#ooc: this is the greatest description of Supernatural
insidious-rp · 3 years
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「 ͏ Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Legacies, American Horror Story ͏ 」
OC roleplay // Literate // 19+ mun & muse // Supernatural City AU // All Orientations // Based on Mewe // Modern Setting in New Orleans // Welcomes Asian descents & Internationals // Black Market System
⊱ Event #1: Hide & Seek ⊰
Date: 04/04/21 to 04/09/21 (total of one week OOC but the game only lasts from 6pm-12:00am in New Orleans timezone on a single day IC.) Event IC Description: Though New Orleans is a safe haven for supernaturals, just outside the boundaries of the city, the darkness plots and schemes.Over the course of ten years, the mysterious force has killed many, but has also taken those that are deemed more useful as captives. As spring begins to bloom, it sends a “gift” : a dark witch that has been held as a prisoner for five years. Now possessed and soulless, the dark witch steps into the city to disrupt the peace and lure out the supernaturals that managed to find refuge in the city.
They enter the city as a flamboyant magician, supposedly invited by Andreas University to give an astonishing performance. At first, the performance seems harmless — impressive, like any other magic show. However, things take a turn when the magician divides the audience up for their greatest trick. Everyone is given a tarot card and just as they turn their cards, they are teleported to different locations within the university. At first, they are impressed but suddenly they hear a voice overhead, realizing this is more than just a performance. The clock strikes 6pm and a foreboding gong resonates throughout the entire university.
The participants finally look at their cards; they realize it’s a game of life and death.
Game Description: For the game, there will be four groups with nine participants. These are the individuals that are teleported to the same locations within university. Some groups may have more individuals added due to the odd member count of the roleplay. All species are included and welcome to participate. Those on a hiatus are not included but welcome to join if they’d like! Simply ask the admin to add you into a group or mingle around the groups yourself as you see fit.
Roles have been assigned but you are welcome to discuss changes and switch around if you would like. Each group will have two wolves and eight lambs. You may create OOC group chats to discuss the details, although we would advise you to avoid from planning in depth as it’s meant to be a game. Please note that your characters do not know who the wolves are IC except the ones that are assigned wolves.
The muse who is assigned the role of the wolf will must seek out the white rabbit released by the magician before getting caught by lambs and this must be done before midnight. One of the wolves in a particular group catching the bunny will automatically save the other wolf in the group.
The goal of the lambs is to prevent the two wolves in their group from finding the bunny before midnight. Four lambs are required to stop a wolf. It can be any four lambs from any group, but you must capture the wolves of your group to save yourself. [For example, if you’re a member of group one, you may assist in finding the wolves for group two, but the wolves of group one must be stopped to keep you from losing the game.] Four lambs must encircle the wolf and put up their tarot cards. Each card will stun the individual and make them weaker until they are frozen in place by the fourth card. Please also note the tarot cards can not be read by anyone else that is not the owner! It will appear to be a regular tarot card if anyone else that is not the owner looks at it.
There are a total of four bunnies, one for each of the groups. The bunnies are quick and mischievous, making them difficult to catch. They can not be killed or manipulated by magic as they were created by the magician. [The bunny will be controlled by the admin. During the ongoing threads, the admin will make updates on the locations of the bunny.]
If the lambs fail to stop the wolves before midnight or if the wolves fail to find the bunny before midnight, whoever loses will be transported to a randomized location outside of New Orleans the minute the clock strikes midnight. If they are a supernatural, they will begin losing their memories and powers the longer they are outside of New Orleans as they are subjected to powers of the dark force. They must do what they can to return to the city of New Orleans as quickly if they do not wish to become captives to the darkness. [ If the side you’re on fails or chooses to fail via plotting, you may choose plot to have your muse teleported out of the city and struggle to return and begin to lose their memories. How long they remain outside of the city and how they return is up to you. The teleportation outside of the city also does not affect your existing threads and connections unless you want it to. There are multiple ways your muse could find their way back to New Orleans. Your muse could teleport to a city with a muse that is their worst enemy, forcing them to work together and make their way back. Perhaps they have an unlikely savior come to rescue them with an invisible mask. Be as creative as you would like. To clarify, this “punishment” is more to allow your muse a chance to explore how they would live their life outside the city and therefore, when the punishment ends is up to you. The purpose of this “punishment” is to allow you to write more freely outside the restraints of New Orleans. If by all means, you do not want to participate in this consequence at all, you can simply not take it. ]
During the game, the entire location in Andreas University can and should be utilized. The “lockdown” begins at 6pm after the sun has set. The muses will only realize that they can not leave the university when they try to exit, which will result in them being sent flying back.
Wolf: We’ve all heard of the big bad wolf, right? Well that’s not this story. It seems as though the little lambs are a bit tired of being preyed upon. You’re the one they will be looking for. Run. Hide. If you wish to live, find the bunny before the clock strikes midnight.
Lamb: How does it go? Little lamb with fleece as snow. Well not for much longer. Those horrid wolves will cause your demise. Capture them by midnight if you wish to live. Save yourself. Use the magic this card holds. And remember sheep travel in flocks so you’ll need the power of four.
Group 1 [Teleportation Location: Library]: Akira Saito (lamb), Aria Wang (lamb), Sidney Wright (lamb), Moon Harin (wolf), Xiu Wang (lamb), Freya Deveraux (lamb), Benjamin Choi (lamb), Alain Rousseau (wolf), Wesley Park (lamb)
Group 2 [Teleportation Location: Cafeteria]: Arsene Kang (lamb), Elizabeth Rosette Hwang (wolf), Damien Sage (lamb), Jade Fiore (lamb), Julius Dontious (lamb), Clara Song (wolf), Cho Hak (lamb), Arsene Fauvel (lamb), Kim Nari (lamb), Aurora Caine (lamb)
Group 3 [Teleportation Location: Science Lab]: Lee Jaehyun (lamb), Maeve Moon (lamb), Cillian Connars (wolf), Seyoon Jo (lamb), S Lars (lamb), Angela Seo (wolf), Cheol Mun (lamb), Hermione Russo (lamb), Maki Atto (lamb)
Group 4 [Teleportation Location: Gym]: Xavier Killian (lamb), Tobias Huang (lamb), Eric Suh (lamb), Jesper Lee (wolf), Liko Zhang (lamb), Cecilia De Polignac (lamb), Hana Ryu (lamb), Seongil Ryu (wolf), Cress Park (lamb)
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artemis-entreri · 5 years
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[[ This post contains Part 5 of my review/analysis of the Forgotten Realms/Drizzt novel, Boundless, by R. A. Salvatore. As such, the entirety of this post’s content is OOC. ]]
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Generations: Book 2 | Legend of Drizzt #35 (#32 if not counting The Sellswords)
Publisher: Harper Collins (September 10, 2019)
My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Additional Information: Artwork for the cover of Boundless and used above is originally done by Aleks Melnik. This post CONTAINS SPOILERS. Furthermore, this discussion concerns topics that I am very passionate about, and as such, at times I do use strong language. Read and expand the cut at your own discretion.
I. Positives  I.1 Pure Positives  I.2 Muddled Positives
II. Mediocre Writing Style  II.1 Bad Descriptions  II.2 Salvatorisms  II.3 Laborious “Action”
III. Poor Characterization  III.1 “Maestro”  III.2 Lieutenant  III.3 Barbarian  III.4 “Hero”  III.5 Mother
IV. World Breaks  IV.1 Blinders Against the Greater World  IV.2 Befuddlement of Earth and Toril  IV.3 Self-Inconsistency  IV.4 Dungeon Amateur  IV.5 Utter Nonsense
V. Ego Stroking  (you are here)  V.1 The Ineffable Companions of the Hall  V.2 Me, Myself, and I
VI. Problematic Themes  VI.1 No Homo  VI.2 Disrespect of Women  VI.3 Social-normalization  VI.4 Eugenics
VII. What’s Next  VII.1 Drizzt Ascends to Godhood  VII.2 Profane Redemption  VII.3 Passing the Torch  VII.4 Don’t Notice Me Senpai
Ego Stroking
Before Timeless, each new Drizzt novel release reached a new level of self-congratulation and selling out. After a one book break with Timeless, Boundless hops right back on the proverbial horse and charges to new distances. 
The Ineffable Companions of the Hall
As mentioned in the previous section, Drizzt's awesomeness has increased yet again. It isn't quite clear what specifically is going on with him and what specific abilities he's using from his new multi-classing, but one thing is evident: Drizzt is way more than what he should be. I suppose this follows tradition, but it's past the point of ridiculous. While something like Drizzt's monk training helping him run more efficiently is plausible even at level one as long as it also isn't making him run faster, which is an ability monks do not gain until level two, the feat that Drizzt performs at the end of the novel isn't even a monk ability, at least not in the current D&D edition. Drizzt eludes a creature that wouldn't stop chasing him so long as they both exist on the same plane, and having stripped himself down to his underclothes, Drizzt has only his own body with which to perform his feat. The feat he performs is more on the level of Grandmaster Kane, who transcended death long ago and doesn't seem to even need his corporeal form anymore. Drizzt literally vanishes into nothing, and the creature chasing him returns to its home plane after its supernatural senses verify that Drizzt indeed no longer existed on the Prime anymore. So, several possibilities exist here, lets examine a few. First, Drizzt's awesomeness somehow negated a fundamental aspect of a very powerful creature that he couldn't defeat in combat. Second, Drizzt performed the astral projection portion of the level eighteen monk ability Empty Body. Third, Drizzt performed the twentieth level ability Psionic Body of the imbalanced and not yet official Mystic class from Unearthed Arcana. Fourth, Drizzt's sheer amazingness allowed him to transcend the mortal world and spontaneously become a Jedi master. The first of these possibilities is the least trite, but is still inherently based on a cheap tactic. I am legitimately afraid of what Salvatore is going to tell us about what happened. The creature pursuing Drizzt is a Retriever, with a challenge rating of fourteen. Yet, in Boundless, they are presented to be much more than that, on par with the demon lords and feared by lesser demons. In D&D canon, even a normal marilith poses a greater danger than a Retriever, and Drizzt had managed to singlehandedly defeat the greatest of that class of demon, the Maritlith who gave its name to its type. A Retriever, in comparison, should be no problem at all for him, but Salvatore inflates the power level of an established creature in order to create drama and suspense rather than coming up with something more original, or doing more research and finding something of an appropriate power level to use. The second possibility shouldn't be viable at all, the only reason aside from making his character and hence himself awesome through it is a story arc for the characters to recover or recreate Drizzt body and relocating his soul to put back into it. The third possibility I named is just really nothing short of Salvatore signing his name in an ugly sharpie across the tapestry of the Realms. Even though Grandmaster Kane was his creation too, apparently, Drizzt has to be the best, even among his own. The fourth option? Well, that one seems like it might be the most likely after all. I mean Salvatore does have an in with the Star Wars community... and wouldn't we all want Drizzt to dual-wield light sabers? The self-congratulation doesn't stop with Drizzt. The Companions of the Hall, in addition to being great heroes, apparently also have to be extremely physically attractive. This has already been done to death with Drizzt and Catt-brie, and in Boundless we're reminded a number of times of how hot Wulfgar is, but absent of this treatment thus far is Regis and Bruenor. I think Salvatore realizes that perhaps even his most fervent fans might raise an eyebrow if he pimped out Bruenor, or perhaps he doesn't have the stomach to do so for a character who's basically a very muscular, short and hirsute man. That said, it's not like he hasn't tried, for Bruenor has two wives instead of one after all. In Boundless, the circle is complete with Regis, who previously was a chubby (and hence unattractive) halfling. Now, he is described as a "quite striking figure" and "quite the dashing figure", wearing fancy clothes and equipment whilst rakishly having his "vest undone just enough to hint at another weapon he carried beneath it". Regis is so arresting that the disciplined and task-focused Dahlia "fancied she might comb her hair in her reflection" in the shiny silver buckles of his boots. Regis might've been a plump and greedy glutton with a heart of gold in his previous life, but no more. Now, he fits in with and stands beside the rest of his group in equal beauty, because apparently, it isn't enough for heroes to heroically kick people when they are down. They have to be look good while doing so too, or at least, Salvatore's heroes need to be best in all aspects.
As is routine with Drizzt's journal entries, there is much sanctimonious preaching. In Boundless, Drizzt lectures about tradition and the perils of following problematic traditions. Yet, Drizzt doesn't break from tradition himself, as though he, through being who he is, is absent from even that which he himself cautions about. In the opening to part three, Drizzt extols the dwarves for constantly searching for new tunnels to mine, Wulfgar for overcoming the sexist conditioning of his tribe, and the halflings of Bleeding Vines for the malleability of their society. Yet, he continues to hold fast to his intolerance of Zaknafein and his conviction of there being only one right path, namely, the one tread by him. This really makes him more akin to the unchanging Lolthite society of Menzoberranzan, the atrocious practices of the Prisoner's Carnival, and the insular elves who turn away refugees from their shelter, all things which he condemns. Drizzt, of course, is a fictional character, and these entries are Salvatore's words. The thing that is nearly unique about Drizzt in these novels is that he tends to present a more or less consistent stance and voice and this is still the case. Other characters are markedly less consistent, and I suspect this is driven by the fact that they are more purely whole cloth creations of Salvatores. This leads me to believe that Drizzt acts as Salvatore's perhaps unconscious spokesman, and that these ideas spouted by Drizzt are Salvatore's own ideas. If so, he is attempting to give them more validity by having them spouted by a "hero", and specifically one that he continues to build up to ridiculous levels.
Me, Myself, and I
Zaknafein, whom we're told on numerous occasions is so expert that he is pure grace with no wasted moves, is remarkably showy. During the recreational cavern-jumping sequence of the past timeline as well as the fleeing of the demons of the present timeline, Zaknafein's free-running style is more typical of a YouTube parkour performer. There are a lot of unnecessary flips, as though Salvatore in fact used a YouTube video for his writing guideline. Traceurs perform all the acrobatic feats that they do in their videos because it's more entertaining than if they simply followed the most efficient strategies for navigating a route. There's much of pointless flipping in those videos, such as running up a wall and back-flipping off of it only to climb that same wall again. Salvatore's describes Zaknafein doing a lot of similar things, with back-flipping off of stalagmites when he could just jump across, or running up surfaces that he doesn't need to run up in the first place to perform the subsequent moves. The specifics of Zaknafein's blade work is harder to comment on, as it's weighed down by Salvatore's tedious need to walk through the moves as though he were making a grocery list, but the amount of leaping and turning serving nothing but to offer his opponents openings makes the fight scenes reminiscent of old Chinese martial arts movies, where the combatants spent most of their time somersaulting at each other than exchanging blows. I believe Salvatore fancies himself a master of writing combat, for much of Boundless showcases his combat and action scenes, this is an inconvenient truth for those that would like to agree with Mr. Salvatore about his mastery. R. A. Salvatore might not be able to remember details of the greater world nor bother to spend the time to look them up, but he certainly will toot his own horn and reference his own work as though it's the only thing written in the Realms. The Stone of Tymora trilogy, penned by him and his son, Geno Salvatore, is a loose spin-off from the Drizzt series, featuring protagonists with less relation to the dark elf books than the cast of The Cleric Quintet. Yet, we're to believe that the, objectively speaking in the greater scope of the shared world, insignificant events have sent ripples that are still felt a hundred years later. The not-so-inconspicuously named ship, Joen's Heirloom, just so happens to be the trusty vessel boarded by one of the exalted heroes of the Companions of the Hall as well as the co-leader of Bregan D'aerthe. Joen is the co-star of that trilogy and eventually rises to become a minor pirate queen. Maimun, the main protagonist, and Joen were last seen during the Transitions trilogy, mourning the passing of Deudermont. The demon controlling Brevindon Margaster, a key figure in the noble Waterdhavian house that is consorting with demons, is a cambion named Asbeel. Asbeel is the name of yet another character from the Stone of Tymora trilogy, specifically, the main antagonist of the series. The last we saw of that Asbeel was being stabbed through the heart after the magic that was keeping him immortal was broken. In addition, that Asbeel, although cursed to appear with the visage of a demon whenever he wasn't in a shrine of Beshaba or Tymora, was fundamentally a moon elf. The Asbeel in Boundless is described as a cambion. Yet, this  cambion possesses a "melodic and high-pitched" voice, specifically, "the voice of an elf, but twisted and grating". It seems to be no coincidence, especially considering that the description of Asbeel's sword in Stowaway, the first book of the Stone of Tymora series, is as follows: "Black iron, the blade was longer than Perrault was tall, and the whole length of it curved. The convex edge, the sharp side, was wickedly serrated, with bright red barbs lining its length. Even the hilt looked capable of killing. Its crosspiece of twisted metal spikes, a dozen perhaps, jutted at odd angles, and several more spikes stuck out beneath the demon's red hand where a pommel should have been. More frightening still, the length of the blade blazed with red flame." Meanwhile, the blade wielded by Brevindon Margaster, specifically stated by the text to be "Asbeel's sword", is described as, "a black blade" as well as, "a curving, viciously serrated bastard sword with a handle of jagged spikes that cut into his hands when he wielded it". It seems pretty clear that these two weapons are the same, even if the one that appears in Boundless is "completed in the town of Port Llast after the sacking" that had occurred earlier in the novel. Perhaps Asbeel was "reforged" in some way too for the purpose of this Generations trilogy, but another thing becomes, I believe, very clear: that Salvatore took time to reference other material, which is something he most certainly hasn't done recently to the works of others, and oftentimes not even to his own earlier books. Yet, what makes the Stone of Tymora series an exception? I suspect that his special treatment of it, as well as the name of the current trilogy, hints at the reason, which I'll go into further in the speculations section. Either way, it's yet another example of Salvatore exalting, or, at the very least, recognizing himself.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
And your next line is...
Strike a pose!
Hello, the name is Aylo and I am a dedicated on and off role-player with a tendency of writing original stories in the hope that one day, my own vision gets pushed out into the world. But that dream is still a far away concept as most of my works are still in the making. Since I am still on summer break, I’ve got some time at my hands that I’m interested to fill it with some juicy writing. 

Roleplaying is one of my greatest hobbies on the side! I enjoy it greatly as it gives you the opportunity to build a world and gripping plot with a partner. Also, a little about me before dive into it. You must be at least 18+ of age when you want to start original roleplay with me, just to be upfront and honest with you. I am in my twenties, thus I have no quarrel, or rather much prefer, mature adult themes. I accept anyone, but they have to be willing to fill some of these categories mentioned down below. What I expect is a decent (if not, very good) grasp on grammar, the ability and will to write creatively and shoulder half of the plotting and responsibility as well as the passion for roleplaying. Of course this should be seen as a fun way of passing the time and inspiring one’s muse, but I really like to invest… I wish for my partner to take equal initiative. 

This request is a bit of an unusual one as I am targeting a fandom that you may have or have not heard about. 
Currently I am on the hunt for someone who would like to start a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure themed RP with me! Yes, as odd as it sounds, but the series had captured my heart in the most bizarre way (I couldn’t resist, apologies) and I simply fell in love with this odd, quirky world of JoJo. I started binging the series a year ago but now, I really became invested and grew to crave for an experience in writing it with a partner!
Regarding which era of the JoJo’s we could take this, I am fairly open, though I have yet to watch Part 5. 

Since the world of JoJo is so vastly open and brimming with possibility, there’s no exact limit. Unless of course, the characters are overpowered, then we might have a problem. However I’ve rarely encountered cases, so I wouldn’t worry that much about it. I have a strong penchant for including original characters and ideas that can be added to the pre-existing plot. Also very happy to expand on the given worlds and open to AU’s. Okay so I am a really big nerd when it comes to the supernatural, mysterious, urban myth and fantasy. Love combining those given elements with organised crime, complex characters, cataclysmic events and dark schemes that all unravels as time goes on. JoJo is a perfect breeding ground for it all.

Which JoJo is the best JoJo?

In my opinion, I love all of them <3
Just to be frank here! 
I am going to list all of the parts I am open and willing to do, down below:
JoJo: Phantom Blood (Part 1)

JoJo: Battle Tendency (Part 2)

JoJo: Stardust Crusaders (Part 3)

JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable (Part 4)
Now I know there are seasons of the series that I’ve yet to read and watch, but there is so much of the world already, I am perfectly content with focusing the story on those four! 

 Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the given situation and partner. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.)

What it entails:

Alright, so you are writing with some of mature age. I have 11 years of writing experience when it comes to the game. This will be a fair warning that this request is not for the faint of heart. There will be violence, swearing, gore, intimate scenes, uncomfortable subjects, drama, conflict and other dark themes included within the story. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner, so do not shy away from telling me. Just so you know, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty. Go big or go home. Interests: My line of interests are very dynamic when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into some science fiction, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. World building and sharing the burden: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense. Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between figures. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adept with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz). I encourage erotism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if it’s just a mere description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, implication of sexual content, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture among other things. But I also greatly endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced like Yin and Yang. Communication and friendship: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making friends and as we all know, communication is key. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is anything that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or if we’re both at fault here), don’t be frightened to tell me. Really, it won’t be taken personally since I know that we all slip up every now and then. We’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. Partnership: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: Subject matters I avoid are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, vore, scat, furries and various other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and decently structured. 
I live in CET central Europe. My response rate varies throughout the weeks, depending on my schedule. 
If I should hit a hiatus, I will let you know as soon as possible. I understand when you are busy as well and won’t be able to respond, though I highly appreciate if my partner does disappear without notification. At least give me a heads up on what’s going on so I can adjust and put the roleplay on hold if needed! 
Mediums I roleplay on are email and google-docs. I also have Discord in case for OOC chat, but I rather much prefer email at first because Discord can be somewhat messy from time to time.

I prefer if my partner messages me first on email, giving me a brief description of themselves, their cravings as well as ideas. That way I can see if we’re compatible and if it bears any potential. 

Message me here:
EMAIL: [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon! Lots of love!

Sincerely yours, Aylo
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TWIGW April 15-21
Good morning lovely fandom!
Here’s your round up for this week!  If you submitted something we missed, drop us a line, we’ll get it corrected! 
And if you find something you like, remember to leave the creator some love!
Mod CB
A Little Piece of Gundam Wing
The archive is being ported to AO3! Check it out!
The Snow Queen
Days after the incident that nearly sparked a new war, Relena returns to the Sanc Kingdom to contemplate her future. She can’t help but wonder which path the perfect soldier will choose… and whether their destinies will continue to collide.
Pairings: 1xR
Warnings: Gundam Wing (Frozen Teardrop), Preventers
Tout pour toi mon amour
A collection of Dorothy and Relena oneshots for @maevemauvaise
Pairings: DxR
Warnings: none
Death Unspeaking (Chapters 19 and 20!!)
What happens when a Gundam Pilot is mute? Will the other Pilots look down at him because of it? Will he overcome the odds or will the odds overcome him?
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Underage, Mute!Duo Gundams, Eventual Canon Divergence, Mobile Suits, Fighting, Eventual Yaoi, AU, Sign Language, just pure awesomeness, Blowing Shit Up, blowing ships up, Circus
Post Nihil
Much of Trowa’s past is lost to him, but he can’t help feeling drawn to the pale boy who’s been haunting his dreams. When the boy turns out to be real, Trowa follows him into space. But something’s not right. A deep sense of sadness has taken hold of Quatre, and Trowa makes it his mission to free him from it. Unfortunately, Quatre seems to think he deserves to be miserable.A love story told as a series of codas, all taking place between Episodes 35-49. This is my first fic for this fandom, so please be kind. I'm new to this site.
Pairings: 3x4
Warnings: Temporary Amnesia, Troquat, Quattro - Freeform, 3x4 - Freeform, 4x3 - Freeform, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Guilt, Teens Acting Like Teens, Atypical Treatment of Amnesia, Probably ooc, Canon Compliant
Of All People
After his relationship with Zechs ends, Trowa meets Duo - a vaguely familiar, handsome stranger who promises to help him forget his ex.  Giftfic for @kangofu-cb
Pairings: 2x3, 4x5, past 3x6
Warnings: AU, academic au, nice and fluffy, no really, happy endings and fun times, and SMUT
@claraxbarton , @kangofu-cb
Bad Company
"The only hell and the only paradise are the ones we build ourselves." - Unknown Years after the wars, Preventers has decided to tackle one of the most powerful and oldest of all the Terran crime syndicates. Embedded dangerously deep in an undercover operation targeting the violent and bloodthirsty Sinaloa Cartel, Trowa Barton is pushed beyond even his flexible morals - and when his new "partner" arrives in the very unexpected and unwelcome form of Duo Maxwell, the one person he'd been trying to protect at all costs, both men must deal with the realization that preserving peace for humanity is turning into a bloodsport.What follows is race against time to uncover the evidence they need to bring Sinaloa, and its beautiful but deadly leaders, down - all while keeping each other alive in the process
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Post-Canon, Undercover Missions, Undercover as a Couple, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Human Trafficking, Gang Violence, Canon Typical Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Moral Dilemmas
The Dance Politic
A star-struck Heero finally confesses to Duo, who is now the mayor of L2.
Pairings: 1x2, 5xR
Warnings: none
Foopy, kirallie
Knights of Avalon
Multi-series crossover fic
The Galaxy is a weird, wonderful and dangerous place. There is far more to history than anyone remembers.
Warnings: Very AU, Stargate pushed up to movie in '04, sentient weapons, many dates have been played with to fit
Past Tense
'Milliardo.... I'll be waiting on the other side....'A quarter of a century after the fight at MOII, the Epyon System follows the last command given by its maker, returning him to where he will, once again, be needed. But 25 years is a long time and the world he left behind is not the one he wakes in, and fighting to be more than the ghost that he has become to his friends and family may be one battle Treize Khushrenada really cannot win.
Pairings: 6x13, 3xUne, 5xMariemaia, 4xR, 2xDorothy
Warnings: Other Children, Past Relationship(s, )Past Zechs/Noin, Past Treize/Une, Hints of Treize/Dorothy, Newtypes, POLITICS!, Sanc, Past Heero/Relena, Past Treize/OFC, Past Treize/OMC, Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Parents & Children, Discussions of Politics/War/Abuse/Sex, References to Drugs, Romefeller Foundation, Mentions of Past Nastiness, ZERO System, Canon - to a point
Wild Roses: Cold Comfort
December AC 191: Six months after creation, Treize's new Wing is rapidly gathering a reputation as the best of the best. A routine patrol in space cements Zechs's status as an Ace and leaves Treize injured, revealing the depths of his religious beliefs.As the 10th Anniversary of the Fall of Sanc combines with the fallout, Leia begins to doubt her husband, Lady Une summons the Zodiac to form, and Noin earns her wings. On Christmas Eve, Treize marks his 21st with a mission he did not expect, culminating in professional triumph and personal revelation for both men.
Pairings: Zechs Merquise/Original Male Character(s), Zechs/Otto, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une, Leia Barton/Treize Khushrenada, Zechs/Otto/OMC
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Nuclear-powered suits, The Duchess of Richmond's Ball, Medical Euthanasia
Three months after the events of Like Oxygen, Duo shows up on Wufei's doorstep. As familiar, dangerous patterns assert themselves, Wufei's left wondering if there is, or could be, anything between them beyond self-destructive desire. Sequel to Like Oxygen
Pairings: 5x2
Warnings: Unhealthy Relationships, Post War Trauma, Suicidal Thoughts, no EW, Post-Warm Explicit Language, Sex, Bad Decisions, POV Chang Wufei, everyone is broken, But Maybe Trying to Get Better?
Life is War
Multi-series crossover fic
Sequel to 'Life is Fringe'. Five years later, Max, Chloe, and Kevin have settled into their new lives. However, they soon find themselves caught up in a power-struggle between two powerful men competing to control the fate of the world. Loyalties will be tested but a greater threat looms in the darkness, ready to strike.
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Kate Marsh/Original Character(s), Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Kate Marsh, Olivia Dunham, Treize Khushrenada, Natasi Daala, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une
Warnings: Science Fiction & Fantasy, War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Original Character(s), Post-Canon, Crossover, Multiple Crossovers, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, pricefield
To Be Kind
A @gwcocktailfriday submission
Cathy knows that this isn't going to work anymore.
Pairings: Cathy x OMC
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mild Sexual Content, Mild Language, Mild Angst, Cocktail Friday
The Source of All Things
Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
Pairings: 3x4, 2x5, eventual 1x2x5
Warnings:  alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Two Halves
The two kingdoms of Sanq and Lin were at war for years; a conflagration involving magic, armies and political murder. The conflict left both nations devastated and strewn with refugees. The king of Sanq finds his infant son, lost at birth, among the death and the ruin, a miracle he barely dared to hope for. But there isn't just one boy, there are two, clinging together like two halves of a whole that cannot be separated. Decades later, the truth behind that second child’s existence will put a hole in the world, or possibly save it.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Fantasy AU, medieval setting with magic, starts with our heroes as children, Cousin Incest, sort of, eventually, being royalty this is in fact the norm and rather expected of them, Canon-Typical Violence
La última impresión
Pienso en todo esto mientras espero que Duo Maxwell haga su aparición anual. Cuatro años han pasado desde que abandonamos nuestras vidas militares y él, desde el término de los conflictos armados, cada año aparece en la misma fecha, sin importar en qué parte del mundo esté yo instalado.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Creator chose not to use archive warnings
Souls for the Bayou for @maevemauvaise and written for @fandomtrumpshate
For Trowa Barton, exploring the bayou is the ultimate adventure. Drawn to its borders since before he could walk, he spent his childhood learning its paths and uncovering its secrets.  But a chance encounter sets him on a path that spans across time, challenging everything he thought he knew, plunging him deeper into its mysteries than he ever thought possible.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Supernatural - Freeform, Fae & Fairies, Fae Magic, Bayou, Cajun, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Mystery, Slow Burn, Technically Speaking, Young Love, Use of accents, Original Character(s), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I don't want to give it all away at once, Fandom Trumps Hate
Martini Time
Trowa is not the first pick for Relena's protection detail, nor is he even second or third, but his presence is requested at this particular party, involving a very particular dress code.
Pairings: 3xR, implied 2xR, implied future 2x3xR
Warnings: Cocktail Friday, 1950s Theme, Another stupid charity party, dressing up, Comments on Trowa's hair, Unwanted attention, Sharing
Wrong Number
Duo, as Quatre's self appointed wing-man and in an attempt to reduce some of Quatre's innocence, gives Quatre the number to a sex hotline. Quatre reluctantly agrees to it. Unfortunately for Quatre, Duo got distracted and gave him the wrong number. But maybe that's a good thing.
Pairings: 4xOFC, 2xOFC
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Wrong Number AU thingy, Quatre is a cinnamon roll, Duo is Quatre's self appointed wingman, Duo shouldn't be Quatre's wingman, Duo was trying to help but messed up, Quatre is weak against freckles, but that's later, Heero has a gilfriend, Duo doesn't believe she's real though, Booy is he proven wrong later, Quatre swears, and gets mildly flirted with, Texting, group chats, Quatre has a tattoo, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drunk Texting, Drunk flirting
Properties of Zero
Four years after the war, Zechs is an embittered relic wrapped up in his own suffering. A chance meeting with Quatre Winner may lead to something more, if Zechs is willing to try. If ZERO will let him.
Pairings: 4x6 (main) with multiple background pairings
Warnings: Post-Endless Waltz, Artificial Intelligence, Psychic Bond, Psychic Violence, OZ wins the war, Everybody Lives, Politics, Rough Sex, Dubious Consent, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Zechs is not a great person, But kind of wants to be, Quatre is not that innocent, ZERO is not your friend, ZERO may not be your enemy either, Resistance
Life Is A Highway
On an impulsive plan to travel from California to New York City to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Heero Yuy did not plan to pick up a hitchhiker in nowhere Texas. Faced with some setbacks and a growing attraction to his passenger, Heero goes through more challenges than he planned on facing.
Pairings: 1x2, 1xR
Warnings: light slash, Fluff, Road Trips, Dubious Morality
WIP Wednesday - Awkward Une
LAM!verse - Snippet featuring Wufei and Sally discussing future opportunities
Photo Edits/Manipulations
What if Gundam Wing was real? - Chang Wufei’s office ft. Sally
Headcanons / Meta / Discussions:
L5′s origins and history
Pet headcanons
Multiple Contributors
White Fang meta discussion
Pilots as pixies
Relena meme
His Excellency, Mayor of the Confederate Second LaGrange States, Duo Maxwell
Quatre stickers
Duo VS Wufei a commission for @lifeaftermeteor 
Gundam desktop wallpapers
Post-war Duo and Heero
Meilan Long
Gundam Titans
Gundam Wing PDF cover
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Friday
A new prompt every Monday!
Submissions should be posted Fridays between 3 and 5pm EST, and tagged with @gwcocktailfriday, and are included in the This Week roundup on Sundays.
Interview with a Creator by @remsyk-blog @interview-with-a-creator
Remsyk has created an online interview for fandom creators to fill out and then she features one each week so that everyone in the fandom can learn a bit about each other.
If you haven’t filled out her interview, go! do! now!
This week’s featured creator is @ellewritesfiction check her interview out here!
Discord Meet Up!
@lifeaftermeteor has organized our next fandom-wide Discord Meet
You can join the channel at any time (it is permanently open), but “official” events will start around 0900 EST both April 28 and April 29 and run until…well, whenever!  Fans are encouraged to pop in and out of the channel as their schedule and time zone allows.  
More information can be found here
Diamonds in Stars Challenge
@terrablaze514 has posed an OT5 challenge to the fandom!
Hello Gundam Fans! April is the month of Gundanium and the warriors who use them. It is also the month where Art and Creativity is celebrated. 
Those who are interested will write an OT5 (friendly, platonic or romantic). A diamond has five points, just like a star. This challenge is just for fun; writers are free to choose which trope, type, rating, genre, etc. to work with. If you want to write a poem about Gundam Wing (pertaining to the five pilots, gundams or other major characters) that’s a bonus! So send your shooting star here (or post on AO3). Make sure you tag it as #diamondsinstars or #gwdis. Entries are due on April 30th. Have fun! 
30 Day Gundam Wing Challenge
Daily questions about Gundam Wing. Please tag your participation posts with @gundamwing30daychallenge for them to be recognized.
Challenge questions and more information can be found here
Pick and choose which questions you wish to answer (or tackle them all!). The point of this challenge is to stimulate fandom participation and to promote conversation and interaction between all fans!
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real-life-sucks-ass · 7 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
I’ve been tagged by @inrainbowz! Thanks for giving me an occasion to blab about my writing to the world :D
1. List of works published this year:
So, according to AO3 I wrote 224132 words in 2017. But tbh I’ve not been very productive, I only wrote a few chapters for two WIP (still unfinished) and a single one-shot. The rest is the exact same stuff, but translated into english. Take a look:
One Video Man (One Vidéo Man in french): This is a Youtube!AU fic for the One Punch Man fandom. I had this stupid idea about a AU where everyone is human, in our world, and every character runs a Youtube channel. That’s all. I just describe videos so the reader feels like they’re watching this on Youtube. I have no plan, no scenario, no nothing. But the thing is, I encourage my readers to post fake Youtube comments for the characters to answer, and to give me some ideas about what should happen next and what kind of video I should write. So yeah, it’s kind of a fun experience, and I like trying new stuff and interact with my readers (I did something a bit like this for a spn fic a few years ago). But I’m so slow at updating, my readers are dying with frustration lol.
Albion’s last bulwark (Le dernier rempart d’Albion in french): This is a BBC Merlin fic, and actually it is a sequel for my fic Le dernier souffle de Kilgharrah I have yet to translate into english. It can be read separately, though. It is a resurrection fic in Arthur’s point of view. He comes back to life in our world today and realize he’s lost his kingdom, his wife, everything, and Merlin looks like an old man and is obviously not so happy about his return. I wanted them to struggle to get their relation back. I wanted Arthur to feel lost and alone. This fic is filled with angst and is merthur. I still have about 5 chapters to write & translate to complete it.
A cheap spell (Un sort au rabais in french): I wrote this short Merthur OS just for funsies and I also made a drawing here. Basically Arthur went missing and everyone is worried sick (especially Merlin) and looking for him everywhere... but Arthur is right there under their noses, only turned into a toad and frustrated because no one recognizes him. Well it’s not much, but it was fun to write.
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Definitely Albion’s last bulwark (Le dernier rempart d’Albion in french). You have no idea. This fic is my precious, my everything. I’m pouring my whole soul in it. I could talk about it all day. This is the fic that made me want to get better in english just so I could translate it at some point.
Why? Because CloudFactory and I have been thinking about it for years before I even started writing it. I do all the writing, but we made out the story together, we thought every little detail through, and she’s my betareader both in french and in english. Because we worked hard to get the characterization right. Because I had been dying to read a resurrection fic in which Merlin has been deeply changed by centuries of living in a changing world, so I decided to write it myself. I wanted a Merlin who went through some rough stuff that had nothing to do with Arthur at all. I wanted a Merlin living like an hermit, but not because he’s waiting for Arthur to return, but for a totally different reason. Because I wanted Arthur to grieve for Camelot, for Gwen, for his past life. Because I wanted Arthur to return for a very serious reason, because Albion truly is in danger. Also, because dragons. In this fic, Merlin has a bunch of dragons, including a baby one, I love writing them.
So yeah, I’m so fucking proud of this fic and I will cry tears of pure joy once I complete it.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Well I’m kinda proud of everything I wrote in 2017, but if I really have to pick one, I’d say A cheap spell (Un sort au rabais in french) because, well, I wrote it quickly and I felt the merthur was bit rushed and OOC. But that’s because I’m the kind of author who usually needs at least 10 chapters to bring some romance, so... Also, writing crack is fun, but I’m way better at writing angst.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing: Okay so I’ll follow @inrainbowz‘s example and show one in french first, then one in english. But only for my fic Albion’s last bulwark (Le dernier rempart d’Albion in french), because yup, I’m really really proud of it.
Voilà un petit extrait en français, du dernier chapitre en date pour Le dernier rempart d’Albion :
- Et nous nous sommes rencontrés ?
Freya esquissa un pâle sourire qu’Arthur n’aurait su qualifier d’amusé ou triste.
 - Oui. Tu es celui qui m’as tuée.
Arthur eut une inspiration de surprise et ses yeux s’écarquillèrent.
- Quoi ?
 - Laisse-moi te rafraîchir la mémoire…
Lorsqu’une main creva la surface du lac, suivie d’un poignet gracile et d’un bras nu, Arthur se recula vivement et tomba assis, le souffle coupé. Le reflet de Freya soulevait la nappe d’eau et sa tête émergea à son tour, ses cheveux ruisselant sur son visage, ses épaules et sa poitrine à peine couvertes d’une robe en lambeaux. Le cœur battant à tout rompre, Arthur déglutit et s’efforça de rester calme et de ne pas dégainer Excalibur face à ce spectacle aussi terrifiant qu’époustouflant. Car ce corps qui avait surgi jusqu’à la taille et se penchait à présent sur lui la main tendue, il était translucide, uniquement composé d’eau.
And now another one, in english this time:
Merlin steadied his stance and turned a dark and hateful glare at Arthur. His cheeks seemed hollower and his cheekbones sharper now that he had turned back to his young self. The look on his face was frightening, full of rage.
"Merlin, pull yourself back together!" Arthur ordered, striding right to him. "Don't make me knock you out!"
There was a heavy aura surrounding Merlin when he raised an open hand toward Arthur.
Everything happened very fast. The shock wave that hit him threw him back with a staggering blow, tearing his feet away from the ground. He crashed into the glass doors, smashing them to pieces, and pain flared in his back. He might have lost consciousness for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on the concrete strewn with sharp glass fragments and the wounds on his back had reopened, soaking his t-shirt with blood.
He cut his palms on the shards trying to get up, but he clenched his teeth and ignored the pain. There would be plenty of time to worry later about how dizzy he felt and his vision starting to blur. For now, the urgency was Merlin.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
Okay so I had never once received a comment on AO3 for my fic Le dernier rempart d’Albion because well, french readers are pretty rare on this website and most of them prefer to read in english anyway. And when I started translating it into english, I got a very enthusiastic comment of someone who loved it. And she wanted to know what happened next so bad, she couldn’t wait for me to translate, so she went and read the next chapters in french, even though her french was rusty and she couldn’t understand everything. I had never been so happy reading a comment. That someone enjoyed the story so much they made the effort to read it in french... Yeah, this made my whole year :D And she still reads both the french version and english translation, waiting for each new chapter. Best reader ever. I love her. <3
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
From august to december, biggest writing block ever. I had no motivation, no inspiration, no energy and I think it had to do with work and real life being crazy, but also because CloudFactory was very busy, so I had no cheerleader to force me to write lol.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Probably ever character in One Video Man? I control nothing in this fic, I just get carried away by my readers’ ideas and the inspiration of the moment.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I think I started to understand that I should not be so hard on myself. I’m a perfectionist, so sometimes it blocks my writing when I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself to get it perfect on the first draft. I think I made a lot of progress in descriptions too.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope I’ll be able to write faster and to stop procrastinating. I need to use less adjectives too.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
CloudFactory ( @less-life-and-more-dream ) and Jackallh ( @geek-trough-time-and-space ) are the best. I just have to chat with them about my fics, and yay! Ideas! Inspiration! Motivation! Also tumblr and the Merlin fandom inspire me every day new ideas :p
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
When Merlin brings Arthur in London, I used some real life experience, since I’ve been in London for my 30 years birthday with @less-life-and-more-dream, @geek-trough-time-and-space and @dupond-and-dupont. The fish n’ chips I described in the fic, also Hyde’s park and its geese, all came from my happy memories :D
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Don’t thrive for perfection. Just do your best, and even if you hate it, you can still edit later. You WILL get better by writing, it’s a slow process, but for this to happen you have to write.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
First, I have to complete Albion’s last bulwark and One Video Man, both in french and english. Also in a few months I’ll post my translation in english for Albion’s last bulwark’s prequel: Le dernier souffle de Kilgharrah. Then, I plan to write a prequel to Le dernier souffle de Kilgharrah, about the days, months and years just after Arthur died. The whole story will be a trilogy in the end! :D
I consider taking back one of my old abandoned WIP too (I have a Supernatural fic and a Whitechapel ITV fic uncompleted), but I’m not sure I’ll have the time for it. I have AT LEAST three other Merlin fanfics I really reaaaaaally want to write.
14. Tag five writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read.
@creepywonderland-pony @dupond-and-dupont @andersandrew @istadris @always-keep-writing and whoever wants to do this!
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