#only i made it out alive 💪
puphoods · 1 year
fuck this shit im turning her back into a kintype. i wasnt evil in my timeline no doubles looking for sourcemates etc.
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virgoilluminati · 9 months
World Class
Chapter 3
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A/N: So I basivally wrote this whole ass chapter and then tumblr went and deleted it..... bro was not happy. But hey I just rewrote it now for you all so your welcome. Hopefully it isn't completely awful. Enjoy :)
(Ps this is a walsh + bronze ship story too, so dont get offended cos i love them together :))
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: angst? Mentions of death
keirawalsh & lucybronze
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keirawalsh early mornings on the greatest place on earth
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leahwilliamsonn this is where you two sneaked off too before breakfast!
y/nmorrison the fact most of us had to completely collapse after the session last night and you two decided to go for an early walk 🤦🏻‍♀️
lucybronze what can I say, gotta get them gains 💪💪
The breakfast table buzzed with conversations, laughter, and the clinking of cutlery as you, a member of the England women’s football team, contemplated the daunting task of choosing breakfast from the tempting buffet spread.
“Mary, I don’t know what to do,” you whispered, your eyes fixed on the mouthwatering options.
Mary Earps, the team’s talented goalkeeper, sympathized, sighing softly. “I know, we just have to choose.”
“But it’s so hard,” you lamented, your stomach growling in protest.
“I know. Do I go for a savory breakfast or something sweet? I’m supposed to be on a diet.”
“Let’s just get the fruit salad and then see how we feel,” Mary suggested, attempting to make a healthy choice.
With your breakfast choices in hand, you made your way over to the table where the rest of your teammates were seated. As you started to dig into your food, Leah, one of your fellow players, entered the room and frowned slightly, spotting the empty seats next to you.
“Where are Lucy and Keira?” Leah inquired.
“They’ve snuck out again,” Alex responded with a grin.
“Again!” Ella chimed in.
“Yeah, they’re making a habit of it,” Mary added.
Curious about the potential romance between Lucy and Keira, you leaned in closer to the conversation. “Do you think those two are…” You hesitated, not wanting to interrupt.
“Those two are what?” Ella asked, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“I don’t know, seeing each other,” you finally managed to say.
Laughter erupted around the table as your teammates realized your innocence. Ella, still chuckling, replied, “Oh, you, it’s so obvious. How have you only figured it out now?”
Blushing, you joined in the laughter, grateful for the camaraderie and warmth of your teammates. Breakfast discussions were more than just food; they were about friendship, support, and the occasional secret romance that managed to escape your keen observation.
As conversations divided into different groups, you found yourself immersed in discussions about potential Arsenal transfers with Leah. Then, Greenwood, known for her playful spirit, introduced a new topic.
“I know how about we play a game of Dead or Alive,” Greenwood proposed.
“That sounds… interesting,” you replied, intrigued but uncertain.
“No, it’s not like that,” Greenwood clarified with a grin. "Basically we go around the room and discuss what footballers we'd like to have breakfast with;dead or alive."
“I’ll start,” Ella declared confidently. “Cristiano Ronaldo.”
“Pft, please. Messi is the GOAT,” Alessia responded, sparking a friendly debate between the two.
As Ella passionately defended Ronaldo’s abilities, she couldn’t help but glance over at Alessia, who was adamantly championing Messi. “Alessia, seriously, you must see that Ronaldo’s athleticism and versatility make him stand out!”
Alessia grinned, ready with her counter-argument. “But Ella, Messi’s ball control and creative genius on the field are unmatched. He makes the impossible seem routine!”
Their heated discussion captivated the attention of the entire group, creating a playful rivalry that echoed the global footballing debate.
Meanwhile, Milly’s voice cut through the Messi vs. Ronaldo debate as she chimed in, “Maradona. Hands down.”
“I second that,” Mary declared from across the room, solidifying her agreement with Milly’s choice.
Amidst the lively banter, the conversation once again shifted towards Leah’s unique choice in the “Dead or Alive” game. Her unwavering commitment to selecting her teammates was met with a mixture of amusement and cringe-inducing reactions.
Leah, now the center of attention, defended her choice with a grin. “I’d be with this group of people!”
The room fell into a brief silence, broken only by a collective groan and laughter as her teammates playfully teased her. “Leah, that’s… different! Is there really no one else?” someone inquired with a smirk.
Leah, ever steadfast, reiterated her preference. “Nope. I’d want to be with you guys. We’re all history makers!”
Ella, never one to let an opportunity pass, prodded further, “Okay, then, out of all of us, who would you pick?”
Leah hesitated momentarily, but the teasing encouragement from her teammates eventually won her over. “You can’t make me do that."
Mary, with a mischievous grin, added to the pressure, “Yes, she can.”
Leah finally turned her head towards you, who was quietly enjoying your tea amidst the ongoing discussions. “I’d choose Y/N. She’s pretty cool, you know.”
The room erupted into laughter once again, the tension in the conversation dissolving into shared amusement and camaraderie. The breakfast table was a place not just for food but for the deep connections and lighthearted moments that made this group of footballers a true family on and off the pitch.
But before the conversation could move on, someone asked, “You’d choose Noah, no?”
Your heart skipped a beat as a wave of emotions washed over you. Noah,, was a sore subject. Guilt gnawed at you because you had made it to the Women’s World Cup while Noah’s dreams had been cut short. Uncertain how to react, you felt vulnerable.
In that moment, you decided to mask your emotions with a laugh, albeit a shaky one. “Oh yeah, probably him! Haha.”
Your teammates recognized your discomfort and quickly changed the subject, wanting to ease the weight off your shoulders. Williamson, always considerate, stepped in, directing a question to Alessia about her transfer to Arsenal.
Alessia, appreciating the diversion, animatedly explained her move, and you silently thanked your teammates for their understanding. Your thoughts briefly returned to Noah, a constant presence in your heart, and the complex mix of emotions you carried with you. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, you found solace in the support of your teammates, knowing that they were not just a team on the field but a family that understood and cared for each other’s burdens and joys.
Lucy and Keira made their way to the breakfast table, casually sitting down with apologetic smiles on their faces. "Sorry we're late, guys. We kind of overslept," Lucy explained, and Keira nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, it was a long night." Their late arrival raised eyebrows from everyone else around them, but not wanting to question it any further, the group simply dug into their breakfasts and started discussing life with each other.
As Lucy dived into her breakfast, she couldn't help but notice you, who seemed more interested in playing with your food than actually eating it. Concern gnawed at her, but she decided not to intrude on your moment and instead waited patiently until the meal's end to approach you.
Once the plates were nearly empty, Lucy turned to you with a warm smile. "Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join you for a moment?"
You looked up from your plate, pushing around your food. A faint smile touched your lips as you replied, "Sure, Lucy. What's up?"
Lucy leaned in a bit closer, lowering her voice. "I've noticed you're not really eating, and you seem a bit distant. Is everything okay?"
Your smile faded slightly, and you hesitated for a moment. "I've just been feeling a bit off lately. It's nothing major, just some stress and worries."
Lucy nodded understandingly. "I get it. We all have our moments. Sometimes, a walk by the beach can help clear your mind. If you ever want to talk or just take a break like this, I'm here for you."
Your smile brightened again, appreciating the offer. "Thanks, Lucy. That sounds nice."
As breakfast came to an end, Lucy decided to put her words into action. "Well, it's still early, and I thought maybe we could take a walk down to the beach. Clear our heads, you know?"
You, though confused by the unexpected gesture, was intrigued. "A walk to the beach? Okay, sounds nice. Let's go."
You both left the breakfast table behind, heading towards the beach together, leaving behind uour concerns and worries for a while, lost in the serene beauty of the early morning waves.
Lucy and you sat on the edge of the football field, their legs dangling over the side as they caught their breath after a rigorous practice session running along the beach. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the field, creating a tranquil atmosphere.
You turned to Lucy, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What made you want to be a footballer, Lucy?"
Lucy leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows and staring up at the darkening sky. "Dunno. Always liked it. PE was about the only thing I was good at. And well, it was always fun to beat the boys. Why?"
You hesitated, her gaze shifting to the grass beneath her feet. "Dunno. It doesn't matter-"
Lucy sensed something was bothering You. She nudged you gently. "No, what is it?"
You sigh and finally admitted, "I just feel like sometimes I don't deserve to be here, you know. Like maybe someone else should have my place."
Lucy's eyes widened with empathy. She turned her head to look at you directly. "Hey! That's not true. You're brilliant! Yesterday is a prime example of it."
Your uncertainty lingered as she mumbled, "Hmm."
Lucy reached out and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Trust me, Sarina doesn't pick just anyone. She chose you for a reason. You need to accept that."
You nodded slowly, still not entirely convinced. "I know. I just feel like-"
Lucy interrupted, changing the subject, "Your family must be so proud."
You sighed, your expression growing somber. She picked at a blade of grass absentmindedly. "Hmm. No, that would be great, but uh... they kinda see football as the thing that killed my brother, so uh... we just avoid the topic."
Lucy's face softened, sympathy in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, Y/N-"
You shook her head, managing a small smile. "Don't be. I have Jude and I have my dad, and now I have this group. I am truly blessed. I just can't speak about it at home, that's all."
Lucy nodded in understanding. "Just know, family isn't always blood. We look out for each other, alright? If you're ever in doubt of your place, which you shouldn't be, come speak to us, alright?"
Your smile grew, genuine gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you, Lucy. I needed to hear that." You both sat there, watching the sun dip below the horizon, the bonds of their friendship strengthening with each passing day.
From that moment onwards, Lucy took on a role in your life that went beyond just being a teammate. She became like an older sister to you, always there to lend a supportive ear and offer guidance. Her concern for your well-being extended beyond the football field.
Lucy made it her mission to ensure that you were okay, both physically and emotionally. She’d check in with you regularly, asking about your day, your struggles, and your dreams. You appreciated the genuine care Lucy showed her, and it helped ease her feelings of self-doubt.
But Lucy wasn’t just all sweetness and comfort. She also knew how to push you to be your best self. During practice sessions, Lucy would challenge you to give your all, to push past your limits, and to believe in your own abilities. She’d remind you of the talent and potential that Sarina saw in you.
Your bond strengthened with each passing day. Lucy’s presence became a source of strength for you, and you found yourself growing more confident on and off the field. Lucy’s tough love and unwavering support became the driving force behind your determination to prove yourself.
lionesses + england
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lionesses How brilliant was y/n today! First world cup and senior women's debut
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germanywasrobbed Yeh, kept stumbling over everyone...
y/nisno.1 @germanywasrobbed your still bitter about the euros....
user124 she is actually so iconic
user890 legend 🔥
user3516 starting lineup soon? Morrison, James and Russo - a trio we'd love to see!
You spent most of the World Cup matches observing the action from the substitute bench, a place you'd grown far too familiar with. You knew you were not as seasoned or experienced as your teammates, many of whom had been part of the national team for years. As the tournament progressed, you often found yourself itching to be on the pitch, to contribute to the team's success.
However, your moment finally arrived during the crucial game against China in the group stages. It was the final few minutes of the match, and your coach decided it was time to give you a chance. You exchanged a few nervous glances with your fellow substitutes as you prepared to enter the game. Your heart pounded, and your mind was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
As you stood at the sideline, ready to make your entrance, Chloe Kelly, one of the team's stars, approached you with a reassuring smile.
Chloe Kelly: "Y/N, it's your moment now. You've worked hard for this. Go out there and give it your all. You've got this!"
You nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for Chloe's support. As Chloe walked back towards the bench, she leaned in and whispered, "Good luck, Y/N. Show them what you're made of!"
With those words of encouragement ringing in your ears, you stepped onto the pitch. The roar of the crowd enveloped you, and the electric energy of the World Cup filled the air. You knew that this was your opportunity to prove yourself, to demonstrate your dedication and determination to your teammates and fans alike.
As you sprinted towards the penalty box, the stadium buzzed with anticipation. The commentators, Martin Tyler and John Motson, added to the atmosphere.
Martin Tyler: "And here comes a surprise move! Y/N, the young talent, is making a run for it as she takes the ball from Walsh!"
John Motson chimed in, "That's right, folks! She's showing some incredible speed and determination."
But the defenders were closing in on Y/N faster than expected. Martin Tyler remarked, "Indeed, they are not giving her an inch. She's got to make a decision fast!"
Inside the penalty box, your heart raced. The electric energy of the football match was surging through her like a storm. You knew the game was already well in hand; your teammates had scored five impressive goals. Yet, you had an insatiable desire to make your mark.
In that moment, you felt a mix of emotions. You were a rookie, inexperienced, and you felt out of place among these skilled players. Scoring now would not only be a personal triumph but also secure your legacy as someone who could rise to the occasion when it mattered most.
As you prepared to take the shot, the world seemed to slow down. Two defenders closed in on you. Martin Tyler's voice filled the stadium once again, "Y/N now inside the penalty box, she's going for the shot!"
But just as you were about to unleash the shot that could define your career, the defenders pulled you down. John Motson exclaimed, "Oh, but she's taken down by two defenders! The referee blows the whistle!"
Martin Tyler continued, "That's a clear foul, and Y/N had a golden opportunity there. This could be a game-changing moment!"
On the ground, you felt a rush of disappointment and frustration. Yet, there was also a glimmer of hope. The free-kick in this dangerous position could still be a chance to make your mark.
With determination burning in your eyes, you stepped up to take the free-kick. The crowd held its breath, and your teammates waited with bated anticipation. But in a last-minute decision, you spotted James, unmarked and ready. In that critical moment, you felt a surge of confidence in your abilities but also recognized the opportunity to make a play that would secure the goal.
You didn't take the shot yourself. Instead, you expertly curved the ball towards James, who was positioned perfectly. As James leaped to meet the pass, you could see the realization dawning on the defenders too late. James connected with the ball, sending it crashing into the back of the net with precision.
The stadium erupted in cheers, celebrating the goal. Your heart swelled with happiness at having contributed to the team's success, but a hint of annoyance gnawed at you. You knew you had the skill to take that shot yourself, to potentially score and secure your legacy as a goal-scorer. Yet, in that crucial moment, you had chosen the path of teamwork over individual glory.
As your teammates celebrated around you, you couldn't help but smile, recognizing the power of unity in football. But deep down, the desire to prove yourself in a solo effort still burned brightly. You were determined that your next opportunity would be the one where you could shine individually and claim that goal for yourself.
As you made your way toward the changing room, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins after the thrilling game, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You fished it out to find a call from your boyfriend, Jude. The smile that had been playing on your lips since the goal widened as you answered the call.
"Hey, Jude," you greeted, your voice filled with excitement.
"Y/N, you were brilliant!" Jude's voice came through with unbridled enthusiasm, and you could hear the celebratory cheers of his teammates in the background when he mentioned your name. It warmed your heart.
"You think?" You replied, your own excitement mirrored in your voice.
"I know! That was such a good goal!"
"James did it, I just helped," you modestly downplayed your role
But Jude wasn't having it. "Nope, Mrs. My girl knows how to shoot. She may have done it, but I know you could've too."
You chuckled at Jude's unwavering support. "Thanks, Jude. It means a lot. I can't wait to celebrate with the team."
Jude's voice softened, filled with pride and affection. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Enjoy the moment, and I'll be right here cheering you on from home."
You listened intently as Jude continued, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering belief in you.
"Remember, don't be afraid to take those chances yourself. You've worked so hard for this moment, and you have the talent. Even if the whole world were against you because you missed, I'd still be proud of you because I know how hard you've worked."
Your eyes glistened with emotion as you absorbed his words. You knew that having someone who believed in you, who saw your potential even when you doubted yourself, was a precious gift. "I won't forget that, Jude. I promise I'll keep giving it my all, no matter what."
With renewed determination and the loving support of your boyfriend, you headed into the changing room, ready to celebrate the win with your teammates. You knew that your journey in football was filled with ups and downs, but with Jude by your side, you felt unstoppable.
As soon as you made your way to the changing room, the door swung open, and you were greeted with a thunderous round of applause from your teammates. The room was filled with cheers, hugs, and a palpable sense of pride and camaraderie.
Your captain, Leah, stepped forward and wrapped you in a warm embrace. "Y/N, that was incredible! You made a real difference out there!"
One by one, your teammates surrounded you, offering their congratulations and sharing in the joy of the hard-fought victory. The room was filled with laughter and chatter, and you felt an overwhelming sense of belonging and acceptance among this remarkable group of athletes.
Chloe Kelly, the teammate who had encouraged you before you stepped onto the pitch, gave you a high-five and a wide smile. "Told you, Y/N, you're a game-changer!"
The celebrations continued as the team relished the moment together, and you couldn't help but feel the warmth of their support and friendship. It was a scene of pure elation, a reminder of why you loved the game and cherished your place among these incredible women, led by Captain Leah.
Amidst the festivities, the last to come and give you a hug was Lucy Bronze, one of the team's seasoned stars. She embraced you tightly, and in that close moment, she leaned in and whispered in your ear, "You're the Morrison they'll talk about."
Her words sent a shiver of excitement down your spine. Lucy's acknowledgment of your performance, and the reference to Morrison, a legendary figure in the sport, filled you with a sense of honor and responsibility. It was a powerful reminder of the potential and promise you held as a rising talent in the world of football.
With a grateful smile, you nodded at Lucy, silently thanking her for her encouragement and for making you feel like an integral part of the team's success.
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liked by lionesses, y/nmorrison, and 56,000 others
lucybronze Now it gets tricky....
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keirawalsh Stage of 16 here we come. 🔥
user561 i'm your biggest fan
keirawalsh is that my coat?
lucybronze @keirawalsh nope 👀
user134 lucy, keira its literally 4am
y/nmorrison @lucybronze & @keriawalsh you two! go to sleep! 😂
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tomatoswup · 1 year
Hello !! Can i have some fluff for tristamp!vash please 👉👈 (i'm sorry if i made some grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language :'))
Reader is ww's little sister, and she admires her brother so much that she would copy his cool characteristics, but deep down her personality is more shy, introverted, pure and innocent (as a result of hanging around with vash). One day ww asked his sister to go and confess to vash already (bcs ww can't take it anymore to see both vash and his sister just so sickeningly oblivious about eachother's feelings). So the reader went to confess to vash trying to be cool like her brother and all but failed miserably and return to her original personality (which leaves her stuttering, fidgeting, etc.)
I just realized it's so long- (I'm sorry 😔) feel free to pass this req :D and please keep yourself safe and healthy despite your busy schedule ^^
A/N: Thank you for the request anon🫶🫶 This came out alot more longer than i thought,, also sorry for the late response I was multitasking with some work I was doing for school :/ i hope i did the request right -wheeze- Sorry for making you wait D: Enjoy🌱
warnings/tags: vash x reader, little sister!reader and big brother! Wolfwood,,, fluff, 2 am writing bc i need to fix my sleep schedule asap💪💪,, trigun coded chaotic confession from reader,,
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Wolfwood liked to consider himself to be an observer, in more ways than one. Being a "priest" on the side, observation was one of the key things he did to keep both you and him alive in these treacherous deserts of No Man's Land but sometimes.
Oh just sometimes, it felt like a curse. And maybe it felt like that because he had watched on as his baby sister slowly fell in love with a moralistic idiot...Eh like a quarter of an idiot really.
"Ow ow ow..." Vash winced in pain as you tightened the bandages on his arm. After a nasty bounty hunter encounter, the group of you guys had decided to take a moments break from the road and crash at this small town that hadn't been too far from where you guys had been. And since having been given a med-kit by a kind family you had run into a while back, you took it upon yourself to patch everyone up with a stern eye, one that Wolfwood often shot at people.
In reality, it was the worst stern eye that Wolfwood couldn't help but want to stifle his laugh.
"Oh shut it, always getting hurt." You scoffed at the sorry-smiling blonde, cleaning the small gash on his right cheek "You act like you can’t die Vash, we're not all immortal..." He let out another small squeak of pain as you accidentally pressed down a little too hard on the wound "You need to take care of yourself a little more."
"Sorry about that.. I’ll try to be careful next time.." Vash sweat-dropped, trying to stop shying away from the cloth of alcohol you held up to him.
From above, Wolfwood dug into the pockets of his jacket, rummaging for another loose lollipop as he watched from the top compartment of the car in silence to not disturb the pair of you.
What? He was there first! Talking about ruining his evening nap..He put the newly found lollipop into his mouth and continued to watch on.
"Hey..." Vash muttered as you swiped your finger across his cheek, making sure the bandage held up.
With a jolt, you quickly looked up when you felt the warmth of another hand cover your own. "Are you okay?" Vash asked softly as he gave you a concerned glint. Shit, you hadn't noticed you were slightly trembling.
Maybe that encounter ruffled your feathers a bit too much...Were you okay?
"I-" You choked out, feeling that odd churning sensation in your chest that you've only really come to realize you would get only around him. And it made you mentally blow a fuse.
W-What do you say!?!
It took a moments thought before you regained your composure at the sudden touch "I'm..I’m fine Vash.” You reassured him, playfully using your freehand to fix the glasses that had been falling off his nose “Don’t worry about me.”
'Are you kidding me?' Wolfwood thought in exasperation. 2 months, these small little talks and touches have been going on for 2 months now. Two months of him enclosed in a car as the both of you passively flirted with each other.
Yes, passive. Little bits here and there and suddenly you wear his jacket sometimes?
He can't handle the both of you anymore, it felt like he was drinking a overly sugary soda.
At least put a name to it!
Spotting Roberto making his way back to the car from not too far away, an idea struck up in Wolfwood's mind. Something to end the suffering, and something to perhaps help his little sister out.
"HEY ROBERTO!" Wolfwood lazily called out, jump scaring both Vash and you into standing like mercenaries ready for war. Looking up, you couldn't help but frown to see your brother mischievously waving down at the two of you.
"TAKE NEEDLE NOGGIN WITH YOU TO FIND SOME OF THE CAR PARTS! Let his ass do something..." He muttered the last part under his breath as Vash sighed, ultimately being pulled from the back of his jacket by Roberto who continued to walk down the road.
Was that a "Can we leave" from Roberto or was it just you?
"I'LL BE BACK!" You heard the spiky blonde shout out to you, and well, you couldn't help but laugh out and wave.
"Now that he's gone..." Wolfwood pressed down on the lollipop with his teeth until a small crack emitted, starting to chew on the poor candy "Seriously? Why don't you just tell him you like him already?"
Stuffing the med-kit back into your bag, you brushed him off "Nic I don't like him.."
Your brother let out a large, rugged laugh "Are you kidding me? For just being friends you two spend an awful long time alone together."
You felt the heat rise up to your face and god did you hope that it was because of the sun.
"Sorry but I'm gettin' tired of seeing the two of you pin for each-"
Wolfwood was interrupted by your muttering, making him hop off the roof of the car for a closer listen "Wanna say that one more time?"
"I can't..." You muttered as you slapped your hands on your cheeks, shooting your older brother a worried, red look "What if he says no?"
You were worried if the love-struck idiot said no?
Have you really not seen how he would stare at you?
Wolfwood couldn't help but tilt his head in disbelief, the stick of his lollipop hanging off the edge of his mouth "Did you really- You try acting like me but you can't confess a little crush? What happened to that?"
You couldn't help but let out a tired exhale, he did have a point after all. As much as you did try to act like him, all brave and careless, you weren't him. Most honestly, the opposite and Vash had come to prove it too many times that you could count.
And maybe you were a bit too mean while you were putting bandages on him..
You covered your mouth, shyly looking away from your brothers' gaze.
Those times he had comforted you whenever you couldn't sleep, or when you were hurt-
"Oh spare me the shyness!" Wolfwood put a hand on his waist, putting his weight to one leg "Shit, if you don't tell him then I'd might as well-"
"NO!" You gasped out in horror at the idea. "No?"
Picking your bag off the floor, you massaged the bridge of your nose "I'll....Shit I'll do it."
Eh, Wolfwood bet two lollipops and a cup of sand that you were really gonna do it. But anything to end this suffering he's witnessed for god knows how long.
"Well, I'm just sayin' you should do it already. Its been way past due anyways..." He flickered his eyes back to you as he roughly ruffled the top of your head, making you whine in annoyance "Ouch Nic stop-"
"Just tell me when you do it. I'll kick his ass if he tries anything weird-"
And that's how you found yourself outside the small town's saloon. Having asked Meryl where Roberto had dragged Vash, she pointed you to the right direction yet it was one you were a bit hesitant to follow.
Did you ever expect yourself to go into a saloon alone?
Hell no, you didn't even really find yourself talking to people in places like that. The last few times you've actually visited a saloon were only really just you sitting in a corner with Meryl or trying your best to sit away from people, watching as you ate your little plate of food but...
Would it really look weird if you strolled right in?
"It's alright..." You egged yourself on quietly "You can do it..Maybe if I just stroll in like Nic it'll be easy..."
I don't think you've seen how Wolfwood himself has entered bars...yikes..
With only a seconds hesitation, you pushed your legs forward and through the wooden double doors of the saloon, striding right into the loud bustling energy filled room.
Okay maybe you should’ve waited a bit more-
Yelling, laughing and god knows what those words were thrown in the air as the severe smell of sweat reached your nose, making you instinctively scrunch your face in disgust. Ew.
"Excuse me miss!" A waitress yelped out, making you take a quick step back nearly avoiding a bad collision with the poor girl serving drinks. Busy day it seemed, but you were here for other things.
Let's see, where could the two of them be- The sudden shout of your name made you do a double take around the room until the flash of red met your eyes and before you realized it, you saw Vash's waving hand of blue shine under the lights.
Well that was easier than you thought!
A wide smile on his face, his eyes practically sparkled as you pushed past several bar-goers and to his table. "Aren't I glad to see you!" Taking the seat next to him, you looked around the room once again "Wasn't Roberto suppose to..." You trailed off, turning and seeing the bummed out look on Vash's face.
"Well, we were gonna get the parts, but he saw the sign outside-"
Ohhh, the "if you bring two people they'll give you 50% off" poster...Made a lot more sense to be honest.
"And well, I guess you know what happened from there..." He sighed, resting his head on his hand, closing his eyes dramatically before batting them up at you "Now why are you here? I know you're not a big fan of these kinds of places."
So it did look weird!
Oh god...Your face began to feel a bit more hotter than usual as you unconsciously started playing around with a loose thread on your pants "Oh um...W-Well I came to tell you..." You nervously laughed out as Vash obliviously smiled at you, waiting for your response.
What if he said no?
With that singular thought, that singular worry that ran through your head once again, you choked. Nope, you couldn't do this.
You felt your heart beat against the walls of your chest alongside the loud environment and it felt...overwhelming. You should’ve done this another time.
The wooden chair scratched across the floor behind you as you shot up from your seat, making Vash jump a little "Actually Vash, I actually wanted to show you something I learned!” You fake laughed, taking a few steps back "But I just think it's bad timing maybe if I could just go outside to think about it-" Fumbling over your words, you hadn't completely taken in your surroundings when suddenly, you felt your back bump into one of the servers.
And with a scream, the server flew backwards and straight into the nearby table, flipping everything onto the...Very burly men sitting around it.
"HEY!" One of them hollered at you as you threw your hands up in surrender, the bar shushing down as the rest of the men began to spit out threats like venom.
"Woah woah woah! Hey guys, can't we all calm down and just chat? Haha? Maybe my friend here could show you a few tricks she just learned!" Vash intervened, putting a hand on your shoulder as he pulled you back behind him, putting his own body infront of you. Sweat starting to run on his forehead, he gave you one last nervous smile, teeth baring out “Right?”
Definitely not.
As if everything froze, the saloon had gone as silent as a library after Vash's remark.
Ohhh you fucked up...
Big time.
It was until the sudden shout of "Bar Fight!" had run through the room that you snapped out of your daze, realizing someone move faster than you had.
Vash took the opportunity to quickly turn and tackle you down to the ground just in time to dodge various glass bottles that had been heading your way.
"Gotcha!" Vash breathed out, pushing a wooden table down so that the both of you could take cover from the mess that was amping up at every second. The screams, yells and things breaking had made you put your hand over your mouth and listen in horror at the mess you had just created because of your last minute attempt to run away.
"Vash I'm so sorry oh my god.." You cried out from beside him as he gave you a nervous laugh "It's really no problem- GYAH!" He screamed, throwing himself forwards whilst pulling you along to avoid the body of a heavy-weight bounty hunter that had almost been thrown into you guys.
"LIKE I WAS SAYING, THERES NOT REALLY ANY PROBLEM! WE BOTH KNOW THIS IS THE KIND OF TROUBLE I ALWAYS FALL IN!" He yelped as you hurridly crawled to the next table for cover, Vash following behind.
"WHAT DID YOU REALLY WANNA SAY? AT THE TABLE?!" He loudly asked as you snapped your red face to him.
Can't escape it now can you?
“I LIKE YOU!” You blurted out over the noise, catching him off guard "But! But uh! Not like the regular kinda like ya know!? More like a like-like? More like you make my stomach flutter and-" You continued to jumble your thoughts out as they zipped through your mind at the speed of light.
Fight or flight? HELL FLIGHT!
Pulling yourself up from the floor and onto your feet, you looked back down at Vash without thinking “IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T-"
By the end of the day, everything worked out! Uh...Kinda.
"Ow ow ow..." You groaned, trying to lean away from Vash as he wiped the dirt off from the bump on your forehead.
"Hey don't lean away from me~"
This felt familiar didn’t it?
Well, besides getting hit with a metal serving pan square in the head, the both of you were able to get out of that hell hole without any other big injuries besides from your dignity.
And you made a big note to yourself currently sitting on the saloon steps, to never go into a saloon again.
Of course you had to make such a mess whilst just trying to confess your love to someone, it just had to be your luck! Maybe that was what Wolfwood was rubbing off on you!
You tried your best to avoid Vash's peering eyes as the tips of his fingers caressed your forehead, causing goosebumps to run up your shoulders "I never gave you an answer did I?" He pondered. And before you knew it, you felt a quick sting of pressure on your forehead and right on the bump, both hands of his gentle with holding the sides of your cheeks.
"V-Vash!?" You gaped out as he backed away, the blush on his face mimicking your own as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand "You really had a man's heart pumping with what you said back there! It might have not been as pretty with, uh ya know..” He wiped the bump on your forehead with his thumb “But I’ll always say yes, even if you confessed to me in the deserts or in space..”
You stifled your laugh “Oh really?”
The sun had begun to set orange and yellow, illuminating the back of Vash’s body and thinking about it, you hadn't regret all those feelings, or this chaotic moment with him.
It felt like a mental photo that you had taken as those bright blue eyes shined adoringly at you as you couldn't help but break out into giggles.
“You beat me to it though…” He chuckled as he got up and offered his hand down to you. "How does breakfast sound? Maybe I could..confess my love to you in donuts?”
“Well don’t mind if I do~”
Breakfast sounded perfect.
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This is going to be price x male reader I case you didn't look at tags😋💪
Warnings: death, loss of a loved one, kidnapping, blood, and much more
M/n (you) and price are married btw!
It's had been a few days sense you had texted price but that would happen sometimes because you get busy sometimes and same with price
Price was calm and only mentioned it once when Soap had asked how you were
When on break for the holidays Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost would come over and stay a night
Ghost normally stayed the whole time (family stuff yk yk) but you and price didn't care and actually enjoyed the fact he stayed
When Ghost's mental health would take a massive toll randomly he would try and hide it but you would notice
So you started to help ghost find things that can help him, you had your own fare share of mental problems so ghost didn't feel alone
It got to the point with ghost he called you his dad once (he told you do never mention that to anyone... You told price) and even felt comfortable taking off his mask
So nobody expected a call on ghosts phone during training
Ghost awnsered and was confused
It was your neighbor telling him how you had been gone and that he didn't see you so he grabbed the mail and there was a letter for price and if he wanted it dropped off to the base or if he just wanted price to hear it now
Price decided to have the neighbor read it to him
He didn't expect a letter giving a location saying that they have you and if you don't give them information or he didn't come with information that they would kill you
Ghost and Price wanted to leave to that location as soon as possible but Lawell wouldn't let them
When they looked up the location barely anything came up, like, not even a picture of the place
It had been about a week and during dinner Ghost got another call so he awnsered it
Ghost: hello who is this?
?? : this is Ghost correct?
Ghost: yes? Why must you know
?? : should we show them him?
??? : he's out cold right now dumbass
Ghost: what the fuck are you guys talking about!?
?? : are you on speaker?
Ghost: yes??
?? : M/n price ring a bell?
?? : want to see?
The camera was then turned on and faced towards a h/c male who's head was down but you could tell he was in really bad condition, "we didn't cut out his tongue don't worry, he can still talk" everyone that was by Ghosts phone was frozen in shock. Price made all the recruits and other people leave and they all listened going to their respective rooms "wake him up" suddenly another male came into view and walked up to m/n knife in hand, he then dug it into an already open wound making it even worse, right as he started to move the knife the male woke up and started to scream in pain. The camera got close and the person behind it pushed the male that was digging the knife in the wound away "get a stool, we will be nice and let him talk to you, not like he knows where the fuck he is right now" the phone was then set on a stool still facing the h/c male and then the two men left.
Price: M/n?! M/n are you awake??
M/n: I'm awake love don't worry
Soap: we told Laswell about the current situation she's going to send people out for you. She won't let us go through so please be-
M/n: don't send anyone out, it's a trap, please,
Ghost: m/n we need to find you so we can make sure you are ok
M/n: It's ok Si. Even if the team does get here I think you all know what they would find
Price: don't say that m/n please
M/n: Don't cry guys
Ghost: we will find you m/n.....i don't care how but we will get you and you will be-
M/n: Hey Gaz..
Gaz: Yeah
M/n: take care of the others for me, please
Ghost : M/n don't say that, you can leave me, you can't leave us, please m/n stay alive however you-
M/n: Calm down Si. Remember our breathing exercises, stay calm, don't panic, count your surroundings
Price: do whatever you need for these people to set you free, anything I don't care just don't die please
M/n: Just remember guys. Remember who your are becasue you shouldn't be afraid of losing someone, you should be afraid of losing yourself
Right as that was said there was a sound of a door being opened and then the phone was picked up and the camera was turned off "any last words to these people. Unless you do have information" "I love you guys, I love you Simon, I love you price, see you soon" then the call ended.
(Mini time skip)
The people Laswell sent out had just driven to the base and got out the car with guilt and sad faces, then two of them went into the back of the car and grabbed three people "these are the people..." Everyone was relieved to have the kidnappers but they also questioned where you were "what about m/n?" The team shared a look then they looked down "when we got to the location he... Wasn't there.....only thing left was tons and tons of blood" immediately the three people, two men and one woman were taken into questioning
Nobody fessed up on what they had done to you or if you were alive, this was until price had enough and walked into a room where Gaz was with an about 5'7, brown hair, average looking male and started to scare the absolute hell out of the guy. Price was taller than him, stronger than him, and could easily rip the man in half if he wanted, this made the guy fess up saying they had ended up ripping your tongue out and after they made sure you had died they left you in a trash can behind the house. To call Price furious was an understatement. He's had to be forced out the room so he wouldn't beat the life out of the guy, finally the three people had been taken fully away and were going to be taken to court and then Gaz, Soap, Price, Ghost, Laswell, and others showed up to the house to find you.
They called the police and investigaters were on their way, when they found your body and they all saw what you looked like price couldn't help but let out a scream while crying. You were his husband. His lover. The person who took care of him all the time. Now he was looking at your lifeless and beaten up body, barely able to realize what was old and what had been done recently.
(Time skip. The team are all now retired and no longer in the military)
Ghost officially moved in with Price and they both helped comfort each other along with Gaz and Soap helping and when they need comfort the others would be there waiting with open arms. It was the anniversary of the first time you had met the team so they were all over at Price's place, this time Soap deicided to bring over a few nieces and nephews because they had wanted to meet the others.
Price was sitting on the couch watching the younger kids look around when a young boy pointed to a picture of you in a library with a drink in hand "Uncle Johnny who's this? He's very pretty!" Price got up and went over to the picture grabbing it the same time Soap, Gaz, and Ghost had walked in but because they were behind them Price didn't notice. "This is my husband, his name is m/n. He is very beautiful isn't he? He knows your uncle" the way Price was talking about you made the three males heart melt, the amount of love and admiration in his voice was unimaginable "I wanna meet him! Where is he? is he in the military like you guys were?" Price looked back down at the picture and brushed his finger over your face "he's no longer alive buddy, I'm sorry, I wish you could meet him, he was so sweet and caring, he would spoil you guys rotten. He always had a love for children." The young boy hugged price as much as he could and as tight as he could "it's ok! He's always going to be with you. It's like something I heard once " don't be scared of losing someone, be afraid of losing yourself" meaning that you should always remember who you are and don't forget that" price couldn't help but hug the smaller boy while tears welled up in his eyes.
"Why don't we visit him? You might not be able to talk to him but you can visit his grave" Ghost walked in slowly making sure not to scare them to badly "I have stuff you can leave at his grave if you want" price and the younger boy let go and he nodded happily "let me go get my siblings then we can all visit pretty person!" And like that the young boy was running to get his siblings.
They drove to your grave and all of soaps nieces and nephews Introduced themselves then placed down your favorite snack and a flower of their choosing "let's give Price so space alright kiddos?" They all nodded and watched and price took a picture of you and placed it down along with your favorite flower "I miss you m/n. Sorry I didn't visit last week. I love you so much. I wish you could be here to see how much the others and I have grown. I don't know where you are now but just know you got justice and the three people who hurt you are gone. I'll see you again next week darling" price kissed the headstone that had your name, and date of birth on it and the date of death on it then stood up turning to the others "who wants to go get some food?" Everyone nodded and started walking back to the car Ghost and Price walking next to each other the look of a thousand years of guilt but also happiness on there faces
"𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨"
THIS ACTUALLY MADE ME CRY💀. ALSO THIS GOT DELETED LIKE THREE TIMES SO I'VE HAD TO REWRITE IT SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL. I didn't expect this to be so long but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ anyways bye bye
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xo-urban · 2 years
Yo yo! please can I request a John “soap” McTavish x male reader where him, soap and ghost are partnered up for a mission when suddenly, shadow company ambush them forcing them to split off. Reader finds himself hiding behind a building trying to contact ghost and soap when Suddenly the building exploded due to a bomb being planted inside of it. Reader gets stuck under the rubble and can’t contact anyone because he can barely breath and can’t see - thinking he’s going to die. Ghost and soap miraculously find him and get him out and to an infirmary once they get back to base. Turns out one of his legs go to badly injured and impaled that they had to amputate it off and soap is all lovin’ and is there for him to comfort reader 🫶
cheers mate and make sure to stay hydrated 💪
Damn you for this 😭/pos
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I’ll Always Love You the Same
Pairing: John ‘Soap’ Mactavish x Male Reader
Summary: A mission goes wrong and you lose more than you could ever imagine, but Soap is by your side to help you through everything.
Warnings: Blood, angst, fluff otherwise
Word count: 1620
“I’m afraid they've been.. Detained.”
Much was a blur but you remember shots being fired left and right, your head was a mess with the sudden action but your aim game was on point. You growled as you shot your enemies that appeared before Soap and Ghost began to run off. You took this as your signal to escape as well, running into the cover of darkness that fogged the forest by night.
You kept on running, heart pounding in your head, frantic or multiple footsteps following you. You don’t know where you were going but you prayed to god you made it out alive. You ran fast enough to lose your enemies for a bit, shaking them off your tail as you emerge from the forest. You panted, seeking shelter in a building that was fully emptied out. You cursed to yourself, grabbing the radio strapped to your chest, speaking quietly into it, “This is Bravo 7-1, how copy?”
You were met with static on the other end, words of your teammates barely slipping through. “A- static. -rh”
You swore under your breath as you walked deeper into the building, rifle raised and ready to fire at any given moment. It was so eerily quiet, you hated every moment. Where was Soap? Where was your beloved man you swore to marry to crack a joke now? You hated the silence, and it didn’t help that your radio was only receiving static.. Well, mostly static.
Suddenly you heard a step. Being armed with your trusty rifle, you decided to investigate. You followed the sound to a small room. It was dark, you could barely make out what was even in there. You flicked your light on, widening at the sight.
That room was set with explosives of all kinds, you could barely name, surrounding the walls as a voice behind you laughed. You were set up, chased into a corner with nowhere to run, you were an idiot to have followed, and now you’re facing an untimely death.
“Fool..” The voice laughed maniacally, “What a fool you are!”
“SHIT!” You turned around, rifle pointing and firing. A good dozen of bullets into the man’s body.
And you ran.
As fast as you could.
Away from death.
Away as far as you could.
But you wished damn well you could run faster.
You heard a click, almost too small to be heard before a glass shattering blast rang through the whole building. The wave of force threw you off your feet, smashing you against a wall. You groaned as you slump to the ground, “Fuck!” You cursed through gritted teeth. You head spun and yours ears rang, a red pool of warmth dripping from your head as you tried to get up.
‘No. no. no. It doesn’t end here!’
Your head screamed as your body ached with every movement. Cracks sounded louder than earthquakes as the building shook, the seams that held the building together snapped and you found yourself praying you make it out. Debris began to fall around you and you can tell the whole building was collapsing.
“SOAP!!” You cried in efforts to try and make it out.
But that flame of hope was quickly extinguished as the building came down on you in your last efforts, burying you under piles of heavy concrete and dirt, almost suffocating you as the air was forced out of you, leaving you gasping for breath.
“Haven’t heard from your boyfriend for a while.” Ghost stated, not helping the anxiousness Soap felt as he rubbed his face. “Been trying to reach out but I haven’t been getting any response.” Soap sighed, he knew something was wrong but he always knew to trust you that you’ll always make it out alive. “He’ll be fine Johnny, just take a bre-”
Static began to go through to their end and your voice was picked up on your other end. “Someone- please help.. I’m stuck.. Building came down.. just - please don’t leave me here..!” Soap’s heart dropped at your voice, it was scratchy, weak and desperate to cling onto what life you still had in you. “I’m coming love!” He quickly began to move. “Ghost! Follow my lead, we don’t got time!” Soap commanded as he began running to the building he watched collapse. He didn’t think you were in there, but- “Fuck!” Soap cursed as he ran, as fast as his legs could.
You groaned in pain, body going limp after you grabbed your radio to speak to your teammates, if they heard you at all. You smiled in relief when you heard Soap’s voice through the ringing in your ears.
But you were exhausted and couldn’t keep your eyes opened any longer, murmuring a small apology as a tear slipped out of you eye before your world turned black.
Soap dropped his gun as he ran into the pile of debris, almost crying after finding you unconscious with your lower half crushed under a mountain of shit that came down, head bleeding, and a radio in your hand in your last attempts to stay wake before blacking out.
He rushed over to you, pushing and pulling as much concrete off of you before Ghost made an appearance to hurry the process. “We need to get out of here.”Ghost warned as he heard cars pull up not too far away. Soap pulled you out from under, cursing at himself for not being able to keep you safe.
“Let’s get out of here!”
You awoke with a massive headache and a painful sore throat. You were about to reach up to scratch it but a warm hand refrained you from doing so. You peeled your eyes open, groaning at the blinding light, squeezing the unknown hand in your own.
“You’re awake!” The man beside you stood up, pulling you into a hug as your vision cleared. “Soap..?” You croaked, cringing from how bad you felt as you sat up, facing Soap who pulled away from the hug with tears in his eyes. “Thought we lost you there.. Thought I lost you there..” He cried as you cupped his cheek, pulling him into a soft kiss.
“I’m alive aren’t I? It’ll take more than hell to get rid of me..” You cried, happy to have made it out of there to see another day, to see soap for another day.
You were gonna move your legs but your smile dropped when you couldn’t feel them.
Soap stood back, bracing himself for the wave of emotions he’s prepared himself for. You pulled the blanket covering you to your side, eyes widening at what you saw.
Your legs. From the knees down, were gone. You let out a sob, you couldn't believe it.
You were pulled into Soap’s embrace, his words barely making it to your ears as you shouted and sobbed into him. You were lost and hell you don’t even know if your bright future was gonna shine as bright now. You grasped his arms, sobbing and hiccuping as you begged and begged, praying this wasn't real in your heavy state of denial.
Soap was calming you down, easing your mind with every minute that passed, rubbing your back, hugging you close, whispering reassuring words to you as you let everything out. “It’s gonna be okay.. I’m here love..”
“You don’t hate me?” You whimpered.
“Never.. I’ll keep on loving you till the end of time..” Soap whispered, brushing some hair behind your ear before pulling you into a kiss.
You’ve left the army but still kept in contact with your former teammates. They visit when they can and you welcome them every time. Despite being heavily depressed at your new life, you’ve gotten over it, Soap talks or writes to you whenever he’s free, you love him for it.
Today marked the day.
The day that changed your physical life. The end of a miracle and the start of another.
The front door creaked opened as Soap walked over to you with a soft smile. “I’ve got you a.. Gift” He smiled as he handed you a large box wrapped in fun pink paper. You laughed at his childish choice but it didn’t bother you.
You gasped, a grin on your face as you pulled out a metal pair of prosthetic legs. Almost in disbelief. “I’ll be with you on your way to recovery.. 141 missed you a lot, love.. I miss you.. Can’t stand not being by your side now..” Soap smiled.
You lunged at him, capturing him in a tight hug before you pressed your lips against his own as tears slipped down your face, thanking him over and over again, telling him how grateful you were to have him in you life and by your side, telling him how you swore to marry him when you both are able to leave behind all this violence.
“I’ll love you.. Always and forever..”
It’s been months with recovery, you are able to run and walk with your legs Soap gave you. You managed to get back on the team with a few conditions, including Soap rubbing ointment on your scarred legs after a mission.
He spoiled you in kisses and affection all the time, you wouldn’t have asked for any more. This was everything you wished for.
You went to kiss Soap on his head once more as the two of you laid in your shared bed, prosthetics right beside you.
“I love you..you’re still the same ol’ you I fell in love with..” Soap grinned as he looked up at you.
“I love you too, wouldn’t trade anything for you..” You smiled as he captured you in another kiss.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Dating Elvis 50s hc's
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Pairing: Elvis [or Austing!elvis] x fem!reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff 💪😈, tiniest miniscule amount of angst at the very end.
Note: I might do one of these for each of Elvis' "eras", lmk if that's something your interested in. Also 50s elvis with his little stutter is the cutest thing alive. This kinda short too I really have to get better at making longer fics :/. Also yes you will have to deal with my Elvis obsession for a obscene amount of time.
Xoxo, CC ♡
The two of you met when he was hired by your dad to fix some wiring in your house
You had seen him around school before but had never spoken too him as he was some years older than you.
The whole time just thinking why the sweet baby faced boy with the voice of an angel was wasting his time with his current job.
You saw that he was the embodiment of pure charisma, heart and soul. You thought he could do anything he dreamed to, and you had been just dying for him to ask you out.
Everything about him seemed attractive, his voice, his hair, his way of living
Little did you know the black haired beauty had his eye on you too
Even though Elvis doesn't have a lot of money he assures you that he's worth your while and one day he's gonna get you everything you could ever dream of.
He asks you out, a nice pizza place in town- nothing fancy though
He picks you up at 6pm sharp and you two take his work truck to the place.
He showed up at your door looking as clean as a saints soul, holding a beautiful bouquet of multicolored tulips
"I-I didn't know what kind you liked. Tulips are my mommas favorite so I got them. Hope th-thats ok with you."
He'll save up every last penny to buy you something real nice , a nice red lipstick, beautiful card, a book you've been wanting, ect.
But more often then not his gifts are home made, packed full of love and meaning and/or not even material gifts but rather emotional.
After all it's the little things that count.
He'll go pick wildflowers for you during his lunch break and deliver them to you with a sweetly written note.
He always makes sure he looks his best, after all you only deserve the best. Hair always styled to perfection, shirts never having a single wrinkle, and shoes shined as often as they can be.
Sings you to sleep and makes breakfast in bed for you.
"Fresh cup of coffee for the sleepy head"
*head kisses*
Always opens the door for you, pulls out your chair, fixes your hair for you.
Gives you the biggest bear hugs and always loves to have you close.
At first he was so darn nervous around you always speaking with his stutter and afraid you wouldn't like him back.
You reassured him that you think he's the most beautiful soul you've ever met.
He'll take you to his favorite club after school to hear all his favorite singers.
You'll take him to drive in movies and kiss in his car (once he can afford to get one ofc)
You sometimes walk to his work and bring two packed lunches for you both. Can't go on having your man being hungry, or eating alone.
He'd be a little scared to show you his home, afraid you'd suddenly realize just how little money he's got and run for the hills[but that never happened ofc]
He introduced you to his mother and father, gleaming with pride as he showed them his new girlfriend.
Gladys loves you, at first she was a bit jealous of you for stealing her son away, but after seeing you encourage him to keep on dreaming her mind changed.
You also introduced him to your family, he was terribly nervous, but nothing could ever be too bad with you by his side.
When he starts trying to make a name for himself with singing, you make sure to buy every record, go to every gig, support him in any way you can.
When he goes touring for the first time you get very lonely, not used to him being so far away. Elvis calls you nearly every hour he can, he calls you more than his mother calls him.
You might drive to one of the states he's performing in and surprise him.
Always amazed at his voice and how aluring he seemed to be, you'd fall in love with him all over again.
Singing and dancing together is a must.
If you can't sing, he'll teach you.
If you can dance, he'll teach you.
Hell he might even teach you to play the guitar or the piano if he feels like it[bonus points if you already can]
He takes you to your prom and your obviously the prom king and queen 🙄🙄🙄
When he starts making some real money he'll be so happy to finally get you some really nice things.
Braging to all your friends that you date a movie star-
A new car, dresses, winter coat, puppy dog, kitten, record player, sewing machine, chess set- whatever you think you might want some day, you get it.
"Well what's mine is yours lil' darling"
You don't know how many times you've told him off for spending his hard earned money on you but he just can't seem to listen.
" just let me buy you these nice pearls mama, that's the last thing I promise."
Ofc that's the first of the soon to be massive pearl necklace collection
He invites you to move into Graceland, making sure you have your own rooms and spots just for you, or you and him.
He knows his feelings are serious, they run deeper than he could ever know
He's used to having a list full of phone numbers in his pocket, flirting back with anyone who did
But now the thought of flirting with someone else disgusts him
the pages with phone numbers have been forgotten in the trash somewhere
it's strange for him to never look at any other girl, it surprises you too.
But he only needs you and he doesn't understand why but he trusts his heart.
Oh and dont be mistaken, You are just as in love with him as he is with you~
When the news he must be sent off to Germany for two whole years reaches your ears you can barley think.
Elvis kisses away your tears and promises his swift return.
"One day- soon, I'-Im gonna m-marry, marry you. Just you wait and see."
Yes all you have to do is get through 2 lonely years and you'll be the happiest person to ever live again.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
People especially TPTB needs to give TD (especially you out of everyone) credit where it’s due since you seem to be still standing tall, strong, loud, and proud about Beth’s true fate post-Coda. It’s long overdue
Aw thanks, Hon. As I've said before, I hope they do a general shout out to TD once Beth's true fate is revealed. We can't say for sure that they'll do that, but I hope they do.
I'm not by far the only one who still believes Beth is alive, and TD is made of so many wonderful people and so much wonderful art. Writers, artists, dreamers, and other kinds of fans. They've all contributed to make TD such a lovely, positive fandom.
Here's hoping we get that shout out soon! 💪 Xoxo! 🍁🍂💝
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Part 2 on the way
- beach episode but macaque stays hidden under the umbrella judging everyone
Ma supervising
Wukong either running around to look for cool rocks or sleep the whole time
And Ba and Beng being cute around
Also yk those people who sell like granite (i swear how do you say it in English) ? Okay wukong would zoom just to get the peach flavored and then go back to sleep like a grandpa
- i like to think that Beng didn't know how to swim, and felt stupid for it because he was scared of water (and never learned how to swim)
So one day, when he tried to swim, Mac was watching, Ba was teaching him, and Ma was making sure Beng wasn't scared or anything.
Wukong? Under water holding Beng up so he didn't sink. Just standing at the bottom giving Beng a chair with his hands.
- imagine you're relaxing and suddenly wukong says "lmao" out of no where.
- like to think that sometimes or deadass every Friday Beng and Ba receive a gift. A gift for both, maybe a book for Ba and something else for Beng, anything that they would like.
They don't know who is the person who gives them a gift, and honestly they have started to wait for them each Friday.
Little did they know it's wukong giving them gifts.
- this hc is really funny to me but- macaque being jacket but not being able to open a jar of pickles, then you see wukong, this skinny man, being able to lift a whole mountain. Even better if you think that wukong is a bit chubby because he doesn't train and keeps eating junk.
- feel like Mami, despite wukong horrible choices, is very proud of wukong.
He started as some stubborn child, and ended up as being half if not all china hero and a god. He matured a lot and she's proud of her son for it.
- wukong as both a grave for Ma and one that used to belong to macaque, he used to stay there and sit and give flowers to each grave.
He still does, but doesn't do it to Macaque one anymore, since he isn't dead anymore.
- wukong still has a big amount of animals in his house, especially weird cats and horses.
- wukong used to groom his friends a lot, monkey way to show affection 💪
Sometimes he gave flowers too because apparently humans did it to show that they loved someone. He didn't quite get it was rather more romantically than platonic. But did he care? No.
- wukong likes salami. That's it. Bono er salame
- wukong acted like a grandpa since he was a kid, maybe he took it from langur and horse, unknown, he was just a grandpa since birth man. The ultimate old sun.
- both handsome monkey king and old sun were nicknames made by his monkeys,
Handsome monkey king because he reached both demons and monkey standards,
And old sun because everyone saw their king as a second parent or directly their grandpa.
- Ma was likely the first one with Beng to ask wukong to train them, both wanted to protect their people when wukong wasn't there!
- monkey king is so bored as a god that he knows how to code, sew, draw, paint, and make a rocket
Like wow dude
- if Beng and Ba ever visit again wukong the first thing they'll see is probably wukong with 7 monkeys on him, one grooming him, one attached to his leg, one trying to tackle him and push him, one playing with his tail, and one asking questions for the next three hours (imagine wukong and the monkey asking questions like : "wabadababa is that true? Yeh")
- i imagine the whole group feeling bad in different ways for wukong, they already do because of jttw (other than Mac). because despite Tripitaka treating wukong so badly, wukong still misses him and can't let go. It's just..sad. y'know? (I'm talking about Ma if she was alive too)
- they all liked Mami. Mami is a very likeable person and wukong will beat up whoever says otherwise.
whenever the ground had a sleepover to wukong house Mami always made food that wasn't fruits, everyone liked that.
- speaking of the house, wukong house was a human one, so Mami and wukong were the only monkeys who lived in an actual house and not maybe little camps or also caves. That's why doing a sleepover there was the best. Cozy house.
- bet Ba and Beng would have loved how well taken care and full of life flower fruit mountain is again!
- apparently, monkeys do get periods! Yes menstrual ones. so i can only imagine wukong taking good care of Mami whenever her period came, he did the exact same to Ma and Ba too. Just helping like a true gentleman. (i do wonder if he would have periods too because of my trans headcanon..)
- if the monkeys could ever meet MK, what would be their reaction? We know that Mac didn't had the...best first impression, but he's working on it.
We already talked about how Mami treats MK like her kid just like wukong, (i don't know if you ever talked about MK with langur and horse, i remember you saying that wukong tried to hide the fact that he had a successor from them but failed though!)
Part 1
(I think it's like a gelato kinda situation, you just call it granita I guess. Because granite is the rock)
Oh, I love the idea of Beng not knowing how to swim and Ba teaching him! That's very cute.
Of course Mami is proud of her son! Yes he made mistakes, but that is part of growing and he did his best to atone for them
Man god ADHD and was alone for 500 years. That is a dangerous combination, no wonder he knows how to do so many things
I didn't know monkeys get menstrual periods too. I'm sorry for them, I hoped they would be free from that pain
I did say that Wukong tried to keep MK a secret from Langur and Horse. That's because he knew the two would have made fun of him, calling him a dad even when he had only started to train the kid. Both immortals like MK very much, he's a sweeter version of Wukong to them.
And while I'm sure Ba, Beng and Ma would absolutely adore MK too, they would also be equally worried about him because 1 he's a kid, and 2 why would Wukong even need a successor?
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chirpq · 1 month
110+ Best Graduation Wishes to Write in Graduation Card 2024
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Best Graduation Wishes
It's inspiring to hear that you achieved something incredible! 😃 Hoping to have another fantastic year together. You did it! Congratulations on graduating! 😄 Hoping your future will be filled with many fantastic opportunities and adventures. Congratulations on your efforts. 🥳 I know how challenging it has been for you. May the new and bright page of your life only be the beginning. Bravo on graduating! 🎉 May all of your dreams and ambitions soar in the sky now. Cheer yourself today and see what myriad things you are going to do tomorrow. Finally, all your hard work pays off - life is now like an open oyster. Looking forward to watching you grow after graduation. Go forth and conquer! 💪 Best of luck as you move forward from this graduation day. Now you're ready to deal with any challenge after studying the whole night. Well done! 👏 The future is yours. Wishing you each & every best as your voyage continues. 🚀 Congrats grad! Your bright future starts there and then. Endless possibilities await. May your graduation day be just the beginning of a lifetime filled with success and happiness. 🌟
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Your portfolio is ready, and it's payback time now. Hope the graduation gifts you receive mark the start of many more achievements. I sincerely wish you all the best and big successes ahead 💯
Formal Graduation Wishes
Congratulations on your graduation success. May your journey ahead stay happy and prosperous. Well done on completing the exam, which is the most significant phase. With your superb efforts, you can make it big in life. Remember, it's time to celebrate your grad, and always remember, you're ready to take on the world! All your efforts and those hours spent at the library have finally resulted. Hope you continue to stay successful in all your future technologies. You have shown that you are a hard-working individual. Taking a degree is a sign that you are a person with values. The future and your dreams are close, so forge your way to success! It would help if you were pleased with achieving your goal. This is just the first step- burnishing things will follow. Happy graduation! The fact that you have finished your studies is a mighty accomplishment. May live happily and be proud of your achievement in the next phase of your life. All that you have overcome to get here will be invaluable as you move forward into the future. Congratulations on your graduation. Through your efforts and persistence, you finally arrived today. I understand that awesome things await you as you journey further into the future.
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It is over - you made it with hard work and fun. Hoping that your future will be as shining as your dreams. Never stop chasing them and make the most of this extra special time to celebrate. Your degree is something to be proud of after. The stage is set - let's make it happen!
Funny Graduation Messages
Be happy you made it out alive. Your student loans are just the start... But remember, the education and experiences you've gained over the past four years are priceless. You did it! Here we go, ladies and gents, conquering... reality. Good luck! We were confident that you could manage it. Now that you are on your own and have to pay us for all those years of study. ;) Wahoo! So, one down, millions to go! Well done, graduate! You are an adult now and are educated too. Pretend to wipe away my tears and say proudly:) (And relieved it's over...) Bravo! The college has ended! Now, the final exam—to become an adult. Congrats on your stage as a rockstar graduate! Congratulations on your graduation! From now on, you can launch your career as a professional couch sleeper and live with your parents. Just kidding, it's actually your time to take the world after these past four years! You made it! Finally, it came time to use that degree. This had to begin with job hunting. Good luck. You will all make it! I’m excited to see how each of you takes on the world after graduation.
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Kind of you :) You stuck it through all those sleepless nights and sleepless mornings. Try something yummy today! A massive reward for years of difficult trying! Now, you have to pay for all the interest you owe. But remember, the investment in your education is worth every penny as you grad. Just kidding, kind of. You made it. We’re proud of you!
Inspirational Graduation Wishes for a Family Member
Congratulations! I'm very impressed with your work and the effort you made. I wish you all the best in starting your new chapter. Always remember, graduation is not the end; it's just the beginning. You did it! Being graduated is a great one. I am seeing you win the world as I cheer for you. Go forth and conquer! Those constant nights attending class have been a reasonable remuneration. Today is your day of celebration; I congratulate you. It's time for jubilation your hard-earned success and look forward to the future. I hope you do very well and are consistently successful. That stage is just a point of the beginning. The future is yours - run for your dreams, don't just dream them. You did well, kid! We believed in you, and you succeeded us. The victory is yours, but wait and get lazy. Exciting things await! After endless effort, it's finally time to have fun! You owed it to yourself, having done incredibly well and feeling astoundingly good. Congrats, graduate! You have made us so proud from your very first day to graduation. Consistently, I wish you the best as you build your next chapter. You've got this! We sure are cheering loud and proud for you today and every day. It's the turn of the future - catch up with passion! Congrats on graduating.
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After having worked, it is time to enjoy now! Celebrate your achievement, but remember that it can take you much longer. Best of luck on your next chapter. The sky's the limit! We always sensed that you are up to some big things. This is day one of even greater success. Welcome to the world - it's your oyster, so go for it! Congrats, graduate!
Wishes for a Younger Graduate
Congratulations on your graduation! I am wishing you all the best, especially during this new journey. The world has no time to see your subsequent achievements. You did it! You made me proud of your hard work and dedication! I hope your smile will always be as bright as it is on this memorable occasion. Graduation is just the beginning, but your potential is unrestricted. I wish you all the joy and excitement of exploring the new horizons this trip brings you. Studying late nights all these has paid off! That is you, you are fantastic. All the best wishes for this exciting new beginning. Mark today as a good memory while you plan for what else you can do tomorrow. You are done - well done, graduate. Four years went by, and your graduation will live forever. Hope this will be your day of happiness, love and starting fresh as you mark the end of this one. You have come far on this journey and should be very happy. Excited to watch your progress as you achieve even more.Congrats, graduate!
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Good luck with your future ahead. It's an extra special moment as we celebrate your graduation party. Enjoy! The best is yet to arrive - you’ll be great! Congratulations on your grad! May God bless you with opportunities and adventures in 2024 and for years to come. So, I am very proud of you for what you have achieved. Anxiously waiting to discover where your commitment and skills will lead you further. It's been incredible to watch you graduate and grow over the four years. Congratulations, graduate!
Graduation Messages of Encouragement for the Future
You did it! Happy that your efforts are paying off. The future is bright, so step up and make your mark! Congrats on graduating! This is the beginning of the whole process. Confidence and bravery are the keys to success. Celebrate your achievements! But don't rest long. Doors to new adventures ahead of us open out there. Graduation is the beginning. A lot can t, therefore, be spared. Pursue learning and dream big every day. Cheer for your willpower and endurance. You are bound for a fine future. The future is yours! I'm proud of all the progress you made! Keep becoming better and brighter as you journey.
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That is you - well done! Proven that it is possible with the work. You can always turn your setbacks into great things. We are honouring your hard work today. However, now it is fun! The path to success is through courage and persistence. Graduation is only the tip of the iceberg of learning in real life! Believe in what lies before the greatness of your heart. Well done for the super job you've undertaken. Go ahead- it is time to take centre stage!
Wishes For Graduating During a Difficult Time
Sending my best wishes to you along your journey as you leave this part behind and head on to new adventures, challenging or not. You've got this! You did an excellent job sticking to your plan. This milestone will also grant you happiness and hope despite the hardships of today's life. Even though the future might seem vague, remember yourself with a lot of pride. One should toast to the next bright point in the big puzzle: graduate! Let's make this grad party special as we celebrate your achievements. Notwithstanding how different the celebration is this year, your success can’t be put out by that. We wish you strength and success as you embark on this exciting new journey. However, you can't see the way entirely because you are still full of a promise. Huge kudos on grad and moving on to an even more fantastic opportunity. I hope you write a happy ending with this one, although you didn't quite get it right this time. You've got this. Indecision in the world by no means implies potential denial. Congratulations on your grad - please, keep your light shining! I pray that this happy moment brings you joy and guarantees that you believe that even the thorny roads will have a place where good things will happen. Happy graduation day! You did it! You got my love and all the best! Different from the past, celebrations have their tradition, and your labour and enthusiasm are difficult to hold back. Hope you put on your confidence and amazement while moving ahead. You might not have achieved what you dreamed of today, but the shining future is not meant to be lost. Congrats, grad - trust that love and opportunity will find you as you go farther and deeper into realizing your dreams and who you are supposed to be.
Graduation Wishes and Congratulations
Great to see your efforts finally being rewarded! All the best as this new chapter begins. Congratulations and best wishes for your future endeavors. You did it! How proud I am of your continuous endeavours and hard work. Here's to the promising future that is yet to come!
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Eventually, those lonely nights of studying became meaningful. I’m happy for you. It's been a joy to watch you graduate and I'm looking forward to seeing all the extraordinary things you will do next. Wishing you continued success! Feel on top of the world - you deserve it. I can't wait to witness all of your fantastic achievements in the future. Bravo! The commencement stage is just the beginning. Keep moving on towards your aspirations. Well done, graduate! Your unforgettable trip has come to an end. I hope you will grow on this new path in your life. You've got this! That's the door to a life of chance and fortune. Fly high,The world will always understand your skills better. Good job with overcoming all the obstacles. Make sure you are high as a kite right now. The future is yours! Celebrate your strength and courage. This is merely the beginning of what is to come. So proud! All the late nights were a resounding success! Enjoy this milestone achievement. You'll do amazing things. Congratulations!
Funny Messages for Graduation Cards
You did it! And so, finally, I am in the real world. Good luck!🎓 To begin with, how have you been through the intense late-night study sessions? The future is yours!🥳 Your aim as a student was to get an education. Now that you have reached your goal, you are a graduate. Well done!🎉 We already know you are brilliant, so graduating is a formidable achievement. Color us impressed. Way to go!🤓 And then, after all those school years, my high school days ended for good. Welcome to the rest of your life, my friend!🥳 You have gained the awareness you didn't have after four years. Bravo!🎊
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The student debt also starts wetting their shoes...well Done!🎓😅 We're proud! Alright, now quit lingering there. Go and find a job so you can pay your outstanding student debts. Kidding!Sort of.🥳😉 You did it! Time to live in a world where nobody knows the ratio of your grades. We are very thrilled with you!🎉 May you live on, brother! Er, we mean graduating. You did great!👨‍🎓
Wise Words for Graduates
🎓 Be a learner - It is not the end when you finish schooling, so keep learning daily. Congratulations on your graduation day! 🤝 Help others - Live by the principle of paying it forward; help humans whenever you can. We are all in it together. 💪 Think positively - Whatever the challenge, you can tackle it. Believe in yourself. 💸 Money is not everything, so do something you like, and the money will follow. Don't chase money alone. 💭 Think logically- Question everything and use your mind. Your mind is your biggest asset. ❤️ Trust your inner compass - Walk the path you were meant to take, not the one others chose. And may this graduation be a reminder of how far you've come. You have your own life. Make it yours. 🤗 Surround yourself with pals – your perfect pals will lift you when the going gets tough. Value the people who are essential in your life. 🌏 Feel the world - Get out of your comfort zone and embrace different cultures. The best gift given is open-mindedness. 📚 Always learn something new - You are always learning, even at an old age. The truth is that learning keeps your mind active and doors wide open. 🥳 Embrace the route - Since the pace of life is tremendous, do not forget to look out and cherish the small things around your way.
Sentimental Sayings for Graduation
🎓 The best place to begin a new chapter is right here. The future belongs to you to invent it! 🎊 Acknowledge all the accomplishments you've made and the knowledge you have gained. The real trip lies ahead!🥳 It’s been quite a journey, and you’ve worked very hard and surpassed the hurdles. Be proud of yourself!🤗 💭 Pursue every dream that you have visualized in your mind. Trust your talents; you might go as far as you can imagine.🌟 Congratulations and best wishes on your graduation journey. However, it's okay to have a little nostalgia, but try not to look back too much. More opportunities present themselves on the way ahead if you keep going!👣 Always remember, never stop exploring and taking on new challenges. 🙏 Thank everyone for your support and encouragement throughout this journey. You didn't cross the ocean by yourself.🫂 🤞 Hoping you will enjoy the following chapter with all the happiness you can have from new adventures. You've got this!💪 🔥 Congratulate yourself on achieving today's goals and remind yourself of the feelings when you get closer to your future goals. This is the time for jubilation your journey and never stop pursuing your dreams. You have got that within you!👩‍🎓 💕 Treasure the friends you made who end up like a family. May this bond be the strongest of all other ties.👯‍♀️ 🎉 The start of a new chapter and new opportunities! Take full ownership of your power and fully illuminate yourself. Congratulations! It is time for the next move!🌟
Inspiring Graduation Quotes for Graduates
"The road to the future could be foggy, but begin with courage and believing in yourself." "Education offers you a precious asset – the ability to learn and grow. You decide what the purpose of this gift will be." "Instead of worrying about where you will end up, value the lessons, growth, and people you have encountered during the journey." "Stumble blocks will appear, but you have already embarked on such a long journey. You possess the courage, fortitude and a reason to keep moving forward - believe in it." This chapter closes, but your story continues. Go ahead and write it as well as you can, with as much passion, purpose and openness of heart.
What is the best graduation message?
Here are some ideas for positive graduation messages: - It was impressive to know that you did it, so congratulations! It was a dream come true. Your efforts to attain it paid off. I hope you succeed in this new stage of your life journey and achieve great things! - As a result, I'm proud of you. You Read the full article
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sluttymickey · 2 years
re ur prev tags yes I did work in medicine me and lem have a nursing home au because of it Okokokokok last one before bed I SWEAR I'll stop harassing you for the day after this sjaksnsksns
Something I am constantly emosh about is Mickey and his siblings!!! It's such an underrated andnynderexplored dynamic like;!! While the Gallagher's we're all allies in a battle against society, the milkovichss grew up in individual battles against society AND Terry and we're less allies as people in trenches near eachother. They all would care about eachother so hard!!! I've mentioned to Mel that they 100% have a sibling group chat but other than that if someone needs something the others show up in full force!!! The only reason Sandy was the only one available to walk Mickey down the isle is because her brother Jamie was redirecting guests, Mandy had a cold, Colin's car was busted and Iggy and Joey were currently doing jail stints (Iggy tried to escape to get there, Mickey found out later and laughed so hard he falls out of a chair)
Mandy loves her brothers, okay?? Those are her dumbasses, she misses them more than anything else about Chicago -- even Ian!!
Iggy held Mickey after he was born (I may send you a seperate ask about my Mickey's the Oldest Au I like to harass people with it in the hopes it makes me write more of it) and like. He missed all the other births, but he was THERE for Mickey's and his dad was too drunk and his brothers too small, but his mom placed a screaming Mickey in his arms and Iggy swore that hed make sure his brother kept that fighting spirit alive.
The way Mickey's first soultion to literally anything in canon is "Im gonna get my brothers" im so fragile drish want more Milkovich siblings
YES!! SO TRUE!! Them immediately going with Mickey to kill Frank!! Them helping Mandy get rid of Blake (the pedophile)!!
They totally have a gc and the name's something like BADASS 💪👊 MILKOVICHES 🚬💣. All it takes is one of them sending “Need help fuckers” and they show up!! Because that's what you do for family!!
(Iggy texting “Sry cnt make it. Got caut while hidin in the bin to escape” on the gc from his hidden phone in prison 😭)
Ohmygod baby iggy holding baby mickey 🥺 him doing everything he can to protect mickey 🥺 him shoving people when they made fun of mickey being smaller than them 🥺 him definitely sending ian misspelt hreats from prison when he found out about the courthouse incident 🥺 HIM CALLING IAN FROM PRISON TO GIVE HIM THE SHOVEL TALK
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megatraven · 2 years
Me: Enjoying my day playing Detroit: Become Human and enjoying life.
My brain at almost midnight: Remember how MC almost got hit by an artifact attack in Alex’s S1 and how they were so worried for her that they dropped everything else and ran over to her to make sure she was okay. Instead of just asking her or checking for any bruises or injuries, they dropped the professionalism and hugged her tightly bc they were so worried that she would die or that she was severely injured….
And then remember how they said that they grew up around immortal people and how MC’s family was the only real connection to mortals and how it made them love Earth (there’s other reasons but I kinda believe it was mainly MC and her mother and Josh’s presence that made it stronger) and how they loved her even more because she was human and because she “didn’t have Olympus to hide behind.” (Near the actual quote of what they said in S3).
My brain has been on a loop of Alex for a hot hour and I’m ready to replay their entire seasons since none of my favorite characters are coming out right now so >:)). Also, I just finished Chance’s season 1! The old Chance route not the new one lol. I just hate him so much but love him at the same time. And I’m also going to play Ash’s season 1 again to get a passionate ending bc I love him so much and he’s SO sweet like??? Kinda quiet and loves dogs and is wholesome most of the time?? I love him. And I really hope Ash gets a new route as well! The quiet hitman deserves it😭.
Away from me, how are you doing Meg👀💙? I hope you’re doing good and better recently!! If you’re not then I’m sorry and I hope things will get better! It sucks at times but it’ll get better and I hope you’re alright :)💙!! But anyways goodnight bc I have work tomorrow and it’s almost midnight for me. Hope you have a good night!
LOL me too sarah....... whatever the heck im doing at any point during the day u can bet i am full-on thinking about alex (and mc) in some way.
GODS THAT SCENE IN S1................ they held her hand after that hug too because they didnt want to let her go yet 🥺🥺🥺 and it was a comfort to both of them, and mc missed it when they pulled away finally. but before they did, they were straight up holding her hand even in front of their agents and i hgnghhhhhh THEY LVOE HER SO MUCH <33333
i am 10000% certain that the biggest leading reason for alex's loove of earth has everything to do with mc and her family (and aphrodite's fostering of love for mortals) and hgnghhhhhh. of COURSE they love the earth more than olympus........... that's where mc is 🥺💛💛💛
CHAAAAAANCE <333333333 i miss my old grump boy loser chance he's the best. i love his frog shirt. i want his frog shirt. all i can think about is his frog shirt. AND ASH! i lvoe ash so much he was so sweet and good..... i miss them both i wanna rearead themmm
im gettin through sarah, im gettin through 😤💪 some days are rougher than others but im still here, alive and kicking :) i hope you're doing well yourself and that your work and school and everything is goin alright!!!! 💛💛💛 sleep well friend!!!!
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Do you celebrate Thanksgiving, of so how was it. I count this year as a victory, because nobody got into a fight.
I celebrate out or family obligation and tradition only if I had a choice I wouldnt care about it 🙃
And yes the holidays can be super stressful! Mine turned out alright no fighting or arguments tho I did have an anxiety attack at work the previous day from stress mmmmm not good but I'm ok now! 💪🙌 glad you made it out alive 👌
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Writing/journaling is and will always be Beth’s thing aside from Music. The fact that the Richonne couple wrote letters while in separation before their reunion while both have a VO narration of their letters just like Beth Motherfucking Greene once had in Season 4B in the flagship show. Beth Motherfucking Greene was there first before anyone else. Let’s not forget the massive parallel between Rick and Beth, and the Richonnne mirroring the Bethyl couple. This is it. Beth’s fucking alive in the flesh, we simply just don’t see it it yet.
Lol. Agreed. Your Ask made me smile. I love how much you love Beth, and Bethyl! And I heartily agree. She's out there, and it's becoming more and more obvious with each passing day. Chances are we'll see her in the spinoff. But we're also kind of hoping for some hints in the next batch of Fear episodes. Only because they'll come first. 😉 But I'm right there with ya, Nonny. 💪 Xoxo! 🎁💖
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