#or at leats it used to be
ratguy-nico · 9 months
and finally
The Best Scene of both episodes.
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I love partying for my emplyer's money, you bet your ass I WILL drink my-monthly-salary worth of vodka.
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milliekou · 5 months
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I attempted to print some stickers of one of my blorbs through a basic printer again after four years, lol.
There's definitely lots of room for improvement especially with the colouring style. But despite those, I had fun making them and plan to make more in the future when time permits. (^▽^)
[ x ]
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dangerousdan-dan · 10 months
Sometimes I really hate the MCU, man. Pls, I want to go through Clint Barton and Kate Bishop's tags without seeing stuff from the movies/shows and what fucking ever. Please.
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holyfvkc · 1 year
demi's song being boycott by the conservatives just prove that Demi did something and I am proud of it
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annadeef · 1 year
Tarkatan disease
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aliengirl · 1 year
i love cooking/baking/decorating kinda "asmr" and aesthetic videos i feel so relaxed, but i always prefer the asian ones because the more American ones drive mad WHY would someone choose to eat dry cake with a cream (buttercream/Chantilly/someotherthing) that is the same in all layers and also in the exterior and then they put 71671 things on the top like, why not use those things to MAKE A PROPER FILLING
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pupplaylogan · 9 months
Im thinking abt virgil tying logan 2 the stair rail again.
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spacerangersam · 2 years
I read a lot of fanfiction and I have a 1st degree in creative writing (also dyslexia, so sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes) so fuck it, here’s some writing advice for newbie writers that I wouldn’t have minded learning earlier:
(also sorry if some of this is incomphresnible, i am- not always good at explaining myself, ironically enough)
If you’re going to use a fancy word please for the love of god look it up and double-check it does in fact mean what you think it means. The same goes if you’re looking up a synonym of a word. Just because google says two words are close enough, doesn’t mean they actually are.
Spacing is your friend. Double spacing is best, but if you can’t do that, single will suffice.  For example this:
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Is much easier to read than this:
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And for me personally, if I can see with a quick glance that a piece has bad spacing I will not even attempt to read it
Don’t use capitals after dialogue if it’s a speech tag. For example, “Don’t be stupid!” she said.  You are, technically speaking, continuing the sentence, after all, punctuation be dammed. If you’re describing a different action though, eg - “Don’t be stupid.” She picked up the knife, thrusting it into the air. - then you can use capitals. It’s a separate action, unrelated to the dialogue, and therefore a separate sentence
And back to spacing, please use a new paragraph for every new speaker. Again, if the layout of a piece is good it will be way easier to read, and more poeple will be willing to read it
This doesn’t matter as much for fanfics, but I think it doesn’t hurt to keep it in mind: a very common way of writing fanfiction is in close third person, ie it’s in 3rd person, but you are focusing on one character only, focusing only on their thoughts, their feelings etc. It’s that one chararcter’s pov, but from a distance. And if that’s the case, you shouldn’t drift to another character’s pov halfway through the prose, then drift back to character a. 
And I’m not talking about a purposeful change to a new character’s pov, I mean this:
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If it was in true close 3rd close, I should not be able to know Blue’s thoughts, as they are not the primary character. You should treat close 3rd person in the exact same way you’d treate 1st person stories. Like I said, for fanfiction, it’s not the end of the world, but still
Make sure you’re not repeating any words too much. If it’s purposefully, then that’s another thing, but if it’s not, cut it down a bit (I literally just had to do that with the examples I showed earlier, as I used the word lighter in two sentences right next to each other).
In the same vein, don’t have characters say other characters' names too often in dialogue. I mean, think about conversations you have with friends/family/co-workers. Do you say their names a lot when talking to them? Probably not, because they know you’re addressing them, there’s no need for it.
Get the free version of Grammarly, if you can. Paid is…probably better but idk, haven’t tried it. Even just the free version is helpful, especially for me as a dyslexic person.
Said isn’t dead. As I mentioned, you don’t want to repeat words so do spice it up a bit, but sometimes, a good old-fashioned said is all you need. Also, don’t be afraid to forget speach tags altogether. If you want to make it clear a new chararcter is talking, you could instead do something like this:
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This isn’t really a tip, but consider playing around with the layout. For example, whenever I’m writing a phone,
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It’s a small thing, not necessarily at all, but I think it makes it a bit more fun to read if you can tell the writer’s also had fun playing around.
Keeping in mind what you’re characters are doing / where they are / any objects that they may holding etc. You don’t want to have character a start a scene holding a mug, only for it to miraculously disappear by the end of it, or do an action they should not be able to do while holding a mug.
This is one I still struggle with, but keeping track of all your characters in a scene - in the sense that if you have five characters, but only 3 are actively doing something it can make it seem like you forgot the other 2, like they’re just standing there like an NPC waiting to be addressed. That’s fine if the 2 characters are canonical quiet and preferred to keep out of the way, but still…I’d recommend giving them something to do.
For example, if I’m having my mc enter a scene with multiple characters, I’ll write a quick sentence describing what each character is doing ie ‘charracter b was reading, c was scoffing down a bowl of cereal, d was fast asleep on the sofa, and e was trying to clean up a stain’.
That way if a conversation does start between three characters and the focus is only on them, you know that the others aren’t just t-posing in the background, waiting, basically. It can help make things feel a bit more natural.
that’s all i have the energy for, i’m afraid. happy writing
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wingedhelix · 2 years
With all the spam bots I legitimately wonder if real people even use this app/site sometimes. But then some wandering soul comes across my domain and likes something which eases that thought.
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tiarnanabhfainni · 2 years
look look i know. loan words are fine, down with language purity and long live the neologism. however. can we please not do "fuckáil leat"? it's giving me the same level of ick as dickcrumpet. let's not. i will settle for "feisigh leat" as a substitute
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sailorbryant · 2 years
I feel so bad for neice and nephew sometimes. They have these moments where they think of me as this badass aunt (Single, living in the big city, bought my own house, wild ass corporate job) and then they reach out only to find out I've spent my entire morning watching history docs and crocheting scarves.
If they knew about the BL obsessesion they'd probably shutdown 🤣
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"nightmare-like" to me is like a scenario that if it happened to you irl it would be scary and stressful. But if youre an outside observer its just lowkey funny and stupid
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dentrox · 1 month
Recently (obviously while being awake at irrationaly late hour while my mind is fried like a good chicken nugget) out of blue my mind reminded me of that gacha trend in fnaf fandom few years ago
With the song where it went something like this:
«Kid: „someone take me home"
Animatronic: „home?"
Kid: „the place where I can go. To take it of my shoulders"
Animatronic: „someone take me home.."»
And usually in those videos the kid got this shocked, horrified, sad expression, right? Cause there usually was like „the ghost" from the animatronic suit appearing/ the kid was seeing the kid in the suit, I don't remember very vividly but you know the deal
Well I just made myself sad by the thought, that actually, the kids would not see the souls in the animatronics. And most likely they would be more confused than anything. And they response would most likely be „but here's your home".
........yeah. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna rot my mind with this thought for the time being
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muirneach · 3 months
aimlessly doing french duolingo. i gotta say huge oversight of the french language to have to say avec du or worse avec de la. you couldn’t combine ‘with the’ into one word? you want what irish and our beautiful prepositions have. you could never compare to leis. a word that can do it all
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itsukia · 7 months
Spent all day making plaster panels for ceramics and im so tired!!!
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