he drink poison. We also learn that he does in fact do this, and this part of the war is what is known as Rationality's Fall, supposedly.
We also learn from Fu Xuan through Glimpses Into the Beyond that it was in fact Aha's followers who infected the robots with a virus called the "Philosopher's Poison," overthrowing the mechanical army in the Union with irony and a taste of their own medicine.
Naturally, this sent me down a long and spiraling rabbit hole, trying to place the time of this event.
My conclusion: Fucking Ancient.
You see, we know from Baiheng's journal that Screwllum is at least 800 years old in the Star Calendar, as Planet Screwllum had already been established during her travels. Do we know how many Amber Eras (AE) that is? No. Is there any sort of means of comparison or consistency for AE? No. Do we know how long the Star Calendar (SC) years are? No. But it's different from the Trailblaze Calendar, which is the closest to the Gregorian Calendar, and I guess we can assume that based on the Xianzhou's inspirations, the Star Calendar would be more similar to the Lunar Calendar. Regardless! This doesn't help us with the Amber Eras, but it's a nice point of reference all the same given that the MEW had been happening since before 3287 SC. The year now is around 8100 SC. Furthermore, we can't really tell whether Screwllum established Planet Screwllum while Rubert I was still alive or not, but it is implied to have been after Rubert's death, given the Anti-Organic Equation still infects machine life to this day and Screwllum isn't... exactly sure of the circumstances of Rubert's death. We do know that it happened many years ago, as it was "countless Amber Eras" ago. I'm going to choose a nice round number, overestimate how long the war lasted, and say maybe 5000-ish SC. That gives us 3000 years to the modern year.
So Rationality's Fall happens some time in this era, long before 5000 SC, and much of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy is destroyed as a result. What happened to the survivors?
This is where the theory gets wack.
We know that the people of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy were a space-faring people, as they were able to travel to the center of the Galaxy to engage in the Philosopher's Union with the King. Those that could escape likely did, traveling to other planets to seek refuge. I don't think it is too far of a stretch to suggest that Sigonia may have been one of those places.
Situated near the convergence of three major star clusters, Sigonia-IV has long been subjected to stellar winds from multiple stars, earning its reputation as the "eye of the storm" throughout the Cosmos. The planet's surface environment is extremely harsh, leading many civilizations to either migrate to other celestial bodies or succumb to natural disasters.
Such a harsh environment would not necessarily lead to widely available resources for space-faring -- we see this as it is with Belobog, a perfect in game example. Nor is it exactly an optimal location to settle in either, but when faced with the alternative of certain death, who wouldn't consider it? They were desperate. Is it not possible to consider, then, that perhaps the Laurelian escapees sought refuge on Sigonia, only for many of them to find they were unable to adapt to the environment and thus move on, while others attempted to survive? I posit this theory for a few reasons:
Ratio and Aventurine obviously share similar eyes, and yet only Aventurine's are commented on as being Sigonian (yes, I know this could be because of Ratio's dumb headpiece, but he also doesn't make any sort of indication towards the similarities himself, so hush).
We know from the Sigonia relic lore that the Avgin genocide was relatively recent, happening in modern history as Aventurine was just a boy when it occurred. This gives plenty of time for the Laurelian settlers to undergo genetic divergence and ultimately evolution to adapt to Sigonia's environment (under high evolutionary pressure, adaptation can happen fairly quickly as well, so at least 3000 years ish of extreme evolutionary pressure is admittedly nothing to sneeze at).
This is admittedly something I believe is more of a funny coincidence than anything, but I love to chew on regardless due to my fascination with the evolution of language, is that αυγή (avgí) in Greek means dawn. If you know, you know.
So by the modern year, the Sigonians and the Laurelians are genetically distinct enough to not be recognized as similar people, but the Sigonians could, theoretically, trace their lineage back to the ancient Laurelians.
To give a general recap of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy with this context:
The Philosopher's Union has expanded throughout the entire galaxy, championing as one of the most profound galaxies for critical thought and where countless philosophers flock to vie for a seat in the Union.
The MEW occurs, taking with it much of the galaxy, destroying the Union, and killing the last Philosopher King, Aurelius (who, by the way, was named after the Roman Emperor). This is the incident known as Rationality's Fall.
The survivors who could flee did so, some of them eventually settling on Sigonia. Those who survive evolve and adapt to the harsh environment, or perhaps remain stranded on Sigonia and must make do.
Aha's followers introduce the Philosopher's Poison into the robots in the Union and overthrow them.
Eventually, life in the Laurel Wreath Galaxy recovers and stabilizes, now with robots joining their ranks, though the Union remains a vacant amphitheater -- more an ancient monument than anything else. Nobody takes up the throne of the Philosopher King.
The IPC encounter Sigonia and try to profit, as they do.
Fast forward to the modern era, where Ratio and Aventurine are born.
...and the rest is history, if you know your lore and your leaks.
Admittedly, I do have a bone to pick with this theory, outside of the blatant overreaching, and that is Rationality's Fall. From the Curio it's my understanding that Rationality's Fall was a civil war wrought by the folly of man, and yet every other source I see, like the Memory Bubble, implies an invasion of the Union by Rubert's followers. I see two possible explanations here, one of which is more heavily likely than the other:
There were two Rationality's Falls: one by the robots invading and another after that WAS the civil war, which was man and machine alike. This is unlikely, weird, doesn't make sense, and thus I don't think this is the case.
The robots were in fact native to the galaxy and revolted after being subjected to the Anti-Organic Equation. This is more likely and a method Rubert used for converting machines to its cause, and thus it makes sense. It's possible the robots of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy didn't have sentience until the MEW, so there's little conflict here.
I had a hard time admitting to the second possibility because it meant needing to adjust my prior headcanon somewhat and it still doesn't sit right with me given the initial description of civil war, but I'll address that here:
I maintain that Ratio was from the Laurel Wreath Galaxy, and perhaps a warmongering trait still remains within his blood, but maybe it is because of this trait of his people that the Laurel Wreath Galaxy was so focused on by Rubert during the MEW in the first place. We know Rubert accused organic life of being flawed in calculation, leading to their own end and destruction, and thus needing to be eradicated. Does this not sound familiar? Rationality's Fall, the collapse of mankind, which prides itself on the ability to think and reason -- that is rationality, not calculation and probability -- and thus the world's impurities, in this case, is not referring to arrogance nor ignorance, the original philosophy of the Union, but to rationality itself, to mankind as a whole.
So, fast forward once again to the modern era. Where does this leave Ratio? A descendant of survivors who managed to stay on what few habitable planets of the Laurel Wreath Galaxy remained. Someone with personal ties and reason to care so much about the Philosopher's Union and its history. Someone who, inflamed by curiosity and with an insatiable hunger for knowledge, ends up chasing the very same philosophy that the Union, which no longer exists, prided itself on. If the previous era of the Philosopher's Union were the Roman Empire, with all of its Ancient Greek associations as well, then Ratio's era -- Ratio himself -- is the Italian Renaissance, the revival of ancient Greco-Roman culture, and thus one could argue the inheritor of the Philosopher King's legacy.
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crayons-are-yummy · 4 days
i found his design cool and interesting*sobs* (chuck e)
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ifcpltd · 2 months
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Want to elevate your career with a Management Accounting certification? Discover key details about the CMA USA course, including fees, eligibility, and syllabus, in our latest blog. Get the info you need to stay informed and succeed!
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nofacednerd · 2 months
honestly the biggest thing I've learned from animating is learning to let go of needing every single frame to look good
like yeah my inbetweens look like hot garbage but you only see them for basically less than a second
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explainlearning · 3 months
College Study Group: Looking for Better Results? Here's How to Make it Work
College can be a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and exams. Juggling it all can feel overwhelming. That's where a well-functioning college study group can be a game-changer.
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Study groups leverage the power of collaborative learning. By discussing course material, explaining concepts to each other, and working on problems together, you can gain deeper understanding, boost motivation, and ultimately achieve better results.
However, not all study groups are created equal. Some can be distracting or inefficient, leading to frustration instead of success. So, how do you make a great college study group that maximizes learning outcomes?
College Study Group Success: Key Ingredients
Here are some essential elements for creating a college study group that sets you up for success:
Finding the Right People: Look for members with similar learning goals and course schedules. Choose individuals who are motivated, reliable, and actively participate in discussions.
Setting Clear Goals and Expectations: At the outset, establish clear goals for each study session. Decide which topics to cover, what questions to address, and what you aim to achieve by the end of the session.
Scheduling Regular Meetings: Consistency is key. Schedule regular meetings at a time and place that works well for everyone. This ensures dedicated time for focused learning and prevents procrastination.
Creating Ground Rules: Discuss and establish ground rules for your group. This could include things like arriving prepared, respecting everyone's contributions, and maintaining a focused and productive learning environment.
Embracing Diverse Learning Styles: Recognize that everyone learns differently. Accommodate different styles by incorporating a variety of study methods like discussions, practice problems, or visual aids.
Making the Most of Your Study Group
Once you have the right group in place, here are some tips to ensure your college study group is truly effective:
Preparation is Key: Come prepared to each session. Review course material beforehand, identify areas you need clarification on, and bring any questions you have.
Active Participation: Don't be a passive observer. Actively participate in discussions, explain concepts to others, and ask clarifying questions. The more you engage, the deeper your understanding will be.
Respectful Communication: Create a safe space for open communication and respect diverse perspectives. Actively listen to your peers' contributions and offer constructive feedback in a positive way.
Focused and Time-Managed Sessions: Minimize distractions and maintain a focus on the goals you set for the session. Utilize your time effectively to ensure you cover all intended topics while allowing room for discussion and questions.
Sharing Resources: Supplement your study sessions by sharing helpful resources like online articles, relevant video tutorials, or practice problems from other sources.
Beyond the Classroom: College Study Groups and Explain Learning
The benefits of college study groups extend beyond the traditional classroom setting. Online learning platforms like Explain Learning can facilitate college study groups for geographically dispersed students or those with different schedules.
Explain Learning offers tools and features that enhance your online study group experience:
Collaborative Learning Tools: Utilize Explain Learning's whiteboards, online document editors, and shared study guides to work together on assignments and problem sets in real-time.
Communication Features: Facilitate communication through online forums, group chat functionalities, and video conferencing options to discuss course material and plan study sessions.
Supportive Online Community: Connect with other Explain Learning users enrolled in the same course or subject area. Find potential study group members or simply expand your learning network.
Conclusion: College Study Group Success Starts Today
A well-functioning college study group can be a powerful tool for academic success. By following the tips outlined above and leveraging the resources available on Explain Learning, you can create a collaborative learning environment that fosters deeper understanding, motivation, and ultimately, better results. So, gather your classmates, set clear goals, and embark on a rewarding learning journey together!
Know more https://explainlearning.com/blog/college-study-group-better-results/
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hereschoolstudios · 5 months
edit: i feel like a freak rn.. bc no one eats cheese like me :(
(im not mad or sad at anyone who voted anything else i respect your opinion alot i just feel alone)
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Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Ahmedabad
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1. Kalpavriksha Academy
Among the top 10 digital marketing institutes in Ahmedabad, Kalpavriksha Academy secures first place. It is a great place to learn and enroll in a course on digital marketing. This course includes the latest digital content creation and strategy, going beyond the fundamentals of traditional content strategies. You will learn how to create and write engaging content for different platforms which will result in better consumer engagement. The course includes SEO, content creation, and social media marketing. It also helps in:
Developing marketing strategy
Plan for content tracking 
Content optimisation for search engines
Tricks to develop engaging content
Tips to increase website traffic and engagement
Secrets to increase sales 
Benefits of joining Kalpavrikhsha Academy for Digital Marketing course in Ahmedabad:
Actual training from knowledgeable teachers that welcome inquiries, debates, and feedback.
Q and A Sessions with individual feedback to improve your understanding.
Assistance with job search and proper industry insights
Hands-on training experience 
Learn advanced skills 
Proper career guidance
Help in building resume and cover letter. Learn interview techniques and build connections.
The duration of the course varies as per the schedule, length of the course, and the program you have selected but typically it runs for 3 to 6 months. Fuel your future flame and enroll in our Digital course now! Sign up by calling us at +91 9818703454 or mail us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website and fill out the admission form- Kalpavrikshaacademy. in
More professional training courses offered by Kalpavriksha Academy are:
WordPress Development Course
Social Media Marketing Course
Google Ads Course
Content Marketing Course
English Speaking Course
Personality Development Course
2. BrandVeda 
BrandVeda is an innovative digital marketing institute in Ahmedabad. They are a prominent organization with significant web-related insight. Brandveda recognizes that real learning happens only via practical knowledge, which is why it offers excellent live projects to work on.
The Digital Marketing Course syllabus of BrandVeda includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Digital marketing strategies
Google Analytics
Mobile Marketing
Online reputation management
Lead generation
LinkedIn Ads Specifications
Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing and many others
3. W3 Marketing School 
The W3 Marketing School in Ahmedabad provides courses that emphasize practical learning above theory, with instructions and guidance from experienced faculty members that are 80% practical and 20% theoretical.
One of the benefits is the oppurtunity to learn from experts in the field who have over ten years of expertise and six or more years of Google certifications. There are backup lessons, 100% job help, general marketing strategy planning, and over 50 hours of actual practice sessions to help you become more confident in creating marketing plans.
W3 Marketing School’s Digital Marketing course Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Online reputation management
4. Digital Deeksha
Digital Deeksha is a well-known digital training facility in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, having a great track record, and interesting training methods that make students happy.
Their syllabus contains 20 modules explaining all the expectations of digital marketing. They provide lifetime access to the reading material so that the student can take its help whenever they want.
Digital Deeksha’s Digital Marketing Course in Ahmedabad Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Video Marketing
Affiliate marketing
5. Aptech Learning
Having been established in 1986, Aptech Learning has provided excellent training in over thirty different computer application-related subjects. They have a very competent staff that will train you for jobs in online marketing, which is similar to artificial intelligence, and other web industries in addition to digital marketing.
Aptech Learning’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
6. Creative Multimedia Institute
Situated in Ahmedabad, Creative Multimedia Institute, is the first government-approved digital marketing school in India. Creative Multimedia has provided excellent computer application teaching for the past six years.
Among the other courses they offer are C++ programming for Flash Pagemaker, Android, PHP with WordPress, Advanced PHP, advanced multimedia, audio and video editing, digital finance, computer programming, office automation and finance, and Python training. Their course is typically 4 to 6 months as per the program you choose.
Creative Multimedia Institute’s Digital Marketing Course Module also includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
7. Learning Catalyst
One of Ahmedabad's best digital marketing institutes is called Learning Catalyst. They provide instruction in social networking, SEO, and ad creation. They assist with job placement so that, upon course completion, you can find employment. The knowledgeable instructors make learning enjoyable. You can also get career assistance from Learning Catalyst to aid in your job search. For anyone interested in starting a career in digital marketing, it's an excellent choice. Their course duration is 3 to 6 months.
Learning Catalyst’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
Affiliate marketing
Digital marketing strategy
8. ProiDeators 
ProiDeator's digital marketing course provides a course that is designed to meet the latest trends in the industry including hands-on training and practicals. The courses taken by professionals with advanced skills keep the students up to date with the world’s digital needs. The duration of the course is 2 to 6 months.
ProIdeators’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
9. Training in SEO
Training in SEO is aware of the demands of the digital marketing sector and prepares students to handle the challenges of implementing a company's digital marketing plan. Mr. Chirag Shah, a renowned expert in Google AdWords and Analytics, who is an expert in SEO, Paid Search, website design, and digital strategy in general, is the lecturer. The Institute has taught more than a thousand students in the various facets of digital marketing and strategy thanks to its more than ten years of experience. The duration of the course is 4 to 6 months.
Training in SEO’s Digital Marketing Course Module includes:
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Digital marketing strategy
Online reputation management
Advanced marketing tools
10. Digital Pundit
The Best Digital Marketing Training Academy In Ahmedabad To Learn Certified Digital Marketing Course Is Digital Pundit. They offer Google Certified Expert Trainers in Ahmedabad who teach everything from beginning to advanced courses in digital marketing. Their training program is intended for professionals, housewives, graduates, postgraduates, and business owners. The curriculum for the digital marketing course is constantly expanding with new topics. The course duration is 3 to 6 months.
The Digital Marketing Course Module from Digital Pandit includes: 
Introduction to digital marketing
Search engine optimization
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email marketing
Pay-per-click advertising
Google Analytics
Video Marketing
Why Digital Marketing is thriving?
Demand for digital marketing is very high. Why Digital marketing is important? This question is rather unreasonable. Can you think of any brand that is a huge success in the market but does not have a digital marketing strategy? Digital marketing, which has been around for more than three decades, is rapidly affecting organizations of all sizes. In Ahmedabad, many organizations and enterprises depend on trade and commerce, and there is an even greater demand for experienced individuals in this city. All you need to get started is a quick digital marketing course in Ahmedabad.
Interested in diving deeper into this topic? Read More... 10 Best Digital Marketing Courses in Ahmedabad with Placement Assistance
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hopeheartfilia · 5 months
ive been switching lanes waaay too fast this week. Anyway having some mini identity crisises over how little i actually understood about nuclear fusion
#me#a shitpost can be blue#physics#i guess#tis about how i knew so little about quarks#like okay i know their names i like knew they had like charges that were colours#thatw e call colours. but id uh missed the part where that leads tp actually looking how they interact and also waves#this came from me helping my best friends little syster#with a presentation on nuclear energy#and so i was just like huh i know it works like that but like why exactly does that give off energy as a byproduct?#and then i. and then i had to sit there like. ah#its been so long since ive actually looked at physics#like interesting physics not explaining basic concepts to a kid for school#cuz i have. highschool physics at best at this point and#uh my grandfather was a phycisist and he was writhing a book on some theories when i was 2 to 3ish#and he was babysitting me and we stayed close till my early teen years#so ive actually always known just tht bit much more about particles specifically then my peers#idk its always been interesting to me#but now im coming over here like oh ive lost the#constant building of knowedge over the years that id gotten used to#because like we would cover some material in school i kinda new#id get curious and look a bunch of atuff up#but ive actively been forgetting physics for a few years now and it idk it hit#im just not keeping up with my sciences#which is a terrible blow to my little curious ass#like ive been keeping up with literary education and fashion history and phylosophy#but ive been missing the biology and physics and chemistry actually#but i dont tend to hyperfocus on theese topics so im jot sure how to keep at it#cuz i like learning stuff like that and sometimes ill go on binges of learning about curves#but idk ive been missing my dose of i guess the harder sciences part of it
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 7 months
IETM for Beginners A Quick Guide to IETM Code and Pixels
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IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Training Aids to Defence Client
If you are a supplier of defence then along with the system/equipment you also need to provide Training Aids
(CBT) — Computer-Based Training
Charts and Bloups
Video Film
Training Work Modules
Manuals Hard Copies
Evolution of Documentation in Defence
Before — Hardcopies and PDFs in DVDs (Upto 2015)
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What is the meaning of the IETM?
Manual: Manual means any literature organized or written in a prescribed manner to guide the user.
TechnicalManual: This means the literature is technical, like user manuals, maintenance manuals etc. Hard copy
Electronic Technical Manual: This means the manual is available in the form of an electronic version which simply means digital format or softcopy. It can be a PDF file or a database-driven software application.
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual:
Let us first understand the meaning of Interactive. The meaning of interactive is two people or things influencing each other.
Allowing a two-way flow of information between an electronic device /computer and a user; responding to a user’s input.
Involving the actions or input of a user. Especially
It means when the Electronic User manuals Interact and respond with the user, that is you, it will become an Interactive Electronic Technical manual.
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Interactive Features
Hot Spots
Text hotspot
Image hotspot
User wise bookmarks
Linear navigation
Non-liner navigation
Page Search
Global search
Best matched
Content tree
Related topics
User wise bookmarks
The documents and pages are many hence, for easy and fast accessibility complete content is converted and stored as a database.
Whenever the user wants some information, IETM software produces the information in a fraction of a second.
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Use or Purpose of the IETM?
The purpose of the Manual is to give information related to the equipment to the end user for quick reference.
All the technicality is written in detail so that when an issue arises, the user can refer to the manual, as every time OEM or technical person or subject matter expert might not be available on the spot to resolve the issue.
If the manual has 10 pages users can refer easily.
But any system used by the defence will have multiple manuals and thousands of page counts and many times a user has to cross-refer between manuals, intra-manual and inter-manual to resolve the issue.
Referring to 10- 15 hard-copy or even soft-copy books simultaneously will be difficult and time-consuming.
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How to access the IETM ?
IETM is a web-based application like our bank software or any other web application. The graphic user interface will be provided to use IETM through which users can interact and get the desired data.
Like all other standard software, Unauthorized users cannot access the IETM. IETM is a Login - login-based application. Only users having valid Login credentials can access the software.
Based on the user log credentials data will be provided to the user.
IETM has 2 types of Users and one Administrator
If the operator logs in, the user gets all the content related to operator use, similarly if the maintainer logs in only maintenance-related content is visible for that user.
Ideally, all the content is available for both users, because the purpose of the IETM is to refer to the manual to fix the issue.
Administrators can create users who can see the user’s navigation and log-in history and interact with the users using user dashboards through Annotations.
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What Inputs are Needed? (From OEM to Create IETM)
All the softcopies of user manuals to be converted to IETM.
All images Videos, and drawings to be integrated into IETM.
Subject matter expert to resolve technical clarifications
Table of contents/tree structure.
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Minimum Hardware Requirements?
NO High-end hardware or servers are required to run IETM.
However, if more concurrent users, then a good configuration server with good LAN connectivity must be ensured.
i3 with 8 GB RAM systems is the minimum configuration required for the server or for Node.
BASED DB (Manuals are covered in the Database)
User Manual and Installation Manual
Standards — compliance
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Costing of IETM: (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual)
Level of IETM, is it Level 3 or Level 4
Cost will be based on the number of pages that are to be converted
The vendor calculates the cost per page. And a fixed cost of IETM viewer software
If you want to create IETM by yourself self then you also need to buy IETM authoring software.
What are these Levels?
Level — 1 is any PDF file
Level — 2 is a PDF file with hyperlinks from the table of contents to the body etc.
Level — 3 is an HTML application. More hyperlinks, simple search, a content tree having log a screen with a hardcoded username and password and supplied in the format of EXE so that Windows can easily open
Level — 4 is Software plus Content/manuals converted as Database
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Regarding Level — 5, rest assured, till 2028 it will be Level — 4 only. As of now, there is nothing practically called Level — 5. Few are calling virtual reality and Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence Level — 5.
Pulling data from many user inputs and analyzing and giving results are done in Level — 5. IETM software cannot pull the data from various real-time points as No OEM will give the real-time information to third-party software directly. Yes, if the information is available offline, then that information can be imported into IETM and can be used as a reference.
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since i just rb'd a poll abt high school grades now's probably a good time to drop one of my many million-dollar ideas for how to run a high school classroom, which is that i think that at the start of a quarter/semester kids should be asked if they want hw to count towards their grades or not bc i was So Fucking Bad at submitting hw in high school, but my test scores were really good, so i'd rather have not had hw count towards my grades. but obviously there are a good number of kids who are either bad at taking tests or anxious abt their grades dropping and are diligent abt turning in hw, so letting hw count towards their grades would give them some padding in that situation.
#i really Do need to just maintain a doc of all my ideas for how to run a classroom#bc i've been storing some of these in my brain since i was like 12. that's a fucking decade by this point What the hell#the worm speaks#unfortunately it's probably unfeasible to Not have tests n the like count towards a grade at all#like personally as a student i do not hate testing!! as someone who enjoys gathering data / information i'm kind of obsessed w/it!!!#but i also have very strong opinions on TEST DESIGN as well as curriculum design n stuff#like tests CAN be a useful tool for measuring knowledge! if you design it right. and even then it's like. not perfect#one of my other million dollar ideas is that rather than giving out a final i'd give kids the choice to either do like#a freeform project to demonstrate their knowledge in literally Any Way They Want (foster creativity n stuff)#or! they could also just take a paper exam if they want. idk if anyone would take that option but idk.#mostly i'm just fond of the idea of giving high school students a sense of autonomy over their grades n education#like another reason why i think the 'do you want hw to count to your grades?' question should be re-asked at the start of quarters or w/e#is bc sometimes we also make mistakes! and evaluate consequences wrong. or situations change!! so they should be allowed to change things#how much would hw count for if they made it worth anything is honestly not smth i'm sure abt rn tbh#but i also know that i like. would also not even grade their hw on correctness just on completion anyway#a number of my high school teachers did that; bc the point was that we were responsible for ensuring its correctness#they all knew that kids would copy off each other and if that's how you learn. go for it!! my ap calc teacher openly acknowledged this!!!#anyway good lord i really do have limitless rants n tedtalks abt education in me lmao i need to sleebies now#so i can study for my calc quiz tmrw morning ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I know there's a common thing of "christians are christians because they haven't actually read the bible" but I actually grew up being told to read the entire bible once a year once I learned to read. I even had a NIV kids' one with a checklist that had you read a certain amount per day. I only ever read my daily amount when forced to by my youth group or family members that did read the whole thing once per year and even then I usually faked it until they left me alone
#and yes my family did believe the conspiracy that NIV bibles were deleting verses since they knew kids would read it over KJV#and they'd grow up reading said bible without learning all of Jesus's miracles or something#turns out#said verses were not missing but put into footnotes since they might not have actually been in the original writings#a lot of my older family dropped out of school p early#so the bible was one of the few things they could readily get and read#and they knew someone would teach them if they couldn't read a part of it#my grandfather was the first to graduate highschool and he was the 13th child out of 14 who lived#my father was first to graduate from college#my mom was the first to finish medical school#so I got super lucky to have family around me that valued education like that#tho they started to get very extreme after that and pushed me towards more and more academic things until I was ready to yeet myself#so reading the bible had a special place in my family both from the fundamentalist standpoint and from an academic standpoint#they were poor black folk in rural NJ GA and FL so#not much to do but have babies do manual labor and go to church especially back then#for a while my family's churches were even anti-ipad bibles#until they learned they could have the audio playing so the older folks that couldn't read all that well#either from lack of education or declining eye site#n e ways I hope y'all enjoyed my ramblings about intersectionality and bible reading#I did attempt it once but got super uncomfortable reading about sex and stuff like that in middle school#and started having terrible intrusive thoughts so I stopped#I also recognize that it's a Jewish tradition to read the entire Torah once a year I believe#And it resets either during Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah#my jewish found fam can correct me on that later#but I get wanting to read your holy book to make sure you know what's up and refresh your knowledge#idk maybe I'll write an undergraduate thesis about how the bible comforts black americans as a concept rather than a religion#ex christian#religious trauma
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