#ophilia tag
ninefourzerozero · 8 months
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Meditation art
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fulgurbugs · 7 months
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Style swaps!
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Lineups :P
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soup-for-ghosts · 5 months
obsessed with octopath clerics… ophilia “I was not made for such battles” clement and temenos “fighting is not what I do” mistral and they’re both wiping blood off their robes after they just smited every enemy on the screen to smithereens
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justiceisoverr · 1 year
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5 years with one of my favourite games!! time passes so quickly, i can still remember playing the demo as therion & having to stop myself because i was impatient for the rest to come out🫢can't wait to see where it goes from here ^^
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scungledfiles · 1 year
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i hear ur concernds and i am here 2 dwlievwr
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Octopath Traveler 2 alignment charts 2: electric boogaloo
(Except I included the first 8 travelers too)
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Some of them were. really hard to put in the different categories so I tried my best
If you have different opinions regarding where they should go feel free to share because I don't think this is really that accurate lmao (also I'd like to hear your thoughts :D)
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rakeshouseparty · 10 months
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plopped a goofy new slender ? oc with Doc and Ophelia ^w^ slumberman! LOL...Maybe name can be somir..
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princehatterene · 5 months
ok i'm thinking about my octo ocs and how they would interact with the octopath 1 and 2 groups. i physically cannot shut up about them i'm sO SORRY—
the merchants: orietta is definitely more jaded than tressa and partitio, and is their self-proclaimed mentor in the ways of life and of the trade. the other two definitely don’t agree with ori’s methods, but appreciate her reverence for her community and dedication to the less fortunate. ori is disappointed tressa isn’t a girly-girl like her and that she does not take kindly to being treated like a dress-up doll.
the scholars: at first, camil is anxious to open up about her run-in with dark magic to her fellow scholars. but if anything they’re fascinated by the way she was able to break that terrible spell. osvald kinda reminds camil of her own father (without the whole “framed for murder” thing). cyrus picks her brain about similarities between spirepeak academy and his own university, wondering if visiting would be a worthwhile experience for him.
the apothecaries: since alfyn and castti are a lot more experienced apothecaries than tybalt is, he asks a Lot of questions. questions that they’re both more than willing to answer, of course! tybalt and alfyn become drinking buddies while castti keeps them out of trouble. tybalt is also told to give the others a glowing review of the arcas adventurer’s guild; they’re always looking for new members!
the dancers: honestly the other dancers think oliver is just adorable, and all the attention gets overwhelming for him. he probably cries the first time primrose opens up about her journey, and he’s very inspired by agnea’s positivity. he invites them both to valleycross’s famous flower festival, where agnea has a great time as expected, but primrose seems a little harder to please (she also has a great time).
the warriors: there’s of course a lot of recounting battle stories over drinks with them, but also a lot of (slightly drunken) philosophical conversations. penelope felt awkward at first because she has absolutely no connection to royalty the way a former royal knight or actual king do, but drops it very quickly when told they don’t care for titles or formalities between friends.
the hunters: h’aanit, ochette, and andreas get along great (andreas is very interested in visiting s’warkii and toto’haha), but it turns out glen feels a little self-conscious around the other animal companions. glen isn’t a fierce snow leopard or a magical owl/jackal—he’s just a regular dog. but the older and wiser linde and mahina/akala are quick to calm his doubts and remind him the he is, in fact, a very good boy.
the clerics: twyla loves the other clerics very much. she and ophilia are instant besties, talking for hours about their families and cute, girly things, and she loves getting to talk about law and philosophy with temenos. though it’s not an official role in twyla’s church, she is quite interested in temenos’s role as inquisitor, and brings the idea to her mother for her consideration.
the thieves: they all have a sort of brotherly camaraderie with each other, seeing as they all have little to no familial ties, and thieves often can’t trust anyone but other thieves. they bond more over their shared professions than their personalities, and while throné let go of the thief life altogether, therion and hawkin continue to compete over who the best thief really is.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 3 months
may I ask you about my best friend ophilia clément for the character thing…….
How I feel about this character:
my favouritest most specialest girl ever... i love her so much you dont understand i have a problem.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
just prim! im not much of a multishipper (or, quite frankly, a shipper at all), so i fear that all of my answers to this question will be a touch boring.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
therion feels like a cop-out. OBVIOUSLY she and therion would be the bestest of buds. however i do think the two of them also work really well as a trio with tressa. theyre really the only two octogangers that had normal-ish childhoods and im curious to see how'd theyd bounce off of each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
ophilia chapter two is much better than people give it credit for. ive always liked the specific choice of having the player fight a boss called Hróðvitnir, better known in most media as the wolf Fenris, in the specific chapter tied to archbishop josef's death. ophilia's is a story tied (in theory, albeit not always in practice) very much to death, and having a boss thats literally The Final And Greatest Death as described by norse legend is just too fitting.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
further discussion of the fact that ophilia "devout churchgirl" clement has taken a life. like the formatting of octopath is literally designed such that it is not able to do that, since mattias couldnt have been anything but the final boss of ophilia's story, but i just wish there could have been something on it. how does she feel about it? is she guilty? does she hold herself responsible for it? does she think she could have saved him? we'll never know.
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thatnebbles · 3 months
I can't believe the final day of @OTfemslashweek is here--but I couldn't think of a better way to end it with my first f/f Octopath ship, Primphilia! I've wanted to do this fic idea for so long. I'm glad to share it with everyone for this wonderful event!
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lamortwrites · 9 months
Castor has not left me alone all day today and he is currently balancing half falling off of my lap in his sleep
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ninefourzerozero · 7 months
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Ophilia if she was a union monster that made the equipped monster into a tuner
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fulgurbugs · 8 months
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Comic time again
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melodybottles · 2 years
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oc sketch page
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ventusrocks · 26 days
CotC Page 1
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I finally finished another page! It's my first CotC page, and it's full of my favorite units that I own. Besides Miles and the not-Lynette Ringbearer Chosen options, all these people were or are in my primary party. I would've run Miles since he's from OT1 and I like his outfit, but I started playing during the Oct a Live collab; I was not going to pass up a free 5 star warrior, even if I had no idea who he was. At the time, I wanted to run one person of each class, so Miles couldn't come. I stopped following that rule once I got Tressa EX but desperately wanted to keep Ashlan, my favorite 4 star unit, around. I drew primarily CotC original designs, but you'll find the OT1 travelers I run on the page as well. I didn't draw a large variety of characters, so I'll branch out for my third CotC page. The second one is 3/4 of the way done, so I should post it by next week at the latest!
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valrnyx · 9 months
Forever Discourse: Link to Original Thread + More
This post contains links to the original Twitter thread as well as other posts that provide evidence or context to the situation. (This post will continually update with anymore information that is found)
January 10th Update: Forever has been kicked from QSMP. He has made a third and final? video in response? to the situation. There are English subtitles. (I have not watched the video yet beyond the first minute)
With this post, I'm gathering evidence both for myself and others. In my opinion it's best to gather as much evidence and context as you can and form your own opinion rather than just listening to what others say. Get as many sides as possible.
TW: Pe*ophilia (it truly varies between posts but most have their own tw’s)
To start, here is a post that I think sums up what’s happening (from what I can see and what I’ve read so far): https://www.tumblr.com/anachronistic-falsehood/738711971942334464/hi-sorry-i-dont-have-twitter-but-do-you-know-why
I think I managed to stumble my way into the original Twitter thread. For any interested, here’s the link… (it’s all in Portuguese obviously) (if this is not the original thread, let me know): https://x.com/diaboier/status/1743153136523472904?s=46
I also found another thread that seems to add more evidence or summarizes the thread? Yet again, I don’t speak Portuguese so I’m not entirely sure: https://x.com/morningcriw/status/1743164198928978127?s=46
Someone sent in a Google doc with a lot of Forever’s old tweets translated (this seems to be accurate. I started Google translating some of the screenshots from the original accusation post and they match up with the translations in the doc): https://docs.google.com/file/d/16RKc9968cA8Ybc8Hw7Dl2cevO3w52mZx/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword
I also just saw this pop up. It’s discord screenshots translating a tweet of the supposed victim. I say supposed as there’s no real evidence to show that it’s really the victim (All the twt screenshots have the usernames and pfp’s blacked out, for good reason): https://www.tumblr.com/magicalmanhattanproject/738731128507285504/id-discord-screenshot-the-first-messages-from
Here are two tumblr posts translating what Forever said in response: https://www.tumblr.com/imnotasweetie/738727736369102848/a-friend-of-mine-who-is-a-portuguese-speaker-did
I originally took these off as an anon said that it’s not great and that cultural context doesn’t apply to these kinds of things but after looking around a little more I think it is. Cultural difference is not an excuse, but nonetheless it’s an explanation. It still absolutely does not excuse his actions though. I have no way to verify if any of these are true though. Please keep that in mind: https://www.tumblr.com/thesmpisonfire/738775397927469056/that-one-brazilian-person-in-the-tag-with-the-very
As of January 6th, Forever has gone live to address the allegations again. Here is a a overview of what he said (I have no way to verify if what is written here is true): https://www.tumblr.com/dumblemonade1/738790758479527936/so-he-hadnt-seen-all-the-tweets-about-the
Please give Quackity and his team time to decide how they’re going to handle this. They’re human too. This post says it better than I can: https://www.tumblr.com/trashfangirlsworld/738796977181032448/i-dont-have-much-to-say-about-the-situation-with
Apparently a host of CC’s have unfollowed Forever on Twitter: https://www.tumblr.com/magicalmanhattanproject/738802843036844032/more-developments-on-the-forever-situation
A post that’s close to my own thoughts about the after effects of what’s happening: https://www.tumblr.com/murky-tannin/738809119351390208/there-are-a-lot-of-bad-things-about-this-situation
If your are an English speaker, take a step back as well as a deep breath. Let’s not jump to any conclusions or huge actions. If you are able and willing, take your time and do your own research. Don’t believe the first thing that’s said. Misinformation spreads like wildfire. Especially when the discourse isn’t in your native language and are relying on others and Google translate.
Be mindful of your words and support victims. Words can have a huge impact on someone even though you can’t see it. This post says it better than I can: https://www.tumblr.com/cupsmp/738692732272394240/also-once-again-in-any-situation-please-support
Everyone please be careful with your mental health. Take a break from social media if needed, get some water, something to eat, and take a deep breath. Go outside or talk with your friends. We will make it through this.
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