#open starter as well
asktheravenclan · 6 months
The change from one grand party to the next was clear now that all the preparations were completed - tall pine trees covered in candied fruits and candles sat in various rooms of the palace, as soft music was seemingly played by no one band at all while echoing through the whole building to give the sense of ambiance the this particular celebration required. Guests were dressed in fine clothes, though they were saving their finest outfits for Yule itself, and the whole of the Winterlands was in celebration.
This was their season, and the party would last from Midwinter’s Eve until the start of the next month, with many smaller parties continuing to occur until Spring inched closer. For now though, Morgana mingled with her guests as the day continued calmly, her children making small-talk with others nearby.
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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i am not immune to totk link
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mallisia-ring · 6 months
Mallisia threw her arm around your muse, holding up a piece of mistletoe with her other hand. "Oops, looks like we need to kiss." She cooed with a wink.
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pcrdita · 5 months
where: titanium gym who: anyone ( @aurorabaystarter )
jude prided himself on being a very strong and fit individual, however he doesn't get to this specific gym too often. lugging around parts and working the godforsaken hours jude did was enough some days, there was a pull up bar in the doorframe of his office, and a boxing bag in the corner of pitstop just incase he felt as if he hadn't battered his body enough some days. the gym was a pristine, concrete and chrome, a world away from the oil stained rags of pitstop he spent his day in. the mechanic glances around at the space that seems out of place for him. he isn't sure why it bothered him so much, he'd been to many gyms in his life. probably being close to the selfie taking nepo babies from aurora bay drive might have had something to do with it. they drop off their porches, toss the keys at him, and whine about the cost of the repair as if their parents weren't actually the ones paying.
he finishes on the weights, enough to sweat, before turning to the empty machine next to him. frankly, a contraption he'd never seen before. "what the fuck... that's a god damn torture devise..." he mumbles to himself, probably loud of enough for the person using the machine on the other side of him to hear.
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restistance · 4 months
Update on my mother constantly hating on Hannibal and being a Will-apologist: during Contorno and half of Dulce she was like: alright, maybe he’s not so bad, Will might be a bit fucky himself.
Fast forward to Hannibal unpacking his bonesaw and now she’s threatening to abandon the show 😂 “that’s it, I’m calling it, he doesn’t love Will”
All the while I’m singsonging next to her about how the monsters love doesn’t protect from it. Oh well. Excited for us to watch Wrath of the Lamb together (hopefully soon) she will probably hate it
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truly-quirkless · 4 months
[@themultiversebundle | Plotted in DMs!]
It had been a rather quiet day, yet again..so Fin and Yagi had decided to walk about town. The tall blond still got a few odd stares, and every now and again, someone would walk up wanting an autograph. It had taken the world time to get used to Yagi as he was now- and while the whispers of 'the Symbol of the Dead' weren't exactly welcome...it was better that than All for One in the streets.
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"What do you say to dropping by Smoothie King before we head back to the school?" Yagi's suggestion hadn't been in the air for more than a second when he bumped into something- or rather, someone. He took a stumbling step back, his smile instantly transforming to apologetic as he raised his hands. "Ah- sorry about that! I didn't mean to bump into you."
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Huh....Fin wasn't exactly the best at Heroes, but this one...didn't look familiar. They'd seen a few ever since their rise in Hero society, but they had yet to see one that looked so...robotic? It wasn't like Ingenium or his younger brother, Ida- this felt...different.
Their eyes flickered towards the nearby store the stranger had stepped out of- revealing an interior beyond the door that very much wasn't what could be seen through the glass. They immediately jumped towards it- but the door slammed closed before they could catch it.
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ofmistnmoons · 1 year
“Ah… Shit.” A soft curse dance upon the youths lips. He could already tell there was a change in the weather by the way the breeze blew through his raven to turquoise tipped locks. However his body ached in a way that was very different than the usual pain. footsteps had come to a stop, phantom aches were apart of his norm. However, that dull usually indistinguishable pain he felt on the day to day basis had spiked.
“….. rain huh.” He groans while pushing stray hairs out of his face. What a pain in the ass. There wasn’t any major towns for another mile or so, he could keep walking and home to come across a supply shed or perhaps an abandoned home. But, knowing his luck.
“Fuck.” Eyes clear as the sea took a the trees around him. Healthy maples and oaks surrounded him on each side of the pathway. Thanks to the fall of autumn, that would mean there’s plenty of fallen leaves. Enough for a makeshift bed, and if he got to work now, maybe even a ceiling.
Yuichirou nods to himself, his mind was made up. Glancing around at his surroundings once more, he attunes his hearing for the sound of anyone coming. Once he’s sure the cost was clear, his weight press on his back foot before he shot off the beaten path. Running deeper into the woods before he came to a sudden stop, under a thick canopy of trees.
His pack drops against the trunk of a sturdy tree, he’s unsheathing his sword with his left hand alone. Well, at least he was going to get a small workout by just gathering wood.
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stayliquid · 7 months
open to. females muse. jordan wells, cop, chris wood fc. plot. your muse just moved in next door with their six month old kid who screams all night. jordan is surprisingly good with kids and will pop over in the middle of the night to help out.
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"I know nothing about babies, but I do think this one likes a variety of people to look at." Grinning down at the baby, Jordan peeked a gaze over at his neighbor and mother of said child. "Mom's totally pretty and nice to look at, but sometimes I just need to look at another face. Right? That's all, kid." He was just coming off of a shift, but he was fairly wired. "Go rest for a little, I'll just pray the kid doesn't poop while you do." He half teased. He would take care of a dirty diaper if necessary.
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sagnaevi · 21 days
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You can see him standing there, deep in thought. He forgot something. Damn, should have written it down.
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ourcwnside · 9 months
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Demon Aziraphale - open starter for canon Crowleys
The sound of the little bell above the door alerted Zi to someone's presence in the shop, and he rose from his seat, not exactly thrilled to be playing Shopkeep in Crowley's absence, but knowing he couldn't very well let them wander around without him keeping an eye out. Odds of something being stolen were low, but not impossible. Sighing heavily, he abandoned his half-empty mug of kopi luwak and headed for the front of the shop.
"Welcome in, don't touch anything, and---" he cut off.
Zi recognized the tall, slim frame. He recognized the dark red hair. He recognized the face (what he could see of it, what wasn't covered by glasses as dark as his own). But he'd never seen him dressed in black like this. Why was he---?
No, this wasn't him, was it? Zi knew Crowley, from the scent of his cologne to the energy of his angelic aura and this---whoever this was---was different. And they seemed to be trying to pass themselves off as him.
In a flash, Zi had crossed the room, grabbed the---imposter!---by the front of his shirt and pinned him to the wall.
"You're not the angel," he hissed. "Who are you? And where is he?"
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petrifiedcrange · 8 months
Stede Bonnet is not a human.
You're a monster.
A plague.
You defile beautiful things.
You've even managed to bring history's greatest pirate to ruin.
Chauncey's seemingly long forgotten words echo in his head, suddenly so loud and clear and true, when Stede, exhilarated from how well his plan, their little fuckery, was going, glanced back and saw Izzy stumble as he tried to keep up, saw his hand pressed to his side, saw blood glistening on the leather of his vest.
Izzy was hurt.
How did neither of them notice?
Stede stumbles himself, nearly tumbles down the hill, and turns around, away from the sea, to hurry back to Izzy's side, to support him and help him limp along even as Izzy tries to wave him off and push him away, telling him breathlessly to fuck off, he's fine, but he's not and they both know it.
None of this is fine.
Stede doesn't even notice the figures of their crew dressed in Naval uniforms up ahead change into actual Navy before it's too late, too focused on supporting Izzy's increasingly dead weight, on keeping pressure on the wound, on Chauncey fucking Badminton of all people breathing down his neck every step of the way, whispering into his ear foul and thruthful things about how he destroyed everything he touched.
They are captured.
Surprisingly, Stede doesn't feel anything regarding the fact, not when they are ushered to another ship, the Naval one, not when Ricky meets them on deck, so damn pleased with himself.
Stede can't feel anything regarding those facts because all his thoughts and emotions are already swirling around Izzy, who rapidly loses consciousness despite his best efforts to keep him awake, bubbling some nonsense, and slumps alarmingly against his side.
The Navy are lucky they didn't try to separate them, let him help Izzy along to their ship.
Because if they did, then Stede would feel something over than increasing panic and helplessness and fear and guilt. Then he would fight and he would kill until Izzy was back by his side.
As it is, they are ushered below the deck and into the brig, Ricky taking one long look at Izzy and calling for someone, then diving straight into his evil monologue about how he is going to get revenge on all the pirates that escaped, dared to defy him, in one fell swoop with Izzy's and Stede's unwilling help, and Stede for the first time regrets not shooting Ricky back at Spanish Jackie's, regrets his stupid idea to take a royal hostage which seemed so clever in the moment, because if it wasn't for him, Izzy wouldn't be bleeding out in his arms and they would be back on Revenge, safe and sound, and that deranged minor Prince wouldn't be targeting everyone Stede loves once again.
But those thoughts go straight out the window when a man Ricky called for — apparently, some very expensive medic of his — enters the room and Stede has one unhinged, feral moment when he wants to curl around Izzy and snarl at the soldiers that reach to take him away but he forces himself to let Izzy go instead because Izzy needs medical attention and fast and if it comes from a man on Ricky's payroll because Ricky needs both of them alive to use as a bait for Edward and the crew... well, first thing's first — he needs Izzy to survive, and then they can make a plan to defeat Ricky for good and save their loved ones in the process.
Stede watches the medic examine Izzy with keen eyes, hoping, praying for some subtle gesture or expression on his face to show that Izzy is going to be alright, but the man's frown only deepens the more time passes and then he's turning towards Ricky with a grim, uncertain look and tells him quietly but loud enough for Stede to hear, for the ghost of Chauncey to repeat to him in a nauseating echo, that he lost a lot of blood and the odds are not good and there's no way of telling if Izzy will make it through the night, let alone survive in the long run.
Ricky pursues his lips and tells him to do the best he can and once the doctor is finished with the wound and Izzy is bandaged up, he is finally returned back behind the bars, back to Stede, and they are finally left alone for the time being, even Chauncey's ghost flickering out of existence for the time being.
For a moment, Stede just sits there on his knees on the wooden floor, breathing heavily, looking at Izzy, so still and pale he would look already gone if it wasn't for the shallow rise and fall of his chest, and willing a breakdown he can feel coming away.
He cannot afford to break down now.
He needs to take care of Izzy first.
He needs to get him warm.
It's a silly thought that's for some reason stuck on the loop in his mind since the moment he touches him, taking his hand, finding the rapid and too weak pulse, and feels how cold and clammy his skin is.
A small rational part of him knows that Izzy's cold from the shock and the blood loss and there's nothing Stede can do about it but he ignores that part of himself because he needs to do something or...
He doesn't want to even think about what would happen if he has nothing to do but sit and think and stew in his own guilt, so he gathers Izzy up, careful not to disturb his wound as he pulls him halfway into his lap, where it's softer, more comfortable than the hard wooden floor, and wraps his arms around him, trying to will his own warmth into him, and he doesn't know how much time passes, minutes or hours, but he thinks he feels Izzy's chest move even more shallowly and slowly against his own chest from where they're pressed together and he finds himself beginning to talk, pleading with Izzy to keep breathing, to stay with him, to not leave him there alone, tears welling in his eyes and threatening to fall because he never should have come back to Revenge, he should have died there in the forest and not Chauncey, because he only ever ruins everything and everyone he touches, even those he loves and tries so hard to protect — especially, them — and now Izzy is dying in his arms and Edward and the whole crew might die if they come to their rescue and it's all his fucking fault.
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[ OPEN for Izzy that is based on this AU idea but can also work for other characters that might be on Ricky's ship at the time or, hell, Ed and the Revenge's crew who could catch up to this ship and take it with brutal force in the meantime because their captain and beloved unicorn are in danger; most of this is a set up so don’t even think about matching length ]
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silverwingborn · 3 months
Like for a Starter! ❤️
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house-of-tales · 9 months
"Hehe, this will be a big one!" yes, she is mixing up stuff to create a new bomb. Someone stop this little girl, please.
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zenobomber · 2 months
"Man, I haven't really been to a party like this since I was a kid..."
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Aki's hands dance over the deck of cards he has settled in them, shuffling them idly as he talks. He isn't really the best at card games - Tsugino and Fuyu always managed to beat him, something about having a bad poker face - but there were a few people sitting around them, so he might as well join in and get to know some more people here, start a conversation with someone else who was just sitting around.
"'Course those parties were a lot less fun," A small breath escapes him, the start of a laugh. Naturally those parties were always at the Ushirono's house, and always some kind of big political get together. He only got to go as a neighbor and a friend to the family. "You ever been to a get together like this? I feel like they aren't really common anymore."
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handgiven · 8 months
open halloween themed starter <3
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"remind me again. if trick-or-treaters come, is it customary for me to wear a costume? should i decorate the door? did i mess up again? i always forget." it comes hand in hand from having a home all over the world. who's to keep track of all of the celebrations going on everywhere?
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meltemakcol · 3 months
open: f / m / nb
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"  it's  my  birthday  —  so,  you  should  probably  be  nicer  " 
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