#online international business bank account
ads247365 · 4 months
Unlock seamless international trade with ADS247365. Our comprehensive guide simplifies the process of opening an international business bank account, ensuring secure and efficient global transactions. Empower your business with expert insights and practical steps to thrive in the competitive global market.
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ads247365inc · 2 years
Ads247365 is the best way to open a foreign bank business account by filling out the form online. Ads247365 will take care of your case and ensure that you get your account opened within a few days.
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adsbizs02 · 2 years
You may conveniently access your money and conduct digital transactions by opening an International business bank account that gives numerous benefits to your business. With the right direction from our business, you can quickly and easily open an International bank account.
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payecards · 10 days
Welcome to Payecards CARD
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Payecards is a versatile platform offering secure and convenient prepaid card solutions for online and offline transactions. With Payecards, users can easily manage their finances and make purchases with ease. The platform provides a range of prepaid cards that cater to different needs, ensuring safety and flexibility in handling payments. Whether for personal use or business expenses, Payecards aims to simplify financial management with user-friendly features and robust security measures.
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adsbizs14 · 2 years
Whether you want to run an independently employed firm or need to acknowledge installments from clients everywhere, you want to start a business ledger from a distance. An Open Business Bank Account Balance Remotely assists you with rate trade habitually, which brings about Greater expenses, extra charges, and tedious desk work.
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junetorres · 15 days
You are everything
I saw a reddit post that can really help with manifesting/shifting
(credits to u/ketoish123 on reddit)
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I feel like sharing this, since I want to help more people understand that they are in control of their reality.
It goes like this: Everything you see is god/universe/consciousness. (Prefer it as you'd like).
God is everything, from the person you're in love with, to the pens on your desk, to the money you wish to have, to your pets, to the nice cars you want, to the luxury house you want, to the chair or couch that you're sitting on.
And if everything is god, this means that you too must be god.
There is only one consciousness. One mind for everything. And you are the operant power of that mind.
Just you.
One thought. One mind, for the entire universe.
There's no one to appose your thoughts or tell you "no". There's no resistance or things in your way.
What you speak is the truth. Always.
For example you wish to make millions of dollars selling products in your online shop.
First realize that the desire is immediately fulfilled.
Because you are everything. You are god. And if everything you see In front of you is also god, this means you are already, that which you seek. You are not separate from anything.
What you say has to be true, because there is only one singular mind for this entire universe.
One thought.
And that's yours.
You are the products in your shop. You are the customers buying the product. You are the raving reviews. You are the million dollars they spend. You are the celebrities wanting to promote your product. You are the ads that go viral. You are the investors wanting to support your product. You are the bank tellers handing you your money. You are the bank itself.
Go even further and you realize,
You are all the money that will ever exist. All the money that will ever be spent. All the people that will purchase anything ever.
Go even further and realize,
You are abundance. You are wealth. You are success. You are support. You are creativity. You are passion.
You are everything because you are god.
You think for an entire universe. Just you.
For a visual, imagine the universe fits inside your body, imagine everything that has, and will exist in this "physical world" flows outwards from your internal universe.
It flows outwards from you. Your entire life you've been creating world tailored to your thoughts, whether you were aware of it or not.
But if you're reading this, you're awake, now, and you know this has only ever been a dream. A dream where you play every role, every character. A dream where you can do, and be quite literally, anything that you want.
There is nothing separate from, or outside you. It's all lives within you. Every last person, place, thing, feeling.
One mind for everything.
You give to yourself what it is you desire.
More examples for those who like them:
1. You want a specific job but you aren't technically qualified.
Think, if I am god, and god is everything, then I am the recruiter/interviewer. I am the business itself. I am the only mind. The only thought for the entire universe.
Therefore, I, as the operant power, give myself this job.
You now have the position.
2. You want to be with a specific person but they are not reaching out for you.
Think, if I am god, and god is everything, then I am the person I love, I am the person I wish to be with. (Sounds silly when you realize this).
I am the only mind, the only thought for the entire universe. Therefore I, as the operant power, choose to love myself. I choose to give myself the experience, of feeling loved and adored by the characters that I've created.
3. You want a specific amount of money:
Think, if I am god, and god is everything, then I am all the money to ever exist (Think of it like an unlimited bank account inside yourself.)
I am the only mind, the only thought for an entire universe. Therefore, I, as the operant power, choose to give myself $12,000,000 (or whichever amount you prefer). I choose to experience this wealth.
For those that say, okay, but where are my results in the physical world that this is true?
Realize, you are ALREADY everything. Everything that looks to be outside of you, IS YOURS, it is YOU. This entire planet and beyond is YOURS.
You're just choosing a particular experience from it.
So when you say "I don't have it", it makes no sense. You are everything. You've always been everything. You've always had everything. This reality you see, only exists because you are projecting it. You are the projector, without you, nothing exists.
Know that everything you want, you HAVE. Anything you wish to be, you ARE, and always HAVE BEEN.
Since birth, you've had the entire universe within you. It's never changed. You're only selecting which parts of it you wish to experience at any given moment.
As the universe, as god, you came here to experience yourself.
The world is the playground, meant for you to live out any desire you wish to experience as a "human".
There has always, and always will be, one mind, one thought, for all that exists, and that is yours.
"Be still, and know that I am God."
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andreablog2 · 1 year
What do you mean by parallel economy? Is this happening rn?
“If you are a God-fearing, gun-toting patriot, conservative companies are hungry for your business. If Google and YouTube have become too woke for you, consider ditching them for Tusk and Rumble. Before paying your monthly at&t bill, you might want to switch to Patriot Mobile, the nation’s one-and-only Christian conservative wireless network. Rather than fruitlessly scouring Hinge for fellow right-wingers you can now make a profile on the Right Stuff, a dating app that helps users get to know each other by eliciting responses to prompts like “January 6th was” or “favourite liberal lie”. To get java roasted by veterans, consider sipping on Black Rifle Coffee’s “Silencer Smooth” (light roast), “ak-47” (medium roast), or “Murdered Out” (extra dark roast). And to protest against Hershey honouring a transgender activist on international women’s day, you can instead buy Jeremy’s Chocolate, where the HeHim bar contains nuts and the SheHer one is unequivocally nutless.
And that’s just the beginning. PublicSq, an online marketplace, is home to 40,000 firms devoted to freedom, the family unit and the constitution. Click through and you can find skin care and artisan jerky, probiotics, banks, app developers and accountants. The businesses listed hope to capture the hearts and wallets of as many as 100m patriots, who together, according to Michael Seifert, PublicSq’s founder, make up “the third-largest economy in the world by gdp”. Its ceos, sellers and most avid customers dream of a parallel economy where conservatives need never buy from liberals. Is such a vision feasible?”
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avengerscompound · 7 months
The Interview - Chapter 12
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count:   1831
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 12
The trip away with Steve seemed to cement what Melody and Steve had as a committed romantic relationship rather than just two people seeing if they hit it off.  In the handful of weeks since the trip they had started to dot in more domestic dates around their more romantic ones.  They were both still very busy with their prospective jobs, but he’d duck around to the DB to meet her for lunch on any day he was free.  She’d go to the tower after work a few days a week between her time in the office at the DB and her waitressing job.  On her days off she would sleep over at the tower and have dinner and breakfast in his apartment, and despite neither of them being fantastic cooks, they’d make the effort to cook together.  They’d even started doing things like going to the supermarket together, not because Steve needed to, but because he wanted to spend that time with Melody.
The weekend away had also been fantastic for Bobbi and Bucky’s relationship.  While Melody didn’t know exactly what had happened behind the scenes, Melody had told Bobbi that she should be safe telling Bucky that she was a trans woman.  A week after that, Bucky had started sleeping over.
Bobbi was busier than Melody and her moments with Bucky were stolen in the middle of the night.  He’d meet her at work and they’d sneak into the apartment together, and the following day, she and Bucky would often end up catching the train back into the city with Melody.  The development in the relationship did highlight one thing.
Melody really needed to move.
Bucky was such a quiet man in every other aspect of his life.  Snarky for sure.  Flirty.  But quiet.  That wasn’t true for the bedroom.  She could be fast asleep when they snuck in at two in the morning and they wouldn’t wake her until the moans and banging of the bed against the wall woke her up.
The time of sharing a one-bedroom apartment might be coming to a close.
When Bobbi and Melody had first moved to New York, they’d barely had a dollar between them.  They’d found the cheapest possible place they could find while staying on the island of Manhattan and keeping their travel time into Midtown feasible.  That place was the one-bedroom flat in a run-down apartment complex on the Upper West Side.  They’d both needed to work two jobs to cover rent and utilities, and their expendable income didn’t always leave enough for anything else.  Their social lives and whether they ate sometimes came down to the generosity of the people who employed them.  As they’d established themselves more, Bobbi had gotten the better paying and more reliable work and she’d practically been supporting Melody while she tried to make it as a writer.
Now Melody could officially say she’d made it.  Money was still tight, but she was making enough with the column to pay rent and expenses.  With the profile pieces and waitressing work, she was feeling fairly comfortable.  There was a little savings nest growing in her bank account.  Not to mention the Daily Bugle was looking at yet another branching off into online content of a similar vein to BuzzFeed and she’d been approached to work as an editor and curator for it, as she was the youngest person on the team, and she had built a good rapport with quite a few celebrities.  If she took the job, she’d not only be able to return the favor Melody had paid her and support her as she focused more on her acting career, but they might be able to afford to pay for a two-bedroom apartment as well.
Melody was up and dressed, sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop writing.  Which mostly involved checking her finances and browsing the internet for apartments for rent while occasionally clicking back on her document link and adding another sentence to her piece.  She had her headphones in playing music a little louder than she normally would because about an hour into her work, that now, way too familiar moaning and banging of the headboard and started up in the bedroom.
It meant that she didn’t notice when Bobbi came out of the bedroom looking disheveled in her mismatched cami set and went into the bathroom.  She didn’t notice when she came back out and knocked on the bedroom door before heading over to Melody and looking over her shoulder.  She didn’t notice Bucky coming out of the bedroom in just a pair of boxer shorts and heading into the bathroom.  So when Bobbi tapped her on the shoulder, Melody nearly jumped out of her skin.
She pulled her earbuds out and looked up at her cousin.  “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I thought you would be with Steve,” she said.  “What are you doing here?  Looking for a new apartment?” 
Melody spun around in her chair and clapped her hands on her thighs.  “I have news!”
“Please don’t tell me you and Steve are thinking of moving in with each other,” she said.  “It is way too soon for that!”
“I’m not moving in with Steve,” Melody laughed.  “Jesus, Bobbi.  He took me out of town to do the deed for the first time, you think we’d be moving in three weeks later?  We haven’t even said the ‘L’ word yet.”
“So what are you doing?” she asked, standing back and folding her arms.
“So I don’t know if you know this, but you and Bucky are extremely loud when you fuck,” Melody answered.
Bobbi yelped and covered her face.  “What?  Oh no! I mean, yes I know but I didn’t know you could hear us!  Oh my god!  Mel!  I’m so sorry!  Oh my god, please don’t move out!  I’ll muffle him somehow.”
“I’m not going to move out!” Melody laughed, taking Bobbi by the wrists and pulling her hands down.  “Look.  When we moved here and I got the internship, you told me to take it and that you’d pay a bigger portion of the rent so I could work toward getting my dream job as a writer. I know you’ve been chasing yours too, but I always said if I make it, I’d tell you to quit your job and take over that part of the rent because it’s only fair you get to devote your time to chasing yours.”
“You know I have been,” she said. “I act.  I audition.”
“Yeah, but you work all the time,” Melody argued.  “And besides - there’s been a development.  The Daily Bugle is branching out into light online content aimed at people in their twenties.  You know - quizzes, silly interviews, the kind of product reviews where you just sit and eat fifty types of cookies in a row and rank them?  And I’ve been asked to head it.”
“Are you serious?” Bobbi squealed, grabbing Melody’s hands and jumping up and down.  “Oh my god!  That’s amazing!  You’re doing it!  We need to celebrate!”
Melody couldn’t help the huge smile that broke out on her face.  She hadn’t told anyone about the impending promotion.  It was new, but Bobbi was the person she told these things to first.  Bobbi pulled her into a hug and rocked her side to side.
“Okay, okay,” Melody laughed, hugging the taller woman back.  “It’s not official yet.  They might decide I’m not qualified enough - which quite frankly would be fair.”
“Still,” Bobbi said, pulling back to look at her. “The fact they even came to you with the possibility is amazing!”
“And it means we can get a bigger place, and if you want you can just have a normal human amount of jobs because I can pay the bigger amount of rent now!” Melody said.
“Oh my god!” Bobbi squealed and started jumping up and down with Melody.  “Can you even imagine it?  We can have an actual living room!”
“And you guys can be super noisy and I won’t hear!” Melody added.  “And you should see the ones I think we can afford.  One is two stories!  And one has a washer and drier!”
“We won’t have to cart our stuff to a laundromat!” Bobbi squealed.
Melody stopped and pulled back, taking her hands.  “And Bobbi… I probably shouldn’t be saying this, partially because it’s still up in the air, and even if I will get the job and even if I do, I don’t know how much final say I get on every aspect,” she babbled.
“What,” Bobbi said, sharply shaking Melody’s hands to snap her out of it. “Tell me.”
“Well we need presenters, and I think I might be one of the people who get to choose.  It probably won’t just be up to me, but if you wanted it, I am fairly sure I could pull strings to get you an audition,” she said.
“What?” she yelped.  “Oh my god, that would be amazing!”
The women began to jump up and down, screaming again, hugging each other tightly.
Bucky stepped out of the bathroom and watched them with an amused expression on his face.  “What are we celebrating?” he said, his voice still gravelly with sleep.
“Mel is getting a promotion and we might be able to move into a bigger place!” Bobbi said.
“Congratulations!” Bucky said, with a sleepy smile.  “Does Steve know?”
Melody shook her head.  “No.  I wanted to tell Bobbi first.  And it’s not official anyway.”
“He’ll love to hear it.  If you want to call him we can take you out for a celebratory lunch before this one has to get to work again,” he said.  “I mean the two of us can take you if you want to keep it a secret from Steve.  I’ll pay.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Melody said. “But I will tell him.”
“Oh let him,” Bobbi said.  “It’ll be nice.”
“Okay,” Melody conceded.  “Thank you, Bucky.  But nothing too expensive.  Just a diner.”
“You call Steve, and we’ll take a shower,” he said.
He grabbed Bobbi’s hand and pulled her toward the bathroom again.
“Hey, Bobbi,” Melody called as Bucky led her toward the bathroom.  Bobbi looked back at her, and Melody pressed a finger to her lips.  “Shhh…”
Bobbi squawked and broke down into giggles. “I’ll do my best.”
When they were out of the room, Melody relaxed again, closing out the tabs on her phone.  It felt like her life had reached a massive turning point.  She was in a serious relationship.  She had a proper career that was progressing quickly, and she was close to living in an apartment with her own room.  She’d had her break, and everything was falling into place.  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and for a second, she just enjoyed that feeling before she picked up her headphones, put them back in her ears, and called Steve.
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mariacallous · 3 months
The state of Russia’s porn industry after more than two years of war
Writing for Vertska Media, journalist Aaron Lurie reports on changes in Russia’s porn industry since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The two biggest developments in the business have been (1) federal legislation in March 2022 that closed a loophole in the Criminal Code that allowed online pornography, and (2) Western sanctions and corporate withdrawals that cut off the access of models and studios to more affluent consumers abroad. Nevertheless, studios and models continue to work with talent in Russia, navigating visa restrictions by relocating their filming to Serbia from places like Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Spain. To circumvent Western sanctions on Russians’ access to international banking, models and performers also resort, for example, to falsely registered Uzbek bank accounts to route Western payments through banks in Belgium. 
The loss of OnlyFans access has significantly reduced the earning capacity of adult performers in Russia, though some models have circumvented the ban by obtaining Turkish and now Thai residency permits—a process that costs roughly $2,000 plus airfare. OnlyFans alternatives still officially available in Russia (like Fansly, Boosty, and Chaturbate) are all far less profitable for the models. Lurie also learned that it’s not uncommon for Russian performers to pose as Ukrainians. Even before February 2022, this offered better protection against deanonymization (and apparently better earnings). In the aftermath of the full-scale invasion, pretending to be Ukrainian was also a means of maintaining viewers’ loyalty and soliciting better pay. Lurie also writes about some models and studios that tailor their performances to military themes, either in support of Ukraine or as a clickbait gimmick. 
Stricter laws against pornography and new financial hurdles on international sales have smothered Russia’s porn consumer culture in the cradle. To be sure, pornography is just as popular as ever among Russian Internet users, but the culture of paying money for this content “has died completely.”
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koshika23 · 1 month
How to Open a Company in the US for Non-Citizens in 2024
Starting a business in the United States as a non-citizen might seem like a daunting task, but it's more accessible than you might think. Whether you're an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea or a small business owner looking to expand into new markets, the US offers a wealth of opportunities. This guide will walk you through the process of company registration in the US, breaking it down into simple steps that anyone can follow. By the end of this article, you'll feel confident in your ability to navigate the US business landscape and take your first step toward success.
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Why Start a Business in the US?
It is true that the US market is among the largest and most active worldwide, which makes it a desirable location for entrepreneurs. Why should non-citizens think about establishing a business with a company in the US? In the first place it is because the US provides a steady economic climate, solid legal protections for companies as well as access to an extensive population of consumers. Furthermore the majority of investors prefer dealing with US-registered businesses, and incorporating within the US can boost your business's standing on the international scene.
Understanding the Legal Structure
Before you begin how to register, it's important to be aware of the different kinds of legal structures that are available to companies within the US. These structures will define the legal obligations of your business as well as tax and personal responsibility. Most commonly used options include:
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
Each structure comes with pros and cons, based on your specific business requirements and requirements. It's important to select the one that is most suitable for your needs.
Choosing the Right Business Structure
The right structure for your business is akin to laying the groundwork for a structure. It must be strong and well-suited for the future plans you have. For the majority of non-citizens, creating an LLC is a common option because of its flexibility, a lower liability and management ease. However C-Corps are more suitable C-Corp could be more appropriate for those who plan to raise funds through investors.
LLC offers the flexibility, ease of use and security from personal responsibility.
C-Corp is a great option for companies that want to grow dramatically and draw investors.
Think about your goals for the business as well as the degree of control you would like to maintain, and also the tax implications in making the decision.
Registering Your Business Name
After you've decided on your business's structure The next step is to register your business name. Your company name is more than an identifier for your brand. It's your identity. Make sure that it's unique and memorable. For registration of your business name:
Do a search for names: Make sure your business's name isn't already used.
Register Your Name If you're not yet ready to sign up You can reserve your name for a certain time.
Create Your Own Business Name Name: Register your name with appropriate authorities of the state. The process is slightly different from state to state.
This ensures that your business name is legally recognized.
Obtaining a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An EIN is a type of identification number used by your business. It's vital to use for tax purposes, when hiring employees or opening a company bank account. Non-citizens are able to easily get an EIN through the IRS without the need for an Social Security Number (SSN). Here's how:
Apply online Apply Online: Visit the IRS website and fill out the EIN application form.
Apply via Mail Alternately, you could send Form SS-4 through either fax or mail.
After you've obtained your EIN You'll be officially acknowledged by the IRS and then you're able to proceed to the next steps.
Opening a US Business Bank Account
A US corporate bank account can be essential to control finances, accepting payments, and establishing credibility with clients and partners. Non-residents are able to create an US commercial bank account relatively easily and with the aid of fintech solutions such as Mercury, Wise, Relay Financial and Payoneer. What you'll need to do:
EIN The reason for this is that, as we mentioned earlier it is necessary to create the bank account.
Documentation of Business Registration Documentation proving that your company is registered legally within the US.
Personal Identification Passport or any other type of ID issued by the government.
Selecting the best bank for you will be based on your specific business needs So, look into your options thoroughly.
Navigating Taxes and Compliance
US Tax laws are a bit shady However, staying on top of tax laws is not a matter of choice. If you're a non-citizen owner of a business it is essential to know the federal and state tax regulations. Generally speaking, you'll need to comply with:
Annual Reports in HTML0 Based on your business's structure and your location.
pay federal taxes This includes tax on income, taxes for employment and perhaps excise taxes.
State taxes The tax rates vary state-by-state and some states don't have a tax on income.
A tax professional that specializes in taxation for non-residents can be an investment that will ensure that you're fulfilling all your obligations.
Hiring Employees in the US
If you're planning to employ employees from the US There are many legal procedures you'll need comply with. They include:
Registration to State Employment Agencies: For unemployment insurance as well as workers' compensation.
Conforming to Labor Laws: Including minimum wage, overtime and laws on non-discrimination.
Payment Taxes Payroll Taxes: You'll have to withhold these taxes and pay them on behalf of employees.
Knowing these rules is essential to avoid legal problems and penalty.
Managing Your Business Remotely
Being able to run a business from outside of the US is now possible thanks to the advancement of technology. Tools for project management, communication as well as financial administration make it much easier than ever before to run your company remotely. Consider using:
Cloud-based Accounting Software to keep on top of tax and financial obligations.
Tool for Project Management to coordinate with your team in the US or your partners.
Virtual Offices If you require an office in the US for business or legal reasons.
These tools will help you keep control of your business, regardless of where you are located in the world.
Maintaining good standing with US Authorities
When your business is established in operation, it's important to remain in good relations with the state or federal agencies. This includes:
Annual Reports and Filing as legally required in the jurisdiction in which your company is registered.
Renewal of Licenses and Permits Based on your sector, this could be a requirement that is ongoing.
Documenting exact Records for both tax and legal compliance.
Being on top of your obligations will allow you to avoid penalties and fines.
Establishing a business operating in the US as a non-citizen might be a daunting task, but by following the steps laid out in this article to help you make it through the process confidently. From choosing the appropriate company structure and understanding your tax obligations, and running your enterprise remotely every stage is vital to your success. The US provides a wide array of opportunities. If you have the right planning your business will be able to thrive in this competitive market.
1. Can a non-US citizen own an enterprise inside the US? non-US citizens can also run a business within the US. There are no limitations on foreign ownership and you can select between various business structures such as LLC and C-Corp.
2. Do I require an US address for registering a business? You'll require an US address to register your business. It could be an actual address or a virtual office address, based on the requirements of your business.
3. What's the price to establish a company within the US? The cost is determined by the state and the business structure. In general, the cost is between $100 and $800 for registration costs.
4. Can I create an account with a US commercial bank account with out going to the US? Yes, a lot of fintech companies such as Mercury, Wise, and Payoneer permit non-US citizens to open US business bank accounts online.
5. What tax do I have in order to be a business owner? You'll be liable for state and federal taxes such as the tax on income, employment as well as excise tax in accordance with your business design and its location.
6. Do I require an authorization to begin an enterprise within the US? You do not require a visa in order to establish or run a business in the US. If you intend to work and live in the US then you'll need to get a visa.
7. What is the ideal business structure for non-citizens? A lot of non-citizens choose to form an LLC because of its flexibility and management ease. If you are planning to raise a significant amount of capital it is suggested that a C-Corp might be better suited.
8. Can I employ employees from the US as an owner of a business that is not a citizen? Yes, you are able to employ workers within the US. It is necessary to follow all state and federal employment laws, such as paying payroll taxes and offering workers with 'comp insurance.
9. What is the time frame to register a business to the US? The length of time varies according to state and business structure. It could take between a few days up to several weeks to finish your registration.
10. Can I run my US business remotely from a different country? Yes, you are able to manage your US company remotely by using online tools for project management, communication as well as financial administration. Many business owners who are not citizens successfully manage their US-based enterprises via their home countries. 
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ads247365 · 4 months
Open your international business bank account effortlessly with ADS247365. Enjoy seamless transactions and global access with a few clicks. Simplify your banking experience and focus on growing your business. With ADS247365, say goodbye to complicated paperwork and long waiting times. Your gateway to smooth international banking is just a step away. Start now and streamline your financial operations.
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tehri · 3 months
Meanwhile in Sweden - Banking-Edition, or Why Do I Still Have This Account, or We Have Customer Service (Allegedly)
I really have to wonder if the bank I have an account with in Sweden even wants customers to be able to contact them. Or if they just want anyone who is not already a customer to be unable to contact them.
Context: This bank relies heavily on a digital identification method (as does a lot of shit in Sweden, but that's a whole separate rant). They rely on it to the point that if you, as a customer, try to call them for help with something, you have to identify yourself with that. There used to be a number you could call if you didn't want to use that; this was just for general questions and wasn't really for customers to use. I say that there used to be a number like that, because I tried calling it today, and it demands that particular identification method now. Fun.
Extra context: My old phone is a 2012-model that doesn't support the OS demanded for the new update for the app running this digital identification method. Since March, I haven't had access to any online services for my account, which is An Issue. I recently got a new phone as a graduation gift. A gift that I did not really want and very specifically only got because I am pretty much softlocked out of everything in Sweden if I do not have this particular identification method. Tax-office shit, banks, fucking anything, you NEED this thing (again, separate rant). I still have a fucking student loan to pay off in Sweden, so I've kept the account with this bank for the purpose of Minimal Fuckery (which has turned into Maximum Fuckery).
The problem?
I cannot activate this digital identification method on the new phone. It won't let me. You can normally do this in three differnet ways - using your old phone's one (obviously not possible, it won't even let me use the app now), a security calculator thing (think two-step authentication device; I Had one, but it's dead, and you can't switch batteries in them and the bank doesn't send them to addresses not in Sweden, so this is out too), and a passport or ID. I tried using my passport. Works fine - up until I agree to the final terms and conditions, upon which it suddenly gives me the message that it doesn't work and that it's to do with the bank's terms and conditions, but it doesn't tell me what part of those terms and conditions are broken, so Idk what's up.
The additional problem?
I can't contact the bank for help with this. Can't call - all the numbers are softlocked behind this goddamn identification wall. Can't use a chat-service on their site - it's a virtual assistant, which has always been absolutely useless and pointless and stupid. Can't email - they don't accept queries like these via email or even their own internal messaging system anymore. Can't visit an office - the only branch office in Finland doesn't deal with private customers, only businesses.
I resorted to their Facebook page. Got the answer of A - check the page for how to activate this identification method on a new phone (already checked that multiple times, nothing pertainin to my situation there), B - call [insert number here] and use a code with 5 numbers that you picked yourself at some point as identification method instead (I already called that number, did not receive alternate identification methods as an option, and do not recall at any point ever picking a code for anything, so ?????), or C - visit an office in Sweden to get help (which I do not even know when that could possibly happen, if it's next year or the year after).
Gold star, guys. Such great possibilities to contact you. And no, I'm not mad at the customer service person who sent the answer, I'm just mad at the system they've set up where they are literally impossible to contact for anything if you do not have access to these specific things.
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adsbizs02 · 2 years
You can open a business bank account for International Payment with the assistance of ADS247365. You can frequently maintain your corporate account online once you've opened a company bank account. You can hold, send, and receive money Internationally when you open a bank account at the International level. https://www.powershow.com/view0/95afc3-ZTdjN/With_The_Help_Of_ADS247365_You_Can_Open_A_Business_Bank_Account_For_International_Payments_powerpoint_ppt_presentation
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namshyeee · 8 months
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Lynn Yamada Davis, a TikTok creator who entertained millions of people with her zany style and cooking tips on her account, Cooking With Lynja, died on Jan. 1 in Red Bank, N.J. She was 67.
The cause of death, in Riverview Medical Center, was esophageal cancer, her daughter Hannah Mariko Shofet said. Ms. Davis lived in Holmdel, N.J.
Ms. Davis began creating the wholesome Cooking With Lynja videos in 2020 with her youngest child, Tim Davis, to help keep up his cinematography skills during the pandemic lockdown.
Her social media accounts have remained active after her death, because she had asked him to post videos that had already been edited. One such video shows the two of them looking for truffles in Italy.
“My mom was like my partner in crime,” Mr. Davis, 27, who edited the TikTok account, said in a phone interview.
Something else she requested, Mr. Davis said, was that he post a few older videos that they had made together about a decade ago.
Those early versions of what would later become an international TikTok sensation known for their lightheartedness were a way for Mr. Davis to learn how to make the food his mother cooked “as well as have a time capsule,” he said.
After the last Cooking With Lynja videos are uploaded the account will stop posting, he said.
Cooking With Lynja began in 2020 and gained wide attention with a video in which the 5-foot-tall Ms. Davis makes a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich while showing off some quirky dance moves. Soon, about one million people were following her offbeat content. (Today, the account has more than 17 million followers.) Potential sponsors noted the videos’ success and started contacting her.
More than three years later, the Cooking With Lynja YouTube account has nearly 10 million subscribers, and Ms. Davis’s Instagram account has more than two million followers.
In 2022, Forbes included Ms. Davis on its annual “50 over 50” list, which pays tribute to successful women over 50 years old. And she won Streamy Awards, honoring online videos, in the editing and food categories. In 2023, she attended the Forbes Women’s Summit in Abu Dhabi, where she spoke on a panel.
Lynn Yamada Davis was born on July 31, 1956, in New York City and lived most of her early life in Fort Lee, N.J. Her father, Tadao Yamada, was a businessman, and her mother, Mabel Fujisake Yamada, ran the household.
She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and earned a master’s degree in business administration as well as public health from the Columbia University Business School.
Ms. Davis worked for Bell Labs (now AT&T Labs) and had a long career in telecommunications before her unexpected TikTok fame, Ms. Shofet, her daughter, said.
“She had this whole chapter as a groundbreaking female engineer, and she was very proud of that,” she added.
As a TikTok star Ms. Davis would get recognized around the world, including in Japan and Italy, where she traveled with her youngest son, Tim. Sean Davis, her other son, is a professional soccer player who used to be a midfielder for the New York Red Bulls and now plays for the Nashville Soccer Club.
“She was my first coach,” he said. When she would visit him in Nashville, he said, she’d get recognized in the street, often by young people who use TikTok a lot.
“That’s how I realized how famous she was,” Sean Davis said. “People would ask for pictures, and I would take the picture.”
Most of all, Cooking With Lynja provided Ms. Davis with much fun, Tim Davis said. With special effects that have tiny versions of Ms. Davis flying across the screen and quotes like “Lynja’s got that dope!” her videos appealed to several generations of viewers. In her videos she is seen preparing all kinds of foods, heard sinking her teeth into crispy sandwiches or potatoes, and shown karate-chopping Ramen noodles and much more.
Ms. Davis was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2019, which affected her voice. Two years later she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In one video, Ms. Davis bakes cookies for the medical workers who treated her.
In addition to her daughter Hannah and her sons, Ms. Davis is survived by her second husband, Keith Davis; another daughter, Becky Steinberg; two siblings, Jay Yamada and Karen Dolce Yamada; and two grandchildren. Her first marriage, to Hank Steinberg, ended in divorce.
In her final years Ms. Davis got to travel around the world, meet people as well as cook and eat amazing food, Sean Davis said. He added, “I just think her final chapter was exactly how she would have wanted it to be written.”
A correction was made on Jan. 12, 2024: An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the surname of Lynn Yamada Davis’s brother. He is Jay Yamada, not Jay Davis.
Article by: Claire Moses
Related link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/11/dining/lynja-davis-cooking-tiktok-dead.html%23:~:text%3DLynn%2520Yamada%2520Davis%252C%2520a%2520TikTok,daughter%2520Hannah%2520Mariko%2520Shofet%2520said.&ved=2ahUKEwj54vHkmNmDAxUCwjgGHcmJD4IQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3LVu4CRgXFfh9eWXrv6Yhy
Namo, Julius
Sarmiento, Jizel Chinnji
Salamanca, Amalia
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bettsfic · 2 years
craft essay a day #10
i can't believe my highlighter ran out of ink. anyway, back to the sweet safety of a beginner essay.
“Research in Fiction” by Angela Barrett, The Writer’s Notebook II: Craft Essays from Tin House
beginner | intermediate | advanced | masterclass 
filed under: process, research, meaning making
Barrett begins the essay by recounting a situation she seems to think is widely experienced but has never once happened to me: falling so far down a well of research for a story that you lose sight of the project and/or fill the story with all the research you learned, neglecting the characters.
but i do know there are plenty of writers out there who basically live in research wells so i definitely get what she's saying.
"I hate how dangerous research can be for our work. It's always easier, and often more fun, to dive into books and photos and the shark-filled depths of the online world than to write."
again, i do not find research easier than writing. i would always rather be writing than researching. so, this essay is probably not for me, although i would love to read an essay whose point is "maybe at least read the wikipedia article? you fool?"
the very big point she is making (and a great point it is) is that when you research for fiction, you're not invoking the facts of a time or place or trade, but translating those facts into a lived experience that will shape and affect your characters.
"What is the research for? Think about it like this: research is simply a way of understanding what our characters understand."
she goes on to point out that Tolstoy started writing War and Peace when he was thirty-five. today, many of us assume he was writing about his own time, but actually he was writing from several decades later. Barrett points out that for those of us around his age, it would be like writing about World War II.
she concludes with an amendment to writing what you know:
"A more generous, more useful interpretation of the phrase ['write what you know'] is that we should write about what we know, however we come to know it, whether by vision or sensual experience or reading or conversation or passionate imagining."
why did the editor bother keeping the Johnston essay, when Barrett more or less said what he was trying to say in a single paragraph, and more cogently?
my thoughts
when it comes to research for fiction, the most helpful thing i can suggest is developing the skill to name what you don't yet know, but know could be known.
let's take banking, for example. because i worked at a bank for ten years, i know a lot about finance and therefore i know what kinds of conflicts can develop for characters in that setting, and how it might inform their perspectives or identities or choices. i know things that can't be researched because trade secret agreements keep anyone from writing nonfiction on the inner workings of a financial institution.
because i know banking so well, i can apply the framework of my knowledge to other topics and use that framework to begin my research.
for example:
at the bank, every morning i had to run the daily insufficient funds report. the NSF report exists to decide whether or not the bank will pay or bounce checks for funds that aren't available in someone's account. hence, insufficient funds report. when you write a check and you don't have enough money in your account to pay it, a real human person decides what to do about it.
twenty bucks? not a problem. you pay it, you move on. but i was in business and that meant i was paying sometimes thousands of payroll checks for a company that didn't have the funds to pay them. paying insufficient funds means giving the customer a line of credit that has no promissory note or collateral to secure it, which means there's no guarantee the bank will get back its funds.
and yet, if i don't pay it, thousands of people won't get their paycheck.
that's an external conflict that can only happen in this setting, with internal repercussions and potentially personal consequences for your character. (in reality, i had to obtain a lot of approvals, but that's less of an interesting conflict; fictionalizing means fudging things sometimes for the sake of being interesting.)
this has other implications, too. when you make a debit card transaction, for example, the process of the bank choosing to pay or not pay must happen automatically, without a real human person making that decision. before 2013ish, most banks had a policy that debit card transactions would always be paid, regardless of how much money was in the account.
this was a perfect storm: customers could either overdraw their account and accumulate a massive number of fees ($38 at the time for a single overdraw, even one penny over), or they could open an overdraft line of credit. most people don't have good enough credit to open an overdraft line of credit, which meant people had to overdraft. a few banks had the courtesy of allowing you to dip into your savings for overdrafting. but not many.
and banks could say this was a good thing: you'll never get your card declined! we'll pay any purchase! (evil laughter)
then during the Obama administration, somebody finally decided that was super shitty and developed Reg E which forced banks to allow customers to opt in or out of overdrafting on debit card transactions. so finally you could go into a bank and say, "i want to opt out of overdraft," which means that on one hand, if you don't have the funds in your account, your card will get declined, potentially leaving you in a bad situation with whatever you're trying to purchase; but you'll never have to pay $38 for overdrawing your account by a nickel.
whew. okay. so here, as myself, i have an annoying daily situation which has greater historical and social context. and as a researcher writing about, say, a mechanic, i can begin my research by asking, what's a mechanic's equivalent NSF report? what's the annoying thing they have to do every morning when they clock in? and maybe also, what's something they have to do that has greater personal, social, and maybe political consequences? a mechanic works on your car, and that means your safety as a driver is in their hands. that means there are regulations to consider, the history of the safety of motor vehicles and the ways cars have changed. how do all those much bigger things influence the work of your character? are they the type of mechanic who keeps that in mind, or maybe they used to but they're only going through the motions, allowing for the potential for error and therefore danger? or do they just not give a shit about that kind of thing?
i once gave a writer feedback on their story about a clown. and my question was, but what about the clown's clown friends? the writer didn't know what to say to that. i said, well i know clowns are very much about community. clowns are generally pretty proud of being clowns. so this clown would likely be affected by his status in the community of clowns in his area. he would either be in his community, and that would create a certain conflict; or he'd be an outsider of his community, and that would create a different conflict. but the point is, you the writer acknowledge an understanding of the greater life of clowns.
Barrett assumes an approach: a writer does research and then applies that research to the experience of their characters. i'm suggesting an alternative: a writer begins with the consideration of their characters and tailors their research to that experience.
good research begins with the understanding that the foundation of the human experience is that we are inwardly affected by our outward reality, and by acknowledging that, you can develop a framework in which to fill in the gaps of your knowledge by targeting what you know you don't know.
or, to put it more simply, you can always begin research with one question: what's the most annoying part of your character's day?
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mybananafire · 7 months
Buy Verified Payoneer Account
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Looking to buy a verified Payoneer account? Find a reliable and trusted provider for a hassle-free experience. 
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Account Creation Process
The account creation process for Payoneer is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps:
Visit the official Payoneer website (www.payoneer.com) and click on the "Sign Up" button.
Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, date of birth, and contact details.
Create a username and password for your Payoneer account. Make sure to choose a strong password to keep your account secure.
Provide the necessary information about your business or personal use of Payoneer.
Submit your application and wait for Payoneer to review and approve it. You will receive an email notification once your account is ready.
Verification Steps
Once your account is created, the next step is to verify your identity and address. This is essential to ensure the security of your Payoneer account. Follow these verification steps:
Identity Verification: You will need to provide a valid government-issued identification document, such as a passport or driver's license. Upload a scan or photo of the document to the Payoneer website, following the instructions provided.
Address Verification: To verify your address, you can provide a utility bill, bank statement, or any official document that clearly shows your name and address. Again, upload a scan or photo of the document via the Payoneer website.
Additional Verification: In some cases, Payoneer may require additional verification documents, such as proof of ownership of a business or proof of income. Follow the instructions provided by Payoneer to submit the required documents.
Wait for Approval: After submitting the verification documents, you will need to wait for Payoneer to review and approve them. This process usually takes a few business days, and you will receive an email notification once your account is verified.
By following these steps, you can obtain a verified Payoneer account and enjoy the benefits of secure online transactions. Remember to provide accurate and valid information during the account creation and verification process to avoid any delays or issues. 
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Common Questions About Verified Payoneer Accounts
In the realm of online payments and global transactions, having a verified Payoneer account can provide a range of benefits. Let's delve into some common questions that arise regarding verified Payoneer accounts. \
Account Limits\
What are the account limits for a verified Payoneer account? \
\ Monthly withdrawal limit: $20,000 \
\ Daily ATM withdrawal limit: $2,500 \
Additional Fees\
What additional fees should I be aware of with a verified Payoneer account? \
\ Currency conversion fee: 3.5% \
\ ATM withdrawal fee: $3.15 per transaction \
The Future Of Verified Payoneer Accounts
Market Trends
Businesses increasingly seek secure payment solutions.
Globalization drives demand for cross-border transactions.
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Blockchain technology enhances transaction security.
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Frequently Asked Questions For Buy Verified Payoneer Account
How Can I Get My Payoneer Account Approved?
To get your Payoneer account approved, follow these guidelines: 1. Complete the application process accurately and provide correct personal information. 2. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have all required documents ready. 3. Double-check your documents for accuracy and legibility before uploading them.
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To check if your Payoneer account is fully verified, login to your account and go to the settings section. Look for the "Verification" tab, where you'll find the status of your account verification. If it's fully verified, you'll see a green checkmark or a "Verified" label.
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To qualify for a Payoneer account, you need to sign up, provide accurate information, and meet verification requirements.
In a nutshell, purchasing a verified Payoneer account can streamline your online transactions. The assurance of a verified account provides security and credibility, essential for e-commerce success. With a myriad of benefits, such as global payments and low fees, it's a valuable investment for any online business.
Don't miss out on the advantages!
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whatsapp: +1(949)2541814
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