#operate annihilate au
soulsoffairlight · 25 days
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Making some more au shit and this one is absolutely crazy
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trek-tracks · 2 years
@lenievi recently brought up the fact that the Intrepid was a human-manned ship docking at the starbase in Court Martial before it was all-Vulcan in Immunity Syndrome, and that it would have been a great time for Sarek to meet Bones in Court Martial while traveling on the Intrepid.
Now, I'm obsessed with the idea that the ship was manned by humans but Sarek was inspecting it for the potential transfer of Starfleet's first all-Vulcan crew to the ship, with the added wrinkle that Sarek was doing so in the hope that Spock will be part of that transfer.
Spock and Sarek run into each other on the Starbase while the trial is happening. Spock finds out what Sarek is doing, and they have a fight about it, which is why Spock both defends his human captain so passionately during the trial, but also why he retreats so hard into cold logic (playing chess with the computer to gather evidence) after he realizes how emotional his earlier defense was.
While the trial is happening, Bones meets Sarek by chance and gets along with him because of his withering assessment of the Intrepid's crew (that is, the people who were mean to Jim), and their current shared annoyance at Starfleet. He enjoys the company of the dryly sarcastic Vulcan, and their conversation is what makes him think to go find Spock engaged in the chess match.
After the events with the actually-alive Finney and the end of the trial, Bones encounters Sarek at the starbase one last time. He looks forward to one more bitchy conversation, but quickly gets concerned when he finds out about why Sarek is on the Intrepid; not because of the all-Vulcan ship Sarek is scouting, but because Sarek mentions that Spock would be an ideal choice for its first officer. Of course, Sarek has never mentioned his relationship to Spock, or even his name, to avoid the impression of impropriety.
Bones is incensed. Why would Spock transfer off the ship, just when their team is working together so well? Why would he want to leave? Sarek says, simply, that "humans do not appreciate his attributes, they mock him, just like they mock Captain Kirk. They are afraid of difference and excellence."
This gives Bones pause. He's embarrassed at his earlier anger at Spock and how he called him "cold-blooded," but he realizes for the first time that he will always appreciate Spock's unique qualities, despite their differences. He remembers defending Spock to Jim during The Menagerie, but that wasn't quite right, either. His defense was about Spock's honour, linked to Spock's Vulcan ethos, but Spock is neither honourable because he is Vulcan, or ingenious because he's part human. He's just Spock.
With this sudden thought, he finds himself giving Sarek a piece of his mind, telling him that Vulcans had historically appreciated Spock even less. After Spock's last-minute saving of them all at the trial, Bones is more sure than ever that Spock's the best first officer in the fleet and that the Enterprise is the ship that truly appreciates what he's worth.
Either Spock manages to secretly overhear this or Spock never finds out, but it doesn't matter anyway, because Bones lets his opinion be heard for real in Operation: Annihilate! Where he's feeling guilty as hell, because he may have ended Spock's career, not only by blinding him but by insisting he stay on the Enterprise in the first place, when he could have been safe on the Intrepid.
This is why Sarek likes Bones enough in Journey to Babel to excuse his teasing and trust him with the unusual surgery and procedures, why Spock and his father are still in a standoff when that episode begins, and why Bones glares at Sarek when he shows up. We don't see Bones' reaction when he realizes the man he had passionately defended Spock to the previous year was...Spock's father.
Then, the Immunity Syndrome happens. And when Bones finds out that the Vulcan-only ship Sarek helped to plan has been destroyed, losing all aboard, because they couldn't think outside the box, like the Enterprise does, like Spock...
He's devastated, thinking about what they could have lost, Spock gone for good, had he followed his father's advice.
And when Spock offers to sacrifice himself for the Enterprise anyway? That's why Bones really can't accept it. After all this, to choose "Vulcan dignity..."
"Shut up, Spock! We're rescuing you!"
"...Why, thank you, Captain McCoy."
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I got you buddy. I've been wanting to go nuts with an explanation FOREVER. Of course I won't be giving EVERYTHING away. Just some bits and bobs :)
Let's begin shall we?
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The Pretenders were the result of an experiment. They are not naturally created beings, nor are they the spawn of Unicron. Born in a lab, Optimus was the first of his kind and instilled with the mission that all Pretenders now adhere to without fail. It is hardwired into their genetic code, so much so that they are physically unable to avoid their mission. But with that said, they are not inherently malicious.
Made for a specific purpose, they are beings that wish to fulfill their function. If left alone, they will kill a few to gain a foothold to increase their numbers and then proceed to reproduce without any need for bloodshed. However with the war raging and due to the specifics of their biology, increasing their numbers en masse is impossible. Their lack of safety in numbers combined with the threat to their mission warring around them has forced this normally rather passive species into action.
Meant to be a race of sleeper agents, the Pretenders are only so active and aggressive due to their mission being threatened. Without the fear of annihilation hanging over them, they would largely remain dormant. But as that is not the case, they currently operate under instincts designed to serve them in times of strife. Hence their shortage of empathy and overall lack of care for the lives around them. In short, they will only act if acted upon. Without an external threat to their mission, they act as any other member of the population, excluding their smaller oddities. Bumblebee is an excellent example of what a dormant Pretender may look like, and even he is more active than a dormant one normally would be.
As of the present time in the AU, the Pretenders have made the decision to flee Cybertron to hopefully find a world where they can increase their numbers safely, and in doing so, finally have the numbers to blend into the background and complete their mission without Megatron exterminating them all.
Pretender Development
Optimus was born in a lab, and as such his origins are not going to be discussed. However in normal cases, the development of a Pretender follows this order:
Pretenders capable of spawning, those known as Firstborn, will begin to produce larva no bigger than a digit once they are mature enough and have sufficient resources. These larva develop in a safe location, either in a nest, or in the case of Optimus's young aside from Bumblebee, directly underneath his outer plating where they can feed from his fuel lines directly.
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All larva can be genetically altered to a degree when they are young through offerings of CNA from either the dead or energon samples from the living. They do not need to be inserted into a host, however those that are put into a host in their early larval stages develop differently than those who adjust without one.
Larva that grow without a host will lose their more insectoid appearance over the course of a few stellar cycles while under the dutiful care of the resident Firstborn. These larva are better at blending in than their counterparts due to the lack of information fed directly into their processors and slower development. They mimic normal sparklings in their growth, even developing a personality not tied to their CNA donor. The attention from their Sire also inspires a more docile nature in them, ensuring that they are less likely to act on their own. Their more odd Pretender aspects are not nearly as powerful since they were given ample time to grow and receive information without interference. Not having to play a role, have a personality forced on them, or otherwise being shoved into a frame that is not made for them ensures that the normal larva grow up to blend in better than their counterparts ever could.
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These unaugmented Pretenders generally do not exhibit many signs of their nature, lacking brute strength even without their disguises. Their organs and structure match the average Cybertronian almost perfectly so long as their coding is dormant, and even then, it is hard to pick them out. The only true giveaway of what they are is their EM field and the slight difference in optical structure, and to notice the first trait requires increadible skill. Megatron has begun to take notice of this fact and has trained many of his agents to sniff out a Pretender without issue. The DJD are his greatest assets in this regard, that with them all being survivors of larva implants.
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Their true forms are not nearly as monstrous as their counterparts and they can easily be mistaken for an Insecticon or a Predacon depending on the circumstances, only adding to their disguise. Often they do not allow their shells to fall away and they remain mostly docile save for the odd fits of hyper vigilance when a potential threat is around. They are not natural born leaders or specialized in any field, instead opting for greater adaptability and disguise over outright strength. Once fully mature and in the event that they are not threatened, these Pretenders largely forget what they are. Their coding falls dormant and they live without any serious differences when compared to natural Cybertronians.
The only time these Pretenders become active while allowed to live normally is when a Firstborn appears. In such a scenario, the Pretenders as a whole will begin to wake. Let it be known that there can only be one Firstborn at a time. However to make up for this weakness, every Pretender also possesses the ability to wake and become a Firstborn, which will in turn lead to conflict resulting in the deaths of all potential heirs until only one remains. For this reason, Optimus made the decision to prematurely select an heir to avoid this outcome.
Now with that said, larva inserted into hosts are a whole other issue. They are all specially chosen for their host beforehand. Their Sire gives them the CNA of the one they are to bond to, and then once they are ready, they are inserted into the host usually through the optics. The larva will then bury into the host's processors and proceed to slowly devour memory and knowledge over the course of a few stellar cycles all while it grows.
It will devour the host as much as it can, resulting in thinness. Then it will begin to expand, spreading out roots like a plant and leading its waste to be execrated as a green fluid from the host's vents. As its roots spread, it forces the host to deteriorate to make way for its developing form. By the time the larva has consumed the host in all but spark, it forces its host to walk toward energon deposits and then forces the host to purge any remaining internals the host may have so that the larva may continue to grow. Once the host is dead, the larva finishes its gestation by consuming energon and turning the external armor of its host into a disguise all while it finishes developing internally. During this state the larva is very susceptible to adaptation and depending on where it finishes it gestation, develops the unique traits that sets every Pretender apart. No two Pretenders are the same after all.
Optimus finished his development underground and he had to crush energon crystals underground, so his jaw is capable of splitting to allow that. Ratchet was given energon crystals whole during his development, so he adapted to have unusual numbers of mandibles in order to facilitate this.
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Pretenders who had a host take on many of the traits of their host and are the only ones who always remain active. They do not forget what they are and they are unable to fully adapt. Their empathy is lessened and their focus is on logic over emotion. They are the few who push the mission onward alongside their Hierarch. It is instinctual for a Firstborn to bring a few to his or her side through inserting larva into hosts. It is the most efficient way to obtain information and social status. Perhaps not the most subtle, but indeed effective.
Generally a larva cannot be removed from a host upon insertion, however a few lucky mecha with unusual processors or frames are able to have the parasite removed before it is too late. They come out scarred and broken more often than not, but due to the partial changes the larva started in them, they are the most brutal of Pretender hunters. No Pretender can hide from them, not when they can find them almost as instinctually as a normal Pretender could.
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muirmarie · 3 months
me two (2) days ago: i am never writing anything again hahahaha just kidding, but also someone please put me out of my misery this story is literally going to kill me. i will write again but not for a week. i hate writing. why do i think i love it. it's truly the worst. thank fucj this story is finished. me today: ok,ayyyy so i'm gonna try to finish my belated day 2 in the next day or so and then should i work on my operation annihilate vulnerability bingo prompt or the day 12 plato's stepchildren au after that hmm decisions decisions writing is so much fun <333333
this is what i mean lmao when i am at my lowest writing point and i'm hating what i'm working on, but i'm still self-aware to be yelling "everything is terrible but i know it won't last but unfortunately the knowing it won't last does not solve the current issue of hating what i'm working on!!! <3333"
me: i understand how my brain works my brain: me too bithc you ain't special
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 9 months
Shadowgast Recs: Based on A Movie/Book/TV Series
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This week, we have fourteen shadowgast fics that were based on a TV, movie, or book series. Check under the cut for fics based on This is How You Lose the Time War, The Witcher, Ghostbusters, and more! As ever, don't forget to kudos or comment if you like them!
Lucidian Rim by literalfuckinggarbage (60266, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence
A Pacific Rim AU with Caleb as the burned out Jager Pilot and Essek as the one who has never been drift compatible
Reccer says: Drift Compatibility is a great way to explain Caleb and Essek's connection, and I love the other little bits of worldbuilding, too
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To be Defeated and Victorious by basically_npr_trash (6394, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
While on a mission for Master Ikithon, Bren receives a letter from a mysterious Dynasty stranger offering a tenuous olive branch. Bren's rational side tells him to burn it immediately, but something pulls on him to follow through. Based on This is How You Lose the Time War
Reccer says: I love all of the clever and strange places that they hide the letters and absolutely amazing love confessions
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Another Time, Another Place by Operafloozy (9780, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek and Bren travel through time attempting to assassinate each other before falling into a collaboration (and in love.) Based off of This Is How You Lose the Time War.
Reccer says: Nothing says Shadowgast like rewriting reality to be with each other.
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More Things in Heaven and Earth by kaeda (76998, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Magic in aeor goes VERY wrong. Essek and Caleb end up in Tusk love as Oskar and Guinevere.
Reccer says: This started out as a riot but then it actually gave me some major feels (I totally cried and reading this and that is the highest of compliments) I did not anticipate. I enjoyed every second of this ride it's the parallel universe Tusk Love fic I didn't know I needed.
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some things time can't fix by Chrome (25930, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek is arrested for treason and gets his daemon severed. The Nein try to find a way to save them.
Reccer says: This is such good hurt/comfort
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into the desert of your pitiless faith by burningdarkfire (24913, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
A Memory Called Empire Fusion. Essek is a newly-arrived ambassador in Rexxentrum, Beauregard is his assigned cultural liaison, and Caleb is the consecuted soul at the back of his mind. Empires and Dynasties do not serve: they consume.
Reccer says: An amazing take on the source material, with plenty of twists and turns
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Breaking Inertia by futureshieldmaiden (31096, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Essek get stuck in a time loop, and have to work together to get out of it. Based on Palm Springs
Reccer says: I loved Palm Springs, and I love the dynamic and secrets and forced intimacy of being stuck in the time loop together.
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Cat's Paw by mllekurtz (TheKnittingJedi) (20628, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A Shadowgast Witcher AU with Caleb as a Witcher and Essek as a sorcerer
Reccer says: I liked it!
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you must first invent the universe by renquise (3466, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Imperial Radch AU. AKA, what if they were spaceship AIs?
Reccer says: I liked it!
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little annihilation by 06151126 (6605, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: power difference, manipulation (minor)
Only one chapter so far - Greys anatomy but the m9 are interns at the hospital. Caleb wants to be the first to operate with Dr. Thelyss
Reccer says: This chapter was so brilliant! The author has medical field knowledge, and it shows. It also stuck fairly close to the first episodes of Greys which was lovely.
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a guilty thing, a fearful summons by Anonymous (8593, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: canon typical body horror
A very loose ghostbusters AU, where Caleb and Essek are rival ghostbusters
Reccer says: The first chapter was just published, but I already love the characterization and the premise!
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with a recurring theme: Works in Progress!
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I absolutely adored the charisma stockpile hc au~!
so au of that au where the platonic yandere part of the charisma quirk Izuku got works on all the vestiges for the 5 headcanons au~!
Bonus points for DFO cuz the previous one wasn't dfo
We're revisiting an early one for last!
The vestiges never expected to be affected by the charisma stockpile, but by the time it reached Izuku, it was so strong it could work on even past holders. They do not realize it at first. They just know this adorable boy is too perfect and precious to fight. Therefore they must do it for him.
The vestiges start possessing Izuku's body and destroying all his enemies. They also look after Izuku by making him meals and bringing him presents.
Izuku is a fanboy over the new vigilantes operating in the area and trying to track them down.
Shouto has a conspiracy theory that the new group of vigilantes are all the same person because they never appear at the same time and they're all short. They keep using different quirks, but what if they are connected to the mysterious quirk-stealing head of the underworld? Could the new vigilante even be All for One? But why is he destroying Izuku's enemies? What if All for One is Izuku's father? (Shouto has reached the correct conclusion by the wrong route.)
Yoichi gets stuffed in the vault by the other vestiges for trying to claim that he has the most rights to Izuku as his uncle.
The platonic yandere power has no effect on All for One because he was already at maximum levels of yandere. He's annoyed at all these fakes hanging around his son when they don't even have real feelings, just quirk-induced ones.
The vestiges team up with All for One to annihilate Muscular after he tries to kill Izuku.
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
Hey, I'm new here, and I really like your comics and animated series. But, I was reading through some of your posts, and it seems like you got a lot of AU's and I was wondering if you could give brief explanation on them.
Thank you! ^^ I've really been looking forward to answering this ask, because I just love making lists of stuff I've done~
(RWBY) NeverFell: An alternate universe where the Battle of Beacon ended in victory instead of defeat, and the story remains as the action-dramedy everyone knew and loved~. The Midnight mini-series is under the umbrella of this AU.
(RWBY) Familyverse: An alternate universe where the RWBY girls' parents have a larger influence on their lives, and their appearances are changed accordingly. This AU comprises the backstories I created for my first set of RWBY redesign videos ('Family Resemblance'), which can be found here. I only add it to this list because I did mention it on Tumblr once or twice.
(RWBY) Maiden Hunters: An alternate universe where the members of Team WTCH are all young women who can gain the Maiden powers featured in the later volumes of the series. This is another AU mostly covered in videos, although I did answer a few asks about it here.
(Kirby) Dream Alliance: A gijinka alternate universe covering the story of Kirby Star Allies, where Kirby has been killed by Void Termina, leaving his friends and the rest of the world to figure out how to defeat a god without him. The story follows a version of Magolor who was raised by Hyness in the Jambastion cult, and is now working to become a mech pilot in the Dream Alliance fleet.
(Kirby) Wish Library: A gijinka alternate universe where Marx and Galacta Knight spend their days trying to protect the Galactic Nova they live in from being captured by 'Star Hunters'.
(Kirby) Super Star Sentai: A gijinka alternate universe where Kirby is the main antagonist, whose ideas of 'having fun' result in apocalyptic consequences. Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Morpho Knight, and Susie form a team of heroes to help protect what remains of humanity from total annihilation.
(Kirby) Knights Errant: A gijinka alternate universe where a valiant knight (Meta Knight) and a demon of destruction (Dark Matter Swordsman) gradually learn the reasons why the Dream Lands have fallen into darkness, and how their king (Dedede) plans to restore the light.
(Kirby) Mapop Magical: A gijinka alternate universe where Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne are magical girls in a reversal of the story of Kirby Star Allies. Together they protect their town from the fairy monsters brought to their world by the evil Princess Kirby.
(Kirby) GONE: A gijinka alternate universe where the Master Crown succeeded in taking over Magolor's body and destroying Pop Star. Eons later, as it enters a brutal losing conflict with other dimension-scale rulers, it begins to wonder if its former host is truly 'gone'.
(Kirby) Magical Friends: I don't really talk about this like it's an AU, but technically it is, and I think I take it for granted that everyone knows what it is, so I wanted to correct that here. ^^; Anyway, Magical Friends is an alternate universe animation series chronicling Gryll's tumultuous developing friendship with Magolor, Marx and Adeleine. The companion 'comic dub' series operates under the assumption that they're already friends, allowing for even more lighthearted cartoon hijinks.
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tzaled · 7 months
Posting this, because it will always be one of my most favorite fanfics. If I’ve posted this before, it’s just because I’m pushy when it comes to the good stuff.
An Equitable Trade by @kcscribbler
AU and canon-divergent for Operation - Annihilate.
A disastrous scientific experiment has far-reaching consequences for the command crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Since a starship captain is a more valuable commodity than a now-blind Science Officer, First Officer Spock becomes a political scapegoat in addition to a victim of the recent tragedy. But as his sight begins to return in a supposedly civilian medical facility, Spock discovers that the world of politics is dark and dangerous, and that his captain has unwittingly landed them all smack in the middle of the biggest cover-up of their careers.
Why won’t the title appear? Arghhh….
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moonlit-trolls · 1 year
Killed in Action
[Character Death, A lot of Death, Blood]
[Docs for your sake]
Imperial Armada Fleet Ship: CVA-8 Tango. Saturday. 22nd April.
“Captain D. Holand. The vessel left alternia at 07:22. We arrived at spacing altitudes at 13:46. The beginning of our interplanetary mission. We are traveling with a Spacecraft Carrier. Seventeen Attack vessels on board. with Twenty men able to operate said carriers. We have a medic on board, With enough resources for six weeks in space. The team is manned by twenty seven grunts. Two Sniper class soldiers. and four demolition experts. We are to return with the head of a Rebel Leader who is stationed in an Asteroid about 7.7 AU. We will arrive in two weeks. Our mission should last two more. And we return in the last two the ship has been charted for. “
The beginning was an excerpt from the mission log that Fareha Qianna had been sent to. A simple mission to Eliminate an off-alternia Rebel base. The mission had simple objectives, Eliminate the leader, Kill off stragglers, leave none behind. They might have gone with that idea. but when they arrived in the meteor the story was different.
— Sniper 02, Qianna to team alpha. Do you copy? — Qianna spoke into her earpiece
— Team Alpha. We copy Qianna, What is the vision from above? — The leader responded in quick. The voice was low, they were getting close to where other trolls might hear
— Leader under aim. Shot Clear, I count Seven guards, But twenty or more behind curtains. Team Bravo, Do you copy? —
— Team Bravo here. We copy. give the go and we have enough C4 to blow this place to smithereens. —
— Sniper 01. Falcon Qianna, Be careful. They have Two psionics holding some sort of box up in the air. We wait until the talk is over and I take the shot. Sniper 02 can take two guards while team Bravo and Alpha get in with the explosives —
That was the voice of the person who donated Genetic material to make Fareha Qianna in a lab about Nine or Ten sweeps ago. The first object of fleet-creation and she Despised the donor. Either way The older sniper was correct, taking the shot now would be suicide, They would be found out and the rebels would run, lower chance of total annihilation for them. So Qianna bid her time. Hours speaking as the leader refused to go silent. but as the voice became lower. as the box got revealed, with gold and jewels they had stolen from the imperial museum weeks ago. Falcon took the shot. Clean, as the bullet flew, Qianna saw the command and did two more. half a second between each other. Two guards down and the leader gone. with brains splattered on the ground, the red made a beautiful scenery if you asked the young gunner.
Teams Alpha and Bravo closed in. An explosion on the silo where they were holding the fragile members of the rebellion followed by foot soldiers running in. It was then that Qianna turned off her reckon helmet connected to team alpha and bravo. The screams never. leave her mind, but if she can hide from them perhaps she wouldn’t dream too long of the dead.
— Qianna to Qianna. Do you copy — Falcon said, her voice sounded raspy 
— Copy. Speak Falcon… — While Fareha’s sounded empty. almost like a whisper, but before the answer from her ‘mother’ qianna spoke again — It doesn’t get easier does it? The… killing the screams the cries everything just gets worse right? —
— Yes. Yes it does. But it is not our place to question, nor to think. it’s our place to act, and we need you acting right now fareha — Falcon spoke as two shots could be heard.
As Qianna  aimed down sights once more, she saw the two drones killing Team Alpha. while team bravo killed the rest of the runaway rebels. Five shots. No ammo. Qianna missed all of them. her hands were shaking from the carnage, but it had to be done. The Reload felt slow, Heavy as the lead that she put in her gun. She shot again. First drone down. No battery as the second one got destroyed by a rogue grenade.
— Team alpha. How many Casualties? — Fareha asked with her voice shaking. 
— We seem to have lost five Alpha Soldiers. With the loss from team Charlie we are totalling twelve Casualties. — A grunt spoke back, Rage filling his voice at his comrades dying.
The vantage point she was aiming at felt colder. Her suit was made to counteract the void of space the absolute Detestable freezing temperatures it held. but not this. this came from inside. As she heard steps behind her. And as much as she didn’t want to look. she knew dying there would be worse and more painful than killing more.
Ankle pistol. Aiming down at the rogue rebel. He had a piece of glass. The Rebel couldn’t be more than Six sweeps old, and she hesitated. She didn’t want to shoot someone who’s barely stopped being a wriggler, and in a moment of weakness. The rebel struck. stabbing her in the stomach. Combat maneuvers are easy. Once the blade was in she subdued the target but the damage was done. her stomach oozing cobalt. with the assailant detained. Blood dripped on his backpack. It looked like one of her plushies from back on ship.
— Bad Situation. Send Reckon. Damage to suit. Oxygen running out at extreme speeds. Will not be able to breathe in Seven minutes. — Fareha said to the earpiece.
But as she saw teams alpha, bravo and charlie retreating to the ship. it echoed back to her first mission. The objective was complete. There is no reason to bring back those left behind. She was far from communications when she tossed the restrained troll off the vantage point. Low gravity, he would survive. Same couldn’t be said for her as she pulled the shard out. Cobalt floating upwards as it left her body. as she walked to the dozens of bodies. Hoping to find any sort of breather or oxygen. With the knowledge that the teams destroyed them to reduce survivability.
The steps became heavier, The barely seen light of the alternian sun glowing at the edge of the meteor, as things flashed black and white. as there was no more blood to be pumped out. Qianna burned her wounds close with one of the makeshift guns the rebels had, The type to go red hot after a shot. and sat down. staring into the emptiness of space.
— Oxygen tank. 5%. chance of survival 0.03%... The fleet will receive your last words Fareha Qianna. What will they be? — The suit spoke.
— Tell them all to die. Tell them all to fucking Die — Qianna said taking one of the half destroyed tanks and substituting for hers. Delaying the inevitable
— You cannot be hostile to your masters, Choose different Last Words Fareha Qianna — The Suit responded to the cobalt. before updating the oxygen levels
— Oxygen Tank, Partially Destroyed, 12% Chance of survival 0.5% — the suit said, in a monotone voice 
And as the meteor left the view of the Fleet Ship. So did Qianna, left behind. And the final consensus was at the return of the mission.
— We lost many men. in this fight against the rebellion. Thirteen to be exact. Fareha Qianna was between them. May the messiahs hold her hand… — Bullshit, he didn’t care. Didn’t believe in a word he was speaking, just had to do this.
But in the end, The verdict is. Fareha Qianna was KIA. as her last words were played for all to hear in the ship’s hull
— I am alone. And… it’s cold… — 
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nightmarefuele · 1 month
muse directory.
most muses can be shipped with, to varying degrees. some are more repressed than others. in general, i'll treat them all as bisexual.
Ren (of 'the' Ren) ; adam driver ; a heavily divergent/'oc-ified', post(usually)-snoke, visceral horror, gritty lean from star wars' kylo ren. Kylo Ren ; adam driver ; as close to kylo 'canon' as i'm capable of writing, but solely draws from tfa characterization. Imperator Furiosa ; anya taylor-joy. (alyla browne.) Dr. Dementus ; chris hemsworth. Max Rockatansky ; tom hardy. na-Baron Feyd-Rautha ; austin butler ; draws pretty much solely from the '24 film. Paul-Muad'Dib Atreides ; timothee chalamet ; leans on the book(+ messiah) from time to time. Loki Laufeyson ; tom hiddleston ; fuck u i don't consider post-tdw canon. ciao Control (John Rodriguez) ; bob morley ; based on authority by jeff vandermeer, and annihilation, book and film, exploring hypnosis/mind control and consequent distrust, or outright paranoia. operates at the branch-end of a highly bureaucratic and mysterious organization. eventually ends up at Southern Reach, "...a secret agency that manages expeditions into a place known as Area X, an uninhabited and abandoned coastal area of an unnamed country which nature is gradually reclaiming." 'nature', in this context, being a cute/tame word. refers to his guns as 'gramps', 'grandpa', 'grandpap', etc. 6" tall, impassive. Berry Rydell ; young josh hartnett ; freelance private security officer from william gibson's virtual light trilogy, based in retrofuturist nocal and socal. just a guy doing his own thing and getting caught up, routinely, somehow, in the national (but very top-secret) dickfight over some expensive glasses. + virtual reality, or whatever. Bellamy Blake ; bob morley. John Murphy ; richard harmon. Raven Reyes ; lindsay morgan. Colin Laney ; tbd. ; has a talent for identifying nodal points. Ezra ; pedro pascal ; from 2018 sci-fi/western film prospect. Cee ; sophie thatcher ; from 2018 sci-fi/western film prospect. Connor (the Android Sent by Cyberlife) ; bryan dechart. Logan (Wolverine) ; hugh jackman. Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) ; michael fassbender, ian mckellen. Kid ; dev patel ; from 2024 film monkey man. Elliot Alderson ; rami malek ; from the series mr. robot. Leon ; joey bada$$ ; from the series mr. robot. Jonathan Crane ; cillian murphy ; adding him back after some long and hard thought. selective muse, likely won't be writing him within gotham (for the sake of gotham), necessarily. tumblr's a weird place. i'd like to explore him thru different subjects and lenses. Damon Salvatore ; ian somerhalder ; (no forgiveness for this one. and no fucks either, "here for a good time not a long time", ykyk.) Takeshi Kovacs ; joel kinnaman. Yennefer of Vengerberg ; anya chalotra. Jesper Fahey ; kit young . Kaz Brekker ; freddy carter . Tangerine ; aaron taylor-johnson ; bullet train . Joel Miller ; pedro pascal .
aus are fun. hit me with em or forever hold your peace.
ocs, always subject to adapt and update on a thread-to-thread basis;
Dorian Yu ; christian yu ; tba. loosely based on christian yu's musical creations. relies either on psychological themes (wherein dorian is bipolar), for stories more grounded in realism, or the supernatural. heavily flexible, works into most (if not all) modern environments. can be taken a vaguely sci-fi or heavily cyberpunk route. (he's fun. smiley ball of energy and sunshine, or depressive and vaguely antagonistic shut-in.) prone to delusions, dissociation, and in severe instances, amnesia. Oeznik Ambroicz ; cillian murphy ; loosely based on a character from an original script. flexible iterations. director of an institute/facility (sometimes agency, depending on setting and historical values) that focuses on exploring the residual elements that paranormal trauma leaves behind. these elements can be purely psychological, physical, combined, or, sometimes, paranormal themselves. in other iterations, to draw further on lovecraftian or cthulhu mythos elements, oeznik may lean more private investigator, or 'freelance', for his own mysterious and often unexplained purposes. focused and preoccupied when fixed securely inside his element; wary and suspicious when not. Fifine ; anya taylor-joy ; tba. Nadya ; brunette anya t-j :p ; tba. (the) Insomnium ; tbd. ; developed and hatched by a cult of space witches moreso than born. derived from an organically inorganic (or just inexplicable) substance. for tumblr purposes, blends the idea of dune's 'voice'. cult functions similarly on some levels to the b.g., but is entirely an unknown. stems from the same gritty, visceral horror environment and themes as the ren. (especially picky about where i throw this one.) space cultists tba.
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soulsoffairlight · 4 days
Tumblr media
Is she adorable? Absolutely
Should you trust her? Absolutely not
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piedpiperslists · 1 year
Seokjin Series (X)
* ² - two shots s - contains smut
When You Left Us [pt2] [pt3] by @yoongiphoria single dad!Seokjin, absent mom!reader Summary: All Seokjin has left of you is your daughter.
Ambrosia by @hear-me-growl s millionaire!Seokjin, bartender!reader, nyotaimori model!reader, strangers to lovers Summary: “You taste delicious, sweet cheeks.”
Insatiable by @heartbeatan s succubus!reader, strangers to lovers, supernatural au Summary: A co-operative, supernatural seven-part series.
Cash Money ² by @hamsterclaw s lawyer!Seokjin, strangers to lovers Summary: Despite your better judgement, you end up indulging in a night of debauchery on Christmas eve with Jin.
Annihilation of You ² by @jimlingss post apocalyptic au, soulmates au Summary: You have one goal: destroy the world. Only one thing stands in your way: your soulmate. Looks like you’re going to have to destroy him first.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Thorns AU: Did you cover the Overhaul arc? How about events like the SF and Stain Incident?
Following up from the previous ask, if he didn't go with Nighteye he might go with someone like Edgeshot.
Also I had the mental image of him running into Eri, assuming that Overhaul is a kidnapped like Yor did, and annihilating him. So either that happens or Nighteye requests Edgeshot specifically to fuck with Midoriya. If Midoriya is at the raid, he makes it to the showdown sooner alongside Eraserhead and Nighteye and proceeds to destroy him before Togata gets shot
Let's see... Sports Festival wouldn't be too different than canon, except that Midoriya doesn't break himself and possibly escapes Shinsou's brainwashing through his training. He would go with Edgeshot for his internship, who is operating out of Hosu because of the Stain situation, leading to Midoriya showing Stain how a real assassin takes someone down.
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kcscribbler · 6 months
3, 5 and 29 for the writer asks, please!
Ooh, fun! Thank you, anon!
Full Ask List Here
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
However Improbable, my Star Trek TOS/ACD Sherlock Holmes crossover written for NaNoWriMo a loooooong time ago.
It was my very first TOS fic (why I chose to do a novel-length crossover as my initiation is anyone's guess), and to this day is still probably the most fun I've had writing anything. I'd like to think I balanced the characterization of both universes fairly well, but the reader is the judge.
Crossovers can be tricky, and they're not for everyone, but I had far too much fun with this one. I will always remember it fondly.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
At one point, I had a Star Trek TOS Alternate Universe series plotted out based on the OG Mission Impossible television show (from the same general time period as TOS, and as fabulous in its own way). The show actually featured Leonard Nimoy for two of the seasons, and it's generally delightful. Much more so than the big-budget films of the same franchise, in my humble opinion. 8/10, would recommend.
(Plot under the cut)
If I remember correctly, the AU started on the premise of Operation-Annihilate going badly wrong (an idea which later morphed into An Equitable Trade, FWIW), whereupon Jim Kirk was quietly discharged from Starfleet service in the ensuing scandal, and Spock basically said live long and fuck off with that and followed him. In this AU, the rest of the crew weren't originally aboard the Enterprise, and were picked up along the way through the ensuing ridiculous adventures across the galaxy, per typical MI format.
I actually had one 'episode' partially written a long time ago, before I got smart enough to back things up online, and lost it in a laptop crash. RIP my most ridiculous idea.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
This was cut last month from one of my Whumptober fics, as I decided to go a couple different directions with the TOS movie era instead.
“What on earth are you doing.”
Seated on the couch with at least a dozen takeout containers of various shapes and sizes stacked in perfectly neat, consistently spaced rows on the coffee table, Spock raises an eyebrow at him. “It was indeed, on Earth. During our recent sojourn in the Terran past, you informed Dr. Taylor that I found Italian food to be pleasing.”
“…Yes? Is that why you ordered what looks like the entire vegetarian menu from Angelo’s?”
“I must have a full data set in order to confirm a valid hypothesis.”
“Of course.” He doesn’t even bother to hide a smile. “But your face tells me it hasn’t been confirmed.”
“Correct.” Spock looks mildly uneasy about this discrepancy, though he indicates the barely-touched cartons with what looks like resignation. “I admit to feeling a slight sense of disillusionment, in the matter. It would seem that either you were in error, or that my taste for such things has changed during the process of my refusion.”
Jim’s too tired to do this standing up, right now, so he clambers over a hilariously untidy stack of of cartons on the rug (clearly overflow from the table) in order to collapse on the couch as well, exhaling in a long breath of relief at being able to get off his feet for a few minutes.
“I mean, it’s certainly possible your tastes have changed, Spock. But I think it’s more likely that you just haven’t got the right dishes.”
“How precisely is one to know which are ‘right’.”
Jim turns his head, still resting on the back of the couch, and gestures at the pile of cartons. “You like Italian, typically pasta; but you dislike strong garlic flavor. Since garlic is pretty ubiquitous in Italian food, when we order in or go out, we typically ask them to make yours without much of it.”
“Angelo’s has a pumpkin ravioli this time of year that you refuse to admit is your favorite, because favorites are illogical.”
“I did not see this option on the menu.”
“That’s because since it’s seasonal, it’s not on the carryout menu,” he replies. “You’ve complained more than once about having to call and actually talk to someone to order it, instead of using the automated system.”
“I did not recall that detail with any clarity,” Spock admits, looking more downcast than before.
He reaches over to put a steadying hand on Spock’s arm. “You’ve recalled nearly every detail that is important; we can deal with the rest. That’s what I’m here for,” he says quietly.
“I have taken enough advantage of your patience in the matter.”
“Incorrect. You’ve never taken advantage of me or anyone else, that I can recall. I’m not sure it’s even in your nature.”
“That appears to be a highly subjective assessment fueled by an emotional viewpoint.”
“Well, I am an emotional human. So that viewpoint is logical for me.” Seeing Spock’s clearly baffled expression, he hastens to add, “But from the Vulcan viewpoint: I do have all my memories, so I think my opinion should be trusted more than yours in the matter.”
Spock considers this for a moment, and then nods. “That is eminently logical.”
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muirmarie · 3 months
⚠️Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
I'm tentatively planning on:
touch-starved (that was supposed to be day 2 of mcspirk month lmao BUT the denied food one ate my life and that didn't happen)
plato's stepchildren au for the 12th (an unpleasant fic all around)
vulnerability for my bingo card (it's the operation annihilate au where spock doesn't have two eyelids and mccoy basically breaks science by working himself into a wreck for three weeks until he cures spock)
the couple's counseling one for the 26th
we'll see how i do on those, haha!!!! as long as they're REASONABLE lengths (glares at myself in the mirror) i might make it, although there's a good chance the plato one will be late simply because. i have to get that car in ffxiv. i hafta. but it's still planned in that order)
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
I'm posting more than a sentence and counting this as WIP Wednesday as well <3 (this is from touch-starved and it's all comfort no hurt this time!!!!!)
“Come on in,” McCoy says flatly. “Make yourself at home.”
“Don't mind if I do,” Kirk says brightly, and he immediately pulls off his boots and sets them down by the door. McCoy is staring at him as if he's taken leave of his senses, but Kirk just moves over towards McCoy's desk. “I'd like a drink,” he says. “You want a drink? You still have that bottle of Romulan ale?”
McCoy turns and looks at Spock in utter disbelief, and then looks back at Kirk.
Spock, after some internal debate, removes his boots as well.
“Jim, what's going on?” McCoy says, dropping his crossed arms in favor of a running a hand through his hair, leaving it somehow even messier.
“What, I can't drop by and see my best friend? You were gone for a month, Bones, I missed you. Didn't you miss me?”
“This feels more like an ambush than a social call,” McCoy says, and turns back in time to see Spock neatly lining his boots up next to Kirk's. It seems to leave him speechless for a moment, but Kirk doesn't let that slow him down.
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MAJOR UPDATE: changed formatting, added [Read More]. Hopefully it's more readable and consistent, it was starting to bug me.
This post is to keep track of a bunch of different titles and characters in The Facility AU/Multiverse.
Note: Lots of branches cross with each other for obvious reasons--for example most teams have someone from medical on their team.
• Garion Dubois || Rh-00 / Rh-01
Trickery is considered an extension of Garion and has equal clearance
The Six
• Present
Father[Rage] || Rh-02 Doctor[Pardonner] || Rh-06 Dove[Service] || Rh-07
• Distant
Mother[Paresse] || Rh-03 Weaver[Jealousy] || Rh-04 Eyes[Slow] || Rh-05
00 - Dubois[Paresse] (Elimination) 01 - Songbird[Fusataro] (Reconnaissance) 02 - Aggrotech[Yuuta] (Containment) 03 - Meraki[Mizho] (Defense) 04 - Claw[Slow] (Interference) 05 - Renji[Gauge] (Infrastructure) 06 - Koi[Kiyose] (Medical) 07 - Bilita[Desir] (Aquisitions)
Elimination teams
• Bloodline
Dubois Songbird Cross[Milieu] Puck[Akira] Sliver[Vice] Kilter[Service] Panic[Orgullo] Boon[Ultimo]
• Black Mamba
Sake[Kei] Whiskey[Fusataro] Absinthe[Michel] Kori[Regula] Echo[Regula] Monarch[Rage/Pardonner] Zephyr[Hibari] Annihilation[Vice/Rage/Paresse] Anaari[Kia]
• Basilisk
Taipan[Paresse] Raikou[???]
Reconnaissance Teams
• Scouts
Various disposable Avaro clones sent into timelines for initial information gathering. Most are descended from Enlil.
• Urban Ghost
Songbird Dubois Enlil[Avaro] Click[Vice] Taglamig[Eater] Seraph[Hibari]
• Mothwing
Dryo[Shear] Tsuchi[Jealousy] Redde[Orgullo] Tusker[Gauge] Sage[Sophia] Edaine[Sumako] Hounds(Skips, Syenn, Sybil)
• Red Sun
Trice[Paresse/Ultimo] Jaybird[Avaro/Service] Cassius[Douji Akira] Snow[Douji Mizho/Michel] Capre [Slow/Douji Akitsu] Spirit[Hao] Veil[Boone] Cerulli[Machi]
Yarrow[Paresse] Ikiri[Kiyose] Phoebe Trinity[Service] Sakura[Makoto] Hakuchō[Service] Osoi[Slow]
Acquisition Teams
• Silverscale
Kaniki[Milieu] Coyote[Vice] Nettles[Kia] Burnet[Kiyose] Mindoro[Avaro/Eater] Sikkim[Avaro/Regula] Mounts/Companions(Drachen,Piette, Spitz)
Medical Team(s)
The Doctor oversees all. Hector Anzhuō heads surgery and major operations. Koi oversees the mental wards. Skull [Faust VIII] helps handle minor cases.
All three lead a number of their own teams, yet unnamed.
Known Records Members
Kyu[Kia] Fugue[Fusataro]
Torment[Rage/Paresse] - Interrogations Chief Syren[Ultimo] - Second in Command The Rat King[Avaro] - Communication Bile[Sophia] - Medical Lapine[Desir] - General Interrogation
Known Threats(Active or otherwise)
The World Eater - Deceased, unknown instance. Fucking Broke A Lot Of Shit.
Cosmic King - Vice Gone Wild(tm) Celestial Serpent - Paresse Gone Wild(tm) but got munched Starred Bride - Kia who is So Fucking Loved(tm)
The Roost
The Chimera's Roost is unaffiliated with The Facility and is a neutral pocket dimension that takes the form of a Night Club. While many different people visit and there are many non-Facility regulars, here is just listed the known staff.
Smokes[Service/Paresse] Ray[Sophia/Rage]
Kvas[Kia] Bambi[Slow/Paresse] Mirror[Jealousy]
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