So, thought of some sad Taka and Takaaki stuff.
And it's Mastermind AU stuff. If Takaaki was a Mastermind in THH.
After Mondo's execution, Taka completely shuts down. No sleep, won't eat, won't speak and nobody is really there to help him out. Makoto is trying, but it doesn't work. And everyone else just either acknowledges him or doesn't bat an eye.
Takaaki really didn't want it to happen. Taka...he was happy. He made friends with Mondo, and as much as he didn't like Mondo given his record, he felt glad that Taka met him. Even if he wanted Taka to make friends with someone a bit better. Someone who didn't challenge him to a sauna battle where both of them could've died. And in the most idiotic way, too. But...Taka was happy. And the two really loved each other.
He wasn't an idiot. He knew how to two looked at each other. They really loved one another. Then...
Then Mondo killed Chihiro.
He knew what would happen. He couldn't be biased. He couldn't keep Mondo alive and figure something else to replace him. No. Mondo needed to be executed. He took a life. And now, his life must be taken from him. It's how it worked. He knew the justice system as well as anyone else, it was his job! His career was justice.
And...justice wasn't the best thing in the world when it came to something like this. He remembered just how awful he felt when he had Mondo board the bike. When he had Mondo chained down. It was funny, he felt joy of seeing the despair in others' eyes. When he killed the others previously, it felt nice...
And he practically felt nothing else, not even any remorse. But Mondo made him feel the most remorse. But not for Mondo himself, but for Taka. He just wished Mondo wasn't the boy he knew for years since the formation of The Crazy Diamonds. Which, he wasn't, but...
He was still the same. That awful temper and blind rage that got him in trouble a lot.
And seeing Taka during the aftermath made him feel worse about everything, too.
He hoped Taka would at least eat or something. Then again...you really wouldn't eat if you thought your best friend could be in the meal you were given. Right? He also wished Taka would just at least sleep. Prayed for at least a little nap. But Taka refused.
When Taka became Kiyondo Ishida, he was worried. But, at least he was feeling better. And he'd finally do things like sleeping! That was something! And when Taka would go to sleep, he'd sneak into his room and just watch him for a bit. Make sure he's okay.
He'd see the tear streaks on his son's cheeks as his son held Mondo's jacket close to him. Curling up into a little ball as he slept. It was heartbreaking. He wished it didn't happen that way. He'd embrace Taka ever so carefully. He'd apologize quietly, apologizing to the pain he's caused his son to go through. And that he was sorry for being an awful father and that he loved him.
It was really what he could do. It was the only thing. He could only hope that Taka would be safe. Safe from harm.
And how wrong he was.
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blackberreh-art · 1 month
"Oopsie! It seems I've been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time~"
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The finished afo pics by themselves eheheh This fought me a lot, but I'm happy with how they turned out~
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spirit-lanterns · 1 month
Also, haha, potato Kafka would be so ornery and >:I
I'm imagining Robot!Himeko just like, "Not looking too sharp, there."
And Kafka is just "ĐĪƏ!"
Oh, btw, did we even MAKE a Himeko backstory!?
Okay then!
Himeko was kind of like a working prototype of a robot meant to pump out blueprints, inventions, and a repairbot.
Sooooo, kind of like how people want to make robots that make fast food and deliver it. But people want vehicle mechanic-ing and making screws and stuff an automatic process.
Himeko is like that, but is moreso meant to invent working blueprints and create things herself (maybe her briefcase is a 3-D printer? I think that would be pretty cute!)
Anyway, being a prototype, she probably had poor optimization in the GPU and RAM departments, leading to easy overheats and circuitry damage due to that, which the engineer has to repair.
Eventually, newer models come out (maybe in the form of Misha? But he's not really an inventor... idk) and, as older models are, Himeko is cast aside, deemed not good enough to use for long term, and no one wanted to use money and resources to try to update her, since she's not exactly brand-new anymore.
Perhaps her AI was copy-pasted to HI3 Himeko, but I know not much about that series to properly talk about it, oopsies...
The "coffee" She drinks is a special oil and fuel that helps to optimize her GPU usage, though the exact formula went out of production, the instructions and how to make it is still retained in Himeko's memory, which she probably tells to Engineer.
She likely tries to help the Engineer with her job, but since she was made more for inventing and her repairing doesn't specialize in robots, she can't help the engineer with her job-job, so helps to repair or create small trinkets the Engineer has. So maybe she makes screwdrivers, or wrenches.
I bet she has such a wholesome relationship with Robot!Stelle. When the Engineer's busy, Robot!Stelle probably goes to Himeko to ask for help with mending two things together, or finding out what something is and what it's used for, if it can still be useful, etc.
EHEHEHE sassy and mean Potato Kafka makes me giggle 🤭
As for your whole deep dive on Android! Himeko, I am mighty impressed! I really like the idea of her being an android that’s sole purpose is to invent things, so I can see her being like a little assistant or helper in the Engineer’s laboratory. Maybe she’s really good at making coffee for you too <3
Oh and her relationship with Android! Stelle is just as sweet as their canon relationship in the game! I can see the two of them bonding over both being older model androids and Stelle looking up to Himeko like the mother figure she never had. It’s nice that Stelle finally has an android companion that doesn’t scare the oil out of her 😅
P.S: I can see some of the androids (besides Stelle and inevitably March) getting jealous over Android! Himeko because she works so closely to you. She spends almost every hour of the day holed up with you in your laboratory, and unless you are fixing up an android, you and Himeko are alone for majority of the day 👀
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storytimewithwambo · 21 days
Whats your thoughts on sissyfication? Who am I kidding, with how wimpy you are it’s obvious🤭 why don’t you tell us how much you love it?
W-who told you I enjoy anything like that?! I am a strong, dignified, fully grown man. So I absolutely 100% do NOT— 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 why my.. brain feelin.. fuzzyyyy…
Omigosh no duh! It’s all the rage isn’t it! That’s what my besties tell me on all our shopping trips! They, like, giggle at me after telling me it, but its whatevs! Prolly just some inside joke they made at the salon without me or somethin!
Ooooh! Speaking of, B.T.Dubs peep my new acrylics! TOO cute, yeah?? Eeee! I know! The hot pink really brings out my lipstick too! And the best part is how it also matches the pumps Rachel and I went halfsies on in the mall! Ugh.. I wish my ass was as plump as hers, that slut..
Oopsie that was catty, sorry. But yeah! I’m thinking I’m gonna debut this whole fit on a night out with the girlies! Quick question, girly girl to girliest girl: my friends bought me this DARLING pink petticoat. Too much? Too frilly for the club? Is the plastic coating too eye catching? Too loud? Oh Who am I kidding, of course it is! Lol. That’s why it’s perfect! I’d like to see the girls get more eyes on them than me tonight!
Oh but my question stands: Does my ass look thick enough in it? Or should I get a diaper to seal the deal?… that look on your face screams that it’s changing time! Mind helping me out? I gotta have my hands free to text my hoes and do up my pigtails. Besides these nails make me so useless at things like this! Come on, you’d be a lifesaver!
Pretty please with, like.. a cherry on top~<3?😘
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Skyblue(Rosamaria Blue) made an Oopsie😅
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Sick BF: Let me guess Skyblue, You left the crystals in your house, didn't you?
Skyblue: Uhhhhhhhh no?🙄
Sick BF: Skyblue.....😠😑
Skyblue: Okay Okay, I may have left them at home
Sick BF: *sighs* 😑
Skyblue: BUT! I hid them so Lila Sky or the other villains will look for them!
Sick BF: They will still search through your house!
Skyblue: Ehehehe Oops....my bad😅
Sick BF: *facepalm* (mind) God damnnit, Skyblue....*sighs* Let's go get them...
I made that anime screenshot edit myself.
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scaly-freaks · 4 months
Wow I NEED that fic so bad you don’t even know. I'm surely going to be dreaming about this lol. How do you see their story end? Would it be a 'everyone is happy and we're all friends' type of ending where aegon and amara plan their double-wedding with alys and aemond?
And would someone die in this?? If you had to choose one character to kill off, who would it be and how would it fit into the story 🧐 don’t know why but lately i've been craving some murder mistery stories so maybe I would kill off aemond?? And since the whole world has been talking about aegon being (very obviously) into amara and jealous of aemond, on top of being an addict doing crazy stuff all the time, he would look very very guilty..
This went kind of off topic lol oopsies
Ehehehe....you might not like this answer but....I'd kill Amara.
She would HAUNT that fucking narrative like the ghost to end all ghosts. I don't really think of endings tbh, and mine tend to be very shitty (I think Burning Jasmine was my only happy one in a long time). Alys is going to string Aemond along till the end of time and then suddenly cut him loose altogether, so no, he's not getting his happy ending with her. Maybe if Aegon's feeling kind in later years, he might let Aemond climb into the bed for a cuddle with him and Amara idk (granted the Targaryen incest thing is in this AU because everyone's like...okay we get that you're in a rock band and it's all grit and sex, but ya'll are brothers, why are you grinding up on each other like that).
But yeah if Amara did die, it'd probably be a murder-suicide at Aegon's hands tbh (think Sid and Nancy). And then for years, there are documentaries and true crime Youtube videos lasting 2 hours, and reddit forums, and conspiracy theories, and just picking apart wtf was wrong with these two people to implode that spectacularly.
The rabbit hole would get deep, because everyone in Amara's life knows she was very much a good girl and wouldn't touch drugs (except weed) with a bargepole. But the fans turn her into a Nancy Spungen/Courtney Love figure, and accuse her of driving Aegon to harder drugs (he goes from coke to heroin in a pretty short space of time when they get together). Truth is, he got her into the dope, and it went downhill from there. They'd have entire weeks of not getting out of bed, barely eating, and instead fucking and getting high at the same time. Aegon comes up with his best work during that time, mostly because he's not sober, and he's constantly in the presence of a muse that makes his head crash into a kaleidoscope of orgasmic proportions.
But yeah, they definitely end up dead.
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qwimchii · 1 year
make sure to take care of yourself before focusing on writing! we all appreciate the effort but it's hard to consistently write things and also make them enjoyable, so get some much deserved rest and don't burn out! <3
thank you so much anon 🥹💞
its funny bc writing can be stressful but also fun…. writing on a deadline is icky (although it still really enjoy writing body and soul!!!)
but i’ve been unwinding and relaxing these days by working on this one request and i’m having sm fun with it ehehehe and making it way too long like always (oopsie)
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karolldr1 · 7 months
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Character Head-canons/Favorites: Renly Sommers
Renly is my sweet baby, who I adore more than my own self lol
So funny story—Ren, Harlowe, and Alys (I’ll do her next) came about because I was trying to figure out how to keep Jenna alive. And give Bonnie the love she deserves. They’ll be in my book Revenant, which…seriously needs an update.
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Renly is the baby of the Sommers family, a bit of an oopsie.
She ended up living with Jenna after their parents died.
She’s a banshee, ehehehe.
She was the first to know that Miranda and Grayson died, they were her first scream.
They come from a long line of banshees and their mother just thought after Miranda and Jenna that it skipped them. NOT.
Ren is a baker, she loves baking and cooking.
Is the biggest damn hopeless lesbian.
Has been in love with Bonnie since middle school.
Her favorite food is blueberry pancakes.
She’s the world’s biggest bookworm, her favorite book is the hobbit.
Coincidentally, Bonnie just calls her Hobbit.
Because she’s small and shy.
And she’s a book hoarder.
Bonnie thinks she’s a witch too for the longest time.
So does Harlowe, and lord knows Bennett women are never wrong.
She sees the people dying in their dreams and then bam, they’re on the tv…dead.
Harlowe is the one who figures out Bonnie and Renly are soulmates and has a FIELD DAY.
Ren is Harlowe’s book buddy, so of course she’s having a blast teasing the everloving snot out of her.
Renly, Miss As You Wish, didn’t make it subtle.
Her favorite movie is princess bride, if you couldn’t tell.
Makes Bonnie breakfast everyday and will do literally anything for her.
Jenna is Ren’s best friend.
Ren really is too sweet for her own good.
Until Klaus appears.
Then she’s threatening to melt his face via scream.
To be fair, he killed her and her sister and her soulmate, so…
But hybrid Ren and vamp Jenna ☺️
Feel free to ask anything!
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cloudybori · 1 year
Oopsy wrong blog for these most recent posts! Ehehehe
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tiffanyvalntine · 1 month
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ehehehe oopsie
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cherry-quill · 2 years
So. Tell the class about Burn. Please and thank you. I’d like to hear.
Hi hey hello Burn is everything to me he's my little freakign blorbo I want nothing but pain for him and also I want him to be happy and healthy. He's a fire sorcerer tabaxi, all his magic is fire-based and I will not change this. His mom was a sorcerer like him, and joined a tabaxi clan in the desert after saving (and falling in love with) one of the merchants, but the clan doesn't like or trust magic so she was only accepted for her heroics. They had Burning Flower, Burn for short, and he was kind of a menace who could cause a lot of damage even as a baby, since his emotions effected his magic, so he started a lot of fires. When he got older he set a fire to impress his friends but failed to keep it contained and burned them super bad. They lived but he felt so terrible and ran away from home and kickstarted his life of trauma.
Basically he's been travelling since he was 15 years old, facing shit a kid should never have to face, watching people die or get hurt, sometimes through his own mistakes, until he pretty much stopped trusting people or himself, pushing away everyone who entered his life bc he was afraid of hurting them or getting hurt. He did let someone in once, a silver dragonborn woman, but she eventually left him to die and he got Worse. I have hurt him at every turn. BUT before the events of the game he's in he met Raksa, a very large half-oni man with a tiny brain and a huge heart (and massive tits) and couldn't help but fall for him, and agreed to travel with him but tried to keep his distance. But Raksa's warmth is melting his heart and one day maybe he'll actually get better ehehehe
Also I like to make cat memes with him
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I have a 132 page google doc of short stories following him from his big oopsie that led him to run away to meeting Raksa and having adventures with him. I will share this doc with literally anyone who shows the vaguest interest. I cannot ever stop thinking about him. Thank you for asking.
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crimsonfireboltart · 5 years
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“Fink’s Nightmare” part 1 of 2 
My own take on how Fink and Shadowy Figure first met. 
edit: PART 2
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dangoghz · 6 years
hello angels how are u
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xamassed · 3 years
「 @tohruuhondaa​ / starter call 」
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A string of texts, frantic and desperate, flooded the private chat between Mammon and Tohru. There was barely a second between each one, making it abundantly clear that the demon was distressed.
      > TOHRU!!
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      > Whatever you’re doin’, DROP IT.       > NOW!!       > I messed up again, and ya gotta help me!       > I was tryin’ to fix my own hair with magic and I might have, uh.  .  .       > Ended up messin’ it all up.       > LIKE, REAL BAD!       > I LOOK LIKE FREAKIN’ BELPHIE!!       > HELP
He didn’t look identical to his youngest brother, but the soft, white hair he was known for had been replaced with dark, drooping locks that covered most of his face and the whole of one eye. If and when she came to his aid, she would see that he didn’t look like himself.
“Ya gotta reverse it or somethin’! I can’t go around lookin’ like this!”
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eitelle · 3 years
hey hi, elle ✨ it’s been a while since i popped by, oopsie 😭 anywho, i wanted to say congratulations on the 200! very well-deserved for sure. (also, your blog’s theme is immaculate, no clue if i’ve said anything about it yet) and, if it’s alright, i do have a little order to place for your event ✨ (we’re going to ignore how awkward i am smh)
you know i’ve gotta ask for that romantic bokuto because i am nothing more than a simp for that man 😩💙 my heart needs a little fluff in its life right about now. i’ve got some brief info for you; we’re a chaotic duo—the type that goes on random adventures at any time of day/night. cuddly and clingy. pretty competitive with one another. however, sometimes i get overwhelmed by not having enough space and that’s a cause for trouble some days 😭 i don’t exactly have a set trope but i do like domestic type tropes (if that’s a thing)—love your writing style and any song is fine by me 💙
thank you and congratulations again, lovely! 💙💙
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BESTIE HI I MISSED U HOWVE U BEEN <33 also i think this is rly funny but the meme was like not shown by tumblr bc it was like graphic or smt 😭😭 IT WAS SO FUNNY
hehe dw babe im probably more awk
EHEHEHE I HAVE SUCH A GOOD SONG FOR THIS I LOVE THE DOMESTIC TROPE (yes it is a thing) (i think) (i hope this fit your satisfaction)
the song of the day is: cant help falling in love by elvis presley (aka my fav song sjdhdiux)
im so sorry this is late 😭😭
(cw: teen pregnancy, timeskip!bokuto, baby girl named chisana (baby owl kinda))
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“ Wise men say / Only fools rush in ,,
the way bokuto and you got together was, unconventional to say the least. some may say you two were irresponsible and yes, you were.
“ But I can't help falling in love with you ,,
but to you and bokuto, anything was worth it for your baby girl chisana.
“ Shall I stay? ,,
you two werent dumb or naive. in fact the two of you were quite educated and enlightened. he acted quite childish, but you knew it was because kou was just empathetic and sensitive. but that didn’t mean you two were dumb. thats why it was a shock to everyone at your pregnancy, and a shock to you when he got down on one knee.
“ Would it be a sin / If I can't help falling in love with you? ,,
of course you said no. but that didnt mean you refused, or broke up with him.
“ Like a river flows / Surely to the sea ,,
actually you started crying, nodded your head but said, “not right now. i want to wait until after our little chisana fukurō is born and we’re stable enough to get married.” he respected your decision and the two of you carried on with a baby by your side.
“ Darling, so it goes / Some things are meant to be ,,
but even before chisana was born, you knew koutaro and you were meant to be. and so, you two got married on may 16th, 2018, the half birthday of your daughter 4 years after she was born.
“ Take my hand ,,
“KOU!” you squeal as he hugs you from behind as you cook dinner. “wheres ‘sana?”
“shes playing but you wanna know what im playing?” he asks while reaching to turn off the stove and spin you, the food already being done anyways. “our song.”
“ Take my whole life too ,,
as the two of you dance and laugh in your dining room, your daughter chisana or affectionately referred to as ‘sana, comes out for dinner.
“ For I can't help falling in love with you ,,
as you two sway, sana waddles over and sways to your calf. “mommy, daddy,” she says.
“yes sweetie?” you respond.
“im so glad i know what love looks like when i see you and daddy.”
“arent you cute,” koutaro says while picking her up and spinning her. as he sets her down you pinch her cheeks. “but i think its time to eat the yummy dinner mommy made, hm?”
“ok!” she exclaims with enthusiasm, as you whisper, “youre doing the laundry today,” to your husband on your way to the table a snicker escapibg your lips.
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