#or at least when you think abt what a furry “Should” look like by the community or every1 else
systelon · 2 years
it feels kind of weird being an artist that mainly draws animal people n anthros & that being the main kind of thing people usually come to my page for, but not being able to relate to like most of the furry community in general (specifically when it comes to art + kind of characters i draw)
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
9 13 & 19?
9. What is one of your character's theme songs?
Very difficult to pick just one this is so much pressure. Does anyone have like only one song associated with them like a side character or something. Ok I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t embarrassing so Im dodging the question. To make up for it here’s a playlist I made of ed ideas like if it was an anime these could be the ending song. Or an ending song if it was the same as like dorohedoro where they had a bunch of different ones 
13. Which OC do you make art/media with the most?
I think it’s actually Angel, like Rocio used to be the OC I drew by far the most but I actually think I draw Angel slightly more these days or at least like in terms of drawings that take more than 15 seconds. Probably bc there are more poses and outfits I can draw him in + expressions I can draw him with, whereas Rocio only does this 😐🧍and wears the same thing like every day of their life. But yeah he’s super fun to draw and I actually have written some things from his perspective as well which I also think is fun :) he has like a unique perspective like within the characters because of his personality and backstory. I feel like I haven’t shown like the negative sides or what he’s like enough so far though so I’m looking forward to doing that in the future 
19. Who is your most recent OC?
So I think like I’m not going to count people as an oc if they don’t meet the qualifiers of 
-Having a name -Having a solid defined storyline and/or personality -Having been drawn or written abt more than once By this metric I haven’t made any new ocs in a while 😔 I’ve done like character designs but none that have really stuck, probably because I like already have a lot of established ones that I’m focusing more on yk. Like there are a lot of storylines I already have, so I feel like a lot of dynamics + types of characters I find interesting are already covered, and I usually don’t really need to make new ones. Usually my motivation for trying to make new characters is like an aesthetic or tone I think would be interesting but that’s not really enough to base a whole character off of yk. I’d like to come up with more ocs bc I like designing characters but yeah I think I’d like to focus more on my older ones for now. Maybe I’ll try to come up with new like main ocs if/when I finish writing out their story. I feel like the side stories will be in minor character limbo forever bc I don’t really have a story with them and also bc I was picturing them as a comic or visual novel which I would never finish in a million years. Whereas I think I could eventually finish writing something yk.
But anyway time to actually answer the question <3. Actually now that I think abt it it’s probably Connor Armitage collab with @lycanthrology . Does he really count he like canonically exists (long story short he’s another character’s shitty absent father) but doesn’t ever appear or get directly mentioned or anything. Absolutely 0 relevance to the story at all. Also he might not count because Ive never drawn him + I don’t think anything had been written with him.
Before that it’d have to be Dominic Ortega from meat city which is also a collab with various people including @zipmode whose art you should check out <3 (the other people I’m not going to tag here because idk their usernames on this website). First and foremost he is a rabbit furry. But also he’s like an old man who used to be a lawyer but got incredibly tired of his life and so moved to meat city and became an evil wizard instead. Carnomancer specifically bc yk meat city. He likes creating monsters for fun and unleashing them among the populace also for fun, main goal is to escape boredom in life + find some kind of connection even (especially) if it’s negative. He used to have a sort of friend in thr form of James Bianco who was like. His Jesse Pinkman. But unfortunately he was accidentally killed horrifically, and Mr. Ortega’s (Im not on a first name basis with him it feels weird) attempt to resurrect him instead created a mindless zombie which eventually gained an entirely new intelligence. This person’s name is Rico theyre like their own character but the question didn’t ask to explain them as well so I’m not going to <3. But the two characters do interact I might give them like a goal they have to work together to accomplish that might be fun to write abt. But yeah he was created May 2022 so that’s when I have most recently made a new character.
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alotsgonnachange · 4 years
Mystic Messenger Saeran’s AE Thoughts (.......And Prayers..) #Spoilerz
Hello, I just finished Saeran’s after ending and I have a lot of things to say and I am going to write it down while I'm still all keyed up about it.
First of all… Please DO NOT ask me how much money I spent to finish this as fast as I did…. I’m grown but my bank account is certainly going to have a good ole fashioned CHUCKLE at this….. It’s been a long quarantine I deserve a lil happiness as a treat methinks!
I have been playing this absolutely insane game since I think 2016? When I first started playing the deep routes had JUST come out I think? And I was just finishing up high school and am now a college grad...lmao
I’ve played all routes at least once except Jaehee but i’ve seen walkthroughs of her route (I’ve heard it makes you hate Jumin and he’s my favorite so um. hehe). V’s and Saeran’s routes I found to be so emotionally intense and just….a lot and I've been waiting a long ass god damn time for this after ending okay…. I would theorize and make up an ending in my head but i’m no writer so it was hard to figure out lol. I’m a Jumin stan mostly but I love everybody and yeah I should probably play that jumin dlc too but I need like a DAY to recover from Saeran’s AE. Enough about me HERE are my thoughts on it overall
Major Saeran AE Spoilers under da cut!
Can we please discuss V showing up to the C+R conference room with basically chloroform and made everybody Pass Out like??? I was alone in my room at like midnight just SCREAMING at my phone???? And the creepy ass CG ???? It’s like that gif of sarah paulson from ahs being like “I put arsenic in the wine….and the pasta”
Anyway I screamed at V a lot during this process!!
Loved RFA being sweet and kind to saeran (before V fucking drugged them…)
This is such common V behavior “I have to do it all myself...there’s no other way..” GIRL SHUT UPPP You do this every route....
SO many CG’s and I enjoy them a lot
Saeran’s sprite looks a little TOO crisp compared to everyone else but maybe its a glitch??? V next to him is in 480p while saeran is like 1080p
Hearing both Saeran and Saeyoung missing the other brother the whole time??? PAIN. All my homies know is PAIN
BOSS and his V for Vendetta ass guy fawkes mask??? I literally yelled “this game is TERRIBLE!!” several times at my phone
Their dad is so>??????? When he was sitting on the couch with saeyoung in that one CG while simultaneously telling him to kill himself?????????? Maybe chairman han is actually the best dad in this game somehow
When V and Rika were like we’re back together teehee teehee okay pack it up bonnie and clyde ..
When chairman han calls u and says hes jealous of u and saeran…..HUH????? I’m calling HR
When they go to the apartment and see boss and vanderwood and poor saeyoung is sitting there seeing his brother for the first time in years i wanted to D word sooooo bad like PAIN...PAIN….
Can we HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT JUMIN HAN BEING THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME AND HE LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS AE……. he just took the blame and moved on jumin what the hell….. I love him so much r we serious? He watched his 2 closest friends betray him in the worst way and found out abt how Rika abused Saeyoung and Saeran???? I felt just AWFUL. Terrible ...Terrible….
Rika’s change in demeanor from Saeran's actual route is certainly a Choice. I find her much more bearable this time around and unfortunately i think I was too nice to her and ended up with a bad end LMFAO
I was happy to see Saeran stand up for himself and become stronger and confident. You go king!
The CG of Yoosung laying in Zen’s lap is everything to me…
HOWEVER YUP I sure did get a bad ending and I was so mad fdsafdskfdhsf ! (I would be happy to clarify how I got the good one the second time.) MAKE SURE To SAVE EARLY in days 2 and 3 bc the branches on day 4 is where the bad end will show up. For me it was the first day 4 chat and then a story mode titled “SAVIOR”.... If you see that RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
I was so mad! But I had saved in day 2 and replayed and MANAGED to get good end
I’m obsessed with everyone calling V and Rika “that psychotic couple” like…..its true its true…
No those two are so toxic… V’s route was torture watching them go on and on about the sun like yo can yall just call each other babe like normal people.
I respect straight people but not V and RIka that shit was just wrong… Straight marriage was a mistake
Oh lord i also FULLY Forgot Rika killed the twins’ mother…. Yeah that scene was um Certainly a lot but it needed to happen eventually
Like it’s good they know but damn that storyline is just so bleak
I think it was satisfying TO A DEGREE….To see Rika understand where she was wrong, why she was wrong, fess up and even APOLOGIZE! I was very surprised.
Saeran and Saeyoung are Certainly twins with the amount that those two self sacrifice in every route MY GOD…..
The scene with Jumin talking to his father and the other scene of him praying oh my god I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him begin to understand and address his own feelings in a route that was not his own. My main problem with Jumin’s route has always been the trapping MC in his penthouse aspect.. This way Jumin understands love and emotions without being overly possessive !!! YAY also loved seeing him be on good terms with his dad who was surprisingly profound
That last Story mode was Really a Lot…. and Strange things occurred which I will get into in just a minute
Jumin becoming a politician is so funny but ngl … i see it.
Yoosung going to france to study pastries ok king I see u! (it made more sense to me than the vet thing anyway)
Lastly Zen FURRY ERA
MY BEEF With the AE
I was happy with how they handled it for the most part. I think Cheritz heard our feedback about V’s after ending and was like okay….let’s try something different
Saeran…. Sweet kind saeran… IS SO AFFECTIONATE HAHA….
He must have said I love you like 300 times…..very mushy gushy flowery language...and maybe that’s just his personality but for me it was like eating cake with buttercream cake. It means well, but god damn is it sugary and going to cause a stomach ache later.
He was just… SO MUCH! SO forward and ON all the time in his affections. I honestly felt kind of smothered and by day 3 and 4 I was sooooo over all the compliments… King you’ve come a very long way, but ur still putting MC on a pedestal and probably need to see a therapist.
Nextly….Rika and V….. Naw that knock out gas really ...that hurt lol. Coming from “I would do anything to protect RFA” V? Idk like…. EYE felt betrayed reading that. It was just hurtful. I can’t even imagine how the members would have felt as they were passing out. It was just so cruel. I suppose I understand why but like?? Just TERRIBLE
Them being in cahoots with the agency and the prime minister..HUH??? Also too much
V just felt so irresponsible like I do understand that he ended up in a weird web of secrets that’s hard to untangle but he’s so fucking stubborn he’s SO stubborn it makes me insane. Like sir… It seems like in other routes he wanted to try to protect Rika and the RFA.. But in this AE it seems more to me that he was like yeah i’m protecting Rika and That’s It… so fucking hurtful to me. Both of y’all apologize ESPECIALLY to the twins and Jumin..
The forgiveness thing…… Okay so I think some people will not like that Saeran decided to “forgive” the people who hurt him (Rika, V, Saejoong, his mother). I would point out that I actually think this was approached somewhat well. He says at one point that he doesn’t think they’re good or bad, just people. I think he sounded mature and like this was the way for him personally to accomplish his healing process. Would I have loved for Saeran to flip V and Rika off and kick Saejoong off a cliff? Yea I really would. But like…. If that’s what HE needs to do to heal then who am I to judge?
HOWEVER…. Everything Eye just said goes out the window when the scenes at the end with Saejoong come up… I was PERPLEXED. Like why did he HUG his deranged father who just kicked the shit out of him??? Also all the chat options that MC has with him r like blah blah you’re like this because no one loves you were so corny to me LMFAOOOO?
AND WHEN HE WAS IN THE ROOM LATER WITH SAERAN… i’m sorry but if that were me I would have called a nurse to deck his ass. Cool he turned himself in YOU SUCK SOOOO BAD AND I NEVER WANT YOU TO COME NEAR SAEYOUNG AND SAERAN AGAIN THANKS.
*scratches ass* I wish I got to see saeyoung and saeran finally sit down and have that first conversation after a long time and hug CG but the ending was fine I GUESS….. I dont care about ROMANCE I want those boys to be happy brothers together
Anyway that was really emotionally exhausting but I fr think I got it out of my system after literal years… And I can rest in peace knowing the choi twins are happy. THATS ALL I WANTED TO KNOW!!!!
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bittywitches · 4 years
A random Dialogue I came up with in my head while trying to fall asleep the night before. // G.D
Been having trouble writing lately and ended up just daydreaming (night dreaming?) abt Grayson one night, so I thought I’d try and just get it out and write something. Enjoy :)
You’re sitting in your bedroom, laying on your back with your laptop sitting on your stomach. You’re cuddled up with your jumbo-oversized teddy bear, your head resting on it’s furry stomach and your elbows lazily resting against it’s fat squishy legs. A google doc is opened on your screen, and you’re trying to half-assedly write a response for your final project on why Duke Orsino actually was gay in Twelfth Night, along with many of the other supporting characters, despite what most old white bardolators may tell you. 
You feel a vibration near your leg, and you tilt your head to the side to see someone calling your phone. You pick it up, and your eyes widen when you see that it's a facetime call from Grayson Dolan. This was, of course, a shock, considering you and Grayson weren’t even that close friends, you only occasionally texted each other anymore, barely ever called, and literally NEVER facetimed. You guys had barely spoken to each other since quarantine had started, so it was definitely a surprise. 
Your eyes flicker to your laptop screen, seeing that it’s around 9pm. Not too late that it’s sketchy or anything, but still pretty late for it to be strange.
You place your laptop down beside you and situp, leaning back against your headboard, quickly tying your hair up into a quick messy bun to make yourself look somewhat presentable. You slide the green phone icon across your screen.
Grayson’s face appears on your phone. He’s wearing a cute oversized fuzzy hoodie. His short hair is a bit frizzy, and it still takes you by surprise because you’re so used to seeing his long flowy locks.
“Heyy,” Grayson says, smiling at you. From behind his screen, Grayson sets himself down onto the living room couch, laying back on the arm.
“Hey.” You respond.
“What’re you up to?”
“Uhh, not much. Just working on final assignments and whatnot.”
“Oh, yea, school’s almost over for you, right?”
“Yep, just a few more weeks.”
“Bet you’re excited to finally get time off.”
You chuckle. “Yeah, tired of being stressed all the time.”
“Makes sense.”
An awkward silence fills both your rooms.
“Soo…” Grayson lays his head on the side of his couch.
“What’s up? Why’d you call?” You ask him.
“Oh, no reason. Just bored and felt like talking to someone.”
“Ethan not home?”
“Nah, he went out skateboarding with some friends.”
“This late?”
“It’s not that late. Just went to the park nearby.”
“Sounds fun. You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to skateboard.”
“Mhm. Maybe E can teach me sometime.”
“Hey, I know how to skateboard too. And I’d definitely be a much better teacher.”
You laugh. “Alright, next time we meet up you can teach me how to skateboard.”
“It’s a date.”
You both give a lighthearted chuckle, but then things turn quiet again.
“Erm, hold on.” You place your phone down on your bed. 
“Where’re you goin’?”
“Gonna put my phone on a pillow so I don’t have to keep holding it,” You say, grabbing your nearest one and doing your best to balance your phone on top of it.
“Is that a giant teddy bear?” From the angle of your phone, Grayson can see your big stuffed animal sitting behind you. 
“Haha, yea.” You lean back down on it briefly to give him a better idea of the size. “He’s my cuddle buddy.”
“That’s cute.”
“Our relationship has gotten a lot stronger since quarantine started.” You peck the bear on the nose. Grayson laughs.
“I’m happy for you guys.” You giggle, sitting back up. 
“Why thank you.” You turn your attention back to your laptop quickly, and Grayson follows your line of vision.
“So what subject is this final for?”
“English.” You sigh. “Which sucks, because I’m shit at it.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Oh but it is. I always do incredibly bad, I’m literally the worst.”
“Well you’re definitely not the worst, because I exist.”
“Well yeah but it’s not your fault that you can’t read.”
“Hey, I can read!”
“Sorry, It’s not your fault that you’re ass at reading. It is however my fault that I can’t write for shit.” 
He laughs. “Fine, sure.”
You giggle. “Sorry. Just a bit stressed.”
“No big deal.”
Silence again. Usually now would be the time you’d make some excuse and cut the call. But for some reason unknown to you, you didn’t want to do that. You want to fill it.
“Oh, I watched your guys’ last video.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Tell me you guys weren’t just trying to look like douchebags with your literal 100 grand.”
“Aughhh,” He groans, rubbing his face with the hand not holding his phone. “I swear we really weren’t.”
“I realize that it may not look like that,”
“Oh really?”
“Considering we actually had wads of cash,”
“But we weren't, I swear. We just thought it’d be funny for a stupid little video.” 
“Okay then.”
“Not judging.” 
“Since when do you watch our videos anyways?”
You gave him a side-look. “What do you mean? You think I don’t?”
He shrugs. “Dunno. Just assumed…”
“You’re my friend. ‘Course I do.”
He smiles.
“Plus they are pretty fun. Like to have them on in the background when I work sometimes..”
“No way, really?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“I mean, all the ones since quarantine we’ve had to be pretty creative with. Since we’re stuck at home and all.”
“You guys don’t give yourselves enough credit. I love what you come up with. It’s cool to just listen to you both ramble about stuff.”
“...Are you saying you also listen to the podcast?”
Your eyes shoot back to him. He was actually joking, but seeing your guilty expression lead to the smug sort of look on his face.
“You guys have very satisfying voices, okay?”
“Shut the fuck up!” You laugh, and he does as well.
“Either way, thanks. It means a lot that you do. I never really know if people we’re friends with like our stuff, so it’s good to know that at least someone does.”
You smile, and he returns it. 
You suddenly hear a ding coming from his side.
“Oh shit almost forgot about my toast-” You see Grayson’s phone wobble as he gets up to head for the kitchen.
“You know it.” “Dang, I don’t think I’ve had avocado toast since…” You pause. “Huh. I guess since I accidentally ran into you at that one restaurant and we happened to get food together.”
“What-” He rights the phone so it’s facing him again. “That was ages ago!”
“Yea, I know.”
“That’s unacceptable.”
“You may think so.”
“Alright, so after I teach you how to skateboard, I’m gonna have to take you out for food.”
You laugh. “Is that a set in stone thing?”
“Oh definitely.”
He sets his food down on a table, and you watch as he tries to balance his phone up against something. He sits down, then takes a bit before looking back up at you.
“So when’s this due?”
“Uhh, tomorrow night.”
“You almost done?”
“Er..” You look at your half written page. “...sort of.”
“So no,” he chuckles, and you do too. 
“I’ll finish it, don’t worry.”
“Didn’t say I was.”
“Well that’s ru-”
“Because I know you’ll finish it,” He interrupts you, and you roll your eyes. “You always do.”
You sigh, setting your elbow down on your knee and resting your face on your hand. You watch him silently for a bit, and he takes a few more bites before realizing your eyes on him. 
“What?” He says, food still in his mouth.
“Yea, just… kinda just miss you.” You finally blurt out.
He stops chewing suddenly, and looks at his phone with a very intent look. He expects you to say more, but you don’t, looking back at your laptop screen.
He swallows, then sets his toast down. “Kinda just miss you too.”
You smile, trying to hide it by squishing the palm of your hand into your face, not taking your eyes off of the illuminated laptop.
“Why don’t we hang out anymore?”
“Because we’re legally not allowed to.” You finally look back at your phone, grabbing it from it’s pillow stand and then flopping down onto your bear’s belly.
He rolls his eyes. “No, smartass. Before that.”
You shrug. “Dunno. We never really did to begin with.”
“Sure we did, there was the restaurant, and…” He trails off, looking far away at some corner of the room.
“I mean we hung out with other friends. And we talked sometimes.” You shrug again. “Not really much else though.”
He runs a hand through his short hair. “Why not?”
You laugh. “Bro, I don’t know! You never asked!”
“Well I fuckin wanted to!” He rubs his face with both his hands as he chuckles. 
“Really?” Your laughter dies down now, a softer tone taking on your voice.
“Duh, of course.” He tilts his head as his soft eyes look at you. “You’re really fucking cool, and I really wanted to get to know you better, but it felt weird to just randomly come out of no where and be like ‘hey, wanna hang out?’ like that shit usually comes naturally, yknow?”
“Well, we don’t really hang out in the same circles, so I don’t know how it would.”
“Yeah, but I thought maybe…” He sighs. “I don’t know. I didn’t even know if you wanted to be friends or anything, so..”
“Well that’s frustrating.” You slump your shoulders down, relaxing more into your bed. “I really wanted to be friends. Just didn’t wanna seem fucking… annoying or anything.”
“Oh my god why are we like this.”
“I don’t fucking know!!” You both burst out laughing, and you momentarily drop your phone to rub the tears out of your eyes.
“Okay, it’s settled then.” You hear his voice and pick your phone up off your stomach to face it towards your face again, now sitting up. 
“What is?”
“After quarantine and everything is over I’m definitely taking you out for food and skateboarding.”
You grin. “Okay. Sounds amazing.”
“Great.” There’s quiet again, but it’s not awkward anymore, both of your gleeful grins speak volumes over it.
You giggle. “Okay, I should go. Should probably actually try and get this thing done.”
“Right. I’ll… call you tomorrow?”
You bite your tongue. “Yeah.”
“Okay, bye.”
You cut the call, and let your arms fall down to your sides as you fall back on your bed and grin up at the ceiling. You squeeze your eyes shut, just breathing in and out to calm yourself down from the little rush. Though the buzz of your phone once again catches your attention. 
You get up and look at it, seeing it’s a text from Grayson. 
Grayson D.: Just realized you probably don’t have a skateboard…
You bit your lip, and flopped down onto your belly now, your legs up in the air as you text him back.
Y/N: You’d be right 😅
Your eyes eagerly watch the three dots bouncing on the screen.
Grayson D.: Would you wanna borrow one of mine?
Y/N: I’m totally good with getting my own, but idk where
Grayson D.: Well there’s this shop near my house…
Assignment long forgotten, you and Grayson end up talking well into the night.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
so y/n can’t conceive anymore in empireverse? how sadddd 😭😭😭
i never said she couldn’t conceive- only that she hasn’t had her heat yet. her heat is connected to her omega- as is her inability to speak- the mental blockage caused by her trauma and the fact that she hasn’t fully healed yet. once she reconnects with her omega- she’ll be able to conceive again.   
let me remind you that omegas can’t shift in this au- or at least- they shouldn't be able to. (Also tw: for more implied assault, sexual language, violence, and gore, also murder? but like- y’all will be glad abt it)
I think it’s like a good day for you when it happens- you’ve recently taken to exploring out into the outer compound- tired of being in the same gardens as always. and it’s not like it should be dangerous, because you’re just walking with Jimin through the taller older trees when you happen upon them- they’re the sons of some royal family, not too high up in the social ladder of the city but not far off either. they’re the kind of boisterous Alphas that take first and ask questions later, their status only making them more inclined to do so- because which omegas could say no to them. 
the second they see you and jimin they start whistling and saying explicit things that would make most omegas blush. jimin pulls you closer- and tries to ignore them. but when they pass they step in front of you to stop both of you on the woody path- wondering where you’d be going- surely two omegas in the royal compound didn’t have anything better to do than entertain a few high alphas. “you should be honored- pretty things like yourselves” jimin slaps his hand away, “let us pass- or- or I’m warning you” 
 jimin tries to bow out- tries to bring attention to his priestesses gear but that only makes things worse- then they’re gearing- talking about how jimin should let them show him how a knot feels like- they swear the experience is heavenly- they swear he’d turn into a stupid cum slut the second he had a taste of alpha cum. one of them tries to grab you- and you look up at jimin so scared- and jimin sees red- steps up toe to toe with the alpha and snarls, shoving you behind him- using his body as a sheild between you and the alphas. 
because jimin- jimin knows he can survive whatever they could do to him- but you- he knows you’ll never come back if they carry through on their vulgar threats.
he’s deathly calm when he whispers, “I need you to run okay? go back and get the others and make sure you’re safe before they come and find me alright?” Jimin hears you turn, hears the crinkle of leaves as you dash through the woods. one of the alphas snarls “always did like a chase” and tries to run after you but jimin elbows him in the stomach sending him sprawling. The others regroup as he wields his hidden dagger, a tiny thing- ceremonial and dotted with sapphires- but it will have to do- holding it out in front of him to defend himself as the alphas circle him. “you bitch- you’ll pay for that-”  
jimin swipes with the dagger- misses, and takes one hit to the stomach before he finds himself sprawled in the autumn leaves, heaving for breath, the wind knocked out of him. He’s scrambling back, the alphas stalking towards him and yanking him closer by his ankle when he hears the sound- a growl that seems to shake the forest floor. 
Jimin looks up and his blood runs cold,
The wolf in front of him must be an alpha- there is no other reason for their size. only the strongest betas and alphas can shift- the larger the wolf the more deadly. jimin has only seen namjoon shift once- and even this wolf with it’s white fur wirey and matted with blood- seems larger than the leader of the empire.
 The wolf dwarves even some of the trees, rising taller than Jimin's head when he stands. whats more is that it looks mauled- great rents torn in its side. scars lacing over its muzzle. it’s underbelly look like it was shredded at one point- now scared over. it’s missing part of its tail, a black and bloody cavern where one of its eyes should be. Some of its wounds even seem fresh- spilling black blood onto the forest floor.  
the wolf shouldn’t even be able to stand with how injured it is- and yet- it growls, and Jimin sees his assailant's faces go pale. One of them tries to take a step backward, and the massive wolf zeroes in on its first prey- pouncing- leaping clean over Jimin who tucks his head and hides in the leaves, keeping one eye open on the carnage.
The wolf bites the head of one of the alphas clean off- felling the other with a quick lunge breaking his spine with a crack and the third- barely gets his knife out- managing to slash once at the wolves face before he’s being shaken like a rag doll in its maw- sending blood splattering everywhere- even over jimin, The warm liquid hitting his face. Only then- only after that does the wolf turn its eyes on jimin, eyes full of furry, chest heaving, panting into the open air. 
Jimin starts to hear feet running through the woods and thanks to his lucky stars- you’d made it to safety because the others are coming- Jungkook and his elite assassins can’t help but make noise walking through the leafy forest floor. 
The wolf might be bearing down- about to kill him but he knows at least- you’re safe, and an eerie calm hovers over him as the wolf walks close- and jimin closes his eyes- feeling peace settles over him- because at least he’d saved you- even if he’d never been able to tell you how he feels- he’d saved you from this. He waits for the flash of pain, taking in a final breath, the wind whips his robes- carrying Jungkook, Yoongi’s, and Namjoon’s sent on the wind, as the men shout when they see the wolf, swords drawn
but also your scent- it’s so strong- it’s almost like you’d never left. 
jimin opens his eyes, and the massive wolf is face to face with him. it licks at his face gently, letting out a low whine, cleaning him of the blood. wet nose nudging his cheek,  “Jimin” it’s Jungkook’s voice, “I need you to back up very very slowly okay?” Jimin can see in his periphery- one of his assassins cocking an arrow in his crossbow. “don’t shoot- Jungkook it’s- it’s” you look up- making eye contact with your pack, it’s Yoongi’s voice that punctures the silence, half worry and half disbelief 
and in the next breath, you're shifting with a pained whimper, bones, and tendons cracking, more blood spilling onto the forest floor with the force of the shift. jimin is surprised there isn’t more on your clothes when you finally fall forward into Jimin’s arms, he rises despite the pain in his side to catch you. his hands are urgent- little sobs hurling out of his lungs as his hands search in your blood-stained clothes- only to find not a single wound on your body- all except for a small scratch on your cheek. 
his body sagging over yours when he realized- you’re not mortally wounded- not like your wolf- that could only have been your omega and now- now that he’s seen your omega face to face- he can’t imagine how you survived your trauma if that's what your soul looks like. 
he teeters- unsteady, and namjoon rushes forward to catch you both. 
 it’s only namjoons hand on the back of his neck shouting jimins name has him looking away from you, the alphas crowding around both of you clinging to each other- “Jimin- are you hurt? did they hurt you anywhere?” and then jimin is shaking his head, tears spilling over his cheeks, his limbs shaking,
 “yes- they just- they were going to-” “I know baby I know” jimin barely lets himself shiver at the pet name before he’s pulling back, jimin can’t let go of you- won’t let go of you but that dosent mean Yoongi dosent lean in close cupping your cheeks and checking you for injuries. Jungkook shouting at the warriors as the rest of the pack runs through the woods accompanied by more soldiers, he looks panicked as he cups your cheeks, you rub at your eye (you’d gotten blood in it) “are you hurt my love? are you okay?” “I’m fine my head just hurts” you answer. 
and everyone- even Jungkook’s soldiers- turns and looks at you. 
“What- what did you just say?” Yoongi says, words stressed, his shoulders slumping, you seem to realize it- your hand reaching up to touch your mouth opening it, tasting the words- eyes wide, “I said-” you giggle at the sound of your own voice- kinda a little rough after so many months- but all the others laugh too, all of them pressing close. Yoongi pressing his nose to your cheek and crying, “Jung-kookie- yoongi- Namjoon” you say, and he honestly starts sobbing, all of them do because- you’re here- you seem more lucid than you’ve been in months. you make eye contact with jimin, a small smile playing on your lips, “Jimin i-” 
Jimin almost wants to sigh- your voice- he’d often wondered what it would sound like- if he’d ever hear it- and now he can, and it sounds better than music, better then bird song in the morning, better than hymns spoken on the holiest day of the year. 
You make eye contact with jimin, a small smile playing on your lips, “Jimin i-” 
they think you’re going to be completely okay- until you suddenly grip your stomach- leaning over and vomiting into the leaves. Your eyes rolling back the next second as you pass out- Yoongi supporting your body, the next few minutes are tense and scary- Jimin too- is a little too in shock to make the walk back to the compound but Namjoon carries him- Jimin's head lolling to look at where you lay in Yoongi’s arms, 
 the shouts of the others as they join- Namjoon yelling for them to bring the doctor. Seokjin’s panicked words “what happened to my pups” Jimin passes out from stress sometime after namjoon leans down close. “we’ve got you- you’re both going to be okay” 
when Jimin blinks open his eyes, he finds you curled up tight close to him and a sharp stabbing pain in his side, The doctor informs him that he’d broken a rib, and is on stiff bedrest for the next few weeks. you’re fine as well- as far as they can tell- you’ve only stirred since you’ve passed out- but the doctor gathers that the shift must have taken a lot of energy out of you. the shift- it barely hits jimin- a shifting omega- he asks the others- and yes- you’ve never shifted before today. 
The rest of the pack files in. all of them bowing before jimin, he’s barely sitting up before Seokjin is dashing forward and folding himself in between the two of you- “thank you Minnie- thank you so much- you saved her- you saved her twice and we’re never going to be able to repay you” the older omega is sobbing and all jimin can do is comb his fingers through his hair as he presses close. the elder scent marking him. 
namjoon- the leader of the empire- presses his forehead to the floor in front of jimin, “we will forever be in your debt, there is no limit to what we will do for you park jimin” jimin is tired, feels his heartthrob with the knowledge of the day, before jimin can respond, you turn, blinking your eyes up at him, and Jimin’s attention is diverted, glad he has another focus other than the alphas devoted looks that make a blush rise to his face. 
“Y/n- are you- can you” you blink your eyes and open your mouth you get out a single syllable before your throat is closing around the words and Taehyung is jumping forward, “don’t strain yourself- they’ll come back when they come back” but it is better- “I want- can we all sleep in here tonight?” jimin asks, looking shyly at namjoon- it’s bold for him to ask, even though he has actually slept in the same room as most of them before- he’d been well on his way to integrating the alphas back into bedtimes with you before today- the only one he hasn’t slept next to is Jungkook and Hoseok. and the others easily agree when you turn, nodding your head up and down rapidly. 
“well I guess we don’t have a choice” yoongi giggles, hand coming out to run down your hair and through it- you leaning into his hand, you try to talk again only getting out “yoon-” before you break off again- making a frustrated noise before taehyung is leaning forward to press a finger to your lip.  “don’t strain yourself baby, you haven't talked in almost a full year-” taehyungs smile is boxy and happy as he stands up “I’ll get you some tea for your throat- and call for dinner” 
dinner is a sleepy affair, somehow, jimin ends up with his back up against jungkook’s shoulder, the young alpha supporting jimin and his broken rib with a thick but gentle arm around his waist. You sit across namjoon’s lap and letting the alpha feed you pieces of sweet meat and hot vegetables. you leaning over sweetly to feed Taehyung and Seokjin and each of them- Hoseok shouting loud when you accidentally drop a piece onto his expensive silk robe, and that night- jimin gets to curl up in the middle of a pack pile, his nose pressed to the nape of your neck, Yoongi’s nose pressed into Jimin's hairline the same as yours, his body in line with jimin hot and steady behind him, your nose pressed into Jungkook’s chest, the hand of the young alpha resting over your body to hold Jimin’s softly. 
Jimin wakes late into the night, pain licking up his side, he hears the soft voices, the sound of kissing and dosent shift to listen but hears regardless- it’s Seokjin and namjoon, kissing in the candlelight. jimin hears the shifting of cloth, a low chiding noise, “when you offered that to jimin this afternoon- did you hope he would ask to stay?” 
“I did” namjoon sounds like a scolded pup- and Seokjin’s answering giggle makes the fear ease out of Jimin’s chest- he looked like he was about to combust puppy- wolves court for a reason silly alpha” Jimin’s eyes close so quickly as he feels Seokjin’s stiff fingers comb through the curls on the back of his head. “let him rest- before you give him any more anxiety okay? now he’s healed her- I have a feeling we’re going to need to heal him.” 
“You really think he’s going to be apart of our pack one-day Jin?” 
“I’d bet my life on it Joonie” 
Jimin's heart feels like it’s going to jump all the way to the moon. 
(only after this happens- can she have her heat again and therefore get pregnant)
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sweetbitterpdf · 4 years
eliott + lucas
send me a character and i’ll list:
favourite thing about them
Eliott— his personality and how big it is! he throws himself into everything he does, and he has so so much love. i also (...mostly) really like his side-character presence in s6, and how it’s clear that he’s making progress when it comes to living with his bipolar disorder & he’s become more open about talking about it.
Lucas— his growth throughout s3. with every isak it’s so so beautiful to watch them realize they’re gay and be full of so much fear and confusion, and then compare it to the end of their season where they’re not only so much more comfortable with their identity. as well as them realizing that they have some not so great attitudes re: mental illness, and educate themselves to change those attitudes for the better, you know?
least favourite thing about them
Eliott—that he’s a furry 
that he defaults to secrecy and keeping things from people. i absolutely know where he’s coming from though, and that part of his character is deeply relatable to me (and also kind of essential for every even character, at least initially), but there have definitely been times where i’ve wanted to just like.. shake him & be like PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU!! PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU AND THEY WILL STAY WITH YOU EVEN AFTER YOU TELL THEM DIFFICULT THINGS
Lucas— he says some... not so great stuff sometimes. i know that’s part of his character, that he’s young and he’s learning (you don’t and can’t know everything, you have to learn somehow), but just like... even what he said to lola when they spoke about her and eliott ‘bringing each other down’ or whatever that line was. just like??? Lucas I Need You To Understand That’s Not How Life Works
favourite line
Eliott— nothing will ever top depuis que je t’ai vu il y a que toi qui compte (ever since i saw you, you’re the only thing that’s mattered) like ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? IF SOMEONE SAID THAT TO ME I WOULD DIE ON THE SPOT
Lucas— his lil minute by minute speech!! “i’d rather be upset with you than not be with you at all” !!! precious !!
Eliott— him & idriss & sofiane!! we were robbed!! we should have gotten actual footage of them hanging out & being friends!!
Lucas— i mean le gang obviously but also i’d love to see him actually have a good friendship w lola because they have similar (read, complicated) relationships with their parents, and when it comes to that sort of stuff it can help SO so much to just talk with someone who understands, you know?
plus that would allow elu to ascend to their true Lola’s Gay Dads form 
Eliott— him & lola lmao they’re another bro-tp though!! i can really appreciate what they tried to do w the big bro/little sis kinda relationship. i think it could have been done better (and without the kiss lmao i don’t care if it was for the film i’m still bitter)
Lucas— him and Literally Any Woman
random headcanon
Eliott— he continues making films but since that’s not a super consistent source of income he also teaches art classes to junior high/high school students!! it was a big outlet for him when he was younger & struggling and he wants to introduce that same outlet to other teenagers who might be going through similar things!!
Lucas— similarly, i can see lucas as a science teacher of some sort! i’m not sure if they’re the sort of couple to want kids, but for some reason i can see them as teachers at the same school and loving the kids that they teach!!
i can also see the students talking in hushed whispers as they see them leave together after the school day is over, ‘did you hear that M. Lallemant & M. Demaury are IN LOVE???’ and some of the more bold students asking them outright if they’re together hehe oh no this is turning into an AU in my head isn’t it
unpopular opinion
Eliott— as bouncy & energetic as he often is, he likes cats more than dogs (slightly!! i’m not saying he doesn’t like dogs!!)
he and lucas end up with a couple of cats who are super chill and he takes them for walks and dresses them up in funny little outfits hehe
(realizing now that this is just another headcanon oops?? but i don’t think i have any unpopular opinions abt him??)
Lucas— i’ve pushed this agenda before but lucas 👏🏻 has 👏🏻 generalized 👏🏻 anxiety 👏🏻 disorder 👏🏻
he goes to therapy (per eliott’s encouragement) and he also takes low-dose anti-anxiety meds for it!!
song i associate with them
Eliott— the song from the s3 preview/teaser!!
Lucas— i love you by riopy!! the height of romance!!!!
favourite picture of them
Eliott— no thoughts head empty except for croissant ear eliott
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honourable mention 4 both of them goes to this row on eliott’s insta the professional quality is ridiculous but we’re all agreed on that, but otherwise these three pics just look so... real? and like, casually-coupley? you know what i mean??
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kae-karo · 6 years
Hi Katie! I just want you to know that I want your analysis of this new sims video more than anything and I'll just patiently wait for it... Have a nice day!
hi dear!! new sims vid, did u mean dnp simulator?
dorks spending the first ten seconds dancing in fake snow 
why virtual friends???? ??
my daddies gave to me y’all,,,,,,there’s knowing your branding and then there’s acting on that knowledge and i think this may have been one time where acting on your knowledge maybe was not a good call like ily and u do u and all but
i love phil loving his branding it’s cute also shoutout to @dnpscloset​ thanks for finding it (x) bc i want one now if anyone needs a last minute xmas idea i’m lookin at u mom u always wait til the last minute
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same dan, same
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‘we all have new faces and new lives and everything’s changed, this is gonna be hella dramatic’ *inhale* *exhale*
‘when u imagine the howlter family’ god they’re such adorable n sentimental nerds i love them
phil’s actual default is bein a leany boye
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dnp arguing about what ‘desperate’ actually is as if the entirety of their first year after meeting they weren’t talking as often as they could five hour skype calls amirite
get away from me stalker lmao bold of u to say that danny
phil sweetie i love you with my entire heart he’s so so excited abt the virtual snow i love him
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tiny zoom in jumpcut at 2:08 overlapping audio interesting
a mood and a half
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phil immediately going ‘yeahhhhh thin walls family hearing things they gotta get out’ abt dab and evan like m8 we get it all u think abt is sex we get it god u and ur husband really are made for each other aren’t u (dnp = devan reference #1)
‘i presume evan is also jobless’ ‘i hope so!’ phil is it really,,,,,,smth to be excited about,,,,,,,
dan’s doin a lot of the hand phone lately u cute boy
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we should have a redbull what is wrong with them phil can barely handle having too much sugar y’all thought it was a good idea to have a redbull also we should have a redbull they share literally everything which tbh is probs for the best lbr phil on a whole can of redbull hmmmmm yes ik it’s v possible and in fact probable that phil had his own can let me live
‘it’s a sensible lightweight jacket’ in the fucking snow wow dan u really did just set urself up for phil to drag u about not dressing for the weather
dan’s fucking laugh at 4:39 gives me life literally there is no purer and more adorable sound like that’s up there with kittens purring
‘i think he’s gonna be a bit of a diva in this relationship’ did you mean: dan howell (dnp = devan reference #2)
[slight bit of ankle is showing] dan: ‘and now you’re wearing shorts’
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where’s the lie tho honestly that lil pause before he said mate
this clip will live in infamy bc i want this in every fucking phan edit for the rest of time like i can’t even think of the right out-of-context clip right now but anything that can be answered with phil saying ‘it’s dan’ i need it
mandatory phil covering his mouth and bein a cutie
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yes destroy gender roles in the snow universe (although seriously dan’s ‘life is just about uncon-doing the horrible conditioning of all these gender stereotypes, phil’ is so important also i stan phil recognizing that before dan i think it’s really easy to forget that just bc up til recently he’s not been as expressive as dan of his opinions on how stupid gender roles are doesn’t mean he doesn’t have just as if not more progressive a mindset than dan)
‘it’s like a dan vs phil’ dnp = devan #3
dan has such a lovely singing voice i miss him singing
dude phil’s eyebrows are making a Solid appearance v expressive
i s2g this is a different moment from the one above he’s just so fricken cute???
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‘but they’ve got each other’s backs, phil, just like dab and evan’ yeeeeaaaa i’m gonna go ahead and go with dnp = devan reference #4 here i think that’s fair
snow angels are the least fun thing to do and yet (x - it literally won’t let me put it in bc it’s a privated vid rip)
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amazing they just started having a snowball fight how cute n domestic am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan hmmmm - dnp = devan #5
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i get that infinity war was a meme but lads it’s time to let it go
‘and they’re called the howlters’ lmao as if u ain’t an honorary lester daniel (dnp = devan #6)
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i’m living for phil’s excitement i mean if that’s what redbull does to him i’m here for it i guess?
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hi they’re dumb this was cute
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‘we don’t want to be those people, but for us personally, we very much found that you just need to just move into a big city of some kind and just jump into life with both feet’ this is not only adorable advice but also where dnp simulator comes into play aka we did this so uhh dab n evan should do it (dnp = devan #7) also dan speaking for them both singular pronouns are quaking
‘don’t trust that’ what on earth are u on abt phil what don’t u trust the fuckin desert or?????
scalyburg phil stop pls we know we get it dan’s a furry ur a scaly we got it
why does dan spend an entire 7 seconds (8:40) adjusting is he moving closer to phil? switching which leg he’s sat on? idk but it lead to me pausing at this moment which was a gift in and of itself
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‘the deposit on that one, plus the weekly went would make us instantly broke, so that’s fun, us when we moved to london’ bih do u hear me crying
does dan remember phil’s first manchester apartment what kind of question is that phil have u met dan he probably remembers every bloody inch of that place i mean he did remember that there wasn’t a bedside table so
stop that
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middle of the city, romance festival, geekcon, pretty views and cherry blossom trees sounds like dnp’s ideal location do u get why i’m calling it dnp simulator yet also dnp = devan #8
we don’t want to move next to the karaoke legends wow dan bold of u to say after belting helena at 2am real bold
phil having flashbacks to the apt they toured where they found out people died there
hi phil just looks so excited by everything
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look i’m not saying anything except they’re managing to find a lot of similarities b.w their lives and what they’re doing for dab and evan okay like this apartment is great for people-watching? which is what phil did in his manchester apt?
context whomst? idk her
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shoutout to the wardrobe
big bold life-changing steps
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anon spitting truth up in this house (but like,,,,,my thoughts exactly lmao i was like they’re such introverts they would’ve avoided meeting their neighbors at any cost including apparently smacking into a locked door trying to avoid small talk phil we love u bab)
casually mentioning dan saying ‘we are dil-’ was he gonna say dil’s son, maybe but i like to remember the bloops of dan repeatedly calling dab dil so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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omg okay so from like. this point on, when dan’s like ‘here is my vision’, i’m absolutely getting queer eye vibes like amateur queer eye tho like two gay nerds trying to embody queer eye in their lives a bit oh wait
okay okay okay dan u said an ensuite bathroom and then failed to add a door to the bedroom do u understand how frustrating that is???????? do u understand how stressful it was for me to watch that whole damn vid and know that u forgot the door????
a space for hobbies what hobbies who has hobbies
they learned nothing from building their house before: phil should take the mouse away from dan immediately look at him he is such a sugar baby in this jfc
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god dan is so cute get these idiots a penthouse apartment super high up so he can have his bath next to a window okay he deserves that in life
stop it they’re literally agreeing on almost every single thing god they literally share a single brain
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leany boye
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‘they are young adults moving into their first apartment, you don’t have art!’ okay first of all don’t even go there daniel second of all i’m sorry you’re the one arguing for spending literally all their money but u don’t want to get some art bc it’s unrealistic????
dan saying lovely
phil’s mr carpet
navy??? navy? when did they? why? 
i would get involved in a criminal plot to have that / i’m gonna throw you out of one
wow pro tips makin a comeback
phil is Losing Steam
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oh my god okay so i was joking but literally phil is losing steam lmao 18:35 he says ‘ayy’ and it’s so tired-sounding
leany leany boyes
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okay look ik dan’s going into ‘aww poor philly’ mode but also he knew that very quickly like honestly that’s not a Thing i would ever notice about someone tbh i’m not saying it’s like Significant but damn danny was really into phil to know that shiz man
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the high-fashion gigantic rug of our dreams
okay look i can’t make this up phil literally leans away for a bit and then
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hello daniel’s Curl
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i stan phil getting excited over plants
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dab and evan will be having a mario kart fest will they (dnp = devan #9)
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dude big mood god they’re so fond and full of memories 
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honestly dnp made it that way like u cannot convince me they didn’t purposely decide to do that mmkay
‘see they are ready to have their romantic dinners. and then they can pretend they have another friend and it’s fine!’ am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan who knows :) (dnp = devan #10) 
cold in the middle what on earth i literally have no memory of that i mean it could just be my shit memory but jfc they just remember that stuff goddamn
scrunchy boyes also phil where’s ur arm at hm
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like i’m not fuckin joking where is it
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you can’t exist without a computer i mean
what is important in life / the internet
they don’t even have fucking doors and dan’s like ‘uhm they need a terrarium’ dan i’m stressed
oh my god i’m sorry phil is so done with this now it’s actually comical
hi they didn’t add a door for the ensuite
give dnp an interior design series honestly give them any series
phil reached for dan’s hand u cannot convince me otherwise
‘not my personal taste’ really,,,,,really
when dab n evan hug dan looks at the screen n phil looks at the camera things u didn’t need to know but now u do
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lmao jumpscared by the kiss
‘i feel like i’ve never nailed anything more in my entire life’ hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hm
the fuck was dan’s ‘getting a job’ that’s his fnaf voice u stop that
doon doon doon doon
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hi uhm what the Fuck was that jumpcut at 28:30 i hate Obvious Jumpcuts with a burning passion specifically bc of dnp
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yeetdam · 5 years
Could you ship your mutuals with silverboys/treasure 13? I’m curious 🙀
smh i accidentally closed the tab before i could save it fml but anyway: instead of studying maths and after killing my body with a 45 min workout, i am here to answer this ask that was long overdue thank you anon for being so curious uwu!! also i apologize i might’ve got carried away skjdl and this is not proofread in any shape or form
@yoonbins x yoonbin is the couple that tries to keep it low but everyone knows that they’re a thing imo 💖 mini god kara i’m not trying to call you out but yoonbin would gladly accept that s***** from you anytime úwù skinship in public isn’t really their thing, but if bin is feeling bold, he’d secretly hold her hand under the desk klasjdklajs kara isn’t one to show her emotions a lot but it’s fine bc yoonbin is an attentive guy and just knows how smitten he is for her!!! not really the most romantic couple out there, but when it comes to banter? OOF nobody can beat them what a pure relationship (also, expect long cuddle sessions when it’s just the two of them teehee)
@byounggonsgf x byounggon is the power couple everyone on ygtb tumblr and their MUMS know of and approve of: first of all, visual wise?? GOD TIER. SUPERIOR. YOU WISH. we all know how much of a visual kweenie angel zeen is, and we all know how hot gon is (pls the entire fandom has a crush on him) and the two combined?? YOUR FAVS COULD NEVER (unless your favs are zeen and gon uwu) also, just one glance at zeen’s tags just show how much love she harbors for him and i imagine her to be the type to write stuff abt him in a seperate notebook and when gon finds out, he’ll go all out and arrange some romantic candlelight dinner or shit 💖 in other words, they’re the disgustingly sweet couple you’d see in romance anime uwu
@ggoncafe x byounggon is also a ship i advocate !!! he’d do anything to make ess smile and laugh; it’s one of his fav sights after all - especially that thing that ess does where she scrunches her nose whenever she laughs??? he is SOLD. WHIPPED. IN AWE. i feel like gon can be quite the romantic in his way and would write so many songs abt ess lskjdlkj aside of that, ess strikes me as the type to annoy the shit out of him just for fun LMAO - it’s nothing bad, imagine this: she’d text him in capslock and keyboard smashes just to garner his attention and then, he’d face time her and try to be fed up but in reality? he’s glad she did that? bc that gives him the perfect excuse to see her lkjsdj 
say what you want; okay cool you think the earth is flat fine then but not thinking that @mashilove x byounggon is a cute ship? sis you’re abt to cATcH ThESe HaNDs - uyen radiates something akin to big mom energy: maybe it’s partly bc she’s just as old as gon but her tags to everyone just SCREAM soft protective nature 💖 also i feel like uyen, as great as she is, sometimes deals with huge insecurity issues and gon would try his best to lift up her spirits and convince her that she is a beautiful child of the angels the world doesn’t even deserve!!! we are talking abt gon dedicating 28398309 songs to her and cuddle attacks and soft shit oof
looking back i realize byounggon also has a mf power harem and to finish it off, i also think that @speckofglitter x byounggon is the couple you should be scared of. why scared? bc they’re gonna make you set your standards so impossibly high AND THATS THE TEA 💖 gon picking up tiyi after her lectures at university? every time when he can afford to? which is pretty much every second day? and if he has much free time before he’d make sure to buy some food for tiyi? it doesn’t help that he’s a soundcloud rapper of course everyone’s gonna have high standards! it doesn’t stop there tho; just imagine them trying some couple dances like ellen and Brian hnnngh 
@junkyeu x junkyu is ! so ! pure !!!! junkyu would be so so smitten and so so proud of Linh and he’d take any opportunity to boast abt her. she’s so beautiful? he’d say that to every second stranger they pass by. she’s a multilingual queen? he’d tweet it out several times a day, post it on his snapchat, probably write it on a wall “LINH IS A MULTILINGUAL LEGEND YOUR S/O COULD NEVER 💖“ and so on. he is so damn supportive up to the point where it might be a little excessive to her but she still loves him dearly :’) the harshest thing she might do is prolly insult him lightly in any language he doesn’t understand LMAOOO
1/3 of the seunghun harem ship i support is @kimseunghoney x seunghun ! yet another couple that would flaunt that they’re together but guess what?? everyone is LIVING for it 💖 christina is such a soft fluffball who’s trying her best to get through her exams and seunghun being the supportive (yet needy) boyfriend he is, would partly distract her partly help her?? he’d be the type to randomly come over to her place with the reason of wanting to help her study bc ! good ! grades ! is ! what ! she ! wants ! but then five minutes later, he’d try to get her to take a break and then woo her to a nap bc she’s been working so hard uwu (also, the perfect timing for him to fill up his camera roll full of pics of christina saljdlk)
2/3 of the seunghun harem is @seunghunies x seunghun 💖 now with those two combined,,,, get ready for the skinship and disgustingly domestic and tooth rotten fluff between them uGh [edit: the latter got deleted WHY TUMBLR WHY SMH so starting here is the cont.] seunghun is the type to show off that vale is his up to the point where he might shove it up everyone and their mum's faces jskdk but it's full of love!!! Snapchat? Instagram? Everywhere — he's gonna say how much he loves vale during an ig live or in his story dedicated to vale and vale ONLY 💞🤧 also!!! Restaurant dates!!!! So many!!!! They'd go taste testing in the entire city !!!! And he'd take so many pics of her and the best thing abt the cute shit? Vale plays along!! (At least most of the time teehee) say he'd want her to pose for the camera? She'd gladly do it- unless she's feeling a little sneaky then she'd do anything to mess up the snapshot kajdjdjkdk we love banter 😜💓
3/3 of the harem is @seunghunn x seunghun uwu THE. SOFTEST. COUPLE. IN THE UNIVERSE. mashikyu doesn’t compare anyway, we’ve already established how much of a passionate lover hun is right?? and i peg seunghun the type to crave his s/o’s attention at any time possible so if you ever lay his eyes off him, he’d do anything to win your attention back! perhaps one might say that maddi cherishes her sleep more than our #1 furry king and if she’s particularly stressed, she’s heading straight to her bed and to the one-hour nap she desperately needs. depending on how hun is feeling, he might either a) play the big spoon and nap with her sdjlkjsa or b) be the whiny bitch he is and try to wake her up (ofc only if he’s 100% sure that she wouldnt mind as much as usual) 💖 in case he guessed wrong and woke her up while she’s pissed, he’d make up with some good homecooked food UGH
@moonxlika x hyunsuk is the badass couple who always hype one another up you don’t even KNOW. be it a competition or a game, you can bet that one is cheering for the other - unless they both participate, then it’d be a mixture of “good luck uwu” or “i’m gonna beat your ass just watch me” 💖 they’re the type to bond over their music taste and seriously lika and hyunsuk aren’t afraid to show that they’re a thing it’s so cute kljfl you know that some ppl get embarrassed when their s/o suddenly does a hoe drop or dresses really hot like with chokers or shit? then there are some ppl who get pissed / jealous / idk at least not embarrassed and shy when their s/o does that? neither of them fall into any of those types. say hyunsuk is suddenly out there with a choker and what do i know a mesh shirt? lika strikes me as someone who’d go yES BITCH THAT HOT DUDE RIGHT THERE IS MY BOYFRIEND SEE HIM and say lika pops of on the dance floor, hyunsuk would be like mY GIRLFRIEND HAS SOME MOVES Y’ALL 
whereas lika x suk could be classified as one of the more hard couples on the spectrum, @hyunsukmyass x hyunsuk is the epitome of bubblegum and sugar and (perhaps little) spice (at least that’s what everyone thinks but sshhh) 💖 i feel like in public suk would try hard to have the image of being sim’s edgy boyfriend but little does he know that sim dishes out the truth to all of her friends HDSJKHSKJ like that one time suk admitted his wallet was suffering due to the bouquet of flowers he bought her when sim was feeling low? or the time where he put his pride and sanity aside and took care of her when she was sick even tho it was a given that he’d get infected too? everyone knows and whereas suk is HIGHkey embarrassed to a certain extent, he’d try to find something he can tease sim with!! and then… he finds it... cute shit sim writes abt suk…. or even worse… her fanfics abt celebrity xy and suk has a LOT of fun teasing her with it ksajdkljkl he’d never say anything negative but once in a while he’d go like “so,,, sim,,,, wanna recreate that one scene you wrote in fanfic xy?” or even “hey what do you think if i were a rocker but also super super good at school?” gET READY FOR THE BANTER AND LAUGHTER AND TICKLE FIGHTS THAT FOLLOW SUIT
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alienpupy · 5 years
Heres a furry’s dumb rant abt the character desing in Cats (2019) just based on just the trailers because I won’t watch the movie
As a furry, the shitty anthropomorphisation in the movie cats is just,,,,,, so painful to look at. Like please, if you’re going to make anthro animals, plEASE hire a furry artist or at least, idk, fucking think for two seconds about how you’re going to blend the human and animal parts of your characters before doing anything else. No anthro characters are gonna look even remotely good if they have human noses/mouthes, like ffs if they’re gonna be animal-sized too, don’T FUCKING MAKE THEM PLANTIGRADE. DON’T FUCKING GIVE THEM DISGUSTING HUMAN LEGS AND FEET YOU FUCKING. IDIOTS. GIVE THEM PAWS. ITS USELESS TO MAKE YOUR CHARACTERS ANIMALS IF YOU’RE GONNA REMOVE WHAT MAKES THOSE ANIMALS CUTE.
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Like what the fuck is this??? Why the FUCK is she wearing heels??? What the fuck is wrong with you??? Do you not realise how uncomfortable it is to give your character SHOES but no other article of clothing whatsoever??? It feels so fucking wrong and gross, like you could have just left her without clothes at all bc she’s a cat, but going and giving her HIGH HEELS implies that these cats usually wear at least some clothing, but seeing as barely any of them do, so you just effectively made everyone uncomfortable. (like a scarf or jewelry is fine, but shOES??? no. disgusting.)
You know what parts of a cat are cute?? You know what makes them recognisable as cats beyond their basic animal structure??? Ears, paws (including claws), fur and tail. In cats, you obviously have the ears and tail, but you gave them hands. you fucking. gave them human hands with human fingers, and no paw pads or claws at all.
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like what the fuck is this??? What the fuck have you done??????? They aren’t raccoons, the idea of cats with hands and fingers and NO CLAWS just feels so icky and gross and i hate hate hate it. Like you could have at least stylised them to make them somewhat cute, but no. Nooooo, you went with spindly little human-proportionned hands. Ew.
And back to general body structure/anthroporphisation: These characters are tiny.
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Like look at them. They’re obviously cat-sized. but they look?? so off?? like the head-to-body ratio feels overwelmingly wrong, because they kept the same proportions as normal humans, which is not! A thing! you do!! With anthro characters!!!!!!!! Generally speaking, the smaller the animal, the bigger its head is compared to its body. This is true of hummingbirds, for example:
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see? its tiny, and its head is about a quarter of its whole body. This makes sense. This is cute. This is something people want to see.
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This?? This gross. it feels wrong, off, viscerally unnatural and repulsive. this thing looks like it would sneak into my house at the dead of night and strangle me. This feels scary. I hate it. You should have made their bodies look more like cats.
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Like look at this actual cat. Its head is a lot bigger compared to its body than the shit pulled in the movie. Its ears are pretty big compared to its face. Its cute and likeable, unlike the fucking abominable crap they tried to make by covering naked people with fur.
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and as I mentionned earlier, do NOT give them human legs. just don’t. don’t do it. Make them digitigrade, like more furried draw their own characters. And I don’t mean to brag or say that my own art is better than a professional studio or whatever, but look:
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real quick, if we ignore the obvious unatural colouring/nature of this character just to focus on anatomy, I feel like my character, honey, looks a bit less,,,,, uncanny walley-ish then the ppl in Cats. Look at the legs. They’re anthro, yes, but they’re digitigrade. Like actual cats.
And apart from that, the final and worst thing about the characters is Cats (2019) is the faces.
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Look at
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This bullshit.
They have human noses??? They have humans lips??? What the fuck?????
Like I’m not saying that they should have perfectly animal faces or that you can’t blend animal and human features in an apealing way, just that THIS:
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Just slapping a humans face on a cat (even keeping the fucking teeth the same), ain’t it. I don’t watch doctor who, and never have, but I know that they managed to make catpeople look good, and they didn’t even use CGI.
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See that? See what they did??? They did that with makeup. WITH MAKEUP. They kept the obviously human eyes and human cheeks and jawline, but they actually took the time to give them a cat nose and snout. You know, so you can actually recognise them as cats, and not some creepy weirdoes wearing fursuits without the head.
So in conclusion: Don’t fucking make your CGI cat movie and make the cats look distincly uncatlike when there are PLENTY of furry and non-furry artists who can make them look apealing and recognisable. fuck you.
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flandesuka · 5 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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askthebegoniatrio · 2 years
To Hibiki: was it first awkward interacting with Nikei after the simulation because of the whole void thing? and sidenote how do you feel abt the other voids (hajime, emma, and iroha)
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“…Yeah, I wasn’t that fond of Nikki when I found out he was apart of void-“
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“The former leader of void no less! And he took his sweet time telling me all that!”
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“But after awhile we ended up finding common ground, I could go into more detail…but the whole story should be told with me and Nikki together.”
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“And uh the other voids? It’s been a bit since I saw any of them but I’ll try..”
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“Well jimi was really passionate, he really tried to get us to take care of ourselves not that I listened,”
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“I still think the way he killed yuyu was super awful though, and then he tried to act as if he didn’t just do that and tried to walk away…not cool.”
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“Emmie was nice, she’d encourage us and was super sociable to everyone, and I really liked her furry coat it looked really soft!”
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“But after the trial…I don’t know, I can’t figure out what was real and what was fake with Emma, I hope she at least apologized to koko for what she did.”
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“And roro…she was pretty out there. I’m not sure if she was paying attention as much as she should have, and her bad timing positivity didn’t help in the slightest, but she was trying I guess. But Nikki told me about what she said to him and… I dunno, my thoughts on her are complicated.”
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kidnamedfinger · 3 years
my high liveblog/review of love and leashes
ok so basically this movie has everything. lee jun-young is playing the sub like a total dandy a fruit like almost offensively so. he just looks more natural in the scene where seohyun imagines he's a dom. lee jun-young my advice is end your inner gay stereotypes
the scene with the dogs felt like literally, mulholland drive. you're very pensive about a dangerous secret. someone instantly mentions the secret for a coincidental reason, which makes you wonder if the thoughts were read...basically challenges the truth of the cinematic plot of events. u ask for some allegorical advice, you get some allegorical truisms. and you are startled by a cgi-looking dog 45 degrees to your left. ++++ the red room moment where it pans to jihoo and hes dissolving in the endless wave of mirrors as a synth beat plays
the way the boss is a normal dude but the way he expresses sexual harassment is "i think women belong in the kitchen btw. women are just objects to me"
"why do i hear a dog sound?" -junyoung the furry sobbing
+ the way he goes from shaking crying whimpering to "be my master? :D no? :D okay :D bye :D"
the shot where they both walk down the fluorescent motel with cutesy indie music playing omfgg it wants to be love in translation or smth so baaad
when he explains that he became a sub bc hes fetishizing the times he fails hes like "if im gonna take so many Ls from the world im gonna at least have a sexy girl give them to me"
producers clearly went down the list of wikipedia bdsm acts and were like "hot wax? gag? dog play? feet? ok thats what hes into." whereas if we could have gotten a POS (person of sub) on the writing team the FIRST thing we would see is the strap
ALSO, producers went down their list of impressions they had about a non-film office job like "hur hur i clock in at 9am shuffle papers and get drinks at the office cafe"
why do they keep cutting away when they whip his thighs... get a stunt double
the scene where he gets whipped is like when shinee had to hump the camera for body rhythm like its so obvious youve never done this before
when jiwoo feeds jihoo and the couple behind them sounds so indignant and u think its because theyre offended but theyre totally not offended they just think its an allegory for something they should improve in their own dynamic of strong man weak woman
ok that wasnt great. when they have an attempted sexual assault but they shoot it so youre supposed to be confused abt if its a scene or real. ??
the moral (haha get it): junyoung is playing it like a loser nerd otaku never even seen a woman before. basically compare it to the homophobia subplot, he plays that like hes standing up so passionately against homophobia because he so strongly believes he is not a homosexual bc he knows what homosexuals look like and he doesn't look like that. this is getting really borderline offensive but its what is on my mind. but basically re: the sub thing hes playing it like what a normie, someone who is patriarchical but not as weird as a dom, thinks a sub would act like. and he gets comfortable in the role only in the scenes where he knows he, a straight normal person, would not do the same thing.
anyway and the way he Should be playing it (and the way he looks more natural playing it) is just how he personally identifies which is literally just a normal dude who can act normally in public
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bienmoreau · 6 years
The Dork Reads The Lightning-Struck Heart: Chapter 19 - End.
@lio-zehel​ and @glitterghost​ (spoilers obviously) :)
It was called ‘Dear Brother-Uncle-Father. An Ode to the Furry Depths of my Feeling for Your Personage’
So very impressed and uncomfortable @ how they just made talking abt magic THAT pornographic. JESUS Ryan is such a mess. Jfc. Also. Magic kink? Sure. Why not. After all of this. Why not that.
How to face off against a dragon by Sam of Wilds Yell “COME AT ME BRO” And then punch the dragon in the eye.
Why does the dragon wanna fuck him. Why does everything wanna fuck him.
Omfg wait was that an og Mario reference??
Omg the dragon chases sheep ‘cause he likes the noise they make when they run around and scream
“Once you go dragon all the rest are laggin’.
”lmaaaooo is justin cohabiting with the gdamn dragon :laughing::laughing:
“Heeeeeyyy buddy. You doing good? You look good.. for being kidnapped” PHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA “Heeeeyy buddy, you look alive. That just super”
“There’s nothing wrong with me!” “Well that’s certainly not true sam” “You’re a wizard, you deserve to be on fire”
HA! The dragons in love with Justin 😆 😆
Also also. Side note. Beast from the east is the name we here in the uk gave to the really annoying recurring cold weather we had earlier this year  😆 😂
“He’s very sexually aggressive, I don’t think you should sleep with him” “STOP COCK BLOCKING ME”
LMAO OMG Gary letting himself be a horse
What kinda shrek dragon/donkey nonsense
Well this all became a pretty big downer real quick
That is just not at all the kind of conversation you want to have with/hear your parents having. Also yes, Why does the king feel the need to state that he wants a three way with them
“We can’t just kill people” “They were holding us prisoner” “That doesn’t make it right” “What about Moishe?” “I’ll kill him!”
“You’re not my knight in shining armour you’re a dick in dented tin” (Or. Perfect things to say to creepy guys who come on way to strong/have the whole male saviour bullshit going)
:( :( :( vaguely sad confessions are no fun at all.
“I will never be anyone’s second choice. I will never be second best to somebody I love” Bruh that’s so fukin real.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they kissed!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ✨✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉 ✨✨✨✨
“I’ve seen *huge list of really impressive sounding shit*. I have seen many many things but I have never seen anyone look at another the way your knight looks at you”
“Sam, everyone knew. Everyone!” FUKIN CALL HIM OUT GARY
“I thank myself when I come” Jfc. Why sam why. Please never get drunk again.
Gary and Kevin. Are. Making me uncomfortable. So very very very unnecessarily explicitly gratuitous NO. NO YOU DO NOT USE YOUR FRIENDS NAME IN THAT WAY. NO! NOT OKAY. 4. Hours. Fukin. NO! Anyways I would FULLY disown someone for subjecting me to less than that. Sam is a champion on loyalty and is braver than any marine.
I kinda hate this tbh. Like. It’s just weird and vaguely gross and I’m kinda uncomfortable.
“It’s still monologuing when you do it on someone else’s behalf”
So. Gross.
Morgan is so soft. Gdamn.
Also lmao. Kevin is an attention whore.
“Bask in me”
“I feel like we failed as parents.”
“Naaahh look at him. He’s adorable and knows how to put on his own pants”
Lmao sam ignoring ryan is such classic move. ‘The awesome power of ‘The ‘Blank’
Randal is Kevin’s hero. That is not a good thing.
Aww super protective Ryan despite it all. Dear boy has so little chill when it comes to sam.
Also. Them just casually openly flirting is so funny
Also. Randal calling this shit for what it is. “Are they always like this” 😂 😂 😂
Also I love Pete and that the other knights are just like “lol nope. Not my pig. Not my farm” and this whole situation
As much as I hate the whole Kevin making himself Sams stepdad. It did at least lead to Ryan dropping a long sword on his foot.
Lmao poor stalker Ryan. He’s so useless.
Omg. He ran away from his own bachelor party to hide/stalk sam.
“That’s weird”
“You make me weird”
“Were there strippers? Strippers also make things weird”
“See when you say it like that it makes me start to regret my life choices”
Fukin emotional bois.
Hahahahaha omg Randal calling back to the pimp joke at the perfect moment 👌 👌 👌 👌
Handsome Ryan is handsome and devastating.
“Haha. Yes my mind is in pieces” 
And that’s- when a group of dark wizards broke into the throne room.
Because of course.
Phahahaa YES RANDAL. love that call back! keep it going you ancient weirdo 
Okay. Like I’m not a fan of sex scenes but that was soft and sweet and so very tame compared to some of the nonsense the other characters have come out with so far.
why on earth are Sam and Justin on a mission together!??
And Ayy sassy Justin :laughing: is this the redemption arch beginning?
Aww best friend in training is such a demeaning title for a prince 😂 😂 😂 
Also. Lmao that was such a romantic proposal sam. Well done.
Aaannnnndd IM DONE!
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october31st1981 · 7 years
Send Nude Pics of Your Heart to Me
James Potter to Mrs. Wife: lily can we have another baby?
Lily Potter to Wears Socks to Bed: R u going to text me that every time Harry does something cute?
James Potter: yes
Lily Potter: U know if we got one every time u asked we’d have like 35 babies by now??
James Potter: i’d be okay with that
James Potter: they might give us our own tv programme
James Potter: lil and jim and their kin 
Lily Potter: Ur right what’s the point of having children if not to pimp them out for reality television
Sirius Black to Babe: u know it’s extremely rude to fuck in the house while ur babysitter is downstairs watching ur kid
James Potter to Hot Stuff: i don’t pay u to complain 
Sirius Black: u are literally not paying me
Sirius Black: i am doing this out of love for this little banshee
James Potter: we made u godfather. and u can have dibs if i knock lily up 2nite
Sirius Black: fine but at least play some music or smth christ what are u doing to her?????
Lily Potter to The Other Woman: Quit texting James while we’re fucking 
Lily Potter: Tho he is surprisingly good at multitasking 
Sirius Black to Sugar Tits: only if u make him call u daddy 
Lily Potter: Deal
James Potter to James Has A Daddy Kink: lupin will you look after harry next weekend? sirius is permanently banned from babysitting
Sirius Black: Still godfather m8
James Potter: not anymore remus is godfather now
Peter Pettigrew: am i not on the list??
James Potter: you will get on the list once u stop screaming every time he poos
Peter Pettigrew: fair enough 
Remus Lupin: Can I be godfather when Harry’s like ten? Babies are terrifying
Sirius Black: i will not stand for this betrayal 
Sirius Black changed the chat name to James Wanked To McGonagall For All Of Year 9.
Peter Pettigrew: pretty sure it was longer than year 9 👀👀👀👀
James Potter: it’s not embarrassing if ur not ashamed
Remus Lupin: If you’re gonna text me at work at least leave my colleagues’ names out of the group chat 
Peter Pettigrew: should u b texting while ur teaching?
Remus Lupin: The kids are using their phones to film for a presentation it’s fine probably
Sirius Black: see potter? he’s already showing he’s bad w/ kids he’s gonna let harry on the internet unsupervised
James Potter: harry is 1
Sirius Black: ur never too young 2 start developing abandonment issues 
Remus Lupin changed the chat name to Sirius Wanked to Yugioh in Sixth Form.
Sirius Black: listen here u little shit
James Potter to Ginger Spice: lily look!!!
Lily Potter to Daddy’s Girl: U have sent me 12 pictures of Harry dressed as a penguin in the past 2 minutes
Lily Potter: (((And I have loved every single 1 of them our baby is the cutest?!?!)))
James Potter: i fucking know right
James Potter: legitimately he’s better than other babies
Lily Potter: Our baby could take the Longbottoms baby in a fight
James Potter: our baby could take DUMBLEDORE in a fight
Lily Potter: I mean ur right but
Lily Potter: In what situation would our son be fighting the headmaster of our secondary school
James Potter: idk but he’d fuckin wreck him have u seen how hard he pulls on hair he’d rip that beard right the fuck off
Lily Potter: Tru
Remus Lupin to Jimbo: How did you get i’m a furry to autocorrect to i’m a furry
James Potter to Dances with Wolves: we’ve all known for a long time remus i’m not here to judge u
Remus Lupin: I’M NOT A FURRY
Remus Lupin: I’M A FURRY
James Potter: u seem to be experiencing some conflicting emotions
Remus Lupin: I’m trying to say I’M S I C K
James Potter: of hiding ur true nature as a furry? we’re sick of ur denial as well mate
Remus Lupin: You are officially disowned 
James Potter: ur not my real dad 
Peter Pettigrew to Remus is a Furry: so are u like a brony or do u dress up as a wolf and sniff people? 
James Potter: the 2nd one definitely 
Sirius Black: idk man i think i saw him eyeing one of harry’s picture books the other day
Sirius Black: does red riding hood get u going
Petter Pettigrew: lmao
Remus Lupin: Potter I’m gonna murder you
James Potter: just try it my son will avenge me 
Sirius Black: oooooo he’s got u remus what r u gonna do fight a baby
Remus Lupin: I will explain to Harry about how his father was a bellend and he will take my side
James Potter: lies. harry will never doubt my honour. just the other day peter sneezed on me and harry bit him
Peter Pettigrew: thought he bit me bc hes teething?
James Potter: irrelevant 
James Potter to Never Furget: remus did u change all my profile pics to screencaps from bambi
Remus Lupin to Jimmy Neutron: Why do you ask?
James Potter: bc everyone is commenting on them but i can’t see them or take them down what did u do
Remus Lupin: Maybe the universe did this to you James
Remus Lupin: The world is trying to tell you who the real furry here is
Remus Lupin to Jimothy: Did you buy me a fucking bunny?
James Potter to Froot Lupes: remus i know ur new to pet ownership but bunnies aren’t for fucking
Remus Lupin: James. Why did someone deliver a rabbit to my house
James Potter: i thought u could use some company
James Potter: since ur both
Remus Lupin: DO NOT
James Potter: furry
Remus Lupin: I’m moving to Australia
Remus Lupin to James is Not One of Us: Just because I’m keeping the bunny doesn’t mean you’re forgiven
Remus Lupin: It’s for the children. My students have fallen in love with it
Sirius Black: sure ““““ur students””” fell in love with it 
Sirius Black: speaking of children who r u gonna turn to now potter
Sirius Black: if i’m banned from babysitting and u and remus r on the outs
James Potter: pete’s still here 
Peter Pettigrew: yeah im still here
Sirius Black: peter tell me how you change a nappy without looking at wikihow
Peter Pettigrew: um
James Potter: our house has wifi? 
Lily Potter to Bambi: Peter Pettigrew is not babysitting for us ever again
Lily Potter: He flushed a disposable nappy today
Lily Potter: Naked Sunday is canceled 
James Potter to Faline: but it’s the day of our lord lily
James Potter to Boyz II Men: congratulations sirius ur hereby reinstated as godfather 
Sirius Black: good bc i’m thinking of getting a sidecar for my motorbike
James Potter: harry is not allowed on ur motorbike until he is at least 9
Remus Lupin: I think you’re forgetting how Harry got home from the hospital
James Potter: fine. harry is allowed if both lily and i are also on it
Peter Pettigrew: #parenting
Peter Pettigrew: i got fired today btw
James Potter: what? why???
Sirius Black: what did u do
Remus Lupin: Are you alright?
Peter Pettigrew: im fine 
Peter Pettigrew: director was just looking for “something else”
Sirius Black: that’s shit
James Potter: sorry pete 
Remus Lupin: Is there anything we can do to help?
Peter Pettigrew: idk maybe we could just hang out and talk?
James Potter: sure we can do that 
Sirius Black: i’m not good w/ emotional intimacy
Sirius Black: how do u feel abt alcohol?
James Potter to Meri Jaan: i msis u
James Potter: ur os pretty 
Lily Potter to You Are My Soniya: It’s 2am love
James Potter: i kno btu thsi is v importnat
Lily Potter: What is it?
James Potter: i lvoe sirius
Lily Potter: Unbelievable 
James Potter: and u!!11111
James Potter: also im srory if i pee on hte rose bsushes a gain
Sirius Black to Blossom Powerpuff: just so u know we’ve taken james’s phone from him 
Sirius Black: but he says i’ve gotta tell u that ur his favourite wife
Lily Potter to Mojo Jojo: I’m his only wife
Sirius Black: james says ‘irrelevant’ 
James Potter to Heart Eyes: love u’ve gotta stop sexting me while i’m w/ clients
Lily Potter to Poop Emoji: Why’s that?
James Potter: i’m developing some kind of pavlovian response
James Potter: every time i look at a surrealist painting i get an erection
Lily Potter: Paint me like one of ur french abstractions from reality
James Potter: sex fiend 
Lily Potter: U love it 
Remus Lupin to Lil Wayne: You and James need to stop have things delivered to my house
Remus Lupin: I promise you I can feed myself without a 15 year old dropping off a week’s worth of groceries 
Lily Potter to R. Kelly: Bread and chocolate is not a diet Remus
Remus Lupin: It has kept me alive this long 
Lily Potter: Ur lucky we don’t have u move in. James says ur too skinny these days
Remus Lupin: James is built like a broomstick
Lily Potter: ...
Lily Potter: I want to defend him bc he is my husband but.... u right
Remus Lupin: Then will you stop trying to parent me
Lily Potter: Don’t talk back to ur mother Lupin
James Potter to The Lady from the Bee Movie: evans r u wearing my jeans again
Lily Potter to Jerry Seinfield: No
James Potter: ur having a picnic with bathilda in her garden and harry and i are in our sitting room w/ the curtains open i can literally see u
Lily Potter: Maybe these are mine
James Potter: i’m almost a foot taller than u and ur jeans r not that long
Lily Potter: If they r ur jeans what are you going to do about it
James Potter: ur gonna catch these hands
James Potter: in ur own bc i love u
James Potter: but i still want my jeans back
Lily Potter: I want my pre-baby figure back m8
James Potter: touché 
Sirius Black to Cars 2: pete how would u feel abt modeling
Peter Pettigrew to The Lion King: funny 
Peter Pettigrew: hard to get an acting job thats not typecast 
Sirius Black: i’m srs
Sirius Black: i mean. u know what i mean
Peter Petitgrew: modelings fine. i’ve done some hand stuff
Sirius Black: sometimes when reg can’t make a job his agency will offer it to me
Sirius Black: and i told them i wouldn’t do it unless i could bring a friend
Peter Pettigrew: thanks... u didnt have to do that
Sirius Black: don’t make it weird peter just take the job 
Sirius Black to Peter Does Hand Stuff: i’m handsome right
Sirius Black: like i am good looking
James Potter: tru
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: then how did i get kicked off a photoshoot so they could take more pictures of pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew: dorcas said it was bc ur face is too unnatural
Peter Pettigrew: no one looks like that in real life
Sirius Black: i look like this in real life!!!
Peter Pettigrew: anyway dorcas told me they want me to be the face of the whole campaign which is cool
James Potter: that’s fantastic pete!!
Remus Lupin: Congrats Peter!
Sirius Black: i can’t believe u would sell me out
Peter Pettigrew: were all just trying to survive capitalism sirius
Sirius Black: so money is worth more than our friendship
James Potter: sirius u don’t even like modelling
Remus Lupin: Also you don’t need the money, you’ve got your inheritance and your radio work
Sirius Black: i like to know who has a price they can be bought for
Sirius Black: in case one of us ends up murdered
James Potter: walburga really fucked u up huh
Lily Potter to Put A Ring On It: R u on your way home?
James Potter to Crazy In Love: on the tube
James Potter: did u want takeaway again? bc i kno the chinese made u sick the other night so maybe i can just get u soup?
Lily Potter: No I’m fine I just wanted to know when you were coming back
Lily Potter: I have news
James Potter: tell me. the man beside me is cutting his hair and it’s getting on my trousers. i could do with good news
Lily Potter: I’ll tell u when ur home
James Potter: evans u can’t just dangle news in front of me like that and then take it away i demand answers
Lily Potter: It’s in-person news
James Potter: r we getting divorced? is this bc i said prefer 7/11 to formation
Lily Potter: That is definitely grounds for divorce but no
James Potter: lily ur worrying me. is everything ok???
James Potter: i’m gonna call
James Potter: i’m losing service hold on
Lily Potter: James we’re going to have another baby
James Potter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Potter: i love you. i can’t hold u yet so i’m gonna hug the haircut man
Lily Potter: <3 <3 <3
James Potter: i may have just told him we’d name our baby after him how do u feel abt the name christobal
Lily Potter: Hard pass
James Potter: u said that abt me once and now i’ve impregnated u twice so i’m gonna tell him maybe
Lily Potter changed the chat name to Sirius Has Dibs.
Sirius Black: r u hitting on me evans
Sirius Black: u do realize ur husband is also on this chat. i mean i’m up for a menage a potter but what will we tell harry 
Peter Pettigrew: james’s parents like adopted u this is definitely some kind of incest
Sirius Black: “Definitely Some Kind of Incest” is the black family motto
Remus Lupin: Tbh I’m surprised you don’t have a tail
Sirius Black: how do u kno that i don’t u don’t kno my life
Lily Potter: It’s good 2 know our children will have positive role models
James Potter: it’s too late for harry we’ll just have to get better friends with this one
Peter Pettigrew: ????????
Sirius Black: ur not
Sirius Black: U ARE
Remus Lupin: Congratulations?!
Peter Pettigrew: BLIMEY CONGRATS
Remus Lupin: Wasn’t Harry born literally yesterday? You guys are like rabbits
Sirius Black: i can’t believe evans is ““in trouble”” again this is wild i bet it’s bc euphemia used all those metaphors while giving u the sex talk
James Potter: papa don’t preach
Sirius Black: i love it when u call me papa
Sirius Black: wait do i have dibs bc of.... u guys r disgusting 
Lily Potter: Does that mean u don’t want dibs?
Remus Lupin: I can’t in good conscience send eleven-year-olds to war but on the other hand you’re on
Peter Pettigrew: £5 on the fetus 
Lily Potter: £1000 on the fetus Potter Progeny United
James Potter: this is why i married u 
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bwicblog · 7 years
AA: spoilern alernt, flarnping in the rnain fucking S U C K S.
AA: got mud all the way up to my goddamn flaps.
AA: n, p surne I've got mud I N them, ugh.
ID: clearly you need me to show you how it's done. =:P
AA: lmao, y, mb when yrn off bedrnest, dude. >:}
AA: I'm playing forn bodies, but that doesn't mean I want Y R N S.
ID: psh not wanting my hot bod, i'm crushed. =:'(
ID: tho i get what you mean, the mud is the fucking worst.
AA: lmaoooo. soz, soz. am I supposed to say yrn hella hot now to soothe yrn poorn ego?
ID: obvs. =:P
ID: my ego has been brushed enough at this fair! =>:(
ID: ...bruised.
AA: too late.
ID: =>:I i'm working with one hand here, i demand a break.
AA: it's been brnushed and now you gotta polish it, orn shit'll just look fucking tacky.
AA: lmaoooo.
AA: I offerned you a wornm, dude.
AA: you C Ö U L D be, wtf did prni say AA: 8/10 hot A N D w two frnonds, but n, you gotta go and get squicked on me. >:P
ID: i think i lost enough blood without feeding it to a worm too.
AA: blood comes back, suck it uppp.
AA HAS ATTACHED lolheded.jpeg! It is a troll trying to wrench his leg out of a bog. AA: lmaoooo, evernyone sucks at this sO harnd. AA: wtf you up to?
AA: feeling bettern yet?
ID: i mean. define better. i'm not feeling like i'm about to die.
ID: i'm on my way to pheres' cart for some bandaging and a shirt. and pay.
AA: k, good. >:} AA: make him buy you food too!!
AA: when's the last time you ate??
ID: uhhh.
ID: the pizza night?
AA: soz forn ditching, btw, totes was like.. not thinking abt
AA: lmfao, what the fuuuuuck.
AA: congrnats, yrn a trnashcan firne, brnah.
AA: y, make him feed you.
ID: at least i'm not a fucking mud monster. =:P
ID: i mean i'm preparing myself for a whole lot of fussing, don't worry. he's already trying to talk me in to getting a room.
AA HAS ATTACHED godkingmudmonstertoyou.jpeg!
ID: did you fucking roll in the mud?
ID: you oinkbeast.
AA: he is a fussy fangs. >:P AA: and y! well, n. Ï HID in the mud and then jumped out.
AA: tactics, mothernfuckern.
ID: okay godking oinkbeast. =:P
SS: (Wtf, Hads, I thought you were food acquisition extraordinaire. (\ene/) You tellin me a temp -3 to CHA courtesy a lookin like you already been culled's enough to stop you??) SS: (Ain't you supposed to, like, work that ish for pity?)
ID: uh actually i think looking like i do makes peeps want to help me more.
AA: y, y, that's the joke, gj.
AA: >:P
ID: i was just feeling like garbage too much to take advantage.
ID: =>:P
ID: let a one-handed guy finish sips.
ID: you're just all too fast for me. =:P
AA: lmaoo. well, I can manage arnd stabbing folks, so I think you oughta manage just fine. >:P
ID: well if you finish up soonish, hit me up around pheres'. probably take him a while to patch me up. especially if i can get him to get the fucking stitches out.
AA: mm, mb, mb!! will drnop by, at least. >:} AA: laaal. you wanna come with??
ID: well now you gotta, or else my pumper will get all crushed. =:P
AA: yrn pushern is so frnagile, omggg. >:}
ID: it's been through a lot okay. =:'(
AA: y, y, will come. AA: you taking a whale back orn staying up herne, btw??
ID: haven't decided yet. still got time. depends how much i've healed too.
ID: rather not be in this huge-ass city all busted up.
AA: y, well, come rnide W me and lal. it'll be fuuuuuun.
AA: and i totes will just keep my phone on voice2text. >:} since he whined abt it so much last time.
ID: got my lusus to worry about remember. =:P
AA: oh, lame. laaaaame. AA: .. I can drnive supern fucking slow. >:P
ID: sorry we can't all have easily portable lusii. =:P maybe! i don't want to slow you and lal down if you both need to be back or whatever.
AA: naaah. mb?? AA: .. eh, if you can't rnide w us, you should totes rnide w prni. trnavelling is, like, waaaaay morne fun w ppl. AA: also, you'll, like, look less like cullbait, js. >:}
ID: fucking rude. =:P
ID: pri is a ways away in the wrong direction i think. idk. we'll see!
SS: (Wait, where am I gettin wigglernapped to?)
SS: (Soz, missed some ish through Sipa's unique and charmin quirk accent. (\ eue/) )
SS: (Aka dropped my palm husk in a hay pile.)
AA: dude, when they say a quick rnoll in the hay, it's not supposed to be lits. js. >:} AA:and we'rne gonna go watch hads get bits rnipped out by phern.
AA: it'll be fuuuuuun.
ID: if he doesn't do it you will, right sips? =:P
ID: stitches don't agree with my fragile lil bod.
SS: (Define 'bits,' omfg - I'm delicate, my constitution can't handle straight up guro ish and the bleatbeast!) SS: (Guro or furry ish, pls limit to one.)
AA: n, dude, half the fun is seeing you go grneen when you find out.
ID: just no barfing on me lal.
AA: bc spoilern alernt, yrn totes going grneen.
SS: (No reverse vore, got it.) (\unu/) )
SA: laledy, I believe in you. You were okay for the fight weren't you?
SS: (And shit, pal, here I thought I was gonna go violet!)
SS: (Give or take a stab wound!)
SS: (Nah, I totes swooned! Didn't you see 'em valiantly carry the greenblood away? That was totes me.)
AA: n, n, that only happens when you stay in the trnap forn morne than fourn hourns, soz.
SA: wasn't Hadean in the bathtub for several hours over four when we first met.
SA: I don't remember.
ID: was that when we first met? i did spend a lot of time in a tub.
SA: swooned... laledy, you should get a costume. Maybe you will have fun with Sipara and the others acting
SS: (N, def me! Like we totes said, I'm going violet!)
ID: no gills. =:'(
SA: it's a scientific fact that non seadwellers are softer to the touch anyways
SA: so it's for the best
SA: no scales
AA: oh my god, y. AA: pls get a costume. frnom phern.
SA: 😄
AA: it'll be grn8. >:}
AA: and eyy, you and hads can M A T C H.
SA: please don't put laledy in a stripper outfit. I think they at least deserve better than that.
SS: (Shit, pal, I'm down to be a booth babe.)
SS: (Y, SA's got it right! Gimme the hooker outfit like I deserve. (\unu/) )
ID: i will forever be the booth babe master, let's be real.
SA: I-- oh, well, if that's what you really want. 😮
AA: hads, my dude, you can't just say that.
AA: you gotta C'O M P E T E.
ID: fite me lal.
AA: lmao. >:} y, exactly.
SA: what if others want to compete
SA: a booth babe tournament
SA: Sipara, go
SS: (I nominate Sipa to be my champion.)
AA: n, no one else is prnetty enough, soz. AA: and fuck off, it'd be totes unfairn forn M E to compete, dude.
SS: (For fightin, not for babe-ness.)
AA: do you see these abs?? shit's unrneal.
SA: I think im pretty enough 😠
ID: i'll beat all of you any night. anyways, pris! pheres is at the greenblood circle now. so go there and not the maroon circle or where ever he was before. i'm gonna get walking. and i want my eyes free to watch anyone who wants to mess with me.
SA: Sipara wins on abs alone
SS: (Shit, wait, can we have Pheres judge? He's, like, got a thing for green, right?)
SA: I will.
AA: soz, prni, you totes ain't. yrn, like, qt.
SS: (Sipa wins on accounta I'm p sure she can, like, pick me up with one frond and I'm p sure I'm too intimidated to fight that ish.)
AA: like a barnkbeast.
SA: but I wanted to be handsome
AA: totes diff genrne.
SA: but will you fight her in a contest of looks laledy
SA: that's the most important part
AA: ... idk abt one frnond, but now we'rne totes gonna have to see. >:}
SA: oh. Now you've done it 🙃
SS: (Omfg.)
SS: (I demand a one-fronded Sipa carriage to tote me around.)
SS: (And, SA, think of it this way: if you're up an competin with someone on, like, any front.)
SS: (And they can up and do that.)
SS: (D'you really wanna challenge 'em?)
SA: perhaps at a safe distance, with a required boundary line.
SS: (Zactly!)
SA: but I also weigh little enough anyone could pick me up. I am sure Sipara could lift you and I together
SS: (You hear that, Sipa??)
AA: boundarny lines arne forn cheaters and cowa
SS: (He's totes sure!!)
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Are you gonna let him down??)
AA: now we gotta fucking do it. way2babully, prni, jfc.
SA: what is... babully..
AA: ugghhh
AA: I've got some chucklehead trnying to fucking get back up. brnb, brnb. lal, you explain!!SA: be careful Sipara
SS: (Well, you see.)
SS: (When a troll and her ability to talk proper-like love each other v v much, they hook up!)
SS: (But trolls ain't made for datin abstract concepts, so it inevitably goes real sideways-like, and results in ish like trolls decidin they ain't never gonna have ish to do with talkin proper-like again.)
SS: (And that's why Sipara doesn't know how to talk right.)SA: but... what does babully mean
SA: I understand Sipara may have a strange quirk and not speak with perfect grammar or syntax
SA: so is your relationship with the abstract concept of language doing alright?AA: is that also why i'm gonna say you should go pail yrn lusus?? yrn the wornst, omfg. and stfu, prni, you know my quirnk is  G RN8. >:P
SA: :thinking:
SA: :laughing:
AA: it's a bb bully, duuuh.
SA: oh
SA: I'm a good person, I'm not a bully
SA: :lying_face:
AA: that's a box 2 me, brnah, dd.
SA: oh...
SA: I tried
AA: omggg, don't go all glum.
AA: yrn so a bully. bc you darned me and ppl gotta take darnes.  >:}
SA: it was an emoji that was saying j was lying
SA: you could also say no and tell me to hush
SA: another option
AA: omfg, yrn trneachernous. >:'{
SA: :hugging:
SA: now let me hug you with my traitorous hands
SA: I promise nothing bad will happen
SA: this is a joke
SS: (That's, like, the least ominous ish I've heard tonigh twixt the bleatbeast ish and the stitch-pulling, negl.)
AA: oh my god, yrn nevern getting a hug again, jsyk.
SA: I will ask Hadean for one
SA: :cry:
SA: since you won't share hugs
SS: (Sipa, quick, go hide Hads. (\qnq/) )
SA: does that mean I win, laledy?
SS: (Depends, pal, if you win does that mean you ain't gonna go all Bewear on me??)
SS: (Cos I ain't a man of pride, pal, I'm down to forfeit for, like, my life. (\unu/) )
SA: oh I wouldn't do that anyways.
SA: :smiley:
SA: you are all safe with me
SS: (I totes believe you. (\qnq/) )
SA: I'm glad
SA: I must rest now. I will see you later laledy
SS: (See ya laters! (\eue/) )
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