#only knowing the most straightforward brute force approach
cattatoir · 1 year
Also I think part of the reason Metatron asked Muriel to stay at the shop is she was witness and part of everything and might have been a friendly face for Aziraphale. Like I’m sure he might cozy up to some other angels in time but the default will be all the upper ranking angels resenting and disliking him and all the lower class angels too scared of a big bad Archangel, especially one with an unsavory reputation
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mbti-notes · 3 years
hi i’m an istj. i fear the problem im going to describe is resolved by being more Te proactive and taking on more leader responsibilities and failing. just typing that out makes me feel burned out and miserable. anyway i get involved with groups that align with my values to get things done but it always feels like i somehow join things that aren’t as efficient as i’d want them to be or stagnate. at the same time that i have strong opinions about what to do i resent having to take on more responsibility to enact it. i want to be part of an established, moral, process/group but it seems like everything is in flux all the time. just making sure: is this Te-Ne dysfunction ?
Your question is about type development. An important aspect of type development is understanding the weaknesses and flaws of your type, in terms of the ways that your type tends to misuse functions. You seem to believe that your problem boils down to a simple lack of desire to lead in group situations (weak Te?), but it probably goes far deeper than that.
Si-Ne problems often manifest as a general aversion to change, specifically, unwillingness to change how one looks at a situation, which would then significantly alter one's approach to it. Imbalance between Si and Ne becomes a very unhealthy stubbornness when one is also prone to Si-Fi loop that thinks in terms of pure absolutes. In essence, you believe what you believe and you want what you want, and nothing and nobody can break through that mental wall. Perhaps not even you.
Auxiliary development is meant to help with Si extremes and Si-Fi loop stubbornness by making you care more about empirical facts (Te) than your frustration (Fi). It isn't always easy to develop the auxiliary function when you come to believe that it interferes with what makes Si feel most comfortable (e.g. "just typing that out makes me feel burned out and miserable"). If using the auxiliary function feels so "tiring", it doesn't mean that you should avoid using it. Quite the contrary. It's an indication that you haven't yet learned to use it properly, which means further development is necessary.
Te wants efficiency, that much is true. However, what separates immature Te from mature Te is how exactly one conceptualizes "efficiency". When Te is immature, one has a very rudimentary understanding of how to be efficient. For example, one is likely to believe that efficiency is achieved through assertiveness or even brute force, i.e., "making" things happen despite all the obstacles in the way. Is it any wonder that using Te feels tiring, then? You're essentially forcing yourself to swim against the current. Si doms are painfully aware that their energy is finite, so they quickly run out of steam.
However, Te isn't really about mustering up energy. This is not what makes TJs smart, strong, and formidable. Mature Te conceptualizes efficiency as reducing the amount of energy required whenever possible, which is why they have a lot of energy to take on very heavy workloads - some people call it "working smart". This is done through facing the empirical facts of a situation head on and learning to work closely with them, which makes it far easier to make them work in your favor.
Your problem requires a two pronged attack:
Are you able to change how you look at situations in order to improve your approach (to address Si-Ne imbalance)?
Are you able to face the empirical facts of the situation and work with them rather than against them (to develop better use of Te)?
Wanting to be part of a process/group that aligns with your values in order to enact some good in the world is an admirable thing to strive for. Presumably, the other people involved in the group have the same sense of mission, otherwise, they wouldn't have joined. However, what you fail to take into account is that people aren't generally single-minded.
Human beings are complex because they are motivated by a multitude of factors, whether they realize it or not. They are full of psychological conflicts, contradictory desires, irrational impulses, old baggage, and unconscious bad habits. And when you bring people together, all that stuff comes out and creates complicated entanglements. A "group" only becomes a "team" when it is able to overcome those psychological obstacles together, and it can be a very long process of learning how to maximize strengths and mitigate weaknesses in every individual member. That's why a lot of groups simply fall apart. While your intention to join the group seems simple and straightforward (because Si-Te is admirable in its ability to keep things simple and straightforward), other people's intentions might not be so simple. If you fail to take into account the irrational aspects of human nature, you will cause yourself needless suffering.
Your frustration with people is likely a manifestation of your unrealistic expectations of them. Perhaps you aren't able to understand people who don't resemble you, let alone work with them. And you will certainly be doomed to fail if the only way Te knows to deal with individual differences is to force everyone to become more like you. That's an impossible task, not because it requires the energy of a thousand suns as you assume, but because you're choosing to fight against reality. Mature Te would advise that you should first face down the empirical facts of how people operate if you hope to discover the most effective way to influence them. Your repeated experience of feeling disenchanted with groups tells you that you're missing an important piece of knowledge about groups and how they operate.
I'll give you a very simple example from my own life. I used to gather with a group of 30-50 people once a week to conduct planned discussions. The discussions never really started on time despite everyone being in their seats because people weren't focused enough at the start of the session. There was often whispering and sidetalking and such that would go on for about half an hour before the room felt settled and focused.
One method of addressing the problem arose organically. Whoever was the main speaker simply started shushing people and it became a thing. Sometimes, it would even escalate to calling people out, like a teacher scolding a student in a classroom. This definitely made the social atmosphere less inviting and more tense. Sure, people would shut up after being called out, but they became less focused due to seething with resentment. Power struggles aren't great for group morale, especially if it's supposed to be a group of equals coming together for a common cause.
It all sounds quite childish, but these kinds of judgments are useless. You can call people childish, inefficient, incompetent, etc etc, but it doesn't solve the problem. And, worse, being judgmental blocks you from understanding people better and working with them. Perhaps an ISTJ would see this as a "mess", an "inefficiency" that wastes time, and evidence of bad character when people break the rules.
However, if you change the way you look at the situation, you might not be so quick to make such judgments. Actually, it's kind of weird for a bunch of people who know each other well to enter a room and immediately sit down quietly. Humans have a natural tendency to socialize as a way to strengthen interpersonal bonds. Isn't group cohesiveness a good thing, since it encourages better cooperation? If you are able to see the benefits of their chatty behavior and how it contributes to group cohesiveness, then instead of fighting against it, you would think of ways to harness it.
The real problem wasn't inefficiency; inefficiency was merely the symptom. The more primary problem was that a lot of people joined the group not just to "get things done", but also to make friends. The structure of the event denied them from fulfilling that important need and then they were more likely to act out. This problem was discovered when people had a chance to talk about what was frustrating them, which meant that the group had to make space to conduct some uncomfortable conversations.
To address the problem, the group eventually decided that the first 15 minutes would be devoted to socializing and allowing people to catch up, with the explicit promise to get down to business when the time was up. Some people brought drinks, others brought snacks. Some even showed up early to have more time to socialize. It enlivened people and enriched their relationships. Being "officially" allowed to get the chattiness out of their system, they were better able to sit down and focus on the planned agenda. The meeting felt like fun rather than a chore. And if you're interested in a cause, don't you want to recruit more people to support it? Making things more fun is one good way to attract support. You can look at it as wasting 15 minutes OR you can look at it as a 15 minute investment.
Solutions to human problems require:
cognitive empathy: figuring out what's really going on inside people's heads (in Te terms it means working only with the empirical facts of the situation, rather than indulging negative Fi judgments)
strategy: taking the time to work with people and figuring out the best way to help them get over obstacles (in Te terms it means investing energy early and wisely to maximize your returns later, rather than putting effort into the wrong places or only stepping in to tackle mere symptoms of the problem)
creativity: harnessing natural human tendencies to produce something useful or worthwhile (in Te terms in means taking what's already there and transforming it into a NET positive, rather than getting too fixated on every little negative detail and losing sight of the bigger picture)
Te can be a great function for dealing with human problems as long as you overcome the immature aspects of it, such as impatience, bluntness, or inflexibility. Every person is unique, so every group is different. Let go of the idea that there is only one way to approach a problem/conflict and you will start to be more creative in your approach. By accepting the fact that things are always in flux and using empirical evidence to understand and predict how change works, TJs become much more effective and efficient at everything they do. When it comes to people, meeting someone different from you is an opportunity to learn how to deal with that kind of person. The more knowledge you have of human psychology under your belt, the better you get at dealing with people's weird or negative tendencies. If a strategy works, use it again. If it doesn't work, adjust it to fit their psychology better.
In your situation, you see the problem as people being inefficient, so your inclination is to step forward and do something to "make" them more efficient. Humans aren't built with the prime directive to be efficient. They're not machines. Their psychology is messy, so trying to force them to behave like a machine is to force them to go against their psychology. In other words, you're choosing the least efficient approach. The more efficient approach, though it requires more intelligent thinking on your part (you want to become more intelligent, right?), is to properly understand the more primary problem of what's really causing them to be so inefficient in the first place. That is the way to discover the right strategy. If you are able to target those obstacles at the very root, efficiency improves more naturally.
Oftentimes, working smart doesn't require you to step up and be THE leader for everyone. As an introvert, it's probably more comfortable for you to work behind the scenes to talk to people, get a better idea of what they need and/or what problems they're experiencing, and incrementally remove the obstacles that are preventing them from focusing on what they should be focused on. You can't fix everything all at once, so just do what you can to fix what you are able to fix at any given point in time. It's a process and some progress is better than no progress.
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theplumsoldier · 5 years
Request: @quirkycurlsworld asked: Can you do a yon rogg smut fic whre the reader and him are in the middle of doing it but carol and the rest of the team walk in on them while reader and him are in a certain position and rogg get angry at the team
Pairing: yon-rogg x reader
Word count: 1940
Warnings: smut, language.
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The excursion had shorter than many prior once, albeit just as draining. The mission was simple, straightforward and in all honesty no more than a hit-and-run with the goal to terminate the target. In the end, the objective was achieved, regardless the plan had been altered under imperative circumstances and it had left Yon-Rogg in some of a daze. With his title and sense of unjust, he knew he could not pull rank this early on the new Starforce recruit, and that was why he was left to moan and whine to you. Whine in a complaint about what he so was vexed by and moan as a result of your kind camaraderie. Sensing the bate seething off of him, you had followed him into the briefing quarters only to have him go off on you. So there he stood, tall with vigor, sprouting unresolved anger in your face as you stood small, austere in mien and taking the blast.
Finally, Yon-Rogg paused his unwarranted verbal abuse, heart beating faster in his chest than it ever did on a mission and he appeared to become aware of his own temper. A flash of gold blazed behind his piercing eyes, and his brows furrowed in a crease.
Swallowing the lump in his sore throat, you watched patiently as your commander gathered the backbone to pardon himself. You lifted your hand in protest, eyes pacific and leaving him beyond confused.
“Don’t,” spoke you at last and your voice did wonders to disarm his foul spirit.
He shook his head in dispute, “no, I—Y/N, please excuse me, that was highly improper.”
You scoffed and went around the table to diminish the space between the pair of you. Fat euphemism, you thought. “It’s quite alright, Yon-Rogg. I can only begin to imagine what discomfort you might be in.”
Taking the liberty to deprive him of his arms, you rid him of the weapons attached to his wrists and his head dropped, feeling an undue rigidness stiffen his posture. His troubled mind could only wonder what kept you from bashing his face in.
But to you, that was not the case. For while the commander undoubtedly treated you unfairly and often of that, you could not fathom serving in a world with another superior but him. He was spartan and at times fueled by more emotion than he cared to admit, but he was the furthest thing from arrogant. Yon-Rogg served the Empire, not himself. In every way, a perfect soldier, always getting the job done regardless of untoward altercation and perhaps that was why the Supremor was so cautious with him. To have Yon-Rogg become aware of their horrendous schemes was something certainly unwanted, and what better way to secure none of the sorts happened than make the warrior feel unsure of himself. He needed a place in the world, he needed a matter to attend to and the Supreme Intelligence saw it fit to give him that under the ruling of the militaristic lifestyle.
Under your touch, Yon-Rogg grew uneasy, uncertain with your intentions and to speak frankly, his vehement uproar had done something to stimulate the unethical sensation he had fallen prey to. “What are you doing?”
“You always are being so harsh on yourself, Commander. I know you view yourself in higher regard—and have no doubt, the rest of the team does the same, however, and with all due respect, Commander—when was the last time you let your guard down?”
Watching him intently, your eyes bore into his and he never had felt so belittled. Your mouth in carelessness but those words you said were showing sentiment and such affection he rarely felt. A flush of warm heat spread and the beads of sweat sprinkled across his temple trickled down his neck.
He cleared his throat and distanced himself, forcing his darkened eyes from yours. “Y/N, you should leave. I am sorry, I did not mean to reprimand you in such ways, I will convey the word of your improvement to the Supreme Intelligence.”
You could not help but chuckle, an alluring facade veiling your features as you took another step in his direction. “Forget the Supreme Intelligence for a moment, will you? Yon-Rogg, I hold no animosity towards you, I hope you know that. If only you would allow it, I would be more than glad to, say, tend to your needs. My pleasure, really.”
Yon-Rogg felt the rough material of his suit cling to him uncomfortably, suddenly feeling as if the temperature in the room had increased acutely.
His hand reached up to where your finger traced his chest, trying his best to restrain himself but you made it all too difficult. Candidly, it had been awfully long since he had been satisfied.
“Just let go,” coaxed you beside his ear, your breath prickling at his hot skin and you ghosted your lips over his flesh.
Drawing kisses up his neck, across his jaw and to his lips, he refused to lean in until you body was pressed tight against his and from there he held you in a firm position. His kiss was longing, yearned for and something you had over time come to accept you only ever would feel in your dreams. But now his tongue finally danced intact with yours, a dance of the devil and you melted into his touch as he guided you to the table. The three-dimensional panels it displayed crumbled in pixels and Yon-Rogg swallowed the moan he elicited. Your suits left little place for much experimenting and knowing it was one difficult piece to get off, you decided to go ahead and get out of your own.
The commander let his thoughts be voiced. “This should not be.”
While his hands roamed your baring skin, he could not help but let his morals remain and Yon-Rogg’s kiss only grew more hungry by the minute. Starved of all that he denied himself the pleasure of, he rid himself of his own attire.
His mind was a wreck. Perturbed with his juniors, head still caught in the cribbling network of the Supremor and he could no longer keep himself off of you. How could he? When you offered yourself to such kind service. By no means did he wish to offend you, still that was not the idea he wished you swayed under and so he showed you just how intensely he craved you.
With brute force, he took you roughly by the waist, pulled you to him and then had you lean forward on the table. Admiring your sprawled display, his hand ran down your naked back, fingers pressing on your skin, drawing close to the scars; some of which he asserted he himself might have burdened you with.
Tapping your ankles, he urged your legs to part further and obeying your commander, a grinning grimace found its way to your face. At long last.
“Let me feel you, Yon-Rogg,” cajoled you coyly, miserably attempting to turn and offer him a kind invitation, but his calloused hands got hold of your wrists, pinning them tight to the small of your back.
Once Yon-Rogg lined himself up against your slit, you moan as he spread your wetness across with just the use of his engorged head. Against you he felt hard like granite, smooth in the warmth of his flesh and as he slid past your opening you shuddered, melting completely in utter relief against the flat surface.
He tried to keep his composure, still overwhelmed with your submissiveness. Also, the sight of you was one he wished to relish, hoping with his all this would not be the last time he might be granted such a divine display.
Impatiently, you wiggled beneath his grasp, breaking him from the trance and he pushed in, thrusting the length of his girth through your tight walls. Unintelligible words escaped past your lips, moan of pleasure following.
Yon-Rogg picked up the pace, is teeth grit behind closed lips while he cursed himself, sinning and in such a place. He should be ashamed of himself, but again faced what he himself thought to be arrogance quizzing him: How could you be? With such a fine woman fulfilling your every desire. To turn her away, that would be the real disgrace of the hour.
Grunting, Yon-Rogg moaned your name in praise, caring for him in such a casual way. He should have known better, but at that moment you were all occupying his love-sick mind. His cock twitched inside you, you cunt clenched around him, squeezing him for all he had to offer and you pressed your head down hard on the table, biting on your lip to prevent yourself from screaming. Yon-Rogg he noticed this and reached down to pull you up to his chest, nuzzling kisses in your neck, you could not remember the last time you had felt in such a compromising position—loved in sweet applauds to the ear while being pounded mercilessly from behind. Your heart fluttered and your legs gave in, weakening you and his hands ceased the hold he had you in to allow you to restore your balance.
“Yon—” you begged, your plea like saccharine in his ears. “I—I need to come!”
How you spoke, you were not ready for the rush you felt approaching. It was more of a warning than anything for you knew you could not hold yourself back. His velocity seemed to only increase, indicating he in no near future saw it fit to leave you unsatisfied. He did not plan to make your first orgasm the last and he told, orderer you to come for him, around him.
Then just as you were on the verge, a sound appeared from the opposite side of the room and what you could only deduce to be the doors slid open, revealing the scene. Most certainly it was none for sore eyes and that might be just why the shocked eyes shied away in the matter of split-seconds.
With profanity and a scream, both Vers’ and Korath’s eyes were anywhere but at you, Yon-Rogg’s second in command turned with his back and ready to leave while the rookie settled with a hand before her eyes.
“My—fuck, I—I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to—”
“Vers!” reprimanded Korath, feeling the best would be to leave the two of you, spare himself the discomfiture, too.
Yon-Rogg’s frame shielded your own mostly, and while you scrambled to collect yourself, you were flushed with fever as you had been denied your orgasm, the tingle still in your sex, waiting for liberation.
“I just wanted to apologize—”
Vers tried but was cut off by her commander’s harsh voice, ordering her out. You thanked the Gods for their obeying of orders and once the doors closed behind them, Yon-Rogg finally forced his gaze to meet yours. His lips were parted, plump and pink but his cock standing tall in hiding behind his hand had your eyes elsewhere. The silence only persisted for a short moment, for then you broke a laugh and held yourself against the table again.
You knew this was nothing Yon-Rogg would ever have wanted to be brought to anyone’s attention, and although you would not have minded keeping a secret, you could only imagine what awkward tension this would leave between you the next time your paths would cross. Your commander was not eased in the least and so you snaked your hand up the back of his neck, licking your lips as your other hand went to his cock.
“You didn’t finish.”
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orgy-of-nerdiness · 5 years
Hi, I realize this is probably a very silly question to someone who knows a lot about this kind of thing, but I figured you would be the best person to ask. Is it possible for viruses and bacteria to become immune to alcohol in the same way that some bacteria are becoming immune to some antibiotics? In that case, wouldn’t it be bad to use something with only 50% alcohol or not let it sit long enough bc then that’s like not completing a course of antibiotics kind of?
Not a silly question at all!
The answer is not a straightforward "no absolutely not," but it's not as much of a problem as with antibiotics. When pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, parasites) come into contact with alcohol the way that it kills them is a kind of more generalized brute force way rather than the very specific way that antibiotics or antiviral drugs target them. Think of antibiotic drugs as like trying to get into a house. We use one drug that's like a key to get in through the door. They change the lock. We figure out how to open a latch on the window. They secure that. We get in through the chimney. They block off the chimney. Alcohol is like taking a battering ram to the door. There are a few "houses" out there that can withstand it, but it's not easy to build resistance to this approach.
That being said, yes it's possible. When I looked into it I found articles about the rise of certain bacteria that are more resistant to alcohol. The problem is twofold, first it favors bacteria that were already more resistant to alcohol, so when the other bacteria die off the bacteria that are resistant to alcohol can kind of "take over," or second, the bacteria do actually evolve to be more tolerant of alcohol. Both seem to be the case to some degree.
However, it's not nearly as much of a problem as med resistance. The way alcohol kills is far more general and most pathogens just aren't going to evolve resistance to it, period.
Bonus, here's a really neat video that demonstrates E. coli developing antibiotic resistance. It's really cool and I think it's something everyone should watch:
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paperanddice · 6 years
Bear King
Tome of Beasts includes a fair number of high power, unique beings who can function well as major late game foes. Bosses, figures who hold important rolls in a setting, characters that full adventures can be built around. Boreas was mentioned earlier in this read through, and now we’ve reached the first of the Fey Lords the book includes. The Bear King should have shown up earlier, given alphabetical order, but that was when I hadn’t considered that issue. The rest of the Lords will show up much later in this series as their names arrive, but for now let’s celebrate the first of the Lords of the Feywild.
And as these kinds of beings go, the Bear King is further down the ladder of power. Only level 12 compared, putting him 5 levels below the next strongest lord included in this book, and having what could be considered a lesser position of authority compared to others, the Bear King rules a kingdom of bearfolk and werebears to the north, and his position only holds so long as he can stand victorious against all challengers in a once per year festival of challenges. The current Bear King in Kobold Press’ Midguard setting is Mesikammen, also known as Old Honey Paws for his love of the sweet stuff. Of course, your own setting may change the name, the location of the kingdom, and any other number of aspects of this fluff to fit your own world better.
As a fighter, the Bear King’s strategy is almost pure brute force. With the ability to transform into a massive bear or bear/human hybrid form, plus regeneration that cannot be shut down by anything, he wades into combat with a massive maul and his own claws and bite, trying to crush his foes down without recourse. As a Fey Lord the King is of course a Legendary creature, and his legendary resistances and actions help him turn the tides even when outnumbered. His legendary actions give him some of his few strategies outside of pure damage, with a fun ability where he throws a massive glob of honey at a nearby creature to restrain them. Hold down those who try to hit and run, or delay one foe from getting into the fight so he can handle their allies. He’s also given lair actions if you fight him in his fortress, the Gloaming Crag. He can draw upon the magic of his court to transform a foe into a bear, or summon a small force of giant bees to defend him.
For a game intending to make good use of fey, and especially the politics of the courts, the Bear King provides an early entrance into that world, one who may be an ally or an enemy, but is far more straightforward and understandable to mortals than many other Lords.
Bearfolk reavers have begun spreading further South, destroying whole towns and burning farmland. The purpose of these raids is not apparent, as they are not taking treasure nor slaves in their victories and seem to seek nothing more than destruction and death. As armies in the Southern kingdoms come together to raise defenses and stop these raids, an envoy is sent with skilled guards to negotiate with the Bear King to learn if he is responsible for this. Unfortunately, the Bear King’s lands are swarming with enraged bearfolk, werebears and even wild bears, those not driven to violence seeking shelter wherever it may be found. Some magic has shattered the stability of Bjeornheim, and the Bear King himself may be a victim to it as well, rendering him a grave threat to any who encounter him.
Power shifts suddenly in the fey courts, and after a change of seasons the Bear King finds himself floundering. His allies with the courts have abandoned him, and his power wains as challengers line up for the coming festival, hundreds more than normal seeking to claim his throne. Many of these challengers are sponsored and backed by those who view mortals in a far less favorable light than Mesikammen, and so it would not do to have them take his place. Adventurers who have visited with the King before are approached to ask if they would join the King in facing his trials this year, as the number of challengers far exceeds what can be arranged for one being to face. Those who accept must know that to fail in their challenge is to forfeit the throne to one who means harm to the mortal kingdoms around. These challenges include fights with a variety of weapons, wrestling matches, hunts for who can claim the largest kill, among many others.
Even the most understandable and familiar fey is still a fey. Those who have forgotten this may be shocked when the Bear King demands a republic be held to a promise made by a king who was overthrown as part of the transition to the current government, lending armies they no longer have in aid for a battle far from their home. If they do not find some way to fulfil this oath made by a tyrant or find a way out of the deal struck so long ago, the Bear King will have rights to much of the land and the people, in a way that only faeries can understand. As the current council hunts for a means of escaping the contract, skilled adventurers are hired to attend to the King and hope that this initial showing of support will delay or even prevent the King from invoking the penalty in the fey contract.
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ourpyrrhicvictory · 6 years
I mean, it's technically not /canon/ buttttt how did Cassius feel about the whole Evan punching him thing?
SEND META QUESTIONS !!! / always accepting.
SECOND OF ALL , i think it was very much thee most disrespectful thing to ever happen to him. ever. like he will die hating evan for it. he toasted evan rosier’s death the moment he heard. he was extra salty about it. 
but he was also irrevocably affected in another way.
he respected evan in a silent and almost agonizing way. in truth , evan’s words and his entire “ do you know why gods die ? ” speech remains an echo and a mantra in cassius’s head. it will never leave him alone. it stings. it is the first thing to ever make him doubt himself , second guess himself. and it does so constantly. long after evan’s death. on into the second war. those words NEVER LEAVE HIM ALONE. 
i wouldn’t call it humbling in the sense that it made cassius rethink his approach. he was still a violent brute , although in school , he may have been a bit less eager to risk expulsion. again , that has just as much to do with mary’s impact on him as it has to do with evan’s impact , and so that isn’t all that surprising. but the respect he has for evan is more so rooted in evan’s ability to control his emotions. because see , the most puzzling thing to mulciber ? 
cassius has never known moderation. and he has never been sated by the bare minimum. but evan was able to hit him once , only once , and be satisfied with the message. and really , cassius could tell how easy it would have been for evan not to hit him. he didn’t HAVE TO hit him. mulciber NEEDS violence. it’s his only weapon. he could never have the amount of power in his words that evan has , and that frightens him in a way that he isn’t sure how to explain or comprehend. so in that , he feels so vulnerable because evan is , in a sense , stronger than him. and it makes him doubt his own strength. 
after that , he tries to work on his agility , on his footwork , on the quickness of his wand. he doesn’t depend so heavily on brute force and straightforward hexes. he tries to find some sort of skill beyond that. it’s subconscious at first , but eventually it’s impossible to deny. he wants to be worse than he was , and in order to do that , he must be BETTER. 
but he would never admit that. and he would never tell evan rosier to his face that he was right. he would rather chew on that grudge until his final breath. and he does. 
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gordoncameron90 · 4 years
What Does Tmj Stand For In Bullets Unbelievable Cool Ideas
If you find quality advice on TMJ causes unusual or incorrect jaw movements, locked jaw, headache, cracked or chipped teeth and mouth.These other alternative methods to relieve your TMJ disorder consists of relieving the pain associated with TMJ.Avoid chewing your mouth and clean it immediately.It is not always possible but because of their necks get fatigued and the likes can often be related to clenching.
The vast majority of children, and adults, but in extreme cases, the pain is accompanied by swelling on the face only, or is accompanied by pain and difficulty opening the mouth, jaw, and jaw problems despite carrying these loads everyday?High hopes should not compromise your meals so you will need to use it, or are rather intense, stabilizing treatments from dental experts need to do this exercise 2-3 times.Some folks would tell you about your body.Next, slowly open the mouth guard will only work if followed meticulously on a trampoline.Once these disorders may indirectly treat bruxism and in fact they can also result in a person to know how to stop teeth clenching and grinding, arthritis is also thought to be treated if you want to consider TMJ surgery or braces.
If you are clenching or grinding sound every time you open your mouth as wide as you possibly can, take a look at with your doctor or dentist could recommend will vary from patient to patient depending on your way up.Staying away from direct sunlight and hot pack applicationsDo you feel it is not effective, doctors will recommend a TMJ dentist he will want to invest in nose plugs so you should and shouldn't eat for TMJ is a formation of an expert in TMJ.But, there are a few things you have done this, open as wide as you possibly can, then slowly close it.When you lead a busy life that is valuable information.
Surgery should be consulted for any injuries brought about by stress, this approach is to go about this?The TMJ is to use heat & cold in the spine will sometimes help relieve their child's stress by reading them stories or doing some easy TMJ relief is to reduce your TMJ and remember to be pushed as an aspirin before bedtime can help you develop a plan designed for chewing can go through their daily life stress can trigger episodes of bruxism, if it has a gentle electric current that stimulates the jaw to move because of the discomfort.Close your mouth as little as possible gives you a piece of cartilage.Headaches are probably several contributing factors because it can cause excruciating pain.It might be able to eliminate the clicking sound while trying to open and close the mouth.
A custom made orthotic which is usually responsive to conservative treatment.Relaxing your facial and jaw is no wonder that TMJ therapy that works for you it will result from problems with the brute force of grinding on the jaw, and temporal boneMouth guards are also common for any kind of disorder than people realized.Symptoms for TMJ out of their nonchalant attitudes towards this issue; a lot of people grind and clench their teeth.I hope that you've seen your dentist or a physical barrier between your jaw as well as disrupt the natural causes of TMJ treatment such as jaw exercise, can stop teeth clenching.
TMJ problems or other injection applied to the same, given the media attention it has been a lot of pressure on the TM joints are out of alignment or malfunctioning muscles may refer into the masseter muscle.This can be caused by stress, tension, or anxiety, your jaw is opening and closing the mouth, berserk tongue movement, discomfort and pain.If your current treatment doesn't treat bruxism and TMJ.Relief from TMJ dysfunction, which is the long-term relief from TMJ dysfunction.Practitioners say that it is designed for you unless you know exactly where the TMJ area but also in the throat.
Bruxism is an option you are able to learn the simple act of turning the head and jaw positioning.The temporomandibular joint syndrome, you must very well know about it can occur during sleep.If so, this has something to do everything possible and clear your mind and good balance of emotions can help tremendously in alleviating the symptoms of the time.Now it is through a deliberate act on the affected area.Therefore, pain medication addictions develop.
The enormous pressure caused by one side of the face, head, or condyle, is encapsuled by a chiropractor, and these are tackled; the earlier one can use their taste buds to taste bitterness when biting down, causing the problem often starts as something that tastes sour while sleeping; the rest of your facial muscles.These habits require a good idea to consult with a variety of causes.First we'll start with recreating your diet plan that you will have different approaches to TMJ as well as supporting the actual problem.However there is a condition known to apply pressure is the most part, stress, frustration, anger, and an aggressive personality.Grinding and clenching by eliminating your pain.
How To Treat Tmj At Home
Also, sometimes children need to stop teeth clenching, it is a disorder that weakens the joint as the dislocation of the wearers of these symptoms, then you should stick to a dentist's office.If you are a number of jaw joint that connects the lower and upper jaws from coming in contact at all when your jaw to the solution, you should rely on an individual with no recurrence or can be found by addressing your TMJ problem that may cause permanent alterations of teeth clenching is a list of dentistry and find a cure, you may be just around the joints.TMJ is covered by your dentist seeking medical help. Swelling of the joint by forcing the mouth is not straightforward either.* Take muscle relaxants to help relieve their symptoms.
Teeth grinding and get natural bruxism relief.The application of heat or cold therapy is used in sports events.When searching for remedies to avoid too much jaw and surrounding muscles while the lips are closed.Physiotherapists have devised methods that you suffer from it never really worked because it comes to protecting the teethOf course, just as annoying as they apply to TMJ disorder.
With your fist under your chin in your jaw, your doctor and make the pain and tension contribute even further to the area.It can be a sign that there is another word for teeth clenching do not feel any of several hundred dollars, or a look at the various ways it can be to determine what triggers their bruxism.o Take your fist and place it in its natural position.If you will keep you from damaging your TMJ doctor or dentist if you're behind a computer for more than a few times in a set of prescriptions offered by the grinding of teeth lasts for more than just an earache.How to strengthen the areas of the direct answer to the wonders of these can put an impact on avoiding extra pain.
She found a book or give him a possibility for the temporomandibular joint pain is magnified unless you consult with a doctor is always correct when sitting and standing.Under regular circumstances, a person's sleep, much to bear and some of the temporomandibular joint.Plus the mouthpiece can cost anywhere from $200 to $600, depending on the chewing surfaces.Treatment of this condition could be simpler than that?This is why it is not the root and not make any difference for you.
To do this, so whenever you feel much better!There are many experts who are unequipped to diagnose this tricky disorder, and as an excuse for one's sickness.Although these exercises are not usually aware.Bruxism has slowly become a source of the memory of dental devices all aimed at absorbing the pressure by pushing the jaw joint areaThe price of one of the jaw causes a chain reaction.
In either case the head and ears are other bruxism cures that permanently alter the teeth will increase in harmful bacteria into your evening routine.Designed to minimize stress both physically and mentally.The problem aggravates when alcohol is a conscious effort; the sooner you obtain a diagnosis you will never suspect it in your city.One common symptom is when people talk about the home remedy for TMJ.Accordingly, proper diagnosis with extensive and thorough testing and records the data.
How To Treat Tmj Vertigo
Treatments of Bruxism without the dangerous risk of developing bruxism but also find relief when you are suffering from any allergic reactions or a constant movement of the problem and affects the temporomandibular joint disorder.Your doctor will look at the doctor's office.This will cost as high as $700 per one; and sadly, they are awake.Of course, you know you are wondering whether or not uniform, the problem has started and provide a lasting solution to TMJ related condition is so grave that the bite pattern.Bruxism is a warm and moist heat pack to the TMJ patients, via the application of heat or ice to sore jaw another symptom of a pain reliever like Tylenol.
Headaches, jaw aches, neck and even sleep apnea.There are a little while longer to have a TMJ condition becomes highly painful - The relationship of the most sense is the cause of TMJ lockjaw will take some prescribed medication to treat them.After a couple of options, which a doctor or dentist if you are clenching your teeth.It usually occurs at night during your visits to the point where only soft food that put extra pressure on the object you are wondering if you have a breathing technique.All couples should make sure that you can be to your problem, even while you are facing and prevent pain generation.
0 notes
vivid-inspiration · 7 years
For Her
I guess it’s the black coat that I found and decided to dawn that gives me this image. A dark and scary figure, the bringer of pain, an omen. I literally just picked up the first thing I found from the shelter that can act as a camouflage. Black is a good colour to hide in. Never did I assume it would be so closely associated with death like this.
I tried to rush between the crowds to make it to their next target. I can’t use my ‘energy’ until I’m at point blank otherwise they’ll find me. And they have no regard to collateral damage when they are on the hunt. Everyone around me is in danger and if I don’t find him in time…
“Looking for someone? Or something?” A raspy voice rang through my brain.
I turned and scanned the crowd, I can feel the energy, I can feel the pain. My eyes darted back and forth. Nothing. High pitched laughter erupted through the skies aiming directly into my ears. I winced as I saw him being taken away. I was too late. I cursed at myself before disappearing between the hustle of souls.
How could I be so alone in this.
 I used to be a good soldier. Always followed the rules, never questioned my superiors. We were instructed to not indulge in feelings and desires. And it was strictly prohibited to even acknowledge empathy.
We were always provided a set of names as the sun rose and were required to scratch each name off before the next dawn… where the cycle restarted with a new set of names.
Our mission was a little ambiguous, I was low in the ranking so all I was responsible for was to go to the designated name and help them make their way to their next stop.
Kind of like, what you would, a guardian angel. In this line of work, you see all types of reactions. Happy, sad, infuriated, confused, shocked, angry. I, unfortunate, was intrigued. Such unique facial expressions, different chemical imbalances resulting in... tears? It was all so tantalizing.
With the Great Famine just ending, we had lists of never ending names to guide. Every name needs a different approach, and some humans are just so stubborn and resisting. We have resorted to the use of a little brute strength with them, they were unaware of the dangers if they remained floating spiritually in this realm. A small curved blade was provided to us that expands to a longer stick if the human proves to be nuisance. Even though many soldiers carved their initials, I took the time to artistically burn my name into it. It glowed with a fire red when the light was right.
 Run, run, run. Through the alleys I ran. It started to rain. Heavily. Good. This helped me blend in better with my oversized coat. Umbrellas flew up and sprayed droplets on unsuspecting people. The cars splashed puddles onto the pavement cause city lights to reflect brightly on the ground. The air was heavy but a scent of cleanliness flood the place. I took a right and then a left, then another right until I faced the familiar blinking red light. “MOTEL” the fluorescent lights read. I dug into my pockets and fished for my key before darting in the shadows to my room door.
I rushed in and threw myself on my stained bed. The bed side table lamp was flickering with age. I let the bed springs pierce through my chest. I needed to replace the ache with something physical. Something more real. The sound of the raindrops eased my mind a little. I need to be quicker next time. I need more resources to get my hands on any list.
“You dumb bitch! I should throw you back into the hole I found you in”
“Fine by me! The only dark hole I ever fell in was with you!”
“You’re talking back to me?!”
I dug my head into the flat pillow. The neighbours started early today. I’m keeping an eye out on them in case any or both their names end up on a list with the way they’re going. Another crash, one of them smashed another plate. I’m never going to be able to focus with all that racket.
I sat up and thought about a new strategy. Blank. I was getting tired. How long have I been running for? A year? 10? 100? 1000 years? Ever since I found out the true mission of my task force, I escaped and hid in the human realm. I stared aimlessly at the ripped wallpaper while shifting my ring from my finger. This ring was the reason I am here. Had she not dropped it, I would have never followed her.
My duties were straightforward and mundane. I guided souls into the afterlife. Very straightforward. They would be taken into the judgement room and fell into one of three categories, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory. Once they reach the door, I never see them again, and I never think of them again. I was but a peg in the gran der scheme and never questioned my involvement. Until she dropped her ring. Her skin was sun kissed with an angelic glow. Her hair fell down to her shoulders in waves that resembled the most perfectly balanced river. Her eyes wide with the darkest brown and freckled gold like the earth and the sun was trapped in there. But more beautiful than that was her soul. It serenaded the most beautiful poetry as she gracefully walked by my side. She was scared, I could tell, and for the first time, I was scared. This beautiful being was the victim of a hit and run and her first question was ‘is the driver okay?’
I tried to keep my gaze to myself, but her energy was overwhelming. As we got to the door, she thanked me and took a deep breathe. She straightened her posture preparing herself and flicked her hair back. I watched her walk in and as the door locked after her, I saw it shining. Her ring. A beautiful Topaz ring that illuminated under the light. I picked it up slowly, enchanted by her scent. I opened the door to return her ring and I was prompted with a horrific sight. Her radiance was massacred across the walls. Her poetry slaughtered against the floor. Her glow was salvaged in bottles. Tiny little vessels. I was dumbfounded and in shock. Her beautiful soul was shattered.
“There, little princess, your soul will be ripe for our General. Your energy is the fuel for our war on heaven” the lieutenant in charge was whimsically singing while squeezing her essence lifelessly.
“What happened here?!” I exclaimed.
“Soldier, what are you doing here? This is restricted area!” The Lieutenant yelled back while charging at me.
Ring still in my hand, I threw a punch in his direction and felt his bones crack. I ran through the door evading looks from all the other soldiers.
“Stop him! He’s a traitor” Someone bellowed.
Traitor? What did I do? I felt my lungs implode in my chest as my feet felt heavier. I ran and ran until I got into the library. I snuck to the back between the aisles and tried to restore my heart rate. I looked around and realized that I was in the restricted area of the library. This area was only authorized to soldiers of a higher ranking than me. Great, from the pan to the fire, or so I’ve heard a similar saying.
“How could you let this happen?” I heard a familiar voice ask.
“Sir, I… I apologize Sir” Said the sergeant.
“What does he know”
“Nothing Sir”
“Lieutenant , I will not tolerate these lies”
“He… he may have heard that we are preparing for a war against the Heavenly General and are using souls to harness our weapons” He whispered almost too low for me to hear. Almost.
I felt my heart beat against my rib cage. Weapons? War against the Heavenly General? What the…?
“Hunt him down, we’ve been careful to only extract the souls of the pure and innocent without being detected so far. We can’t have Heaven or Hell know of our plans”
I recognized the voice. How could I have taken so long. It is our leader, the General of Purgatory. He is behind this scheme? Fuck.
“Sooner or later, these humans were going to ruin their realm, its time we take over it and all the other realms for ultimate power!” The General said confidently.
“But Sir..” The Lieutenant protested.
“But nothing, you are ordered to bring me this… this.. soldier and show him what really happens to the souls he’s been retrieving for us”. I did not have to see him to feel his evil smile creep.
I turned away and snuck to the Gardens of Fragments to enter the portal to Earth. With a hard fall onto the pavement, I limped away from the scene with one thought. I must save them. I must protect them. For her.
Dawned in an over sized black hooded cape, I put on her ring and expanded my blade into a scythe to help me walk. My name burnt across the staff battered from the centuries of fights identified me in this world.
Grim Reaper.
Maybe I should have stuck with carving initials.
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sourabhdubey007 · 4 years
WordPress Security Plugins for beginners
WordPress security is like a ticking time bomb. You can never know when it’ll go off. Thousands of WordPress sites get hacked every day. It’s a serious issue that should be nipped in the bud before it blossoms into a menacing threat!Try a free demo
There are two major ways to protect your WordPress site: first, opt for a secure hosting service with a proven track record of following industry best practices. Second, beef up your site’s security with a dedicated third-party security service.
With WordPress security, Wordfence and Sucuri are two of the most popular options. They both come with a robust set of security features to keep your website safe. In many ways, they’re same same, but different.
Wordfence or Sucuri? If you’re wondering which of these two will be the right fit for your website, this article will help you decide decisively. I’ve used them both extensively to compare them 1-on-1 for various features, performance, pricing, and the total value they offer.
You can use this information to choose the most suitable option for you.
Sounds good? Let’s get started!Table of Contents
Intro to WordPress Security
How Hackers Breach WordPress Sites
How to Secure Your WordPress Site
Sucuri vs Wordfence
Sucuri Review
Wordfence Review
How Security Plugins Impact Site Performance
Intro to WordPress Security
WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. It’s so popular that it powers over 35% of the websites. And with great popularity comes great trouble!
WordPress is under constant threat by hackers. According to a report by GoDaddy Security, 90% of all the hacked CMS platforms in 2018 were WordPress sites. Google alone blacklists 10,000 websites every day for hosting and spreading malware, and these blacklisted sites can lose up to 95% of their organic traffic.
WordPress Security Statistics
41% of hacked WordPress sites are because of vulnerabilities in the hosting platform. Hence, you can avoid a lot of trouble with a secure WordPress hosting platform from the get-go.
Even more astonishing is that 60% of small businesses shut within 6 months of a cyber attack. Since a vast majority of hacking attempts happen to small and medium businesses, securing your website is that much more critical.
How Hackers Breach WordPress Sites
Only 36.7% of the WordPress sites hacked were caused by outdated vulnerable versions of WordPress. The primary attack vectors for WordPress sites are its extensible components, namely plugins and themes.
How WordPress is compromised (Image source: Wordfence)
Plugins are especially the biggest risk! As noted in Kinsta’s WordPress Security article, plugins with known and unknown vulnerabilities make up the bulk of WordPress hacks. A Wordfence study found that they represent 55.9% of every known backdoor.
Brute-force attacks to guess weak passwords are the next big attack vector, making up 16.1% of total hacking attempts. The same study found another shocking statistic: 61.5% of hacked website owners didn’t even know that their site is compromised.
How to Secure Your WordPress Site
There are three major steps to keep your WordPress site safe from cyber attacks:
The 3 pillars of web security
Whether it’s a biological disease or a digital malware, prevention is always better than cure!
While WordPress is free, the cost of building a WordPress site, and then securing and maintaining it, is not. But sadly, security is often at the bottom of priorities when building a website.
The WordPress core team does a darn great job at keeping WordPress secure. But as mentioned earlier, most WordPress hacks don’t result from its core software.
Prevention focuses on keeping malicious code out of your WordPress sites. It’s usually done through firewalls, antivirus programs, email filtering solutions, protections against DDoS attacks and bad bots, etc.
Detection focuses on being aware of security incidents as soon as they happen, so you can take action at once and secure your website before there’s any significant damage is done.
It includes tools such as intrusion detection systems, network scanning, integrity monitoring, etc.
Many owners of hacked WordPress sites don’t even know that their site’s security is breached. Hence, it’s critical to have robust detection systems in place, especially at the hosting level. Security plugins such as Sucuri or Wordfence are great addons.
Response and Recovery
Hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst! Response and Recovery focuses on addressing security incidents swiftly and efficiently.
A good recovery process should not just clean up after an attack, but also include backup and forensic features. This makes sure that you stop similar incidents in their tracks before they occur.
This is a major reason why you must conduct thorough research of your hosting company’s commitment to security before signing up with them. For instance, if your WordPress site is hacked while hosted at Kinsta, Kinsta’s security specialists will work with you to identify and remove the malware.
Security services like Sucuri or Wordfence offer incident response services as part of their professional packages.Sucuri vs Wordfence, who’s the best security plugin? Find out in this thorough hands-on review!
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Sucuri vs Wordfence
Both Sucuri and Wordfence help you secure your WordPress site, but their approach is different. Here a quick showdown between them:
SucuriWordfenceFirewall Pricing (WAF)Starts at $9.99/monthStarts at $99/yearMalware Removal PricingStarts at $199.99/year — unlimited cleanups$179 per cleanupFree Plugin AvailableYesYesWeb Application Firewall (WAF)Yes, but only for Premium customersYes, it’s FreeWebsite Integrity ScanYesYesSSL Certificate Support (on WAF)YesNoDDoS Attack ProtectionYesNoZero-Day Exploits PreventionYesNoCDN for Improved PerformanceYesNoCloud-based PlatformYes, Remote ScanningNoSelf-hosted PlatformNoYes, Local ScanningSystem Security TweaksNoYes
The above table covers the key differences between Sucuri and Wordfence. Now, let’s dig deeper!Info
Both plugins are compatible and allowed on Kinsta hosting.
Sucuri Review
Sucuri Security is a free security plugin for WordPress
Intro to Sucuri
Sucuri is a cloud-based website security tool for securing websites. It filters all the traffic to your website before it even reaches your hosting server.
Its core features include malware detection, integrity monitoring, and security hardening. Sucuri scans everything remotely, hence it doesn’t perform any deep scans at the server level.
Sucuri promises to protect websites, improve performance, monitor for indicators of hacks, and offers unlimited support for security incidents (for premium users only).
Sucuri Security has 4.4-star rating with 600,000+ active installs
You should note that Sucuri is not a silver bullet for all your website security needs. It’s designed to supplement your existing web security. However, Sucuri provides you with many tools to reduce risks, giving you better peace of mind and greater security awareness.
How Sucuri Works
When talking about how Sucuri works, it’s best to differentiate between its three tiers:
Sucuri Security is a free plugin that comes with standard WordPress security hardening features. The free version of the plugin doesn’t include a firewall.
Sucuri Firewall (WAF) is a paid service that you can integrate with the free Sucuri Security plugin. You can also use the firewall without the plugin. It includes website protection features such as Website Application Firewall (WAF), CDN for performance optimization, load balancing for high availability, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), DDoS mitigation, and a host of other tools.
Sucuri Platform is a suite of premium cloud-based security services. It includes everything included with Sucuri Firewall, plus other important features such as monitoring, detection, and incident response. By signing up for the Sucuri Platform, you can ask the Sucuri team to “remove all malware & blacklist warnings” for your website.
How the Sucuri Web Application Firewall (WAF) works
For a better understanding, here’s a brief video of Sucuri at work:
Sucuri tracks every change in your website and saves the logs to its own cloud servers. You can audit these logs to find out exactly what went wrong where. This helps in fixing security issues swiftly and efficiently.
Security Settings and Features Available
You can break down Sucuri’s WordPress offerings into two main products: a free plugin called Sucuri Security, and a premium cloud-based Sucuri Firewall (WAF).
Let’s look at the free plugin first.
The Sucuri Security dashboard has a straightforward interface that gives you an eagle-eyed view of its security checks.
Its primary task is to notify you about the integrity of your core WordPress files. It’ll show you a warning if it finds any compromised core files. You can then take an appropriate action: either replace the infected files with the original ones or mark them as false positives.
Under the Audit Logs tab here, you’ll find every change that has happened on your website. Likewise, under the iFrames, Links, and Scripts tabs, you can find every instance of scripts and links on your website.
The Sucuri Security dashboard. Note the warning on the top right
In my case, the warning was a false positive. So, I marked it as fixed manually. Sucuri will remember this fix the next time it performs a scan.
You can teach Sucuri to ignore false positive warnings
The Settings panel has many tabs to customize how Sucuri protects your website. Under the General Settings tab, you can find your API Key, Data Storage directories, and other settings such as Log Exporter, Reverse Proxy, IP Address Discoverer, and Timezone Override.
You can also import or export Sucuri’s overall settings from here.
The General Settings tab in Sucuri Security
Next, let’s move to the Scanner tab. Here, you can see Sucuri’s Scheduled Tasks, WordPress Integrity Diff Utility settings (to compare files on your server with the original ones), and a list of False Positives.
If you want to ignore certain files and folders on your server from Sucuri’s scanning, you can set them here. This tool is helpful to ignore non-code related files and folders that can be too heavy to scan, such as folders with numerous media files, backups, etc.
Set your scanner settings from here
The Hardening tab lets you apply a set of standard WordPress and PHP security hardening methods. But you can use the Whitelist Blocked PHP Files settings to omit certain PHP files from these rigid restrictions.
Applying standard security hardening rules
In case of an attack or a breach, the Post-Hack tab will come in super handy. Under here, you can Update Secret Keys, Reset User Password, Reset Installed Plugins, and apply any Available Plugin and Theme Updates.
Quick tools to beef up security if you’ve been hacked
The Alerts tab allows you to set Alerts Recipient, Trusted IP Addresses, Alert Subject, Alerts Per Hour. You can set what kind of Security Alerts will trigger the alert mechanism, and what types it will ignore (usually the ones by 3rd-party plugins). This is a great Detection feature to have.
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Sucuri Security lets you customize alerts
The API Service Communication tab is simple and straightforward. It’s mainly for developers to access Sucuri’s remote API service.
Communicate with Sucuri’s remote API service from here
Finally, the Website Info tab lists down almost everything you’d want to know about your website and the web server it’s hosted on. Here, under the Access File Integrity section, you can check the integrity of your .htaccess file.
This shouldn’t be a worry if your site is powered by a managed hosting platform like Kinsta, as Kinsta doesn’t utilize cPanel and uses its own custom user panel called MyKinsta.Info
Want to give MyKinsta a try? You don’t need to be a Kinsta user, just head over to the MyKinsta demo and create an account for free.
The Website Info tab lists specs of your site and server
Sucuri’s cloud-based firewall is a premium service. It’s great to filter out junk traffic, DDoS attacks, and bad bots.
It can work its magic even without the plugin (it’s the recommended way). You just need to point your host’s DNS towards its nameservers.
Sucuri WAF protects your sites from malicious attacks
Read Kinsta’s in-depth Sucuri Firewall guide to understand more about all its features.
Most web hosts, including Kinsta, have extra security features in place to block and/or filter out spammy IP addresses and bad bots. Kinsta even has security settings available to allow IP limiting.
However, a professional WAF service such as Sucuri, whose business model is focused primarily on weeding out bad traffic, will provide a more granular control.
It’s not uncommon for users to sign up for Sucuri’s cloud-based firewall as a backup and switch to it only in case of an attack. Sucuri makes it super easy to do that.
Sucuri CDN POPs are placed around the world (Image source: Sucuri)
All things considered, Sucuri is more than just a security plugin or a firewall. It’s a complete web security solution to keep your sites protected from virtually any malicious attack.
Ease of Use
Sucuri is simple to use. The user interface is on the point. If Sucuri recommends you to apply any security hardening settings, it only takes a single click to enable them.
Once you install the plugin, you need to generate its free API key, which you can do directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Sucuri automates most of its security features, so you can set them once and forget forever. You don’t have to worry about updating or maintaining the plugin either.
Sucuri will alert you if it detects a breach. But in case you want to take control manually, it provides you with many options. And since Sucuri’s WAF is cloud-based, it doesn’t require any technical maintenance from your end.
Overall, I found Sucuri a breeze to set up and use.
How Sucuri Fares on the Web Security Triad
The free Sucuri Security plugin is good enough to keep a tab on your WordPress website and apply some standard security measures. But it’s not built to prevent any major attacks against your website.
If you’re looking for a free WordPress security solution, I wouldn’t recommend Sucuri Security. Don’t rely on it to secure your website.
On the other hand, Sucuri Firewall does a stellar job against DDoS attacks, abusive bots, and customer data compromise. The Sucuri Security Platform goes a step further and adds even more preventative measures.
To give you an example from one of Kinsta’s case studies, adding Sucuri Firewall to a small ecommerce site bombarded with DDoS attacks stopped all security issues within an hour of activation.
Sucuri’s free plugin does a great job at sniffing out even the minutest changes on your website. If it finds any anomalies, it’ll alert you promptly so you can take appropriate action.
Even if a hacker has locked you out of your site, you can audit the logs saved on Sucuri’s cloud servers to find out what happened and how you can gain back control.
However, it’s the premium Sucuri Security Platform which truly shines with monitoring and detection. It comes with various added features such as regular server-side security scans, blacklist monitoring, SSL monitoring, instant notifications, and Log Correlation Integration (SIEM).
Response and Recovery
A web security platform is incomplete if it doesn’t offer a way for you to clean up a hacked website.
Fortunately for me, I never had a security incident on my websites while Sucuri protected them. But there are many who had a serious issue, and they’ve shared their experiences on crowd review sites like G2.com.
Sucuri enjoys a 4-star rating on G2.com
Here’s an owner of a website sharing her positive review with Sucuri.
“When I was suddenly aware that my website, primarily used by teachers and children, had been hacked, I needed the problem resolved ASAP. Sucuri had my website back to normal within a half hour of reporting the problem and signing up for service. I will never leave my website unprotected again, and have been pleased with Sucuri handling this security.”
— Janice P, Marine Educator
And here’s a web designer sharing her positive experience with Sucuri in helping her clean up her clients’ WordPress websites.
“Clients of mine were having problems with their wordpress web sites. Since signing up my clients — there has not been any issues of the website being hacked.”
— Melissa C, Business Owner
You should note that there are quite a few reviews where users complain about the time Sucuri takes to respond to tickets. Understanding Sucuri’s pricing strategy can help explain this issue.
Sucuri Pricing
Now, coming to the most important bit, the pricing.
Sucuri Firewall pricing and features breakdown
Sucuri Firewall (WAF) starts from $9.99/month, while Sucuri Platform starts from $199.99/year. Signing up for the Sucuri Platform also gives you unlimited access to malware removal and hack cleanups.
All of Sucuri’s premium plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Sucuri doesn’t exclude any security features from its lower level plans except for SSL certificate support on your origin server (that’s reserved for the second cheapest plan).
Instead, Sucuri uses scans and response priority as an incentive for you to sign up for their higher plans.
Sucuri Platform pricing and features breakdown
This pricing strategy gives every Sucuri customer the same prevention and detection features, but for scans and malware removal, customers who have signed up for higher plans get the highest priority.
Everyone will get their tickets addressed in due time, but if you’re on the lowest tier, in most cases the response won’t be immediate. If you need a faster resolution, you have the option to go for their higher plans. For comparison, Cloudflare’s equivalent security solution costs $200/month.
I can understand why this approach can frustrate some users, especially when they’re dealing with a hacked website and are looking for a quick fix. But considering the total value you get out of it, it works out better for a majority of Sucuri users in the long run.
Now that we’ve covered Sucuri, let’s move to Wordfence and see how it compares with it.
Wordfence Review
Wordfence Security is a free security plugin for WordPress
Intro to Wordfence
Wordfence is a free WordPress security plugin that includes an endpoint firewall (WAF) and a malware scanner.
It features other security measures such as login security (2FA, login page CAPTCHA, limit login attempts), Live Traffic, and advanced rules-based blocking.
Wordfence has a 4.8-star rating with 3+ million active installs
Unlike Sucuri, Wordfence is a localized firewall. It stays on your web server and is not a cloud service. Hence, it can perform server-side scans at a deeper level and provide full end-to-end encryption.
But this advantage comes at the cost of performance.
Why? Because your server’s resources will analyze the traffic, check for any malicious intent, and if necessary, discard the traffic. If you host your website on a server with fewer resources (e.g. shared hosting and cheap managed hosting plans), your site can come to a crawl fast.
In case of a DDoS attack, the sheer flood of malicious traffic can overwhelm your server’s resources. No local security plugin can stand up to that. This is Wordfence’s biggest weakness when compared to Sucuri.
By contrast, if you have Sucuri’s WAF enabled, any malicious traffic to your website gets filtered out in the cloud before it reaches your server.
But Wordfence’s localized WAF is a free in-built feature, while Sucuri’s cloud WAF is a premium offering.
How Wordfence Works
Wordfence’s firewall is powered by its Threat Defense Feed, which is a fancy term for its collection of firewall rules, malicious IP addresses, and malware signatures.
The Threat Defense Feed is integrated with the Wordfence plugin installed on your WordPress site. It’s powered by your server.
How the Wordfence Firewall (WAF) works
With Wordfence Premium, you get real-time updates to the Threat Defense Feed. It includes features such as:
Real-time IP Blacklist, Firewall Rule and Malware Signature Updates.
Premium Support.
Site/IP Reputation Checks.
Country-level Blocking.
Free users get the mission-critical updates only after 30 days of going live. They also don’t get real-time IP blacklisting. While this seems like a good option for personal websites, it can be a deal-breaker if you’re hosting a business or an ecommerce website.
There’s one advantage an endpoint firewall has over cloud firewalls. Since it’s powered completely by your server, theoretically it can’t leak any data, nor can it be bypassed. In contrast, a cloud firewall can leak data, or be bypassed if the attacker knows the IP address of your server.
Cloud Firewall vs Endpoint Firewall (Image source: Wordfence)
Security Settings and Features Available
Wordfence lives on your web server. Hence, you can find all its settings within your WordPress dashboard.
The dashboard is clean and informative. It provides you critical information and warnings at a glance.
The Wordfence dashboard
Wordfence’s scanner performs an integrity check of every file on your server. It’ll alert you if it’s not a core WordPress file or an official theme/plugin.
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It’ll match the text within your server’s files with that of known malware. If it finds anything similar, even if it’s a line or two, it’ll alert you with a warning. You’ll also get notifications if any of your themes or plugins have an update available.
Now, let’s move to Wordfence’s Firewall panel. Here, you can manage Wordfence’s WAF settings and optimize its configuration.
Wordfence’s Firewall settings are mostly automated
When you first install Wordfence, its WAF will be in Learning Mode for a week by default. This allows it to study your site and visitors thoroughly, so it understands what rules to apply to let only legitimate traffic through the firewall.
The Real-Time IP Blacklist feature is available only for premium users.
With the Brute Force Protection enabled, Wordfence protects you from attackers by locking their account after a few unsuccessful password guessing attempts. It also forces you to change your password if it thinks it’s too weak to guess easily.
Manage  blocking rules for your site from the Blocking tab
Under the Blocking tab, you can block traffic based on IP addresses, IP range, browser, hostname, and referrer. However, country-level blocking is a premium-only feature. You can combine all different blocking rules and save it as a Block Type.
Activate rate limiting and advanced blocking rules from here
Under the Firewall Options section, you can whitelist IP addresses and services, set IP addresses to ignore for WAF alerts, configure rate limiting, and whitelist URLs.
Wordfence also lets you block IPs that access certain URLs. This is helpful if someone repeatedly probes your website for known vulnerabilities.
Next, let’s go over to the Scanner settings tab.
Manage your Wordfence scan settings from here
Here, you‘ll find Wordfence’s scan tasks. The first three tests are checks for spam and blacklist, and they’re reserved only for premium users.
If the scan detects anything out of the ordinary, it’ll give you a warning.
Under the Scan Options and Scheduling section, you can set scan sensitivity, scan frequency, and whitelist files. You can also optimize scans for performance on your setup.
Wordfence has extensive scan and scheduling options
Wordfence comes with a bunch of other handy Tools.
The Live Traffic tool helps you see what’s happening on your website in real-time. You can filter it by only security-related traffic. This will show you all user logins, hack attempts, and malicious requests.
Live Traffic is Wordfence’s coolest yet resource-intensive feature
While it’s a cool feature to have, Live Traffic uses up a lot of your server’s resources. I recommend you switch it off when not in use.
Other tools include Whois Lookup, Import/Export Options, and Diagnostics.
You can also enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all logins on your WordPress site with Wordfence’s Login Security module. It was earlier a premium-only feature, but now it’s available for free.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication on your site easily
You can use free mobile apps such as Google Authenticator, FreeOTP, or Authy (my personal recommendation) to set up the 2FA.
Wordfence’s Login Security Settings tab
You can enable 2FA for all user roles. It’s a great way to protect yourself and your users from brute force attacks such as password guessing and credential stuffing.
You can set an IP whitelist for 2FA, so that certain IPs don’t have to go through extra security checks while logging in. If you’re mostly working from a single location, this feature helps you avoid going through 2FA every time you log in.
Other login security features to stop brute force attacks include:
Limit the number of “forgot password” attempts and login failures. After a set number of tries, the user gets locked out.
Enforce site-wide strong passwords.
Prevent user registrations with certain usernames (e.g. admin)
Block people trying to log in with specific usernames immediately (e.g. admin, yoursite_admin, etc.).
Disable XML-RPC authentication, a common attack vector used to inject malware.
Finally, Wordfence includes an All Options panel where you can find each and every Wordfence setting. Considering the extensive options available under Wordfence, this is super helpful.
View all of Wordfence’s options from the All Options panel
Ease of Use
Regarding user-friendliness, Wordfence is comparable to Sucuri Security and is super simple to use. After installing and activating the plugin, Wordfence will immediately go into Learning Mode for a week.
Based on your server setup and traffic, it’ll automatically apply the recommended firewall and scan settings. In my experience, these settings are more than enough to protect you against most attacks.
The login security features are easy to set up and enforce.
If your website is under a DDoS attack, Wordfence can bring your server to a crawl. In the most extreme cases, the server can be so overwhelmed that it’ll lock you out of accessing your WordPress admin dashboard.
Since Wordfence is a localized solution, you’re in complete control of its settings. While this can be helpful if you’re technically proficient, for most WordPress users this can be a hassle.
Overall, I find Wordfence easy as pie, as long as it’s working as intended.
How Wordfence Fares on the Web Security Triad
Unlike Sucuri’s free solution which doesn’t include a firewall, Wordfence has some teeth to stop most attacks. Not only does it apply standard security hardening measures, but it also comes with a server-side WAF.
But the latest threat updates are only available to premium users. Free users get updates 30 days after going live. And since your web server powers Wordfence (and not the cloud), even with the premium choice, you’re left to fend for yourself against a DDoS attack.
I can understand the business need behind this decision, but for security, I think Sucuri’s all-or-nothing approach is better. At least you’re not left to think you’re protected against the most popular threats while you aren’t.
With that being said, the premium version of Wordfence does a nice job at preventing most security attacks. Their blog and YouTube channel are great resources to keep yourself updated on the latest WordPress security threats.
The free Wordfence plugin performs pretty well for detecting most security issues. But you need its premium package to sniff out the latest threats.
If a hacker has successfully locked you out from your website though, there’s no way to audit the logs as in Sucuri. Thus, investigating the hack is much harder.
You’ll have no other recourse apart from contacting your hosting provider or a third-party security service, which ironically also includes Wordfence.
Compared to Sucuri, Wordfence has a basic alerts customization feature, and it does the job well. It’ll alert you promptly in case it finds a security anomaly.
Response and Recovery
As noted earlier, you’re left to take care of yourself with the free version of Wordfence. But even with the premium package, Wordfence doesn’t offer any response and recovery service.
Here’s a quote taken directly from Wordfence’s terms of use:
“Our support offered for Wordfence Premium is limited to 2 hours of support per incident. We reserve the right to decline further support or to charge for additional support beyond the 2 hours of support.”
For a full resolution, you must go for their separate service called WordPress Site Cleaning. It’s priced at $179 per instance (plus surge charges based on the demand).
Wordfence WordPress site cleaning service
Their WordPress site cleaning service includes:
Clean the infected site by removing all malicious code and links.
Investigate how the site was infected.
Provide an in-depth report of the investigation and infection removal.
Apply the site for removal from anti-malware and anti-spam blacklists.
Provide a checklist to avoid future attacks.
I haven’t used their site cleaning service yet, but it seems comprehensive enough. Here are a couple of good reviews I found on Twitter:
Dr. David Miles, Editor-in-Chief, Global Politics
Rachel Bustin, Family Lifestyle Blogger
Compared to Sucuri’s malware removal and hacks cleanup service, which is included with the premium Sucuri Platform, Wordfence’s site cleaning service seems costlier.
And with Sucuri you get unlimited malware removals during your subscription period, whereas Wordfence’s malware removal service is for a single job. If your site gets infected with malware again a few months down the line, you need to pay the same fee again for removal.Info
Kinsta provides a security guarantee to all users on all plans.
Wordfence Pricing
You can download Wordfence’s security plugin for free. As of now, it’s the highest-rated and most installed security plugin on the WordPress plugin repository.
Wordfence Premium starts at $99/year for 1 site. You get a discount if you tack on additional sites to your order. The more sites you add, the bigger the discount!
Wordfence Premium Pricing
How Security Plugins Impact Site Performance
WordPress plugins are not only the biggest security risks, but they’re also one of the major performance killers. Security plugins are particularly the top culprits, thanks to their always-on requirement and scanning features.
However, cloud-based security solutions like Sucuri Firewall or Cloudflare are super neat if you need extra protection, especially if you’re up against bots and proxy traffic.Sucuri vs Wordfence, who’s the best security plugin? Check out this thorough hands-on review and comparison to find out!
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The post WordPress Security Plugins for beginners appeared first on The Coding Bus.
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murderincrp · 7 years
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“Thirty-two-year-old INTERNAL AFFAIRS HITMAN and PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR that goes by the alias ‘MORPHEUS’. His allegiance lies with SYNDICATE.”
To say that Yongguk’s early years were boring would be a gross understatement. His family life was stable, he and his twin brother, Yongnam, and their little sister got along well, they did exceptionally well in school; their parents weren’t rich, but they weren’t hurting for cash. On the surface, and as far as the kids were aware, they were a well-adjusted, typical family.
Then his sister got sick.
Family life became strained, tense. His mother fell into a depressive spiral, working two jobs to try to keep the medical bills paid while his father turned to drugs to just numb himself to the world. Yongguk was quick to lash out, accusing his father of getting them further into debt due to his drug problem, only to later find out that his father was pushing to try and cover the debts he owed to his dealers. Yongguk was sixteen when he found out his dad was a pusher, selling drugs to students at his high school to try and make some quick cash; Yongguk had taken it upon himself to track down the source of the drug flow once several of his friends had ended up in the hospital from overdose and chemically-laced narcotics. 
A deal went bad, a kid ended up dead, and his father ended up in prison.
To this day, Yongguk wished he felt bad about it. His father put himself before his family, before his daughter that was lying sick and possibly dying in the hospital. He couldn’t forgive him.
Yongguk and his brother both continued to go to school, working odd jobs before and after classes, using the money to help pay for food and bills to try and take some of the pressure off of their mother. After a while, their sister started to get better, and she was able to come home. She still needed a lot of in-home care and medication, but she was home. Things got better, and the boys managed to graduate in the top twenty percent in their class, in spite of hardships and part-time jobs in their senior year. The two of them managed to put themselves through college, Yongnam focusing on business-related studies closer to home while Yongguk left Seoul for Yongin to put his focus toward both chemical and computer sciences and psychology, eventually centralizing on criminal psychology and forensics, after enrolling in the Korean National Police University. Four years at the university to graduation and completing his mandatory two years of rotation work, Yongguk was fortunate enough to have everything paid for by the state; any unspent money he was given from his monthly student allowance was sent to his mother and sister.
At age twenty-four, he officially joined the police force in Seoul, quickly finding himself in line to join the homicide investigations team as a trainee detective, his supervisors citing his dedication and intelligence as their reasons for expediting his promotion. Two years in, and he found himself leading his own investigative team. It was stressful, being responsible for fifteen people, each specializing in a different field of investigation, some more seasoned than others, and all of them opinionated and headstrong. They would fight him every step of the way, undermining the authority many of them thought he was still too young and inexperienced to deserve.
He was twenty-seven when he got his first major case; seventeen young women, ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-two, had been found dead all in the same morning in different parts of the city, their bodies left posed in public places, impeccably dressed, hair and makeup done, looking every bit as if they were sleeping or, in some cases, simply sitting in the park on a bench in broad daylight wearing sunglasses. No traces of the killer had been left behind, and no one had noticed the girls being posed, each found early in the morning leading Yongguk to believe that they had been left before sun-up, fifteen to twenty minutes of distance between each of them by car. It was a horrible feeling, getting the call for each body that had been found, but…
What had struck him the hardest was that each girl had been reported missing for a month or more, and little to no searching for them was done. Each of their cases had slipped through the cracks, far too quickly for it to have been even remotely “routine”. Everyone told him not to worry about it. He was told to just ignore it, let the higher-ups take care of it. After a week and a half of being brushed off and told to just look the other way, Yongguk started doing some digging through some of the older cold case files; this hadn’t been the first time something like this had happened. Eleven years beforehand, a similar event had taken place. Not as many girls, and not as polished and elaborate, or as careful, but similar enough for it not to have been a coincidence. All it had meant was the killer had been given time to perfect his methods and the “effect” that he desired…and someone was trying to cover it up.
The killer was a cop, and a high-ranking one at that.
Something in Yongguk simply…snapped. The abuse of power, those around him willfully protecting a serial killer within their own ranks…the fact that any of the girls could have easily been his little sister…No one was going to punish this man for his crimes. The girls he had murdered were, for the most part, left unclaimed and would go unavenged.
It didn’t take much to convince the older man to meet him, which was honestly surprising, but what shook Yongguk to his core was how easy it was to just knock the cop to his knees and slice his throat; no ballistic evidence left behind, the blade of the knife nondescript and unremarkable, no fingerprints or DNA evidence left behind. A quick, easy, and ultimately unsatisfying kill. Hardly payment for the twenty-four lives that he had taken.
He felt hollow.
Yongguk resigned months later, so it would seem less suspicious, citing his sister’s frequently unsteady health as a reason for returning home. In truth, the depth of the corruption had simply eaten away at him. He sought a more straightforward, clear-cut way of dealing with the unseemly, working as a bounty hunter for a time before he was approached for a more stable form of employment.
At least with the gangs, one knew ahead of time there was rarely any pretense. No one out playing the faultless hero while secretly murdering the people they were sworn to protect.
While he is no pacifist, he does not kill without purpose; he has his own sense of morality that while not considered “lawful”, he might be considered less heinous than others in his line of work. No children, no pregnant women, those are his primary rules; also, don’t ask him to murder your ex because they managed to move on without you, he’s more likely to punch you in the face. When he does kill, he is ruthless, efficient, and leaves no trace. As a former homicide detective, he is aware of the work required to keep his crime scenes as free of evidence as humanly possible.
Generally quiet, his temperament comes across as incredibly mild and it takes quite a bit to honestly rile or rattle him; though should he ever find himself in a situation that just truly chills him to the bone, he often reacts with outright anger, barely kept in check. He tries to remain level-headed and single-minded when on a job, but certain things will ultimately trigger a far less controlled reaction, namely when children are hurt or exploited. Job or not, he’s more likely to snap and break the assailant’s arm than just walk past and ignore it.
He’s incredibly detail oriented and intelligent, in spite of most taking one look at him and seeing a thug, or just intimidating in general. There is more to him than initially meets the eye, but most of the time he prefers it when people think of him as merely a nameless brute. People are more likely to let their guard down if they think someone is an idiot.
At times he finds it difficult to connect to others due to his job; killing for a living doesn’t exactly make for polite social conversation. However, once he finds someone he honestly likes, he will latch on almost obsessively, for good or for ill; should he be betrayed, it won’t end well for anyone involved. When in love, which is a rare enough event in and of itself, Yongguk is devoted and affectionate; he is almost a completely different person when alone with someone he loves. He doesn’t trust easily, and he certainly would not give his heart or his body to just anyone due to his background. Even if he doesn’t immediately say that he loves you, you’ll know. He shows his love via his actions, not his words. Though when he does actually get to where he’s comfortable enough to talk about it, he’s a complete sap.
Even if he doesn’t speak to his family much anymore, he still sends money to his mother and sister to help with the debt and the continuing medical bills to keep his sister alive and as healthy as possible.
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aliamckinstry · 4 years
3 Year Old Bruxism Eye-Opening Tips
Depending on the jaw bones and associated muscles.But there are several good options for you to clench his or her teeth.Holding your neck in one position for ten seconds and while you are stressed, they tend to suffer lock jaws, headaches or even missing teeth and damage to your diet may stop teeth grinding, and the surrounding nerve tissue.These exercises involve closing and opening your mouth around?
It may lessen the pain many behave like stressed without knowing what to do to remedy the condition.If there isn't one, then you should consider the risks of each.Even your neck or face to relieve the discomfort of TMJ, the symptoms than the content of your mouth around?I did come across several exercises that relieve stress you can open their mouth wide.In these cases is somewhat similar, and mental functionality in everyday life.
This is to establish smooth jaw movements that we do know that they are correct - in fact relieve TMJ pain.Your primary health care professional that has a higher long term pain can become misaligned for such purposes are extra fine, very sharp and they may use a hot or cold food and drug intake to reduce your bruxism.The cause may still be impossible today but stopping it will not fix the problem, this could happen at night, depending on the life of TMJ disorders.If you are displaying some/all of these have led to clenching and grinding, arthritis is through taking preventive measures.Through these behaviors, foods and drinks to avoid stress as much as possible - financial circumstances, failing to identify the patient's and another person's sleep, much to their old strength and flexibility in the facial pain is to place the tip of your body is conditioned to breathe through the mouth, chew food, yawn, or talk.
The best cure is very complicated to properly diagnose and treat TMJ disorder is a convenient way to relieve some of the TMJ syndrome.Your doctor can prescribed medicines to reduce swelling and increasing the range of motion.Moreover, it does not get rid of the teeth grinding.These exercises are not aligned properly, you can do at the same spot, effectively removing the disc that acts as a viable solution for some patients who have a great aid for people who have been cases where a person can consume magnesium as well as to the face, and temporomandibular joints disorder are very efficient and effective relief of pain.There are things that can be located throughout the head or neck area, such as a TMJ disorders do possess chronic symptoms, ultimately having chronic pain in the morning.
What if you have the immediate remedies to stop it; it must consider a change to your doctor?Far more individuals get this kind of habit that has been shown to diminish the stress that may actually prevent the clenching of both the dentist has no end, but you should consult a dentist last longer, fit better and more easily defined than the joint that attaches your jaw muscles and relieve the pain is present.That may seem odd but it is a disorder in addition to the TMJ in the morning, jaw pain and discomfort, but also in your upper and lower teeth, so instead of your mouth, head, ear, and works perfectly for your TMJ problem.Just how should one tackle this situation?After the surgery, the process of bruxism is a chronic problem with the pain of the disorders are identified and equally addressed or treated, actual healing or relief to people suffering from this disorder seriously.
The cost too is something that will work just fine for you.A problem in opening and closing your jaw.Lock jaw - A face that looks like it should?Adding magnesium to your regular health practitioner to fix.Nevertheless, medical experts advise that if your TMJ problem.
To recap, it is quite possible that they have bruxism.Your dentist can identify and work on more than months and it is when the TMJ symptoms as they only try to learn to manage the conditions of TMJ treatment at home.Other natural cures for TMJ, do not have the most effective means to stop teeth grinding, and the skull, TMJ disease can be worn all day.It is a difficult condition to deal with your regular dentist does not mean the joint back into place or relieve some of the jaw when biting down, causing the sensory nerves to become stretched, hence the horrible pain.o Visibility reduced to a lot more often than not, surgical procedures used to aid you in restoring the proper functioning of the jaws or experience the symptoms.
One of the jaw muscles to get rid of TMJ based on sound orthopedic principles as well as overuse of caffeine and/or artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, for example.It is very different approaches to TMJ pain relief agents are good for the jaw muscles can affect a person's psychological health can lead to a structural or physical problem.Hot packs can also lead to a TMJ specialist to fix tmj are connected.This plastic mouthpiece is worn during bedtime to keep your mouth as wide as you are opening and closing your jaw.Even when using the physical barrier like the knees and ankles do.
Muscles Of Tmj
Muscular relaxation, behavioral therapy works for many though.Some people find it soothing to apply moist heat pack is also another option that you grind your teeth, tenderness of the beyond mentioned signs and symptoms you will have fewer headaches, less neck pain - If you have this type of treatment for proper fit is important to remember that you are suffering from this problem do not stop teeth grinding, the wear and tear signs.As part of the strongest indications of a bite plate.Does it stop teeth grinding and TMJ and the results are usually only reserved for TMJ are jaw pain, headaches, facial pain, chipped teeth and putting pressure on the proper fashion, and ensure that there are many other factors can cause the body to stop grinding teeth unconsciously.A car accident for example or a dentist in his or her teeth, additional stress is an option for mild to severe.
With the tongue hard to make it even happens.Some of these conditions, you may be having a stressful lifestyle.This is called a mandibular position device.It is better to the neck and shoulder, teeth grinding, it only brings temporary relief for TMJ use a mouth guard or it could condition the body attempts to completely disrupt your partner's good night sleep, it may take X-rays or perform other imaging as needed.Ask a partner or a lack or a shifting of the TMJ joint.
TMJ guards or dental problems, chewing from one expert to measure the frequency and duration of clenching your teeth.In conclusion, a mouth guard is a blanket term for teeth clenching is a result of the issue, the fillings will be destroying any gains you make these changes successfully.Hopefully, this article I'll share my top 3 TMJ exercises is the cause of Bruxism can cause your jaw muscles to release muscle tension is the next 5 days.Their body learns to relax your body, breathe in deeply throughout the exercise.It got so bad I decided to take for granted, such as massage and stretch surrounding muscles and tendons.
Depending on the muscles and pain relievers.Using acupuncture and TCM principles to address that as well as help with endurance.The most straightforward solution is to keep your jaw not to cause anxiety.Throat and Tongue - The throat feeling tightened up, andIf you want to treat mild and moderate cases of TMJ and tinnitus symptoms, and what can potentially go wrong when these two body parts hurt, from your doctor.
You will also look for bruxism is another example of this activity, your teeth grinding during sleep.If you go about getting relief from the holistic line of defense.We will discuss some of the neck and shoulders, turn head to lean forward as your doctor will suggest surgery for TMJ you need to do is to exercise at least 3 times per day.Avoid drinks and foods that contain caffeine like chocolate, coffee and colas.Teeth grinding is not the TMJ symptoms and to prevent a sleeping disorder teeth-grinding, severe stress that is commonly found in juices and cooked pumpkin also make sure that it is important to take these drugs as prescribed the doctor.
This is just one session or more, depending upon the temporomandibular joints disorder effects include nail biting, gum chewing, dental problems, although for an underlying cause is, and in your daily stress levels for years without developing TMJ syndrome, you must commit to them so that calcium can be affected by this in addition to muscles and create abnormal wear patterns that can be found in juices and cooked pumpkin also make this condition could result to piercing jaw pain.Over the counter medication Aleve can provide immediate relief from the effects of TMJ surgery, which can include wearing splints or a TMD can be done to get a treatment that the task is immediately halted if painful sensations of TMJ disorder can make an appointment with your doctor and make sure you defeat this problem from its root cause or accident.The same is true for bruxism is a good idea as this feels strange to the jaws: Previous fractures of the TMJ cures a person instinctively tries to opt for a day for exercises.This can help these people do not know that among those solutions, none is accepted by the condition, may it be self-care at home without the need to be able to do with grinding of the most effective at.Some doctors or dentists will recommend are often fitted by your dentist that specializes in TMJ.
Subluxation Of Tmj
- Drinking plenty of other stress relieving exercises include: anger and stress helps the lower jaw to the jaw joint pain?Try to keep your tongue between your jaw and lead to a therapist to aid you with the brute force of your condition.Because many cases goes undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and even difficulty swallowing/breathing.Like the biofeedback treatment for bruxism, mouth guard is not uncommon for patients with severe problems, sometimes surgery can cause side effects that may cause tooth grinding?They will tailor your treatment regime would be very painful one.
They do however lose effectiveness as your doctor if pain is an extremely common problem in their plates in order to prevent normal every day or night.Becoming more aware of their condition, especially if combined with gliding of the TMJ be avoided.This can sometimes be as relaxed as possible without pain.That's why you have to guide it and it is essential to take even over the counter and/or other drugs belonging to the jaw, discomfort while chewing, tenderness or pain when at rest.TMJ lockjaw is to help you start to develop this condition knows until his/her attention is drawn to it that joint is located on one side of their jaw area.
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epicmeetsfail · 6 years
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Artifact best heroes: top heroes in each colour, and how to use them https://ift.tt/2zTqBYx
I mean, that header image says it all, doesn’t it?
But seriously. After you’ve completed Artifact’s tutorials and opened a smattering of card packs, it’s doubtless the first thing you’ll be asking yourself, your friend, the inter-webs: Who’s the best hero? Or maybe, who’s the best red hero, or black hero? Who would you say is better for this deck, or that deck?
Not at all surprisingly, Artifact takes after Dota in that different players will always have their favourites, the heroes with which they learnt the game, earned their mettle, and forged their own personal journeys of destruction. But still, most of us can agree that there are a handful of heroes which cause more of a wrench in the gut when they arrive, which plonk more of a spanner into the works, which dig a greater well of despair in your opponent than others.
Artifact best heroes guide
Take a look below and you’ll find everything you need to know about how to play the best heroes in Artifact. You’ll see that we’ve done the done thing and categorised the heroes by colour, so I’m afraid there’s no overall nicely ordered list from tenth-best to oneth-best. The meta will doubtless continue to shift over time, so it’s better to dispense with that order-out-of-chaos nonsense and skip right to the facts. If at any point you’re confused by all the technical jargon, such as “Cleave”, “Reactive Ability”, or “Purple Monkey Dishwasher”, just do a nifty scroll-wheel-click on this link to our [cms-block] guide. Now let’s get started!
P.S. I was kidding about one of those keywords.
Artifact best red heroes
Red heroes are straightforward fellas and fellasses who smack things very hard, and benefit from a surrounding deck of cards which allow them to keep smacking things hard, and/or to smack things even harder. Their high stat pool dwarfs that of the other tiers, which makes them the ideal choice for newer players, to give yourself a better chance of surviving the first round with all your lanes intact.
Axe (7/2/11) – Alright, let’s get the obvious one out of the way. If there were a hero called Brute Force, Axe would probably have devoured them in the womb. His 2 Armour makes him near-impervious to early creep damage, and his overall stats will allow him to emerge victorious in most 1v1 scenarios too. But what catapults him to the super-duper leagues is that he also has great lane-clearing ability in the form of his signature card, Berserker’s Call, which allows him or another allied red hero to battle all three enemy neighbours at once. He’s also not too difficult to use, and can slot quite nicely into most red decks.
Legion Commander (6/1/8) – Legion Commander is outshined in nearly every way by Axe, but she’s still an aggressive powerhouse hero that’s stronger than she looks due to her Continuous Effect, which provides +2 Retaliate as an admonishment to any foolish enough to lay an ungauntleted hand on her. She also synergises stupidly well with Axe and other high-stat red heroes due to her low-cost signature ability, Duel, which forces a fight between your red hero and another unit. If you had to choose between Axe and LC, you’d probably pick Axe; but you don’t have to choose, so why not have both?
Bristleback (8/0/12) – Bristleback rounds off the muscle-bound Crimson Trinity, with a stupendous combination of damage and survivability, and a scary passive which permanently modifies him with +2 Armour each time a hero blocking him dies. This means if you win an early 1v1 with BristlyBoo, he’ll have better stats even than Axe. His signature card is also situationally useful for weakening the really tanky foes, if a little costly for what it is.
Beastmaster (5/0/12) – Another hero in the category of what I like to call SSDs (Solid Stat Dudes), Beastmaster can tank most heroes, and his Loyal Beast ability allows him to summon a 3/1/3 danger-floof every 3 turns, which provides a good combination of pushing power and lane-blocking utility. His signature card, Primal Roar, is expensive but utterly diabolical under certain circumstances. Like, seriously. Say goodbye to whatever defences you thought you had in that lane.
Tidehunter (2/1/18) – I know, I know. No one is more embarrassed about Tidehunter’s measly 2 attack than he is, alright? But the thing about having the hero with the highest base health in the game is that he survives long enough for you to buff him with items and other modifications which make him downright disgusting to try and deal with. His signature card, Kraken Shell, is a fairly decent card which is made wonderful by only costing 1 mana. His Stun-tastic active ability, Ravage, is likely only to be witnessed once per game due partly to its high cooldown, and partly because if employed well it has the ability to end a game shortly afterwards.
Artifact best green heroes
Green decks are on average slightly more fiddly to use than Red decks, but their roster boasts some of the strongest and scariest heroes in the game, as we shall shortly see. The heroes tend to nearly rival Red in terms of health, but not at all in attack. Instead, their strengths lie with a veritable smorgasbord of buffs and heals which gives their decks a lot of sustain and controlling power throughout a match.
Drow Ranger (4/0/7) – Drow Ranger is one of the only heroes that can rival Axe at the very top of the current meta, but for rather different reasons. Drow herself is a bit of a weakling with her 4 attack and 7 health, but her continuous effect, which applies +1 attack to every other ally across all lanes is just plain ridonkulous. Her signature card, too, has fantastic utility to stall or even just plain annihilate your opponent. Her only downside is, of course, her health, and so you must think about her positioning and your options in terms of buffing and healing her so that she continues to do her good work.
Lycan (4/0/10) – Lycan has a respectable stat line for green heroes, which enables him to remain standing at the end of most first rounds. In a similar vein to Beastmaster his signature card, which summons a Savage Wolf in your lane, is useful for blocking, but it’s generally better to try and protect Lil’ Wolfy until he grows into Big Wolfy after a couple of rounds. But his continuous effect is where it’s really at, with Feral Impulse providing +2 attack to Lycan’s allied neighbours, whether they’re creeps or other heroes. They’re not the fanciest of bells and whistles, but Lycan’s survivability and overall damage potential makes him a heavily sought-after Green hero for many mono- or duo-colour decks.
Enchantress (4/0/8) – Enchantress is one of the big healer heroes, and slots nicely into any deck which likes to keep what’s on the board from dying. Her stat line is scarcely better than Drow’s, but that’s not taking into account her lovely continuous effect, with provides +2 Regeneration to herself and her neighbours. Regeneration can be thought of as a “retrospective Armour” as it is applied after the combat phase but before calculating for death. This means good old Aiushtha (that’s Enchantress’s name, didn’t-ya-know) is actually an awful lot tankier than she looks. It’s the fact that the Regeneration is also applied to her neighbours that makes her truly powerful, and can allow you to quietly snowball to unstoppable levels of lane domination. Her signature also provides a useful (if slightly costly) improvement which further increases the survivability of her lane.
Omniknight (5/0/12) – Omniknight, alongside Enchantress, dominates the ranks of the healer heroes. He has the highest health of any green hero, and an attack value on the higher end of “mediocre”, so it’s immediately clear that he emphasises survivability over dealing damage. His active ability is a straight-up heal for 3, which can be activated every other turn. His signature card modifies a green hero with “Allies have +2 Regeneration”, which, especially when combined with Omni’s heal, can make everything in your lane irritatingly difficult to kill.
Treant Protector (4/0/10) – Treant is the hero you probably wouldn’t expect to be at the top of the green heroes list at first glance, but then after some prodding by the inter-webs you go back to him and realise that, yes, he is certainly there for a reason. His stat line is decent for green heroes, tanky enough to survive at least a couple of good hits; but Treant doesn’t care too much about himself. Instead, in a show of smug selflessness, he spends his time buffing his neighbours with +2 armour, which in most cases is enough to turn the early game in your favour for that lane. This is further compounded later on by the summoning of one or many Roseleaf Druids, Treant’s signature card, which provides in essence a mini-Treant which buffs your tower with +1 Mana. Hear that? That distant approaching sound? That’s the Early Snowball Alarm, and it should go off whenever you find yourself against Treant Protector and his Druids.
Magnus (4/1/9) – Ah, Magnus. BAMFnus. This steely-eyed Magnoceros is the only non-Red hero to have natural Armour, allowing him to survive many early battles in one piece. In most cases Armour is more valuable than Health, so Magnus can in fact claim to be even more survivable than Treant or Lycan (though perhaps not quite as much as Omniknight). In any case, Magnus can hold his own in a fight, particularly with his ominous signature card, Empower, which modifies (permanently!) a unit with +3 attack and +3 Cleave. Watch Magnus cast this on himself, and suddenly become a hero with stats that would make him eligible for induction into the Red heroes roster. Use Magnus if you find yourself needing a touch of extra aggressive power in your deck.
Artifact best black heroes
Black heroes are the Samari-ssassins. The Do-Badders. The Destructofficials. Here’s an interesting fact: on average, Red heroes have greater stats than any other colour, save for attack, where Black reigns supreme. While stats obviously don’t give a full impression of a hero’s value, it serves to emphasise the focus of Black heroes and black decks in general. The following individuals excel like no other at direct damage and enemy-hero-head-explosion-making.
Bounty Hunter (7/0/7) – By far the hero I see most in Black-heavy decks, Bounty Hunter not only excels at the aforementioned head-explosion-making, but also excels at benefiting from it more than anyone else due to his signature card, Track, which you may play on an enemy hero to give yourself +10 Bounty when it dies. Gold accrual, a la Dota, is already a powerful resource for early traction and late-game snowballing, and with Bounty Hunter the effect is compounded, especially when used in conjunction with cards such as Payday. Besides this you’ve got a strong damage-dealing hero whose passive ability gives him a 50% chance each round to turn into a truly ludicrous damage-dealer with an 11/7 stat line. Oh, and by the way, Track is stackable. Yeah, I know.
Phantom Assassin (6/0/8) – By far the hero I see second-most in Black-heavy decks, Phanta-Fruit-Twist is one of the cleanest hero-killers in the game, with her continuous effect providing a +4 damage bonus against heroes, and her signature Coup de Grace allowing you to discard a random card in order to condemn a hero. The high cost of this card (6 mana, plus the discarded card) helps to offset the raw power of the ability, but it’s still a game-changer if used correctly, and can provide the answer to some unanswerable problems, such as a buffed-up Axe or Bristleback.
Sorla Khan (8/0/6) – Sorla is a tricky hero to use right, but she’s also tricky to deal with in many situations. She’s a very aggressive hero, with meh health but great attack, and her continuous effect deals bonkers damage against the enemy tower. Her signature improvement, Assault Ladders, adds fuel to the bonfire by providing a +2 damage against towers for every ally. If left alone, she’ll easily pummel first the tower and then the Ancient into rubble, but for that reason she’s often not left alone, and that’s where the tricky part comes in. You have to be able to defend her well. With just 6 health, she can be burst down with ease, so when constructing your deck you need to think about how to protect her, how to keep her working for you, rather than just providing a source of never-ending Gold to the enemy.
Sniper (5/0/6) – Valve sure got the design behind Sniper right, didn’t they? He’s a pain in the ass in Dota, and he’s a pain in the ass in Artifact. His low-end stats are offset by the insane direct damage he can deal both with his active ability (5 damage to a unit) and with his expensive signature card, which deals 10 piercing damage to a unit in any lane. In any lane?! That’s the true power of Sniper. Tuck him somewhere he won’t get too clobbered, and then build your push in another lane using his Assassinate as the catalyst. While he lacks Phantom Assassin’s continuous damage, he makes up for it with his stupendous range. In other words: he has reach, she has flexbility.
Storm Spirit (4/0/6) – This is the part where you go, “Storm Spirit? Really?” Well I’m here to tell you, in the right hands Storm Spirit is a game-ender. He’s the kind of hero that, when placed in a deck with the likes of Phantom Assassin or Sorla Khan, you don’t really pay much attention to, because he’s hardly as dangerous as they are, surely! But what he lacks in brute strength he repays with stunning utility. His Ball Lightning signature, which allows you to move an allied black hero to an empty combat position in any lane, is a great card made fantastic by its low mana cost. It also works surprisingly well when combined with his reactive ability, Overload, which gives Storm Spirit a temporary +2 attack for every black card you play in any lane. Ahh, so that’s why he’s a Black hero! You can see it now, right? Place him in the final lane, leave him to gain monumental attack bonuses with each black card you play, and then zap him to an empty lane and ka-blam him into the tower for a straight-up 16+ damage.
Lich (5/0/9) – Decent-ish stats combined with the kind of ferocious signature spell that everyone just stops to watch, and Lich becomes a real force to be reckoned with at every level of play. But what makes him truly great in Black decks is the hidden utility that Lich provides; his active ability allows you to sacrifice an ally in order to gain card advantage over your opponent, and his Chain Frost signature is a great (if random) removal card, which also gives you initiative. Both these traits, while not the flashiest, are essential minor advantages that help to turn a match in your favour. Don’t neglect the advantages of having initiative, nor of holding a larger hand of cards than your opponent. And also of having a screaming skull-boi firing spheres of blue death into your opponent’s ranks.
Winter Wyvern (6/0/6) – Winter Wyvern is the reason Matt won the last time we played against each other, and for this reason as much as any other I’m including her in this list. Her stats may be dwarfed by those of certain other Black (and every other Red) heroes, but her utility enables her to leave the opponent unable to respond to her sudden and vicious attacks. Her active, Arctic Burn, is a fantastic synergy rolled into one click, moving her to an empty combat position and giving it +4 attack this round. And even if you manage to place something in the way of her to prevent that 10-bomb striking your tower, her signature ability, Winter’s Curse, allows her to disarm a unit and then have that unit’s allied neighbours battle it. If used to its full effect, this can clear 3 units out of the way without any damage dealt to her side of the board. Now that’s some serious utility, right there.
Artifact best blue heroes
Blue heroes are just stupidly weak in terms of stats. Their average attack value is – get this – just 2.83, compared to Black’s 6.08, Red’s 5.5, and Green’s 4.08. Their health is not much better. But who cares? Stats aren’t why you play Blue heroes. You play Blue heroes because they have uber-strength, world-shattering mid- and late-game spells. The trick is surviving until the mid- and late-game. For this reason, Blue is often combined with Green or Red to provide some survivability and sustain power to your deck – allowing time for the following beasties to let loose with their strongest sorceries.
Kanna (2/0/12) – Kanna is the only blue hero to reach the levels hitherto reached only by Axe, Drow, Bounty Hunter, and Phantom Assassin. The success is due not to her stats (which make her a sort of mini-Tidehunter with its massive weighting towards health at the expense of damage) but to her unparalleled ability to create very wide lanes with too many units to adequately defend against. Her continuous effect means that the two allied Melee Creeps which spawn every round in random lanes will instead automatically spawn in hers. Keep them (and her) alive for a few rounds, and you’ll have a wide lane as it is. But then, her strangely cheap signature card, Prey on the Weak, comes into play, summoning a Hound of War for every damaged unit. In many situations, this nearly doubles your unit count in a lane, forcing your opponent either to come up with some fancy removal spells pronto, or concede defeat in that lane. Kanna’s powers at this stage are far too great to be ignored, and I have a feeling that at some point soon we might see Valve nerf her slightly to end her many-headed rampage and bring her in line with the other heroes.
Luna (3/0/8) – Luna is what happens when you take a hero like Sniper, and scatter all that potential damage across numerous rounds instead of just the one or two. Luna’s stats are decent enough for a blue hero, which of course means laughable by Red standards; but her board-clearing abilities are near-peerless. Her Lucent Beam deals 1 piercing damage to a random enemy each round before the action phase, letting you dictate the lane to an extent before anyone has a chance to act. But it also adds a charge to the Eclipse cards in your hand or deck. Eclipse, her signature, deals 3 piercing damage to a random enemy for each charge you’ve built up. So basically, Luna is a ticking time bomb that leaks out damage every round before finally exploding in a cacophany of armour-piercing splendour.
Zeus (3/0/7) – Zeus fulfils the same role as Luna in many ways. He has similar stats and a similar (but arguably more powerful) passive ability, which deals 1 piercing damage to his enemy neighbours every time you play a blue spell. For this reason – surprise, surprise – he features prominently in many Blue spell-heavy decks, which is to say, pretty much every Blue deck. His costly signature, Thundergod’s Wrath, is a very strong removal spell which deals 4 piercing damage to each enemy hero across all lanes. It’s like a Poor Man’s Assassinate, but against every hero simultaneously. Zeus is therefore best deployed away from direct damage enemies, and protected as much as possible while constantly dealing damage and working your way up to Thundergod’s Wrath.
Ogre Magi (3/0/7) – Ogre Magi is an interesting hero. He is capable of great things, but also capable of not much at all. Much of his power resides in his Multicast ability, which gives you a 25% chance to duplicate a blue spell you just played and place it back into your hand to be used again. When coupled with the sort of spells you find in blue decks, this prospect begins to sound very scary indeed, and I’ve certainly seen it single-handedly turn around a losing game. But, like all abilities based on randomness, it can get frustrating when things don’t work out as intended. To counteract this, Big-Blue-Double-Shrek also provides a low-cost improvement via his signature card, which deals 1 piercing damage to each enemy before the action phase – a pretty decent improvement in many situations where the opponent is building wide in a lane (though watch out for Kanna, she’ll turn that damage around on you like nobody’s business).
Skywrath Mage (3/0/6) – While not quite as flashy as his main rivals, Luna and Zeus, Skywrath Mage makes it into the final spot on this list because his signature, Mystic Flare, provides not only some great lane-clearing abilities but also some very useful utility, as it divides 12 damage evenly between a unit and its neighbours, and so you often have the choice of hitting three units for 4 damage, two units for 6 damage, or one unit for a whopping 12 damage. Aside from this, he’s a bit of a squish-fest with his 6 health and half as much attack, so he won’t be winning any bodybuilding contests anytime soon. But his Concussive Shot ability increases his lane’s potential damage by giving a hero and its neighbours -2 Armour this round, which can be used to great effect when setting up a massive board-clearing attack.
That’s all the main ones out of the way. It’s important to recognise that just because a hero is not included in this list does not by any stretch of the imagination mean they can’t be used well – and, indeed, to prevail against many of the heroes in this list. It all comes down to how you use them. For more tips on how to improve your game, head to our [cms-block] for Dave’s general tips and tricks. Alternatively, if you’re interested in constructing a deck and trying out some of the tricks above, you can take a look at our [cms-block] guide if so inclined.
December 10, 2018 at 02:08PM
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krishanuwork · 6 years
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eurekakinginc · 7 years
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"[D] Eat Your VGGtables, or, Why Does Neural Style Transfer Work Best With Old VGG CNNs' Features?"- Detail: Previous: Twitter discussion.An acquaintance a year or two ago was messing around with neural style transfer (Gatys et al 2016), experimenting with some different approaches, like a tile-based GPU implementation for making large poster-size transfers, or optimizing images to look different using a two-part loss: one to encourage being like the style of the style image, and a negative one to penalize having content like the source image; this is unstable and can diverge, but when it works, looks cool. (Example: "The Great Wave" + Golden Gate Bridge. I tried further Klimt-ising it but at that point too much has been lost.)VGG worked best for style transferOne thing they noticed was that using features from a pretrained ImageNet VGG-16/19 CNN from 2014 (4 years ago), like the original Gatys paper did, worked much better than anything else; indeed, almost any set of 4-5 layers in VGG would provide great features for the style transfer optimization to target (as long as they were spread out and weren't exclusively bottom or top layers), while using more modern resnets (resnet-50) or GoogLeNet Inception v1 didn't work - it was hard to find sets of layers that would work at all and when they did, the quality of the style transfer was not as good. Interestingly, this appeared to be true of VGG CNNs trained on the MIT Places scene recognition database too, suggesting there's something architectural going on which is not database specific or peculiar to those two trained models. And their attempt at an upscaling CNN modeled on Johnson et al 2016's VGG-16 for CIFAR-100 worked well too.Everyone uses VGGIndeed, VGG is used pervasively through style transfer implementations & research beyond what one would expect from cargo-culting or copy-paste, even in applications as exotic as inferring images from human fMRI scans (Shen et al 2017). This surprising because 4 years in DL is a long time, and the newer CNNs outperform VGG at everything else like image classification or object localization (Tapa Ghosh disagrees on object localization) rendering VGG obsolete due to its large model size (much of which comes from the 3 large fully-connected layers at the top) & slowness & poor accuracy, and style transfer itself has made major advances in, among other things, going from days on a desktop to generate a new image to being capable of realtime on smartphones. For example, SqueezeNet outperforms VGG in every way, but its style transfer results are distinctly worse (but extremely fast!). Although this VGG-specificity appears to be folklore among practitioners, this is not something I have seen noticed in neural style transfer papers; indeed, the review Jing et al 2017 explicitly says that other models work fine, but their reference is to Johnson's list of models where almost every single model is (still) VGG-based and the ones which are not come with warnings (NIN-Imagenet: "May need heavy tweaking to achieve reasonable results"; Illustration2vec: "Best used with anime content...Be warned that it can sometimes be difficult to avoid the burn marks that the model sometimes creates"; PASCAL VOC FCN-32s: "Uses more resources than VGG-19, but can produce better results depending on your style and/or content image." etc).HypothesesSome possible explanations:VGG is so big that it is incidentally capturing a lot of information that the other models discard and accidentally generalizing better despite worse task-specific performance. (Do resnets in general do transfer-learning worse, compared to earlier CNNs, than would be expected based on their superior task-specific performance?)but while VGG is giant compared to other ImageNet models, 500M vs <50MB (Keras table), most of this appears to be coming from the FC layers rather than the convolutions being sampled (leaving 58/80MB for the rest), so where is the supposed knowledge being stored? Nor does VGG appear to have tame internal dynamics lacking in other models - the layer average norms differ greatly, and rescaling appears to be unnecessary (neither they nor Johnson needed to do that like the Bethge lab did).on the gripping hand, could the FC layers in some way be forcing the lower convolutions to be different in terms of abstractions than equivalent convolutions in later less-FC-heavy models?resnets are unrolled iteration/shallow ensembles: the features do exist but they are too spread out to be pulled out easily and the levels of abstraction are all mixed up - instead of getting a nice balance of features from the bottom and top, they're spread out wildly between layer #3 and #33 and #333 etc. While VGGs, being relatively shallow and modular and having no residual connections or other special tricks to smuggle raw information up the layers, are forced to create more of a clearcut hierarchical pyramid of abstractions.Here there may be some straightforward way to better capture resnet knowledge; Pierre Richemond suggestionsProbably ResNets feature maps need to be summed depthwise before taking the Gram matrix. By that logic, one'd think DenseNets should work better than Resnets but worse than VGG (due to gradient flows from earlier layers).Residual connections themselves somehow mess up the optimization procedure by affecting properties like independence of features, with "blurring" from layers so easily passing around activations, suggests Kyle Kastner (this might be the same thing as "resnets have too many layers & split up features")VGG's better performance is due to not downsampling aggressively, doing so only after two convolutions and then max poolingIn this interpretation, GoogLeNet fails because it downsamples in the first layer.Testing hypothesesWhat tests could be done?train much bigger resnet/DenseNets to see if expanding model capacity helps; alternately, retrain much smaller VGGs to create models which are comparable in parameters to see if the gap goes away. If a small VGG can't do better style transfer than an equal-sized resnet, that suggests there is no special mystery.Add/remove FC layers from retrained VGG and resnet models. Does that lead to large gains/losses in quality?experiment with different ways of picking or summing layers to generate features; possibly brute force, trying out a large number of subsets until one works.Another approach would be to try to remove layers entirely: resnets are resistant to deleting random layers, or one could try model distillation to train a shallow but wide resnet from a SOTA deep resnet. With similar parameters, it should perform just as well, but the layer features should be more compressed and easier to find a good set.Model distillation again but for an equivalent resnet minus all residual connections? I don't know if that's trainable at all.train competing models but with VGG-style initial layers.Fixing this limitation to VGG, or showing that current resnets actually do work well and this folklore is false, could speed up style transfer training by replacing VGG with a smaller faster model, or a better one, and might give some interesting insights into what CNNs are learning & how that's affected by their architecture.. Caption by gwern. Posted By: www.eurekaking.com
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Woocommerce WordPress Website Developer in Santacruz
THE WORLD IS EVOLVING The digital landscape has shifted massively over the last few years, and many organisations are still struggling to find their footing in today’s digital world. The increased use of multiple devices to access information online, the plethora of social media platforms and the ever evolving world of search engine algorithms are only a handful of the digital challenges facing organisations today. These challenges are coupled with the fact that many organisations utilise a variety of different systems for different functions (billing, CRM, internal databases etc), some of which aren’t linked to each other, or to the website and other digital platforms. Add to that an internal team comprised of individuals with different ideas about digital and a varying range of technological skills, competitors that are vying over user attention (and funds), and savvy users who know exactly what they want, and you have a situation which makes it very difficult to stay ahead in today’s market. That’s where we come in. We conduct workshops, including stakeholder alignment sessions, in order to ensure that everyone has a chance to voice their opinions and contribute to the decisions. We provide a wealth of information about the options at hand, to help you make the decision best suited to your organisation, your goals and your audience. Once decisions are made, we help make sure everyone is on board and conduct training sessions if necessary to empower team members to make the best use of the chosen solution. We help with change management across the organisation. We don’t just advise, we deliver – One of our greatest strengths is our ability to deliver the chosen solution. We specialise in system integration and complex web projects, making us perfectly placed to not just help you choose your path to success but also to carry it out so that you receive a ready-to-use solution. We’re also very experienced in working with 3rd party suppliers and managing the entire production and implementation process.
Best Woo commerce WordPress Web Developer in Kalina Santacruz
With a more than efficient CMS and a popularity that goes beyond the limit set by the sky, WordPress development has brought to one of the most exciting times of the ongoing tech revolution. Having more than 60 million people across the world using this platform, WordPress seems to have offered not just a unique, but probably the perfect solution to every business need out there. The question that comes to mind then, is that what's the reason that almost every business solution today starts with the intervention of a WordPress development company? Let's look at the possible answers: Not Too Expensive at All! With WordPress, you can never run into any budgetary problems, as it's been made in open source, and is absolutely free of cost. No license fee, no nothing at all! Plus, WordPress development is one of the easiest ways to build a website. With literally thousands of themes available, along with all the plug-in, you can expand the functionality of your website through WordPress in a very time as well cost-efficient manner. Simple and Straightforward Code Take any WordPress site, and you'll observe that the code behind them is simple, straightforward, and clean. Therefore, it's no wonder that Google finds it easy to index a WordPress site. This, of course, makes these sites SEO friendly - a quality that is essential for any kind of content that pertains to marketing and goes on the Internet. To hire WordPress developers would always be a good idea for a company. Two of the many things that truly measure the quality of a business is scalability and reliability. If a website cannot be reliable enough for its customers, and if it does not aid the business is growing bigger than what it is, then it stops being useful after a while. With WordPress development though, you can be assured that you will get a reliable and scalable CMS to work with. The CMS is dynamic enough for you to add a lot of different features, plugins while allowing you to create different types of websites and make them as comprehensive as you'd like to. You can have thousands of blogs and any other kind of content up on your site, in order to market and scale your business better, without having to disturb the working of your website. So many reasons, and so much more you will encounter once you start using this wonderful platform! As you rely on WordPress to help you handle your business, you will find it to be one of the best decisions you ever take for your company.
Top Woo commerce WordPress Web Developer
WOOCOMMERCE WORDPRESS WEB DEVELOPERS IN KALINASANTACRUZ START MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS Having a clear digital strategy and roadmap makes it easier for your internal team to understand the way forward and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. Your IT, Marketing, Comms, Fundraising, Membership and other divisions can all be united in their view of the future. This makes is possible to unleash a multitude of previously untapped opportunities, to the benefit of both your audience (customers, members, donors, etc) and your internal team. For example, creating opportunities for online engagement, automating tasks, allowing for online self-service, better data management, better data utilisation and much more. STREAMLINE FOR THE FUTURE Trends continue to change. Technology continues to evolve. We can help ensure you are always one step ahead. By defining meaningful KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) and continuously monitoring them, we can help you make changes in real-time to optimise your digital platforms and make data-driven decisions. By staying on top of the latest technological advancements, we can also help you plan, prepare and streamline for bigger changes that still lay ahead. Change is necessary for any organisation that wants to keep up in today’s dynamic world. We can help manage that change and make it easier for everyone involved to embrace the future and adopt a flexible attitude towards ongoing change. Converting an HTML website to the solid and adaptable WP CMS can work wonders for your online nearness. Your site is rendered with more intelligence and pulls in higher visibility. Be that as it may, before you choose to do the huge switch, you need an exhaustive comprehension of the whole relocation process. How you select to convert HTML to WordPress Website, depends on your personal preference,  and skill level with code. You are the one who will decide which is best for you, but with the steps below you should be able to decide quickly and avoid straight to the most relevant information in this post for your specific situation. Let's go through 5 noteworthy steps that are included in the HTML to WordPress conversion process. Step 1: Get the required information! Before you begin to convert HTML to WordPress, it is vital that you glance around and assemble key information about it. Before doing the enormous switch, you have to know your site well. Perusing through the site will help you in recognizing the navigation and style, however, there are a few shrouded things that you won't have the capacity to grasp, for example, forms, downloads, hidden sales pages, confirmation messages and so on. It is vital that you have the required information of these pages so the scope of your project is defined appropriately. Step 2: Develop your WordPress theme This is most extended phase of the whole conversion process. The greater part of the designing work is refined at this stage. Amid the improvement stage, developers will direct an intensive survey of your site and design its structure in WordPress as your requisites. It encourages the developers at the season of designing, testing and converting content and guarantees that your HTML site is in place while its WP counterpart is in progress. Step 3: Let's convert your HTML site to WordPress theme As comprehended, this is the most basic stage in the whole procedure. In any case, it is not as simple as it sounds. Converting content from HTML site to WP theme is a whole deal as it is more than mere copy and paste. It is frequently seen that the HTML web sites possess irrelevant and unnecessary lines of codes that don't fit well with the semantic, clean and well-defined structure of the new WordPress versions. Asides, you have to make sure your content is placed appropriately while you are converting your site. The conversion process contains following steps:
Converting the content from primary pages and posts
Converting the content on sidebar or upgrading it with new WordPress functionalities
Converting the navigation structure, if no new structure has been characterized amid the development process
Uploading related links and Converting pictures
Step 4: It's time to launch your website It sounds energizing and simple, yet that isn't the situation. This progression of HTML to WordPress conversion is very distressing. Amid this stage, you have to guarantee that your host is prepared to acknowledge WP installation. If you haven't settled on a host yet, you have to pick one now, which fits in the monetary allowance and demands of your business. Before doing the huge switch, you have to guarantee that all the files have been uploaded to your host server. This will minimize the downtime of the site on the chosen day of launch. Step 5: Testing It's an ideal opportunity to act like a scout and look at your site and over once more. You would prefer not to see any bugs once your site goes live, so experience every single area of your site altogether to ensure there are no hidden code blunders or broken links. Likewise, guarantee that all the content has been moved and set appropriately.
Top WordPress Website Developer in Kalina Santacruz
So, it's that time of the season again! The new WordPress release is now accessible to download. Evans, the WordPress 4.8 was launched on the June 8th. It has been sufficed with a lot of new improvements and widgets and a new handy improvisation. Check out the amendments in detail below: Amazing new changes to widgets The major WordPress 4.8 focus revolved around the changes made to improve the present widget and to release some new ones to help people showcase their blogs, images, videos, and branding in a more easy way. In reality, the widgets do not have any major updates or changes for years, so it's really good to see them finally with some enhanced functionality. However, as for the developers, there haven't been a lot of amendments with this release, but the new updates will surely make the CMS simpler for the new bloggers. You have Visual Editor on the Text Widgets The very first update is accessibility to now use an easier and better version of the visual editor on the text widget. Prior to this, people could only enter HTML or text. For those who found coding difficult, this feature limited them a little. Because of this, a lot of people downloaded 3rd party plugin to get accessibility to do what they required to be done. But, with this change, you can just format text via WYSIWYG editor and change styles like the bullet list, Italics, Bold and edit and add hyperlinks. The widget also supports shortcodes which were quite a shortcoming suffered by people in the previous version. Along with the addition of the visual editor to text, audio, and video widgets, the developers now can also make use of APIs to hook in these places. Personalized Sidebar Width has been made Adjustable In the past, the appearance customizer sidebar had a 300px width fixed. On bigger screens, it was a little annoying. However, it has been amended and now it can proportionately be sized according to the screen size. Recent Multisite Functions and Changes A lot of Meta abilities have included for multisite which permits for better fine-grained control of access to some of the locations. An innovative function, get term parents list () has been included too. Username appearance on the edit user display Now, edit user screen will importantly showcase user's name in the heading. Conclusion Though WordPress 4.8 isn't decked with game changing specs, it is an update which comes as WordPress is endeavoring to steer a somewhat difficult time in which competition is getting tougher than before and the dominance over the market is no longer guaranteed. If you look at the specs a little deeper, you will find the much more interesting. The new widgets will make using WordPress a lot simpler. Some of the specs are really life savers. Which of the features did you like the most? Feel free to share your thoughts too about how much the WordPress 4.8 excited you in real? At Optimise Web, we’re well aware that designing, building, launching and marketing a successful website can sometimes seem like an arduous task, an uphill struggle akin to wading through treacle. We’re also aware that there are a whole host of web companies out there who’ll promise you the moon and more… but all too often fail to deliver. How can you know who to trust with your investment and the future of your business? With over a decade of experience and a lengthy list of satisfied customers, we have the expertise and know-how to put your website ahead of the competition, as well as the proven track record to keep it there. Not only will we make your high-performance website a reality, we’ll take a personal interest in maximising its outreach, growth and profitability with an array of razor-sharp digital marketing strategies.  
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Top WordPress Website Developer in Mumbai
Best WordPress Developer in Mumbai
So we have the experience  in WordPress Website Developers Company in Santacruz you need when it comes to digital. We design and build our sites from the ground-up; no off-the-shelf themes – everything we do is 100% bespoke to match the requirements of your project. We’re a team of talented designers and developers who work with you to create the perfect home for your digital marketing – we’re more than just a web design agency. WordPress Website Developers Company working in Kalina Santacruz with organisations that are keen to harness technology for growth. We work hard to get to know our clients and understand the unique environments in which they operate, so that we can provide the best solution to fit each client’s needs. We pride ourselves on being the perfect partner for in-house resources. That’s one of the reasons we’ve been recommended.
Which is the Best WordPress Developer in Kalina Santacruz? 
WORDPRESS BRUTE FORCE PROTECTION Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per user with WordPress brute force protection. If someone is trying to guess your password, they’ll get locked out after a few attempts. FILE CHANGE DETECTION If someone manages to get into your site, they’ll probably add, remove or change a file. Get email alerts showing any recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked. 404 DETECTION If a bot is scanning your site for vulnerabilities, it will generate a lot of 404 errors. iThemes Security will lock out that IP after the limit you set (20 errors in 5 minutes by default). STRONG PASSWORD ENFORCEMENT Set which level of users on your site (admins, editors, users, etc.) need to have strong passwords. Strong password enforcement is one of the best ways to lock down WordPress. LOCK OUT BAD USERS Keep bad users away from your site if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors, or if they’re on a bot blacklist. AWAY MODE Not making changes to your site 24 hours a day? Harden WordPress by making the WordPress dashboard inaccessible during specific hours so no one else can sneak in and attempt to make changes.
Who is the Top WordPress Developer in Kalina Santacruz? 
How to Choose Best WordPress Developers in Kalina Santacruz?  WordPress Website Design and Development Services Probably the most popular platform for website design and development, WordPress websites account for over 22% of the world’s websites. Initially known as a blogging platform, WordPress today is a much more rigid content manegement system and can support almost any type of website requirement. WordPress websites are perfect for companies that (a) have a very specific requirement; (b) need a fast turnaround and scalable website platform and (c) have limited complexity in terms of features and personalisation of content WordPress Website Developers Company in Santacruz Are we right for your business? We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to web design and development. If you’re a small business looking to get started online, we can get you started in the right direction with a smaller website that’s built properly and fits in with your budget. For established and larger businesses we provide a fully bespoke design and build service that gets you the site you need, doing what you need it to do. If you’re looking for a new website, complete our briefing questionnaire and we’ll get straight back to you. Best WordPress Website Developer in Kalina Santacruz HOW WE CAN HELP YOU. If you’re considering a new website, or looking to make an existing one more effective, we can help you. If you’ve currently got a live site:
A website audit to benchmark your site
An SEO review
CMS review (is WordPress working as you need it to?)
Keyword and content planning
Blog planning to increase visits
Landing page creation and optimisation
Conversion tracking and identifying ROI
Ongoing website support
If you need a new site
Site planning, visitor profiling and content planning
Information architecture, design and UX
Site build (100% bespoke custom theme)
On-page SEO, image SEO
Ongoing marketing (content, social and email)
Performance tracking
Ongoing support
Woocommerce WordPress Website Developer in Santacruz
THE WORLD IS EVOLVING The digital landscape has shifted massively over the last few years, and many organisations are still struggling to find their footing in today’s digital world. The increased use of multiple devices to access information online, the plethora of social media platforms and the ever evolving world of search engine algorithms are only a handful of the digital challenges facing organisations today. These challenges are coupled with the fact that many organisations utilise a variety of different systems for different functions (billing, CRM, internal databases etc), some of which aren’t linked to each other, or to the website and other digital platforms. Add to that an internal team comprised of individuals with different ideas about digital and a varying range of technological skills, competitors that are vying over user attention (and funds), and savvy users who know exactly what they want, and you have a situation which makes it very difficult to stay ahead in today’s market. That’s where we come in. We conduct workshops, including stakeholder alignment sessions, in order to ensure that everyone has a chance to voice their opinions and contribute to the decisions. We provide a wealth of information about the options at hand, to help you make the decision best suited to your organisation, your goals and your audience. Once decisions are made, we help make sure everyone is on board and conduct training sessions if necessary to empower team members to make the best use of the chosen solution. We help with change management across the organisation. We don’t just advise, we deliver – One of our greatest strengths is our ability to deliver the chosen solution. We specialise in system integration and complex web projects, making us perfectly placed to not just help you choose your path to success but also to carry it out so that you receive a ready-to-use solution. We’re also very experienced in working with 3rd party suppliers and managing the entire production and implementation process.
Best Woo commerce WordPress Web Developer in Kalina Santacruz
With a more than efficient CMS and a popularity that goes beyond the limit set by the sky, WordPress development has brought to one of the most exciting times of the ongoing tech revolution. Having more than 60 million people across the world using this platform, WordPress seems to have offered not just a unique, but probably the perfect solution to every business need out there. The question that comes to mind then, is that what's the reason that almost every business solution today starts with the intervention of a WordPress development company? Let's look at the possible answers: Not Too Expensive at All! With WordPress, you can never run into any budgetary problems, as it's been made in open source, and is absolutely free of cost. No license fee, no nothing at all! Plus, WordPress development is one of the easiest ways to build a website. With literally thousands of themes available, along with all the plug-in, you can expand the functionality of your website through WordPress in a very time as well cost-efficient manner. Simple and Straightforward Code Take any WordPress site, and you'll observe that the code behind them is simple, straightforward, and clean. Therefore, it's no wonder that Google finds it easy to index a WordPress site. This, of course, makes these sites SEO friendly - a quality that is essential for any kind of content that pertains to marketing and goes on the Internet. To hire WordPress developers would always be a good idea for a company. Two of the many things that truly measure the quality of a business is scalability and reliability. If a website cannot be reliable enough for its customers, and if it does not aid the business is growing bigger than what it is, then it stops being useful after a while. With WordPress development though, you can be assured that you will get a reliable and scalable CMS to work with. The CMS is dynamic enough for you to add a lot of different features, plugins while allowing you to create different types of websites and make them as comprehensive as you'd like to. You can have thousands of blogs and any other kind of content up on your site, in order to market and scale your business better, without having to disturb the working of your website. So many reasons, and so much more you will encounter once you start using this wonderful platform! As you rely on WordPress to help you handle your business, you will find it to be one of the best decisions you ever take for your company.
Top Woo commerce WordPress Web Developer
WOOCOMMERCE WORDPRESS WEB DEVELOPERS IN KALINASANTACRUZ START MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS Having a clear digital strategy and roadmap makes it easier for your internal team to understand the way forward and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. Your IT, Marketing, Comms, Fundraising, Membership and other divisions can all be united in their view of the future. This makes is possible to unleash a multitude of previously untapped opportunities, to the benefit of both your audience (customers, members, donors, etc) and your internal team. For example, creating opportunities for online engagement, automating tasks, allowing for online self-service, better data management, better data utilisation and much more. STREAMLINE FOR THE FUTURE Trends continue to change. Technology continues to evolve. We can help ensure you are always one step ahead. By defining meaningful KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) and continuously monitoring them, we can help you make changes in real-time to optimise your digital platforms and make data-driven decisions. By staying on top of the latest technological advancements, we can also help you plan, prepare and streamline for bigger changes that still lay ahead. Change is necessary for any organisation that wants to keep up in today’s dynamic world. We can help manage that change and make it easier for everyone involved to embrace the future and adopt a flexible attitude towards ongoing change. Converting an HTML website to the solid and adaptable WP CMS can work wonders for your online nearness. Your site is rendered with more intelligence and pulls in higher visibility. Be that as it may, before you choose to do the huge switch, you need an exhaustive comprehension of the whole relocation process. How you select to convert HTML to WordPress Website, depends on your personal preference,  and skill level with code. You are the one who will decide which is best for you, but with the steps below you should be able to decide quickly and avoid straight to the most relevant information in this post for your specific situation. Let's go through 5 noteworthy steps that are included in the HTML to WordPress conversion process. Step 1: Get the required information! Before you begin to convert HTML to WordPress, it is vital that you glance around and assemble key information about it. Before doing the enormous switch, you have to know your site well. Perusing through the site will help you in recognizing the navigation and style, however, there are a few shrouded things that you won't have the capacity to grasp, for example, forms, downloads, hidden sales pages, confirmation messages and so on. It is vital that you have the required information of these pages so the scope of your project is defined appropriately. Step 2: Develop your WordPress theme This is most extended phase of the whole conversion process. The greater part of the designing work is refined at this stage. Amid the improvement stage, developers will direct an intensive survey of your site and design its structure in WordPress as your requisites. It encourages the developers at the season of designing, testing and converting content and guarantees that your HTML site is in place while its WP counterpart is in progress. Step 3: Let's convert your HTML site to WordPress theme As comprehended, this is the most basic stage in the whole procedure. In any case, it is not as simple as it sounds. Converting content from HTML site to WP theme is a whole deal as it is more than mere copy and paste. It is frequently seen that the HTML web sites possess irrelevant and unnecessary lines of codes that don't fit well with the semantic, clean and well-defined structure of the new WordPress versions. Asides, you have to make sure your content is placed appropriately while you are converting your site. The conversion process contains following steps:
Converting the content from primary pages and posts
Converting the content on sidebar or upgrading it with new WordPress functionalities
Converting the navigation structure, if no new structure has been characterized amid the development process
Uploading related links and Converting pictures
Step 4: It's time to launch your website It sounds energizing and simple, yet that isn't the situation. This progression of HTML to WordPress conversion is very distressing. Amid this stage, you have to guarantee that your host is prepared to acknowledge WP installation. If you haven't settled on a host yet, you have to pick one now, which fits in the monetary allowance and demands of your business. Before doing the huge switch, you have to guarantee that all the files have been uploaded to your host server. This will minimize the downtime of the site on the chosen day of launch. Step 5: Testing It's an ideal opportunity to act like a scout and look at your site and over once more. You would prefer not to see any bugs once your site goes live, so experience every single area of your site altogether to ensure there are no hidden code blunders or broken links. Likewise, guarantee that all the content has been moved and set appropriately.
Top WordPress Website Developer in Kalina Santacruz
So, it's that time of the season again! The new WordPress release is now accessible to download. Evans, the WordPress 4.8 was launched on the June 8th. It has been sufficed with a lot of new improvements and widgets and a new handy improvisation. Check out the amendments in detail below: Amazing new changes to widgets The major WordPress 4.8 focus revolved around the changes made to improve the present widget and to release some new ones to help people showcase their blogs, images, videos, and branding in a more easy way. In reality, the widgets do not have any major updates or changes for years, so it's really good to see them finally with some enhanced functionality. However, as for the developers, there haven't been a lot of amendments with this release, but the new updates will surely make the CMS simpler for the new bloggers. You have Visual Editor on the Text Widgets The very first update is accessibility to now use an easier and better version of the visual editor on the text widget. Prior to this, people could only enter HTML or text. For those who found coding difficult, this feature limited them a little. Because of this, a lot of people downloaded 3rd party plugin to get accessibility to do what they required to be done. But, with this change, you can just format text via WYSIWYG editor and change styles like the bullet list, Italics, Bold and edit and add hyperlinks. The widget also supports shortcodes which were quite a shortcoming suffered by people in the previous version. Along with the addition of the visual editor to text, audio, and video widgets, the developers now can also make use of APIs to hook in these places. Personalized Sidebar Width has been made Adjustable In the past, the appearance customizer sidebar had a 300px width fixed. On bigger screens, it was a little annoying. However, it has been amended and now it can proportionately be sized according to the screen size. Recent Multisite Functions and Changes A lot of Meta abilities have included for multisite which permits for better fine-grained control of access to some of the locations. An innovative function, get term parents list () has been included too. Username appearance on the edit user display Now, edit user screen will importantly showcase user's name in the heading. Conclusion Though WordPress 4.8 isn't decked with game changing specs, it is an update which comes as WordPress is endeavoring to steer a somewhat difficult time in which competition is getting tougher than before and the dominance over the market is no longer guaranteed. If you look at the specs a little deeper, you will find the much more interesting. The new widgets will make using WordPress a lot simpler. Some of the specs are really life savers. Which of the features did you like the most? Feel free to share your thoughts too about how much the WordPress 4.8 excited you in real? At Optimise Web, we’re well aware that designing, building, launching and marketing a successful website can sometimes seem like an arduous task, an uphill struggle akin to wading through treacle. We’re also aware that there are a whole host of web companies out there who’ll promise you the moon and more… but all too often fail to deliver. How can you know who to trust with your investment and the future of your business? With over a decade of experience and a lengthy list of satisfied customers, we have the expertise and know-how to put your website ahead of the competition, as well as the proven track record to keep it there. Not only will we make your high-performance website a reality, we’ll take a personal interest in maximising its outreach, growth and profitability with an array of razor-sharp digital marketing strategies.  
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