#ooc: Yes I do have a kik!
janeromeroshow · 1 year
get to know the author
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name : rev
pronouns :  they/he/she
preference of communication : discord!!! tumblr ims r the worst i'm sorry
most active muse : jane by far but i also have a LOT of muse for vanny/vanessa on my fnaf multi ( @rcluctantfollowcr, which only has one other muse besides them. and it's toy bonnie. )
experience / how many years : fully depends on what you count as experience! my first brush with roleplaying was on an old warrior cats forum when i was around 8-10, and i remember doing silly little roleplays with my friends on our messaging apps (like kik... so sorry to anyone else on there). but in terms of more serious roleplay and tumblr specific, i made my first account (which is still active if not on hiatus!) late last year :)
best experience : getting to write with the absolute platonic loml and my best friend in the whole world, flowers @mortisvitae (+ other accounts). not that they're the ONLY person i write with or that my friends i've made in the rpc matter less but i really got into this because of them and they mean the world to me <3
rp pet peeves : people who shit on younger/less "skilled" writers / blogs that don't use a shit ton of fancy fonts and images, people who harass others for responses (either ic or ooc), people who make drama out of what's supposed to be a fun hobby, and my most famous pet peeve of all: people who contribute (even unintentionally) to the insane amount of misogyny in the rpc by nitpicking, harassing or outright ignoring female muses and muns. same goes with any marginalized identity, i just think the misogyny is often ignored or brushed over which makes me want to be even louder about it.
fluff, angst, or smut : i have been known to dabble in all three <3
plots or memes : i generally tend to start things with memes due to my ridiculously annoying bouts of anxiety, but i love plotting, even if it doesn't end up being a thread :).
long or short replies : i tend to match or go over my partners' reply lengths - not out of expectation that they do the same, but i don't like leaving people with super-short responses if they've written a novel and sometimes the inspiration hits.
time to write : whenever the adhd goes "it's time to write right now or you'll suffer a cartoonish demise".
are you like your muses : yes and no - for jane, i definitely see a lot of myself in her (and project even more ONTO her), but i do enjoy writing characters who are completely different - i think you can see a bit of yourself in everyone, however small.
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tagged by : nobody i stole this >:3 tagging : @mortisvitae @thesheepcote @thehxrlequin / @entitemalefique @mxlevolence
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piraticalarchive · 3 years
I’m always very curious about if ooc love comes first in writing partners or if the ic love does. were your affections opened by ic play...or were they completely separate to start? is rp sometimes a doorway to an actualization of feeling, or should they be considered opposite things entirely?
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I just woke up from an impromptu nap while sitting up so I don't know if this is going to be a coherent answer or even an answer at all. There is so much variance in this kind of stuff, I think it changes from situation to situation - so my generic, overall answer would have to be that I don't know. All i can do is speak from my own experience and point of view. This is gonna sound so weird but all I can do is tell the truth and hope maybe it somehow answers your question. When I discovered fanfiction for the first time ever (like 4-6 weeks before I made hook's blog), I was reading through bbc robin hood stuff because i was literally in the middle of a rewatch and i had robin hood brain rot. I was so disappointed in the stuff available and was about ready to call it a day when I found a Guy fic that made me go - woah. Didn't like Guy in the show, couldn't stand the way he was written, thought he had a lot of potential - I loved the way this fic portrayed him. The writing itself just hit me like an oof. It was weird. I can't explain it. Makes no fucking sense.
Fast forward, I joined tumblr and followed amy's original meg blog from afar, never approaching. She left her and i was like .. damn :( because i had never had the courage to reach out and be like 'hey yes excuse me your writing strokes something inside of me' and we ended up writing with hook and guy like two weeks later maybe? I had no idea it was the same person. But the first time I read a reply of hers on Guy (not even to me) and we talked ooc I was sort of just like .. oh. It's like my heart was just - it's you. Hook and Guy were like an instant ship from the get go. They clicked it and it was just bam, a thing. We had to plot out their beginnings because we were talking three months later like "okay so we're writing them together but how the heck did they get there?? How did this happen?? What is going on?!"
I don't know. In the beginning I didn't have a crush, I didn't have what I'd call this moment of 'omg im in love with this person' - it was just this i'm home sort of deal from the first moment i added her on skype. It was the same feeling that was sort of behind all of Hook and Guy's interactions. Hook was just like 'yep. this is him. I think our relationship definitely grew from our writing because obviously we talked more and more out of character but like ??? I never once found myself blending the lines where there was no distinction of Guy from Amy and Hook from me - i don't think either one of us did. Eventually that home feeling did turn into something way more (obviously) but it was never rp related. I don't love amy for any 'guy' qualities she might happen to have and I don't think she likes me for my inner hook (if she does - jokes on her. that went away when i was medicated lmaooo). So in that regard, I don't think the blurred lines of ic and ooc are a thing in our situation.
I will say that, god help her, Amy took my au where I put every trauma I had into killian's character in a way to cope - and she never broke character once or let on that she knew, but when we would kik (yall remember kik? i just aged myself) she would do it for hours in that particular verse. Funny enough, for that specific reason, we say Killian and Guy in Guy's detective au are the pair that are the most like us and ... lmaooo jokes on us because they're the verse that doesn't always mesh super well together at all.
As far as everything else - writing can be a good way to figure things out. Does that mean it becomes an actualization? I don't know. I do know that you should never presume that in character interactions are equal to out of character interactions. I have best friends that I ship with and who I love - but I'm not in love with them. I have no feelings besides friendship, even when its on a deeper found family level. I also don't think just because you have romantic feelings together means you're gonna ship with the other person. Guy and Hook are like the only ones amy and I have pulled that off on. and prompto and ignis for a short bit. But every other attempt has never really gone anywhere. On any of our muses.
I think you owe anyone you write with/think you're developing feelings for the respect of keeping your emotions separate from your rp relationship and if things are tangled together and you can't tell if its ic and ooc lines crossing - remove yourself from the situation and perhaps write with them on a different muse until you know or give yourself space and don't write at all, focus on an ooc relationship.
this got long but i literally don't know how to say what i'm thinking so i rambled.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
ANOTHER rp ad? is this guy stupid? (yes, anyway...)
heyyooo i'm kain im 21 (22 in august) and im nb, bi, and love to smash my ocs together in a number of intricate or shallow ways. i've got adhd so i ramble and you're gonna see exactly how.  also while im here, if you dont support the BLM movement, etc, then stay out of my inbox!
i'm looking for partners: who are 18+, preferably closer to my age and willing to be a little goofy, a little stupid in ooc. i like befriending my partners so we can feel comfortable confronting each other in an attempt to find a middle ground. i would also prefer you not strictly play sub and/or bottom characters. i get it, i do, but i play strong switches and i prefer doubling up on roles, worst case. playing dom is uncomfortable at times for me. again, prefer, it's not a deal breaker, but consider it. i prefer replies that vary wildly in length. if a lot is happening, and theres a lot to say, long posts are cool, and i can do MANY paragraphs. but if theyre looking out a window, im not writing you a manifesto on their trauma in the process. i'm a very train of thought/action type writer. if you'd like examples just let me know. 
i'm looking for a lotta types of rps: !!M/M or NB romance is all ill do !! cyberpunk, medieval, sci-fi/space are big faves. nsfw for the sake of nsfw (and i can get weird if that tickles your particular pickle), romance for the sake of romance, etc, also big faves. slow burn will be the death of me one day. gay and repressed victorian boys? modern magic worlds, enemies/rivals to lovers... ive got a ton of real specific story ideas in the works, usually attached to certain ocs. feel free to ask me to list them and i will. ive a thing for slow burn romance mixed in with heavy plot i also love darker elements (not looking for taboo weird shit) like violence, gore, etc. i dont mind a little dark media, and im open to discussing boundaries.
i have a WEALTH, and i mean a wealth of ocs, made and in the making. i do lean towards NB/trans ocs. i love. love. monster boys. monsterfuckers (handshake emoji) me. were one and the same. i also do play some canon material, namely stardew valley (sebastian or a farmer), destiny, captain harlock... thats mostly it as of now. 
anyway, this is a lot of typing, but if you think we could work something out consider adding me. my discord may change! if it does, send me a message on tumblr instead.  i will do pretty much any medium besides email and tumblr/tumblr dms. ive tried skype, kik, discord, and even some good ol forum rps back in the day.  my discord (at the time of writing) is: salacious crumb#0413 my tumblr is: @necrocrunk
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belzinone · 4 years
Repost, don’t reblog!
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Name / Alias: sal. Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes /  No / Most of them / verse dependent
When was your blog established? about a year ago, but bel’s been around since 2015
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people).
If your muse is part of a fandom, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  / Some / Mostly / Strictly /  Not Applicable. // changed this question because although bel’s an oc, i try to make her storyline as canon-compliant as possible
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  / Single-Para / Multi-Para /  Novella / All of the aforementioned.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons /  Yes /  Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes  /  discord  /  kik  /  twitter
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted /  Open-Ended /  Semi  /  Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks)  / Average (1-2 weeks)  / Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days) /  It depends
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst / Smut / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical /  Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  / Yes /  Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? No ic triggers, but ooc triggers like overt/vindictive bigotry warrant a block. no tags necessary
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  / Platonic /  Familial  / All of the aforementioned
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only / Yes // i like pairing her with ocs and the snk veterans <3
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes // i don’t like ships with big age gaps very much, but i can be flexible
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual / Pansexual /  Homoflexible  / Homosexual / Demisexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual / Questioning
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   / Panromantic /  Demiromantic / Aromantic /
Are you comfortable writing smut? No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions / After several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent /  Never
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively  /  Yes  /  I am not sure
Are you open to problematic ships? No /  Selectively /  Yes /  I am not sure
Are you open to polyshipping? No /  Selectively  /  Yes  /  I am not sure
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never / Sometimes  / Yes /
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope /  Yes
Tagged by: @rulerofthesewalls​ Tagging: everyone who wants to send out an update/psa of how they roll~ i’ve surely done this before but it’s been awhile <3
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sunset-kai · 5 years
Discord RP group chat AD
Hello! My name is Kai, and I'm the admin for a new roleplay chat on discord!
The chat is a multiverse rp that accepts any and all fandoms and characters (yes, even ocs!) We change aus often and are always taking suggestions and voting on new ones, so you never have to worry about getting bored or being forced to participate in an au you're not into.
Though we do not allow nsfw in the group chat, we only allow 18+ members in the chat, as we often cover heavy themes such as character death, violence, trauma, and mental illness, which may not sit well with minors.
We're pretty much just starting out/transitioning from kik to try and get the ball rolling again with a new admin. We have everything set up and ready to go, all we need is you!
What were looking for:
- People who don't mind characters from many different fandoms all interacting together in one situation. Some of us juggle multiple different fandom muses at once!
- People who don't mind getting silly every once in a while. We're a bunch of dorks.
- Communicators. We talk a lot ooc! You wanna tell us about your day? Something you accomplished? Show us your cat/dog/snake/rat? We're all ears/eyes!
- Participation! You don't have to be 1000% active like I tend to be, but please don't join and then disappear off the face of the earth and please don't send one word responses. Please at least talk with us in the ooc chat, even if you don't wanna rp the current au!
- And lastly, friends! We like you, we promise! We all get along for the most part, and the people we already have in our group consider each other really good friends.
We're welcoming of pretty much anyone as long as you're not an asshole, really. We don't discriminate with race, orientation, fandom, ship, character, or role play style. All we ask is that you have fun and let us know if something makes you unhappy. We look forward to role playing with you!
If there's anything you still wanna know, feel free to dm me, or go ahead and click the link!
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for themes and language
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for any OOC-ness.
Chapter 9
After the stunning revelations of the night before, I was having a slow day at work. It wasn't that I was off by much, but that I was exhausted, so I was a little slow on the uptake.
It was nearing three when we wrapped up recording for the day. Generally, we have more stuff to do, but today was an easy day. We were released to the dorm, and I went to go grab a nap. Sadly, though, all I could do was twist and turn. I decided to get up and read the next chapter.
Bryn PoV
It had been a few weeks since I talked to anyone. I had sent Kihyun's money back the very next day, slightly afraid it wouldn't make it. But seeing his face on my phone three hours later had me smiling.
"Hey! What's up," I asked.
He sighed. "Did you seriously send it back already?"
"Why," He asked. "Anyone else would have kept it."
"But I'm not anyone else. I hate asking for help. If I ask for anything, I never ask for money."
"Why," he asked.
"I make enough to be comfortable."
"Comfortable, huh? What's comfortable?"
"Pay the bills and have a little left over. Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"
"Just wondered. There is so much more I want to ask, but I-I'm not quite sure how to ask."
I laughed. "It's always been my experience, that it's better to just get it out there."
He swallowed, thickly, "Umm. Ok. Uh. What do you do?"
After taking a deep breath, I answered, "I own a yarn shop and I am a Natural Health Consultant."
"Wow," He whispered. "What does a Natural Health Consultant do?"
I chuckled. Most people wanted to know about the shop, not my degree. "I-um-I work with peoples primary care physician to get folks the best healing possible. It's generally in the cases of heart disease, diabetes, and stubborn skin rashes," I laughed.
"Now, that is cool," he smiled. "So, is it just a side hustle?"
"No," I laughed, "But most people don't see a Traditional Naturopath, they see an N.M.D. However, most integrated medicine places here have at least one natural health professional they work with, depending on the clients needs."
"Wow. You really are more than just a pretty face."
"Who told you I have a pretty face?"
"Joey let me see pics. You're beautiful, by the way."
I could not help the blush that slowly spread across my face. "Thank you. I think you are pretty handsome, yourself."
"Aww," he gushed, "No, I'm not."
"Agree to disagree, there, Sweet Pea."
"Joey," he asked.
"Joey," I agreed.
He chuckled, "Do you get the feeling he's trying to set us up?"
Laughing, I answered, "I do. But I think he may be right. You know he sees stuff, right?"
"Yeah, I know. I was the first person in our group he told. Oh God. Umm. I need to be honest. I'm not sure how to say it, so I will just lay my hand down here. I-uh-I-um-I have dreamed about you since I was a kid."
I could tell he was biting his lip.
"Tell me something no one else would know.
"Ok," he started. "Um-You have nightmares where you are lost in the woods and screaming for someone."
"How did you," I started.
"I have them, too; but from the other side. I can hear you screaming but I can't seem to find you."
"Haka," I asked, softly, tentatively.
"Hey," He answered.
If I hadn't been sitting at my desk, I would have been on the floor. "Oh, God," I whispered. After a pause, I said, "I don't know whether to scream, cry, or throw up."
He laughed. "Well, hopefully none of those things. Please don't scream, hearing it in dreams is bad enough. Please, don't cry, because I'm not there to fix it. And Please, God, Please, don't throw up."
"Sympathetic puker?"
"Yes," He answered. "I want to see you."
"Not a good idea. Not with what is going on in the world, right now."
"True. A year from now? I hate to try to plan that far ahead, but maybe, just maybe, things will work out."
"Well, there is normally a convention in Hawaii in early summer."
"I will try to save as much PTO time as I can between now and then. Cross your fingers and hope."
"Fingers crossed," I said.
"I've got stuff to do, so I will talk more later, Ok?"
"Sure, I answered.
"I'm gonna say this, and please don't freak out, but I have felt it for a long time and," He rambled.
"Haka," I yelled, cutting him off. "I know. I already know," I said before I bit my lip. "I know how you feel, trust me, I do. I feel it, too. You aren't crazy, nor are you alone." I swear I could feel his smile and his relief. "But, my dear, I am nothing to write home about."
"Are you kidding me," He started, "I have been in love with you since I was 15. Woman, I could write volumes about you, and still have several lifetimes worth to say. You, Woman, You are amazing."
Blushing, I replied, "I don't see how."
Kihyun PoV
I could feel her blushing. "Then I will keep telling you until you have no doubts. You are amazing, you are awesome, and I," I stopped.
"I know," she whispered.
"Good," I replied.
I started to nod off so I set the story off to the side for the night, and got ready for bed. She curled up behind me and snuggled into the back of my neck.
'Night, Haka. Rest well, my King.'
'Night, Mami.'
I was so focused on sleep, I did not notice the slight tickle in my chest that happens with her sometimes. If I had, I would have felt the slight sorrow and could have held off the nightmare that night.
As it sat, she came and tucked me in as usual, but a few hours after I had fallen asleep in her arms, I had the worst nightmare.
I was, again, in those woods, and this time I was the Elk. She was there and that band around her ankle had her trapped. She was screaming as the band and rope that had her hobbled became razor wire cutting into her skin. I could not do a thing to help her.
But, my blind panic and pain must have ruffled the thread between us because in that moment, as I made my decision to lay down with her for support and comfort, I felt her spirit beside me, soothing me and telling me, 'It's just a dream, Love. I am here. Wake up, Haka, it's just a dream.'
In my state of half asleep and still with the residual images in my head, I rolled to where I felt her, and curled around her.
Her touch was both soothing and calming. 'Tell me what you saw?'
I shook my head as echo's of the images assaulted me again. I could still smell her blood in the air. I could still feel her fingers scramble for purchase on my pelt as she struggled to stand, could still hear the echo of her screams as the razors went deeper into her skin.
'I'm going after Joey. I'll be right back, my love. Hold on,' I heard her whisper in my hair.
In less that 20 seconds, a firm hand was on my arm. I had no more than sat up.
Honey POV
I was sound asleep when I felt a small but strong hand on my arm. 'Joey, Wake Up,' was all but shouted in my ear. I knew that voice. My sister. The fog stubbornly refused to lift.
'C'mon. Get up, Lu-Lu! Kik needs you,' was shouted as an outer presence shook my arm.
I was up and off like a rocket at that. She is the only person I will EVER allow to call me that version of 'Red'. And I know that her calling me that in the middle of the night means right now. I took off down the hall, following the sobs.
There was Kihyun, sitting on his bed, tears pouring down his face. I recognized the panicky look on his face as one I had seen on my own several times. I felt the presence of my soul sister, her spirit sweeping past me to settle next to him. He seemed to sag against her spirit, drawing strength and serenity from her. I couldn't hear the conversation, but I knew, somehow, she was soothing him.
It hit me then, just how perfect they are together. I could almost see his head resting against her shoulder as her arm was around him, petting him, in a fashion.
He suddenly shook his head and said, "No. I don't even want to think about it or what it means. Cause if it means that they are gonna hurt you before you get away..." he trailed off, as he shook his head. Then he near shouted, "No. It's a chance I won't take. I won't allow you to sacrifice yourself like that. Not for me, not again."
Then, I heard her again, 'Then tell him or I will.'
He sighed and whispered, "Alright, my love. I'll tell him." Looking at me, he said, "Best get everyone up, I only want to tell this story once. Seeing it once was enough."
Everyone got woken up and gathered in the living room as Kihyun settled into an easy chair with a pillow and a blanket.
From the far end of the couch, Min growled, "What happened, and why are we all awake?"
From his chair, Kihyun answered, "Another nightmare. She thinks I should share this one with you."
As they all sat back, Kik seemed to turn his head slightly and nod then whisper, "Love you, Ghost."
The unseen presence in the room swept off and left us.
I looked at him curiously.
"She went back to her place to handle some things there with the kids," he sighed and started, "Tonight, as I laid down to sleep, I cuddled with my Queen like I normally do. There is a thin silver thread that connects our souls, much like the red thread, but far older. I didn't notice the small flutter of her sorrow, and somehow, unconsciously, it became a nightmare.
"I have had nightmares before of her being trapped in the woods. This time, I was an elk. And while the normal vines were gone this time, there was this black band around her right ankle that attached to a rope and had her more or less hobbled to that bit of earth.
"As I came up on her, she was fighting to get it off. I leaned forwards to help her but the second I got within, I'd say a foot or so, it turned into razor wire and was cutting her foot off.
"I couldn't do anything to help her, and she could not get loose. The more she fought to loosen it, the tighter it got. Then, as she scrambled to hold on to me, I could smell her blood. She wrapped her hands in my pelt and was trying to stand, but the razors cut her deep. I could hear and feel her screaming. As I settled in next to her to offer what comfort I could, Her spirit woke me up. When it became obvious, I needed a bit more help, she woke up Honey. I have never been so afraid for her."
Min stood up and directed him back to bed, saying, "Go get a bit more sleep," as he left the room. When Min returned, he asked me, "What did you see about her?"
"Other than the way she sat? Not much. She is damned good at cloaking. So good she is damned near a chameleon."
"Do you think she would come back and let us see," asked HyunWoo, his brow knotted with worry.
I nodded, "She might."
Min sat down on the rug, between the coffee table and the entertainment center. "If we are going to help our soul sister, we had best get comfy, it may be harder than we think to fix it."
About that time, a presence entered the room.
'He's back to sleep. I figured you would want to talk to me.'
I nodded. 'Let Min see your ankle.'
I have never seen Min turn that exact shade of green before turning that shade of red. When he does, it generally means it is BAD.
'What the hell, Sis! Are you actively trying to make yourself lame,' Min shouted. 'There is a curse here. This is beyond my help. Stay here, I need to go get Ate,' Min said as he stood up.
Ten seconds later, He and HyungWon were walking into the room.
A second after that, Kihyun was scrambling back down the hall.
HyungWon was looking at Sis's ankle when Kiki opened his eyes enough to see what was going on.
'Baby, what's wrong?'
'Joey wanted Min to check out my ankle. Min went after Ate,' she said.
'This curse is very powerful. It will take all of us, together, to break it. Boys, get ahold of it. Kihyun, hang on to her,' he said before yelling for Changkyun.
When he rounded the corner at a run, HyungWon said, 'Mahipiya. Washte. IkiyA nitha Ate kichi Ina.'
Changkyun gathered the woman in his arms and nodded at her whisper, before growling at Kihyun.
"What?" asked HyunWoo.
"That is your nephew."
"Of course he is," HyunWoo grumbled as he sat up, only to be cuffed in the back of the head by HyungWon.
"We have bigger things than your sister's descendants to handle. Unfortunately, I fear this will be too much for us to handle,' He said as he sat back and grabbed his phone, sending out a quick text.
In less than 15 minutes, Hoseok was knocking on the door.
'Ahh. Glad you could make it on such short notice," HyungWon said as he opened the door.
Once again....I tried with the Lakota.
Mahipiya. Washte. IkiyA nitha Ate kichi Ina.--Cloud. Good. Help your father with your mother.
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thiirdboy · 6 years
Tagged by: @tsukiran​!! Tagging: If we’re mutuals and haven’t RPed consider yourself TAGGED!! Let’s write!
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S – NAME :  Negau / Neg ARE YOU OVER 18?   Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE?   Yes / No
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi / Yes / Highly / Private
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / OC / Divergent
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One liners / Single para / Multi-para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gifcons
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No / Yes → If we’ve talked a bit through tumblr IMs or tags on threads and whatnot feel free to ask for my discord! I also have ic twitter and kik for Shinji, but those are moreso just for ic ramblings than actual paragraph rp
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open ended plots / Semi-plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything → The ones that aren’t bold aren’t favorites of mine but it doesn’t mean I won’t write them!
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No / Yes → Honestly I can’t think of any glaring no-nos off the top of my head? The only big ones are the obvious “no smut because he’s 14.” I guess other than that don’t go into crazy detail with potential gore and we’re good
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? No / Yes → They’re not triggers BUT please tag irl pictures of spiders and sexual content. I fucking hate spiders and I’m usually in a room with family and don’t want them to wreck me.
– S H I P P I N G – WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual / Enemies
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual / Former. → Honestly please just discuss pre-established things with me so we’re on the same page, especially romantic. I’ll do pre-established stuff but I love to write buildup for ships
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes → Kawoshin but I have an exclusive Kaworu
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes → Asushin. Reishin. Sorry I love them platonically but asushin would be so toxic and Rei is like basically Shinji’s sister so
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Asexual / Attracted to masculinity / Attracted to femininity /  Attracted to androgyny
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Aromantic / Polyamorous
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow burn
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes / Depends on muse → No to age difference. The rest I’m not really sure what it entails, and I mean shit happens in relationships, but it’s hard for me to make a blanket statement with this. I would really have to address this on a case by case basis. I don’t think Shinji would purposely try to instigate anything / cheat / etc.
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No / Selectively / Yes → Not because of any ooc judgement, I just don’t think Shinji would be open to it!
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? No / Sometimes / Yes → By this I mean that I don’t want to juggle 3872896587635 ships on this blog, so my main ship is with Kaworu and I have a couple of AU ships. Right now I’m not looking to ship with anyone else, sorry!
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Name: Maddie Who are you?: My name is Maddie and I am twenty-one years old and I am located in the lovely mountains of Kentucky. I’ve been roleplaying for years and years as a hobby. I am found in the EST timezone. I am obsessed with Shinsou Hitoshi, cats, anime, learning about cultures, true crime, food, and drawing.
What you RP: Boku no/My Hero Academia, Naruto, Monster Munsume, One Piece, Pokemon, Super natural (genre) and more so just ask me! It will mostly be movies, anime, cartoons, books.
What you are looking for: I am looking for a mainly romantic story for my OC. I WILL double with you no matter what, M/M, F/F, whatever else you are looking for. Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life, horror, supernatural (genre) is fine with me!
Characters you RP:
These are just the characters I’ve played in the past that I believe I can play well. If you want someone in particular just ask! 
Boku no/My Hero Academia
Bakugou Katsuki
Uraraka Ochako
Asui Tsuyu
Yaoyorozu Momo
Kyoka Jirou
Todoroki Shouto
Sasuke Uchiha
Shikamaru Nara
Hinata Hyuga
Neji Hyua
Rock Lee
Kakashi Hatake
As for the others, I’ve never roleplayed them so I guess we can see what happens when we get there???
Characters you’re looking to interact with:
These are listed from MOST to LEAST wanted. BN/MHA
Shinsou Hitoshi
Ojirou Mashirao
Sero Hanta
Bakugou Katsuki
Yosetsu Awase
Kirishima Ejirou
Todoroki Shouto
Midoriya Izuku Naruto
Kiba Inuzuka
Shikamaru Nara
One Piece Sanji Zoro Bartolomeo
Monster Munsume
Male Monster OC
Male Human OC Super Natural (genre) 
Were creatures
??? Whatever else seems fun 
Paragraph or dialog form?: I prefer paragraph form, please!
Grammar/Length requirements: Please have some decent grammar! No text talk unless it is in an actual text or note between characters. As for length I prefer two upwards to ten paragraphs depending on how into the roleplay we both are. Two to three should work fine but sometimes I end up rambling.
Short-term or long term?: Both! I vastly prefer long term.
Genres I roleplay: Romance, horror, fantasy, tragedy, supernatural, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
I cannot: Absolutely no ghosting me. How hard is it to send a message saying, ‘I need to drop this roleplay for such and such reason.’ I’ll say ‘okay. I’ll be here if you wanna continue later on.’ No Pedophilla, bestiality, bathroom play, extreme gore, main character deaths, butt stuff (sorry, just not doing it), feet, diapers, maybe a few more but we will cross that bridge when we find it.
As my partner, a person would have to: Become my friend! I love meeting new people and hearing stories. Talk with me OOC frequently if you can! Respect my boundaries and I’ll do the same with you.
Do you smut?: Yes.
Extras: Please do not message me if you’re under 18 asking for SEXUAL roleplay. I LOVE dark plots. Become my friend and I’ll respond super fast!
Skype: Madisonvls
Kik: MadisonTheKitten
Discord: MadisonTheKitten#0575
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shinsous-eyebags · 7 years
My Hero Academia or Naruto Romance
Name: Maddie Email: [email protected] Skype: Madisonvls Kik: MadisonTheKitten Discord: MadisonTheKitten#0575 Who are you?: My name is Maddie and I am twenty-one years old and I am located in the lovely mountains of Kentucky. I've been roleplaying for years and years as a hobby. I am found in the EST timezone. I am obsessed with Shinsou Hitoshi, cats, anime, learning about cultures, true crime, food, and drawing. What you RP: Boku no/My Hero Academia, Naruto, Monster Munsume, Pokemon, Super natural (genre) and more so just ask me! It will mostly be movies, anime, cartoons, books. What you are looking for: I am looking for a mainly romantic story for my OC. I WILL double with you no matter what, M/M, F/F, whatever else you are looking for. Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life, horror, supernatural (genre) is fine with me! Characters you RP: I will be playing a female original character and whoever else you would like me to play! Characters you’re looking to interact with: These are listed from MOST to LEAST wanted. BN/MHA Shinsou Hitoshi Ojirou Mashirao Sero Hanta Bakugou Katsuki Yosetsu Awase Kirishima Ejirou Todoroki Shouto Midoriya Izuku Naruto Gaara Kankuro Kiba Inuzuka Shikamaru Nara Monster Munsume Male Monster OC Male Human OC Pokemon Male trainer/breeder/gym leader Male pokemon Super Natural (genre) Demons Lamiia/Naga Were creatures Faeries Witches/Warlocks/Wizards Vampires ??? Whatever else seems fun Paragraph or dialog form?: I prefer paragraph form, please! Grammar/Length requirements: Please have some decent grammar! No text talk unless it is in an actual text or note between characters. As for length I prefer two upwards to ten paragraphs depending on how into the roleplay we both are. Two to three should work fine but sometimes I end up rambling. Short-term or long term?: Both! I vastly prefer long term. Genres I roleplay: Romance, horror, fantasy, tragedy, supernatural, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst I cannot: Absolutely no ghosting me. How hard is it to send a message saying, 'I need to drop this roleplay for such and such reason.' I'll say 'okay. I'll be here if you wanna continue later on.' No Pedophilla, bestiality, bathroom play, extreme gore, main character deaths, butt stuff (sorry, just not doing it), feet, diapers, maybe a few more but we will cross that bridge when we find it. As my roleplay partner, a person would have to: Become my friend! I love meeting new people and hearing stories. Talk with me OOC frequently if you can! Respect my boundaries and I'll do the same with you. Do you smut?: Yes. I will fade to black if my partner prefers! Aged up, please! Extras: Please do not message me if you're under 18 asking for SEXUAL roleplay. I LOVE dark plots. Become my friend and I'll respond super fast!
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
tagged by: The lovely @moonoverbourbon <3
tagging: @anditsxsorrows @starsxmemoriesinthesky @amongthcwreck @handsomepianoman @ofwickedminds @ofinsecuritiies @littlewxtch @northernwarrioress 
Name: C, Cor, Cori, Corina Nicole (But no, don’t ever use it that’s what my mother calls me when she’s mad lol) Age: Over 25 Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Coffee Queen/She-Devil/ I legit don’t care lol Sexuality: Straight Zodiac sign: Virgo Taken or single:  It’s complicated Three mun facts:   (1) Life long goal is to become a mermaid, (2) If I don’t have at the very least 1 cup of coffee per day you probably would not like me very much. (3) Halloween is my favorite holiday with Christmas being a close second. 
How’d you start: Uh...I think on Livejournal? One of my good friends that I co-wrote fic begged me to make a muse I loved and I was like eh idk I don’t think I’d be any good at RP?  Platforms you’ve used: Livejournal, Insanejournal, Dreamwidth, Twitter, Tumblr - occassionally KIK and Skype but only w/ muses Hayley and I are comfortable with Worst experience: LoL I’m sure it hasn’t happened yet. Tumblr Savior and Blacklist are packed with everything possible that could give me a bad experience lol So yeah mostly positive.
Original or canon: I mean I like both? But I will admit I prefer original muses that don’t mess with the backstory of canon characters if that makes sense? Doesn’t mean I won’t RP if there’s a good plot  Favourite face: Phoebs or Holland Roden Least favorite face: I’m not big with animated faces I won’t RP with animated face. Multi or single: Doesn’t matter to me
Plots or memes: I enjoy both especially memes in plotted verses lol Best time to write: Anytime really if I’m not working...so pretty much at night HAHA Do you like your muse(s): Yes, but Hayley isn’t perfect by any means. How long (months/years?): Hmm maybe 10-11 years now? I’m not sure tbh Fluff, angst or smut: I enjoy all three, though smut will typically only happen with muses Hayley is comfortable with and muns I’m comfortable with. Every single partner Hayley has a smut thread with I have an OOC relationship with that mun and we talk and communicate and yeah so if you sent smut on a first interaction Hayley will likely laugh at you unless we’ve plotted something out.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Harro I'm your friendly neighborhood asian, my names Chris and yes I'm a guy (There are girls named Chris. All Chris's are a hive mind. Not the point.) I'm 20 year old junior in college with way too much time on my hands than I should. I'm on EST and if possible I want ooc friendships as well. Now the reason for that god awful title. I like RPing a lot of things with mostly OC or original story works; however, if there's one thing I adore with a passion is soulmate original stories. Like as much as I want to be as edgy as a cliff, I still love romance to a degree. If you have any other interesting idea's for rp feel free to ask. All I ask is that you DO NOT GHOST. (Yeah I know who you are.. punks. jkdon'tleavemeplease.) Just say you don't wanna rp and that's fine. See ya'll soon. Tumblr: the-drunken-birb Kik: 2_Silent_Vultures
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Mun Meme
A valuable meme for any roleplayer! Come display your comfort levels so your roleplay partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time! While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your roleplay partners! PLEASE REPOST, DON’T REBLOG!
Key: BOLD = Yes Normal = Okay Italics = Ask me, let’s talk Strike = No
tagged by: @blindlygifted tagging: @secondchaircellist​ @whydoyouthinkileft​ @whiskeyandtwoshotglasses​ @electrokinetic​ @unaugmentedmonkeyscantfly​ @frombehindpaleeyes​ @corinnebaileyrp​ @spitfiresurvivor​ @on-a-wing-and-a-prayer​ @thedarcydichotomy​ @sovietspookstory​ @darcyiisms​
R O L E P L A Y  B A S I C S
LOCATIONS I am comfortable doing:
Kik {ooc only}
Google docs
Skype {It makes my computer run slow}
other {depends?}
PARTICIPANTS I am comfortable with:
One-on-one roleplays
Up to three people
Up to four people
Five or more people!
As big as possible!
POST LENGTH I usually write about:
One or two sentences
One or two paragraphs
Two to five paragraphs 
More than five paragraphs
A few pages worth
I’m comfy roleplaying with those who write about:
One or two sentences 
One or two paragraphs
Two to five paragraphs 
More than five paragraphs
A few pages worth
Write me a book!
ROLEPLAY REQUESTS I like getting requests from:
Anyone and everyone at any time!
When I ask for roleplays
From friends and acquaintances
From friends only
R O M A N T I C  R E L A T I O N S H I P S
** IMPORTANT: Communication is the key to a real-life relationship, it shouldn’t be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance.
SHIPPING I am comfortable shipping my character:
If our characters know each other deeply.
If our characters know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the roleplayer.
At the first sign of flirting!
If the role-player and I plan it
It’s situational to each character
If you want to ship with my character:
Talk to me about it from the start
Talk to me about it once our characters know each other
Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other
Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging
SPEED When shipping my character, I like the romance to happen:
Swift as lightning!
Fast, but not super fast.
Happens in about three months
Slow and steady wins the race!
Slugs know what’s up!
My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.
ALL the speeds. Every speed. All ships are different.
SMUT When my character gets intimate, I prefer:
To skip the act entirely.
To write the build up, but skip the act. {Depending on other mun’s preferences. I like writing it but I’m fine with skipping it if it makes anyone else uncomfortable.}
To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise, skip it.
To write the act all the way through.
ROMANTIC ARTWORK When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:
Do not post it at all without talking to me.
Post if it is cuddles and hugs
Post if it is kisses
Post if it is n.sfw 
Only post it if it depicts n.sfw privately between us.
Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!
Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!
Post it all, post anything and everything you want!
** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones, even just the slightest bit!
VIOLENCE When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
No violence at all!
I’m fine with verbal arguments.
Some violence, like a paper cut or an accidental elbow to the face.
Mild violence, such as punching, kicking and hair pulling.
Violence, like stabbing or shooting.
Beyond violence, like torture and more. {no rape, please}
If you are going to do something violent, please:
Don’t do it at all.
Surprise me!
Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
Talk to me about it before posting!
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Repost, don’t reblog!
A valuable meme for any roleplayer! Come display your comfort levels so your roleplay partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time. While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your roleplay partners!
Key: BOLD = Yes. Normal = Ask me about it. Strike = No.
kiiiiiiinnddd of tagged by: @ameasureofpower
tagging: EVERY ROLEPLAYER who follows and has not done this. Consider yourself tagged by me.
kik, im, discord
google docs
I am comfortable with:
one on one role plays.
up to three people.
up to four people.
five or more people!
as big as possible!
one or two sentences.
one or two paragraphs.
two to five paragraphs. (250-500 words)
more than five paragraphs. (500-1000 words)
a few pages worth.
one or two sentences.
one or two paragraphs.
two to five paragraphs.
more than five paragraphs.
a few pages worth.
anyone and everyone at any time! (positive messages, please)
when I ask for roleplays.
from mutuals and friends.
from friends only.
** IMPORTANT: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn’t be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance
if our characters know each other deeply.
if our characters know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role player.
at the first sign of flirting!
only if the role player and I plan it.
it depends on the character.
talk to me about it from the start.
talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.
Not planning/ flirting/ surprises can be fun - be prepared for your muse to be disappointed if it doesn’t go their way.
When shipping my muse(s), I like the romance to happen:
swift as lightning!
fast, but not super fast. 
happens in about three months.
slow and steady wins the race.
slugs know what’s up!
my relationships know no speed. they happen if they happen.
to skip the act entirely.
to write the build up, but skip the act.
to write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise, skip it.
to write the act all the way through. (I use read more, IM, or Discord)
do not post it at all without talking to me.
post it if it is cuddles and hugs.
post it if it is kisses.
post it if it is nsfw. (mutuals only please)
only post it if it depicts n.sfw privately.
do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts! (mutuals only please)
** IMPORTANT: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!
no violence at all!
i’m fine with verbal arguments!
some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
violence, such as stabbings.
beyond violence, such as torture and more.
don’t do it at all.
talk to me about it first.
surprise me!
do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our muses.
talk to me about it before posting!
post what you like!
ADDITIONAL NOTES: My blog is rated NC 18+/ R/ M for MATURE. This means that I will be engaging in roleplay that is considered rated R, NC 18, SMUT,  NSFW, Mature. This also means that I will occasionally post material related to Kink, Sexual acts, dominant/submissive acts, or sexual violence. My muse is a SEX WORKER. If this makes you feel uncomfortable IN ANY WAY, please unfollow and block (if you must). If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal for us to interact based on the material that I post. I receive an alarming amount of anon hate in regards to kink-shaming and it’s severely and very literally UNWANTED. I never post hate. I never engage in Tumblr drama, I very much respect my mutuals and followers and try my hardest to utilize trigger warnings and read mores when applicable. Similarly, I highly respect my rp partners who do not rp smut or post NSFW stuff on their blogs, and I enjoy SFW rp just as equally. Please do not be intimidated by my muse’s sexual persona. Deep down, she is a very curious and gentle person. I am extremely open to crossovers - I LOVE PLOTTING FOR NEW CROSSOVER/AU VERSES. Come into my inbox or message me with an idea - I’m a nice person OOC, and I really love creating stories between our muses.
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gauntlethq-blog · 7 years
okay, guys !!  so it’s been an amazing run, but unfortunately real life is starting to run me over a little, and i know some of our members are dealing with the same thing.  HOWEVER, this is not the end of gauntlethq, but the format will be changing.  for those of you familiar, gauntlet will be changing to a mumu format rp.  it will be semi-open to new members, but essentially i’m turning it into a place where members can play the characters they love, experiment with new muses, and generally enjoy rping in a stress free environment.  
what will change ??
well, acceptances will be done once a week.  if a new person wants to join, they will submit a modified application.  wednesdays are my only days off, so those will be the day new acceptances are posted.  there will no longer be a character limit, and there will be far looser rules about activity.
why no character limit ??
because sometimes muse is fickle.  sometimes you want to play a character but don’t have muse for them all the time.  we want to give members a place to play whatever characters they want without the pressure of crushing time restraints.  
what’s the new activity limit ??
hypothetically, it’ll be about two weeks.  however, we highly suggest that members provide us w/ an ooc way to get in contact w/ them.  some of us already enjoy rping on kik, and if you find yourself able to be more active on kik than on the dash, then activity can be changed a little on a case-by-case basis.  basically, you’ll lose your role if we go more than two weeks without hearing from you.  
what do i need to do to participate in the mumu ??
existing members will definitely get their pick first.  your roles are not up for grabs.  you won’t need to resubmit your applications for characters you are already playing, but i do ask that you send us a list of characters/faceclaims so i can add them to a comprehensive list.  if you want to take a new character, you will need to fill out an application so we can get all the necessary information.
will there still be events/plot drops ??
yes, but hypothetically this will take on a more collaborative approach.  while admins have final say on big plot drops, in a mumu format, we can all contribute to developing the plot together.
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My Hero Academia or Naruto Romance!
Name: Maddie Email: [email protected] Skype: Madisonvls Kik: MadisonTheKitten Discord: MadisonTheKitten#0575 Who are you?: My name is Maddie and I am twenty-one years old and I am located in the lovely mountains of Kentucky. I've been roleplaying for years and years as a hobby. I am found in the EST timezone. I am obsessed with Shinsou Hitoshi, cats, anime, learning about cultures, true crime, food, and drawing. What you RP: Boku no/My Hero Academia, Naruto, Monster Munsume, Pokemon, Super natural (genre).
What you are looking for: I am looking for a mainly romantic story for my OC. I WILL double with you no matter what, M/M, F/F, whatever else you are looking for. Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life, horror, supernatural (genre) is fine with me! Characters you RP: I will be roleplaying as a female original character! I am also willing to play whoever you'd like in return for playing one of the following characters. Characters you’re looking to interact with: These are listed from MOST to LEAST wanted. BN/MHA Shinsou Hitoshi Ojirou Mashirao Sero Hanta Bakugou Katsuki Yosetsu Awase Kirishima Ejirou Todoroki Shouto Midoriya Izuku Naruto Gaara Kankuro Kiba Inuzuka Shikamaru Nara Monster Munsume Male Monster OC Male Human OC Pokemon Male trainer/breeder/gym leader Male pokemon Super Natural (genre) Demons Lamiia/Naga Were creatures Faeries Witches/Warlocks/Wizards Vampires ??? Whatever else seems fun Paragraph or dialog form?: I prefer paragraph form, please! Grammar/Length requirements: Please have some decent grammar! No text talk unless it is in an actual text or note between characters. As for length I prefer two upwards to ten paragraphs depending on how into the roleplay we both are. Two to three should work fine but sometimes I end up rambling. Short-term or long term?: Both! I vastly prefer long term.  Genres I roleplay: Romance, horror, fantasy, tragedy, supernatural, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst I cannot: Absolutely no ghosting me. How hard is it to send a message saying, 'I need to drop this roleplay for such and such reason.' I'll say 'okay. I'll be here if you wanna continue later on.' No Pedophilla, bestiality, bathroom play, extreme gore, main character deaths, butt stuff (sorry, just not doing it), feet, diapers, maybe a few more but we will cross that bridge when we find it. As my partner, a person would have to: Become my friend! I love meeting new people and hearing stories. Talk with me OOC frequently if you can! Respect my boundaries and I'll do the same with you.  Do you smut?: Yes. I will fade to black if my partner prefers!  Extras: Please do not message me if you're under 18 asking for SEXUAL roleplay. I LOVE dark plots. Become my friend and I'll respond super fast!
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gayroleplayads · 7 years
Hello, to those who have come across this ad. I’m currently looking for a partner that would fit my interest and I fit theirs. If you’re not certain that you’re searching for a long term rp, then you’d best keep scrolling. My name is Lucian and at this point in time I’m 21+. I am completely comfortable with ooc, but we don’t have to if you’re not. In case you were wondering, yes I am okay with fxm or mxm. I am very laid back about a lot of things, but I refuse to associate with scat, toilet play, any sort of bodily fluids, gore/vore, or rape. I typically type long paragraphs when I’m feeling creative or energetic. Do keep in mind I really would prefer you don’t reply with one liners, because if you do there is a highly likely chance that I won’t even consider you. I am not perfect when it comes to grammar, so it would be quite hypocritical if I were to judge you based on your ability to write. I usually tend to stay away from canon plots, but I can be persuaded if I know the source well enough. I often include smut in rps, so don’t be shy about asking. I am open to (and really enjoy) darker scenarios and other genres like fantasy, slice of life, etc. Should you chose to be my partner, I ask that you are creative, willing to contribute, be 18+, and be willing to accept that I am used to being a “seme”. I can’t recall the last time I have roleplayed as a uke before, so I prefer to stick to what I know. Although, that does not mean I am not okay with sekes. I have to point out that I don’t like the bottoms to be the typical helpless and adorable characters many believe they are supposed to be. I really prefer some lust or seduction in the characters, it just adds some flare in my opinion. If I’ve managed to win you over or if you have anything you want me to clarify that I have missed in my ad, you can text me on kik with that_dark_one. Have a nice day!
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