#op im actually in love with you
graysonnightwing · 8 months
i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Someone get this man a younger sibling that ISNT like. Twice his height.
#one piece#op fanart#monkey d. luffy#shirahoshi#kozuki momonosuke#IVE FINISHED REREADING THROUGH WANO IM OBSESSED WITH MOMONOSUKE NOW#I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH T - T!!!!#literally tears streaming down my face ‘But I think of you like a little brother!#You’ve heard of laser beam that make you read one piece#get ready for laser beam that makes you REREAD one piece#srsly. do it. I didn’t care about characters like bellamy or shirahoshi or even momonosuke all that much on my first read through#IM OBSESSED NOW. I LOVE HARUDJIN THE GIANT TOO AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE MORE OF HIM T - T!!! I ALSO DIDNT CARE ABOUT KATAKURI LIKE AT ALL#NOW I CANT GET ENOUGH#also what the actual heck guys. I know its only been a couple of months since wano ended.#but why aren’t there any fics centred on luffy and momo being brothers… There’s like one on ao3 and it’s in italian…#PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY SLEEPING SO HARD ON LUFFY BEING THE OLDER BROTHER/MENTOR TO BOTH MOMO AND SHIRAHOSHI#IM SO MAD#SHIRAHOSHI AND MOMO ARE BOTH THE CHOSEN ONES ; - ;!!! AND LUFFY HAS BEEN PROHPESIZED TO HELP GUIDE THEM TO USE THEIR POWERS!!!#eg shirahoshi hearing the voices of the sea kings and momo hearing zunesha#both times luffy hasn’t been able to talk to them… but he’s been able to guide his younger siblings to use their powers properly#No im fr obsessed with luffy and shirahoshi and momo WHERE THE GOD DAMN FANFICTION AAAGFRGEHSHHSHSHS#LUFFY TREATING SHIRAHOSHI AND MOMO THE SAME WAY ACE TREATED HIM WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER T - T#KILL ME AAAAA1!!1!1!1!!1!1!1#99 percent of all tags on my posts are just me freaking out LMAOOOO
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mintypsii · 9 days
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guys i love them i promise i just have the urge to put them through the grinder sometimes
umm on the bright side here's the alternate good ending version lol!!!!!
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tinukis · 2 days
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i wrote this mini rant for my priv insta/my friends but god this makes me insane
all he knew in his life back then was how much of a "failure" he was and that his life was practically worthless. everyone he knew and love makes sacrifices for him and he never knows why (or he does, it's just hard for sanji to accept) because he doesnt value himself. but he values others So Much and believes he can repay with his life. growing up he did nothing that's worth his family's- his father's "love" and he only had his mother's kindness who later passed. so the fact that zeff, who raided the ship sanji was on, gave up his own leg and all the leftover food for sanji, who he barely even met, would go this far for a "failure" is beyond his comprehension
edit: ONE MORE THING. the way sanji had important figures of his life starve themselves for him... and both figures value food Greatly...
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ahkeb · 1 month
Okay lied not finishing this for real style look at them the prettiest girls at thee party THEYREE GOIGNN TO STEAL ALL YOUR MONNEY NO COIN WILL BE SPARED NO BERRY UNPLUCKED RUUUUUUUUN
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wifegideonnav · 11 months
yeah you say “cringe is dead” but do you still apologize about reblogging stuff related to your “cringy” interests? kill the mindset that you are somehow not included in that statement or we’re never actually going to change anything
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 7 months
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⭐️💕House Wife Activities💕⭐️
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Thinking about IDW Optimus again and the fandom's aversion to even acknowledging he exists bc he's a cop or whatever and like. Most of the time people literally just replace him in fic with some white bread knockoff archivist/librarian, not even bothering to keep in IDW OP's personality (which just bolsters my theory that the problem isn't him being a cop the problem is that he's too multifaceted but I digress).
And it's annoying because you could totally write IDW Optimus as not a cop while still keeping his canon personality. You just have to realize that the reason IDW OP became a cop in the first place is because his formative experiences when he was young shaped him to basically have two priorities: 1. To help people and 2. To do it by being on the ground actively doing something about the bad things happening to people.
IDW OP would not be a fucking librarian or archivist because even though those are noble pursuits that can help people and change the world, and Optimus is educated/smart enough for the profession, he wouldn't be satisfied just teaching people or spreading information about activism or social-historical studies or whatever. He's a mech of action: he needs to be doing things right now, in front of him, to people he sees/interacts with in his own eyes, improving society with concrete actions rather than indirect action or abstract inspiration.
So basically the alternate job ideas I can think of for IDW Optimus are something like being a firefighter (or any first responder really) or even whatever the equivalent would be to international charity organizations, those ones that send volunteers across the world to do stuff like build housing/infrastructure or distribute food or whatnot. I mean I can't imagine that the equivalents to these things would be exactly the same in IDW Cybertron, so you'd have to get a little creative with it, but these are just some ideas of jobs that would fit IDW Optimus' personality while still filling the niche of "not a cop" for people who are just that opposed to it.
Though I think the revulsion against coptimus is annoying in general tbh because IDW is already a continuity that rejects the idea of easily defined good/evil people or groups. It feels like people really want Optimus to be a good person in a very sanitized and academically approved way, so he has to be nice and squeaky clean but also like, a perfect leftist who knows theory and holds the most progressive opinions on every single issue....
There is no room for the idea that good people join bad institutions, there's no room for the idea that the reason people think cops are good guys who help people is bc of the government propaganda everything is saturated with. Hell there's even later issues of the Optimus Prime series by John Barber where Optimus like, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES, is shown in flashbacks grappling with the fact that he as a cop/Zeta's regime that he works for might not actually be improving society like they say they are, and dealing with the fact that he feels more like a lesser evil compared to the Decepticons (perhaps not "lesser" at all).
It's like there's this idea in fandom of like, fictional media and opinions on media having to strictly adhere to progressive ideals at all times. So people just go "cops bad, this character is a cop, therefore they suck" without being willing to engage with the idea of like. IDW OP is born wanting to fight injustice and protect people -> a good way to protect people is to fight the people who are hurting them and committing crimes -> surely following the law is a reliable moral code to guide him in this -> becomes a cop because he's been indoctrinated into a society (much like our own) where he was told that the state/the law exist to protect the people and being a cop means you get to fight bad guys that hurt people. There's really so many interesting concepts there that could be (and CANONICALLY IS) explored about how good, well-intentioned people can be led to harmful actions simply because they have been fed the idea that the things they're doing are good/helpful/noble. Which is especially important for a character like Optimus, I think, who has a cultural icon status as The Irrefutable and Perfect Good, so it's really important actually to use IDW Optimus as an example of how even the most noble people you know have held problematic beliefs or done bad things at some point in their life. You know, because no one is born perfect and ideologically pure, and in fact society is constructed in exactly a manner to make people drink the kool-aid and believe that the systems designed to hurt them/others are just a normal, if flawed, society.
I mean the writing in IDW literally has Optimus deal directly and indirectly with the harm he's done as a cop and how people don't/didn't trust him because of that. I don't know what the fuck else this fandom wants if the source material literally saying "OP realizes that cops suck and he hurt people and earned their disdain by doing the things he did" doesn't stop them from going EW cop bastard sucks and is the worst Optimus. Like the narrative barely stops short of outright saying ACAB and Optimus himself would agree with this sentiment.
At that point, the collective fandom beef with IDW OP isn't because he's a cop and the narrative didn't do enough to condemn that. The problem is literally just that people don't read and don't care
TLDR: Consider the fact that good people can do bad things sometimes especially when living from birth in a corrupt society that thoroughly disguises its vices/oppressive structures as completely normal parts of existence
#squiggposting#idw op love#like honestly just admit that you havent actually read his parts of the story#or that in a continuity of moral grayness you insist OP must be the one person who's perfectly good#bc idk Optimus is supposed to be good and perfect bc nostalgia/marketing/mythology says he should be#also i feel like theres evidence here of a very juvenile mindset of like#to be good a person has to have all the right beliefs and say it in all the right ways#which is the mindset only extremely insular or inexperienced ppl could possibly have lmao#heartbreaking i know but IRL there are very few people who are and always have been progressive and perfect#there are ppl within progressive mvmts that have unaddressed harmful beliefs outside of their Chosen Issue#there are people who wouldnt ID as progressive at all but are still good ppl who act well towards others#like if youve actually interacted with ppl IRL you understand that if you reject everyone who isnt Perfectly Progressive#youll have few if any allies and possibly alienate ppl who would help/ARE HELPING#like idk do you know how many ppl i personally know who i think have some bigoted/problematic beliefs#but im still friends or collaborators w them bc i understand that theyre still good ppl learning and growing#like. learn to understand that 'goodness' doesnt always look like a walking leftist textbook please i'm begging#and in fact sometimes stories. esp adult and mature ones. will present you w problematic ppl#and you have to like. grapple with their flaws and explore the tension between intention and consequences#a bit of a philosophy tangent rather than anything TF related which is why i kept it to the tags
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damconcha · 1 month
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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The one piece reread only makes the hardest moments hit even harder,,,, even when you’re rereading it poorly in portugese
Or AKA, i found out today that HINATA SHOYO reads one piece and I haven’t recovered since
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#one piece#haikyuu#hinata shoyo#roronoa zoro#(kinda)#omfg okay time for my entirely SEPERATE POST IN THE TAGS#i only got into one piece at the end of last year... but ive been in the anime and manga scene for like. my entire life#i cannot understate how WILD it is that I havent noticed how everywhere one piece is....#like once i read it... i started finding it EVERYWHERE#my sister gifted me an issue of shonen jump ages ago cause i liked act age and kimetsu no yaiba chainsaw man promised neverland etc#and it doesnt have like a one piece chapter in it actually (to my disappointment)#but IT DOES HAVE A LIL ADVERTISING SEGMENT AT THE FRONT TALKING ABOUT OKIKU FIGURINES AND OTHER ONE PIECE CRAP#AND IDK IT LITERALLY JUST BLEW MY MIND#ONE PIECE DIDNT EXIST IN MY LIFE BUT.... IT DID????#I HAD ONE PIECE MERCH BEFORE I EVEN BECAME OBSESSED WITH IT??? (hahah if you can consider a tiny segment mentioning okiku op merch XD)#just imagine suddenly being obsessed with a piece of media. and then you look around ur room and U SUDDENLY RECOGNISE A CHARACTER MERCH???#ITS BEEN IN UR ROOM FOR YEARS BUT YOUVE NEVER REALLY EVEN NOTICED IT OR JUST BRUSHED IT OFF WHENEVR U SAW IT#BUT ITS THAT CHARACTER!!!! ITS THAT MEDIA THAT UR MADLY IN LOVE WITH????#also im being 100 percent legit when i say that the sense of comeraderie i feel when someone says theyve ALSO read one piece#is insane#discovering that domics and worthiikids and all these other big youtubers that ive known for years have loved one piece like me?#it makes my heart clench and my eyes water man#ive never felt so connected to the world... one piece really is peak fiction.....#i love one piece's community sm....
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer + textposts (pt 5/?)
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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thefrogdalorian · 2 months
Having of those moments where I wish to yeet the like button into the sun or maybe make it so there was setting you could turn on so that people can only reblog posts (even better with the minimum requirement of adding at least one tag)!!
It's kind of absurd that one of my fics is getting close to 500 notes while simultaneously being one I've had the least actual human interactions come from. Like...... come on, that's now how it should be AT ALL!
Don't get me wrong, I'm so thrilled people are clearly finding it and I guess enjoying it(??) but just having endless likes without people letting me know what they enjoyed about it or even if they liked it kind of makes me sad. That's not why I want to share my writing here!
I love having those little human connections with others. I don't ever want my writing to feel transactional. I would love to talk to more people about things I've written. It's truly one of the best feelings and I would hate to lose that, the more I write or the more notes my fics get. Please don't be shy!! I get the social anxiety, but there is no reason to be. I am truly just a Din Djarin obsessed loser.
Anyway, whine over. I don't want to focus on the negatives here and I appreciate every single person who has ever left a positive interaction with something I've written. You are truly a light!
#i don't JUST like posts too often#really the only posts i dont reblog but like are to save for later or if it's too personal/explicit#or i guess i have nothing to add and OP has said it all yknow#but if i see some writing or art i love then hell yeah i always force myself to add at least one tag i like just so the artist/author sees#otherwise it feels like a hollow transaction and i really want people to know i appreciate their art more than just pressing a button yknow#and I KNOW it's intimidating at first to interact with others!! TRUST ME i get it and i'm still awful at it#but just one little comment can make someone feel so good about their writing... why wouldn't someone want to try that at least#especially if you enjoyed it!!! even a key smash or a string of emojis!!!#and the death of the tumblr tag is SO SAD because where else am i meant to talk to you lot?#i mean these tags are longer than my actual post and that's the beauty of tumblr#you don't have to perceive me down here but you can if you wish and i love you for that!#and it's a nice way to organise your blog to make it navigable for others#ANYWAY said i was done whining and continued whining down here so there's that LOL but i always want to interact with more people#please do not be afraid of reaching out to me! scroll through my blog for 5 seconds and you'll see what a nerdy loser i am#akdjgds i mean aren't we all here#spud rants#writing#but thanks again to anyone who leaves nice comments im giving you a (consensual) forehead smooch MWAH
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grahamcarmen · 5 months
Nothing making my eyes roll all the way back in my head more rn then " he doesn't deserve her but -" in reference to any type of relationship they could have [usually to the tune of him returning to being the " like a big brother" she used to think he was and completely ignoring the *everything*]
Its so off handedly dismissive of gray and by proxy carmen for caring about him I hate it
Do I understand hating the double down decisions? Sure. but like wow its almost like hes literally the one who got shot FOR her sake BY her after thinking he would be left with nothing but a [hey she made it]
and then people start pulling the *deserve card for a [ I GUESS they probably can acknowledge they give a shit about each other or smth as a lil bow, maybe continue the same old same ol']
Because Heaven forbid carmen actually have to fully go through a complex thought about a dynamic that wasn't as simple as her side or nothing at all when how it ended currently was her side and nothing [because wattya know he probably has feelings about this whole thing that aren't so simple and double forbid his feelings be allowed to be more complicated than gee wilikers im ready to be the brosef i guess you wanted me to be. 😒barf.]
CARMEN values his past kindness and she decides. This person is important to her. She wants him to be with her.
her reaction to him
* getting what he deserves* is to break down
[Which I guess side note: 🙄there ya go. what a VILE agent might "deserve" canonically all done.]
saying he doesn't deserve her caring???
AND the phrase is a mild stab at carmen at literally any point even when they're guarded [mildly still nostalgic] towards each other like in the pilot because SHE IS THERE BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO SEE IF HE COULD BE ON HER SIDE AGAIN, KNOWING! WHAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF.
She still thought he deserved* that much at least.
And she still has affection for him even when it looks like he's someone who doesn't *deserve* it
She wants to be allowed to care.
Like sometimes
Love&affection =/= only to those who deserve it
Like sometimes -
Its just something someone wants to give [and hey look its almost like he ends his current arc giving back to her as well] and the phrase "doesn't deserve but I guess -" just -
Just -
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Youtube look straight into my eyes and explain why it occurs to you to think that that is what I love seeing on my browsing experience
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franeridan · 7 months
that one panel when rayleigh meets teach and he's like it might be childish of me but I really hate you so you better run I'm perfectly normal about that panel what are you talking about
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kaesaaurelia · 6 months
My mom's spent a bunch of time arguing with me about how I should be a lawyer and I keep telling her I fucking hate arguing and conflict and the fact that I'm arguing at all is being used against me. :\
Also she keeps insisting I could do it because I'm sooo smart. There's thousands of lawyers out there who are dumber than me, that isn't the issue, the issue is do I have the temperament and how much more can my mental health take.
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