#oops idgaf
citric-acid-rain · 9 months
What it looked like when my partner’s pfp was Branch and mine was Pace LMFAOO
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tiiramisu-cake · 24 days
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probably the first time we see megumi laugh like this in a long long while —so freely, without a worry, just a joyous boom of mirth— after literally going through hell and back... and of course it's gojo who makes him laugh.
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synth-ab · 3 months
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I saw Fury Road again tonight. I also saw Furiosa a few days ago. She's my everything now.
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yumayui · 30 days
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hes holding hands with a certain someone 😎
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mortysmith · 9 months
ohhhhhhh my fucking gooooooodddddddddddddd this episode was so fucking insane
i love how it's littered with implications of morty's perceived relationship with rick. for example when they first get out of the hole and morty is crying and rick immediately goes to snap a picture. like it speaks volumes that morty imagines this to be rick's initial reaction, vs the ending where rick genuinely does check up on him.
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i'm also a huge fan of that initial argument they have in the garage, where rick calls morty out on being afraid of getting replaced, and morty flat out denies it or tries to refute it, but when rick and diane actually leave for their date morty straight up admits it. "you nailed it! my worst nightmare! i'd like to leave the hole now?" he knew that his fear, at least one of them, was him getting shoved aside, but he's definitely picked up some of that emotional repression from rick!!!!!!
im also fascinated by the conversation morty has with the hole guy, because i feel like it implies that morty is also deeply afraid of being dumb, naive, and that rick's nihilistic outlook on life is the correct way to perceive the world. there's also a moment in their conversation where the hole guy reveals that he just wants to suck up all of rick's fear, and morty says "can't the hole just let me go then? sounds like i dont matter," to which the hole guy immediately says "you don't!" showing that morty is also deeply afraid of being nothing more than some kind of tool, a means to the end that is rick.
another moment that killed me dead a little bit was when morty says that he's afraid of being responsible for rick's sadness, which is so grotesquely sad to me, because holy shit, rick's abuse runs so deep that morty is Hole-Level Scared of being in any way responsible for rick's sadness.
the last three minutes are obviously the peak of this episode and kind of this season, because it is just sooo miserable how morty's most crippling fear is proven right. even if only vaguely, there's still that underlying "he did not and would not do this for me" idea that is now confirmed for morty, and i am just. So excited to see how this character arc is continues
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 3 months
LMAO help why did i just have to fight a grown man at the family function 😭😭 This is why i dont go out
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pcktknife · 1 year
oh using a breakup song to seal a beast that ends up as a major part of a kingdoms history is crazy like why did u air all that out in front of these people 😭
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Tumblrinas be saying they get turned on by incest,pedophillia and sa because it's part of their history to moralize it but then will be white.Like yeah we know.You justified back then too.You've never stopped and you want it to stay that way forever because it's dangerous to question because it could lead to an 'uprising',is the way i usually see it phrased
(This is not about trans women but it is about t*rfs.T*rfism is an act of chauvinism and sexual violence)
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littlelordfckleroy · 12 days
I'm watching this dnd campaign and the episode I'm watching is so good.
Like the theme is about being a hero, so players are playing heroes, the whole thing with a secret identity and they go into the night saving poor folk.
Anyway, they were fighting a bad guy and he escaped to a small island.
So the heroes/players arrived there, their whole entrance felt very ... like settlers, colonizers. They are searching in every nook and cranny, in the sand, behind trees, etc. Not paying attention to the locals staring at them. The whole table (dm included) is white and tbh, I thought it wouldn't be addressed. Boy was I wrong.
Sure, the players have good intentions, I'll give them that. You don't get to come in someone's house and just rummage through their belongings. Even if you think you're right.
Of course, you have to tell people who you are. I don't even let my friend into my flat, you think I'm letting randos ?
Of course, you have to prove your innocence. You're not a god, and no matter how hard you try to persuade yourself, you're not a savior. Not to this person, who you didn't save from anything.
Anyway it's nice
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torawro · 4 months
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me when i make a depressing, life-shattering discovery about my character that explains my behavior and it leads to inevitable self loathing.
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shinshoyu · 11 months
playing mk rn why does it sometimes sound like the characters are in a tin can 😭😭😭
like sometimes the audio is SHIT ?!??? this damn story has beautiful cutscenes but god forbid the audio mixing has the same level of effort ig
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deanaferal · 5 months
accused of being extremely picky and tunnel visioned. And? I know what I like. I want what I want. I refuse to settle or to force. I have strange tastes that the common variety just doesn’t interest. I simply cannot be fascinated by that which does not intrigue me. It doesn’t have to be emotional. It just has to be on the same wavelength. It just has to stir my curiosity in a new way. It happens so rarely that when it does I have a hell of a hard time letting go. It’s not impossible. I just have to pry each plunged in fingernail from it one by one until my white knuckle grip releases enough for me to feel sane again. I’m the chillest person alive, what are you talking about???
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illidan · 6 months
person who provided the spare parts but not the energy cell to the charging station i gotta ask. why
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stardustandash · 1 year
Get By With a Little Help Ch. 5
It’s the first time that Cal’s called himself a Jedi in the cantina, at least in Monk’s hearing. It feels like it should be a powerful moment between them, but really it just makes Monk feel the same as when he looks at Zee. Like he’s witnessing something that time forgot.
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cruelests · 2 years
i’m curious. what’s an album that you really loved during your childhood that still has a special place in your heart?
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urlocalbitchboy · 1 year
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*creats a photo collection of some of the hands/arms I've drawn over the past year or so* I just think they're neat 😊😊
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