#or an over the top romantic declaration from albert
Thanks for your metas and posts, @seeingteacupsindragons. Because of you I understand better the story and characters from Yuumori (especially about Sherliam). Also thanks to you I started Jeweler Richard and loved them (it's beautiful).
If you don't mind, can I ask your top 7 (or top 5) favorite moments each from Yuumori and Jeweler Richard? Sorry if you've answered this before.....
Thank you!
Jeweler Richard is a beloved part of my soul now, and I'm glad my shilling it is still getting people into it, and it's still impacting other people.
Seven is a weird number. Let's see, I'll pick 7 random favorites, I guess, in no particular order other than when I thought of them. There's so many good and important moments in both of them that I adore, so this is honestly lists of "the first seven moments I thought of that I really enjoyed."
William's little quiet longing "Sherlock" to himself.
William being like "what do you mean, Moran, of course Mr. Bond is a man."
On that note, I was so thrilled by Bond's reveal/transition. Excellent, excellent work.
The Moribros walking out of the fire together and Albert declaring them Brothers for the first real time as they're reborn and sealed together. It's just all so very good.
Fred having to watch an innocent man get murdered while doing nothing, because it's really important for the moral complications the Moriarty gang suffers.
Louis welcoming his brothers home, all strong and confident and forgiving.
Louis finally coming to thank and appreciate Sherlock and switching his term of address over.
Joachim forcing Jeffrey to eat off the Dollar Menu. It's just so funny. Get wrecked, Jeffy.
Richard tearing Seigi a new one about othering queer people just by the words and framing you use even when being accepting about them.
Saul playing all of Richard's ridiculous voicemails to Seigi
The bit where Tanimoto takes Seigi to task about saving himself for her just in case to take responsibility for giving her confidence to eschew romantic relationships, even though neither of them even want that.
The part where Seigi apologizes to Tanimoto for pressuring her into a relationship One Day
Haruyoshi's little moment where he talks about understanding aesthetic attraction (without those words) because tres validating.
Seigi's musing to himself about the the fragility of Celestite and comparing it to Richard's eyes, and swearing to protect this beautiful, fragile stone.
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famous-aces · 5 years
Simone Weil
Who: Simone Adolphine Weil
What: Philosopher, Mystic, and Political Activist
Where: French-Jewish (active largely in France, Spain, and UK) 
When: February 3, 1909 - August 24, 1943
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(Image Description: a black and white photo of Weil in the 1940s on the street in Marseilles. She is a pale woman with an oval face and big round glasses. Her hair is short and dark and fluffy. She is wearing a beret and a cap.  She is in her early thirties but I would have thought she was older. Behind her are buses, sidewalk [with trees] and curb. There are some other people on the street behind her. End ID)
There isn't much about Simone Weil that isn't odd and often contradictory. A pacifist who went to war, a Christian mystic who refused baptism, a writer whose most important works were not published until after her death, a religious humanist, intelligent but perpetually naïve, an ethnically Jewish woman utterly disconnected from her heritage, despite embracing the questioning and intellectualism that characterize much of the Jewish faith.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy calls her "a philosopher of margins and paradoxes" and André Gide called her “the patron saint of all outsiders.". Today she an important left-leaning philosopher, but her real influence did not come until after her death. But between 1995 and 2012, more than half a century after her death, over 2,500 newly scholarly articles about her were published.  She inspired the likes of Albert Camus, Jean-Luc Godard, Pankaj Mishra, Flannery O'Connor, and Pope Paul VI. Camus said she was "the only great spirit of our times." But her legacy is extremely mixed (with good reason) and some claim she was insane or unbalanced. Even people who greatly admired her say she was a bit odd.  Susan Sontag calls her "one of the most uncompromising and troubling witnesses to the modern travail of the spirit." Which may be an accurate description. She was strange, often contrary, sadly comedic, and, indeed, sometimes deeply troubling. Which is odd, considering that her heart was almost certainly in the right place; regardless of her naïveté and occasional hypocrisy her goal was truth and justice. And as mixed as her legacy was there is a lot to admire in Weil's steadfastness and dedication to others. Indeed her uniqueness of character almost makes her worthy of study even without her influence.
Weil's heart was in the right place (she had a darker side that I will get to).  She was extremely dedicated to the workers, the poor, and the otherwise less fortunate, and was critical of both capitalism and communism. Eventually this dedication extended to God, not necessarily religion, but an Abrahamic God.
She wrote extensively on a number of subjects including labor, management, politics, war, peace, religion and spirituality, among other subjects throughout her life. She was an activist who threw herself into the fray, mind, soul, and body. This last despite being in quite poor physical health for all her life, including suffering from tuberculosis. Her intellectualism and dedication to others began in early childhood. She was always reading and forming opinions. At age five Weil refused to eat sugar to be in solidarity with French soldiers in World War I (then raging).  Her activism often got her in trouble at school, something that didn't change when she went from student to teacher. She was always something of an outsider among her peers.
She was extremely political, altruistic, self-sacrificing, and warm hearted throughout her life. As an adult she worked largely as a writer and teacher, inturupted to spend time incognito working in an automobile factory to get first hand experience/accounts of the plight of workers and the psychological damages caused by industrialization. She was involved in the 1933 general strike in France. Ultimately she was booted from several teaching gigs because of her politics, activism, and contributions to leftist journals. 
She briefly fought against the Fascists in Spain (1936) but was very clumsy and a poor shot due to her terrible eyesight. No one really knew what to do with her, but she was dedicated. Weil ultimately ended up injuring herself with hot oil and her parents came and took her away.
Around this time she became very interested in Catholicism. She was never baptized, however, because her religious interests were far broader than one faith, extending to numerous religious traditions of the East and West, and she disagreed with some of the more brutal moments in the Bible. She had sort of her own conception of God and faith, she called it fundamentally Christian, but it was really her own philosophy with a grounding in the Abrahamic concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and above all omnibenevolent God.
It is important to note that despite being ethnically Jewish Weil was in no way religiously Jewish and has been criticized as downright antisemetic. Having barely read anything of hers beyond a little for this project I cannot say without a doubt if she was, but what I have heard described certainly worrisome. This is obviously not exhaustive and she may have said far worse but she was critical of the Torah (without realizing a lot of the things she loved about Christianity actually came from it), critical of the cruelty of the "Old Testament"/Talmudic God (as if Christianity didn't embrace those actions perhaps more than the Jewish faith), claimed that Hitler was no worse than any other colonizer, while comparing Judaism/Jewish people to the Roman Empire/Romans (she hated the Roman Empire). So be aware of that, especially given the era -- both the one Weil was writing in and our own. Her family was secular, she never interacted with Judaism on any real level, so it is possible -- given the political climate at the time and France's history of antisemitism -- Weil was misled, but given the fact that her political views changed throughout her life (starting as a communist and ultimately abandoning it) and the fact that she was so open hearted elsewhere is saddening and negates the ignorance argument.  It does seem she failed to understand the weight and reality of what she was saying/critiquing. She was vehemently against racism in other forms, but never seemed to make the connection. According to some sources she was always shocked to be called out on hypocrisy (which she was, more than once). So maybe there is something to be said for her just not getting it. This is not an excuse for hatred, but ignorance might be a huge part of the problem.
After France fell to the Nazis in 1940, Weil and her parents fled and began a life in exile, first in the US, then in England.  In England Weil wrote her best known work, L'Enracinement, prélude à une déclaration des devoirs envers l'être humain (The Need for Roots: Prelude Towards a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind) (written 1943, but it wasn't published until 1949). During this time she worked for the French Resistance, although exactly in what capacity seems to be unknown. But her punishing work against the Nazis and penchant for self-denial ultimately ended up costing her her life at age 34 of either heart failure from malnutrition or tuberculosis. 
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(Image Description: the cover of one of Weil's many notebooks. On it she has written "3 (1941)" in the top left corner. She has covered the rest of it in writing in a bunch of different languages including Greek and Sanskrit [maybe?]. All of it is written in squares/rectangles with one rectangle in the middle with shapes/writing in it. End ID)
Like The Need for Roots most of her work was printed posthumously. Her ouevre has been translated into other languages, including English, Arabic, and German as she reached international acclaim.  During her life only a few of her works were published of the 20-some volumes that survive today. Her most important works include (French / English) L'Iliade ou le poème de la force / The Iliad, or the Poem of Force (1940), La Pesanteur et la grâce / Gravity and Grace (1947), Attente de Dieu / Waiting for God (1950), Lettre à un religieux / Letter to a Priest (1951), Oppression et Liberté / Oppression and Liberty (1955) among others, including a lot of eccentric, esoteric, and diverse notebooks kept throughout her life, like the one above.
Probable Orientation: Aroace
As is probably obvious I do not quite know what to make of Weil, but one thing I can tell you is she was definitely asexual.
Weil's sexlessness (and by extension asexuality) has long been part of the narrative oddness of her life. The fact that she shunned physical and romantic relationships is often thought of as part of the pathetic humor as her personality. Clumsy, naïve, downright weird, sexless has become part of that persona, that cloak of oddity. 
People love to claim political reasons for others chastity and Weil is no exception. There has to be some reason beyond natural disinterest. The alternative is too foreign or strange for allos to fathom. All of these suppositions are equally aphobic. The idea that asexuality must be a conscious choice rather than a natural part of a person is extremely damaging as is the idea that not feeling sexual/romantic attraction/desiring sex/romance is unnatural.  There have been people who try to explain away Weil's lack of sexual desire as well: some Christian writers say she was devoting herself to God years before she found the church (Weil herself says the idea of pursuing what she calls "purity" struck her at 16, she would not find Catholicism for more than a decade), to certain subgroups of feminists her sexlessness a conscious choice to escape the patriarchy. But really it seems much more to be her sexual orientation than a political statement. Weil was a woman who made a lot of political statements, constantly, but the avoidance of sexual contact seemed natural rather than put on. 
For one thing she spurned physical contact, but only that with sexual intent. She didn't spurn friendly contact and she would kiss her friends in a platonic way more common in her era. Weil wasn't prudish nor offended by the idea of sex. When she was asked if she was seeing anyone she laughed, but was unbothered, it was more like she thought the idea of her dating was ridiculous rather than looking down on the idea. She had many friends both male and female. 
 In her teen years Weil started dressing oddly so that no one would find her physically attractive. She had a reputation from youth as being a weirdo in part due to her asexuality, but an attractive one. Although it seems that people, especially boys, had a mixed response to her attempts to mask her beauty. Some of them said it was a shame, others said she was never attractive in the first place.
Many of her critics in the modern day claim her odd traits and behaviors can be explained away by extreme sexual repression, once again giving into that belief that sex makes us normal and whole.
Also like many aroaces it seems that Weil put her love and attention into someone or something other than a significant other/partner. For many of them it is a specific friend or family member, for others it is a passion or cause. These are the historical figures dubbed to be "married to their work". This includes the likes of Erdős, Rankin, Franklin, Santos-Dumont, Nightingale, Wang, Woodson, and Tesla. This is not to say they were friendless, indeed some of them have extremely close relationships but overall these are people who dedicate themselves utterly and completely to their passion and their work. People with more than drive. People who are happiest not in a romantic/sexual relationship, but when doing what they love. I think Weil is part of that category. Her love was not for one person but for nearly the whole of the world. 
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(Image Description: a photo of Weil as a young woman/teenager. She is a pretty and pale woman with fluffy dark hair, dark eyes, and full lips. She is not yet wearing her glasses.  She is shown from the neck up. End ID)
"The idea of purity, with all that this word can imply for a Christian [so, virginity], took possession of me at the age of sixteen, after a period of several months during which I had been going through the emotional unrest natural in adolescence. This idea came upon me while I was contemplating a mountain landscape and little by little it was imposed upon me in an irresistible manner." 
-Simone Weil, letter sent to a priest friend on May 15, 1942. (Years after the fact Weil attributed her lack of interest in sex to an inclination to Christianity, but it sounds as if she herself is trying to explain away her lack of sexual attraction or interest. This is something a lot of baby aspecs still do, try to explain away why they aren't interested in sex or romance. I know I did.)
"The Red Virgin" 
-The taunting nickname given to Weil by her classmates due to her chasteness and lack of romantic interest.  She was also referred to as "the Martian" for being "inhuman" and was widely mocked for being aspec. 
"As for her death, whatever explanation one may give of it will amount in the end to saying that she died of love.”
-Sir Richard Reeds (due to the fact that, despite being chronically ill with a fatal disease she continued to work for the French Resistance while also not eating anything above the French ration to show her solidarity.)
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(Image Description: a colorized photo of Weil from 1936 when she was fighting in Spain. She is wearing a dark military uniform with a dark bandana around her neck. Her dark hair is even darker than usual. She has a rifle on her back. There are some men behind her on a fairly quiet street. End ID) 
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residentlion · 5 years
So before this part starts, Chris takes Albert to a nice cabin for a romantic X-mas vacation. I didn’t actually write the bit when they get there, but that’s where they are now. Please picture this taking place in a cozy wood cabin\cottage in a snowy forest, cute Christmas decorations, warm blankets, a couch in front of the fireplace for cuddling, all that good fluffy stuff.
Part 3, snowball fight
Chris packed the snow in his hand into a ball, it was the perfect consistency to hold its shape and he grinned, remembering past snowball fights with Claire. He glanced up at Albert, who was watching him almost curiously, a pile of snow in his own hand. ‘I get the feeling that you were that jerk kid who liked to put rocks in his snowballs and aim for the face.’
Albert laughed but there wasn’t much amusement in it and he shook his head. ‘Chris, I’ve never… we were… strongly encouraged not to engage in such childish games.’ His hand closed almost violently over the snow in his palm, crushing it down.
The reaction and the hitch in his voice when he’d said strongly encouraged told Chris all he needed to know about what the words actually meant, and he dug his fingers into his own snowball in fury at people who would hurt a child for simply wanting to play. Maybe those wounds were too deep to ever truly heal but Chris was going to damn well try. ‘Fuck them.’ He said bluntly. ‘They’re dead and they can’t stop you from having fun.’
Albert glanced back up at him, a trace of amusement beginning to show on his face.
‘I’m gonna show you how to pack a proper snowball. With no rocks in it.’ Chris added hastily. ‘And then we’ll have a real fight.’ He expected Albert to refuse, finding himself a bit dejected since he’d been oddly looking forwards to a snowball fight.
‘I-’ Albert stopped abruptly, looking down at the snow then at Chris. The trace of humour turned into a tentative smile and his voice was suddenly determined. ‘You’re right. Fuck them. Show me how this works.’
Albert watched Chris demonstrate the finer points of snowball making with an intense concentration that would have been comical if Chris hadn’t still been angry about why he didn’t know how to do this. ‘Then just throw it.’ He chucked it at Albert’s chest in a gentle underhand.
Puzzled, Albert let it hit him, then raised an eyebrow. ‘And this is fun?’
‘Well, yeah?’ Chris didn’t know what else to say to convince him, but Albert began packing snow despite his confusion. ‘Ow!’ Rubbing his shoulder to ease the sting, Chris held up his other hand to stop Albert. ‘You don’t need to throw them that hard.’
‘Hmm.’ A smile flitted across Albert’s lips.
Chris threw one at him in revenge and Albert quickly dodged it. ‘Hey! No cheating.’ He lunged behind a snow drift as more snowballs flew at him, faster than humanly possible. ‘Cheater!’ Warily, he popped his head up, returning fire and forcing Albert to dash into his own cover, skidding into the snow bank with a grunt as he moved too quickly. Chris grinned as he realised that Albert’s speed didn’t give him an advantage on the slippery, loose snow, so maybe they were evenly matched. He tossed a few more snowballs over, and took a few hits back, pausing in amazement as he heard the sound of high-pitched laughter.
Chris had never heard Albert, well he wouldn’t dare to say the word out loud, but in his own mind he could call it what it was. Giggling. Albert Wesker, former bio-terrorist and wanna-be-god, was collapsed in a snow drift and fucking giggling like an overexcited child. A child he had never been allowed the chance to be. Chris suppressed his anger at the thought, he didn’t want to ruin this moment of happiness that Albert more than deserved, even if it was years too late. ‘Having fun, Al?’ He asked instead, playing along.
‘Yes.’ The brief flicker of red was all the warning Chris got before he was tackled into another snow bank. Laughing, Albert sprawled on top of him, keeping him trapped in the snow.
‘Ah! It’s going down my shirt!’ Chris squirmed, which only made the cold mass sliding down his back move faster. Albert helpfully dumped more into his jacket, still laughing giddily without any trace of cruelty in the open smile on his face.
‘You’re so mean.’ Chris complained, but he couldn’t keep from grinning back at Albert’s obvious enjoyment. He tried to wrestle Albert off him but only succeeded in tipping them into more snow, both of them having too much fun to end the fight quickly. ‘I win.’ Chris finally declared triumphantly, pinning Albert’s wrists above his head and clamping his legs tight with his own.
‘Maybe I let you.’ Albert’s cheeks were flushed pink from more than cold, his tone and the look in his eyes an invitation. Chris took it and kissed him, their warm breath melting the snow on each other’s faces. ‘Chris… thank you. For this.’
‘You’re welcome.’ Chris gave him another quick kiss then climbed off him and offered him a hand up. He shivered as the wind hit his cold, wet back. ‘Ok, I think I’ve had enough for today. Some asshole put snow down my shirt.’
‘Poor Chris.’ Albert mocked him as they headed inside but his next words were an entirely different kind of teasing. ‘Are you going to take revenge for that attack?’
‘Do you think I should?’ Chris countered, trapping Albert against the nearest wall.
Amused orange eyes met his as he pulled Chris closer, murmuring ‘yes’ before they kissed again.
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Radiohead released their first album, Pablo Honey, which first came out today (February 22) in 1993, released via labels, Parlophone/Capitol. In late 1991, after a chance meeting between bassist, Colin Greenwood, and EMI A&R representative, Keith Wozencroft, at Colin's work, On A Friday signed a six-album recording contract with EMI.  At the label's behest, the band changed their name to Radiohead. This was taken from the song, “Radio Head”, on True Stories (1986) by Talking Heads. Fast forward to the Radiohead guys releasing their debut EP next year in 1992. Three of the four songs, “Prove Yourself”, “You” and “Thinking About You”, on Drill made their way as reworked versions onto their debut album, Pablo Honey. The latter, of course, synonymous with 1992 debut single, “Creep”.  Even then, it wasn’t a commercial success until rereleased the following year, in 1993.  It incorporates “The Air That I Breathe” (1972), by The Hollies, with members, Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood, credited accordingly.  In later years, the band got fed up with the song and eschewed performing it live for some time. Rumour states that lead guitarist and keyboardist, Jonny Greenwood (elder brother is Colin Greenwood), and his famous guitar crunches in the chorus were supposedly an attempt to ruin the song, as he did not like it. Producer, Paul Kolderie, also stated that, “Jonny played the piano at the end of the song and it was gorgeous”.  The piano was mixed in at the wrong time, the band decided to keep the take regardless. “Creep” had been played frequently on Israeli radio by influential DJ, Yoav Kutner, and, after the song became a hit in Isreal, Radiohead were invited to Tel Aviv for their first gig overseas.  San Francisco alternative radio station, KITS, added “Creep” to its playlist, along with other West Coast stations of the United States. By the time of their first North American tour in June 1993, the music video for “Creep” was heavily rotated on MTV. The album's title comes from a prank call skit by American comedy act, The Jerky Boys, in which the prank caller says to his victim, “Pablo, honey? Please come to Florida!” Singles for this album were “Creep”, “Anyone Can Play Guitar” and “Stop Whispering”. Listeners really get a sense of their sound in “You”.  This chimes in with melancholy, then driving guitar strides with purpose. Awesome.  It then broods with sparse guitar with striving bass and moody drum.  Clattering chords threaten the relative peace.  “It’s like the world is gonna end so soon” capturing this tumultuous feeling; knowing you’re neither here nor there, kind of thing. The guitar chords crunch, fighting with the more delicate, dainty playing. “Creep” is simply sadness and the atmosphere of that sadness.  “You float like a feather, in a beautiful world” befitting of such instrumentation.  Then chord cuts swathes through this dwelling in one’s own sadness. “I want you to notice when I’m not around” like a self-destructive tendency if you don’t catch her eye, in some way.  Lead vocalist and main songwriter, Thom Yorke, really wails in a kind of musical way, a beautiful cry for attention.  “I don’t belong here” the closing realisation. “How Do You?” has an almost bratty punk feel to it; but quite likeable and charming, too.  The guitar melody gives it a musicality, almost to polish it up a bit.  It then ends in disgrace, piano defiled. The librarian gets pedantic in “Stop Whispering”.  This sounds as it should, pensive in seeming deep thought.  “There’s nothing to say, and there’s nothing to do” at odds with the persistence of the drums, ticking like the sands of time. Like someone clockwatching you.  Halfway and layers build as thought processes seemingly complicate.  Earnest guitar exploratory like coming upon new ground. At least in the mind, anyway.  The escape of imagination?  Things get frenetic, like these thoughts gathering pace, racing thoughts.  Guitar barely pausing for breath, ending in punky shambles. “Thinking About You” is immediate yet acoustic.  The vocals pleasant and clean.  “Been thinking about you, and there’s no rest” like pouring over someone’s minutiae.  “I’ve been thinking about you, so how can you sleep?/These people aren’t your friends, they’re paid to kiss your feet” another example of thinking about you and declaring he knows you best.  It ends almost as quickly as it began.  The punk aesthetic of “Anyone Can Play Guitar” has noodling that definitely showcases that anyone can play guitar.  The song proper is a bit dumb of guitar, too, but with quite a sophisticated bassline underlying all.  The chorus is surprisingly rousing, given what precedes.  “I wanna, wanna be Jim Morrison” like having musical ambition, wanting fortune and fame, but kind of outstripping your abilities.  Hence the song title, you could say. “Ripcord” veers from quiet pondering and triumphant volume, quite quickly and expertly. Halfway is some searing guitar, nothing on a technical level but full of power and intensity.  It’s a ripping piece of rock music, immediate yet memorable. “Vegetable” is deceptive, the calm laid to waste with satisfying electric guitar.  The solo’s as much emotive as it’s primal and incorrect. You’re urged to “Prove Yourself”, which’s wistful with, “Can’t afford to breathe in this town” like a real inferiority complex. The thick guitar slides ebullient, a real joy despite all that besets.  Hammering drum and thoughtful bass gives way to Yorke with guitar at the top of his voice.  The downbeat in places “I Can’t” is quite anthemic, the perfect mix of dynamics ranging from introspective and quiet to extroverted and with much verve.  “Even though I might, even though I try I can't” is then followed by bass laying the framework for introverted to extroverted.  “Lurgee” has a down in the dumps feel, “I feel better, now you’re gone”.  This, perhaps, some sort of comfort in sadness.  Certainly the instrumentation doesn’t seem as thankful as Yorke does in said lyric.  Maybe the wounds take time to heal, and he won’t truly be thankful until it all sinks in. The album closes in a melodramatic respect in “Blow Out”.  This one’s quite atmospheric, a romantic kind of lilt to it.  This gives way to a wall of guitar chord that just washes over you.  “Everything I touch, turns to stone” is greeted with relative silence, then a cacophony of guitar hitting in sync with drum offers drama, a loud kind of grandeur.  This races like a heart thumping almost out the chest.  It comes to a screeching end, buzz saw guitar ringing out into the ethereal. All the tracks on Pablo Honey worthy highlights are “You”, “Creep”, “Anyone Can Play Guitar”, “Ripcord”, “Vegetable”, “Prove Yourself”, “I Can’t”, “Lurgee” and “Blow Out”. Personally, the fact this is three quarters of the twelve track total is something special.  Furthermore, this is far from the most highly regarded album they’ve done so the fact this’s a classic speaks volumes of their subsequent material. Radiohead, at this point, had really not messed about with this, their debut album.  Yes, the success this album brought was a protracted process but they hardly needed subsequent releases to get the formula right.  Next, 1995’s The Bends, was arguably better but the fact this’s a classic’s no mean feat. Nine brilliant tracks out of a twelve total isn’t much to rail against.  Radiohead’s Pablo Honey can be bought on iTunes, here.
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brooklyn-anon · 6 years
That’s How You Know (Vday)
Word Count : 1163
Summary : Albert goes all out to ensure you have the best first Valentine’s day together!
Warnings : Nope!
Author’s Note : (Y/F/N) = Your first name. (Y/L/N) = Your last name (Y/F/C) = Your favorite color
How do I know he loves me? How do I know he's mine?
“Guys, tomorrow is mine and (Y/N) first Valentine’s day together and I have NO idea what to do.” Albert was stress eating a jar of peanut butter, taking spoonfuls directly from the jar and into his mouth, 
“First of all,” Davey started, “remind me to never eat peanut butter here ever again.” Albert just shrugged. “And second, it all comes from the heart. Think of maybe little things throughout the day that will make them happy.”
“Davey’s right for once. A bunch of little things is like you’re celebrating all day!”
“Shut up Jack, I’m usually right.”
“Alright ladies, put your earrings back in. We have to find Al’s romantic side.” Race grinned almost delivously. With a finger pointing dramatically at the door, he declared “to the Soccer Dave Van!”
“For the last time, me having a van does not make me a soccer mom!”
Well, does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray?
The next day, you woke up at 8:15am to get ready for work. Albert was already gone since he worked on the other side of town while your job was only a couple minute walk down the road. In the bathroom, you found a handful of sticky notes stuck in the shape of a heart on your mirror. One sat in the middle and read “happy valentine’s day. I’ll be thinking of you all day until I see you tonight. Love, A” Awwwwwwwwwwww! How sweet!
The little love note stayed in your pocket all day. You couldn’t stop thinking of him and how cute the small gesture had been. Little did you know, the small gesture was only the beginning. A delivery man walked up to you a few hours into your day with a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips.
“Hi there, I have a delivery for a (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Oh, that’s me!” You signed his sheet and took the bright flowers. “The sky is a little gross looking today, so I figured I would send you a little pick me up. 5 hours until I see you. Love, A” Holy crap, did this boy get any better!? You took your lunch break, your mood increasing even higher than it already was. 
You greeted Albert home that night with a kiss and a tight hug. He laughed and hugged you back, lifting you up to stand on his feet so he could at least fully make it inside. The two of you flopped down in bed and cuddled for a little while to talk about your days. 
“Did you like your flowers?” He asked with a cheeky grin. 
“I loved them! So much! I was looking at them all day and everyone came to ask about them. I got to brag about you all day and I loved it! My coworkers got so annoyed. So that’s kind of how everyone sees you now.”
“Chaotic good. I like it!” You laughed at him and shook your head. He was just too much sometimes. “I have plans for us! I need you to throw on a pretty dress and get ready to go. We have to leave in…….. 40 minutes.”
Well, does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close? Dedicate a song with words meant just for you?
37 minutes you were pulling away and headed for Central Park. You had gotten a little….. Persuasive, and were able to get your date idea out of him. He found out that Central Park was bringing in a DJ and was hosting a dance of sorts. To which he got a pair of tickets for you to go. 
The sky had thankfully cleared of all the dark and threatening clouds by the time you arrived. The clouds had been replaced by the sun slowly sinking into the distance. A small area was decorated with a hard dance floor in the grass and fairy lights strung between the trees. It was so beautiful and romantic……. It was so unlike Albert to even find something this sweet. 
“By any chance did you have help finding this?” You questioned. Al sighed and pulled you close to him to sway back and forth with you. 
“You sayin’ I can’t come up with something romantic on my own?” He asked defensively. You raised an eyebrow as one of your hands rested on his shoulder and the other held his hand. He pouted and put his free hand on the small of your back. “Davey.”
“I knew it. I love you, but this isn’t usually your strong suit.” That he couldn't argue with. It was true. The two of you danced the night away, Albert occasionally leading you in a dance that required a little bit more intricate footwork. The opening notes to your favorite song hit your ears about halfway through your time there. Your red headed boyfriend grinned when he saw your face light up. He just winked at you when you looked at him questioningly. Of course he had requested it for you!
Because he'll wear your favorite color just so he can match your eyes. Rent a private picnic by the fire's glow.
The night wasn’t over yet. There was still one more thing to do. Albert asked you to stay back a minute while he ran to the car to get something. You made quick conversation with the DJ. It really was just you thanking him and then comparing favorites when it came to music. A hand found yours after only five minutes and pulled you away. 
“So I have a question.” The copper top looked over at you. “Did you wear a (Y/F/C) shirt just because it's my favorite?”
“And because it matches your eyes.” This rose a blush out of you. Adorable! You soon found yourself at the edge of the park where a handful of fireplaces sat. Not only did Al start a fire, but also had a blanket and a picnic to spread out. It was only a pizza and chocolate strawberries, but it was still sweet for him to do! Plus the pizza was in the shape of a heart.
“I cannot believe you did all of this for me.” You were nearly in tears at all of the thought and time he must have put into everything. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I had to make our first Valentine’s day special. I’m glad I did good.” You assured him that he did perfect. Everything was wonderful.
Your night ended with Albert kissing chocolate off your lips out under the stars. It had been an incredible that neither of you would be forgetting for a long time.
His heart will be yours forever. Something everyday will show. That’s how you know he’s your love.
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loveeasytravel-blog · 4 years
Rajasthan Tours - Explore Pink City Jaipur and Romantic City Udaipur
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Have you ever visited Rajasthan, the land of kings? You must visit this royal and historical state of Rajasthan at least once in your life. Rajasthan, the land of kings, is an internationally famous tourist destination in India appealing tourists and vacationers from all over the world. This exotic state is culturally rich and has worldwide famous with its rich culture & tradition and magnificent historical & heritage monuments. It is also home to some famous wildlife sanctuaries & national parks such as Ranthambhore National Park, Sariska Tiger Reserve and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Desert, sand dunes, camel safari, horse safari, etc are not to
Jaipur (Pink City and Udaipur (White City) are among top and most visited tourist places in the state. Both are top attraction of Rajasthan and India Tourism as well. Jaipur is the capital city of the state. It is globally noted for its magnificent forts, elegant palaces, terrific temples, gorgeous gardens, museums, heritage hotels, palace hotels, etc. It is the largest city in the state and often also described as the Paris of India. You will love to explore in and around the city on your tours to royal and regal Rajasthan, India.
There are a number of tourist places and attractions in the city you will love to visit and explore. Jantar Mantar (the royal observatory built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II) is a UNESCO world heritage site declared this year. It is one of the most visited monuments in the city having a large collection of architectural and astronomical instruments & equipments. There are three magnificent forts in this city namely Amber Fort, Jaigarh Fort and Nahargarh Fort. City Palace Complex, Hawa Mahal (the Palace of Winds), Ramniwas Gardens, Albert Hall Museum (also called Central Museum), Birla Temple, etc are attractions in Jaipur. Jaipur is also an attraction of Golden Triangle Tours which cover Delhi, Agra and Jaipur as its destinations.
Udaipur, the City of Lakes, is one of most beautiful and romantic cities in Rajasthan and India. It is among most visited tourist places in Rajasthan. It is a wonderful place where vacationers can enjoy their memorable holiday in true luxury way because the city features some of best hotels in the world such as Lake Palace, Jagmandir Palace, Fateh Prakash Palace, etc. It is the only city in Rajasthan where there is no fort. But the city features some of finest and most elegant palaces in India. Worth visit palaces in the city are City Palace, Lake Palace, Jag Mandir Palace, Fateh Prakash Palace, Monsoon Palace, etc. Other attractions are Jagdish Temple, Eklingji Temple, Saheliyon-Ki-Bari, etc. Certainly you will love to explore Udaipur on your Rajasthan Tours and travels.
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coppolafrancis · 5 years
Jewelry Icons of the Victorian Age
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If you look at modern jewelry, you will find inspiration from every popular design from the Victorian Period. The symbolism and meaning of jewelry from this time left its mark on all the jewelry that followed, from the 19th through the 21st centuries. Victorian jewelry speaks to the cycles of life–birth, love, marriage and death—as well as leisure time, hobbies, and travel. It was longest age in jewelry, spanning the long years of Queen Victoria’s reign, from 1837-1901.
Victorian jewelry is divided into three periods: Romantic, Grand and Aesthetic. The Romantic Period covers the earlier years when Queen Victoria married her Prince, Albert. Sentimental motifs were plentiful and jewelry designs were steeped in meaning. It was an innocent time full of youthful passion. What made this time even more influential was that it marked a major change in the way jewelry was produced and worn, due to the industrial revolution and the discovery of the diamond mines in South Africa. Women of all social status were now able to wear fine diamond jewelry pieces for day and for evening.
During the Grand Period, the two decades when the Queen mourned the death of Prince Albert, the style of jewelry changed dramatically. Dark, somber jewels were the vogue. Mourning and memorial lockets and rings with inscriptions and dark colored stones of Whitby jet, onyx and deep red Bohemian garnets came into vogue. Pendants, brooches and bracelets were bolder and more often statement pieces. During this time, the popularity of the Grand Tour, which took the well-heeled British to Greece and Italy, brought Revival Etruscan, Greek and Renaissance influences to jewelry design. When Queen Victoria came out of mourning in the later Aesthetic Period, it reflected a return to lightheartedness with symbols of luck, good fortune and naturalistic forms and motifs. The jewelry of this period created an entire iconography that we still see today in daring designers like Stephen Webster and Shaune Leane. Many styles, materials, motifs, and concepts from this time have never become passé. 
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Snake Jewelry
Snake motifs are one of the earliest historical and mythological symbols that had significance in almost every culture. From Adam and Eve to Cleopatra, snakes have been associated with diverse meanings from good to evil. In 1839, when Prince Albert proposed to Queen Victorian with a snake ring signifying everlasting love for eternity with an emerald, her birthstone, centered in its head, it became one of the most iconic Victorian motifs in jewelry. Queen Victoria’s ring set a trend throughout England, and eventually throughout Europe, for a range of snake rings, coil-style flexible necklaces and bracelets with gem-set heads, as well snake brooches, cuffs, bangles, and hoop and drop earrings that featured a snake slinking around a gemstone. The serpent motif continued oninto the Art Nouveau period as well as becoming a motif for renowned houses like Bulgari in mid 20th century. Today, they are still slinking around and seem to be a symbol that will never go out of favor.
Heart Jewelry
Hearts became most popular in Georgian and continued on into Victorian jewelry. There is a whole language of symbols associated with hearts but all are variations on the most iconic symbol of love and romance. One heart symbol that became popular in Victorian jewelry is the witch’s heart, also called the Luckenbooth heart in Scotland. In the 18th century, the symbol implied that the giver had become bewitched to fall in love with the recipient. English Victorian pendants and brooches displayed a hand holding out a heart as a gesture of affection. The Irish claddagh ring, in which two hands hold one heart, means “I hold your heart in my hand.” The claddagh takes on slightly different meanings depending on whether the recipient wears it facing in or out on the finger. Other heart styles include entwined hearts with connotations of “continuous, everlasting love” similar to the infinity sign. And double hearts set side-by-side signify two hearts together as one. Double hearts with a crown were associated with fidelity reigning over a marriage, while single crowned hearts mean “ruler of my heart.” A heart with a flame on top symbolizes burning with passion. An arrow piecing a heart referred to cupid shooting his dart to make the recipient fall in love. And a heart with a key motif contained several meanings, such as “I have the key to your heart” or “you are the key to my heart.” Victorian jewelry is nothing if not romantic, with many other love-inspired heart designs.
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Grand Tour Jewelry
Another icon of Victorian jewelry is the souvenir. The most popular Victorian souvenir jewelry is exotic pieces collected on The Grand Tour. The most popular are Italian. Pietra Dura micro-mosaic jewelry, crafted out of colored gemstonesor glass often depicts famed Italian destinations. Also popular are coral and shell cameos. Other designs are inspired by Ancient jewelry in Italian museums with Etruscan details such as granulation, wirework and filigree. Enameling in patterns and symbols adds color to other styles. Rings, bracelets and brooches feature the word Souvenir in both English and Italian. Others spell out Roma on the back of a picturesque micro-mosaics crafted into images of the city.
Victorian Lockets
Sentimentality and tokens of love and loss are characteristic of Victorian jewelry. Lockets are common in all three in different moods and materials. The secret compartments that could hold photos, messages or locks of a loved one’s hair in life orafter death were all part of the popularity of this category of jewelry. When Queen Victoria went into mourning, lockets designed in remembrance of lost loved ones became the height of fashion. The symbolism that reigned over the entire Victorian period include the meanings of gemstones too. Turquoise symbolizes forget-me not. Lockets are also embellished with diamond horseshoes for luck, buckles for holding tightly onto a loved one, and anchors for hope and home safe for sailors. Lockets are also often chased and engraved with names and dates representing births, marriages, deaths, and other important occasions.
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The Language of Flowers
Books and pamphlets published in the Victorian era describe the language of flowers, offering meanings for a wide range of botanicals. The jewelers of the day use floral and foliate motifs to add extra meaning to antique rings, lockets, brooches and earrings. The main floral motifs during this time period include forget-me-nots for remembrance and pansies for “think of me” (from pensee in French, which means think). There were tulips for a declaration of love, ivy leaves for fidelity, and orange blossoms for everlasting love. There was meaning for almost every bloom. These eloquent flowers are added to lockets, charms, rings and brooches. This Victorian tradition continues on to the 20th and 21stcentury with every renowned jewelry house creating their versions of garden variety or exotic botanicals to add beauty and meaning to jewelry that speaks from the heart.
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What People Are Reading: Top Five Books Sold During the Pandemic Times
As COVID-19 has spanned the globe, we have seen a sharp increase in the number of books people are buying, which is great news for our booksellers who have had to close their doors to maintain quarantine and safe distancing for their communities. We decided to take a look at the most popular pandemic-related titles that customers purchased in the first half of 2020.
The Plague by Albert Camus
First edition of The Plague offered by Rare Book Cellar
First published in 1947 in French as La Peste, by Gallimard, Paris, The Plague concerns a fictional outbreak of bubonic plague in the French Algerian city of Oran on the North African coast and how people react to the quarantine. Set in the 1940s, is it thought to be based on historical cholera outbreaks in the same region. It served as an allegory of the Nazi invasion of France and a portrayal of human resonance in the face of terror and death. The English translation by Stuart Gilbert was published by Hamish Hamilton, London in 1948. First American edition by Alfred A. Knopf in 1948 with a jacket design by Jean Carlu, with a Modern Library Edition published the same year 
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
The Decameron is a collection of novellas by the 14th-century Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio. It contains 100 tales told by the characters, seven young women and three young men, who are sheltering in place outside of Florence to escape The Black Death. Boccaccio’s work is said to have inspired many later works such as Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and the plays of Shakespeare. The Decameron was first printed in 1620, although these later translations were generally incomplete and flawed, many leaving out what they considered vulgar parts of the text. 
The first complete translation of The Decameron into English by John Payne was published in 1886 by the Villon Society.  It was later reprinted by Horace Liveright Inc., US in 1925, and The Modern Library in 1931. In 1930, The Limited Editions Club of New York released a translation by Frances Winwar in an expensive two-volume set. In 1972, a Penguin Classics edition was published.  
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Love in the Time of Cholera is an international bestselling novel by Nobel Prize-winning Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. It is considered a modern literary classic and one of the best novels of the 20th century. 
In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fell passionately in love. When Fermina chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is devastated, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairs, but he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies and Florentino declares his love for Fermina again.
It is considered a non-traditional love story as “lovers find love in their ‘golden years’—in their seventies, when death is all around them.”
 Love in the Time of Cholera was first published in Spanish in 1985 with an English translation released in 1988 by Alfred A. Knopf and Jonathan Cape, London.
Blindness by Jose Saramago
First US edition for sale by Argosy Book Store
Blindness is a novel by the Portuguese author Jose Saramago, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. First published as Ensaio sobre a cegueira in 1995, it was translated into English by Giovanni Pontiero and published by Harvill in London and Harcourt Brace in New York in 1997. 
Blindness is about a mass epidemic of blindness that strikes an unnamed city. As nearly everyone loses their site from “the white sickness” chaos ensues even as the government tries to contain the sickness and those struck by it. 
A Journal Of The Plague Year by Daniel Defoe
A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe was first published in March 1722. It is a fictional account of the Great Plague of 1655, the last time the Bubonic plague hit the city of London. Although it is presented as an eyewitness account written just a few years after the outbreak, Defoe was just five years old when the epidemic hit the city, although much of the information may have been taken first hand from the account his uncle kept during the plague. 
The Limited Editions Club published an edition of A Journal of the Plague Year in 1968, and Easton Press released a collector’s edition in 1978. 
The Great Influenza The Story Of The Deadliest Pandemic In History by John M. Barry
In 1918 the most lethal outbreak of influenza ever seen infected nearly a third of the world’s population. Nicknamed ‘the Spanish Flu’ its origins are unknown, although early cases were found in soldiers in the US in March 1918 just as the outbreak began. Over 18 months it killed between 20-50 million people worldwide, just at the end of World War I which had claimed the lives of 17 million people. 
The author, John M. Barry, is a professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Originally published in 2004 by Viking Press,The Great Influenza The Story Of The Deadliest Pandemic In History is reemerging as a relevant look at how cities and countries handle deadly pandemics. 
Polio: An American Story by David M. Oshinsky
First edition of Polio listed by Rare Book Cellar
The 2006 Pulitzer Prize winner in History, Polio: An American Story by David M. Oshinsky explores the race for the cure to Polio, a disease that terrified Americans in the 1940s and 1950s until a vaccine was found by Jonas Salk. The book offers insight into the pioneering fundraising and publicity efforts that were made to fight the disease, from the organization of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in the 1930s to the government’s licensing and handling of drugs, ensuring the safety of the market through legal means. Polio: An American Story was published in 2005 by Oxford University Press.
The Masque of the Red Death  by Edgar Allan Poe
This copy listed by Bookbid Rare Books
“The Masque of the Red Death” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It follows Prince Prospero as he holds a party for all his rich friends while sheltering in place from the plague of the Red Death in his abbey. Safely walled in the abbey away from the unclean masses that are afflicted by the plague, 1000 nobles hold court. In the middle of the party a mysterious guest dressed as a ‘Red Death’ victim shows up, and as he visits rooms the guests die. First published in the May 1842 edition of Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine as “The Mask of the Red Death.” 
The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance by Laurie Garrett
First published in 1994, The Coming Plague was a best-seller written by public health expert Laurie Garrett who won a Pulitzer for her journalism on the Ebola outbreak. This book explores how untreatable diseases and epidemics are being created by the conditions of our modern world.
The post What People Are Reading: Top Five Books Sold During the Pandemic Times appeared first on Bibliology.
source https://www.biblio.com/blog/2020/06/what-people-are-reading-top-five-books-sold-during-the-pandemic-times/
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lovetanvir14 · 6 years
Cheapest and Beautiful Hotels in the World
We are not all rich. To travel, it is not possible to stay in an expensive hotel, for everyone's favor. So many of us are looking for a good hotel in a small amount. Hotels are available at low cost in beautiful places, Today I will introduce you with some of those types of hotels. https://fairyqueentravel.com
Cheapest and Beautiful Hotels in the World
1. Inverlochy Castle Hotel, Fort William, Highlands, Scotland
Queen Victoria said she ‘never saw a lovelier or more romantic spot’ than Inverlochy Castle in 1873, and it remains as impressive as ever. With Albert and Michel Roux Jr in charge of the kitchen the food is as good as the peerless service. If only every great hotel aged as gracefully as this one.
2. Estancia Huechahue, San Martín de los Andes, Argentine Patagonia, Argentina
Wannabe gauchos rejoice – welcome to the real deal! This 15,000-acre cattle ranch is a self-sufficient working farm; home to orchards bursting with fruits which go straight onto your plate, superb horses and epic landscapes which hold exceptional riding and fly-fishing opportunities.
3. Pacaya Lodge & Spa, Laguna de Apoyo, Masaya, Nicaragua
Pacaya Lodge is perched on the rim of a volcanic crater overlooking the serene Laguna de Apoyo, a sapphire-blue lake surrounded by emerald-green forest, with Granada and Mombacho Volcano in the distance. The first luxury lodge in the area, it’s decorated by local artisans and supports community-led initiatives.
4. Yoo2 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Contemporary, stylish and cool Yoo2 wears its London design roots proudly; a hip hangout that wouldn’t be out of place in Amsterdam or Berlin. Fortunately the local street-artist murals, a rooftop pool and grandstand views all leave you in no doubt this is 100 per cent Rio.
5. Preidlhof, South Tyrol, Italy
Promotion of holistic wellbeing is at the core of the Preidlhof's philosophy, whose guests are pampered in its award-winning spa. With beautiful views of the Texel mountains of South Tyrol, Preidlhof combines the services of a five-star hotel with the friendliness of a family-run property. https://fairyqueentravel.com
6. Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort, Tucson, Arizona, United States
A luxury, historic guest ranch resort with romantic old-west charm. Spacious accommodation, exceptional service and peaceful courtyard gardens await guests. The Grill Restaurant features five-star cuisine with spectacular sunset views.
7. Agriturismo Val di Boccio, Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Val di Boccio is a family-friendly farm stay in the heart of Umbria. This charmingly rustic and very laid-back property features a handful of traditional rooms, hearty home cooking and a large hillside pool set into an ancient olive grove.
8. Hotel Odisej Mljet, Pomena, Mljet, Croatia
The finest hotel on Mljet – an island beloved of Jacques Cousteau and declared one of Time Magazine’s 10 best – the Odisej is for hikers, bikers, wanderers and writers. Blowout buffets and kindly staff make guests dread the ferry back to Dubrovnik.
9. Gaia Oasis, Bali, Indonesia
A stay at this wonderful little wellness retreat in the far north of Bali will make you feel good on so many levels. Aside from offering excellent eco-friendly facilities and a host of health and wellness activities, Gaia-Oasis is almost entirely non-profit funneling its revenue into supporting the local community. https://fairyqueentravel.com
10. El Mirador de Guadal, Chilean Patagonia, Chile
Deluxe wood cabins, superb food and flawless service unite on the shore of Chile's largest lake, with heart-squeezing views over the water to the Northern Patagonia ice fields.
11. Yosemite Bug Rustic Mountain Resort, Yosemite National Park, California, United States
This rustic mountain lodge offers thoughtfully decorated cabins, a popular all-day café and a small yet magical eco-spa. It's the quintessential Californian hippy retreat, and easily the most charming affordable option near Yosemite National Park.
12. Hotel Sacristía de Santa Ana, Seville, Andalucia, Spain
Boutique hotel in a converted 18th-century mansion with traditional arcade patio, delightfully relaxed considering Seville's hottest restaurant and bar scene is on its doorstep. Quirky furniture, period details and great value make this family-owned spot the top choice in the Alameda district. https://fairyqueentravel.com
✍️Tanvir Hassan
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