#or bastion if you're being fancy
ynnesidyad · 1 year
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you WILL look at him
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bentosandbox · 1 year
don't block me for this bento lol but while yes i get that her being Huge is hyperbole, i just can't suspend my disbelief that her being tall for a typical IRL asian woman jives with her in-game quote about having trouble getting through doors. she's the only op (outside mudrock i guess) who even has such a line, while men bigger than her have no problems or worries about banging their heads off the supposed tiny doorframe. i'm just being nitpicky about environmental implications i guess lol like why does she have this problem that no one else seems to have. gacha be gacha c'est la vie
also, what was the right line hoshi said to bagpipe? this is the first i've heard of it being mistranslated? :o (thank you for your TL work btw you're one of the few bastions of sense in this wasteland)
you're welcome + all good dw i have a pretty high block threshold for better or worse
Yeah i get it! BUT here is my copium reasoning
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184cm + horn height (if as long as her face + average face length = 20cm) + boot heel height (about 3cm) = 207cm which is just very slightly over average door height (here?) which is 205cm and my view is that just slightly missing a few cm is way more troublesome than going through a door that's obviously smaller than your height since you'll definitely know when to duck than having a perceived illusion that you can make it through without bending down a little and then BANG the rhodes door frame has a little hole or something
I mentioned it here in a little rant i did last july but i'll explain it more in detail below (i thought i did before somewhere. probably twitter but i can't find it so i'll just do another one here)
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I'll do a more literal TL first
风笛: 那个......我的钱包和护照都丢在莱塔尼亚了。 Bagpipe: Um...I lost both my wallet and passport while I was in Leithanien. 星熊: ......我是不是该佩服你? Hoshiguma: ...Should I be admiring you? 风笛: ——被炸得一点不剩了。 Bagpipe: ——They got blown up with not even a shred left. 星熊: 我确实该佩服你。 Hoshiguma: Indeed, I should be admiring you.
And 佩服 really does mean admire
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'what's wrong then' But admire has like 2 main definitions
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And whoever translated it went with the second definition instead of the first; it's not admire in the 'oooo you have an admirer' (someone who fancies you) way, it's admire in the 'wow i admire your tenacity to make your way all the way from Londinium to Lungmen even after almost getting blown to bits otw'
'what makes you so sure its that reading over the other' just read the context of the conversation + I'm well aware of my bias for the JP loc but like. it's because their TL track record is pretty good (esp with characterisation) so I sometimes check it to double confirm my readings, and they use 褒める here which is homeru for you weebs and for everyone else
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So back to the lines, admire sounds strange in context, but the idea is that hoshi is so impressed by her tenacity that she goes 'wow should i praise you?' so I would use 'impress' here
Bagpipe: Um...I lost both my wallet and passport while I was in Leithanien. Hoshiguma: ...Should I be impressed? Bagpipe: ——They got blown up with not even a shred left. Hoshiguma: Yeah, I should be. (Or 'Yeah, that's pretty impressive.' to flow better but it loses the 'should' which I prefer because Hoshi has a tendency to be very passive in her speech)
also also sorry i need to get this out lol i know they want swire to be as bratty as possible or whatever but :\ aghdgfhfgffff as someone who also calls their dad 爸爸 with cantonese tones and not mandarin im just really fucking bummed ok the rep would have been cool it, also has the slightly childish vibe to it that 'daddy' has so (without the discord kitten vibes even /shrug) Yuxia calls her dad 爸 if anyone was wondering
bonus since i mentioned chen's op rec in that og post
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insane that swire's oprec was the last of her batch and chen is the first of the batch after so theyre next to each other in the medal list
TL is fine for the most part but man this is some 'parents making you call them by their first name' level of americanization (they took out most of the 警司 especially the one in their 'first' meeting??naur way...)
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dallydaydream · 29 days
The X-Men 97 season finale. Holy crap, Where do I start.
Young Charles and Magnus using their powers in the opening
Charles and Magnus throughout the entire episode
So. Many. Cameos.
Professor X pointing out "Hey Magnus I don't think mutants are doing too great with the global blackout either"
Actually talking about Magneto's trauma
Cable, however, briefly, referring to Jean as his mother
Phoenix having Jean's back
Calling Bastion on his bullshit
Uh oh Bastion stole Cable's fancy future-tech arm and upgraded himself
The team immediately working together again when Professor X, Magneto, and Wolverine go down
Cyclops telling Wolverine he better recover
"His name was Gambit. Remember it" and the sheer catharsis of Rogue absolutely pounding the snot out of Bastion
Sunspot's pitch perfect codename reveal
Jubilee finally using one of the techniques Abscissa used!
Trojan sentinel!
King T'Chaka and Captain America being the voices of reason against the use of the Magneto Protocols
Cyclops doing the most Cyclops thing possible and offering Bastion a second chance
"Humanity would rather die than have kids like us" Ow. Ow ow ow.
Shooting missiles at the giant asteroid hanging in the sky caused it to fall out of the sky? WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED
Telepathic goodbye to Cable. I'm not crying you're crying.
Morph finally telling Wolverine he loves him, but only feeling able to say it as Jean. My heart.
Scaret Witch, Quicksilver, and Polaris seen in shadow on the boat with Rogue
Asteroid M straight up vanishing. When I tell you I lost my shit--
Bishop! Bishop is back! I missed you Bishop!
Bishop finally gets to be the one who knows what's going on in all this timestream nonsense, it's fun to see the roles with Forge reversed
Cameos in the mutant headshots board
Forge being especially broken up about losing Storm
"It's less a question about where and more when." Ohoho, time travel shenanigaaans
And credits. Oh boy, there's so much to look forward to next seas--
He's teeing up bringing back Gambit as the Archangel of Death oh my god oh my god it's happening
Now to just... patiently wait until the next season. Wondering who time-napped the X-Men. What the present-day gang will get up to. If Bastion survived. If Cable stayed in the present or went back to the future. What's up with En Sabah Nur. What's going on in the far-flung future. Where did Wolverine and Morph end up. What about Storm. How will Wolverine cope without his adamantium skeleton. How much Bishop knows about what happened. How much will Professor X and Magnteo clash after everything that happened. Are we going to hear more from the Shi-ar. Are more of the New Mutants going to be introduced. Will Val Cooper reveal herself as Mystique (we know it's you!).
Or go watch theorycrafting videos on Youtube.
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sw33theartnick · 2 months
You're Okay {Jurassicshipping} | Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Oneshot
“Stop being a wuss! It’s just a horror film!”
“I don’t wanna watch it!”
“Relax, Sy, it’s probably just a really crappily made horror film.”
“No it’s not! Slasher Movie 10 is a classic!”
Movie night in the Slifer Red Dorms had never been so chaotic. It was Chazz’s turn to pick a movie to watch, and naturally, he chose one of his favorites that he wanted everyone to watch – Slasher Movie 10, the best and most horrific one in the entire franchise. Everyone had agreed to it… well… except one person. 
“Guys! Can’t I just go into a different room or something…?” mumbled Syrus, tense in all shapes of the word as he shifted uncomfortably on Chazz’s couch. His cheeks flared from embarrassment as all eyes laid on him. 
“No wussing out! Last week, we all had to sit and watch your Pretty Little Pegasus and Dark Magician Girl movie!” Chazz huffed out with his arms crossed, “and that was garbage!”
“N-No it wasn’t! Your taste in movies is bad!” Syrus fired back. He crossed his arms and huffed out, turning his head to the side. Jaden was sitting on his right, looking down at Syrus with a big grin on his face. 
“C’mon, Sy! It’s true, and it’s just a movie, after all, it can’t hurt you,” Jaden tried to convince Syrus to stay – it wouldn’t be the same if he left. Syrus felt all eyes on him, and he frowned a bit, feeling tense. 
“Sy don’t gotta watch the movie if he don’t wanna,” Hassleberry chipped in. He was sitting on Syrus’ right, glancing down at the Syrus’ trembling figure. The trembling was barely noticeable but… couldn’t exactly escape the perspective eyesight of someone with dinosaur DNA coursing through his veins. 
“We made an agreement that we all have to sit together and watch a movie every Saturday, together!” Jaden whined, “it wouldn’t be the same without Sy!” Alexis, Bastion, Jim, Jesse, Aster, Atticus, and even Axel nodded in agreement. It was true – the friend group had come to an agreement that each Saturday, someone would pick a movie to watch, and everyone would have to watch it. It was a stupid rule, but at the time, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. The movie nights were meant for everyone to have fun and hang out together, but that included everyone or else it wouldn’t be the same. Shoulders slumping, Syrus admitted to defeat. He was just gonna have to sit there and endure the horrific movie. 
“Fine…” the light haired boy replied. Could he get anymore down on his luck than he already was? The group started to disperse only briefly, grabbing out snacks that were saved up for the movie night, along with blankets, pillows, and other necessities for the perfect movie night. For a few minutes, it was just Hassleberry and Syrus lingering on the couch within the room. The short boy sat with his hands clutching tightly to his pajama pants, trying to not to tremble. How bad could a movie titled ‘Slasher Movie 10’ be? It was probably just going to be a cheesy horror flick, knowing Chazz. It shouldn’t be something to worry about. Syrus could handle it, for sure!
“Private, you sure about this?” Hassleberry’s voice broke the silence, “there ain’t any shame in backing out.” 
“I’m sure… everyone’ll be bummed out if I don’t stay,” Syrus pursued his lips, “it can’t be that scary, right? I mean, it’s Chazz we’re talking about here. I doubt he’d pick something genuinely scary. It’ll probably just be one of those cheesy horror flicks! I’m not worried.” Syrus lied through his teeth though, his hands shaking. Even cheesy horror flicks could be scary… well, at least for Syrus. Hassleberry’s eyes softened a bit, and worry clutched at his chest. Movies were meant to be fun, and Hassleberry didn’t fancy that Syrus wouldn’t be having any fun here. His cheeks flared a little bit and he cleared his throat
“If ya get scared, you can hold onto me,” Hassleberry murmured out quietly, but just loud enough for Syrus to hear. The short boy’s eyes widened and his face flushed redder than the Slifer Red uniforms. 
“W-What? D-Don’t be ridiculous! I-I don’t need that–!” Syrus shook his head. Hassleberry flinched a bit, but he didn’t take it to heart. Syrus probably didn’t mean it in an odd way, but maybe he shouldn’t have offered. After all, it was considered a “girl” thing to be all cuddly with one another, especially watching scary movies together. It shouldn’t have been, but maybe Syrus’ family taught him it was. Before Hassleberry got a chance to reply, the others arrived back into the living room. Chazz turned off the lights, and now the only light came from the large television screen. 
“I’ve got blankets and pillows,” Jim pointed out, “only a few, though.” Jim began passing out the blankets and pillows to everyone until there was one large pillow and blanket left. He handed that off to Hassleberry and Syrus. “Sorry fellas, you’ll probably have to share this one or fight over it.” 
“No problem. Thank you, soldier,” the black haired boy nodded, before adjusting the pillow behind him and Syrus’ heads, making sure it fit them both. He then tossed the blanket over both of them, and got a bit closer to Syrus. He was pleased that Syrus didn’t move away – it was easy to read Truesdale’s expressions and body language. He wasn’t shaking as much as he was before, and he looked a bit flustered, but not uncomfortable. Hassleberry knew the jokes his friends would make about him, about how he would sometimes ‘not be so bright’, but he was a lot more observant than they thought. “Sy, you mind? The blanket’s big, but y’know.”
“D-Don’t mind,” Syrus shook his head and cleared his throat a bit. 
“Alright, dorks, I’m gonna start the movie,” Chazz went over and put the movie on, sitting down as Alexis handed out snacks to everyone. Soon though, everyone was in their respective seats that they wanted to be in. Hassbelerry, Syrus, Jaden, and Jesse took up the long couch, while Jim and Alexis were cuddled up on one of the smaller couches. Jesse and Jaden the same while the others were spread out. The movie started, and Syrus shifted a little. How scary could this movie really be? He inhaled and exhaled, adjusting his glasses. This movie couldn’t be that bad! Syrus convinced himself it was nothing to worry about, that he had no valid reason to be worried. It was just a movie, he told himself. That’s what Jaden said originally. It was just a movie and it couldn’t hurt Syrus. Most movies were fictional… but some were based on true events… was this movie one of those? It couldn’t be! Not with a name like ‘Slasher Movie 10’... no way. The more he over-thought it, the more he could feel his chest bubbling. Something didn’t feel right. Biting his bottom lip, Syrus watched as the movie played on. It started  as just another creepy story – a doll made of pure porcelain was found in the attic of a family that just moved in. It couldn’t get any more scarier than that, even if the plotline was used quite often. 
“How you doin’, private?” Hassleberry whispered – luckily for him, Chazz had made the movie’s sound so loud that any quiet conversations would be unheard by everyone else.
“Fine…” Syrus murmured quietly. He didn’t feel fine. The doll was creepy looking, and the story behind the doll was horrific. 
“Can’t lie to me, Sy,” Hassleberry spoke quietly, glancing down at the short boy, who’s figure started to tremble again. It wasn’t unlikely that the others would tease and make fun of Hassleberry and Syrus if the pair got cuddly – sure, Jaden and Jesse were a thing and stuff… but Hassleberry hadn’t come to terms with the fact he’d have to tell Syrus how he felt about him. That wasn’t fun. Hassleberry never had a thing for guys until he met Syrus. He always liked girls, even before he’d come to terms with the fact he wasn’t a boy at birth. Syrus had changed a lot for him, and sure, the two had it rough at first, fighting over who was Jaden’s best friend. That was ridiculous now, though, and his eyes softened a bit. He shouldn’t have been afraid, though, because Syrus looked like he could use some comfort. The others meant no harm, but Hassleberry could see that this was a bad idea to force Syrus to watch a horror film. Should he do something? He wasn’t sure what to do exactly. Hassleberry didn’t want to touch Syrus affectionately without his permission. 
… And there came a jumpscare. The silly protagonist’s husband had tried to get rid of the cursed doll for a decent portion of the movie, not enough to be boring, but enough to build a haunting atmosphere that increased in each minute of the film. The husband had gone to sleep for the night… only to toss and turn, and open his eyes. Everything seemed fine, until he sat up, and the doll jumped from the ceiling, ultimately killing the man with a slashing blade. Syrus jumped a bit, and before Hassleberry had a chance to react, Syrus was clinging onto him. Meek arms wrapped around Hassleberry’s muscular and bigger figure, and he was left speechless, seeing Syrus sink under the blanket with his head against the dino duelist’s chest. Hassleberry’s face flushed and he felt his chest tighten, trying not to freak out from the amount of emotion he was feeling right now. The guy he had a thing for, the guy who changed his whole world… and Syrus was cuddling him. It made him feel happy, but he tried not to get too excited – Syrus probably was just seeking comfort, so he jumped to someone who could give him that. 
If that was the case, why didn’t Syrus jump to Jaden – someone he’d known for much longer than Hassleberry?
It was that thought that changed his mind’s process. If Syrus just jumped to someone for comfort, he would’ve jumped to Jaden. They had known each other since first entering Duel Academy, so it made sense that Jaden would’ve been the one Syrus clung to, but he didn’t. 
“H-Hassleberry… I-I’m scared…” it was quiet, but the dino duelist heard it loud and clear, even over the loud volume of the movie. Hassleberry’s chest tightened in his ribcage and he tensed up. Underneath the blanket, he hooked an arm around Syrus’ small figure, holding him close. He could feel just how scared Syrus was in his hold, biting his bottom lip a little bit. Damn. He wished the others hadn’t sort of forced Syrus to do something he didn’t want to do. The poor thing would probably be traumatized for life now because of this movie – he’d ever be able to look at a doll the same. 
“Oh, you guys are watching Slasher Movie 10? Dude, that movie is like, garbage,” Chazz paused the movie when he heard Aster’s voice, and the gray haired boy entered into the dorm room, hands on his hips. “Got any room for me? Pro dueling has been stressing me out, I need a good thing to laugh at.” 
“Garbage?! Shut your mouth, Phoenix! This is a classic!” Chazz exclaimed. Even the bickering wasn’t enough to ease Syrus’ nerves. The short man still clung desperately to Hassleberry, his head only briefly peeking out from underneath the blanket. Aster walked to one of the couches before getting comfortable himself. 
“What part are we up to?” Aster asked. 
“The part where the doll kills the husband and starts using him as a possessed toy to spook the other members of his family,” Jaden stated, “this movie’s got no shame being scary.”
“I’ve seen scarier. Haunted in Hell is a personal favorite of mine,” Aster smirked, “it’s about someone who gets the death penalty for all the crimes he’s committed and he’s sent down and forever tortured in Hell. Some deep stuff.” Syrus shuddered at that. A movie about eternal torture? He could only imagine just how terrifying that was. He shuddered, displeased even. 
“Of course you’d watch something where a criminal gets punished like that,” murmured Chazz, “now, can we go back to watching the movie? I’m getting bored here.” The others sweatdropped a bit, the kind of cold sweat that was a bit awkward – it had hardly been any time at all wasted! Syrus sighed quietly as he could hear the movie being unpaused, and silence overtaking the group of people. Sure, he couldn’t see the movie anymore, being under the blanket and all, but he was still pretty frightened by the grotesque sounds. He clenched tighter onto Hassleberry, and in return, Syrus could feel Hassleberry’s arm around him tighten its hold, as though trying to comfort and shield the short boy from the fearful things on the screen. It didn’t help that Chazz’s dorm room had surround sound so… the gross sounds were everywhere. Syrus shuddered, and pressed his head into the side of Hassleberry’s chest. The entire time, the strong boy was sitting with his face flush, keeping Syrus as close to him as possible. It was odd… Syrus never expected Hassleberry to smell nice. He expected him to smell like sweat, something what people would consider more manly. Hassleberry smelled nice, though. Syrus couldn’t put his finger on it. He rested a bit more snugly against his friend, his cheeks flaring a bit. Despite the fluster, he still felt… oddly happy like this in Hassleberry’s arms – it wasn’t something he ever considered. His chest tightened a little bit, and for a few moments, Syrus felt like he could fall asleep right in Hassleberry’s arms.
… Until the sound of a gut-wrenching jumpscare could be heard, and despite not seeing it, Syrus jumped. Hassleberry tugged him closer, and conversations from the others could be heard.
“Damn, he just… killed himself to save his kids? That’s tragic,” Jim replied.
“I knew that was going to happen,” Aster rolled his eyes, “a cliche.” 
“It's not cliche! You’re just boring!” hissed Chazz. The others laughed at the banter, but Syrus didn’t. He clutched onto Hassleberry’s pajama shirt, his hands trembling. He tried to think happy thoughts, tried to stay calm. Hassleberry’s comforting embrace helped though, and Syrus never saw the day he’d be this comfortable with him. He calmed down a little bit, still trembling in Hassleberry’s hold. The movie went on, and continued. The movie was frightening, and overall, wasn’t even remotely enjoyable for Syrus – or for Hassleberry. A horror movie about a possessed doll? Yeah, no. Now, Hassleberry wasn’t scared of porcelain dolls in any means, but he wasn’t a fan of something so grotesque. He wished he could sneak Syrus out of here so he didn’t have to sit through the rest of the movie, but saying he fell asleep wasn’t a viable option. Everyone here knew Syrus – he would never fall asleep if he was this scared. Maybe Hassleberry could use an excuse that Syrus was so scared he’d passed out from fear but… eh… that wasn’t a viable option, either. Damn it! He wasn’t sure what to do to get Syrus out of this awful situation; he’d already experienced too much of this unpleasant movie. 
“H-Hassleberry…” Syrus murmured softly, tugging on Hassleberry’s pajama top. The boy looked down at him, though Syrus remained hidden underneath the blanket. 
“What’s up, Sy?” whispered the dino duelist in return.
“I-I’m sorry…” Syrus whispered once again, and Hassleberry was left confused. 
“You got nothing to apologize for, private. The others should be doin’ that; they’re making you watch this awful movie. Everybody’s afraid of somethin’, they should’ve been respectful of what you were afraid of,” the black haired boy nodded, clutching Syrus closer than before. This time, the short boy didn’t reply, but Hassleberry could tell that Syrus softened up a bit to his words, and it made his heart warm. Innocent intentions often could cause harm to others, and Hassleberry knew that. Everyone wanted Syrus there because it wouldn’t be the same without him, and they wanted to spend time with him – but that left Syrus in an awful position where he felt guilty for chickening out, and decided that he should force himself to stay and watch a movie that’d definitely give him nightmares. Another jumpscare came with screams and gut-wrenching noises… and when Syrus let out a quiet whimper, enough was enough. “C’mon, we’re getting out of here.” Hassleberry scooped Syrus up on his arms, keeping the short man covered by the blanket, before turning on his heel after getting off the couch. He hoped no one would notice – thankfully, no one did, and if they had noticed, no one made a comment. Hassleberry snuck out of Chazz’s dorm room while carrying Syrus, before heading back to their shared dorm room. Once inside, Hassleberry carefully placed Syrus down on his bed after managing up the bunk bed ladder, and he sighed softly. “How’re you doin’, soldier?” Syrus poked his head out from the blanket. 
“Y-You tell me–!” he exclaimed, shifting to remove his slippers, tossing them off the edge of the bunk bed, “how am I supposed to get any sleep tonight…?” It was a rhetorical question, not one to be answered, but Hassleberry decided he wanted to give him an answer anyway. 
“Cause you won't be alone, Syrus,” Hassleberry removed his shoes, “scoot over, will ya?” Syrus’ face flushed, but he didn’t retort anything, scooting over on the bed. Hassleberry tossed his slippers down before climbing into his bunk, sliding underneath the blankets with Syrus. “You’re still tremblin’ like a leaf, private.”
“Y-You would too if you just watched a scary movie and you were scared of it! They’re all gonna have our heads for leaving, you know!” Syrus bickered, but Hassleberry didn’t reply to that. He wrapped his arms around Syrus loosely, tugging him only slightly close. He could tell Syrus was trembling from the way the blankets shook lightly, and it was painful to witness. To think, all this could’ve been avoided if everyone considered Syrus’ feelings, but like usual, Hassleberry seemed the most in tune with Syrus’ emotions. 
“Yeah, you’re right. It didn’t scare me, I don’t got a clue what you’re dealing with,” Hassleberry admitted, “but you’re scared right now, and that’s what matters right now.” Syrus tensed a bit further, but he tried to calm himself down, tensing a little bit as he swallowed tightly. Hassleberry really did seem to understand this, didn’t he? Syrus would always make comments about how Hassleberry wasn’t the most observant, but maybe he was indeed wrong. 
“You’re putting t-to much of an effort into a crybaby,” murmured the machine deck duelist, who swallowed tightly. Why did he feel scared? Was it perhaps he was worried Hassleberry would realize Syrus wasn’t worth the time, and he’d leave him all by his lonesome? He wanted the words back as soon as they left his lips but… that was difficult, considering it was impossible to take words back. 
“Yeah,” the tall boy spoke, “but I don’t regret it. Sy…” Hassleberry heaved a sigh as he tensed up, “Sy, I like ya. I like ya a lot.”
“L-Like… l-like bros, right?” Syrus asked, blush creeping on his cheeks.
“No,” Hassleberry replied. He was brave. He could do this. He wouldn’t be afraid of doing this, it needed to be said. “I like you how Chazz used to like Alexis… except less annoying and less pushy.” Hassleberry thought on his words, however, and pursued his lips. “... It’s alright if you don’t feel the same. I get it. I’m real sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” There was silence that overcame the two of them, but Syrus didn’t jerk away from Hassleberry after that confession. It was just quiet, and for a good while, the dino duelist had assumed that the machine duelist had fallen asleep. If that was the case, then Hassleberry wasn’t even worried about whether or not Syrus heard his confession… but he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to say those words again. They were hard to say once, but twice without knowing where Syrus’ feelings lied? That was the real scary part. 
“I-I think I like you too…” Syrus had broken the silence after what felt like ages, “l-like… t-the same way you like me. I never… I never really liked a guy up until you…”
“... Yeah, me neither,” murmured the black haired boy, “something to adjust to, I guess.” Syrus nodded his head, and the two fell silent again, but only for a few moments. “... So are we like… a thing now…?”
“I-If you want…” mumbled Syrus.
“Sy, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want it,” the muscular boy chuckled a bit as he clutched Syrus closer, “get some shut eye, private. You earned it from battling all the fear you endured tonight.” Syrus nodded. He felt comfortable, like he would be able to sleep. He felt the comforting warmth take over him, and he soon fell asleep. Hassleberry smiled a bit, watching the way Syrus snuggled up into him. He was relieved, happy that the horrors of that damn movie had washed away somewhat. Hassleberry himself ended up falling asleep, more comfortable than anything in Syrus’ embrace. 
* * *
The dino duelist crawled out of the bunk bed when he heard the sounds of movement outside. He didn’t wish to wake his beloved up, so he carefully made his way down the bunk ladder and slid into his slippers, popping out to see his group of friends hanging out on the balcony railing, talking about the movie. He grew a bit annoyed, and when Jaden saw him, things changed.
“Hey Hassleberry! Where’s Sy? You guys left earlier,” Jaden pointed out with a frown on his lips, “why?”
“Cause Syrus was scared,” Hassleberry frowned, and his eyebrows narrowed, “sergeant, usually I’m on board with all your decisions, but this one I just can’t get behind. You guys all forced Syrus to sit through a movie he didn’t like.”
“But he made us sit through–” Chazz didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
“Did that movie make you uncomfortable? Did it give ya nightmares?” Hassleberry retorted, crossing his arms. No one answered. “Didn’t think so. I think you guys should apologize to the little fella tomorrow, cause he wouldn’t make you guys watch something that’d downright traumatize you, and I don’t wanna hear any ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, or ‘buts’ about it!” The others were silent, before each of them nodding their head in agreement, even the more difficult ones agreed to such. Hassleberry turned on his heel and entered the dorm he shared with Syrus and Jaden, with Jaden following behind after bidding goodnight to everyone else. 
“Where is Sy?” Jaden asked, being greeted with a stern glare from his taller friend.
“He’s asleep in my bed, and hush up, you’ll wake him up,” Hassleberry scolded before slipping off his slippers and climbing up the bunk. He got underneath the blankets with Syrus, snuggling back up to the shorter man. Jaden stared as he watched this unfold – he did not get the memo why the two were sharing a bed, but eh, if it made them happy, Jaden wouldn’t judge. It wasn’t like he hadn’t fallen asleep in Jesse’s arms on the couch or something. He climbed into bed as well, and the lights turned off, everyone resting for the night.
In truth, however, Syrus hadn’t been asleep entirely. When Hassleberry left to go scold everyone, Syrus had woken up without a word, or giving his boyfriend knowledge that he was awake. To think, Hassleberry had scolded everyone on his behalf, made them realize maybe they’d been too pushy… it was heartwarming, and Syrus found himself smiling into his boyfriend’s embrace, falling asleep once again, and this time, not waking up until sunrise. He was okay, he was okay because of Hassleberry, because Hassleberry cared for him and loved him… Syrus considered himself a very lucky kid that he had him. 
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hi guys! i wrote my first(?) fanfic on here -- i think, don't quote me on that! i will be posting this to my ao3 as well as *maybe* wattpad, haven't posted anything there in AGES
i hope you guys enjoyed reading my jurassicshipping fanfic! these two blorbos have been in my brain and rotting it away (i love them),,, and i threw in some jim x alexis and some jaden x jesse just for little old me
also if you keep up with my shitposts, yes, i based this fanfic off a shitpost i made for hassleberry and syrus ANYWAY TYSM FOR READING WAHH JURASSICSHIPPING FANS RISE UP
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the-seas-song · 13 days
@transexualpirate @meidui @capsicle13 @hainethehero @cowboyhorsegirl
@frankthesnek @whinysteve
I'm sorry for the super long wait - real life has been kicking my butt - but I finally finished my bottom!Steve and Stony astrology essay! I hope it brings you as much happiness as writing it did me. 🥰
You do not have to know much about astrology to read this post. I think I explain everything. If something is confusing, please let me know!
Warning: some NSFW!!!
The Basics: I am looking at Steve and Tony's synastry chart, which describes how their natal charts interact with each other. To learn about Natal charts see here, Synastry charts see here (since these are fictional characters, I'm not really worrying about orb size).
Thanks to my chronic health issues I don't have the energy to do a full synastry reading – this analysis is mostly conjunctions, and is focused on their romance/sexuality placements. 
At least, it was, until I fell down several different rabbit holes. So... I hope this post makes sense and isn't one big incoherent ramble.
This is MCU based: Steve was born on July 4, 1918 in Brooklyn; while Tony was born on May 29, 1970 in Manhattan. I came up with their birth times.
The word Conjunction means that two planets/asteroids are right next to each other. They are in the same zodiac sign and (usually) house. Being so close together merges their energy – like the astrological version of a hug.
Relevant Asteroids:
Asteroids are like mini planets, and have a specific meaning/purpose. Mars is usually associated with sex, but that's only a small part of it - it's also about primal instincts and drive. The astroid Eros, on the other hand, is just about sexuality - the Greek god Eros is where the word (and concept) of eroticism comes from.
While Venus tells you about what you're attracted to in love, Juno tells about the traits you need in a long-term partner – this is the astrological personification of want vs need. The asteroid Chiron tells you about the major soul wound you will be dealing with throughout your life. Alma tells you about your soulmate.
Tony's Gemini Sun is conjunct Steve's Venus, Juno, AND Eros!
Tony's Cancer Venus is conjunct Steve's Sun.
Tony's Capricorn Eros is opposite Steve's Cancer Sun.
Tony's Aries Moon, Chiron, Juno, and Alma is conjunct Steve's Chiron and Alma.
Now, let's go through this!
Steve's Eros in Gemini and 10th House:
Eros in Gemini says, “If you want me, talk to me!” Here Eros thrives on the interaction of ideas, and the intellectual stimulation found in sharing observations, data and little understood facts. He likes it known how well he comprehends a subject and how much he could teach about it. Eros in Gemini wants to hear the words, or receive little cards with messages of love, much more than he wants to get a box of chocolates or even a massage!
Gemini governs the realm of the mind, the known universe, its facts and fancies. When Eros dresses in this outfit, he seeks intimacy first through intellectual rapport and that usually means talking. The mere act of communication can stimulate this position of Eros into desires for deeper intimacy and union, provided one listens to the discourse. The beloved’s inattention to detail or loss of concentration on the subject kills a genuine pursuit faster here than in any other sign.
Curiosity about how things work, why people behave in a certain way, or where some tradition began all contribute to the stimulating mental atmosphere where Eros in Gemini likes to live. He uses knowledge as a lure, his mind as bait and his wit as reward. He also uses these intellectual instruments as a bastion against the pain and suffering of the emotional world. The first of the AIR signs, Eros in Gemini has a sense of mental objectivity and a distinct need for space. Although drawn irrefutably to the depths of intimacy by the nature of Eros itself, in this sign he may at times do more talking or reading about emotional closeness than going out and experiencing it.
HIS EROS IN GEMINI: Cosmically activated by ever changing scents. He always likes to be surprised. Flip him out with a hot Latin scent one moment, then blast him with a fresh, clean soap smell the next. He wants to hear: Come here, go away! The laughing cavalier of love, Eros in Gemini can’t engage his heart without a strong mental affinity. He’s aroused by new info, gossip and jokes that he hasn’t heard yet. He gets bored with moralizing and emotive ranting. So just keep him interested with lots of chitchat. He’ll love that you change the subject before he can. Whether he’s happily soulmated or not, this guy needs to feel as though he’s with a variety of people. Feel free to show off the myriad aspects of beautiful you to him. Reassure him by remaining unpredictable and always elusive. (source)
Eros Kinks: 
Gemini/3rd House: giving and recieving oral, Dirty talk, Voice kink, Breath play, Moaning, Roleplay, Teacher-Student dynamic (will be the student), Blowjobs & Handjobs for dayss, Switch, Fisting, Threesomes, Making out (the best)
Capricorn/10th House: Edging, Dry humping, Bondage (handcuffs, straps, Ropes & etc), Orgasm control, Cuckholding, Sadism, Whips, Office sex, Secretary-Boss dynamic, Size kink, Black & Red lingerie (source)
Eros in 10th
Here, the person can fall in love with people who hold positions of prestige, which in fact may in some way be related to the area of their career. Can experience strong love affairs with the executives of the company in which works. Is, in general, a person who provokes intense passions within his workplace. (source)
Steve's Venus in Gemini and 10th House:
People with a Gemini Venus are very communicative people in their relationships, they are the type of people who could talk with their crush and/or significant other for hours on the phone or through texts. They love to tease and give nick names to their partner, anything that gives some sort of communication. They are attracted to people that are very witty and intelligent, they don’t care much for looks, they want someone who can stimulate them mentally and not physically, they care more about talking and mental stimulation than the physical aspects of relationships. Venus in Gemini is very flirtatious, but may not be if there is prominent earth or water in the chart [Steve has this], but for the most part, they love to flirt by stimulating the mind of other individuals and just getting to know people and asking many questions. Gemini Venusians want someone that will make them laugh and never be boring, if you’re not funny or you’re monotone, you’ll bore the Gemini and they’ll go off and look for something better. Naturally they don’t like to be held down by relationships most of the time, but they will if the relationship never gets boring and is exciting, they need that in order to stay committed. Venus in Gemini is a whirlwind of beauty and mental stimulation, and that’s what makes them such interesting people in relationships and just in general. (source)
Venus in the 10th House: In terms of love, these individuals tend to choose partners based on logic rather than emotion, carefully considering whether they will be good partners. They are drawn to powerful and accomplished people but also value trustworthiness and accountability. With traditional values, this placement indicates that these individuals may meet their partners at work or in a professional setting and desire, not just a successful partner but also one that adds and support their own success. (source)
Steve's Juno in Gemini and 10th House:
Juno in Gemini
Juno in Gemini natives crave intellectual connection the most. It might sound cliché for a Gemini/Mercurian placement, but the truth is that no matter how attractive a person is, it won’t truly matter to a Juno in Gemini native unless the mental connection is there. I have personally met a couple people with this placement, and they have identified as sapiosexuals (or sapiophiles). They just find mental stimulation as appealing as physical attraction, and they believe that lifelong partnerships and/or relationships are based on intellectual compatibility.
Juno in the 10th House
People with this placement need someone who can understand the level and depth of dedication they have when it comes to their craft, their work, and most of all, their ambition. These natives cannot be with someone who isn’t going to help them achieve their goals, those who doubt their abilities, and those who settle for less. Juno in 10th House natives thrive with a partner who can push them to succeed when things get challenging, someone who trusts that the native can accomplish their work goals, and who can believe in the native’s leadership skills. (source)
In general, Gemini is a very youthful and intellectual sign. Steve having these planets/asteroids in his 10th house means he's drawn to older and professionally-established people. Steve not only wants, he needs to be the bratty bottom for long term success.
(Not to mention, Steve was 26 when he went into the ice – and his mind and body were still 26 when he was defrosted in March/April 2012. This means Tony is 15 years older than him.)
The Sun represents your core personality. What Steve both wants and needs is Tony. Just Tony, the man who looks into the mirror and hates what he sees:
Steve: “Your heart was in the right place.” Tony: “I wish I could say, “the story of my life,” but we both know that's not exactly true.” Steve: “I wish you wouldn't do that.” Tony: “Do what?” Steve: “Put yourself down all the time. Be so self-critical.” Tony: “I don't think anyone's ever said that about me before. They've said other things. Called me other things. Genius, billionaire, philanthropist... narcissist, egomaniac...” Steve: “Because that's the person you present to them. But I don't know that Tony Stark. I just know you as Tony.” (source)
Now, Tony's Eros placement. It is in Capricorn and opposite Steve's Cancer Sun. Oppositions are like yin and yang – completely different on the outside, but the same underneath. They are always in complementary elements (earth/water and air/fire).
Tony's Eros in Capricorn and 2nd House:
Eros in Capricorn. These natives are sensual and earthy in their sexual desires. The libido is strong, but controlled. Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a sign that likes to be in control—not necessarily in control of others, but in control of themselves. Many Eros in Capricorn people channel much of their desire nature into accomplishing something significant.
Eros in Capricorn says, “touch me, buy me things, and balance the books if you think you are qualified”. This position of Eros has powerful concepts about what is good and what is good enough. There is a need for competence and capability that the earthy sign of Taurus would never consider important. Eros in Capricorn is looking for a type of tangible perfection in the other or failing that, a certificate of completion at least.
Capricorn may sublimate its earthy and very ardent desires for sensual contact and intimacy through the ever-present demands of work. Productivity, attainment, and a feeling of self-sufficiency are vital qualities for Capricorn and they like to see them in the partner as well as themselves.
The third of the EARTH signs, Eros in Capricorn has a powerful need to connect in a physical sense and may also have equally powerful reservations, fears and objections to intimacy. Caution is the watchword. This sign is acknowledged as one of the most difficult to get to know. They do not open up easily and they may not stay open long.
The paradox is that Capricorn is extremely sensual and sexual in a very earthy, potent, Pan-like way. Its symbol is half goat after all and the implication of fertility and sexuality imbibe the image. They have all the desires of Taurus lounging side by side with their deep well of fear. (source)
Eros Kinks: 
Capricorn/10th House: Edging, Dry humping, Bondage (handcuffs, straps, Ropes & etc), Orgasm control, Cuckholding, Sadism, Whips, Office sex, Secretary-Boss dynamic, Size kink, Black & Red lingerie
Taurus/2nd House: Ball gags, Toys, Gagging, Lingerie, Choking, Sensation Play, Having someone as their Fucktoy, Objectification in general, Body worship, Food fetish & Sploshing (eating food on someones body), Hickeys, Massage sex, Chokers (source)
Eros in 2nd
Here love itself can improve a person's financial situation and promote the process of personal self-evaluation. Possible love affairs that offer passion but at the same time serve the personal interests of the person and offer him security. Possessive person who sees his/her partners as his "property". (source)
Tony's Eros placement complements Steve's Eros placement perfectly. But not only is Capricorn associated with the 10th House (paralleling Steve's placement), but it also touches on Tony's fear of emotional intimacy. To repeat the article above: “The paradox is that Capricorn is extremely sensual and sexual in a very earthy, potent, Pan-like way. Its symbol is half goat after all and the implication of fertility and sexuality imbibe the image. They have all the desires of Taurus lounging side by side with their deep well of fear.”
This leads us to Tony's Venus placement. His Venus is in Cancer, and is conjunct Steve's Sun.
Tony's Venus in Cancer and 8th House:
The Venus in Cancer man is attracted to everything feminine about women. He can theoretically be interested in a woman with any type of look, but he tends to notice feminine attributes like long hair, simple and sweet clothing, soft summer dresses, and aura of innocence, etc.
The Venus in Cancer man is also attracted to someone who shows their emotions and is able to be vulnerable. He wants someone who sees him emotionally and appreciates him for who he is.
This man will usually pick women who are unlikely to reject him. Any type of rejection is extra hurtful to a Venus in Cancer man. He will have a hard time letting go of a relationship, even if the partnership goes badly. The Venus in Cancer man is romantic and loving. He is protective, but at his worst, he can also be jealous or possessive. This man needs an intuitive connection with his lover; he wants both partners to be able to sense each others’ feelings. The Venus in Cancer man desires someone he can take care of. He loves to provide for his partner.
Sensitivity is big for the Cancer man, even if he doesn’t show it. He may hide behind the “crab” shell because he has such a gentle internal world. It can take the Venus in Cancer man a while to open up to his partner. He is really protective of his feelings and needs to be sure he can trust someone. Typically, the Venus in Cancer man will be like a parent to his family and friends. He is the caretaker of the group. He’s very protective of those he loves. He may try to be the hero for everyone, not for the glory, but because he feels the need to save everyone.
Sometimes, the Venus in Cancer man can end up with emotionally unstable partners because he attracts people who he needs to “mother.” He may do this completely unconsciously, but the end result is a lot of emotional turmoil.
Ideally, the Venus in Cancer man will feel needed but not suffocated. He wants a partner who lets him take care of them but who doesn’t need a full-on surrogate parent. (source)
Venus in Cancer: You’ll attract a nurturing, empathetic partner who values emotional security and creating a cozy, comfortable home together. (source)
Venus in 8th House: In a relationship, you want to share yourself completely and seek your soulmate. You place a high value on intimacy, which may lead to jealousy or possessiveness if you feel hurt or in danger. Sex is an important part of any relationship for you, and you may have numerous kinks and desire to explore your sexuality and limits with a trusted partner. This placement is often fraught with drama, and you may choose the wrong partner for a relationship. Ultimately, you have a strong desire to save and assist others but remember that everyone must first help themselves to solve their problems. (source)
Steve is much more in touch with his feminine side than Tony is. He's definitely the CapMom to Tony's IronDad. (Tony even teases him about turning “the mansion into a day-care center”)
In the comics, Pietro accuses Steve of having “an incurable mother hen complex.” In the films, we see Steve seek out other Avengers in order to talk about their feelings and provide comfort (Natasha in TWS and EG, Bruce in AOU, Wanda in CW) – essentially playing therapist, so he can ignore his own issues (Natasha calls him out for his in EG).
Steve's Sun and Moon signs are both ruled by feminine planets, and his rising sign is ruled by the androgynous Mercury.
Steve's Sun in Cancer:
The crabs are feminine, cardinal water signs. Due to being associated with the water element, depth runs deep in their veins. They are very tender and easily get bruised. It is not easy for them to let go of the hurt someone pondered on them. Motherly instinct is in abundance in their nature. They are extremely sensitive and vigilant of everyone’s needs in their vicinity. They can come out to be a little dependent on their friends and family because they need a lot of support in their regular emotional bursts. This doesn't mean that you can take them to be weak. They have hard shells on the outside, primitive stuff can't penetrate and bother them.
It is usually hard for a Cancer man to live in the present. They find it difficult to forgive and forget thus it is highly likely to see them bothered due to things that happened a long time back. They have a funny side inside their fragile hearts too. If they feel comfortable around you a Cancer man's traits of being a fun-loving person can pop out.
Cancer traits in males can be seen even in their workplace. They are very dedicated to their duties. They can be seen putting extra hours without any hesitation. These extremely chivalrous souls are very sensitive and get easily wounded so it is important to be considerate to them. Being intuitive is one of the most basic Cancer man traits. They believe in vibes and stay away if needed, to save their emotions and energy.
Cancer Male Characteristics include qualities like being supportive, sentimental, moody, family-oriented, and loyal. They have big-time nostalgic feelings all the time and feel the longing in a very deep manner. They are very traditional people, the kind who love deep, stay at home and fulfill all kinds of needs of their loved ones. They can be moody at times. So if they are acting weird lately, give them some time, it is seen that a Cancer man returns to their original self in a very short period. Patience walks hand in hand with a Cancer man's personality. They never leave you midway if you are having a bad time. They are highly versatile and social in needed situations. They can be lazy at times and highly unpredictable. (source)
Steve's Moon in Taurus:
Those born with the Moon in Taurus have an instinctive need for material security. This doesn't necessarily mean that they have a materialistic attitude, just that they need everything to be materially arranged to feel secure enough to pursue other interests. They have a strong sense of values, possibly inherited from their mother, are emotionally stable, and other people feel calm around them.
For natives with a Moon in Taurus, the easiest way to calm down after an emotional overload is to eat something good. In this case, the old instinct kicks in: if there's something good to eat in the house, all is not lost. Life goes on, and everyone can relax and forget about the unpleasantness.
The Taurus Moon is extremely strong-willed but also has some vulnerabilities but nobody knows them. (source)
Steve's Virgo Rising:
Wholesome, organic and au natural the Virgo Rising vibe is one of absolute honesty. From the beach to the midwest these folks comprise darn near every natural and wholesome vibe there is, From the California vegan to the Idaho country boy. And this is no coincidence. When you have the earthiest of the earth signs as you ascendant it’s darn near impossible to shrug off that down-to-earth quality, and why would you want to. In this world full of designer bodies and makeup-caked faces the Virgo vibe is a much-needed breath of fresh air.
Virgo Rising Men cue the montage of slow sidelong smiles, nights in truck beds, and hard sweaty (and for some reason shirtless) labor. These are the men for whom the cornfed country boy was created. Not to pigeonhole these men, because they seem to be able to find their earthy natural truth wherever they happen to be from boasting just as many indie looks, and surfer boys as good old fashioned country ones. Beyond their looks there tends to be a certain whole grain quality to their manner. No forced laughs. No frivolous conversation. They can be very well educated and still prefer a no-nonsense approach to communication. All of which comes together to create a presence that one could only describe as trustworthy. Wherever these earthy boys happen to be, expect them to be vibe natural and shoot straight. (source)
Virgo risings are the most detailed, analytical, keen, sharp, methodical, critical and nit-picky sign of the zodiac. They are extremely discriminating and watchful on all the details. They can literally find the needle in the haystack because they can actually see it. Virgo risings are modest on their own terms. They are cautious, conservative and contemplative in thought as their brain kicks around the entire minutia. They are also quite industrious and they have an attraction for wealth.
When Virgo risings speculate, it often causes them to worry or go into a state of high anxiety because they just want to know the details coupled with the bottom line. They can be very sensitive to their surroundings and the conditions that surround others. They are cautious in their interests, diplomatic, shrewd in business and have a keen way of being tactful. They act with forethought and sensitivity because they include the details with their thoughts.Virgo risings can be totally organized and attentive to details in some areas, while at the same time be appallingly disorganized and sloppy in other areas.
The voice is normally rather soft; however, it can sound a bit flat and somewhat lacking in coloration. Overall, it is the general neatness and cleanliness typical to Virgo which really catches the eye. Regardless of the Sun-Sign, there is something of the fussy bachelor or prim old maid present. They probably look their best when in very simple attire. (source)
(Cancer and Taurus are two of the most possessive signs in the zodiac – if Steve got Tony, he would never let him go. 
Also, his Virgo Rising makes me think of that hilarious AA episode where he tells Clint “reading files is my hobby”))
Who can forget the time Carol Danvers called Steve a “hipster doofus”?
In all seriousness, that comic page is an excellent example of Steve's natal chart – he's hanging out in a park that has been around since he was a kid, talking about how unprocessed ingredients not only 'taste like heaven' but the way he remembers them, and rereading Lord of the Rings for the millionth time.
We got Steve's first 'accurate' backstory in 1981 (the first backstory was published in 1978, but was later revealed to be a false memory):
I see here – that he grew up on the Lower East Side of New York City! Evidently, much of his youth was spent trying to help his family make ends meet during the depths of the Depression. Oh... I see... his father died when he was still a child, and his mother had to struggle just to keep her son and herself fed.  Still, despite their deprivation, Steve kept up with his schooling, and became a voracious reader... especially of fantasy! Given the state of his reality, I can well understand why. Ah. It seems that the boy also had a natural talent for art. But he kept his love of art, and of books, a secret to avoid taunts and beatings at the hands of his peers. As the Depression wore on, time became increasingly difficult for the Rogers' household. Sarah Rogers took in laundry... and taxed herself to the limit to provide for her son. But time and hardship eventually took its toll, and as Steven entered his late teens, his mother passed on – a victim of pneumonia. Out on his own, young Rogers managed to find a cheap boarding house and took a job as a delivery boy. It was not an easy life, nor a very good one... but somehow, he survived. And then, one day, while trying to escape into the fantasy world of the movies, Steve Rogers encountered an even harsher reality – in newsreel footage of the Nazi war machine in its relentless march across a war-torn Europe!
I want to call attention to the word choice here: deprivation. Deprivation means “a state of extreme poverty” and “the fact of not having something that you need, like enough food, money, or a home.” 
Steve wasn't just poor, he was constantly on the verge of starving and being homeless – which would have been a death sentence, considering his numerous health issues. “But somehow, he survived.”
We know that Steve's Taurus Moon is an essential part of his character – he is strong willed and he did get his moral code from his mom (he is the original mama's boy, after all) – but that lack of material security? That's huge, and the effect it had on his psyche cannot be overstated. Really. If you like Steve, you have to understand this.
But back to Tony. Steve is his ideal romantic partner – but accepting that means accepting his soft and vulnerable side, which Tony isn't great at (keep reading for more on this).
Tony has his Moon, Chiron, and Juno conjunct each other in the first half of Aries (1-15 degrees). These planets are conjunct Steve's Chiron. In the second half of Aries (at 24 degrees) Steve and Tony have Alma conjunct Alma.
We're going to look at Tony's Moon, Chiron, and Juno first.
Tony's Moon in Aries:
The Aries Moon has a strong tendency to be "me first" in the sense of focusing on self-interest. Aries Moon rejects conventional behaviour and accepts discipline with difficulty. Aries tends to be nervous, quick-tempered and impulsive. Those born with Moon in Aries have a bold attitude, always seem self-satisfied and act boldly.
Moon in Aries steps into adult life like a child. The natives following their instincts, without hesitation, with a certain naivety, with natural and sincere enthusiasm. They are great lovers of unexpected and risky experiences. Those born with Moon in Aries throw themselves into situations that sometimes cause heart arrhythmias in parents and relatives. When the other personality traits lead to temperance, then the natives have a pronounced spirit of initiative, making their own way in life. (source)
An Aries Moon man is action-oriented and fiery. In relationship with their family, they would provide for their family monetarily before doing so emotionally. They ensure that all financial needs are fulfilled first. They make impulsive choices in love and in life, and these choices are passionate and wild to say the least. It requires a partner who is cool, calm, collected and sorted in their mind to handle and be happy with this man. (source)
i.e. IronDad.
Tony's Aries Moon is sextile his Gemini Sun and trine his Sagittarius Rising. This means his sun-moon-rising placements are constantly channeling energy into – and enabling – each other.
(A little astrological nerd fact: Tony's Aries Moon is ruled by Mars, while Steve's Taurus Moon is ruled by Venus. Venus/Mars is one of astrology's ultimate power couples!)
Tony's Sun in Gemini:
The Gemini man is very extroverted. He’s always ready to go and jump into something new and exciting. Since he needs constant stimulation, he is quite versatile and good at handling more than one task at once. He can be quite competitive, always up for a good challenge.
The Gemini man is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Geminis are smart and quite good at talking and keeping up with conversations. He might be the type to give advice, most likely unwarranted. However, his communication skills aren’t always a good thing. He can be quite persuasive and skilled at lying. Also, he is awful at talking about his feelings. He will avoid it all costs. (source)
Tony's Sagittarius Rising:
Epic adventures, sweeping grandeur and swashbuckling heroes, the world of the Saggo Rising is the stuff of legend. In their minds they’re just doing what feels right; exploring, laughing, living life to the fullest, but to the rest of us mere mortals they blaze through our lives with a passion and bravado we can’t muster on our best day. The downside….It’s very lonely at the top. Their propensity to burn so brightly garners both fans and detractors. And sometimes burning this bright causes them to blow out. But my God what would we do without their shine.
Much like his symbol the centaur, Sag rising men tend to be equal parts savage and civilized–the noble beast, if you will. In fact, he may just be the most outwardly “manly” sign taking on the world with a masculine bravado not seen in any other sign, well except perhaps Aries. But what really sets these guys apart from the pack is their stunning lack of “meat-headed-ness”. Underneath all that swarth and sweat is actually a great mind with great hope and faith in both himself and the world around him. This great mind effectively enables him to put all that passion and energy to use, while his more primal side keeps his idealistic side grounded in the real world. Balance is the key and a lot of Saggo men tend to either overuse one to the detriment of the other, or they flip back and forth rushing ahead with the primal side and using the philosopher for clean up or explanation reasons. In relationships, this balance becomes even more important because this man above all others can go from wild sex God to sexless priest at the drop of a hat as restraint is not his strong suit. However, if he can control his urge to delve into extremes, these men usually have a huge impact on the world around them. (source)
In Tony's comic backstory, he has a childhood love of King Arthur and Arthurian legends; and there's no question that Iron Man is both a 21st Century Knight and Tony's ultimate self-fulfillment fantasy (in a good way!). 
There are two types of idealism, and people often confuse the two. Steve and Tony are especially interesting, because they each personify one of the types of idealism:
1. “a person who values principles above practical behavior”
2. “someone who believes that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to others”
There is a comic quote that sums Steve and Tony up perfectly: “Steve gets back up because it's the right thing to do. Tony gets up because he believes in the future.” (if anyone knows what comic this is from, please let me know!)
To quote another comic:
I remember one day, way back, I asked Tony what drove him to work so hard all the time... “Wonder,” he said. The man who single-handedly defined the technology of our age was fired by an innocent, childlike awe at the possibilities of the universe around him... he told me about the kick he got out of cutting loose in a fully stocked lab. About the hours that would slip away unnoticed as he wrestled with a new idea... about the buzz of taking a concept further and faster than anyone had dared before. About the euphoric moment when he knew – just knew – he'd got it right. He told me about his heroes... Newton and Edison, Babbage and Riemann, Faraday and Leonardo. And the others, the visionaries who looked to the future... Wells, Gernsback, Campbell, Asimov and Clarke... with their time machines and flying wings and metal men and rocket ships... “The future -”, he said; looking down at his open hands, “-begins here.” (source)
And @starkly-tony :
Tony has never had much faith in anyone else to do anything right. And when it comes down to it he’s not a big fan if himself, either. But he believes in the future. He believes that, for all its flaws, humanity is bettering itself. It’s worth investing in. It’s why he does what he does and why he’s a futurist. Steve is the exact opposite. He believes in individuals. But, coming from the 40s, he’s already seen the future, and what it looks like is a whole lot of the same. Sure, some things are better, but there still war and strife and pain and inequality. He has no reason to believe that another couple decades will make any difference at all. But when you put them together, they complement each other perfectly, whether as teammates or friends or anything else. Tony has more than enough faith in humanity for the both of them and Steve has more than enough faith in people. And I just think that’s beautiful. (source)
All of this is great, but we have a giant self-esteem shaped hole here. 
Tony's Chiron in Aries and 4th House:
In Aries, the Chiron wound is all about a core feeling of worthlessness.
This is supposedly one of the most difficult yet important Chiron placements, although I tend to find that all Chiron placements are really painful. The reason that Aries can be so difficult is because it’s directly related to who you are as a person.
Those with the placement of Chiron in Aries will often feel that they lack some sort of core self or that something is somehow wrong with them. They won’t feel sure of themselves or appear confident at all.
They may feel that they’re unfocused, uncentered, or that they just generally don’t belong. They may see everyone else in life moving along with a purpose but feel that they weren’t given one.
Above all, people with Chiron in Aries may feel that they don’t have the right to exist or that they are somehow a mistake.
The shame from this wound may make it very difficult to actually acknowledge it and begin to heal it, but this wound can also be extremely transformative as it heals.
After all, we’re all here for a reason, and the person with Chiron in Aries always has a very important purpose in the world! (source)
This Chiron placement very often indicates a broken home. In many cases, the parents didn’t have a good relationship. They may have been absent as well. Temporary or permanent separation is very common among people with a Chiron in 4th house natal placement.
Chiron in 4th house indicates a difficult relationship with one of the parents (often the mother). Typically, the care they could give you was not sufficient in some way. It can also happen that they were not present mentally and they couldn’t respond to your needs appropriately. It is very common that this parent was in an overwhelming position themselves and they had no resources to take care of you because they couldn’t take care of themselves either. This placement very often indicates a mother wound.
It’s a frequent theme here that there was no one around who had the inner strength and resources to teach you how to cultivate emotional stability. Childhood is very often a lonely time in your life. Children blame themselves for negative things around them, and this guilt often leaks into your adulthood as well.
This placement suggests that early influences may be holding you back. It is common for these people to feel guilt if they are about to make substantial changes in their life, something that was not evident to happen in your family. You may feel disloyal and unconsciously sabotage yourself in order not to “betray” your ancestors.
Chiron in 4th house in the natal chart suggests an unhealed relationship with the past. This placement may suggest guilt or shame related to your past. Letting go is very hard. People with this position sometimes keep blaming their parents for the deficit in their childhood, even into adulthood. Chiron here often manifests as clinging to past memories and seeing it as something preventing you from building your future. In other cases, you may try to desperately escape your past. There’s no balance.
When you are out and about in the world, you suppress your true emotions and try not to show weakness. This placement can indicate a fear of vulnerability because of the experience of no one being around to hold space for you. It can also work out as creating a sense of safety by accomplishing great things in your professional life. Many people who have this Chiron placement seek reassurance in their achievements. They are often hard-working and determined individuals. (source)
Moon conjunct Chiron:
Moon conjunct Chiron is a very painful aspect. If the outcome of this aspect is that you felt unwanted and that you weren’t taken care of, you might now feel extremely lonely and insecure.
There are many ways that this could have played out. Your mother might have been absent, verbally abusive and aggressive, passive-aggressive, or simply ignored your emotional needs.
You also might develop nurturing issues towards yourself and others. You may ignore your own needs because they were ignored by your mother or primary caretaker, or you might ignore the needs of others who are close to you (your partner, children, family, friends, pets, etc.).
The healing path with this moon conjunct Chiron aspect is to reconnect with the inner child and give your child what they didn’t get when you were actually little.
I personally believe that the inner child will always exist energetically on some dimension, so simply ignoring them isn’t an option. You won’t be able to heal these wounds until you go through the process of healing yourself inside.
Only then can you nurture yourself and others in an appropriate, caring way. (source)
Honestly, these placements read like a character biography. The devastating effect Howard had on Tony cannot be overstated (see here, here, and here for some good meta).
Juno in Aries
The first group of people with this placement are those who act in a dominating way during first impressions. These natives want to know if potential partners have what it takes to handle their fiery and strong energies. The second group are those who want a partner who is dominating and assertive in nature! They might purposely play coy and damsels-in-distress to see how those potential partners react. They need to see what the other person will do, or how they react to certain situations — if the potential partner can be as assertive as they are. And lastly, the third group is a mixture of the first and second groups. They might swing back and forth with their dominating, self-reliant attitude, to becoming a passive spectator in the next moment.
Out of all the placements, this may be the one who does not want to marry after all. These people’s self-reliance and confidence in their own company may overpower their desire for romantic partnerships. (I have this placement, so I know the struggle of this particular placement very well).
Juno in the 4th House
If Juno in the 2nd House natives yearn after the security and safety of a house, Juno in the 4th House natives yearn to make a “home out of the house.” People with this placement want to feel emotionally secure with the partner they’re with that goes beyond material things or tangible results. This is especially true if Juno is in retrograde. The native might have seen the unsavory dynamic of their childhood families, and may want to “do it all over” in a proper way to rectify and soothe their inner child. But they also could’ve had a good and emotionally secure childhood, and wouldn’t want to lower those standards their loving parents have established. (source)
Juno Aspects the Moon: The attraction will be to emotional and nurturing partners, and domestic types. At least they will tend to be nurturing with the harmonious aspects conjunction, sextile and trine. (source)
The 4th House is associated with Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon. Tony having his Juno in the 4th House and conjunct his Moon means his need for Cancerian traits is strengthened. This puts Tony in the first group. All Tony wants and need is Steve. The sensitive dork hiding under Captain America.
Now, on to Steve's Chiron in Aries and the 8th House:
In Aries, the Chiron wound is all about a core feeling of worthlessness.
This is supposedly one of the most difficult yet important Chiron placements, although I tend to find that all Chiron placements are really painful. The reason that Aries can be so difficult is because it’s directly related to who you are as a person.
Those with the placement of Chiron in Aries will often feel that they lack some sort of core self or that something is somehow wrong with them. They won’t feel sure of themselves or appear confident at all.
They may feel that they’re unfocused, uncentered, or that they just generally don’t belong. They may see everyone else in life moving along with a purpose but feel that they weren’t given one.
Above all, people with Chiron in Aries may feel that they don’t have the right to exist or that they are somehow a mistake.
The shame from this wound may make it very difficult to actually acknowledge it and begin to heal it, but this wound can also be extremely transformative as it heals.
After all, we’re all here for a reason, and the person with Chiron in Aries always has a very important purpose in the world! (source)
The 8th House rules over matters of intimacy and trust, and Chiron’s presence here can indicate significant wounds in these areas. Individuals may struggle with letting others in, fear betrayal, or grapple with issues of power and control in their relationships.
Chiron’s placement in the 8th House also bestows individuals with a unique ability to empathize with the pain of others. They can often become skilled healers or counselors, using their own experiences of healing and transformation to guide and support others on their journeys.
Over time, those with Chiron in the 8th House can develop remarkable resilience and inner strength. Their ability to confront and heal their deepest wounds gives them a sense of empowerment and a profound connection to the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
Ultimately, Chiron in the 8th House represents the “dark night of the soul,” where individuals must confront their inner demons and face their fears head-on. It often represents a journey from woundedness to wisdom, where the individual can learn to harness their own transformative power. The symbolism of this placement is much like to that of the phoenix rising from its ashes—a powerful metaphor for rebirth and renewal.
Ultimately, this placement teaches us that our deepest wounds can be sources of strength and that through embracing our own vulnerability, we can facilitate powerful and enduring transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us. (source)
The 8th House is associated with Scorpio and Pluto; thus it carries the same themes:
Transformation, sex, taboos, and all the strange things that sit beneath the surface - the eighth house gets a bad rap, but it can also be one of the most fascinating. Known also as the house of sex, the house of death, the house of transformation, and the house of reincarnation, this is the place where death, legacy, deeper intimacy, shared resources, inheritance, magic, secrets, and all shady things reside. It is a house that also serves as an entryway into the spiritual realm. Delving deep is not for the faint of heart but for those who do have the chance at significant personal change and true transformation. (source)
Tony's life has been shaped and defined by his abusive father. Steve's, on the other hand, has been shaped by the powers of life and death themselves. 
Steve lost both his parents at a young age and struggled to survive the deprivation he was born into. Like his backstory says, “it was not an easy life, nor a very good one.” People focus on his bravery and selflessness, but not what drives it – systemic oppression and trauma. He would have rather died as a government lab rat than continue 'living' his pre-serum life.
Ultimately, Steve and Tony share that same core feeling of worthlessness. It has manifested itself differently (4th House vs 8th House), but the core issue (Aries Chiron) is the same.
Steve's Chiron is conjunct Tony's Moon and Juno:
When the Moon and Chiron unite in a harmonious dance, they create a powerful confluence of emotional vulnerability and the potential for profound emotional healing. This aspect can bring unresolved emotional wounds and sensitivities to the surface, activating our insecurities and fears, but also presenting opportunities for growth and transformation.
Within the embrace of Moon conjunct Chiron synastry, individuals are drawn to each other by an inexplicable force, a magnetic pull that transcends the realms of logic. This connection fosters a deep emotional bond, a sense of shared vulnerability, and an innate desire to support and heal one another.
Partners in this cosmic union often feel a strong emotional resonance, as if their souls have known each other for lifetimes. They instinctively recognize each other’s sensitive and nurturing traits, creating a safe emotional space where they can openly communicate about past hurts and offer unwavering emotional support and understanding.
While Moon conjunct Chiron synastry presents a profound opportunity for emotional healing, it is also a journey that demands courage and vulnerability. Individuals may find themselves confronting deep-seated insecurities, childhood wounds, and emotional patterns that have long been buried beneath the surface. (source)
Imagine yourself in a deep and profound connection with another person, where the energies of Juno, the asteroid of partnership, seamlessly align with Chiron, the wounded healer. This special alignment signifies a unique bond that has the potential to heal and transform both individuals involved.
As you explore this divine union, you may find that the wounds and vulnerabilities of the past are brought to the surface, allowing both you and your partner to face them with courage and compassion. Rather than seeing these wounds as limitations, they become opportunities for growth and healing, both individually and as a couple.
This alignment invites you to question how you can support and nurture each other's healing journeys. What measures can you take to create a safe and sacred space where each person feels seen, heard, and understood? How can you encourage each other to embrace vulnerability and acknowledge the depth of emotional wounds?
Consider how this alignment between Juno and Chiron can deepen your understanding of each other's pain and struggles. Allow yourselves to be open and receptive to the healing energy that emerges as you hold space for one another's growth. By acknowledging and addressing these wounds, you can foster a relationship rooted in empathy, acceptance, and transformation. (source)
Can Steve and Tony do this? Do they have the healthy astrological aspects needed to work out their issues? Well, Mars rules over both conflict and sex. They both have their Mars in an Air sign – Steve in Libra and Tony in Gemini.
Tony's Mars in Gemini:
Weapon: Words, hands, and the mind
Mars in Gemini is often known for playing the role of devil’s advocate. It’s also a sign of great debating skills with a talent for arguing about a broad variety of topics, even if you only have a superficial understanding of them. Your secret weapon? Agility with words! Mars is the planet of strategy and severance, while Gemini is the sign that symbolizes the mind and communication. Mercury-ruled Gemini is often known as the silver-tongued trickster, but Mars in Gemini points to a sharp tongue! You love to learn about everything under the sun, and you’ll even go as far as provoking people just to see what their reaction is and what you can learn from it. Outwitting your competition tends to be your goal, but when you’re the one who is out-smarted, you’re turned on and/or willing to concede with respect for your opponent.
You’re quick on your feet, but your mouth moves even faster. If you don’t slow down every now and then, you’re also prone to cutting people with your words. Just because you can say it, doesn’t mean you should. Speaking carefully is important if you don’t want to hurt others unintentionally or have your own words used against you. When it comes to sex, you’re curious enough to experiment and try out all kinds of things, at least once. New sexual experiences are a big motivator for you, but a healthy dose of dirty talk and new positions can do the trick if you’re in a monogamous relationship. (source)
Steve's Mars in Libra:
Weapon: Kills you with kindness, the pen, and contracts
Warrior Mars usually doesn’t care about getting covered with mud during a battle, but dainty Libra would rather not get their new clothes stained. Like Mars in Gemini, Mars in Libra fights with words. Having Mars in Venus-ruled Libra makes you highly aware of how others perceive you—and very good at using it to your advantage! Mars in Libra is about optics, but it’s also about fairness, making it vital that you have wordsmiths on your side (like lawyers, writers, and politicians) if you’re not already crafty with words to defend and drive home your points. But the chances are that you’re actually very articulate. Appearances are important to your Mars sign, which can lead you to be passive aggressive, leading people to conclusions in round-about ways instead of getting to the point. When charm and manners don’t work, however, you’re not afraid to pour your anger and passion into an articulate letter or speech. You like to keep things civil, so your martial talents tend toward diplomacy, compromise, and the art of persuasion. You have an aversion to confrontation, so you usually find the most palatable way to present an argument or disagreement before approaching others. Your ability to see both sides of a situation might be your greatest strength when it comes to anticipating and countering arguments.
You’re highly motivated to win the trust of others, and humility is one of your greatest qualities that helps you achieve this goal. The passive type, you’re more likely to wait for others to make the first move in the bedroom and on the debate floor. As an airy cerebral Mars placement, you’re good at mirroring partners and opponents, intuiting their train of thought and movement. But rather than risking rejection or failure, you prefer to wait and see how you can reach your goal without spending time in the trial-and-error process, which makes the pen (and written word) a more powerful tool to you. You can erase, scribble out, and carefully edit a written message, but actions speak louder than words, and the thought of that being used against you makes you reluctant to say or do anything that can give others ammunition. Committing to a decision can feel intimidating to you because you’re well aware that there are always consequences to actions, and the thought of not being able to undo something often makes you hesitant. But more often than not, that can lead you to gain an unfavorable reputation, so it’s important that you make an effort to earn and maintain people’s trust by following through. (source)
It truly amazes me how Steve and Tony embody their natal charts. 
Steve's Libra Mars trine Tony's Gemini Mars:
Mars Trine Mars in Synastry: The World is Your Oyster
When Mars is trine Mars in synastry, the chemistry between you feels easy and natural. Your energies harmonize beautifully. There’s a free flow of activity and passion between you.
You instinctively understand each other’s desires and motivations. When one of you is fired up to go after a goal, the other provides enthusiastic support. You’re excellent at spurring each other on.
In conflicts, you’re usually adept at finding fair compromises. There’s give and take because your basic urges aren’t fundamentally at odds. You take each other’s wishes into account.
With so much powerful Mars energy flowing smoothly, together you can move mountains. Things just seem to magically click into place once you join forces. The world is your oyster!
The steady support this aspect provides allows your ambitions and passions to thrive side by side. In each other, you have found the perfect teammate and cheerleader. Day by day, you just love your partner forever more.
As Mars rules sex, you share a natural physical rapport, with instincts that sync up effortlessly in the bedroom. Each of you intuitively knows what touches will please and excite the other. There is little inhibition between you in expressing your carnal desires.
Together you feel confident, energetic, and willing to experiment. You want to eat your partner like a lion pursuing its prey. You sometimes skip foreplay yet still manage to go as far as Orion.
There’s an open, honest quality to your physical relationship. You help replenish each other’s reservoirs of personal vigor. Under this influence, passion flows hot and steady like a volcano waiting to erupt! (source)
Tony's Gemini Mars conjunct Steve's Gemini Jupiter:
Mars conjunct Jupiter in synastry creates a dynamic and lively energy between two individuals. This aspect enhances the enthusiasm and zest for life in the relationship. Both partners are likely to experience an increase in their vitality and sexual energies, which can bring a sense of excitement and passion to the partnership.
In this conjunction, there is a tendency for the romantic partner to inspire and support the assertiveness and self-expression of the other. This creates an environment where both individuals feel encouraged to pursue their goals and desires. They may find that they are more motivated and driven when they are together, as the combination of Mars and Jupiter stimulates their ambitions.
Furthermore, this aspect fosters a spirit of friendly competition between the partners. They may engage in playful banter or enjoy challenging each other in various aspects of their lives. Both individuals are likely to have a mutual interest in trying new experiences and exploring different ways of doing things. This openness to novel ideas and approaches can lead to growth and expansion within the relationship.
Additionally, Mars conjunct Jupiter brings a heightened level of sexual energy and desire into the partnership. The couple may find that they have an increased libido and a strong passion for one another. This aspect can contribute to a fulfilling physical connection, as well as a deep emotional bond, as both partners luxuriate in the pleasure of indulging their desires. (source)
Steve's Libra Mars conjunct Tony's Libra Uranus:
Mars conjunct Uranus in synastry creates a dynamic and electrifying energy between two individuals. This aspect sparks a shared desire for excitement, adventure, and pushing boundaries. Together, you both have a thirst for new experiences and a willingness to explore uncharted territories. The relationship becomes a catalyst for change and growth, where conventional norms are challenged and unconventional approaches are embraced.
This conjunction often manifests as a passionate and fiery attraction, with a sense of unpredictability and spontaneity. Both individuals thrive on the unexpected and are not afraid to take risks. This dynamic combination can lead to exhilarating adventures and a constant state of excitement. The electrifying energy between Mars and Uranus fuels a need for freedom and independence, allowing each person to express their unique individuality within the relationship.
While this aspect can bring about a sense of chaos or unpredictability, it also offers an opportunity for personal growth and liberation. The Mars-Uranus conjunction encourages both partners to break free from societal norms and explore their own desires and passions. This can lead to a deep bond based on shared values of freedom, authenticity, and embracing one's true self.
However, it is important to note that with this aspect, conflicts can arise due to the strong personalities and desire for independence. Both individuals may have a tendency to be impulsive or rebellious, which can lead to clashes if not managed carefully. It is crucial for both partners to honor each other's need for individuality while finding ways to maintain a sense of stability and security within the relationship. (source)
They do have the healthy Mars aspects.
But do I really need to say anything else? We already know Steve and Tony can read each other in an instant, challenge each other, and have overwhelming UST.
Interesting side note: Natasha has her Mars in the final Air sign (Aquarius). This is why she is the only other Avenger consistently involved in important discussions (someday I will finish my essay on how she has been their co-leader since A1, and deserves to have her talents and accomplishments recognized. Unfortunately, today is not that day).
Steve and Tony's Alma's conjunct in Aries:
Alma in Aries / Alma in 1st: Soulmate connections will have a thrill of excitement and spontaneous energy. You will gain more experience with your soulmates for multiple lifetimes as there is a sense of fresh air and impulsiveness / youngness. There will be impulsive adventures and mischievous nature within soulmate connections. Your soulmate partner(s) will be more assertive & courageous and passionate, impulsive, loyal, intensely attractive. Possible meeting: Within Important life events. (source)
Aries Alma: Your soulmate will approach you first when meeting. When meeting you’ll know fairly quickly that you’re soulmate since Mars rules over speed. There will be extreme passionate love between the both of you. This person is someone that will bring the more ambitious side of you out by inspiring you to be better. They will give you a lot of confidence. (source)
I have read that having Alma conjunct Alma is a sign of Twin Flames. Personally, I don't believe in the (unfortunately) very popular and pseudo-spiritual Twin Flame culture that has developed over the last decade – it's mostly an excuse for toxic and immature behavior. I also haven't seen any legitimate astrologers take it seriously (even though there are a ton of fluff articles on the internet).
However, I definitely believe in the astrological concept of Mirrored Souls (this is what the Twin Flame nonsense is derived from). Two people who may appear to be very different on the surface, but are fundamentally alike. 
Steve and Tony are Mirrored Souls, and everything in this post proves it. They also have the majority of their placements in the same four zodiac signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer (which are also the first four signs of the zodiac).
Watching the films, it is obvious that Steve and Tony trigger each other – and thus, can either heal or destroy each other. And the universe, because their relationship is the through-line for all of the Infinity Saga (I personally refuse to accept the plot of EG for this very reason – we got some nice isolated moments, but deserved so much more plot-wise).
In conclusion, Steve and Tony are not just soulmates, they are two halves of the same whole.
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roetrolls · 2 years
Mr The Dominion I have a question every time someone mentions something about Thanat being like ... Not that great you're always like :) Huh. Fancy that. Isn't that curious? What's that about?
The Dominion ponders the question. He knows his answer. What he needs to consider is how he feels about it.
Agitated at the mention of his old friend? Smug about what he knows? He does love the monopoly he has on answering such questions. Loves knowing that, despite the constant pestering, he keeps everyone coming back, waiting for his words with bated breath.
Eventually he settles on near-perfect neutrality, save for the smallest rise in the corner of his lips.
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“Our dear friend the Embalmber was not always the bastion of peace he would have you believe him to be. Atrocious temper, that one. Worse than mine.”
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
Five Months In.
Charlie's Gender Reveal x Kristina the FreakyThief finds a new love 💕
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Charlie felt like she was on her period almost, but without the blood and once her belly had grown to a noticeable size, suddenly everyone in her life was an expert on pregnancy and babies, feeling the need to tell her everything they'd ever half-read or heard. Her parents had stories about her childhood for days, odd stories that only Erik wanted to hear so that he could look at her and laugh. He wanted to get slapped, Charlie had the suspicion that he got off on it especially since she'd been a bit more temperamental than usual. Her moods changed quicker than Bastion's outfits. Her clients had helpful tidbits at times, but mostly empty aww's, nosey digging questions, and general knowledge. Nothing for the swelling, constipation, or bloating. She was grateful for the consideration and well wishes, but she wished people would mind their own business in the most polite way possible while keeping their hands to themselves. They weren't at the Apollo and her stomach was not a block of wood people could rub for good luck. Anyway, that was neither here nor there, the day of her gender reveal had arrived and she was determined to have a great day. She felt energized and there was a party to prep for.
"Need help," Erik asked waltzing into the room. He never knocked, he'd always just barge in.. often not even saying anything, just staring out of the window. Sometimes she'd stand next to him and he'd hug her. Those were the times she wondered if he was really okay, though she never asked, she just stood with him. "Nope, I'm feeling pretty decent so I've got this," Charlie smiled casually lifting from the bed to take her shower. Erik walked to her west facing floor to ceiling window. Nearly all of her walls were replaced with windows tinted from the outside. Thick glass stretched horizontally across the room, giving a magnificent sky view, property view, and beyond. He could see everything from her windows, the perfect high perch.
"You know this used to be my office before we met? I used to come in here to think when life, Wakanda, the center, Hennessy, Angéle, Kimora, and that damn Davita," he smirked, "..would get to be too much." He paused looking out and Charlie made her way to his side to stare out as well. "Sometimes they would really raise a nigga blood pressure to the point where I could either snap and do something terrible that I'd regret or I could walk away. It's like the same decision has been presented to me over and over again my whole life and because of the love implanted in me by my father, I've been forced to face these situations head on. Because I loved my wives, I couldn't hurt them like I'd hurt someone else. I'd lock myself in this room and look out these windows reminding myself of why I chose this road. Why I ain't give up in Wakanda? Why do I still push for these folk who act like they don't give a damn when I do it for them? Why I let myself fall in love?"
Charlie simply listened as Erik was transported back in time through his thoughts.
"I want you to know that no matter what happens in this house, you're special to me like this room is special to me. I'm safe with you. Don't think I don't appreciate it and all the times you spent right here with me while I was going through it."
Wordless, Charlie wrapped her arms around his waist, her head against his bare chest. He smelled good.. clean and fresh like rain. His fingers absentmindedly played in her curls as they stood there in silence.
"Can I be your safe place," he asked suddenly, catching Charlie off guard and causing her to realize that other than prayer.. she didn't really have one. She didn't trust anyone enough to be that vulnerable. Did she even trust Erik? She had to think about it. No, she didn't, but if she was going to stay with him, she needed to start. There was a long silence, since she refused to give him a yes that she did not mean and he was patient as he said he'd be.
"..Yes," she finally whispered into his raised skin answering the spoken and unspoken questions between the two of them. On her return to the household, she'd promised she'd try to make the marriage work and this was taking a giant step in the right direction. She hoped she wouldn't regret it.
The shower was exactly what her body needed and when she emerged towel-wrapped and hair wet, Erik was still there at her window. She approached and he did a double take, taking in the wet curls draping over her shoulders and her glistening skin. As if forgetting the thoughts he'd been tangled in, he tilted her head back kissing her on the forehead and lips before halting her with his hands in the air. "Wait here, I'll be right back," he stressed before jogging off. When he returned a minute or so later, she was sitting on the bed, waiting. He held out a garment bag and what he unveiled was a jumpsuit. An iridescent champagne colored jumpsuit with a long bejeweled train glowing from the waist. It was beautiful.
"This is for me?" Charlie leaped inspecting the garment. It was precisely her style.
"Try it on," Erik grinned full of pride, helping her into it. It was a perfect tapered and comfortable fit with space for her growing belly. She looked in the mirror, her smile wide as he stood behind her adding a chunky diamond choker set in more diamonds in rose gold. "Don't worry," he rushed watching her expression, "I'll return it if you don't wanna keep it, but for today let me ice you out. Then you can trade it for a mountain of haircare products or whatever it is you splurge on."
She laughed. She splurged on gifts. The Kompound was bougie and fancy as hell. Diamond this and that, cars on cars.. She couldn't buy them Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein??? She'd be shot! No, she saved her coins and splurged on holidays so that she could afford the big brands.
"I'm a spoil my lil monster when she comes. She finna be the iciest baby all because her mama wanna be plain."
"You can spoil our SON however you wanna spoil our SON, HE's our SON," Charlie grinned.
"Like I said, my PRINCESS will get the south pole around her neck."
"Poor polar bears," Charlie chuckled admiring her sparkling reflection. She needed to beat her face and throw on some heels, although her feet were swollen. She wondered if she could jam them into some heels.
"Just wear flats," he chuckled dropping some sparkly flat shoes near her feet.
"I want heels. This look needs heels!" Her hands posed on her hips, she was feeling herself, standing on her toes.
"As clumsy as you are without them? I don't need a reason to worry. Angel's pregnancy stressing me enough."
"How are you holding up?"
He looked at her like he had just run a marathon and was out of breath, shaking his head.
"Damn," she grimaced. "It'll be worth it. Once the twins get here and she's given birth, she will heal and you will too. You'll be able to show her all the love you've been afraid to and the twins will help you."
"I'm scared, Charlie. I need her around. I don't know what I'll do if... I can't.. I can't do this shit without her-"
"I know. She'll be okay," Charlie smiled holding his chin in her hand, "She will!!! You'll be okay. You'll look back on all of this and it'll be another segment of your crazy life that you've fought through. You're Killmonger! If anyone can make it through this rough stage, it's you. Positive thoughts. In fact, let's go see Angel right now."
The time had come and Charlie's face was finally beat, her hair twisted with added hair in a long ponytail. She felt like a badass intergalactic fairy. Erik wore white, his vest accented with the same champagne iridescent material. The wives, Kristina, and Davita wore variations from the same color family from champagne to white to silver to lavender.. as did the extended family for the most part. Diamonds dangled all over and everyone was beautiful. The event was in the massive backyard near the lush garden where the large gazebo stood overgrown and taken over by flowers. The DJ mixed oldies like Frankie Beverly and Earth Wind & Fire with new music from the likes of Sango, H.E.R, Khalid, MNEK, etc. There was even a sprinkling of some lit gospel, something for everybody. People drank, laughed, danced, and feasted on a spread produced by the mansion's kitchen staff. Of course, Josphine and Kristina had to contribute a few gems like cobblers and pies because they had a specific way of making them that couldn't be duplicated.
When the games came, the guests got even louder and Charlie was grateful that Erik owned so much land, the neighbors were far away. "It's a boy, her stomach is low!" "She a little fatter in the middle, it's a girl." "It's gotta be a boy!" "No, the baby's too high, she's a girl!" Charlie earhustled as the loud debates went on and Erik being the hustler that he was took bets causing Charlie to roll her eyes. Nakia insisted that the baby was a girl siding with Erik while T'Challa refused to comment. Nakia's sideeye kept him from disagreeing. The wives refrained from comment too, already aware of the baby's gender since they'd set up the reveal.
"Travante!" Charlie yelled, waving excitedly when she noticed the chocolate man appear in white and silver, his smile the whitest of all.
Erik's brow raised as he watched the exchange from a short distance away, his ears listening hard as he watched her lips trying to read them. He decided to trust that Charlie knew what she was doing while he socialized, but he still stayed close.
"I'm glad you could make it," Charlie grinned giving Tre a loving side hug and dragging him to meet the other wives. "Y'all this is THE Trevante. Trevante, this is Hennessy, Kimora, her sister Davita, Bastion.."
"I've seen you before," he pointed to her and she grinned, swishing her dress, flattered.
"This is Aly'Sha, Ryley, Angel.."
"Wow! I've heard about you. I'm glad you're doing better.. and you look stunning. You strong as hell," he gaped and Angel's warm smile made him smile.
"Aight nigga," Erik spoke in warning stepping back to Angel's side in her tricked out Chanel inspired black and gold wheelchair. He was being extremely patient and Charlie was proud, giving his hand a squeeze as she smiled at Tre. Tre nodded, calm and understanding.
"And this is Josephine, Homie, and where is... oh there she is!" Charlie grinned. Over by the dessert table was Kristina making sure everything remained presentable and attractive. She wore a champagne sequined one- shoulder dress that fit her like a second skin, her cleavage sparkling and her full and flowing. "Kristina," Charlie yelled waving her over. The second she spotted Trevante, her eyes focused in on his face and she swallowed.
"This is our little bee, Kristina. Little bee, meet Trevante," Charlie gestured. Kristina's face flushed and Trevante grinned. It was an instant connection that Charlie felt. She could see the chemistry creating bonds on their eyes. It made her feel like playing Cupid.
"Aow SHIT," Charlie yelled dropping her glass of sparkling cider. It shattered and Erik pulled her away quickly from the glass. As he was about to bend to pick it up, she gripped him hard pausing him. "Tre, would you mind going to find a staff member to clean this up? Check in the house. Kristina, could you escort him so that he knows where to go? I'm so clumsy, wow. I can't believe I did that.. Sheesh!"
Watching the two walk away toward the house, Charlie saw the visual herself and Erik in the early stages and it made her smile.
"Okay, Cupid," Erik grinned, "I see you."
"See what happens when you trust me," she mused.
As the festivities continued, the moment everyone had been waiting for finally came. Charlie was so anxious with excited energy that Erik had to rub her arms and he was just as antsy. "Are you excited, are you excited, are you excited?" Charlie bounced.
"AHH," good his eyes widened before he shook his head laughing out the excess energy.
"Look at you, you shook boy," Hennessy teased. "We already know the gender, it's fun watching you sweat," Ryley laughed enjoying the flustered Erik. He put up a playful middle finger, pacing and Charlie could see him taking deep breaths. "As long as it's healthy," she mouthed and he nodded picking up the bedazzled handgun and aiming it at the target set up free and clear in the distance, a large white balloon with 'Charlie & Erik' written on it in black script. She picked up the identical gun laid out for her and aimed it at the large black balloon with the same writing in white.
"You ready, C?"
Charlie made sure her aim was on point. "Let's go get'em!"
The guns fired simultaneously and both balloons popped flaring into two pink explosions. Erik dropped the gun, not knowing what to do with himself as his arms swung across his body.
"TOLD YO ASS," he grinned with an aggressive index pointing, eyes wet. Charlie wiped his eyes nodding. She was speechless, her own eyes wide in shock. She really thought it was a boy, but she was happy regardless. Nakia could be heard in the crowd telling M'Baku to pay up and all of the wives congratulated the happy couple one at a time followed by the party-goers, some of them very drunk. It was a perfect moment.
"Daka," Charlie whispered in Erik's ear with a humored expression once they caught a break, "Where did the little bee and Trevante go? Did they ever come back?" Erik grinned rubbing his beard and shaking his head before looking to the house. They'd been MIA for a while.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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violetstar-writes · 6 years
I had a really weird dream last night...where a tiny kh1 Sora with kid Haley Joel Osment voice was with Ansem S.O.D. in a frankenstein-esque lab. I saw the heart-shaped door in Hollow Bastion behind them too, and I can point out watching this go down on a tv screen with a bizarre dvd player. I barely remember the conversation because the dream was so short but it went something like this:
Sora: *looks around* Whoaaaaa....this is so cool!
Ansem: Don't touch anything.
Sora: *sits down in a fancy red chair, kicking his feet back and forth*
Sora: So are we there yet?
Ansem: No.
Sora: Why not?
Ansem: ......
Ansem:...Just keep quiet.
Sora: *mockingly* Just keep quiet. Hmph! *lies back on the chair, pouting*
Ansem: I said to keep quiet.
Sora: I'm bored.
Ansem: Too bad.
Ansem: .....You're such a nuisance.
Sora: I know you are but what am I? *in a mocking tone*
Ansem: *clearly irritated because the sentence didn't make a lot of sense in context*
And that's it. There was more to it than that, but I don't remember anything else they said. I was mainly thrown off by how casual the conversation was, despite it clearly being the same Sora we all know? Where on earth were they? What were they talking about? What were they going to do??? I have so many questions....
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technomaestro · 7 years
Oooh! I think I got a good ask! Okay! You're transported to a fantasy world a la Final Fantasy along with six of your Tumblr mutuals and have to battle your way through it to save the both their and our world! You get to choose the mutuals and their class! Which 6 do you choose, what are their classes, and why those classes?!
This is a phenomenal ask and I applaud the effort you’ve put into this. And I’m honestly torn, because I’m the sort that wouldn’t ever want to put the people I care about in harm’s way. If we’re going on adventure full of danger to save not one, but two worlds, it’s important that we’re capable enough to handle it. Ideally, I wouldn’t be bringing anyone else along unless they asked, and even then the responsibility here falls to me - and I can’t willingly put people on the front line without feeling guilty. So if you don’t find yourself on this list... it’s a matter of that I honestly don’t want to bring anyone. The people here are here because if I had to choose six to come with me, based on whom I trust the most and who I know would be able to stick with me, and who I know have skills that would bring an edge to the table for us to succeed. 
First mutual is @laborofhate​  who will be taking up the mantle of GLORIOUS BATTLE BROTHER my second in command, the Guardian. A shield, a mentor, a protector of the people and a bastion against the enemy. Armed with a shield and blade, a front line fighter with a heart just as strong as his stance. I know him IRL and he’s seen me through some of the worst parts of my life. I wouldn’t be sitting here without him helping get me through that. And if there’s anyone I want at my back, it’s him. 
Next up is going to be @exxos-von-steamboldt​ who I can only imagine to be a Truespeaker - a mage who gains power from speaking ancient languages and invoking their words of power, and reconstructing them. I need someone who would be able to easily adapt to the fantasy world and Exxos could easily help us adapt, both in and out of combat. After all, Exxos works quite a bit with conlangs and such, and having talked with them, they are an incredibly smart and monumentally amazing individual; the perfect sort to sit in a generalist mage spot on my party. 
Third, I’d go with @why-the-nightingale-sings who would take the spot of the Mesmer. If playing RPGs has taught me anything, there’s got to be a bard type, someone to be the face of the party; someone who can wow the crowd, who can persuade, seduce, and distract. Not only are they an amazingly talented actor and singer, but they’ve got no problem in front of a crowd, and a penchant for magic is right up their alley. Their abilities and talents cannot go underappreciated, no matter what situation we end up in. 
I’d also bring @dildo-tbaggins in the unusual class of the Absurdist. The Absurdist is cognizant of the fourth wall, able to harness fantasy tropes and bend them to their will, as well as being able to handle themselves as a dervish of blades and fearlessness. If there’s someone who has been playing RPGs as long as I have, it’s him, and he’s got more of a mastery of them than I do. Not to mention, he’s something of a jester and could provide a key morale boost to the party, and maybe a bit of a luck boost as well. Having him around would definitely help, and I know for a fact he’d be able to handle himself being thrust into an unexpected situation such as saving the world. 
@sucre-princess is up as the designated Healer, who has the skills and abilities to hold us together when the quest wears us down. She’s an amazing individual in her own right, but she’s also an EMT in training. That sort of training can’t at all go underestimated, especially when the fate of worlds are at stake and we’re going to get involved in some combat at the very least. Combo that with some fancy new healing magic, and she’d be good to go to keep us all fighting fit even when we’re low on mana, or whatever magical resource this world uses. She’s also someone that I trust absolutely and as much as I don’t want to at all put her in harms way, having her close would help so much.
Last but not least, I’d bring along @satanicairpirate as the Pilot. What good is a Final Fantasy style world without some way to traverse it in style. And someone who can keep the vehicle ready to ride, who isn’t afraid to be roguish and keep the airship (I’m taking the liberty of declaring us to have an airship because Airships are awesome) ready for when we go into battle is exactly what I’d like. And a nocturnal Serbian asskicking lass who can go drink for drink with me is EXACTLY who I want driving the airship.
It’s a crew of people I trust, people I know would be able to handle themselves and who, when push comes to shove, I’d want in my corner. As for me? I’m the Tactician. The kind to sit in front of the maps, pinned to the table with knives as books are scattered and strewn across the room filled with spells and lore, finding an edge and putting together a plan. Figuring out a plan to save both worlds is my job, with sword and spell. 
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