#online healthcare ngo
sewa-bharti-malwa · 7 months
Transforming Lives: Extend a Helping Hand to Healthcare NGOs in India for a Brighter Future
Sewa Bharti Malwa.
India, with its extensive population and varied demographics, confronts numerous healthcare hurdles. Many individuals and communities across the nation lack access to adequate healthcare services, leading to preventable illnesses and suffering. Healthcare NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) play a pivotal role in tackling these challenges and enhancing the overall health and well-being of the populace. Visit: https://www.sewabhartimalwa.org
Why Healthcare NGOs are Vital in India
Healthcare NGOs in India are indispensable for several reasons:
Accessible Healthcare: They offer medical care and services to underserved and remote regions where access to healthcare facilities is scarce.
Health Education: NGOs raise awareness about health issues, hygiene, and disease prevention, empowering communities to take charge of their health.
Supporting Vulnerable Populations: These organizations often prioritize marginalized groups, including children, women, and the elderly, ensuring they receive the necessary care.
Emergency Response: Healthcare NGOs promptly respond to health crises, natural disasters, and pandemics, delivering immediate relief and medical aid.
Extend a Helping Hand to Healthcare NGOs in India
If you wish to contribute to the noble cause of enhancing healthcare in India, consider donating to healthcare NGOs. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. Here's how you can get involved:
Research Reputable NGOs: Identify well-established and reputable healthcare NGOs operating in India. Ensure they have a transparent track record of utilizing donations effectively.
Choose a Cause: Determine whether you want to support a specific healthcare initiative, such as providing medical supplies, funding medical camps, or supporting healthcare infrastructure development.
Online Donations: Many healthcare NGOs maintain websites where you can securely make donations online. You can opt for a one-time donation or set up recurring donations.
Fundraising Campaigns: Stay informed about fundraising campaigns and events organized by healthcare NGOs. Your participation can make a significant difference.
Spread the Word: Encourage your friends, family, and social network to support healthcare NGOs. Sharing information about their work can raise awareness and increase donations.
By donating to healthcare NGOs in India, you become part of the solution to the nation's healthcare challenges. Your contribution can help save lives and enhance the overall health and well-being of communities across India.
Supporting healthcare NGOs in India is a meaningful way to create a positive impact on the country's healthcare landscape. Your donations can ensure that quality healthcare reaches those who need it most. Together, we can strive towards a healthier and happier India.
If you're prepared to make a difference, start by researching reputable healthcare NGOs in India and consider donating to their causes. Your support can help transform lives and communities.
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cryptoagorism · 5 months
The dangers of the state's monopoly on identity
The state's monopoly on identity excludes vulnerable people from jobs, housing, healthcare and more.
This article originally began as a response to The Reboot's article, which discusses the dangers of perpetual tracking by Google, Facebook and Microsoft. [1]
While the tracking by Google, Facebook and Microsoft is definitely disturbing and can even put people in danger, the state's data economy is even worse, with far-reaching consequences. Few people talk about this, even though it affects millions of people's daily lives.
Via the government ID system, the state exerts a monopoly on identity and an obsession with tracking people from “birth certificate” to “death certificate”. Disproportionate KYC regulations actively exclude people without government-issued ID from necessary services, including jobs, housing and healthcare and even everyday things like online shopping, receiving mail, buying a sim card, doing volunteer work, taking classes, or visiting the gym or library.
Millions of people worldwide don't have access to government ID (the state refuses to print it for them) or can't show ID for safety reasons (e.g. they are a victim of abuse and don't want to be tracked down by the abuser). These people are often already in vulnerable situations (for example: stateless, undocumented or homeless people; activists, dissidents or refugees; victims of domestic abuse or adult victims of child abuse; or adults whose birth was not registered) and exclusion from basic needs makes it even more difficult to survive.
The state offers no alternatives nor solutions – if the state refuses to print a passport, national ID card or birth certificate for someone, this person can't appeal, get help from NGOs or lawyers, or find an alternative way to get ID. [2]
The state's system does not offer a procedure to register yourself, for example if you weren't registered at birth or your country of birth is dangerous to you. There are no steps you can take – no appeals, checklists, regularization, rehabilitation, special circumstances, friendly jurisdictions, nor identity issuer of last resort. You cannot earn access to ID via merit, vouches, oaths, good behavior, probation, community service, nor any other form of effort or compassion. Even if the individual would otherwise qualify for a skilled work, marriage or humanitarian visa and could provide a biometric photo and fingerprints, this is not enough.
Similarly, there are no non-state solutions. NGOs and religious organizations like the United Nations, Red Cross and Caritas don't issue alternative IDs; jurisdictional arbitrage such as Flag Theory requires an existing birth certificate or old passport; and non-government IDs from World Passport or Digitalcourage are not accepted. This lack of alternatives only cements the state's monopoly.
In the 1950s, the United Nations issued conventions on statelessness [3] and refugee status [4], but today countries still refuse to issue IDs for stateless people, people who weren't registered at birth, and people who have fled political, cultural or interpersonal persecution – whether by arbitrarily or discriminatorily denying applications for stateless status, refugee status or delayed birth registration, ignoring submitted applications, or not having a process for applications at all, while simultaneously criminalizing people without a legal identity. [5] In 2014, the UNHCR started a campaign to “end statelessness by 2024” [6], but today it is still impossible to get a stateless or non-citizen passport, and unlike the laissez-passer passports of the past, the United Nations no longer issues substitute IDs, despite that it could help millions of people to access necessities such as employment, housing and healthcare.
This condemns individuals purely and permanently to their circumstances of birth, which they could not influence and cannot change. As an adult, there is no way to enter the system. If you were born in the wrong place (e.g. stateless, refugee, dissident) and/or to the wrong people (e.g. child abuse, cult, no birth registration), there is no way to rise above your situation through effort, determination nor compassion.
The state's monopoly on identity is therefore an unethical, fatalistic single point of failure.
Even for individuals with ID, the name that the state prints on their ID may not correspond to the name that they use in real life, which could put them in danger. [7] Many countries restrict or even ban legal name changes, which endangers victims of abuse (such as adults who escaped from child abuse, domestic abuse, cults or gangs), who use a self-chosen name for a fresh start, to feel human, to recover from trauma or for physical safety reasons. [8]
As government ID is not universal and does not signify security or trust, government ID requirements only disproportionately and unfairly exclude people from services. [9]
Returning to the topic of “surveillance capitalism” – People can choose to stop using Google, Facebook, Windows or stock Android. There are many alternatives, such as DuckDuckGo, Mastodon, Linux and custom ROMs such as Lineage or Graphene. There are also ways to protect your privacy, such as reducing usage of social media, using a VPN or Tor, using a burner phone, using a pseudonym, or using cash or crypto instead of credit cards. [10]
In comparison, when the state coerces the vast majority of employers, landlords and hospitals to require government ID, there are only a few gray market alternatives left (e.g. under the table work, informal rentals for cash, doctors who accept out-of-pocket payments). [11]
It is a stark contrast: If you don't use Facebook for privacy reasons, you can still find different ways to keep in contact with friends and local events. If you can't rent most apartments because the landlord requires a passport or driver's license, you are very lucky if you can find a room in a shared apartment where your roommates deal with the contract for you and you pay rent to your roommates in cash. One thing can be an inconvenience, one thing can cause homelessness.
Many people believe government ID is the only way to trust that “someone is who they say they are”. [12] If someone admits that they don't have “proper ID”, they are often seen as untrustworthy, hiding something or even dangerous. [13] The equation of “ID = trust” not only leads to social stigma and exclusion, but can also lead to poverty and homelessness [14], threats of violence, or even indefinite detention (in many countries, cops can demand ID without a reason, and detain the individual until their legal identity is known – which can mean indefinite imprisonment for people who were never assigned a legal identity [15] [16]). Rather than “innocent until proven guilty”, this creates a situation of “guilty and no way to prove innocence”.
If innocence is not based on your actions, but purely on possession of government ID, it creates an impossible scenario when no jurisdiction agrees to print ID for you – from stateless people who literally have nowhere to go, to refugees who can't return to or interact with their country of birth for safety reasons, to adults whose births were never registered, to victims of child abuse, domestic abuse or cult abuse who don't use their birth name due to decades of trauma or worse the risk of being tracked down and returned. Instead of blaming authoritarian countries, uncooperative bureaucrats, abusive or neglectful birth parents, violent ex-partners or sociopathic cult leaders, the victim is blamed, distrusted and considered as a criminal.
In an ideal world, people would be judged on their actions and intent, rather than on circumstances of birth and decisions of bureaucrats. For housing, only your ability to pay rent would be relevant. For a job, only your skills and work ethic would be relevant. For healthcare, only your medical condition would be relevant (it would be against the Hippocratic Oath to deny medical treatment to people without ID, especially if they are paying out-of-pocket in cash).
For identity, it would be enough to say your name, get a vouch from a friend, landlord or employer, link to a social media profile, or use a non-government photo ID (such as from Digitalcourage or World Passport, which does not require birth registration or citizenship and allows self-chosen names).
For authentication, you would use a password or PIN (e.g. SMS code to pickup mail), physical key or card (e.g. mailbox keys, membership cards) or a cryptographic keypair (such as in PGP, Bitcoin or Monero).
For trust, word-of-mouth was the primary method before government IDs were invented (and made mandatory) in the 20th century. [17] [18] [19] Nowadays, word-of-mouth includes vouches from friends, online reviews, social networks, web-of-trust and memberships. Cash deposits and escrow systems (e.g. Bitrated) would protect against scams, theft or damage.
This meritocratic, non-government market is not theoretical. Permissionless free markets exist today – under the names of agorism [20], informal economies, black and gray markets, parallel economies and Second Realms – and offer hope and a means to survive to people in need. [21] [22] While NGOs have tried in vain to convince the state to print IDs for vulnerable people, these independent markets take a practical, grassroots approach to help people access work, housing and healthcare, even without government-issued ID. [23]
These free markets offer a way for people to take control of their situation. Human rights activists have campaigned since decades, while individuals have been left in limbo or excluded entirely from society, purely due to bureaucracy. In the 1950s, the United Nations called on nation-states to print IDs for stateless people, unregistered people and refugees – but seventy years later, the situation has only become worse, as more daily life necessities require government ID KYC every year, yet nation-states still refuse to print ID for millions of people.
Even worse, these people are not being accused of a specific crime and there is no real justification to deny printing IDs for them – their only “crime” is the vicious circle of not having papers because the state refuses to print papers for them. You would think economic exclusion – banned from employment, housing, healthcare, education, banking, travel, contracts, mail, sim cards and more – would be a punishment for only the most severe of crimes. But for stateless people, refugees, victims of abuse and people who weren't registered at birth, it is a punishment for being born. In this unforgiving situation, the informal economy provides an essential lifeline and way to survive.
Some examples include under-the-table work, informal apartment rentals, health clinics run by volunteers and anonymous sim cards. Most informal, agorist markets are local, based on word-of-mouth with cash-in-hand payments. The internet can also offer a place for an uncensored digital economy – such as for global trade [24], remote work, activism, fundraising [25] and community building – while cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero offer a way to send and receive money online without government ID or a bank account [26] [27] and withdraw to local cash when needed [28].
There are many reasons why people participate in agorist markets. It can be quicker and easier to rent out your spare room for cash, pay a doctor out-of-pocket instead of dealing with public health insurance, or hire an online freelancer for crypto. Bureaucracy doesn't just shut people out of the market, it also takes time and money to fill out forms, deal with months-long wait times, pay extortionate fees, and apply for government permission (which may be denied for arbitrary or discriminatory reasons). Agorism cuts the red tape, enabling people to access what they need in a truly free market.
As the state continues to ostracize and even criminalize vulnerable people, agorism provides not only hope of inclusion and equal opportunities, but a practical, proven solution which works today. For universal and safe access to daily needs such as employment, housing and healthcare, it is important to build and use agorist markets that are immune to the state's monopoly on identity, invisible to the state's data economy, and free for everyone to use.
The following books, articles and podcasts provide more information about agorism, as well as practical examples:
“An Agorist Primer” by SEK3 Book: https://kopubco.com/pdf/An_Agorist_Primer_by_SEK3.pdf
“Second Realm: Book on Strategy” by Smuggler & XYZ Book: https://ia801807.us.archive.org/34/items/second-realm-digital/Second%20Realm%20Paperback%20New.pdf
“Crypto Agorism: Free markets for a free world” by AnarkioCrypto Video: https://tube.tchncs.de/w/tPvohTaiocfg5LEsFjGqHN Slides: https://anarkiocrypto.medium.com/crypto-agorism-free-markets-for-a-free-world-d9c755e6ef11
“Fifty things to do NOW” by The Free and Unashamed Article: https://libertyunderattack.com/fifty-things-now-free-unashamed
Vonu Podcast Audio: https://vonupodcast.com
Agora Podcast Audio: https://anchor.fm/mortified-penguin
Monero Talk Podcast Audio: https://www.monerotalk.live
Hack Liberty Forum Link: https://forum.hackliberty.org
[1] https://thereboot.com/why-we-should-end-the-data-economy/ [2] https://anarkio.codeberg.page/blog/roadblocks-to-obtaining-government-id.html [3] https://www.unhcr.org/what-we-do/protect-human-rights/ending-statelessness/un-conventions-statelessness [4] https://www.unhcr.org/about-unhcr/who-we-are/1951-refugee-convention [5] https://index.statelessness.eu/sites/default/files/UNHCR%2C%20Faces%20of%20Statelessness%20in%20the%20Czech%20Republic%20(2020).pdf [6] https://unhcr.org/ibelong/about-statelessness [7] https://blog.twitter.com/common-thread/en/topics/stories/2021/whats-in-a-name-the-case-for-inclusivity-through-anonymity [8] https://privacyinternational.org/long-read/2274/identity-discrimination-and-challenge-id [9] https://www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2018/12/18/establishing-identity-is-a-vital-risky-and-changing-business [10] https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html [11] https://anarkio.codeberg.page/blog/survival-outside-the-state.html [12] https://sneak.berlin/20200118/you-dont-need-to-see-my-id [13] https://vonupodcast.com/know-your-customer-kyc-the-rarely-discussed-danger-guest-article-audio/ [14] https://www.statelessness.eu/blog/each-person-left-living-streets-we-are-losing-society [15] https://www.penalreform.org/blog/proving-who-i-am-the-plight-of-people/ [16] https://index.statelessness.eu/themes/detention [17] https://dergigi.medium.com/true-names-not-required-fc6647dfe24a [18] https://fee.org/articles/passports-were-a-temporary-war-measure/ [19] https://medium.com/@hansdezwart/during-world-war-ii-we-did-have-something-to-hide-40689565c550 [20] https://anarkio.codeberg.page/agorism/ [21] https://libertyunderattack.com/fifty-things-now-free-unashamed [22] https://medium.com/@Kallman/a-21st-century-introduction-to-agorism-5dc69b54d79f [23] https://kopubco.com/pdf/An_Agorist_Primer_by_SEK3.pdf [24] https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/kyc-free-bitcoin-circular-economies [25] https://kuno.anne.media [26] https://c4ss.org/content/57847 [27] https://whycryptocurrencies.com/toc.html [28] https://blog.trezor.io/buy-bitcoin-without-kyc-33b883029ff1
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communistkenobi · 2 years
I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts about the growth of American fascism as a movement made up of small scale cells like how Louis Beam advocated for, considering the authoritarian personality’s perspectives? We had an extremely interesting seminar on the KKK that branched into talking about their theorists in the 70s onwards and then into the current recession of the KKK in favour of smaller movements like the boogaloo bois or generally the Unite the Right groups. Cause the KKK was last successful nationally in the 20s, then WW2 and publishing of the authoritarian personality, then 60s and 70s civil rights KKK then alt right theorising
I’ve been thinking about this a lot!!! My answer is going to be kinda scatterbrained because it requires a lot of preamble, but tl;dr I think the decentralised cell structure of the current right wing reactionary movement(s) is not at all in conflict with the idea that fascism requires (and desires) a strong authoritarian state leader. To the extent that fascism is an ideological output of capitalism, we can liken fascist movements today to crypto-currency.
I think central to this discussion is the process of neoliberalism. Which is a word that people seem to struggle with (I also did for a while), but it’s essentially the idea that social problems can be solved via the market. Ideologically, this means an intense focus on the individual as a consumer (self-care products are usually a prime example of the neoliberalisation of healthcare, which more broadly is the concept of spending money to feel good and therefore making it easier for you to be economically productive again) and decentralisation of the government. The “downloading” of responsibility to manage problems like social services, healthcare, welfare, housing, etc from federal to provincial/state governments, and then eventually to municipal governments, means that smaller and smaller governments are now responsible for managing larger and larger slices of civic life. Which they can’t handle, so they turn to non-profits, charities, and corporations to help with the costs. This then directly inserts capital interests into these spheres of public life, and also de-democratises them, as they are now being managed (ie, paid for) by non-government organisations.
But this was not accompanied by some massive shift in power. The basic functions of society were still being administered, and while peoples lives got materially worse because of this decentralising process, there was no fundamental restructuring of the way society operated. However, when you couple this with the dismantling of unions, the selling off of public lands to private businesses, and the de-democratising of social services, you have absolutely destroyed peoples’ ability to foster community. You can’t organise at work, you can’t go anywhere or do anything unless you pay for something, and joining community councils now means navigating an insane bureaucratic web of NGOs, charities, public-private partnerships, etc just to get a five hundred dollar grant to throw a neighbourhood barbecue at the local community centre (if that centre is even open anymore). This is also coupled with people’s wages stagnating, work hours becoming longer, housing prices skyrocketing, and overall just cost of living going up while your wages go down, depressing your ability to do anything other than work.
So the fabric of civil life has been torn to shreds, but people are not individually more free than they used to be, their lives just suck more now. And this I think is where things like qanon and other decentralised, online networks rise to prominence. The internet facilitates the building of communities across space, and while it’s not a replacement for a robust social and civic life, it’s the best you’re going to get.
So, again to compare it to crypto-currency - the base power that money has in our society is not threatened by crypto. It’s a decentralised network of assets, sure, but those are still evaluated in relation to global state currency (almost always USD), and they are literally fucking useless unless you cash out with real actual currency. You are only obscuring the functioning of central power by doing this, you aren’t actually challenging banks or the state. In the same way, I think fascists can operate in these individual little groups, inventing insane conspiracies as a form of entertainment, but the central authoritarian logic of fascism is not being questioned by idiots claiming on image boards that giving your child bleach will cure covid or whatever, even when those groups clash about the details of their newest conspiracy theory. They still want to install their leader as the president of the United States - they still want to use the power and authority of the state that currently exists to their advantage, they don’t want to demolish it (although they do want to change a lot about current public life, certainly). Fascism has undergone the same neoliberalisation process - power is simply being obscured by the functioning of capital, it’s not actually being divided up.
Now what you were mentioning with the KKK is an intentional strategy. I don’t think shit like qanon is intentional in the same way. I think these people are simply responding to the moment they live in. And in the same way neoliberalism has been extraordinarily beneficial to capital interests, I think this neoliberal form of fascism can be beneficial in many of the same ways to right wing aspirations for state power. The Authoritarian Personality describes fascism as an irrational totality, a desire to be completely ruled by another person, and that fascism is a product of capitalism. Again, I don’t know how true that is (as in, I don’t think abolishing capitalism will rid us of violent and horrible people, but that’s another conversation), but fascism has adapted extremely well alongside capitalism, and you seem to be able to measure the state of the reactionary right with whatever the fuck is going on in the economy, so describing fascism as a function of capitalism seems to hold a lot of explanatory value.
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spadesurvey · 7 days
Top Five Online Survey Companies in India
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Working with a survey company is a cost-effective way to collect data. Phone survey companies can reach respondents from all around the country or around the world, broadening access to diverse opinions.
To help you find a partner, we’ve created a list of India’s best survey services. Browse information, feedback, and awards to see which is ideal for your company’s needs.
Nowadays, everything is data-driven, and most organizations, businesses, and researchers depend on online surveys to get actionable insights, understand consumer behaviour, and make informed decisions. With a sudden rise of digitalization, India has become a centre for online survey companies that offer reliable services. If you are performing market research, looking for customer feedback, or academic research, extracting valuable data can be easier with online survey platforms.
Here is the list of top 5 online survey companies in India:
Top Five Online Survey Companies in India
1.Spade Survey:
Being one of the best survey companies in India, Spade Survey has been trusted by many customers for their several requirements for many years. Well-known for its online survey service in India, this company has extensive experience across multiple industries in providing end-to-end research services for businesses, academic institutions, and NGOs. With this company, you are guaranteed to get customized survey solutions as per your specific business needs, advanced data analytics & real-time reporting, and multilingual support to reach diverse audiences.
2.Survey Monkey India:
SurveyMonkey is another online survey company that is popular globally for its versatile and easy-to-use interface to create and distribute surveys. Because of its scalable features, this company is considered one of the top-rated online survey companies in India which is ideal for both small and large enterprises. It has unique features like a drag-and-drop survey builder, pre-designed templates, and automated data analysis & reporting.
3.Qualtrics India:
Qualtrics is an online survey platform which is ideal for those businesses that are looking for deep insights into customer and employee experiences. Many large enterprises rely on this company to get highly detailed and complex survey tools with comprehensive solutions. The prime features of this online platform are AI-driven insights for advanced data interpretation, real-time feedback loops & analytics, and integration with CRM, ERP, and HRM systems.
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Recognized globally for its market research, Ipsos India is known for its best survey solutions for businesses and organizations in India. With the utilization of its services, businesses can get both online and offline survey solutions, especially consumer behaviour and market positioning. The main features of this company are expert-driven survey design and question framing, analysis through artificial intelligence, industry-specific insights for different sectors including FMCG, healthcare, IT, etc. and global expertise with local insights.
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Spade Survey specializes in all phases of questionnaire design, survey data analysis, and report writing, and tailors its services to each client’s specific requirements and budget. If you want to learn more about why we are one of the top market research organizations or get more information about our services, please email us.
These market research organizations provide survey participants with incentives as a token of appreciation for their time and honest comments about the product or service.This allows survey takers to earn some quick cash while the company receives honest feedback on their product. As a result, you can simply earn money by participating in online surveys.
Working with a survey company is a cost-effective way to collect data. Phone survey businesses can reach respondents from all around the country or around the world, broadening access to diverse opinions. To help you find a partner, we have produced a list of the best survey services in India. Browse descriptions, feedback, and awards to see which is ideal for your company’s needs.
These are the Best online survey companies in India, and you can select the one that best meets your needs. Use data to make informed business decisions.
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talent4ucompany · 16 days
Top Career Websites in Cambodia: Best Platforms to Find Jobs in 2024
In today’s competitive top career websites in Cambodia market, finding the right platform to kickstart your career or transition into a new job is crucial. Cambodia’s evolving job market offers numerous opportunities across various sectors, but the key to landing the best job is knowing where to look. Whether you’re seeking part-time work, full-time positions, or freelance gigs, the following career websites in Cambodia provide a gateway to countless employment opportunities.
Why Use Career Websites in Cambodia?
With the job market becoming increasingly digitized, online job portals have become a vital tool for job seekers. These websites not only provide listings but also allow candidates to filter through industries, experience levels, and locations. Whether you’re targeting a specific job in Cambodia, seeking information on job announcements in Cambodia, or aiming to understand the latest employment opportunities in Cambodia, the right platform can make all the difference.
The Top Career Websites in Cambodia
Here are the leading platforms to find job listings and employment opportunities in Cambodia for 2024:
Khmer24 is one of the most popular job portals in Cambodia, known for its comprehensive job listings. From part-time jobs to full-time employment, the platform offers a wide array of opportunities across different industries.
Pros: Regular updates, a wide range of job categories, user-friendly.
Best for: Both skilled professionals and entry-level job seekers looking for job opportunities in Cambodia.
CamHR is another top contender in the Cambodian job market. The platform focuses on professional and skilled job listings, making it a go-to for individuals seeking high-caliber opportunities.
Pros: Extensive listings for skilled professionals, trusted by major companies.
Best for: Professionals seeking career opportunities in Cambodia, particularly in industries like finance, engineering, and technology.
BongThom offers a variety of job postings ranging from entry-level positions to executive roles. It’s especially popular for job announcements in Cambodia and listings from NGOs and international organizations.
Pros: Excellent for NGO, nonprofit, and international job postings.
Best for: Individuals interested in employment opportunities in Cambodia with international or non-governmental organizations.
Talent4U is one of the leading recruitment agencies in Cambodia that offers personalized job placement services. With a focus on matching candidates with the right employer, Talent4U goes beyond just listings by offering expert guidance.
Pros: Tailored job listings, recruitment support, and career advice.
Best for: Job seekers looking for tailored opportunities and professional recruitment services.
Pelprek is a versatile job portal that features a wide variety of listings, from freelance gigs to full-time roles. It’s especially useful for those seeking freelance job opportunities in Cambodia or online job searches.
Pros: Offers both traditional job listings and freelance opportunities.
Best for: Individuals seeking flexibility in employment, including online job search in Cambodia and remote work options.
Navigating the Cambodian Job Market in 2024
As Cambodia’s job market continues to grow, leveraging the right platforms can put you ahead in your job search. Whether you’re looking for a job in Cambodia or exploring online job search options, these websites provide ample resources to help you succeed.
The Cambodian job market in 2024 is expected to experience growth in sectors such as technology, education, healthcare, and finance. Understanding where the opportunities lie can help job seekers target the right roles and industries. Furthermore, platforms like Talent4U, Khmer24, and CamHR keep up with the evolving job landscape, ensuring job seekers have access to the latest positions.
Tips for Job Hunting on Career Websites
Use Filters Wisely: When searching for jobs on these platforms, make use of filters such as location, industry, and experience level. This can help narrow down your options and save time.
Create Alerts: Many websites allow you to set up job alerts based on your preferences. This ensures you’re notified immediately when a relevant position is posted.
Update Your Resume: Ensure that your resume is tailored to the job you’re applying for. Including relevant keywords, such as job in Cambodia or employment opportunities Cambodia, can help your resume stand out to recruiters.
Apply Early: Job listings can be competitive, especially on popular platforms. Make it a habit to apply as soon as new job postings go live.
Finding the Best Recruitment Agencies in Cambodia
If you’re struggling to find the right role, partnering with a recruitment agency in Cambodia can be beneficial. Recruitment agencies like Talent4U offer not only job listings but also career guidance, helping you find the right fit based on your skills and goals.
Recruitment agencies can also provide insights into the Cambodian job market in 2024, offering an inside track on the latest trends and employment needs. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or someone looking for a career change, a recruitment agency can help streamline the job search process.
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thevibes1 · 19 days
Exploring the Latest Malaysia News: Top Headlines and Updates
Malaysia continues to be a vibrant hub of activity with developments unfolding across various sectors. From political changes to economic forecasts, the country is always buzzing with newsworthy events. In this article, we will explore some of the latest happenings in Malaysia, delving into the key stories shaping the nation today.
Political Landscape: New Leadership and Policies
Malaysia's political scene remains dynamic, with ongoing debates and leadership changes that impact both domestic and international relations. Recent developments have seen new policy implementations aimed at enhancing governance and promoting transparency. The latest Malaysia news reports indicate a shift towards more inclusive policies, reflecting the diverse nature of its society.
The government is actively working on revising policies to boost economic recovery post-pandemic. This includes initiatives to attract foreign investments and foster innovation in sectors like technology, healthcare, and education. Malaysia is also ramping up efforts to address concerns over environmental sustainability, a hot topic in Malaysia today's news.
Economic Developments: A Focus on Recovery and Growth
The Malaysian economy is on a steady path to recovery, rebounding from the challenges posed by the global pandemic. According to the latest updates, economic growth is projected to stabilize, with key sectors such as manufacturing, services, and tourism playing significant roles.
Malaysia is witnessing an increase in foreign direct investments, especially in green energy and digital technologies. These sectors are expected to drive job creation and boost the overall economic outlook. Malaysia today's news highlights the government's emphasis on digital transformation, aimed at positioning the country as a leader in the ASEAN region for technology and innovation.
Social Trends: Embracing Digitalization
Digitalization continues to be a major trend in Malaysia, impacting everyday life, businesses, and governance. The shift to digital platforms for services ranging from education to healthcare has been a recurring theme in the latest Malaysia news.
With an increasing number of Malaysians adapting to digital tools, there is a noticeable change in consumer behavior and business practices. Online shopping, digital banking, and virtual communication platforms have become the norm, reflecting the broader trend of digitalization highlighted in Malaysia today's news.
 Health and Safety: Navigating the New Normal
Malaysia continues to adapt to the 'new normal' brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest Malaysia news shows a sustained focus on public health measures, vaccination drives, and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of its citizens.
The Ministry of Health has been proactive in providing updates on new variants and has rolled out booster programs to maintain high immunity levels within the population. Malaysia Najib News today's news also points to the government's efforts to ensure the healthcare system is equipped to handle future health crises.
Cultural and Environmental Initiatives
Malaysia is not just focusing on economic and political developments; there is also a significant emphasis on cultural and environmental conservation. Recent news highlights various initiatives aimed at preserving the country’s rich cultural heritage while promoting eco-friendly tourism.
Efforts to combat climate change are gaining traction, with the government and various NGOs launching campaigns to protect the environment. Malaysia today's news showcases several initiatives, such as mangrove restoration projects and promoting sustainable travel practices.
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keerthana12 · 20 days
Top Courses in the UK for 2024: What’s Trending and Why You Should Enroll
Want to Study in UK
As the educational landscape evolves, certain courses in the UK are gaining popularity due to emerging trends and industry demands. If you’re considering Study in the UK in 2024, this guide will help you understand the top courses to pursue and why they are worth your attention.
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Trending Courses in the UK for 2024
Data Science and Analytics
Overview: With the explosion of big data, data science has become one of the most sought-after fields. Courses in data science focus on statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.
Why Enroll: The demand for data scientists is growing across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology. Graduates can expect excellent job prospects and high earning potential.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Overview: AI is transforming industries with advancements in automation, robotics, and machine learning. Courses in AI cover topics like neural networks, deep learning, and AI ethics.
Why Enroll: AI is at the forefront of technological innovation. Studying AI opens doors to careers in tech companies, research institutions, and beyond.
Sustainable Development
Overview: As sustainability becomes a global priority, courses in sustainable development focus on environmental management, renewable energy, and sustainable practices.
Why Enroll: Careers in sustainability are on the rise as organizations strive to meet environmental regulations and goals. This field offers opportunities in NGOs, government agencies, and private sectors.
Overview: With increasing cyber threats, cybersecurity is a critical field. Courses cover network security, ethical hacking, and cyber risk management.
Why Enroll: Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand due to the growing need for organizations to protect their data and systems. This course offers robust job prospects and career stability.
Digital Marketing
Overview: Digital marketing is evolving rapidly with advancements in social media, SEO, and online advertising. Courses in digital marketing focus on strategies, analytics, and content creation.
Why Enroll: With the shift towards online business, digital marketing skills are essential for driving business growth. Graduates can work in diverse sectors including e-commerce, media, and advertising.
Why These Courses Are Important
Career Prospects: Each of these courses is aligned with current industry trends and offers strong job prospects. Employers are seeking candidates with specialized skills in these areas.
Industry Demand: These fields are experiencing significant growth, making them attractive choices for students looking to enter high-demand job markets.
Future Trends: Enrolling in these courses positions you at the forefront of technological and societal changes, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Choosing a course that aligns with current trends and future demands can significantly impact your career trajectory. Data Science, AI, Sustainable Development, Cybersecurity, and Digital Marketing are among the Top courses in the UK for 2024, offering excellent opportunities for growth and success. As you plan your studies, consider how these courses fit with your career aspirations and the evolving job market. Enroll in a program that not only excites you but also prepares you for a dynamic and rewarding career.
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healingwithhypnotic · 23 days
Expert Mental Health Services in Hong Kong: What You Need to Know
Mental health challenges are increasingly prevalent in Hong Kong, with one in six residents experiencing common disorders like anxiety and depression. Here’s a quick overview of what you need to know about mental health services in the city:
Availability and Access: Despite Hong Kong’s advanced healthcare system, mental health services face challenges such as high costs, a shortage of professionals, and a stigma that prevents many from seeking help.
Types of Services: Options include psychiatric care for severe issues, hypnotherapy for holistic stress relief, and clinical psychology for long-term therapies. Counselling services offer early intervention, and both in-person and online therapy are available.
Workplace and Financial Stress: Stress from work and financial pressures is significant, affecting over 30% and 60% of the population, respectively.
Digital and Public Resources: Digital therapy is gaining traction, with self-hypnosis apps like UpNow providing cost-effective support. Public resources include services from the Social Welfare Department and various NGOs.
For more detailed information on mental health services in Hong Kong and how to access them, visit this comprehensive guide.
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salmansdfdfedf · 1 month
Orion PR- The Best PR Agency In Mumbai
Best PR agency in Mumbai known for its unique “Style of PR ”, Orion PR & Digital Pvt. Ltd (popularly known as Orion PR) is a leading PR Communications agency in India bringing a refreshingly different approach that yields results.Our distinguished approach: Our hallmark lies in our abilities to integrate multi-functional PR & Digital specialities on a single platform and mount integrated campaigns for our clients. Our Core Values: Orion PR is driven by its core value of professionalism that combines performance with ethics and is reflected in our 4Cs: Competency, Communication, Consistency and Commitment.
Consumer, Lifestyle, Media, Entertainment & Hospitality Our reputation pitchforks brands into the consumers consideration. We achieve this through a fine balance of visibility in the media and innovative ground and social media activities.
Healthcare & Social Our IEC (Information, Education and Communication) model helps in effective communication in this sector.
Corporate & Financial Our corporate reputation module helps in building and managing corporate equity and engaging with stakeholders.
infrastructure, Industry Bodies , Govt & NGOs We help many Govt Depts, and NGOs helping communicate issues with larger implications and highlight them in public domain for resolution and for building and managing public opinion.
Technology, Online B2B / B2C, Start-ups & B2B We help clients in this segment with campaigns for promoting businesses, driving sales and mobilizing potential investors.
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8917590943 · 2 months
How a Student from a Poor Family Can Study MBBS Courses in India?
In India, the dream of becoming a doctor often seems out of reach for students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds. 
However, with determination, the right information, and strategic planning, it is possible to overcome financial barriers and pursue an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree. 
This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed roadmap for students from poor families to achieve their goal of studying MBBS in India.
Understanding the MBBS Course and Its Importance
An MBBS degree is the foundation of a medical career, enabling individuals to practise as doctors and contribute to the healthcare system. 
The course typically spans five and a half years, including a one-year internship. 
Given the rising demand for healthcare professionals, an MBBS degree offers not only a stable career but also an opportunity to make a significant impact on society.
Financial Challenges in Pursuing MBBS
The cost of an MBBS course can be prohibitively high, encompassing tuition fees, study materials, accommodation, and living expenses. 
Private medical colleges are particularly expensive, often out of reach for students from economically disadvantaged families. 
However, government medical colleges offer more affordable options, provided the student can secure a seat through competitive exams.
Step-by-Step Guide for a Poor Family Student to Study MBBS
1. Early Preparation and Academic Excellence
Start Early:
The journey to MBBS starts in high school. Students should focus on excelling in science subjects, particularly Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Join Coaching Institutes:
Many students join coaching institutes to prepare for competitive exams like NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test). 
While coaching can be expensive, some institutes offer scholarships or free coaching for meritorious but financially disadvantaged students. 
Examples include Aakash Institute's ANTHE scholarship and the Resonance Foundation.
Utilize Free Online Resources:
There are numerous free online resources available for NEET preparation, including YouTube channels, educational websites, and apps. 
Platforms like Khan Academy, Unacademy, and the National Digital Library of India offer high-quality study materials and video lectures.
2. Excelling in the NEET Exam
Understanding NEET:
NEET is the gateway to MBBS courses in India. It is a highly competitive exam that tests knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 
Securing a high rank in NEET increases the chances of getting into a government medical college, which has lower fees compared to private colleges.
Study Plan:
 A well-structured study plan is crucial. Allocate specific times for each subject, focusing on understanding concepts and practising problem-solving.
Mock Tests:
Regularly take mock tests to simulate exam conditions and identify weak areas. This helps in building exam temperament and improving time management skills.
3. Scholarships and Financial Aid
Government Scholarships:
Several government scholarships are available for meritorious students from economically weaker sections. 
The National Scholarship Portal (NSP) is a comprehensive platform where students can find various scholarships offered by the central and state governments.
Private Scholarships:
Many private organisations and NGOs offer scholarships to support medical students. 
For instance, the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship, Foundation for Excellence (FFE) Scholarship, and Tata Trusts Medical and Healthcare Scholarships are notable options.
Educational Loans:
Banks offer educational loans specifically for medical courses. These loans generally have favourable terms and low-interest rates. 
The Indian government also offers interest subsidies on educational loans for students from economically weaker sections under the Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme.
4. Admission to Government Medical Colleges
Merit-Based Admission:
Securing admission to a government medical college is the most cost-effective option. 
These colleges have lower tuition fees and are well-funded, offering high-quality education.
State Quota and All India Quota:
Understand the admission process, which includes the All India Quota (15%) and State Quota (85%). 
Students can apply through both quotas to maximise their chances of securing a seat.
5. Work-Study Programs and Part-Time Jobs
Campus Jobs:
Many universities offer part-time jobs on campus. 
These jobs are designed to accommodate students' academic schedules and can provide a steady income to cover living expenses.
Freelancing and Tutoring:
Students with strong academic backgrounds can offer tutoring services or take up freelancing jobs related to their field of study. 
Online platforms like Upwork and Fiverr provide opportunities for freelancing, while local tutoring can be a source of steady income.
6. Cutting Costs and Managing Expenses
Create a detailed budget to manage expenses effectively. Prioritise essential expenses like tuition fees, study materials, and accommodation.
Shared Accommodation:
Opt for shared accommodation or hostels to reduce living expenses. 
Many medical colleges have affordable hostel facilities for students.
Used Books and Study Materials:
Purchase used textbooks and study materials to save money. Online platforms and college notice boards often have listings for second-hand books.
7. Emotional and Psychological Support
Mentorship Programs:
Seek out mentorship programs where experienced professionals guide students through their academic and personal challenges. 
Organizations like Mentors Foundation and Mentor Together offer such services.
Peer Support Groups:
Join peer support groups to share experiences and find encouragement from fellow students facing similar challenges.
Counseling Services:
Utilize counselling services provided by the college to cope with stress and maintain mental well-being.
Studying MBBS in India is a challenging but achievable goal for students from poor families. 
With determination, strategic planning, and the utilisation of available resources, financial constraints can be overcome. 
By excelling academically, securing scholarships, managing expenses wisely, and seeking emotional support, aspiring doctors can pursue their dreams and contribute to the healthcare system. 
Remember, the journey may be tough, but the reward of becoming a doctor and serving society makes it all worthwhile.
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ngofundraising · 2 months
How To Develop A Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy
Welcome to the world of nonprofit fundraising, where passion meets purpose and generosity knows no bounds. As organizations dedicated to making a difference in the world, NGOs rely on effective fundraising strategies to fuel their missions and create lasting impact. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential steps needed to develop a successful nonprofit fundraising strategy that not only raises funds but also builds strong relationships with donors for long-term support. So grab your virtual pen and paper, and let's craft a strategy that will propel your NGO towards success!
Understanding the Importance of a Fundraising Strategy
Understanding the Importance of a Fundraising Strategy is crucial for nonprofit organizations striving to make a difference in their communities. A well-thought-out strategy serves as a roadmap that guides your fundraising efforts towards achieving specific goals and objectives. By having a clear plan in place, you can efficiently allocate resources, maximize donor engagement, and ultimately increase revenue to support your cause.
Without a solid strategy in place, fundraising efforts can become scattered and ineffective, leading to missed opportunities and potential burnout among staff and volunteers. A strategic approach allows you to focus on activities that yield the most significant impact while minimizing wasted time and resources on less fruitful endeavors.
Moreover, a fundraising strategy provides direction and cohesion for your team, ensuring that everyone is aligned towards common objectives. It also helps build credibility with donors by demonstrating professionalism and accountability in how their contributions are utilized.
In today's competitive landscape where donors have numerous options for charitable giving, having a well-defined fundraising strategy sets your organization apart by showcasing transparency, sustainability, and long-term vision.
Identifying Your Organization's Goals and Mission
Before diving into fundraising efforts, it is crucial for nonprofits to clearly define their goals and mission. Understanding the purpose of your organization will guide your fundraising strategy in a meaningful way.
Take the time to reflect on what impact you want to make in the community and how you plan to achieve it. Whether it's providing educational resources, supporting healthcare initiatives, or advocating for social change, knowing your mission will help attract donors who align with your cause.
Consider setting specific and realistic fundraising goals that are aligned with your organization's overall objectives. This will help create a focused approach when reaching out to potential donors and supporters.
By identifying your organization's goals and mission from the outset, you can establish a strong foundation for successful fundraising campaigns that resonate with both existing and prospective donors alike.
Researching Potential Donors and Target Audience
Researching potential donors and target audience is a crucial step in developing a successful nonprofit fundraising strategy. By understanding who your potential donors are, you can tailor your approach to resonate with them on a deeper level. Start by looking at demographics, interests, and giving patterns to create donor profiles that guide your outreach efforts.
Utilize data analytics tools to gather insights into donor behavior and preferences. This information will help you craft personalized messaging that speaks directly to their motivations for supporting your cause. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gain direct feedback from current donors and prospects about what resonates with them most.
Explore social media platforms and online forums where your target audience engages. Engage with them authentically by sharing compelling stories about the impact of your organization's work. Building relationships based on trust and shared values is key to cultivating long-term support from donors who believe in your mission.
By investing time in researching potential donors and understanding your target audience, you set the foundation for building meaningful connections that drive impactful fundraising results for your nonprofit organization.
Creating a Budget and Setting Realistic Goals
When it comes to nonprofit fundraising, creating a budget and setting realistic goals is key. Start by assessing your organization's financial standing and determining how much you need to raise. Consider expenses such as staff salaries, marketing materials, and event costs.
Next, outline specific fundraising goals that align with your mission. Whether it's raising a certain amount of money or increasing donor engagement, make sure your goals are measurable and achievable within a set timeframe.
Once you have your budget and goals in place, prioritize fundraising tactics that will help you reach them. This could include hosting events, launching online campaigns, or reaching out to potential donors directly.
Remember to regularly review your progress against the budget and goals you've set. Adjust strategies as needed to stay on track and maximize fundraising efforts effectively.
By setting clear budgets and achievable goals, your nonprofit can better focus its resources towards making a meaningful impact in the community.
Implementing Effective Fundraising Tactics
Implementing effective fundraising tactics is crucial for the success of any nonprofit organization. One strategy to consider is diversifying your fundraising channels to reach a wider audience and maximize donations. This can include online campaigns, events, grant applications, and partnerships with businesses or other nonprofits.
Utilizing social media platforms can also be a powerful tool in reaching potential donors and raising awareness about your cause. Engaging storytelling and compelling visuals can help convey the impact of your work and inspire people to support your mission.
Another tactic to consider is creating targeted fundraising campaigns based on donor preferences or past giving history. Personalization can increase donor engagement and loyalty over time.
Regularly analyzing data and metrics from previous fundraising efforts can provide valuable insights into what strategies are most effective for your organization. Testing new ideas and being willing to adapt based on results is key in continuously improving your fundraising tactics.
Measuring Success and Making Adjustments
Measuring the success of your nonprofit fundraising efforts is crucial to understanding what is working and what needs adjustment. Tracking key metrics such as donation amounts, donor retention rates, and campaign ROI can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies.
By analyzing this data regularly, you can identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. This information allows you to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources and how to optimize future campaigns.
In addition to measuring success, it's essential to be proactive in making adjustments based on your findings. Whether it's tweaking messaging, targeting a different audience segment, or trying out new fundraising tactics, being adaptable is key to staying relevant and impactful in the nonprofit sector.
Remember that fundraising strategies are not set in stone; they should evolve with the changing landscape of donor behavior and market trends. Stay agile in your approach and be willing to pivot when necessary for continued success in achieving your NGO fundraising goals.
Building Relationships with Donors for Long-Term Support
To develop a successful nonprofit fundraising strategy, establishing and nurturing relationships with donors is crucial for long-term support. Building genuine connections goes beyond simply asking for donations; it's about cultivating meaningful partnerships based on trust and mutual goals.
Donors want to feel valued and appreciated for their contributions, so personalized communication and regular updates on how their support makes an impact are key. Show them the tangible results of their donations through success stories, photos, or videos that highlight the difference they are making.
Engage with donors on multiple platforms, whether through social media interactions, emails, phone calls, or in-person meetings. Acknowledge their generosity publicly by recognizing them at events or in your organization's publications.
By fostering strong relationships built on transparency and gratitude, you can turn one-time contributors into loyal supporters who will champion your cause for years to come.
Utilizing Technology for Fundraising Efforts
In today's digital age, utilizing technology for fundraising efforts is essential for nonprofit organizations to reach a wider audience and increase donations.
One effective way to leverage technology is by creating an engaging website that clearly communicates your mission and impact. Incorporate online donation portals to make it easy for supporters to contribute.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide valuable tools for spreading awareness about your cause. Engage with followers through compelling content, updates on projects, and success stories.
Email marketing campaigns are another powerful tool in the digital fundraising arsenal. Segment your donor list based on interests and giving history to personalize messages and maximize engagement.
Virtual events, crowdfunding platforms, and mobile fundraising apps are also innovative ways to connect with donors remotely and raise funds efficiently.
By embracing technology in your fundraising strategy, you can amplify your organization's reach and impact in the nonprofit sector.
Conclusion: The Importance
As a nonprofit organization, developing a successful fundraising strategy is crucial for achieving your mission and goals. By understanding the importance of having a well-thought-out plan, identifying your target audience, setting realistic goals, implementing effective tactics, and utilizing technology, you can maximize your fundraising efforts.
Remember that building relationships with donors is key to securing long-term support for your cause. Measure the success of your fundraising activities regularly and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. Embrace innovation and leverage technology to reach a wider audience and streamline your processes.In conclusion: A strong fundraising strategy not only helps raise funds but also enhances visibility, credibility, and sustainability for NGOs. By following these steps and continuously refining your approach, you can create a solid foundation for ongoing financial support that will enable you to make a lasting impact in the community.
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bidishabanerjee0118 · 3 months
Q1. What are some good NGOs in India?
Ans: Here are some good NGOs in India :
- Smile Foundation: Established in 2002.
- CRY (Child Rights and You): Established in 1979.
- Give India Foundation: Established in 1999.
- Goonj: Established in 1999.
- Nanhi Kali: Established in 1996.
- Care India: Established in 1946.
- Helpage India: Established in 1978.
- Pratham: Established in 1994.
- Akshaya Patra Foundation: Established in 2000.
- Save the Children India: Established in 2008.
Q2. What are the various NGOs in Hyderabad?
Ans: Here are some NGOs in Hyderabad:
- United Way of Hyderabad: a volunteer-led organization that aims to create long-term social change.
- Jeevan Aadhar Society: a non-governmental organization that works to maintain natural resources and the environment.
- Don Bosco Navajeevan: an organization that works in education, vocational training and medical support.
- Akshaya Patra Foundation: an organization that works to resist malnutrition and support the right to education.
- Save the Children: an organization that works to reduce child poverty and protect child health and nutrition.
Q3. What is the best NGO to make a difference?
Ans: Marpu Foundation is not a known charity, but there are other organizations that have been recognized for their contributions to society. Make A Difference (MAD) is an Indian non-profit organization that works to ensure better outcomes for children in orphanages and shelters across India. The organization won the 2022 Lipman Family Prize for its efforts.
Q4. What are the top NGOs in the world?
Ans: Here are some of the top NGOs in the world :
- Save the Children: This London-based organization aims to improve the lives of children by providing healthcare, education, economic development, emergency aid and more.
- Oxfam International: This anti-poverty organization focuses on gender justice, conflicts and disasters, water and sanitation and more.
- Doctors without Borders: This medical NGO works in conflict zones, areas affected by natural disasters and areas with endemic diseases.
- BRAC: This international development NGO based in Bangladesh focuses on social development like microfinance, disaster risk management, education, gender justice and water and sanitation.
- World Vision: This Christian humanitarian NGO focuses on issues like poverty, education, child protection, disaster relief, economic empowerment and clean water.
- International Rescue Committee: This organization helps refugees affected by humanitarian crises like disasters and conflict.
- Catholic Relief Services: This humanitarian NGO focuses on emergency relief, long-term development and human rights protection.
- Danish Refugee Council: This organization works in every stage of displacement, provides humanitarian aid and protection and works with civil society and authorities to promote refugee rights.
- CARE International: This anti-poverty NGO focuses on gender equality, the right to health, climate justice, the right to food and clean water and more.
- Amnesty International: This advocacy NGO promotes and protects human rights through awareness campaigns and mobilizing the public.
Q5. Which NGOs in India, honestly working for a cause, are the most trusted?
Ans: Here are some of the most trusted NGOs in India :
- Smile Foundation: focuses on education, health and livelihood for children and women.
- CRY (Child Rights and You): works to ensure happier and healthier childhoods for underprivileged children.
- Give India Foundation: an online donation platform that helps raise funds for trusted NGOs.
- Goonj: focuses on disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development.
- Nanhi Kali: supports education for underprivileged girls.
Q6. What are the top 10 NGOs in India? What do they specialize at?
Ans: Here are the top 10 NGOs in India :
1. Smile Foundation: specializes in education, health and livelihood for children and women
2. CRY (Child Rights and You): focuses on children's healthcare, nutrition, education and protection from child labor and marriage
3. Give India Foundation: an online donation platform that helps raise funds for trusted NGOs
4. Goonj: focuses on disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development
5. Nanhi Kali: supports education for underprivileged girls
6. Care India: focuses on reducing poverty and social injustice, and empowering women and girls from poor and marginalized communities
7. Helpage India: focuses on the concerns of elders
8. Pratham: works towards the provision of quality education for underprivileged children in India
9. Akshaya Patra Foundation: implements the Government of India’s PM POSHAN Initiative to solve the societal issues of classroom hunger and malnutrition
10. Save the Children India: focuses on education, child protection, poverty, health and nutrition
Q7. What are some NGOs in India that work sincerely with their people and do not use them as a means to get foreign funds?
Ans: Here are some NGOs in India known for their genuine work and transparency:
1. Goonj: Focuses on disaster relief, community development, and social welfare.
2. Prayas: Works on issues like education, health, and human rights.
3. Srinidhi Trust: Supports education and healthcare for underprivileged children.
4. Bhumi: Focuses on education, environment, and community development.
5. Make a Difference (MAD): Works to improve the lives of children in orphanages and shelters.
6. Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM): Focuses on healthcare, education, and community development.
7. Vikas Khanna Foundation: Works on education, healthcare, and women's empowerment.
8. Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation: Focuses on child rights and education.
9. The Akanksha Foundation: Works to improve education and livelihoods for underprivileged children.
10. The Banyan: Supports mental health and rehabilitation.
Q8. Can someone list down the not-so-well-known NGOs from India that are doing some really good work?
Ans: Here are some lesser-known NGOs in India doing great work :
1. Project Eka Foundation: Founded by Puja Rawat Sethi, this organization runs three schools in two Indian cities and provides free education to over 500 underprivileged children.
2. Sai Leela Foundation: This organization was established in 2019 to achieve social justice through skilling the youth, women empowerment and a healthcare ecosystem for the underprivileged.
3. Ranragini Mahila Foundation: This organization was founded by Heena Kaushik Kothari and trains girls and women about the digital world.
4. Sikh Aid: This organization is helping needy people across the country by providing food to those who cannot afford it and educating the children of poor families.
5. Asifa India: This UNESCO-supported NGO was founded in 1960 in France and is devoted to developing film animation as an art and as an effective means of communication.
Q9. What are some of the best NGOs in India that are making a significant impact?
Ans: Here are some of the best NGOs in India that are making a significant impact :
1. Project Eka Foundation: runs three schools in two cities in India, providing free education to over 500 underprivileged children.
2. Sai Leela Foundation: supports rural education, training, health and environmental causes.
3. Ranragini Mahila Foundation: trains girls and women in the digital world.
4. Sikh Aid: provides food and education to the poor.
5. Asifa India: develops film animation as an art and as a means of communication.
6. Teach For India: recruits and trains young professionals and graduates to serve as full-time teachers in under-resourced schools.
7. Smile Foundation: supports the education of disadvantaged children.
Q10.What are the top 10 NGOs in India known for their outstanding work?
Ans: Here are the top 10 NGOs in India known for their outstanding work :
1. Smile Foundation: Founded in 2002, it focuses on education, health and livelihood for children and women.
2. CRY (Child Rights and You): Founded in 1979, it works to ensure happier and healthier childhoods for underprivileged children.
3. Give India Foundation: Founded in 1999, it is an online donation platform that helps raise funds for trusted NGOs.
4. Goonj: Founded in 1999, it focuses on disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development.
5. Nanhi Kali: Founded in 1996, it supports education for underprivileged girls.
6. Care India: Founded in 1946, it focuses on reducing poverty and social injustice, and empowering women and girls from poor and marginalized communities.
7. Helpage India: Founded in 1978, it focuses on the concerns of elders.
8. Pratham: Founded in 1994, it works towards the provision of quality education for underprivileged children in India.
9. Akshaya Patra Foundation: Founded in 2000, it implements the Government of India’s PM POSHAN Initiative to solve the societal issues of classroom hunger and malnutrition.
10. Save the Children India: Founded in 2008, it focuses on education, child protection, poverty, health and nutrition.
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astralstudiosza-blog · 3 months
Video Marketing: Proven Techniques for Business Success
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I first saw the power of video marketing while working with a small bakery in Johannesburg. We created a short video showcasing their artisanal bread-making process. The video captured the essence of their craft and resonated deeply with their audience, boosting foot traffic and online orders. It was a dough-licious success, proving that video marketing isn't just the yeast you can do for your business—it’s essential.
Why Video Marketing Matters
Video marketing is crucial. It engages audiences more effectively than other content types. Statistics show that 85% of Internet users in the US watch video content monthly. Videos grab attention faster than a cat video in a meeting and build trust, making them a powerful tool for marketing.
Types of Marketing Videos
Different types of marketing videos serve various purposes. Explainer videos break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand visuals. Testimonial videos build credibility with satisfied customer stories. Product demos showcase products in action. Corporate videos promote company values and achievements. Social media snippets are short, engaging videos for platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Think of them as the video equivalent of potato chips—you can't watch just one.
Marketing Video Ideas for Businesses
Creative video ideas can set businesses apart. For example, retail stores can showcase a day in the life of their store. Healthcare providers can feature patient testimonials. Real estate agents can offer virtual tours, and food businesses can share recipes and cooking tips. Imagine a real estate agent saying, “This house has more charm than my Aunt Mabel’s Christmas sweater collection.”
Choosing the Right Marketing Videographer
Selecting the right videographer is crucial. Review their portfolio, check for industry experience, and ask for references. Key questions include their experience with similar projects, detailed quotes, revision processes, and whether they work with a team. And yes, asking if they can make your CEO look like a movie star is completely reasonable.
The Process of Marketing Video Creation
Creating a marketing video involves several steps. In pre-production, define objectives, identify the target audience, create a script, and storyboard. During production, set up equipment, direct the shoot, and capture additional B-roll footage. In post-production, edit the footage, add graphics and sound, and review the final cut. It's a bit like baking a cake—planning, mixing, baking, and adding the icing.
Marketing Videos for Small Business
Small businesses can create impactful videos on a budget. Use smartphones for filming, learn basic editing skills with free software, and share videos on social media platforms. Tools like Canva, Animoto, and Lightworks can assist with DIY video production. Remember, Spielberg started somewhere, probably with less than an iPhone.
The Cost of Marketing Videos
Understanding the cost of marketing videos can help you budget effectively. In South Africa, costs vary based on complexity and quality. Pre-production costs, which include scripting, storyboarding, and planning, can range from R7,500 to R30,000. Production costs cover filming, crew, equipment, and location fees, ranging from R15,000 to R75,000 per day. Post-production costs involve editing, graphics, and sound design, and can range from R15,000 to R45,000. To get the best value for money, plan thoroughly to avoid costly reshoots. Hiring experienced professionals can lead to better results in less time, ultimately saving money. Using stock footage can also supplement your video, reducing production costs while still delivering high-quality content.
Marketing and Video Production for Corporates and NGOs
Corporate videos should focus on professional quality and brand alignment, while NGO videos should emphasize storytelling and emotional appeal. Successful campaigns, like a financial services company using testimonial videos or an environmental NGO creating a documentary-style video, demonstrate the impact of tailored content. Remember, tugging at heartstrings can be more effective than pulling teeth.
Working with a Marketing Video Agency
Hiring a professional agency offers expertise, resources, and efficient project management. Research agencies, review portfolios, and interview potential partners to find the right fit. Collaborate closely to ensure your vision is realized. And always ask if they offer free snacks during brainstorming sessions.
Creating Engaging Marketing Video Content
Engaging content is key. Tell a compelling story, use dynamic visuals, maintain clear messaging, and include a strong call-to-action. Relatable and interesting content keeps viewers engaged. Just think, if your video can keep someone's attention longer than a viral cat video, you're winning.
Measuring the Success of Your Marketing Videos
Track performance with metrics like view count, engagement rate, conversion rate, and watch time. Use tools like Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and Wistia for detailed insights. It’s like being a detective, but for views and likes instead of crime scenes.
Marketing with video is a powerful way to engage audiences, build trust, and drive results. Whether you’re a small business, corporate entity, or NGO, investing in video marketing can yield significant returns. Start leveraging video today to elevate your marketing strategy. And remember, every great video begins with a single frame—so get rolling!
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onlineeducation1 · 3 months
Success Stories: Graduates of Online Master's Programs in Journalism and Mass Communication
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There has never been a greater need for qualified professionals in mass communication and journalism in the quickly changing media landscape of today. As a flexible and accessible way for aspiring journalists and communication specialists to further their careers, online master's programs in these subjects have become popular. In this blog post, we celebrate the success stories of graduates who have leveraged their online education to make significant strides in their professional journeys.
Breaking Barriers to Online Education
One of the most compelling aspects of online master's programs in journalism and mass communication is their ability to break down traditional educational barriers. Graduates from a wide range of origins, places, and situations have had access to elite education that was previously unattainable. Let's get to know a handful of these innovators.
1. Maria Rodriguez: From Local Reporter to National Correspondent
Maria Rodriguez, a graduate of the Online Master's in Journalism from the University of Southern California, began her career as a local reporter in a small town. She was clearly passionate about storytelling and committed to her community, but she felt constrained by the opportunities in her area. 
After enrolling in the online program, Maria was able to continue working while studying. The flexible schedule allowed her to balance her job, family commitments, and education.She gained the abilities necessary to succeed in a wider market thanks to the advanced curriculum and faculty support. These days, Maria covers stories that affect millions of viewers as a national correspondent for a major news network. 
2. Alex Johnson: Crafting Digital Narratives
Alex Johnson has always been fascinated by the power of digital media to shape public opinion and drive social change. With a background in graphic design, Alex decided to pursue an Online Master's in Mass Communication with a focus on digital media strategy from the University of Florida.
With a focus on digital storytelling, social media analytics, and multimedia production, the curriculum gave Alex all the tools he needed to create engaging stories. Following graduation, Alex established a prosperous digital marketing company with a focus on non-profit initiatives. His work has demonstrated the significant impact of digital communication by assisting many organizations in amplifying their messages and reaching wider audiences.
3. Priya Patel: Elevating Voices through Investigative Journalism
Priya Patel's journey began with a passion for uncovering truths and giving a voice to the voiceless. She enrolled in the Online Master's in Journalism at Northwestern University with a specific interest in investigative journalism. The program's rigorous curriculum, combined with real-world projects and access to a global network of professionals, honed her investigative skills.
Priya's capstone project, which investigated systemic issues in the healthcare industry, garnered national attention and led to significant policy changes. Today, she is an award-winning investigative journalist for a leading news organization, continuing to shed light on critical issues and hold powerful entities accountable.
4. James Thompson: Bridging Cultures through Communication
James Thompson's career took a unique turn after completing his Online Master's in Mass Communication from Syracuse University. With a background in international relations, James was passionate about using media to bridge cultural gaps and foster global understanding.
The program's focus on cross-cultural communication and global media trends enabled James to work for an international NGO. He now leads communication strategies for global campaigns, using his skills to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding across borders. James's work has been instrumental in building bridges between diverse communities and promoting peace and cooperation.
The Impact of Online Master's Programs
These success stories demonstrate the revolutionary potential of online master's degrees in mass communication and journalism. These programs' adaptability, accessibility, and excellent instruction have enabled people to follow their passions, grow in their employment, and meaningfully contribute to society. 
There will always be a need for competent communicators and journalists as the media landscape changes. Not only are online master's programs keeping up with this transformation, but they are spearheading it by offering a vibrant and welcoming environment for the upcoming generation of media professionals to flourish.
If you're considering an online master's program in journalism or mass communication, let these success stories inspire you. The opportunities are vast, the impact is profound, and the future is yours to shape.
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maharghaideovate · 3 months
Career Opportunities After Graduating with an HR Degree from LPU Online
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An MBA with a specialization in Human Resources from LPU Online can open up a wide range of rewarding career avenues. This advanced degree equips you with the in-demand skills and credibility to take on influential roles shaping an organization's most valuable asset - its people. With LPU's industry-approved curriculum, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of core HR functions like talent acquisition, learning and development, compensation and benefits, labor relations, and more. Plus, you'll build expertise in strategic areas such as workforce planning, HR analytics, and implementing HR technologies. Let's explore some of the top career paths awaiting you after this HR specialization.
Leadership Roles in HR
For those with an appetite for influence, the LPU Online HR MBA can pave the way to strategic leadership positions such as:
Chief HR Officer
Vice President of Human Resources
HR Director
Global Head of HR
In these leadership positions, you will set the people strategy and related policies and programs to fuel talent management, employee engagement, workplace culture initiatives—that together drive organizational success. You'll be a core member of the executive team, having close contact with senior leadership to ensure HR alignment with the business objectives. Your MBA will give you some serious strategic vision and business acumen to make a meaningful difference in HR leadership.
Specialized HR Roles
Your training from LPU Online will prepare you well for pursuing more specialized career paths like:
Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition Lead
Recruitment & Sourcing Specialist
HR Branding/Recruitment Marketing Manager
University Recruiting Program Manager
Head of Global Talent Acquisition
Training & Development
Learning & Development Manager
Instructional Designer
Manager of Leadership Development Programs
Chief Learning Officer
HR Analytics
People Analytics Manager
Workforce Planning & Analytics Analyst
HR Data Analyst/Scientist
Lead HR Business Partner (Analytics)
The HR Business Partner
Another popular career avenue is that of an HR Business Partner, who acts as a strategic business partner aligned to specific business units or functions. You will consult with leaders by aligning HR initiatives to departmental goals and advise on workforce planning, organizational design, talent development programs, and change management, to mention but a few. You will be instrumental in driving HR value.
Consulting Opportunities
If you want more variety and flexibility in your work, then the consulting world is for you. With an MBA focus on HR from LPU Online, you could lend your expertise across various organizations on a project basis, consulting on areas like:
HR information systems implementation and technology
HR policies, compliance and labor relations
Diversity, equity and inclusion strategy
Organizational change management and transformation
HR strategy, program design and operational excellence
As an external consultant, you'll be a trusted advisor organizations call on for your objective HR perspective.
Non-Corporate HR Careers
The applications of an LPU HR MBA extend well beyond the corporate realm. Other potential paths include HR roles at:
Colleges and universities (managing staff, faculty, administration)
Healthcare institutions and hospital systems
Government agencies and public sector organizations
Non-profit entities and NGOs
You could also work for an HR service provider firm offering outsourced HR solutions to client companies.
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Equipped with specialized HR knowledge plus a broad business acumen from LPU Online, ambitious graduates may choose to start their own entrepreneurial HR venture such as:
An independent HR consultancy
A staffing and recruitment agency
A corporate training and development firm
An HR software/technology startup or product firm
The possibilities are vast for those earning an MBA with a specialization in the dynamic, ever-evolving field of human resources. LPU's online program aims to provide you with the HR competencies, general business fundamentals, leadership skills and credibility needed to excel and drive success through an organization's most valuable resource - its human capital.
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herpescureindia · 4 months
Free Herpes Treatment in India: Options and Resources
Herpes is a common viral infection affecting many individuals worldwide, including in India. Access to treatment is crucial for managing symptoms and preventing outbreaks. For those seeking affordable options, this blog explores avenues for free herpes treatment in India, highlighting available resources, government initiatives, and frequently asked questions.
 Understanding Herpes
Herpes is caused by two types of viruses: Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 generally results in oral herpes, characterized by cold sores around the mouth, while HSV-2 typically leads to genital herpes. Both types are highly contagious and can cause recurrent outbreaks.
 Government Healthcare Programs
India's government provides several healthcare programs aimed at offering free herpes treatment in India or subsidized medical treatment to its citizens. These programs can assist those seeking free herpes treatment:
1. Ayushman Bharat Yojana: Also known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), this program provides health coverage for low-income families. Beneficiaries can access free consultations, medications, and treatments at empaneled hospitals.
2. National Health Mission (NHM): NHM focuses on improving healthcare access and quality, particularly for rural and underserved populations. It supports various health initiatives and clinics where individuals can receive free treatment for herpes and other conditions.
3. State-Specific Health Schemes: Several Indian states have their health schemes, such as the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana in Maharashtra and the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme in Tamil Nadu. These schemes provide free or subsidized healthcare services, including herpes treatment.
 Free Clinics and Hospitals
Numerous clinics and hospitals across India offer free or low-cost medical services, including treatment for herpes:
1. Government Hospitals: Government-run hospitals provide free consultations, diagnostic tests, and medications. They often have specialized departments for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) where herpes treatment is available.
2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs such as the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) and the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) offer free STI testing and treatment services.
3. Community Health Centers: Community health centers and primary health care centers (PHCs) provide basic healthcare services, including free herpes treatment, especially in rural areas.
 Online Resources and Telemedicine
With the rise of digital health platforms, individuals can now access free herpes treatment and consultations online:
1. e-Sanjeevani: The government’s telemedicine service, e-Sanjeevani, offers free online consultations with healthcare providers. Patients can discuss their symptoms and receive guidance on managing herpes.
2. NGO Websites: Several NGOs provide free online consultations and resources for managing herpes. These platforms offer confidential advice and support.
 FAQs on Free Herpes Treatment in India
Q1: Are there any free medications for herpes in India?
A1: Yes, government hospitals and clinics often provide free herpes treatment in India. Beneficiaries of schemes like Ayushman Bharat can also access free medications.
Q2: How can I find free herpes treatment in my area?
A2: Visit local government hospitals, community health centers, or NGO clinics. You can also use online resources like e-Sanjeevani for free consultations and guidance.
Q3: Can telemedicine services provide effective herpes treatment?
A3: Yes, telemedicine services like e-Sanjeevani can offer effective consultations and guidance for managing herpes. However, in-person visits may be necessary for diagnostic tests and prescriptions.
Q4: Are alternative treatments for herpes available for free in India?
A4: Some government and NGO clinics may offer free or low-cost alternative treatments, such as Ayurveda and homeopathy, for herpes.
Q5: What should I do if I cannot afford herpes treatment?
A5: Utilize government healthcare programs, visit free clinics, and seek support from NGOs. Telemedicine platforms can also provide free consultations and guidance.
Access to free herpes treatment in India is crucial for managing this common viral infection. By leveraging government healthcare programs, free clinics, and online resources, individuals can receive the necessary care and support without financial burden. Staying informed about available options and seeking timely treatment can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected by herpes.
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