#only love here
dumblr · 2 years
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madridista-pura · 2 years
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Morocco & Palestine 🤝🏽❤️🇵🇸🇲🇦
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rockinichigo · 1 month
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Seriously tho.
I ain't even playing around. If you have hate in your heart I will not even grace you with a response. Your flames will be used to roast hot dogs and make s'mores cuz I have better things to do than babysit yall.
Grow the fuck up.
Have some humanity. If it were you in his shoes how would you like it if everyone was out their bashing you and shaming you for something that quite honestly was less heinous than watching a dog take a dump.
(Edit: added text) I'm not excusing drinking and driving. Definitely not, but at the end of the day he didn't hurt anyone. He made a mistake which he owns and is being mature about it, which is not what I can say about all yall haters. (End edit)
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 10 months
i’m genuinely sorry for the message i sent, i’m autistic and sometimes my tone comes off different and im not too good in english because it’s my 4th language, there’s no excuse for my message and i hope you will forgive me for it, i love pom but i prefer shorter fics and that should’ve been on me, i just didn’t think pom would be so long when i started reading it. please continue writing because it makes a lot of people happy and i didnt wanted to make anyone sad. anyways i love your writing and pom and im really sorry if i make you sad please forgive me 😞
Hi! Thank you for messaging and explaining, I’m sorry if I responded harshly. There’s just been so much anon hate going around in this fandom recently and it’s hard to tell what’s a genuine opinion/constructive criticism and what is someone just trying to be an asshole. But I can see you meant no harm and it’s totally, totally okay! Honestly I didn’t expect POM to be this long either but it just turned out like that lol! But it’s totally okay, no hard feelings, I hope you’re okay and I’m sending you love! 💕💕💕
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mekkneko · 2 years
In the morning, it was just Lo with a fifty length of sock on her feet. Lola with baggy casual pants on her feet. Dolly at school. Dolares with dotted lines in records. But in my arms was always Lolita.
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vnehaha · 2 years
You're my begining, middle and end! ❤
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eyedblue9 · 2 years
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Love thyself challenge! Post a picture of your beautiful self❤️ You are beautiful the way you are 💓
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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sassandtats · 3 months
I mean I wouldn’t say that’s an addiction. Binge watching is a pretty common thing.
And you can call it whatever you want on your own blog 🤪 right here I'm calling it an addiction 😆
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novaneondream · 3 months
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it’s our turn to make you smile
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lightpost · 6 months
13:13. 12-9-2012 You know what I was doing at 1pm on December 9th 2012 I was in operations one hour after my break I was doing another round in the locker rooms and picking up the towels from the bin not even knowing he would be happening in less than 8 hours I still had till 11pm on my shift that monday was my only day off after working two jobs for 4 weeks no time off. I was hired in operations at lifetime fitness on October 31st 2012 it was halloween I was in the pool being so happy I had a safe haven away from my abusive family and ex boyfriend who almost killed me he choked me so hard I was dying the only thing that stopped him was the light in the eyes fading he than kicked me out of the car and on the street he kicked me while I was down I blacked out and heard a voice say get up it's not your time, I ran a couple blocks to my car and locked myself in there I showed my dad the marks on my neck but he just shrugged his shoulder and walked away from me without a care in his soul that his daughter was hurt he should of called the cops and started taking pictures of my wounds but he failed as a parent he failed and stopped being my dad than he became just like my ex boyfriend and worse. But knowing on 12-9-2012 this voice of an angel would be my anchor in a time of great hell and war giving me hope and a reason to fight through being kidnapped and raped that feeling in his voice gave me a iron will to not kill myself through the storm when my mom poisoned my food and how she wants me dead I stayed strong because of him for him because of his voice that gave me an out of body experience he is my only reason why I am alive today. It's him and no one else not knowing at 1:30pm that in less than 8 hours he would come into my life and give me a feeling that would save my life. He saved my life and he has no idea how much that still means to me after all these years. He's the one and he is my peace no matter what or where I am. He's my anchor to heaven in all this hell on earth.
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beybuniki · 6 months
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i need dabi to experience the trials of being a stay-at-home adult son
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bastardiando · 1 year
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posting across the targetverse here bc it did numbers on twitter
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naiad-r · 6 days
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Cage me like an animal A crown with gems and gold Eat me like a cannibal Chase the neon throne If I could only let go
Death pact, fulfilled.
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FNAF Michael refuses to be gaslit on “THE BITE OF 83”
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AU where the Axolotl sends Bill to the mystery shack for rehabilitation after spending some time in the Theraprism
(OG AU is by waty_mot on Twitter)
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