#only to get the kakyoin treatment....
robby-bobby-tommy · 10 months
Okay, I love French dub of TFP, it's too funny.
Like, for example.
In English dub we have this:
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Menacing, terrifying. We are afraid of what Dreadwing could do to Knock out.
And then in French we have smt like this:
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"Knock Out? Est-ce que tu vas bien?" (Knock out, are you ok?)
And he says it like he's just very surprised to see KO here and like he genuinely cares for his well-being hahahshhahahha
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
11. i like you┊ ┊⋆ beyond the stars
kakyoin noriaki x reader
synopsis - you've been sent to join the joestar crew on their mission to defeat dio by... dio? y/n is an undercover stand user who joins the sdc to report back to dio their findings and notes about their stands, up until a few moral dilemmas get in the way of your original mission.
ch. synopsis - guilt tears you up at the hospital and you have a long talk with a certain love interest
buckle up, we've got another long one! just a reminder italicized words are your thoughts.
Mr. Joestar parked the car in front of the hospital. Avdol began to regain his consciousness and was placed in a wheelchair promptly before being wheeled into a room for a blood transfusion and proper treatment of his neck's gash. Kakyoin, still unconscious, was hoisted onto a gurney and taken for inspection. The remaining four of you (only God knows where Iggy went) waited in the waiting room.
Mr. Joestar and Polnareff conversed about what the plan would be, Jotaro walked outside to take a smoke, and you paced, headphones blasting something to calm you down. As you spin around on the ball of your foot, you were stopped in your tracks. A strong hand remained on your shoulder.
"Hey, they're going to be fine, he's going to be fine." His words, though simple, carried a weight of comfort, grounding you in the midst of the turmoil. Not only were you fearful for Kakyoin and Avdol's condition, you felt guilt. How was a blind man going to find you in the desert without some kind of tracking? Intel from the man in charge. Intel you provided.
The kind soul Avdol who welcomed you, Kakyoin who you had grown to care for so deeply. It's my fault.
This mission proved to be more emotionally taxing than you had originally thought.
Do it for Mom. Do it for Mom. You shouldn't have to choose a crush and his friends and family or your Mom. It's natural to push on for the woman who raised me. I don't want to devastate Dad or your extended family. There's no guarantee that they wont make it out alive. If I abandon mission, then only God knows what Dio will do to Mom.
How could you stand there, accepting this kindness and support, when you were the very root of the pain and suffering that now plagued your friends? Your eyes watered. Polnareff took you into a hug, as you had done for him. Mr. Joestar walks over with a doctor, presumably to share results. Polnareff, over your shoulder mouthed something to Mr. Joestar, who responded with a gruff nod, and walked with the doctor to inform Jotaro.
"Now, are you going to be okay to come with us? We want someone to stay back just in case. If you want that to be you, that's fine by the rest of us."
"Yeah, that sounds good." You said with a sniff.
You regrouped with the two Joestar men and the doctor and caught wind of what was happening. Avdol would be okay, he just needed rest. Kakyoin however, would need a bit more care. You were glad they were alright, but you were anxious for what would be to come.
After the group departed, leaving you alone with the news, you found yourself restless, unsure of what to do next. With the other three off exploring Aswan, you were left with a sense of aimlessness, your thoughts consumed by worry for your friends.
You peeked into the chilly hospital room, finding Avdol seated upright, his gaze fixed on his phone screen. "Um... Hey, Avdol," you ventured softly, feeling a mix of relief and concern at the sight of him.
Avdol looked up, his expression brightening as he spotted you. "Ah, (y/n), please, come in," he welcomed warmly, gesturing to the chair beside his bed. "It's good to see another familiar face."
"It's good to see you too," you replied with a small smile, crossing the room to take a seat. "Especially being up and about, well kinda."
As you settled into the chair facing him, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his recovery. "So, how are you feeling? What's going on?" you asked, eager to hear his perspective.
"Just a blood transfusion and some stitches," Avdol reassured you, his tone calm and steady. "No real damage was done."
A sigh of relief escaped your lips. "That's good to hear," you murmured, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders.
As the two of you delved into conversation, you found solace in Avdol's presence. His words offered a sense of comfort, like a reassuring embrace in the midst of uncertainty. You shared stories of your experiences in his absence, and he reciprocated, filling you in on his own journey. In that moment, you realized that you had found a true friend in Avdol, someone reliable.
Leaving him to relax a little more, you walked slowly to the next room over. Taking soft steps, you attempted to have the door creak open silently, yet failed miserably. Despite the guttural noise, Kakyoin lay there unconsciously, bandages over his eyes, accompanied by the metronomic beep indicating his steady pulse. "Kakyoin?" You asked, only for no response, just his consistent breath.
He's still unconscious.
"Oh, Kakyoin." You say softly to yourself, pulling up a chair next to his bed. You gently take his hand, making sure not to disturb the IV connected to him.
"I'm so sorry. I know I should tell you all about my past, about who I really am, but I'm scared. Scared of what you'd think of me, scared of losing the well- whatever it is we've built together. I wish I could tell you everything and how sorry I am. I wouldn't have to hide anything from you. I could ask for your forgiveness. But I know I won't be getting it."
"Uugh" Kakyoin stirred. You quickly pulled your hand back. "(y/n), is that you? I can't exactly see, but I think that's your voice." He says in a groggy voice.
Aw, morning voice, wait, Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"Hey." You say softly, trying to remain calm. "I hope you didn't hear me talking to myself." You say flustered. Your heart is pounding. If he heard what you said at the beginning, you'd have to confess what you were really doing with the crusaders.
"I think I heard just enough."
"And how much is that?"
Sweat forms on your forehead, your hands shake.
"Something about your past and everything afterwards."
"Listen, I know it sounds really bad but-"
"Calm down. You don't have to explain yourself to me. I trust you, (y/n). " His words of affirmation soothed you.
He probably wouldn’t trust me if he actually knew
"You can share if and when you want. In fact, there's something I'd like to share."
Your heart rate spiked. "What's that?" You try to say casually, though your mind races with worries and questions.
Does he already know my past? Does he know I have feelings for him? I mean its certainly obvious but like what do we do? What if he shuts this all down? I would hope not considering how he acts. What if the rest of this trip is awkward? What if-
Your mind races at the speed of light.
“(y/n), I like you.” Kakyoin confesses finally.
You're momentarily speechless, your thoughts freezing and your face turning red. “Yeah, I like you too! You’re one of my best friends!” You quickly respond, unsure how to handle the moral dilemma in front of you.
“No, stop, you know what I meant. I’m pretty sure you like me too.” Kakyoin reiterates firmly, confident in his response. You stand there silent, unsure what to make of all this.
“. . .Polnareff might've tipped me off to make sure I wasn't losing it, he also helped me figure out I liked you too.”
“Ah, damnit Pol.”
You both giggle over your friend getting in the drama. “I wish I could see your smile, is it bad I can practically see it in my mind?” You blush and softly laugh at this nervously. Everything seems more relaxed.
"Oh.. shush..." You both sit in the comfortable silence for a moment.
"So... did you, uh, want to be in a relationship?" Kakyoin began tentatively.
“Well, um, maybe we should hold off on that for now, if you're fine with it. I just sort of assumed-"
"Why's that? I mean, I get it. I just want to understand," he interjected, his tone gentle and understanding.
“Well, you know, any, uh, public displays of affection beyond what we've already done might make the others a bit uncomfortable," you explain nervously, it was only partially true. You didn't want to lead him on so hard and then totally shatter him if he inevitably found out you were working for Dio.
He nods in agreement. “Yeah, that makes sense. Plus, let's not dive into anything too serious when we're still dealing with the stress of, you know, staying alive," he tries to lighten the mood with a bit of humor.
You manage a small awkward laugh. "Too soon?"
"A bit, yeah," you admit, feeling the weight of the conversation settling in.
Kakyoin reaches around blindly for your hand, and you gently intertwine your fingers with his. “Let’s not mess with what we've got too much just yet. But, just so you know, there's a lot more to what I feel for you than meets the eye. I promise you, when we make it out of this, we can really be together.” he says with a firm smile.
"You're really sweet, y'know," you try to say casually, but you feel the heat creeping back into your cheeks and your palms starting to sweat. Did I say that softer than usual?
“And so is that blush on your face I’m picturing,” he teases, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Smooth and psychic? Must be tough to being so talented,” you quip back with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.
You hear the voices of the other men coming down the hallway. Polnareff, Jotaro, and Mr. Joestar must be back.
“Just one more thing.”
"Call me Noriaki from now on, okay?" he says, wearing the happiest smile you've ever seen. It's contagious, and you find yourself grinning just as broadly.
"I'd be happy to, Nori."
Polnareff, Jotaro, and Mr. Joestar enter the room.
“Ayy! Kakyoin is up!”
Kakyoin chuckles at Polnareff's excitement, his smile widening.
Jotaro approaches with a nod of acknowledgment. "Good to see you're feeling better, Kakyoin," he says in his usual stoic manner.
Mr. Joestar follows suit, offering a warm smile. "Agreed, it's a relief to see you up and about," he adds, relief in his voice.
previous chapter // next chapter // masterlist
i think moto moto likes you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyways the confession is out of the way! special guest next chapter. I did not realize how much y'all like hol horse yee fuckin haw thanks for all the love and requests and for the love on my 4taro one shot :D it's hard to believe how far this series has come :")
taglist: @kerto-p, @pancakesyrupthief, @kakyoinslastcherry @marvelmayo, @kitchenscissorbangs 
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narancias-headband · 2 years
Polnareff X Reader
~2400 words
100% Fluff
Jean-Pierre Polnareff was a worldly sort of man. He wasn't above the pleasures of this earth, and never tried to pretend any different. He pointedly and relentlessly sought revenge, and he could never turn down a request from a beautiful woman.
That was the same when he first laid eyes on you, of course, and the flirtatious remarks and innuendos flew for a short while. When he found that you were the new member of their traveling entourage, though, he swore that he wouldn't get tied up. Sure, he'd still flirt from time to time, but nothing like before. He never wanted to let on just how much power you still held over him. It was all for the sake of the group.
Though his reasons were sound if you knew them, the way he seemed so distant now drove you crazy. You'd watch him falter for any random woman on the street, but you never got that treatment anymore. Honestly, it really only got to you since you were head over heels for him. You longed for his unabashed flirting. The flirting that he was showering onto some random passerby just now.
"Ah, ma chérie," Polnareff swooned, placing a kiss on the woman's hand. You rolled your eyes. "Your body... You are magnifique!" He was really laying it on thick, clutching at his heart dramatically. She wasn't even that pretty.
Having had enough, you grab hold of the back of his shirt and yank. You knock him off balance just enough to catch his attention. He looks at you with sad eyes, pleading you to not drag him away, but you can't stand to watch him flounder over this woman any further. You give him another sharp tug. "Jean-Pierre," you say with the harshness of a parent scolding a child, "We have things to be doing. Come on."
He relents and allows you to pull him away. You drag him along behind you, not wanting to look back at him. Seeing you in such a huff caused a smirk to cross his lips. "So what is it we're in such a hurry to do?" he asks. He's just trying to push your buttons and you know it.
"I'm sure Jotaro or Kakyoin needs us... Or, uh, something," you say, angry with yourself that you hadn't thought of a good lie before this. "Besides, if I had to watch you swoon over that hag any longer I think I'd have thrown up."
Polnareff's eyes light up. He loosens from your grip and quickens his pace until he's walking right beside you. He tries to put his face in front of yours and capture your attention, but you refuse to make eye contact. "So that's the issue, mademoiselle?"
"Usually," you grumble, "It's disgusting to watch you drivel at the feet of every woman you see." Polnareff steps directly in front of you and stops, forcing you to finally look up at him. "What?!" You raise your hands in an exasperated motion.
"If I didn't know any better," he says, some kind of devious twinkle in his eye, "I'd think you were jealous."
You scoff and turn away to try and hide your now blushing cheeks. "As if," you say. Polnareff leans over, trying to get in your face again, but you stop him by quickly walking off.
"Hey, wait up!" he says, trying to catch up again. Damn, he thinks, I thought I was onto something...
Eventually, you track down the rest of the group and spend the remainder of the day, quite uneventfully, running around with them. Before long, it's time to find a place for the night.
Joseph manages to lead the way to a mid-range hotel and pays the fee for three rooms for the night. "Alright," he says, "I got three rooms." He holds up the three keys. "How are we splitting up?"
Kakyoin speaks up first. "I'll room with Jotaro." Joseph nods, throwing them one of the keys. The two quickly head to their room, thankful to be able to have a place to rest.
"I think," Avdol speaks up, "you and I should share a room again, Joseph." He looks at you with an expression like he's in on a joke. He knows about your little crush, doesn't he? Bastard...
Joseph nods as he tosses a key to Polnareff. "That leaves you two. Any objections?"
"I think I should be allowed my own room," you whine.
"We can't take risks like that anymore, [Y/N]," Joseph scolds. "You've seen what kinds of trouble we end up in staying in rooms alone. Especially Polnareff... And I got rooms with two beds, anyway. Stop complaining."
Knowing that it would be futile to argue, you concede. You turn to face Polnareff. "What number room are we in?"
"Looks like 413," he replies, reading the tag hanging from the key.
"Sounds like we'll be right under you," Joseph replies, showing off the key tag reading 313. "So don't be too loud." He hadn't meant for it to come across like that, but his words put a pink tint across both your and Polnareff's faces. Avdol holds in a laugh. Joseph turns to walk towards his room.
"Goodnight, you two," Avdol says with a smile, following behind Joseph.
"Alright," Polnareff says, "Fourth floor. Let's go." He slings his bag over his shoulder. You go to grab your own things, but he beats you to it. "I'll carry your stuff, ma chérie."
Your heart skips at the pet name, but you force yourself to roll your eyes. "Must be off your game today, Pol," you say with a chuckle. His eyes go wide for just a second when he hears the nickname come from your lips. "You used that one already," you chide.
"But not on you, belle." He bats his eyelashes at you. A wide smile crosses his face. "See, I've got more."
You turn away from him and start walking towards the stairs. "Let's get to our room. I'm exhausted." You take a moment to try and calm your pounding heart. Polnareff follows behind quickly, all of your stuff in tow.
Soon, you're standing at the door of your room. "Hey," you say, holding a hand out to Polnareff, "Can I have the key? You have your hands full already." He nods and holds the key out to you, holding it in the same hand as his pack. You grab it from his hand, fingers brushing against his, and quickly unlock the door. You walk in, ready to flop onto your bed, when you see something you weren't expecting.
"I thought the old man got us a room with two beds," you say, crossing your arms. You don't know if it was a mistake, fate, or a lie Joseph told to shut you up, but the room you stood in had only one queen size bed in its center.
Polnareff just shrugs, dropping your things onto the floor. "Looks big enough for both of us. I don't see the issue."
You contemplate going back to the front desk and changing rooms, but your feet ache at the idea. You were just too tired to care. Besides... Maybe sleeping right next to Polnareff wouldn't be so bad after all.
You yawn, and Polnareff follows suit. "Alright, I'm going to get ready for bed," you say. You rummage through your bag for the stuff you'd need and head toward the bathroom.
"I'm going to step out on the balcony for a bit," Polnareff says, pointing. You nod, a little surprised at how fancy the room was. "Come get me if you need me." He smiles at you.
You enter the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You looked half dead; the bags under your eyes had been accumulating over the duration of the journey. Sleep was usually so hard to come by. In the corner of your eye, you see something you hadn't expected.
There was a massive, heart shaped tub in the corner of the bathroom. Somehow, you and Polnareff had ended up in the hotel's honeymoon suite. This had to be intentional. Someone had set you two up. You shake the thought of cozying up with Polnareff in the warm waters of the large tub out of your mind and begin brushing your teeth. You complete your nightly routine, and change into your pajamas before stepping out of the bathroom. As you bend down to pack up your things, you see Polnareff on the balcony.
He's looking over the bright city and smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves. He didn't feel like himself. Jean-Pierre Polnareff wasn't one to get nervous when in the presence of a beautiful woman, but somehow you tongue tied him. You made his heart hammer in his chest, and your attention made him feel like he was floating. He didn't want to admit it, but the thought of sleeping in the same bed as you terrified him. He couldn't help but worry that he'd do something that would make you feel awkward around him. He had no idea how to act when spending the night with the person he'd secretly fallen in love with. The wood of the balcony creaked behind him, pulling him from his thoughts.
"The city is beautiful," you say, standing next to Polnareff and leaning on the handrail. He hums in agreement and nods in response. He nudges your arm with his elbow. You turn to him and see him offering up his open pack of cigarettes.
"No thank you," you say and smile at him. "Just brushed my teeth." He tucks it back into his pocket and leans up against the handrail as well. His shoulder brushes up against yours.
His mind is racing. You had set him up perfectly for a pick up line and he had missed it. What was he thinking?! He took a deep breath and tried to make it work anyway. He shifts to look over at you. "The view is gorgeous," he says softly, intently looking at you and you alone. You glance at him after feeling his weight shift. You see him looking at you. Wait. He's looking at you and talking about the view. You can't stop the dark blush that rushes across your face. "Seeing you in the moonlight," he says gently, feeling a bit more confident, "is almost magic. You look magnifique, darling."
Your heart races. He sounds so genuine, much more than when he usually flirts. You try and joke to make yourself less anxious. "That's another repeat, Pol," you say, laughing nervously.
He laughs softly and smiles. "But I really meant it this time," he says. He puts his hand on top of yours. You freeze, almost unable to breathe with his hand on yours. "Let's get to bed, yeah?" he says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You nod and follow him inside, fingers intertwined with his.
You plop down on to the bed first and push back the blankets, trying to crawl under them. Polnareff lags behind, pulling off his shirt and pants. You blush seeing him just in his boxers, but can't stop yourself from giggling at the stereotypical heart print on them.
"What?!" he says exasperatedly. He let his nerves get the best of him, still anxious about the whole sleeping situation. He worried that you were about to laugh him off entirely and snub him completely.
"Of course you'd wear boxers like that!" you say, still giggling.
"What's wrong with them?" he says, his tone more playful as he starts to relax. He smiles at your continued laughter, now knowing you were just joking. "I like hearts," he explains, "And I happen to look amazing in pink." He strikes a little pose, hand on his hip and a sultry look on his face.
It wasn't long before you were both laughing loudly. He took advantage of the low stress moment to hop into bed next to you. You sat by each other for a moment, both transfixed on how your shoulders rubbed together just the slightest bit. The laughter died down into silence, but the tension had nearly fully dissipated for the moment.
"Alright," you say, before being interrupted by a yawn, "I'm tired. How are we doing this?"
Polnareff yawns in response. "How about you get comfortable," he proposes, "and I'll just fit in wherever." He smiles at you, reaching out to squeeze your hand gently. "You look like you need the rest, so don't worry about me."
You squeeze his hand back. "Thank you, Jean," you say gently. A shaky smile crosses his lips upon hearing his first name come out of your lips for the first time for a reason other than scolding him. His mind races with a billion thoughts, but he stays quiet.
Your hand slips away from his as you lay down, trying as hard as possible to get comfortable on the hotel mattress. You end up laying on your side facing outward with your back to Polnareff. "Is this okay?" you ask, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder.
"Are you comfortable?" he asks. His voice is gentle and quiet, very unlike his usual self. You nod. "Then it's perfect," he confirms before starting to adjust himself as well. He lays on his side as well, facing you. For a moment he seriously considers wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tight, but he chickens out. He lays one arm lazily overtop of your waist.
"Jean?" you say sleepily.
Afraid he'd overstepped, he quickly pulls his arm back. "Sorry," he mumbles. He's about to roll over and face the other way completely when you continue, your words stopping him.
"Oh," you were disappointed at him pulling his arm away and your voice made that a little clearer than you'd hoped, "I was just going to say goodnight." You take a deep breath, and the sad sigh of your exhale further gives away your protests to the lack of contact.
"Oh," he replies. He puts his arm where it had been, this time using it to pull you a little closer. You blush at the contact. "Goodnight, [Y/N]."
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earthbovndmisfit · 1 year
in the mer joestar aquarium au jotaro hates being carried by humans because he feels so vulnerable so he opts to crawl around when on land with his big strong arms and he is very stubborn
Considering all/most Jobros work at the aquarium, I think this would be the perfect scenario for him and Kak to start bonding. Just think about it:
Jotaro doesn't like to be seen or taken as a vulnerable being. He doesn't want to depend on others even though he knows it's basically unavoidable at this point to depend on their caretakers one way or another for as long as they stay at the aquarium/on land.
Naturally, and despite how smooth the floors may be at the aquarium to make it easy for the mermen to move around if/whenever they wish to, moving around like that and crawling all over the place all the time will definitely end up causing some damage to their tails, as they're not made for that kind of treatment (hence why the caretakers are always willing to help them around).
So, Jotaro will definitely end up with a lot of scratches and cuts and bruises on his tail. Cuts and scratches that he will try to brush off and just pretend they don't exist. But, of course, they need to be taken care of as to prevent some kind of infection (especially considering the bacteria and etc on land are not the same as underwater, and so merpeeps might be at higher risk of infection if they catch one of those bugs).
This is where Kakyoin and him can bond and become closer. Normally, Jotaro doesn't allow Kak to carry him around, and Kak doesn't press further as not to annoy the hell out of him. Still, by the end of the day, the two sit together by Jotaro's tank where Kak will help him get his tail cleaned and then he will proceed to patch him up if he needs to (it's usually not that bad, so normally it's just the cleaning process, and maybe a band aid here and there).
The first times, they were probably mostly silent, with Kak doing some of the talking while Jotaro only gave monosyllabic answers, and toughening through any pain or discomfort he felt. Then, as days go on, Jotaro's little hisses whenever he feels a stinging on the bruise that's being cleaned would become a subtle indication that he's opening up more, especially when it becomes evident that he only does this with Kak and no one else (meaning that he's become comfortable enough around Kak to the point where he can allow himself some vulnerability around him). And so, Kak would begin to try to talk and get more words out of him. It's a slow process compared to other Jojos and their caretakers, but they get along well and, sooner than later, they become quite close to the point where maybe, just maybe, Jotaro will let Kak help him around the aquarium (and, of course, he will be the only one allowed to do so!).
Cue Jotaro later on trying to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he hasn't gone back to the sea if he really doesn't want humans to help him around. Or why he will only let Kak help him, for that matter lol
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sepyana · 10 months
Jjba Diamond Is Unbreakable Ep 18-29 Thoughts
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Ep 18-19
I feel like this arc would have worked just fine if it was a single episode. I think it drags a bit too long.
Our new character for this arc is Shigechi. I think his design and stand is way too good and it's a shame he is only in a few episodes before he dies. Characterwise he needs work, the show tries too hard to make you feel bad for him in the end. But that's because he only has like 2 episodes to build his character. I can't help but like him though. He is a prick but in his defense he is like 12.
Design wise they are both simple and unique (in Jojo). Which is a hard combination to find in jojo I think. Plus they are really goofy, especially Harvest. Onto the episodes:
It's funny that Josuke has a stronger reaction to having no cash on hand compared to Red Hot Chili Pepper almost killing Okuyasu. If I had Crazy Diamond my whole life I would be the same way too probably but It's still funny to think about.
Okuyasu is quickly becoming my favorite character. His expressions, his voice all come together to create an absolute goofball.
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I will never forget jojo fans for what you guys did to Kakyoin. He says one awkward line and the jojo fans won't shut the fuck up about it for years yet Okuyasu -who called someone's mom hot when he first saw them on multiple occasions- flies under the radar somehow. I am thankful for it, I wouldn't want Okuyasu to get the same treatment too.
Speaking of him, I've been looking thru sdc stuff and wow do people want him in part 4. Making "What if they were alive?" AUs are a common thing obviously but I've never seen it be this huge. Sometimes I'll see part 4 posts where Kak (Sometimes Avdol and Pol too) will be in it without acknowlegding that they are dead (missing in Pol's case). They are just there.
I do get why, Morioh is brimming with stand users and most of them aren't trying to kill people Kak's whole thing is that he is lonely because he can't find other stand users like him. Also I've read CDDH and apparently he is from Morioh. I think we don't need another crusader when Jotaro is part of the main cast already but the thought of Kak with heart shaped sunglasses is not lost on me.
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I was gonna use another screencap but this is funny out of context
Do they don't know they can jump high with their stands? Maybe it's something you have to learn.
Ep 20
Wow...... I wonder what the message of this episode is.
It's generic and subtle as a brick to the face but for someone like Araki? who only stumbles onto themes on accident? This is huge.
It makes a lot more sense for Yukako to be still be with Koichi, instead of, "Just being able to like him is enough for me" act she had going on.
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Our stand user for this arc is Aya. She speaks like she has low blood pressure and she like invading people's personal spaces.
I laughed out loud when I first saw her stand. Those are not boobas those are kikis. I do like her stand. It might just be my bias towards pink.
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He brings Koichi with him everywhere because he is the only person that can tolarate him. He is just some guy. Josuke is suppose to be the type of character you wanna be friends with but everyone loves Koichi cuz he is just a guy. The funniest thing is that is the exact reason Yukako gives as to why she likes him. He is like the token cishet of JoJo.
Honestly? I like Yukako. I wasn't really expecting it cuz I hate yandere/tsundere or whatever type characters but she is entertaining just because of how off of her rockers she is.
My favourite part of the episode is when Koichi tells Josuke and Okuyasu he and Yukako kissed and Josuke almost falls from the window from shock while Okuyasu looks like he has died.
And then Josuke goes "What did you say she did to you?!? That girl never learns" because of course he would think she forced him to do that, considering her track record and all.
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Josuke's reaction after hearing Koichi say he likes her to says everything. Like girl what.
I love how Josuke is just casually talking all the while Okuyasu is crying in his arms. Later Josuke still has one hand on his shoulder while Okuyasu cries but he is also completely ignoring him. Love that for them.
It's so wild that Koichi tells Aya to fucking *blind him* just so Yukako won't feel bad. Both of these people are insane and they deserve each other.
Nice attention to detail that he asks Aya to blind *his stand* since he can see through his stand's eyes otherwise.
Ep 21
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While I was watching this part i was like there is no way he is gonna li- ohh noo
One thing I really like about Kira is that we will sometimes see what he is up to from his perspective. It's partially here but really shows up in the Stray Cat arc. He is not the type of guy to be plotting or thinking about the heroes all the time so it's just Kira's adventures. His silly adventure. And he is being incredibly pathetic about it with the most smug expressionsyou've ever seen.
Plus it's fun seeing the heroes from an outside perspective for the entire episode.
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They say your stand reflects your soul. I have no idea what a wrestler cat with a thousand yard stare is suppose to say about Kira.
Killer Queen is the best stand btw. I will not debate on this. Just look at her. Kira doesn't deserve her, she is way too good of a stand for a guy whose whole thing is wanting a quiet life (besides the murders) (ignore the murders).
Ep 22
Araki reeeally wants to make you feel sorry for Shigechi. How am I suppose to believe people will just ignore a fellow student on the verge of death just because he is ugly. If it was some strangers down the road then yeah sure but this just looks stupid.
Shigechi going to heaven in the exact same state he was in when he died. Crusaders also get stuck in the same expression when they get their souls ripped out of their body. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not.
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"I doubt he'll come to my shop but I'll keep an eye out." Girl you have NO idea
Seeing Koichi next to Jotaro you'd think he is around 90cm or so but apparently he is suppose to be 157cm. I was looking at the Jojowiki and noticed that earlier. The canon weights for the characters make zero sense btw.
Koichi:"Rohan always forces me to go to places" Andkasjskdshsjs??
Ep 23-24
What the fuck happened here.
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Sheer heart attack is like the world's most evil roomba. If I was kire I would simply tape knives on that thang and set it loose inside my house.
I hate Koichi's shieking so much it's unreal.
I think the remote control stands are a really cool concept. Kira functionally having two stands though? Ehhhh... I not a fan of that to be honest. Sheer Heart Attack is basically it's own stand, sure, it's gimmicky but it's also really strong if you don't know how it works. I understand why Araki would want to break the rules for Killer Queen, It's hard to make her look like a threat compared to Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond.
Sheer Heart Attack bring completely neutralized by such a simple trick is why I love stands so much. Hamon is like if everyone had Mew but with different levels and moves. Stands are more like "everyone has different Pokemon but they are all at the same level". Some are obviously stronger than others but even the strongest ones have some sort of trick or Pokemon that counters them, or at least checks them.
I think Act 3 is less interesting compared to act 2 design and ability wise.
You know, I thought Kira's theme was too goofy for me to take seriously at first but it did hit pretty hard here.
I did say I don't like Koichi's VA very much but his confontation with Kira was pretty good.
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Fucking christ.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how good the English dub is. Especially Kira (and Jotaro but I already talked about him during part 3).
Ep 25
The way they handled Kira's new identity is genuinely cool. As mentioned in this episode, Kira doesn't have anyone he is even remotely close to. Not having any dynamics with other people could definitely work for a character but it could also make them boring.
Kira now has to deal with Shinobu who is in a full marridge feeling love for the first time when Kira replaces her husband, and Hayato who is definitely knows something is up because he has never seen his parents have a positive interaction before, ever.
This is before Araki had the most horrible case of same face syndrome so Kira's new face does look slightly different. I like that his pitch black eyes get a pink glow whenever he summons Killer Queen.
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I don't have much to say on this and the next few episodes. The Hand doesn't get a change to do anything, again, god forbid.
Ep 26
Rohan jumping in front of the bus Jesus style was pretty funny and I liked Rohan and Joseph's interactions. I also like Shizuka otherwise this episode sucks I don't wanna talk about it more
Ep 27
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This episode and the one after it straight up confirm aliens are a thing and knowing Araki, I doubt this will come up again ever.
Mikitaka is actually just like me for real because I too lose my shit whenever I have to hear sirens and alarms (Misophonia)
I think he is a bit too generic, I also don't like how mamy symbols he has on his outfit. Also someone buy him brown contacts.
It's really funny that the first thing he does with an alien friend who can shapeshift is: take Rohan's money in a bet and piss him off.
Ep 28-29
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Love that the op starts right after Rohan stabs himself.
He knows that Josuke wouldn't leave without healing him. Also because he is insane and willing the hurt himself and let his house burn down just to know how Josuke cheated.
I like the interactions between the two of them a lot. Josuke annoys him sure, but Rohan is a petty and stubborn asshole who gets upset just at the though of Josuke being happy. He is mad at Josuke for beating him up even though he knows Josuke beats the shit out of people who insult his hair. There is no way that isn't written in Koichi's files. He is just upset that he is experiencing the consequences of his actions. He is beefing with a 15 year old.
The action for this arc is pretty good.
I normally don't mention this because they tend to be brief but the sniffing and the walking noises Highway Star makes annoys me to no end. I am really bad with this stuff.
I especially like the addition of Koichi. He can be a piece of shit sometimes, like in the lock guy episode. I find that pretty funny personally.
It's been a while. I was on vacation for 2 weeks so I didn't have much time to write this.
I don't think I am going to do these posts for part 5 because I will not be able to finish the show otherwise. I don't watch new episodes before I write these (except for maybe a few) since I prefer it that way. I still might do something similar for part 6. We'll see. The issue is I wanna write all my thoughts but I am not good at being coherent.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
Haha what if I start headcanoning characters with bfrbs…. Kakyoin with dermatillomania, who felt alone and different growing up not only because no one understood about his stand, but because he was shamed and picked on for compulsive skin picking/pulling. Okuyasu with trichotillomania who knows what he’s doing and hates it, but pulls his hair more when he’s anxious. Keicho would snap at him sometimes about it, but the Duwang gang are far more understanding.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Self ship kakyoin art. Used a base.
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Kakyoin doesn't take kindly to anyone making his gal any bit of uncomfortable or upset.
(Tho this is only if they aren't backing off or it's clearly in a threatening way. Because nori isn't the confrontational type unless needed be. He's a sweetheart but he wont take no shit.)
(Look i also have a lot of aus. So plz bear with me)
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jojikawa · 2 years
♡ | Jotaro Kujo x Fem!Goddess!Reader | ♡
✦Part 1 - Escapism✦ (pre-4taro) THE PREQUEL/PILOT
✧『Fandom』: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
✧『Character』: Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
✧『Word Count』: 2,818 words 14,776 characters
✧『Summary』: After Egypt, Jotaro's life seems mostly mundane minus the fact that he was plagued with nightmares ever since the first night back home. He misses everyone...ever you. He longed to see you again so much. He knew that you would never come back. You couldn't! Except he was so wrong.
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Jotaro still couldn’t get over the events of Egypt. It weighed on his mental health every day. He had to experience so many deaths after building a connection with each person that died. Avdol died, Iggy died, and Kakyoin died. That one had to be the most traumatic since he was so close to Kakyoin.
He even had to witness Joseph dying. It was a miracle that his grandfather was able to be helped but the others weren’t able to get the same treatment.
But what about you? Well, you weren’t dead but…you weren’t exactly here either. You were…a goddess now. Not figuratively but…literally.
Of course, you weren’t always this way. Before Egypt, you were his girlfriend. An exchange student from a different country. You two had been dating for two years before the events and on that trip you were…different.
The entire time you were plagued with nightmares. When you two would lay together at night, you would say things in your sleep like:
“He’s watching me.”
“It’s almost time.”
“Help me.”
Back then, he felt that maybe it was Dio doing this to you. What better way to get to Jotaro than through his lover? But you didn’t mean Dio at all.
In the end, you had all found out what was the cause of your nightmares: Your own stand.
It was never controlled by you. There was some higher power that was just using you as a puppet. Jotaro didn’t know all the details. They faded from his mind over time.
There was a nameless cosmic god that gave a piece of itself in place of your stand and when it had broken your mind, it consumed you and you were never the same. You had ascended.
Upon gaining your new power, you entered a withdrawal and entered some kind of realm that no one else could.
Sure, you were still you but how could anyone be the same after that? Were you even human anymore? Would you two even be able to grow old and die together like you had promised him?
“I don’t care what happens to us after we die. The only thing I want is to be with you, Jotaro!”
No, of course not.
Jotaro had finished his school studies alone and had been pursuing a degree in Marine Biology. When you two were in high school, you were the one who pushed him towards the idea of further education. He wanted there to at least be one thing you could be proud of him for when you revealed yourself again.
When taking care of his business, he would wonder what you thought of certain things and what you would be doing now. How much you’ve grown in the past 5 years.
He was 22 now. That meant you had to be 21 now. Can you even age anymore? Well, the only thing he knew was that he wanted to see you again.
“Hm, Jojo, I think you’d look good in white.”
So he did it. He began wearing white. He didn’t like it at first but it grew on him. You’d like it, right? He just wanted you to still like him.
Now he was just spending his days attending University and figuring out what to do next. Joseph had the Speedwagon Foundation give him a private dorm of his own. The last thing he wanted was someone else in his room.
He already had a lot of shit to deal with on his own. He debated giving therapy a try but who knows what kind of meds he would be put on after he opened up about his problems? Yeah, that’s not something he wanted to deal with either. All he could do was silently hope for a better tomorrow…
You had been gone for so long. You felt like the worse for abandoning Jotaro. He was the love of your life and he had to fight his mental battles alone. You were both alone. You couldn’t exactly leave either. Nothing was physically stopping you but as an aspect of the universe, things would only fall to chaos if you resumed your status as a human.
Oh, how cruel life was…
Perhaps, you could bend the rules. Just a little. There were other aspects. You didn’t have to be bound to the endless void of space. You wanted to be with the one you loved.
You knew he would be angry at you, but you didn’t care. Nothing could make up for lost time but you had to try. You knew he was alive and you could feel him hurting.
Abandoning your post, you went back to earth. The world was just how you left it. Plain and simple. You saw all the small people, so oblivious to everything else that was going on. You wished you could go back to that. Seeing everything in the universe was terrifying.
You were no longer human but you still had the mind of a human woman.
It didn’t take long for you to find Jotaro’s residence. It seemed like he was at some kind of school you didn’t recognize.
‘He went back to school?’ You thought.
The building you found his belongings in was a one-bedroom house that was on campus. You knew this because you found “SWF” printed on some of the items that were scattered around. You also found the love letters you had written to him when you were both 15:
“Hey. I know everyone thinks you’re really big and scary but I think you’re a bit misunderstood. I’m not scared. We should talk sometime.”
“How does your hat stay on your with no back part? I think that’s super cool!”
“Ya know, the more I look at you, the more I realize I like tall guys! Haha! 🖤”
The paper was worn and old but the portion that contained the writing was intact and legible. You ceased floating, now carefully walking around. You didn’t want to startle him after all.
You realized that it was the middle of the day so you assumed he was completing his studies in class. You wished you could go back to school but you knew everything that could ever be known about the world.
You figured it would be better to wait patiently and maybe surprise him. It would be a wholesome reunion. You had to admit, it made you nervous seeing him again even though you had been watching him from time to time to make sure he was safe.
In the meantime, you took it upon yourself to tidy some things up. His living conditions…weren’t the best. There were dishes in the sink, it was warm and stuffy from all the windows being closed and lose articles of clothing were scattered here and there.
It almost made you laugh how his cleaning habits didn’t change.
You had finished your “chores” rather quickly. You knew he would appreciate something like this. You decided that you would continue to explore the house because you were curious about how Jotaro was managing as an adult.
He wasn’t one to express himself but you found a poster here and there of bands he would listen to. They were old and torn and you estimated that he hung these when he first moved here. Maybe…4 years ago?
Upstairs, there was a desk that had papers on it. It was some mail he has received and it hadn’t been opened. They were signed by Holly and it had a paper clip attaching some recent photos of Jotaro.
You removed the photos from the note. On the back it said:
“Jotaro sweetie! This is mom. Your license came out great! <3”
Holly was always so cute. You missed being over for her cooking after school. You wondered if she thought poorly of you now. To her, it probably just seemed like you broke up with Jotaro.
You jumped at the sudden break in silence. You wanted to turn around but when you recognized the voice, you were too frightened to actually do it.
“U-Um-“ You opened your mouth to speak but the voice only got angry. “I said HEY. How did you get in here?!” The man stomped over to you, violently placing a hand on your shoulder and turning you around.
“Jotaro! It’s me!” You screamed, squeezing your eyes shut.
The man's expression softened. He wanted to be happy but his emotions were covered in a wave of sadness.
“You’re here…” he sighed, his body eased as well. “Why are you here?”
You stepped away, too nervous to speak but you forced yourself to. “I thought that it was time. It didn’t feel that long for me but…I’m sorry I neglected you.”
Jotaro didn’t say a word. He just backed up and sat in his desk chair. You continued.
“I couldn’t stand being without you anymore. I know I’m supposed to take up the role of the entity that made me this way, I couldn’t live with myself by letting you be so hurt alone.”
You could tell he wanted to be upset but Jotaro was very understanding. You never cut corners or lied to him.
You saw that Jotaro had been wearing some casual clothes and his hair was a bit less well kept. You used your power to change your attire to look more casual since you had been wearing clothes cut from the fabric of the universe.
“Are you staying?”
“Yes, I’m here to stay.” You answered. You couldn’t help but blush at him. He grew so handsomely. It hasn’t been that long but you haven’t been this close to him in a while.
Jotaro had questions but he was unsure if he should ask them. Would it scare you off again? He knew you could be a little more on the sensitive side and at this point, he was self-aware of his ability to intimidate someone. He decided that he would save this for later.
“Well, ya know, I’m not supposed to have someone else living in here. Especially, if you don’t attend any classes.” He began to explain. “I’m here on a scholarship so they wouldn’t mind kicking someone like me out.”
“‘Someone like you?’ Why would they kick you out?” You asked, making your way over to his desk. There was a clean spot just big enough for you to sit on. Jotaro turned around in his office chair to face you.
“It’s nothing. Just can’t afford to be caught out like this. It’s against the rules.”
This made you frown. “Oh, I’m sorry. Should I leave then?”
“No.” He answered rather quickly. “I…don’t mind having you here. I just think you should know what’s going on.” He sighed, trying his best to contain his feelings.
You smiled again. “I see. No worries. Should I just hide or something?”
“Well, I’ve never had anyone in here before. Not too interested in making friends or anything. But if admins or Speedwagon employees come in, then yeah. I need you to hide.” He was visibly shaking but his voice was normal. You could tell this wasn’t good for him at all.
“Jotaro.” You rested a hand on his shoulder before moving it up to cup his cheek. “You used to be so full of life. I’m sorry about the past and I hate myself for not being able to stay by your side.”
As you spoke, he leaned into your touch before hesitantly wrapping his arms around your waist. It felt so nice to be held by him again.
“I wish there was something I could do for you but all I know how to do is destroy.” Tears began to fall out of your eyes. You thought of all the times he cried. He would always deny it but you knew he did.
You knew he regret so much but as a simple human, he couldn’t do much. Even with a stand.
You? You felt like you shouldn’t exist. The random events in the world made you into this. You wished there was another way.
“Hey, don’t cry. I’m alright. You’re here now.” He would always try his best to make you feel better but this was too severe. Jotaro had been struggling with his mental illness and you couldn’t just make it disappear.
“Jotaro….you’re not alright.” You squeezed your eyes shut, letting more tears spill out.
Even when crying, your godly beauty was undeniable!
Jotaro never knew how to comfort you. He wasn’t one to be emotional and before Egypt, there were never any issues that were too bad that he couldn’t fix.
But this…was different.
After a few moments, you quickly wiped your face. You didn’t want to spoil the moment with such sad energy.
“I never came back because I felt like I had been trapped. I felt so obligated to take His place. I still don’t know what will happen if I’m not present, but it’s okay. I couldn’t stand being without you any longer.”
You stayed with him. You helped him understand his work and you enjoyed as much time as you could with him. You wanted to know what you could do to make up for lost time but the only answer would be to love him in the present and so on.
A day or two passed and those days turned into weeks. Life has somewhat gotten back to normal. He wanted to ask you about a child but he actually couldn’t tell if it were appropriate.
Despite his hectic life, he still had the aspirations of a young man. So one day, he decided to give it a try, though, it was rather awkward.
“(Y/N).” He called from his desk. He had his head in his schoolwork all day while you laid in his bed, watching television.
“Yes, Joot?” You smiled in his direction but you didn’t pull your eyes away from the TV.
“You’d still want to have a kid, right?”
You then looked over at him. He had his typical low emotional demeanor but he had given off a different aura. You didn’t recall a time when you promised to have kids with him.
“We were having kids?” You asked him, tilting your head before giving him your full attention. It was a little obvious what she was trying to do but you went along with it since he was so adorable.
“Mmm. Maybe I do. Why do you ask?” You smiled kindly at him. He stayed silent. You figured that he was probably having a moment. “Are you asking to try?”
“Can you even get pregnant in that state?”
That meant yes.
“What do you mean ‘that state’? Of course, I can be.”
You suppose he meant whatever you were now. You saw that it was hard for him to talk about. Maybe now was the time to surprise him.
You got up from his bed, skipping over to him and wrapping your around his neck for a hug from behind him.
“Sure, Joot. We can have a kid sometime!”
You felt him jump a little at the sudden content but you just giggled. He was so soft…
Jotaro felt warm. You made him feel so warm. Despite everything, you’re still you and you made him realize that he loves you so much. When he began dating you as a teenage delinquent, he didn’t expect the relationship to last long.
He assumed that his loner-style personality and bluntness would drive you away; or maybe you’d turn out to be as annoying as the girls that would follow him to school everyday….he was so wrong.
You made those dreadful days in Egypt so much more bearable and fun…even though you were suffering the entire time. Alone.
You planted kisses on his cheek, causing him to turn red. He wanted to kiss you so badly!
He spun in his chair so that he was facing you now with his hands on your waist. You giggled before resuming your actions, with every kiss, you felt his grip on your waist tighten.
His touch sent such pleasant butterflies in your tummy.
You cupped his face to give him a passionate kiss, causing him to pull you closer to him. The kiss only lasted a second before you pulled away.
“Maybe you should take a break from your homework and we can go to bed~!” You suggested as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
Jotaro hummed and let you go. You let him to the bed and you could feel his aura radiating from behind you. He was so needy.
The two of you had fun all night. You thought you would be able to handle him but he was so much bigger than you thought. You went as many rounds as you could take and Jotaro went until he was tired.
You were definitely pregnant.
Hi! It’s me, Maron. This is just a test to see how you guys like my idea. If this does well then I’ll flesh out the series and make episodic stories of Jotaro and this version of the reader more often!
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soupbabe · 3 years
May i request a Jotaro x reader headcanon where the reader also joins the crusaders?? i feel like joot would be very protective of them lmao
Jotaro's S/O Joins the Crusaders HCs
Protective Joot is my favorite kind of Joot :)) You and Jotaro's relationship is already established btw!!
Jotaro already knew you had a stand, you using it many times to heal him whenever he got a bruise or two from a fight
And whenever you were around Jotaro, your stand always came out to talk to Star Platinum.
You love to hear them talk in little 'Oras' and the calls from your own stand
You weren't actually there to witness his first fight with Kakyoin
You only found out about it when you went over to the Kujo residence and saw a tentacle like creature come out of some red head's forehead
There you met Jotaro's grandfather and showed off your stand to heal the knocked out teenager
When Holy fell sick and the trip to Egypt was proposed, you were one of the first people to volunteer. Ms. Kujo was a nice woman and you'd do anything to help her out
Jotaro thought about the possible danger you could be in and shut you down with a stern "No."
He would prefer it if you watch over his mother, where you'd be safer and you could still use your stand to lessen her conditions
But Joseph saw the potential help of having a healer join in and overrode the objection
I think this would cause Jotaro to be a tad bit pissed off, giving you and his grandfather the cold shoulder
His anxiety and doubts about this trip and your safety was amazingly hidden, even as his s/o you had some trouble decoding the stone faced Kujo
But you were patient with his silent treatment, taking some time on the flight to understand what he had to go through within the 48 hours and gave him the space he needed to clear his mind
He isn't too overprotective during the entire thing. Of course he trusts your ability to fight and handle yourself just fine
I think you have to be pretty independent to have a chance with Jotaro in the first place anyways
He's just well aware that there's going to be a lot of people wanting him and by association, you dead during this time
But there's some part of him that kind of enjoyed the time he could spend with you, even if the circumstances are less than desirable
And being in a cramped car with a French man-child that teases Jotaro constantly when he exchanges any kind of affection with you gets tiring fast
One notable event was during the Steely Dan fight
Jotaro was close to being able to beat the hell out of him, having being used as a human bridge and having to endure Steely Dan's constant flirting with you. He was more than ready to get his revenge
When the time came, you gave your boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek and a "Kick his ass, JoJo."
You boosted his determination to get the Egypt thing done fast and he was glad he was able to defeat Dio with you and his new friends by his side
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
um hi hey! your writing is rlly nice and neat and is it alright if I request either kakyoin or polnareff hc's about comforting a reader who suffers from dissociative episodes caused by cptsd? like figuring out grounding techniques and coping mechanisms if you're not comfortable writing about such topics thats okay thank u 👍👍
A/N: Thank you for the kind words! And nope, you’re completely fine. I’m fairly open to writing most topics and this one wasn’t harsh. I’ve actually had experience with individuals with mental illnesses that are similar. I only focused on their skills and did not add in any specific triggers as I want everyone to read this peacefully :) x
Comforting Reader Who Suffers From PTSD Head-Cannons (Kakyoin Noriaki and Jean Pierre Polnareff)
Warnings: none!
tags: kakyoin noriaki, jean pierre polnareff, ptsd, support, comfort, fluff, sfw
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He’s quickly understanding of his partner when they first tell him that they suffer from PTSD
He’s sure to let them know that he’ll watch for triggers and protect them if some take place
He respects privacy- he’s not the kind to tell everyone and anyone that his partner has this illness
When a trigger occurs, if there’s people around that are not aware of his partner’s episodes he will verbally (or non) tell them not to disturb his partner
Having dealt with severe anxiety in the past himself, he knows that many people require different treatments
He researches up on PTSD and similar illnesses in his free time
He asks his partner what they like and don’t like for others to do if they have an episode
Do they prefer to be left alone? Be told to calm down? Receive affection?
Even if his partner says they don’t like affection, he will sometimes give it to them anyway as he’s aware that touching objects or looking at anything else isn’t always available
He soon figures out what he likes to do best after much studying
He’s the type to comfort verbally with soft nothings
“Deep breathes, okay? Close you eyes, focus on the present. It’ll be okay.”
If his partner desires touch when suddenly panicked, he will gladly give them that
His touch full of soft kisses and strokes to their hair, his arms wrapped around their torso
He offers them water and food if they desire any
He likes to distract his partner with humorous anecdotes, specifically ones that have happened between them
He asks them simple questions as well (even if he already knows the answer to most of them)
“What’s your favorite color?” “Favorite game?” “What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever told you?”
His mood with them is constantly calm and never gets annoyed
All in all, he loves his partner dearly and no illness is a big deal to him
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He doesn’t know much about mental illness but once his partner admits that they have a rather severe one, he’s worried but quick to support
Much like Kakyoin, he’s sure to promise them that he’ll watch for triggers and prevent them from happening
He’d probably slip up once or twice of telling someone else that his partner has PTSD but lucky for him, his partner loves him too much to get mad
If a trigger occurs, he does his best to take his partner out of that setting as fast as possible
Whether it is inside or outside, it does not matter
He’s patient and more than okay with missing out an event if an episode takes a while to subside
He will ask his partner to inform him more about their illness as he doesn’t want to perceive it wrong
He has his own ways of taking care of his partner during an episode
He most likely forgot to ask how they want to be taken care of despite (lol)!
He praises his partner with love and pride
“Hey no, it’s alright. You’re an amazing and strong individual. Remember that. This panic will all go away soon...”
He likes to hold his partner close to his chest so they can listen to his heartbeat
He kisses them on the head, cheeks and hands so they don’t tremble as much
He continuously reminds them about the bravest things they’ve done so they forget about the trigger that alarmed them
He will have them explore their senses- what do they see? what do they smell? etc.
If they don’t have anything to answer, he will offer them something like his earring so they can feel the sense of touch
He learns to put his worry aside and only focus on taking care of his partner
He’s calm and somewhat stern so they don’t get panicked even further
He loves his partner and lives on with them freely
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mistaeq · 4 years
The Jobros: Finding out their s/o is Pregnant with Twins
TW // none
Original Request: Can you do the jojo's reaction to their s/o being pregnant with twins after a long time of trying? You can find this here.
The sweet @serenityblaze44 asked for this same prompt with the Jobros, so... here it is! <3
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As soon as you tell him, his eyes widen, like a cat who saw his favourite toy. It's almost as if he was a kid, and you were telling him that Santa was gonna bring him his favourite gift ever. No wonder, he'll be speechless for some seconds. Not only one baby, but two? This sounds all the way like a dream becoming reality. Living in the street like he did years ago, he could only dream about having a family.
You've been trying so hard to have a baby, you both felt ready, and after all the danger he went through along with Jonathan, Robert wants to settle down and have a family, finally starting something serious. But you had a lot of problems with getting pregnant, and he was losing his hope. Until you told him you were expecting a baby. And now, you were telling him they were two, two angels of his growing in your stomach. This feels crazy.
Speedwagon won't force you and won't get angry, if you don't feel like you'd like something like this, but he'd love to name one of the twins Jonathan or William if there's at least a boy and Erina if there's at least a girl. These people mattered so much in his life, and would be the happiest if he could bring these names with him forever. If you don't like the idea, he will respectfully accept it, and he's open and ready to hear your own ideas, too!
He wants everything to be completely organized, when the twins will come to the world. Every parent buys furniture and clothing for their baby, even before the birth, it's a pretty common thing. But Robert more or less behaved like Joseph buying stuff for Shizuka with Josuke's money. Speedwagon almost bought an entire baby store out of happiness and excitement. He's enthusiast and nervous. Bear with this loving gentleman.
"What do you mean I don't have to buy six cribs for the babies? What their two ones break and we need to change it?" he groans, handing you a bag, you looking at him with questioning eyes. "Nevermind... y/n, will you hold these fifty pacifiers for me while I get the twenty pairs of baby shoes out of the car?"
Speedwagon can't keep the news to himself. He'll call Erina before everyone else, and then all his friends, like immediately, to tell them the good news. He looks calm and rational, but he spent most of his life in London's street, and few years won't erase his loud and impulsive attitude. It's probably a good thing, after all. Even gentlemen can be excited. A little sudden, but hearing it makes Erina so happy, she'll be like an aunt for your kids!
He would enjoy reading books to your stomach during your pregnancy. He would have done it even if they weren't twins, but he claims that being them two, he'll need to work twice the amount he did before to teach them stories and literature. Robert is an amazing man, but still a too grown baby, he'll never stop his ideas about how to teach the children something. He just thinks about what he'd like to do or hear if he was a child.
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He stops practicing with his hamon for some seconds as soon as you tell him. Funny, he was so focused on his training that he swore he started hearing things. You didn't just tell him that the baby bubble growing in your stomach are in reality two baby bubbles. He... oh, forget it Caesar, you must have dreamt it. But you're right next to him, and almost immediately repeat what you just told him, making him realize what he heard is true.
It takes a while for the italian boy to realize it, but when he finally does, you can tell he's happy. Mamma mia. The adrenaline and excitemente in his body won't stop flowing, this is why, when Caesar will hug you, pick you up and jump around, hamon bubbles will still be coming out of his fingertips, and you find it the cutest thing ever. It's the physical proof of how happy you make him, there's no way to deny it. Family is all he ever wanted, over his flirting habit. You're the right one for him and he knows.
Prepare your kids and your stomach to get a whole load of opera music during your pregnancy. Caesar is a great lover of opera, and will care about his kids to be as informed on it and respectful of the genre. Either he'll put on some of it, of he'll straight up sing it for you and your future children. His singing voice isn't actually so bad, you notice, and this is how he earns the task of singing them the lullabies when they'll come to the world.
"Hey! What do you mean I get to sing them the lullabies... I'm good at opera... not baby songs..." he whines, almost sounding like a baby himself. "Fine... but at one condition. You change the diapers and I sing the lullabies. Take it or leave it."
He cares a lot about his family's traditions to go on. Being the flamboyant italian he is, Caesar prides himself on the love for his close family and relatives. He doesn't have a huge request for you, but he cares about what he's gonna ask. The father-to-be would be happy, if one of the twins is a boy, to give him Antonio as a second name. Like his own second name, and his grandpa's too. He secretly hopes the twins are a boy and a girl, he's always wanted a baby princess.
The young Zeppeli will grow twice more protective and caring of you. This translates in him not letting Joseph get closer to you than three meters away. This is how you learn to speak even louder to talk with people. Your loving boy will always be in front of you to keep you safe. You appreciate it, but sometimes he's exaggerated.
He'll probably beg you on his knees, for you to allow him to teach the children how to master the hamon technique when they'll grow up. You can't really deny it, sometimes it's useful. During your pregnancy, Caesar and his calming waves helped you coping with pregnancy pains and cramps, massaging your belly and leaving some bubbles around to soothe and distract you. Oh, your caring italian love.
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When you told him the good news, his heart exploded with happiness and excitement. However, Noriaki is known for being a pretty calm boy, and he tried his best to keep calm after your words, too. You had to tell him to let go and don't worry about wanting to hug you, or pick you up and kiss you, or even cry, if he felt like letting it all out.
Before you even got pregnant, Kakyoin and you had been trying every single way on Earth to have a baby. Take count of your most fertile phase, buy a lot of pregnancy tests, using different positions, praying, making rituals, crying and asking Siri, in tears, why Noriaki couldn't manage to get you pregnant. Did those ways work so well that you got twice more pregnant than you expected? Nevermind, all you know is that you and your loving cherry boy are gonna have two beautiful babies.
"Listen... why do you think I can't get my baby pregnant? We've been trying every single way... do you have any advice?" as soon as Siri answered, Kakyoin's eyes widened, and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, don't give me the 'Sorry, I'm not sure what you said' treatment!"
One of his first thoughts, is that there's a small - but now it's higher because the babies are two - percentage of chances your babies might be stand users. Yes, it's not the highest percentage ever, but it's still there, and Kakyoin is pretty afraid of it. Stand users' lives are never calm and quiet, he had the occasion to prove this himself. They often go towards almost deadly experiences. He's gotta be a good dad and protect his children.
Hierophant Green is overjoyed! Noriaki and his stand worked hard, to create some decorations for the babies' room with emeralds. Green is a neutral color, since you don't know whether the twins will be boys, girls, or both. Still, you don't think colors like pink and blue are gendered, that's some stereotypical bullshit. But you had the luck of having green decorations, perfect for anyone, from Hierophant's power.
Kakyoin secretly hopes that at least one of the babies, no matter whether it's a boy or a girl, will have his hair color or hair noodle. Think about it, wouldn't it be funny, cute and incredibly special to have a small version of your husband/boyfriend walking around the house? Oh god, what if they're identical twins? Three Noriakis? Oh my.
Even if this might embarrass him a little, you'll often get to see his parents during your pregnancy. First of all, to give them the good news about the baby being in reality two babies, and second of all because mrs. Kakyoin would be on cloud nine, getting the chance to give you some parenting advice. That's also how you get to know some interesting information and curiosities about your man's childhood. The cutest things ever. But this... is another story.
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Okuyasu.exe has stopped working. What do you mean two babies? He thought the shocking news were finished, after the pregnancy announcement. He's gonna ask you a billion times, on the verge of tears, if you're joking or messing with him, knowing how much these news matter to his heart. When he gets you're serious, Okuyasu just lets go and cries. He feels so damn happy.
He learnt to hate your period as much as you, honestly. Because everytime you got it, it meant another month in which he had failed in getting you pregnant had passed, and this made him feel useless and disappointing. You never thought anything like this about him, but making him understand this is pretty difficult, he wouldn't have forgiven himself until he succeeded. You wanted a baby and Okuyasu wanted so too, so he would have given it to you, no matter what.
"Oi... did you... you know, bleed this month already?" Okuyasu asked, with the eyes of someone who was afraid of asking. But you shook your head. "This is good, love... but let's not get our hopes up, shall we, y/n?"
He doesn't really have any special requests or ideas for your babies' names. Or better, he does have one, but will never tell you, as he thinks for sure that you'll never agree with doing it. Okuyasu would have liked the kanji "兆" ("chou": trillion) to be in at least one of your babies' names, to remember his brother. But your boy is pretty sure you'd hate it, and he'd never suggest this. You'll probably feel there's something he's not telling you and find out anyway.
Expecting two babies is tiring, and you'll need to rest a lot. Okuyasu would like to join you and hold you in your sleep, but he also wants to be awake to take care of you, get you something to eat or drink, or put in order his messy house to make it look at least decent for when the babies will come. This is why, while you take your naps, he works around the house and lets The Hand cuddle with you. It's always him, after all. He feels the way you hold his stand.
This leads to the father-to-be being often pretty tired, too. He overworks himself. At night, when he finally joins you in your bed, happens to fall asleep in a matter of seconds, wearing his ordinary clothes instead of his pajamas. You can tell he's gonna be a good dad. Some mornings during your pregnancy, if you happened to wake up before him, you'd quietly turn off his alarm clock for him to rest more.
Okuyasu's dad is on cloud nine too, as his family is going to get larger. Mansaku totally wants to take a photo with you two and his grandchildren, as soon as they'll be born. He accepted you and behaves with you the same caring way he does towards his son. He's changed in a better man, despite his appearance. But the first person Okuyasu told the good news to, was Keicho. He purposely went on his grave, because he knew his brother would have been proud.
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You tell him the good news while he's working. Not only it'll make his day better, but it'll also hopefully get his mind off of that giant bunch of papers on his desk, for once. The capo suddenly stops, moving his gaze towards your eyes, then your stomach, then your eyes again. You'll have to repeat, or he'll be sure he's imagined what you said because of the too much time spent working. But there's no joke or dream, you're pregnant with twins.
Screw all the papers and all the work that's left. He's gonna get you in a so tight and warm embrace of his, and never let go. Libeccio's for dinner that night? Guaranteed. He's usually a calm man, but whatever is related to his family, gets celebrated. When you announced your pregnancy, you had a dinner with the whole gang at the restaurant, but this time Bruno would rather have something more personal and private with you. Make the dinner romantic.
When you were still trying to have a baby, Bucciarati was the one who managed not to lost his temper when every attempt of yours resulted in a negative pregnancy test. But when you weren't around, I won't say he cried, but was pretty close. He was afraid of not being able to give you what you wanted, and usually ranted about this with Abbacchio. Bruno wanted to be the shoulder you could cry on, and couldn't breakdown too.
You both decided to wait some time before telling the gang about the baby being in reality two babies. They were still excited for your pregnancy itself, Mista and Narancia above everyone, and giving another shocking news would have probably brought the peace to say arrivederci. They still managed to get you confess, the look in Bruno's expressive eyes was too happy not to notice.
Just like Giorno would do, Bruno wouldn't be happy if his two angels ended up being involved in Passione's business. He totally will let the gang around his babies, as he trusts them, but during your pregnancy you both decided that the one of you taking care of the babies on a certain day, wouldn't even think of getting close to Passione's headquarters with the children. And you agreed with Bucciarati, for your little ones' safety.
"You'll agree with me that our children's safety is the most important thing, tesoro mio..." Bruno murmured, caressing your cheek. "Let's not bring them close to this place ever, I beg you. I'm sure you'll understand."
He would enjoy talking and interacting with his babies by laying his head on your stomach, kissing it and listening to them moving in the last weeks of your pregnancy. Sticky Fingers is in love with you too, and Bruno won't ever lose the chance to close you in a cuddle sandwich between his body and his stand's to make you feel protected and let you know how proud of you he is. Bucciarati will be a special dad, indeed.
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Burning for you
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Requested by: anonymous
Author’s Note: I finished this at 1 am so there may be some mistakes in this.
Word Count: 2.4k
Finally, a day off to relax. The sun had been beating down on you and the other crusader’s heads, and you’ve been making headway on defeating Dio’s minions. Joseph suggested that you go to one of the many beaches near your hotel, and bring someone along just in case a stand user appears. You decide to drag Kakyoin along, hoping he doesn’t mind the salty sea air.
There was a lot to do along the beachfront from food to sightseeing. It feels a little strange to be in a country so different from your own and know so little of the language and culture, but there are still things you can see and feel in the air that are just universally human. It helps ease your stress, as does the man beside you.
Tall, quiet and intelligent; you’ve been drawn to Kakyoin ever since Jotaro pulled the flesh bud out of his head. You always felt that he was a loner, someone in need of a friend. You hope this one on one time will help the two of you get to know each other. As you reach the sandy beach and spread your towel, Kakyoin unfolds the chair he brought with him and sits down to read a book. The intellectual side is another thing you like about him, but it’s not going to get you anywhere if he ignores you in favor of some pages.
You weren’t going to admit that you thought he was attractive, but you find yourself questioning if he was comfortable in his own body. “Are you going to be okay, Kakyoin? You’ve been wearing your uniform all the time we’ve been here. I don’t want you to get heatstroke.” Kakyoin chuckles, almost as if he knew this was going to come up. “I brought along a water bottle, and if I absolutely need to I can find shade. You don’t need to worry about me.” Giving a pleasant smile, you look him over.
He’s lying to you. His normally bouncy red curl is almost stuck to his face and you swear you can see a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. After a minute or two you can’t stand to see him endure it any longer and speak up again. “You know, if you keep dripping with sweat like that it might ruin your book. Shedding a layer or two won’t hurt, your school won’t be any the wiser.” He wants to give you a retort, but he sees the concern on your face and recognizes it was in your voice, so he just sighs. “Alright, you win this time. And I do want to keep the pages in good condition.” With no further questions he unbuttons his jacket and then his shirt before slipping them both down his arms and carefully folding them to lay beside him.
Looking over, you can’t help but stare at his frame. He’s slender as you expected, but has a decent amount of muscle around his extremities. “Is he an athlete?” You wonder. His skin is pale, lack of sunlight answering your question. You stop yourself as you find your thoughts escalating further and further to naughtiness. Instead, you occupy yourself with laying out on your towel and getting comfortable. As the bright sun bears down on you, you remember one last precaution you need to take. Reaching into your bag, you pull out a bottle of sunscreen.
You squeeze the bottle, a dollop of sunscreen now in your hands. Lathering it in your palms, you proceed to apply it to your face generously; it will suck tomorrow if your face burns. And then, it hits you. You know exactly how to get Kakyoin to pay attention to you. “Hey Kak! Can I please get your help over here?” He looks up from his reading and gives you a puzzled glance. “What can I help you with now?” You try to hide the smile this idea is leaving you with, and just hold out the bottle. “I won’t be able to do a good enough job putting this on my back, so would you mind doing it for me? I really don’t want to be dealing with a burn for the next leg of our trip.” Taking a minute to think about it, he doesn’t see any malicious action behind your innocuous request. Putting down his book, he gets up, stretching before slowly walking over to you. “Of course. Would you mind if I used a little for myself afterwards? I’d like to avoid a similar predicament.” You give him another smile along with handing over the sunscreen bottle. “Wouldn’t mind one bit. It’s all yours!”
You chuckle to yourself, a mischievous grin coating your face. He has fallen into your trap, and if you’re lucky, he will drown in the pool of love. You do your best, pulling off your shorts and shirt to reveal a red and white polka dot bikini. Not to steal his style, you picked the outfit that reminded you of cherries, his favorite fruit. There’s two things you have in common with the cherry; being mouthwatering and delicious.
You hear a muffled sound you hope is Kakyoin dropping the bottle in surprise and excitement, but when you turn to look he has instead gotten down onto his knees. “Is something wrong?” You ask, feigning the reason for your surprise. You want to sound like you’re worried for his safety and health, but really you’re amazed at the idea that he had an even better reaction to your outfit than expected. “I’m just fine,” he replies in an even tone. “I just needed a better position to work the sunscreen onto you.” A little disappointed with that rational explanation, you lay on your stomach and await his treatment. What you don’t realize is how well Kak had been able to bluff you. Truth be told, he is taken by surprise by your swimsuit and had felt weak in the knees at that moment. “Need me to put some sunscreen on your back?” You nod your head violently, almost as if you were planning something. Luckily Kakyoin is none the wiser.
Kakyoin squeezes some sunscreen into his palm and rubs his hands together to spread it to both hands. With that minor preparation done, he gently lays his hands on your back to get you acclimated to the cold liquid before getting to work. “Eeep!” You squeak, arching your back and tensing up out of impulse. This also means you flex your glutes and bring attention to your ass, much to Kakyoin’s increasingly difficult to hide interest. He pushes the thought away as best he can and starts by covering your back and shoulders. It’s easy going, you occasionally give off a pleased sigh or groan from the attention his hands are giving you, but he can stay mostly composed. That does not last as long as he would like, and he only has his own sense of diligence to blame. “Should I get your legs too?” he inquires, not yet knowing the issue to come.
“Yes please.” You feign innocence, knowing exactly what this will do to him. You’ve been doing your best to discreetly eye his bulge, adjusting your actions accordingly. You know he’ll do his best to keep his composure, but his body can’t lie. Squeezing a little extra sunscreen onto his hands, Kak starts at your ankles, rubbing the white substance in circles going upwards. Eventually, his hands are at your inner thigh, and he can’t help but wonder what you would sound like if he were to accidentally brush his thumb over your crotch. “Oh god, I shouldn’t be thinking about this…but it’s making me feel so good..” Once again, he pushes the thought away, doing his best to think unattractive thoughts.
He finishes covering your legs, but by now you’re having too much fun. “Just a little bit more? What if my bottoms start riding up later and I get a burn on my butt? Better to be safe than sorry…” you ask, trying to hide the dirty delight in your voice. You grab the waistband of your bottoms and pull them up, giving yourself a slight wedgie so the material is tucked into your ass and your pale cheeks are exposed. Kakyoin’s fingers twitch around the bottle, and he can’t help but sweat a little. “Sure… anything to help out.” He stammers, trying to look at your face but knowing he can’t do so forever. With another dollop of sunscreen, he gently cups your rear and starts kneading the cream into the mounds. You have to bite your lip to keep any moans from coming out.
After another minute, the work is done and he looks up at you expectantly. You look back as you undo the back of your top. “Wouldn’t want any tan lines…” You coo, voice lacking any conviction that it’s what you really care about, but it doesn’t matter to him anymore. He starts lathering that area too, no questions asked. You can feel his hands twitch every time they’re on the verge of dipping around to your chest, and imagining him following through one of these times is so exciting. “Go ahead… more!” you whine out, looking back at him.
Kak’s hands shake and twitch even more as they hover over your ribcage. You swear you can see him twitch uncomfortably in his pants, every move you make causing his pants to tighten. Giving your lip a bite, you decide to take it even further. Sitting up on your knees you yank his hands on top of your uncovered breasts. “I can tell you’ve been a patient boy, and I can’t stand watching you be all tense. Now that I’ve gotten you to make the first move, why don’t you enjoy it?”
Kakyoin is speechless, his face almost as red as his hair. He’s been given the chance, no almost told to enjoy your body and yet he sits there frozen in place. Taking his slim index fingers, you guide each one to the bud, swirling each one around as you moan vigorously. “For a start, this is where you can touch me…any other place is allowed but I assume you’d want to feel them first…” It’s a blessing that he can’t see your face; he prefers his imagination filling in the mental gaps. Hundreds of thoughts aid his every touch, envisioning your face as you feel the pleasure pulsing through you. Each moan, each whine was Heaven to his ears. His index fingers led to his palms as he grasps the mounds of flesh, running the smooth inside skin against sensitive nubs.
Having your back against him, you can feel his erection press against your ass, waiting to be freed. Leaning back, you move your hips from side to side to produce more friction, hopefully eliciting a moan. Instead, Kakyoin lets out a growl and his grip on your boobs strengthens slightly. He leans forward to put his head on your shoulder, and you can each hear how heavily the other is breathing. “Kak…you’ve been such a good boy, holding back and being patient while touching me.” Removing his hands from your body, you coo, turning around to face him. His violet eyes brim with tears, not from sadness, but from lust. “I can see that you’re incredibly needy, would you like me to help?” Fiercely shaking his head, your hands move over to his hips. In one fell swoop you jerk his pants and underwear off, watching as his cock springs to life.
It’s about less than average girth, but above average length, and already leaking precum. It’s time for you to get to work. You gently run your hand down the base of his shaft and up again, causing Kakyoin to quiver as if the slightest touch will send him into a frenzy. After doing that a few times, prepping yourself and him, you take a few deep breaths and lick the head of his cock. An unusual sound spills out of his mouth and you look up: his fist is covering his mouth, muffling any precious sounds he were to make. A few more licks and you’re ready to suck. You lick a long stripe from the base down to the top and then one around the ridges of his dick.
Finally, breathing through your nose, you lower your mouth onto Kak’s nearly throbbing cock. It fits surprisingly nicely in your mouth, giving you the feeling of being full yet the ability to breathe through your mouth if need be. You bob your head up and down, easing into a pace that is comfortable for the both of you.
As you continue to bob, you can sense yourself become more accustomed to his dick, and can get a little bit more of him in your mouth. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, and cursed spilling out of his mouth, Kakyoin notices. “Shiiii….y-you’re doing such a good j-job sweetheart…keep going.” A tender hand rests on your shoulder, not only for encouragement but for balance.
Letting out a hum, you can feel the vibrations of Kakyoin’s moans as you swirl your tongue up and down his dick, each lick bringing him closer to his breaking point. You become faster with your thrusts, running your hand up and down his shaft. Each moan, gasp and whine is becoming deeper, louder and more frantic. Looking up at him, you can see his eyes are no longer shut, but rolled back into his head as a single drop of sweat falls down his cheek.
He’s close to finishing, and it’s time for you to pull out all the stops. Taking another deep inhale, you go down to the hilt of Kak’s cock, deepthroating him with a loud moan. You bat your eyelashes for good measure, and even poke out your tongue a bit. Once, twice– “Oh god, I think I’m gonna…” He states, his voice cracking. And before you can even go down a third time, you feel a soft hand cup your chin. A warm liquid coats your throat as you still have you head in his groin. You choke and sputter, swallowing. But not before a little bit dribbles out, and lands on your still exposed chest.
“You want more sunscreen, Kakyoin?” You joke, swiping the seed from off your chest and sucking on it. Still as red as ever, Kak laughs it off, leaning back in the sand. Sighing and shaking his head, he’s clearly happy but exhausted. “I know you originally wanted me to touch you; that was your whole plan. But in a weird way I was the one who got the last laugh. And to that I say:
“Time for me to finish up.”
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birdwonder · 4 years
I just saw your body swap HCs for the Bucciarati gang, so could I request one for the Crusaders? I also heard about your computer troubles, so if it’s too long and rage inducing I apologize. (Hope you can get your computer fixed) (also found out I could use emojis thanks to you!)🃏
|| sorry for the late response ! thanks for the concern, jester/joker ( whatever shall i call you? ) btw !
Original Post + TW : comedic, very light nsfw 
Star Dust Crusaders | Bodyswap Headcanons
Jotaro Kujo
- The two of you were heading out to buy some cold beverages when you were hit with the stand attack that wasn’t even all that surprising seeing as Dio had sent non-stop, relentless attacks against you all ever since your journey had began. What was surprising was the stand’s effects however.
- When you staggered backwards, you had unfortunately hit your head against a stop street sign that hurt more than you wanted to admit. There was some shock though, as you hadn’t bashed against the pole of the sign but the actual image it displayed it’s self - something you were sure you were too short to reach. “How the hell?” You muttered to yourself while rubbing the back of your hair, pausing when you realised how freakishly different your hair felt. Not to mention, when you looked down, those were definitely not your clothes. 
- “You tell me.” A voice- Your voice responded, your own eyes glaring at you yet from a much lower angle. Shit, you were tall. Or, was this body tall? If you had to guess by your fashion, height and the fact you could see yourself and not Jotaro; well the dots were easy to connect.
- “Fuck, I’m you!” “No shit.” “Why the hell are you so god damn tall?” “That’s your issue?”
- “Ugh, suck my dick.” You groaned at his tone, already hating the situation. A guy was in your body and though you knew Jotaro wasn’t the shifty type, it was still uncomfortable to think about. 
- “Don’t you mean my dick?”
- Ah, he shouldn’t have said that. The two of you both stared at each other in awkward silence, Jotaro visibly regretting what he had let slip and you, slowly starting to laugh. Your laughter was a strange sound seeing as it sounded way deeper than your original one. This must be what Jotaro sounded like when he laughed … it was nice.
- Jokingly, you wagged your brows, “does this mean you want me to whip it out?” If it wasn’t your face, you’d die of laughter at the distraught Jotaro showed, followed with a hint of fluster.
Noriaki Kakyoin 
- “Now, don’t freak out,” Kakyoin tried to soothe, hands holding out to stop you from doing anything rash which didn’t work too well when even he was panicking internally. After all, the one he had to comfort had his face.
- “There’s no way I can’t, I’m… I’m you! You’re me!” Of all the times to be in a stand user’s way, why did it have to be this one ? And w h y did this weird strand of hair keep getting into your mouth?! Seriously, how does Kakyoin manage to look so cool with this pest in his face all the time?
- That wasn’t the only problem though, no. You just had to swap bodies with someone you not only thought of as cool and amazing, but freakishly handsome too. Yet you were convinced you were anything but that. Bending down, you took hold of the jacket on your body, one that Kakyoin’s mind was currently in. “What are you doing?” He asked with a confused look, watching you zip up the jacket which was horribly confusing since he had to watch his own hands fix a jacket that wasn’t even his own.
- “Zipping your- my jacket! Just don’t pay too much attention to me, ok? I’m such a mess,” you mumbled, fumbling with the zipper. Gah, you weren’t used to having such long and thin fingers. Kakyoin in return narrowed his brows, his temporarily smaller hands going over your’s. 
- “Don’t start with that [First Name], you’re perfect the way you are. How we look is not our biggest problem anyways, we need to find that stand user and quick.” As much as you didn’t want to say it, he was right. You couldn’t focus on this, not when you didn’t know how permanent this situation could be. Nodding, you agreed.
- Kakyoin then smiled, a hand placing it’s self on your shoulder. [He died a little inside when he realised he had to go on his tip toes to do this.] “Come on, after all this I’ll treat us to something nice.”
Joseph Joestar
- “OH MY GO-” Joseph tried to yell but stopped abruptly when he realised how horribly strange it sounded in your voice. Of all the days you both agreed to team up, this had to be the one.
- While he was panicking in your body, you were staring at yourself in a mirror’s reflection, flexing your arm with an interested look. The way his muscles tensed and relaxed was way too good not to admire, not when his short sleeves left little to the imagination. Even for his age, this man seriously looked good and you couldn’t even try to hide that thought from him; so you didn’t. With a low whistle, you found a new pose to show off the Joestar’s muscles in, “not bad, old man. Guess you don’t skip gym day even on a retirement plan.”
- Joseph had to double take at your comment. “I’m not that old, and I sure as hell am not retiring anytime soon!” He argued, huffing before storming up to you and shoving you away from the mirror. Admittedly, he was pleasantly surprised by your praise to his physique and it really did get to his head, “you can stare all you want at my body later when we’re not facing serious danger, just get a move on now!”
- Raising a brow at the comment, you smirked to yourself as you watched your own body try to push the one you were in currently. Wonder how it felt for him. The guy would probably get a kick out of it if he just let him relax like you were. “Is that a promise? ‘Cause you can have front row tickets to your own show if you really want, Mr Joestar.” You cooed, dropping a formal title as though you weren’t suggesting something incredibly personal at all. At least it got a good reaction out of him, seeing as he paused his efforts to get you moving to stare at you with surprise. This then made you laugh, a gloved finger then moving to gently press his nose to pull him out of his dazed state. “Just kidding, pervert.”
- After that, you started to walk off ahead of him as he tried to collect his thoughts, his final reaction leaving him grumbling over what a damn tease you are and that there was no way he’d settle for the treatment you had just given him.
Mohammed Avdol
- Neither of you were too panicked by the situation thankfully, but there was still an awkwardness between you. Luckily, neither of you were the type to get too handsy and experimental with your comrade’s body so there was a strong bond of trust.  
- “Doesn’t all this clothing get uncomfortable in the heat?” You questioned while on your search for the stand user, making a gesture to his body which was your’s for the time being. It was insanely hot and though you were sure you had a little bit of his endurance, the heat was agonising. “Even your stand uses fire! Doesn’t it bother you at all?”
- Avdol chuckled in response to that, his laugh not being nearly as satisfying and fun to hear as it sounded more like you than the man himself. Shaking his head, he answered casually, “I don’t mind much at all. I was raised in the heat and when you are brought up like that, you grow accustomed to it. Magician’s Red’s ability doesn’t affect me at all either, seeing as he is my stand.” He enjoyed answering your many questions you always seemed to have for him, it made him feel wise and secretly savoured every second the two of you spent alone together. Not only were you good company, but you were deeply treasured in his heart. That was something for another day however.
- “Really?” You were surprised that he could stand this at all. It was already becoming bothersome for you. Instinctively, you took a hold of the bottom of his shirt and pulled it forwards and backwards to make some air flow across your stomach and chest. While doing so, you looked down for a split second to really take in the fact that you were in a whole other person’s body and your breath hitched at the short glimpse you had of his chest. You knew this man was healthy but you had no idea he was that fit. Wasn’t he like a semi-pacifist sorta guy?!
- Your sudden silence had concerned Avdol, leading him to questioning you. “Are you alright, [First Name]?” He was too much of a sweetheart to be real. You forced a smile and nodded, humming a happy reply. The best you could do really when you were too ashamed and surprised that you had seen the body of a god. 
- “Yeah I’m alright! Just checking out the hot body I mean weather! It’s like… really hot. So let’s find the stand user soon so I can feel cool again, haha!” Totally played it off well. Avdol seemed skeptical but he moved on, nodding in agreement with a determined look. You two really did have a goal to complete and fast.
- Even so, he knew what you had done and found it incredibly adorable how worked up it had got you.
Jean Pierre Polnareff
- The moment the shock of your minds switching bodies had subsided, Polanreff’s prioritises had gotten a little jumbled. His arms wrapped around his body, which really meant your’s, caressing each curve and swayed side to side with a dreamy expression. In fairness, he did feel like he was in a dream. He was in your body! It was so soft and perfect and whooo, did he mention soft? This chest was made for loving and supporting a head, and Polnareff was seriously looking for a pillow.
- “Ma cherie, you’re just so gorgeous! You’re so wicked to have kept this from me all this time,” he exaggeratedly complained while his hands still roamed his new, greatly admired body. You on the other hand, were a blushing mess who was trying to get him to stop.
- “Polnareff, please! We need to get going,” you insisted, trying to pull his arms away as you shut your eyes tight to avoid seeing his actions. One pro side of being in his body was adopting his incredible strength. 
- “Ah, oui, we shall go! But please, I need to let you know there is no way I can pass up on admiring this.” Oh please someone stop him now. “I mean, have you seen this rump?” Almost screeching, you slapped a hand over his lips and shook your head quickly with a stressed look. You were going to die of shame before any of Dio’s henchmen or women would even get to your first.
- He stared up at you with confusion before finally letting it sink in just how crude he was being. It wasn’t like he whole heartedly meant to! He just really appreciated your appearance. “Sorry cherie, I suppose I went to far, hm? I just couldn’t help myself.”
- You, unable to stay mad at the french man for longer than even a day, sighed and waved it off, knowing he meant no real harm. “It’s alright but please, we really should try and find a way to revert to our original bodies.”
- “Of course!” He enthusiastically agreed, taking a hold of your hand before starting to march off to whatever direction he so needed to go to - meaning, a random one he picked and prayed for the best. “There’s no way I can truly engross myself with your perfections from a first person’s perspective! As soon as we’re in our bodies, you’ll be showing me everything, cherie!”
- Honestly, you were a little excited by that.
- “AAAAAH.” “woof.” “AAAAH” “wOOF?!” “AAAAAA-” “WOOOOO-”
- mother fucker you are a dOG.
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
Death 13 ask here. I was thinkin reader could be part of the Crusaders and has a big crush on Kak, and uses this moment to try and get closer to him. It could be during or after the events of SDC.
Part 1: My heart absolutely ACHES for Kakyoin rn, can I request a lil somethin? Reader finds Kakyoin having trouble sleeping after the Death 13 thing and snuggles with him so they can both relax?
A/n: I decided to change it a little and made reader and Kakyoin already dating each other, I hope that’s okay. Thank you for your request, my lovely anon💚
Reader helps Kakyoin with insomnia
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You could see Hierophant Green every night hovering around even after Kakyoin fell asleep. Most of the time it does nothing and just sits or lays somewhere nearby you two, but it still needs owner’s energy
You saw that Kakyoin was getting tired more and more with every new day, his sleep was restless, red-haired didn’t tell you that, but you knew that he had nightmares
It started getting worse - Kakyoin could stay awake for three days without sleeping or even taking a short nap. He became very irritable and grumpy, he could burst out even from a pencil falling from a table
Then, you started to rate and lecture him, red-haired man hates to argue with you, so he obeyed you and went to bed along with you. And it helped, or at less you thought so...
He pretended to fall asleep and when he was sure that you were sleeping soundly, Kakyoin got out of your shared bed and spent the whole night drawing or reading a book
Bags under his eyes grew bigger and bigger, so you decided to take situation into your own hands. You decided to talk to Kakyoin about it and ask why me doesn’t want to sleep. At the beginning he tried to duck a question, but when he saw your serious face he gave up immediately
When Kakyoin told you the reason of his insomnia you were... surprised. You remembered about Death 13 and how terrified everyone was, but you couldn’t think that it effected red-haired that much. But you could understand him too, all crusaders were in a real danger, but no one believed Kakyoin that their real enemy was a child, he was supposed to save everyone by himself
Firstly you gave him a glass of cherry juice(apparently, it helps to treat insomnia, google it👍). Then you decided to give Kakyoin head and neck massage to help him relax for a little. You could feel how hard and stiffed his muscles were, but your idea worked, few minutes of massaging made Kakyoin almost fall asleep in your arms
You laid next to Kakyoin and slightly hugged him. When you thought that man finally fell asleep you felt him snuggling into the crook of your neck. “Thank you” - you heard his muffled voice. You smiled softly and tenderly caressed his face, soft blush appeared on Kakyoin’s cheeks
It made you smile even wider, even though you two had been dating for several months, he still was blushing every time you hugged or kissed him. You gave Kakyoin a smooch on a forehead and run your fingers into his red hair. He sighed with pleasure and snuggled even deeper into you. Few seconds later he was deeply asleep. It was only a beginning of his insomnia treatment, but it was your first little win. And you knew that you two could go through it, as long as you have each other by your sides
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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vegetafan72 · 3 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Headcanons #12
What are their reactions to their s/o being used as a hostage in a fight with an enemy?
- He is outraged. This fight is between him and his opponent; his s/o is innocent and should not have been brought into this. He will prioritize getting his loved one to safety before teaching this scoundrel a lesson.
- He’ll worry over his s/o after, using Hamon to heal them as best he can. He’d apologize profusely that they got involved in this mess. He swears on his honor that it will never happen again and he will do his best to keep that promise.
- He is angry, frustrated and scared. Angry because his loved one is being harmed like this, frustrated because he can’t handle saving them as well as Jonathan or Zeppeli could (depending on the opponent), and scared that he might lose the person he finds most dear. 
- When his s/o is safe, he immediately rushes to hold them close, to check them for wounds, to ask how they feel, etc., etc. etc. He is never going to stop doting on them. He was just too close to losing them forever and it's going to be a moment that’ll haunt him.
- He remains calm on the surface, but he’s actually kinda pissed. I mean, really? Did his s/o have to get themselves involved? And how dare this idiot touch the great DIO’s lover? They will pay for this.
- DIO won’t fuss about his s/o’s injuries aside from maybe commenting that he should inflict the same damage to the enemy. This is mostly just an opportunity to impress his lover with his dominating power over his opponents. He doesn’t care about their emotional state afterwards unless it's only love for him.
- He is absolutely livid. His attack against the opponent is fierce and swift since Jotaro wants his s/o out of danger as quickly as possible. Star Platinum is going to rain down more punches than necessary if the s/o is seriously hurt though.
- He leaves medical treatment to teammates or doctors rather than do it himself and he’ll act as stoic and indifferent as he usually does, but his s/o can probably tell that he’s watching them and doing subtle things to protect them, like walking closer to them and being more alert to their surroundings. So it's more obvious that he cares than he realizes. 
- Angry cherry boy goes all out against the villain who hurts his s/o. He’ll get his loved one away first, but he will be relentless in his attack against the opponent. It will be merciless. They will not be allowed to flee. They are toast.
- He’s going to fawn over his s/o afterwards, tending to their injuries and reassuring them that everything is fine now. He’d promise that the situation would never happen again. He’d feel bad enough that it happened once, especially if his loved one is traumatized at all by the experience.
- He’s going to lose his cool here. As much as he wants to remain in control, his temper is going to flare at his loved one being used like this. The enemy would be roasted for sure.
- He’d prioritize his s/o’s safety, getting them away from the villain, otherwise he may accidentally burn them. As soon as he gets close to them, he’ll assess their wounds, hoping they aren’t badly injured. He’ll be a mother hen after the enemy is defeated, patching up his s/o and being there for them emotionally.  And he more than likely won’t let them out of his sight again to prevent this from happening twice.
- He is searing hot with anger and will throw himself at that enemy, bringing out his strongest and most brutal attacks. And if his s/o is harmed, he’ll be even more upset and vicious. The enemy will not survive this fight.
- Polnareff will instantly be at his s/o’s side afterwards, hugging them tight. He’ll be crying now, especially if they got hurt badly. He’s lost too many loved ones in the past; almost losing his lover is beyond terrifying. 
- He is super pissed. As much as he wants to try to keep up looking cool, he can’t help letting the anger show. He’ll be relentless.
- He wants to absolutely beat down this villain, but he would get his s/o away from them first. He’ll be by his s/o’s side as soon as the threat is gone to tend to their wounds or rush them to the hospital if it's serious enough. If they seem shaken by the experience, Joseph will hold them close and be as calming as possible.
- We’ve seen how pissed Josuke gets when someone holds a family member hostage. He goes absolutely feral, like when someone insults his hair. That villain has a world of pain coming.
- If this villain has the guts to not only kidnap, but harm his s/o in front of him, Josuke is going to beat them down even harder. Once he’s done seeing red, he’ll rush over to heal his lover, holding them close. Even after they've healed and are perfectly fine, he’d be crying just because it scared him too much to see them hurt.
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hermit-pistol · 4 years
anonymous asked:  May sound stupid, but: SDC team and S/,O, that looks cute and open to everybody, smol bean and sometimes acts even goofier, than young Joseph? Maybe they even sleep with a plushie! Or prank the team every day. But also, on the other hand, s/o is a martial arts master, that can punch someone once or twice even without their Stand and send that person to hospital. And if somehow you made'm angry? R U N
Jotaro Kujo: 
He hates annoying and outgoing people; they overwhelm and irritate him
You'll ask him for things that only "tall bois" can do
This would include getting things from high shelves and the like. Being smol has it's downsides sometimes, and Jotaro will perform these tasks with a scowl
When you are threatened and have to break out the martial arts moves, he would watch you in awe from the shadows if he's not the one being beaten
Afterward, he would ask you for a lesson or two. Self-defense masterclass maybe if enough people are on board?
Noriaki Kakyoin: 
Kakyoin can understand that there is a line that can't be crossed when it comes to you
Half of the time he acts as a babysitter of sorts, making sure that you don't get into trouble
On especially taxing days with you, your excessive screaming and bubbly personality can trigger his migraine
But when you're angry, he runs for the hills
He will not get throat punched today
Muhammad Avdol:
Avdol thinks that your peppy personality is fun and endearing!
He understands that the way you act is just a part of you, and welcomes it with open arms. For special occasions, he'll even buy you a new stuffed animal (bird plushie? bird plushie.)
The only thing that might get on his nerves are the pranks that you pull on the team
One particular incident involved spitting wads of bubblegum at the crusaders. He was not happy when he spent hours trying to pull chewed gum out of his hair
It gives him PTSD just thinking about it...so now you just stick to lower level pranks
Joseph Joestar: 
Joseph sees himself in you, well...a younger version of himself anyway
He laughs along with you at your pranks and jokes, and may even assist you with some! He denies any involvement with the infamous bubblegum incident though
He can also be very doting, and will buy you anything that you want...you’re so spoiled
He does acknowledge that you have a dangerous side to you as well, but for the most part, tries to interact with you in a more positive manner
Overall, he just thinks that you're a lot of fun!!
Jean Pierre Polnareff: 
Thinks that you're utterly adorable!
He'll be very protective over you, and at times he feels responsible over you
This means that you get that special treatment, complete with pet names and everything
Would be lying if he didn't think that you were his second chance at having a sibling once more
When he also sees that you are capable of handling yourself in dangerous situations, then that just gives him even more reason to appreciate you
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